
IN THIS ISSUE IN THIS ISSUK l,Mt i",n rfttlw Holy iñ^wumon at annual Ke- mpihmni

ANSWERS MINISTER'S When You "Bring Horn At Honored R-E-M-E-M-B-] 1-2-3-4-S-6. Help to Build Wall-Known Catholic Layman Writes To Savannah Prass Your After Reading Sermon Community

(Spftiil («rmpiiiiilnir«, N.C.W.C. Tha following i«lf-*rplana- News Service) tnry lettir from Tnoman F. BAKER BROTH Wtilth, a formrr prmtilrnt nml THE OMMUMAL WONDKM Mexico City. June 20—The two now a member of the publicity Bishops whose dioccses include the commit!«« »/ th* Catholic Lay State of Vera Cris have decided not m«n'* A$»orinlwn of liforgui. to nam« the eleven prieats, who ac- nmtmrtd in a r*r*n t i*«v« of cording to the new law, would he Iht Savannah Press and 1« n permitted to remain in the State judicial and illuminating trrnt- anil administer to the religious mmt of th* nhjtct: wants of the people. All of the priests now in pariahea in Vera 8. M. O'HANLi Cruz have been instructed not to To ths Editor of The Savannah OPTICIANS abandon their pariahea. Evening Press—Sir: In your, re-j The Riahopa have adviaed th* port, published in the Press of May When Quality Counts mit: laithful to retort to amparo pro- 27, of ths address to th* graduates | ceedings—an injunction directed at of the Warren A. Candler Hospital j Mb RoaaonMo executive officials—to prevent en- Training school by Rev. C. C. Jar- forcement nt the law, which would rell, the following appears: "Dr. MOV*4 I» leave more than a million persona Jsrrell explained the shrine at Suit* 2050 Jmkiaa At—4«, virtually without clerical guidance Lourdes, France, *cene of the al- leged appearance of th* Virgin Mary in 1858, had been found on (Special Correspondence, N.C.W.C. the inve*tigation of the leading rt«> Wtllval* II Newa Service) physicians and professors of Europe to have had about a 1 per cent cure "Prompt Road 5«ri«W Vera Cruz, Mexico, June 20.—A among the 150,000 yearly pilgrims. petition to the State legislature of 'Regular mind-cure hospital*, *uch MEHRLICH TIRE Vera Cruz protesting againat the a* Nancy, where Dr. Coue worked, limiting of the number of priests in run a much higher percentage,' Dr. 801*107 Okie St., MflHalk, Pft. the State to eleven, haa been signed mi ua by a large number of residents and Jarrell stated." forwarded to the Stats Capital. The Assuming Dr. Jarrell's statistics Boys' Home Founder Selected petition says: to be correct, it appears that 1,500 "We protest againat the accuaa- people per year are cured at At Moat Outstanding Citizen tion that the has Lourde*. The reference to mind- Of Omaha In 1930 a fanatical influence over the cure hospitals, together with other portion* of Dr. Jarrell'* address, in- N. R. MOOR! masses. The civilization of the con- The illustration shows the organ I Pedal, the Krho and the Solo organs. | just at the right split second of temporary world and especially of dicate that he is under the impres- in Omaha, Neh., June 22. — "Hie console for the Sacred Heart church. | Few pieces of mechanism contain j time, properly shaded, true in tonal sion that all of these cures ar* of Omaha Post of the American I.egion the Mexican people is due to the Funeral Catholic Church, which is now shadQk.^.y, ...... avenue. an„_dJ 1.nalnu• I t street. , , suc__h ,,a , numbe, r of small •parts , , suc.h r*quality , and. ampl' a. .i.n volume. - — diieaae* of the mind and nerves, »—the world's largest Legion post- ' « multitude o#f moving contacts, such I The members of the parish art paid special recognition to the work slandered by unworthy aona. which are curable by auggestion. A* 142-144-14« Waal Leag A' now being installed. It was designed a forest of wires, ami of which so I subscribing for the stops and pipes a matter of fact mental and nervous JisS ®f Rev. Father Edward J. Flanagan "The new law is oppressive he- by Carlton Strong for the Skinner i much is expected as this organ con- in the organ as memorials to their trouble* form a very »mail percent- founder of the Father Flanagan's | cause it does not express the will 1 age of the cure*. Tuberculoma, tu- Boya Home, by selecting him as i of the majority of the inhabitant*. Organ company. The console has 77 I *"'*'• -relie d upo• . n •fo r endlessi. ' familie' s and " friends.mi 'Eac --eh hpip e is Plat* Glus ht Aw stops, controlling Fi.000 pijies in th« i¡ ting mor*, sores, cancers, deafness, Omaha's most outstanding citizen j Proof of this is seen in the last ns, and a great rapidity and pre- j for ISO and in this way the congre- six-unit organs making up the blindness and other diseaaea having for 1930, the highest award which j census, an unassailable proof, from cision of action and control, being ¡gation hopes to pay for the antire no relation to mental or nervous A. LEA HIM can be given an Omahan. which it is evident that only an in- great instrument. They are the instantly responsive to staccato organ by the time it is ready in Oc- Great, the Swell, the Choir, the troubles form the greater number- The selection was made after six , significant minority of the people passages, and producing its effects I tober of thia year. of cure* which are wrought at AWNINGS—UPHOLSTERING—AUTO tnonth* careful consideration during ! are not Catholics. It ii unbeliev- Lourde*. which time the deeds for 1!»30 of 37 ! ,ble that those who have publicly Bm gpriaga. Hair Mattreaaao—CUSTOM BUILT Omahans were considered, weighed j registered themselves as Catholics The «uggeition of Dr. Jarrell that It Heath Foarth Street Mid discussed. Thirteen Fast Com- would approve the sectarian and th* caie* cured at Lourde* are of menders of the American legion, j radical measure proposed, FATHERTP. SHIELDS the aam* character as those cured not any of whom are Catholic, were "The project is, moreover, uncon- at Nancy and other mind-cure hos- •n the making the selection.. .tjtutional, for the Constitution ac- RETREATS(Editorial in Universe-Balle FORt in, ClevelandLAYMEN, O.) pitals ignores the testimony given Gearhart Lumber & Supply Omaha's most outstanding citizen state Legislatures by many physicians of high repute cordg Iiberty to to the fact that many of the cure* •ward is made annually. It is based jto lim)t the number of prj.at, to HAS m JUBILEE at Lourde* cannot powibly be ex- LUMBER T4IM AMD PLANING MOfc «m sacrifice service and the indi-jthe n„dg of Mrh sute and jt j, One of the most successful law- Father ha* conitituted him patron yers of New York City when queried of all retreat movement*. lained by (uggestion. Dr. Alexia »»dual a outstanding work of the lnconrrn.Me ,hat on# priMt ,, |af. Pastor of St. Colman's Church, CLEARFIELD, FA. jeer, for his community It is the by a ubiquitous true-story reporter Some men are deterred from mak- I* rrel of the Rockefeller Institute, flfMmt attend th< nMdl of 100 winner of the Nordhoff-Jung cancer Jrst time in history such an honor : ^ c,tholifi> „p^un, wh,p they Turtle Creek, Honored By as to the formula of his success re- ing the spiritual ciercUe*—let u* plied that he had never gone Into face facta—by the thought that priae for 1930, is on* witnei* of ha*, oyer been bestowed upon » gpread „ver reat distancee." Friends Last Sunday CLirrORD-SHEEIAN 'curb sendee" Catholic. i * the court room without having stud- there i* something not exactly virile th* cure* at Lourdes. In a letter ied hi* case from every' angle, eape- about them. Leave th« outward to Don Francis Isard, quoted in the Tha county ewfe i Father Flanagan was selected this I The marriage of Miss Madelyn service" la tha aals Mar principally because of his work Last Sunday the Rev. J. P. Shields, cially that of opposing counsel. The manifestation of religion to the "Commonwealth" of May 8. - 1931, pastor of St. Colman's, Turtle Creek, Dr. Carrel wrote, "Certain fact* ob- Sheehan, daughter of the lata David in expanding his Father Flanagan's more thought ne had expanded on women. The memories of such It isaaad celebrated the silver jubilee of hia his preparation the surer he was of should be refreshed with the true served at Lourdes can not be ac- I I£. Sheehan, to John Charlaa Clif- Boys Home, located 11 miles west of ford, son of Mrs. Liliiaa Clifford of «sa Ufa Omaha. During 1930, he erected priesthood. Born at Great Belt, bap- avoiding failure. In other words he story of the retreat* of tha knight* counted for by any of the known tized at St. John's church, Coyles- law* of wound healing and ti**ue Whitney avenue, Wilkinaburg, was varee and building* costing $400,000 as a re- had given quite considerable time of old. The knight of chivalry'* day state in the U ville, educated In Saint Charles' Col- to meditation. i* our highest type of virility and regeneration. In the coarse of a solemnised Monday morning at St. sult of contributions from friends i Mary's church, New Caatla. consider tha And admirers of what work he is lege, Ellicott City, Maryland, and St. The history of battles is the tale courage. Yet no man dared to the miraculous cure the rate of tissue Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, he was regeneration greatly exceed* that | The ceremony was performed by conatry haa doing for boys. of victory perching on the banners accolade that raised him to knight- ing tha aaaettty ordained to the holy priesthood by of the general who had the best hood without a night ef prayer and which haa ever been observed in the the groom's brother. Rev. Frank S. Omaha's new flrst citizen has been Clifford, who also celebrated the ihealJ «a ha •mlopiag his orphanage since De- Rava. Edmund J. Nuttall And Cardinal Gibbons, June 20, 1906, thought out plan of offensive and meditation over the armor that he healing of a wound under optimum with Ms elder brother, Rev. Dennis „ ___ condition*." Solemn Nuptial Ma**, aaaisted tjr U, 1917, when ne borrowed Daniel McFadden Elevated defense. Here again the dedtiva. was to don a* Oar Lady's champion. te'a^péeachar's él PIO to pay hit first month's rent on C. Shields, who died in 1918, after factor is meditation, Such a notion I* a* obsolete a* the Rev. Joseph Doerr, pastor ef St. Jo- To the Priesthood being assistant pastor of St. Peter's j This is true in every walk of life, Dr. Carrel signed the dossier, is- seph's church. New Castle, and Rev- three ttaaa. This •i anali home in Omaha. In 1921, theorie* that the earth i* flat and sued by the Medical Bureau at dally prtth the help of J. K. Davidson, church, McKeesport, for eleven ¡The physician, the engineer, the that vaccination is no lafeguard Dudley Nee. years. financier do not depend upon chance Lourdes, stating that the instanta- The wedding breakfast for ths Im- taking a'aew al thy Omahan and a non-Catholic, Two natives of the Philippine Is- against smallpox. And just as valu- neous cure of Mile. Marguerite Adam come ta mean to ther Flanagan moved to his pres- His flrat Mass was celebrated in but upon elaborately formulated de- able. mediate families was held at the K lands and a student from the French in 1929 was inexplicable. Mile New Castle Field Clab. than iiWIm Usa dormitorent farmy, andhere«There h~e this'"fam"'habuilt a smalal I Mi**ion in China were among the the same church in which he was' signs upon which they have pon- Though the retreat movement is Adam suffered from a tuberculosis baptized, of which the venerable dered many a rare-ridden hour. After an extended eastern tour, station aient the i, been developed until .now it is a i twenty-seven young Jesuit scholas- an all-over-the-year project yet it disease of both kidneys. callad minister ef ' Rev. Jeremiah O'Callaghan was then, Graves, wrecks, ruins are the monu receives a special impetus in the Mr. and Mrs. Clifford will bo at home inodel Institution for hoys and has jtic* who were ordained to th* priest- and is still, the pastor. After tem- j ments erected to the memory of Again referring to mental and in Wilkinsburf. thua demeaa hia < • llW-arre farm adjoining it. I hood by Archbiahop Curley in the poral assignments to Holy Family those who did not think. summer time when schools and col- nervous troubles curable by sugges- tasa ef all thta. leges are not used for their ordin- tion, there is a difference between "CURB SERVICE" chape! of Sacred Heart College, church, Latrobe, and St. Peter's j The essence of the retreat I* a ary purposes and serve as a mean* cures in mind-cure hospitals and Woodstock, Md., Monday morning. I church, Butler, he came to Saint time of quiet meditation. Its value for housing retreatants. Some are MARRIAGE those at lourde*, as in mind-cure After MANY OF ST. KIERAN TJje Pittsburgh diocese was repre- Colman's, Turtle Creek, in January, to the specific individual can only devoted to the care of women; oth- hospitals long courses of treat- DIIDIIC UflU UAhlADC wnted in the ordination class by | 1907, as assistant to Rt. Rev. Msgr. be gauged by the evaluation that ers to men. The time is not long. According to a press despatch laity ment ara necessary, whereas at from Marion, Ark., a Baptist minis- grapefruit hath el' rUlILu »fill nUnylwjthe Rev. Edmund J. Nuttall of St. . After Msgr. Cunning- he himself sets upon spiritual From Thursday night to Sunday af- Lourdes the recorded cures are in- ternoon. When it is a question of ter has given a modern touch to the «aya hi the Paul's Cathedral parish and the I hams' death, he remained as pastor things. Yet if he has a shred of sin- stantaneous. Seathera 8t. Kieran's school closed with a I Daniel McFadden, formerly of i of St. Colman's. His co-workers in ' ferity in his make-up he must set preparation for eternity sorely that marrying business since that alata Is short enough. Although Dr. Jarrell may doubt has passed the ninety-day divorce High Mass, Friday, June 19, and! St. Mary's of the Mount parish. I the years at Saint Colman's have I If**' store by them since he ha* the miraculousness of the cures at aermon by Rev. Joseph A. Clough- Father Nuttall will sing his first been Rev. J. Rockliff, Rev. P. J. I the inspired word for the indubi- If the secular journals use their law. Divorcees or others- In a hur- With shortage af 1 So nr,n editorial column* to remind us ef Lourdes if he informs himself he erty. Sister Mary Cecelia was the' '" Ma** in the Cathedral Sun- Brennan, Rev. M. J. Vitale, Rev. J. table fact that it profits a man noth- will be compelled to admit that ry to be ped, drive to the front and dearth af Jeta I Brincipal in chargc during 1930-31. morning at 11 o'clock, and Fa- E. McNanamy, Rev. H. A. Carlin, in* If train the whole world and our civic duties; for whom to vote, door of his home, honk three time« R'e a I ther for what bond-issues, for what con- medical science at the present time The highest average and perfect at- McFadden will sing his flrat! Rev. F. J. Rattanberger, and the suffer the loss of his soul, can not explain many of the well and out he comes. don't as tendance records were as follow: Mass in St. Mary's of the Mount i present assistants at Saint Colman's ! "ie laymen'* retreat Is no new stitutional amendments, may we not So far as known Ods is the only happy.—1 rhurrh the s,me thin use ours to remind ouraelve* of our authenticated cures at Lourde*. Un- Room 10, Grade 8: Joseph Kui- time. Rev. Wm. F. Bey and Rev. Mark P. lf- Possibly its practice has been til madical science can explain them who w th the 0 r religiou* obligations among which ars, Joseph Bittner, Joseph King, Aasist Archbishoo I ; ' people | i^*^';" ® f" a^time but it has ig one has no right to deny that, by Aasisl Archbishop i of ßtT Colman's. prepar¿d "the pío-1 »'ways been the Church's ideai. St. re-eminently I* that of meditation T Jlerome Mullen, Louis DeSimone and 1 1 the power of God, these cures are 3eeeph Kuura. . Archbisho.. p Curlsy was. assiste. d ®a t gram for the jubilee. "Ignatiu " s *Loyola was a layman when e can accomplisnpl h this nowhere so An eloquent discourse on the I » retreat at Manresa and £wel l a* shut off from the world for miraculous. Room 9, Grade 7: John Muruhy, I i!" ordination ceremmie* by the, f rew U 1 FUNERAL DIRECT! Very Rev. Edward C. Phillips, SJ., ! priest's place in the work of the ' P ^l *' incomparable set of a few days In a house of retreat. I am sir, •Winifred Lynch, Edw. Bischan, Provincial of the Maryland-New church wag preached by Rev. P. spiritual exercises that are the staff THOMAS F. WALSH. 3. 0 At the end of that time we can Jlichard Rupp, Kita Mullen, James York Province of Hthei society-'-* ; the Brennan" , at present pastor of StJtm' * hhungr y *ouls" . Because mak« quite an accurate estimate of Grimpe annd RegiKegis! Skeehan. 1 1 Rev. Francis E. McQuade, S.J., Pro- Jerome's church, Charferoi. Rcv/r] "' 'I '" inimitable work, composed how our accounts stand in the Jour- RRoo m 8I,, Grade 7: Joseph O'Don- mpm > fessor of Canon I-aw and Liturgy at F. Shields, brother of the jubilarían,! * ' er of the laity, the Holy nals of Heaven. •ell =::::= L :j ST. PAUL'S CHILDREN Room 8. Grade 6: Bridget Mul- Woodstock College and the Rev. j was deacon of the Maas; Rev. H. A•'| ^~^ '" — "~ = ini, Margaret Hines, Kathleen Raymond H. A nable, SJ., maste' r of" Carlin of St Paul'* Cathedral, *ub- TO HAVE AUTO RIDE JOHN A. FREYVI O'Rourks, Anna Marie Koehler and I rr • ,, . . deacon, aid Rev. Geo. T. Sullivan, »I Vf.1 The member s o#f the class from who read hia first Ma** one week 1 Roorn «: John Blanch- ^. «arylsnd-New York Province. previou* in St. Colman'*, was mas- More than 700 children at St. lard, Nora May Burke, Ethel Rita Paul's orphan asylum, Crafton, win Funeral Director enjoy a sixty-mile automobile ride Kttehmrek Pa. on Saturday afternoon, July 11. as Ambulance service to any point in Allegheny Coaaty, 41 ffuests en a trio sponsored by Char- Modern Funeral Home. tiers Council, Knights of Columns. No charge for nee of gaaal utas Got Two of Flrat Thraa Places Many non-member* of the Order, and a great many non-Catholics, an- In National Competition nually volunteer their machines for 3406 FIFTH AVENUE ! John 0-Rourke Stella Gloss, Mar, 1^1. McVeigh/ j"o'hn MuírVy."^- sute,; \t R^ ^'h" M oÄ Hold by Nawtpapora this trip, which is always much fun MAyflowar 1MB for the drivers as for their guests. C r Anth0ny Nol The trip will leave St. Paul's at 2 JTHepatrick * ' bt, ' »\ »* i * h n.r n pestor of Holy Name Washington, May 28.—The ora- Room 6, G rade 5: James King. ' jÄ^Ä' M H"' himself a.nitive of o'clock, returning about 6 o'clock. Fran i torical championship of the United Drivers who wish to assist should jaarMary majesticMajestic , nenrHenry LlmnJ'ivearnej, aj\r£ i°!2JnsepSh P^iITiPhelan, Jame' s IRedmon' O^Malleyd andj SI.L ™john nnmhe-„ r is„h» Coylesville„» , amfa States was won last night by Rob- thur Majestic, Mary Eluabeth Qlen Walsh. large numner of priests of the dlo advise as early a* possible the Rup-1 c p ert Gibson Rsvburn of Newton, chairman of the trip, Thomas S. pen and James King „/ m n. ***- y »r* since he came to From the rrovlnce of New Or- a* r„im,.', »u« ¡_, Kan., in a contest participated in by Meagher, 70 South Linwood avenue, Room 4, Grade 4: James P. Mc- oí. V oirnsn s ine interior of the funeral leans: church has been renovated, an eight- seven high school student* before an Crafton; telephone, Walnut 1594. Xenna, Catherine Bellus, James P. The Rev. John Toomer: SJ. 2361 Brevnartlla Ra*4 lttt Y«»•», rir« llrlrh. <»•!, |tn rr |*lp# DOM CLOUGHERTY Appointed •aa —- — ' • 1 hon* 14111 Un., SM SEND YOUR BOY TO CAMP 27th ANNUAL REUNION (Continued from Page I) I From < latHoll« M.»y Hdlfar« Hur*««, J, W. KrlttiiM, Ki»r«l|«# Bee'f.i between Archbishop C oiitantini and the American ItenccHctlnc Abbot». With the closing of school, chil- Tha same parent who objects to dren leave their desks and leason* summer camp for hi« boy because of 0 < hanrellor Seriirea Nr» Men 72nd ANNIVERSARY GREENSBURG, PA During his short stay in Rome with a feeling of relief. The ,„lai,t 'ta being a relatively new inatltu- fraught with |.lon "»mething managed to Dom Clougherty wns fortunate in month of classes wa ei the securing for the I diversity faculty a hect tenseness resulting from , "'«hout. no doubt on his oa-n • part, is perhaps a radio fan, or a two very Valuable men. Tlio one if preparedness for and the final writ' /(Ta Sowash Service Station wau m *« . Horn Knphael Aiiopnrdi, one time j touring enthusiast. Such attractions ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS* ing of examination w,r not Mgg UNITED STATES TIRES Sub-Prior of Monte CasWnO, ami . , u . . i • . i * «"Joyed by his father. Vicar-General of the Diocese of And now scholastic work is over. They did not ^^ ,„ th,t He AND LADIES' AUXILIARY HRpW KX1DK BATTKRIKS— Road Servire Monte Cnssino. Dom ItRphnel is well I here is a relaxation after ei» i now embraces them, however, be- tended effort. Kach child is occu- Phone 12 GREENSBURG, PA. ÜIPfl¡i known throughout Kurope as an ex I cause they offer enjoyment and cul- 12:30 P. M.—Marathon Race Starting at Press Often ponent of the highest ¡ileal« in llene pied with the beautiful and restful ! ture. Why does he not assume the |dictinisnii His Abbot consented to realisation that before him stretch- ! »ame attitude towards camp for 1 30 P. M.—Free A. A. U. Meet es the two delightful months of I his going, although he could ill | his boy? Sporta event* for bojra, 7th, 8th grades and high i spare him, principally because it has July and August. Months for play. The cost objection ia also of lit- i been the oft-rcpouted wish of the Months to lie spent with one's play- tlt consequence. Today, the coat of schools, parochial schools WILLIAM MURPHY Holy See that the American Bene- mates and friends No more the ¡sending boys and girls to a proper- dictines should "supply the Univer- struggle to prepare lessons no I ly organised, non profit camp is not Two round-trip tickets to Newport GENERAL ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS sity at Peking with the men best pore over knotty problems. Noi,tall prohibitive, Time was when GENERAL ELECTRIC SUPPLIES fitted to govern, to tench and t" more of stuffy classrooms, discipline camping, considered a luxury, had Two round-trip tickets to Atlantie City I tiring up souls in piety." Dom Ita and exacting rules for tw long to be paid for at luxury prices. This m >11 NORTH MAIN «THr.nr, Ci HICK MSB I HI). PA. phael, still in his forties, has had months, t) boy, what a feeling! was in the early daya of ramping. Amusement tickets at half price—will not be eft an interesting career in life He has Hut how are these months so full Much of the extra expense entailed sale at the park been an army surgeon with a dis- of promise to be spent? The nat- in those days was incident to a tinguished record, and besides his ural bent of the normal boy is to system of camp organization that degree in Medicine holds doctorates think in terms of recreation and was inefficient as we today rata in Theology and Canon Law. Irish and American Dancing All Dap ami outdoor life for the summer. He camp efficiency. It is now possible I he other man whose services thinks of camp and all that camp to send a boy to camp for a rata as H. S. COSHEY SONS I Dom Clougherty succeeded in «ecur life offers, swimming, tennis, boat- low as three dollars per week, and, ing, intense competition ori the hall SATURDAY, JUNK 27th iing for the University is Dr. Alois in some cases, this covers transpor- (Bachrach rhoto) ! M. Mauderer, of Eirhataett, tier diamond, campfire, eats, the fellow- tation charges to and from home many. Dr. Mauderer is a graduate ship of wholesome companions and over a distance of twenty or thirty The Rev. Michael J. Ready, direr- KENNYWOQD PARK Funeral Directors of the Pontifical Institute of Ori- the companionship of real, helpful miles. In fact, the St. Vincent de tor of the Pontifical Society of the ental Studies in Rome. Dr. Mauder- leaders. There is an irresistible at- Paul Society of the Pittsburgh Dio- Propagation of the Faith in the Everybody Welcome F roa Adtmmiom er accompanied Dom Clougherty on traction to camp It is as natural PHONE Ili GREENSBURG. PA. cese operates a ramp for younger IMoreae of Cleveland, who haa I the trip from Home to Peking. for the normal boy to want to spend children on a no charge basis. been appointed Assistant General I Dom Clougherty found certain vacation at camp as it is for him Now, about the objection concern circles in Rome literally seething to breathe. He senses an over- ing possible harm coming to the boy Secretary of the National Catho- ¡with interest in the work of the whelming desire to get away from "WE FOOL THE SUN" while away from home. This ol£ lic Welfare Conference. | University. Many there regard it as routine home life and craves the jertion is based upon a lack of BETTER NURSERY STOCK j the outstanding missionary enter y AWNINGS -TENTS freedom of the great outdoors. knowledge regarding camp life and Fmfc Haa Ksltr—tsnm Smisi -Ma.a OsHtsla« a j prise of the Catholic Church in mod- The satisfaction of this innate de- NirPWOnfffir S canopies for wkoihngk camp organization. It is true, at ern times. "II Osservatore Romano" sire on the part of their boys should JIICCWWIIJJCI 9 FURNITURE UPHOLSTERING camp, the seeming freedom from re- Evergreen Trees, and "L/lllustrazione Vatican«," both be the natural bent of every ambi- A s. le* Moitié, Aaa || North Maple Ave., (ireenshurg. Pa. Rat. 1901 authoritative Roman publications,! straint and the ganging together ST. JUSTIN S FIRST tious parent anxious to contribute Special 95c IS-incli 95c I have recently commented approving of youthful energies suggest to the to the well being of those committed unaccustomed mind a great possi- Arhw Vila*. Bpeoee. Jaslpw Mow «lnwlig | ly on the I niversity's arm to com- to their care. The thoughtful par- bine scholarship and Catholicity in bility for danger. The opposite, Flowering Shruke, Cornue, Spina, 2Se —di ent should want to have nis boy at- however, is really true. In the CUSS GRADUATED BROWN'S DRUG STORE their mission to the Chinese nation. tend camp if for no other reaaon At San Anselmo, the International I properly organized camp a boy is Annual Flower« in Ftmturing Our Own Homemade lee Cream than that of having him return Perenniale, College of the Itcpedictine Order, relatively much safer from acci- Mount Washington Parish H. S. II. III» «TWICICT imrKNIRI nc, I*A home after an absence of two, four dent and harm than he is back in Poto 5c 2-jnr. Clump IOC Dom Clougherty found many young I'tlaalu, aaapOvasMa. Stacks. student priests from various abbeys or eight weeks, rejoicing at being his home neighborhood. In fact, Saniors Haar Address By rrnltn«, amai William, ralee. home and bubbling over with happi- Chiava* Paracl-Ma-Nat a. Caespoeala, CeeeeMeob in the United States eager to volun- tha pi »sible dangers to life and limb Rav. Dr. J. F. Carroll Sl7«NM, et«. SiSae* ríate teer for service in China under the ness on his reunion with dad and that might be thought of as asso- ST. CLAIR SUPPLY CO. aegis of the Catholic University of mother. It i good for parents tojeiated with camp life could not, if Climbing Roaea, Honeyauckle 31« witness such COAL and COKE Peking. It is confidently expected enthusiasm on the | dispassionately considered, be com- Commencement exercises for the Maturing, Virginia Creeper, Vìbm eack Baildera' Supplies and Heady Miied Concrete that a few at least of these splendid | part of their children. It is par- pared to the possibility for harm flret graduates of St. Justin's High CUT STONE young men will be g,ven a chance j ticularly true that their absence to a child that lurks in ona busy school. Mount Washington, were dark u4 Ceorga St». Phone Greenaburg 560 Greenaburg, Pa. to devote their promising lives to a makes hearts grow fonder of them. street intersection near hit own held on Wednesday evening, June BARDONA NURSERY work of prime importance in I'ath And what could delight the heart home. And, to offset tha remotest 17, in the school auditorium. Dr. olic missionary activity. of a fond and proud parent more possibility of danger to the child James F. Carroll, C.S.Sp., vice 114 «TASWIX ITaUT, DOWNTOWN than to have his boy return after while at camp, tha camp staff li in- preaident of Duquesne University, McKEES ROCKS — CARNEGIE Growth of t'niveraity OPEN DAILY UNTIL I P If. ATLANTIC ITH a camp vacation fired with energy variably made up of man intimata- was the speaker of the evening. l)r. Nereary ••« Balea Irata, Hwsto S, rtar II— full Since his arrival Dom Clougherty | and enthusiasm, bronzed by tha ly familiar with «very conceivable Carroll'« Baccalaureate address was has been busily engaged in familiar- IL O. Alllara Path Pa. sun, strong and'manly and ready angle of camp life and so trained | a most eloquent plea for devotion to ising himself with the machinery of »H* ImsInu mmS Smmémjm GoaapM Dr. John R. Gilleland, Jr. and anxious to carry on at school? that the full-time welfare of each those ideals which the Catholic high administration at the University. No FREE DELIVERY 10 MILES. EXTRA CHARQE BETONO Objecting parents, or those who individual is always their immediata Oi»tomotri»t one knew better than he the ins and I «chool endeavor« to inspire. Rev. «Kfiftwr « n Dr. A. H. >«kr**4«r do not favor camp, can roughly be concern. John B. Barry, pastor, presented outs of the institution liefore his ' divided into three classes, viz: first, f'.VK* KXAWINKD - DLtllR« KITTIC» departure for America two years | "Send Your Boy To Camp," than, diploma« to Ruth Jamei, Marjone those who object because the camp 410 Chamara «»»., MtHm Hnrkt, ra. ago; no one now ran realize more ! ia the most constructive advice that Rooney, Lydia Flynn, Estelle Mar- idea is new and did not belong to FIRE, AUTOMOBILE Telephon« riMtnl 1012-J than he that the ins' tution of today I can be given to parents with boys key and William Marshall. Father is a vastly larger one than that of I their day and who argue that they old enough to respond—usually Barry set aside the formality of AND ALL OTHER UNES OF INSURANCE yesterday. A magnificent new Uni- managed very well without such di- from 11 years up presentation and spokfc to each versity Hall, the cynosure of Pe i version; secondly, thoae who com- The Pittsburgh district ia blessed graduate a word of congratulation. DUQUESNE REGISTRY CO, plain because of the cost, and, last- with many fine camps. Full infor- Other events of the week were king; an increase in the student! Mary Uealee? WiMia, Ss«»» Ts lea, «aa. r. body of nearly three hundred ly, those who fear that harm will mation concerning them, rates, arranged to honor the first gradu- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK cent; new faces everywhere in both [ come to their hoy while away from datas, directors, etc., can ba had by ates. Tuesday evening the students ItW laeeatawt Balldfaig Coart 2S4S The Oldest Rank in Town I the Chinese and foreign faculties; a their observation and care. calling Camp Director, Catholic of the high school entertained rela- I» CHARTIER» AVENUE McKEES ROCKS. PA. j vast amount of new equipment, espe Little need be said with reference Boy Welfare Rureau, 933 Wabaah tives and friends with a class night cially in the Science departments; to the first of the above objection!. Building, Court 3377. program. Wednesday morning Fa- all these and more the new Chancel- ther Barry sang the graduates' VISIT OUR TRAVEL DEPARTMENT lor see» as the reality of what was Mais of Thanksgiving. It wai 8%—ON SAVINGS—8% I barely dreamed two years ago. singularly appropriate that Father Chancellor's Qualifications Patrick Rice, the Brat prieat to be ordained from St. Juitin'« pariih, Pittsburgh State "No mushroom growth, this," the Eureka Savings & Loan Association Chancellor could remark to his a«- be in the sanctuary during the Masa 807 Fifth Avenue for the flnt graduates. The church HAUT (TRKKT CiMBGIR, PA I seriates a few days after his arrival. The Retreatant's Memorial Holy nal Institutions of the Diocese and His experienced eye told him that all Mass, for the deceased members of waa the scene of a very pretty cere- A MaCralay. Praaldant P. Oatosar, Sea'jr beicomini g porters of material and mony when amidst lights and arches ¡this tremendous expansion every- the Retreat League, was another spiritual consolation to the afflicted of flowers the graduates were es- where IS but the ordered growth of grand and impressive expression of in the many hoapital wards in and corted to the church by the mem- a program planned wisely and sane- the Faith of several thousand lead- out of this great City. ly by that hardy group of pioneers ing Catholic men, among whoae num- bers of the high «chool and eighth The interests of the various Con- grade. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION who laid the foundations of the Uni- ber were many zealous Vincentians. ferences of the Society of St. Vin- HOI.Y . ST. RITA, versity a half decade ago. He is one The Society of St. Vincent de Taul cent de Paul is now particularly After the Mass, Fathers Barry, Connellsville, Pa. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST of that immortal numbej, and proud insists upon an annual Retreat for centered on the selection of children O'Toole and Rice and the Juniors indeed to be their present leader. its members, and this year, the first of the poor for the coveted privilege and Seniors were the guest« of the ^ I unititi \ s i SON I His qualifications for so distin- Sophomores at breakfast. time in the history of the Diocese, of a week's vacation at Camp Ota- m guished a post are many, but over- the numbers of this Society held lam. Applications are pouring into confidence is not one of them. Ail closed Retreat. Well then, were the headquarters daily and the quota SECOND NATIONAL RANK hi* wonderful talents as an organ- they present on the occasion and for the opening weeka will soon be tiri« et Pittsburgh had thia izer, all his wide knowledge of The Oldest Bank in glad to be numbered among the reached. The new Conferences are enee—and what Is the POM Chinese educational problems ami members of the Retreat league. The helping to swell the total falter than pared to Jesus in the Bleaaeil'p^®*- methods, will be taxed to the utmost Holy Fathers from the time of Osa in former seasons. There is antici- Diocesan Union of Sodalities ment, tha raal Body and CONNELLSVILLE, PA. as he takes command in person of nam till now have richly indulgenced Jesus Chriet, Soul and OH pation in the minds of the little tots Rev. Charlea Mooamann, INoeeaaa Director of Sodalitiaa the field. There is, for instance, the this Society and why should not its as they hear from the older one« wMch b ta paaa arar pah matter of permanent registration members be interested in every the pleasing experiences of former SI. Fraaela Church, SIS MeClure Street. Homeetead. Pa. «carlet at that. the «ign et BEAVER VALLEY with the Government now entering wish of the H oly Eather, whose du years. The contributions to the worldlinets, even heldaeaa its final stage; the matter, too, of tiful children they have become. Our Camp Fund to cover the cost of the society? Awajr with pelwted launching the Pontifical Seminary, present Pope has in season and out annual treat to the lesi fortunate Paiated Li pa at the Communion Rail suit«: the Poor Publican went home tha rati by any eelf-r and the Women's College of the of it, stressed Retreat«, and so little ones, are increasing rapidly. A good proof that the Sodality justified—the Proud Pharaaae was or womaa, and abeve oli THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Catholic University before the next oyal and zealous Vincentians must A lilt of those generoui hearted Column is one of the most popular despised. What results do yoa desire Should the re ba no diffe BEAVER FALLS, PENNA. school year. Big problems, problems, respond to His wish and their rules. benefactora and benefactre«*ei will section« of the Dioresan Catholic in your case ? Act accordingly. How tha dance hall, tha iass thaater i but who shall say that they are in- ^ Catholic judges of the local be publi*hed later. Papers is the fart that all kinds of often haa God not humbled the the Saered Communion Hall? " Capitai and Surplus $450,000 surmountable? Certainly no one Courts, prominent officials and peo- letters pro and con reach u« nearl proud, and Holy Scripture ia fall of aia m vaia, so imi doni who has followed sympathetically ple from every walk of life, left On Sunday, June 28th, the St every week. Some are «illy enough condemnation of the world'« vanity. erybody ia chureh about it ' Total Resources 92,955,771.87 the marvellous, nay miraculous, their homes early in the morning, Joachim's parish, Forward avenue, to go to the big basket; other« de- If "lying Hps are an abomination to a secret—at ieast in church, i growth of Pekin's Catholic Univer- fasting, coming prepared to receive will turn out en maiie to attend a serve consideration, though they are the Lord," what are painted, vain Communion. sity. Our friends in America, espe- into their very souls, the Master of concert held for the benefit of the not always the most pleasant things and proud lip«? cially those to whom the Holy See all retreats. new Conference of St. Vincent de to anawer, and the answer« do not Beside«, la it considered good taste looks to provide the University with Paul in that parish. Rev. Father U. always make for popularity either. They eay Al Cayana made . men and resources, need only put to have the lipa painted, even if ao FRANK P. CALER I!,n/«rped. Catholic Police and Neceid of St. Clement'« pariih, Tar- Welt, here is one to which we ah.ll appearance ia tha rola of t their shoulders to the wheel, and many girls and women in monkey Firemen acted as escorts to the Of- entum, will have hia Junior Choir tryto do juitice this week: fendant in coart. He BUILDERS' SUPPLIES their brethren in China will see to at St. Joachim'« «chool hall on that fashion do it? You know it ia notl ficers of the Holy Maas, from tha First: "Are painted lips permis- given tha part ofteoer.—8m All Grade* of Coal. Lath. Platter. Gravel, Lime. Cement, Sand the rest. date to furnlah the muiical treat We are told nurse« are forbidden to Monastery to the center of the spa- misable at the Communion Rail? Union. Ruilding Hlocka This ia but one Indication of ac- have painted lips on duty. We know cioas lawn where stood a temporary Why the difference of attitude in of case« where waitre««ei must not Dom Clougherty was born in altar. Silence, attention and real tivity in tha Society. How, may HI Ttttk AT«. Beaver Falla S141J Beaver Falla, Pa. one aik, could all the problems ot some parishe« where girl« and wom- only wear very decent uniform«, but Braddock, Pa., on March 4, 1806. devotion were very evident in all en are forbidden to come to the rail are absolutely forbidden by their The Literary Digaet aays Hil college and ecclesiastical stud and an unusual flame of Faith wa« Charity presented within the lait Paul Revere roda to Pais. year, have been handled, without the in this fashion, while in other par- employer« to appear at work with dies were made at Mount St. Mary'* strikingly present. A picnic lunch- ishe«, never a word is said?" painted lip«. And they readily dber. New Hampehiro, Inatead of i nÖWBRS AMBULANCE SERVICE College, Kmmittsburg, Maryalnd. As eon was served after the celebra- little help of the Society of St Vin- Massachusetts. Prebabty cent de Paul? Answer: Aside from the considera- And you, a Catholic girl, a Cath- a seminarian he held the position ot tion of the Holy Mysteries. tion of any specific church legislation at the Uvery atabla gave DANIEL D. DENNIS, Funeral Director head perfect of discipline 111 the Col- olic woman, even a Sodalist, quea- wrong road map. The Retreat Movement according so far, what do you, Sodalista and tion the right of your paator, the m 111 MIDLAND. PA. 727 Midland Ava. lege. After hi* ordination in June. to the mind of the Holy Father, ia others readers, think about the mat- 1920, he came to China at tha re divinely appointed custodian of the to inculcate Catholic Action into out DIOCESAN HOLY NAME ter yourselves in your saner mo- Mute , to uphold quest of Biihop Tacconi of Kaifeng. Lord, provida that my wiS Faith, Here mused a Vincentian at ments ? Does it seem right for such a the dignity that ii becoming in thoae who was anxious to begin a school thia great sight; "If these men only MEETING IS TURNED true and firm towards Thee; INDIANA, PA. sublime act of religion ? The creature who are privileged to appear at thia me whatsoever it shall ot higher education in his diocese. would put real Catholic Action into receiving the Creator in Holy Com- Sacred Banquet Table, to receive Immediately upon his arrival he be- their lives, say as members of the INTO RETREAT RALLY munion—what a grand act of Faith. Him? gan the foundation of the school, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, in You believe thia, of courie. With the Picture to yourielvea the Apostles and was associated in this work with teresting themselves in the personal (Continued from Page 1) Church's liturgy you bow your head with painted lips at the Laat Sap- service of God'« Poor, Just aa the Dom Sylvester Healy and Dom in repentance and humility, «triking I perl The Good Lord demanded that Confraternity workers, who go out Collin«, voiced the pleaaure and aat- Annette Charles Rauth, now both members your breast«, much as the Poor Pub- Dr. Re Ee Hughes into the highways and byways teach- isfaction ha felt at the progress be- even their feet be cleansed and did of the University faculty lican in the rear of the Temple, and ing little children the Mysteries ot ing made in the retreat movement; it Himielf. Picture to yourself the Dom Clougherty was president of aak God'« mercy. You recite with the Beauty Shoppe the Holy Faith. but, warning them to beware of un- Ble««ed Mother with painted lip« at INDIANA, PA. the school called the Pel Wen Acad- priest at the altar, as he raises the due complacency, he urged tha dele- the foot of the Cross, or any of the emy, for six years. He taught phys- Catholic action to give substaace Sacred Host before you, the touch- other good women! And Aey had ics and English, and for two years to Our Faith must come, for Faith gates on to unremitting effort to canvas« prospects in order that this ing words: 0 Lord, 1 am not worthy | palnta and ointments in those daya Beauty im was the professor of physics in the without good works is nothing. that Thou shouldst enter under my Colter« «ummer may aee a record attendance as well for other occasions. What Government University. During this What wonderful opportunities to roof (into my soul), say but the at the several retreat«. An aaay way else ia receiving Holy Communion tit All If» Branch* Genuine Eugene Permanent Warn time he hald the post of provincial impress our non-Catholic neighbors. word and my soul «hall be healed." to remember the retreat date«, he us but Chriit'i Laat Supper, Christ's examiner for all students of Honan The thought struck home again that You even repeat thi« three time«. WM Ol V. Ml ». YRAJta MrntUCXCID wratATOH concluded, wa« to think of the two sgony and death on the Cross t 1 entering American colleges. tremendous work could he accom- Then you want to go forward to re- tmMA Cañ 747-R fot' Appoint menta SL Fidelii' retreat« aa beginning on Dare you atill argue, then let it« Dom Clougherty came to Peking plished in a most eminently prac- ceive the very Body and Blood of the last two Thundayi of July, the tell you, you would not even be ad- SPEER'S BEAUTY SHOPPE in 1926, not long after the arrival tical way if each one of those fer- Jesus Christ much in the fashion of •1» Fifth Ave* McKi vent and Catholic men were active two at St. Vincent'« beginning on mitted to the Pope'« audience clum- •Tt W. I'kll«. Strnt . . '»"«•». fm. there of the Benedictines to prepare the Proud Pharasee, who wished to for the founding of the Catholic Uni- and zealous Vincentians ministering the flrit two Thursday« of Auguit. ber with painted lipa and soma of be admired, etc. You know the re- the other fashions of the day—aome MSGR. SF.II'KL TO HEAD versity. In 1928 he entered the in their respective parish. Confer- AUSTRIAN CABINKT AGAIN Benedictine Order, making his re- ence« of the Society of St. Vincent ST. CANICE. KNOXVILLE Ha MASTER CLEANERS ligious profession on August 16 of de Paul. This Society holds out to A very prominent prlett of the di- zealous men Innumerable graces for AND DYERS Vienna, June 19.—Msgr. Ignace that year. During his stay at the ocese delivered a most interesting Seipel, Jeader of the Catholic party new Catholic University he acted as Catholic lay action, an extenuation sermon on the Roman Queation to of the Catholic Apostolic Priesthood in Austria, Who was head or the head prefect of discipline and was the members of the Holy Name So- STEAMSHIP and TRAVEL SERVICE of Jesus Christ. How ? By serving At Your Service government for several year a af- dean of the department of English. ciety which wa* loudly applauded. ax Ambassadors of the Lord Jeaua Our staff of experienced men will welcome the opportunity of thariaff In the summer of 1929 Dom w. Call For .ml Delirar ter the war, has accepted the Pres- Christ in the homes of the poor, The Lyceum will hold • basset pic- Clougherty was summoned to Rome with you their wealth of ideas and aufgestioM. Phone «0 ident's mandate to form a new cab- seeing that the Father or Mother nic at Townsend Estate on Sunday, inet to succeed that of Chancellor by the late Chancellor, Dom Aurelius are properly married, or that they June 28. Anthony White and Melva Enoer, which designed. Stehle. Thence he proceeded to are practicing their Holy Faith, or Coleman were married on Monday at ¿ROSS AND TM fall of the Ender cabinet re- America to organize in the Inter- tha 9 o'clock Maas. Patrick Hifglas DIAMOND NATIONAL BANK sulted from a financial dispute over ests of the University. In August that their children are baptised and and Alice McCoy wars married on foreign credit for tha Credit-An- app attending to their «chool and re- Wedneidav at the 9 «'clock Maas. FIFTH AND I.IBBRTY AVENUES ¡bE GAETANO stalt, Austria's largest bank. The See as Chancellor i.f the University ligious duties most faithfully. William Tnomas and Helen Harmon bank received a (21,900.000 loan to succeed The Rt. Rev. Dom Aure What a grand spectacle of Cath- were married on Wedne*day at the JAMES D. CALLERY, Pres. W. O. PHILLIPS, Vice Proa. L. O Indian. from England, thus averting bank- liua Stehle, whose lamented death olic Action to see Catholic men vis- 10 o'clock Man. George F. Yinger M. 'BRIEN, T. ruptcy. / ' , occurred some months previous. iting tha unfortunate in tha many died during the paat weak. FOUR Established 1*44 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Phon«, CO«ft M4S

panionate marriage, this centenary should be a re- minder of the great calling and dignity of motherhood. FORTY HOI RS DEVOTION The Layman's JULY Day» The PittsburghOfficial Dloceaan Orga nCatholic It should make Catholics appreciate the old mother SURSUM CORDA KSTA HI ,1sUK.Ii IN 1114 4 Church all the more. It should bring home the fact BY RT. R1SV MICHAEL. O'CONNOR, D P KIKST Window 1—Coral, St. Francis. m 131S110P U1-' 1'ITTSUL'ROH I hut after fifteen centuries she still stands as the cham- 2—Mill»ale. Ml. Alverma. WHAT'S RIGHT WITH THE WORLD l'iibltah«<] Every Thursday pion of the home, motherhood and a code of moral.* as Bv "KERKER" 2—North Side, SI. Mary Bene by -Br REV. JAMES M. GILLIS. C. S. P. THE CATHOLIC PUBLISHING COMPANY expounded by the God of high heaven to Moses of the dictlne Convent. Hiv—ly • 4—Imperial, St, (olumhkille. fill Bencduin-Troaa Building old law on the Mount of Sinai and confirmed by the A h< t thirteen years of age) Editor, 'The Catholic World" Four columna M'j Court OCIi'J 333 FOURTH A VENI K 6—Petrolia, St, James. Lamb, the Christ, the King of Kings of the New Dis- lied iceman out in Chicago! "kidnaping" of I AMES M COST IN ELIZABETH DAKI.INOEIt igo This is time to he- 7—I>erry, St. Joseph. had been plaeed,|p| Editor Aaaoclata Editor pensation. ii fa\nr of juvenile de- 8— Marguerite, St. Benedict. A Li. K Iti EUER JOHN JOSEPH UORRKt.l- 10— Oakmnnt, St. Anthony Or- Mayor Curley of Boston Is back i hands of the state. I» that the phan Asylum by ' Advertlslng Mnnnger Associata Edltor ther than talk about the i cours phan Asylum. i from Italy, his eloquent mouth ¡course of action which Mr. Curley KNKiHTS OF MALTA 10—Lucerne Mine«, St. Muii. , „ .... i admires in Mussolini? Would ha Fifty Tsaql TERMS IN ADVANCE exchanges comment- filled with praise of Mussolini. Ae-|aHmjre ,t jn Mr Hoover? One copy by mall, per year t. Mi iredy says that from 11—Cecil, Assumption. Th* Rt. Rev. ¿Inule copy . oft 12—Mohongahela, St. Anthony. cording to the newspapers, the i |us suppose that Mr. Hoover address at the ' One copy by muti,* for alx months l ECENT comments and pictures in the Sunday edi- Chicago, Mayor of Boston wishes that Pres- ! exercising autocratic power over- Foreign Hul.iscrlpUons, by mall 3 51 13—Swiaavale, Madonna. ment exercises held tion of the New York Times and dispatches from er bullet» i ident Hoover were more like the j seas, declared the use of the Span- tanml-t Subscription* 3

1 ••• I »it PASSING REMARKS BAPTISM GATEWAY''I PROTESTS ILLEGAL Fixtures to IM! • IfctfcM When you ruiiwbw IM MM BY THE EDITOR under th« Crem« ludget Plan are mede t* last • TO ALL SACRAMENTS DECREES IN MEXICO lifetime, yew tee hew sound en Investment ia (Me Many comment* have been heard, their guest speaker. Mrs. Mary respective respiratory organs as new way of financing wedetw el""»hing end keep- from both the clergy and laity, on I.arkin was recognizcd, and an- they penned their Follies panegy- "Catholic Hour" Speaker Calls Apostolic Delegate Points To ing. Until the house wenn out, it wM bewerfe mere paragraph here last week ron- swered briefly as follows: rics Not nne of them but told nis It Most Important Means Violation Of Constitution because of the comfort end convenience e Cf**ne earning the anonymous letters "I want Mr Gavegar to know- "r her readers what a great show Qualified Contracto»-Dnolor anile end Imlertfc which have been going to advertis- that the Catholic Daughters of this edition of the Follies is, but | Of Our Salvation By Two States' Laws «!• and other friends of The Pitts- America do have the endorsement i they also were moved to shake a burgh Catholic for the past several of the American hierarchy. Cardi- critical finger under Herr Zieg i By N.C.W.C. News Service) (By Special Correspondence ONLY DOWN nal Hayes in particular has hon- •onths—since last October, in fact, feld's nose and tell him he was a lit- New York, June 22.—Baptism is N.C.W.C. News Service) u fu more than an unusual coin- ored us on several occasions. We tie nit too naughty. Now, your aver- [ the most necessary of the seven |(M fût fÊt9 have received testimonials from cidence to us that practically every age theatrical critic can see only art Sacraments, and is the "gateway to Mexico City, June 20.—In a strong vho discussed the subject every Cardinal in the country, and parson in what must of the rest of the un- all the other Sacraments," declared formal statement just issued, the CRANE BUDGET PLAN lljth os mentioned the name of one from the Holy Father in Rome. Our critical minds would call plain, un- last night the Rev. Edward J. Most Rev. Leopoldo Ruiz y Flores, linn who, they declared, instigated Cardinal-Archbishop himself ha- adulterated dirt, but the Pittsburgh Walsh, C M., in the course of his Apostolic Delegate to Mexico, vig- the letters. written in his own words of the boys and girls who write their | address in the "Catholic Hour," orously protests anti-clerical mani- CRANE splendid work of the Catholic pieces fur the papers did not hesi- There will be a whole lot more to which was broadcast over a net- festations in two Mexican states; ntxiMem* ano i*>we Ms leniaUb I laughters of America. Perhaps we tale to tell Ziegfeld that he should | kt Mid on the subject at an early work of the National Broadcasting declares that these are open viola do not scream from the housetops be ashamed of himself for permit- ' CRANE CO. fete. [Company and is sponsored by the i t'° nor stand in public places, but in tiiig such smutty jokes, sketches and ; of the Mexican Constitution Exklkll Rmmi aia SrakflH ml Mm Ainu National Council of Catholic Men. John B. Collins, president of the our own quiet way we are setting scenes as saturate his present show1 if the agreement with the oaic* ni « inlNHi «e Twin *••»!* at»—» The subject of Father Walsh's ad- Holy Name Society of the Pitts- id ample in Catholic homes." The most amusing about-face was Church, and calls upon all Mexican Tflrphan Atlaallc aiti dress was "Sons of God (Pap- burgh diocese, has long been brag- V uld think that an answer executed by the Pittsburgh Post- Catholics to offer up their prayers Robert Mc< art> > tism)." ging about a dog he owns. John I like that, coming from a well-known Gazette. A day or so before the | for the alleviation of the condition. ce««,» . «e<-~w » iri Mjt this dog is very particular as official of the C. 1». of A , would Follies had its "world premiere" | His Excellency also points out •r h «a tmg contractor 1 y wto Apiflyi Miiiskii Robert S. McCarty. advertising Father Walsh's address is in part satisfy Rep. G a vegan, hut it didn't here, the P-G welcomed Ziegfeld and that the uniting of the Mexican to what it eats; hamburg steak, for manager of the Philad Ipina Com- follows: He couldn't get the floor again, but his outfit in a s< reaming three-col- ! faithful in behalf of their suffering instance. The dog will only eat cer- pany and Subsidiary Coi has I "In the order of reception, Bap- tain kinds of hamburg steak. .John the word had spread to the news umn black-face editorial on the first ' Public I t'3m 's th® first of the Sacraments, brethren on this occasion will serve paper offices that he had criticized been elected president o maintains, although we are one who page, signed by none other than Mr Utilities Advertising for Baptism gives spiritual birth. as a preparation for the time when Cardinal Hayes, consequently the Association, thought all hamburg steak was Paul P,lock himself. The editorial j which la?t week heid its * * * The Hulv Eucharist must be, a general petition will be made for inevitable flock of reporters de- its annual con- a CHAMBERLIN SCREENS alike. Furthermore, the hamburg shouted the praises of Mr. Ziegfeld j vention in New York by its very nature, th greatest of | change in the Constitutional laws scended upon the politician after Word was also has to be cooked in just a certain to the housetops, and told all the received that thr advertising all the Sacraments, • * but Bap- j now handicapping the Church in the breakfast had been concluded, Mexic A COMPLETE LINE AND UP-TO-DATE. mauier or the dog will not eat it, P-G readers how Mr. Ziegfeld was awards were mad«' tu Pittsburgh tism is the most necessary of all and asked him many .questions. To The text of the statement is MADE TO ORDER AND MADE TO WEAR. although John did not say whether doing Pittsburgh a great "favor", Utility Companies in he annual con- the Sacraments, and thus, from our his dog was particular as to how the reporters, he again complained in bringing his collection of dirt and test of the Advertis ig Association, follows: that the Catholic Daughters of point of view, the greatest and most "It is well known by the Catho- ROLL SCREENS METAL SCREENS the steak was served once it «as nudity to our city, and that this am- A newspaper adver -ement of the important. It is indeed the gate- America were not given as pronii ply proved t,i all that business i,| lics of Mexico that the general ba- WOOD SCREENS cooked all right. Anyhow, John has Gas and Electric S ins won first way to all the other Sacraments, long maintained that his dog wa.- lie lit a place in Church functions as good in Pittsburgh, else the canny j h one sis which underlies the arrange- were the Knights of Columbus. prize in - Merchandising Division,; f, / »"'"»nee to the supernatural ment that made possible the resump- CHAMBERLIN WEATHER STRIPS ; the "most particular" one in the Ziegfeld would have taken his Harry | a Poster lfc anil thp on| ,ioor that 1 f the Pittsburgh Railways int! o' the Kingdo. my of Heaven . "P"" tion of worship in the churches was whole diocese in the matter of choos- "Why," he told the reporters, Kichmans, Jack Pearls, Helen Mor- Companj fir.- in the ing its food. "mere paper organizations—hoi poS- gans, etc., etc , to other climes where Pi mutual good-will on the part of the Give permanent relief from weather werriee. Transpoi Div and a hi 11- Signifies a Cleansing government and of the Church. The Last Sunday evening, the Rev. loi—are permitted by Cardinal the financial harvest would be more installed by experta — Guaranteed fee life. i: »mpanv "Baptism is a Sacrament which Church carried its condescension as James M. Delaney, diocesan spir- Hayes to s inferences from plentiful. Ou •or Ad- icleanses from original sin land of far as conscience permitted in the For a Fro* Ettimato Cell Grant 0381-2. itual director of the Holy Name So- j which the I laughters are Well, the day after the "world 1 ii; actual sin, if it be present) and opinion of supreme authority, and if barred. It i demand recog- premiere" the Post-Gazette editor's 2123 Blvd. of the Allien Pittaburgh, Pa. ciety, called at John's home to join time makes us children of God and heirs she resolved to resume worship nition." face must have been red no end, tie- him in going to the Holy Name ral- of Heaven. Baptism signifies a under the laws, it was because cause there appeared another edi- j ly at Rochester. As Father I'e- Rep. (iavegan, ;if •Urse, didn't cleansing, washing, bathing, and it among other .statements an offer torial, or. the editorial page this laney left the Collins porch, John's | name the "mere paper organiza is the means left us by Christ for was solemnly made to interpret and Phone Cedar 1101-1102 dog bit him on the leg. John main- iturns" nor did he explain the nature time, denouncing the Follies' smut j the washing ahd cleansing of the apply these same laws in a spirit tains that this proves his point !of the "conferenc s" from which the and urging Ziegfeld to clean up. soul from original sin. Baptism of friendship, and not in a sec- that his dog is the "most particular" C. I>. of A, allegedly "barred." If you think all the above is but [ presupposes original sin * • * The tarian spirit. the outpouring of an unsophisticated Schwarzmeier-Kress Builders Supply Cat dog in the diocese—the mutt has I Everybody, i ems, is satisfied but purpose of Baptism in the mind of North Side, Pittabwfh, Pa. lever bitten a mere layman! i Rep. (¡avegan. hinterland mind which can't appre- j SAYS EIRST MASS Christ is * * • to give hack to man Sectarian Spirit Deplored Well, as long as Catholic organi- ciate art in the raw, read what Mr what he lost by sin; to reinstate "Unfortunately, many cases have him, to put him again in the friend- BLOCKS The record-breaking attendance zations invite publicity—seeking pol- Percy Hammond, dean ot the New occurred in which, instead of this Of New ship of God; Manufacturer* of HIGH TEST GRAVEL last Sunday morning at the annual | iticians to address them at their York theatrical critics, had to say Two Priest-Brothers good-will, there has been shown Dealera in BUILDERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS Field Mass sung for the repose of |gatherings, whether at Communion ia his column in the Herald Trib- Capuchin Father Assist, "In this Sacrament, we have the quite the contrary, and this Apos- GARDEN FURNITURE the souls of deceased members of I Breakfasts or not, just as long can une the other day about a similar three necessary elements entering tolic Delegation has preferred to And Uncle Preaches say nothing publicly, seeking the Office and Yards. 3139-53 East St. Wareboene. 2301-2103 the Laymen's Retreat League, was j they expect untold embarrassment production which opened in New into every Sacrament. The outward remedy officially but in private, and Most enocuraging to those who have to themselves from the utter rot York last week: sign is the use of water on the body showing by this conduct that the been working in the cause of lay- spouted by the vote-seeking orators. "The libretto contains some shah- j t umber |, Md., June 1!*. — At with the form which gives the flow- in Church desires to give 'evidence of Again we take delight in calling at- by night-club sneers at the Pre?!- ; 9:20 last , lay morning, there took tT water a meaning—- * • * This men's retreat« in this diocese for good-will and thus hasten, if that years. The retreatants and their tention to Pittsburgh's fine record dent, all of which are heartily ap- place an pressive and inspiring double action, the use of water with th Costs You Less by Lasting Longer frienda swarmed over the spacious in the matter of Communion Break- plauded by the disgruntled patriots, i ceremony s'g jvter and Paul I * prescribed form, symbolizes or " possible, the day of true concord, grounds of St. Paul s previous to fasts held by the Knights of Colum- One of the comedy's punsters com- I church when " the Rev Felician signifies the wa.-hing and cleansing avoiding the embittering of spirits. inf and after the Mass, and during the bus, Holy Name Society, Catholic pares Mr. Hoover to the new George Brookriian O M Cap celebrated his the soul from sin and this cleans- ID is to be lamented that some local n eelabration of the Mass itself stood Daughters, etc. There never is but Washington Memorial Bridge. 'Her- | first Solemn Mass. He was assisted ! K '» effected hy Jesus Christ Who I authorities, not taking, into account banked solidly in row after row one speaker at such gatherings bert,' says he, 'is dry above, wet bv his brother, Rev. Fr. Bertrand instituted this sacred rite. * * * • tl spirit of good-will, but guided! here, and that one speaker is al- below, and he faces both ways.' Kut Brookman, O.M.Cap., Herman, Pa.,I ."!' we all are born in sin, it is a spirit of sectarianism insult- about the front and sides of the al- n tar specially erected for the Field ways a priest. it is not that sort of thing that as deacon; Rev. Fr. Daniel Krahe, obvious that there must be some I ' K to Catholics—a spirit little] Mass. makes the revue proscenium the i O.M.Cap., Pittsburgh, as sub-deacon; way of dismissing sin, if we are to adapted for creating the concord' MADE BETTER THAN EVER Another feature of the rere- most fallen of the arches. It is ra- Rev. Fr. Alban, pastor of SS. Peter be saveusaved., 'Foror nouiinnothing deniedefiled can that was necessary—have kgive -™n ex- The elements seem to take a par- ther, the perverted inclination of au- enenteter Heaven.' Baptism is the con- amples of intolerance and hostility monies was the great number of ticularly keen delight in "picking and Paul church, as arch-priest; and . Heaven.' Baptism is the con- fmples of intolerance and hostility With Flap Pockets. Long Pointed Collars and Attractive thoie present who received Holy thors, actors, producers, critics and Fr. Lambert, O.M.Cap., a brother of «tjtuted means and hence Baptism is | that are very deplorable on" Toner Institute for Boys in audiences to wallow in gutters too < lutcl nec Communion. It kept three priests Brookline. Not long ago the insti- Fr. Felician, as master of ceremon- ?,^ ? >: ®ary for salvation. I refer especially to the Govern- unclean to be mentioned anywhere in ICS Rev Thomas Ward S J Jersev Wlthout Baptism, man must ever jors of Tabasco and Vera Cruz. The busily engaged for quite some time tutes large barn, and practically all public except upon thc stage." City, an uncle of the new priest, ¡5 '«"»¡n in the sin in which he was first °f these, with an intensity that to care ior all the men who wanted its contents, was destroyed by fire ( . « * I Ks-v »»-i II.. ...». ™»: „ _ »L. is a-nrthv r\f o ruirtor r-iiiiio n -J o fnr to receive. his sermon, elaborated on the powers born. He must ever remain in the is worthy of a better cause, has for Are your LIQUOhome and Rlove ANd ontDa beinDRUg ruineG d TREATMENby this careef IfT * of mysterious origin. Last Satur- plane of the natural; therefore he i two years prevented the resumption Still another feature which was Because an eight year old school j and dignity of the priesthood. write for literature and Information day afternoon, during the heighth of girl defaced a picture of Premier could never see God, for he is in an- of worship in that state and has art lost on many of those present the severe electrical storm which A procession led by a cross bear- Benito Mussolini in a classroom j er marched from the hall to the other sphere altogether, the natur- committed a multitude of abuses waa the great number of men who swept over this district, lightning SHADY SIDFormerlE SANITARIUy M copybook, two women officers of the church. It was made up of servers al sphere, and his soul has not that which have been reported in the cane to the Mass accompanied by tried its best to wreck the barn lay organization Catholic Action; in red cassocks and lace surplice«, fitness to take in God, according to press, thus truly violating the most KEELY INSTITUTE—20S SHADY A VEN UK thdr young sons. These latter will again, but lightning rods staved off its nature. * * • sacred rights of citizens recognized PITTSBURGH, PA. and no urging in their later years have been sentenced to prison terms and 3ii little children. Six wer£ that disaster, only to bring on an- "Let me state here that if it in the constitution itself as such. «hen it comes time to make closed in Italy! It sounds incredible, of | dressed in blue, siv in pink, and six other of lesser proportions. Some course, but the facts are vouched for : in green, carrying baskets of flowers. were impossible to receive Baptism Vera Cruz Violationa »treats. They already have had of the boys of the institute *ho by no less an authority than the Twelve were dressed in white carry of water, the salvation of man "With regard to the government IMS Carena »Unat the example set before them by their were looking in the direction of the lathers, and will no doubt grow up semi-official organ of the Vatican, I ing li" Six little boy pages carried I c?uId be s"PPHed ^ ,BaRtis7? of ite,! of Vera Cruz, there can be no doubt barn at the time, saw a sudden flash the Osservatore Romano. The inci-1 • " * I sire, sometimes called Baptism of | f violation committed by mak- to be ardent retreatants, which Douquets ot wheat and grapes. Im- 0 the Pent Office Md*. Mt about the barn's lightning rods, dent took place in the village of Pog- j fire, or Baptism of blood In the ing it impossible for the Catholics om Beans good, practical Catholics. then a bolt of lightning streaking mediately preceding the celebrant /UliCI I The pi«., /er Wedding Tmúm|L OS G giomarino, near Naples. The teach- first case, it would be the ardent |of that statc to practice their reli-1 Qnll ovt tftudio* was the "Spiritual Bride," Mary , . . , from the rods to the side of the er noticed that the child had made i w-ish to receive Baptism and to do ion allefrinff for this motives that There wu just one untoward in- , lar bnck chlmney over the maln Louise Burns, bearing the symbolic all that God has ordained for our ar(1 inRUiting to the Catholic Church, «dent in the entire day at bt. | ? Then it happened. The pencil scratchings across thc picture : pillow; Francis Browning, a nephew buj di of Mussolini in the copybook, and salvation; and in the second, the This is patent|y a violation of the the new priest and Richard Burns BhAjldlniV AT n >i A 3 Kl AAH VMM * W .. «niVh I * - - iSSpfep charge of the hghtning struck the side of the furthermore, an investigation re- «remoniea had nothing whatever toj . ai the train of he '"Spirit^ ^rS '^ P-cribes tha„_t . chl not the t and dld consid vealed that the child was a "Beni-1 WETANDT DRUG COÜ do with it, of course One fellow | V i „ey al- Bride. " TI o. inthe UrsulincrrsurruIT—,:—e oisierSisters beoe-i\rru;i-V-- ¡or Christ* , .tha t ,is , martyrdom, - . piun flxing. the number ovf* priests, crablpe to ch m amina"—a member of the junior 1 who '« Komg to run for public ol-1 * ,i , longs the credit of training these .^''"V r sufficient for that number be the number neces Specialty Proscription* tl h mme f thnse in thf bu d n branch of the Federation of Catho- fee next fall thought it would be a : _ « lh Bell Phonea—Traford 0401-0403-0471 at time was lnjured Thc ]os lic Women. Upon questioning, the , good place to do some electioneering, „ , . sfcr* "P Spp raiVS! h 5 ss«?-i A, 437 COV1TT AVENUE TKAFTOBft u fu covered bv nsurance child informed the caribinieri that and spent most of his time going i she had already been reproved by ' from group to group, introducing ; Professor Peter Shumaker, rendered :conf(>r ,,cramenuf grace. the local president of her club, a And let I® himself and telling all who would j The story on the first page about Griesgacher's "Maris Stella" Mass. to the attention of the state gov- Signorina Buonacure. The latter! r e eal that liaten that he was going to be a can-1 the young Detroit caddy whose firm me c P Baptism of water is Lrnors preciseiy for the purpose of WASHINGTON, PA. was then arrested, as was Signorina I Distributes Communion the Sacrament instituted by Christ. | » * h amend- m didate for such-and-such an office; stand for the principles of the Jun- prepari K the way for t e Annunziata, treasurer of the club. I m tof Bext fall, and that he expected their j ior Holy Name Society to which he During the Mass Fr. Felician dis-L/S oT'ouTsaviouTwh^ »"¡ " ^that had been promul- HAIR BOBBING A SPECIALTY—PLKASK GITO CI A , 1 in 1926 anpport. I belonged caused four profane golf- Despite the two women's protesta- tributed Communion to his mother, | «caiT''th.t"thou^hThe'''priest' is thel^f " tions that they knew nothing what-1 1 do not believe that any civil SANITARY BEAUTY PARLOR He waa introduced to a priest, ers to give up their cussing as long brothers and sisters and relatives. | ort|inary minister, anyone ran and | authority has a right to insult the THKLMA aula and promptly informed the latter j as the Catholic youngster carried ever about the incident until after it I After the Mass the procession I should Vive Ban'ism in case of I —-*r*" , , . . had been called to their attention,! formed in the church and returned to |^"„»f .„?,! ! professed _by a majority _of Beauty Spoeimliot that he was going to be a candidate I their clubs, is a most interesting one inhai>itant5 of he intthe fall and tnat he wanted the and will bear reading. It is re- and that they had reprimanded thei the hall. The ladies of the Altar So-1'7"a'7l'vin'• - » » th of the ond place that they be united with) editorial comment: Fidelis' Monastery, Victoria, Kans all those he "button-holed ' on the woee playing in a foursome at soul, the poison that vitiates and tho suffering Catholics of Tabasco "It remains only to await the pro- and his theological course was taken Monastery grounds last Sunday Schenley Park on August 15, the kills its spiritual life. Baptism de- and Vera Cruz, complying with their CANONSBURG, PA. portionate result of the proceedings at SS. Peter and Paul Monastery, •orning that he is most certainly Feast of the Assumption. One of stroys sin, roots out the cancerous duty, presenting numerous petitions which will be instituted against the Cumberland. He was ordained June jot fitted for the office to which he the players, a non-Catholic, had thing, takes away original sin that |to the Federal Government asking! instigators and executors of the de-1 !). in the Shrine of the Immaculate we •spires, and it is equally certain heard one of the caddies say that „ „, .. „ „ , ,*e have inherited and all actual' that justice be done in an affair of struction and desecration of cruci- CANONSBURG DAIRY that he made no friends by his tac- he had been to Mass that morning, Conception, Washington, D. C... by sin, if such be contracted before the ¡so great importance. This will be fixes, the destruction and desolation j A. n. MeCLVnn. Maaaser tics of attempting to turn a reli- j and promptly asked him the reason. Kt. Kev. Bishop Thomas J. Shahan, reception of this Sacrament. But|an encouragement and will prepare of images of the Holy Father, of I Cious gathering into one for his own The boy replied that it was a Holy O-jJ- ... this is far from telling the whole jus for united action when we pre- PASTEURIZED MILK AND CREAM blasphemy of the Blessed Sacra- I political benefit. ¡Day of obligation, being the Feast r r. relician is a son of the late story of the marvelous effects ofUont our petition for the amend- ment, and of insults to the sacred | 202 ORCHARD AVE. Phone* Office m leo. ¡ of the Assumption. The non-Catho- Frank J. Brookman, who died May 6, this Sacrament. It confers sancti-jment of the constitution." person of the Pope; and that not by last, and Mrs. Margaret A. Brook- fying grace, thus rendering the | Epeaking of politics being in- lie, one of the well-known "smart thc work of children but by the man. His brothers and sisters are: soul dear to God—Blotting out the j „„_r _„.„„_ jected into a religious gathering re- aleck" type, thought to embarrass work of citizens even acting public- Fr. Bertrand Brookman, O.M.Cap, handwriting it the decree that was;REV- El-GENE DONNELLY DIES UNIONTOWN, PA. aunds us that at the same time the j the youngster by asking him what ly under the eyes of the police." Herman, Pa.; Sr. Marguerite, O.S.U.,! against us.T This is the soul's spir- local peanut politician was making l he meant by the Feast of the As- The item in the Vatican organ North Plate, Neb.; Joseph A. Brook- j itual birth. It means the coming of J Ry N.C.W .C. News Service) Hour»: Dally 9 to 1:30. Mon., Wed. and Saturday Until I f. H himself ridiculous at the Field Mass | sumption. The boy, about 12 years was described as the most sensa- man, Moore, Pa.; Mrs. Winnefred | the Holy Ghost into the soul, the Brooklyn, N. \., June 17.—Fu- lathering, another politician was | of age, did not know whether there tional which has appeared therej Browning, Fr. Lambert, O.M.Cap., | great Sanctifier. And this means ! neral services were held today for DR. KAPLAN—DR. MALLAS makinking iint o the headlines of all | were any Catholics listening to his since it agreed to a truce with the and Miss Margaret Brookman. Be- in some mystic way, the indwelling; the Rev. Eugene J. Donnelly, pastor the New Cork dailies with a siily : reply, but, he immediately launched sides the immediate family, the fol- of the Three Persons of the Blessed °f St. Athanasius' Church. Father Fascist press during the diplomatic I Gaa Adminiatered •poach delivered at—you guessed it into one of the finest, clearest and negotiations. lowing relatives were present: Ven. Trinity. » • • D nnelly was bom in Brooklyn, DENTISTS —a Communion Breakfast in that | best explanations ot the meaning However great has been the effort Sister De Carmel. O.S.F., Pittsburgh; There are two orders—the natur- September 30, 1878. He was or- Modern Devices main a i bebt, na. nu city. When, oh, when, will Catho-1 and significance of the feast that a,n 1 aa w. emonie to keep the tone of these negotia- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Soethe and fam-! al and the supernatural; one ac- M e< to the priesthood in the Ba-1 Meet MT he lay organizations in New York I we have ever heard outside of the tions pacific, the incident reported in ily. cording to nature and the other |,,llca of St. John I.ateran by Cardi- City learn to exclude politicians pulpit. It didn't take him long to the Osservatore Romano was only Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Will, Mrs. above nature. The child is born nal Respighi on June 9, 1900. feem their lists of speakers at Com- give his explanation, either, and one of numerous indications that ac-1 Katherine Ruppert, Mr. and Mrs. j into the natural order and would •anion Breakfasts? ! when he had finished everyone who "Service Ataared to Omr fmarW tually the spirit of animosity be- Peter A. Ward, Steubenvile, O.; Mr. ever remain in that order unless , that incorporates the person into the The latest outburst of inanity oc- > heard him, Catholic and non-Catho- tween the Fascist and Catholic Ac-i and Mrs. Edward Ward, Youngs-(God should intervene. Its acts, of j vine that is Jesus Christ, wmd at the breakfast of Court j lie alike, knew just exactly what the tion organizations has become more town, O.; Mrs. Anna Rihii and whatever value intrinsically, must "By Baptism we are made Chris- The 0. R. BrownfieM Insurance Age*q¡ Columbia, Catholic Daughters of boy was talking about. We don't re- intense. Those who sympathize with ! daughter, Anna, Ford City, Pa. I always remain natural and that tians and bear Christ's name by Amtirics. held in the Hotel Astor call'the boy's name now, but we do Catholic Action declare now that | Owing to the recent death of the I soul could never have the Beatific j right: "for as many of you as have neat 237 lucKmra Bulinine, unten tena, n» last Sunday morning. Representa-1 remember that, in answer to anoth- the Fascists inspired and led the re- father of the new priest, a dinner j Vision of God, that is, know, under- (¿€n baptized in Christ, have put thre Joseph A. Gavegan of th» er -question, he said that he was a cent attempts to hold religious pro-| was served at the home on Green I stand and enjoy God as He is in His Christ,' says St. Paul to the Gael- "Wo ¡ruare Againat Every Hemmt** J 1 on Twenty-first New York District [student at St. Rosalia's school, cessions in defiance of the Papal street only to the immediate rela- essence, for the simple reason it is atians. We enter into the family •as the offender this time. Warned j Greenfield. ban. i tives and clergy. I not by nature capable of compre- 0f Christ and are made members of that he was not to talk politics, On Monday morning at 8 o'clock ! hending God or performing what is His mystical Bodv; He is the Head, UNIONTOWN PAINT AND GLASS COMPANY (¡•vegan—presumably a Catholic— Pittsburgh has never seen a more A POTENT AGENCY Fr. Felician celebrated a Solemn ' really a divine operation. Baptism | we anj the members. We enter the! en fCaat Mata Unti, Opposite Peaplea F—Unie Oak lunched into a sharp criticism of | vulgar, suggestive or downright Mass for the repose of the j raises the child out of the natural Communion of , by Baptism Cardinal Hayes for what he called ;filthy show than the current edition soul of his father, assisted by Fr.!order and places it in the supernat-| the kingdom of God on BROWNSVILLE PAINT AND GLASS COMPANY A lesson which can scarcely be' we enter e Mien »u»»i » "delay in granting official recog-; of Ziegfeld's Follies, which "hon- too persistently impressed upon the | Bertrand, Fr. Ward, and Fr. Lam-|ural order, gives it a new order ofjearth, the Church which He camel aition to the Catholic Daughters o£|ored" this city with its "world pre- mind of the Catholic layman is that j bert. ¡being and a mew order and mode to establish and did establish to be CONNELLSVILLE PAINT AND GLASS COMPANY America." 4 miere" last week and found the cash individual example is a great power | of life, and hence its acts, natural His visible representative, and we laa Mall mietane* aneei "The hierarchy in America per-, customers so-plentiful that it was for good or evil, and that he per- RECEPTION AND CARD PARTY in themselves, are given a value be- have a right to all the other Sac- PITTSBURGH Pili» FIIBtOTI •Mently ignorés the •Catholi " *'c* held over for another week. It is sonally owes it to God and the I yond their own worth. * I | No raments and all the rights, privi- Daughters o f America," Rep. Gave- the first Follies Ziegfeld has pro- Church to give his fellowmen such A reception and card party will I man can come to the full supernat- leges and advantages of the society |an said, "and has granted to lesser duced in four years, and he seems an example as shall exert no influ- be held Tuesday, June 30, for the ural maturity of his manhood un- He founded. Mciatiea access to important confer- to have concentrated all the pent-up ence other than a salutary one. benefit of the Bishop Boyle *Home less he is baptized. He may be "Here is Love in abundance, here C. BRASSEUR wices while members of the C. D. A. smut and dirt of the past four for Aged Ladies, in the parlors of clever, educated, cultured; he may In the published records of many is a wealth of Love that goes far WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN WlNDSHIHLMki kave been excluded." years in order to make up for lost a conversion to the true fiith we |th e home. Perry Highway, Car No. I be a wizard of finance, a shining beyond what is human and is be- BODY GLASS, WINDOW GLASS AND PICTURK CUM Who the "lesser societies" were or time. Some of the sketches were so find that the Initial grace bestowed 10 to Alien Place. Cards will be i light of science, a leader of men, lievable only because it is divine." •hat the "conferences" were, Gav- raw that even Ziegfeld himaelf or- upon the convert was his providen- played afternoon and evening. Din- shaping the destiny of the nation; I No. 3 W. Fayette St. and Beeaon Are. Ol tan, of course, did not say. dered their removal after the first tial intercourse with some fervent ner will be served for those wish- but he is only a natural man. God Hardly had the speaker concluded night or so. Catholic, often a servant or a day ing to remain. calls him to a spiritual life, a spir- laborer and in the unpublished thou- Lovely prizes, many the work of itual order. Christ bought the priv- CHAS. D. GILLESPIE Startling and wholly unexpected All the critics of the Pittsburgh Attorney at Law ••»arks until officials of the Cath- daily papers—Harvey Gaul, Harold sands of such records it is certain I the Sisters, will be awarded. The ilege with His Blood. Man is a CARTER ICE CREAM •Uc Dri«-r' tirs were on their feet Cohen, George Seibel, William J. that the example of unostentatious, J friends of the home are urgently failure in God's eyes unless he lives . Roam 404 S24 Fourth Avenue tUmoring for recognition by the Lewis, .Karl- - Krug and Florence good, practical Catholics has been requested to attend as this is a new , a supernatural life. Baptism is the ( Tetephon» C305 Court "A FOOD—NOT A FAD" UNK» •Mht M that tbfjr could reply to I Fisher-Parry—must have held their a potent agency. 1ventur e and needs help. I incorporation into it. It ia Baptism (


Fatally Shot, Youth Calls For Catholic Mission Exhibit 11 Rosary, Then Kisses Crucifix Si Baltimore, Md., .Turn* 22.—This is the Schoberg family were present ti the story of a Catholic mother and help him and console hin f a Cathol lc son. On Monday n ^ht the diploma of The mother hail i children, one graduation was awarded Bernard ' of whom is a priest in thth e Society Schoberg post-hi moüsly at the conv of Jesus, A second son ii s a scho- i nieneemont of I [»yola High school laatic in the (.ami- society. The diploma \va presented t.. Mrs THE DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK A third son for many mt had Sehohcrg by Pat ier Ferdinand < nurtured the desire to enter the SSo< - W heeler .1 pre .vident of the! ciety of Jesus. He felt, too, tha 338-344 Fourth Ave. Pittsburgh, Pa. one day he would stand at God': W( sday morn Solami: altar. Ma f Rèquiem But that son ii lead. lie was for he rei »ose of the young student's Thr only Mutual Savings Bank in Pittsburgh—Organized in 1855 fatally shot in an .¡deni on Sat- soul by I ather Sc -loberg, who is urday night on the ce of 11s grail now stat ii >ned at th e Jesui t noviti- if vation from Loyoj High school. ate, Saint Andrew -on-l be-Hudson II One Hundred and Fifty-second Semi-Annual Statement of Condition at Close says the Baltimore »view. He was Mi Willi; m Schöbe rg. S.J , who is í killed hy one ot hi? OUtlg leighbors holast c at Woo is lock College;, li of Business May 29th, 1931 and companions, ; 'at hoi c youth. was s ubdeaeon . The líev: J a me s Y. I who is stricken w ror" and U'N »ill, S J.. of l.'.y da II ig h school, who finds one of h chief consolers was deàco 1, and Mr M .1. 1lee . S.J . I! Ij RESOURCES these terrible davs in the mot he of I „yol H: snbdeac Bernard A •berg, H years Id. Ki pilli five Jesi Cash and Due from Banks $ 2,915,782.80 the victim. scholasii sanctuary. Bernard, one of the te ildr IÄ Demand Loans with Collateral 12,500.00 of Mrs. Ferdinandena obe 1225 Battery avenue, and TO MAKE PILGRIMAGE Loans to Depositors on Passbooks 343,005.16 of his friends went to th United States Government Boncfs 3,303,021.50 a chum across the streett from t TO WELLSBURG HOME Schoberg home < Saturday nig I Bonds of Municipalities in State of Pennsylvania 17,412,063.80 Bernard and c Arrangements are ig »idly the group had be at Railroad Equipment Trust 3,733,911.98 completed for I g"'1 ¡ubi p.l the afternoon wi dor Railroad and Other First Lien Bonds 6,691,304.75 going to C'ommu grimage of the g. ¡ t V Name Mass on t fol! of St. George We] urg, First Mortgages on Real Estate 15,437,048.38 Inf. W. Ya , on Sunday, July 19, \>hic h will bring to a fitting close Bank Building and Lot 300,000.00 Received Communion Frequently golden jubilee celebration of the He had been to Communion th order, which was recently ele. day before, the feast of the Sacred hrated ighnut the order. S pe- ; $50,148,638.37 Heart. He had been t<> Communion cial ti- >ver the Pennsylvania! the Sunday before and on tl First Railroad will convey the members of! Friday of the month. tiio Pittsburgh district to Wellsburg, LIABILITIES The group began playing card while many members will avail i One of the boys, the one in who! themselves of the splendid highway I (A. me I'hoto) Surplus Fund $ 3,716,997.31 home Schoberg and his companions to mak trip by automobile. I the This unusual and attractive structure is (he Catholic Missions Pavilion were playing, brought in a gun to Route 22 lirect to the home, i Reserve for Taxes 20,000.00 ad« at the Colonial Imposition in Vincciiiics Park, near l'arisi His Immi- show his companions. He did not i Word has been received that nence ( ardiñal \ erdier, \ rclibishop of Paris, presided at the inaugu- Amount Due Depositors 4S,379,139.63 know the gun was loaded. Sudden- th members from Johnstown, Al- ration of the structure «hen M. Paul Heynaud. Minister of Colonies, ljr there was a report and young toona and ili-tricl farther west wiH > Other Liabilities speaking in the name of the Republic, paid a remarkable tribute te 32,501.43 Schoberg fell mortally wounded.! send large delega his to participate ( atholir missionaries. Now note the training of these m¡n the celebrationcelebration , and it is expected • Catholic boys: that a record crowd will be in at- v. As Schoberg fell, dying, the first tendance. A Field Mass will be cele- $50,148,638.37 thing he called for was a rosary. hrated on the grounds of the home, "Buddy," he said, calling to the boy at which tlie noted St. Peter's OFFICERS who had shot. him. "run upstairs and church choir, South Side, Pitts- j get me a rosary." burgh, under the direction of Prof Sam'l Bailey, Jr., Preaident Charles Guthoerl, will sing. KIksc* Cross Of Konary Wm. E. von Bonnhorit, Treasurer Elmer S. Stanier, Secretary "Buddy" handed Hernard his In the afternoon there will be a ASSAILED BY PRIEST IS URGED BY PRIEST Henry H. Latshow, Ass't Secretary and Au't Treasurer rosary and then he and a compan- drill exhibition by the Knights of; ion ran swiftly for a priest, one to St. George Cadets, and a concert hy St. Peter's choir, which will be Chaplain Denounces Ministers Maguire Says All States Saint Mary, Star of the Sea church, composed hy selections in both Kng- and the other to Holy Cross church Who Vote Not To Defend Should Enact Laws To TRUSTEES " sh and German. Music will be Others in the house ran . , 11 sh and ( lerma to notify j furnished hv the recently organized Country In War Lessen Worl ir.g Hours Chas. D. Armstrong William E. Evans the members of the victimn s family Charles L. McCune KmKhts of st George orchestra, Sam'l Bailey, Jr. Robert W. Flenniken David W. McNaugher A doctor was summoned and a call which is already growing famous. A poll of Protestant (By N C. W. New; Service) sii, Charles E. Beeson B. G. Follansbee sent to the hospital. The Knights of St. George home conducted by the pacifis pu Chicago, III., 19. The ob- William L. Monro Bleeding from the wound and • - ,, r, . .¡comprises the 500 acres located on tion, The World Tomorr. of legislation j 3 Ralph H. Bitins William Frew Francis B. Nimick greatly, -Bernar d over and1 1 - -.—.(,,]], . .. Buffering jacent to Wellshurg ing, it was announced, in f!2 per age working 0 Wm. E. von Bonnhorst Robert R. Gordon Howard A. Noble over again kissed the cro~- ' - u _ . , i . . .which are located a number of spa cent of 10,327 replies •cetvf day part of many | [3 Hill Burgwin rosary. He made reiieated Acts of i ,, , . _1 , Francis S. Guthrie Henry A. Phillips ' H k t L ' r'ous buddingu ings for the comfort of daring the ministers oppi "ploy « a larger out- 1 jS Contrition. sing the to all war, was score- by the David F. Collingwood James H. Hammond L. M. Plumer th. aged members. The location id ¡e increase in rosary until he became unconscious Victor R Stoner, Cat jli'c Cha Charles H. Curry Amrricus V. Holmes (gives a picturesque view of the •duct ion with de- ¡8 Alfred C, Pollock Bernard was taken in an ambu- of the l;nited States A rmy, i Ohio river as it winds its way in a créas •d p: e Rev. J. \V. R. Iiarry Dangerfield Henry H. Latshaw James C. Rea lance to the South Baltimore hospi- letter published in the irrer | south, and the order prides itself Mairi president of St i John C. Dilworth Wm. S. Linderman tal, where doctors said he had died sue of the magazine. Elmer S. Stanier with the fact that it is the only Bo rbonnais, 111., as- j in the ambulance. The Rev. Armin John W. Lloyd James R. Sterrett | Catholic fraternity in this country In the same issue the magazine sorted Monday night in the course j Gamp, pastor of the Holy Cross George M. McCandless which provides for its old members. published comment on the poll by of an address he gave on "The I John Woodwell church, where Bernard had served the Rev. Dr. John A. Ryan, direc- Shorter Working I lay" over the M a sanctuary boy and where his The next issue of the "Knight of tor of Social Action, National Cath- St. George," official organ of the|^7jr Labor Station, U CM.,'here. -I We Cordially Invite New Savings Accounts in Small Amounts brother, the Rev. Ferdinand Scho- Welfare Conference, anH The j Father Maguire declared that em-| berg, S.J., had sung his First Sol- order, will contain full details re- Commonweal, a Catholic review of garding this excursion. ployers desiring immediate profits, emn High Mass, gave the last rites the week. In each of these it was "refuse to submit to a general re- •f the Church conditionally. Supreme Vice President John Ei- pointed out that the declaration of :ation >f idustry on an in-! beck has just returned from an ex- the majority of the clergymen was Mother Brave In Sorrow ¡t ba-i I use all their in- tensive trip through New Jersey, at variance with the position of the Baltimore was shocked by the \<1iere he visited the twelve branch- Catholic Church which holds a war dir. "It s a" disgrace'"/ougrace to ouri ' OCT» •^•gr^ggggg^a^'ij^j*^^ tragedy, but in this tragedy there es of the order located in that state. of self-defense to be justified under ell gem added, "and a «•re other lessons to give courage All the cities visited had well at- certain rigorous conditions. ng our civ ligation that men aad strength to those in sorrow. tended and very enthusiastic meet- ings, and indications are that a Contrary to Americanism with cr and iniluence, because Host distraught of all were the great increase in membership can they wealth are able success- parents of "Buddy," the boy who • Asserting that th ite : fully block human progress." had accidentally shot his friend. he expected from these branches as the maj,azine ¡,„|„ .itf. j|3 purpose would have been aceapMT business conditions improve. further the propazin. "M sures must soon be taken," SALESIAN SEMINARY URGES MANY TO JOIN ! IRISH EMIGRATION Mrs. Schoberg, the widowed mother is to ü of bol United States quota." continued, "to compel industry of ten children, who had lost, so Supreme Organ,r.er J. N ich Puhl sheyisis and pacifists, both af which er to serve public welfare. We tragically, the first of her ten chil- recently visited Philadelphia, \\ likes- h(> declared to be contrarv • A meli- IN JERSEY BLESSED DUBLIN PILGRIMAGE NOW AT LOWEST m to boast of our democracy, but dren to be called by Heath, sent Barre, Harrisburg and Altoona and canism Father Stoner said thi reality we are governed by a (By N.C.W.C. News Sen-ice) t, ^ „""v. „ I » year is grcaUr thaa it word to the distracted parents, her reports good progress in the inter- oft ,'his mal,a7]m, wa, sl>nt ti ocracy, which is, when all is (By VC.W.t . News Service) for the past three 7««.: neighbors, "not to worry; it was an est of the order. armv laplair I feel Newton, N. J., June 20.—His Ex- (Ry N c w c New< Service) accident." The next meeting of the Pit i it is tilt of the and done, the mos •ontempti-I cellency the Most Rev. Pietro Fum- Baltimore, June ^0.—The Most: Dublin, June 15. — Emigration ' Jf burgh district committee, composed I quotation featured in a f all governments 1 To friends who came to offer n page asoni-Biondi, Apostolic Delegate to oRevf Baltimore. Michael, Ji.n Curleya lette, Archbishopr to the i lowefromr ththae nSaorsta at presentt has, Generanever lbee Rn. REV. SAMUEL LUDLOlR of the 67 branches in this vicinity, I [50. •[( j impossiii Path OF NE'V YORK, ( their sympathy to the widow, she • „,,,. . „ • s as lentifv .Maguire then described 11 h n xt S d St mic pressure put on the, the United States, blessed the new clergv and laity of the Archdiocese Mulcahy, Minister for Local Gov- Mid, "My heart bleeds for Mr. and "J ,1"" ?!£ f . r *l Mi- the living Chris with th, >rriment hem to demand i sermnary the Salesian Fathers, urges' a large 'representation of the ! * ' announced in an address n support of the Government can- New York, Jane 20.— had fired the shot. "Their sorrow South Side, under the auspices of the transactions of a speakeasy.' d lo themselves." This, he de- at being able to show his admiration ! ristic Conirress to be held in Dub-1 'date, J. Conlon, in the Kildare by- Samuel Ludlow, pastor hi greater than mine." Branch 2, at which matters of im if was Sl?nt tn „„, Ä a ,,iPrfr"y. I, was the reason why hear- aml love for Blessed Don Bosco, lin next year. His Grace particu- election campaign, Church of Holy Innoeaatt Afterwards, Mrs. Srhoherg went ponance will be discussed. man, 1 must tell you that I am'a Thls decrea8f nig> on shorter working day bills founder of the Salesian Order. ! larly asks that as many as possible . General Mulcahy mer superintendent of tb the parents and tried to cheer Catholic priest arid mv obligations ! said has bcen in on ,ince th disc sed many workers apparently "The Holy Father himself." His join the archdiocesan pilgrimage - K° 8 * the child-caring home* of them. She told them they had n FHKE ORGAN RECITAL as such are to carry "the corisolk- ed to such legislation, Excellency (ieclared in his address, which is being organized and which cessation of the Civil War in 1922- diocese of New York, a good boy and nobody had a thought tions of religion wherever they may would be immeasurably better "is himself a great admirer of Don j will be led by the Rev. Dr. John The figures showed that the for 24 years until bt of bitterness against them. I'r. Koch will give the season's be needed, be that into a post-rid- "It last organ recital in Carnegie Mall | den hut. a burning mine, or the for ndustry in general," he con- Bosco, and he will certainly rejoice k. Cartwriirht of St. Patrick's number of emigrants had decreased February, died last nigM Help Distracted Boy clock next Sunday afternoon. I field of battle. If it was sent to me I. "»ere the purchasing power at this new step of his sons for the ¡Church, Washington. j by 14,000 in five years, the total for disease in the rectory at ttt When the young hoy who had Nellie Salinski, soprano, will be the |as an American citizen, you should e masse? of the people in- welfare of needy children in the I In his letter, the Archbishop said: 1926 being 30,000, while for 1930 58. done the was presented for guest soloist, and Dorothy Neshitt know that an American considers ni, and this is another reason United States." "The S.S. 'Rochamheau' will sail 'he official returns were 16,000. In the comer's inquest members of will play the accompaniment it treasonable to refuse his entire »hy the shorter working day should Tht Rt. Rev. Msgr. John A. Duf- for Dublin, June 13, 1932. Pil- ! emigration figures for the aid to his country in time of need l"' adopted. While a six-hour day fy, Vicar General of the Diocese of grims will be accommodated over-j same area reached 52,000. and therefore I cannot subscribe to i would by no means completely solve Newark, also delivered an address | night on the vessel during the Eu- I "The steady reduction in emigra- Eugene S. ReiBy à the sentiment running through the problem „.„.,„.,] befoYe the crowd of boys, Salesian charistic Congress, ami consequent-1 tion," said General Mulcahy, "is not CONSTRUCTION OHIO ; alum i anue to the restriction of immigrants Real Estate service And were I onlva decent direction " n«ht ton citizens. tel accommodations in the city. ¡into the United State*, because the f Inmuw Bell, Main 3200 naga'n 1 would resent thé «dv'er- Fath»r Maguire declared • kW»t The new building here is the six- "Immediately after the congress, total number of emigrants to the tiseme'nt on r,»^,. i"^, r.^.mliriLf since Fed.'ral i„.shi, , , . teenth Salesian Seminary to he the pilgrims may make, if they wish, United States from June, 1324, to 430-432 FOURTH A birth control Jni^. gard is urn'. Jiltut o il • id ! ere of'lfw" H^'near,y 3,000 >'ounf h°i's and men "I feel that this coming Congress I I ' any more copies of The Wor fio- dir ion can bt . a law s m tin*: being trained in these seminaries held on the occasion of the Fifteen THE GOLDEN STAR | morrow. If this is the prospe rers' asso secured it manu-|f the Salesian priesthood. Three Hundredth anniversary of the intro- for i fu or eman ot Undertaker the world tomorrow, let's ho ti the pa; f h rt r" L j I seminaries are in Argentina, | duction of the Faith in Ireland will morrow never comes." snorter working day two in Brazil, and one each in Uru-, be a magnificent success, and from L W§ EKIS Funeral DAIRY CO. Dr. Ryan noted that the majority j guay, Chile, Peru. Ecuador, Colom- the standpoint of numbers will be Bell Phone 3 301 Main Street, Rey—I WHOLESALE and RETAIL refusing personally to sanction or IIAMnu iiiiiii . jhia,ra, anVenezuelad Californi, Cuba, Central Amer-I one of the greatest congresses ever participate in a future war is con- HOBSON, NAVAL HERO, ' » held. It is sure to be a thrilling ex siderably less than the majority hibition of Faith and devotion to j Ice, Milk, Cream and Dairy Products that is willing to have the churches Our Blessed Lord in the Blessed ! RECEIVED BY PONTIFF ALTOONA CATHOLIC Sac rament. It will not be held in go on record as refusing such sanc- Ireland again in the lifetime of any EAST LIVERPOOL, OHIO tion or support. He added: "More Lome, June 20. — Pope Pius XI of us," than 1,500 of those who want the received Mr. and Mrs. Richmond ALUMNI IN MEETING churches to take this action are un- I'earson llobson m audience tai Mon-i Altoona, Pa., June 22.—The Al-1 FIRST NATIONAL R willing to take a similar attitude en their own responsibility. Had the fe tp:t bByurf CALIFORNIA, PA. questionnaire been addressed to I CHURCHES BAR WOMEN THE ENTERPRISE COAL CO. lect >f the ..orth American col-j tion and fun frolic on Tuesday eve- Catholic clergymen and fetched the lege ning at the Kn ghts of Columbus WHOLESALE and RETAIL same proportion of replies, I am IMMODESTLY ATTIRED Hi »son. who is an ofiicial of home, as a yet-together of former certain that more of them would the MONONGAHELAy PA. Coal and Ice Sand, Gravel, Cement have answered 'Yes' to No. l> (per- Narcotic >M>r!d Confer-1 grads and prospective mem tiers. Galveston. Te*.. June 22.—Acting! sonal refusal) than tn No. 5 (church i., 18JoIhJh,, justt before dawn, and sank s| Miss Freyv received a bronze medal, struct vour ushers to forbid en-1 jity is developing .. . the collier Merrimac iin the channel., I an emblem and a certificate from trance into any of our churches for! I It would seem to us that this is • For personal heroism and daring, her pastor. Rev. Father George! Mass or other services on any Sun- Central Parking &, Supply a position impossible for the Cath-1 Hobson became the most conspicu- Bock. day any girl or woman wearing 125-129 East Jefferson St., Butler, Pa. johc (hurch to assume; for that ous naval hero of the war. even knickers, sailor suit or pajamas The THORNTON LAUNDRY ; | Church agrees with the common though the venture did not succeed! The former Carmelite Monastery This will also apply to little girls Goodyear Tire*, Tube» and A ¡sense of mankind in holding that in its purpose. ,t Eldorado has been taken over by You are to remove from duty any | & DRY GLEANING CO. war is not always evil, and that a ^ 7—; the congregation of St. Rose of usher who would refuse or neglect Ca$ -Oit' Greasing—Yeti Will Enjoy Dntm§ just war-such as one of defense | W ouldnt it be great ,f all bills Lima, Rev. Father John McAllister, to enforce this order, for such a one ' Exclusive Users of Miraclean | against aggression — must be sup-j could be vetoed by merely slipping! pastor, and will, it is said, eventu- would not have the reverence for Completa aad Madera Equipment for Tira U4 BELMONT AVENl'E Phone 40155 YOL'NGSTOWN, O. ported as a strict duty of citizen- | them into your pocket'—Hollywood j ally be used as a church and school the Mass or the Presence of our! SWD." Clt!zen- I for the usa of the congregation. j Lord that he should." Vulcanizing, Retreading aad Automobile ili UT, JUNK K. IMI •atout** 1144 THK PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC com MM

IT WILL HB THE SAMB OLD STÖRT WHEN NOTRB DAMB LC0MBCOM ES8 TO TOWTOW N NRXT OCT. 31 TO PLAY CARNEGIE TECH M< t I IMI UM R«eh—Save Youreelf Trouble—I .» This Spécial Blank, SLANDERS CAPITAL)S¡TAT E HAS BIGHT GAELIC FOOTBALL TO r laMIW h iwW Vm «I» ha MM Ntmi A «Mit 1 M is Tlrttli «m M mIM >»!•>« J ¡, Clarence Overend, * Manager, Carnegie Tech, Pittsburgh. NEWSPAPER WRITERS BE OUTING FEATURE Pi t«;' [ Rasarve TO INFLICT DEATH for me

•s. »... THUI EICHT Established 1844 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Phone. COurt 0**1 mummssmmmi /A\ THOLHCS IE IP A

Propagation of Faith Society UST. URSULA PICNIC I PERFECT MENOEE^VSÄRGE^ 12S North Craig Street, Pittsburgh. Pa. The Fourth of July will be fit- New York, Jm Rev. T. C Klimke, Diocesan Director tingly celebrated by a large group Sloane Jr., aad m IS SET FOB JULY 4 Sloane, sons of Mr.1 ' of local men and women under the 'direction of Miss Anna A. Egan of E. Sloane, of 1 Many Allison Park Parishioners Miss Margaret Barry Present j 367 South N'egley avenue, Pitta- ; Orange, N. J., i Promoters' Leaaon From Secular year of the Society for the Propaga- I burgh. The group will leave Pitts- and Mrs. Th<*__ Business tion of the Faith will be in propor- Serving On Committees For Every Day For 4 Years At burgh on Friday evening, July 3, among the eialitjH__ tion to the efforts made in obtain- i June has been designated a» Dinner And Outing Annunciation H. S. j and will spend the morning of In- firmed by the Wt- Membership Campaign Month. Two ing results. There is no improve- dependence Day visiting the historic Thomas J. Walsh rt* •wry important things have been ment in sight as to business condi- | places of Philadelphia. The Hotel Mercy Church in W| Miss Margaret Barry, who gradu- •'«tressed in connection with th* tions, but we know that there is a One of the most important events Walton will be headquarters foiv the day afternoon. Tfcaj ated with "general excellence" hon- ^campaign—engaging promoters and vast phalanx of missionaries t.o be of the season in and about Allison party. In the afternoon a most in- : Clifford, pastor, I l ark will be the reunion and pic- ors in the Commercial department of trailing members through person maintained on the firing-line. Let's j teresting motor trip will be taken to and Sisters and mm i ¡r to be held under the auspices of j Annunciation High school. North '«1 approach by promoters. all do our share, national, diocesan, • Valley Forge, that great patriotic I Lucia, MonisUw, 1 the St. Ursula church, of that place, Side, did not miss a single day of t A promoter, if he were engaged parochial directors, promoters, mem- | Shrine that should be visited by the American Provi on Saturday, July 4, on the church school during her four high school 'in some civic or commercial enter- bers and "ought-to-be" members, to I every American. In no way could j Teachers Filippini, | prise, would be called an agent 01 keep our heroic priests and sisters grounds. The women of the par years at that school, it was revealed I the day be better spent than visit- .salesman. He has some article to in the front trenches of the faith. i-h are preparing to serve over 1, at the graduation exercises held on ing the birth-places of American The children w '•all, some project to further, he "00 chicken dinners. Tuesday evening, June 9, in Norwood I institutions, such as Independence Sisters from St. .'has something to propose and the The days on which members may The festival will open at ten hall, adjoining the school. In addi- j hall, etc. The travelers will return vent Station. Sister ; people must become interested in it. gain a plenary indulge»« under o'clock with flag raising ceremonies,! tion, Miss Barry was also saluta- I home on Sunday. had direct charge. preceded by a parade of the school| torian of her class, while Miss Fran- '.That is his aim, to interest people the usual conditions, are: July 2. Miss Egan extends a special invi- ;and to show them it is worthwhile Visitation of the Hlesse Virgin children, the Rev. H. J. Killmyer, ces Leix was valedictorian. LL.D., pastor, »ill give his treat I tation to Boy Scout and Girl Scout and Miss Egan ¡for them to be interested. The task Mary; July 25, Feast of ! James I groups, as well as teachers and stu- interested to piaa st i *©f a promoter is to convince people to the school children as he always The address to the graduates was does on this occasion. I dents to join the patriotic pilgrim- tions are that raasn_ ;that membership in the Society is The best parishes in thi 1/ li ted delivered by the Rev. Jerome D. Han- age. The entire cost of the trip is taken almost at once. 'worth their while to investigate. An States today are those pari: that The committee on amusements nan, D.D.; the Rev. P. J. Graney very little. has arranged for athletic contests, I The first week of i * inquiry into the work will reveal the contribute most generously to conferred the diplomas, and the Rev. I During July, a number of Pitts- ; sports and other features that will mous Shrines of St. -j fact that it is God's work that we sionary work. The best Cathol C. J. Deasy presented the medals. burghers will enjoy the wonderful help to make merry. The baseball treal and St. •re furthering, and that our mem- homes in the land today are thoi Following is the Honor Roll of the cruise on the greatest ship in the team will give a good account of Quebec will be Tiling"] bership offering is making it possi- homes in which sacrifices are mac Class of 331: 'world, the S. S. Leviathan. Halifax, itself in the afternoon. That there with the St. Lanetef ble for other generous souls to for the missionary conquest in foi Academic Department, general ex- | Nova Scotia, will be the destination will he many out-of-town visitors Rivers Cruise. bring their fellowmen to the light oi eign lands. cellence, the Misses Frances Leix, is certain from the fact that a truth. If promotership takes on the — Archbishop Canevin. Marie Houpt. Alice Hirsch and Ber- character of salesmanship, why not large delegation from Pittsburgh r will journey to the picnic. nadette Heim. f employ the methods? Bruce Bar- Commercial Department, general ••••••• ton gives us an idea: "When 1 This parish boasts probably the excellence, the Misses Margaret was younger I used to look at the best kitchen and dining room force Barry, Bessie O'Neil and Mary giant corporations of the country in the state, and there are about j Summers. 20 men on the service committee in With awe. 1 thought: How won- Christian Doctrine, the Misses Everything for the Office , ij the kitchen and dining room. Buses derful to be president of such a Bernadette Heim, Mary Kirk and world-wide business. Millions of will leave Free port street, Etna, • VOI K STATIOSER every half hour and the bus lines; Esther Becker. SINCE 18TS capital and surplus in the treas- Perfect attendance during the ury; great plants which are turn- run directly to the park this year. McCloy'g four years of high school, Miss Mar- « • • • • • B.B • • «'»1 ing out a stream of products; the The following list contains the garet Barry. names of the workers for the St. highest-priced experts in every line Labor Troubles In Hotels Of Perfect attendance during the Sen- Ursula picnic, and remember, rain to do the work! All the president I That City Cause Shift In ior year, the Misses Esther Becker, has to do is to sit in a nice big of- or shine, this picnic is held because Catholic Gathering everything is under cover. Mary Kirk, Florence Connelly, Bes- ftce and watch the wheels go round. j sie O'Neill, Alice Hirsch and Mary -White Transfer & Storage When I came closer to those giant : Many on Committees Mahoney. corporations, I promptly revised ; Washington, June 25.—The Hon. Following are the committees: j A one-act play, "Everystudent," my ideas. For instance: I called! William L. Igoe, president of the Dining room and kitchen: Man-: was presented with the following at my bank. The president was agers H. J. Wagner, Mrs. Mary Distinguished churchmen who will be prominent figures at the sev- National Conference of Catholic enth national convention of the Catholic Students' Mission Crusade, i seniors taking part: ! not in his office. His assistant re- j Veager and Adam Yoest. 2740-48 WEST LIBERTY AVENUE A ides, ! to be held at Niagara University, Niagara Falls, N. Y., June 29-July 2. | The Misses Frances Leix. Alice ; ported that he had gone out to so- jCharities , announces that the dis- Geo. Hoover, A. M. Wagne Established 1885 LeHdb , ("has. ! Above: The Most Rev. John T. McNicholas, O.P., Archbishop of Cin- : Hirsch, Mary Balzer, Helen Meson- MOVING, STORING AND SI™ : ficit a new account. A friend of,' pute between the Cleveland Hotel j Kuhn, J. Osterrieder, Fran Es MODERN FIRE PROOF WAREHOUSE Lan- i cinnati and national president of the C. S. M. C, who will preach the ! ka, Margaret Barry, Jeanne Rohm, mine who is in a business has j zine, Allen Smith, Chas. Miller, j Marv Mahoney, Bessie O'Neill, Es- E ; Men's Association and the local un- sermon nt the Pontifical Mass on June 30; the Most Rev. Francis , bad a very good year in spite ion of waiters and waitresses of Hugh Camphire, James Downs, ther Becker, Bernadette Heim, Marie _ef the depression. A competitor j J. I.. Keckman. Archbishop of Dubuque and Chairman of the National ! that city has caused the National Merril Simon, Clar. Miller Albert Executive Board of the Crusade, who will he presiding chairman of Houpt, Mary Freyvogel, Mary Kirk, .asked him: 'How in the world do Conference of Catholic Charities to Yeager, Albert Huber. Gerold Hu- j Florence Connelly, Mary Summers, you get so many orders?' To which i the convention sessions. Below: Monsignor Eugene J. McGuinness. abandon its plan to hold this year's ber, L. T. Hager, Oliver Hasley, Geo. Vice President and General Secretary of the Catholic Church Exten- Madeline McGuire and Catherine my friend simply replied: "By go- annual meeting in Cleveland. Wagner, Jr., J. J. Plantz, Miss A. Mills. ing out and asking for them.'" i sion Society, and Monsignor William Quinn. National Director of the All hotels in Cleveland, except Miller, Miss H. Schafer, Miss B. Society for the Propagation of the Faith, «"ho will be keynote speakers. Lets' all quit talking about how bad j Schafer, Miss CI. Schafer, Francis Ready and Willi one, are involved in a lockout, the times are. Let's go out and ask for issue involved being the refusal of Krenier, A. Fearing, Emil Wagner, orders. Experience teaches us that j EPIPHANY CARD PARTY the Hotel Men's Association to re- Wm. Zinsmeister, H. Pinkerton, R. Electricity is a useful pub- for one dollar that is given without ! It is our detirs to i new a contract with the union of Weaver, Adam Yoest, Mrs. H. Solicitation, ten others come in re-' The regular weekly card party will lic servant because it is for the more usefih waiters and waitresses, whereby the Yoest, Mrs. V. Arenth, Mrs. Wm. sponse to a need that is made: be held in the Epiphany Auditorium, dependable and ready at be. the better fori hotels deal with a steward appointed. Zinsweister. Mr.-.. K. Raible, Mrs. A. Church Music Commission Washington Place, Friday evening, known. Returns for the current I Rev. C. A. Sanderbeck. Secretary by the union in hiring and discharg-1 rearing, Mrs. S. J. Huber Mrs. G. June 2fi. Euchre, Bridge, Five Hun- your call day in and day cerned. ipg employes in these fields. It is Ruttebusch. Mrs. Chas. Mi ler, Mrs. 108 N. Dithridge Street (Oakland Station) Pittsburgh. Pa. dred and Old Maid will be played. out. ! doubtful when the ituation will be|ciar- Miller, Mrs. F. Stritzinger, To this we uM l , settled. ¡Mrs. Fred Pratte, Mrs. J. McCul- it is this Company's duty desire to make Bishop's Curia eliminated and all our gains con- In view of its interest in organ- lough, Mrs. Kraus, Mrs. Geo. Mayer, to keep its service ready. customers a list i Miss C. Osterrieder, Wm. O'Brien, 125 North Craig Street solidated. ON'CE USED—ALWAYS USED j ised labor the National Conference Sincerely yours in Christ, i of Catholic Charities cannot meet in Ed. Arenth, Mrs. J. J. Plantz, Mrs. Pittsburgh, Pa. F. Ehrlich, Mrs. Fred Rice, Mrs. +HUGH BOYLE, Cleveland with conditions as they To the Clergy and Organists of the Bishop of Pittsburgh. I are, it is declared. Therefore, the Geo. Wagner, Mrs. Ed. Grotth, Mrs. Diocese: June 10, 1931. OI.D. f STY : executive committee of the organi- R. Weaver, Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Mrs. zation unanimously decided to select C. L. Wagner, Mrs. H. Camphire, Much has been done in a few Mrs. Allen Smith, Mrs. Fred Yea- Penn Central light & Poi Wilkes-Barre following the cordial ALTOONA, PA. ger, Jr., Mrs. J. J. Downs, Mrs. J. | months to restore the sort of music HO^oaP I invitation of the Rt. Rev. Thomas The following churches and or- H. Hoffman, Mrs. A. M. Wagner, prescribed by the Church. The co- 1f you BUDGET C. O'Reilly, Bishop of Scranton. ganists are not complying with the I Mrs. J. Stetler, Mrs. Fr. Zoeller, | operation given by priests and by Regulations and Instructions given BARS. CHIPS. POWDERS The convention will meet September AND TOILET SOAPS your EXPENSES ! 27 to October 1. Miss M Dingman, Miss M. Wagner, organists is commendable. The re- by the Diocesan Music Commission. The standardized price ol 'Miss M. McNeal, Miss CI. Kramer,! ports given to me by the Music Com- These names will appear weekly in fna Factory to Vn ENNA JETTICK SHOES ¡Robert Arenth and Mrs. J. Potmey-S mission, (a record of their inter-1 this column until the Music Com- Sprcliil Rain to Hoapltala. is a boon to the woman who ST. WALBl'RGA'S er. ! views with organists), show that I mission has been assured that cer- Inatltntloaa, etc. maintains a clothing budget Refreshment stand, Ed Grotth | some of the regulations of the tain irregularities have been cor- F. L. FALCK A COMPANY • . • you know in advance Sunday morning at S o'clock Ii and W. O. Clarke, managers. Aides, | Church regarding music require em- rected. PhMea Cedar 0800-0801-0802 that the exquisite styles pre- Parochial Mass and Holy Commun- ;nn ..L..I „u;ij,..„ a, in.®« S- C. Clarke, Fr. Yeager, Jr., H. J. I phatic re-statement. Holy Family Church, Fortv-first Old Honesty M- Jr. »., Plttafcargb sen ted for your approval will Bii u. . Tn! j ! U LiPke. H- Blackburn, Geo. Clarke, One very important law which ¡street, Pittsburgh. THE TWO MOST IMPOKfi - coat no more than $6.00. s 'l t Hni u Frank DeLuca, C. H. Shafer, Geo. calls for strict enforcement concerns I Sacred Heart, TarentUm. Come in and inspect the Hou charming new Spring crea- l^VnJlL f f i Tonner, Michael DeLuca, Geo. liturgical choirs. The Motu Proprio Albert Sismours, North tions now available in many i tTe reH^ After «r^l m . Gierl- 3 C- Huber, Geo. DeLuca, i on Music of Pope Pius X, (pro- Pittsburgh. leathers and colors. . ...Vw .ii ^Ti tl u 11 John Clarke, Ed. Clarke, John Mc-!claimed again by Pius XI in the Vincent Staud CLEANSERS IN THE , a eucnre and social in the hall. Nea,_ Anna and Mary clarke> Fr.! A postolic Constitution of December burgh. Reynold, L. V. Yeager, Misses Ger- j 20, 1928), is most explicit when it Miss Julia Behler, Pittsburgh, trude, Cleste and Josephine Clarke, says that singers in church have a cashiers. ____ | real liturgical office and therefore | Concessions S. J. Huber and W «omen, being incapable of exercising fai/rasi Sam-Flush V. Curran, managers. Aides, Maur- such office, cannot be admitted to ice Meyer. J. Magielsky, Bern. Hu- form part of the choir. Whenever, ber, Ed. Raible, Chas, Seibel, Jer- then, it is desired to employ the ome Potmeyer, Ed. Zinsmaster acute voices of sopranos and con- SHOPtENKINS ARCADSE Louis Zimmerman, Miss Edith Hu- traltos, these parts must be taken 6112 PENN AVE.. E- E. ber, Miss Marie Huber, Paul Huber, by boys, according to the most TUNC ¡Nmm Cmmm kll«t ihW«Ç ) CATF.RJ.IVS Miss Clara Wagner, Miss Madg. ancient usage of the Church. Choirs aiti I Smndii| t*tnmg ml S P.M. tw Freyer, Miss Agnes Lanzine, Vic- of men and women, or choirs of j VWmcAmu* SiMimn. KDKA. tor Arenth, Mrs. Geo. N'oe and Mrs. I women only, are not permitted. I «tro J. H. Hoffman. require that this abuse, where it ex- Fr. Mitsch Presides, Fr. Pauley Resourceful Ladies' Aid, fancy booth, Mrs. ists, be removed by September 1, • The Fl. Paulsen and Mrs. W. V. Cur-1 1931. Addresses Graduates At World's Closet ran, managers; Miss Viola Heisel, I remind the Reverend Clergy and Annual Ceremonies Bowl Cleanser That With Ideas [Miss M. Heisel, Miss Cath. Betz, Ithe organists that the following ¡Miss Mary B. Smith, Miss G. Paul- abuses also require immediate cor- The annual commencement exer- LETZKUS The Joyce - McClements I sen, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Becker, I rection. They are directly opposed 2008-9 Jenkins Arcade Two nationally advertised products that are¿ Co. aim to be resourceful Mrs. Helen Forsythe, Miss Eiii. to the instructions given by the ; Cises of Divine Providence Academy, sity in every home. ' I Betz and Mrs. P. Hardt. Motu Proprio. East Liberty, were held last Wednes- with original ideas that so I Door committee, John W. O'Brien, 1. Th'e use of Hymnals, Masses, d»y afternoon in the Academy audi-1 every function may have G. A. Kredell, Fred Stritzinger and and otheer. music not approve_ H. _d_ by the torium at 2:30 o'clock. The Rev. Jo- [ Church Supplie« AMMaOlhatiiS rr | Sani-FIush cleans closet bowls quickly and some individual touch Ed. McNeal. Music Commission. | seph Mitsch of St. Joseph's church, I —stains, marks and odors vanish ana " especially charming for Dancing Floor, B. Dingman, man- 2. The omission of the Gloria, the New Kensington, presided and the ; Religious Article» I ager; William McDavitt, Chas. Fuhr, Credo, the Dies Irae, etc., (either ¡ 1|¡¡¡ A- Pauley« of the Epiphany the occasion. ing a sanitary closet howl system. B. Dingman and J. J. Downs. entirely or in part), at a High Mass. I church addressed the graduates. Miss Menus and Estimates Traffic manager, E. W. McDav- 3. The substitution of hymns in Rosemary Hauck was salutatorian J itt the vernacular at a Missa •Cantat a «"j Miss Mary Freiland was valedic- MEL'O softens the hardest water nod submitted without Table A, Mrs. Victor Arenth, j for the parts of the Mass mentioned [ torian. Following is the complete most every cleaning purpose in UmI obligation Mrs. J. Stetler and Edw. and Rob. | above. program: I Arenth. ; 4. The playing of music from I Processional — Grand , Entrance P. Ludebuehl & Son solving dirt—cutting grease and WEDDINGS A [ Table B, Miss Minnie Dingman I secular sources. | March Papini Penn and Frankstewn it has no equal. SPECIALTY ¡and Mrs. J. McCullough. When the observance of Church "All Through the Night" Owen SHOES and HOSIERY Table C, Mrs. E. Raible, Mary laws concerning music and choirs is ! Senior Chorus and Regina Raible. impossible, let the pastors be con-1 Salutatory . Miss Rosemary Hauck We'eo Fitted Feet Over 50 Tear» Table D, Mrs. Wm. Zinsmeister, tent with , at which hymns! "Ich Liebe Dich" Grieg SOLD BT j Mr. W. Zinsmeister, Miss Hilda j either in Latin or in the vernacular Miss Mable Ackerman E NN i Zinsmeister and Mr. Harvey Pinker- are allowed. "Climb Though the Rocks Be | '<">• To insure permanent results in | Rugged" Miss Jane Griffin South Pharmacy GROCERS, DRUGGISTS AND HARDWARE I I Table E, Mrs. J. J. Downs and ¡this movement for music reform, no Prelude from Halberg Suite.. .Grieg and SHADY HOMEMADE K B CREAM * ICES aides. I organist is to be engaged' or used" as Miss Mary Gil—l PRESM DAILY Hard and Soft Shell Crab» Table F, Miss Anna Miller and a substitute who has not been ex- "Prepared for Better Things" .. WE CATER TO PARTIES SPECIAL PRICES FOR urgh aides. amined and approved by the Dio- .. Miss Anna M. Reddy MANUFACTURED BT 1207 Spring Garden Ave, N. 8. Table G., Mrs. E. Grotth, Mrs. Fr. cesan Music Commission. Andante Cantabile from First THE HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO THIS WEEK Cedar 9960 Veager, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. R. Finally, I ask the complete *nd Symphony CARTON. OHIO . L Erie Blue Pike, lb. 15c Weaver. whole-hearted assistance of priests Senior Orchestra Prívate Hospital Table H, Mr«. S. J. Huber, Rut- and organists with their church "In Tenuis Labor" Silver Bast lb. 15c tebush and Kraus. choirs in order that we may once Miss Mable Ackerman JEWELER OPTOMETRIST For Care Before and During Table I, Mrs. J. H. Hoffman, Mrs. for all secure a conformity with the "Meditation" -Gounod R. J. HENNE Boston Mackerel.. lb. 15c O. Hasley, Carrie Huckestein and law of the Church in the matter of «Ifta tor All OeeaalMM ALK iNéubAN¿|' Confinement Senior Chorus Mr. and Mrs. H. Brennen. music at the Holy Sacrifice of the Valedictory .. Miss Mary Freiland 0018 Crater A «e. Eut Llkcrty Boned Baby White, lb. 20c Table J, Mrs. Geo. Mayer and Mass and at other liturgical serv- -LAWRENCE! a Distribution of Medals and Diplomas ILL SURCTIfl For Particulars aides. ices, which* will mark us as a Cath- to Class of '31 . amwri MMM» s'lwfr Fancy Crab Meat Table K, Mrs. Hilda and Clarence olic-minded people, obedient to the Liberty Engraving Co. ¿¡sr. Address—The Rev. Andrew J. Pau- mwawSHM ¡MllÍMaMtj< Write Matron Miller. Vicar of Christ, and reverent to- ley, B.A., S.T.L. •12 Wood Street Graal 1654 jMHwmk« • e iH»M i Jumbo Frogs Table L, Mrs. Hilda and Clarence JOwn M mamis wards the ancient traditions of the Recessional—Marche Romaine .. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT MUÍ 3264 Middletown Road Miller. Faith. The Music Commission has Gounod These Are Store Special«. no standards except those, and no Dr. Joseph Rauterkus, No Deliveries at These Price«. PITTSBURGH, PA. ANNUNCIATION. NORTH SIDE desire to enforce unique notions of Dean Duquesne School of Music, CALIFORNIA, PA. its own. It is competent in ita field Director. vtcKees Rocks Trust Co. Phone Walnut 3955 The Junior Holy Name Society j and it has a right to ask every Benediction of the Most Blessed OScial Brake SUNm ... „. will receive Holy Communion next Catholic in the Diocese to encour- S Pa* Cnt n tatlaii v Sacrament. ©PEN" JpAt NIGHT Sunday at the 9:00 o'clock Mass. age and support its work. I am eoa CHARTIER» limos Holy Hour Devotion is held on Fri- grateful beyond measure for the co- WESTERN SAVINGS and You will follow the way He trod B. L tJrtroN & day at 7:45. Registration for admis- operation given by priests and peo- if you bear injuries with patience; DEPOSIT BANK sion to Annunciation High School for j pie so far, and I ask that the move- and you will follow His doctrine if VICTORY CHEESE CO. GAS, OILi end GRMASiNG—TUtES ssa MtUtU Stmt Tirls may now he made at the Con-1 ment be sustained by everyone to Distributors of 8odus Brand Ollw Salili«« flttrtmt, Pa you are at peace with your neigh- OFFKtAL HEADLIGHT STA ' vent, 2615 Norwood street. ja point where all abuses will be| bors. SCREAMES aas D COTTAKBm CHKKfru EE± PHONE UN 'fllSIISPH^

TflUKSDAY. JUNE 25, 1»H Established 1*44 THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Pima*. COM MM We Recommend the Following Firms and Business Mei NORTH SIDE In Your Community DORMONT and MT. LEBANON DAUM & HELM HARDWARE CO. Armstrong 623-5 EAST OHIO STREET 's Pharmacy gfooo» - Rang»» - Rofrigorator» • Houitfurni$hmg§ 763 Washington Road (ML lifc—), Hardware - Paint • Glas» - Tool» » Telephon« LEUfk §010 rAinrix MM They Are Worthy Of Your Patronage Grocaries, Meat», Fruit* and Vegetable», Dairy Pro- ducts, Bakery Good*, Full and Game, Coal and Ice, MADISON AVENUE GARAGE SOUTH SIDE Drugs, Household Goods, Hardware, Men's and MT. OLIVER HOME SYSTEM BAKERY 901 to 907 Madison Ave., N. S. Women's Wear, Cleaners and Dyers, Flowers, Amuse- join riAsca, Corner Salimi Strut Fourteenth Street Buk ments, Real Estate, Builders, Banks, Automobiles and DAVIS BROS., Pharmacists BREAD. CAKES, PIES, PASTRY at the KIT QUi Im^y Pif and Night Strvlc« Automobil« Stcri|< Repairs, Electrical Supplies, Painters^ and Decorators, INCORPORATED bsnsa 1411 POTOMAC AVENL'l 100% ALEMITE SERVICE STATION GENERAL BANKING Office Supplies ... in faat, everything for Personal, D»p»ndabl» Drag giti» Cedar IM H. B. HAFrNER. Pray. I«Al CARSON ST.. PITTHIlUbR Home and Business Use. SIS MtitMTH An—Ut TIS «rimHilll, RS.—Lai. SSSS Hcmlxrk OinO-Ojni 2 OlMnum Ave.—r»S»r»l MSI * MUW.la 101» PHONfcS RM-I MiUvale 13JOR BUSINESS FIRMS AND MERCHANTS LISTED »IM M. W. SHEARER BELOW ARE SELECTED FROM YOUR NEIGHBOR. MILLVALE. PA. HOOD AS BEING REPRESENTATIVE IN THEIR LINE AND RECOMMENDED FOR QUALITY, FLOUR • PEAT MOSS • COAL - FEED and SEEDS Ruftennach Brothers m OHIO STREET OHlc. and WerefceuM MILLVALE. PA SERVICE AND PRICE. Greb Bros. D.N. OC. LUCA GOOD SHOES • BAKERY PMR MM I »TT «WB »Mil.E AT HILE«" Patronize Your Neighborhood 223 BROWNSVILLE ROAD 3281 W. Liberty Ass* Dsrsieet WESTERN AUTO SERVICE 1304 CARSON STREET HEnilock 840? L Ehigh 102 A3 Da E Vlrt«r (Imclcr, rr«p. Merchants I TOWIXA CONTRACTOR - atmuL REPAIRING WOMEN'S snd CHILDREN'S Matter Brothera •AST HTHERT I. ».. PI1T«RI RLILL, PA. Half Holes snd Rubber Heels NAILED or Rogiotorod Piombar» John P. Kearcher SEWED ROT WATER. VAPOR MB Export Papar STEAM HKATIlta ALDERMAN Men's Half üelM • 1*4 Ruhhe98r c •a Wast mil If Are. Heel* SI.» SSM Waat Libert? Ara. Dllall WILKIN SBURG .SS D&iley's Auto Service ELECTRICAL EXPERTS 79 South Thirteenth St. Rahher Heel. . Lahlrh HOT Official Willard Battory Sal»» and Service Arlington Ave. Shoe Repair ML Washington ^ Reil l'honm Hemlock 13.1 A RI. I Iff} TO M AVK ¡»IS! 70S EAST NORTH AVE. Phone Cedar 5294-J ìr,r Itrewaavltle RaaS G. C. KESLAR PHANH BRILL, Maaaaee ips Bros. Coal COL M«Wi SOUTH SIDE CARPET & High-Grado Froth and Smohad Moat»—Poultry •eat rad Servira la allea»ear Lincoln f.—IJ »18 CRAMDVIEW CHAS. E. SNYDER WALL PAPER STORE Bell Phons Franklin 5174-R Over SOO Patterae .f Pretty Wall 808 WOOD STREET WILKINSBURG, PA. Laundry Co Coal— Coho— Cord Wood Wa Gioo Yam DRUGGIST Paper L'aSer lSe Ml WK*T I.I HIT RT Y A VEJTUB Ic, Se, Be, Se. He. lSe. SOe, 15«, «Be Con salt Oa Aboet Call Labia* STBS Y oat Family Seventeenth St Carson Sts. •Ml Hemloek mtTO ALLENTOWN and BELTZHOOVER Washing. Phone Lafaystta SS» Csdsr «789 C. W. Bacher MT. WASHINGTON LOCKHART SERVICE CO. George H. Soffel Co. Denny's Soda GriH LAUFER'S MARKET—«* "UEArmcr 507 LOCKHART ST., N. S. PLUMBING AND HILL TOP SAVINGS & TRUST CO. 103 Rrnwa.rllle RS. •••slack Stia BUTTER BGGS mi HEATING ENGINEERS W BOGOS AVENTE "The Hitt Top Bank" HOME-MADE WE DELIVER—nm EVERY FIUDAT I0T-10S CARSON STREET, EAST General & Federal Tires - "Cole" Batteries PITT.BI IU.H. PA. Arlington and Warrington Avenues I'ksneai INN < o.rti IBM H.ml.ek ICE CREAM Prompt Road Service Phon« I .a fa je« to SS3S EAST UBERTY (MUS Hemlock. Eatlmalaa Faralsfc»« PHILIP E. FITZG1BBONS liberty win Moore's Battery Service Station ST. South Hills Welding DaMaateaaea aad rasar BsM«»»ss F. W. IMMEKUS SCHLARPES MEATS Cald Meat* AND REPAIR COMW •raalaa and RaSlator Rapalrlac Staraa Opea rraai B A. S. te II P. M- Invite Us to Your Next Battery Funeral Wall Paper Suit Cases Aalea anS Frame* SlralableaeS IMeaera aad Laaehea Served a* AM m LOCKHART STREET 191» CHATEAU STREET Ha4r a ad reader Werk 132 BROWNSVILLE RD. Tteaa IMUFTÀSTH^AFL Makw'af C*| ! (MI|m Garage)—FA SS4S CBSar WW Window Shades HARKY SCHWEITZER. Prop Hllaad S30S Cea ter aad AltM Area. Hemlaek SMS-S M . Oliva* WaiLa TOO WAIT " Paints Toys 4S Mt. Oliver St. Pltt.hurah. Pa. •ATAIIP MANOR 121» CARSO!« STREET Father Hannan And Dr. Bein- IM !». Cral« iL at Bayai« H . ssar KuucwooD This Besutiful Up-to-Dste schealer S47S M A rSer.ee aaaa (Near Kastor Ava.» WHITE COLD FRAME CARRICK hauer Address Graduating PLENARY INDULGENCE free Delivery S— I lea Class Of Local Hospital BROTHERS OF MERCY Henry Verscharen Believe ma that a little attention Briggg' Pharmacy GAINED ON SUNDAY to acquire humility, and one act of Mt. Oliver's Largest Market free {¿JQ MARK 75TH JUBILEE The annual commencement exer- this virtue are worth more before LOWEST CUT PRICES cises of the St. Joseph's Hospital On Sunday, *une ZS, a plenary God's infinite wisdom than all the Pay As Yon Gst Psid Fruit • Meat - Flowers WE DELIVER The Brothers of Merry, Buffalo, , School- of Nursing were held Tues- indulgence can be gained for every learning in the world.—St. Thame. Wa For the Lenses day afternoon, June lt>, in the Cath- Why suffer with headache or 1820 BROWNSVILLE RD. N. Y., were established in ths year visit made to the Church of the 220 BROWNSVILLE BD. strain your eyes while readlns? olic Boys' High School Auditorium, Lafayette aasa •TU RBYNOLDS 18i,6. I Epiphany, Washington street. This If ,we did but know how to use Lst us »amine your eye* and ma- Phone CArrick 9771-9773 Fifth avenue. God's grsee we should profit by ev- mMDUMMM- rts« If glssies are needed We are In addition to the sanctiflcation Rev. Jerome D. Hannan, D.D., and 'extraordinary privilege is one of the ft jrssrs In the same location and BRIDGE CLUB BANQUET erything. Save the moat modern Instrument, of their own souls, their chief pur- Dr. L. G. Beinhauer addressed ths crowning features of the Sacred to detect the slightest error of pose is to care for the sick of the graduates. Vocal selections were .laiaiai Heart Retreat, which was helu in the The sixth annual banquet of the refraction male sex, preferably the poor; those rendered by Dr. N. H. Bennett, who J. Albert Tillett Kiphany church two weeks ago. The P. C. C. W. Bridge club. Unit No. buffering from mental derangement, was accompanied by his daughter. DR. S. MALLIN Groceries • Fruits • Vegetable* Holy Father, in order to encourage 11, held at the Council, Wednesday, either in hospitals or in private Mis« Mary Alice Bennett. The mu- Missionary Aid Socieljrj a MIO ST- CSiSar 41 IS Ckoica BUTTER snd EGGS sical program was in charge of the devotion to the Sacred Heart, grant- June 17, was a delightful social homes. They slso tske charge of event. The program included bridge Green and Union Stamps Catholic Boys' High School orchestra ed to the church that conducts a VEST REV. r. C DANNEE , Director working homes and similar institu- I in the afternoon followed by a ISIS BROWNSVILLE ROAD under the direction of John Sedlscsk. retreat of this kind, the privilege of I3S Nartk Craig St rast mat—h. Pa. tions of charity. Sister M. Amadeus Freil, honsr sumptuous dinner in the spacious Carrlck 0732 the "Toties Quoties" Indulgence on In 1009 the Congregation, and In graduate, received the Rose A. dining room, which was decorated 1921 the Statutes, received the ap- the last Sunday of June. with spring flowers and candles. We gratefully acknowledge re- have sought ana, or rathar MM MNUICEG. Walter, REA LBauer ESTATE . Hampsey Memorial Award. Miss probation from Rome. At present Margaret Catherine Kenney received In view of the fact that a plenary Covers were laid for 26. The pres- ceipt of the following private con- of one, everywhere. I save MORTGAGES C. LESKER SONS the Congregation includes 31 houses Dr. T. P. Cochran's prize for highest indulgence is the full remission of all ident. Mrs. Welter D. Brown, was tributions: the ball Than ia wanting SM «eut Artas«, mitrale. Pa. with a membership of 428, covering average in medical nursing. the temporal punishmeut due to sin, presented with a beautiful silk Sr. A., Rev. J. C. F.. Miss T. B., the price. A bell would be a 31 dioceses in Germany, Holland scarf by the club. Grab-bag fa- boon ta ma aad ta i |,|ll) rabile Mill rala ÍSSS 1(1« BROWNSVILLE RD. D. M. Hammill, a member of the and because these indulgences are W. C. C„ S. M.. Miss E. G„ E. I. S„ and North America. board of directors, introduced Dr. C- applicable to the souls in purgatory, vors were the occasion of much P. C. C. W„ Miss M. E. U, Rev. diana of St Baaa of lima Meat* of Quality For the same purpose a branch E. McKee, president of the School it is expected that many hundreds meTriment. Those present included L. D., Estate M. J. A., Miss & E. 8, Montana. The price wW was established in 1924 at 49 Cot- of Nursing, who presided *nd pre- will make generous use of this op- Miss Margaret Casey, Mrs. J. Book- Circles 15, 11, 20, 19, 27, Pittsburgh. hundred and fifty dollara. Carrlek NW-MI We Deliver tage street, Buffalo, N. Y., with the sented diplomas to the following portunity which comes so rarely meyer, Mrs. J. F. Connors, Miss Rev. T. H. B., Dormont; F. W. M., help- me get HT __ Penn Manor Market approval of Church and State. It graduates: The Holy Father is never quite so Katherine Griffin, Mrs. A. L. Hines, McKeesport; Miss K. B. H, Swiss- (Rev.) Gabriol Manager, S. fc vale; Miss M. O., W. Homestead; Sr. is incorporated under the laws of Sister M. Amadeus Freil, Baden, lavish with indulgences as when he Mrs. E. Kerrigan, Mrs. F. F. Kre- Father Manager will rocaiva MEATS • GROCERIES the State of New York, and since Pa.; Catherine Olivia Rockenateln, grants the "Toties Quoties." mer, Mrs. J. J. I.aughlin, Mrs. C., Carnegie; Circle 18, Avalon. donation most safely it AND CONFECTIONERY 1926, it is privileged to take charge Pittsburgh; Alice Margaret Coll, The privilege begins Saturday eve- Klizabeth Murray, Mrs. John H. mention his name and a The Carrick Bank of an infirmary where sick snd con- ning and continues until Sunday Uoney, Mrs. George Ramspacher, Wenehow, China lottar to the Fro pagatie n at Lafayette 3682 Youngstown, O.; Margaret Brigid valescent« are cared for. Rt. Kev. Cook, Connellsville, Pa.; Esther Re- midnight. Mrs. Alice Vogel, Mrs. M. A. Bitt- January, 1931. Faith, Rev. T. C. Klimke, Ut U1 Margaret St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cspitsl I 50,000.00 William Turner, Bishop of Buffalo, gina Fox, Dunlo, Pa.; Nell FrSnces ner, Miss Katherine Casey, Mrs. L. Dear Father Danner: Craig street, Pittsburgh, Fa. _ is president. The baby was baptised for your Surplus snd Ranrve 300,000.00 DonnHlv, Wilson, Pa.; Mary Elisa- THE WORKINGS OF GOD J. Feinaugle, Mrs. Mary T. Horan, Permission from Rome was also beth Baka, Monessen, Pa.; Kath.rine Miss Josephine Jaegle, Mrs. Helen Intention before this letter was writ* Maaaar ~FT Ou Caylaa MOUSES VOR RKNT Dear and Barmend I IBS., baih . IsunJr). lis., ferrj l)Ut._t H Reeoarceo Orar 3,250,000.00 received in 1926 for the Novitiate Fowler Swinney, Pittsburgh; Rita Who has explaine") the inborn Ann Kinney, Mrs. A. A. Laurent, ten. Christmas is a busy saaaon id Father Di It Ins.. Mill, sltlr, !fii far . W North . IIS where healthy young men between Claire Ijirkln, Pittsburgh; Emma wisdom of the birds of passage, in Mrs. P. A. McCullough, Mrs. E. J. even in pagan China. Our Lord With the agonising Haut i TIM., bath. ». p.. S far «sr , Dada Ân m ths ages of if and 37. provided thfy Ursula Galligan, Lilly, Pa.; Flor- whose migration the young birds, must feel a wee bit consoled whan I cry to heaven. My haut (IH., balli, fur . Burma Ht — M Nuttall, Mrs. George J. Rudolph, are recommended t>y a parish ence Margaret Dunn, Connellsville, hatched an) nested in the North, Mrs. S. M. Rodgers, Mrs. E^Wald- He looks down on our little corner rowful «van onto death, Iras., tollet. Mtlrm* Ave. furnished 'il why hast theo forsaken ma. «rat.. Islfe. fur . lament HI W priest, are admitted. Pa.; Nancy Marie Donnelly, Pitts- who have never seen the South un- man. Miss Catherine A. O'Donnell. of this huge empire. This yaar the SCHOLARSHIP IS WON I am beaet on all sidas with i Unes.. 1talha. Bw h Air ICS burgh; Helen Rose Rectenwald, less in their dreams, lead the way TTie guest of honor was Mrs. Ir- Christisns just surpassed every pre- vious one. The church was deco- troubles, snriotiee I do aet i ». O'NBIL CATHOLIC: WOMEN'S UNION. Pittsburgh; Margaret Catherine over leagues of land ami sea, age win C. Hoon from Los Angeles, N. S. P. O. Kalrfas 1141 BY GREENSBURG GIRL rated inside and outside. Hundreds singla silver lining in the Kenney, Pittsburgh. and experience following humbly Calif., a charter member of the received Holy Communion. Ws ad- 1. I am forced to abandon Ths Pittsburgh District of the C. Certificates which entitle gradu- behind? Or that more individual I club. A delightful feature of the Ths Mother Aloysious Lowe mired the wave of fervor please phans. W. U. held its monthly meeting re- ates to 60 college credits toward a and impressive return of the carrier- Scholarship offered by the Sisters meeting was the presentation by prsy that it may last. Our "Sister 2. The Holy Crass ehurphin] cently in St. Mary's parish. Sharps- degree of bachelor of science and dove, borne hundreds of miles by of Seton Hill Acsdemy to the atu- the club of a check to the presi- prisoners" are freed. The general kattaikadu hi the very ehndoiirl KNOXVILLE burg. The reports snd transsctions nursing from Duquesne University the road he knows not, in a dark dent of the P. C. C. W. for the pur- dent in s parochial school taught by were of great interest, while the ad- who allowed them to be captured pagan templa, for srlde h I hawl were presented to Sister M. Ama- and miserable confinement, and pose of a bus wagon and kitchen Sisters of Charity in the Pittsburgh dress given by the spiritual advisor, is in prison himself. We have no laid a HMCaat foundation Residence. Everglade 0303 deus Freil. Miss Margaret Catherine there set free? Let it be noon or utensils for use in the Council diocese was won by Nancy Joyce of Rev. ( ha lies F. Moosmann, was Sn I details at present. They must have come to n standstill Kenney, Miss Nell Frances Donnelly, night, cloud or mist or tempest, he House. The election of officers of impressive character. His topic I I been carried far away for it took funds to proeeed with the work. George H. Brackmann Greens burg in a competitive rxsmi- Miss Alice Margaret Coll, Miss Rita rises, circles once, and departs was "The Intmor»lity-6f l>ress" and was held and the following were re- them six days to return to their mis- 8. A heavy debt of umm nation held in Seton Hill on Sat- Claire I^irkin and Miss Nancy Marie straight fo • the place he knows and Prooeription Druggiat the care of the child kgninst at- • elected: President, Mrs. Walter D. sion in Kinafou. They had to leave my chareh of Vai urday. Donnelly. loves but can not see; delayed by no UCK ROOM NECESSITIES tending the movies during the vaca- Brown; vice president, Mrs. P. A. at once for everything had boon growing its interest Georgia snd Rochdls Miss Joyce is the daughter of Mr. tion season. doubtful wanderings, by no devious , McCullough; secretary, Miss Mar- looted. It will take them flftaen 4. Paddy which ia and Mrs. D. L. Joyce of North Main A sick person will endure any- and searching failures, but direct garet Casey; treasurer, Mrs. M. A. duce of the country flada aa I L*fayette MS6 The pichic held for the Toner In- thing in hope of being c red; why days to reach Shanghai. But oh, the street, Grsensburg. and unerring as the soul's flight to Bittner. therefore aa money. stitute was oio$t gratifying, while joy of hearing Mass and living in do we not treat the Physician of God in death. Who has explained 5. My house work in UJ the St. Boniface celebration met community onoe more. heaven as we do the physician of this?—A. C. Farquharson, «Weh is ny only plata ST. AMBROSE PARISH PICNIC with great success. earth? Yours gratefully in Christ, Sister Mary. to be discontinued for lack Mrs. Genevieve Bronder was Fred P. Burger Wednesday afterfioon and evening, 8. Tira achaala ia UJT elected t» attend the national- con- MAKE CONSECRATION Priest Furnishes Wedding Rings aad Parapaukandal have ta REALTOR July 15, is the date set for the an- vention t(i be held August to 26, nual picnic of St. Ambrose parish. 43 RET RE AT ANTS, ATTENTION! Wedding rings are a necessary built; they are tee smaS 0 RBAL ESTATE - INSURANCE inclusive, at Fort Wayne, Ind. TO THE APOSTOLAIE part of my missionary outfit among growing aambar af chOdraa. NOTARY PUBUC As in former years the affair will be All branches are asked to do held on the grounds of the W. K U. my Rocky Boy Indians. Why? Be- T. A frash «atar weU th SM Brawaarllle Rd. Carrlck 403a their utmost in collecting new and it to Chairman Barry as soon recently dug at a eoat al Club. Supper will be served by the Fill out this blank and return On the Feast of St. Aloysius Gon- cause I am often called on to per- Seatk Hill I're sert I«. used religious articles for the Mis- has run dry, aa water k ladles of the parish under the direc- as possible. ?.aga, June 21, in the chapel of the form at once a wedding ceremony sion exhibit which will be held in or bless a marriage. Rings would people aad myself an tion of Mrs. Lscher, the chairlady. ¡conjunction with the convention. S. P. BARRY, Chsirmsn of Retrest Committee, Holy Ghost Fathers. "Ferndale," orar it And the tanks i Many forms of amusement will be not be had when so greatly needed. BELLEVUE Later these articles will be sent to 738 Jenny Lind St.. McKeeeport, Ps. Norwalk, Connecticut, the following I have ta deepen Aa provided for the. entertainment of Every time I baptise a child, I ask poor missions. members of the Holy Ghost Order beforehsnd the question, "Where and the «halt biuldiag the parishioners and their friends Workmen an afraid ta g* < A large number of delegates will DEAR SIR: made their consecration to the Apos- when were you married and by who will attend. Joseph Lindenfelser leave Saturday, July 11, to attend wall. A na« mal has la I E. J. MILLER attend the Laymen's Retreat in- whom?" Often the parents confsss is the chairman. I the state convention to be held in Please be sdvised that I will tolate: 1260.00 ia get« ta eoat m dicated below: The Rev. James F. McCaffrey, that they were not married by the Wilkes-Rarre, Pa. Delegates repre- priest. In most cases there are no 8. 1 da not ssa aqr way i Groceries and Meat» One of the surest signs that C.S.Sp., of Pittsburgh; Rev. Ivan V. senting the dictrict are Mrs. Ben- obstacles so 1 have thorn go te Con- frisada ara ia aa iamaarnh FREE DELIVERY spring has srrived is when you sef ST. FIDELIS SEMINARY ST. VINCENT COLLEGE Huber, C.S.Sp., of New Kensington, ' Son, Mrs. Bronder, Mrs. Blume, Mrs. fession and proceed to Maaa their Uon. They «aal atavi ma I the bottom of the coal bin peeking MKRMAN. HA. LATHOBB. PA. Pa.; Rev. Joseph J. Lynders, C.S.Sp., IVI Formt Ave., Bsllsvus Bauer and Mrs. Kalchthsler. A marriage. It is strange that few of terrible dweaaaie«, th* op through the coal supply —Hart- notice will be sent to sll delegates Aug. 6 to 9, 1931 of Bridgeport, Conn.; Rev. Francis aeaatf* Ii Ii Linden 5800-5801-5802 July 33 to 36, 1931 Q • them have a ring. The first time I I ford Courant. of the various branches to attend s X. Walsh, C.S.Sp., of New Britian, whole aictaia I am Conn.; and Rev. Michael J. Dwyer, had occasion to perform a marring* special meeting in the near future July 30 to Aug. 3, 1831 • Aug. 13 to 18, 1931 • and found that the ring was misaing. Begging far Any member desiring information C.S.Sp.; Rev. William J. Holt. C.S. Taourw s ia J. C. Sp„ and Rev. Charles V. Diehl, C.S. I made one out of a medal that hM WEST END regarding the convention ma» call been sent me by a good benefactor. the secretary, Hemlock 2986-J. Name ... Sp., all of Philadelphia. Fathers McCaffrey, Huber, Dwyer At my first opportunity I Invested The next district meeting will be Spiritimi penai and Holt are alumni of Duquesne in a dosen rings. My jeweler ia a held Monday, July*2<* in Most Holy Street and Number ... WEST END SAVINGS BANK & TRUST CO University. ten cent store. The litsrgy does Mt Name parish, Tfoy Hill. mention the price or material of the MU HM GOMBwOMl MM MPH City or Town ... By this solemn consecration to the missions, these young missionaries ring, though it does say that than of Geá» er 8 safar sad tang This St-year-oU bank provides perfect safety Sir Hubert Wilkirts has planned must be a ring. ground ia dnnraaa af tpirit S Parish . become full-fledged member* of the far Pittsburgh ssvers snd pays them 4 par cent a quiet submarine trip to the North I have the ring. But I have a«Irati««* vetiea,, aaa far aaar- MtaMLM j¿ i rompoand intera* an «lisi» savia«** Order and arc ready to take up the Pola, but Lady Wilkins ha» decided Indlcste jour cholcr of dale »IIS ts 111 Pleaic print nam' and addita» plainly .work assigned them by their Su- wedding hell, no church baU. to sccompsny him.—Mobile Regis- [penors. even to call my people te m* ter.

m m » iSmana liìli i THURSDAY. Established 1«H THE PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC Phone. CDurt 0fi62

Priest-Scientist Is Unable To Protectory Boys Pay Tribute U. S. Visitor ED. VERO CONPi 312 GaANT AVE., MILLVALE, H Explain Case Of Stigmatist To Fr. Huber And Assistants Private Exchange. MMrah 1IM Vienna, Juno IS. Mystery aur- which are directed hy se Night (alia: Ke>.. Edward Vara. ISM ~ aptmdintr occu rrenre* nt Konners- that ,'eloped hy your inter- Re»., iaawa Vera. 1MT I Muth involving Teresa , during her ecstasy. Ii is, the Iv tendered I he Rev K. J. Huber est i boy's welfare. How the stigmatize! grl of that Hava not a mystic occurrence in i upon i he occasion of his having they jr guidance and help— BUILDERS' SUPPLIES OF ALL rian village who ha« aroused the meaning of tbe word. completed 2.') years' service at St hi it any wonder then that this boy, j attention of theologians and medical "At the same time, it is Joseph'« protectory, I wo of t he en .oving the companionship and in- SAND AND GRAVEL IN CARLOAD scientist«, was discussed before 'he that these happenings a! Ki most interesting addresses were de- teres only father he has ever Via tba B.1U. International Congress on Religious tenth show elements fftl wllicl livered by fierirgR llaurh and J A known, t is again and again to j Psychology, just helil at the I ni is no parallel in the occhi Scully, former Protectory boys, lie him for oiiragcmcnt. advice and VERO CONCRETE BLOCK—GARDCIV VSrsity of V ienna. The i ;if "pass »ver these facts th peremp "We all agreed in the continued arils of living at the Protectory so AVfNUC riTTHWM ful to Mr. Dwjor world of literature. Protectants ¡entitle decision ' I say that fostering <>f good fellowship hi that the hoy- may be well equipped remembrance of Ik artd those »ho profe ii religious enti fie opinion ran not be tween the alumni and the present to go out into the world on their ory will he forever I concerning thi boys. own and become honest, upright institute what* the (»lief. n witr ng the sufferings ffì. rettet. ftome> aw ime «tress on INSURANCE CHIEFS know that the athletic program will "Tonight we are gathered her to Hia K.xrellenry the Moat Rev. mento Ia their ng t.. the pif ip countless newspaper articles. Hut, continue to develop the character, honor the twenty fifth anniversary t riso ( oatantini, Apmtolir Dele- saintly soul. often as the word "miracle" has cntlhc resei confidence and sportsmanship, which of Father Hliber's services at the gate to China, who ia at preaent Ordinarily to he tell I sufficient Xplain these Protectory Seated with me is a been applied, the Church authorities 'are essential in every honest strug- in (he I ntled State*. Hia Kxrel- to speak ia a Mr' maintained their reserve, and so did Ilio 11 gle for a successful career. group of young men who have been the educatiaa lenry, who ia en route frnia Home ram Dr. Mager. I »od or I alia It 'Miracle' "Our hope is that we may some under his care at the Protectory a of the 8t*tm of part of their years. Their hearts! In China, believes thai the future I able to (live Kvplauation lute Knights Life Superintendents day be able to show in a material Paul Institute anak ' ri are filled with emotion at this dis- ft roti «ft i when a ph vsirian, Dr. Wit» v v ay imr appreciation aod gratitude hold» bright prmaperta for the flirted in this «aaai The fact that the e.srtasies and Hold Annual Convention play of interest', affection and devo- visions of the kiirl are religious in of Met*, took i.ssur with Dr. MaWr for the protection given us. and the Cfcurrh in China. their sad pHfht and tion. Mere words ran not describe «wntent, l>r. Mager said, does not and said that «luring a visit at Kmi In New N. S. Home guidance to the correct path of life. mat boys and firta. U I their feelings, nevertheless, in their justify the assumption that hers is nrr.«rputh he Ihm a me ronvin.ed that Old, Hut True The De Paul Institute for the | itjr of the beaafaeten hearts they are sharing with him ft case involving purely religious oc this was a mirarlo. Dr. Witr y ha- i The annual agency convention of "It is an old saying 'That a Deaf, Castlcgate avenue. Brook- Paul Institute thai; flUrrenoes. He said: "Unquestion- ox anline«I ninotoon .«t-ifrmat izo»! pêr -! ai! t he Kinght» Life Insurance Com- gri-at deal of good can be done in the honor you do their father. It JULY 4 OUTING AT line, received the generous sum of I charge to coatime is in their name I want to thank ably, Teresa Neumann is a religious son.* of various countries ami na pany's superintendents was held in this world if one is not too care- four hundred and fifty dollars i work, that of iaalri>| Woman. Rut the first question to be t tonal it ios. ful who gets the credit.' the committee in charge of this' CANNELTON PARISH (?4->0) from the estate of Michael I hear and the mate to t he audit ori u m of the company's event for the privilege of being here you wish to parfaew answered is whether the stigmatized In hi* roply, Dr. M ají or «.aid it "While we know this is so, and Dwyer, deceased. This munificent new home office building. Ridge and tonight. charity, why not girl is taking a self conscious posi- must be loft to the sci enee of the believe this to be the guiding spir- bequest coming at such an oppor- Galve«jon avenues, North Side. On Paul Institute ia tion toward the relitfiAtos contents «logy to fiecide where and under it of the Protectory, we nevertheless "To Father Scholz, Father Guth | Cannelton, Ta.. June 22— Arrange- tune time is very gratefully received the inday at 10 a. m., following better still, 4a of her ecstasieíes and visiona or what conditions supernature was at want to register a very distinctive and Father W uenstel and to the ments have been completed for a since the needs of the De Paul In- whether it i imply an at work. Io pa>« judgment in the rasp an in-p'-c'ion of the imposing head- mark of credit here- tonight in fa- members of the board of directors, lawn fete and bazaar to be held on stitute are heavier now than at any ate its many i M we take respect t the con- of Teresa Neumann, he said, wa- h oí .,uartefv of this fa-it growing com vor of the late Most Rev. Arch I would say in their name, that we the church lawn at St. Rose's, Can- other time, and there are more daaf donation to it while u. tenta of some dream. As far as I proper at the present time, sine'' bishop Oanevin, the lit Rev. Itishop can find no words to express the, nelton, Beaver County, on the after- children enrolled at the institute may see for yoarsstf ftm able to judge the situation, the important elements ha* o n«'t y et meeting was held with the president, Hovle, the lit. Rev. Monsignor debt of gratitude that we owe to noon and evening of Saturday, July now than ever before, thus waking your contrihutiaa la: higher psychical contemplations heen sufficiently e'eared up. Joseph 11 Rei man, outlining the Ryan, Rev. A P. Scholz, Rev. C. R you for the interest you have taken 4. Refreshments will be served on program for this year's conference Guth, Rev. W . A. Wuenstel and the in the affairs at the Protectory. We the grounds after which there will The balance of the day was de- board of directors. can only pledge you that we will he various games and amusements. live our lives, according to the prin- voted to entertainment, attending "Years ago we left the Protectory A feature of-the evening will be the HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS FOOTBALL STARS ON cipals taught us at the Protectory. the National League baseball game to make our start in the world, and awarding of a ten dollar gold piece "To you, Father Huber, on this at Forbes Field, and a sight-seeing I know that we all feel that there as a first prize. MT. PLEASANT, PRINT OWN MAGAZINE K. C. DEGREE TEAM occasion, we, who were your boys, automobile trip. The evening was Is a 'something' -that has heen— St. Rose's is one of the oldest while at the Protectory and are still spent at "The Pines," where a very aod is still with us—a feeling—a parishes in the Pittsburgh Diocese. ST. JOSEPH'S On« of the notable accomplish- Denver. Colo., June 22.- The your boys, although living outside fine chicken and waffle dinner was «pint — an influence—that seems to It ia noted for its antiquity and ments of the Sacred Heart High third degree of the Knights of Co of it. find our hearts filled with emo-1 keep alive in us the appreciation beautiful scenery, and i* situated on Khool, East Bnd, is the printing of lumhus was exemplified for the "Fa tion and our lips too numb to give The next day was devoted to busi- and privileges that we enjoyed the hanks of the Little Beaver river Ha own school magazine called the ther MeMenamin" claps of candi- expression of our thoughts, hut we about 50 miles west of Pittsburgh. •Re-Echo." In the Commercial ness meeting«, including very inter- while at the Protectory. date« in the Knights of Columbus e*!!ng talks by Vice President and know that as you understand ouri Improved roads all the way. Take aourae in the High School the stu- "Perhaps, the best way I ran de- feelings in the past, you will und-'r-1 by Past State Deputy Herbert Fa;r Secretary P. Jos. Hess; Medical Di- »cribe this 'Something' is to repeat route 51 from Pittsburgh. Inquire dents are taught how to prepare, ail. The degree team included two stand fully what we mean when we , in Darlington and explicit directions Write and edit their own paper con- rector J. C Hierholzer, Treasurer again—that—'A Man's work is the The Peoples National offer you our heartiest congratula- football stars, Tom Kassis, guard on 1 ou is Seel hai or, and Superintendent will be given to the scene of ac- sisting of 16 pages. one Monument to his Memory that tions on this anniversary and pray' the 1930 Notre Dame team, and of Agencies Wm. C Ley tivities. All are cordially invited to The graduation number of the "Ke- will endure' — and that man for me that God in His goodness and; Mt. Pleasant, Pa. William P. McGlone, Rocky Moun- ('in of the features of these meet- attend. Come and enjoy a real July Echo" was highly interesting because and for all of the Protectory mercy may grant you many, many' tain Conference star and a member ings was the planning for the first alumni—is our advisor - Father— 4, amid the cooling breezes of the It contained a picture of each of the more anniversaries to come." pines and maples of Beaver County. graduates sketched by one of the of the Colorado University team for industrial drive to he held since the and Pal —Father Huber.' ci »m pa in has occupied its new homf graduates, Miss Mary Stubbe. After three years. One of the candidato Another H«> « Slor> SSH52SHSH5ES2SE5HS2i?S2SB5ZS2S2SES2S2S2S2S2SZS2S2SZS2SZSZS2S2S2S2S)a making the drawings Miss Stubbe j was I- if-d Gushurst, who played the Office building. Carbonato! Mr. Scully said: ftnd wo me other members of the class end opposite Knute Rockne during The district« were divided into two teams, with two of the officers "A story is told of a great urt- tm the editorial staff of the paper the three years they both were mem consenting to act as generals of I ist, who, when his son was going Missionary Confraternity 204 S. fcaatrfarrad them to stencils. bers of the Notre Dame team. Tilia il quite an achievement for j these teams, Mr. Reiman, president, ; nut into the world on his own, drew MOUNT » Sacred Heart High School since acting as general of one team and two pictures on the wall of his Mr. I less, vice president and sec re* ' room, as a means of advice and in- of Christian Doctrine means that the students in addi- C. I). A. SUMMER PARTY On to their regular curriculum, tary, acting in the same capacity for struction. In the one, he sketched OK THE DIOCESE OF PITTSBURGH S ; the other team. the road to follow to achieve happi- k««P up to date on news for tlieir Mrs. Jj&ura Williams is general REV. D. A. LAWLESS, Director paper, record the events both social The Knights Life now operates ness and in the other, the road that chairman for the Summer party fifteen districts in the State of leads to ruin and destruction. As St. Mary of Merry Church, 204 Ferry Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. end educational of the high school, which is being planned by thefWays 300 Maia St., ML fend arrange them in a very attrac- Pennsylvania. They are located in farewells were being said, he said 12.fi.10 Catholic Children I'nder Instruction and Means Committee of Court Kuhns Pharmacy tive manner on stencils which are the following cities: to his son: 'Kemember, my boy, Grace No. 593, Catholic Daughters S87 Lay Teachers. 158 Sunday Schools Tour prescription Blted according ta your decter'S run off on the mimeograph. They are Pittsburgh C' districts). Greens- your daddy is always here whenever of America, to be held on Saturday toilet articles ana rubber pite then assembled into book form and burg, Johnstown, Altoona, Scran ton, you need him.' (i!s252SES afternoon, July 11, on the grounds mailed out to the various .subscrib- Fine, Harrisburg, Philadelphia (2 "Tonight, were I gifted with the W of the Knights of Columbus Home in wish to gratefully acknowl-1 tending church regularly. A first er*. disi riets), Rochester, Connellsville, talent, I would paint a picture for edge receipt of the following dona ¡Communion class of'31 children has Sharpsburg. J)UOUESNE - HOMESTEAD • BA The Sacred Heart High .Vhool A Hen town and Mt. Carmel. you. A picture, the first scene of tioïll I'. ('. L., $7; Mr. S., $1 , been prepared by our teachers and! Will have room for a limited number Acting as assistant chairmen to The district superintendents are: which takes place in St. Paul's Or- R. J. H., J10; Mrs. M. McN. S to make it more convenient for all | ftf girls from other parishes who can Mrs. Williams are Miss Klizabeth M. John T. Fox, Pittsburgh No. 2 phanage, in the summer of l'.M'l. A Mrs. H , $10; W. T., $1; Mrs. Mei» concerned. Father Fusco of New measure up to its high standards. Casey and Mrs. Elizabeth \'«»elkor. district ; Lawrence Cristo, Roches- boy of fourteen who has just fin- ||1; M E. T., 12; Rev. C. J. W Kensington, a great supporter of j C. W. ALLEBRAND ft Application for entrance should lie Bridge, Five Hundred and Kuchre ter district; Michael Pfeffer, Har- ished the seventh grade of school is $2; T. F.. $1; J. Y., $1; Miss K our work, has consented to come to ' made to Rev. Howard J. Carroll, I will be played 'I'here will bo golf r is burg district; A F. Gatz, Greens- summoned to the principal's office. $5; N. N. $.'..">(); N. N., $.">; S. A. S Logans Ferry next Sunday and cel- Funeral flirteten burg district; John A. Hischof, AI- He has been in the orphanage since D.D., «202 Alder St., Pittsburgh, ¡ for those not caring to play card«;. 13. ebrate the Holy Sacrifice at which Phone 55M 51 NOKT« FIRST IT, telephone Montrose 0187. Refreshments will bo served. lentown district; Andrew Tomasko, the age of Ave. No recollection of | these children will receive their Philadelphia No. 1 district; Jos. N. his parents remains in his memory. No thought of what the future i ,i i Lord for the first time. Mass will Schildkamp. Connellsville district; In the matter of its teaching ...... e , , , ., MM holds, .lust a hoy's mind in a state i .u v <--..i_ r ... „__ be satd in the Sunday School hall, outre Hfftirat IIhII* S I« 5. s n«tni- I I »,, S li. M. McConnell, Johnstown dis-1 force, the New t astle tenter can . , .... - .. . H of bewilderment. He is told he is , . - _ j„ ii long building of the sectional trict; Martin J. Haney, Mt. Carme) i boast of a very unique distinction. , * . , being transferred to St. Joseph's nt il .-c i i . _ ii.j id type, given over for the use of our district; W. F. Burke, Scranton dis- Of the 66 teachers enrolled, 18 are ; * . , . , DR. GEORGE G. LOWRY Protectory to complete his educa- _ . .. . ., _ 1 Sundav 0School by the coal company TURTLE CREEK, PJL » trict; R. H. Ruffner, Altoona dis- from six families; in other words, / . .* . . . / , f DENTIST trict; W. C. Allen, Philadelphia No. tion. Having no knowledge of the there are six ( atholic families in i.Mas s has_ already been celebrate, d in .. .. ., , Logans Ferry on several occasions. workings between the two institu- New t astle who are furnishing . • . , I IVrannal Appoint ment n Only 2 district; John H. Rushee, Pitts-' ,. , , .. . ii.» ! but not within the past few years.; tions, he silently accepts the orders, j three teachers apiece. TI he list is ... , ..U.. , 1 FHfPa! Hfiffìf Murila HM«., far. mil St. «»H l.thrrtv 11 «Imi ru h. Pi burgh No. .1 district; George A. e h pe tfMtmnr* 112 »III St.. Sulle IOO*2 Hahner, Pittsburgh No. 1 district. his mind dazed with wondering wha: as follows: Catherine. Klizabeth I . ° Catholics of the com-; it all means. and Mane Augostine; Ben, Edward , mu.n'ty »PPr-ci»"1 this honor | "The second scene details life at and Frank Dess; Amelia. Louise jan<1 turn out t00^ ""«"be"- , North Side the Protectory. After interviewing and Mary Feligenzi; Catherine,) Henry's Fine Foot REMARKABLE RECORD the hoy, Father Huber gives him the .lames and Helen Hannon; Helen, A very beautiful practice which; privilege of continuing his educa- \Margare t and F.lizabeth McGow-.was instituted by the Confraternity 030 Penn Avenue Hufe Unr t'ir (nm|ikod that is being accom- only remind our workers of tha no-1 Though in most cases the children and FENDER WORK turn for help and advice? His class- plished with the result that other | bility of their task, but also impress! 541 WOOD ST. PtTTSRURGR. of th# outlying districts had other mates, practically strangers, can be itlaaiu Mil Tell» I an traile» US Do Nói Phone—Call in Person—Ask for Hob workers are brought into the fold, j the children with the seriousness of schools within a square or two, they ! of no aid. i.adies and gentlemen, he The great, majority of our workers j Sunday School work. The organi- Thlrtr r.ara «apertene* in Braddock. Turtle Creak ValMy Wo»k Absolutely LIBRARY GARAGE and their parents do not regret mak- .turns to the ones who are charged have been induced to join the or-ltation is supplying these crucifixe» Quarante»*! j ing the necessary sacrifice to give with the responsibility of his de- :ganizatio n through the teachers ¡to the teachers gratis and each M7-9-I1 E Diamond St. N. S, Pittsburgh. P them the great benefit of the paroch- parted parents. Father Huber and themselves. ; member is urged to obtain one and ' ial school, and will continue to do his assistant, Father Scholz. He The classes of the New Castle | wear it in the Sunday School. GOTTLIEB BROS. MWk so. In several cases doctors have ad- finds they are interested in the prog- Center will be closed with the last _____ USO IM taa mired the health of these children ress he is making, are never too, Sundav in June and it will mark the i . „ . ,. . . au »r«