THE MIDDLESEX COUNT** UBB Serving Woodbridge Township, Carteret and Edison

Entwtd u kid Clui M«H Publlshni Wwltlj At P. 0. Woodbridtt. N, J. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, July 23, 1969 if On Wednesday TEN CENTS Residents Elated Over Moon Landing Bd. of Ed. Adopts Lively jobs Secured Hail This Giant Step Forward or ver7 o ^n(j praise American Ingenuity Arts Prograg m lor Schools J Young Folks By WINDSOR J. LAKIS | feat by man and the backu° p decadent, has not passed it WOODBRIDGE — The School should be tabled for further: Mundy said he did not disap•[ WOODBRIDGE — The Youth crew and anyone who had any en age nor has it started, to re- Hoard. Tuesday night, adopted study to avoid any problems prove of the Carpenter recom•• WOODBRIDGE — "While watching the men land-'\^"R "t'o" do''wHh'"ti"is""terrific cede into the oblivion of history.1 » Lively Ails Course, recom that may come about because'mendation because of the danc-,EmP|oyment 'Scl'vice (Y.E.S.) , *, .. nupstinn in mv minrl " .", "" '""" ' u, -•„-<•;• .-,-,•------„- has now lacod nl0le man 70 B m end ei by Dr. Rci8h W. Car-of misunderstandings. ing program but more so be-' P ° u 4. moon mere was no question in my mind project. It is comparable to Co-| Some say, This is only the be- penter, uil ---- nlc- n aml w0 ltrlni lnn mcanmean-; that we were watching the greatest event in the lurnbus finding the new world." j ginning and others say This it now superintendent of: Famula pointed out that Ihc,cause he felt the was not,y° 1 f1 summer » ,: hif nf mflr,kinrl " Mavnr Ralnh P Barone saiiicjj Longin Marzeeki, postal clerk, enough. Being a member of th» schools following some opposi course will be under study for fully aware of what the course!""* " employment with hlStoiy Of manKind, Mayoi Kalph r baione sal• a full year before it is actually! actually consists "I do want j hundred., of v lous private em, today after viewing the' astronauts land on the -Woodbj.dge. One small step fm Forge Ahead club rather than ila,'implemented into tho regular to be sure that the dancing is I ploycrs in the central Jersey | moon, Sunday night, man, One great leap for man-j the Stop Now membership, thii lid/curriculum. Earl McCrackcivnot too liberal, but that is not are,a according to the mayor's another board member, indical j the object," he said. office. such Mn, actually being imple ed that Mundy might be aTnaid' McCracken fired back -saying| "This means that now more Z g Nell Armstrong summed it up^ ^ P arsal s Vem !-d in the regular currieu to approve the recommendation!Myjidy had a chance to learn.than 1300 youngsters a.e work When he said 'this IS a small step for man but a greal ,^ - in 1070. "It will be com; because of a recent controversy'all there is to know at a rscont ing in summer jobs because of, llea p fof r mankind.kid' I believbli e thathtt thithi s triti p t o the! I'10* 1 1 ! agenda meeting. .Mundy of there was not enough discussion,municipal government." Mayor

„„, let limi exploie the urn- n.onted al John F. Kennedy Me 'schools, The school board said cially take office until next year is employing an additional out in the universe astronauts. Kach was an mroial IliIli^ll i SchooShl l i n ScptemSt - it woulld itiinvestigatt e tthh e mattett r weekk, was present at the meet-! 180." on which earth things can live and thrive, thus find-lparticipant . . . more or less. Eaeh momm tlut Uans |red A. M. Mundy, air-condition- '«•'•• 1!> '<••" and "red faced" officials latcrin;gg and noted that a detailed' Barone also slated "In these ing space, food and minerals to replace the rapidly' ' P ! The opposition came from had to admit that sex classes; program would be presented to without communication gave; ing and heating. Woodhdrige: limes, when frustration and dis minerals o; each one a deep sens i of tern "This almost makes the in- ld member. Roy Mundy. were being implemented into a the school board when comp illusionment who said the recommendation Family Planning Program. letcd. Other local citizens had these! moon. No event in history can bejporary fear that .something had crease in federal taxes worth- j among many youths, it i grali comments to make: compared with it. I now fully'gone wrong. When word was] while." ifyillE l? ,1". °Ur ,y0!!nA pM')le" "Kreder'ic"k M,"'Adams, local realize that nothing is impos j heard again, a sigh of relief I Charles Molnar, innkeeper, jsible." was felt. Kach American is; Woodhridge: "Whal a great (lav AMA Hears Dr. Jacobsen Various proud ... very proud, beeauseito be an American. 1 kept w.iieh- help and concern." Walter K o p c h o. teacher, the superiority of American Woodbridge: "This has opened ,. . of the greatest daysjing the television but couliln't technology. Can you imagine up a vast area of future think- jof theTjnited Stales of America.|believe what I was seoinj;. Mv On Kidney Transplants Are incorporated what is in alone for my children ing. Thirty years ago Jack Whal these three men have done prayers wile answered for all and yours." Armstrong was our All-Aiiicri- proves that this, country is nofof them." WOODBRIDGE — Dr. Lcnard Association, two of which v/ere ttvJJd of Education Dr. Carp Jack Mclver, building inspec- can boy and today another Jacobson, son of Mr. and Mrs.*awarded prizes, J ' tor, Avenel: "As I watched the Armstrong came along to take I,ram iw IN I Mm ' r- V \ ",""A Z llVc at home." your almost unbelievable feat of traveling to, and walking tion of» *th ue. America._- • n.,,,. Urolo^icalfellowshi• ,1,,,.. ,: p injVdiatn• .-. .•_', c Urnbgy., . . j ' rogram (W.I.IN.I, «i education from SI. John's Un U.S.A"- *. ----patriots- . •I <--"-believ e my mos t |ificn.Hilubi, e. I ewa s(xpcncnc amazede imy ( (lm for the moon' is no longer an 'impossible dream.' residents may now order street Honey Lucusls, Amur Maples, iversity in New York City. greatest thrill occurred when Ihe: TV and radio reception trees from the township, [he Stars and Stripes were plantedtsuph a great distance.' "God bless you. "As part of our 1%9 -1970 on the momoonn . NdNeedles.-l , tlo say as ' '•Sincerely, 8 to 12 feet high. George Wittenzellner, East- • hade tree program, our Plan- indi . Geddis Rt»si an American soldier and patriot, ern Met.ils Converters, Wood- "Ralph P. Barone ning and Development Depart Robert E. fosa, Director of vidual and include total duca I will experience an equal thrill liridge: I remember seeing Mayor" ment will plant trees in front of Planning, indicated that the tional experiences which should when the astronauts make their make-believe movies vears )D B I Dt Wo roperties along public streets at j Towns hfp would make the de I he made'available to post high u^',™ tl ,^ , l|'' "..''.'f; , "l' final splashdown." ago of just such a project HIKI r baidge Board of Education an- a nominal cost of $l.> per tree," cisions as to the type of tree and!school adults, it was difficult to believe Chat I nounfifd Tuesday nighl that Dr. Captain Terence "Terry" dialed Mayor Ralph P. Barone the exact location of its plant Dunroe, Woodbridge: In all my was looking at reality. I was Given Indiiy T h e following individuals Donald R Geddis ha., resigned ing. were appointed to designated principal of Colonia Senior years at sea, navigating by the impressed with the fact thai Ho pointer! out that Ihe actual as Rosa also said (hat August 31st positions in the Department (.f^jic-h School to accept a position moon and stars over the oceans one of the astronauts as he ri>\\ nf Hie trees to the township of the world I could never moved his foot around the would be the deadline for placing Continuing Education: Roy E. wjt|, ,ne ]\j.,j, state Department Army Commendation Medal was Sin.OO apiece and thai the dream (hat some day an Amer- ground said it was a "powdery orders for the trees. Valentine, Director of Co.itnu ()f Kduealion. pliiiiling would he dime 'rep. of ing Education; Emery Konickj ican would be the first , land substance like gray ash and a ! DONG TAM. VIETNAM — award for meritorious achirv*- charge. Mr- indicated lhat. about Persons interested in Director—Title, on the moon. Once again, I cocoa color — and this sounds Lieutenant Colonel Ronald .1, ment in connection with iM r<> !(ecl lhe ") trees had been planted since,trees planted, should send theiri'm" ,„ rhar«p of School and resignation willi regret. am proud nf my country — like selenium In me. (George Slrvciis. son of Mrs. llcnrirlla cue of a downed pilul. r program got underway last'name and address, and oricommunitv Relations- George f;(>drlis' r^iSiation is cfcctive and to be an American." refines this at his plant. If it Bi'isrl. 17(1 Ci'ciccnl Slrcel. He is commanding officer nf -11 imoney order (before August Shapiro. Principal of Adult Vo-:St'PtpmboM5 Dan Devcrin. ('also cveciitive, is selenium, I have to find a Wi)fKll>n

l:i ' »{„( uh.n his ..iHsler, fUev* 'iepa pn,,,,if|,,r of II.P U'»»(Hiii(lK«- iWxrhine anil Tool (W.p^.v it, HHKH, ^,, U«. n..,. < „„ |h, «..,il>n ho:, this lmwi no hfsifHtioti U, 'M ,cn,,//|..i,-M|innrklvir 1sl.e <;,„. Ihn,. j, ,„, -..uvli,-" oi <|Mrslion HIWMII il as Ktcv.'s M-u-U iiml ul.ilr ,..,... M"v. .!...« lu • \,,u- •• I.. (-:noi I in I,, r (In- II.,M noy/l.- In II,,. lirsl nlml., ihr THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY


roP COVERAGE LEADER-PRESS News Drop and Leader Shopper ,. , Carteret «ewt tttaw «r ptotegnpfct rrs left M TMh Ptoto Stop, M CMIM I..—_ ,-i,rnlalion coverage in Carter*, •W»ilte Borough Hall, «r ti* tt Wondbridye area. mailed «rwt to matn rifle* at 2* ' Strtet. Woodbridie, N. J. Serving Woodbridge Township, Carteret and Edison

O. WoodbrWf*, H. J. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, July 23, 1969 Wrrtl» On TEN CENTS lev. Hundiak Golden Jubilee Sunday Summer Youth Corps Banquet Has 80 Members Here CARTERKT — The Program fourteen and twenty and mimi Set At Director of the Woodl>ndSe be going back to school i«I ihr (Neighborhood Youth Corps .„.. j William Bugtovsky. stated that The purpose of the Neighbor 80 Carteret younustcrs are en hood Youth Corps Program rolled in this summers Youth which is founded by the Fed Center Corps Program I era! Government and the Sta,,- Carteret is one of the five Government, is to give und -r i CARTERET — Rev. Johfl JULIAN servr-d by thc^pnviliged youth the opportun Hiindiak, pastor of St. Demttr.HU NYC program!ity to earn some monev and Church, Carteret, will obitm which has a total of 358 cnrol|Rain valuable work experience she fiftieth anniverm of hit W- j lees this summer. The other.The youngsters also rec.-ive dination on July 27. His Gract communities are Perth Amboy.l guidance from NYC staff conn the Most Rev. Archbishop M»ty- w AU .^mboy> Ectison and scl°rs who also advise the en slaw will celebrate a DtvtU 1:1 Curleret ex-; W2?dbnd^- . _ rollees concerning their careers Pontifical Liturgy in his honor •iniii'hPStdavs • Carteret enrollees ami work habits mi Sunday at 10:15 a.m. In th* rlmirio- thofu0 wo.rkln8 !n various Nations The enrollees gain valuable evening, the parishioners, clergy u (lining inc,throughout the Borough under!work experience by handlin-' uid civic leaders will attend a •,.i, .atoil ClayS.Slhe supervision of the following] various functions in the librar" >anquel at 4 p. m,, in his honor. mil only busy cooperating agencies, Carteret: iev municipal building office, • .viioiv 'things, Board of Education, Carterci! parks, the recreation • depart Housing Authority, and " • - * .110 what one! the ment, and in schools. i one-man1Carteret MultiService Cente'ten AnAnyy underprivileged' young of the Middlesex County Kco- sler between the ages of 14 and nomic Opportunity Corporaiun. 20. who is going back to school MORE THAN 100 BIKES: Participated in the Lite -ABike Program conducted by VKW Post 2I53K in cooperation with the Wood- i The Youth Corps enrollees in September, may still apply bridge Police Department on Saturday, July 12. Patrolman Patrick ftnnagluie inspects bike while John I.ukrnsow, chairman, children are w(** twenty six hours per week for a summer job at any one Junior Vice-Commander or the post, applies safety reflector tape on the bike of David Keitel. Looking on from left to right: 1 B P S15O per hollr n f lhfl Wilson Neesan, commander of Post 2«:ifi; Tom Van Allen, Middlesex Coanty Commander; Alfred Krai, Eighth District Judge i.iv long, Mom!!!?* 5L u!?... .L . . cooperating agencies in; ey • Cartcrrt. Kitr at manyj Advocate; and John Amaszi, Eighth District Commander. conflicts, Goodman an Eagle Scout; 'ores of water „ . . Zululand Missionary Opens August 5 J CARTERET - The Hungarian Proud Mother Pins Badge nut all Tliey Reformed Church will open its CAJ^TERET - When Richard M. Goodman. Jr. 14, who be in daily Summer Bihle J. Gdbdman became an F.agle|longs to the same troop. Miops who Monday, August 5 At St. Joseph's For Scout the othiT day, the honor .ill be held from 9 of bestowing the Eagle Scout |».ul ronduct fl-oullfi^ 11:30 > A.M. Monday badge went to his widowed Ndjy'for two weeks, miflher,, Ijlrs. Mafion A. Good ruii would drive;T|,e pr4)! im will include Bible 1 p man, IfftwrElm Street, Qarterel. te in! nf a Irett. '•*• M*on IggJV handicraft and Fund Raising Quest games. CARTERET - Parishioners '•isfe. lie inrfd; fherc Plt^irs * v,f»ud moment" KI:V. JOII NDIAK St Tbe Biblp SL1I( 1 e tj all "f - Joseph's Church here, are I few, if any volunteers ; MYs. lioedman said, as --he told I'O'.lIll •Hiitr» a' » I* °P n tj al t, ichildren repradless if their de greeting this week the Rev. Mel • The principal purpose ot his of the ceremony ?onduc:ii>d by i r iv Uumliak was born in Plii- "•<< iuttlCS Ine nominations! affiliation, as„t M. Loflus, OSM, who has been I visit in the United States now iis [Boy Scout Troop 8:s. sponsored a IIIH , Uki aim- on July 7, 1895, th« a vu/atiun period, groups: Nursery through 8tbJ missionary in Zululand. South |lo raise funds for I .ilssfons by St, Joseph's Parish, of which son of I ho I a U; Michael and Mary en can conir up with grade. Registration in advancel Africa for the past five years. He has been around the Wrfst, George Stima is scoutmaster, ii, iUiykii llinulKik. He attended Midwest and now in the East, Uilgs to argue »? necessary Call the church of j Father Loftus is no stranger ichard, 18, whose father, 'high school at the lUihatyn Zolo- 1541 5051) Sunday morninglto Carteret. Just before leaving! raising ichivv in the Ukraine ft, Hun- to arbii - >e ween 8 01 Parish mfrfi' it«>'' ' "^ " ^° Sunday for South Africa in 1964, he spent' afy, graduated from Carteret diak arrived in the United State.* i",",,,^ j afternoon between 12 and 4. ! about three weeks in St. Joseph's! Sunday, July 27. ron-i t: no to time has! High School in Ju He will en ion October 8, lsili to complete p^^.^^ helping with vocational; Father Loftus will go back to ter Rutgers in the tall, majoring his theological education. He wag • work. Zululand. However, first, he is in environment science. He is iordnined a priest on July 28, t'.-c satisfies. Tests Slated The Zulu, who inhabit Zulu- planning to take a course in an- studying that subject during lite KH9 by the late Bishop NieeUa land, a district comprising some trophology at the University of summer at the Carteret plant of Liudka in Winnepcg, Canada. 10.000 square miles, comprise California for a year or two, the U. S. Metals Refining Com- Following his ordination, h« lome are nev-;Pftr which will aid him in his mis- by anything1"1 mostly tribal reservations. lt pany. served as Assistant 'astor at took Father l.oftus Swo years to sionary work. Si, Nicholas Church, Chicago. ,i(ins ate to be CARTERET — Looking for a learn the Zulu language, which A native of Dublin, Ireland, Starting as a cub .scoul, Rieh-j ard, won scores of awards dur-i He then became Prstor of Holy horned, toads, is spoken by some 300.000 per- Father Loftus was ordained into Trinity Church in Chicago,. Wr.• alligators, fire-!. John j Chief sons who occupy the district. Hie priesthood in 1962. Twj years ing the course of years in Scout j Other Pastorates included St. lncr and of lhe The athletic - looking young later, he came io the United ing work. He lias a brother, John! lUCIIAIll) J. " llls district. There Father Loftus plans to interest S. I. Mosquito Invasion Demetrius Church on October for health officer, which pays a ed outsiders really interested in]ai"e also U primary schools, but parishes to "adopt a mission." 15, 1932. - thing going salary of $8,500 a year. Appii- his welfare". there is a need for facilities for CARTERET - The annual : Currently, it costs the Order officials to resolve this Father Hundiak marru * th« '•' the summer cants muvS possess a valid The Order of Servite Fathers higher learning. some $144,00 0a yea; to maintain airborne mosquito invasion question. liealtb. Officer's license issued from Staten Island into Car- "Carteret has been plagued late Irene Tarbaj of Eltnira, i'togram, says maintains six missions and Father l.oftus spoke of the six missions, employing 23 mis- N.Y. 'Ie has two giandchildreg by the New Jersey Department need of more missionaries. Since sionaries. terct is now in full swing, and by Staten Island mosquitoes vlin ought to of Health. Father Loftu^ looked after four through the marriage of theif inilp woman the borough is doing every- for many years" Sandor *aid, There is also an opening for a Car Wash Set thing possible to kill the in- "I hope this conference will daughter, Gloria to llr, Joseph. ;;iH a few park maintenance man, which Vietnam Action NEW ASSIGNMENT vaders, through an effective resolve something to elimin- Palehanki. Irani riots pays $2.90 per hour. CARTERKT - Army Special- For July 26' extermination job under the ate the condition'. Duiinj; his pastorate, Fr. while the The last date for filing of ap For Pfc. Kondu* ist Four Patrick DeBella, 19, CARTERET — Having reach- direction of the Board nf While most of the extermin- Hundiak organized many Church plications for examinations is son of Mr. and Mrs. I. M. De- out in the CftRTERKT - Marine Pri ed the halfway mark in their Health. ation work is being done at groups, inclu ing the Sisterhood 1 July 31. (Bella, 88 Fredrick St.,.Carteret. '.In playground vate First Class Henry Kondas.! $2,000 goal tp buy Uniforms, the Health Officer Kenneth San- night. Health Officer Sandor of the Blessed Virgin Mary, th« was assigned June 24 to the Queensmen Junior Color Guard can be seen riding in one of the St. Ann's Auxiliary, the Son* work- GETS ASSIGNMENT son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry U. S. Army Combat Develop- dor said spraying of mo.v Kondas of 32 Longfellow St., are still working hard to reach qtiito and catterpillars is be- spraying trucks doing some and Daughters of tHe Ukraine, CARTERET — Army Private ments Command Experimonlap - the top. They will have a car tlie St. Mary's Sodality, the Sun- First Class Paul E. Cardile, 21, Carteret, served with the First ing done daily around the part of the job during the day. tion Command at Ft. Ord., wash on Saturday July 26th at parks and playgrounds. day School Parent Teachers AJ. grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Jo I Battalion, Fourth .Marine Calif. greatest ment, Tiiird Marine Division in the American Service Station on socialion, the Altar Boys Society scph PeUer, Route 2, Colchest- the corner of Roosevelt and Accrodinjj to the Health Of- ON DEANS LIST and the St. Demetrius Men's happen to er, Conn., was assigned to the Vietnam on "Operation Purple) li) rounds of small arms ammuni- Washington Avenues in Carter ficer, most of the mosquitoes CA11TEHET — Donald Hun Cmb He was also active in. develop a America! Division in Vietnam Martin". r ach lhe 1 et, All residents in the area are! « borough from singer, 93 Hagaman Street. Car- many civic activities, serving at in some June 21 a.»s an uuftouru....infantryman.. The operation has resulted injlion. Additionally, some .seven Slat0 lslaml l asked to please patronize the » terct. a jsophomor, is_ on the| a mcmb of the Welfare Board mother Ms Beatrice 319 «emy killed and capture and one-half tons of r,cC and >r activity His 618 pounds of explosives car wash and help make it a He said that a eonfpri'.k'e Dean's List at the Patiirsan and Zoning Board of Crrteret, fioiko, lives at 140 Longfellow,of 4,300 mines, mortai and >;i It gives I rocket rounds, plus- some 69,000 taken. success. is planned with Staten lslaid |Slate College. UllH't) St., Carteret, Mumbe. . of the 'lolden Anni- tu [iiepare versary Committee who havt t sessions. helped plan the celebration l» hunur Fr. Hundiak are: Mr» «l as the Mrlccli. Honorary Chairman, :i Mr. (i, Ti/,i», Mr. M. "" ' '«'w exciting, Mr. S Phillips. Mr. M. ;i|1( t healthful Mr. Juhn Julias/., Airs. W. Kipli Mom can man, Mrs. S. Phillips, Mrs. A, lilX iintl devise lli'ili'sh, Mrs. S. Cheslat MM, ;-ul ^iH [or the (I. Ti/.iu ami Mrs. M. Musiyka, 11 " tliey com« Tickets tu lhe banqu may if and in sUU bii ubtaincd at a nominal 1 ll" nt'w con- cost by j: anins I . Peter Me- lech. Assistant Pa tor at 541?

:)""tii(!i' lift for i11,11 "i'" Carteret Legion (»t'ts Heady '-'brary. The , I'1 "l-'i'am takes For Convention* . , , CAKTERET — Memhetf of. |( aUCt Carteret Post, 263, AmuriC»tt r|,(, giVOS i lll v Utiion are making final prep. B, ; ' i<(> dean up; iaratioug for the SUte —' 'itjnn to be neld in I dnl The Carteret delegation *IU b* houa«4 »t tHe Towa " 1 K\RH S *t the Perth Amboy Gcueral Hosi»lt»l, John R. Scbeta pi< list and TO BENEI1T NEWBIH S ilfUl» Kalinin•{ Co.. Carlurel. to Robert S. Hoyt. hoiipital di Wild wood %e«l., w State 4 si.eiHi vii^t\ r .•'".' Mr Sth-iii w -ii-hed .Miss Mary Kouyk, R.N., iliretlor ef uius be .« ku, 287 i. A'tci lhe Ji-it* t biutl l new UBCRKATION DBPAIWMENT: Wvight tUUng Class, h. to ttighl: Edwin , Lsviu. Miiuuai Loyw lUid Biliy Stokes. ___ rwjgrt>un,U News Fate 6.,biek, LEADER-PRESS i r • Wednesday, July 23, 1989

MCK FROM VIETNAM XARTKRET - Utilitlesman Third Class Robert M. Kotra, Iselin Church W9N, son o( Mr. and Mrs. John "Peas In A Nutshell" KQiVra of 165 Emerson St.. Sets Services U«rl<.ret, is serving with Naval BT LONGllf IT. MABZECK1 T^bilo Construction Battalion ISELIN — Rev. Samuel Clut- Ten. ter, pastor of Iselin Assembly •J •The battalion recently return of God Church) announced ser- Were those the better days? ... <*]) 1o its homeport of Port vices and activities for Sunday, The harbinger of warm weather was the ice man with his llutiiionic, Calif., after serving .Tuly 27. as follows: 9:45 A.M., brightly painted wagon, drawn by one or two horses. Huge cakes its fourth deployment to Viet STORK CLUB Sunday School for all age levejs, of ice were stowed aboard which were covered with canvas ta if(jin. with ten classes, Nursory protect them against the hot sun. As the team proceeded •*•*"; New arrivals recorded recent through Adult; 11 A.M.. worship the street, a wet line was left by the dripping water from under- service; 11 A.M., Junior Church, ly at Perth Amboy General Hos neath the tailgate. The driver looked toward the windows of for boys and girls two through i pital included: the houses for cards which represented his customers. They eleven years of age; 6 P.M.. From Carleret, a daughter to wore usually the same color as his wagon. In each corner of Christ's Ambassadors Youth Mr. and Mrs. George Rosa, 15E this card would be a number stating the size of ice desired. In Fillmoro Avenue; a son to Mr Group meeting; and 7 P.M.. Evangelistic Crusade service. this way he knew how large of a piece to cut. This procedure and Mrs. Elek Dobos, 19 Lower was always interesting to watch, especially by young boys and Street; a daughter to Mr. and The church nursery will be girls. It always seemed that when he struck with his chopper. Mrs. John Marci, 73 Grant available, under supervision, a straight clean piece would fall away. He must have been a Avon e. during the 11 o'clock services, magician because he was always right. Then he took his tongs for small children up to two From Port Reading, a daugh from a bracket on the side of the wagon, placed a piece o£ years of age. ter to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ko- burlap or canvas on his shoulder, picked up the ice and threw %a/llai 4iU"rt" vac.-, 53 Egemann Street. LINDA ANNE BOHL Services and activities sched- it up on top of the protecting material and carried it either into Fvom Sewaren, a daughter to uled for the remainder of the .•mlum Oil. National Iraod. 24-hr. the house or on to the-hack porch, where the ice box was located. Mr. and Mrs. James Pfeiffer, BETROTHAL TOLD: Mr. week of July 27 include: Mon- nrviot on all molti of burntra 373 East Avenue. and Mrs. Bernard K. Bohl, day, July 28, 6 P.M.. Men's Fcl There were large ones and small boxes, with a compartment Fur Fail isrvlce juii 5«6 Franklin Avenue, South Iowship, departure for monthly in the top with a flip-up door, and on the bottom possibly two gct>« UJ a '"II. Plainfield, announce the en- visit to Bowery Mission, Now or three shelves to hold the perishable foods. Underneath was Group Medicine gagement of their daughter, York City; Tuesday, July 29.! another narrow flip-up door that hid the pan for the water that S1M0NE BROS. In Its simplest form, group Linda Anne, to Robert Ber- 9:30 A.M., ladies prayer meet dripped down through a small pipe from the storage space on medicine is where thirty-five nard Costello, son of Mr, and top. The emptying of this pan was a daily chore, done once and UNUEN, N.J. ing, and 7:30 P.M., special pray kind relatives and thoughtful Mrs. Salvatore J. Costello, er service; Wednesday, July 30, sometimes twice, with much care so that none of it would be friends pitch in with a cure 525 Joseph Avenue, Wood- 7:45 P.M. Mid Week Bible Study spilled on the floor. 624-2624 bridge. apiece for your cold, and prayer meeting. Friday, The iceman always had an audience when he stopped in front 486-2726 -Courant. Hartford. The bride-elect graduated August 1, 8 P.M., rehearsal for of a store which required quite a bit of his product, Those mer- from South Plainfield High all levels of church choir; and] chants received an additional service . . . chopped ice. A blade School and is a Special Edu- Saturday, August 2, 7:30 P.M., with saw teeth attached to an iron handle was used to break up T cation major at Newark State church open to the public for a cake into fine pieces. These were delivered in buckets. Many College, Union. She is em- prayer. a pair of young eyes were enraptured by the shower of "ice ployed in the Display Depart- MKS. ROBEitT JOHN HOLUB ROOFING ADDITIONS sparks". The children scrambled for these little pieces to lick. ment of Tepper's, Plainfield. (Photo by Gitchell's Studio) SIDING ALTERATIONS Mr. Costello ii a graduate of They tasted Bo good . . . almost Uke ice cream to them. Their Woodbridge High School and hands tfould get so cold . . .'but they did not care, because it is Business Management and was a present from the ice man on a warm day. If he had time Marketing major at Fairleigh Holub-Wright Marriage and really was a lover of children, he would let them ride on About Your 1 his wa/wn. Thev stood on a platform that hung down on each Dickinson University, Ruther- ford. He Is assistant produc- side. Several others managed to fit on the seat underneath his FLEMINGLOSS&SONS, Inc. tion supervisor at Fedder'i Performed in Virginia big colored umbrella; and maybe a privileged one would be Corp., Edison. Home permitted to hold the reins. 49KOYKNST., FOKDS The wedding Is planned for CARTERET — The marriage This was an experience to remember which finally culminated September, 1970, of Brenda Joy Wright, daughter with the arrival of a panting, perspiring boy who blurted out, it2<>-1871-321-0997 Right now most of us are try- of Mrs. Arthur Wilson Wright of "Hey! Ma! I drove the horses today!!!" This was punctuated Mrs. Mauri Selected ing to keep cool. There are sev- Lynchburg, Va., and the late W.A.C. Seeks by the door slamming behind him. His mother probably looked eral things about what makes Mr. Wright, to Robert John Ho- up from her work and thanked God that only one of her boys As Picnic Chairman you warm or cool that you may lub, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Volunteers drove those horses that day ... or there would be no ISELIN — Mrs. Jean Mauri not know. Holub, formerly of Carteret and door left to the door leading to the kitchen. has been selected as chairman The thermometer, itself, has now residing in Rahway, took PERTH AMBOY — The Wo- The ride on the wa"on ended with, "Everybody off!" If 18S5 CHRISTENSEN'S mt place June 1 at Holy Comforter men's Army Corps currently for the picnic to be held by the very little to do with summer someone fell, he just picked himself up, brushed off the dust and heat. High humidity and lack of Catholic Church in Charlottes is seeking qualified high school "27Jmmon and U. 8. t fc'MAIN 8T. Bastardo Not too long after the first World War. Boy Scout Troop 31 wit 50% WOODBRIDGE WOODBRIDGE Catherine Deneuve quite active under the Scoutmastership of the Reverend BMh for retervattons MUSIC STUDIO man and Troop Committeemtn, Howard Tappen. Art Gardner Call 6M-B148 • l>Mons • Sheet iuiic DELICATESSEN was one of the lads who helped tear down an old stable on the Cholo m««t» and the unfit quality • Sales On All Instruments old Woodbridge-Carteret Road near the White Church cemetery of foods ire the factori that help • Band Rentals 575 Amboy Ave., Woodbridjfr ]»••', MBBIl MAURICE so that a log cabin could be built for their use. make your meil a delight. Open for COUINM: •,AHN(»HFYNfUDS RONE I lunch from 11:W to I, dinner 3:30 to tn limn Are., 3M-1SS1 FEATimtNO . , . LONGIN W. MARZECKI DISCOUNTS JI. Frl. and Sat. till H;J0, Sun. from KIJZABKTH: CATERING « to 19. Tel. U4-914I. 411 Bahwa; Ar«., 1VV41M SANDWICHES MADE TO ORDER WALTER READE THEATRES HORS D'OEUVRES HOME MADE SALADS QUALITY COLD HITS Be Sure To Visit Our THUMAN'S MEATS NOW A WAim »(*0t THM f I ' 636-4848 i ' ... :r . I '. I 0 I IVH'.I SHOWING Dally I AM t* 1A PM, AMBITIOUS BUI Gr*a%»m, Mfi- BARGAIN TABLES AwlriMlk •r*r, Pr*pt '••,-.'.. i> ci S PRESENTS GREGORY PICK OMAR SHAPIF BOYS ' Mil . I i iHKMANTJ VILLAGE LOUNGE MICBCNMA'S OOLD CHARGE IT1 12 TO 15 YEARS OLD "Jernry'a IMewett Retrrnt'' Earn Cash Proudly pr»*»nt» Air CuitiM For Your Confer i CARMEN For one of the lust SI Its mound , . . try PRIZES Exotic Dancer 2 SHOWS NIGHTLY MIKE'S Friday and Saturday (,1AM -Sl/K WITH YOUR OWN • MOST GENEROUS DRINKS 'iirs IN TOWN Leader-Press • OPEN 'TIL 3 A.M. CHL636- ilOUK IIOUHHi finlly it ;JO A.M. to « P.. fc" SATURDAY ONLY! Friday 1>:3(| A.M. U> fl:00 P.M. NEWSPAPER ROUTE * SAUSAGE A MEAT BALL TURKEY • ROAST BEEF OPRN MX »AF WEr)NESr>AF TF,AB 10UND VILLAGE MOTEL & SWIM CLUB J COLD CUTS» FRRE PARKING AT REAR ENTRANT! Call CirculatioImitation /)34 Jllll Rt. 1 & 9, RGhwey For A«* 3*2-1500 ClOfiFI) MON. f DINING AREA Department .... AVKNFI, 11 IWnii fr. (Ifnfrnl DrBimlril AVFN^T, \ Leader-Press Wednesday, July 23, I960 PKOBTORffB Local Cootie Auxiliary By RUTH WOLK Wins First Place Trophy ISELIN — The* Auxiliary to organizer; Mrs. Edith Harmon, Military Order of Cooties. Pup parliamentarian; Mrs. Am Kuh Tent S. 0. L. 13, were winners nen, banner bearer; Mrs. Violet [)( the first place trophy for Worburton. flag bearer; Mrs. \ outstanding hospital work at the Lucille Gleflson, hospital;' Mrs recent convention of the Grand Marie Gibbons, musiciant Mrs Military Order of Cooties Auxili- Gertrude Benson, mistress of ary of New Jersey held in Wild- ceremonies. wood. Auxiliary to Panic But- Also appointed: Mrs.' Joan 0 ons #44 placed second. Brennan, assistant conductress; Mrs. Marie Blaszka, of Sayre- Mrs. Agnes Young, assistant ville, was elected Grand Presi- guard; Mrs. Bruy, rehabilition; dent of the state-wide group, Mrs. Sayer, publicity; Mrs. Krai, other Grand officers elected assistant publicity: Mrs_. Canta Miss Carol Elzine Henry, of Lake. Iowa. They are Miss Mar- were: Mrs. Agnes Fleming, sen- messa, membership; id Mrs. •ioti Cypress Drive, Colonia, was lon Brelow, daughter of Mrs. ior vice-president; Mrs. Ka'ye Fleming, ways and means. named to the Dean's List of Ruth Jacobson, 48 Seymour Ave Cantamessa,' junior vice-presi- Mrs. Bertha Stewart, of Royal Bucknell University for the nue; and Miss Jeanette Galva dent; Mrs. Alfred Krai, treas- Oaks, Mich., Supreme President spring semester of the 1968-69 nek, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. urer; Mrs. Dixie Bruy, chap- was installing office. Mrs. Kra academic year. She is a junior Rudolf Galvanek, 727 Barron lain; Mrs. Vera Puntorno, con- was installing conductress and at the university. Avenue. ductress; and Mrs. Betty Howie, Mrs. Benson was as-istant con • • • • • • guard. ductress. Victor Mankowski, son of Mr. Named to the Dean's List for Trustees will be Mrs, Betty \Jtfembership awards were pre and Mrs. Mankowski, 313 Oak the Spring semester at More- Towmey. Mrs. Helen Trotter aW sented to: det Fleas #28, first head State University, Morchead, Avenue, Woodbridge, has been Ky, was Leslie Gilbert Reid of Mrs. Eleanor Kenworthy. Mrs. place; Gloucester Cohites #3: placed on the Honor Roll for Blaska has appointed the follow- and Maple Shade Bombers #30 Woodbridge.. the Winter term, 1969, according * * * ing officers; Mrs. Mildred Sayer, tied. to Dr. Eldon E. Breazier, Chaif, secretary; Mrs. Helen Stinnet, The Mayor of Wildwood pre cellor and Chief Education Offi- Edward H. Cichurski, a CPA assistant secretary; Mrs. Krai, sented the Grand President with cer for Tarkio College, Tarkio, of 31 Wick Drive, Woodbridge, chief of staff; Mrs. Krai, inspec- the key to the city. Guests of Missouri. has been elected a member of tor; Mrs. Junita Ogden, histori- Veterans Administration East the American Institute of Certi- an; Mrs. Helen Carr, scholar- Orange Hospital and Lyons Hos • * * fied Public Accountants. He is ship; Mrs. Josephine Norman, pital received donations. Two residents of Woodbridge associated with the New York have been accepted for dmis- City office for the accounting firm of Price Waterhouse and sion to the 1969 Fresman Class at MRS. ALLEN IIURNYAK MRS. JAMES FITZPATRICK from the township schools pro- Buena Vista College, Storm Co.. • (Photo by Thomas Studios) Township Holds vide educational experiences for (Photo by Urban's Cottage the "future musicians" "that in- 1 fit— clude class instruction on one, Fellowship Club Plan$ Miss Jane Farr Married Music School two, three and even four instru Awards Given ISELIN — According to aments, and a "meaningful par- Bridge Tournament Hornyak-Hunt Nuptials publicity release visitors to Ise- ticipation in band or orchestra." ISELIN — The Adult Fellow- lin Junior High School this sum. The 1969 session also offers At Class Day ship Club of First Presbyterian Church is planning a self-sup- To James Fitzpatrick mer may think that they are at classes in Fine Arts, Twirling ISELIN — Annual Class Day Solemnized in Avenel Symphony Hall, judging from performances and awards were porting semi-monthly Duplicate WOODBRIDGE — St. James ing were Charles Farr, William with a supervised recreation Bridge tournament starting in WOODBRIDGE The marriage Roman Catholic Church was the the "sound of music". The period for the students. held during the closing days of Ryan, and Gregory Almaisi, allWoodbridge Township Summer, the school year at the Iselin Jun- the early Fall. It will be held in of Miss Jo-Ann M. Hunt, daugh- setting Saturday afternoon, at o? Woodbridge. • The first Concert, held on July Fellowship Hall on the first and ter of Mr. and Mrs. Meinert Pastor Selects three o'clock, for the wedding Music School, now in residence] ior High School. The program, Mrs. Fitzpatricl: is a 1964 at Iselin Junior High School, 10, by the orchestra, string and presented by the Ninth Grade third Monday, starting at 8 O. Hunt, 74 Lockwood Avenue, of Miss Jane Farr and James woodwind ensembles was "en- P.M. Dues will be charged for and Allen Hornyak, son of Mr. Fitzpatrick, 3202 S. W. Henry graduate of Woodbridge Senior was begun five years ago by English Department, opened High School and a 1968 grad- Nicholas Romeo, supervisor of thusiastically received', accord, tournament members to cover and Mrs. Albert Hornyak, 20 Sermon Themes Street, Dcs Moines, Iowa. Rev. with the school band playing cost of equipment and refresh- Maplewood Avenue, Colonia, was uate of Trenton State College. Instrumental Music for the ing to the release. Concerts will Greensleeves" and other selec WOODBRIDGE — Rev. Brian J. McCormick, assisted be presented each Wednesday ments. solemnized Saturday afternoon, Charles Lightweis, pastor of by Rev. Edwin Leahy, officiated She was employed by the Wood- township school. tions. Patricia Karnas gave the and Friday morning until July The club is inviting members 4:30, in the First Presbyterian WoodbridRe Gospel Church, has at the double-ring ceremony. bridge Township Board of Edu- From the first enrollment of opening talk.. Church of Avenel. Rev. Walter cation as physical education in- j64 students, the program has 31. Area residents are invited The first act was the song "By of a similar tournament held announced the topic of his ser- The bride is the daughter of on the second and fourth'Mon- W. Feigner, pastor, officiated at mon at the morning worship ser- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Farr, 621 structor for special classes. steadily grown to now offer 236 to attend. The Sea," performed by Kathy the ceremony. Her husband is a graduate of young people many classes of The school will close on Aug Volker and Kathy Dixon. Among day nights at St. John Vianney vice on Sunday, July 27, will be Linden Avenue. The baide- Church, Colonia. The director Miss Lorna P. Jones served "What Seek You?" Services and • groom's parents are Mr. anNewtod n High School and of Tren- instruction. A competent, ex- ust 1 with a picnic in Merrill other numbers was a selection perienced staff, of 14 teachers of that group will assist in the as maid of honor. Bridesmaids activities have been scheduled Mrs. Cornelius Fitzpatrick of ton State College. He is cur- Park. "You Gotta Have Heart" by were the Misses Nance C. Kik- rently a salesman in the Chemi- Linda Schmidt and Cathy Cas- organization and operation of as follows: 9:45 A.M., Bibla Newton. the new group. kert, Judith A. Tcrzella and Mrs School, with classes for tvery The bride, who was given in cal Division of Swift and Com- sidy. The highlight was a take- John M. Hunt. Miss Marie Man- |pany. off from the television program Announcement will be made age from nursery through adult marriage by her father, wore a of date of first session. iscalco was flower girl. department; 11 A.M., morning Victorian gown, a white organ- The couple will make their Si. Cecelia's Church Sets 'Laugh-In" with students play- ing the various parts. The school Theodore W. Myers was best worship service; and 7 P.M., za shirtdress with pink ribbon home in Des Moines, Iowa. man with Albert L. Aymer, Her- and Venise lace trim and modi- Cheerleaders presented a foot- Gospel Service. Pastor Light- ball skit with assorted cheers, Fords Deborah Group . .Hum j^js will be speaking on the sub- fied A line skirt. Her floor Mass Schedule for Week ushering. Robert- A» •Hornyak.-f li-ngth siJk illusion veil had The special program was un- f "Speaking in Tongues" at Schedules Penny Sale brother of the bridegroom, vvas the evening service. matching lace trim. She carried ISKLIN" — Very Rev. Mon- A baby-sitting service, con- der the direction of Miss Milli- FORDS — The Fords Chapter ring bearer. white roses in a Victorian-styU signor John M. Wilus, pastor of ducted by girls of the parish, cen-t Brown, Mrs. Gertrude De The Mid Week Bible Study will of Deborah is planning a Penny Mrs. Hornyak is a 1962 grad- be held Wednesday nifiht, at 7. cascade. St. Cecelia's Church, announced will be available during all Mas- Vanay, Allan Tagliareni and Sale to be held on Wednesday,uate of Woodbridge Senior High Masses to be celebrated during Mrs. Cary, all teachers. with a prayer meeting. The study Miss Rose Marie Adam, o; ses in Room 206, for small chil- August 27, 8 P. M., at the VFW School. She graduated in 1966 will be on "Sin" and the first Woodbridge, served as maid o the remainder of this week as dren whose parents want to at- Awards, given by the school Hall, New Brunswick Avenue. from Fairleigh Dickinson Uni- six verses of I John, honor. Bridesmaids were Mis follows: tomorrow (Thursday), tend services. administration for help and par- Proceeds will go to the Deborah versity with a Bachelor of Sci- Persons wanting to partiripaln Andrea Southwick, North Bruns Friday and Saturday, 7 and ? Masses, activities and services icipation in school activities', Hospital in Brownsmills, which ence Degree in Education. Shu wick; Mrs. Walter Stillman A.M. , . specializes in heart surgery. will meet Saturday, 6 P.M., at for the remainder of the week were presented by Mrs. Joan is a <6ccond grade teacher in the church to go bowling, with Woodbridge; and Miss Rosemar.v Confessions will be,.heard Sat of July 27 include! Tuesday. Minarck and Theodore Evan, Donation's'ami: "gifts are curth-e Perth Amboy School System. iMtzpatrick of Newton. a pizza party afterward. Fur- unlay from 3:30 to 5:30 in theJ^ly 29, 8:30 P.M., meeting of teachers. Awards were presen- rently being accept*). Her husband is also a 1962 Patrick Cerminaro of Scran ther information can be obtaim-" afternoon and from 7 to 9 in the St. Vincent de Paul Society, ted to ninth grade students for Tickets are on sale with Mrs. graduate of WorJflhjidle" H i g a|fron>* pastor " Lightweis, tele ton, I'a. was best man. Usher evening. Religious school for he various activities including: Room 107; Wednesday. July 30, Virginia -Counterman, 'Chairman, School and a 1966 graduate of phone 634 2796. public school children, usually 7:30 P.M., the continuous novena Home Economics, Art contribu- of 54 Coster Boulevard, Apt. 1- Fairleigh Diekinson University. ON MOON TRAVEL COSTS held on Saturday morning, hasto St. Jude, patron of hopeless tions to the ninth grade flance; A, Edison, in charge. He received a Bachelor of Sci- .Salzburg, Austria — Wernhei been suspended for the summer, cases and the novena to Ououtstandinr g musical ability in ence Degree in Business Man- STATE JEWELERS von Uraun, head of the Marshall Fourteen Masses will be said Lady of the Miraculous Medal, horus; musical talent; excell- surer, on behalf of the P.T.A. agement. He is currently a buy- tl Main SI. / Koodbrldj* .Space Flight Center in Hunts Sunday, July 27, as follows: with Mass preceding, and bene- ence in French and Spanish; ex- to: Toni Maglione, Maureen er in Bloomingdale's, New York 634-1671 villc, Ala., told ;i space congiess G:30, 7:15, 8, 8:45, 9:45. 10:30 diction of the Most Blessed Sac- cellence in physical education; Shoebe and Steve Costello, af- City. boy students participating in • EXPERT WATCH & I hat in 30 or 40 years passen and 11:15 A.M. and 12 noon in rament commemorated after- ter the graduation exercises. They am on a wedding trip JEWELRY REPAIR J!' B,:ilj;iiniis. flight in spaceships — resem MARGUERITE FERRARO and 12:15 P.M.,in the lower Thursday, July 31, in preparation dership in band activities; news- bling present-day airliners — church, Lourdes and Fatima for First Friday to be observed paper staff; special honors; an bill without wings. Halls; and 10 A.M. Mass cele- August 1. Confessions will be dio-visual honors and library ENGAGED: Frank Ferraro, aides. 30 Kosene Street, Woodbridge, brated in Roosevelt Hospital An heard from 4 to 5:30 P.M. and announces the engagement of nex, Menlo Park. from 7:30 to 9 P.M. Mass Summer Music School Scholar WEDDINGS his daughter Marguerite to The Sacrament of Baptism schedule for Friday will be an-ship Awards were presented by Excellent Facilities Wayne C. Bryant, Jr., son of will be administered at 1 P.M. nounced. Mrs. Charles Scheurman, trea Moderate Prices Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Bry- CROSS KEYS ant, 119 Karkus Avenue, Wood- 37 W. Cherry St., Rahway bridge* « 381-5759 No date hat been set for (he wedding. I• • A *** ******** * ************** tt* * **********i .f SOUND-A-RAMA I Record and Tape Center rm TO % r||.r| $20 Worth of 8 Track Fantastic Buying Power j FREE! Blank Tape Cartridge E WITH PURCHASE OF TELEX SAVES YOU MONEY We Have I 'nbi/lom Selection 8 TRACK RECORDER-PLAYER

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/ • v •'- \\ LEADER-PflMS Wednesday, July 23, 1960

Robert Jakubowski and Donald cruiter, Joseph Norton, re Harrity upon their graduation cruiter, Ronald Chespak, gold Otlowski Scores "Hobbies-Pets" Is Themeinto Boy Scouts. and silver arrows; Den 10. An- > Achievement awards were thony Petto, silver arrow, Scott preiented as follows: Den 1. Siegel, two silver arrows. Jay Republicans on For Cub Pack 249 Session Jamea Husbarsky, recruiter Tiubcr, silver arrow and Brian badge; Den 2, John Brennan, McMahon, wolf. ISELIN - A licit, featuring Norton,' Steven Abood- and wolf, Ralph Bothman, silver ar The following Webelos receiv- Sheriff Issues cub scouti displaying their fa- Christopher Scrudato. row, Kenneth Aurigetnma, ed activity badges: Amadeu The song portion was present- NEW BRUNSWICK - Middle- vorite hobbies and peti, includ- wolf, gold arrow and four siUer Baptista, athlete and scholar sex County Freeholder Director ed by Den 1, with Mrs. Edward ing birdi, dogs, irt work ind arrows, and Nicholas Miele, two ship; Mark Kemps, three year George J. Otlowski has labeled modelt wai preiented at the Ruibarsky, den mother, direct silver arrows. ; George Barop, two year Republican attempta "to picture Ing. Cuba included: Michael Larry Cohen, recruiter pack meeting of Cub More -Awards pin; Sheriff John Flanagan the great scout Pack M. held In Knight. Jffi^wKr & Also, Den 3, Steven Jenkins, Marshall Moss, athlete: hope in law enforcement as at of Columbus Hall, Grand Street. bear; Den 4, Mrs. Jeanne Kara, Michael -Bozung, Glenn Henkd. best, the cheapest possible po- grave, Martin Oweni and Ed John Zazzarino and Michael litical trick and at worst, sup- Participant* were: Kenneth ward Diaz. man, two year pin; Den 5. Vito Shaw. William Clark. Wayne LaCorte, wolf; Den 6, Clict Ginson, athlete. Also. Paul port for « vigilante mentality by Den 0 conducted the opening Schoeb, naturalist and show unqualified persons." Maurer. Peter Tranchlk, Bern- Peters, denner, Michael La- flag ceremony with Mrs. Sandra man; John Dale, artist; Ken- Motta, assistant denner; Den 7, Otlowski said the Board of ard Us. TMchard Marcolls and Siegel, den mother, in charge. neth Kaslow, athlete and trawl Ronald Miller, wolf, gold arrow Freeholders "will support any Kenneth Mcares. Participants were Brian Mc- er; Edward Rusbarsky, denner: and one year pin. Fred Sween- legitimate effort to attack crlmo The craft table display In Mahon, Anthony Petto, Jay Joseph Abood, traveler; Joseph rii'ded hobbleg and ey, one year pin and Christo- Zaremba, sportsman; Glenn by any qualified tgency at the and Scott Siegel. pher Goulden, one year pin; local, county, state and federal ma.le by cubs of Den 9, direct- Henkel, denner; and Larry Co j Three boys were Inducted into Den 8, Gregory Stotz, John hen, sportsman. level — but the board will not by Mrs. Mickey Nortonand the pack as Bobcats. They Duteher and Thomas Luchino. support at any time a. personal 1 rs. Katherine Hiune. Cubs!were; Kenneth Meares, Robert recruiter badges, Den 9, Frank Recent activities included: effort as evidenced by press spaghetti dinner; pincwood dor -were Michael Adams, Qlen Co-JRU2ick and Louis LaMott^. The Thune, denner and recruiter statements from Flanagan, GOP li ii, William Hayduck, RonaldjArrow of Light was presented ku-e. Chris Scrudato, allver by; pack picnic; trip to Crystal j County Chairman John Gallag- <."•"•'•. Frank Thune, Joseph to Dennis Galvln. John Dale, arrow, assistant denner and re- Caves and Roadside America in her and GOP freeholder candi- Pennsylvania; and participation date Frank Coury to capitalize in Raritan Council's Expo-Boy on fear." Power in Johnson Park, Pise at away Township. The director said such efforts represent "a callous and fright- ening disregard for public safety SUMMER TWO \../oJ 8A1WAKUANS': Arthur Shackelford, right, and Charlei Napp, center right, which only masquerades as law Vaill To Head were honored by Humble Oil and Refining Company at a dinner held in the Brasf Bucket, enforcement." Woodbridge, last week. Napp or 56 Kendall Drive, I'arlin, and Shackelford of 38 Monmouth "There is, to be sure, a fins CLEARANCE Road, Spotswood, combined to rescue Humble employe William J. Farley. 713 Keep Street, line between honest law enforce Ronson Sales Linden, from his tanker truck following five-vehicle crash and subsequent (ire. Company ex- ment procedures conducted by ecutives Charles W. Goodyear and Samuel E. Charlton presented wrlstwatchei engraved "To dedicated and trained police and SALE questionable tactics planned by JULY 17 thru JULY 26-An Additional •Of "Foodmatic" a Good Samaritan", their respective names and the date to the men. and executed ill-equipped, if not WOODBRIl!(GE - Richard A. dangerous, cutoffs," Otlowski Vaill, a sales executive with sold by department and appi- said. more than 16 years experienci ance stores along with Ronson's Miss Arlene M. Uszenski "And I might point out that in the building and kitchen mod other appliances and flame pro OFF! this 'game' of law enforcement ernization fields, has been nanv ducts. has already had its tragic re- ed national .tales manager for th. Designed for installation in Weds David Joseph Leperi on Our Wrcfirfi/ low, laic factory price t sults. on /III .Summer Sportswear and D Built-in model of Ronson' new homes or remodeled kit "Foodmatie" kitchen multi chens, the Built-in Foodmatie, "The Board of Freeholders ij every bit as concerned about • Culottes * Bra Dresses appliance. Louis V. Aronson II which has 16 standard attach law enforcement and the effec- Ronson Corporation president, menu, Is installed in the kitchen • Slacks * Scooters hai announced. tive attack on gambling, nar- counter and folds awsy when cotics and organized crime in • Skirts * Pant Sets Aronson said that Vaill will be not in use. It comes with a blend general. We work with these *Pant Dresses * Short Sets responsible for the developmen er, meat grinder, knife and scis problems daily," the director and implementation of a nation tors sharpener, salad slicer said. | wide marketing pro;, am for the shredder, juicer, dough kneading • Calotte Dresses •BLOUSES Hunt In Foodmatie, which thus "But our concern must also be (pla* viany •(her IICITIM) hook, beateri, and bowls — all that law enforcement is con far has only been test-marketed stored in custom contoured trays all firtl quality nationally advertited branji in a limited area of the East. He ducted by the proper authorities with roll out for easy accessalii pointed out that the marketing — the officials trained for such lity. Optional attachments in work at the federal, state, coun pattern for the Built-in Food ty and municipal levels. matic, which will be sold by dis elude an ice crusher, coffee mill, "Let's take a hard look at tributors to new home and apart and deluxe juicer. Sheriff Flanagan's 'detective ment builders and kitchen re Prior to joining Ronson, Vaill squad.' "From whence romrlh th« he»t for /*>««" modelers, is unlike the distribu- was national sales manager for tion system for other Ronson Trade-Wind products at the Thcr — One member Is a so-called 'detective' fired by the Prose- 1439 IRVING ST., RAHWAY, N.J. consumer products. Console and mador Company, and for more cutor's Office, an action upheld Dailr * Sat. MO to 6 - Thuri. 'til f r.M. 388-4400 [ mi counter models of the Food han a decade before had been by Civil Service, because of no malic, the first "major" ap associated with the marketing of | 'plianee developed by Ronson, are torious associations this detec- electrical products in the build tive had with known gamblers, ing and electrical distribution poople just recently identified as fields. close to organized crime. Born in Lakeville, Conn . Vaill "— Another 'detective' assign was graduated from the Hoteh- ill to Ihe night patrol Is a per- kiss School, Lakeville. He is a Min who could not qualify for a 945 graduate of the U. S. Naval local police department because Academy and served several of psychological difficulties. This ears in the Pacific aboard de is part of the record. troyers with the Seventh Fleet "On the face of it, these facts prior to his honorable discharge. cast grave doubt on the quali He returned to active duty dur ficalions of the so-called de- ing the Korean conflict and ser tective slaff which now has the ved on the staff of a destroyer arrogance to demand in the pub- squadron. lic press that the freeholders Al/'.S. DAVID JOSEPH LEPERI keep hands off the sheriff's de- Vaill, his wife, Adeline, and (Photo by Bejas Studio) partment. :heir two children reside in Wood- land Hills, Calif. They will goon WOODBRIDGE — St. James' were: Miss Jane Hinko, Wood "And I emphasize that word move to New Jerse,. Roman Catholic Church wat the bridge; Miss Kitty Maher, Ma 'arrogance', Otlowski said. setting on Saturday, July 5, 2 plewopd; and Mrs, John Curran, "I refer to the case of the P. M., for the wadding of Miss Colonia. young man from Union Cum.'.y IN SERVICE Arlene Mary Uszenski, daughter Ronald Podlesny, uncle of the who wat driving In "an erratic Private First Class Robert J. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Uswn bridegroom, was best man. Ush-fashion' according to the IT Rasnek, son of Mr. and Mrs, An-•ki, 4 Wallace Street, to David ers were Philip Morales, Wood ports, and who was shot ami on Rasnek, 90 W. Hill Road. Joseph Leperi, 250 B. Lafayette bridge; John Curran, Colonia; killed by Flanagan's night pa- trol. Thii mm was pursued by Colonia, received the Army Road, Metuchen. Rev. Brian and Richard Zullo, Woodbridge Mrs. Leperi is a 1967 graduate in ordinary clothes and in !ommendation Medal recently McCormick officiated. k while serving with the lit Ca- of Woodbridge Senior High an unmarked car. Who among The bridegroom Is the son of School. She is attending Jersey airy Division (Airmobile) near us would not be frightened? Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leperi, City State College and-is a spe- 'huoc Vinh, Vietnam. Pfc. Ras- "Aside from the criminal as- 4849 Cypress Avenue, Trevose, cial education teacher at Our pects offthis ,case which will lie ek earned the awu'd for merito- Lady of Peace School, Kurds. determifed by a grand jury, and ious service ai a biker assign- Miss Carolyn E. Usuniki. Her husband is a 1968 grad aside from the personal tragedy d with Company C, 1st Batta- sister of the bride, served ai uate of Jersey City State Col- experienced by this man's fami- ion of the division. maid of honor. Bridesmaids lege, with a Bachelor of Arts In ly, there is the issue of civil Special Education. He it an in- action against Middlesex County structor for the State of New which may cost the county and I Jersey In the Department of its taxpayers hundreds of thou- Agencies and Institutions. sands of dollars." After a wedding trip to Nova Otlowski said "The plain fact Scotia, the couple will make is that sheriffs in neighboring their home in Metuchen. Union and Somerset counties in recently-published newspaper aer counts consider creation of 1tW enforcement' squads by sheriffs Bloodmobile costly duplication of services a I ready performed by local, stain « t < To Visit Plant and county authorities, and the principal duties a sheriff has WOODBRIDGE—Mrs. Jamrs is service to the courts and civil Nolan. Red Cross Blood Pro- responsibilities. & gram chairman for Woodbridge. "But, more Important, is Hie has announced that the Red frightening thought of these ma Cross Bloodmobile will visit the rauding patrols manned by sus- lant of the Reynolds Metal pect 'detectives' going about th« Company in Avenel on August PLAY IT SAFE county under the guise of law 8. The program, established to over local pmployees is under enforcers, led by »n inept in- NO 'he chairmanship of Lawrence experienced sheriff. -'ampflny, personnel manager 1 accuse Flanagan. Gallagher In announcing this new blood- and Coury, as evidenced by tlwir mobile visit. Mrs. Nolan pointed public statements, of a total dis- nit that the Red Cross Blood-!reRai"d for the accepted stand- call before you dig mot, ile is now visiting some k>-!ards of law.enforcement, of an ation in Middlesex County on attempt to gain cheap political When you d\g on private the average of one day a week advantage through the use of ''here are two types of blood fear, and of supporting the crpa property or in the sfreof, don't 'ianks. Mrs. Nolan said. Indus tion of nothing more than a vi- risk damage to underground electric CHARGE I rial visits, restricted to the em gilante group, Otlowski said. lines. Find out first where these oloyees of a single company and Community visits, open to RUM UNLOADS CARGO =tny interested individual or fa Mrwss are located. , and safeguard Seattle — While unloading the mily. lives, property, and equipment. first Soviet ship to bring cargn Master Charge Bloodbanks open to the public to a U. S. port in 19 years, th* within the next few months will Russian captain said that thera Call Public Service before you dig. A include: The Conservative Tern should be closer ties between pie, Highland Park, September the two countries "so that wo representative will visit the job and 9; South Brunswick High might live in peace." The crew 'chool, September 20: South indlcatfi the location of underground facilities. made a special tour of Seattl* \mboy Community, November by bus. SAFE PRACTICE PAYS OFF! : Woodbridge Community. No ember 10; and St Thomas Ro nan Catholic Church, Old ON SERVING TOGETHER ridge. December 13. Washington — Secretary of De- Persons interested may call fense Melvin R. Laird reports PUBLIC SERVICE EIECTRIC 'ie nearest Red Cross office that the Pentagon would continue AND GAS COMPANY fir information. :o allow members of the «am» family to serve togpfhpr on a it Bank '1ST FAR: V AT 9» ship if they rec/iifstfd it A Unwell, Mich. - Willie Wright review into the. rulfis, followed TRUST COMPANY MA. s had his first birthday rty :he loss of three brothers aboard 1 the age of 9:t The Negro :he destroyer Frank E. Evaas. ndow washer was .honored by IWPII civic and business lead Just a Putl - ,ii (trip 'nf fhr hr'si Invert "Ymi'lF drive me nut of mjr ***ummmm*it VK of th" community About'rnln'rl," said the gdlfer. I riend.s attended and gave| "That would Im a putl dear -- Wrilfht SWJO. harrllv a drive " rnnliorj hn wilt* \ ,• Wednesday, July ?3,1989 1 Lyncheski Critical Variety of Programs ;i 1 Church Begins Bible School Of Health Department The Mayor Reports WOODBRIDGE - The annual Accelerate Summer Daily Vacation Bible School WOODBRIDGE — Mayor- . s Mayor --rone for three weeks by program of the Central Baptist Barone and his administration and that he knew about it but are insensitive to the problems hat, "he (Barone) saw no need Church- will begin Monday, July of the people in Woodbridgel", .o speak to her about the niat- Ralph P. Barone, Ph. 0. 28, and continue daily through charged Robert F. Lyncheski. cr", nffted Lyncheski. Playground Activity Friday, August 1. The summer Lyncheski, the Woodbridge "It would seem," chargvj program is of a daily nature de- Republican Municipal Chairman Lyncheski," that Mayor Barone'i and candidate for .ouncilman in jidif'erence and negative atti- CARTERET — The Carteret Medallions. This project will be signed to help "all young people ground Director Robert Yustak Ihe second ward, addressed the tudes are further reflected by Recreation Department's Sum for children in the age group states that the outdoor basket- attain a wholesome and adjusted In the Apocrypha in the" Old Second Ward Republican Execu- mer Program Is in full swing from 5 tQ 8 years of age. ball program under the dircc- This year our foreign student some of his administrators and Testament vie read: "I shall life through presenting the Bibli- tive County Committee today. with nine playfields in opera Registration to date on the tionof Peter Kindziersky will teachers at the day camp, which council members. Poor leader- light a candle of understanding cal message it the various age He aated "that rates were a ma- tion. Each play area is open various playgrounds list 986 hold clinical sessions of Tues is held at Merrill Park, are Lu- ship results in poor teamwork," in thine heart, whioh shall not from XI to 6 P.M. from Monday children. Parkview has the lar days and Thursday from 6 to 8 cia Ferreria, Brazil; Maria Ca levels", according to Rev. jor problem in the Strawberry he said. "This is what we and tiia be put out." to Friday and is supervised gest number of children regis P.M. at the Carteret #ark Out- no, Peru; Catherine Deconinck James Gent, pastor. Hill section and that the Health voters of Woodbridge must rec- This is what we are atempt- France; Alice George, India; Department has not only doing with qualified personnel. tered, 223. All children are re door Court. Teen age boys are All young people between the tify ;' s November," concluded ing to do in Woodbridge Town- DtJrila Katz, Columbia; Akikc nothing about It, but was also Besides the playfields. the quested to register in order to invited to register and partici- ages of four through the teen- LyncheiBci. ship—to light a candle of under- Takahasko, Japan. Mary Chu contemptuous to those who IU-C is offering many varied participate in any activity. pate. age years may attend. No fee itanding. Republic of China and Davii wished to bring the problem to activities available to the youth On Mondays, fifty children will be charged and free bus The weight lifting program is For several summers now, Ellroy, India. Just take a littl their attention." and children of the Borough. re being bussed to Cheese- ransportation will be provided. showing a tremendous interest the administration has been trip to Merrill Park and for Lyucheski quoted Mrs. Dar- Playfields feature swings, sand quake State Park for swimming Individual private classes will be for boys between the ages of 14 sponsoring Project World W.I.- few moments watch our young lene Varga, 118 Fulton Street, Recipe of the boxes, glides and basketball and picnicking. Two trips to conducted for each of the various to 18. These classes meet in the D.E, The project, which is now sters engrossed in the games (TNT, 16 .July 69) who stated at courts and a variety of games, Palisades Amusement Park is age groups. Week scheduled. All reservations court yard of the Nathan Hale commonly spoiled without the sports, crafts, dances and eve the Township Council meeting of arts and crafts are scheduled School on Monday, Wednesday letters—as Project World Wide weekly for a two hour period on must be made with the play the foods of those countries. Ages four through twelve will July 1, that she had called the and Friday from 6:30 to 8 P. M. —took its name originally from be meeting each morning, 9:30 health department and was told each playfield, On Mondays ground leader. August 4, and Township children, who are en Salads always make a meal August 25 has been scheduled All participants must register the words "Woodbridge Interna- to 11:30 A. M. at the temporary to, "get a red light for the live from 1 to 3 P.M. the Parkview rolled in the camp for one wee more enjoyable, and during for Palisades Amusement Park with the instructors, Ray Bia tional Daycamp Experiment." location of the church. School rats, and a stop sign to keep playground has arts and crafts, or more at the nominal sum o: these hot summer days, tha lick and Peter Sowierka. It was an experiment in the #23 on Woodbine Avenue in the dead ones from dying on her from 3 to 5 P.M. Shorecrest, Free movies are being shown early days, but today Project $10 to pay for transportation busy homemaker welcomes dif- The Carteret High School Avenel. Included in the program property." Tuesdays from 1 to 3 P.M.; at the Nathan Hale School at World Wide is more than an ex- swimming, insurance, milk ferent ideas. This one has eye Summer Band will present cookies and arts and crafts sup will be: Bible lessons, hand- John Street. 3 to 5 P.M.; Grant P.M. on Mondays. There is no periment. It has proven its "Can you just imagine the gall appeal and is complimented by concert in Carteret Park ( plies, are learning respect foi crafts, games and refreshments. Avenue, Wednesdays from 1 to admission charge for this mov worth as a method of promoting of this health department offi- your favorite fruit dressing, Wednesday, July 23, 1969, begin- those from other lands. Nc Besides these daily features, 3 P.M.. Liberty Park, from 3 ie. The senior citizens of the international relations and good cial?", he asked, "If I were in Hermann Homes will be bussed ning at 7:30 P. M. Mr. Julius longer do these children consid- special and surprise events will Fruit Salad Plato to 5 P.M.; Carteret Park, will—even though it may seem a position of authority, I would to this activity. The bus will Lengyel will be in charge of er their instructors foreigners— Thursdays from 1 to 3 P.M.; just a drop in a troublesome be planned for each day, have this man fired! The func- Lettuce *; leave at 6:50 P.M. on Mondays the program. The public is in- they are welcome guests in nur Bernard Street, from 3 to 5 P.- sea. But we are lighting a can- The teen-agers and young peo- tion of the health department is Pineapple slices and will return following the vited to attend. land. At the same time, the for M.; Cornell Estates and Fri- dle—and as the saying goes if ple will be meeting in the eve- to protect the public, not to in- Cottage Cheese end of the show. eigns students are learning oui days from 1 to 3 P.M. U. S. All teen age boys and girls everyone lit a candle how bright nings from 6 to 8:45 'at the sult it," he continued. Whole sections of oranpes Metali Playground. ways and customs. Whole sections of grapefruit A bus load of children spent interested ' in golf instruction the world would be! churcu property, 31 Thorpe Ave- Lyncheskj said. "The people A course In elementary Seedless grapes art last Friday at the Turtle Back must register on August 4, 1969 In recent years, I am afraid Actually, both the teacher! nue, also Avenel. An extra spe- shouldn't have to come to the Cherries and sculpture Is offered from Zoo in West Orange as guests at 10 A. M. Mr. Robert O'Lear Project World Wide has been and the children are lightin) cial teen-age program is plan- Township Council everytime that Melon balls 10 A.M. to 12 noon on Mondays, of the Carteret Recreation De- will be in charge of this pro- taken for granted. And it candles of understandtng.May rfed for each session. a problem arises. The various Ripe olives Wednesday and Fridays at the partment. Several other trips gram. The Raritan Arsenal Golf shouldn't be. Each year we ob- be, we are teaching understand administrative sections of the Course will be used for teeing The regular Sunday services Celery hearts Youth Center in Carteret Park. are inn the process of being ar- tain top students from foreign in a small way, but if all over township should be able to off. Preliminary instructions of the church are: Bible School, Mayonnaise This program has 42 ' children ranged by the department. lands who are studying in our the world communities wouli handle their responsibilities effi- registered to date. Registration Commisioncr Robert Seigeti will be given at Carteret High 10 A. M., worship service, 11 A. Fruit salad dressing colleges and universities. We take similar steps to teach th< M.; Youth Time, 6:30 P. M. and ciently and with the propri is no longer open for this course. is well pleased with the sum- School Parking lot. : Arrange a large lettuce cup bring them tao Woodbridge and young that we are all God evening service at 7. The mid toward thj taxpayers which for this course. r 'Hlfefc. program and the number they teach our children the cus- on each serving plate. Add a Thomas Coughlin, Recrea- children, there would not be s< week service is held on Wednes- their due, Featured on the program for of children that have taken ad- toms, the songs and games of pineapple slice and top with tion Director announces the much war, tension and riot in day nights, at 7:30. "Our new health center cost arts and crafts for next week vantage of the many opportuni- schedule for the next two Teen their countries. on this earth. cottage cheese. will be the making of Indian ies and activities offered. Play- more than a quarter of a million Age Dances. On July 24, horn dollars," Lyncheski continued, Alternate section Of oranges 7 to 10 P. M., a teen age dance "but it fails to respond to the and grapefruit, slightly over- will be held in the court yard public needs! I'm not surprised, lapping the cheese mound. Add of the Miriue School and on Scott Sullender To Speak JUST PARAGRAPHS though," he said. 2 clusters of grapes, cherries July 31, 1969 a teen age dance "A news article (TNT, 10 July and melon balls. Garni* each Calendar will be presented in the court 69) stated that a Mrs. Purdy. in plate with ripe olive and celery. yard of the Nathan Hale School. At Presbyterian Church Good Old Days reference to an insect problem, Use a fruit dressing «r may- All teen age dances will start The good old days are defined in Sewar«n, had tried to contact onnaise. at 7 A. M., and continue to 10 for ISELIN — Scott Sullender, September 21, Further detail as the days when a teen-ager P. M. This will prevent com- student assistant minister at are to be announced. went into the garage and came •HOMEOWNERS i plaints from neighbors about out with a lawn mower. the First Presbyterian Church, Mrs Karl Kanke, church SPC 300th Anniversary of the late hour noise, •Globe, Alchison, Kan. will present the serrhon Sunday retary, announced the churc morning, July 27, at t'wo wor- office will be open Monda All In A Name ship services. Services are set through Friday, 9 A.M. to II BORROWmOOO Woodbridge Township Comptroller Gives for 8:45 and 10:15 A.M. On Sun- Then there is the fellow who noon and 1 to 3 P.M. throughoti picks up the trash and calls # ••••••••••••••••••••••••••a Bank Mergdt Consent day, August 3, Rev. David D, the summer. Prince, pastor, will be present himself a collector of external! FR0M 1 IN THE STATE FORDS - W. Emlen Roose- and the Sacrament of Holy Thirty-two young people oi residue. : velt, president of the First the 1969 Communicant's Class -Commercial Appeal, Memphis ! AUGUST Communion will be commemor Bank and Trust Co., N.A., and ated. have been accepted into thi CONSOLIDATE YOUR DEBTS August 3 — Drum and Bugle Corps competition, with 300th an the National State Bank of The church nursery will be membership and fellowship o Financial Note i niversary theme. Sponsored by Blue Angels Drum and Elizabeth, announced today that ANY AMOUNT FROM available, under supervision, the churoh. They are: Bartoi Have you noticed how much' Bugle Corps, 2 P.M. at John F. Kennedy Memorial Higb approval of the merger of both $1500 to $10,000 during the 10:15 service only, Argalas, John Barby, Jr., Joyct easier it is now to get change School Field, Iselin. Approximately 20 units to partici banks was received frpm Comp- HOMERE-FINANCING for small children up to four Baumgarten, Jeffery. Blyth for a $10 bill? If there is any, UFE INSURANCE AVAILABLE pate. troller of the Oh-reney William years of age, Margaret Bonomolo, Gregorj ^_ _ , ] ON All LOANS B. Camp. Federal laW requires Church school classes have Chambers, Susan Cummings •Christian Science Monitor. Cedar Grcv* Clnrk F Brtinwitr". W. Inng nr»nch Tnnn Rlunr SEPTEMBER a waiting period of thirty days been suspended for the sum- Donald Czaplinsky, Anna Maria 239-5700 382-7400 2576000 542-7300 244-5400 September 5 and 8 — New Jersey State Exempt Firemen's As- before the anticipated consol A Hardship mer, with resumption set for De Filippo. Barbara Edwards, 388 RT. 2.7, CEDAR GROVf, N. J. sociation Convention and Parade. Parade will be iield idation can Become' effective, Early log cabins must have 1114 RARITAN RD., CLARK, N. J. September, Senior and Junior Lee French, Jay Hinllcky, Deb MODERN September 6 and will have 300th Anniversary as theme. making August 18 the earliest been unbearably hot in summer, 7BI HIGHWAY 18, [AST UUNSWICK.N J High Fellowships have also sus- orah Jones, Linda Kemper, Viri possible merger date,' at which since often there were no win ACCEPTANCE 265 «T. 34, W. LONG BRANCH, N. I. • • • pended meetings. time business will continue un- cent King, Roxanne Klett. Lin dows for the installation of air 1413 HOOPE* AVE., TOMS RIVE», N. ). Dedication of monuments in memory of Jamei Volunteers are needed as CORP. der the name and charter da Kolb, Maria Mangione, Re conditioners. Parker who printed first newspaper in the State of counselors for summer camp. I He. Chap, 91. Pi. IMS MB The National State Bank, becca Murphy, Jeri Nekhay of New Jersey ia Woodbridge and in memory of Jonathan Interested persons may contact As of June 30, the resources Debra O'Brien, Gary Rice, Al Dunham who ran the first grist mill in the State here. Charles Dittemer, 636 4073, for of the First Bank and Trust cxander Rosetti, Jr., Yvonn- Ceremonies to be held in Trinity Episcopal and First information and applications. Company, N. A., were $119,894,- Rossetti, Linda Schmitt, Briar Presbyterian Churchyards. Reception in Trinity Fellow Two events have been plan- fifiO and those of The National Silbon, Robert Thomas, Josepl ship Hall. Data to be Announced. ned for Septmber, with the an State Bank totaled $245,127,477, Ulchinsky, William Voehringc September 22 — 300th Anniversary Concert, U. S. Marine Corps with 23 offfceg located through nual Labor Day Picnic sched- Jr., Patricia Wohlert, Lind uled to begin at 2 P.M. in the Join our Range Band. (President's own) sponsored by Rotary Club of out Union and Middlesex Coun Wood and James Young, church grove. The Adult Fellow- Woodbridge at Woodbridge Senior High School Auditor es. ium. Two performances at 2:00 P. M. and 8:15 P. M. ship Club will provide grills and charcoal for cooking. Badmin- Pungent! Security ton and volleyball will be avail OCTOBER "I always wash my hair ii CHURCH MONTH - All houses of worship to hold services. We don't fear an invasion from able as well as games for small- Love-In Sale! Han. We figure they have heard er children. beet" NOVEMBER

1\ By WINDSOR J, IAKIS THE MIDDLESEX COUNTY LETTERS TO EDITOR I Under the Capitol Dome I July 16, 19G9 i By J. Joseph Gribbiru I Police Director Joseph Galassi TRENTON — The wild girls ed that 75 per cent of the mice I'. 0. Box 395 from the Caribbean are due to exposed to that air died within Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095 arrive in New Jersey soon kick 6 to 15 minutes. No one had 20 GREEN STREET, WOODBHIDGE, NEW IERSEY 07095 Dear Joe: ing up their heels and raising checked the air the scuba divers Phone 634-11 li (Area Code 201; As you know, I've retired from havoc in city and country. breathed! the great profession of a repor- Their names are Anne ter some years ago. But, once Blanche, Camille, Debbie, Eve DUCKS: — Hunting regula- a newspaperman always a news Published Weekly l0(* Pa: Copy WINDOW Francella, Gerda, Holly, Inga tions for woodcock, rails, galli- paperman, Jenny, Kara, Laurie, Martha nules, common snjpe and doves On Wednesday By . Mail Subscription Rates While visiting with my son-in- Netty, Orva, Peggy, Rhoda, Sa this fall and winter will be near- ON GREEN STREET die, Tanya, Virgy and Wenda North lersey One Yeax. $4.00 law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. ly the same as last year, the Charles Banko of Sewaren, dur- They are hurricanes. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Publishing, Inc. Six Months, S2.50 Engineman Second Class Ronald L. Oyer, USN, son of Mr. an ing June and July, I found my- The storms have been named Wildlife in Washington has an- Mrs. Edwin Oyir of 31 Martin Terrace, and husband of the forme) self participating in some police by the United 'States Weather nounced. >• Miss Helen O. Frey of 867 Harrell Avenue, Woodbridgc, partici- action that was most, revealing. Bureau for identification pur Surveys indicate little chango LAWRENCE P. CAMPION, Publinh»r • HAHRY P. FBAWI. Auodatt Publishti pated in the turnover of the tank landing ship USS Coconino Coun On the night of July 7th, last, poses in the hope they will steer in the populations of these birds ty to the Republic of Vietnam. when the City of Perth Amboy clear of the populous areas of in the various sections of the the ship was presented to the Vietnamese Chief of Naval Oper was being subjected to its second the country, such as New Jersey United States, Frameworks of ations, Commodore Tran Van Chon, during ceremonies in Guam straight night of disturbances, The names of the girls have been the seasons arc announced prior IELP IS HARD TO GET THESE DAYS! The ship has been renamed VNS Vung Tau for the resort city a destruction of private property used by the Weather Bureau to to the dates of the actual sea- the mouth of the Saigon River. and violence, your "Red Alert" identify tropical cyclones in the sons in order to get the recom- Coconino County is the*Hirst commissioned U. S. Naval vessel was flashed to members of the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea mendations of Fish and Game to be presented to the Vietnamese government in a major step Woodbridge Police Department. and Gulf of Mexico since 1953 Councils in the various states. to develop a strong Vietnamese Navy. Hearing the call, I lost no time A separate set of names is used The season for taking scoter, U. S. Navy crewmen, who worked long hours modifying theii getting to Woodbridge Police each year. The letters Q, U, X eider and old-squaw ducks is ship for Vietnamese operational commitments and training the Headquarters-something I start- Y and Z are not included be prescribed between September now Vietnamese crew, have been re-assigned aboard the USS ed to do way back in 1924. cause of the scarcity of names 25 and January 10 in New Jersey Outagamie County in Guam. After a short training period their beginning with these letters. and other states irinuded in the ship will deploy for duty off the coast of Vietnam. Arriving at Headquarters, I The New Jersey Division of Atlantic Fly way. | witnessed a most'thrilling and Civil Defense, cooperating with hours!are from one- • • • eerie sight. Members of your representatives of the Environ half hour befonf sunrise until Ralph dayman, son of Dr. and Mrs. S. J. dayman of 128 department were arriving-some mental Science Services Admin- sunset. The daily bag limit is Grove Avenue, Woodbridge, has been named to the Dean's already dressed for battle others istration, a Federal agency re seven and the possession limit is List at Grlnnell College, for outstanding academic achieve- still dressing. Within 15 minutes sponsible for the tracking of 14, singly or in the aggregate of ment during the second semester. nearly your entire police per- hurricanes, tornadoes and other these species. , dayman, who received his B. A. degree from Grinnell in sonnel was at hand ... within severe weather conditions, have During the regular season in May, will study medicine at the University of. California the same period, 15 men were updated procedures for dealing the Atlantic'" Flyway, in addition (San Diego). He Is a 1965 graduate of Woodbridge Senior armed with the necessary equip- with the effects of tropical to the bag limit on other ducks, High School. ment and were on their way tr ms. Deputy Civil Defense a daily bag limit of 7 and a pos- • • • Perth Ajnboy in response to that Director J. Morgan Van Hise session limit of 14 scoter, eider, A Navy man from Carteret has been awarded the Navy Com city's call for help. In another warns residents of New Jersey and old-squaw ducks, singly or mendation medal for service with the River Patrol Force in 5 minutes, 11 more men were on to get braced for the opening of in the aggregate of these spe- the Mekong Delta. their way to assist the neighbor- the hurricane season about mid- cies will be permitted. Seaman Kevin Slattery of 37 Chestnut Street. Carteret, New ing city's police. summer. Fifty thousand special booklets called "Hurricane Pre Jersey, was presented the medal by Capt. A. W. Price. Jr., USN, CROPS: — Bumper vcgctabla You, of course, were aware of cautions" listing the do's and commander of the River Patrol Force during ceremonies at Binh crops are perdicted for New Jer- all this activity-as you and your don'ts before, during and after Thuy in the Mekong Delta. Slattery is assigned to River Divi- sey this summer by the New sion 574. senior officers were on hand di- a hurricane, may be secured at recting every move. And, al Jersey Crop Reporting Service. lie was cited for the contributions he and his fellow river patrol local civil defense offices, he without the least confusitj. Crop development continued boat (PHR) crewmen made while participating in the-Navy's said. The 26 me I you detailed to about 3 to 5 days ahead of nor- Operation Giant Slingshot. Especially significant were two en- The first rule is t> stay in- mal and harvest of most sum- gagements with the enemy on the night of April 1,1969, when his Perth Amboy were considered doors during, a hurricane. Keep adequate to cope with the situa- mer vegetables is increasing. patrol thwarted a Viet Cong attempt to transport communist per- tuned to your radio and above Rainfall has been mostly bene- sonnel and supplies across the Vam Co Dong River, northwest tion, according to that city's po all, keep calm. Unless you are lice chief. Standing by at Wood- ficial. HowffCer, hail in July 3, of Saigon. His patrol killed 15 enemy soldiers during the en- qualified to render valuable aid, severely damaged some crops countejrs. bridge Headquarters, however, stay away from disaster areas were at least another 50 battle- in Burlington County. The PBRs are 31-foot fiberglass boats built on a pleasure craft where you may hamber rescue ready men waiting to answer July forecasts indicate that for hall and propelled by water jets driven by two diesel engines. The and first aid work. any additional call for assistance eleven spring and summer sea- water jet principle allows them to operate in less than a foot of It's a hurricane when the from Perth Amboy. son fresh market vegetable water, an often vital factor in the shallow canals where the Viet winds are 74 miles per hour or crops, aggregate production this Cong travel in small sampans. This emergency existed from stronger rotating around its cen- year will" be 4,688,000 hundred- They are manned by four men with an enlisted boat captain approximately 11:30 P.M. until ter. Nearly 60 per cent of the weight, which is 2 per cent more and armament consisting of three .50-caliber machine guns, an nearly 3 A.M. All without dis hurricanes form during August than in 1968 and 3 per cent more M-60 machine gun, an automatic grenade launcher, and frequent rupting the regular police cover and the first half of September. han in 1967. ly — a Mark 60 mortar. age of the township. All without Greater production of snap additional or overtime pay to the Daily routine for the PBR sailors involves stopping and check- GOVERNMENT: — Four ad beans, cabbage, sweet corn, cu- men who rushed in to help a ing boat traffic on the Delta waterways to prevent passage of ditional New Jersey municipali- cumbers, escarole and lettuce is neighboring city that was in enemy supplies and personnel. ties are operating under new expected this year than last. trouble. At night, after the river curfew, they search for the elusive forms of government since July wer production is forecast for Viet Cong. This is the enemy's favorite time to attempt cross- I stayed with your men until 1, thus joining forty four other asparagus, carrots, and fresh Indebtedness Over $337 Million ings of the wide major rivers. the end of the emergency. There local governments operating un- market tomatoes. No change is • • « was no griping, vexation, resent- der modem forms of government expected for onions and spring 'n't1 general obligational debt of approved by voters in 1968 remained Among the ten graduate* of the Roberts, Walsh Stenotype ment nor even displeasure. They prescribed in the State's Option- School of East Orange who passed the State Board of Short- responded to your call in the tra- al Municipal Charier Law of Aggregate acreage for 12 fresh . J -i\ .-y's Slate government reach- unissued on July 2, 1969. hand Reporting'* examination and have been licensed as dition of true police officers. We 1950. market vegetrble crops for IM move, than $337 million on July 2. Bond payments last year covered a certified shorthand reporters are Christine E. Comba of Car- passed the long hours chatting The New Jersey Taxpayers which estimates are now avail- vi. i;; represented an'increase of almost variety of issues dating back as much teret and Jane E. Mitchell of Edison. about the department... what Association lists the municipali- able is 64,200 acres, 3 per cent • • * It was like in the days of Patrick ties with new governments as ess than in 1968 and 5 per cent :..•;:) million during the preceding as 35 years. They included state high- Murphy, James Walsh, George ess than in 1967. Woodbridge seems to be the training grounds for top level of- Evesham Township, in Burling- v:x>:ym fiscal year when $15.3 million Keating, Jack Eagan and Nels way, institutions, water development ficials. Bernard Hartnett who is the present business adminis- ton County; Phillipsburg in War- in bonds were retired and $75 million higher education, recreation and con- trator for the City of Long Branch served in the same capacity auritzen-all former chiefs of ren County; and West Milford, JERSEY JIGSAW: - Robert in new bonds were issued. servation. As of July 2 the State still in Woodbridge back under the Mayor Frederick Adams regime. he department. I knew them all. Passaic County, whose voters A. Roe, State Commissioner of Woodbridge Police Director Joseph Galassi was called into Long worked with all of them. And, chose council manager govern onservgtion and Economic De- bonds, all issued on Feb- owed $100,000 on a $2 million highway Branch to conduct a state sponsored evaluation of the Long admired each and every one of ment following recommenda veloDment, will resign his State ruary 1 last, included $2!/ million improvement bond issue of 1934. Branch Police Department. And, Nicholas Campagna, Wood- hem. tions of a charter study commis- poSiwon soon to run for Congress 2 sion. bridge director of sanitation, completed a survey of garbage Through the help of the •into housing assistance bonds; $32'/? In addition, to direct State debt I can honestly state that in all State, the first air conditioned collection and disposal in Long Branch. my years of contact with the Saddle Brook in Bergen Coun- million public building construction totaling $337,307,000, the bond sum- ty is the fourth municipality to rain on the Central Railroad's Woodbridge Police Department, Main* Line has been placed into bonds and $40 million state transpor- mary listed contingent liability of ith due respect to the chief's I change its government this year, Communications Yeoman Seaman Joseph F. Eak Jr., having selected the mayor coun service . , . House parties alonj tation bonds. $240,129,000 of the New Jersey High- USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Eak, Sr., of 505 Wood- lave just named, I have never the shore are attracting candi- een it as efficient in its opera- cil form of government after pe The annual summary of State debt way Authority which constructed the bridge Ave., Avenel and Seaman Anthony Gambardelti, tition for a direct change. dates for Governor this sum- USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gambardella of 6(K> on and work as it is today. This mer . . . The State Division of I ire pa red by the New Jersey Taxpayers Garden State Parkway. This repre- Chain O'Hills Road, Colonia, are serving aboard the USS i a strong statement-but it Four more municipalities^arc New Jersey scheduled to change their forms Association noted that $915 million of sented a reduction of more than $8 Constellation. :omes from a veteran newspa businesses concerning unauthor- of government next year, thus The Constellation is an attack aircraft carrier based in jerman who has known the in- ized audits of Business Personal the $990 million bond authorization million during the past fiscal year. raising the membership of New San Diego, Calif. side workings of the department Property Tax returns , . . Dur- Jersey's modern municipal gov The ship and attached Air Wing 14 are conducting carrier arther back than any present ing May there were 109 traffic irnment club 'to 52. Washington qualifications off the coast of California in preparation for lay Woodbridge police reporter. deaths in New Jersey . . . Em- Township, Bergen County, selec- the carrier's fifth combat mission in Southeast Asia. I am proud and boastful of the ployers are reminded by the Di- ted mayor council government act Woodbridge today has one vision of Employment Security to begin January 1. Lawrence The Boys Come Home if the best police departments in they are subject to New Jerseys and East Windsor Townships in Dr. Herbert L. Moss of Woodbridge returned from his visit to ^ country Your untiring ef unemployment insurance law ai Europe and the International Optometric Congress, held in Tel j Mercer County will switch to The sight of United States soldiers in casualties in Vietnam, and the be- forts Joe ar(> wiiimii quest on their accumulative payroll for council manager governments at Aviv, Israel. responsible for the department's the calendar year reaches $l,ooo just back home from Vietnam parad- ginning of the process of bringing the While in Ireland. Holland, Belgium and France, Dr. Moss the same time, and Ridgewood You and the Wood ... Major tax revenues for Stata ing, in Seattle, is a nostalgic thing, visited several of the professional schools where he was slio\vn| brjdge Po|iee are he|d = Township in Bergej^ County boys home, are connected—and that 1 the purposes for the first eleven the latest techniques and developments in the field of optom changes to council-manager on one which produces a lump in many a months of the current fiscal year the process will continue. In any ev- etry. Of particular interest were a new method of refraction de July 1, 1970. totaled $979,136,821... Th« ris- throat. Whatever the mistake of poli- vcloped by Dr. William Biessels, a Dutch optometrist, and the j ent, many young Americans who have tVPry «' ing cost of construction has re- tuians, these men fought a war as I numerous advances in the contact lens field throughout Township, Mayor Ralph P. Ba SCUBA DIVERS: — New Jer- duced the money value of the obeyed the call of duty and risked t^ieir The International Optometric Congress in Tel Aviv drew g iiidorcd—and now it is good to have rone and the Town Council can sey's new law to protect scuba 1968 ,bond issue to a point where very large number of optometrists from all parts of the world. lives carrying out the orders of their justly be proud of you and the divers is being quietly enforced the State can do only 75% la thnn home again, those who lived to The featured speaker at the opening ceremonies, Professor Woodbridge Police Department. by inspectors of the State De- 80% of the work it had planned fume back. government, and military superiors, George Wald, 1967 Nobel Prize Laureate in Medicine, held the partment of Health through mak- overflow audience spellbound with an unusual presentation of As a native of Woodbridge, to do with the money Tho are coming back. ing sure the compressed air in Those who remember homecomings his work, dealing with the intricacies of visual development. having retired to Florida a do- Vietnam war has demonstrated tanks supplied to the divers is lifter the Spanish-American War, in The nation is proud of their sacri- Dr. Moss, the United States delegate to the International Op- zen years ago but keeping very plainly that the nation's clean.. 1919, after World War II in 1946 and fice, their many achievements. Those tometric League, was appointed to a special sub-committee TO abreast of township affairs-I draft system is unfair, claim? commend you for your brilliant The enactment of the law fol- Congressman Frank Thompson, 104(1 and after the Korean war, know modernize the structure of this international body, to keep pace of us who did not have to serve, who with the changes in the profession and the growing demand for work. lowed an incident which dramati- 4th district, New Jersey ... Un- • iio drama. The nation owes each re- enjoyed business as usual or life as optometric care in all parts of the world. With kind personal regards, I cally showed the potential dan- employment in New Jersey ro^rj i nniing. combat veteran a debt—re- In summing up his impression of this tour, Dr. Moss said, "It remain gers of scuba diving. In June of by 19,900 to 140,800 from May M usual while others fought in the mud Most Sincerely 1963, scuba divers planned to June . . . Offices of the Central ; ii(lies? of the issues beclouding the becomes quite apparent that all health care professions have a and jungle for their lives, should not moral obligation to band together to alleviate and if possible, Elmer J. (Steve) Vecsey investigate a shipwreck off the State Health District of the No • v id pam war. forget our debt to them, and to'those eradicate all of the emotional and physical ills that afflict hu New Jersey coast and were to Jersey Department of Health are be filmed by a crew of a tele now located at 223 North Her All Americans hope the recent lull inanity hi all parts of the globe." The efforts of the past year who didn't come back. have shown progress, but only a massive effort by all coun vision company. mitage Avenue, Trenton . . . Pub tries will bring about appreciable results. As the cameras began to roll, liration of Special Report No. 28 • • • each diver surfaced promptly "Gro.ind Water Resources of Es- after sinking into the water, sex County"" has been announced Nearly one third of the elementary school children in the complaining of severe discom by the State Department of Con Woodbridge school system are participating in one of the fort. The Director of the Ocean servation and Economic Devel Oar Road Signs summer learning activities sponsored by the Free Public GREEN LEAV i FALLING? op ment New Jersey will Library of Woodbridge. County Medical Laboratories, Don't worry if your Norway recognizing the symptoms, col celebrate the American Biccn r- ton the city"fathers are try- If the pilot project in Boston is Approximately 2500 youngsters are taking part in the maple has been shedding green lected samples of the compress- tennial of the Revolutionary War c new system of colored highway judged to be a success, and there is system's innovative Bold Knight Summer Reading Clubs at leaves. the various branch libraries. ed air for analysis. The air con- on July 2, 1976 . . . New Jersey in an effort to make things easier In hot, dry weather your tree tained 26 per cent carbon mon- has completed its first ' year reason to think it will be, the project Five hundred boys and girls are involved In the various is likely to decide it does not oxide and 22 per cent carbon under the State Meat and Poul- 'torists. Some of the new sym- story-telling programs conducted by Miss Charlotte Szabo, might represent the beginning of a have all the water it needs, and dioxide. try inspection law with great :•! J the varied colors are similar children's librarian at the Iselin branch and Miss Jewell will drop some of its leaves so trend in this country. If the new Walton, Branch Librarian, of the Pert Reading library. The In further tests, it was observ- success . . . Frank W. Haines, .systems used by western Eu- that it does not require so much Jr.. Director of Research for ths 1 colored signs and symbols make things two are working is conjunction with the Woodbridge De- water. countries. The pilot project was partment of Parks and Recreation and are conducting their New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- easier for motorists they should be- On these fallen leaves you may tion since . 1962, has been ap- l l»li,t and friend of shade tr^s hiffon lire ln'iri" lirm ri ill t rn- future, wild »• A native and lonlgi time residend t ft Wofxtbriilse, Mrs. Post Is sfmil If I \hn|i-; Stun'1 (if Kir,'1 rut's willimil. Id lie mnr- Terit colors make money little black, steam choo-choo warning a prarltintf nf Montr lair State f'o|]p!>p nail MmliM with IUil;r 1 1 ftoil't Fiet. MllKr. ii vou fi (I have I •A\ \. hi- h nil li' -, Sfoffa of Wistfielfl aiifl (,ujoseul,le (jjjpji 1 ;M i;er t'.wncerns.) .•Wrsbibil by Frank (iubcrnat of Colonia will follow the etir •iilv TS f <••'••<• " p: ''''> .•'• m • i \< ,se jam itoims ia pean nations cooperate in using. i lent show. ___• (House July "(worn Uilomi |Nt'W Jeisc>,

\ ' : • ' ' ' i Leader-Press Wednesday, Jtily 28,1989 PAGE SEVEN LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICES LEGAL NOTICES mund Kaim; two ions, Prank Catholic Ctarch. Burial will>foJ tarrta mutt be returned by Auiuit 4, ADVEETUEMaWT on flit tn tht office of the Borough t Ink E. Guare of Fords and James in Gate of -Heaven Cemeteflyfl sirmura cottar or NEW nun and hereby approved. lMt, Bidden will be notified of their Notice Ii hereby given thtt sealed bids OtUNCntY DITBION D. Guare; of Garwood; and Hanover. Respects may be paid status wltbla forty-eight hours after pre- will be rtetlved by the Board ot Fire (b) The estimated maximum imimnt MIDDUfmX 0QDM1T ot bonds or notes to be issued tor tuid Obituaries three grandchildren. at the funeral hop* after 2P.M. qualineatloo form has beta lubmttled loners. District No. 2. Port Deektt Ne. M-4TfMI to It* Municipal Clerk. Ntw Jersey, located at West purpose Is ttjOO. Funeral services will be held tomorrovrand all day Friday. Civil Action (c) The estimated cost of said purpose Bids will be received only (ram limit Avenue, Port Reading. New Janey on Notl.e Of Oidtr rtr Fablkiillaa Friday, 11 A. M,, from Flynn Bidden whs an qualified In locordiioi August 11. IMP, at 7:00 P.M. D.S.T. ii »10,00t>, the txceas Ihtrtof over liin JOSEPH LUCAS. Plaintiff vs. JUDITH said eitiinited mtxuniun lummnt of and Son Funeral Home, 23 Ford with the Instruction to Bidden. Coolie of DEMOLITION WORK LUCAS, Defendant. / MRS. CARRIE FRITZE relli of lluffalo, N.Y.; two brc VERONICA STROIN the Prequallflcttioa Documents may be GENERAL CONSTRUCTION bondi or notes to be Issued therefor Itfing Avonue, with Rev. Ireslie W. TO: JUDITH LUCAS tht amount of Iht said ISOu down i>.>>- ISELIN — The funeral of Mrs.thers, Robert and James of je CARTERET — Mrs. Veronica obtained upon application • to the Muni- ELECTRICAL WORK By virtue of in Order of theouptrlor cipal Clerk. HEATING. VBNT1LATINO AND ment for slid purpoM. Carrie Fritie, 65, of 1422 Oak sey City; five sisters, Mrs. Flo Howett, rector of St. John's Epis- Strom (Matrlska)', 12 New Jer- Court of New Jersty, Chancery Division, Section 4. The following additional mut- Bidden who qualify in aooordaaot with AIR CONDrnONTNG WORK mads on tht Ml day of July, IMS In a Tree Road, who died Saturday copal Church, officiating. Inter- sey Avenue, West Carteret. died the Instruction to Bidders may obtain ters are hereby determined, declared, re- ence Cleland of Asbury Part PLUMBING WORK civil action wherein Joseph Lucas Is till cited axKl stated: ill John F. Kennedy Community Mrs. Kegina Mnranda of Rosell ment will be in Fairview Ceme- today (Wednesday) in Perth Am- plant and specifications at the Office of STRUCTURAL STEEL ft MISCEL- Plaintiff and you are the Defendant, you Hospital, Edison, was held to Mrs. Ethel West of Ne1 tery,-Red Bank' , boy General Hospital. Joseph V. Valentt, Municipal Otrk. dur- LANEOUS IRON ft METAL WORK are hereby required to answer tht com- (a) The slid purpose descmied In Sec- ing Uie hours of the refular course ot for the construction of a NEW F"REplain- t of the Plaintiff on or belore tht tion i of this bond ordinance Ii mit a clay (Wednesday) at the Thorn Paltz. N. Y., Mrs. Mildre Azure Chapter will conduct Mrs. Stroin was born in Ausr business beginning on July 2), 1969, butHOUSE for POET READING FIRE DE- current txpente and la a property or im- not later than three (1) days prior to 9th day of September. 1969 by atrvlng the funeral ritual of the Order PARTMENT, Port Reading, New Jersey. in answer on Brian Boyle, Enquire, provement which the Borough may law- us J. Costcllo Funeral Home, Whirtaker of Plandome, N. Y tria-Hungary and had resided in the final date for receiving of bids. The Bids will also be received from General fully acquire or make as a unnera! Lm- of the Eastern Star at the fune- charie (or aU plans aad speot/icsUoat la Plaintiff's attorney, whoaa addrest U 76proviment, and no part of 'he cost there- (ireon Street and Cooper Avc and Mrs. Irene Zingara of Bo; Carteret for SO years. She was Contractor! who wUl Include all work Roosevelt Avenue, Cartertt, Ntw Jersey, ral home, tomorrow, 8 P. M. U.oo which turn shall not be returned. (General construction, tlectrical wurk, of his been or shall be upteially kgneascd nuc. A requiem Mass was of- dentown and ten grandchildren communicant of St. Elias' and In default thereof such Judgment on properly specially benefited, thereby. fered afterward at St. Cecelia's Friends may pay respects from 2 Church and held membership m Bids must bt lubmUttd on the Pro- heating. Ventilattng and air conditioning •had bt rendered against you ai tbe to 4 and 7 to 10 P. M., tomorrow. posal Form furnished to the Bidder*! work, plumbing work, structural tteel ft Court shall think equitable and Just. You (b) The period of usefulness of said Koman Catholic Church. Inter- CHARLES DEMOS the church's Altar-Rostry So- must be accompanied by a corporite miscmiscellaneoul s Iron and metal work) In shall file your answer and proof of serv- purpose within the limitations or H.-IUI ment was in Holy Sepulchre ciety and the Mothers' Club turety tor execution of ibe Contract on one combined bid. ice in duplicate with Uie Clerk of theLocal Bond Law, according to ihe ien<.un- award thereof. The bid mutt be ac- Plans, tpeclflcatlons, and forms for tble life, thereof computed I rom the ihie Cemetery, Newark. ISELIN — Charles Demos; 7: Superior Court. State House Annex, of the said bonds tuthoriied by this bond WILLIAM C. JAHN Surviving are her husband, companltd by a certified cheek for not the bidds may be btobtainei d att tht officfi e of Trenton, New Jersey, In accordance with of 189 Elmhurst Avenue, die Charles Stroin; four soiu, Wil- put than Un paroant of the amount of William C. Cramer Jr., AIA, NCAHB, Ar- ordinance, is 15 years. A native of New York City, Monday at the John F. Kenned ISELIN — William C. Jahn, bid. the rules of civil practice tnd procedure. (c) The supplemental debt •tatrment Mrs. FriUe lived in Newark liam of* Oakhurst, John of St. chitect, 317 Main Street, Woodbridge, The object of said acUon U to obtain a Community Hospital, Edison, 61, of 20 Cabot Place, died yes- The Town Council reserves the right to New Jersey, upon payment of a deposit Judgment of divorce between the laid required by said Law hai Dean duly mat!? prior to moving to Iselin five terday (Tuesday) at Muhlen- Louis. Mo., George of Marlboro accept or reject any or ail bids which of $50.00. Plaintiff and you. and filed in tht office of 'he BoroiiKli native of Greece, he had live la lla opinion will be ln tbe best In- Bids must be submitted In three (3) Clerk and t complete executed dunlu.ii.- years ago. She was a mernter berg Hospital, Plainfield. Township and Joseph of Morgan; Dated: July Win, lMt thereof has been filed ln the .ifflce of the in Pittsfield, Mass,, before rno terest of tht Township. copies on atandard proposal form In the Edmund Vlttle, Jr.. Esq., Admin. of the Iselin Senior Citizens Crab Mr. Jahn was employed for two daughters, Mrs. Joseph GEORGE MHHOMOK Director of thi Division of Local Finance ing to Iselin 30 years ago. manner designated therein ud required Middlesex County Legal fervicti in the Department of Community Allans .•mil the Golden Age Club of 45 years by the Buie Structural Sweda of West Carteret and Mrs. Business Administrator by the rpeclflcatloni. Bids mutt be en- Attorney for Plaintiff Mr. Demos was retired pro L.P. 7/23/69 $15.12 of the 'State of New Jersey, and such Coopers Towers. w Helen'Pruitt, of Carteret; five closed: ln sealed envelopes blaring the BY: itttement shows that Ihe grou debt of Steel Co., Hillside. e was a name of the bidder on the outsldt, and BRIAN BOYLE prietor of Charlie's Sweet Shop brothers, Michael, Charles, An- NOTICE TO MDDEIS tht Borough aa defined In said Uw Is In- Mrs. Fritze was a parishioner Green Street. He was a parish charter member of the,Local No. addressed to the Port Reading Board of Stiff Attorney ertased hy the authorization of the bonds of St. Cecelia's Church. 545, International Association of drew and Stephen Matriska and Notice la hereby given Ibat Staled Bids Fire CommUiioneri, Fire District No. 1. 71 Roottvelt Avtnue and notti provided for In this bond or- ioner of St. George's Greek Or John Krutz; ten grandchildren will be received by tbe Municipal Coun- West Avenue, Port Heading. New Jersey, Carteret, Ntw Jersey dinance by J9JO0. and the said obligations Surviving are a daughter, Bridge, Structural and Ornamen- cil of the Township of Woodbridge on and mutt be aeoampanied by a certifi- L.P. 7/16-X3-30 a/t/69 I3».M authorized by this bond ordinance will be thodox Church, Piscataway. and one great-grandchild, August 11, 19M, far tbe resurfacing and Mrs. Marie Widmer of Lake- tal Iron Workers, Newark; and cate of a Bondlac Company authortied to NOTICE within ill debt limitations prescribed by Surviving are two brothers reconstruction of streets In various lo- do business In tbe State of Ntw Jersey, said Law. wood; five grandchildren; and Sam of Pittsfield, Mass., am the Structural Steel and Iron Funeral services will be con-cations In the Township, Contract ,._ agreeing to furnish a bid bond In the CONSTRUCTION OT A PEDESTRIAN Workers Association of New Jer-ducted Saturday ,9 A. M. at theuntuning of the following- qtitntuits: amount oi 10% of tile contract, and deOVERPAS- S OVER THE TRACKS OF THE (d) An aggregate amount not exceed- nine great-grandchildren. Gabriel in Greece; two sisters, PERTH AMBOY AND WOODBRIDGE ing $1,400 lor Interest on said obligations. 3.200 Tons Bituminous Conoretc livered to the place and on the hour 1 sey. Bizub Funeral Home, 54 Wheeler FABC-l BRANCH OF PENN CENTRAL COM- ccta of Issuing slid obligations, engineer. Mrs. Demetra Panedes of Ise mentioned. PANY AT PROSPECT AVENUE IN THE • - lin. and Mrs. Fannie Gregory o Born in Newark, Mr. Jahn re- Ave., Rev. Augustine Medvigy 4,800 Tons Stabilized Bast The Board of Fire Commissioner* re- ing costs and other items of expense list- FRANCIS J. KUJAWSKI and tbe necessary appurtenanets in ac- TOWNSHIP OF WOODBRIDGE, H{DDLX- ed ln and permitted under tendon 4OA2- iided in Irvington prior to mov-will offer a requiem Mass at serves the right Ut reject any and aUSEX COUNTY, NEW JERSEY. AVENEL — Francis J. KuPittsfield- , Mass. cordtnet with plans and specifications bids if deemed to the best inkrtst to do 20 of said Law may be included as part ing to Iselin 17 years ago. 9:30 A. M. in St. Elias' Church. on fUa ln the office of the Township En- Notice U hereby givtn that sealed bids of the cost of laid Improvement and It jawski is a former resident of Trisagion services were o: to. will be received In tbe office of the Chief Surviving is his widow, Mrs. Interment will be in St. James' gineer. By order of the Board of Cftmmtotion- included In the foftgolng estlm«te there- died Monday at Perth Amboy fered this evening at the Thorn Bids for the above will be received at Regional Engineer. Penn Central Com- of. Helen Barker Jahn. Cemetery, Woodbridge. ers. pany, Room 404, 406 Lexington Avenue, General Hospital. is J. Costello Funeral Home the Office of the Municipal Clerk of Ibe Port Sliding Board of Section 5. Tht full faith and tC"dlt of Funeral services will be held Prayer services will be held Townehlp of Woodbridge, Memorial Mu- New York, N.Y. 10017. on Monday. Au- tht Borough ire hereby pledftd to the Born in Perth Amboy. I ;en Street and Cooper Ave Fire Commissioners, gust 11, 1969, at 2:00 P.M., Eastern Saturday, 8:15 A, M., at theThursday (tomorrow) and Fri- nicipal Building, Woodbridgt, New Jtr District No. 3 punctual payment of the prln«apal"of and jwaskl Is a former resident of| with* the Rev. Anthon; sey until 2:0O P.M. Prevailing Time. Aug- Standard Time, and will be opened and Interest on the tild obligations anthorfinl 1 day at 8 P. M. Friends may visit Wist Avenue read immediately thereafter tor the fol- Perth Amboy and Metuchen. He Pappas, pastor of St. George' McCracken Funeral Home, 1500 ust 11. ISM, to be opened and yublloly Port Reading, New Jersey, t)y this bond ordinance. Said obligations *V at the funeral home tomorrow readj by the Municipal Council at 2:30 lowing estimated work to be done for •half be direct, unlimited obligations oeW lived in Avenel four years. Church, officiating. Morris Avenue, Union, with a Anthony Raguecl, secretary railroad purposes, in tht Township of and Friday, 2 to 4 P. M. and 7P.M. Prevailing Time, UP. the Borouih, and the Boroujp shall be A member of the Woodbridge Funeral services will be conhigh Mass of requiem offered at No plans and specifications will bt WoodbTldRS. Middlestx County, Ntw Obligated to levy ad valorem UJCM lipon to 10 P. M. OBDNANCR #SMt Jersey: construct a ptdestriin ovtrpass B.P.O. Elks #2116, he ,was a ducted tomorrow (Thursday 9 A. M. in St Cecelia's Roman fives to any proapectlve biddtrt until til the taxable property within the Bor- they art prtquallfltd. Prequillflcatloo AN ORDINANCE CREATINO A Mistructurl e over lot tracks of Iht Perth ough for the payment or said obligations 1 P.M. from the funeral home NICIPAL DISPOSAL ARP1A WITHIN Amboy and Woodbridgt Branch of tht parishioner of St. Andrew's Ro- man of the Committee on Re-forms must be returned by August it and Interest thereon without limitation with Divine Liturgy at 2 P,M 1*69. Bidders will be notified of their THE BOROUGH OF CARTERET. Penn Ctntral Company and remove exist- of rati- or amount. man Catholic Church and a APPROVED AND ADOPTED: July IS, ing wooden crossing. member of Kasa Posmiertna, at St. George's Church. later search and Scientific Affairs, atttut within forty-eight hours after pre- Section 8 Tnti bond ordinance shall 4-Day Seminar NJPA. from 1968 to 1969. He has qualification form has betn submitted to 1969. PEDESTRIAN OVERPASS take, effect 30 days after the first public!- A graduate of Perth Amboy ment will be in Van Liew Ceme the Municipal Clerk, INTBODUCEDi, July 1, 1909. Cltaring Sita Nee. Uon thereof after final adoption, at pro- written several books and jour- Bids will be received oaly from thott Advertised as kdopted on first reading Encivitlou 10 C.Y. vided by said Local Bond Law. High School, class of 1954. lietery, New Brunswick, with Notice of Public Hearing July 2, Concrete IS C.Y. Adopted: JULY IS, 1M». had been employed as a retail nal articles as well as coopera- Bidden who are qualified In accordance Starts July 29 ting on other publications. with tbl Instruction to Bidders may ob-1969. Reinforcing Steal 1,100 lbs. Aspreved: JULY 15, 19S9. store manager for the Fabric of the PrtquaUficaUon Documents may Hearing Htld: July u, 1969. FootbrUUt Incl. SUIn, etc. .. L.S. THOMAS J. DEVEBIN g GUIDITTA ONGARO Approved by Mayor THOMAS J. DGV- FENCING Mayor Outlet Stores, Inc., of New WOODBRIDGE - A four-day Harlem Monslgnor bt obtained upon as>sUoatton to tbe Mu- WOODBRIDGE - Mrs. Guid seminar titled "A Vision of The theme of the third eve- nicipal Clerk. ERDV. ••foot Chain Link MS L.F, Attest: Brunswick. itta Ongaro, 90. of 249 Clintoi Bidden who qualify in. ncoordtnce Advertised a* finally adopted July 23, Thi work la lo In-started tin '10) cal- Patrick Potocnif He is survived by his widow, Brotherhood" will be presented ning of the seminar will be "The with tilt Instruction to Bidders miy ob- 1M9. endar dayi after the award af the con- Borough Clerk Barbara Trygar; a daughter, Street, widow of Carlo Ongaro by Project Understanding at St.meeting of different peoples in tain plans and specifications at Ihe Of- Patrick Polocnlg tract. STATEMENT fice of Joseph V. Valtntl, Municipal Borough Clerk Tht contract Is to bt let to comply with The bond ordinance published hert. died Monday ln Roosevelt Hos James Church Auditorium on the creating one society" and will L.P. 7/23/69 an order by the Board of Public Utility with has hern finally adopted on JULV Cynthia Ann, and a son, Mark pital, Menlo Park. Clerk, during the hours of the regular 14 32 Francis, both at home; his pa- venings of July 29, 30, 31 and feature Monsignor Robert J. Foxcourse of business beginning on July 28, NOTICC TO BIDDERS Commissioners of New Jtraty under 15, IMS, and the twenty-day period of Born in Venice, Italy, she ha< August 1. This is the second of Harlem as speaker. 1969, but not later than three (1) dtyt NOTICE la hereby given 'hat sealed Docket No. 683-130. limitation within which a suit, action or rents, Mr. and Mrs: John J. Ku- prior to the final dale for rectlvlng of Contract documtnta may be seen at theproceeding questioning tht validity ot jawski of Perth Amboy; his pa- lived in Woodbridge for 53 summer seminar sponsored by Msgr. Fox was born in the bids will be received for FURNISHING! abovt named ofllct and will be furnlshtd such ordlmnct can h* commtnetd, aa years. Mrs, Ongaro was a par bids. Tht charge for ail plant tnd tpt- UNIFORM SERVICE FOR EMPLOYEES' upon request. provided in the Local Bond Law, hat be- ternal grandmother, Mrs. Stella Project Understanding, a move- Bronx, attended public schools cillcaUont is $9.00 whicfi sura shall not btOF THE DEPARTMBNT OF PUBLIC gin lo run from the date of tht first ishioner of St. James' Roma ment dedicated to brotherhood returned. WORKS (80) EMPLOYEE6 MORE OR Proposals mutt be submitted In a staled Kujawski; two sisters, Mrs. there and St. Columban Pre LESS. envelope marked. "Conitruotlin of.Ovat. nlbUcatioa of thil statement. Zoltan Vojtko of South Amboy CaUwlic Church. and- racial understanding. All Seminary in Silver Creek, New Bids must be submitted on the Proposal held Pedestrian Structure, Protptot. Ave- Patrick Petocnlg Surviving are three daugh- Form furnished to the Bidders) mutt bt For the Borough of Carteret, hy thenue, Edjar, Ntw Jersey." Each propo- Borough Clerk and Mrs. William Vojtko of area residents are invited to at-York and Cathedral College and accompanied by a corporate surety for Clerk of the Borough ot Carteret, Bur sal must be iccompitilid by a certified 1.. P. 7/U/M ters, Mrs. Irma Culos and Mrs execution of the Contract on award ough Hill, Cooke Avtnue, Carteret, New Perth Amboy; two brothers, tend the event, to be held in theSt. Joseph's Seminary in Dun- Jersey up to J:0O P.M. on August 5. chick of the bidder, ptyablt to Penn Ctn- Blanche Kalokira of Bayvill air-conditioned auditorium, at 8 thereof. The bid must be ncconu>inlid trtl Company, U the amount of Four ORDINANCE #«9-M Thomas of Jackson Township woodic. After being ordained a by a certified check for not Itst than 1M9 at whloh timt e they will be opened Thousand Dollars (MAOO.Od) as guarantee and Mrs. Rose Olsen of Pert! and publicly read. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND- AN OR- and John of Perth Amboy. o'clock. priest in 1955 at St. Patrick's ttn ptr-oent of tbe amount of bid. ind ttcurlty for tht acceptance of the con- DINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE Amboy; a son, Gino of Wood Tht Town Council retsrvet tht right to Specifics lions may be obtained from tract. Tht right U rtl*rvsd to reject any Funeral services will be held Cathedral, he obtained a Mas- Bh Clk TO REGULATE TRAFFIC AND THE bridge; ten grandchildren am The program this year will accept or reject any or all bids which the Borough Clerk at his office aforesaid or all bids. 1'ARKINQ OF VEHICUFB IN THE BOR- tomorrow (Thursday), 8:15 A.- nclude talks by Civil Rights ter's Degree in Social Work from In Its opinion will bt In tht belt Intersil dally between th< hours nf 9:00 A.M. to Tht award of the contract Is contingent OUOH OF CARTKRICT." 16 greatgrandchildren. of the Township. 9:00 P.M., except Saturday! and Sun- upon approval thereof by the Board of M. from the Flynn and Son Fu and other representatives, dra-Catholic University in Washing- days, BE IT ORDAINED BY TBK MAYOR neral Home, 424 East Avenue, Funeral services will be hel George T. MehoUck Public Utility ConmUaioMre of New J«r AND BOROUGH COUNCIL O F HTHE tomorrow (Thursday) 8:30 Amatic and mu;ical presentations ton. After learning Spanish he Business Administrator A deposit of 10% of His Bid Price shall ity tnd Penn caairej c»ntt»»y. BOROUGH Of CARTERET AS FOL- Perth Amboy A requiem Mass L L.P. 7/33/M IU.M be submitted with tach bid as evidence W. Olavia • - M. in Flynn and Son Fun^ra and group discussions. It has started working with the Spanish- of good faith and security of due deliv- LOWS: will be offered at 9 A.M. in' St. t:en endorsed by trie Human speaking people in New York's ery, which depotlt may bt etih or cer- Chief Rational Engineer SECTION 1. Article n of the afore' Andrew's Church. Interment Home, 23 Ford Avenue, Fords RESOLUTION New York. N. Y. •aid Ordinance shall be amended by a)lds). CARTERET, IN THE COUNTY Of MID-ing upon any s(rt«t or parking lot within AVENEL — Funeral services Archdiocesan Coordinator fo r Strtlt. Woodbridge, New Jersey, Lot 1, BV ORDER OOF THE MAYOR AND DLESEX, NEW JERSEY, APPROPRIA- ;ent of the program will be "The COUNCILOUNCIL. the Borough of Cartiret by buses mid were held Saturday morning for JOHN EGRY, SR. Spanish Community Action, He Block Ml-A and that the determination TING $10,000 THEREFOR AND AUTH- trucks between the hours of 1:0(1 1'. M. lack man as he £ro*s' W nf said Board Is on file at the Memorial PATRICK POTOCNIQ, ORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF IH.W0 •Bd 6:00 A.M. Frederick A. Leidner, 69, of 37 KEASBEY — John Egry, Sr. :hrough the ghetto". 'Willie is involved in npp/sectarUnj Municipal Building, Main Street. Wood- . .„. ..Borough dk BONDS OR NOTE8- OF THE BOROUGH b - Any but or truck parkid or slanrl- Madison Avenue, in the Greitter (Egri) of 21 Peterson Avenue rVright, a resident "of N-w'ark's munity action"work in the H ft fit, New Jersey and la available for L. P. 7/23/69 M.16 FOH FIN AN CINQ SUCH APPROPRIA- ing on ttrtttt or parts of strut, or park- Funeral Home, 44 Green Street, died Monday at Roosevelt Hos inepectton. ORDINANCEC " ## o-io1 TION. ing lots, betwitu Iht aforesaid hours In entral Ward and president of area and was responsible foi^pie Robert T. Anderson. Secretary AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN OR BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOROUOH violation of this ordinance, nluiU be Woodbridge. Interment wa» in pital, Menlo Park. Husband o! Board of Adjustment DIAN COUNCIL OF THE BOROUOH "OF CAR- detnitd a public nuisance and»a menace he New Community Corpora- East Harlem peace processions ntNANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORIMN- ERK1 N : ;0l)N rY Or MU)WJ!; Clover Leaf Park Cemetery, the late Ethel Egry, he was the tion, will be the speaker. He will' after the riots of 1967. He and his Townihip of Woodbridge ANCITTO "'ESTABLISH. "MAINTAIN!I Jj^VT wJ ™*T™^£ '^ f. lm^"lt»"S'""-jt th lef''"' lid"'w*P« 1 <*""*tl f °tff< i*"< « « Purpose inter] ln thi police department as required by law. Union. if the Queen of Angels Parish, across the worst area of the 1 COMPENSATION." bey1 Fire Company. lin. Net* Jersey . Lots 1 and 2 In Itlock said Section 9, ttwrt Ii btreby approprlt- d - The provisions of thli oraTnanot ihall He had been a member of ttue t was from this latter position Lower EaM Side, Central. Har- 3MJ and that the determination of said ted the sum of 110,000, nald sum being tot apply to the following commercial Surviving, in addition to hli of ail appropriation- ktrttofon vehMlta of the paseengtr car typti police department for 31 years, hat he was elected to the Board lem, Manhattan's West Side Board is on file at tbe Memorial Munici- rtfor and Including thi mm of truck or last than two tons first as patrolman and later ai mother are two daughters, Miss of Trustees of the NCC, which South and East Bronx pal Building, Main Street, Woodbridgt, SECTION 1. The tfortatld Ordinance as the down payment '" ' weight! any vehicle of a public utility .is Evelyn Egry. at home, and New Jeraty and la available for inspec- defined In Section 41:1-13 of tht Revised a detective. Mr. Leidner was is a non-profit, grass-roots organ- tion. Statutes whin tuch vehicle Is being used honorary member of the Police- Mrs. Arlene Kocsls of Edison zation headed by several prom LEGAL NOTICES Robert T. Anderson. Sicretary ' to perform serrloti which It 1% lutbarlitd men's Benevolent Association, three sons, John Jr., of Wood nent residents of the Central Board of Adjustment by law to perform. bridge, Louis at home, and Wil NOTICE TO BIDDERS Township of Woodbridge Section fie The Mayor ihall nominal mint or for capital Improvement "pur- • • Unless another ptnalty la oiprtui? Woodbridge L0C4I. An ex chief Ward, with officers serving with- Notice ll hereby given that Sealed L.P. 7/23/69 $4.32 and with the authority of tht CounC! posti. rprovide, _d _b,y Ntw Jerst,y StatutesF, ever,y liam of Old Bridge; Rids will be received by the Municipal Section 9. For Iht flntncing of laid im-| person convloeif of a violation cf air pro- of Aventl Fire Department, out pay. The purpose of the NCC shall appoint as many school cross! 1 ('ompany #1, he was a mem- grandchildren; four sisters to guarantee that the best Council or Ihe Township of Woodbridge NOTICC guirdi is are nereiMry to properly I provtmtnt or purpot* and to meet th« vision of this ordlmnce thill be subject Mrs. Mary Van Etten of High on August II, 1969 for the resurfacing Take notice that JACK ft EARL'S sure the safety of ill of the Borough part of laid 110,000 appropriation not pro-1 to a fine of not more than Fifty (IJO.Oii) ber of the Exempt Firemen's housing at the lowest possible and reconstruction of streets in various INC. has made application to the Muchildren- . Said school guards ihall b vlded for by appltcilion hereunder of I Dollars or Imprisonment for a term ' Association. vy land Park, Mrs. Grace Nagy o: cost is provided to tho»J in need locations In the Township, Contract nicipal Council of the Township of paid tht salary of HM per hour, whlc] said down payment, negotiable bonds of txcetdlng fifteen (M) dart, ot both. .#3307 consisting of the following quan- Woodbrldfe for a transfer of Pltniry •ilnry shall be ntrMOtlve to January the Borough are hereby tuthorlMft to be f - If aw part or partt of this of- Edison, Miss Ann Egri of Keas of it and to bring a more livable Issued in the principal amount of 19.900 Surviving are his , idow, Mrs. bey and Mrs. Elizabeth Wolf o: tifies: Retail Consumption License No. CM1969. dlnanct art fer any reason htld to be Helen Brunt Leidner; a son, environment to the Ward. Mr. 4,110 Tons Bituminous Ooncrrte heretofore Issued to Aathonjr Louis Oli- SECTION 3. This Ordinance It to ts_pursuant to the Local Bond Law of Ntwinvalid, suoh decisions ihall- not affect Irvington; and three brothers Wright is also serving on the FABC-1 ver for premise* situated at 1MI Oik iffect immediately as provided by lawJersey. In anticipation of the Issuance the validity of the remaining portions of Frederick A. of Granite City, Alexander of Port Reading, An 7,U0Tons Stabilized Base Tree Road, Iselin, Ntw Jersey. Tht foregoing ordinance was Intro- of stld bonds and to temporarily f Inn nee this ordinance. III ; a sister, Mrs. Harold D«ter MIRACLE Committee for Prog- and the necessary appurtenances In ac-Objections, if anr. inouM bt made said Improvtmant or purpose, negotiable ft - This ordlunct shall tike effect lm drew of Fords and Frank of Me duced at i meeting of tbe Council of thenotes of the Borough ln a principal amount of Avenel; and three grandchil ess, which is organizing an cordance with plans tnd speoaflcitkitM unmtdUtety In writing to Joseph V. Borough of Cartertt htld July 19, 1969, mediately after final prnuft and pub- tuchen. on file ln ma office of the Township Vtlstitl. Municipal Clerk, Woodbridga, whan It wit adopted on first reading not exceeding W.500 are hereby author- lication as required By ktw jnd approval d mil. open,' city-wide primary for theEngineer, lied to be Issued pursuant to unit within ttipreof by Iht Director tt tht Division New Jersey. The said ordinance will bt rurther con the llmllttlons prescribed by said Law. Funeral services will be held next mayoral election, Bids for tht above win be received (Signed) sldered on second reading lor final ad of Motor Vthlcltt. Section 3. (a) The Improvement hereby APPROVED AND ADOPTED: July 11, tomorrow (Thursday), 10 A.M. at U» Ortloe of the Municipal Citrk if JACK k BAJIL1 INC. t*Uon at a meeting of said Council authorised and purpose for

ftt, V ••-IH-Ir»«yp. MR 4-02fi4 tion with a top professionafil l personnell team providing Street .„,... 20 GREEN STREET, WOODBRIDGE, NEW JERSEY 07095 Industrial management continuing mvlcti for the arp.i's loading mul larRost rnmpanirs. It.Town . .. . Phone PhoneGSMlll (Area Code 201) .Wednesday, July 23,1989 LEADER-PHESS —

Arthur Clough or Rev, David D. Crusade Choir at Madison can be obtained from Charles Tuesday, July 29, 7:30 P.M., In A meeting of the Iselin Fife Special prayer service* are Prince, pastor of First Presby- Square Garden in New York Ditlemer, telephone 636-4073. > VFW Post 2636 Hall. The veter- and Drum Corps .'IBI been set being held at the Iselin Assem- bly of God Church throughout terian Church. ,City recently. - * ' • • ' • ans group sponsors the troop and for Tuesday, 7 P.M., according • • • • * • The Men's Fellowship of Iselin Reinhart Thorsen, Sr. ij scout- to Fred Mess, director. The ses- the summer months, on Tues- ISELIiN ITEMS 1 All levels of Iselin Assembly The Christ ! Ambassadors Assembly of God Church will master. sion will be held in Rooms 101 days. Services begin at 7:30 of God Choir will participate in Youth Group wi]l meet Sunday, make its monthly visit to the • * * P.M. Bowery Mission in New York and 102 of St. Cecelia's School, • . • • Alice Cuthbcrtsoa , nights, in the squad iieadquar rehearsal Friday night, at 8, in July 27, 6 P.M., in the Isclin As- Bingo games will be held the church, corner of Cooper City'on Monday, July 28. Depar- Sutton Street. Bingo games will be conduc- 1606 Oak Tree Road tors. sembly of God Church. Tuesday night in St. Cecella'i Isclin, N. J. • * " < Avenue and Berkeley Boulevard. ture time will b« 6 P.M., from • « • ted by the Iselin First Aid SquHd • • • • • • ' the church on Cooper Avenue. air-conditioned-Lourdes and Fa- The St. Vincent de Paul So on Wednesday night, July 30, in Tele. 518-8169 Boy Scout Troop 47 will meet Volunteer counselors are need • • * • - the s<|uad building, 477 Lincoln itomorrow night, 7:30, in Fellow Several of the members of ed for the summer camp, held tima Halls. Early bird games ciely will meet Tuesday night, Members of VFW Post 2636 ship Hall of First Presbyterian First Presbyterian Church Choir Boy Scout Troop 48 will con begin at 7 and regular games at at 8:30, in Room 107 of St. Ce- Highway. Games will begin at will meet tomorrow (Thursday), for the Presbyterian Churches. 7:30 P.M. Church 1295 Oak Tree Road. participated In the Billy Graham Information and applications duct a regular troop meeting on celia's school. 8 P.M.,lor the semi-monthly ses- • • • sion. Plans will be completed for Tickets are available for the the annual family picnic to be annual Dessert Card .Party to hold Sunday. August 3, 12 noon, be held by St. Cecelia's Altar in Grove 2, sections 1, 2, 4 and 5 Rosary Society on August 21 in •A Merrill Park. Lourdes Hall, Sutton Street. Res * « * ervations may be made with A meeting of the Iselin First Mrs. Mary Hancock, telephone Aid Squad Cadet Corps is set for 548-7696. tomorrow, 7 P.M., in the squad • • • building, 477 Lincoln Highway. The Teen Center program Membership in the unit is open being originated by the Wood to any young man of the com- bridge Y.M.C.A. is in need of munity,'between the ages of 15 adult advisors from the Iselin by hundreds of thousands of satisfied customers! andNUUinterested in joining. Ap- area. Any person who can spend rated plicationfor the volunteer group one Friday night a month on the may be ma at at any of the meet-' youth of the town is asked to ings, held weekly on Thursday' please contact Robert Harter, AGAIN.. New Jersey's most popular United Democratic Club Appliance chain for dependability..salisfaction Sets Fifth Annual Picnic PERTH AMBOY — The Uni- Metuchen, David B. Foley, East service and savings on 'ALL' top brands! ted Democratic Clubs of Middle Brunswick, John J. Fay, Jr., sex County, Inc. will conduct Woodbridgc, Thomas Deverin, ADMIRAL their Eifrh Annual Picnic on Carteret, Assembly candidates; Sunday, afternoon, August 3, Thomas H. Lee, South Plainfield, 22 CU. FT. FROST FREE starting at noon, in Thompson and Director George Otlowski, Park. Jamesburg. Ascmblyman Perth Amboy; David 7. Wilentz; Robert N. Wilentz will be the Congressman Edward J. Patten; principal speaker. There will be [Congressman James -Howard; SIDE-BY-SIDE free! free! games, music by a live band, Senator Harrison A. Willkms; entertainment and refreshments. Senator John'A. Lynch; Senator IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Other speakers and special Norman Tanzman; Senator J. Kuests include: Rev. Mack Mar- Edward Crabiel; Herman B. REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER tin, Perth Amboy, deputy coun- Hoffman, county clerk; Mayor mm ty clerk; Former Governor Ro- Ralph Barone and Woodbridgc CARLOADS SOLD LAST WEEKI Only 35*4 Township committee man; May bert B. Meyner, Princeton; Her- inches wide, roll out wh«als for eaiy mov- bert M. Tanzman, Highland or Patricia Sheehan, New Brims Park, Daniel W. Morgan, South wick and commissioners; Mayor ing. Adjustable refrigerator ihelvtj. Fea- Brunswick, Martin A. Spider, Anthony Yelcnsics and council tures adjustable shelves on refrigerator man of Edison. free! free! door. Haj separate control for freezes. Also, Mayor Jame.j J. Flynn Jr. and commissioners of Pert! 5*parate control for refrigerator. Wh. Only < FULL YR. SERVICE Amboy; .Mayor Herbert Tan7. ... No Dealer*l KND KM. AMOU man and commissioners, High land Park; George Shamy, city Democratic chairman, Now 1 M CU. I ! REGULAR '518! SAVE '80 HOME Uninswick; Stanley P. Starpfia I HK-W RAM )|t VALUES • ify Democratic chairman. 'ni'.t Anih:)j, Mayor Mary Ken irid councilman, Sayrevillo; BOTTLFD '(Him'ilman Walter Kulik and p everything sold IN SCOTLAND oilier councilman of South Ri vci-; Councilman Edward Zebra ;;| fully guaranteed! • mid other councilman of South Amboy; John A. Phillips, Madi <;on Township, Thomas Moly OTQOOOOOQQOOQOOOOOOOOOQQOPOO'OO iicu.v, Woodbridge, Louis May, Kasl, Brunswick, John Hoagland, Now Brunswick, and Stephen i.'apestro, Edison, all Freehold crs. OPEN A BRICK CHURCH APPtlANCf "REV01VIN6" CHARGl ACCOUNT Members of the various com II i 15 mil tees include: Ernest Bowling, ;AI.-IO?9 Piscatiway. gentftt chairman CM. 19 39 of picnic; Robert Gash, Cran bury and Caroline L'annon, FREE DEIIVERU ALL FAMOUS MAKE Perth Amboy, ticket chairman P»K SERVICII 11.7 Ga. Ft. 2 DR. 2 DOOR AUTOMATA »"^' BOTTlfD and assistant; David "Bud" AT IM Keenan, Perth Amboy, publi- REFRIGERATORS WINIRY city; Mrs. Gertrude Lincoln, REFRIGERATOR REFRIGERATOR M CALIFORNIA 'crlli Amboy, refreshment chairman; Mrs. Inez Howard, GUASTI WINES Mrs. I'ena Green and Mrs. Ear- Separate zero degree freezer A Fabulous Value Al Only - line Jones, all New Brunswick; • DRY RED Richard Scott and Mrs. Ann SUIGUNDt IAIIFIOHI Keenan, both Perth Aipboy; • Wil- • DRY WHITE liam Conover, Jamesburg, bar tAUTIINt chairman;; Stanley Conovor, ADMIRAL • HOTfOINT • AMANA • SEMI-DRY Cranbury, Gilbert Nelson. Sr. and Robert Jones, New Hruns WESTINOHOUSE • FRIOIDAIRI wick, liar committee; Harold KCIVINATOR • FROST QUEEN Unroll) Jr. president, Piscata- way and Robert Bergcr, Edison, irrriNition chairman and assis- tant; Mrs. Bess Conover, Cran- bury, prize chairman; Mr. Lin- One of our 'Better' Buys! coln, speakers chairman. Music will be by Flute Wil ANOTHER CARLOAD JUST IN! j hams and his Organ Trio of New lininswick, featuring star voca li.l Kay King of Fort Dix, N.J.

Tickets for the affair, open to •*M HIP. public, may be purchased I fQUORS from any committee member or IF at the picnic grounds. The "M<\y mm I UNION tier Girls." in their first app&ir 1S32 MAIN ST. 11907 MORRIS AVE ;ince, will greet the people at 11; sin.f-o r.iiffsi\H ••in 'milh Hickenwk Only Adviosry • Union City - Virom Bump: — "Has your wife W.u N»w York, learned to drive the car yrt?" T Bumper: — "Yes. In an ad visory capacity."

Another Carload! Factory Fresh JL

— SUMMER YARNS Frost-Free Hois|»or a I,in I,i|p | Oj.n |{pg 8,> Repeat Sale of Factory Fresh |r>,«|,,r-. Souffle .'.0 gr,, Rpg. 1.29 21.4 Cu. Ft. Side-by Side Famous Make 15.5 Cu. Ft. Top Mounted Refrigerator-Freezers 21.2 Cu. Ft. Frost-Free Side-by-Sides Frost-Free Refrig.-Freezer MOULAIIY I44f « SAVI $10! M REG. $251 SAVE $30

W« Sold Cut Lait WMI< . , . madt another ipsctacular carload purchai* t« fng#'otor and htnir, Gtganrlc COLUMBIA •p*at this supor valui. 3334" w'dt, in both refrigerator ond frftrtr, 65" high, 312 Ib. upright fnvitr, with af itarag* ipoc* in doorl. Twin MINERVA loads ef itorogi «po

Shop Your NHNII Store: "AWARD* OTHER STORES mZuuur?/ •Rahway..382-0699 . , Morrislown . . Newark f|a!i4 . . , Han8v§r . . Blesmfi SERVICI Hill? . , Pir-jippony . . Englew • Union ... 687-2288 Stoh»n liland . . Somervlllo 2714 Marrle Avenu* the SEWING KIT "" • 1..,.^ , II-,> t!.r. 65 L CHERRY ST. RAHWAY Mol oil llemt all Hnil^ ? .M h OPIN WIIKOAV!»«jJO AM TO ^OOPM-SATURUAYS 9:30 AM TO 6:00 PM ' PlINTY 0MRIIPARKIHC. The Middlesex County TOP COVERAGE P COVERAGE Leader-Press and Leader Shopper Leader-Press and Leader Shopper —top circulation coverage in , —top circulation coverage in Woodbridge area. Woodbridge area.

Wednesday, July 23, 1969 News Of The Week As Seen In Pictures

MORE THAN 100 BIKES: Participated In the Lite A Bike Program conducted by VFW Post 2(!nB S cooperation with the Wood- Inidge Police Department on Saturday, July 12. Patrolman Patrick Donaghuc inspects bike while John Liikensow, chairman, Junior Vice-Commander of the post, applies safely reflector tape on the bike of David Keitel. Looking on from left to rtjht: Wilson Noesan, commander of Post 26:t(i; Tom Van Allen, Middlesex County Commander; Alfred Krai, Eighth District Judge Advocate; and John Amaszi, Eighth District Commander.

\l W or I I('i;i(S; Of si. Cecelia's Altar Hosary Sncielv arc pic lured with Itev. John (iercly, spiritual diii-rliir, alter their inistal- l.iliini tor Hie l!ll>!( I!I7I1 term. Piclum) let* (i» li^hl are: Mis. Matthew Kemps, nieinhei ship; Mrs. Mil had limes, \icf-prfsidcnl; Mis Frank L. Juan-/., presidcnl; Father

I'KIt I il A,\l IH)\r — Chevron Oil ('iiiiipniiy Kaslern Division recently announced the ap puintnient nf Mr. Robert (i. ON OCI \N VOYACt: \li and Mrs. John Martin, of 1(11 llrown to dip position of Vice Itussell St., WnodhridKC •">' photo^i aphed on hoard tli« President, Fuel Oil Sales. In lii ace line's SANTA I'M IV which sailed from Nrw Vork PI KPLE 11 A/I; on a Ill-day cruise to Curacao. N. W. I.; La IJuaria (Cam I'.ellv customer admires the latest in hat fashions now being featured at I Ins position he will he respon- Hie Purple lla/c casl, Venezuela; Amlm, N. W. 1.; Kingston. .1 arnica; Port 7l.i St. (ieorge Ave., Woiulhridtfe. The store is rapidly earning an eareawiile sible for coordination of Resi H'piiialiun as Everglades (Fort Landcrdale Miama), Florida. "the place where-it s at for the newest in head accessories for both men dual Furl Oil Supply and Mar and women." ketlng activities in the»'rn United States. IIONKYMOONIMi: In (he islands of Hennuda are Mr. and Horn in Kansas City, Mis Mrs. Richard Itnwinski of 7«.i linen Street, Iselin. Mrs, Cerone-Meola Marriage souri. Brown graduated from Rowinski, the former (iail Slavin. is the daughter of Mr. and What to Do At .Sacramento Junior College and! Mrs. Marvin Slavin of 540 Summit Avi-nir, Miplcwnod. Mr. later attended UCLA. He .joined! Kowinski's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rowinski, live Free Public Library Chevron in 1946-and held var at 7 Iris Place, WnodhrMge. Solemnized in Cathedral of Woodbridge ions management positions in Manufacturing and Supply Do' ISI;I IM — The ni;inia4P of • partments. Prior to his recent! JIXY 21 to IIA HO appointment he had been a,Vice' President of Chevron Oil Tra- •r M.-••!.» of wp.i-K, mifi Don For Fall Semester SCHOOL-AGE' BOYS nU -9n AND GIRLS ding Company for seven years, .1 .ini.ii (Vrnr son i'f Mr. andj EDISt>.\ — Gordon H..r i • Micnnci Main Library and All Branches six of which were spent inj )f AflHssi of Middle "Bold Knight Reading Club" Europe. Brown t was a U. S. S.eri/ue

innnon, al 4, in Sacred ll-art tnpre arr a few vacancies ju|y 24, 28, 29, 30 he was a founding member and Army Private Fi (.'lass Hob iilicdi;il. Newark. lOr tne College's Fall semesier. "4 o'clock Story Hours" at hoard member of American ert K. Katzenhack. 20, son of Thr hnde resides wilh hrr- vacancies exist in the two- Thoso Avenel, Fords. Henry Inman. Chamber of Commerce in Swrt-JMr. and Mrs. John ,1. Kat/en "incr am! sister in law. Mr. associate degree in applied vear Iselin and Sewaren Branches, zerland. 'back, 15 Adams St., Iselin, was rl \lr< Anthony R. Moola oflsficnres in chemical Teehnolo .. iM-hn Parkway. Mr, Meola ,,, Klcctrical Technology Mo For primary grade children. 1 Brown wil reside in Mountain assigned June 15 to the 2,'Jrd A> Vi •'ll|y 2l* 'side, with his wife and daugh. Cillery (iroup in Vietnam. M- hi, sister in marriage. icnanica| Technology, Nurse Ed- "••- rrreja Lanc.ori served Valion „•„<, Secretarial Science. "Iselin Sports Films - 2 P.M. ter. I Airman Apprentice Walter d "America's Cup Races, 1964". Tenpcnny, USN. son of Mr. am maid of honor. Bridesmaids High School graduates who are p rs Waiter Tenpcnny of l.'il IT I he Misses Linda Morrte- qualified are encouraged to apply "Skier's Choice" r i ii i IT/- '^' - Wl'ter Tenpcnny grad n. Janet Rosamtlia. Linda at this date. "Appointment in Arusha" Jalopy Derby Winners Bedford Ave., Iselin. w: | 25 uated from the Aviation Reripro ••vrrclna. Connie Barccllona Persons who are interested in Colonia - Crafts and Story Announced By Pack Seating Engines course al Ihc AnKthnny Sa applying'** one of the curricu \\ a s best man. UsherI cn«ipsn weri,.ru.Ae i •* • J a Hour - 2 P. M, I PORT READING - The see Naval Air Technical Training lums are invited to contact the rPaRliaaR ia. Anthonnth0nVy NNardonear 0ne , July 28 ond annual Jalopy Derby of'Center in Memphis, Tenn. ^ ' M |o1 , B i ,'iDirector of Admissions, Middle- Hopelawn - Sports films men Malgcien and Richard|sex Cmnly College> Edisorl) New 730 Cub Scout Pack 31 was held onl xh« nine week curriculum in P.M. Sunday in Sewaren. Winners of! .|i,ded aircraft engine phnciple- l ( Mrs Cerone is a graduate of "Let's Get Wet" ,the race were: Steve H;mko. ,,j| systems, fuel syslcns, CJI 1 JOHN i SI 1! VI < II AI)\ll\lsTi:i!IH OMII Naval Aviation (Hlicer ( andidate i'i|iiahii' • Iit>I) School and is "Porpoise Posse' ;first; (ireg Lehman, second;'burvtors and ignilion. systt-m-i,! William It. Keagi-r. sun of Mi. and Mis. (ieorge It. Kc, a.t r i:i|i|(ivc(| by the Housing Au- Wrong Advil* "Shark Hunt" •and John Mansfield, third. ihydromatic vrupellcrs, and guv-i (I1. S. Amu Phuioi r of 1(1.1 Rowland Place, Wondhridge, was administered Ibe III it> v .\\*ark'. Her husb"an3 • "If it hadn't been for your July 2« Results of the judging for Ihelernors, aircraft engine replace IV KOKI1A: Army Piitale .1 graduate of East Side High confounded advice, I wouldn't Fordj • Sport* Films 7:.;o best looking cars included:jment techniques and aircraft First (lass John J. StraiKh, Oath of Enlistment as a Naval Aviation Officer Candidate bool, Newark, and is an PIU- have lost every dollar I had." P. M. Paul Sukovich, first; Arthurjflight line troubleshooting and 22.'n(tn of Mr. and Mrs. Alex- at the Naval Air Station, Olathe. Kan. I'non completion of \1 io\o of the Peerless Tube Co., "You can't jay that," return Program ai above. I Quackenbush, second; a n cTmaintenance practices. ander Strauch, 216 Raynor weeks of trainins at the "Annapolis of the Air". PensamU, ed his broker. "I told you to use July 30 jSteve Banko. third. [ Prior to this course he crad Street. Iselin. was assigned nn their return from a wed- your own judgment." Port Readini - Sports Film Special thanks were e\t 2S tn the 2nd Infantrv Fla., he will he commissioned an Ensign. After receivins ni» trip to Bermuda, they wtllj "Well'hang It, tint's what 1 T:.W P. M. ed to thf judgesg . Walter Basin- trinatinn m Naval Aviation at Division in Korea, as an ar commission he will continue in aviation to earn the Navj - ihPir home in BloomfHd jdid." Program as »b»v«, ski and John Kisko. 'the ttllervrn^n. "Wins<; of finlrt" and hp drsignatrd as » Naval Aviator. YOUR POLICE v PAGE TEN Wednesday, July 23,1969 Lead«r-Press

BUCS'BATTY GUY - - - By Alan Mover DANDY DODGER • By Alan Mavw Highland Park >ret ^^T MOT Woodbridge Rec. League Standings Falls to Local WHEN 7X/$ KttOVMM \ \ &E wmmm Rec. Results \ WOODBRIDGE — The Woodbridge Recreation Departmeni STANDINGS AS OF \\ l^ to Baseball and Softball League schedule Monday July 28th thru Police Shooters SATURDAY, JULY 19 \\\ ,-v T/f/O WHO Friday, August 1st is as follows: WOODBRIDGE — The Wood Oldtimers Softball • Slow Pitch CHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE bridge Police pistolmen had an 1st Prcsby. Men's Club 6 . 1 %> Monday, July 28 Games at 6:10 P. M easy time as they defeated High- Little League Managers 6 St. Andrews vs. Woodbridge Congregational — Avenel Jr. Hi land Park on the firing line by aErnie's Bar , 6 St. James vs. Avenel Prsebyterians — Oak Street lopsided 1176-1009 score. Knights of Columbus 4 PETERSON CLASSIC LEAGUE Woodbridge's Andy Ludwig Pusillo A. C. 3 showed the way to his team- St. Joseph HNS 3 Games at 6:00 P. M St. Demet's Men's Club 3 Mono's vs. Hilltop Boys — Fords Jr. Hi mates by riddling his targets Vinsko's Oldtimers 2 Peoples, Express vs. Kings — Avenel Park with a lofty 298; right behind J&L Auto Body 0 Port Heading K. of C. vs. Hary Rhode Soholars — Boynton him came Richie Alexander with ORGANIZATION SLOW PITCH a 297, Charlie Banko 292 and Phil Yaeovino 289. Commercial League - Slow Pitc Slovak A.C. 7 Tuesday, July 29th Games at 6:20 P. M, Highland Park's best, F. Han Hopelawn Engine o. vs; Port Reading Fire, Co. — Fords Jr. Hi derhan hit 292, next came F G.A.T.X. 4 Corona Construction vs. Fords Fire Co. — Colonia Jr. Hi Callaway 286, H. .Emmons 270 Valiant Aluminum 2 Purple Eagles vs. Little Leacue Mgrs, — Avenel Par'' «nd J. Etzel 251. Russian American Club 2 Avenel Fire Co. vs. Little League Mgrs. — Avenel Park Standings in the Central Jersey O'Donnell's Tavern 1 Woodbridge Jayces vs. Purple Hazers — Oak Street Pistol League are: Darab's Tavern 0 Don Bosco Council vs. Commando's — Boynton The next match will find Wood Satans Athletic Club vs. G. ifc M. Trucking — Merrill Park Babe Ruth League bridge pitted against the Madi 1st Half Rahway Camp vs. Gene Schreinera — Rahway Camp son Township Police, CHURCH SOFTBALL LEAGUE Sabo's Sport Shop 5 W L St. Elizabeth 3 Wednesday, July 30th Games at 6:10 P. M Woodbridge 13 0 St, Joseph 2 Avenel Presbyterians vs. St. Andrews — Avenel Jr. Hi South Plainfield 11 Gen. Dem. Org. 1 Iselin Presbyterians vs. St. James — Iselin Jr. Hi Perth Amboy 10 Lions Club 0 St. Anthonys vs. Woodbridge Congregational — Boynton Piscataway 9 ORGANIZATION SLOW PITCH Dunellen , - fl Joe Medwick League Gamea at 6:20 p, M. Highland Park 6 1st Half Lucky Spot vs. Brennans Clubs — Fords Jr. Hi South Brunswick 5 8 G&G Excavating 5 Woodbridge Teachers vs. Sun Realty — Merrill Park East Brunswick 4 9 G.B.B.A. Local #111 3 PETERSON CLASSIC BASEBALL New Brunswick 4 9 G.A.T.X. 3 Games at 6:00 P. II. Edison 3 10 PAL Ladies Auxiliary 1 Klique vs. Marauders — Oak Street Middlesex County Park 2 11 Boro Emp'ly's Loc. 1164 0 Madison Township 1 12 INDUSTRIAL SOFTBALL Little Carteret Leagne Thursday, July 31st ' Games at 6:20 P. AT. AMERICAN LEAGUE King ftatwru Byniicett R. C. A. (Woodbridge) vs. Hatco Chemical — Avenel Jr. Hi J&L Auto Body 15 Gujton Industries vs. Klen Sweep — Iselin Jr. Hi Lake Meets Sportsman Association 12 IMaMhiM tv Xiw tmtttuf IvUtcii Amato Carpet Service vs, Witco Chemical — Avenel Park Jack Pages 12 Hess Oilers vs. Elizabeth Town Gas — Boynton Catholic War Vets 11 Engelhard Mln. & Chem. vs. Ronson Corp. — Merrill Pa,rk Standards Frank's Dept. Store 8 Fitzgerald's Meet Sabo's On Top YMCA Sponsors PETERSON CLASSIC BASEBALL TRENTON — Among the 44 Foodtown Market 7 Firemen Clinch Games at 9:00 P. M. lake bathing places in 11 counties U. S. Metals 7 Golden Years In Classic 9 vs. Rookies A. C. — Fords Jr. Hi in New Jersey to meet sanitation Knights of Columbus 5 In Ruth League Swim Program and other guidelines of the NewMetro Glass 5 Softball Tourney National Title HEAVY SENIOR FAST PITCH ('ARTERET — Sabo's Sports WOODBRIDGE - The new Jersey State Department of Carteret Auto Parts 3 WOODBRIDGE - Flti- CARTERET — Fire Company Shop continues to dominate the Woodbridge Area YMCA is again Friday, August 1st Games at 6:20 P. M.Health is Dallenbach's Lake in gerald's Tavern of Avenel will No. 2 clinched the championship i.i'c in the Babe Ruth League. sponsoring a Learn to Swim Eastern Airlines vs. Kolibas Cardinals — Merrill Park East Brunswick Township. All NATIONAL LEAGUE meet the Golden Years of in the Little League, National Tho league leaders, undefeated Program, consisting of five- A. & O. Sweet Shop vs. Gervins Sport Shop — Carteret Park have been given signs which Fire Co, #2 15 Perth Amboy, Saturday, in the Division, holding a two-gamo tn daic, won their fifth straight days of aquatic lessons for boys read: "This Bathing Lake meets Airco Corp. 13 Middlesex County Freeholders margin, with less than two ; anu! to practically clinch the and girls, ages five through Standards of the New Jersey Craftsman Club 11 Open Softball tourney. The weeks remaining of play. Ideal Liquor 11 i.'li' by nosing out St. Joseph's eight, in the township. The pro- tate Department of Health." two teams are the only unde- The league leaders were gram is being conducted over Colonia Wins County Babies Furniture 10 in »nc of the best-played games Proprietors of lake bathing feated combines in the tourn- rained out this past week. In el tin; year, 2 to 1. Andy Mazon the ten-week summer period in Synowiecki Funeral 6 places participate in the inspec- ament. other games, the Carteret Deli the winner over Nick Shy- cooperation with the Woodbridge arlo's Pizza 6 tion and approval program on a The Avenel boys scored a defeated Carlo's Pizza, 9*, Airco nianski in a brilliant pitching Recreation Department. arteret Bank & Trust 5 voluntary basis. Participation 2-1 win over the A. and O. nosed out the Carteret Bank and duel, allowing only one hit all Legion Championship Fire Co. #1 4 Each non-swimmer in this age and compliance require some in- Sweet Shop, while the Golden Trust, 4-3, Craftsman Club eas 1 lif way. vestment on the part of the pro- )arteret Delicatessen 2 group will be eligible for the pro- COLONIA — Scoring seven INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Years edged Bill's Tap Room. ily rolled over the Fire Co. No. l, In other Babe Ruth League gram on a first-come, first- runs in the first inning and with prietor of the lake bathing place. 16-1, Ideal Liquor scored over ":imes, St. Joseph's defeated EAST Fitzgerald's scored the win- served basis. The Swim-Mobile the help of a fine pitching per- Those places which meet guide Airco, 9-1, Babies Furniture beat <: DO. 4 to 1, as Nick Shyman- Food Machinery Kaskiw Plumbing 13 ning run when Bob Tarrant in the area will move into ten formance by Bob Peterson, the ines on general sanitation, bac arroll's Hamburgers 12 walked, Ron Hoyda singled Airco, 8-4, the Fire Co. No. 1 ki hurled a magnificiant two- eriological quality of bathing prominent school locations in theColonia team in the Middlesex Rotary Club 12 and the center fielder hobbled liiiier. James Hagan won the waters, and on safety equipment eked out a close 7-6 win over the township. County American Legion tour- Deverin Association 12 the ball to let the winning run ;:ame with a homer over the Captures Title and practices receive certifi- Carteret Deli, Ideal Liquor took Qualified instructors will con- ney gained the championship Italian American 10 come in. i i;ht field fence.. Nick Shyman- cates of compliance and the sign. a narrow 10-9 decision over Car duct five half-hour sessions with with a decisive 8-0 win over CARTERET — In the Little Jewish War Vets 4 1 ski also homered over the left It is anticipated that other lake lo's Pizza and the Craftsman emphasis on water adjustment; North Edison. League, International Division, Cold Cut Center 1 1 held fence. bathing places will be approved Club blanked Synowiecki's Fun- kicking; floating; stroking and Ken Hyland opened the initial Food Machinery Corporation won St. Elizabeth's scored an easy as inspection continues. The New WEST eral Home, 34 breathing. A registration fee of inning with a walk and came the title and will play the winner v. iii over the Lions Club, 16 to 2, Jersey State Department of F.M.C. Corp. 15 T. V. Commentary 501 will be charged per child home on John Alusik's double. of the Western Division title for ;is John Ward pitched the win lealth urges patrons of lake Phillips #66 12 with no family being charged Then Bob Mollenhaur walked the league championship. THERE IS SOMETHING quite • iml also got three hits. In the areas to patronize those which lebrew Mens Club 11 more than $1 for more than two In the past week of action, Joe KRAFT MUSIC HALL'S show appealing about the personality Inn] game G.D.O. blanked the and Frank Matusek doubled to coniform to the guidelines of theSportsman Barber Shop 6 1 children in the family. Erdly hurled a no hitter for the only July 2nd was different. It of Johnny Cash. He is not hand- I inns Club, 14-0, with Bob Ni- bring in two more runs. Mike dfljsrtment. Hill Pharmacy 5 1 < hnlson carving out a neat two- The following dates and loca- Guinness and Mike Kaelber fol Rotary Club in a l-o triumph Charley's Gulf 4 l: was filmed in Hawaii and had assome but his voice and manner linter. tions will be used: July 28, lowed with successive tripies. over the Hebrew Mens Club. In ruhin Pharmacy 2 1! its host Don Ho. Native children have a sincerity about them that School 22, Colonia; August 4. St.Gary LaFranko was h't by a otheY games, Hill Pharmacy out appeared on the show and twokeeps one listening to the show. Cecelia's Parochial School, Ise- pitched ball and he and Kaebler Stored Charley's Gulf. 15-10. s.ovaks Win of the guests were Carol Law- MOVIE MANAGERS are put. lin; August 11, St. John Vlanney worked a double steal with the Phillips #66 scored over Food rence and Bill Dana. Carol's ting the answer to people who 'Yankee Doodle Dandy" song Two-Way Race Parochial School, Colonia; Aug- latter scoring the sixth run. La-Machinery, 8 6, Italian American J&L Auto Body ask why so many shows of to- ind dance were good in a Fourth ust 18, Schools 4 and 5, Avenel; Frano tallied the final run of the Club beat Gruhin's Pharmacy, day are filled with sex and vio- and August 25, School, 25 Fords 7th Straight of July setting. In Slow Pitch inning when he stole third and 12-2. Kaskiew Plumbing took an League Leaders lence — money. When they show Information and forms may bescored on a wild pitch. easy one over the Sportsman As. CARTERET —In the Com- THE INVESTITURE OF THEa wholesome picture the returns CARTERET - J and L Auto CARTER ET — A hot two-way obtained from Woodbridge North Edison (0) sociation, 19-5, Cold Cut Center mercial Slow Pitch League, it PRINCE OF WALES wa* a tra are few but when they have Body holds 1 big 3 game lead i.ire is currently being waged YMCA, 875 Rahw»y Avenut, ab r h rolled over tha Jewbm War Vets looks like the Slovak A.C. all ditional and colorful spectacle. the Little League, American di something sensational the coin i.i-iwnen the First Presbyterian Woodbridge, N.J. O7O9S. S'k'l'skisF '301 22-7, Deverin Association beat thjt way. This was the 21st ceremony of vision. The league leaders rolled its kind, the first one taking box is filled. The audience is Uciis Club and the Little League Members of the Swim Mobile B.L"rlb 4 o i Kaskiew Plumbing, 12 3, Italian The league leaders, without a over Frank's Dept. Store easily place in 1301. The .young prince largely made up of youngsters Managers, both of whom are ommittee are William Burns, T'rbitt If 4 0 1 loss to date, rolled up their se- American Club easily won over 125, with Nick Ziccardi hurlinj was crowned by his mother and as the majority of the older deadlocked for the top rung in William Zenga and Frank Mur- Y'tm'n c 3 0 3 venth straight win by shutting 1 Carroll's Hamburger, 15-3, the win and hitting a homer be- seemed to be an exceptionally crowd are content to spend the I'ic OMtimers Softball Slow phy. N'lsen If 3 0 1 out O'Donnell's Tavern. In a Sportsman Barber Shop defeated sides. popular young man. evening before tho TV set. I'ilrh League, Park cf 3 0 1 second game, the league leaders Charley's Gulf. 7-4 and Phillips In another big victory, the Both clubs came through with G'sior rf 0 0 0 defeated the G.A.T.X., to post #66 shut out Jewish War Vets, and L Auto Body defeated Car- i-iir sided triumphs. The Mens G. & G. Excaviting f'gl'ski cf 3 0 0 their seventh win of the current teret Auto Parts, 5-4, as Tom < hib had an easy time disposing Thi'l p 2 0 0 season. Coffee was the winner. J and <>f the Pusillo A.C. 13-6 for No.6. Leaders of League G. L'm'r p 0 0 0 As a result of their double vie Auto Body had to come from Lsur if/en Jrn *J«'TVIC9 A I. the same time the Little R'hm'nd2b 3 0 0 CARTERET - G. and G. tory, the Slovak A.C. tossers are behind in the last half of the I ca^uo Managerj, hotter than a Excavating, with a IVit game Foul Shooting ahead by 2Vi games and nothing sixth as John Kiraly hit a homei hu'crackcr on the Fourth of Ju- Totals 28 ~0 1 lead, continued to lead the Joe less than a miracle can prevent with two men on base. The vic- Airman First CL William H. Shipfitter Second Class John I'-. moved right along by troun- Medwick League. The league Colonia (8) hem from copping the pennant tory practically sewed up the Hoyt III, son of Mr. and Mrs.F. Petro, Jr., USN, son of Mr. i mi! -St. Demetrius, 13 to 3. had a comparatively easy time ab r h :n the Commercial Loop, and Mrs. John F. Petro of 331 Contest Held title for the league leaders. William H. Hoyt, Jr., 139 Fiat In olher games the Knights of rolling over the G.A.T.X., 14-2, Hyl'drf i i i Berry St., Woodbridge, and hus- WOODBRIDGE — The Rec In other games, Jack Pages < ulnmbiis defeated Vinsko's Old- as John Szatkowski hurled the Al'sik3b 4 11 Ave., Iselin, is on duty at Camband of the former Miss Maria reation Department held a foul beat Sportsman Club, 6-3, Cath i HUT, inn, despite homers by Ranh Bay AB, Vietnam. F. LaSalle of 66 Demorest Ave.. win. The victory practically Cil'nto ss 3 0 0 shooting tournament at Iselin olic War Vets won over Carter*! ii'ivo, Cere, Mills and Hart. Er- Avenel, is serving aboard th» clinched the championship for MTh'er2b 3 i 0 Junior High School on Tuesday. One Minute Auto Part, 8-2, U. S. Metals beal Airman Hoyt, an, aircraft i K s Knr took a one sided game sumarine tender USS Fulton. Ai . and G. Excavating. M'fsek c 3 11 The contestants, representing the Knights of Columbus, 9-2, M«tr< mechanic, is in a ynit of the over St. Demetrius, 12-5, with a crewmember aboard the sub- In the second game, G.B.B.A. McG'n'ss cf 3 12 various playgrounds throughout Sports Quiz Glass defeated Foodtown, 6-; Vince Faor hitting a homer, Pacific Air Forces.cBefore his marine tender, he will partici- nosed out G. and G. in an eight K'lberlb 2 1 1 the township * were given 25 VttA Frank's Dept Store nosed ou' Krnie'g Bar is only one-half arrival in Southeast Asia, he pate in the Fulton's 30th Anni- inning game, 3-2, tnd G.A.T.X. LaF'no If 0 2 0 the Sportsman Association, 1-0 j;.ime out of first place and shots, with trophies and ribbons . Who won the Wimbledon sin was assigned at Clark AB, Phil- versary. The Fulton, the oldest beat Pal Ladieg Auxiliary. 9-3, D'wn'y If 0 0 0 Jack Pages turned back Metr< • itould pose a serious threat for being awarded to the winners. gles title? ippines. submarine tender on active duty as the winners rallied with an P't'son p 2 0 1 Glass, 31 and the Catholic Wa (he top two contenders before Sharon Couch won the girls- 2. What two players have won The airman is s 1966 graduate in the Navy, is capable of sup- early four-run attack In the competition by making 16 shots the Grand Slam of tennis? Vets defeated U. S. Metals, 5-1. tho summer is over. fourth frame. Totals 21 8 7 of East Paterson Memorial High porting an all-nuclear subma- Winners of the 10-11 year oL . How did Don Meredith make N. Edison 000 000 04 School. rine squadron. boys competition were: Wayn news recently? Colonia 701 000 x-8 Peragallo, School 21 Playground 4. How old is Reggie Jackson? 2B: Alusik, Matusek; 3B: Mc- IMMEDIATE OPENINGS first; Phil Taillefer, Thorp' 5. Who holds the National Registrations Guinness, Kaebler. Avenue Playground, second; am League homerun record? In Central Jersey Area Charles Coyington, Blanfon For Pop Warner LAUGH TIME (ALL FEES PAID BT EMPLOYERS) DttSM'tKMW Playground, third. Ernest: — "Mother when, the Tom Duffy of BuckneU Play The Aoswert CARTERET — Announcemenl fire goes out, where dost it go ground placed first in the 12-1 was made this week that the reg to?" year old boys contest. Richari . Rod Laver of Australia. istration for the Pop Warnct Football League will take placi Mother: - "My dear Ernest, Wiley, School 21 Playground 2. Don Budge (1938) and Rod WAREHOUSE MANAGERS Laver (1962). during the week of July 28th at I don't know. You might Just placed second and Joseph Tui :ie Park field from 6 P.M. to is well ask me where your fa- ner, Blanford Playground 3. He announced his retirement 7:30 P.M. ther goes to when he goes out." placed third. from football. I. 23. The registration fee for th< Distribution In the 14-15 year old boys cate 5. Hack Wilson of the Cubs, 56 season will be three dollars foi Cause and Effect gory, winners were: Clartnci in 1930. every boy due to the high cosl Hub — (at supper table) — Turner, Blanford Playgound of insurance and equipment. Traffic What's the idea of all this can- first; Ken Koblentz, East Greei TIGERS WIN The first practice session ii ned stuff? Street Playground, second; an ISELIN — The Tigers of the scheduled to take place on Aug Wife - I've canned the cook, Richard Ross, School 21 Play Iselin Athletic Association Pony ust 3rd. Inventory Control | dear. ground, third. League defeated the Dodgers Walter Gasior, former Carter- with a 2-1 score to win the 1969et high school backfield coadi Pony , League Championship. and currently Director of Ath- Tom Jensick was the winning letics at Carteret High School to $15,000 pitcher will be head coach this season TEL. (201) Monmouth Park LITTLE FRANKIE 634-4300 by P.S. Express Bus IS LEARNING Dr. Ralph P. Bareoe Confidence Discipline ONLY ROUND TRIP '2.75 Coordinatioi r. p. barone FROM CARTERET—Leave Carteret Shopping Team Spirit (8 CM F«l..~ 3,-JMH I* . !«• »'«U * Center Wednesdays at 11:45 A.M., Saturdays at Self-Respect 11:15 A.M. Or from Al's Luncheonette, Roose- "Look, dear, I asked you not to call me here—if associates velt Ave. & Hudson St., 5 minutes later. AT there are any fire sales I'll let you know," INDUSTRIAL MANAGEMENT CONSULTANTS FROM WOODBRIDGE — Leave Main & School 73 Main St., Woodbridge, N. J. I7MS or Main & Pearl Streets, Wednesdays at 12 PANTS AN» DRIVING JUDO TECH do-inn _ Prij|j[> v,, Wallwork, • w« nr* Ontral Jersey's

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\ • PAOE rmsun Wednesday, July 23, 1969 Leader-Press

HONOR Have you ever wondered when the Union and Middlesex firms with whom you do business were founded,' who began them, who now runs them? You'll find the answers on these HONOR ROLL PAGES. Listed on ROLL these pages—in the order of the year they were founded —are many leading Union and Middlesex Twin County Of Leading Union & Firms. Through the brief histories of these firms, you will be able to traee the dynamic industrial and commer- Middlesex Twin-County cial expansion of this ever-growing Twin County Area. We're sure that you will find fhese capsule summaries Companies moil interesting reading.

1800 1851 1863 1885 1892 1902 1905 1910

THE SINGER ENGEL BR0THER5 Sufaurbon Trust Company MAFrEY'S CROSS KEYS Moving Service HILGENDORFF'S ELIZABETH COMPANY Established '892 \ Lock & Safe-»Co. Founded In 1863 Cool Co. 1166 E Jersey Street Cranford OlfWMM Plalnflekd • HOTEL . Founded In 1851 BY CHARLES CHRISTIAN ENOtt, Scotch PldiM - WeatlieM ' FOUNDED 1910 EST. 1902 By Charles Maffey, Sr. By law M. Singer * Edward Clark Uember of InternattMal Air Trane- Com|;lGte Banking Services ONEOFUNIONCO'S Founded in 1885 In New York City port Aawc. In Florida! Ji Let Artielea. By John J. Byrrus Mastnr Locksmiths for by Mr. William Hilgendorff For All Offices Over 58 yea« OLDEST HISTORIC SITES way known aa "We hope to Continue «ur L M. SINGER k COMPANY excellent eervtee throufh Aew Phone 232-2300 "Our with for the future In 1863 the name became development* In traniBDrta- la to grow and proaper." 1 North ave., Crfd.; tlon, by landi Ml and »lr, to Featuring America's Finest FUEL OIL Charles Q. Mjllf.v Built In The Early 1800's THE SINGER MFG. COMPANY Driveln; 35 North »v«., W. Real Estate Since 1905 keep pace with modern timei In 1173 when th* N.Y. lofts 1172 E. Grand at., Eljiitull CLEAN. CHEERFUL MODERNIZED * demand*. Quality Shoes for the Entire KM Crnlfr. Garwd. ' 1-HOUR SERVICE ROOMS. fiOTEL 18 CONVENIENTLY became too crowded, the Eliz- Drive-In: Soulh avt. L Welt at. LOCATED. ENJOY COMFORT AND abeth factory was opened. 3 j I -1172 THE CONGENIALITY OF THE JOSEPH W. ENOEL Family, ond dedicated to ire S. Broad, Witfld. lioiler Burner Unit; Offices in In 1943. the name became, and WM. ft" ENOB., SB., Drive-In; 231 Clark rt. remain, ' WM. K. ENGEL, JR. careful and competent fit- »1 E. l"font, Plfd. Conversions COCKTAIL LOUNGE' MRS, ANNA HNOBL Drive-In: Rooaevelt ava. k E. 4th ' Elizabeth 460 Park ave., So. Pla. 1910 IT W. Cherry ft., Rahway 901 Julia ft., BtltabetB ting of your footwear, Air Conditioning THE SINGER NEW WESTFIELD OFFICE: Chatham J 980 Springfield ave. 381-5759 COMPANY 354-7800 352-3211 Shaheen Agency MEMBER F.D.I.C, 352-7430 Bemardsville rVhoj* tlm It continued concentra- Founded by tion of top-o[-the-llne fewUf machine . 354 Weatfleld ave., EUi. The Shahaen Family production. 1864 1889 1895 1812 1906 Over 59 Years of Scrvu-,9 • 321 Firr Sr, th;. Union County Trust Co. • 1904 At Ihe Same Adtlrcv, 332-5200 SINCE 1W The Thomas & Belts Co. EVERY BANKING TRUST k MOREY LA RUE Realtors iv.uron BORROWING SERVICE A LEADER IN THE ELKCTRICAL- The FOR AU. IN THE AREA MICHAEL KOHN Member Union Counly Mlln Offii-e Founded war back la 1JM, Ihe ELECTHONIC INDUSTRY NCR NCR NCR MulirpT" l.litlnj Servic* 1851 and Central Information Center Morey LaRue Laundry and Clean- JEWE-LERS SINCE 1906 National State Bank ln( Company aUnda out above SINCE IS7j 276-1900 931-6600 all otktra In lia field. Wilh the more thll MO/000 cuatomtra aim 15 17 North ave., T.. Cran/ord HARMON IA ( roUNDEftli First Since 1812 MO cmptaHl Morey I.a KIM haa National 1160 E. Jersey st. SAVINGS BANK aimed worldwide raeoanllln far MKMBHl. TMOIKA" AND BKITS lit lauttdry and dry cleanUl laad- We art llready in the International Cash (Opp. Elizabeth Carteret 1911 THE FAMILY BANK arttile. market 1 hnpe to capatld worldwide^ 101 tlao, lor contlnurd irowth in present Hotel) !W SI. George ave. ecrtrical conntructlon market, »1th Register SINCE 1851 1!;>8 St. George ave. Many of the Imrxirlant Im- further expansion into new orlglna FRANKLIN Crantnrd: 100 Soulh ave., E. equipment marketa, men aa elec- Co. We offer rvAV "hi-rate" Ilillaid*: 1211 Liberty a\e. provement* in meUioda and mi- tronica. Summit: 29* Morrla ave. chinea have been tuted and per- Fine Diamonds BEAUTY interest on savings Member FDIC fected al Horey I.aRUf't main X Butler at.. Elizabeth, N.J. IN ELIZABETH plant . . IWlM on Lldgfrwood SCHOOL 1 Union flquare. Rltaabeth OMEGA Aveaa*, II Ll«4M. In aMitlon, 354-432) SINCE 1904 • •40 Motru ive., EllaabelN A. To to I of 1869 Immlryrruai and dry akaiura ACCUTRON Mimtir r.Di.c. from all over IM world (mgulM- ArcoumTNO * BOOK. ly tlMI More? URue to Mltdy It* KKEP1NO MACHfNfii rtjft 58 Years of Service 289-0800 methoda and equipment. 1898 EVERY BUSINESS ii ROLLEX Anthony * Jeanne C. Franklin The IVERY RECORD-KEEPING Board Membera Dean * Director: JOB. MACHINE SYSTEMS Mr. Carl Cefarattl Vail-Deane School The followinf offlcera direct DESIGNED k INSTALLED LENOX CHINA Direotreas: Mra. Leonla CelaratU 1851 Morey LaRue'a operallona In New THE PHARES BY EXP'D. REPRESENTA- 354-3400 Established 1869 Jfrtey, Penniylvanla and New (Miaa Leonla) TIVES. SERVICEMEN ARE MINTON CHINA We at Franklin believa that "The York: Frank Scott Jr., preiidcnl; AGENCY, INC. FACTORY-TRAINED. aludent that care* enough rlpaenr* Member F.D.I.C. RAHWAY SAVINGS College Preparatory Helen M. Scott, chairman of the Ihe very neat became Franklin board; Uahloo H. Scott, fire F. EUGENE PHARES ROYAL DOULTON Beauty Schoola caro enough to teach 725 Newark ave., Ell!. the very beat." Institution For Girls prealdent and aecretar;; Loula W. In 196S Ihe echool received national Havlland, vice prealdent: Ken- Servicing the Public LENOX CRYSTAL aB lor CoametoU 1832 Established March 12, 1S5I Sine* 1898 353-8181 ogy Schoola. Inc. Rvelya I. Daly, aaalatant In 1919, national accreditation from Also Boys... Grades K-3 tnttunr. WATERFORD the Coametology Accrediting Com. THE Complete Rial Estate ml«*ion. FRIENDLY 111 Him an,, ftllutrttt On May 2.1, I96», chortn by Ihe PROGRESSIVE CRYSTAL N.I Halrdreaier Inntltute »< Ihe Morey LaRue'a Induatrlal Sup- b Insurance Coverage 1904 Otilatandlnf School Of The Year. BANK Telephone 351-3141 •If Kerviee Cempany I) tHilnl MS Morrii ave., tlliabeit 121 Broad at., Elizabeth by Vice Preildent Robert C. Tay- iT. L. Watson & Co. Complete Appraisal Service lor. II tervea many of New 334-7900 Leonard Home For LL 2-50J7 SAVE WITH SAFETY 1870 Jeraey'a largeat 1«du«trie« with uniforma. coata, towela and allied Funerals, Inc. Established 1832 Total Assets Over items. EL. 2-8311 1915 30 Million 1899 Established over 65 Mortf UK\a waa founded at Yr-dfj 1300 taring ft., Railway F.T.MORRIS, INC. Members a partn»r«hlp M yam aRo hy DanH J. Leonard, Sr. Mihlon Marty tM WIIUIM U. MICHAEL J. DRUGGISTS SINCE 1870 Over Holf Crntury Miclurd 1. Leorllrd, Sr. and 1907 New York Stock Exchange 388-1800 Hue. In addition to Mr. Morey Of Personal Service Daniel .1 l«nard. Jr. M4 Mr. LaRue. In* followinf rlulv .. imli in MH HARRIS, INC. n« leiatri M tha firm made To All Faiths Throughout tradlUoury aervire. MEMBER F.D.I.C. Reliable Pharmacists prenent nlficen In Ihe corporation: oiiurtandlni contributions to Ita Middlesex County .. Rirhard J. Leonard, Sr., PreaMent Since 1915 STOCKS... BONDS •rawtk! Mr*. Mwiy, HIM Edna .. Hlrhard J. UoMrd, Jr.. VicePrea Fill Your Prescriptions X. Portmaa, frtderlc T. raulka, .. Thornaa K !*inard. Mar Trtaa. . ROOFING, SHEET 1855 SAMUEL KAIN .. Eleanor C. Leonard, Sect'y. HOLLYWOOD MUTUAL FUNDS Mra. Mlnnl* Mil, William C. •UNAOBB. MLTAL CONTRACTORS Promptly & Precisely Mttlttk. MrMrl B. Rftll, UMtr 140 W. Jeraer at, Ellxabelh Monumental Co. H Wrifhl, Albert L. Ward and All Roof Repairs, A|e«e M. Uuer, 332-5331 (Eatabtlehed 1907) Monroe A. Weiont Elizabeth town Fast Delivery GREINER Hot/Roofs, Siding, Alfred L Forte, Prop. Leaders, Gutters Resident Partner 1905 Ph 352-1234-351-1212 Funeral Home Indiitrial «eet Metal Gas Co, Larient manufacturer of Grintte RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 1S4 N. Broad at, Elizabett 1889 44 Green at., WaMbrMl* memorlata and Diatributon ol Bronte Tablet! In Union County. Our 114th Year ME. 1-0264 641 New Point Rd.. Elizabeth BOFF Perth Amboy of faithful, dependable Summit And Elizabeth 353-1700 service to residential, furniture Co. UNION, NJ. 1880 Trust Co. 1900 commercial and indus- 686-1379 Natl Bank Building FOUNDED 1905 trial users in this area. Established Since 1889 LEAHY'S FLORAL SHOP Salem Auto Repair (Opptelt* Hollywood Ccmeterj) 1919 313 State St. Perth Amboy KAIN OFFICE: By Jacob Boff I Elizabethtowi Plaza, Elizabeth Est. by Henry Leahy in 1880 For Your Convenience FOUNDED IN 1900 RAHWAY, NJ. Dial 442-2650 Over 89 years of Has Offices In By Vito Fresolone FATHER AND GRANDFATHER OF •OTUCHF.N - PERTH AMBOY Fine Service SUMMIT S77-S1M SAMUEL AND LEONARD BOFF 3S3-1631 RAHWAY - WE8TFIELD MR. ANCELO AVOIL ENTERED CLARK ttMwn "The FresoloneV " tPbOYMENT IN IN U« ELIZABETH .1M-40W PION1EM IN MECHANICAL irt to St. Gertrude Cemetery! JERSEY STATE ~ TUTELAOf * CLBcniICMLJUTOMOTTVB Three Generations " ANDIN" •mvict OfkN EVERY DAY * SUNDAY 1847 Of Home Decorating Electric Co., Inc. 1858 MAIN BXPtlTJ IN WtTAUJffO AMD m AVI., nnuirr REPAlkfta Ji\^^m»!m 107-109 FIT* •»., DM. far OWNBM: 22S. Broad St.,"Eliz. J. R. BAUMANN, INC. AU, OCCASIONS, MEMBER * FEDERAL Vic k Albert rrmolone 534-7500 ANYWHERE, RVK U70 Salem rd , Union 1908 • ALTENBU'KG Florist Est, 1858 311 Morrla ave. Eliubttk •ear VamhtH rd. 332-4460 687-4050 355-9100 A tradltloa in N.J. for over Piano House, Inc. 100 yean. 1890 1905 WALLACE CHEVROLET rt" Prea.: Wird B«umann 1884 1901 PWJNDED BY: Sales & Servi'? Serving Ajjflt^upplying FREDERICK A. ALTBNBURO Vlre-Pret. Dottniay Rnurn r Elizabeth Saving; Bonk Griffith Piano Co. Secly.Trea«.i (Viter F (i THE Home?-Stores Mr. Clark, who« family >• PRALL r-,t. \7B By B'ri Bronfrmrt in 1847 been In Railway (nr 1:' c LHRLR-CRABIEL rounded 1905 InJu-try Serving The Community 'UNERAL HOME erillon*, land who Is > ir ' E/ F'arkr O. Griffith ONE OF AMERICA'S LARti tfve of Abraham U.i'k •• UNLRAL HOME SINCE 1550 "OUR AIM IS TO CON- And rSt PIANO-ORGAN signer of Ihe rjecbraiicm ' ,.. Serving the Poselles REPRESENTATIVld FOB TINUE TO GrlOW, AVfJ TO STORES. WITH A TREMEN. Independence, says, "v '/.irvi'ft with digrufy otm rvtpoea u TO OON- Sv n,tjy, Chlcklrlhf, Uui t «r INCREASE OUR LISr OF Contractors DOUS SELECTION. Irniw t» stiy arsiuw u r«••'• TtKUl TUB OttofXtitUC .... Far ovsr 68 y*ars and othiT DtllMI of pUcoi • Since 1884- ; and lor Lmerey, wurlllier and As we can!. There »re rhil savtet ton WHICH m SATISFIED CUSTOMERS." Mrs. Jtamtt* E. AJtUburf With Traditionfllty Cnnn omarul. With Everything rlren nf the family etft.Mni AftB KNOWN. Flectri^l S,in;9 1919 •i|i in tiTk* 01 er uhrn lh*ir in R Fin<> S«rvk» rirF.ODOBF M. ORIFriTR Wallace k EIHntt B. Rrofi(mJ" MFMSTO r n.i.r. Manater

•21 Kliiarteth ati>, P:ili Id r, rint ai-p, *) F. LISTiFW ^ r. . I IMif.N Millon iv* , fl Brliad il FREE PARKINO REAR OF STORH V \ Leader-Press v Wednesday, July 23, 1969.' PAGE THIRTEEN

Have yoii ever woiulered when ihe Union and Middlesex firms with whom you do business were founded, who began them, who now-runs them? You'll find the answers on these HONOR ROLL PAGES. Listed on these pages-—in the order of the year they were founded —-are many leading Union and Middlesex Twin County Firms. Through the brief histories of these firms,' you Leading will he able to trace the dynamic industrial and commer- cial.expansion of this ever-growing Twin County Area. Middlesex We're sure that you will find these capsule summaries County most interesting reading.

1921 1924 1934 1946 1952 1954 1961 1965

Hartford Daniels- Smith Funeral Home Stanford Realty . GREEN'S Anchor Corporation Agency, Inc. E. R. BOGARD,JR. ANGE & MIN'S WIGS- PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO Established 1952 • Established in 1954 AGENCY Serving Union County HAIR PIECES ... carrying on a business By Alexander. W. Stanford Since 1934 OUR SPECIALTY Alfred & Frances Smith FAMOUS FOR . founded in 1924. For Women . Established. 1921 Real Estate Insurance "SATISFIED CLIENTS" DIRECTORS To satisfy the needs of the REAL HOME COOKED. ... Sales . .. Rentals PORTRAITS "The Perfect Tribute" home and insurance buying By Katherine Green, Realtor .. . Mortgages . • • Management public: ITALIAN FOODS WEDDINGS As sponsor of the $2.3 bil- Builder ol Cuitom Homea CUSTOM-MADE Did 352-9114 Owner: SINCE 1961 later joined by son, COMMERCIAL 6 Member Nail Anoc. Home Builderi 45 Cherry st., Elizabeth Julia "Bobble" Stanford, Michael Green lion Anchor Group of Mu- Realtor. TOUPEES •13 E. St. George »ve.. Roielle INDUSTRIAL Members of Garden Slate Funeral Member Board of Directors of STEAKS-CHOPS tual Funds, Anchor provides PHOTOGRAPHY Directors Association Union County Multiple Uatlm Residential & 245-7344 Service. For Men POUNDED 19« SEAFOOD Income Properties investment management for Partner: Ronald A. Stanford. Realtor. a n DMMY took uk« VN ont a 1937 YX Morrlt ave., Elizabeth 1953 BANQUET PARTY ROOMS -Dont Boy Bi its 350,000 mutual fund Leasing - Apt's., ,l-i96 Irving St., Rahway 354-7466 FOR 10 OR 100 PERSONS BCTUF shareholders. Or Commercial THE LYNN HENRY'S 388-0739 Air conditioned Fre* Parking DIAL 351-0390 RESTAURANT RESTAURANT Staffed For 1946 CALL 241-0031 Established 1937 1954 GUYS & DOLLS Foreign Language Service We have been serv- Your hosts, Emil and Lee ing you excellent Boulevard & 26th St. A Complete Yarn Shop The Stemme'r Custom Hair Goods Our Menu Will Delight You home-type meals & Kenilworth Pkwy. Exit 138 Ul Jeffenon ave., Elizabeth Agency Ul Orchard *,. fltuMk THE SEWING KIT made-on-the-prem- FROM OUR BROILER 352-5400 ' ESTABLISHED 1946 ises desserts since Established by Chateaubriand—Prime Ribs Jay A. Stemmer, Realtor 1962 1953 at this sa me 1954 1969 Steaks & Chops ONE STOP address ' Stemmer Realty 1922 Cooked To Perfection SHOPPING > Breakfasts - Lunch - Dinner Opened its office in 1959. First Bank Serving Clark and Vicinity, The Dickens FRESH SEAFOOD YARNS, PATTERNS Open Monday thru Saturday and Member of Multiple of Colonia 40 Purler Roml Buttered Fillets To FABRICS 28-1 Morris ave. Elizabeth Listing Service. Restaurant & Pub Moore Chevrolet 505 Inman ave. (Westminster at Parker) Live Main Lobsters BUTTON HOLES, BELTS 353-9875 Stemmer services offer . . Real Estate Colonia, N.J., 07067 Win ci»rm >ra wnt Ui Founded In 1922 Cocktails & Food. Served BUTTONS COVERED. . . Insurance Service! atmoapten «t cm Enfltni. Elizabeth .. Mortgages , . Appraisal! HA4BEEN EL. 4-1770 'Til After Midnight . . Bonds Branch Evelyn Weigman & 1953 ISRVH4O UNION COUNTY F0K Joli the mtiTlniUtl DeJIeiotss 990 Raritan Rd, Clark 604 Amboy ave. and drink serve* wlU pride BUFFETS, BUSINESS Clarissa Strickland enperUn. Over 47 Years Woodbridge, N.J. 07095 li I. CHERRY ST. RAIIWAV 381-6633 1925 LUNCHEONS, BANQUETS' FIRST STATE roVNDKD BY: Martin J. Moon, Sr. "New Addition" expected 1 Private Dining Room AND CATERING 388-1673 nUUEN? OWNER: Gold Bell Bakery BANK OF UNION 1956 on or about Sept. 1,1969 V* Host!. Martin J. Moon Jr. David Reubel assumed com- Opened July 1953 352-1654 Green St. cor. Benjamin Ave. Al TNBiblw Ill N. BrMl it.. Blubtth plete charge of this almost 1947 WE OFFER COMrt.ETE BANKINO Storchheim - Silverman half-o-century-old bakery 614 WESTFIELD AVE.', ELIZABETH SERVICES AT Iselin, N.J. 08830 Established by business in 1954. (NEAR ELMORA AVE.) 5 CONVENIENT LOCATIONS 354-3700 ALL IN UNION Rac Silverman, Realtor Telephone-381-7700 Nt HMtt Kb (MM This completely modern bakery of' (en fresh-baked good! 3 tlmei daily. ... Main Office 1956 Wholesale . . . Retail 1941 COVERT'S 1930 Morris ave. BUI Silverman, Broker, Joined "The Bank Where Your Mr. Reubel'i ilogan la: .. , Highway Branch his wife shortly thereafter. They Hi 11 li Monroe at. offer such varied service* as Business Is Appreciated" 352-4100 "Our Baked Goods Established 1947 ., , Townley Bunch Real Estate Gen! It Life Insurance 1923 Ring a Bell" 1101 Morris ave. Mutual Fund Sales Ofllre Member Federal Deposit Insurance A. A. Olson Agency CHARLES J. COVERT Income Tax Service Corpora tfoi 1138 St. George ave., Roselle .,, Five Points Branch 335 Chestnut st, A member o( t Union County Multi- At Your Service ple Listing Services, Mrs. Silverman . 245-2172 Since 1941 .. . Data Procedlnj Center is 1st Vlce-Presidcnt of Eastern On Route 21 Union County Board of Realtors 1969 MLS CENTRAL HOME TYPEWRITERS She advises, "Real Estate will al- 1963 249 MORRIS AVE., ELIZ. Phone 686-4800 ways he a fine Investment In any 1930 phase. For nophlatlcated, professional TRUST COMPANY ADDING MACHINES service, whether buylni or selllni, All Forms of Insurance Member FDIC * Federal Reserve always deal with * Realtor." SCE Of Elizabeth, N.J. ELECTRICAL & MANUAL Realtor... Sales & Rentals 340 S. Wood dvc, Linden Daniel Realty Co. TRETOLA'S We strive for dependability Serving Clark & Vicinity SCE Personnel Servicw The Full Service Bank For SOLD, RENTED, REPAIRED 925-3700 1954 Since 1963 A Tradition since 1930 and reliability of Cranford ALL Your Banking Needs 102 W. JERSEY ST., ELIZABETH Established by 352-1011 1959 You'll Feel At Home Joseph k Man TrttoU JOHNNY Daniel J.Colangelo Ownership assumed by ton, Iraeat. 352-5627 Established Jamiory, 1989 • At Central Home Realtor Md soe-ln-law, atrtch FiKlwr, 1M«. 1941 MURPHY'S Krfch ft WU«, Yoland* The Deacon Agency Bo«*M of Italian I MAIN OFFICE: Became Uie Onui la IMS. • BRASS HORN by Marjorie Lighthip* Established in 1959 by ... Residential .., Investments N. Br*t4 * * WtfUleM ivt Polly's Elizabethinn 1947 MARIE R. DEACON ... Mortgages ... Appnanto and Bertron Hoini Continental Cuisine Established In 1954 ... Real Enlate ... la Is Located in a MUNCH or rices: ... Prim* Filet liigno* Featuring A Complete Real Estote Mewark «vt., Nr. North »ve. ... Chateaubriand Building Circa 1830 t Service Member Multiple ... Broiled Mains Lobster Ifartti * Dow* eve'i. Essie - Mae's Beauty School Food At Its Best! For That Better Job ... EacargoU Bourguignonn (the birthplace mars' rears later Listing Service 1 CaD on our experience for your (jolt a few sf our specialties) of Admiral "Bull' Haliey) Directress: Essie McCrae real estate needs (•Mr Elizabeth ave.) A delightfully new dining You wDI be htst served, as we are •13 Brant ave, Clark Cocktallt - FU» Wlaea - Cordials Delicious food served in a All Phases of Members Multiple Listing Service CallUsAt Mnb ml WaUVt* experience has been brought Realtors Iasurors it All Locittau Open throughout flu jwu nctpt Charming atmosphere by Beauty Culture 382-3636 Sunday ud Monday and the Ye Proprietor!: HI North Ave., W., Cranford Approved by State Dept. of to the Union County area first I tnttt «t July Mr. k Mr». Roger MlcDMlM Education (or OI'i by the Brass Horn Restau- 272-4943 Manager . . , Jiha Sfceehan State Board of Examiners 276-5051 354-7400 114 W. Jtnty ft.. ElnwbMa Free Placement Service . . . Moderate Rates rant of Elizabeth. Called 1964 r.D.I.C. I. Federal For Beeervatloni 355-7737 . . . Full or part time . . . Free brochures "Continental Elegance" it >mm Sytun . . . Day or Bight classes or sea us ot 6^7-0707 offers outdoor dining in the 1960 Motto: "Physical Beauty Reflects School Of Ballet Galloping HOI Road 1944 Spiritual and Cultural Beauty" European manner pn a at The J Potnte, Union, N.J. 1109 E Grand at.. Elizabeth 10Aldenit.,Cronford Garde* State Parkway Eldt 13t :harmingly new outdoor ter- Directed by: 1924 353-9519 race. Here, diners can en- SUBURB REALTY SONJA Mason - Edwards joy luncheon or dinner in Now Serving: Westf ield, 1933 the pleasant "al fresco" NIKOL Scotch Plains, Bridgewater, 1779 Founded in 1944 atmosphere so popular in Watchung, Warren, North ROY LASHER Geraldine Nursety School 1948 Prima Ballerina By Irving Silvermon the leading restaurants of Ploinfield, South Plaihfield Real Estate Broker Hid Its beflnnhii ai a «m»ll play and Vicinities group U im. the continent. Crt-diiate of Belgrade National Aca- Since 1924 The outbreak of Wirld War 2 mcen- demy. Yugoslavia. Anmtred In Dailg aitated (oil day «M»fon« (or the chil- Sf. George Mo ton MOV/ MFMBFR THPFE nomtrmw aTnmpea« hallet eotn»»n- dren H mother! employed In the war 1M Taught rlssaes at Carnegie Hall, A hav°n for the ropnisti- N V Now Specializing in th a.m. Trim rlni«o« In Eltahelh, W«»tlcl(l Owner Ms? — Annette: SUverman Satisfied Cu'jiornors. joviri') P. Ltimo'itrn and t/ninn. ship in 1940. , PR1VATK ROOM FOB SHOWERS pages and extend heartfesf Fine homes in top locations. Staff ' Partner - Minnie SUverman BANQUETS. MEETINO8. . . . SaiMled Buyers Our Goil . , , Summer Classea: ... Rail ana Full Day Sessions Stop' By? Before "You 'Buy' BalleC , Slfni and Trbn •Building sites for one family Ages 2-4 years •• 'Art (paintlngi wishes for their continued Winter Stliltll! Sept. lo' June MUSIC AT HAMMOND OROAN or multiple dwellings. • Mr. Arthur Welaleder. Frop, NIOIITLY. Am-tONDITIONED 1773 E. ftid St., Scotch Plains , Siiii'rnpr Tamp. .It' ;•' t III] B. Jtnty it.. Ktiinhf h FOff YOUR COMFORT. Transportation at the Ashhrook Swim Club, FMIson Oinn Daily 9 » Sat, * Sim , 9 j Studhr im Dawey r'. FH*«h«ttA success and growth In th# MO Pennington •)., KM/ahMh lyrlifM hy N.J. Dent, n! II 'li1,;! R St. Grorie a\e., Mnrtrn p 31 Frirejt nip . cor. Noun a . • #3-5627 Ill (!H RnV ST./fct.IZABETH 3J2-3IO2 Cranfnrd Rnilturi..'. .i.'.'.Yi \j\ ?S9-8(/: y?ars to LEADER-PRESS Wednesday, July 23, 1989

July 25, 9 P.M.; a day at tin beach at Sea Bright, gate 2. % 'Frankly" Speaking Multiple Sales CYAC Chapter July 27; attending the play "Oli- ver", July 30, 9" P.M., in Roose- ONLY 75c PER INSERTION Top $6*000,000 Slates Events velt Park; a day at the fair in i JLINK CLASSIFIED Al» (appro*. 15 words) PAID IN ADVANCE. We each additional „„, „, , , ,. Allentown, Pa.. August 3;. and WOODMUDCIE — I..n. r...., ISKLIN - In a short meeting .attending a dance given by (lie Hue—appro*. 5 words to a line. TO QUALIFY FOR THIS SPECIAL LOW CLASSIFIED and June home sales made by PUHPtuated by prayers for Hie, Burlington CYACs on August h. RATE: Drop off Classilieri Ad Copy and I'rc Payment at Leader-Press Office, or mail inbcrs of the Uniun CountCoumV'""fy | r astronauts the Northern Further information on any In copy and prepayment to: CI.ASSII ll;I) DLTT., LUADtiR-I'KUSS. 20 Green St.. Mulliple Listin.... g Sei.. v c« lopped. •,'Mi, l rllnuaseX v CathollI'nlhnllfct YollnVtfMinrR l AdA/il"1l 1 of- th- e club's activitie- s may ha j Club (CYAC) discussed its July obtained from Richard j WoodbridgcT N. J. 07095. Cop> deadline: Monday at 4 P.M. the $6 million doi:-. ina,k de j Club (CYAC) discussed its July i |, president, f South Pl;nn- pite the tigl.L mortgage market All"llst cal<-'n(lar of events. c u o which prevailed in New Jersey i The club is continuing its field, telephone 5615090, or ! m Th lb i ii during those months. Tuesday evening softball games Ca.thy Staff a, membership In commenting on this sales at Roosevelt Park, grove iwo, chairman, of Parlin, telephone at 6 o'clock, each week. For;7215295. record. Charles V. Berry, MLS 1 CLASSIFIED ADS president, said: other sports-minded members, The next general meeting '.'.ill he clubvpla'ns an evening of r I »e Sunday. August 17. at the H ATI'S I Oil CI.ASSII lilt \I)S I'llOM.I) IN TO fi.'ll 1111. One time: 30c per line (min "We believe the imporla t st reason for these continuing ex er skating in South Amboy c,i. - Francis CYO meeting rojm $1.50). 2 or mure inscitiiius: 20e |>ei line (min. charge $1.00 per insertion). 1 0 col lent sales figures is the fact AAugust 1. Members interested ' MtMetuchonh . a*. that Multiple Listing combines, in participating will meet in the SERVICES TOR SALE Altentioa Job Applicant* the specialized attention and re-' St. Cecelia's parking lot, Sutton A Way of Life Street, at 7:30. Somehow it's easier to forgive •iAMi' riI,K PROMPT I'UHI.JC AUCTION. Selling .sponsibility of a personal Real- The Middlesex County Leader Other planned activities in- an enemy after you get even with Press deos not knowingly accept tor with the broad coverage of \ iUK-KXI'iihTLY DONE Household furnishings. July 26, to.) other active. member real clude a party at the home of him. i • JIM MOY lHelp Wante(i om i'nploy •KSTlMATrf 1ii1 A.MA \l . - tP6 I UM . at'fiHfat 68i6 WestWest ads George Whitney, 23 George -Times Republican, J4 8U43. ef5 covered by t fair Labor estate offices working coopera- v.n • - tively with him. Street, Metuchen, on Friday, Marshalltown, Mo. Ave,, Sewarcn. Rain date: July Standards Act it they offer less IF YOUR DRINKING HAS 127. than the legal miirmum wage "Although the home buyer and bfcom* * problem. Alcoholics 7/9 • 7/23 or fail to pay at time and .seller enjoy the professional help Anonymous can help you Call one-half for overtime hoiKS. The f all t:;ese area real estate Sweet-Sour Basted Barbecued Bl 2 1515 or writ* 1.0. Box 253. 1961 FORD 2 dr. Economical minimum wage for employment firms, with sales personnel in on Gas and Oil. Runs nicely,,new 6/259/17 covered by the FLSA prior to the excess of 500, they deal princip- Ribs Make Perfect Patio Meal brake linings. Recent tune up. 1966 Amendn ent is $1.60 an hour ally with only one Realtor and ASTROLOGY Classes or Pri- Passed inspection. Call: 382-6030. with overtime pay requirH if pay only one standard commis- vate Instruction. Call: 287-4218. 7/23 ter 40 hours a week. JODS CGV sion". 5/21-7/23 ered as a result of the 1956 DROP LEAF TABLE, with Amendments require $1.15 Jn Noxt limp you rustle up their fnvorit* franks for the pint-sized Berry advised potential home buyers or property owners, in HELP WANTED drawer, cherrywood. Italian hour minimum with overtirn* cowboys and cowgirls bunking at your placo wliy not add a Provincial, like new $40. Phone PW required after 42 iwurs; a specially appealing loudi (but offers im|fortiint pxlra food value. terested in selling, to "contact Buckaroo Franks have a savory blanket of meltwl pasteurized any Multiple Listing Service Boyj wa.ited to deliver Leader* late evenings or weekends. week. For specific information, process rhcese spread ant) chopped grwn onions with the crunchy contact the Wage and Hour Of- member office". Ti ess, a Carteret b Woodbridge Call 636 9190. 7/23 accent of potato chips. The cheese spread has a bonus of milk Township Weekly. Build your fice of the U.S. Departn ent ol minerals and milk solids added during processing—nutrients so "Any member can supply a Labor, Room 336, Federal Bui|d own route with Samples. (No WANTED TO RENT essential in maintaining the good health of growing and ever- prospective buyer with an up ing 970 Broad Street, Newark active young buckaroos. Round out the mertu with hot baked charge for them). Give, a little APARTMENT WANTED. — to-date picture, d- sription and 07102. beans, lots of milk and fresh fruit and all hands will be happy location of every listing avail of your own tim» and earn priz- Small, refined family would lik and healthy as they go back to "riding the range". This is a es, go on trips, and attend ball able. As a result, the buyer can 4 room apartment in-Woodbridg< menu line-up that's simple and easy on the summer cook and games. Call Mr. Fillmor* 634 PROTECTION FROM SUN satisfying for grown-ups as well as the small fry. see the entire Union County or Avenel area. Immediate oc home real estate market in nil between 4 P. M, and 7 P.M. Boston — A new formula has cupancy. Butkaroo Franks stanlly. Monday - Friday; or mail your been developed at Massachusetts nam«, address, phone number, 7/23 Vi lb. Velveeta Pasteurized Pro- Margarine General Hbspital that screens "When a homeowner, interest • mi age to Leader-Press,. 20 cess Cheese Spread, cubed 6 frankfurters, broiled LOST out the ultraviolet rays of the ed in selling, Multiple Lists hi? Grew SL, Woodbridge. \'i cup. chopped green onion* Crushed potato chips One set of teeth braces at Ise- sun to give protection frrrt sun 6 frankfurter buns, split, property a picture and complete 3/26-5/36 lin movie - 4:30 P. M. on 7/20/69 burn, skin cancer and aging of toasted description is sent to all our 106 member firms and they immed LIFE-HEALTH-MORTGAGE- Please call after 4: 283-2226. the skin. The formula has been Heat cheese spread over low heat; stir until smooth. Add onjon. 7/23 & 7/30 For each sandwich, spread bottom half of bun with margarine; iately g. to work for him. RKTIREMENT INSURANCE: tested for three years in' the Arizona desert. top with frankfurter. Co\er with cheese mixture. Sprinkle gener- "These are the important rea- Family or Individual. The Met- ously with potato chips. C\. i top half of bun. Makes 6 sons why dealing with a Multiple China has difficulties with sandwiches. Husky coimfry-slyle pork ribs basted with a tantalizing sweet- ropolitan Way. Call: 3826030. Listing Service Realtor is the sour sauce and garni.slicd with spicy patio potatoes ara the perfci t spring crop. WHEELCHAIRS & LICENSES 7/16 & 7/23 fastest, easiest way to buy or combination for a covered kettlp barliecup meal for friends or Tampa, Fla. — Highway Pa sell a home," Berry concluded. family. Covered kettle barbecuing adds that ri(?lit amount of Modern Motel trol director, Col. H. N. Kirk smoke-oven zest that makes them come back for more, KELLY MOVERS INC. man, has ruled that Ray Lewis AGENTS FOR NORTH AMERICAN Rooms comes a habit; look four ways HUMPHREY A GOVERNOR? Sweet-Sour Basting Sauce . VAN LINES Modern motel rooms for rent will not have to have a license Squad Answers when crossing a corner and Minneapolis — Aides and state Vi cup thawed frozen pineapple 1 teaspoon soy sauce flit 'iENTLEmti of the movlnj la. plate to operate his battery teach HIJIKT, lx>«l and long tUjlance mor. by day or week. Phones and them what turn signals politicians have urged Hubert H. juice concentrate 1 teaspoon garlic powder nj. pickiaf ud iloraft. lUaaouabl* TV. driven wheelchair at its maxi- mean; always walk facing traf- Humphrey to consider running Vi cup packed brown sugar j_ (optional) ntM. : Call 382-1500. mum speed of six. miles per Sixty-nine Calls fic as close to the left shoulder for Governor of Minnesota rather Vi cup wine vinegar ^ hour. Lewis has been stopped by as possible; wear bright cloth than Senator next year. Reports Heat all ingredienJjfcui sauce pan until sugar dissolves. Use 382-1380 AVENEL — Captain Robert a state trooper who had suggest ing at night; never permit your are that the former Vice Presi- sauce warm. Load "l|H special rack for best result*. Cook for Wittmann of the Avenel and Co. ed that he get a license plate. child to ride a bicycle after dent has not expressed interest 1 Va hours over low hearand baste with sauce even tin minutes during last half-hour. Ionia First Aid Squad reported dark; when your child goes out in the governorship. at the Squad's monthly meeting to play, your last word should Patio Potatoes that 21 accidents, 42 transports READINGS BY be, "Don't go in the street". Wash and dice four medium size unpeeled put:iloes. Place on WANTED and six miscellaneous calls Good Advice Printed Pattern He also said "The most greased sheet of heavy duty aluminum foil. Using four table- were answered for a total of 69 In character, in manners, in spoons of butter, dot potatoes generously. Sprinkle with salt, Ambitious calls during the month of June. heartbreaking call any first aid style, as in all other things, the pepper, garlic or onion powder and grated Parmesan cheese. Closa Both ambulances traveled a squad answers is 'Juvenile supreme excellence is simplicity. foil in drug store wrap and place on grill over briquettes for one SARAH struck by auto, possible DOA", total of 906 miles with 175 man -Grit. hour, turning once. Serves six. & ADVISOR hours expendod. «• BOYS .Russell Snowfield, with 30 A REDI-REFERENCE Love-Business-Hialth calls, and Charles Wadenklee, - For - with 25 calls were high men for 442-9891 he month on the day crew. GUIDE TO RELIABLE Night crew nign men were. LOCAL BUSINESS FIRMS ,10S SMITH ST. BUSINESS DIRECTORY John Bukowski, 16 calls; Rob PERTH AMBOT ert Snowfield, 15 calls; and Wil liam Selby, 14 calls. Coal & Fuel Oil Roofing & Siding Watch Repairs Laundry Captain Wittman, in » pub licity release, reminded parents of small children that this T. R. STEVENS WATCH REPAIRS he time pt the year when the Konflni and gbret MeUI Work lighest percentage of children with Full Guarantee COMPLETE JUNK CARS 6«5 ST. GEORGE AVi: •ire struck by automobiles. He WOODBRIIKU; Expert Repairs reeo Si. 381-9306 BRING 1 AFIDRESs ...;:...»,....».....^...... WOOI)BRir>(.'E 6.36.-3.51.0 bi another!" After 11 A.M. ME 4-97M or VA «IlflRH •'"IMRS PAID 75,'i - C.61M RESULTS ' OBJUtyBS J, (nflfr 1 P.M. V Wednesday, July 23, 1989 LEADER-PRESS A Former Drug Addict Miss Deborah Iwanski Antique Car Show Set/* Predicted-Moon News From In Fight Against Drugs Marries Frank Stanzi For New Hope Aug. 9,10 Flight In 1865 Washington RICHMOND, VA. — When th» NEW BRUNSWICK - A fur cal detoxification cycle, grou] AVENEL — Rev. Richard Both the bride and brfte NEW HOPB. PA. — Thelarg. have 48 clues and will begin u Iuar module bearing Neil Arm- mer drug addict who received therapy, training and employ Grob officiated at the wedding grdom are graduates tf %wl , complete automo- 11 ani.'at thje show grounds. strong and Buzz Aldrin broko sl an(i most the ancient silence of Mac moon, an educational boost from a merit referral and family coun ceremony Saturday, 2:30 P.M., bndge, High-School. Mrs. SJan bile show in the country, the Trophy winners will enjoy th Washington, D. C. — Pres special Rutgers program is now man confirmed. again the wis- seling. Psychological testin; at Evangel Baptist Cimrch, ziola is also a. gradate«'Migradate,«'Midd N HHope Automobile Show, added bonus of having thuii dent Richard 'Nixon's goal, leading the" fight against drugs and treatment is also availabl dom of the 19th centuuy French Springfield, when Miss Deborah dlesex VecattonsXjM TttChttica) will lake place this year on.Sat awards presented by a crowned bring about an end to the wa In Newark's Central Ward. science fiction writer! Jules The New Well operates out o High Sch(H& Wooabridge* 'fliia is urday and SUnday. August S and in South Vietnam, is well under Ann Iwansky became the bride beauty who will be chosen from Verne, who foresaw sueh a trip, George Hicks, who stopped a storefront at 173 Belmont Av a licensed practical nursi em 10, on the grounds of the New stood but his method to achie of Frank John Stanziola. applitants from several' differ- back in 1865, and thoT fact that using narcotics seven years nuc donated by the NDwarl plytftbj Dr. Norman Nepo, Hope Solebury High School, ent states to reign as "Miss this aim is not. One of the leas Parents of the couple are Mr. aluminum would be pie metal ago, directs The New Well, an Housing Authority. dentist. Route 202, New Hope, Pa. This New Hope Automobile Show." understood approaches of th addict rehabilitation center and Mrs.. John F. Stanziola, 24 that would take men then' The success of its program Mr. StaniWa received a i.s the twelfth annual auto show The Show's .famous autoino President is his hope that aft which is staffed by ex-addicts. Burnett Street. Although scientists have devel- has led to the creation of other Bachelor of Arts Degree from to be sponsored by tiie New tive Flea Market will be ope: withdrawing a considerab The center, which has treated oped numerous exotic melals New Well centers in Passaic an Mrs. Joan Fiore, sister of the §t. Francis College, Loretto, Hope Solebury Community Asso- Both Saturday and Sunday. Ad number of U. S. troops he car over 700 addicts in the past year and meterials to meet the nee i.s in Atlantic City. The Passai bride, served as matron of hon- Pa., wnere he was a member of ciation, a non-profit organiza mission to the Show is $1.25 foi if necessary, still prevent th and a half, operates on a shoe- tion whioh uses the proceeds of of space travel, aluminum aril center is headed by a man whi or. Bridesmaids were the Misses Alpha^n! Delta Fraternity. He adults, with children undei enemy from taking over Soul string and depends on voluntary the show to implement an edu- aluminum alloys form the busic had been addicted for 15 yean Rebecca Iwansky, Maureen Ca- wjirt8>«b in the Perth Amboy twelve admitted free. Vietnam — with those remainin contributions to survive. cational and recreation m-o- building blocks of the Apollo Sa- and who overcame his dru; prio, Linda Rossi and Jo Ann School System in the Fall. , By special arrangement wit and an improved South Vielna gram for children and adults in turn vehicle. More than 100 Hicks, whose background in- prpblein with the help of New Krisak. Upon returning from a wed the New Hope and Ivyland Rail army. cludes juvenile arrests, deten- the area. years ago, Verne chose the same ark's New Well program. Nego Michael Basarab was best ding trip to the Bahamas, the foad, anyone who rides the trai tion- homes, a Golden Gloves The President understand light weight metal as the maieri- tiations are currently underway man. Ushers were John Stan- couple will make their home in Charles Marshall, chairman round trip to New Hope durini boxing championship, arf early ror the establishment of a New clearly that the American peopli al for the spaceship used in his ziola, Bruce Pannone. Jay O'- OJoverleaf Garden Apartments, of the show. Bf Miss Jonee Rosemarie Kasper School in 1965. He is a June Greater Trenton Sports Car The unwelcome visitor to tit The two month old Collie won The hope is, of course, that ex also made the airframe for the- lem with the New Well is that nd Robert Michael Smith. Graduate of Seton Hall Univer- Club. The Rally will start at the epidermis is the sand worm, first place in all categories at Rendezvous Restaurant next to said to be a parasite derived panded U. S. aid to the Soutii Army's Jupitor C missile and" it depends on voluntary contri- the show, conducted by the Cen- The bride is the daughter of sity, South Orange and is em- the spin launcher which assisted! butions. Unfunded, the pro ployed by the Middlesex County the New Hope Diner on Route from the intestines of dogs and Vietnamese Army, including ne tral Jersey Collie Club and sanc- Mr. and Mrs. John George Kas- Rl-16 rifles on a large scale, an that rocket in placing 4he first' gram does not pay salaries to Welfare Board,New Brunswick. 202, with registration beginning cats. It enterl the skin while the tioned by the American Kennel jer of 187 Worth Street. Her other weapons, will enable bei American satellite in space in its staff. After a wedding trip to Ver- at 8:30 a.m. at the Diner and sunbather is sprawled upon the lusband is the son oi Mr. and ter-trained soldiers to take over 1958. "We can use more staff, but mont the couple will make their the first car getting off at 9:01. beach, regardless of towels, fter placing first In the Two rs. Thomas Smith', 154 Carol the task of defending their own it's hard to find ex-addicts who The Rally will span approxim- blankets or other gestures of A variety of aluminum appli- to Four Month Old Puppy Dog venue, Woodbridge. home in Piscataway, country. •can afford to work full-time for ately 90 miles in length and the protection. It operates after the cations have been used on A* Class, he competed against all Mrs. David Goodwin served cars will finish on the show manner of the well known bu' carfare and one meal a day," the male winners taking first The Communists claim that ii Saturn V rocket, ranging from : matron of honor. Brides- ON ABANDONED VEHICLES grounds. There is a 120 car lim- equally little discussed ring- Licks explained. place for Best Puppy Dog. He recent battles the U. S. tested sheets of heat-treated aluminum aids were the Misses Albany — Governs? Nelsoa A. it. Anyone interested in partici- worm, causing the most frantic Hicks believes that ex-addicts then competed against the Best the South Vietnamese Army with plate weighing about fiva tons rost, Jill Kasper and Rockefeller has signed a {"bill pating should contact Dave GUI, itching that yields only to the are best equipped to rehabilit- Puppy Bitch, winning as Best this in mind. Le Due Tbo, Ha- each and measuring 11 feet by arisen. Mr. Goodwin was 75 Main Bridge Lane. Willing most drastic treatment. ate active addicts. He, three Puppy. Finally he placed first that will make the list regujer- noi's chief negotiator in Paris »feet and more than twolinchcs an. Ushers were Chrisi |joro, N. J. It would seejn to be advisable physicians, a coordipator g Rest Adult Collie ownej jf jjpnd^ied J|hi- recently said that battles at Dai mick, to large amounts of house- ;asper of U.S. Aif Forcd, that beachcombers make a nine ex addict counselors', gaining tho title Best in Match responsib or the cost of An eighty mile mileage rally, To, Xuan Loc and Bien HOE hold aluminum foil used during ate the New Well on a 24-hour ,oRe, Jr. and Richa: ! Smith. its removal from a highway or run by George M. Bateman. Jr., mental note to do their future were examples of this. He claim construction to wrap, booster sunbathing on portions of the a day basis, seven dayy s a week. Bonn gets Soviet bloc oil pipe Mrs. Smith is a 1965 graduate a public place. The new law of Sellersville, Pa., will take ed Saigon's forces were beavilj rocket parta to prevent, surface beach removed from those fre The program offers a medi line offer. of St. Mary's Ifijjh School, Perth will become effective January 1. place on Sunday. The Rally will defeated. contamination. • _ quented by canine and feline va The wide use of aluminum in cationist and preferably at low U. S. military advisors, how the Saturn rocket cai. be trattd tide on portions laved twice ever, say the South Vietnames daily by the ocean. have been improving steadil; to pioneering efforts byUhg^aJ- and discount such Communis urainum industry in ttJeC W claims. VfeKcto'newsmen on thi years of space exploration, In- scene know, however, thai in th< cluding the development, af so- past Salgon'j troops were some phisticated machining aJ4 weld- times unable to match their foe ing techniques and alloy* capa- MORE PARAGRAPHS n the field. ble of withstanding the'tremen- Thus if Mr. Nixon is deter dous heat and pressure,neces- WELFARE AND/RESIDE^TCY mined to withdraw U. S. soldiers sary in space travel. New regulation^ are being and he seems so determined, h< The light weight and high strength of aluminum are equal- published in the Federal Regis- is,'in effect, defusing America, l ly essential in the construction ter which entitle welfare reci- public opinon and following the 31 the Apollo spacecraft, includ- pients to Immediate welfare in only course which will allow him ing the command module, ser- a state without established resi- to maintain a lesser force in outh Vietnam — if the enemy vice module and the lunar mod- dency. States are required to ule itself. ^, give written notice to anyone will not agree to a peace with denied welfare during the past honor for Washington. The command modnte, in: which astronaut Mike- Cojlins MOTORS year because of the old rule. The two big tests, if negotia orbited the moon while. Arm- Uons do not bring about a politi God'g Helper cal settlement (and this doesn't strong and Aldrin conducted their experiments on the be the flower sprint .'rys, VAKT 2W0K f/ARDTOP and with an outer skin of alum- inum honeycomb landwiched be tween aluminum sheets, is dp • pttkin« hriK«i: «itTv«i buhl; "IIHHMTM waitKis: n» mr ii»w mirror. rMnrlihl* front itit b«ltl: inged to support the commas* •t«fnr»c c«liimii bark up lights, »a- After th» low cost,of buying it, r of insulated material. A thm there's the low cost of running if. niter skin of aluminum covers It gets about 27 mpg. Jie insulation. Landing gears on the descent stage of the mod- Takes pints of oil. Not quarts. ule are equipped with shock ah And the engine is air-cooled. No sorbing material made of-crush- anti-freeze. Nowter. ible aluminum honeycomb, and tootpads on U» gear are- made It's the small price you pay for )f two layers of spun aluminum owning a Volkswagen. ionded to an aluminum honey Includes transportation, preparation, omb core. The astronauts themselvei leatherette upholstery, Undercoating, orn clothing making us* *f W W fir*!'; ;)r<> rxtra. iimlrium, am' conductor) ft •rirriflntu In solar wimN ticim; not<|<. \\ | '\\ fjato T-ix. a small sleet of aluminum feii wrilln on the surface, 488 6200 Finally, when the lunar m«duJ« Kt the moon, the astronauts MiOT, VOLKSWAGEN looked bark .on an eight-fooj; -haft, of Alnmratirh, a Ht of ffm drill's rwM abundant • metal ih iii-ii into lunar surface. From' Hi" thiift flic* Ui; American LEADER-PRESS Wednesday, July 25,

10; 2nd, David McGrath, ago was Indian headbands. This run win Patilynn Majlapeter took Schuela received a certificate UVu and 3rd,.Joey Kovacs, a craft was limited to the group 10 third place and in the lay-up for mokt artistic; Darlene Mal Rogahki'M^hary Rites 11. The registration was 26. years and younger. Ann Lydon's tournament we took first place yar, most colorful; Andrew Kaz PLAYGROUND NEWS headband was choscn the best. with the help of Phileece Young'. lauskas, most creative and Lau Wednesday the reader came to We also had arts and crafts ra Gyenes, neatest. Isabel Ger PEARL STREET PARK Ihe park from Iselin Library. this week which consisted of minario took first place for her Held in Perth Amboy This week at Pearl Street, the lSCNNS I.ANE PLAYGROUND, crafts 6il Monday, The children She read two stories to the chil Indian hats on Tuesday and Ken Goldfoil framed plaque of Presi 1 move popular activities were 4 dren. She promised she would nedy plaques on Thursday. dent Kennedy. sClean up ccrtifi IIOPELAWN Miss Lois Misses Sandra Shwiner and M- inembors of the Play-|made *•* decorateb d ,^%^ f shoes in Ihereturn with the books that the To top it all off we had a cos catcs for this week icere given Moliary, daughter of Mr. and sa Mohary. John Rogalski, lno i:mmi, in a nun^hcadbands complete wrth fcath jaftcrnoon For the morninj Mrs. Steve.J. Mohary of 81 Lu ther of the bridegroom, wan In of special activities tins crs. Tuesday was spent Paying children requested. Also on Wed- tunic* contest on Thursday wbic to Allen Maciejowski, Robert T can nesday the bulletin board was turned out to be a big success Sefczak, Dennis Mecdham aud ther Place, became the bride oi best man. Ushers were Robert u,,k. The first was a Pear.ut kick-ball volley ball, horse manv „ k Allend and James Flynn. completed. The activities of the A total of 29 children enrol Wayne Greiga. Richard Rogalski, son of Air 11 mi t whore the winners werejshoes,! , checkers and dominoes. Port Readingat th. eAlthough swim- and Mrs. John Rogalski of ICY Mrs. Rogalski is a graduate !>y the number of ituts|On Wednesday the arts and park are now posted on this cd at the playground is an in ming seems to be the highlight board, keeping the children crease of three over last week sey City, Sunday afternoon, at of Woodbridge Senior IliRh they found. These were: 1st, crafts instructors arrived at of the day, arts and crafts hold 3, at Holy Spirit Roman Cafho School and currently attendj Keith-Wilson; 2nd, John Sedlak; the playground and l)he children abreast of all the activities avail- This week has been a hot bul HOPELAWN PLAYGROUND a close second. This week the able to them. active week at the playground. During the week of July 14, lie Church in Perth Amboy Jersey City State College where Sal. ffawn Gilligan and 4th. made modern art type paintings 1st place rfrts mid crafts proj Rev. Joseph Kerr officiated £t she ' is majoring in Elementary 1 l> Entires. Everyone .was a'by putting blobs of paint on Thursday a group of perform- Each morning- four or -five of the children at Hopelawn play- cct—J.F.K. plaques, came from ers from Fords Jr. High came our older children, go swim- the ceremony. Education. Her husband is a v incr. however because thcyuhite paper and blowing on the ground displayed great enthusi- Miss Gale Mohary, sister of . 1 pit to eat the peanuts that'paint through paper drinking the combined efforts of Chris to entertain the children. They ming. Then in the afternoon w< asm over their arts and crafts. graduate of Ferris High School. Anderson and Doris Craig. Bri- enjoyed it so much, they decided have our activities so they ca The President Kennedy plaques, the bride,, served as maid of Jersey City, and the Technical t.r.\v loiiniL .straws. The effect was very im an Askins, 9, took 2nd place. honor. Attendants were the Institute of New York City. Up Nc\t the children showcdiPressivc. Cathy Burns' picture that in two weeks, they wanted participate. and especially the Indian hats was choscn a the bcSt On Our Indian headbands, turned to entertain the group. The chil- On Tuesday, we made a Ken were a tremendous success. Mi- is employed by, Gibbs and Co., artistic talents in a Color-j * - out looking somewhat more than Inc. of New York. Cmitrst. Thee winnerirss fforr Thursday there was a clean up dren are in the process of de-nedy plaque and on Thusday we chael Kertesz made the best rocks. Thursday everyone had conlcsconlcst t at th ararkk whicwhicnn wawass a bit unique. The unused feath- ciding which songs they will sing After a wedding trip to I In h wrre JoannJ e PlauenskPlkiPlauenskii e PP made an Indian headdress. Wed plaque and the best Indian hats a chance to m,ake Kenndy pla I h ft ers did wonders for the barren The craft project was thenesday afternoon, at the re-wer' e made by Leon Sickle, Jo-ques which turned out to1 be quite Poconos, the couple will intika ;uul Kntlil y Hilbin, for the boys/Won bby Jay Stolz. In the aftor- earth surrounding the tables their home at 38 Clifton Place. 110011 tncre was a Kennedy Memorial Plaques. quest of the children, we .'iad anne Desperito and Josephine an enjoyable craft, y ,i"hn Jietllak, John Bird, Keith, sand castle used to make the crafts. The The group that made this pro- pet show. Prizes were given Dcspirito. The children also par- liicllo, and Bob Endres. leontest. The winners were, Nan- winner was 9 year old Scot Pe- Besides the activities many ject were 11 and older. The thanks to a donation of ruhbei ticipated in playing Jacks, swam at the Bowtie Pool'during nerolpe. A pet contest will be plaques took a long time to make figures and puppets by a woma checkers, pickJup-sticks, four held on Friday. All contestants those hot days. Still waiting for Artists Slate u UL so that judging will have to wait. in the area. squares and coloring throughout a ;;reat variety of animals rep-i" ' £" will sport Indian hoadrosscs. We challengers, the boys are ever Kenned the week. resented. The winners were y- are anticipating a bit of a prob- practicing basketball and base- John MtGuinn, Kathy Hilbig, lem with the smaller entries THORPE AVENUE MERRILL PARK ball. Annual Festival K.I Me(;uinn, Kathy Collins, AVENEL PARK hampsters, for example. PLAYGROUND 44 additional children were re BUFFER STRIP PARK PERTH AMBOY — In an ef- I'liil Kollien. Tom O'Neill, Drew During the week, the children This week congratulations go gistercd in this park the pasl This week 35 more boys and KENNEDY PARK fort to promote art in the state, Firello and Jim Britton. jplayed four squares, jacks, and nisTRin-p i»'*vr»niiMn ll"o -•-•"• Couch and Mary Anntweck. The highlight of the week girls registered at Buffer Strip. On Friday, July H a pet con:the, New Jersey Festival of Fins The best Checker Picker Up checkers almost continuously DISTRICT PLAYGROUND; Adolman for wim]ing the arlsjwas the swjmming program at In spite of the increased enroll test was held at Kennedy Park. Arts will be held for the fourth per for the week was John Sed Softball and basketball games And so another week passes and crafts contest. Their pro the Project Bowtie pool which ment many of the boys and girls The winners by popular vote year at the boardwalk and park l;ik, Vere played on Monday, W«d at the 5th District Playground. jects were chosen by everyone began on Monday. About 30 chil weren't at the park due to vaca- were: parakeet contest, Donna area of the Sadowski Parkway. Since the park has very little|nesday and Friday. On Tues- In the morning the children gath- on the playground. On Tuesday dren participated in this pro tions, hot weather and back yard Rcmpkowski; dog contest, Deb The show, open to professional sharto. some of the boys spent day and Thursday they did arts er to play their favorite games afternoon all the kids at Thorpe gram. A checkers (ornament wa pools. by Oleksiw; cat, Michael Mador and non professional artists, will a day digging up an old stumpland crafts and a contest was such as 4 squares and kickball. participated in a picnic lunch. held and the winner was Kenn Swimming for the youngsters ma; fish, Patrick Creedon; turtle be held August 23 and 24 from and planting a young tree in itsjhdd each day to see who hadIn the afternoon the children On Wednesday aftunoon a little! Maffia. The older set went on a started this week and many of Vincent Summers. On Monday noon to 6 P.M. gather at quiet games and crafts place. This was a start so that made the best craft. Ann Mat diversibn was put into the game j bicycle hike around the park the boys and girls look forward July 14, Kennedy plaques were Through giving artists from children of future years will zura won on Tuesday with herat Uie tables under the tree. by playing steal the bacon withj while the younger children took to that morning swim. made and on Tuesday Indian 1 New Jersey and surrounding have shade. Indian headdress, and Jackie Wednesday was the Bubble water ballons. Not only was it a nature hike instead. Kennedy Tuesday, was lit ' < Joe Djheadband- s were made. The best states a place to exhibit ^•^ch A Rubble Gum Blowing Con- Certain won on Thursday with Gum Contest. Winners were: An- fun, bul it cooled us off in thegold foil plaques and Indian Maggio's 5th birthday. Many of of these, submitted by Charlie year is an. objective of the out- tost was also held. The winners his wall plaque of J.F.K, 51 thony'Joe, biggest bubble; Nor- heat of the day when you were headbands were the arts and the boys and girls helped Joe Bahr and Frank Cimulluca, re- door show, the main goal is lo> ere Jim McGee. Keith Firello new children were registered. ma Maist, smallest; and Matth- hit with the balloon. crafts projects for the week. celebrate with beautiful home spectively, were entered into a build a scholarship fund. De- and Mike Kurtiak. ew Cassidy, funniest bubble. Jerry Bianciani took first prizi made birthday cards. contest among all township play- rived from the artists' fee, The supervisors would like to grounds. Iselin Junior High was The playground ended the EAST GREEN STREET PROSPECT PARK in the judging of both crafts. I On Tuesday the boys and girls the fund has awarded more than week by holding a "Miss Bunns thank Matthew Cassidy and picnic and game tournament is the scene Tuesday where Diane On July 14, East Green Street Prospect St. Park was the site made Kennedy plaques and Jim- $1,000 in scholarships to senior Beauty Contest". T Charlie Knarr for cleaning the planne( with another ark Donnelly won first place in 21 "<;iheld a Bug Festival. Every type of a neighborhood pet show this I*"* * P my Kleban won the prize for the high school students pursuing an ^irls will be contestants and of bug was oil display. Kules to playground and making it a in the near future. best plaque at Buffer Strip. Onand basketball Lay-up, in herart career. Competition is held in the boys will help judge. more beautiful place to play. week The event took place at 14 15 age group. Pam McCarthy enter wWe- that-the bug had to 2:00 P. M., Thursday, July 17. Thursday Indian headbands were the Spring. made and Bruce Mclntire wonwon third place in both in the be caught and mounted proper Among the entries were dogs, LYMAN AND CHURCH Categories for the show ar« ly by the person entering. The he prize for his originality and 10-11 age group. On Thursday a MENU) PARK TERRACF HIGH SCHOOL PLAYGROUND cats, hamsters, rabbits and STREET PARK short hike was taken to the area professional, non -professional, Although the registration has]winners were: toads, The dogs varied from pure On Friday, the children had a ntroduction of arm bands to ac Winners of last weeks color company his headband. of Freeman's Pond. and abstract. Crafts can be ex-' (limbed to 321, the heat has| Most Beautiful Bug—1st, Dar- ing contest were Debbie Jaros bred collie to 100% mutts. Each|bubble gum contest to see who hibited, but will not be included kept many children home in thejlene Vivadelli, 558 Bamford Judith Yarmack, Dawn Trosky owner proudly displayed his ani could blow the largcjt bubble. On Friday an "all-park." cook out took place to highlight the in the judging. Prominent ar- afternoon. Therefore, the after Ave., age 12; 2nd, David Me- Cheryl Apicc, Barbara Yar mal and winners were chosen The children were divided into BLANDFORD AVENUE tists of national fame will JU categories And Friday 6; 3rdj Christine Itepics,' 372 the week were Trudi Barnes and lar activities besides arts and bands. After, a contest was held playing kickball seem to be pop most outstanding crafts were ;i lunch in was held at the fclay-Bamford Ave., age 6. Debbie Apiae. crafts. and the winners for' the nices ular In the mornings. Tuesday Bonnie Griswald for her Indian neth Jlari, Perth Amboy; Mrs. ):!nuiiil with a bike show in the Charles Soudcr, Somerset; lio- The next special event will be On Friday a scavenger hunt headbands was picked. and Thursday afternoons are al headband and Angelina Herman iiffcrnoon. held on July 30. It will be a Pet ways scheduled for arts and for her J.F.K. wall plaque. Com bert Santana, Englishtown; and Next week's projects include was held. Winners will' be an SCHOOL #27 PARK Julius Weber, Port Reoeling. En- Show. nounced next week. crafts. This past Tuesday Ken peting Tuesday at Iselin Junior a model- car show and race, a Indian hats were made on An. art contest took place thi.< STRAWBERRY HILL nedy plaques were made and An High in the basketball tourna- trants must contact Mrs. Soudrr, peanut hunt with donated prizes Tuesday, July 15. Winners of week in our park. The winner PLAYGROUND drew Kelly won first place ment were Joe Cornish, Joe Tur 110 Sixth Street, Somerset iind a chance to make soda can the contest were: 1st, Joey Ko- QUIGLEY PARK was Tina Singer, and second Last Friday a scavenger hunt Thursday Indian headdresses ner, Clarence Turner and John hanks. A celebration of the Ap-vacs, 30 Brookfield Avc.; 2nd,This week began the swim place was Dawn Perry, was held with Robert Silogy'* were made and Sharon Pokol Harms. The total number of iillo ii's successful mission is Mary Ann Vivadelli, Bamford ming program in the Township The members of the purk had team as the winners. They were won first place of that event. children registered for this week planned. Ave.; 3rd, Donald Ring, Garden and the park members showed i game of Womierball and theTommy Cicala, Linda Superior Wednesday afternoon excitement was 13 making the complete to DeMolayBoys Ave.; and 4th, Ronald Bell, 28much, enthusiasm. Every day a winner in this contest was MiKe Mary Jane Markus, Kathleen filled the playground while the tal 78 children. HOFFMAN BLVD. Brookfield Ave. Winners for the group of 10 children was sent to Perez. Mapkus and Kevin Shea. Monday kids had a peanut hunt and Mike Clean Up Beach Hoffman Blvd. Playground Kennedy Specials on Thursday enjoy the municipal pool. Softball and volleyball played there was a bubble gum contest Jamori won first place. A bubble Ix^an the week with arts and were: 1st, Vincent Gfenda, age Tuesday, the crafts project a large part in the activities of Linda Tate had the first bubble SCHOOL #21 WOODBRIDGE - During th* and also came in first place urn contest is on the agenda summer season, when there ar» the week. There were many :or next Wednesday afternoon. This week has been filled with »ames that were participated for the biggest., Robin Idmund varied activities of interest and no chapter meetings, many of in by many of the children from held second place and Alfredo excitement. The children enjoy the boys of Americus Chapter, the park. Rodirquez, third place Brian SCHOOL #25 PLAYGROUND ed swimming on Monday. They Order of DeMolay, keep busy Cannizzaro won the smallest Things have been pretty slow couldn't wait until this first day with outside DeMolay activities. bubble, Dawna Barsi for the fun at the playground thanks to theof swimming finally came. Tues FOURTH STREET PARK niest looking bubble and Russell With the cooperation of Mayor 95 degree weather. So many day's tournament proved sue Ralph Barone and the Parks l)e Happiness at Fourth Street Thompson for the messiest kids have pools that they stayed cessful for several children in Park, with the new total of 209bubble. partment, they have been work ubmerged rather than burn on the playground. Those who plac ing on civic service awards. Kl- "I used to stand up and say boys and girls, is having con- the softball field. ed are Wayne Paragallo and Ste tests. The week started out with Tuesday, everyone made JFK igibility requires at least ten wall plaques. Brian Cannizzaro's They showed up for arts and ven Wiley for first place in thehours of performing a servic* a cleanup contest, Lori Dam crafts, especially the young ones. 21 tournament, Gary Paragallo, the world was a miserable place. mann taking first place for theplaque was the best so it will for the community. On Tuesday represent our playground. Wed- The winner of the Indian feather Wayne Paragallo and Bruce Pe- a group of boys spent the day girls and Steven Farrcllo. tak l g nesday, everyone brought a pap-hats was Ann Sonatore. The ragallg o for first pplace the cleaning up portions of Sewaren Then I would sit down and ing first place for the boys, both winner of the Kennedy picture received 50 cents. The wall er bag from home and participa- bkbasketbalb l lay-ups; Patty Kiltluff beach. The following day they ted in our clean-up contest. First was Bruce llalewa. The children for second place in the lay ups;spent at the municipal garage, scroll contest followed, Terry are also very excited about the do nothing about it? Gal)o taking first place and Dar-place was the team of Jeffrey and Peggy Loomis for first tidying up and painting signs. rall Murray, taking second place, Edmunds. Robin Edmunds and wimming program and we areplace. Daphne Bonner. Second place, wamped with requests. On the "fun" side, Wednesday each will receive a certificate. The winners of the Kennedy nights have been set aside for Brian Cannizzaro, and Bobby plaques are: Rose marie Mconi, A combined Indian headband Sharick; third place, Mike liar bowling, during July and Aug- and bubble gum contest ended COOPER AVENUE Marcy Weitz, and Maria Spado ust. Chapter meetings begin Now comes the big question. ris and Tommy Cicala. After PLAYGROUND ra for first, second and third the contests for the week. An wards there was a peanut hunt. again with installation of officer* What can you do? You're ?elo Mellilo took first place for The playground was filled with places respectively. The drawing on Saturday, September 6. Rc^u First place with 121 peanuts was to music contest held on Wednes only one little individual among the biggest bubble ,and won 25the team of Brian Cannizzaro, miling faces this week as win- lar meetings will start Thur*- pieces of bubble gum. to keep ners of the basketball tourna- day was won by Claudia Kreiss. day, September 11. over 200 million people. How Dawna Barsi and Bobby Sharick. Michael O'Hara was the winner in training. Faye Moore, first Second place with 100 peanuts ments at Iselin Junior High and Any boy. between the ages oi can you help? place, Indian headband and Giva the arts and crafts projects were of the cigar drawing contest. wag Daphne Bonner and Robin Thursday's winner of the Indian 14 and 20, interested in necomini Albanese, second place Indian Edmunds, Jeff Edmunds and •nounced. In the 21 tournament, a Demolay, may contact Russell For one thing, you might headband. The Fourth Street Ivie Williams placed third in headband is Patty McGann. .Sev- think about investing in your Denise Bonner. Third place with eral children began decorating Bauer. Jr., telephone .188 8350. Park is going to compete with 94 peanuts was Tom Cicala and .he 1213, age group and Susie the astronauts next week, and find Diane Frederickson placed the playground banner with mod country. Showing your faith in Mike Harris. Thursday was arts designs. The children are looking have their own landing on theand crafts day again and every- 2nd in the 12-13 and 10-11 groups. Relts are popular-- soniMiinn its future. moon. In the lay-up shot Jill Pfeiffle forward to bringing thp banner 'they rnme in twos or three* ami That's exactly what you do one made Indian headdresses. to the Tuesday tournaments may be buckled or tird. This time there was a tie for the ilaced third in the 1011 age when you sign up to buy U. S. roup, Laura Hill placed fourth BOYNTON PARK best. Linda Tate's Shd Juan Savings Bonds. You're simply Quiles' will represent Strawberry the 12 13 group, and Phillip 1 During the past week the chil Hill. J'Connor placed fourth in the 8 !> buying a share in America. dren of Boynton Park participa- [roup. In arts and crafts, Eileen You're also socking away ted in the Kennedy Special Con i'Connor's Indian headdress was est and the Indian headband GLEN COVE PLAYGROUND judged the winner. When the some money for yourself. contest. The first prize in the Kennedy gold foil plaques weie Cfia* On Dew", Mttf Y»«r fiitnit it Our Clam tnd Ptaituf Iff The week began at Glen Cove made, Eileen's was again tlve Money that grows at a guaran- Kennedy Special contest was with a kickball game against l^t's face il. teed rale, to pay you back $4 Paul Cafici and in the Indian best. #12 School in Sewaren. The i iv^i \\ I. HO II V\ I, All is not perfect in this land headband contest was Chris victory went to Wen Cove, 18 at maturity for every $3 you've Quinn. Also a picnic and a base- of ours. to 11. Indian heal bands were INMAN PARK * saved. planned. made by most of the children. America has taken some n^ This week fewer children came i Of course, Savings Bonds are The children displayed their ar lown to the park which was MARYLAND CRABS lumps and quite frankly it harts. contest and! 23* tistic talents decorating the head not going to cure all our head- contest will take place. irobably due to the very hot But maybe we should step aches. But they'll help to pro- bands in various ways. A contest eather. On Wednesday morn ' back and take a long hard look was held later on in the dayin.g the children made the Ken vide the economic gtrength we'll ISELIN JUNIOR HIGH Three places were selected. First NOW(We Also Hav!e ... take inventory of how we Dedy specials for arts and crafts '| need for the job. This has been a very exciting plac« went to Adrienne Schuele ith Connie St. Pierre taking " Soft Shells) are and how we got here. And at the same time, they week at the Iselin Junior High whose head band will represent 'irst place in the competition. playground. Besides the general the playground. Second and third )n Thursday morning Indian ORDERS TO "GO Maybe we should inspect our can cure a lot of your financial place were taken by Sharon Ca- activities such as volleyball, soft r.— „„.. _. „ „ eaddresses were made ind the 634-9807 brighter side as well as tome headaches in the years to come. ball, kickball, checkers, etc., wejracaus and Teresa King in that inner was Nancy Kearney. The | of our ills. Any way you look at it, they also took place in two basket order. A drawing contest was .rls froni. the rats and crafts J ball tournaments. In the 21 tour And maybe, just maybe, we'll make good sense. held on Wednesday. Adrienne ame down Tuesday afternoon! come out thinking this country's and the children had fun doin» ;| YOUR CHOICE And that's just straw blowing. Friday a woman' Select from . . . good side far overshadows what we need in from the library read stories. Cliickrn in Kuskrt' its bad. this country Code - a - Phone Shrimp in Basket Then maybe well start to do COLONIA #22 Shrimp in Kuu»h (if))' ?ight n6w. Brings You New Ideas In Electronic! To Give Yon Fried Ipswitch •omething to make it better, As the second week come lo Clams in Basket/ father than knocking it, which FULL SERVICE COMMUNICATION a close the members of Colonia Playground #22 looked forward For jnnr tods up making it worse. • IT ANSWERS THE PHONE lo the weekend's rest from the KITCHEN OPKN t IT TAKES THE MESSAGE many activities DAILY... Flrasar* • REMOTE CONTROL - EASY PLAYBACK Monday nnwifd with th« young Snn., Mnn., Tin**., tr children making straw blow Wwl., Thnr*.. rji(h li IMK'KI.MVII Ti;i!l! HT \ I \-n \ 11 < I I'. , I II I I 11 .' I "i I ' i .1 * il, ' II

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