Reports from the Central Bank of Norway No. 4/2004 11 Inflation Report 3 with monetary policy assessments 04 November Inflation Report 3/2004 Norges Bank’s Inflation Report Norges Bank’s Inflation Report is published three times a year, in February/March, June/July and October/ November. Sections 1–4 of the report contain an analysis of developments in inflation, output and demand three years ahead. Norges Bank’s Executive Board adopted a monetary policy strategy based on these analyses 2 at its meetings on 12–13 October and 3 November for the period to the next Inflation Report, which will be published on 16 March. The strategy is published in Section 5. The Executive Board monetary policy meetings will be held on 3 November, 15 December and 2 February. The Inflation Report is published three times a year, and together with Financial Stability, is part of Norges Bank’s series of reports. The report is also available on Norges Bank’s website: The series of reports is included in the subscription for Economic Bulletin. To subscribe please write to: Norges Bank Subscription Service PO Box 1179 Sentrum N-0107 Oslo Norway Telephone: +47 22 31 63 83 Fax: + 47 22 41 31 05 E-mail:
[email protected] Editor: Svein Gjedrem (Section 5 presents the Executive Board's assessments) Design: Grid Strategisk Design AS Setting and printing: Reclamo grafisk senter AS The text is set in 11½ point Times ISSN 0807-8521 Inflation Report 3/2004 Monetary policy in Norway Objective The operational target of monetary policy is low and stable inflation, with annual consumer price inflation of approximately 2.5 per cent over time.