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Journal of Threatened Taxa Building evidence for conservaton globally ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) Communication

Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in northwestern and southwestern Ecuador

Alvaro García-Olaechea & Cindy M. Hurtado

17 February 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 2 | Pages: 15244–15250 DOI: 10.11609/jot.5483.12.2.15244-15250 SMALL WILD CATS SPECIAL ISSUE

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Threatened Taxa Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 17 February 2020 | 12(2): 15244–15250 ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print) PLATINUM OPEN ACCESS DOI:

#5483 | Received 21 October 2019 | Final received 30 December 2019 | Finally accepted 17 January 2020

C o m m Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in u n i northwestern Peru and southwestern Ecuador c a 1 2 t Alvaro García-Olaechea & Cindy M. Hurtado i o 1,2 Centro de Investgación Biodiversidad Sostenible, BioS. Av. San Martn 278, Urb, Clarke, Piura, Perú. n 2 Museo de Historia Natural, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Av. Arenales 1256, Lima 14, Perú. 2 Department of Forest Resources Management, University of Britsh Columbia, 2045-2424 Main Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4. 1 [email protected], 2 [email protected] (corresponding author)

Abstract: The coexistence of sympatric species is determined by diferences in their ecological niche. Thus, for taxonomically and ecologically similar species to coexist, they must segregate in at least one of the three most important dimensions of the ecological niche: space, tme or diet. The Pampas Cat colocola and the Sechuran Lycalopex sechurae are sympatric species; and they are the most common medium-sized carnivores in the Sechura Desert and in the lowland seasonally dry tropical forest of Peru and Ecuador. We evaluated the actvity patern of both mesocarnivores using camera trapping and temporal overlap analysis in both arid ecosystems. We found a high degree of actvity overlap and no statstcally signifcant diference in the actvity patern of both species (Δ = 0.85 with 95% CI = 0.81 – 0.94; W = 0.531, SD = 2, P = 0.767), both being cathemeral. There is, however, a contrastng patern in the daytme actvity of these species in the dry forest. These results suggest that the diferent diet compositon may be the main dimension that is facilitatng the coexistence of both mesocarnivores in the arid ecosystems of northern Peru and southern Ecuador.

Keywords: Actvity patern, dry forest, mesocarnivores, Pampas Cat, Sechura Desert, Sechuran Fox.

Resumen: La coexistencia de especies simpátricas es determinada por las diferencias en su nicho ecológico. Por la tanto, para que especies taxonómica y ecológicamente similares coexistan, deben de segregarse en por lo menos una de las tres principales dimensiones del nicho ecológico: espacio, tempo o dieta. El Gato del Pajonal Leopardus colocola y el Zorro de Sechura Lycalopex sechurae son especies taxonómica y ecológicamente similares que viven en simpatría, siendo los carnívoros de mediano tamaño más comunes del Desierto de Sechura y de las partes bajas del Bosque Tropical Estacionalmente Seco de Perú y Ecuador. Debido a esto, evaluamos los patrones de actvidad de ambos mesocarnívoros usando cámaras trampas y análisis de actvidad temporal en ambos ecosistemas áridos. Encontramos un alto nivel de superposición de actvidad temporal y ninguna diferencia signifcatva en los patrones de actvidad de ambas especies (Δ = 0.85 con 95% CI = 0.81–0.94; W = 0.531, DE = 2, p = 0.7668), siendo las dos especies catemerales. Sin embargo, hay un patrón contrastante en la actvidad diurna de estas especies en el bosque seco. Estos resultados sugieren que la diferente dieta de ambas especies puede ser el principal factor que está facilitando la coexistencia de ambos mesocarnívoros en los ecosistemas áridos del norte de Perú y sur de Ecuador.

Editor: Angie Appel, Wild Cat Network, Bad Marienberg, Germany. Date of publicaton: 17 January 2020 (online & print)

Citaton: García-Olaechea, A. & C.M. Hurtado (2020). Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in northwestern Peru and southwestern Ecuador. Journal of Threatened Taxa 12(2): 15244–15250. htps://

Copyright: © Garcia-Olaechea & Hurtado 2020. Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License. JoTT allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distribu- ton of this artcle in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

Funding: Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservaton Fund, Small Wild Cat Conservaton Foundaton, and San Diego Zoo Global.

Competng interests: The authors declare no competng interests.

For Author details, Author Contributon, and Acknowledgements see end of this artcle.

15244 J TT Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in Peru & Ecuador Garcia-Olaechea & Hurtado

INTRODUCTION temporal overlap of the Pampas Cat and a potental competng species, the Sechuran Fox, in the Sechura The coexistence of sympatric species is determined Desert and seasonally dry tropical forest of northwestern by their ecological niche. To facilitate coexistence in Peru and southwestern Ecuador. These two species are the same space, taxonomically similar species need to the only carnivores of similar size in the Sechura Desert, distnguish themselves by having diferent diets, habitat and the two most common carnivores in the lowland dry use or temporal paterns (Schoener 1974). The temporal forest (Chávez-Villavicencio et al. 2015; García-Olaechea patern is determined by behavioural responses of & Hurtado 2018). the species to abiotc pressures and biotc interactons (Beltran & Delibes 1994; Weller & Bennet 2001). Abiotc pressures such as intense temperatures and STUDY AREAS moonlight, can infuence the diel actvity of a species. Similarly, actvity paterns can be determined by biotc This project was conducted along the southern interactons such as predator species synchronizing their Ecuadorian and northern Peruvian coastline actvity with their most proftable prey (Monterroso et al. ecosystems: the Sechura Desert (SD; limited to Peru) 2013; Marinho et al. 2017), or competng species having and the seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF; Brack-Egg a diferent actvity patern to avoid direct encounters 1986). Both arid ecosystems are among the Global with dominant species (Di Bitet et al. 2009). 200 priority ecoregions for global conservaton; the Generally, sympatric mesocarnivores (i.e., SD is categorized as Vulnerable while the SDTF is mammalian carnivore species situated at an intermediary considered Critcally Endangered (Olson & Dinerstein trophic level that could weigh up to 15kg) are considered 2002). We surveyed three SD localites: (a) San Pedro competng species. This is because of their similar de Vice Mangrove (5.5240S, 80.8860W), (b) Ñapique Lake morphology, body size, and ecosystem functon as (5.5030S, 80.7040W), (c) Illescas Reserve Zone (6.0790S, controllers of prey species (Davies et al. 2007; Prugh et 81.0550W); and three SDTF localites: (d) El Virrey al. 2009). We studied two sympatric mesocarnivores (5.5110S, 79.9510W), (e) Cerros de Amotape Natonal Park that inhabit the arid ecosystems of Peru and Ecuador, (3.9630S, 80.5170W), and (f) La Ceiba Natural Reserve the Pampas Cat Leopardus colocola and the Sechuran (4.1670S, 80.2610W) (Figure 1). The SD extends from Fox Lycalopex sechurae. the coast 20–100 km inland to the adjacent dry forest. It The Pampas Cat is a small wild felid (2–5kg), is an arid ecoregion almost devoid of vegetaton, except widely distributed from northern Ecuador to southern for certain riverine areas (Brack-Egg 1986). The annual Argentna. It occurs at elevatons from sea level to 5,704m average temperature varies between 16°C and 24°C, and in a great variety of habitats, such as desert, dry forest, the average precipitaton is lower than 100mm per year wetlands, savannas, cerrado, and Andean ecosystems (Richer & Ise 2005). like paramo and puna (Silveira 1992; Bagno et al. 2004; The SDTF stretches over 100–150 km on the western Cossíos et al. 2007; García-Olaechea & Hurtado 2018). It slopes of the and meets the coast of the Pacifc is an obligate carnivore, mainly feeding on rodents and Ocean in northern Peru. The climate is hot and dry with birds (Napolitano et al. 2008; Fajardo et al. 2014). In an annual average temperature of approximately 24°C, the Cerrado, it is mainly a diurnal species, while in the with highs of 40°C during the summer, receiving <200mm Andes it is mainly nocturnal and cathemeral (Silveira et of rain per year (Brack-Egg 1986). It has some patches al. 2005; Lucherini et al. 2009; Huaranca et al. 2019). of forest that grows green during the rainy season and The Sechuran Fox is a medium-sized canid (2.5–5kg), is adapted to arid conditons in the dry season (Linares- distributed only from southern Ecuador to central Peru. Palomino et al. 2010). It occurs from sea level to 1,800m in the Sechura Desert and the seasonally dry tropical forest of the Tumbesian Region and Marañon Valley (Cossíos 2007; Figueroa MATERIALS AND METHODS et al. 2013). It is an omnivorous species, feeding on diferent small vertebrates, arthropods, and fruits; and Data collecton is considered mainly nocturnal (Cossíos 2007). Between April 2015 and February 2016, we surveyed Given the wide distributon of the Pampas Cat each locality with 32 camera traps (12 Illuminator Covert and its variaton in temporal actvity across diferent DLC and 20 Bushnell Trophy Cam) separated by at least ecosystems, our main objectve was to quantfy the 300m. Each camera trap was positoned on a

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 17 February 2020 | 12(2): 15244–15250 15245 J TT Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in Peru & Ecuador Garcia-Olaechea & Hurtado

test (Batschelet 1981). Additonally, we used the same test and found no signifcant diferences in the actvity paterns of each species in both ecosystems, i.e., the actvity patern of Pampas Cat was the same in the SD and the SDTF (Appendix 1). Thus, we pooled the data from both ecosystems, for an overall actvity patern comparison between the two species. To estmate the temporal overlap between the Pampas Cat and the Sechuran Fox, we estmated the diel actvity patern using the kernel density analysis with a smoothing parameter of 1.00 (Ridout & Linkie 2009). First, we calculated the overlap estmator of the pooled data, followed by the overlap in each ecosystem. The overlap coefcient (Δ) ranges from 0 (no overlap) to 1 (complete overlap) and uses four estmators, from which two estmators, Δ1 and Δ4, are recommended (Ridout & Linkie 2009). The frst one is recommended for small samples sizes of <50 events, while the second one is best Figure 1. Studied localites in northwestern Peru and southwestern for large sample sizes of >50 events (Meredith & Ridout Ecuador, highlightng the Sechura Desert and the seasonally dry 2017). We used the Δ1 for the overlap in each ecosystem, tropical forest. and the Δ4 for the pooled overlap for both ecosystems. The precision of the estmators was obtained through 95% confdence intervals from 10,000 bootstrap samples. trail or near a water source approximately 30cm above We followed Monterroso et al. (2014) in defning a low the ground, and set to take three photos per second afer overlap when the Δ was <0.5, moderate when the Δ was each detecton. To increase the capture rate, we placed between 0.5 and 0.75, and high overlap when the Δ was shiny CDs in front of the cameras as a visual atractant >0.75. The analyses were done with the Overlap (Meredith (Cove et al. 2014). The sampling efort at each locality & Ridout 2017) and Circular packages (Agostnelli & Lund varied from 50 to 340 camera trap days. 2017) in the R sofware (R Core Team 2015).

Data analyses We consider an independent event when the same RESULTS species was recorded by the same camera trap within one hour (Marinho et al. 2017). The independent events were We obtained 58 independent events of Pampas Cat classifed into three categories: diurnal events recorded (58.6% in the SD and 41.4% in the SDTF) and 373 of between 1h afer sunrise and 1h before sunset, nocturnal Sechuran Fox (78.8% in the SD and 21.2% in the SDTF) events between 1h afer sunset and 1h before sunrise, in 1,783 camera trap days (Image 1). We also registered and crepuscular events from 1h before to 1h afer sunrise seven events of Ocelot Leopardus pardalis and two and sunset (Lucherini et al. 2009; Foster et al. 2013). We events of Margay Leopardus wiedii in Cerros de Amotape determined the tme of sunset and sunrise using the Natonal Park of the SDTF. These last two taxonomically sofware Moonrise 3.5 (Sidell 2002). We followed Gómez and ecologically similar species, however, were not et al. (2005) in classifying both species into fve possible included in the analyses because of the low number of categories: diurnal with <10% of independent events at records. night, nocturnal with >90% of independent events at The actvity patern of the Pampas Cat and the night, mostly diurnal with 10–30 % of independent events Sechuran Fox were both categorized as cathemeral, but at night, mostly nocturnal with 70–90 % of independent with more actvity at night than during the day and the event at night, and cathemeral with 30–70 % of actvity crepuscule. Although not signifcant, the Pampas Cat during day or night. showed less diurnal actvity in the SD than in the SDTF To statstcally compare the actvity paterns of the (17.6% vs 41.8%), while for the Sechuran Fox the diurnal Pampas Cat and the Sechuran Fox in each ecosystem, actvity was similar across both ecosystems (21.4% vs we used the non-parametric Mardia-Watson-Wheeler 21.5%) (Figure 2).

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Image 1. A Pampas Cat Leopardus colocola and a Sechuran Fox Lycalopex sechurae in the Sechura Desert. © Peruvian Desert Cat Project.

Figure 3. Overlap of diel actvity paterns of Pampas Cat Leopardus colocola (solid black lines) and Sechuran Fox Lycalopex sechurae (dashed blue lines) in a) both arid ecosytems, b) in the Sechura Desert, and c) in the seasonally dry tropical forest. Gray area represents the estmate overlap of both actvity paterns (Δ), and p values show the signifcance.

Figure 2. Actvity paterns of Pampas Cat and Sechuran Fox in both arid ecosystem of northwestern Peru and southwestern Ecuador: the Sechura Desert (SD) and the seasonally dry tropical forest (SDTF). not statstcally diferent (W = 0.481, SD = 2, P = 0.787). Finally, the temporal overlap between both species in the dry forest was moderate (Δ = 0.69 with 95% CI = The temporal overlap between the actvity patern 0.53–0.75), but not statstcally diferent (W = 4.592, SD of the Pampas Cat and the Sechuran Fox in both arid = 2, P = 0.101) (Figure 3). ecosystems was high (Δ = 0.85 with 95% CI = 0.81– 0.94) and not statstcally diferent (W = 0.531, SD = 2, P = 0.767). Similarly, the overlap in the Sechura Desert was also high (Δ = 0.81 with 95% CI = 0.76–0.92) and

Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 17 February 2020 | 12(2): 15244–15250 15247 J TT Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in Peru & Ecuador Garcia-Olaechea & Hurtado

DISCUSSION discrepancy in the actvity patern in the SDTF compared to the SD may be to avoid direct encounters with other Our results are partally consistent with the available potental nocturnal compettor species, e.g., Ocelot and literature for both carnivores in other regions of South Margay also occur in one of the survey localites of the America. The Pampas Cat in the Brazilian Cerrado is SDTF (Hurtado & Pacheco 2015). mainly a diurnal species, with some crepuscular and As the theory of the niche parttoning proposes, occasional nocturnal actvity (Silveira et al. 2005). In a high degree of overlap in one dimension should be three countries in the Andes, however, it is mainly associated with a low degree of overlap in at least one nocturnal (Lucherini et al. 2009), while a recent study other dimension (Macarthur & Levins 1967). We assume in the Bolivian Andes determined that it is cathemeral that the coexistence of Pampas Cat and Sechuran Fox (Huaranca et al. 2019). Later study results are consistent is facilitated to a higher degree by their diferent diet with our results, which also found most of the events compositons than by temporal segregaton. While the at night (50%). This overall fexibility of the Pampas Pampas Cat is an obligate carnivore, feeding on small Cat’s actvity patern can be explained by the diferent vertebrates such as rodents and birds (Napolitano et environmental conditons of the studied ecosystems, al. 2008; Fajardo et al. 2014), the Sechuran Fox is an and because of the diferent carnivore communites that omnivorous species, feeding on fruits like Prosopis exerted diferent coexistence adaptatons. pallida, lutea, Ficus, and Cocoloba ruiziana, and Informaton about the Sechuran Fox is scarce, as on rodents, ground birds, and lizards (Cossíos 2007; it is an endemic and under-studied species. Asa & Escribano-Avila 2019). Furthermore, the Sechuran Fox Wallace (1990) suggested that in the Sechura Desert prefers feeding on plants over vertebrate sources (Asa & it is mostly nocturnal. We found, however, that it is Wallace 1990; Cossíos 2005). This patern of coexistence cathemeral in both ecosystems. This discrepancy could was also found between other feline and canine species be due to diferent methodologies used. While Asa & in South America, the Geofroy’s Cat Leopardus geofroyi Wallace (1990) radio-tracked four individuals (three of and the Fox Lycalopex culpaeus (Gantchof & them were possibly a family) for fve weeks in just one Belant 2016). Later authors concluded that the diferent locality (Bayovar, close to Illescas Reserve Zone), we diet compositons have stronger evidence of segregaton used camera traps for 14 weeks in six diferent localites. than actvity paterns and occupancy. These diferences in survey period, area, and equipment Most of the available informaton on Pampas Cat is allowed us to cover a larger area and record more from the Andes, where its interacton with the Andean individuals, thus obtaining a larger data set for a more Cat Leopardus jacobita and other high-alttude carnivores representatve estmate of the populaton’s actvity. has been studied (Walker et al. 2007; Napolitano et al. Additonally, the Sechuran Fox family that showed 2008; Lucherini et al. 2009; Reppucci et al. 2011; Villalba a more nocturnal actvity may have used a diferent et al. 2012; Huaranca et al. 2019). This is the frst tme foraging strategy when accompanied by juveniles, or that Pampas Cat ecology has been studied in diferent where the density of intraguild conspecifcs like the arid ecosystems, bringing insights about its coexistence Pampas Cat was low. with the endemic Sechuran Fox. Actvity paterns of The actvity overlap of the Pampas Cat and the Pampas Cats have neither been studied before in the SD Sechuran Fox in both arid ecosystems was high, which nor in the SDTF, and there is only one publicaton about represents a lack of temporal segregaton between these the actvity paterns of radio-tracked Sechuran in sympatric species. If we focus on the SDTF populatons, the SD (Asa & Wallace 1990). Studies of the biology of however, we see a trend of temporal avoidance, and the carnivore community in the Sechura Desert and in potentally with other carnivores as well. This trend was the seasonally dry tropical forests will help understand observed mainly during daytme when the Pampas Cat the needs of these species and serve to develop species- is more actve than the Sechuran Fox. 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Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 17 February 2020 | 12(2): 15244–15250 15249 J TT Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in Peru & Ecuador Garcia-Olaechea & Hurtado

Silveira, L., Jácomo, A.T.A. & M. Furtado (2005). Pampas Cat ecology Acknowledgements: Funding was provided by the Mohamed bin Zayed and conservaton in the Brazilian grasslands. Project of the Month, Species Conservaton Fund, Small Wild Cat Conservaton Foundaton, and San Cat Specialist Group. Available online at htp://www. Diego Zoo Global. We thank Servicio Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (023-2015-SERNANP-DGANP) and Servicio Nacional Forestal y de Fauna Silvestre catsgportal/project-o-month/02_webarchive/ grafcs/sept2005.pdf, (0299-2015-SERFOR-SDTFFSPFFS) for research authorizatons. We are grateful accessed on 25 May 2019. for the support of Jim Sanderson and feld volunteers Jorge Novoa, Diego Villalba, M., N. Bernal, K. Nowell & D. Macdonald (2012). Distributon García, Elio Nuñez, Luiggi Quevedo, Ivan Wong, Pablo Martnez, Carlos Pingo, of two Andean small cats (Leopardus jacobita and Leopardus Jean Pierre Castro, Yufani Olaya, Darwin Martnez, and Felipe Sánchez. We also colocolo) in Bolivia and the potental impacts of traditonal beliefs thank Alexander Sliwa and Aisha Uduman for reviewing the fnal version of the on their conservaton. Endangered Species Research 16(1): 85–94. manuscript, as well as anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments. htps:// Author details: Alvaro García-Olaechea has a master degree in ecology and Walker, R.S., A.J. Novaro, P. Perovic, R. Palacios, E. Donadio, M. conservaton. He is interested in the efect of anthropogenic actvites on the Lucherini, M. Pia & M.S. López (2007). Diets of Three Species of medium to large-sized mammals, mainly in northwestern Peru and in the Atlantc Andean Carnivores in High-Alttude Deserts of Argentna. Journal of Forest of Brazil. He has experience in camera trapping, radio-telemetry, and Mammalogy 88(2): 519–525. htps:// environmental educaton. Cindy M. Hurtado is a PhD candidate, working on 172r.1 carnivore connectvity in the dry forest of Peru and Ecuador. She is interested Weller, S.H. & C.L. Bennet (2001). Twenty-four hour actvity budgets in the ecology and conservaton of medium to large-sized mammals, and has and paterns of behavior in captve Ocelots (Leopardus pardalis). experience in remote sensing, camera trapping, and radio-telemetry. Applied Behaviour Science 71(1): 67–79. htps://doi. Author contributon: AGO and CMH designed the study, and collected and org/10.1016/S0168-1591(00)00169-6 analyzed the data. AGO wrote the artcle and CMH provided relevant comments and revisions.

Appendix 1. Mardia-Watson-Wheeler tests between the Sechura Desert and the seasonally dry tropical forests for both species. W is the statc of the test, and large W values indicate greater diferences between species distributons. d.f are the degrees of freedom, and the statstcally diference for P< 0.05.

Species W d.f P

Pampas Cat 2.8953 2 0.2351

Sechuran Fox 4.1528 2 0.1254

Threatened Taxa

15250 Journal of Threatened Taxa | | 17 February 2020 | 12(2): 15244–15250

PLATINUM The Journal of Threatened Taxa (JoTT) is dedicated to building evidence for conservaton globally by publishing peer-reviewed artcles online every month at a reasonably rapid rate at OPEN ACCESS All artcles published in JoTT are registered under Creatve Commons Atributon 4.0 Internatonal License unless otherwise mentoned. JoTT allows allows unrestricted use, reproducton, and distributon of artcles in any medium by providing adequate credit to the author(s) and the source of publicaton.

ISSN 0974-7907 (Online) | ISSN 0974-7893 (Print)

February 2020 | Vol. 12 | No. 2 | Pages: 15219–15278 Date of Publicaton: 17 February 2020 (Online & Print) DOI: 10.11609/jot.2020.12.2.15219-15278

Editorial New record on Asiatc Golden Cat temminckii Vigors & Horsfeld, 1827 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae): Foreword to the second special issue on small wild cats photographic evidence of its westernmost distributon in – Angie Appel & Shomita Mukherjee, Pp. 15219–15220 Gaurishankar Conservaton Area, Nepal – Narayan Prasad Koju, Bijay Bashyal, Bishnu Prasad Pandey, Shankar Thami, Man Kumar Dhamala & Satya Narayan Shah, Communicatons Pp. 15256–15261

Breaking barriers: Iberian Lynx pardinus Temminck, 1827 First photographic evidence of the Asiatc Golden Cat (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) colonizing Olive groves Catopuma temminckii Vigors & Horsfeld, 1827 (Mammalia: – Germán Garrote, José Francisco Bueno, Manuel Ruiz, Carnivora: Felidae) in Sakteng Wildlife Sanctuary, Bhutan Santago de Lillo, José Manuel Martn, Manuel Moral & – Sonam Wangyel, Kumbu Dorji, Sonam Tobgay & Miguel Angel Simón, Pp. 15221–15228 Norbu Yangdon, Pp. 15262–15266

Iberian Lynx Lynx pardinus Temminck, 1827 (Mammalia: Jungle Cat Felis chaus Schreber, 1777 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Carnivora: Felidae) in central Spain: trophic niche of an Felidae) at high elevatons in Annapurna Conservaton Area, isolated populaton Nepal – Pedro Alfaya Herbello, Ariadna Invernón & Germán Alonso, – Bikram Shrestha, Naresh Subedi & Ram Chandra Kandel, Pp. 15229–15237 Pp. 15267–15271

New records of the Flat-headed Cat planiceps (Vigors & Horsfeld, 1827) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) Notes in western Sarawak, Malaysia – Jayasilan Mohd-Azlan & Syaza Jailan Thaqifah, Pp. 15238– Record of a 10-year old European Wildcat Felis silvestris 15243 silvestris Schreber, 1777 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) from Mt. Etna, Sicily, Italy Temporal overlap between two sympatric carnivores in – Stefano Anile, Sebasten Devillard, Clayton Kent Nielsen & northwestern Peru and southwestern Ecuador Mario Lo Valvo, Pp. 15272–15275 – Alvaro García-Olaechea & Cindy M. Hurtado, Pp. 15244–15250 Filling a gap in Andean Cat Leopardus jacobita (Cornalia, 1865) (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) distributon range: new record in La Rioja province, Argentna Short Communicatons – Cinta Gisele Tellaeche, María de las Mercedes Guerisoli, Constanza Napolitano, Dante Luis Di Nucci & Juan Ignacio First photographic record of Jungle Cat Felis chaus Schreber, Reppucci, Pp. 15276–15278 1777 (Mammalia: Carnivora: Felidae) in Haripur District, Pakistan – Afzal Anjum, Angie Appel & Muhammad Kabir, Pp. 15251– 15255

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Threatened Taxa