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A]K Qfsf];Demgffdf Commemorating the Missing a]kQfsf] ;DemGffdf Commemorating the Missing a]kQfsf] ;DemGffdf Commemorating the Missing Commemorating the Missing a]kQfsf] ;DemGffdf Drafting / Translation: Ajay Yadav n]vg÷cg'jfbM cho ofbj Review/Editing: Krishna Chandra Chalisey k'g/fjnf]sg÷;DkfbgM s[i0frGb| rfln;] Design/Printing: Quill Design/Sewa Printing Press, Kathmandu, Nepal l8hfOg÷d'b|0fM So"n l8hfOg÷;]jf lk|lG6Ë k|];, sf7df8f}+, g]kfn Published in August 2016 by International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) /]8qm;sf] cGt/f{li6«o ;ldlt -cfO{;Lcf/;L_ åf/f >fj0f @)&# df k|sflzt . All rights reserved ;jf{lwsf/, cfO{;Lcf/;Ldf ;'/lIft . No part of this may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording of] kmf]6f] k'l:tsfsf] s'g} klg c+z k|sfzssf] lnlvt cg'dlt glnO{sg k|ltlnlk, or any other information storage and retrieval system, without prior /]sl8{Ë jf cGo s'g} klg tYofÍ e08f/0f k|0ffnL nufot ljB'QLo jf u}/ljB'QLo permission in writing from the publisher. ;fwgdfk{mt k'gM k|sfzg jf k|;f/0f ug{ kfOg] 5}g . International Committee of the Red Cross(ICRC) /]8qm;sf] cGt/f{li6«o ;ldlt -cfO{;Lcf/;L _ G.P.O. Box 21225 kf]i6 aS; g+M @!@@% Meen Bhawan, Naya Baneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal dLgejg, gofFafg]Zj/, sf7df8f}+ T + 977 1 4107285/4107279 F + 977 1 4107137 6]lnkmf]gM $!)&@*%÷$!)&@&( km\ofS;M $!)&!#& E-mail: [email protected] www.icrc.org O{d]nM [email protected] j]aM www.icrc.org © ICRC, August 2016 © cfO{;Lcf/;L, >fj0f @)&# Commemorating the Missing Foreword k|fSsyg Many people go missing during armed conflict and some never come åGådf w]/} JolQmx¿ a]kQf x'G5g\ / s]xL JolQmx¿ slxNo} kms{b}gg\ . åGå ;dfKt back; they remain unaccounted for even years after the conflict has eP kl5 klg pgLx¿sf] cj:yf c1ft g} /xG5 . a]kQf JolQm dl/;s] ls hLpFb} ended. Not knowing if their relative is dead or alive, families search and wait, hoping against hope, unable to find an emotional closure because 5g\ eGGf] hfgsf/Lsf] cefjdf kl/jf/x¿ vf]Hg tyf k|ltIff ug{ afWo x'G5g\ . a]kQf of the uncertainty of the fate of their loved one. The emotional and JolQmsf] cj:yf c1ft /xFbf oL kl/jf/x¿ g t cfzf dfg{ ;S5g\ g logn] s'g} psychological suffering is severe. As per the ICRC study of 2008, the efjgfTds lgsfz g} kfpF5g\ . a]kQf JolQmsf kl/jf/x¿ efjgfTds / dgf]j}1flgs ultimate need of the families was the need for an answer on the ;d:ofaf6 u|:t x'G5g\ . ;g\ @))* df cfO{;Lcf/:fLåf/f ul/Psf] Ps cWoogn] whereabouts of the missing relatives to bring closure to the a]kQf cfkmGtnfO{ s] eof] eGg] s'/f yfxf kfpg' g} kl/jf/x¿sf] k|fylds cfjZostf ambiguity. Despite the ICRC’s efforts on clarifying the fate of their missing ePsf] oyfy{ phfu/ u/]sf] lyof], h;n] kl/jf/nfO{ låljwfk"0f{ kl/l:yltaf6 d'Qm relatives during and after the armed conflict, over 1300 people still remain ub{5 . cfO{;Lcf/;Ln] åGåsfndf a]kQf ePsf JolQmx¿sf] cj:yf / l:yltaf/] sfo{ unaccounted for in relation to the ten-year long armed conflict that ub}{ cfPsf] 5 . ;g\ @))^ df bz aif]{ nfdf] åGå ;dfKt eP tfklg åGåsfndf ended in 2006 in Nepal. a]kQf ePsf !# ;o eGbf a9L JolQmx¿sf] cj:yf cem} c1ft 5 . In 2010, the ICRC launched an accompaniment programme ;g\ @)!) df cfO{;Lcf/;Ln] xft]dfnf] gfds dgf];fdflhs ;xof]u sfo{qmd k|f/De (Hateymalo) to address the multifaceted needs of the families that came u¥of] . a]kQf JolQmsf kl/jf/x¿n] ;fdgf ub} cfPsf ax'cfoflds sl7gfO{x¿nfO{ to completion in 2016 benefitting over 1200 families. In the course ;Daf]wg ug{ ;+rflnt pQm sfo{qmdaf6 !@)) eGbf a9L kl/jf/x¿ nfeflGjt of the implementation of the Hateymalo, the families expressed the ePsf lyP . ;g\ @)!^ df pQm sfo{qmd ;dfKt eof] . xft]dfnf] sfo{qmd cGtu{t desire to remember and recognise their loved ones and undertook initiatives to build commemorative memorials. Besides the construction a]kQf JolQmsf kl/jf/x¿n] cfkm\g} cu'jfO{df a]kQf cfkmGtsf] :d[lt hLjGt of the memorials, the families also performed prayer ceremonies and /fVg] rfxgf adf]lhd ;+:d/0ffTds ;+/rgfx¿ lgdf{0f u/]sf 5g\ . ef}lts ;+/ wrote poems. The exposure visits of the families to different Hateymalo rgfx¿ lgdf{0f ug{'sf ;fy ;fy} sljtf n]vg tyf wfld{s sfo{÷k"hf ;df/f]x ;d]t districts played an important role in sharing experiences regarding the u/]sf lyP . ;fy} cGt/ lhNNff e|d0fdf ePsf cg'ej cfbfg k|bfgn] ;+:d/0ffTs process of commemoration. sfo{ tyf k|s[ofdf dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf v]n]sf] lyof] . This photo book 'Commemorating the Missing' presents efforts of of] k|sfzg æa]kQfsf] ;DemgfdfÆ n] a]kQf JolQmsf kl/jf/x¿n] a]kQf cfkmGtsf] the families of the missing in Nepal to commemorate their loved ones. :d[lt hLljt /fVgsf nflu ul/Psf k|of;x¿nfO{ k|:t't u/]sf] 5 . a]kQf JolQmsf Fifty-nine commemorative memorials such as water wells, pillars, gates, kl/jf/x¿n] #( lhNNffdf hDdf %( j6f ;+:d/0ffTs ;+/rgfx¿ h:t} M xft]kDk, waiting places, and temples were constructed in the name of missing :tDe, k|j]zåf/, k|tLIffno tyf dlGb/ lgdf{0f u/]sf 5g\ . o:tf ultljlwx¿n] persons in 39 districts. Apart from keeping the positive memory of a]kQf cfkmGtsf af/]df ;sf/fTds :d/0f tyf ;Demgfsf] ;fy;fy} a]kQf JolQmsf missing persons alive, such initiatives also provided recognition to the kl/jf/x¿nfO{ ;fd'bflos klxrfg / ;Ddfg lbnfof] . ;fj{hlgs k|of]hgsf nflu families. The fact that the memorial structures have public utility and lgdf{0f ul/Psf pQm ;+/rgfx¿af6 ;Dk"0f{ ;d'bfo nfeflGjt x'G5g\ eg] a]kQf benefit all community members also brought them one step closer to JolQmsf kl/jf/x¿nfO{ ;dfhdf 3'nldn x'g / kf/:kl/s ;xof]u k|fKt ug{ klg being reintegrated and supported by their communities. Since they are unable to undertake the proper final rites, creating commemorative ;3fpF5 . a]kQf cfkmGtsf] bfx;+:sf/ ug{ tyf cfzf}r afg{ c;Ifd eO{/x]sf] cj:yfdf spaces enabled them to collectively share their feeling of loss while also a]kQf JolQmsf kl/jf/x¿åf/f ;fd"lxs ?kdf ul/g] ;+:d/0ffTds ultljlwx¿n] building awareness of and solidarity for their plight. cfkm\gf efjgf JoQm ug{ tyf Psa4 x'g d2t k'Ub5 . The ICRC partnered with non-governmental organisations and the cfO{;Lcf/;Ln] :yfgLo u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx¿ tyf g]kfn /]8qm; ;f];fO6L;Fusf] Nepal Red Cross Society to implement the Hateymalo in 46 districts. ;fem]bf/Ldf xft]dfnf] sfo{qmd $^ lhNnfx¿df ;~rfng u¥of] . cfO{;Lcf/;Ln] The ICRC thanks all governmental and non-governmental agencies and Commemorating the Missing partner organisations for joining us to make the programme successful. ;/sf/L, u}/;/sf/L / ;fem]bf/ ;+:yfx¿nfO{ sfo{qmd ;kmn agfPsf]df wGojfb I appreciate the partnership of the Nepal Red Cross Society both at the JoQm ub{5 . To:t}, g]kfn /]8s|; ;f];fO{6L s]Gb|Lo sfof{no tyf lhNNff zfvfx¿af6 headquarters and district level to carry out this programme. I also thank k|fKt ;xof]usf] sb/ ub{5 . ;fy} a]kQf kl/jf/ ;dfhnfO{ k|sfzgsf] nflu k|fKt National Network of Families of Disappeared and Missing Nepal (NEFAD) ;xof]usf nflu wGojfb lbg rfxG5 . To;}u/L xft]dfnf] sfo{qmddf cg'alGwt eO{ for their inputs in producing the photo book. I wish to express my sincere sfo{qmd cjlwe/ k|lta4 / ;dlk{t eP/ nfu]sf]df cfO{;Lcf/:fLsf sd{rf/Lx¿nfO{ thanks to all ICRC colleagues associated with the Hateymalo programme wGojfb 1fkg ub{5' . for their commitment and dedication during the entire project period. This book is a tribute to the entire families of the missing in Nepal and g]kfn tyf ;+;f/el/sf a]kQf ePsf JolQmsf ;Dk"0f{ kl/jf/x¿sf nflu ck{0f other parts of the world. Through this book, the ICRC would also like to :j?k of] k|sfzg ul/Psf] 5 . ;fy}, o; k|sfzg dfkm{t cfO{;Lcf/;Ln] ;DalGwt draw the attention of the concerned authorities in Nepal to the plight lgsfox?nfO{ k|tLIff/t a]kQf JolQmsf kl/jf/x¿sf] cfjZostfnfO{ clanDa of the families of the missing and ask them to respond to their needs ;Daf]wg ug{ cfu|x ;d]t ub{5 . without further delay. André Paquet cGb|] kfs] Head of Mission lgof]u k|d'v Nepal g]kfn Commemorating the Missing Landscapes of Memory and Remembering the Disappeared in Nepal g]kfndf a]kQf JolQmx¿sf] ;Demgf Introduction kl/ro The conflict in Nepal (1996-2006) resulted in more than 1300 cases of g]kfndf ;g\ !((^ b]lv @))^ ;DDf -lj=;= @)%@ b]lv lj=;= @)^#_ rn]sf] ;z:q enforced disappearances and missing. National Network of Families of åGåsf sf/0f !# ;o eGbf a9L JolQmx¿ a]kQf /x]sf 5g\ . a]kQf kl/jf/ ;dfh the Disappeared and Missing Nepal (NEFAD) demands that every case is -g]kmf8_ tL k|To]s dfdnfsf] ;dfwfg kl/jf/sf] rfxgf / OR5f cg';f/ ul/g' k5{ resolved in accordance with the needs and desires of the families.
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