PRESENT: Committee Chair: M. Pearce Vice Chair: J. Cardoso Members: D. Cameron Sr. J. Coady (absent) L. Larson R. Lee (absent) G. Logan R. McLean R. Mayer (absent) K. Roberge T. Shields Ex Officio Chm. D. Ashton

Economic Development Officers/Reps: Wayne Tebbutt, EDO, Penticton & Wine Country Economic Dev.Serv. Glenn Mandziuk, EDO, Business & Community Dev. Centre (absent) Scott Boswell, EDO, Summerland & District Chamber of Economic Lisa Fraser, Project Coordinator, Similkameen Country Development Assoc. Mayor Randy McLean, Town of Princeton Patrick Deakin, EDO, Oliver & Dist. Community Econ. Dev. Society and Fred Wiley & Jessica Murphy, Oliver & Dist. Community Econ. Dev. Society

Community Representatives: Mary Ellen Heidt, Manager, Community Futures Development Corporation of Okanagan- Similkameen Sandra Varchol, HRDC Service Delivery Manager, Human Resources Development Canada (absent)

Delegate: M. Flett, Okanagan Film Commissioner

Staff: V. Sutton, Chief Administrative Officer G. Derosier, Administrative Assistant ______

2 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT ADDENDUM

MOTION: BY CONSENSUS that the Agenda for the Regional Economic Development Committee Meeting of November 2, 1001 be adopted with the following additions:

(i) Letter from Joanne L. Pepper re Billboard Sign, Item 2(g) (ii) Memo from W. Tebbutt, EDO Penticton re Funding for Health Professional Recruitment Training, Item 3(b)(ii) (ii) Memo from K. Oldfield, Chair, Oliver & District Community Economic Dev. Society re Exploration of Growers Quality Alliance Program, Item 3(b)(ii)


(a) Okanagan Film Commission

Mark Flett, Film Commissioner, provided an update of the Commission’s activities, marketing initiatives and future plans. Mr. Flett reported that $4.5 million worth of production over the last four years had benefited the economy of the Okanagan-Similkameen.

Mr. Flett expressed appreciation to the Committee for their support. He noted that Dan Ashton and Barbara Sheppard were new representatives to the OFC Board. Mr. Flett asked that MLA’s R. Thorpe and B. Barisoff be encouraged to support the Film Commission at the provincial government level. In Y2002, the Commission will seek continued funding support from the Regional Economic Development Committee ($25,000).

Director McLean arrived at the meeting.

MOTION: SHIELDS/ROBERGE that the following information be received and attached to these Minutes as Schedules “A.1” and “A.2”:

Schedule A.1 (i) Financial Statements (unaudited) for the Okanagan-Similkameen Film Commission as at March 31, 2001; and

Schedule A.2 (ii) Okanagan Film Commission Strategic Proposal entitled “Building on the Momentum” received October 25, 2001

and the following Regional Economic Development Committee recommendation be endorsed by the RDOS Board:

that the RDOS Board forward Letter of Support to the Okanagan Film Commission.

3 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 CARRIED


(a) Community Enterprise & Strategic Initiatives

(i) At the Regular Board Meeting of October 18, 2001, the following Committee recommendation was endorsed:

“that the following information be received:

a. Email of Committee Chair Pearce that the provincial government’s “Community Enterprise and Strategic Initiatives Branch” has been “cut back”; and b. Info dated August 17, 2001 from Civic Info BC re “Provincial Cuts to Subsidies May Affect Community & Economic Development Programs”; and

that at the next Committee Meeting, Director Logan provide a recommendation regarding sending a letter to the Ministry to outline the affect of provincial funding cuts to Princeton, quantifying the benefits to be taken away from the area, and the need for continued concentration on solutions. Carried”

(ii) MOTION: LOGAN/McLEAN that Regional Economic Development Committee Chair M. Pearce forward a letter of support to accompany the Princeton Skill Centre’s application to the provincial government’s Community Enterprise Funding Program. CARRIED

Director Logan provided a copy of the Princeton Skill Centre’s Community Enterprise provincial funding application

(b) Princeton & District Community Skills Centre

(i) At the Regular Board Meeting of October 18, 2001, the following Committee recommendation was endorsed:

“that the letter dated July 27, 2001 from Sharan Jung, Manager, Princeton & District Community Skills Centre re Entrepreneurial Development be received; and the item be POSTPONED until the next Committee Meeting, November 1, 2001. Carried”

(ii) MOTION: LOGAN/McLEAN that, due to limited staff resources at the Princeton Skills Centre, the proposal to assess feasibility of a program re Entrepreneurial Development (Transforming Business Talent 4 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 & Community Economies) be forwarded to Mary Ellen Heidt, Manager, Community Futures Development Corporation. CARRIED

2. CORRESPONDENCE – continued:

(c ) Meeting of Mayors, Chairs, MLA’s – Okanagan Region

Committee Chair M. Pearce commented on the meeting held October 19, 2001 in on the following topics.

• Post Secondary Education: A report “Review of Post -Secondary Education Requirements in the Okanagan-Shuswap” (prepared for the joint steering committee of OUC & University 2000) is forthcoming. MLA’s noted the Region is under-funded. A copy of the report is available at www.regionaldistrict.com. • Health Care: The Hon. S. Hawkins, Minister, addressed provincial health care issues. Significant announcements are expected in the near future. • Highways: MLA’s noted the Region is under-funded. It was noted that regions and local areas had varied highway priorities. • Milfoil Control: R. Hobson requested support to request that the provincial government identify funding sources and continue the program. • Tourism Issue: It was suggested that a 2% hotel/motel tax be implemented and that revenues be returned to the regions.

MOTION: ROBERGE/McLEAN that the following Regional Economic Development Committee recommendation be endorsed by the RDOS Board:

that the RDOS Board forward a letter to R. Thorpe, MLA (Okanagan-Westside) and B. Barisoff, MLA (Penticton-Okanagan Valley) to request a clear indication of their positions with respect to revenues collected from the Coquihalla Highway Tolls. CARRIED

(d) Inaugural Okanagan-Shuswap Regional Innovation Forum

The National Research Council (NRC) in collaboration with Okanagan University College and related regional and national organizations, will establish the Okanagan-Shuswap Regional Innovation Forum comprised of community leaders representing the overall interest of the Okanagan-Shuswap as a broad base economic region.

5 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 MOTION: CAMERON/ROBERGE that the letter dated October 3, 2001 from the National Research Council re the Okanagan-Shuswap Regional Innovation Forum to be held November 26, 2001 in Kelowna, be received. CARRIED

6 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001

2. CORRESPONDENCE – continued:

(e) Okanagan-Shuswap Manufacturers’ Association – Advisory Board

A valley-wide Association has been formed to represent all Manufacturers from the Shuswap Lakes area to the USA Border. At the recent Regular Board Meeting, Chair Ashton agreed to act as the RDOS Board’s representative to the OSMA Advisory Board.

MOTION: LARSON/LOGAN that the letter dated September 25, 2001 from R. E. Black, Executive Director, Okanagan-Shuswap Manufacturers’ Association be received for information. CARRIED

(f) Tourism Promotion

MOTION: LARSON/ROBERGE that the letter received October 25, 2001 from D. Tod re Tourism Promotion and the request for $3000 funding to advertise the “Grand Simoka Triangle” be received and considered under “Potential Contingency Projects (item 4{a}.) CARRIED

(g) Billboard Advertisement at Hope, BC

Addendum MOTION: LARSON/CARDOSO that the letter dated September 26, 2001 from Joanne L. Pepper regarding the billboard sign located at Hope, BC, and comments re the positive image it portrays be received. CARRIED

7 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS

(a) Status re Regional Marketing Program

(i) Committee Members received a copy of the Memorandum dated October 25, 2001 from Chair M. Pearce, requesting endorsement of the “Brand Concept”. A Summary of responses will be brought forward at the RDOS Regular Board Meeting of November 15, 2001. Committee Members will discuss Phase II program funding at the meeting scheduled for December 6, 2001.

Phase I: Completed at a cost of $16,344 Phase II: Budget $15,656 (currently remaining in budget awaiting endorsement of the various agencies)

(b) Final Review Potential Contingency Projects: November 1, 2001

The list of Potential Y2001 Contingency Projects was brought for final review and determination of project funding allocations.

(i) Potential Contingency Project Funding Contingency $17,000 EDO Coordination 2,000 add: EcoTourism (Gateway) 5,000 add: Grant Application 5,000 SubTotal: $29,000 less: Snowbird Project: 4,000 (allocated Oct 4th ) Total $25,000

Potential Contingency Projects: • Summerland & Area University Project (request $5,000) • Kettle Valley Railway Project (request $5,000) • Valley-Wide Economic Development Grant Program (awaiting federal / provincial funding approvals) • Cycle Lanes

“Undiscussed & Unbudgeted Items ” • Chairman: re Signs -Drought Hill Bridge $5,000 - $10,000 ? • D. Tod, Tourism Promotion (request $3,000) • Growers’ Conference (request $4,862) • New Generation Crops Conference (request $5,902) • Desert Wine Country Tourism Assoc. (request $4,500) • Osoyoos Desert Society (request $4,000) • Return Funds to Taxpayers?

8 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 3. (b) Final Review Potential Contingency Projects - continued:

MOTION: BY CONSENSUS that the following requests for Contingency Project funding be received:

Addendum (i) Memorandum dated October 29, 2001 from W. Tebbutt, EDO, Penticton re Funding for Health Professional Recruitment Training (request $1,250); and

Addendum (ii) Memorandum dated October 30, 2001 from K. Oldfield, Chair, Oliver & District Community Economic Development Society re Exploration of Growers’ Quality Alliance Program (“request $10,775 accruing in first two phases, $8,200 for phases 3 & 4, for total of 18,975). CARRIED

A Committee Members noted that there was a need to define and finalize contingency fund application criteria. V. Sutton, Chief Administrative Officer, will bring forward draft criteria to the next Regional Economic Development Committee Meeting, December 6, 2001.

F MOTION: LARSON/CAMERON that the RDOS Board endorse the recommendation re Regional Economic Development Committee Y2001 Project funding approvals (Contingency Funds):

Summerland & Area University Project $5,000 Tourism Promotion, D. Tod 3,000 Growers’ Conference 4,862 Health Recruitment 1,250 Growers Quality Alliance Program 5,000 Sign - Drought Hill Bridge 5,888


9 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001


(b) (ii) EDO’s Suggestions: (Postponed August 2, 2001 and October 4, 2001)

“Small programs requesting funding: • Summerland – Summerland University Centre requests $5,000 for a business case feasibility study and the Kettle Valley Railroad requests $5,000 towards a $50,000 10-year strategic plan. These are described more fully below. • Penticton – Snowbirds Marketing $4,500 requested to add to matching dollars raised by local business; Dave Tod Brochure - $3,000.00 These have been described previously. • Oliver & – Growers’ Conference providing opportunities for all growers in the south Okanagan to gain information about alternative crops, new methods of processing, ornamentals, agri-tourism, etc. Request of $4,862 representing 40% of conference costs. New Generation Co-ops Conference providing opportunities for all individuals in south Okanagan to learn about new co-operatives legislation, new co-operatives research, New Generation Co-ops and lending practices adopted by Credit Unions in other parts of the province. Request of $5,902 representing 50% of conference costs. Both of these are described more fully below. • Osoyoos – Desert Wine Country Tourism Association representing a region from OK Falls to Osoyoos in the amount of $4,500 (30% of overall budget) to develop trade show displays and materials to participate in the upcoming “Canada West Marketplace” scheduled to take place December 3- 7 in Kelowna. The Canada West Marketplace brings together a world select group of tourism industry sellers and buyers in a business exchange with a proven format of pre-scheduled appointments and open sessions. Osoyoos Desert Society with over 40,000 visitors to date requests $4,000 to assist with the completion of site and highway/road signage – interpretive and informational. This request will be matched 2-1 with already committed funds from a wide variety of sponsors both nationally and internationally. (see attached for complete details of these two applications)”

• “In the end, all but one of the EDO's agreed that they would prefer to see the funds go to a single project that was truly “Regional” in nature. With this in mind the EDO’s that were agreed selected a business trip to the Sonoma Valley combined with trips to communities along the way to review community revitalization efforts, interpretive centres, and opportunities associated with the wine (tourism) industry. The venture would include business operators who would like to go with us and we would attempt to add funding to the $17,000.00 that is available, through matching programs. The wine industry and community revitalization efforts are the things we all have in common, but much development has yet to occur. • EDO's would prefer to build regionally, rather than see the funds put to small projects that do not draw us together as a region.”

Chair’s Comment: For various reasons, EDO’s were unable to reach consensus. The item is therefore referred back to Committee with EDO’s suggestions.

10 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001


(b) Approved Y2001 Economic Development Committee Work Plan

Potential EDO Assignments Y2001 Projects Budget

At the Committee Meeting of March 1, 2001, the following projects and budget amounts were reviewed and approved, and budget amounts were endorsed by the Board on March 22, 2001.

Film Commission $20,000 OHTC 20,000 *Fast Track OUC Study (via Gen. Govt. grant) 5,000 (T. Shields) Inland Corridor- Tourism (expenses) 3,000

W. Tebbutt Extend Lease (Highway Signage) 10,584 + 500 W. Tebbutt New Hwy Sign (private participation?) 4,916 (remainder for design & sign purchase)

Consultant Phased Marketing Strategies: 32,000

Note: On March 22 the RDOS Board endorsed the Committee’s recommendation to issue an Expression of Interest to obtain a list of Consultants interested in the District’s Phased Marketing Strategies. Proposal submission deadline was April 30, 2001.

At the Committee Meeting of October 4, 2001, two projects (Eco Tourism (Gateway) / Grant Application) were reallocated to Contingency Funds. Reallocations were endorsed by the Board Oct. 18, 2001.

Contingency Funds $25,000 • Snowbird Project (allocated Oct 4th) 4,000

• Summerland & Area University 5,000 • Tourism Promotion, D. Tod 3,000 • Growers’ Conference 4,862 • Health Recruitment 1,250 • Growers Quality Alliance Program 5,000 • Sign - Drought Hill Bridge 5,888

TOTAL $125,000

11 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001

RECESSED: 10:15 a.m. RECONVENED: 10:23 a.m.

(c ) Y2002 Budget Consideration

Committee Members participated in a general discussion of Y2002 budget requirements. Chair Pearce noted that the Regional Marketing program (Phase II), the Okanagan Film Commission funding proposal, and funding requests being brought forward from Y2001 would likely have a large impact on the Committee’s Y2002 Budget.

Chair Pearce advised that the remaining Y2001 funding requests will be brought forward for consideration by the Committee in Y2002. It was requested that all new project funding requests be brought forward to V. Sutton, Chief Administrative Officer.

• Director McLean suggested that the CAO attempt to continue to incorporate the new Regional Marketing Program brand into his promotional material.

• Director Cameron Sr. noted that he would like to see some “sunset clauses” added to criteria so that projects are not ongoing or long- term

• Director Roberge requested a proposed project funding criteria include an outline of the project’s financial needs and impact on the Region DA • Mary Ellen Heidt commented re the Okanagan Film Commission. While the CFDC very much support OFC as it is a clean industry, it did not provide funding due to accountability requirements and a potential need to re-group. Chair Pearce advised that representative D. Ashton will bring this point forward.

• Director Shields commented that the OFC is very much superior to what existed in the past, and that the economic benefits are excellent.

• P. Deakin, Economic Development Officer (Oliver & District) noted that questions raised by EDO’s could be used to assist in developing criteria.

12 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 • Chair Pearce commented on the need to accept new and creative funding proposals, to allow some flexibility, and not have too tight criteria.

• Director McLean would like to see a guide, some parameters for funding applications.

13 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 3. UNFINISHED BUSINESS – continued:

(c) Future Matters for Discussion by Committee Members

(i) Northern Development Commission (Tentative – Awaiting Provincial Government direction)

Chair Pearce suggested that Committee Members may wish to have further debate regarding information received from delegate John Backhouse, Northern Development Commissioner. Following is an excerpt of the Committee’s Minutes of April 5, 200l for background information:

John Backhouse, Northern Development Commissioner provided an address regarding the Commission’s legislated mandate to act as an advocate for northern economic development. The Commission was formed 1998 as a result of the Premier’s Summit on Northern Jobs & Development. It establishes a link between Northern BC and Victoria in response to issues and concerns raised by northern residents (approx. 300,000 in the area). Mr. Backhouse noted that the Commission had operated for three years and that feedback has been very positive.

Mr. Backhouse commented on the following points:

• the Commission promotes private sector investments • coordinates with and supports economic development activities of other organizations (i.e. Northwest Corridor Development) • advises the Minister on issues affecting job creation and economic development • supports regional economic development Forum, Conferences, and feasibility studies • undertakes problem solving in communities • client group includes economic development practitioners, local and regional government, Mayors, Chairs & Councillors, First Nations' Chiefs & Councillors, Chambers of Commerce, Community Based Organizations, MLA's • acts in partnership with Provincial Ministries – Community Development, Cooperatives & Volunteers, Forests, Energy & Mines, Agriculture Food & Fisheries, Transportation & Highways, as well as other provincial and federal ministries.

Mr. Backhouse noted that core funding received from the Province was $1.4 million and the Commission’s annual budget was less than $500,000. All projects work on a "partnership" basis, and all Commission staff are employees of the provincial government.

Mr. Backhouse advised that the Commission has the resources and freedom to travel and network which is very beneficial to the pursuit of regional economic development in their area.

At this time Chair Pearce noted that the Committee had contributed funding (OUC Study) for an independent review of post secondary requirements in the Okanagan University College Region. Mr. Backhouse referred to his experience on the initiating committee to form the University of Northern BC, and emphasized that support of the entire community had been crucial to the successful outcome. He commented that the university provided significant economic and cultural diversity in the area.

A copy of the presentation notes and background information is attached to these Minutes as Schedule “A”. A computerized disk, “The Northwest Transportation & Trade Corridor Capacity Report” is available for viewing at the RDOS Office.

14 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 4. REPORTS

(a) Economic Development Officer (EDO) Assignments - Project Status:

1. Osoyoos EDO;– Glenn Mandziuk • Valley-Wide Smart Communities Survey • Sustainable Rural Tourism for South Interior of

2. Penticton EDO – Wayne Tebbutt • Proposed Snowbird Advertising Program • Cost Estimate – TOTA Signage

a. W. Tebbutt advised that on November 30, 2001, all EDO’s and Chambers of Commerce will meet with MLA’s from Vernon to Osoyoos and suggested a priority discussion item was the Highway Transportation System.

b. Committee Members were invited to the Excel Open House Saturday & Monday, November 3 and 5th, 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., the first time the facility is open to the public.

3. Summerland Economic Development – Scott Boswell • Summerland & Area University • Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory

4. Oliver & District EDO – Patrick Deakin

5. Inland Corridor – Director T. Shields

A Highway 97 Border Region Coalition Meeting scheduled for October 19, 2001 in Wenatchee was Postponed to possibly December 7. Topics to be discussed include:

• BC-Washington Corridor Task Force & Inland Corridors Initiative • Highway 97 Border Region Coalition • Highway 97 Branding

6. Highway 3 Mayors & Chairs Committee

The Crowsnest Highway #3 Corridor Mayors & Chairs met on October 17, in Rossland, BC. Director Shields reported this was a beneficial meeting. There was a motion that the provincial government study the economic impacts of Highway 3. Next meeting to be held in the Spring of 2002.

15 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001

4. REPORTS – continued:

(a) 8. Human Resources Development Canada (Postponed August 2, 2001 and October 4, 2001)

A Status Report received July 24, 2001 from S. Varchol, HRDC Service Delivery Manager re Employment Program Investment Plan 2001/2002 was attached for information.

9. Community Futures Development Corporation of Okanagan-Similkameen – Mary Ellen Heidt, Manager

• over last 3 years CFD has expended 1.6 million on Fisheries Renewal, however the program ends March 31, 2002. • Forestry Renewal provided funding of $650,000 but the program is terminated and funding may be returned. • University College concept – It was noted that more representatives are required from this Region.

A A presentation regarding the RDOS/CFDC Business Directory will be brought forward at the next Regional Economic Development Committee Meeting, December 6, 2001.

(b) Report from Chm. D. Ashton Representative to Okanagan Film Commission

• Director Ashton attended his first OFC Board meeting last week • The Okanagan Film Commission fiscal year ends February, but there appears to be a possible budget deficit and a concern about potential liability. • Noted lack of organization.

16 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001 5. LIST OF PREVIOUS DELEGATIONS: (background information)

April 6, 2000 25. Princeton Skills Centre • Letter of support to Minister Advanced Education 26. Community Enterprise Grant Program • Survey of potential projects and prepare summary report 27. Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory • Invite Federal Minister and Municipal Mayors to next meeting. April 27, 2000 28. Penticton Trade & Convention Centre • Harry Cheshire, General Manager re statistical info and future plans June 1, 2000 29. Okanagan Film Commission, M. Flett, Film Commissioner • request funding second $10,000 30. Research on Transgenic Fruit , Neal Carter, Okanagan BioTech Inc. • forward submission to Provincial Standing Committee on Agriculture • request invitation for N. Carter to speak at AgricultureWorking Group 31. Year-Round Tourism Brochures, D. Tod, • reallocate funding of $1,000 32. Organic Growers’ Association, L. Edwards, support for organic producers • forward submission to Provincial Standing Committee

October 5, 2000 33. Okanagan High Tech Council • request for Y2001 funding 34. Okanagan Film Commission • request for Y2001 funding

December 7, 2000 35. Human Resources Development Canada - • program and funding info

February 1, 2001 36 Statistics Canada • Y2001 Census Day

April 5, 2001 37. J. Backhouse, Northern Development Commissioner 38. D. Tod, Tourism Promotion

June 7, 2001 39. G. Irvine, Project Manager, South Okanagan Corridor Mgmt. Plan

August 2, 2001 40. Regional Marketing Program Consultants

October 4, 2001 41. Regional Marketing Program – M. Edgar, Consultant 42. Snowbird Migration Destination – L. Lock, Sunset Strip / Hotel, Motel & Campground Assoc. 43. Tourism Promotion – D. Tod

November 1, 2001 44. Okanagan Film Commission – M. Flett 17 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001


MOTION: BY CONSENSUS that the Meeting be Adjourned at 11:0 a.m. CARRIED


______V.N. Sutton, FCIS, P Adm. CMA M. Pearce, Chair Chief Administrative Officer RDOS Regional Economic Development Committee GD/Committee/ECONDEVNovember1.2001 File: V0360.35 cc: All Press (email) All Directors (email)

Community Representatives: (email) Mary Ellen Heidt, Community Futures Development Corporation of Okanagan-Similkameen

Sandra Varchol, HRDC Service Delivery Manager / Debbie Wagar, Program Officer Human Resources Development Canada

Economic Development Officers/Reps: (email) Wayne Tebbutt, EDO, Penticton & Wine Country Economic Dev. Serv. Glenn Mandziuk, EDO, Osoyoos Business & Community Dev. Centre Scott Boswell, EDO, Summerland & District Chamber of Economic Lisa Fraser, Project Coordinator, Similkameen Country Development Assoc. Mayor Randy McLean, Town of Princeton Patrick Deakin, EDO, Oliver & Dist. Community Econ. Dev. Society and Fred Wiley, Oliver & Dist. Community Econ. Dev. Society

Chiefs/Representatives: (mail) Chief Clarence Louie, Osoyoos Indian Band (Att. Chris Scott) Chief Moses Louie, Lower Similkameen Indian Band Chief Stewart Phillip, Penticton Indian Band Chief Richard Holmes, Upper Similkameen Indian Band

Invited Provincial Liaisons: (email) R. Thorpe, MLA (Okanagan-Westside) B. Barisoff, MLA (Penticton-Okanagan Valley) David Chutter, MLA (Yale-Lillooet) Stockwell Day, MP (Okanagan-Coquihalla) 18 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001

SCHEDULE “A.1” Regional Economic Development Committee Minutes of November 1, 2001

SCHEDULE “A.2” Regional Economic Development Committee Minutes of November 1, 2001

19 Regional Economic Development Committee MINUTES of November 1, 2001