Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. d SANITARY FAIR SALE.

THOMAS BIRCH & SON, Auctioneers.




The following articles are all German, being a donation from Stuttgart, &c. Lots 1 to 28.


1. Wooden Basket.

2. Fancy Pen-wiper.

3. Do. do.

4. Pincushion.

5. Do.

6. Breakfast Shawl.

7. Do. do.

8. Lady's Scarf.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 9. Mark-satin Bag and Cake of Wax.

10. Fancy Needle-worked Cushion.

11. 2 Crochet Mats.

12. Fancy Needle-work Cover for Chair.

13. Piece of Fancy-work on Leather.

14. Pair of Cloth Slippers, worked in Gold and Beads.

15. Pair Slippers, worked on Canvas.

16. Bead-Mat, worked in Purple.

17. Fancy Leather Mat.

18. Elegant Piece of Bead-work for Circular Table.

19. Bronzed Comic Paper Weight and Match Box.

20. Beautifully Carved Salad Spoon and Fork.

21. Colored Toilet-Bottle and Glass.

22. Elegant Fancy Box.

23. Portable Hat-rack. 4 24. Handsome Small Book-holder.

25. Fancy Ottoman.

26. Photograph Album; Carved Wooden Cover.

27. Porcelain Shade.

28. Autograph Album.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 29. Affghan.

30. 2 Fancy Aprons and Nightcap.

31. Beautifully Worked Lace Collar and Pair of Sleeves.

32. Handsome Handkerchief Sachet.

33. Do. do. do.

34. Wax Fruit, framed.

35. Dried Flowers, in Carved Frames.

36. Do. do. do. small.

37. Wax Fruit, framed.

38. Gold Pen and Pencil-Case.

39. Set of Cameos.

40. Silver-mounted Flute.

41. Indian War-Club.

42. Tippoo Saib's Opium Pipe.

43. Pair Red Turkish Slippers.

44. Do. New do.

45. Do. New do.

46. Turkish Bead Bag.

47. Do. do.

48. Pair Turkish Uppers for Slippers.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 49. Turkish Purse.

50. East Indian Sandal.

51. Portfolio of Antique Buttons.

52. Part of Cornice of William Penn's House, Letitia Court.

53. Gobelin Tapestry for a Screen. Antique.

54. Chinese Dish-cover, silver mounted.

55. Japanese Tomb, in Stone.

56. Natural Whip, made of Sea-weed.

57. Do. do. do.

58. Waterproof Dress, made of Bird-skins by the natives of South America. Handsomely ornamented. 5 59. Dress of Bark.

60. Set of Plantation Manacles.

61. Do. do. do.

62. Straw Cap.

63. “The Tribute Money.” A large piece of Worsted-work, 7 × 8 feet. Figures nearly life size.

64. A Gold-headed Cane, formerly General Jackson's. The wood from the frigate “Alliance.”

64a. Brass Inkstand. Captured by General Scott in the Hall of Montezuma, Mexico.

64b. Mexican Spurs.

65. Case of Chemical Elements.

66. Phial of Water from the Dead Sea.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 67. Phial containing a Frog, found in a cavity of the rock which accompanies it, also the affidavits of the finders.

68. Phial containing as Insect, caught in Independence Square on the day of the opening of the Great Central Fair.

69. Matrices of Hebrew and Greek Type, imported and used by .

70. Illustrations of the Bible, framed and glazed.

71. A set of Photographs of Microscopic objects. Quarto size.

72. Ary Scheffer's Engraving of Lafayette, with an Autograph Letter, handsomely framed.

73. Engraving of Washington, with Autograph. Handsomely framed and glazed.

The following splendid collection of German works were donated by the publisher.

74. Schiller's Poems. A magnificent edition, with photographs, wood engravings, and vignettes. Richest style of binding. Quarto.

75. Goethe's “Faust.” Illustrated folio. Full marocco binding.

76. Goethe's “Reinecke Fuchs.” Illustrated by Kaulbach. Quarto. Full calf binding.

77. Do. do. do. Small edition. 8vo., full calf binding.

78. Holy Bible. Quarto. Cloth binding.

79. Do. do. do. 6 80. Strauss “Länder und Stätten der Heiligen Schrift.” Quarto. Cloth binding.

81. Hochstetten, Neu Iceland. 8vo. Cloth.

82. Herder's “Cid.” Illustrated. 8vo. Full calf.

83. Schiller's Works. 2 vols., 8vo. Paper.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 84. Do. do. do.

85. Goethe's Works. 6 vols., 8vo. Paper.

86. Do. do.

87. Lessing's Works. 2 vols. 8vo. Paper.

88. Do. do. do.

89. “Gartenlaube,” 1862. Illustrated. Quarto, half bound.

90. Schwab's “Sager des Allerthums.” 3 vols., 12mo. Paper.

91. Ten Engravings. Illustrating Schiller.

92. Do. do. do.

93. Do. do. Goethe.

94. Do. do. do.

95. Account of the Rise and Progress of the People called .

By William Penn. 1783.

96. A Map of the Route from Philadelphia to the Indian Treaty of 1793, to be held on or near the Miami River.

97. Bellarminos Enervatus. 1628.

98. Historia Paparum seu Episcoporum Ecclesiæ Romanæ. 1688.

99. Euclid's Elementarum. 1607.

100. The Philosophical Dictionary. Vol. 1. 1786. Containing the Autograph of W. Bradford.

101. A Philosophical Account of the Works of Nature. 1721.

102. Physico-Theology. 1716.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 103. Josephus' Works. Translated by Sir Roger L'Estrange. 1755. Folio edition. Very fine. Illustrated with maps and engravings.

104. Two Curious Old Maps: Carte de France, 1803. Plan de Paris, 1804.

105. A New Plan of . 1775.

106. Old French Bible. Imperfect.

107. Prayers in Twenty-six Languages. Fine Edition.

108. National Portrait Gallery. 19 Numbers.

109. Autograph Books and Framed Autographs.

Warrant for the Arrest of Benedict Arnold, the Traitor, for Drunkenness, at the age of Twenty. (Framed and glazed.) 7 110 Petition of Prisoners in the Debtors' Department to be Removed from Philadelphia on Account of the Yellow Fever then raging, August 28th, 1799. Written by John Nicholson, and signed by him, Robert Morris, and others. (Framed and glazed.)

111. Photograph Album of the Bishops and Clergy of the Episcopal Church, with Autographs.

112. Small Book of Autographs.

113. Miscellaneous Autographs. Bound.

114. Book of Autograph Letters of Bishops of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. Nearly a complete series, embracing about sixty fine letters, commencing with Bishop White, and including many of the rarest names. Illustrated with over forty Photographs and engraved Portraits. One large 4to. volume, handsomely bound in half morocco.


Each Lot consists of Ten Autographs.


Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 1. S. D. Ingham, C. Littre, Thomas Wharton, Jr., Rev. Dr. Johns, Jared Ingersoll, Commodore Warrington, Richard M. Johnson, &c.

2. Professor Felton, H. D. Gilpin, Langdon Cheves, John C. Calhoun, , Thomas Jefferson, &c.

3. S. D. Ingham, General Jessup, Bishop Meade, General North, George M. Dallas, &c.

4. William Tilghman (C. J.), Colonel B. Tallmadge, Daniel Webster, John Tyler, General Knox, Bishop Doane, &c.

5. G. Duval, Dr. Engleman (botanist), General Charles Ellet, General Rosecrans, Senator John Sherman, &c.

6. Jared Ingersoll, William Rawle, Richard M. Johnson, Sir William Johnson, Daniel Webster, &c.

7. Peruzzi, John Jacob Astor, John Hancock, Alexander Hamilton, &c.

8. Baron Steuben, Professor Silliman, Sr., William H. Seward, John Sergeant, Charles Sumner, &c. 8 9. Richard H. Wilde, Dr. Caspar Wistar, William Wirt, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., &c.

10. Horace Binney, Rev. G. W. Bethune, George S. Hillard, H. W. Herbert, Francis Hopkinson, &c.

11. General Henry Lee, Louis XVI., General Henry Knox, Albert Newsam, Bishop Meade, &c.

12. Robert Morris, Governor Hamilton, O. W. Holmes, Richard Rush, Daniel Webster, &c.

13. Henry Westmacott Wilberforce, Bishop Meade, Robert Morris, Bishop Kip, &c.

14. Professor Woolsey, J. G. Wood, Oliver Wolcott, Jr., Levi Woodbury, N. P. Willis, John F. Watson, &c.

15. Dr. Benjamin Rush, Thaddeus Stevens, Duchess of Sutherland, Bishop Chase, &c.

16. Professor Webster (Murderer of Dr. Parkman), Richard Peters, John F. Watson, J. K. Paulding, Robert Morris, Charles Sumner, &c.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 17. Theophilus Parsons, Wendell Phillips, E. Recluse Raffinet, R. Rosette, Daniel Webster, Robert Morris, &c.

18. Henry Longfellow, B. J. Lossing, J. R. Lowell, James Monroe, Bishop Meade, &c.

19. William F. Porter, N. P. Banks, John Bright, Bishop Doane, &c.

20. Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, Professor Silliman, Benjamin Stoddart, John J. Audubon, &c.

21. Robert Morris, G. W. Lafayette, Abbot Lawrence, Sir Thomas Lawrence, C. R. Leslie, General Henry Lee, &c.

22. Francis R. Shunk, Charles Sumner, Hon. Benjamin Wade, David Wilmot, Professor Webster, Bishop Whittingham, John Wheelock, &c.

23. Sir William Pepperrell, A. D. Bache, N. P. Banks, John Bright, Nicholas Biddle, James Buchanan, &c.

24. Stanfield (artist), Abraham M. Walton, D. B. Warden, Hope & Co. (bankers), &c.

25. Captain H. W. Sawyer, George Poindexter, J. G. Palfrey, E. Channing, General D. L. Clinch, W. C. Macready, &c.

26. Louis XVI, Richard M. Johnson, G. R. Gliddon, Benjamin V. French, Edward Everett, Peter S. Duponceau, &c.

27. Richard M. Johnson, Edward Everett, De Witt Clinton, George W. Bethune, John Jacob Astor, &c. 9 28. Drake De Kay, Bishop Philander Chase, Professor Agassiz, Alexander Hamilton, &c.

29. Samuel Huntington, Edward Everett, Frank Buchanan, Letter in Arabic, &c.

30. General Jessup, Governor Thomas H. Hicks, J. Fenimore Cooper, &c.

31. Maria Theresa, Sir Thomas Lawrence, John F. Watson, General Lafayette, J. G. Lockhart, Joseph Whitworth, &c.

32. James Russell Lowell, William Wirt, E. P. Whipple, Fernando Wood, &c.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 33. Commodore William Bainbridge, Malte Brun, J. Fenimore Cooper, Baron Steuben, Major William Jackson; &c.

34. E. Joy Morris, Barbe Marbois, Robert Morris, James Madison, Dr. Samuel L. Mitchell, John McLean, &c.

35. Marie Amelia, Armand Marrast, Miss Eliza Leslie, Robert Morris, Bishop McIlvaine, &c.

36. Mrs. Kirkland, John Foster, Edward Everett, Changarnier, Lord Amherst, &c.

37. George Ticknor, George Francis Train, Thomas Fitzsimmons, Albert Gallatin, Daniel Webster, &c.

38. Guizot, Professor Felton, R. W. Emerson, Isaac Coffin, Governor John Andrew, &c.

39. Judge Kane, George III, Felician David, Richard Cobden, Doctor Arnold of Rugby, &c.

40. Anna Maria Hall, William Godwin, Professor Faraday, John C. Dahlgren, Allan Cunningham, &c.

41. John Philip Kemble, George Berti, Theodore Frelinghuysen, J. Fenimore Cooper, &c.

42. Dr. R. M. Patterson, Charles Lyell, Louis XVIII, Morgan Lewis, &c.

43. Rufus Choate, J. Crofton Croker, John J. Audubon, Richard M. Johnson, Francis F. Key, &c.

44. Henry R. Schoolcraft, Benjamin Silliman, W. Gilmore Simms, Robert Dale Owen, George D. Prentice, &c.

45. D. Huntington, Millard Fillmore, John J. Audubon, &c.

46. Thomas Sully, E. Oakes Smith, Commodore Tingey, Robert Walsh, Annie Mary Howitt, Watts, Bishop White, &c. 10 47. Mrs. C. M. Kirkland, Dr. J. G. Godman, Charlotte Elizabeth, Six pages of manuscript, J. Fenimore Cooper, &c.

48. Dr. Joseph Hooker, C. L. Eastlake (artist), Miss Dix, George Bancroft, General John Armstrong, &c.

49. Colonel Joseph Kirkland, John Gibson (sculptor), Hon. Edward Everett, Miss D. L. Dix, &c.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 50. General Winfield Scott, Dr. P.S. Physick, M. M. Noah, James Monroe, General John Lacey, Owen Lovejoy, &c.

51. Hon. Rufus Choate, Lord Campbell (C. J.), An Arabic Note, John J. Audubon, Albert Gallatin, &c.

52. Professor Samuel Miller, Daniel Webster, Commodore Wilkes, Thomas Wharton, Jr., &c.

53. Rufus W. Griswold, William H. Crawford, George W. Curtis, , Bishop Kemper, &c.

54. Daniel Webster, Nathaniel Silsbee, John C. Calhoun, Rev. J. Todd, Lewis Cass, &c.

55. Henry Clay, Judge Stroud, Benjamin Stoddart, Edward Everett, Theophilus Parsons, &c.

56. Alexander J. Dallas, William Cobbett, Professor B. Silliman, Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, Commodore Charles Stewart, &c.

57. Tench Tilghman, W. A. Seward, T. B. Thorpe, Hon. Jeremiah Smith, &c.

58. Mary Sommerville, Commodore Read, Josiah Quincy, Sir Joseph Paxton, A. Dudley Mann, Prince Nesselrode, Louis XVI, &c.

59. Klapka, Louis Kossuth, Joseph Hopkinson, General Franklin and Staff, Commodore Barney, Carlo Alberto, General Walbridge, N. P. Willis, &c.

60. Martin Van Buren, Charles Thomson, Mary Howitt, Hon. Charles Sumner, &c.

61. Professor Felton, T. Ewing, Miss Dix, George Combe, Charles, King of France, Daniel Boone, Jared Sparks, James Abercrombie, &c.

62. Walter Savage Landor, Professor Edward Robinson, James Parton, Thomas Ogden, &c.

63. John Bright, George M. Curtis, James Duane, Dr. Hare, Andrew Jackson, &c.

64. Montenelli, James Madison, William Gilmore Simms, General Arthur St. Clair, Judge Story, &c. 11 65. Charles Sumner, C. S. Rafinesque, Duke of Rutland, Josiah Quincy, Lord Palmerston, William Paulding, Bishop Potter, &c.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 66. James Madison, Hon. Horace Maynard, James Thom (sculptor), Dr. William Smith, Francis R. Shunk, Thomas Say, Joseph Bonaparte, &c.

67. Dolly P. Madison, General George G. Meade, Michelet, Mignet, Dr. George McClellan, Lady Morgan, &c.

68. Lewis Cass, John J. Audubon, Edward Everett, A. Guyot, Archbishop Hughes, Amos Kendall, &c.

69. James Madison, Harriet Martineau, Montmorency, Lamartine, James Russel Lowell, Louis Philippe, &c.

70. Guizot, Andrew J. Downing, Governor Bigler, General N. P. Banks, &c.

71. Alexander Moultrie, Miss Mitford, Dr. Samuel Mitchell, James Monroe, Thomas Mifflin, &c.

72. Caroline Lee Hentz, Dr. N. Chapman, Lord Eldon, William Drayton, Charles Coffin, Jr., Robert T. Conrad, John Bright, &c.

73. General U. S. Grant, Bishop White, Samuel Rogers, Lord Sterling, Oliver Wendell Holmes, &c.

74. Rufus W. Griswold, Major A. B. Eaton, General H. Dearborn, Dr. Buckland, Professor J. H. Balfour, &c.

75. General Otho, Holland Williams, Robert Winthrop, Rev. Henry J. Morton, Governor William Markham, &c.

76. John McLean, General J. Mason, William Maclure, Armand Marrast, Horace Mann, &c.

77. Commodore John A. Dahlgren, Commodore S. H. Stringham, Richard Cobden, H. W. Breckenridge, &c.

78. Martin Van Buren, Marquis of Wellesley, Thomas L. McKenney, John McLean, Henry Lee, &c.

79. Governor Thomas Mifflin, General Henry Lee, C. R. Leslie, Jonathan Williams, Louis McLean, &c.

80. Samuel Breck, William Bingham, Robert Morris, Levi Woodbury, Richard Rush, &c.

81. Rev. Eliphalet Nott, F. R. Shunk, Duchess of Sutherland, Richard Rush, John J. Audubon, &c.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 82. Park Benjamin, Henry William Herbert, N. Dallas Bache, William T. Porter, Breck's manuscript, &c.

83. John C. Calhoun, Mathew Carey, John J. Audubon, Rev. A. P. Peabody, &c. 12 84. Francis Hopkinson, Wendell Phillips, Thomas W. Perkins, William Rawle, &c.

85. 24 Letters signed by General Lafayette.

86. Manuscript by T. W. Higginson (naturalist).

87. Manuscript of Oliver Wendell Holmes.

88. Manuscript of Harriet Beecher Stowe.

89. Manuscript of Harriet Beecher Stowe on Housekeeping.

90. Miscellaneous Letters, Autographs, &c.

91. 23 Miscellaneous Letters.

92. Sundry Autographs, chiefly military.

93. Deed and Seal of John Penn.

94. , by “Ike Marvel.”

95. Letter of James Watt, Inventor of the Steam Engine, written and signed.

96. Manuscript of George Sand.

97. Arabic Manuscript, signed by the Sultan and all his Court.

98. Valedictory Oration of Dr. Philip Syng Physic, 1785.

99. Preface to the American Edition of Saadis Galestin, in the handwriting of R. W. Emerson.

100. An article in the May number of the Atlantic, in the handwriting of George Augustus Sala.

101. Original Manuscript of John M. Clayton.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 102. Nine sheets of the Manuscript of J. Fenimore Cooper's Headsman.

103. Fine Folio Letter of General Andrew Jackson, Hermitage, 1822.

104. A Fine Letter of Robert Barclay (Barclay's Apology), to William Penn, 1681, signed “B,” very rare.

105. Manuscript by Harriet Martineau, of Lady Byron.

106. Frank of the Duke of Wellington.

107. Lot of 15 notes of English Artists, “ rare.”

108. Autograph of Governor Andrew, of Massachusetts, with seal, James Parton, Ricasoli, General N. P. Banks and Staff, David D. Porter and Staff, Jared Sparks, &c.

109. John Gill, interesting of the Revolution, Vanderkemp the great scholar, Governor John Andrew, &c.

110. C. S. Todd, Minister to Russia, Sarah K. Hale, , Epes Sargent, &c. 13 111. Professor Francis W. Newman, Thomas Unwins (artist), and eight others.

112. James T. Fields (poet), Edward Everett, C. Winthrop, R. W. Emerson, &c.

113. Several Lines, Autograph of the Duke of Wellington.

114. 12 Signatures of the Signers, some very rare.

115. Nathaniel Redgrave, C. L. Eastlake, Catharine Sinclair, and others.

116. Sir John Davis, Mrs. Jameson, Calver Marshall (sculptor), and others.

117. E. F. Dallas, Dr. George Wilson, Mrs. S. C. Hall, Lord Stanley, Peter Graham, and others.

118. E. M. Ward (artist), William Jordan (author), Sir Joseph Paxton, and others.

119. J. H. Foley (sculptor), Fine note of Lamartine, Lord Lovelace, and others.

120. Sir David Brewster, Sir James Brooke, David Roberts, Robert Hunt (author), and others.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 121. John Bright, J. Whitesides, Anna Maria Hall, Thomas Hughes (author), William Howitt, Duchess of Sutherland.

122. Beresford, S. C. Hall, N. Drouyn D'Lhuys, William H. Hunt (artist), Anna Maria Hall.

123. 41 Signatures of members of President Lincoln's Cabinet.

124. Florence Nightingale, T. K. Hervey, H. Rawlinson, Noel Parton (artist), John Richardson, and others.

125. Lichtenfeld, Minister of the Netherlands, Poetry by Elizabeth Gaskill, Author Life of Charlotte Bronte, Lamartine, C. L. Eastlake, D. Maclise, O. D. Bertillon.

126. Leopold, Prince of Syracuse, Dr. Waagen (critic), Prince Metternich, Count DeGolt, Prussian Ambassador, and others.

127. Duke of Cambridge and other foreign Autographs.

128. Baron Humboldt, fine note.

129. Annie Grant, S. W. Fairhill (author), Edward Faulkner, George Godwin, Princess Clotilde Bonaparte, &c.

130. Anna Maria Hall, Roderick Murchison, Mrs. Jameson, Sir John Macneill and others.

131. Frederick Taylor, President of the Society of Painters, Durham (sculptor), Foley (sculptor), and others. 14 132. George, Duke of Cambridge, Merle D'Aubigne, Harriet Sutherland, Thomas Carlyle, and others.

133. John W. Forney, Oliver Wolcott, Simon Greenleaf, L. Kossuth, Frederick Douglass, Millard Fillmore, and others.

134. Wendell Phillips, Charles Lyell (geologist), Governor Telfair, Amos Kendall, Bishop Kenrick, William Augustus Washington, Dr. Philip Syng Physick.

135. Albert Gallatin, John Gill, General U. S. Grant, George Francis Train, Rufus Choate, &c.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 136. Stephen Girard, Philip B. Key, Joseph Smith (Mormon), Edward Everett, William Preston, and others.

137. 77 Franks of Commodores, Miscellaneous, English.

138. 157 Franks, Miscellaneous.

139. Lot of Presidents and Vice-Presidents.

140. 250 Franks of Members of Congress, Senate, and Cabinets.

141. Signatures of Distinguished Englishmen.

142. 13 Autographs of the Royal Family of .

143. Old Seals of William Penn and old Deeds.

144. 194 Mounted Franks, of Poets, Statesmen, and others.

145. 400 Miscellaneous Signatures, Majors and Generals of the present war, and others.

146. Lot of Signatures, Miscellaneous.

147. Autographs of Commodores.

148. Original Manuscripts of Martha W. Cook, Elizabeth Randolph, Kate Putnam, and others.

149. Lot of fac similes of General Washington, Josiah Quincy, and Plan of the Cemetery at Gettysburg.

150. Lot Manuscript Sermons, General Montgomery, Prince Napoleon, Portrait of S. P. Chase, Old Deed, Two Sketches of Washington, and Commodore Chauncey.

151. Miscellaneous Lot of Portraits, Comparison of the Products of Free and Slave States by Diagram, Portrait of Washington, &c.

152. Endorsement of the “Great Central Fair,” by Lieutenant-General Grant (framed and glazed).

153. Endorsement of the “Great Central Fair,” by Major-General Warren (framed and glazed). 15

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http:// 154. Endorsement of the “Great Central Fair,” by Lieutenant-General U. S. Grant (framed and glazed).

155. The New England Weekly Journal (framed and glazed). Fac simile.

156. A piece of the Shirt Bosom of the Rebel General Barksdale, who was killed at Gettysburg.

157. Millard Fillmore, Wm. Pennington, J. Munroe (of Baltimore), W. H. Seward, and J. R. Ingersoll.

A Large Collection of Engravings, Photographs, Miscellaneous Books, Pamphlets, &c.

20 Brown Muskets and Bayonets.

1 Springfield Rifle and Sword Bayonet.

1 Fowling-piece, Single-barrelled, by “Freeman, Philadelphia.”

Cases of Minerals.

Sanitary fair sale. Thomas Birch & son. Auctioneers. Catalogue of valuable illustrated German books, needle work, autographs, relics, and curiosities, guns, etc. etc to be sold for the benefit of the Great Central fair, on Wednesday morning, Dec. 21, 1864. at 11'clock, at the auction store, No. 1110 Chestnut Street, Philad. Thomas Birch & son, Auctioneers. Sherman & Co. Printers. http://