IN THIS ISSUE IN THIS ISSUK l,Mt i",n rfttlw Holy iñ^wumon at annual Ke- mpihmni<HM wadete MpetI ftemaMP ta et ItMl League Field Msw at Retreata hes r4 by Half •paui-a. \amt meeting. THE PITTSBURGFounded in 1844 by Rt. Rev. Michail (yCmmnor, Firtt HBiehop of PittaburghCATHOLI Diocese C geHTY.EIGHTH YEAR PITTSBURGH, JUNE 28, 1931 No. Clerical Appointments t i000 Men Receive Very Rev. Thomas O'R. Rea, to he pastor of St. Diocesan Holy Name Mary's of the Mount, Mount Washington. OF PARISH SCHOOL! Rev. P. J. O'Flynn, to be pastor of St. Pius church, i f Holy Communion AtCatholi c University Chancellor McKeesport. St. Francis. Homestead, Pupils Meeting Is Turned Returns After Two Years' Rarely Late or Absent, Rev. Joseph R. Keating, to be pastor of SS. Peter & Year's Records Show Duty In America Paul church, Beaxer. Retreat Field Mass IH llev. < ari i' Hensler, D.O. On* of th« most extraordinary j Into Retreat Rally Rev. Samuel Welsh, t® be pastor of St. Kilian j aj 25 i l!v Mail church. Mars. school terms in the history of St. I lictrd • breaking Attend- j The Catholic), I'he Francis parish, Homestead, came to Encourtfinf Reports •( Re uu'is dougherty Rev. Patrick J. Graney, to be pastor of St. John ' . a close last Friday. There are less Noabcrt Expected to At- nee Marks Annual Catholic Univcr- than a hundred children in the! of Pek the Baptist church, Scottdale. school, some coming from Whitaker,; Solemn Mass for Repose tend Few S—ir R*> ration of faculty! Rev, Martin Brennan, to be pastor of St. Peter's Homeville, West Homestead and \ nts on his arrival I Homestead Park, at a distance from treat* Made by Officials «f the Souls of Deceased 1. 1931. Mom I church. Brownsville. two to three miles, walking to and ih e University just; from school, rain or shine. —Rev. Fathers Delaaey Menbers of St. Paul's Rev. Francis R. Shields, to be pastor of St. Charles St. Philip Neri Italian Enthusiastic Meeting Is Held assist the late Of these children 29 were never Church Churn: h abbot Aureliusj Borromeo church, Sutersville. Holds Four Celebrations aad Lachowsky Deliver L Laymen's Retreat League | In St. Cecilia's Hall By Stchlo absent all year; 17 absent but one ; tng the cause of | dav all year on account of sickness; | Holy Name Members America. lie re Rev. Richard Hamilton, to be pastor of St. Sylvester In Month's Time Principal Addresses, —Father Bertin, in Ser- turns new Chancellor, ! X absent but two days ail year on ac- j church, Brentwood. count of sickness; 4fi were never late I May 24 and SI as well a» June 7 his deceased su- j Shewing Urgent Need far •on, Pay« High Tribute i A well-atte h i all yea? including daily Mass; 22 and 11 were memorable days for the 1 appointment on j Rev. William Hogan, to be pastor of St. Alphonsus Italian congregation of St. Philip meeting in the interest of tl I ;i:-so. wore late but once all year, for two Lay Retreats. to Men of the Pittaburgh church, Springdale. or three minutes; 8 were late but j N'cri, Donora. Those days passed men's retreat movement was M ir lalion to thf hail twice all year. The general average: like so many of those luminous me- St. Cecilia's hall, Rochester, o 'loughert y Rev. Bernard Berjt, t4 be pas'or of St. Michael of the school for the year was 99 per teors that sparkle and leave in the The regular quarterly meeting of Diocese. ['(lupus ta Hay evening, June 21. Repp church, Avella. rent in punctuality and 98 per cent : soul a lingering of light. Those days th* Diocesan Union Holy Name So» upport of \ marked a real triumph of faith andciety , held last Sunday afternoon te up pi in attendance. With approximately 1,800 men initives of thr parishes in the Rev. Thomas C. Brown, assis'ant at Assumption Those absent longer periods were religion for the church of St. Philip Synod Hall, Craig street, was net (ttMidancr, the largest number that Heaver valley had been inviteil the A) I Nero, ruled with zeal and great only well attended but alao marked toys assumed 1 church, Bellevue. likewise detained by sickness, quar- kti ever attended, the annual Field ' nearly all of theni responded I antined on account of measles and sacrifices of the pastor, Rev. Joseph by an enthusiaaai which is a happy that il wax ¡•finite s p. the univer- • ] Ronconi. celebrated for the repose of| to mak 1 Rev. Cyril Vogel, assistant at St. Bede church, fever. There was no truant case all augur /or the laymen's retreats n the sity I go. Through j soon to be held at St. Vtacent Arch- W , • arrangements for carfSint his effo three llene- ] Pittsburgh. year; nor was the attendance officer The church, built eight years ago, feiouls of deceased members of bt. j ,t throughout th, r have been ever sent to a home in the past | was in need of being redecorated abbey and St. Fidelia' Seminary. retre work Spi dicline and i and improved. The parishioners, the Laymen's retreats was th* chief fial'i Laymen's Retreat League! Rev. James Connelly, District added to tl e pre nt Rev. Thomas Gearing, assistant at St. Agatha three years. itual Director of the Holy Name icultv Of the During the past vacation 72 of church committee and the pastor topic of the meeting, and diaeuasieS «M rang last Sunday morning at ciety, had planned the meeting, and Universit v. He se succeeded church, Bridgeville. co-operated and in a few weeks saw was animated. Numerous question! nf St. 3 m St. Ben these children attended 1,02!) week- I «'dock on the grounds had secured the attendance of Rev. K fr | day Masses arid Holy Hour« for their i their dreams realized. Glory be to were asked and answered. Among fnl'i Monastery South Side. The James M. Delaney, Diocesan Spir- ( onvent SI . Josi•ph , Minnesol Rev. Charles V. Kerr, assistant at Holy Rosary God and praise to all those Catholics Benedici parents and the poor souls, each them, a query aa to th* proper tint TBT Rev. Wendelin Meis, C.P., rec- itual Director, and John B. Collins. Siste is who are r church, Homewood. that with their contributions and nf day for arrival at th* ri treat President of the Diocesan Union. China a th 1 nucí eus of the tei class taking turns of coming twice w of the Monastery, was cele- . magnificent gifts made the churrh a houses brought out that rvtraatants Afler facult V the proposed W< a week, some children voluntarily at- d by the Rev. Father Anslem. O.M Rev. J. Dudley Nee. asaiatant at St. Peter's church, tending daily. real jewel of the Roman style which may arrive as early in the afternoon tantof the Mass. assisteu Cap., had welcomed those who College the Catholic I'niversity. inspires profound and fervid devo- North Side. One Family'* Record on th* starting date aa may tvit gev. Father Regis McCoy, O.S.B.,' tended and had strongly indorsed ( ailed to Home By I'ope tion. them. Something to bear in miai d St. Vincent's Archabbey, as dea the movement. Father Delaney ex- In February of this year Dom Rev. John Joyce, assistant at St. John the Baptist The Zapf family from Whitaker New enthusiasm of faith was is that the retreat houses adhere tf and the Rev. Father Raphael, plained the details of the retreats Cloughertv was summoned to Rome ! carried off the great distinction of | aroused with the first Mass of the am ana me \ to be held this summer and the church, Pittsburgh. eastern standard time, a small m by Pope Pius XI to treat with His having six children in the parochial ' Rev. Kmil Capano, celebrated on rather important point. Thus, sup- U>„ „ subdeacon. a seminarian , mpth(K|„ thl|t h>l, ^ Holiness on matters nf vital import- school at one time, none of whom •en found most Rev. Patrick Rice, assistant at St. Leonard church, | May 24, he being the first priest oi per scheduled for 0:30 moans 7:3® if St. Pattl's acted as master of ; successful in building up attend- ance to the University, His audience ever missed a day nor came late dur- this parish. with the Holy Father was a memor Monessen. daylight saving time. A question tfremonie«, and the Passionist stu-'ance. It was decided to form a re- ing this time; two of them, gradu- The churrh for that occasion was concerning transportatioa facilities Ma«« I treat committee in each parish, and able one. His Holiness received him ates from St. Francis, are now at- transformed into • bower of beauti- between Butler and St. PideHlf in his private study, where the Vicar Rev. George Sullivan, assistant at St. Catherine tending St. Stephen's High School in tousengthe Mass. j ^ fo„owi wpre chogp£ ,n arl M ful flowers. The two sermons in Seminary, Herman, led to the deei* of Christ and the youngest Chan- church, Beechview. Hazelwood, and are keeping up their Italian and English, treated on thr A b*Utiful sermon, in which high ; ,.hairm,n of th)ljr „spective rom. records. sion to annoanre these facilities im* cellor of perhaps the youngest Cath- I necessity of the Catholic priest and detail in this paper at a later h^ tribute was paid to the faith andimittees: St.
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