Requirements, 53, 42; Simulated High Altitude Tests, 55, 237
The Newcomen Society for the history of engineering and technology Welcome! This Index to volumes 51 to 65 of Transactions of the Newcomen Society is freely available as a PDF file for you to print out, if you wish. If you have found this page through the search engines, and are looking for more information on a topic, please visit our online archive ( You can perform the same search there, browse through our research papers, and then download full copies if you wish. By scrolling down this document, you will get an idea of the subjects covered in Transactions (volumes dating from 1979 to 1994 only), and on which pages specific information is to be found. The most recent volumes can be ordered (in paperback form) from the Newcomen Society Office. If you would like to find out more about the Newcomen Society, please visit our main website: The Index to Transactions (Please scroll down) General Index Transactions, Volumes 51-65 1979-1994 Abbreviations agric. agricultural archt. architect bldr. builder c. circa cent. century civ. engr. civil engineer contr. contractor elec. engr . electrical engineer engr. engineer ff. following i.c.. internal combustion loco. locomotive mech. engr. mechanical engineer merchts. merchants mfrs. manufacturers pm. passim rly. railway Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, 60, 104, 163. Abbot, J. G. & Co., engrs., 52, 72, 196, 198, 54, 47. Abbott, O. C., 59, 23. Abbott, Nancy M., obituary, 61, 112. Abbott, R. A. S., obituary, 52, 219. Abdul Aziz, Sultan ofTurkey, 59, 67, 71. Abernethey, James, 62, 120, 124.
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