These crowdsourced transcriptions were made by EMROC classes and transcribathons (, Shakespeare’s World volunteers, Folger docents, and paleography students. Original line endings, spelling, and punctuation are maintained and abbreviations are expanded, but the overall layout is not reproduced. Please contact
[email protected] with transcription errors. Digitized images are available on LUNA and XML versions are available upon request. All transcriptions can be freely used and shared without restrictions, but please acknowledge “Folger Shakespeare Library” and the source manuscript’s call number. Last Updated: 8 April 2021 E.a.5: Medical miscellany [manuscript]. front outside cover front inside cover || front endleaf 1 recto Salomon dicitur Pacificus Iohannes dicitur Amor Dej./ Cicero:/ Cum biduum cibo se abstinuisset, Fæbris discessit./ J Harvey 181 front endleaf 1 verso || insertion 1 recto Ickwell = Bury Biggleswade Old M.S.S. 8 1 Gradations of the Callender glass. (weather glass) M.S. 2 Treatise on Medecine 1634 by Dan Worrall & Tho Burton M.S. 3. Receipts for cooking also Medecine MS M.S. insertion 1 verso || insertion 2 recto insertion 2 verso || folio 1 recto Gradations upon the Callendar Glasse 1. The propertie of the Water is to Asscend with Cold,and descend with heate upon the Least & euery change of the Weather Certainely./ 2. By the suddaine falling of the Water is a certaine signe of Rayne; for Example, If the Water fall a degree or two in 7 or 8 howers, it will surely rayne presently, or within 10 or 12 howers after./ 3. If the Water fall in the night season it will surely Rayne, for Example, If the water be fallen any Lower in the morning att Sunn riseing, then it was overnight att Sunn setting it will surely raine the day following before midnight./ 4.