February 2018

Version Control Owner: Rachael Hanmer-Dwight Last modified: 29/03/2018 Review Date: 2019

@LJMUGoGreen @ @LiverpoolSU

[email protected] LJMU Green Travel Plan

1. Overview p.1 1.1. Aim of the Travel Plan p.2 1.2. LJMU Estate Masterplan and Student Connected Village p.2 1.3. Sustainable Travel Policy p.2

2. What we Monitor p.2

3. Objectives p.3

4. University Travel p.4 4.1 Business Travel p.4 4.2 University Fleet p.5

5. Travel Surveys and Targets p.6 5.1 Staff Travel p.6 5.2 Student Travel p.7

6. Getting to and From University p.8 6.1 Walking and Cycling p.9 6.2 Buses p.13 6.3 Trains p.14 6.4 Ferry p.17 6.5 Merseytravel Passes p.18 6.6 Public Transport Journey Apps p.19 6.7 IM Marsh Travel Grant p.20 6.8 Taxis p.21 6.9 Car Sharing p.22 6.10 LJMU Car Parking p.23

7. Accessibility p.24 7.1 Accessible Journey Planning p.25 7.2 Access between buildings p.25 7.3 Accessible Public Transport p.26 7.4 Accessible-friendly Taxis p.26 7.5 Disabled Car Parking p.27 7.6 Long Term Aims p.27

8. Working Together p.28 8.1 LJMU Travel Initiatives p.29 8.2 Working in Partnership p.29 LJMU Green Travel Plan

9. Campus Guides p.31 9.1 City Centre Campus p.32 9.2 Mount Pleasant Campus p.33 9.3 IM Marsh Campus p.34 9.4 Lairdside Maritime Centre p.35 9.5 Copperas Hill p.36

10. Going Forward p.37 10.1 Next Steps p.38 10.2 Get in Touch p.38

Appendices p.39 Policy Context p.40 Merseytravel and Maps p.44 LJMU Location Map p.47 Travel Plan Action Plan p.49

Tables and Charts: Business Travel Emissions 2014-2017 p.4 Business Travel Emissions 2016-17 p.4 University Fleet – total emissions p.5 University Fleet – Diesel and Petrol Consumption p.5 How do our staff travel to work? p.6 How do our students travel to University? p.7 Approximate walking times between LJMU buildings p.9 Approximate walking times between Halls and LJMU p.10 Cycling facilities on campus p.11 Stagecoach bus fares p.13 Arriva bus fares p.13 PlusBus fares p.13 Merseyrail train fares p.14 Train stations closest to Student Halls p.15 Train stations closest to LJMU campuses p.16 Ferry fares p.17 Merseytravel ‘Walrus’ Card – bus travel p.18 Merseytravel passes – bus, rail and ferry p.18 Private Hire Taxi Operators p.21 Car Parking Provision p.23 Disabled Car Parking Spaces p.27 Staff Travel Schemes p.29

0 LJMU Green Travel Plan

Overview: Monitoring Objectives Staff/Student Travel Data University Business Travel

1 LJMU Green Travel Plan

1. Overview – what is this Travel Plan for? 1.1 Aim of the Travel Plan This Travel Plan has been developed by Liverpool John Moores University to assist with the delivery of related initiatives and communications to staff and students, promoting the use of sustainable transport in order to minimise the impact on the environment, and achieving carbon and cost savings for the University.

The Travel Action Plan (Appendix D) incorporates a package of measures and recommendations to encourage the use of alternatives to single-occupancy car-use and promote increased accessibility and sustainable modes of transport 1.2 LJMU Estate Masterplan This Travel Plan aligns with LJMU’s current Estate Masterplan, which aspires to unite several LJMU campuses by creating a new route from Lime Street Station, through the Copperas Hill site to the Mount Pleasant campus. This will strengthen the connectedness of different buildings, and in part contribute to LJMU’s carbon emissions reduction obligations. Extending from this, the bold plans for a new city centre development around Copperas Hill will transform an underused area of Liverpool, creating a new focal point for University operations plus exceptional facilities and services for students, staff and the wider community.

The Copperas Hill development will address current problems such as pedestrian access, acting as a gateway to the LJMU campus and Knowledge Quarter. It will further assist with improved transit across the estate and a reduced need to depend on high-emission modes of transport (e.g. single passenger car journeying). From a location perspective, Copperas Hill will be extremely supportive to future travel plan: the site is adjacent to Lime Street station and within a few minutes’ walking distance of the other city train stations, all bus route stops, bus stations, and Citybike posts. 1.3 Sustainable Travel Policy The University’s Sustainable Travel Policy was introduced in November 2016 as the University recognised its environmental impact on university-related travel, and the Policy commits the University to identify, monitor and reduce these impacts. The Policy can be viewed at

Appendix A provides a more detailed outline of relevant internal and local policy.

2 What we monitor As part of the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) Estate Management return, LJMU annually monitors the following:

• University-owned vehicle fleet emissions • Estimated staff commute emissions (from and fuel usage (petrol and diesel) car, rail, bus and other) • Business travel emissions – air, rail, car/van • Estimated student study travel emissions hire and grey fleet (personal vehicle use (from car, rail, bus and other) for business trips)

2 LJMU Green Travel Plan

3 Objectives The Travel Plan’s objectives draw on those outlined in a number of policy documents, (see Appendix A for fuller details):

Objective To improve access to all LJMU buildings for all staff, students and visitors.

Objective To increase the travel survey participation rate.

Objective Promote active travel (walking and cycling) to enhance health and wellbeing of LJMU students and staff.

Objective To put measures in place to reduce potential negative impact of travel on the environment, by encouraging the use of more sustainable modes of transport.

Objective To reduce the number of single occupant car journeys and car dependency, and consequently ease car parking congestion at the University.

3 LJMU Green Travel Plan

4 University Travel 4.1 Business Travel The chart below indicates emissions arising from the University’s business travel. Air travel accounts for the greatest proportion of these aggregated emissions; grey fleet (use of personal vehicle for business trips with mileage claimed through expenses) has stayed relatively static; and both car/van hire and rail emissions have gradually reduced.

4 LJMU Green Travel Plan

4.2 University Fleet Overall fuel consumption and emissions from the University-owned vehicle fleet have both gradually increased over the past four years, as indicated by the charts below.

LJMU has incorporated two Lexus NX300h hybrid cars within the University vehicle fleet. Both vehicles are estimated to complete 20,000 miles per annum. LJMU are currently seeking commercial offers for the replacement of both its light commercial vehicle (LCV) and executive vehicle fleets and have included an option for up to 3 LCV’s to be all electric and for one of its executive fleet to be equipped with hybrid technology. LJMU has two electric vehicle charging stations situated at Byrom Street.

5 LJMU Green Travel Plan

5 Surveys and Targets The chart below illustrates LJMU’s staff and student travel preferences since 2005 as a long-term monitoring exercise, including a comment on participation rates. The most recent Staff and Student Travel Surveys were conducted in March 2018 with a participation rate of 15% and 12%, respectively.

Staff and Student Travel Surveys will be conducted every two academic years. This will reduce conflict with other surveys (e.g. the National Student Survey) and will deliver data for extrapolating carbon emissions for the annual HESA (Higher Education Statistics Agency) Estate Management Return which operates a 24 month validity period for travel data entered.

Target A robust approach for effective communication, promotion and potential incentivising will be undertaken to support the aim for minimum participation rates of 20% in Staff Travel Surveys, and 10% in Student Travel Surveys.

5.1 Staff Travel

Staff areas for improvement: A postcode plot (a mapping exercise which illustrates the radius that staff are commuting within), walking challenges and overall promotion of the fitness and wellbeing benefits of walking up to 5 miles a day could encourage higher walking rates. Exploring options for encouraging and supporting car share amongst staff, or promoting affordable public transport options, could be effective in reducing single-passenger car journeys down to 25%. This is important as the proportion single-passenger car journeys is slowly creeping up since 2014.

6 LJMU Green Travel Plan

Target Reduce staff single passenger car journeys to 25%

Target Increase staff public transport commuting to at least 50%

5.2 Student Travel

Student areas for improvement: LJMU as a predominantly city-based university lends itself to walking (which is now the modal choice for more than a third of LJMU students) and public transport. Single passenger car is slowly increasing since 2015, however. This presents an opportunity to look at how the University can better support alternatives such as car sharing, cycling (which remains a minimal modal choice for LJMU students), and affordable public transport options.

Target! Reduce student single passenger car journeys to at most 10%

Target! Increase student active travel (walking and cycling) to at least 40%

7 LJMU Green Travel Plan

Getting to and from University: Walking and Cycling Buses Trains Ferry Journey Planner Apps IM Marsh Travel Grant Taxis Car Sharing Car Parking


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6 Travel and Transport in Liverpool

6.1 Walking and Cycling Walking and cycling – also known collectively as active travel – are simple ways of incorporating physical activity into our daily lives. Walking and cycling provide the following benefits:

 Healthier and happier staff and students, and increased productivity;  Reduced stress and improved health which leads to lifestyle improvements;  Reduced absenteeism due to healthier staff; and  Overall reduced traffic levels which result in less pollution and improve air quality in the local area, as well as fewer accidents.

The LJMU city campus enjoys good accessibility between buildings and the student halls of accommodation. To find out your best route – including how many calories you can burn and how

much CO2 you could save – the urban walking route planner ‘Walkit’ is a great tool. This is available at, or alternatively as an app on either iOS or Android. Identifying a ‘walking buddy’ is also a helpful initiative, especially during the winter months (see 5.8 Car and Journey Share).

Approximate walking times between main LJMU buildings

ADA rpool SU Aquinas Redmonds John Foster Joe H Makin Live Avril Robarts Byrom Street Copperas Hill Copperas Drama Centre Egerton Court Egerton Rodney House Aldham Robarts Exchange Station

2 21 Avril Robarts 6 Minutes 24 Minutes 19 Minutes 25 Minutes 16 Minutes Minutes Minutes

Byrom Street 10 18 6 Minutes 22 Minutes 15 Minutes 24 Minutes 14 Minutes Campus Minutes Minutes

Exchange 10 19 2 Minutes 21 Minutes 21 Minutes 22 Minutes 16 Minutes Station Minutes Minutes Redmonds 21 18 19 Building 3 Minutes 3 Minutes 6 Minutes 5 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes ADA John Foster Aquinas 24 22 21 Liverpool SU 3 Minutes 1 Minutes 6 Minutes 8 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Aldham Robarts Rodney House 19 15 21 3 Minutes 1 Minutes 5 Minutes 6 Minutes Egerton Court Minutes Minutes Minutes Joe H Makin 25 24 22 6 Minutes 6 Minutes 5 Minutes 11 Minutes Drama Centre Minutes Minutes Minutes

16 14 16 Copperas Hill 5 Minutes 8 Minutes 6 Minutes 11 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Approximate walking times between Student Halls and LJMU buildings

oster ADA Court House Centre Drama Station Rodney Aldham Aldham Egerton Egerton Aquinas Exchange Redmonds John F Joe Makin H Liverpool SU Liverpool Avril Robarts Avril Byrom Street Byrom Copperas Hill

Agnes Jones House 29 28 28 11 9 5 17 8 Minutes (Catharine Street) Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes

Albert Court ( 21 17 23 11 13 18 9 11 Minutes Road) Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes

24 23 22 10 8 6 13 The Arch (Nelson Street) 11 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes 4 3 7 15 17 20 13 Byrom Point 18 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes 22 17 25 15 18 22 14 Europa (Erskine Street) 15 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes

Grand Central (Skelhorne 15 13 16 5 8 11 2 9 Minutes Street) Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes

72 Great Crosshall Street 4 3 7 15 17 20 13 18 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes

The Glassworks (Vauxhall 1 9 4 20 21 24 16 22 Minutes Road) Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes

23 19 12 13 Minutes 10 8 Grenville Street 22 15 minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes 8 7 11 22 24 Minutes 24 26 Liberty Atlantic Point 19 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes (Naylor Street) Minutes

1 8 4 18 20 Minutes 19 22 14 Liberty Gardens (Hatton Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Garden)

24 19 26 14 14 Minutes 17 21 12 Liberty Prospect Point Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes (Moira Street)

2 8 4 20 22 Minutes 21 24 16 Marybone 1,2, & 3 Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes (Marybone)

19 15 21 6 8 Minutes 8 12 4 St Andrew’s Gardens (Moor Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Place)

St Luke’s View (Oldham 20 19 20 5 4 5 9 5 Minutes Street) Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes

Unite Student Village (USV) 26 24 26 7 6 6 13 3 Minutes ( St) Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes Minutes


LJMU Green Travel Plan

LJMU is well served with cycling storage spaces, equipment lockers and changing facilities on site. The campus also benefits from a dedicated University Cycle Route which offers cyclists a less congested route between the city centre and IM Marsh: This route takes approximately 25 minutes–

that’s around 200 calories burned and 1.3kg CO2 saved per trip!

Cycle Facilities at LJMU Buildings Storage Secure/ Total Changing Location Availability Sheltered Showers Lockers Type enclosed Capacity Facilities IM Marsh Sheffield Staff, Students No Yes 10 Campus Stands & Visitors (Main    vehicular Staff, Students Cycle Pod No Yes 10 site & Visitors entrance)

Byrom Sheffield Staff, Students No No 30 Street Stands & Visitors Campus    (Main Cycle Pod Staff, Students Yes Yes Entrance)

Byrom Street Sheffield Staff, Students Campus No No 36 Stands & Visitors (Internal    Storage) John Foster Campus Sheffield Staff, Students No Yes 20 (Main Stands & Visitors    Entrance) Art and Design Sheffield Staff & Building Yes No 48 Stands Students (Internal    Storage) Redmond No Building Sheffield Staff, Students (Sometimes Yes & No 90 (Main Stands & Visitors    Gated) Entrance) Henry Cotton Sheffield Staff, Students Building No No 40 Stands & Visitors (Main    Entrance) Tithebarn Street Sheffield Staff, Students No No 24 (Main Stands & Visitors    Entrance) Tithebarn Sheffield Staff, Students Street Yes No 30    Stands & Visitors (Rear)


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.1.1 Cycle Storage CCTV

Eight state-of-the-art CCTV cameras are operational across the campus in key cycle storage areas. Funding was obtained by the Environment Team from the Department for Transport, administered through Merseytravel. The LJMU Security Team has also delivered initiatives such as discounted D- locks for students to ensure that the LJMU cycling community feels more secure in its transport choice.

6.1.2 Citybikes for Hire

Liverpool City Council launched its Citybike scheme in May 2014, the largest one of its kind in the UK outside of London. During 2014, LJMU worked with the Liverpool Citybike Scheme, in conjunction with Liverpool City Council, to arrange for a suite of Citybike hubs to be installed at key buildings and sites. Subsequently free taster days on the Citybikes have been offered to students during the LJMU Welcome Weeks, while a pilot staff Citybike scheme took place in 2016/17.

The green Citybikes around the city can be hired for as little as £1 a day and £5 a week. Alternatively, if you join the Citybike scheme as an annual member for £55 (or £50 if you are a student), you can make as many 30 minute bike rides as you like for free – that’s as little as 15p a day for the annual membership fee! Further details on Citybike can be found at LJMU Sustainability and Environmental Team aim to engage with corporate deals for students and staff; all enquiries should be directed using the contacts at the end of this document.

• Full breakdown of the standard prices, including hourly rates: • Special tariffs, including student discount: • Map and list of Citybike stations across Liverpool, including at LJMU sites:

6.1.3 Bike & Go hire and free storage

There is also a scheme operating at numerous rail stations, including Liverpool Central and Liverpool South Parkway, where you can hire bicycles daily for just £3.80. Further details can be found at This is supplemented by free, secure cycle storage at various train stations: to register and receive your personal fob, please visit: your-journey/getting-to-our-stations/bike/secure-cycle-shelters.aspx.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.2 Buses There are now a number of bus companies that operate under a Quality Bus Network (QBN). These are agreements made as part of a partnership between bus companies, local authorities and Merseytravel to ensure the customer has a high standard of service, infrastructure, marketing and ease of use.

A Merseytravel Zone and Area Map is available in Appendix B.

Stagecoach Buses Ticket Single Dayrider Megarider Megarider Unirider - Unirider - Unirider - Type Plus+ Plus+ Plus (28 Term/Semester Annual (excl. Annual (7 days) days) (1 or 2 terms) summer) Unirider (incl. online only summer) Standard £2.10 £4 £14 £54 (adult) Student Term 1 - £115 Approx. £275 Approx. £310 Term 2 - £115 Term 2+3 - £185 Notes Approximate prices are stated for 2017/18 and are subject to change.

For Stagecoach ticket options – including ticketing further afield in Preston, , and Cumbria – please visit the website:

Arriva Buses Ticket Type Single Day Weekly Monthly Term / Semester Annual (12 months) Saver (7 days) (4 weeks) Standard £2.20 £4.60 £17 £59.50 £595 (adult) Student Visit: Approx £450 – only available for Sep-Aug. k/north-west/bus- tickets/student-travel-in- the-north-west/ Notes For Arriva’s ticket options see: or telephone Arriva Customer Services 0344 800 4411. Prices are approximate and may change in the new year.

PlusBus If you travel by train to get into Liverpool, depending on what pass you have it may be worthwhile to invest in the Liverpool PlusBus add on if you need to take a bus to your final destination. Interchange rail stations are Lime Street, Central, James Street, Moorfields and Liverpool South Parkway. This adds unlimited bus travel to your rail ticket for set prices below. Ticket Type 7 days Monthly Term Annual (3 months) (12 months) Standard (adult) £15.50 £59 £165 £590 Notes For PlusBus ticket options in Liverpool see:


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.3 Trains Merseyside has a comprehensive rail transport network serving Liverpool city centre and the surrounding area. City-centre train stations include Lime Street, Central, Moorfields and James Street. The closest train stations to the IM Marsh campus are , West Allerton and Mossley Hill. The nearest train stations to the Lairdside Maritime Centre are Green Lane, Central and Rock Ferry.

All stations are marked on the Merseyrail map in Appendix B.

The new developments at Copperas Hill (anticipated completion in 2020) are excellently situated for train commute. Copperas Hill shares one side of its road with Lime Street station, while Central station is only a two minute walk away. See Section 9 for a more detailed breakdown of travel and transport access.

Merseyrail Fares and Prices Merseyrail is the local rail and train provider across Liverpool and Merseyside. Daily Travel – individual singles ‘Day Saver’ – ‘Day Saver’ – and returns can be calculated 1 area – trains only All areas – trains only here Northern/Wirral lines Northern/Wirral lines only £3.90 £5.20 Railpass Ticket: Week (7 days) Monthly Term Annual Trains only

1 zone £16.20 £56 £111 £560

2 zones, or 1 area £20.10 £70.10 £141 £701 3 zones, or 1 area+1 zone £25.40 £87.40 £174 £874 All zones £32.50 £113.30 £228 £1133 Trio Ticket: Bus + trains + ferry Please see section 6.5 Merseytravel Passes Notes Ticket Prices and Information - Prices stated are for 2018 and may change in 2019. *Term Time tickets can only be used Monday-Friday during term times.

The tables on the next two pages highlight which train stations are nearest to the various campus sites, and the walking distances between Halls and stations – particularly useful for students travelling to IM Marsh or Lairdside Maritime Centre (see 7. Campus Assessment for more details).


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Liverpool city centre train stations are easily accessible on foot. The table below shows the walking time to all train stations from each of the Student Halls – particularly Train stations closest to handy if you need to catch a train to the IM Marsh Student Halls campus in Aigburth, or to the LJMU Lairdside Maritime  Centre in Birkenhead. Those highlighted in yellow are the nearest stations. Central Lime Street James Street Moorfields

Agnes Jones House (Catharine Street) 13 mins 16 mins 22 mins 25 mins

Albert Court (London Road) 12 mins 8 mins 20 mins 16 mins

The Arch (Nelson Street) 10 mins 12 mins 17 mins 20 mins

Byrom Point (72 Great Crosshall Street) 12 mins 9 mins 14 mins 8 mins

Europa (Erskine Street) 13 mins 10 mins 21 mins 17 mins

Grand Central (Skelhorne Street) 3 mins 3 mins 12 mins 10 mins

The Glassworks (Vauxhall Road) 14 mins 13 mins 13 mins 5 mins

Grenville Street (Grenville St) 8 mins 12 mins 11 mins 12 mins

Liberty Atlantic Point (Naylor Street) 13 mins 10 mins 14 mins 9 mins

Liberty Gardens (Hatton Garden) 9 mins 8 mins 9 mins 4 mins

Liberty Prospect Point (Moira Street) 14 mins 10 mins 22 mins 18 mins

Marybone 1, 2 & 3 (Marybone) 10 mins 8 mins 10 mins 5 mins

St Andrew’s Gardens (Moor Place) 8 mins 6 mins 18 mins 19 mins

St Luke’s View (Oldham Street) 6 mins 8 mins 17 mins 19 mins

Unite Student Village (USV) (Cambridge St) 11 mins 13 mins 20 mins 19 mins

Vita Liverpool (Crosshall Street) 7 mins 6 mins 9 mins 5 mins


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Listed below are the closest train stations to the various LJMU sites and their respective walking times. For details

Train stations closest to of how many calories burned and CO2 saved for each trip, LJMU campuses please refer to the individual campus guides (Section 9).

 Central Lime Street James Street Moorfields

Byrom Street 11-13 mins 9-11 mins 14-16 mins 8-9 mins

Copperas Hill 1-3 mins 0-1 mins 13-17 mins 11-17 mins

Exchange Station 11-12 mins 12-13 mins 8-9 mins 0-1 mins

Great Crosshall street (Henry Cotton, CETL) 12-13 mins 9-10 mins 12-13 mins 4-5 mins

Mount Pleasant (ADA, Redmonds, John 9-10 mins 7-10 mins 15-20 mins 20-25 mins Foster and Rodney Street)

Tithebarn Street 11-13 mins 13-15 mins 7-8 mins 2-3 mins

Birkenhead Green Lane Rock Ferry Central

Lairdside Maritime Centre 18-20 mins 10-12 mins 14-16 mins

Aigburth Mossley Hill West Allerton

IM Marsh 8-12 mins 13-16 mins 14-17 mins

These stations are well serviced by train lines from the wider area, e.g. , Warrington, Wirral, Runcorn, and Chester. For staff and students commuting from , First TransPennine Express runs an hourly Manchester-Liverpool train which only takes 32 minutes. Further afield, Liverpool is accessible by trains across the North West, North East, Midlands and the South. Staff and students are advised to visit (First TransPennine Express) and to check tickets, fares and timetables for these longer journeys.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.4 Ferry The Ferry terminal at Liverpool is a short walk to and from the city-based campuses. At the Wirral terminal in , commuters benefit from free parking facilities and receive a free cup of coffee in the morning when they travel.

Mersey Ferries – Commuter Timetable and Fares Taking only 10 minutes, the ferry offers a great way to commute from Wirral to Liverpool and vice versa. Commuter fares are shown below and timetable information is under ‘Notes’. Single Return Weekly Monthly Quarterly Annual £2.70 £3.40 £13.50 £57.50 £139 £490 Notes Ferry services begin at 07:20 and run approximately every twenty minutes until 10:00. Afternoon commute services begin at 16:00 then 17:00 and every twenty minutes thereafter.

Mersey Ferries commuter ticket prices and timetables are available on their website here: Commuter tickets and timetable:


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.5 Merseytravel Passes – for Bus, Rail and Ferry If you use multiple modes of travel, or want the freedom to switch between bus/rail companies without having to buy a pass for each, you may benefit from purchasing a Merseytravel pass instead.

Merseytravel ‘Walrus’ Card Merseytravel’s smart ticketing scheme, Walrus, was launched in March 2015. Saveaway and Solo tickets are now available on Walrus from Merseytravel Travel Centres and at any PayPoint outlet in Merseyside.

Operator-specific tickets for Arriva and Stagecoach are now also available on the Walrus card and can be bought directly from the driver.

Solo Ticket: Buses only 1 day 3 days 5 days Weekly Monthly Term Time Annual (4 weeks) All areas £4.80 £13.50 £21 £19.20 £64.70 £128 £668 Notes For more information on where you can buy your Walrus Card, please visit

Merseytravel Passes – Trains, Buses and Ferries

Merseytravel offer holistic travel passes across Merseyside. These don’t carry restrictions on which individual transport operator you use them on, i.e. they are valid across a range of bus and rail companies operating in Liverpool and Merseyside.

Railpass Ticket: Trains only Week (7 days) Monthly Term Annual

1 zone £16.20 £56 £111 £560 2 zones, or 1 area £20.10 £70.10 £141 £701 3 zones, or 1 area+1 zone £25.40 £87.40 £174 £874 All zones £32.50 £113.30 £228 £1133 Trio Ticket: Bus + trains + ferry Week (7 days) Monthly Term Annual

1 zone £18.60 £66 £130 £660 2 zones, or 1 area £23.30 £82.70 £165 £827 3 zones, or 1 area+1 zone £29.80 £102.90 £206 £1029 All zones across Merseyside £38.70 £134.10 £268 £1341 Notes Prices stated are for 2018 and may change in 2019. MerseyTravel Ticket Comparison: *Term Time tickets can only be used Monday-Friday during term times.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.6 Public Transport Journey Apps For accessibility guidance, please see Section 7.

Public transport is very important in providing links between a skilled workforce and the workplace, whilst also enhancing opportunities to establish and maintain new contacts, work in partnership and access new markets. Furthermore, it is vital to the student population who are based across the Liverpool City Region to access the University for education and extra-curricular activities (see 7. Campus Assessment). LJMU has various schemes in place to encourage increased public transport use (see 6. Sustainable Travel Initiatives).

You can easily check the quickest journey for you by bus or train using a free journey app or website, such as the new Merseytravel Journey App:

• PC:

• iOS:

• Android:


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.7 IM Marsh Travel Grant In recognising that there is often an additional travel cost incurred by students travelling to the IM Marsh campus, LJMU is delivering additional travel support.

First year (Level 4) full-time students who are taught at the IM Marsh campus and who live in a city centre hall of residence are entitled to a FREE Arriva student bus pass. The pass will permit students to travel at any time of day, with no restrictions during the teaching period of the academic year. The passes will be available for collection when students enrol at IM Marsh.

First year students who have a query about whether they are eligible for the free pass should contact the Accommodation Office at [email protected].


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.8 Taxis Taxis are an important and complementary part of the transport system for commuting. As an alternative to single-passenger journeys, taxi sharing can reduce travel costs for LJMU and individual staff, while decreasing carbon emissions. This is particularly true if taxies are chosen for inter-campus travel, rather than staff commuting singly in cars on days when inter-campus travel is required. They can also be a safe and secure way for students to travel back to Halls after a night out, especially if you travel as a group and split the costs.

Two types of taxi are available in and around Liverpool: the hackney-style (or Black cabs), which you can flag down on the street or find at one of the ranks throughout the city. Make sure you take a note of the yellow-lit cab number which is located in the window divider between the back of the car and the taxi driver; private hire cabs, which must be pre-booked.

Generally, if you are planning a journey it is advisable to pre-book a private hire taxi and agree the fare on booking. If you are at IM Marsh, there is a taxi pick-up/drop-off point on campus in front of the Meeting Place. Please note: this is a pick-up point for pre-booked taxis only.

Private Hire Taxi Operators The following list is not exhaustive of taxi operators in Liverpool, but it’s useful to take note of a few numbers or apps in case you ever get stuck for taxi home.

Alpha Taxis



Go to, follow @AlphaTaxis, or call 0151 722 8888 for details.

ComCab (black hackney cab) – Accessible Friendly Go to, follow @ComCabLiverpool, or call 0151 298 2222 for details.

Delta • • • Go to, follow @RealdeltaTaxis, or call 0151 922 7373 for details.


• • n_GB

Go to, follow @villagetaxis1, or call 0151 427 7909 for details.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.9 Car Sharing Car sharing is a great option for people who are travelling to and from the same destinations. The advantages are numerous: the shared cost of petrol and parking may present an attractive benefit, and time spent searching for a parking space can be reduced if there is subsequent eased demand in car parks. Car sharing is also beneficial to the region as a decrease in the number of cars using the roads reduces congestion, emissions and associated environmental impacts.

Liverpool runs a City Car Club service, providing people with access to low-emission vehicles on a pay-as-you-go basis. All vehicles are available to use from reserved bays 24/7, 365 days a year, with hourly and annual rates from £4.95 and £39.95 respectively. The service can be for those who do not own a car but who have occasional need for one, or for business usage as an alternative to pool car vehicles or single-passenger business travel. For more information, please visit


LJMU Green Travel Plan

6.10 LJMU Car Parking LJMU recognises that whilst driving is sometimes the only practical option, a lot of trips are frequently unnecessary. For example, around half of all car journeys in the UK are for less than five miles with alternatives such as walking, cycling or public transport which are more environmentally friendly, healthier and in some cases cheaper. However, where these options are not suitable, LJMU offers some car parking provision across its campuses.

All LJMU staff members are entitled to apply for a parking permit. Permits are issued on demand and give the holder the right to only if space is available. There are no reserved or guaranteed spaces. Prices are £3.50 per day or £40 per month. Further details and how to apply can be found on the University’s car parking webpages:

There is no general student parking, with the exception of IM Marsh Campus where student parking is available at £1 per day. Permits can be bought at the canteen at IM Marsh, or purchased via the LJMU Online Shop. Free parking for registered disabled students is available at all sites.

Access to the majority of car parks is controlled by card swipe barriers operated by staff and student cards. This access level is only available to permit holders. For information on staff and student Disabled Parking, please see Section 7: Accessibility.

Car Park Location No. of Spaces Users

LJMU, Byrom Street Campus 30 Spaces Restricted parking, free access Byrom Street, L3 3AF 13 General for disabled users only. Visitor

17 Disabled parking by appointment.

Avril Robarts Library 52 Spaces Staff and disabled student access 79 Tithebarn Street, L2 2ER 48 General only. 4 Disabled LJMU, Egerton Court 17 Spaces Restricted parking, staff, 2 Rodney Street, L3 5UX 15 General Governors and visitors 2 Disabled Aldham Robarts Library 5 Spaces (disabled) Disabled staff & students only Maryland Street, L1 9DE LJMU IM Marsh Campus 184 Spaces Staff, students & visitors Barkhill Road, L17 6BD 141 General 6 Disabled 12 Visitor, 5 Fleet, 50 Student, 6 Hire Vehicle, 4 contractor LJMU Art & Design Academy 4 Spaces (disabled) Disabled staff & students only Duckinfield Street, L3 5YD LJMU The Orchard Car Park 26 Spaces Staff and disabled student access Primrose Hill, L2 3AT 24 General only. 2 Disabled LJMU Fort Knox Car Park 130 spaces Staff only Gascoyne St, off Vauxhall Rd, L3 6BS Liverpool City Council 140 Spaces Staff only Fraser Street Car Park, L3 8JX (Monday to Friday only) Liverpool City Council 220 spaces Staff only Mount Pleasant Multi Storey, L3 5SD


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Accessibility: Journey Planning Public Transport Car Parking Long Term Aims


LJMU Green Travel Plan

7 Accessibility

As a student with a disability, there is a huge variety of services and support available at LJMU.

In the first instance, the LJMU Disability Advice Team helps provide general and bespoke support. The Disability Team provide information on: • Relevant disability focused support and appropriate funding opportunities; • Adapted accommodation; • Individual Student Learning Plans (ISLP) which set out the type of support you may need and who is responsible for ensuring your support is in place.

Given the nature of LJMU’s estate, the Disability Advice Team can also provide bespoke guidance, upon request, on accessible routes between its sites.

The Disability Team also liaises and works closely with the Disability Coordinators. There are Disability Coordinators in every Faculty who you can talk to about a range of support and information. They also act as a point of liaison with you and Faculty staff. Staff, students and visitors with an access query are encouraged to contact the Disability Advice Team at:

Website: Email: [email protected] Tel: 0151 231 3164 / 3165

LJMU policies relating to disability and equality may be viewed here for additional guidance:

7.1 Accessible Journey Planning

LJMU works closely with DisabledGo, which publishes detailed information on accessibility across all LJMU’s buildings and sites. DisabledGo also provides detailed access information on the surrounding facilities such as student accommodation, cafes and restaurants, leisure facilities, cinemas, museums, places of worship and more. The Disability Advice Team and Disability Coordinators will be able to signpost you to the website, but you can also access it freely here:

Main webpage: LJMU platform:

LJMU students who use DisabledGo are able to tailor their profile to suit them, incorporating bespoke and favourited sites and trips. Going forward, there are potential opportunities for LJMU to further increase its functionality with DisabledGo; this may be through employing additional wayfinding services and by linking the LJMU Green Travel Plan directly to the online platform.

7.2 Access Between Buildings

Approximate walking times between main LJMU campus buildings and the Student Halls can be found in section 6.1 Walking and Cycling.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

7.3 Accessible Public Transport

Public transport services across Liverpool are designed to facilitate access. Access information on trains and buses is provided below, but further Merseytravel guidance may be viewed at:

• Transport Accessibility including bus, train, ferry, travel centre, Merseylink and contacts : • Easy Access Guide: %20November%202011.pdf • Concessions:

There are 88 bus stops in reasonable proximity to all city-based LJMU sites. Of these, 77 (or 86%) offer shelter, seating and raised kerbs (for level boarding). These bus stop are also close to a sloped kerb pedestrian crossing for further accessibility.

If you are travelling by bus to IM Marsh, the 82 and 699 routes are outlined in Section 9. The closest 699 bus stops (in both directions) both offer shelter, seating and raised kerbs. The 82 bus stop towards IM Marsh also makes these provisions. The 82 bus stop in the direction of Liverpool City Centre does not offer any such provision.

There are ten train stations in total which service LJMU’s campus sites – please see Section 6.3 to see which train station is closest to the campus you are visiting. These train stations all have Disabled

Access, though some will be more limited.

• Merseyrail provide full details of facilities and Disabled Access available at each of its stations here: • Advice and contact details for specific assisted travel requests can be found here:

If you are unable to get a train from your starting point direct to the destination closest to your building of study, you will be able to transfer onto a direct train when passing through the main stations in Liverpool. There are only three main rail lines in Merseyside: the green , the blue Northern Line, and the red City Line. Using the Rail Network Map in Appendix B and the table of nearest train stations in section 6.3 will help you to decide your route more clearly.

7.4 Accessible-Friendly Taxis

ComCab has an extensive fleet of hackney-style cabs in Liverpool and are accessible friendly, including for wheelchair passengers. Each driver is required to be licensed by Liverpool City Council. For further details or to book a cab, you can contact ComCab on 0151 298 2222 or visit www.comcab- or follow on twitter @ComCabLiverpool.

Further taxi details can be found in section 6.8 Taxis.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

7.5 Disabled Car Parking

LJMU offers provision of disabled car parking spaces across its sites. This is complemented by a number of public/council car parks in the area. The table below lists the number of specifically- designated disabled spaces at car parks across the LJMU campus. To see a fuller schedule of all car parking spaces available at LJMU, please refer to the table in Section 6.10 LJMU Car Parking.

Staff wishing to register for a permit for one of these spaces should send a copy of their Blue Badge to Security Services. Contact and other details can be found here:

Students who require a disabled car park permit can apply for this by contacting the Disability Advice Team on 0151 231 3164 or emailing [email protected]

Car Park Location No. Of Spaces LJMU, Byrom Street Campus 17 Disabled Byrom Street L3 3AF 4 Disabled 79 Tithebarn Street L2 2ER LJMU, Egerton Court 2 Disabled 2 Rodney Street

L3 5UX Aldham Robarts Library 5 Disabled Maryland Street L1 9DE LJMU IM Marsh Campus 6 Disabled Barkhill Road L17 6BD LJMU Art & Design Academy 4 Disabled Duckinfield Street L3 5YD LJMU The Orchard Car Park 2 Disabled Primrose Hill L2 3AT

7.6 Long Term Aims

LJMU will continue to work with platforms such as DisabledGo, as well as helping to relay public accessibility issues through the University’s representation at the Merseytravel Employers’ Network Forum and the City Centre Travel Group.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Working Together: LJMU Travel Initiatives Working in Partnership


LJMU Green Travel Plan

8 Travel Initiatives for LJMU Staff LJMU have a number of travel schemes in place, which may support staff in making more sustainable travel choices. Click on the links in the table below for more information.

Flexi Time Policy The University currently operates flexible working in a number of areas. Depending on how flexi time is managed, this may support the choice to use public transport instead of a private vehicle.

Interest-free loan to To obtain an annual season ticket loan staff can complete the purchase annual rail or bus online application to request a Travel Loan Payment, which is subsequently paid via salary sacrifice. pass

Interest-free loan to You can typically save either 40% (lower rate taxpayers) or 48% purchase bicycle and cycle (higher rate taxpayers) through the Cycle to Work scheme. With the package costs recovered from your gross pay via salary equipment sacrifice, you make savings through your Tax and NI contributions.

Salary Sacrifice Car scheme Details available from 28th Feb

To strengthen support for staff and student sustainable travel, the Travel Plan Action Plan in Appendix D lists proposed additional initiatives including any ongoing processes for providing excellent travel and transport information and support.

9 Working in Partnership Whilst the Travel Plan is managed and developed by the LJMU Environment Team (with engagement from Estate Management, Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations, Liverpool SU, and other internal bodies), LJMU has also pursued and established a number of external partnership opportunities to strengthen the objectives and success of its Travel Plan. These include:

9.1 City Centre Travel Plan Group (CCTG) This partnership was set up in 2009 and is based across the Knowledge Quarter including key stakeholders such as LJMU, Merseytravel, Liverpool City Council, Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool Women’s and Alder Hey Hospitals, , and Liverpool Hope University. The CCTG runs meetings scheduled in tandem with the Employers Network Forum (see below), with a view to bolstering city-wide sustainable transport efforts by all partners, and to collaborate and engage regarding promotion and awareness-raising exercises and activities.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

9.2 Merseytravel’s Employers’ Network Forum The Employers’ Network notes the following benefits of signing up: “The Employers’ Network gives your organisation access to bespoke consultancy support to enable you to give your staff and visitors choice about how they travel to work, alleviating car parking pressures and giving your organisation the best advice in order to maximise your productivity where staff travel and transport is concerned.” Via the Employers’ Network, the LJMU Environment Team have successfully bid for grants which have funded state-of-the-art CCTV at cycle storage on campus, and a 40 capacity cycle hub at Byrom Street.

9.3 Liverpool Knowledge Quarter Sustainability Network The Liverpool Knowledge Quarter Sustainability Network (KQSN) was set up in partnership between Liverpool John Moores University, University of Liverpool, Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen University Hospital Trust, and the former Sustainable Food Cities Co-ordinator for Liverpool. The core aim of the KQSN is to enhance the sustainability of the Liverpool Knowledge Quarter and be a model for the wider City Region. The KQSN promotes sustainability and environmental issues through Liverpool’s Knowledge Quarter and encourages active collaboration and partnership. Its members comprise a vast range of experience in sustainability and are well-placed across leading organisations and community groups alike to realise change and drive Liverpool’s sustainability agenda.

The KQSN is linked to Knowledge Quarter Liverpool which is working to establish a travel working group to look at improving the flow of travel within the knowledge quarter boundaries.

9.4 Merseytravel Student Voice Report

The Merseytravel Student Voice project commenced with the aim ‘to provide recommendations on how Merseytravel can embed the student voiced into policy decisions, marketing and communications improving the customer experience of the student population in the Liverpool City Region’. In partnership with Merseytravel, representatives from LJMU conducted a student focus group with students from across the three Liverpool-based Universities (LJMU, University of Liverpool and Liverpool Hope University), and subsequently supported the work of a Student Voices Officer in further research. The report published in 2017 sits within the Merseytravel Corporate Engagement Team and details a number of recommendations as an output from this research.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Campus Guides: City Campus Mount Pleasant IM Marsh Lairdside Maritime Centre Copperas Hill


City Campus (Liverpool City Centre)

• Avril Robarts Library • Henry Cotton • Max Perutz Building DisabledGo Guide: • Tithebarn Street Building Building • Peter Jost Centre • Great Crosshall Street • Cherie Booth • anisations/Liverpool-john- Building moores-university/main- • Tom Reilly Building 2#VenueListing Key Walking Distances To check length of walks between buildings (including from Student Halls), please see the tables provided in Section 6.1 Walking and Cycling.

Buses City Campus is well-serviced with buses from all areas of Liverpool. For fares and ticketing options please see Section 6.2 Buses. The Merseytravel journey planner can help you find the best bus journey route and time for you.

Cycle Facilities Liverpool Citybike Cycle storage Showers Changing facilities Equipment lockers

     1 x entrance to

Capacity approx. 174 Byrom Street 1 x Exchange Station (Tithebarn St) Nearest Train Stations

All Merseyrail train stations have Liverpool disabled access. Please see Section 7. Lime Street James Street Moorfields Central Accessibility for accessibility guidance. Approx. walking time 10-15 mins 6-14 mins 9-25 mins 7-15 mins Approx. calories burned 64-75 Cal 40-50 Cal 75-90 Cal 43-55 Cal Car Parking & Disabled Parking Nearest Public Car Park • 148 general car parking • Fontenoy Street • 23 disabled car parking • Dale Street • 20 reserved/visitor car parking • Hunter Street • Street The total number of parking spaces at each LJMU site can • Old Haymarket be found in Section 6.10 Car Parking. roads/council-car-parks/

All LJMU permit holders also have access to the City Council multi-storey car park in Mount Pleasant and the City Council car park in Fraser Street.


Mount Pleasant Campus (Liverpool City Centre)

• Redmonds Building • John Foster Building • Aldham Robarts DisabledGo Guide: • Art and Design • Rodney House Library Academy • Egerton Court • Aquinas Building anisations/Liverpool-john- • Liverpool Science Park • Joe H Makin Drama moores-university/main- Centre 2#VenueListing Key Walking Distances To check length of walks between buildings (including from Student Halls), please see the tables provided in Section 6.1 Walking and Cycling.

Buses Mount Pleasant Campus is well-serviced with buses from all areas of Liverpool. For fares and ticketing options please see Section 6.2 Buses. The Merseytravel journey planner can help you find the best bus journey route and time for you. Cycle Facilities Liverpool Citybike Cycle storage Showers Changing facilities Equipment lockers

    

2 x John Foster Building Capacity approx. 1 x near Redmonds 160 Building (Brownlow Hill) 1 x Metropolitan Cathedral Nearest Train Stations

All Merseyrail train stations have Liverpool disabled access. Please see Section 7. Lime Street James Street Moorfields Central Accessibility for accessibility guidance. Approx. walking time 9-10 mins 7-10 mins 15-20 mins 15-25 mins Approx. calories burned 50-60 Cal 45-55 Cal 100-120 Cal 95-115 Cal Car Parking & Disabled Parking Nearest Public Car Park • 15 general car parking • Mount Pleasant • 21 disabled car parking The total number of parking spaces at each LJMU site can car-parks/ be found in Section 6.10 Car Parking. All LJMU permit holders also have access to the City Council multi-storey car park in Mount Pleasant and the City Council car park in Fraser Street.


IM Marsh Campus (Aigburth)

• Science Primary • Barkhill Court • Greenbank and DisabledGo Guide: Building (Library) • Mossley Building Langton Link • Sudley Building • The Meeting Place • Holmefield House anisations/Liverpool-john- • Barkhill Building • Sports Hall moores-university/main- 2#VenueListing Key Walking Distances IM Marsh campus lies a little further afield from the city-centre Halls and accommodation, but is walkable from the popular student areas of Smithdown Road, Wavertree, Greenbank and Mossley Hill. Buses IM Marsh is regularly serviced by central buses 82/82D/699, as well as some bus routes from other areas of Liverpool. Below are the key journeys from Liverpool city centre. For fares and ticketing options please see Section 6.2. Buses. For financial support, see Section 6.7 IM Marsh Travel Grant. The Merseytravel journey planner can help you find the best bus journey route and time for you. Bus Route Where: Then: Journey time: 82/82D Get on at Liverpool One bus 7 mins walk Bus – 19 mins Liverpool – Speke and South station / outside Renshaw Total – 26 mins Parkway Street, St Luke’s Buses go every 3-9 mins Get off at Aigburth Road

699 Get on at Mount Pleasant / 9 mins walk Bus – 10-19 mins

Mount Pleasant – Mossley Hill Upper Parliament Street / Total – 19-28 mins Buses go every 5-15 mins Smithdown Rd / Greenbank Rd Get off at Elmswood Road Cycle Facilities Liverpool Citybike Cycle storage Showers Changing facilities Equipment lockers

     1 x Barkhill Road Capacity 20 Nearest Train Stations:

All Merseyrail train stations have disabled access. Please see Section 7. Aigburth West Allerton Mossley Hill Accessibility for accessibility guidance. Approx. walking time 8-12 mins 13-20 mins 12-20 mins Approx. calories burned 57-65 Cal 75-90 Cal 75-90 Cal Car Parking & Disabled Parking • 141 general car parking The total number of parking spaces at each LJMU site can • 6 disabled car parking be found in Section 6.10 Car Parking. • 50 student parking • 12 reserved / visitor parking


Lairdside Maritime Centre (Birkenhead, Wirral)

• Lairdside Maritime Centre DisabledGo Guide: john-moores-university/main-2#VenueListing

Buses Lairdside Maritime Centre is well-serviced with buses from the Wirral but also from across the river in Liverpool. For fares and ticketing options please see Section 6.2 Buses. The Merseytravel journey planner can help you find the best bus journey route and time for you. Cycle Facilities Liverpool Citybike Cycle storage Showers Changing facilities Equipment lockers

     Nearest Train Stations

All Merseyrail train stations have

disabled access. Please see Section 7. Birkenhead Central Green Lane Rock Ferry

Accessibility for accessibility guidance. Approx. walking time 15-25 mins 9-18 mins 11-20 mins Approx. calories burned 98-112 Cal 55-65 Cal 69-80 Cal Car Parking & Disabled Parking Nearest Public Car Park • Approx. 30 general car parking • Wilbraham Street • 3 disabled car parking The total number of parking spaces at each LJMU site can parks be found in Section 6.10 Car Parking.


Copperas Hill (Liverpool City Centre)

• Copperas Hill DisabledGo Guide: l-john-moores-university/main-2#VenueListing

Key Walking Distances To check length of walks between buildings (including from Student Halls), please see the tables provided in Section 6.1 Walking and Cycling.

Buses Copperas Hill is excellently-situated for bus travel with key bus infrastructure including Queen Square bus station, Liverpool One bus station, Great Charlotte Street, Renshaw Street, Lime Street and Brownlow Hill all able to service those travelling to and from Copperas Hill. For fares and ticketing options please see Section 6.2 Buses. The Merseytravel journey planner can help you find the best bus journey route and time for you. Cycle Facilities Liverpool Citybike Cycle storage Showers Changing facilities Equipment lockers

     1 x Lime St Station Nearest Train Stations

All Merseyrail train stations have Liverpool disabled access. Please see Section 7. Lime Street James Street Moorfields Central Accessibility for accessibility guidance. Approx. walking time 1-3 mins 0-1 mins 12-17 mins 11-17 mins Approx. calories burned 20-26 Cal 20 Cal 65-80 Cal 59-70 Cal Car Parking & Disabled Parking Nearest Public Car Park • 6 disabled car parking • Mount Pleasant • 4 visitor parking (Sensor City) The total number of parking spaces at each LJMU site can car-parks/ be found in Section 6.10 Car Parking. All LJMU permit holders also have access to the City Council multi-storey car park in Mount Pleasant and the City Council car park in Fraser Street.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Going Forward: Key Recommendations Get in Touch


LJMU Green Travel Plan

10 Next Steps Aligning with the LJMU Strategic Plan 2017-2022, the Travel Plan aims to support LJMU as a University that places students at the heart of its endeavour, and with an estate that fosters a sense of community, supports high-quality activity, and operates sustainably. Quality of travel and transport choices is also critical to a seamless student experience. Working to provide accessible sites and smarter transport options (which save money, CO2, and improve fitness and wellbeing levels) for both our staff and students will support achievement of these strategic institutional aims. We have reviewed progress to date and developed the Travel Action Plan (Appendix D) to formulate a range of measures that will address this Plan’s objectives and support delivery of targets. Progress against these measures will be monitored in line with the annual Travel Plan review, used to support delivery of the Sustainable Travel Policy, and reported on within our Annual Environment and Sustainability Report.

LJMU Environment Team February 2018

11 Need more information? If you would like more information about travel and transport in Liverpool, and how LJMU is supporting more sustainable travel choices, please feel free to get in touch!

Contact Rachael Hanmer-Dwight Visit Assistant Environmental Manager 0151 231 5731

Email [email protected] Tweet us @LJMUGoGreen [email protected]


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Appendices: Policy Context Merseytravel Map Merseyrail Map Bike & Go Map LJMU Location Map

Travel Plan Action Plan


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Appendix A Policy Context Setting the policy context will illustrate how the LJMU Green Travel Plan supports local and regional transport policy, as well as supporting the internal strategic objectives of LJMU.

Liverpool John Moores University Environment and Sustainability Policy The Environment and Sustainability Policy can be viewed at Its commitments to delivering the best environmental practice include, but are not limited to: • Minimise associated pollution levels and implement prevention control • Reduce carbon emissions in line with targets • Encourage the use of sustainable means of transit and review operation of the University fleet • Foster environmental/sustainability awareness and principles amongst staff and students

Liverpool John Moores University Sustainable Travel Policy The Sustainable Travel Policy can be viewed at It defines an overarching objective that LJMU is aware of the environmental impact of university travel and is committed to identifying, monitoring and reducing the same. Subsidiary objectives include, but are not limited to: • Monitor data and emissions associated with staff/student commute, business travel, University fleet • Undertake staff and student travel surveys

• Continue to improve access to all LJMU buildings

• Improve cycle facilities • Reduce car dependency and ease car parking congestion on campus • Provide detailed information of the ‘Green Travel Plan’ and associated sustainable travel options • Work in partnership to secure added value transport opportunities for LJMU staff and students • Support the University’s health and wellbeing agenda

Liverpool John Moores University Strategic Plan 2017-22 Liverpool John Moores University’s vision is “to be a pioneering modern civic university, delivering solutions to the challenges of the 21st century”. Within the Strategic Plan, the University aims to: • Place students at the heart of its endeavour • Enhancing life, aspirations and prospects within its communities • Delivering an estate that fosters a sense of community, supports high-quality activity, and operates sustainably • Delivering a strategic development programme and require each component to meet rigorous environmental criteria

Liverpool John Moores Estate Masterplan Over the past decade LJMU has invested more than £160 million in award winning buildings and facilities to cater for over 24,000 students – making it one of the largest higher education institutions in the UK.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

LJMU is committed to providing an outstanding student experience. This includes the creation of a sustainable, connected and walkable ‘village’ in the heart of Liverpool City Centre.

The masterplan for the site at Copperas Hill proposes to unite LJMU’s campus through the provision of new civic buildings and spaces at the heart of a walkable route which would link the John Lennon Arts and Design Building, the Redmonds Buildings and the facilities at Mount Pleasant with Lime Street Station, the Byrom Street Campus and the City Centre.

Climate Change Strategic Framework: A Prospectus for Action 2009 Liverpool City Council’s Climate Change Strategic Framework was developed to ensure that all its policies and programmes were aligned to the 2009 carbon emissions reduction target of 35% by 2024. The Framework includes an objective to increase use of public transport and walking and cycling routes.

Ensuring a Choice of Travel Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) Ensuring a Choice of Travel SPD was developed in partnership with Merseyside Local Authorities and Merseytravel in order to provide consistent guidance to developers on access and transport requirements for new development across the wider Merseyside area. Its core objectives are to: i) Ensure a reasonable choice of access by all modes of transport to new development. ii) Reduce the environmental impact of travel choices, by reducing pollution, and improving the local environment. iii) Improve road safety.

iv) Promote healthier lifestyles by providing opportunities for people to walk or cycle for work or leisure purposes. v) Reduce the level of traffic growth and congestion on the strategic and local road network vi) Encourage opportunities to improve the quality of development proposals by better use of space through the provision of less car parking spaces where appropriate.

The guidance contained with the SPD has informed objectives for issues such as cycle storage in the preliminary design for Copperas Hill as the major new development LJMU is pursuing on its estate.

Liverpool City Region Combined Authority: A Transport Plan for Growth With the creation of the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority in 2016 there was a need to bring together the existing Merseyside and Halton Local Transport Plans. A Transport Plan for Growth sets out the City Region’s strategic vision and delivery plan for transport and also looks to foster greater collaborative working across the Combined Authority.

The Transport Plan for Growth outlines the £1.7billion investment in transport across the City Region over the next 6 years from 2016 and sets the direction for future joint working with other sectors within the City Region. Contained within its Wider Strategic Priorities are references to carbon reduction and air quality, access to education, and connecting communities.

The Merseyside Local Transport Plan


LJMU Green Travel Plan

The Local Transport Plan (LTP) provides the framework for the policies and plans that will guide the future delivery of transport in Merseyside and the wider City Region as set out in the Transport Plan for Growth.

The LTP has the following vision: ‘A city region committed to a low carbon future, which has a transport network and mobility culture that positively contributes to a thriving economy and the health and wellbeing of its citizens and where sustainable travel is the option of choice.

The LTP has six key priorities: i) Help create the right conditions for sustainable economic growth by supporting the priorities of the Liverpool City Region, the Local Enterprise Partnership and the Local Strategic Partnerships. ii) Provide and promote a clean, low emission transport system which is resilient to changes to climate and oil availability. iii) Ensure the transport system promotes and enables improved health and wellbeing and road safety. iv) Ensure equality of travel opportunity for all, through a transport system that allows people to connect easily with employment, education, healthcare, other essential services and leisure and recreational opportunities. v) Ensure the transport network supports the economic success of the city region by the efficient movement of people and goods. vi) Maintain our assets to a high standard.

Liverpool Mayoral Commission on Environmental Sustainability The Commission on Environmental Sustainability was established by the Mayor of Liverpool, Joe Anderson OBE, to undertake an independent non-political review of what is required to support Liverpool as a sustainable city. The Commission was chaired by Professor , Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive of Liverpool John Moores University and was tasked to identify and prioritise actions that could make the biggest impact on Liverpool and its residents.

With reference to travel and transport, the report of the Commission recommended that a strategy to deliver an integrated, innovative and sustainable transport system must be developed and implemented. The Commission recognised that a modern low-carbon integrated transport system and greater accessibility would be fundamental to the city’s success.


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Appendix B Merseytravel Zone Map Merseyrail Train Line Map


32204H Merseytravel:30938H Merseytravel 10/7/08 10:58 Page 1

Areas and

Zones SOUTHPORT 187 D1 Crossens/Plough Hotel Fylde Rd. Rd.


Preston La.

Rd. Cambr idge Bankfield CHURCHTOWN Rd. La. Roe SOUTHPORT Queens Park D2 Lane St. SOUTHPORT COP Old F Sussex Lord Rd. F/C3 Duke St. Rd. Westbourne RAINFORD CROSBY La. Areas and D1Town BILLINGE BIRKDALE C3 A2 A3/C2/C3 HILLSIDE A1 Road Zones A1/A2 NEWTON-LE-WILLOWS WEST ST HELENS Liverpool PRESCOT C1 RAINHILL Shore HUYTON Boundary Rd. B1 LIVERPOOL BIRKENHEAD C2 GARSTON Points Pinfold HALEWOOD Lane B2 183 SPEKE Liverpool Rd./ Woodvale For Camp Gate WOODVALE HOOTON G1 ELLESMERE PORT ORMSKIRK

Pre-paid Church Rd.

Rd. gton F FORMBY CAPENHURST FORMBY Harin Duke St. AUGHTON PARK Tickets Rd. Alt /Mairscough Brook G2 177 (RAILPASS ONLY) CHESTER Southport TOWN GREEN Rd. Lydiate/ D2 Robbins Island LYDIATE INCE 178 BLUNDELL Prescot Rd./ HIGHTOWN Park Cunscough La. Wall Rd. Northway Cunscough Lane East Park 170 171 Rainford, RAINFORD Long La./ Wheatsheaf Inn or RAINFORD Broad La. Lane 43 Ince MAGHULL CunscoughLane Ormskirk Road Terminus JUNCTION News

La. 173 .

Rd. Rd Ormskirk La. KINGS LUNT Live MOSS Rd. Poverty

Rd Moss Vale/ Sth.

LITTLE 176 rpool La. Bridges Prescot . Lane F/C3 La. Stork Inn CROSBY Long La./ Old THORNTON MAGHULL 10 Ince La. Lydiate Rd. Moor Bank RAINFORD La. Lane Cat North Ashton, Edge Hey Rock MELLING La. Newton HALL RD. ons Lane St. Brocstedes Rd. Red 11 Lane Rd. Moor La. La. 169 Shevingt Hig C3 her Main Garswoo TOWER HILL Church La. La. NETHERTON BILLINGE Road CROSBY Glovers Rd. BLUNDELLSANDS La. OLD ROAN CRANK d & CROSBY L La.


e Rd. Ashton Park Colleries r KIRKBY NORTHWOOD p Altway o KIRKBY

o 12

l Brownmo Rainford . 9 Lane By-pass a Rd. WESTVALE MOSS L k Park WADDICAR Simonswood

y INDUSTRIAL Ashton Station Oxford e Dunnings Aintree La./ BANK Road s La. r Bridge ESTATE 13 o Ormskir Valley Rd./ Rd Lane Sherwoods La. A2 Netherton Lodge . G BoundarSouthy WATERLOO Way AINTREE Ribblers La. CLINKHAM Liverpool Lane 153 195 Rd. WOOD 160 152 154 Rd. Crosby Crank South East Lancs. Rd./ HAYDOCK Rd. ORRELL FAZAKERLEY East Lancs SOUTHDENE Moss Farm BLACKBROOK Longmoor City La. Rd. La. Road/ Rd. Hard Church SEAFORTH & ORRELL FAZAKERLEY Willow Way E. Lancs. 42 WINDLE 191 End Rd.

Lower Clipsley A1 .

LITHERLAND PARK West Golborne Park La. d

151 155 Road R Long

SEAFORTH Lane GILLMOSS Schoo a Entrance

La. t

La. 29 s WALTON l La. Kiln Points 2, 31 & 32 i La. V 6 RICE LANE CROXTETH 30 = St. Helens/Warrington Lowton 150 ECCLESTON 27 28 Boundaries Derby Road ASHTONS Southworth 7 Old Station

A3/C2/C3Knowsley 198 Rd. BOOTLE shire CROXTETH ST. HELENS GREEN Crow Lane Road BOOTLE Rd. Park STRAND Lanca t KNOWSLEY Penkford East Lane as PARK 26 CENTRAL 38 NEWTON-LE- East . E Knowsley Rd. Bridge Common BOOTLE ve VILLAGE Fleet Rd. WILLOWS Rice A 25 39 31 Winwick ORIEL RD. 103 104 ing Lane La. 2 t ST. HELENS Road Ut EARLESTOWN 102 WALTON 24 CERTAIN Stanley Burrows La./ 101 unty NORRIS 37 La. SERVICES ONLY 100 Rd. BROADWAY

Co Gillars La. A1/A2 32 Que GREEN STOCKBRIDGE Rd. Berrys PARR Rd. ens 23 d. WARGRAVE KIRKDALE Dr. Lane R PEASLEY 1 VILLAGE St. Helens Rd./ NEW BANK HALL . La. Stockbridge La./ Prescot 22 CROSS Hermitage Green Lane BRIGHTON ANFIELD Ave Almonds Lane Ends/ Sherdley Deysbrook Waterpark Knowsley La. 21 La. Green Prescot By-Pass Burrows Seabank Utting Rd. Rd. SANDHILLS Ave. 145 Primrose Dr./ 36 THATTO St. Grove Princess Drive Townsend PRESCOT HEATH Marshalls New Walla WEST DERBY La. Knowsley La. 35 SUTTON Cross ST. HELENS


t ee Rd. Gt. JUNCTION S Netherfield La. GROVE RD. sey Muirhead Tr l Rd. HEATH La. d EVERTON Drive 186 LEA GREEN r TUEBROOK 33 Home ECCLESTON

a Mill Gorsey

La. Scotland Liverpoo Rd.

Rake w Yew Village Road Green STONEY- o Rd. PARK

H Gorsey La./Clay La.

. r Lane t CROFT WOOLFALL La. Rd. St. Rd. G Rd. 146 PRESCOT Vauxhall Breck HEATH 34 La. SUTTON Road Liscard Rd. PAGE Huyton 199 LEACH rby Prescot Kin Clock LeasowReedse WALLASEY De FAIRFIELD La. Rd. East DOVECOT MOSS gsway La. West KNOTTY Pilch Dragon Forest Chester Pasture Rd. Face Poulton Rd. Prescot Lane La. Rd. CITY ASH RAINHILL Rd. CLOCK C1 147 Pottery Warrington MORETON SEACOMBE CENTRE OLD SWAN ROBY WHISTON SUTTON La. FACE Rd. Lane BROAD Road Edge WAVERTREE 148 MANOR Rd. GREEN 149 HUYTON Jubits TECHNOLOGY PARK HUYTON Cumber La. EDGE Arbor Mill Rainhill Place Rd. HILL Archway Rd./ Lane 15 Rd. Eli Road Farm Picton 164 zabeth Windy Tarbock Rd. 16 Warrington MEOLS Hoylake Cleve Rd. Valley Rd. Rd. Warrington Rd./ Birkenhead Birkenhead land EDGE HILL Childwall NAYLORS- 196 Rd. Rake Rd. St. Norlands La. 40 83 Moreto Wapp Rd. Tollemache CHILDWALL FIELD 165 Liverpoo MANOR ROAD TOXTETH Smi Tarbock Rd./ Cronton l Rd. Princes thdown 136 Tarbock Rd./ Rd. Hoylake Rd. CLAUGHTON BIRKENHEAD ing Meadow Dr. BOLD n Shrew CRONTON Fender SEFTON 20 Rd. Ave Windy Arbor Rd. HOYLAKE Toll Bar Upton Park Rd. Park ./Rd. d 201 HEATH Rd. S. PARK Roa Foxes Bank La./ Pex Hill Lane N.W. Water Offices . sbury NETHERLEY Netherley Rd. Mill Rd. 166 14 Dr Prescot Rd. Rd. UPTON Road Ullet GATEACRE Rd St. Woolton TARBOCK Horns Hotel By-Pass/ . Rd. Meols 137 A2 Chester Menlove New Rd. Greasby Arrowe OXTON BRUNSWICK GREEN Pump Lane (Well Lane) Rd. Rd. Old MOSSLEY Ave. Borough Mather 82 Chester DINGLE HILL Ave. Rd. La. La. WEST KIRBY 80 Arrowebrooke B1 Rose Rd. Av GREASBY Park ROCK FERRY ST. MICHAELS Gerrards Rd e. WOOLTON Liverpool Rd./ HOUGH GREEN Mill Rd. 51 Sefton 138 Woodchurch St. AIGBURTH WEST Hough Green Rd. 167 (RAIL ONLY) La. Aigburth ROCK FERRY . Okell ALLERTON a . Rd. Mount L

d Drive 50 s Old t C2

R Rd. Rd. Prenton Brodie e . ALLERTON k

k c

a P Hall Rd./ 189 Kings Chester AIGBURTH M Lower e Ave. 141 HALEWOOD

w Osmaston Rd. Rd. o 142 Road r rs r Key Rd. A 49 CRESSINGTON IRBY Rd. Leathe Lane Hill Higher Mill Lever Causeway/ LIVERPOOL HUNTS Rd. CROSS Marsh Lane SOUTH Hall Road 162a Speke THINGWALL New PARKWAY Zone and Area Boundaries GARSTON Road Lower Rd./ Mount Rd. Speke Chester Banks 162 143 Railway Bridge Rd. Higher Rd./ Merseyrail Line & Station Rd. Rd. Old Airport Ramsbrook la. Rd. Ave. Spital Entrance Irby Road

Rd. B2 214 215 216 Rail only service 213 Western y Pensb 212 SPITAL SPEKE 163

LIVERPOOL Bus Network - See Note One Rd. Rd. Hale/Baileys la. Brimstage Hospital BROMBOROUGH RAKE JOHN LENNON Rd. AIRPORT HESWALL HESWALL New Telegraph THORNTON Boundary Points for Bus Services Che Barnston HOUGH Rd. Ferry Road BROMBOROUGH Allport ster Note: Because bus services frequently change the network shown does not

Thorntonon Rd. Rd. Plymyard necessarily represent current routes CommRd. 94 Brookhurst

Ave. 92 Dr. EASTHAM RAKE Dr. Mill Park 91 New Chester Rd./ M53 Jct.5 Boundary Points Not Named On Map HOOTON G1 2 Penkford Bridge 100 Regent Road/Millers Bridge 198 Pocket Nook Street / Davies Street 9 Martindale Road / Moss Bank Road 101 Derby Road / Millers Bridge 199 Stoney Lane / Industrial Estate Entrance LITTLE SUTTON 21 Elephant Lane / Nutgrove Road 102 Stanley Road / Balliol Road 212 Mount Road / M53 Junction 4 OVERPOOL 22 Springfield Road 103 Hawthorne Road / Trinity Road 213 Brimstage Road / Clatterbridge Road (RAILPASS ONLY) 23 Toll Bar 104 Southport Road / Breeze Hill 214 Brimstage Rd/Spital Rd/Church Rd 24 Prescot Road/Dunriding Lane 136 Childwall Valley Road / Mildenhall Road 215 Spital Road / Mill Road 25 Eccleston Street / Boundary Road 137 Belle Vale Road / Lee Vale Road 216 New Chester Road / Mill Road (RAILPASS ONLY) 26 Boundary Road/Dentons Green Lane 138 Halewood Road/Halewood Drive 27 Dentons Green Lane / Bishop Road 141 Hillfoot Road/LBA Ground 28 Dentons Green Lane / Cowley Hill Lane 142 Woolton Road / Springwood Avenue 29 City Road / Rutland Street 146 Liverpool Road/ Hillside Road 30 College Street / Clarendon Hotel 147 Huyton Lane/Huyton Church CAPENHURST 31 Township Boundary 148 Huyton Station 32 Parr Moss House 150 Southport Road / Aintree Road 34 Whiston Hospital / Delph Lane 151 Moss Lane / Hanford Avenue 35 Old Lane or Alder Road 152 Parkfield Avenue (RAILPASS ONLY) 38 Higher Parr Street/Atlas Street 153 Aintree Station (Ormskirk Rd or Park Ln) 39 Warrington New Road / Sinclair Street 160 Bridle Road / Hereford Drive or Giro 40 Norlands Lane / M62 Junction 7 164 Wheat Hill Road / Tarbock Road 51 Woodchurch Road / Osmaston Road 169 Tithebarn Lane/Waddicar Lane 80 Arrowe Park Road/Arrowe Brook Road 189 Speke Road / Haileybury Road 92 Neston Road, Yew Tree Farm 191 Chain Lane / Desford Avenue G2 94 Chester Road, Boathouse Lane 195 Aintree Lane/Sherwoods Lane

Based upon the Ordnance Survey mapping with the permission of the Controller of BACHE Her Majesty's Stationery Office Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Merseytravel Licence No. 08932L

CHESTER Revised Jan. 2008 Station Ticket Station Ticket Station Ticket Zones Zones Zones and No of No of Station and No of No of Station and No of No of Station Areas Spaces Spaces Access Areas Spaces Spaces Access Areas Spaces Spaces Access

Aigburth C1 16 8 C Formby D2 126* 16 B New Brighton B1 – 16 A Ainsdale D1 56 8 A Fresh eld D2 82 30 A Newton-le-Willows A1 15 4 C Aintree C1/C3 104 12 A Garswood A1 – 6 C Old Roan C3 3 12 A Aughton Park F – 4 C Green Lane B1 60 8 C Ormskirk F 110* 24 A Bache G2 61 – A Halewood C2 – – A Orrell Park C1 – 8 C Bank Hall C1 – – C Hall Road C3 – 8 A Overpool G1 – – A Bebington B1 24 – A Hamilton Square B1 – – A Port Sunlight B1 – 8 C Bidston B1 19 – C Hightown D2 – 2 B Prescot A3/C2/C3 25 10 B Birkdale D1 90 26 A Hillside D1 – 14 C Rainhill A2 2 10 B Birkenhead Central B1 – 26 A Hooton B2/G1 418 32 C Rice Lane C1 – – C Birkenhead North B1 – – C Hough Green A2 25 15 C Roby C1 – 10 B Birkenhead Park B1 – – C Hoylake B2 169 14 A Rock Ferry B1 25 – C Blundellsands & Crosby C3 62 24 A Hunts Cross C2 25 22 C St Helens Central A1/A2 127 10 A Bootle New Strand C3 1 10 A Huyton C1/C2/C3/A3 14 16 A St Helens Junction A1 73 – A Bootle Oriel Road C3/C1 1 18 A James Street C1 – 8 A St Michaels C1 4 6 C Broad Green C1 10 B Kirkby A3/C2/C3 174 10 A Sandhills C1 – 10 A Bromborough B2 87• 56 C Kirkdale C1 2 12 A Seaforth & Litherland C3 48 – A Bromborough Rake B2 – 2 A Lea Green A1 194 10 A Southport D1 – 14 A Brunswick C1 35 12 A Leasowe B1 204 – A Spital B1/B2 71 14 C Capenhurst G1/G2 25 – A Little Sutton G1 – – A Thatto Heath A1/A2 10 10 A Chester G2 – 68 A Liverpool Central C1 – – A Town Green F 52 – B Conway Park B1 – – A Liverpool Lime Street C1 – 32 A Wallasey Grove Road B1 168 6 B Cressington C1 17 2 C Liverpool South Parkway C1/C2 311 32 A Wallasey Village B1 – – C Earlestown A1 27 10 C Maghull C3/F 275 38 A Walton C1 10 – C Eastham Rake B2 101 20 C Manor Road B2 – 2 C Waterloo C3 – 10 A Eccleston Park A2 – 4 A Meols B2 62 12 C Wavertree Tech. Park C1 2 20 A Edge Hill C1 – – B Moor elds C1 – – A West Allerton C1 – – C Ellesmere Port G1 109 6 B Moreton B1 34 22 A West Kirby B2 – 6 A Fazakerley C1 – 10 A Mossley Hill C1 1 10 A Whiston A3/C2/C3 43 10 A Codes: * – Additional car parking is available • – Car parking is available close to the station (130 spaces) Access codes: A – Station is step free, accessible B – Station is step free, accessible but has no (or lengthy) access between platforms C – Station has limited or no step free access

If you are disabled or need help when making your train journey, please call the 'Mobility' helplines: Northern or Wirral Line journeys - 0151 702 2071 (Mon-Fri 0900-1700), 0151 702 2704 (all other times) or email: [email protected] - Please give a minimum of 1 hour’s notice City Line journeys - 08456 008 008 or email: [email protected] - please give 24 hours notice.

LJMU Green Travel Plan

Appendix C LJMU Location Map


Liberty Atlantic Point Tom Reilly Building LJMU BUILDINGS Byrom Street Building C4 Cherie Booth Building C4 The Careers Zone Henry Cotton Building C3 Glassworks 4 James Parsons Building C4 LiverpoolSU Hub Joe H Makin Centre D1 John Foster Building D2 LiverpoolSU Hub Byrom Point Avril Robarts John Lennon Art & Design Bld E2 Library Albert Court Libraries Tithebarn - Aldham Robarts Library D2 Building - Avril Robarts Library B4 Max Perutz Building C4 Liberty Gardens Peter Jost Centre C4

Redmonds Building D2 Vita Student

Tithebarn Street Building B4 3 Tom Reilly Building C4 Liberty Atlantic Point Tom Reilly Building

STUDENT ACCOMMODATION Lime Street Station Agnes Jones House E1 St Andrew’s Gardens Albert Court E4 Site of Copperas Hill Development The The Arch C1 Glassworks Byrom Point C4 LiverpoolSU Hub Cambridge Court E2 Europa E4 LiverpoolSU Hub Liverpool Science Park LiverpoolSU Hub Byrom Point Avril Robarts The Glassworks B4 Library Albert Court Grand Central D3 Grenville Street C1 2 Tithebarn Liverpool ONE Building Liberty Atlantic Point B4 Liberty Gardens B3 Marybone 1, 2 and 3 B4 LiverpoolSU Hub St Andrew’s Gardens D3 St. Luke's View Aldham Vita Student St. Luke’s View D2 Robarts Library Careers Zone Vita Student B3

Lime Street Station

LJMU buildings Site of Copperas Hill Development Student accommodation Agnes Jones House Liverpool landmarks 1 The LJMU campus area Arch LiverpoolSU Hub Liverpool Science Park Grenville Train stations Street Parking

Liverpool ONE A B C D E

a3 inner map_v1.indd 1 25/09/2017 14:11

LiverpoolSU Hub

St. Luke's View Aldham Robarts Library

Agnes Jones House The Arch

Grenville Street

LJMU Green Travel Plan

Appendix D Travel Plan Action Plan

Action Resources Timescale Notes

Signposting and Information Exchange Provide clear contacts for enquiry and comments. Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Ongoing Includes management of social media platforms (which will include Environment Team on-the-go updates) and contact information on the LJMU Sustainability webpages. Publish new LJMU Sustainability webpages with comprehensive and up-to- Marketing Ongoing date coverage of travel options, events, and benefits. Environment Team Offer information and signposting at LJMU Institutional Induction for Student Advice and Wellbeing Annual Sustainability stand established at the LJMU Welcome Event (not students. Estate Management Freshers Fair). Citybike and Merseytravel included at this. Signpost appropriate travel options (as contained within the Travel Plan) to Environment Team Ongoing Developing student travel guide posters with Liverpool SU, for use in staff and students. Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations student accommodation. Supporting content for Before You Arrive People and Organisational Development website. Sustainability-themed questions now included in Liverpool Liverpool SU SU’s Rate Your Landlord survey. Staff Induction information. Produce online pocket guides for staff and students, to accompany the Travel Plan.

Promote journey and route apps and their benefits. Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Ongoing. Include in Travel Plan, Sustainability webpages, social media, and any Environment Team event attended, e.g. Welcome Event. Network with Liverpool SU to promote and encourage sustainable travel Environment Team Ongoing. Notes: See Action Point 2, 3 and 4. options to students. Liverpool SU Produce LJMU news articles for students and staff, to cover any and all Environment Team Ongoing significant travel updates (e.g. benefits, schemes, events). People and Organisational Development Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Walking Establish and promote key walking routes, also illustrating calories burned Student Advice and Wellbeing Tbc. Notes: Partly completed. Further work required to establish or

and CO2 saved. Environment Team improve promotion of key walking routes. Support pedestrianisation and accessibility within the Estates capital Estate Management Ongoing development programme. Explore opportunities to hold a pedometer challenge. People and Organisational Development Annual Notes: LJMU participating in the GCC pedometer challenge. Internal Relations Hold walk day/week events and campaigns. People and Organisational Development Annual. Completed in 2016 Go Green Week. Internal Relations Wellbeing Week? Environment Team Student Advice and Wellbeing Cycling

Operate Cycle Loan scheme for staff. People and Organisational Development Ongoing


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Explore opportunities to implement a cycle hire/procurement scheme for TBC. Tbc. students (non-salary sacrifice). Environment Team / Liverpool SU. Complete full campus audit of cycling storage, locks, and shower/changing Security Services 2017/18 Last completed August 2014. facilities, recording all results. Environment Team Details to be provided on Sustainability webpages and within the Travel Plan. Maintain adequate storage available on campus. Estate Management Tbc. In line with the Graham FM Estate Masterplan. Review cycle security on campus to identify any practical requirements to Security Services As above. improve the same. Environment Team Promote the benefits associated with using the Liverpool Citybike scheme. Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Ongoing People and Organisational Development Environment Team Offer training and sessions for cycle safety and security. Security Services Tbc. Could be included as part of annual Green Week/student induction. Environment Team Offer communal bike repair kits and facilities. Estate Management Tbc – dependent upon cycle strategy going forward. Hold cycle day/week events and campaigns. Environment Team Tbc. Could be included as part of annual Green Week/student induction. Security Services Health and Wellbeing

Public Transport Operate Travel Pass Loan scheme for staff. People and Organisational Development Ongoing

Promote ticket incentives and discounts with local transport providers, Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Ongoing Continuous process in Travel Plan updates annually. especially regarding student concessions. Student Advice and Wellbeing Continuous knowledge exchange with Merseytravel and CCTG. Environment Team People and Organisational Development Promote free ticket giveaway opportunities. Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Ongoing

Provide detailed information of ticketing options, fares, and public transport Environment Team Ongoing See Action Points 1 and 2. routes for students and staff. To support the research into the Merseytravel Student Voices Report. Liverpool SU Tbc Business Travel

Identify where opportunities may exist to reduce business travel-related Procurement Services Tbc. carbon emissions. Post, Print and Transport Services Environment Team


LJMU Green Travel Plan

Car Share Generally promote the advantages of car sharing. Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Ongoing Environment Team

Knowledge and Awareness

Undertake student and staff travel surveys. Environment Team Biennial Staff Travel Survey last completed 2016. Corporate Communications and Stakeholder Relations Student Travel Survey last completed 2015. Teaching and Learning Academy (Next staff/student travel survey to take place March 2018.) Perform staff and student postcode plots where appropriate, to better People and Organisational Development Tbc – dependent on HR understand commuting journeys and target suitably. policy. Attend and work with the TravelWise Employers Network Forum to keep up- Environment Team Ongoing to-date with travel movements in the city and liaise with key stakeholders. Attend and work with the Liverpool Cycle Forum to keep up-to-date with Environment Team Ongoing cycle and highway strategies and liaise with key stakeholders. Participate in the City Centre Travel Group (CCTG) to liaise within the Environment Team Ongoing

Knowledge Quarter and explore mutually-beneficial opportunities.

If available, apply for Merseytravel grant scheme to improve sustainable Environment Team COMPLETED. 2014: Grant awarded and used to install high quality CCTV at four transport infrastructure on site. outdoors cycle storage areas across campus.

2016: Grant awarded and used to fund 40-capacity secure cycle compound at Byrom Street campus. Use People and Organisational Development to direct new staff to People and Organisational Development Tbc. Merseytravel’s Transport Solutions. Environment Team