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EPTEMBER 1956 • IIBRA.IY Dill CCDNDllfCt OLDE R BUT STILL TOUGH ;0 CENTS liiipf ~ 1! i ate. lE YEAR S5.S0 From the "Amenities and Background of Chess-play" by William Ewart Napier DR. TARRASCH AT ZENITH In a review of IJj~ malch game ~ with Steinitz. Dr. Lasker dis~o\'er(ld. in the "grand old man,'" a peculiar gcnius for developing jll~t e llollg-h to withsta n d an attack, bUl baekward slInidenUy to ]Jre serve. from &x(;ha nge. enough piP!"es to insure cOlll111it:ations ' It is my hc! ir·f that Dr. Lasker venetrate!; the ~'ene l of Stcinil7,' SU( ' ce~se5 in thal oose r nlti o!! - and perhaps his (aill1"':l~ . ,,-hkh \".-err' unme rous in tournamenl play. Steini tz <,ould \l" flU hanl { ·O l1n ~f' l p,l. 22 P- N4 P_K N3 31 P- R4 QR_R t " 00 as J say, but not as I do.'" 23 R_B4 8-Q2 32 Rj4-B1 R_N 2 It is iuteresUng that. eai'lier, :;le i l\it~. 24 R_ KN1 K _ R1 33 R_ N2 QR_I{ N 1 had adopted it defi nition of til() diHcr c lI (-e 25 Q_ KN2 P- QR4 34 R-R2 Q-02 between his and the ~l ol'[Jhy SdlOol : til l' 2G B_N1 PxQNP 3~ 8 -Q3 R- Rt older Hystc m was "det'ensi'"c aUa" j;" a;1<1 2;' RPxP R_R5 36 Q_N3 Q-K 2 the nc"". <In "iltla("l,ing- (Iefe\ls~ _ " Tlw 28 p,p KP x P 37 R.KN1 QR.K N 1 latte l' doe~ not sati.~ fi' : f01" it sO\l\ld ~ " 2) Q- Q2 R_ KN1 38 Rj2- N2 R- I< Dl lot like baddn.,::- inIU iI fight the ~()]' 3D Q- K1 8 -K3 39 0-84 Rjl-K N 1 of (Toneh Teddy Hoosel'elt wonld I a ',v Q-R6 8 - 02 (" onrlemnml in the prize-ring. a~ no t ~: ,cr;· " ing, I am 1> er~ ua(lc!l from IOllg n:o ading of gnmes. notes and opin ions genel'all)' that. until the early ·· :\ineties." tIl(> Ill ::"I ern school rer!e<:ted notably mOIC' of On . Sn:GB tJIT T.-I.!uu" II h u kertort than Sleinitz. Then came Dt, Tnrrasch. QUEE N 'S GAMB IT DECLINED \'agnlill tell e l~ or ]l lai' g-o t togelher a ~ Tarrasch W~ l b ro t! t an orderly b\l~ill{,~~. for. a long- ,,-i t il Ill<' ,,'11i le IlL,, ·I, a d ve n t of TaJ"'a~, ·h. ,·" me inexo l' aillp di~ 1 P_Q4 P- Q4 6 P-K3 QN-Q2 dpline: and I "Ill i ndin ed to .'ai' oj' 2 P- QB4 P- K3 7 P-K 1U : "'_Bl rhis sll perb a]lo~tle of S t. einitzian , ' h C'~~ 3 N_QB3 N_KB3 8 P-B5 N_N3 t.hat he " found it a gibberish ami Jefl .t N_B3 B_ K2 9 B_R2 Q_ R.) it a science." The ~tam]l of a pl'e·e m i 5 B_B4 P-B3 10 P-R3 "'-K5 nent sanity is on both his inS lrU l"!i o J] nnd his play. -l1 K - R2! B-K3 44 K_B4 ! B-02 I knew 1)r. '['annsl'h plea5ami} ill -l 2 R_N5! 8 _02 45 P- R5 B-K t -l3 K_N3 ! B_Kl 46 PxP B,P .\lonte Crtl'lo, 1902. One dn)' the I "<lte~ had gone aga!nst me. mnleyolemly. 1 felt, in a game against a man I had cou nte(l 011 beating, I got, by way or spur. t his yiUtmin froll! the Donor. "In these tournaments . it is ne,'er enough to be a connoisseur of ('. he ~s· one m nst a!so play well."' Tan<lsch WH>< never, it. .'ee lll ~ to me. tlllln on t he last (Jay of th e Yienna (louble·round tournament or J 898_ Pi1l~· bury's score and his were e"en. Pi ll sbury B-03 N,N 0 - 0 0 - 02 faced Baird. an eas)" "icLOry. :,\' 01 ~ o ('a~y "12 Q- 02 N - KR5 "17 Q- 82 P_B.t ,,-a s it for Tan ' a~ch to o"en:o lll c \\'al' 13 N,N B,N 18 K -Rt 8-01 brodt - always dangerOll ~. 14 P_ON4 Q_Ql 8- K 5 8 _82 The game goes like c lock,work: and. 15 Q,N 0-0 20" P_8-l 8,8 47 8-K2! O- Ql 50 R,R R,R at moye 41, White's King trearls lIP to 21 8Px8 0 - K2 48 B_R5 8,8 51 Q.R O-KBt win his OWI1 vir-tory , check: Q.8 R.R 52 P-K6 , - , = dbL ~h eck : 'J" c'h. 49 Res ignl CHESS REVIEW 'HI ",crUll eNUS MAOAZIH' Volumn 24 Number 9 September, EDITED &. P UBLISHED BY "" I. A. Horow itz Readers are invited to use these columns for their INDEX comments on ma tters of interest to chessplayers. FEAT U RE S East Yaphank U n ivers ity Incident __ 272 Ga me of t he Mont h ____ ____ ____ ____ 264 Ost e nd International ______________ 266 Short H ist o ry of Chess ____________ 270 Why You L ose at C h ess ___ ___ ____ _ 276 DEP ARTMEN T S Announce the Mate! 258 Chess C lub Di rect ory ____ _________ _ 263 Chessboard Magic! ____ ________ ___ _ 277 Ga mes from Rece nt Events ___ ____ _ 278 H ow t o Win I n t he E n d in g ___ ___ __ _ 274 P ost a l Chess ___________ __________ _ 284 Sol ita ire C hess ________ ___________ _ 273 Spot light on Openings ____________ _ 268 Tour nament Calendar _____________ _ 262 Wor ld of Ch ess 259 E DITOR I . A. HOM,,'ltz E XECU TIVE EDITOR J(L(:K Straley B a.tte ll CON T RIB UT ING E DIT ORS l. Cherney. J. W. COll ins. T. A. Dun$t, Dt·. M. l!:uWIl , Hana Kmoch. \V. Korn. The 06t end Cilslno (ilt left ) . S ee story, p. 266. l~red Relnleld, P. L. Rothenberg. COR RESPO ND ENTS OSTEND TO U R NAME NTS 1906 and 1956 gani~e lht! tournament. Among the Kib· AI~b a m~ E. M. Cockrell. What a n ice chap O 'Kellr is ~' n u can see itzers, there wa" the porl ier of the Casino, C~lIfornla J. B. G ~, Leroy j oh nson. Dr. H. Ralston. M. J. Hoyer. from Ihe fo llowing: when we met after the 72 years old, " 'ho $11 '" me at 1906, being Colorad o AI. 'V. R~e. OSlcnd T ournament in I3 ru;;sds 01\ Ill y way a t that time a bellbo y in the Casino. I am Connec ticut Edmund e. Hand. 10 lIIe: O e l~w a re i\1. R. Paul. hack Paris. he add ressed "Bern· afraid he is alm ost the o nly survivor of DIst. of Columblll M. V. Chur<:hlll. stein, I got the first pri",-e becau<'e you the whole chess crowil al Ostcnd, 1906. F l o rid ~ AlaJor J. B. Holt. P. C. Knolt. Ernest D0l111e r al end of lourna· G. Werber. lieke.-l the tlte ( Hem Dr. Bern.kin lists the principal Geergla It. L. Froemke. ment, I would like to givc you sollie ~ou · participants uf O"lenll. 1906, and states illinois Howa rd J. Ilell. J. O. ' Varren. I'enir. Whal wuuld "i<: .. ~e ~' O \l ?" In d l an ~ D. C. HUls. D. E . Rhead. t hat on ly he, 01l1'a5 a nd Rubinslein have Iowa 'V. O. Vanderburg. "Cive me a f{ ussian book:' Dy the way, survived.- ElJ.] Ken t ucky J. W. Mayer. O' Kell y studies R ussian alld ,< pea ks it KansH5 K. n. J\laoDonald. 011. O. B t;n j,\STt:IN Maryla nd Ch&.rle. Barasch. fl uenlly. Paris, France M a S5~c h useU' I'ranklln J. Sanborn O'Kdly g;Jve me the works "f Ihe g runt! Michigan R Buskager, J. R. \Va tson. MIn n eso t ~ n. C. Gove. Russian poet Len nonlof( (\\'hv i;. ;0 fu r REMI NDED Nebras k ~ 11. E. Ellsworth. J ack Spence, as L b i OI" al.:>o of Irish e Xlraction [ a n i\[any thanks for ynu r rem inde r. I h ll ve R. E. Weare. New Hamplhlre Hnlph ;\1. Gerth. apparent rderence to the liule joke at written 10 Ill y agenls asking Ihem 10 rcnew New York Walter ~roeh llc h. Edward Lasker. 0011 0111 uf page 266---ED.]) and wrote on m y $ \lb ~cr iplion 10 C II ESS R f:\·IF.w for H. M. Phil lip •. dedical ioll: "EII sOII~'ellir \'olre belle North C aroUn~ Dr. S. Noblin. it a de a nother tlt ree ycars. North Dakota D. C. Macdonald. victQir e slIr D Olln er qui 11/ '(( p ertl/is de rem· I shuuld li ke to take th is OjJPortunil )' Ohle Lawrence C. JaCkson. Jr.. Edwa rd F. I,orlrr [e premier prix a OSl elu[e, 1956. Johnson. of thanking ),011 for the very many hours Pennsylvania J. C. Bortner. ' VllIlam R. A. O'Kelly de Gu[,~ur . " of pleas ure and profit that you have af· Hamilton, Lee B.