Bulletin 87 3§ Association of For information on advertising, membership and distribution contact: October Art Historians A AH Administrator, Claire Davies, 70 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EJ Tel: 020 7490 3211; Fax: 020 7490 3277; <
[email protected]> 2004 Registered Charity No. 282579 Editor: Jannet King, 48 Stafford Road, Brighton BN1 5PF <
[email protected]> www.aah.org.uk ART HISTORY IN CRISIS? Come and air your views ast April at the AAH AGM at the Nottingham • Is a different sort of teaching required for contextual Lconference several speakers from the floor voiced studies and service teaching from that used to teach concern at threats to art history as a discipline in some art and design students? universities; several degree courses have been closed or • What strategies can we use to halt further decline are under threat, and application numbers are low. The role of historical and critical studies on studio-based and raise the profile of the discipline? courses is being redefined - sometimes, it was felt, in Speakers will include Chris Breward (Chair, Design ways that threaten the distinctiveness of the discipline. History Society, Deputy Head of Research), Barbara Burman (Winchester School of Art, University of In response, the AAH has joined with the Design Southampton), and Fran Lloyd (Kingston University) History Society to discuss some of these pressing issues The forum will take place at Birmingham Institute of Art and to consider possible solutions at an institutional, and Design, University of Central England (Aston national and organisational level. Amongst the topics to Campus), 1.30 - 6.00 pm on 26 November 2004 .