Title 35 Public Health and Safety

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Title 35 Public Health and Safety TITLE 35 - PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY CHAPTER 1 - ADMINISTRATION ARTICLE 1 - IN GENERAL 35-1-101. Local contributions; disposition. All monies paid to the state treasurer representing contributions by city councils, county commissioners, trustees of school districts, or other public agencies, for public health purposes, shall be set up and designated on the books of the state treasurer in a separate account, and shall be expended and disbursed upon warrants drawn by the state auditor against said account when the vouchers therefor have been approved by the department of health. 35-1-102. Sanitation of public institutions. It shall be the duty of the officers, managers, superintendents, proprietors and lessees of all hospitals, asylums, infirmaries, prisons, jails, schools, theaters, public places and public institutions to remedy any and all defects relating to the unsanitary condition of such institution, or institutions, as may be under their control, when such defects shall have been called to their attention in writing by the department of health. 35-1-103. Neglect or failure of officials to perform duty. Any member of the department of health, any county health officer, or any officer, superintendent, or principal of any city, town, county or institution named in this act, who shall fail or neglect to perform any of the duties herein required of them, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or shall be confined in the county jail for a period of not less than six (6) months, nor more than a year, or both. 35-1-104. Applicability of provisions; exceptions. This act shall not apply to publications, advertisements or notices of the United States government, the state of Wyoming or of any city in the state of Wyoming. 35-1-105. Prohibited acts; penalty for violations. (a) No person, corporation or other organization nor representative thereof shall: (i) Willfully violate, disobey or disregard the provisions of the public health laws of Wyoming or the terms of any lawful notice, order, rule or regulation issued pursuant thereto; (ii) Repealed by Laws 1982, ch. 75, § 5. (iii) Being a person charged by law or rule of the department of health with the duty of reporting the existence of disease or other facts and statistics relating to the public health, fail to make or file such reports as required by law or requirement of the department; (iv) Conduct a business or activity for which the department requires a certificate or permit without such a certificate or permit; (v) Willfully and falsely make or alter any certificate or certified copy thereof issued pursuant to public health laws of Wyoming; (vi) Knowingly transport or accept for transportation, interment or other disposition a dead human body without an accompanying permit issued in accordance with the public health laws of Wyoming or the rules of the department; or (vii) Being the owner or occupant of private property upon which there shall exist a nuisance, source of filth or cause of sickness, willfully fail to remove the same at his own expense within forty-eight (48) hours after being ordered to do so by health authorities. (b) Upon conviction of any of the offenses prohibited in subsection (a) of this section, the violator shall be fined not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment not to exceed six (6) months, or both, and shall be liable for all expense incurred by health authorities in removing the nuisance, source of filth or cause of sickness. No conviction under the penalty provisions of this act or of any other public health laws shall relieve any person from an action in damages for injury resulting from violation of public health laws. 35-1-106. Penalty for violations. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this act, or any lawful rule or regulation made by the state department of health pursuant to the authority herein granted, or who shall fail or refuse to obey any lawful order issued by any state, county or municipal health officer pursuant to the authority granted in this act shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and shall be punished except as otherwise provided therein by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00), or by imprisonment for not more than one (1) year or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE 2 - DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH 35-1-201. Exceptions with reference to religion. Except as provided in W.S. 35-4-113, with respect to all persons who, either on behalf of themselves or their minor children or wards, rely in good faith upon spiritual means or prayer in the free exercise of religion to prevent or cure disease, nothing in this act shall have the effect of requiring or giving any health officer or other person the right to compel any such person, minor child or ward, to go or be confined in a hospital, or other medical institution unless no other place for quarantine of such person, minor child, or ward can be secured, nor to compel any such person, child, or ward to submit to any medical treatment. 35-1-220. Legal advisers; provisions as to enforcement. The attorney general of Wyoming shall be legal adviser for the department of health and shall defend it in all action and proceedings brought against it. The district attorney for the county in which a cause of action may arise, shall bring any action requested by the department to abate a condition which exists in violation of, or to restrain or enforce any action which is in violation of, or to prosecute for the violation of, or for the enforcement of, the public health laws of Wyoming. If he fails to so act, the department may bring any such action and shall be represented by the attorney general or by special counsel. 35-1-221. Judicial review of decisions. (a) Any person aggrieved and affected by a decision of the department of health shall be entitled to judicial review thereof, by filing in the district court of the Wyoming county of his residence, within thirty (30) days after such decision, an appropriate action requesting such review. The court may make any interested person a party to the action. The review shall be conducted by the court without a jury and shall be confined to the department's record, if a complete record is so presented, except that in cases of alleged irregularities in the record or in the procedure before the department, testimony may be taken in and by the court, which may affirm the department's decision or may reserve or modify it if the substantial rights of the appellant have been prejudiced as a result of the findings and decisions of the department because: (i) Contrary to or affecting constitutional rights or privileges; or (ii) In excess of statutory authority or jurisdiction of the department, or resulting from other error or law; or (iii) Made or promulgated upon unlawful procedure; or (iv) Unsupported by substantial evidence in view of the entire record as submitted; or (v) Arbitrary or capricious. (b) Any party may have a review of the final judgment or decision of the district court by appeal to the supreme court of Wyoming. 35-1-222. Sanitary information generally. The department of health shall cause all proper sanitary information in its possession to be promptly forwarded to the county health officers, adding thereto such useful suggestions as the experience of the department may supply, and it is also hereby made the duty of said county health officers to supply the like information and suggestions to the department of health, and the department of health is authorized to require reports and information at such times of such facts and of such nature and extent relating to the safety of life and promotion of health as its bylaws or rules may provide; from all public or private dispensaries, hospitals, asylums, infirmaries, prisons, schools, and from managers, principals, and officers thereof, and from all other public institutions, their officers, managers and from the proprietors, managers, lessees, and occupants of all places of public resort in the state, but such reports and information shall only be required concerning matters or particulars in respect to which they may in their opinion need information for the proper discharge of their duties. The department shall, when requested by public authorities, or when they may deem it best advise the officers of the state, counties, cities, or towns or local governments in regard to sanitary drainage and the location, drainage, ventilation and sanitary provisions of any public institution, building or public place. 35-1-223. Cooperation to prevent spread of contagious diseases; report of epidemics or diseases required from local health officials. The department of health shall give all information that may be reasonably requested concerning any threatened danger to the public health, and the local health officers and all the state, county, city and town officers in the state shall give the like information to the state health officer, and the department and said state, county, city and town officers, insofar as legal and practicable, shall cooperate to prevent the spread of diseases, and for the protection of life and the promotion of health within the sphere of their respective duties. When in any county, an epidemic or contagious or infectious disease including venereal diseases, is known to exist, it shall be the duty of the county health officer of such county to immediately notify the state health officer of the existence of the same, with such facts as to its cause and continuance as may then be known.
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