THE MIDDLESEX COUNT** UBB Serving Woodbridge Township, Carteret and Edison Entwtd u kid Clui M«H Publlshni Wwltlj At P. 0. Woodbridtt. N, J. Woodbridge, N. J., Wednesday, July 23, 1969 if On Wednesday TEN CENTS Residents Elated Over Moon Landing Bd. of Ed. Adopts Lively jobs Secured Hail This Giant Step Forward or ver7 o ^n(j praise American Ingenuity Arts Prograg m lor Schools J Young Folks By WINDSOR J. LAKIS | feat by man and the backu° p decadent, has not passed it WOODBRIDGE — The School should be tabled for further: Mundy said he did not disap•[ WOODBRIDGE — The Youth crew and anyone who had any en age nor has it started, to re- Hoard. Tuesday night, adopted study to avoid any problems prove of the Carpenter recom•• WOODBRIDGE — "While watching the men land-'\^"R "t'o" do''wHh'"ti"is""terrific cede into the oblivion of history.1 » Lively Ails Course, recom that may come about because'mendation because of the danc-,EmP|oyment 'Scl'vice (Y.E.S.) , *, .. nupstinn in mv minrl " .", "" '""" ' u, -•„-<•;• .-,-,•---- --- „- has now lacod nl0le man 70 B m end ei by Dr. Rci8h W. Car-of misunderstandings. ing program but more so be-' P ° u 4. moon mere was no question in my mind project. It is comparable to Co-| Some say, This is only the be- penter, uil ---- nlc- n aml w0 ltrlni lnn mcanmean-; that we were watching the greatest event in the lurnbus finding the new world." j ginning and others say This it now superintendent of: Famula pointed out that Ihc,cause he felt the board was not,y° 1 f1 summer » ,: hif nf mflr,kinrl " Mavnr Ralnh P Barone saiiicjj Longin Marzeeki, postal clerk, enough. Being a member of th» schools following some opposi course will be under study for fully aware of what the course!""* " employment with hlStoiy Of manKind, Mayoi Kalph r baione sal• a full year before it is actually! actually consists "I do want j hundred., of v lous private em, today after viewing the' astronauts land on the -Woodbj.dge. One small step fm Forge Ahead club rather than ila,'implemented into tho regular to be sure that the dancing is I ploycrs in the central Jersey | moon, Sunday night, man, One great leap for man-j the Stop Now membership, thii lid/curriculum. Earl McCrackcivnot too liberal, but that is not are,a according to the mayor's another board member, indical j the object," he said. office. such Mn, actually being imple ed that Mundy might be aTnaid' McCracken fired back -saying| "This means that now more Z g Nell Armstrong summed it up^ ^ P arsal s Vem !-d in the regular currieu to approve the recommendation!Myjidy had a chance to learn.than 1300 youngsters a.e work When he said 'this IS a small step for man but a greal ,^ - in 1070. "It will be com; because of a recent controversy'all there is to know at a rscont ing in summer jobs because of, llea p fof r mankind.kid' I believbli e thathtt thithi s triti p t o the! I'10* 1 1 ! agenda meeting. .Mundy of there was not enough discussion,municipal government." Mayor „„, let limi exploie the urn- n.onted al John F. Kennedy Me 'schools, The school board said cially take office until next year is employing an additional out in the universe astronauts. Kach was an mroial Ili^lIlil i SchooShl l i n ScptemSt - it woulld investigatitit e thth e mattett r weekk, was present at the meet-! 180." on which earth things can live and thrive, thus find-lparticipant . more or less. Eaeh momm tlut Uans |red A. M. Mundy, air-condition- '«•'•• 1!> '<••" and "red faced" officials latcrin;gg and noted that a detailed' Barone also slated "In these ing space, food and minerals to replace the rapidly' ' P ! The opposition came from had to admit that sex classes; program would be presented to without communication gave; ing and heating. Woodhdrige: limes, when frustration and dis minerals o; each one a deep sens i of tern "This almost makes the in- ld member. Roy Mundy. were being implemented into a the school board when comp illusionment who said the recommendation Family Planning Program. letcd. Other local citizens had these! moon. No event in history can bejporary fear that .something had crease in federal taxes worth- j among many youths, it i grali comments to make: compared with it. I now fully'gone wrong. When word was] while." ifyillE l? ,1". °Ur ,y0!!nA pM')le" "Kreder'ic"k M,"'Adams, local realize that nothing is impos j heard again, a sigh of relief I Charles Molnar, innkeeper, jsible." was felt. Kach American is; Woodhridge: "Whal a great (lav AMA Hears Dr. Jacobsen Various proud ... very proud, beeauseito be an American. 1 kept w.iieh- help and concern." Walter K o p c h o. teacher, the superiority of American Woodbridge: "This has opened ,. of the greatest daysjing the television but couliln't technology. Can you imagine up a vast area of future think- jof theTjnited Stales of America.|believe what I was seoinj;. Mv On Kidney Transplants Are incorporated what is in alone for my children ing. Thirty years ago Jack Whal these three men have done prayers wile answered for all and yours." Armstrong was our All-Aiiicri- proves that this, country is nofof them." WOODBRIDGE — Dr. Lcnard Association, two of which v/ere ttvJJd of Education Dr. Carp Jack Mclver, building inspec- can boy and today another Jacobson, son of Mr. and Mrs.*awarded prizes, J ' tor, Avenel: "As I watched the Armstrong came along to take I,<avis Jacobson of Woodbridye Dr. Jacobson was graduated j on the sur hi* place. I have absolrtc con- was honored recently when the|in 1956 from Woodbridge Hi Kb! WOODBRIDGE — The Wood my first fidence in the American youth. Mayor Barone Sends medical paper of which he was]School, where he was an ohi-'bridge Board of Education, up (•thoughts were if we can accom The majority of the youngsters a coauthor was presented aticer of the National Honor So |°« .the recommendation of Su plish sirch a feat, why can't we will do the job we trained them Ihe annual meeting of the Am-Iciety. He received his A.B. de perintendent of Schools Dr. School Supt. stop this ridiculous war in Viet for. Five percent gel all the to rrican Medical Association in|gree from Duke University in Reign W. Carpenter, incorporat- |nam." publicity while Ihe other 95 New York. jlftfiO. Duke Medical Schooled various programs and offices i Jock Cassidy, insurance sales- percent do all the work. 1 "Astronauts Neil A. Armstrong, The paper on the tcchniqueslawarded him the M.D. degree,under a single department en I WOODBRIDGE - Dr ; man, Sewaren: "Our country hav* taught over 10,000 young- Edwin I). Aldrin Jr., and of kidney transplantation was'in 1964. tilled The Department of Con .W. Carpenter officially becomes it a progressive nation. This sters In this ire? and I am Michael Collins written by Dr. Jacobson and Following a year of Internship i'inuing Education Tuesday the new Superintendent of achievement in space In an- proud of (very oA of them." V other members of the trans {in Boston at Tufts Medical Cen-j night, {schools to replace retired Pa NASA .Space Cwitor trick Bovlan other step forward — accom- Ernest Neat, liquor salesman. plantation team at the Mountiter, Dr. Jacobson took trainingg !j Tne programs an(and] officeoffjms . next week. Houston, Texas lj plishment by research of many Colonia: "If every man would .Sinai Hospital in New York, - " ' " -' *" "'--" iu General Surgery at Mt. Sinai jw hich rome under the new tie'-1 Carpenlor, 47, comes to Wood people at a time of much world stop and think what man can ac- Dr. Jacobson has been a mem Hospital in New York. "|ear Astronauts Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collini: partment are Adult Educafiortifbridge after five years as super disorder. Let us all hope and complish lliere would not be any her of the kidney transplant He recently completed a l.iree I Adult Basic Education, Aecr'6d intendent of the Greater Amster- pray II will lead to unity and more wars." "On behalf of the Municipal Council and the 100,000 resi- team for the past three years. year Residency in Urology at j|e(j Evening High School, Adult dam School District in Montgom- peace. Most important of all dents of Woodbridge Township, I want to heartily congratu- During this time, he has pie Mike Sasso, pilot and war Mt. Sinai and plans to return to vocational Education, Adult Ed ery County, NX'. the men who risked their lives late you on the 'fantastic voyage' of Apollo 11. 5onted throe other papers at this area in the fall. At present ucation-Title III. Work incrn veteran, Sewaren: "All the Under his administration there, return safe to their families brains must be here in the "We in Woodhridge are especially proud of the fact that meetinggs of the New York Sec | he is takingj a posp t ggraduate ijVo prni>ram iw IN I Mm ' r- V \ ",""A Z llVc at home." your almost unbelievable feat of traveling to, and walking tion of» *th ue. America._- • n.,,,. Urolo^icalfellowshi• ,1,,,.. ,: p injVdiatn• .-. .•_', c Urnbgy., . j ' rogram (W.I.IN.I, «i<in-iGreater Amsterdam became one United States. We must have Cliff Roselle, personnel mana it here to be able to accom- on, the moon was accomplished during 191)!), since this year power Development Training],,f on|v throe schoo| districts in plish something as fantastic marks our Township's IllWtli anniversary.
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