
Introduction: The Uniqueness of Kong

1 . Charles Tilly, Democracy (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2007), p. 7. 2 . Ibid . 3 . Ibid ., p. 9. 4 . Ibid . 5 . Ibid ., p. xi. 6 . Ibid . 7 . Ibid ., p. 13. 8 . Charles Tilly, Trust and Rule (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005), p. 12. 9 . Ibid. 10 . Ibid ., p. 104. 11 . Tilly, Democracy , p. 135. 12 . Ibid ., p. 136. 13 . Ibid ., p. 146. 14 . Ibid ., pp. 110–111. 15 . Ibid ., p. 110. 16 . Ibid ., p. 135. 17 . David Potter, “Explaining Democratization,” in David Potter, David Goldblatt, Margaret Kiloh and Paul Lewis, eds., Democratization (Cambridge: Polity Press, 1997), pp. 3–5. 18 . See, for example, Seymour Martin Lipset, Political Man (London: Heinemann, 1983). 19 . Ibid ., p. 21. 20 . Ibid . 21 . Ibid . 22 . Ibid ., p. 15. 23 . Guillermo O’Donnell and Philippe C. Schmitter, Transition from Authoritarian Rule: Tentative Conclusions about Uncertain (Baltimore, Maryland: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1986). 24 . Potter, “Explaining Democratization,” p. 29. 25 . Samuel P. Huntington, The Third Wave: Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1993), p. 7. 26 . Ibid ., p. 38. 27 . Ibid ., pp. 65–66. 28 . Ibid ., p. 73. 29 . Ibid ., p. 86. 30 . Ibid ., pp. 93–94. 31 . Ibid ., p. 100. 32 . Ibid ., p. 122. 33 . Ibid ., p. 123. 34 . Ibid ., p. 142.

160 Notes 161

35 . Ibid ., p. 151. 36 . Ibid ., pp. 152–153. 37 . Ibid ., p. 159. 38 . Ibid ., p. 159. 39 . Ibid ., p. 171. 40 . Ibid ., p. 192. 41 . Ibid ., p. 199. 42 . Ibid ., p. 202. 43 . Ibid ., p. 205. 44 . Ibid ., p. 300. 45 . Ibid ., p. 302. 46 . Guillermo O’Donnell, “Horizontal Accountability in New Democracies,” Journal of Democracy , vol. 9, no. 3 (1998), pp, 112–113. 47 . Ibid ., p. 117. 48 . Ibid ., p. 119. 49 . Ibid ., pp. 122–123. 50 . For details, see Lo Shiu-Hing, The Politics of Democratization in (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1997), pp. 252–260. 51 . Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, The Politics of Crisis Management in : The Sichuan Earthquake (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2014). 52 . Also see Bruce Kwong, Patron-Client Politics and (London: Routledge, 2010). 53 . For the critical first five years of the Tung Chee-hwa administration and its legitimacy problems, see Lo Shiu-Hing, Governing Hong Kong: Legitimacy, Communication and Political Decay (New York: Nova Science, 2001).

1 Historical Origins of the Hong Kong Model of Democracy and Interactions with the China Factor

1 . Green Paper: The Further Development of Representative Government in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Government Printer, July 1984). 2 . Green Paper: The 1987 Review of Developments in Representative Government (Hong Kong: Government Printer, May 1987), pp. 26–27. 3 . See White Paper: The Development of Representative Government; The Way Forward (Hong Kong: Government Printer, February 1988). 4 . John Flowerdew, The Final Years of : The Discourse of Colonial Withdrawal (London: Macmillan, 1998), pp. 106–128. 5 . Lo Shiu-Hing, Governing Hong Kong: Legitimacy, Communication and Political Decay (New York: Nova Science, 2001), pp. 161–165. 6 . The Basic Law and Hong Kong: The Fifteenth Anniversary of Reunification with the Motherland , in 15anniversary-reunification_ch1_4.pdf, access date: August 21, 2014. 7 . Representative Government in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Government Printer, February 1994), pp. 21–22. 8 . Lo Shiu-Hing and Yu Wing-yat, Election and Democracy in Hong Kong: The 1998 Legislative Council Election , No. 4 (Maryland: School of Law, University of Maryland, 1999), p. 20. 162 Notes

9 . For details, see Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, The Dynamics of Beijing- Hong Kong Relations: A Model for Taiwan? (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008), pp. 166–167. 10 . The First Report of the Constitutional Task Force: Issues of Legislative Process in the Basic Law Relating to Constitutional Development, March 2004, in http://www., access date: August 23, 2014. 11 . The Second Report of the Constitutional Task Force: Issues of Principle in the Basic Law Relating to Constitutional Development, April 2004, in http://www.cmab., access date: August 23, 2014. 12 . The Interpretation of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of Article 7 of Annex I and Article III of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, adopted at the Eighth Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on 6 April 2004 , in, access date: August 23, 2014. 13 . The Second Report of the Constitutional Task Force: Issues of Principle in the Basic Law Relating to Constitutional Development, April 2004, in http://www.cmab., p. 38, access date: August 23, 2014. 14 . Ibid . 15 . Ibid . 16 . Ibid ., p. 39. 17 . Ibid . 18 . Decision of the SCNPC on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the HKSAR in the Year 2007 and for Forming the LegCo of the HKSAR in the Year 2008, adopted at the Ninth Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on 26 April 2004, in http:///www., access date: August 22, 2014. 19 . The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong: Consultative Committee for the Basic Law, April 1990), p. 29. 20 . Ibid ., p. 60. 21 . Ibid . 22 . Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, Competing Chinese Political Visions: Hong Kong vs. Beijing on Democracy (Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2010), p. 66. 23 . Ibid ., p. 71. 24 . Decision of the SCNPC on Issues Relating to the Methods for Selecting the Chief Executive of the HKSAR and for Forming the LegCo of the HKSAR in the Year 2012 and on Issues Relating to , adopted at the Thirty First Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on 29 December 2007, in http:/// clawtext.doc21.pdf, access date: August 26, 2014. 25 . Gary Cheung, Albert Wong and Fanny Fung, “Cheers and Jeers for Political Reform Vote,” , June 25, 2010. 26 . Ibid . 27 . The Practice of the “One Country, Two Systems” Policy in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region: Infor mation Office of the State Council, The People’s Republic of China (Beijing: Foreign Language Press, 2014). 28 . Ibid. , p. 2. Notes 163

29 . Ibid ., p. 8. 30 . Ibid ., p. 9. 31 . Ibid . 32 . Ibid . 33 . Ibid ., p. 10. 34 . Ibid . 35 . Ibid ., pp. 11–12. 36 . Ibid ., p. 13. 37 . Ibid. , p. 14. 38 . Ibid ., p. 15. 39 . Ibid ., p. 15. 40 . Ibid ., pp. 29–32. 41 . Ibid ., p. 40. 42 . Ibid . 43 . Ibid ., pp. 40–41. 44 . Ibid ., p. 41. 45. Ibid . 46 . Ibid ., p. 42. 47 . Ibid . 48 . Ibid . 49 . Ibid . 50 . For details, see Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, “The Role of a Political Interest Group in Democratization of China and Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of Patriotic Democratic Movements in China,” Jour nal of Contemporary China , vol. 22, no. 84 (November 2013), pp. 923–943. 51 . Ibid ., p. 46. 52 . Ibid ., pp. 46–47. 53 . Ibid ., p. 52. 54 . Ta Kung Pao , January 24, 2015, p. A14. 55 . Ibid.

2 The Dual Development of Rule of Law and Judicial Independence

1 . Rachel Kleinfeld Belton, Competing Definitions of the Rule of Law: Implications for Practitioners (Washington: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, 2005), p. 3. 2 . Ibid. , p. 7. 3 . E. P. Thompson, Whigs and Hunters: The Origin of the Black Act (New York: Pantheon Books, 1975), p. 265, cited in Brian Z. Tamanaha, On the Rule of Law: History, Politics, Theory (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004), p. 137. 4 . Tamanaha, On the Rule of Law , p. 138. 5 . Ibid ., p. 140. 6 . Richard Cullen’s interpretation of Albert Venn Dicey’s concept of the rule of law, see Richard Cullen, The Rule of Law in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Civic Exchange, July 2005), p. 4. 7 . Ibid ., p. 8. 164 Notes

8 . The United Nations Rule of Law Indicators: Implementation Guide and Project Tools (United Nations: Department of Peacekeeping Operations, 2011), p. 4. 9 . “The Chief Justice’s Address at the Opening of the Year,” 1998, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 10 . Ibid. 11 . Cited by Li in “The Chief Justice’s Address.” 12 . Li’s address in “The Chief Justice’s Address.” 13 . Ibid. 14 . “The Chief Justice’s Address at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 1999, in http://, access date: October 2014. 15 . Ibid. 16 . “The Chief Justice’s Address at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2000, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 17 . “The Chief Justice’s Address at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2001, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 18 . The Chief Justice’s Address at the Opening of the Legal Year, 2002, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 19 . “The Chief Justice’s Address at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2003, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 20 . “The Chief Justice’s Address at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2004, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 21 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2005, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 22 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2006, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 23 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2007, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 24 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2008, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 25 . Ibid . 26 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2009, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 27 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2010, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. Notes 165

28 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2011, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 29 . Ibid. 30 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Opening of the Legal Year,” 2012, in http://, access date: October 28, 2014. 31 . , “Judicial Autonomy in Hong Kong,” in Yep, Ray, ed. Negotiating Autonomy in Greater China: Hong Kong and its Sovereign Before and After 1997 (Copenhagen: NIPA Press, 2013). Also see Danny Gittings, Introduction to the (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2013). 32 . Tai, “Judicial Autonomy in Hong Kong,” p. 269. 33 . Ibid ., p. 272. 34 . Byron Weng, “Judicial Independence under the Basic Law,” in Tsang, Steve, ed. Judicial Independence and the Rule of Law in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2001), p. 50. 35 . Martin L. Friedland, A Place Apart: Judicial Independence and Accountability in Canada (Ottawa: Canadian Judicial Council, 1995), pp. 1–19. 36 . Adam Dodek and Lorne Sossin, eds., Judicial Independence in Context (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2010), pp. 4–5. 37 . Martine Valois, Judicial Independence: Keeping Law at a Distance from Politics (Markham: LexisNexis, 2013), pp. 240–244. 38 . Ibid. 39 . Simon Young and Yash Ghai, Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal: The Development of the Law in China’s Hong Kong (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), p. 227. 40 . Ibid. 41 . Simon Young and A. M. Da Roza, Judges and Judging in the Court of Final Appeal: A Statistical Picture (Hong Kong: Faculty of Law Research Paper, No. 1, 2011). 42 . Gittings, Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law , p. 93. 43 . Young and Da Roza, Judges and Judging in the Court of Final Appeal. 44 . Peter Wesley-Smith, “Judges and Judicial Power Under the Hong Kong Basic Law,” Hong Kong Law Journal , vol. 34, Part 1 (2004). 45 . Ibid ., p. 107. 46 . Hu Jinguang and Zhu Shihai, “The of the Executive-Led System and the Characteristics of the Polity of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,” Journal of Henan Academy of Political and Legal Management of Cadres (in Chinese), vol. 119, no. 2 (2010), pp. 39–40. 47 . Ibid ., p. 42. 48 . The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong: The Consultative Committee of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China, 1990). 49 . Deng Xiaoping, Deng Xiaoping on the Question of Hong Kong (Beijing: New Horizon Press, 1993). 50 . For details, see Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, The Dynamics of Beijing- Hong Kong Relations: A Model for Taiwan? (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008), pp. 84–85. 166 Notes

51 . “Chief Executive’s report to the State Council concerning the right of abode, 20 May 1999: Report on seeking assistance from the Central People’s Government in solving problems encountered in the implementation of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China,” in, access date: September 13, 2014. 52 . Yash Ghai, “Framework to Judge Law,” South China Morning Post, October 6, 1997, p. 21. 53 . Michael Davies, “The Basic Law, Universal Suffrage and the Rule of Law in Hong Kong,” paper presented at the conference on Universal Suffrage for the Election of the Chief Executive: 2017 and Beyond, held by the School of Law, City University of Hong Kong, September 20, 2014, p. 8. “The Interpretation by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of Article 7 of Annex I and Article III of Annex II to the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China,” L. S. No. 2 To Gazette, Ext. No. 5/2004 or L. N. 54 of 2004 B431, adopted by the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress at its Eighth Session on April 6, 2004, in, access date: September 13, 2014. 54 . Davies, “The Basic Law, Universal Suffrage and the Rule of Law in Hong Kong,” p. 8. 55 . “Report on whether there is a need to amend the methods for selecting the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2007 and for forming the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2008,” April 15, 2004, in, access date: September 13, 2014. 56 . Ghai, “Framework to Judge Law,” South China Morning Post , October 6, 1997, p. 21. 57 . “Interpretation of Paragraph 2 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People’s Republic of China by the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress,” adopted at the Fifteenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth National People’s Congress on April 27, 2005, in, access date: September 27, 2014. 58 . Democratic Republic of the Congo & Others v FG Hemisphere Associates LLC , FACV No. 5 of 2010 (8 June 2011) and (8 September 2011) CFA, in http://, access date: September 28, 2014. 59 . Li Likui, “Final Ruling Handed Down in DR Congo Case,” , September 9, 2011. 60 . Ibid. 61 . Legislative Council Secretariat, FS 17/11-12, “Fact Sheet: The decision by the Court of Final Appeal to seek an interpretation of the Basic Law from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress regarding the controversy of state immunity raised in the debt litigation of the Democratic Republic of Congo,” in library/1112fs17-e.pdf, p. 2, access date: September 28, 2014. Also see Chris Ip, “Final Ruling in Congo Case Toes the Line,” South China Morning Post , September 9, 2011. 62 . “Hong Kong Court Makes Final Judgment on ‘the Congo Case’,” Xinhua , September 9, 2011. Notes 167

63 . Legislative Council Secretariat, FS 17/11-12, “Fact Sheet: The Decision by the Court of Final Appeal to Seek an Interpretation of the Basic Law from the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress Regarding the Controversy of State Immunity Raised in the Debt Litigation of the Democratic Republic of Congo,” in english/sec/library/1112fs17-e.pdf, p. 2, access date: September 28, 2014. 64 . Eric Cheung Tat-ming, “Undermining Our Judicial Independence and Autonomy,” Hong Kong Law Journal , vol. 41, Part 2 (2011), pp. 411–419. 65 . Tai, “Judicial Autonomy in Hong Kong,” p. 293. 66 . Ibid ., p. 294. 67 . Ibid. 68 . He said: “It has always been known that the day would come when the court has to give a decision on judicial independence. That day has come. Judicial independence is not to be found in what the courts merely say. It is to be found in what the courts actually do.” Cited in Gittings, Introduction to the Hong Kong Basic Law , p. 208. 69 . “Decision of the SCNPC on Issues Relating to the Selection of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR by Universal Suffrage and on the Method for Forming the Legislative Council of the HKSAR in the Year 2016,” adopted at the Tenth Session of the Standing Committee of the Twelfth National People’s Congress on August 31, 2014, in, access date: September 27, 2014. 70 . Ibid. 71 . Ibid. 72 . “Explanations on the Draft Decision of the SCNPC on Issues Relating to the Selection of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR by Universal Suffrage and on the Method for Forming the Legislative Council of the HKSAR in the Year 2016,” in, access date: September 27, 2014. 73 . Ibid. 74 . Ibid. 75 . Ibid. 76 . Tai, “Judicial Autonomy in Hong Kong,” p. 286. 77 . Ibid. 78 . Randall Peerenboom, ed., Judicial Independence in China: Lessons for Global Rule of Law Promotion (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010). 79 . Albert Chen, An Introduction to the Legal System of the People’s Republic of China (Hong Kong: LexisNexis, 2011), p. 200. 80 . Jiang Shigang, “Written and Unwritten Constitutions: A New Approach to the Study of Constitutional Government in China,” Modern China , vol. 36, no. 1 (2010), pp. 27–28. 81 . Ibid ., p. 30. 82 . My email communication with Professor Albert Chen, a Hong Kong member of the Basic Law Committee, on September 21, 2014.

3 The Role of Independent Agencies for Horizontal Accountability

1 . Jeremiah K. H. Wong, “The ICAC and Its Anti-corruption Measures,” in Rance P. L. Lee, ed., Corruption and Its Control in Hong Kong (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1981), p. 45. 168 Notes

2 . Peter N. S. Lee, “The Causes and Effects of Police Corruption: A Case in Political Modernization,” in Rance Lee, ed., Corruption and Its Control in Hong Kong , pp. 173–198. 3 . Ibid ., p. 219. 4 . Ibid . 5 . For the Peter Godber case, see “Godber’s Downfall: The Landmark Case,” in, access date: October 1, 2014. 6 . “Prevention of Bribery Ordinance – The Public Sector,” in http://www.icac., access date: October 1, 2014. 7 . Ibid. 8 . Ibid. 9 . Stuart Lau and Enoch Yiu, “Hui: I Spent Millions on Young Woman,” South China Morning Post , September 16, 2014, p. 1. 10 . See , “Is Outcry Over Former ICAC Chief Political?” South China Morning Post , December 14, 2013, p. 12. 11 . Hong Kong ICAC Annual Report 2013 (Hong Kong: ICAC, 2013), in http://, pp. 72–77, access date: October 26, 2014. 12 . “The History of the Audit Commission,” in aboutus/about_history.htm, access date: October 26, 2014. 13 . “Role of the Director of Audit,” in about_role.htm, access date: October 26, 2014. 14 . Ibid. 15 . Letter from David Sun, the Director of Audit, to the LegCo President on April 7, 2014, in, access date: November 8, 2014. 16 . Audit Commission Annual Report 2013–14, in Annual%20Report%202013e.pdf, access date: November 6, 2014. 17 . Ibid . 18 . Ibid ., p. 16. 19 . Audit Commission’s Report Number 62, Chapter One on “The Management of Surplus Quarters,” in, p. vi, access date: November 8, 2014. 20 . Ibid ., p. viii. 21 . See “The Ombudsman,” in shtml, access date: November 8, 2014. 22 . Ibid. 23 . Ibid. 24 . Ibid. 25 . Ibid. 26 . The Ombudsman’s “Summary of Investigation Report: Complaint against the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department for Improper Arrangements in Allocating Columbarium Niches,” October 2014, in http://, access date: November 8, 2014. 27 . Ibid. 28 . The Annual Report of the Ombudsman, 2014 , in doc/yr26/eng/pdf/table7n8.pdf, access date: November 8, 2014. Notes 169

29 . Ibid . 30 . Detailed examples can be seen in The Annual Report of the Ombudsman, 2014 . 31 . “What Is EOC?” in aspx?content=our%20work-what%20is%20eoc, access date: November 9, 2014. 32 . Ibid . 33 . See The Annual Report of the EOC, 2011–12, in Upload/AnnualReport/201112/complaintsHandlingLegalAssistance.pdf, p. 36, access date: November 9, 2014. 34 . Ibid. , p. 50. 35 . Ibid ., p. 30. 36 . Ibid ., p. 52.

4 Perspectives on the Occupy Central Movement

1 . “Manifesto of the Occupy Central Movement,” in, access date: November 16, 2014. 2 . Ibid. 3 . Ibid. 4 . Ibid. 5 . Lo, Governing Hong Kong , pp. 55–57. 6 . Ibid ., p. 64. 7 . See “Apple Daily Hong Kong Runs Ad against Mainland ‘Locusts,’” in http://, access date: November 16, 2014. 8 . Peter Shadbolt, “Hong Kong Protests Take Aim at ‘Locust’ Shoppers from ,” in kong-china-visitors-controversy/, access date: November 16, 2014. 9 . Tai-lok Lui and Stephen W. K. Chiu, “Governance Crisis in Post-1997 Hong Kong: A Political Economy Perspective,” The China Review , vol. 7, no. 2 (Fall 2007), pp. 1–34. 10 . For details, see Michael F. Martin, “Prospects for Democracy in Hong Kong: Results of the 2012 Elections,” September 14, 2012, Congressional Research Service, pp. 5–7, in, access date: November 16, 2014. 11 . On the conflict-ridden state–society relations in the HKSAR, see Agnes S. Ku, “Negotiating the Space of Civil Autonomy in Hong Kong: Power, Discourses and Dramaturgical Representations,” China Quarterly , no. 169 (2002), pp. 108–135. 12 . For new social movements in the HKSAR, see Alvin Y. So, “The Development of Post-Modernist Social Movements in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,” in J. Broadbent and V. Brockman, eds., East Asian Social Movements: Power, Protest and Change in a Dynamic Region (New York: Springer, 2011), pp. 365–378. 13 . Jeffie Lam, “NPC Deputy Stanley Ng Renews Call to Enact Hong Kong National Security Law,” South China Morning Post , January 22, 2015. 14 . “Remarks by President Obama and President Xi Jinping in Joint Press Conference,” press release from the White House, Office of the Press 170 Notes

Secretary, November 12, 2014, in office/2014/11/12/remarks-president-obama-and-president-xi-jinping-joint- press-conference, access date: November 16, 2014. 15 . Ibid. 16 . For the NDI, see, access date: November 16, 2014. For NDE, see kong, access date: November 16, 2014. 17 . Cheng Ming , no. 445 (November 2014), pp. 6–7. 18 . Frontline Magazine , November 2014, p. 10. 19 . Kahon Chan, “Hong Kong Legislator Removed from CPPCC Post,” China Daily , October 29, 2014, in 10/29/content_15184249.html, access date: November 16, 2014. 20 . For details, see Elizabeth Barber, “Hong Kong’s Leader Faces Twin Investigations over Financial Scandal,” Time , October 10, 2014, in http:// scandal/, access date: November 16, 2014. 21 . , “How Hong Kong Can Best Encounter Pernicious External Influences,” South China Morning Post , November 23, 2014. 22 . See, access date: November 21, 2014. 23 . Ibid . 24 . For the ’s stress on all citizens’ participation in formulating the constitution and political reform of the HKSAR, see http://www.passion-, access date: November 22, 2014. 25 . Ibid . 26 . See, access date: November 22, 2014. 27 . For details, see index/index, access date: November 22, 2014. 28 . Michael Davies, “Occupy Protests Breaking Law, but Not Undermining Hong Kong’s Rule of Law,” South China Morning Post, November 8, 2014, in http:// tests-breaking-law-not-undermining-hong-kongs-rule, access date: November 22, 2014. 29 . Ibid. 30 . Emily Tsang, Lau Ying-kit and Joyce Ng, “Bar Association Slams Occupy Central for Flouting Injunctions to Clear Streets,” South China Morning Post , October 30, 2014, in association-slams-occupy-central-flouting-injunctions-clear, access date: November 22, 2014. 31 . Stuart Lau, “Hong Kong’s Legal Big Guns Tussle Over Rule of Law,” South China Morning Post , January 12, 2015. 32 . “The Chief Justice’s Speech at the Ceremonial Opening of the Legal Year 2014,” in htm, access date: January 24, 2015. 33 . Stuart Lau, “Hong Kong’s Legal Big Guns Tussle Over Rule of Law,” South China Morning Post , January 12, 2015. 34 . Chan Kin-man, “The Border and Change of Civil Disobedience,” , November 18, 2014. 35 . Tony Cheung, Samuel Chan and Alan Yu, “Four More Arrested Over LegCo storming, Including Publication Editor, Civic Passion Members,” South China Notes 171

Morning Post, November 21, 2014, in kong/article/1644822/four-more-men-arrested-over-legco-storming-includ- ing-publication, access date: November 22, 2014. 36 . Hong Kong People’s Alliance on WTO and Asian Human Rights Commission, “Human Rights Violations during the Policing, Arrests and Detentions during the WTO Protests in Hong Kong, December 2005,” a report submitted to the Legislative Council of Hong Kong, March 15, 2006, in hk/yr05-06/english/panels/se/papers/secb2-1521-1e.pdf, p. 1, access date: November 22, 2014. 37 . Thomas Chan and Joyce Ng, “Ken Tsang Seeks Court Order to Reveal Names of the Police Assailants,” South China Morning Post , October 21, 2014, in court-order-reveal-alleged-police-assailants-names, access date: November 22, 2014. 38 . Eric Chong King-man, “The Controversies from Civic to National Education,” occasional paper no. 227 (December 2013), Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. 39 . For the deep political distrust of citizens toward the government, see Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, “Political Distrust, Governability and Institutional Deadlock in Hong Kong,” Journal of Youth Studies , vol. 17, no. 1 (2014), pp. 15–28. 40 . TVB interview with , November 8, 2014. 41 . Jeffie Lam, “Donation from Jimmy Lai Was Transferred to Labor Party This Week, Says Lee Cheuk-Yan,” South China Morning Post , August 1, 2014. 42 . For these political accusations, see the reports and commentaries of Wen Wei Po in the summer of 2014. 43 . For the Alliance’s activities, see Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, “Political Interest Group and Cross-Border Democratization: The Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Patriotic and Democratic Movement in China,” Journal of Contemporary China , vol. 84, no. 22 (2013), pp. 1–22. 44 . For the rise of the League of Social Democrats, see Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, Competing Chinese Political Visions: Hong Kong vs. Beijing on Democracy (Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2010), chapter 7, pp. 164–173. 45 . For details, see “The Student Union of the Hong Kong Institute of Education,” ed., Our Ideal Civic Education: Controversies on Moral and National Education (Hong Kong: Chan Shueng Kei Bookstore Company, May 2013). 46 . ’s provocative comments were reported in Cable TV News, November 22, 2014. She also felt that emigration of some Hong Kong people was due to their dissatisfaction with the behavior of the younger generation. 47 . Sonny Lo, “Hong Kong Needs to Educate Its Youth,” China Daily, January 9, 2015. 48 . The study was conducted on July 3, 2014, when the author delivered a lecture on the OCM and its political implications. On the question of political awareness, students were allowed to tick a number of choices from multiple answers, including the Internet, discussion with friends, discussion with relatives, discussion with peers and radio and television programs. 49 . Lee Kai-tik, “Should Hong Kong Have the Right of National Self- Determination?” in The Student Union of the University of Hong Kong, 172 Notes

ed., Commentary on Hong Kong Nation (in Chinese) (Hong Kong: The Student Union of the University of Hong Kong, September 2014), pp. 63–76. This book was reportedly sold out immediately after Chief Executive C. Y. Leung criticized the idea of Hong Kong’s “independence” in January 2015. 50 . Ibid ., p. 65. 51 . For the democratic careers of and , see Sonny Lo, Competing Chinese Political Visions , chapter 4, pp. 92–115. 52 . Surya Deva, “Where Should Universities Draw the Line on Rights and Freedoms?” South China Morning Post , November 22, 2014. 53 . For details, see 2388919, access date: November 22, 2014. 54 . Ibid.

5 The Chief Executive Election and Hong Kong’s Indigenous Democracy

1 . For details, see Lo, Governing Hong Kong , p. 141. 2 . Ming Pao , October 23, 1996, p. A5. 3 . Lo, Governing Hong Kong , p. 145, table 4.1. 4 . Ibid ., p. 155. 5 . For details, see Lo, Governing Hong Kong , pp. 127–131. 6 . Carrie Chan, “Beijing Fears Election ‘Conspiracy’,” , May 26, 2005. 7 . See The Basic Law , Annex I: Method for the Selection of the Chief Executive of the HKSAR, in html, access date: November 23, 2014. 8 . Sonny Shiu-Hing Lo, The Dynamics of Beijing- Hong Kong Relations: A Model for Taiwan? (Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 2008), pp. 203–204. 9 . For a detailed analysis of the platforms of Leong and Tsang, see Sonny Lo, The Dynamics of Beijing-Hong Kong Relations , pp. 208–212. 10 . Ibid ., p. 216. 11 . Lau Chun-to, “Failure to Persuade Leung Not to Run in the Election,” in Clement Y. K. So, ed., The Chief Executive Election, Mass Media and Public Opinion (Hong Kong: Cosmos Books, 2012), p. 17. 12 . Ibid . 13 . For details, see Lau Chun-to, “The Illegal Structure Controversy Led to Rapid Decline,” in So, ed., The Chief Executive Election, Mass Media and Public Opinion , pp. 30–32. 14 . Lau Chun-to, “Underworld Dinner Embroiling Leung into Black Gold Politics,” in So, ed., The Chief Executive Election, Mass Media and Public Opinion , pp. 38–40. 15 . Lau Chun-to, “Premier Wen Made the Decision and Tang Was Determined to Go All Out,” in So, ed., The Chief Executive Election, Mass Media and Public Opinion , pp, 42–44. 16 . Ibid ., p. 42. 17 . Ibid ., p. 44. 18 . Tam Wai-wan, “Civil Universal Suffrage Plan on March 23,” in So, ed., The Chief Executive Election, Mass Media and Public Opinion , pp. 217–225. Notes 173

19 . Clement So and Siu Yu-hei, “Decisive Factors: Central Government First and Platform the Last,” in So, ed., The Chief Executive Election, Mass Media and Public Opinion , p. 203. 20 . Method for Selecting the Chief Executive by Universal Suffrage: Consultation Document , in round_doc/Consultation_Document_(Full)_Eng.pdf, access date: January 24, 2015, p. 14. 21 . Ibid . 22 . Ibid ., pp. 17–18. 23 . Ibid ., p. 27. 24. Method for Selecting the Chief Executive by Universal Suffrage: Consultation Report and Proposals, April 2015 (Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, April 2015), in report.html, access date: May 12, 2015.


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accountability 30 Chan, Ray Chi-yuen 133 Alliance for Peace and Chan, Siu-oi 82 Democracy 106, 119 Chan, Tanya 49, 128 Alliance for Universal Suffrage 47 Chan, Tony 134–35 American President Obama 115 Chan, Wai-yip 49, 129, 141 Anti- 57 Cheng, Leonard Kwok-hon 135 anti-foreignism 152 Cheung, Eric 82 anti-national education policy 157 Cheung, Fernando 128 artworks 134 Cheung, Stephen Yan-leung 136 Asia Pacific Economic chief executive 53, 81 Cooperation 115 election 138–49, 156 Asian financial crisis 110 chief justice 63, 73 audit commission 29, 88, 95–6 China 155 audit department 95 China factor 26, 36, 38, 152, 159 audit ordinance 96 Chinese Communist Party 57, 113, 7 157 Chinese cultural identity 157 bailiffs 107 Chinese paternalism 109, 130, Bar Association 121 137 bargaining 4 Chinese People’s Political Consultative elite and mass 109 Conference (CPPCC) 23, 56, Basic Law 79–80, 116 Article 23: 70, 114, 157 Chinese political tradition 127 Article 45: 45 Chow, Alex 122 Article 74: 44 Chow, Robert Yung 119 committee 78, 80 Chu, Yiu-ming 28, 47, 104, 107, 123, interpretation of 77 133 Beijing 27, 57, 86, 136, 145 Chung, Robert 145 dialectical role in Hong Kong’s Citizen participation 141, 148 democratization 151 citizenship 110 national security 114–117 city-state 111 pro-Beijing 78, 138, 157 civic nomination 159 Blue Ribbon Movement 135 49, 126, 128, 141 Bokhary, Kemal 81 Civic Passion 118, 123, 133 brainwashing 157 civil and political rights 18 civil disobedience movement 104, Central Military Commission 51 109, 151–52, 157 Central People’s Government 51 civil justice reform 69 centralism 58 civil liberties 3, 19–22, 102, 159 Chan, Anson Fang On-sang 133 civil servants 93 Chan, Kenneth 128, 133 civil society 15, 31, 137, 151, 159 Chan, Kin-man 28, 47, 104, 107, 123, color revolution 130 133 columbarium niches 99

181 182 Index

Commission for Administrative snowballing effect 10 Complaints (see also soft-liners 10, 14, 27–8 Ombudsman) 97 Deng, Xiaoping 52, 77 common law 73 Disability Discrimination comparative politics 1 Ordinance 102 compromise 48–9 District Councils 17, 46 Confucianism 12, 29 dominance of law over politics (see Congo case 81–2 also supremacy of politics over constitutional conventions 85 law) 87 corruption 60 public acceptance of different acts economic development 15, 31 of 93 education curriculum 156 public tolerance of 91 education level 15, 31 court injunctions 155 Educative perspective on Occupy Court of Appeal 68 Central Movement 109, Court of Final Appeal 55, 67–8, 78, 83 134–35 (see also Occupy Central Court of First Instance 68–9 Movement) courts 64, 72, 74 Election Committee 37, 46, 156 public attitude toward 64 electoral system 138–147, 156 cultural attitudes 16, 32 Elites divisions 15, 31 Davies, Michael 79, 120 inter-elites 8 democracy intra-elites 8 condition 1 Equal Opportunity Commission definition 1 (EOC) 29, 88, 100–102 Hong Kong model of 33–4 Evolutionary perspective on indigenous democracy 13, 148, 159 Occupy Central Movement partial 7 (see also Occupy Central procedural aspect 2 Movement) 122–25 process-oriented approach 9 executive branch 76 semi- 13–4 Executive Council (ExCo) 35, 37, 96, substantive aspect 2, 4 144 transitional approach 8 Executive-led 43–4 typology 6 External forces (see also Democratic Alliance for Betterment democratization), 10, 16, 31 and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB) 23, 39, 142 face (mianzi) 127 democratic centralism 58 Fan, Gary Kwok-wai 133 Democratic Party 39, 112, 128–29, 133 first-past-the-post system 148 democratic populism 159 foreign infiltration 152 democratization 151 Freedom House 2, 18 comparative 33 freedom definition 2 of assembly 2 door of 153 of thought 157 external forces 10, 16, 31 functional constituencies 46 factors 6, 8 hard-liners 10, 14 generational change 109, 133–34 religious change in Godber, Peter 89 democratization 9 Gorbachev, Mikhail 152 Index 183 governance 62 incrementalism 147 graduation ceremonies 134 independent agencies 88 Green Paper 36, 48 Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) 23, 29, 61, hardline 136 88–91, 94–6, 98 55, 69, 106 Independent Police Complaints high degree of autonomy 157 Council 98 Ho, Cyd 128 Indigenous democracy (see also Hong Kong 1, 114 democracy) 13, 148, 159–60 Baptist University 135 Integration into public politics 5 Chamber of Commerce 119 Ip, Regina 117 Chinese Chamber of Commerce 119 Japan 116 Chinese University of 136 Jiang, Zemin 142, 144 Fujianese Federation of Judicial autonomy 74 Associations 119 Judicial independence 65–6, 73–6, 85, identity 157 87, 151 independence 132, 151, 157 Judicial Officers Recommendation Institute of Education 136 Commission 75 People ruing Hong Kong 110 judicial review 72 Transition Project 139 judiciary 60 University of 135, 145 judges 70–1, 75 University of Science and Technology 135 Labor Party 112, 128 Hong Kong Alliance in Support of the Lam, Carrie 105, 129, 136 Patriotic Democratic Movements Lam, Stephen 41, 79 in China (HKASDPM) 55 Lau, Emily 141 Hong Kong and Macao Study Law, Fanny 130 Association 23 Law Society 122 Hong Kong Daily 114 lawyer 67 Hong Kong Federation of League of Social Democrats 47, 112, Students 105, 118, 124–25, 133 129 51–2 Lee, Leticia See Yin 135 Hong Kong Macao Affairs Office 23, Lee, Martin Chu-ming 133 40, 51, 116 Lee, Wing-tat 140 Hong Kong Special Administrative Legislative Council (LegCo) 17, 34–5, Region (HKSAR) 1, 55 40, 53, 75, 81, 96, 156 Hongkongism 109, 130, 132, Legitimacy 5 136–37 Leong, Alan Kah-kit 49, 128, 141–43 Horizontal accountability 12–3, 16, Leung, C. Y. 92, 106, 143, 145, 150, 29, 32, 97, 103, 151, 159 155 hospitals 110 Leung, Kwok-hung 49, 129, 141 Hu, Jintao 40, 79 Leung, Priscilla 130 Hui, Rafael Si-yan 90 Leung, Yiu-chung 141 Huntington, Samuel 1, 13 Li, Fei 84–5 Li, Fook-sean 139 idealism 128 Li, Ka-shing 142 idealists 156 Li, Kwok-nang 63, 66 incremental change 159 Li, Victor 142 184 Index

Liaison Office 116 Occupy Central Movement (OCM) Liao, Hui 144 47, 50, 52, 56–7, 104–137, 151–56 liberal democracy (see also Anti-Occupy Central democracy) 7, 25 supporters 105, 126 Liberal Party 117, 142 Idealists 155 liberal studies 130 Leadership 155 liberalization 8, 11, 151 Perspectives on 109–136 Lingnan University 136 Students 155 Liu, Yandong 144 O’Donnell, Guillermo 8, 13 Lion Rock 134 Ombudsman 88, 99–100 Locusts 111 one country, two systems 27, 54, 152 opportunists 6 Ma, Geoffrey Tao-li 65, 74, 122 opposition movements 152 public attitude toward 65 Oriental Overseas Container Line 139 Macao 60–1 mainland Chinese 132 passive resistance 158 political values 132 paternalistic style of politics (see also mainlandization 119 Chinese paternalism) 131, 157, mainlandized 18 160 Mason, Anthony 82 path dependence 158–59 Mass media 128, 139 patriotism 157 mass protest 159 Patten, Christopher 37 Matheison, Peter 135 Patron-client relations 6 Mega Events Fund 97 patronage 6 mianzi (see also face) 127 133 middle class People’s Liberation Army (PLA) (see rise of 15, 31 also Hong Kong Garrison) 23, 52 milk powder formulae 110 pepper spray 125 Ministry of Foreign Affairs 51, 82, 87 Philippines 116 Office of the Commissioner police 28, 92, 94, 105, 116, 123 of 83 auxiliary 98 Ministry of National Security 40 policing 109, 125–26 moderates 6 political culture 152 Mongkok district 124 political development 152 Mortimer, Barry 81 political dialogue 153 political discourse 134 nation 132 political distrust 22, 24 national security 109 political identity 15, 31, 157 interest 153 political mobilization 108 law 114, 157 political morality 117–18 threat 153 political opposition 8 National Security Commission 26, political polarization 71 86, 113 political resistance 151 132, 151 political rights 2, 19, 22 nativists 132, 160 Political violence (see also negotiate 32 violence) 11 Neo-Democrats 133 populist idealism 109, 126–28 Ng, Chau-pei, 114 Potter, David 1, 6, 13, 25 Nomination Committee, 146–48 pragmatism 109, 126–28 Index 185 pragmatists 127 softline 136, 155 PRC Coordination Committee on South Korea 116 Hong Kong Affairs 116 farmers 125 PRC orbit 153 Soviet Union 153 PRC political bottom line of Standing Committee of the National tolerance 159 People’s Congress (SCNPC) 30, 37, Preliminary Working Committee 37 41–2, 46, 53, 75, 77, 79, 83–4, 86 pregnant women 110 Legislative Affairs Commission Preparatory Committee 37, 138 of 85 Prevention of Bribery Ordinance 89 State Council 56 prison 60 state-citizens consultation 15, 31 protestors 113, 155 state-society relations 113–14 public housing 111 statutory organizations 99 students 157 Race Discrimination Ordinance 101 leaders 155–56 referendum movement 49 Sung, Joseph Jao-yiu 136 regime legitimacy 15, 30 Supremacy of politics over law (see religious changes (see also also dominance of law over democratization) 9 politics) 87 Republic of China (ROC) on Taiwan 27 Tai, Benny 28, 47, 85, 104, 107, 123, rotation of political party in 133 power 17, 151 Ta Kung Pao 51, 114, 116, 132 rule of law 16, 32, 59, 61, 63, 65, 73, Taiwan 51, 61, 151–52 120–22, 151, 156, 159 pro-Taiwan independence 152 public attitude toward 63 Tang, Henry Ying-ren 143, 145, 150 tax 111 106, 122, 124–25 tear gas 113, 125 Schumpeter, Joseph 2 Tiananmen Square 52 38, 138 Tilly, Charles 1, 13 self-restraint 87 Tong, Timothy Hin-ming 92 semi-democracy (see also democracy) Commission 97 13–4 trade 53 sentencing 72 triads 124 separation of powers 76–7 troika 108, 126 separatists 152 Trojan Horse 151 Shenzhen-Hong Kong Express Rail democratization as 151 Link 25 trust 4, 6 Shieh, Paul Wing-tai 122 networks 5, 16, 32 shopping tours 157 Tsang, Donald 25, 41, 45, 47, 81, 90, as political participation 157 140, 142–43 Shum, Lester 122 Tsang, Ken Kin-chiu 126 Single-seat, single-vote method 39 Tsim, Pui-chung 140 small circle election 145 Tung, Chao Yung 139 Social Democratic Front 47 Tung, Chee-hwa 25, 40, 77, 79–80, societal obligations 156 106, 127, 139 Socioeconomic perspective on Occupy Central Movement 109–113 (see Umbrella Revolution (see also Occupy also Occupy Central Movement) Central Movement) 104 186 Index

United States 115 Wong, Yan Lung 72 universal suffrage 17, 156 Wong, Yeung-tat 133 Woo, Peter 139 vigilance 70 World Bank 61 violence 11, 16, 128 World Trade Organization 125 fear of 29 Wu, Chi-wai 107, 133 level of 32 xenophobic sentiment 152, 157 Wang, Fengchao 140 Xi, Jinping 106, 117, 155 Wen, Jiabao 39 152 Wen Wei Po 51, 114, 116, 132 Western-style Yang, Ti-liang 139 democracy 151 young generation 159 model 27 Yu, Zhengsheng 117 White Paper 50, 53, 55–6 Wong, Joshua Chi-fung 122 Zen, Joseph 107 Wong, Raymond Yuk-man 49, 119, Zeng, Qinghong 40 129, 133 Zhang, Dejiang 116 Wong, Helena Pik-wan 133 Zhang, Xiaoming 116