Community Solutions A community - based service offering residential care, support and enablement for adults aged 18 years and over, all of whom have a learning disability, often together with autism and complex needs including behaviour that may challenge.

Developing greater independence and skills for life Hesley Group Values Person-centred. Outcome focused. Quality driven. Keeping people safe.

Hesley Group’s mission is to enable Hesley Group Central Services people with complex needs to achieve Hesley Hall their full potential Tickhill DN11 9HH Established in 1975, Hesley Group provides flexible, Tel: 01302 866906 specialist residential services, schools and colleges. Fax: 01302 861661 We aim to offer the best possible care, education and Email: [email protected] vocational opportunities for young people and adults, Web: often with autism, who have a learning disability and Referral Enquiries: 0800 055 6789 complex needs including behaviour that may challenge. Hesley Group Comprises: Hesley Holdings Ltd. Registered in No. 5150235 The Hesley Group Ltd. Registered in England No. 2665377 Registered office for all companies: Central Services, Hesley Hall, Tickhill, Doncaster DN11 9HH

Hesley Group  2 Contents

Overview 4 Our philosophy 6 Greater independence 7 Coming to live with us 8 Life at Community Solutions 9 Staff and support 9 - Specialist Services 9 Health 10 Therapeutic support 10 Keeping in touch 11 Advocacy 11 Reviews 11 Quality assurance and policy 11 Regulatory reports 11 Symbol-based information guide 12 Contact details back Location and directions back

The information in this brochure is correct at the time of print. The brochure incorporates information given to CQC in the complementary Statement of Purpose as set out in Regulation 12 and Schedule 3 of Health and Social Care (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2010. A copy of this statement can be provided on request.

Hesley Group 3 We want everybody who lives at Community Solutions to be as happy and fulfilled as possible


Community Solutions is situated in Thorne, a small market town on the outskirts of Doncaster. Based in the heart of the community, it enables people to benefit from a more independent lifestyle. We strive to enhance the lives of the people entrusted to our services by focusing on their specific needs, capabilities and aspirations.


Hesley Group  4 Our aim is to enable young adults to reach their full Professional services: Those who live at Community Solutions potential and achieve a progressively more independent have ready access to: an in-house team consisting of a Clinical quality of life. This is achieved through: Psychologist, Consultant Psychiatrist, Speech and Language Therapist and Occupational Therapist and other specialists, to Person-centred focus: This encompasses life-long ensure they have timely support if and when required. learning, care, communication, health, behaviour, a range of activity programmes, emotional well-being and citizenship. Keeping people safe: Hesley Group offers a person-centred Individuals are encouraged to participate in activities and approach, which aims to support people to develop increasing empowered to make as many decisions as possible about levels of independence and create a safe environment where their lives. they can have the best possible opportunities to maximise their potential. Our philosophy is one of warmth, security, consistency, Outcome focus: Outcome-focused activities which understanding and trust. Our safeguarding arrangements build confidence and social skills enable those who live at sit in this context, and our policies, procedures, staff training Community Solutions to achieve measurable progress and, and quality assurance provide a robust and regularly reviewed again, empower their decision making. framework for this philosophy. Life-long learning: Person-centred plans focus on Health and safety: We are committed to ensuring the health, providing opportunities to suit the specific needs and safety and welfare of all those who live and work in, aspirations of each individual. Fully inclusive community- or otherwise access our services. Community Solutions adheres based programmes support life skills development and to all procedures in place under Hesley Group’s Health and practise, with the aim of enabling each person to make a Safety Policy. positive contribution to their community. Equality and diversity: We are committed to enabling people Communication: Speech and Language Therapists work to to express their individuality through supporting them in develop an appropriate communication approach for each relation to their culture, belief, race, disability, gender or sexual person, which is then reinforced by the support teams to orientation. We seek to ensure we do not discriminate against ensure day-to-day consistency with everybody living in the anybody who lives or works in, or otherwise accesses our service. This approach helps people develop an increasing services, in any respect. understanding of the many issues which affect their daily lives and play an increasing part in decision making about Advocacy: People living at Community Solutions have access to such issues. It will also help them extend the depth and independent advocacy services commissioned by Hesley Group. range of their relationships. Citizenship: Creating a safe, predictable and stimulating environment enables everybody who lives at Community Solutions to be as active as possible in their community, leading to meaningful social inclusion. Some people have regular jobs within the local community or at other Hesley Group facilities. Trust and relationships: Secure and familiar social networks are extremely important and these are developed and built upon from day one. This creates trusting and valued relationships between those who live at Community Solutions, their immediate and extended family and friends and the other residents of Thorne. Stable, appropriate and mutually trusting relationships with staff are also very important. High-quality accommodation and facilities: Each person has their own bedroom with en-suite bathroom. As well as WELCOME TO access to Community Solutions’s own facilities they can COMMUNITY access a range of excellent local facilities, to complement and enrich their lives. SOLUTIONS

Hesley Group 5 We believe that each person should be at the centre of planning their lives


Our philosophy

The highly experienced staff at Community Solutions, Thorne, pride themselves on offering a highly professional 52-week-a-year, residential provision for younger adults and seek to provide a firm foundation for ongoing, positive progress in their lives.

The principal aim is for everybody at Community and management system that reduces the potential for Solutions to be enabled to develop greater independence reliance on high-risk interventions. through their person-centred plans in an environment TCI recognises that it is the actions and reactions of that offers warmth, security, consistency and those around people that strongly shape and influence understanding. A purposeful and calm atmosphere is their behaviour, including their social interactions and encouraged through the professional approach adopted emotional responses. Its emphasis is on empathy and by all staff. Trust and a positive rapport between the proactive support, while physical interventions are very people we support and staff underpin the ethos within much considered a last resort. the service. The well-being of the people we support is paramount All staff attend training in the Hesley Enhancing Lives and through everything we do we seek to ensure that Programme (HELP), a behaviour support approach each person’s best interests are met. To keep people safe based on Therapeutic Crisis Intervention (TCI), which is there are times when the use of physical interventions accredited by the British Institute of Learning Disabilities may be needed. This would be as a last resort to support (BILD) and on Applied Behavioural Analysis (ABA). people in crisis, to reduce both stress and risk and is TCI is an internationally recognised, crisis prevention discontinued as soon as it is safe to do so.

Hesley Group  6 Any potential physical interventions are fully discussed Greater independence with the person concerned and/or their family and other appropriate representatives - as far as possible before When a person has complex needs, as do those who their application. Physical interventions are delivered in live at Community Solutions, it is important to provide line with PRoACT-SCIP (r) UK guidance and the BILD Code them with a safe environment where they can learn and of Practice. develop their skills - and maximise their potential. Both of these approaches can be explored further via the Individually designed, person-centred programmes BILD website – – in the section: Physical which incorporate a range of activities, meaningful to Intervention Accreditation. each person, aim to give our people the widest possible range of life opportunities. Full advantage is taken of Positive, non-aversive strategies are used to change or Community Solutions’ location in an active community, reduce the severity and frequency of behaviour that within which the service is positively integrated. challenges. All behaviour is seen as meeting a particular With residents working in and actively using local and need or function. Observation allows us to understand more distant facilities, we believe this integration is a and identify what can motivate and trigger particular great strength and offers many meaningful, positive and behaviours, including those which may challenge the developmental opportunities. person themselves, as well as those around them, including peers and family and staff. Individual HELP The range of learning opportunities is wide and includes Profiles use positive, proactive and reactive strategies to social, personal and lifestyle experiences, as outlined develop skills and manage challenging events. below. Further education facilities can be accessed at the local college as well as in other Hesley Group services. By using positive and non-aversive strategies, new People are encouraged and enabled to make their own and more adaptive behaviours are reinforced and less choices and decisions about their personal plans. Each adaptive behaviours replaced. No actions that threaten plan is monitored to ensure that activities are balanced the dignity of an individual are either used or permitted. according to individual needs. Depending on these needs and the choices made, a HELPWorks broad range of activities can be accessed in the local and wider communities and at other Hesley Group facilities, which can include horticulture, art and crafts, eating out, visits to local and national attractions, trips to the coast, local walks, cinema, bowling, swimming, gym, Valuealuess dance, shopping, sensory club, cycling, woodwork, music, performing arts, voluntary work, access to local colleges, work placements, local walks, including through the local Individual Meaningful Pathways Activities rambling club, and the local social club. Community HELP Solutions also has its own facilities to host social events, to which friends and family can be invited. Applied Family Staff Communication Behaviour Training Shopping and cooking for themselves, with support as Analysis required, is a regular activity for people at Community Partnership Solutions, as is cleaning and tidying their home. Multi-Multi- HiHighgh Quality DisciplinarDisciplinaryy Theraapeuticpeutic Team WoWorkingrking Environments Achievement through person-centred planning Progress is monitored through the person-centred Learning Disabilities, Autism planning process. Successes and achievements are and Complex Needs Training celebrated by fellow residents, staff, family and friends. The residential living model employed at Community Solutions supports each person to have a varied and fulfilling life. People are supported to identify their HELPWorks at Hesley encompasses a number of key own needs and voice their aspirations, with abundant component which all interlink. This framework, with HELP, opportunities for these to be realised. together represent the essence of what we do. More information on HELPWorks can be found on our website Progress is recorded and reviewed on a regular basis by the team that supports each individual.

Hesley Group 7 We aim to support people to achieve greater levels of meaningful and sustainable independence

Coming to live with us

We need to be as certain as possible that Community Solutions will be a good choice for a person and a positive place for them to live. So, first, we will always undertake a thorough assessment to fully understand their needs and wishes.

Hesley Group  8 The assessment covers the range of health and social Life at Community Solutions needs set out in Department of Health guidance, and all information will be treated confidentially. The assessment Community Solutions comprises three spacious houses process will help to ensure that Community Solutions is and two individual homes. All bedrooms have en-suite able to meet each person’s requirements and forms the bathrooms and people are encouraged to personalise their basis for the initial person-centred plan. rooms and make them calm and enjoyable places to relax. The communal areas are inviting and comfortable, providing The manager of Community Solutions ensures that the plenty of space for individual and group activities. assessment process runs smoothly. Based in the centre of Thorne, Community Solutions Referrals for placements are accepted from the authority is within walking distance of local facilities including a that will fund the placement. We ask the authority to supermarket, shops, cafes, restaurants, parks and leisure send relevant information, which we will review as part facilities. The larger town centres of Doncaster and Goole of the process of ensuring that Community Solutions is a can be easily accessed by bus. suitable service. This Pre-admission Assessment is carried out by the manager of Community Solutions together with a Staff and support specialist clinician, if this might help clarify particular key Community Solutions has a staff team comprising a issues. They will arrange to meet the referred person and Homes Manager, two Deputy Homes Managers, two Team as many people centrally involved in their lives and direct Managers plus support staff. care as possible, to assess their needs. This is the start of the person-centred planning process which ensures each Our recruitment process is thorough and before joining us person is treated as an individual. people’s employment histories are thoroughly checked, references taken up and Disclosure and Barring Service If it is felt that Community Solutions can meet the needs (DBS) checks carried out. Hesley Group prides itself on its of the person, the placing authority is informed and training and support to staff. A number of team members will itself usually inform the person, their family and key have achieved long-term service awards for 10 and 20 others of the placement decision. years, which reflects the commitment of these highly The transition process will then be managed by a team dedicated staff to those they support and our commitment manager at Community Solutions who will work with to reward and celebrate their significant and highly valued the person, their family/carers, other key parties and the achievements. placing authority to plan and manage the move in the Every new member of staff benefits from a comprehensive best interests of the person. induction programme and continuing staff development. When someone moves on from Community Solutions, Regular supervision and appraisal ensures their skills and we strive to plan positively and collaboratively with the knowledge are always current and relevant to the work person who is to move, as well as all key others, to ensure undertaken. future provision continues on sound, person-centred foundations. Specialist services Community Solutions also works with a range of specialists employed by Hesley Group. They work with staff to provide tailored support for each individual, these include: • Clinical Psychologist • Consultant Psychiatrist • Speech and Language Therapist • Occupational Therapist • Behaviour Therapist

Hesley Group 9 Good communication is a cornerstone of positively providing for people living at Community Solutions

Health Therapeutic support Living in houses situated firmly in the community, To be as effective as possible as a residential setting for everybody who lives at Community Solutions is supported people with complex needs, all our staff are trained to in accessing all community services, including: use positive behavioural approaches, in a considered and empathic manner. Prompting and rewarding adaptive • General Practitioner behaviour helps each person to know and understand • Dentist what may be expected as they access the community • Chiropodist more often and in a range of circumstances. • Optician This approach, supported by the Hesley Enhancing Lives Programme (HELP) and other training for all staff, helps to Each person has a medical assessment when they come promote success and build confidence. to live with us, followed by annual checkups. They are also registered with the local GP and have a Health Action Each person is an individual with unique needs. Plan, while full medical records are kept and maintained. While some of those needs may relate to autism or Additional and/or specialist support can be accessed as learning disability, it is an in depth understanding of required, for example in relation to epilepsy or specific the whole person that is vital. This enables us to build nutritional needs. in the right support structure, so that each person can progressively live a more fulfilling life. People are encouraged to lead a balanced lifestyle and are supported in choosing and preparing meals that are Access to the multi-disciplinary clinical team helps staff healthy and nutritious - and in taking regular exercise. develop each person’s HELP profile (support plan) with the person themselves in line with their changing needs.

Hesley Group  10 Keeping in touch multi-disciplinary core group meetings, if they are able to attend, to review their own plan and targets. It is very important The people who live at Community Solutions, their that people living parents, guardians, foster parents, the funding authority, at Community other key professionals and other parties, including Solutions, staff, advocates, will be invited to reviews to assess and consider families, friends and progress, aspirations, achievements and any changes in all key professionals circumstances or special requests; and to ensure longer and other personal term plans and goals are kept in focus and appropriately contacts build revised where this may be required. positive and mutually respectful relationships. Visits are encouraged Quality assurance and policy and people are involved, Hesley Group has designated managers that develop where possible, in decision policy and best practice initiatives and assess how well we making about visits. are meeting our objectives and complying with national Communication between people and their families standards. This includes the management of health and friends is encouraged and contact by phone, mail, and safety and keeping people safe. The organisation e-mail and Skype are all supported. consults with people using the service and their families/ representatives. Families and friends are invited to events occurring through the year at Community Solutions and within The Quality Governance Board reports regularly to the wider Hesley Group. Visits home are also supported. the Board and Executive on service standards and any improvements needed. At each review and at any point throughout the year, people are encouraged and supported to express their We use a range of policy and guidance processes to views about the running of Community Solutions. manage our services safely and effectively. Examples of This is done through discussion, questionnaire or at key policy areas are: the residents’ monthly meetings. Advocates may help • Managing risk with this. • Behaviour support Advocacy • Care planning • Single equality scheme Everyone has access to advocacy. We work closely with • Health and safety arrangements advocacy providers to support and promote the voice of the individual and advocate for his or her own rights. • Capacity and consent • Safeguarding adults Reviews Hesley Group has a formal procedure for complaints. Copies of this and our complaints form are available on Community Solutions’ person-centred approach places request. considerable emphasis on the continuous monitoring of each person’s progress to identify what works well and what perhaps does not; and to identify any changes that Regulatory reports need to be made to their person-centred plan. Hesley Group is inspected by the Care Quality Commission Each person will have an annual review in which they are (CQC) for its adult services. centrally involved. Copies of their inspection reports are available via our Informal meetings are held between formal reviews website or that of CQC at to recognise progress and achievements. Families and Alternatively please contact us on our freephone number funding authorities have the opportunity to attend these 0800 0556789 for a copy to be posted to you. meetings. Additionally, everybody is supported at their

Hesley Group 11 Symbol Based Information Symbol Based Information

Welcome to Community Solutions Welcome to Community Solutions

Hello Hello

These pages will tell you about Community Solutions These pages will tell you about Community Solutions

in an easy read format in an easy read format

Hesley Group  12 © Widgit Software The people who live at Community Solutions live in


Everyone has their own bedroom and bathroom

Everyone who lives at Community Solutions helps to look

after the house

Hesley Group 13 Who can help me?

Support Workers Care Manager

Speech and Language Therapy Psychology

Behaviour Therapist Occupational Therapist Psychiatry

Hesley Group  14 Who can help me? People who live at Community Solutions are part

of the community

Support Workers Care Manager

Some people who live at Community Solutions choose to


Speech and Language Therapy Psychology

Everyone who lives at Community Solutions can access

Behaviour Therapist Occupational Therapist Psychiatry

many activities....

Hesley Group 15 shopping cinema parks

pub swimming college

cafe youth groups walks

and many more...

Hesley Group  16 shopping cinema parks If you would like to do a special

pub swimming college

activity you can ask the people who

cafe youth groups walks

work at Community Solutions to help you think about

and many more... what you would like to do

Hesley Group 17 Keeping Safe

Everyone at Community Solutions will help and support

you to keep safe

If you feel unsafe we can help you

tell us why

Hesley Group  18 Keeping Safe Questions

Telephone us Everyone at Community Solutions will help and support 01302866906

Email us [email protected] you to keep safe

Write to us Hesley Group Central Services Hesley Hall Tickhill If you feel unsafe we can help you Doncaster DN11 9HH

tell us why

Hesley Group 19 Contact details M62 M62 Registered Manager: Mrs Eileen Champion Manchester 1.20 hr Edinburgh 3–4 hrs

Address: M1 A1 Community Solutions Community 38 Solutions King Street A1(M) 37 A635 Thorne Doncaster M18

Doncaster A6023 36

South M1 35 DN8 5AU A630 M18 A638 Liverpool Referral enquiries: 0800 0556789 (freephone) 2.45–3 hrs A631 A631 M1 or complete our online enquiry form 32 Birmingham 1–2 hrs A1(M)

Telephone: 01405 818580 London 1.40 hr Fax: 01405 743110 Email us: [email protected] By rail Website: Thorne North Station is located 0.5 miles from Community Solutions Thorne South Station is located 0.7 miles from Community Solutions Connecting stations for Thorne North and South are; Doncaster, Location and directions Sheffield and Goole. Visit for train times. Community Solutions is situated in Thorne, Approximate train travelling times to Doncaster station are: a small market town on the outskirts of Doncaster, Birmingham 1hr 30mins . Here is a guide of how easy it can Carlisle 3hrs 30mins be to visit us and the people we support. Derby 55mins By road Leeds 35mins Our postcode for Satellite Navigation is DN8 5AU. Liverpool 2hrs 20mins Approximate travelling times by road are: London (Kings Cross) 1hr 50mins Birmingham – 104 miles 2hrs Manchester 1hr 20mins Carlisle – 144 miles 2hrs 40mins Newcastle upon Tyne 1hr 25mins Derby – 60 miles 1hr 50mins Sheffield 20mins Leeds – 36 miles 50mins Worcester 2hrs 30mins Liverpool – 102 miles 2hrs York 25mins London – 180 miles 3hrs By air Manchester – 72 miles 1hr 20mins Robin Hood Airport (Doncaster). Newcastle upon Tyne – 118 miles 2hrs Sheffield – 32 miles 35mins Worcester – 134 miles 2hrs 25mins York – 29 miles 50mins

Google Maps is a great online resource that can assist Hesley Group has Investor In People (IIP) accreditation which you with directions for getting to us and approximate recognises the significantemphasis the Group places on the travelling times. quality of its staffing and the associated management processes. Issue: January 2016