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DIRECTORY.] CH~HlRE. BIRKENHEAD. 115 Atkins )irs. Br Grove rd. Rock Fen1 Barker Ma.tthew H. 78 Fountain st. Beckwith John, 9 Highfield south, Atkinson Harry, 43 Greenbank road, 'l'ranmere Rock Ferry Higher Tranmere Barker Mrs. 41 Park road east Beer Adolphus '\Villiam, 17 Allerton Atkinson Jonathan, 20 Highfield cres- Barker Richard Arthur, 21 Howbeck road, Higher Tranmere Cent, Rock Ferry road, Oxton Beer John Thomas, 52 Rock lane west, .Atkinson J sph. 12 Storeton rd. Oxt<ln Barker Wm. Alfd. 41 Bids ton rd.Oxton 'Rock Ferry Atkinson Mrs. 26 North road, Higher Barker '\Yilliam Herald, 3 Cearm Belcher EdmundCharles,44 Grosveno.r Tranmere road, Oxton road, Claughton .Attwell Rev. Herbert Hobson (Con- Barlow John, 5 Willow Bank road, Bell George, The Wood, Shrewsbury gregatio.nal), 85 The Woodlands, Higher Tranmere road north, Oxton Tranmere Barnes John, Mersey bank, New Ferry Bell George 0 . .Arno house, Grange .Au~hterlonie ~Irs. I~ynton lodge, Beb- road, New Ferry .., road west ington road, Rock Ferry llarnes John Edward Lloyd, Cliff cot- Bell Mrs. rB Cearns road, Oxton .Austin Frederick William, 39 Shrews- tage, Poplar road, Oxton Bell Mrs. 19 Claughton Firs, Oxton bury road, Oxton Barnett Mrs. 43 Bedford rd.Rock Ferry Bell Mrs. r8 HighfiPld rd. Rock Ferry Austin Hy. 31 Rockville st.Rock Ferry Barr Mrs. 35 Seymour street, Higher Bell Mrs. 31 Liversidge road, Higher Austin :Miss, 8 James street 'franmere Tranmere .Aylen •Samuel, 27 '\Vest Bank road, Barr William, 24 Osborne road Bell Richard, 37 Dingle road, Higher Tranmere Barritt James F. L_ 8 Eaton road Higher Tranmere Babington Miss, 20 New Chester rd. Barrow Geo. 45 King st. Rock Ferry Bell Rowland, 27 Highfield road, .New Ferry Barrow Richard, 8 Caroline place Rock Ferry .Bachmann ~rs. 43 Rockville ~Street, Barry Very Rev. Canon John (Catha- Bell Rnssell, 45 Upton rd. Claughton Rock Ferry lie), Price street Bellis George, 43 Grove rd.Rock Ferry .Bacon Sewell, 'fhornhill, Egert<ln pk. Barry David Thomas M.B. 300 Old Bellis John, 7 Milton rd. Tranmere Rock Ferry Chester road, Hock Ferry Bellis William, 469 New .Chester rd. Bagsbaw .Tohn Ed:ward .Burton, 3 Bar.ry Mrs. 256 Bedford rd.Rock Ferry Rock Ferry Rock park, Rock Ferry Barry Zachary, 66 Park road south Benckiser Mrs. 40 Euston grove :Bagshaw Mrs. 2 Rock pl. Rock Ferry Bartlett John Jacob Bartlett, 2 Circu- Bennett George W. West ridge, Bagshaw William, 47 Highfield south, lar road, Tranmere Ingestre road, Oxton Rock Ferry Bar ton Misses, 22 New Chester road, Bennett J ames, 26 Mersey road, Bagshaw William Ernest, 2 Rock New Ferry Rock Ferry park, Rock Ferry Barton William Henry, 36 North road, Bennett. .)Iiss, 12 South bank, OxtDn .Bagshaw William H. ID Woodland Higher Tranmere Bennette Horace Willie Paul, Gothic grove, Rock Ferry Bates William C.E. 13 Eaton road lodge, Park road south Buildon Frederick N. 38 Greenbank Bates William, 64 Park road west, Bennington Herbert,Rimswell,Shrews- road, Higher Tranmere Claughton bury road north, Oxton Baile David A.. 6 New Chester Batho Mrs. 14 Allerwn road, Higher Bennion Miss, Beachlawn, New Ferry road, New Ferry 'franmere terrace, New Ferry Bailey John, z6 Rocky Bank road, Batty Mrs. 6 Reedville, Birkenhead Benson Hy.62New Ferry rd.New Ferry Higher Tranmere Baty Henry Arkell, {~intra, Prenton Benson Mrs. 24- Holly Bank rd.Trnmre Bailey Thomas, rg Liversidge rd. read west, Higher Tranmere Bentley Frederick, roo Prenton road Higher 'franmere Baty John W.w Clarence rd.Tranmere east, Higher Baines 'Ralph, 5 Fairview rd. Oxton Baty Mrs. Cintra, Prenton road west, Bentley John H. 5 Park grove, Higher Baines Ricba.rd, ro St. Paul's road, Higher 'rranmere Tranmer.3 Rock Ferry Baty Mrs. 22 Poplar road, Oxton Bentley Mrs. 19 AllertDn road, Higher Baines Robt. 4 Irvine ter. New Ferry Baty Mrs. 76 Prenton <road east, rrranmere Eaines Thos.28Rockville st.Rock Ferry Higher 'l'ranmere Bernard William, 9 Low Wood road Bairns on John, 7 King's mount Baty Thos. H-4Clarence rd. Tranmere Berrington J. A. Ban Accord, Prenton Bairson Wm. 29 Slatpy rd. Claughwn Baty Walt.Loraine, 22 Poplar rd.Oxton road west, Higher Tranmere Baker .A.rchbld. 5 Stuart rd. Tranmere Baxter Cha.rles H. 5 Beresford road, Berry Edwin, 19 Cearns road, Oxton Baker Arth. r8 Green lawn,Rock Frry Claughton Berry l''redk. 7 Laurel rd. Tranmere Baker Joseph, Westridge, Prenton rd. Baxter John, 57 Upwn rd. Claughton Bevan Mrs. 321 Old Chester road, west, Higher Tranmere Haxter Miss, 5 Beresford rd.Olaughton Rock Ferry Baldwin Mrs. 15 Kingsland road, Haxter Miss, ro Thornburn road, New Bevan William George, 38 North rd. Higher Ferry park, New Fe;,ITy Higher Tranmere Ball Misses. I BHollyBank rd. Tranmere Baxter :Mrs. 46 Russell rd. Rock Ferry Bevis Mrs. 6 Manor hill, Olaughton Ballantine Hepburn, 5 Heath Bank rd. Baxter Richard Waiter, 5 Beresford Bewsher Mrs. 19 Alton road, Oxton Higher Tranmere road, Olaughton Bewsher Thomas B. rg Alton rd.Oxton Balloch Mis~, 3 Christ Church road Bayley Waiter Kersey, 5 Grosvenor rd. Beynon Joseph, 4 Elm rd.Rock Ferry Bally John .A.dams, 5 Mount Olive, Claughton Bickersteth Harold, 2 Tollemache rd. Ingestre road, Oxhm Bayne John B. 10 Bennett's hill, Oxton Claughton , Bancroft Andrew Fleming, 3 Kingsland Bazett Arth.~ 54 Shrewsbury rd.Oxton Bickersteth Herbert, 4 Park road we. road, Tranmere Bean Brunton, IB Beech road, Higher Claughton Band John Ohas. Erightholme, Eger- Tranmere Bickley Henry, 27 Liversidge rd. ton park, Rock Ferry Bean John Foster, 34 NorlJh road, Higher Tranmere Band Stephen Bancroft, r8 Green bank Higher Tranmere Bielby Horace C'laude Victor, 31 road, Higher Tranmere Bean Kenneth W. M. 3 East bank, Grange mount · Band William George, 32 Shrews- Woodcburch road, O:xton Biggins Rev. Jamea (Catholic), The bury road, Oxwn Beard James E. 20 North road, Presbytery, Park street Band Wm. R. 32 Shrewsbury rd.Oxton Higher Tranmere Bigland Alfd. 84 Shrewsbury rd.Oxton Banks William, 4 Olive crescent, Beard Miss, 2r Carlt<ln road, Higher Bigland Mrs. 6 Arnside road, O:xton Higher Tranmere Tranmere Bigland Mrs. 6 South bank, OxtDn Barclay Adam H. 13 Southbank,O:xton Beard William, SI Fountain street, Billeau Charles F. B. 28 Well lane, BaT"clay Clifford, 26 Willow Bank road, Higher Tranmere R<lck Ferry Higher Tranmere Beasley Myddleton, II Osborne road Billington Robert Green, 23 Beech Barclay George Henry, Lingholme, Beattie Jas. 34 Well la. Rock Ferry road, Higher Tranmere Swreton road, Prenton Beaumont Mrs. 26 Gran,ge mount Bingham Alexander R. I6 Kingsmead Barclay Miss, 49 Carlton rd. Higher Beaver Atwood, 29 Devonshire place, road south, O:xton Tranmere Claughton Bingham Frank, 56 Bebington road, Barclay Wm. C. 20 Ale:xandra road Beazley Edwin A. Merefield, Wexford New Ferry Barcroft William Greer,89 Shrewsbury road, Oxton Bingham Wm. J.P. Lingdale ho. Ling- road north, O:xton Beazley .Mrs. Fernhill, Manor bill, dale road, Claught<ln Bare F. Bloomfield, 295 Old Chester Claughton Birch Joseph, 58 Bebington road, New road, Rock Ferry Beazley Robert C. 14 Waterford road, Ferry Barker Rev. Herbert (curate St. O:xton Birch Mrs. 2 Stnart rd. Tranmere Paul's, Ttanmere), 73 Grove road, Beck Jsph. Ralston,2oReedville,Clghtn Birch Thomas, 6 St. Paul's villas, Old Rock Ferry Beckett Caleb, 2 Seymour street, Chester road, Rock Ferry Barker J. Lockhart, rr Princess ter- Higher 'l'ranmere Bird James, 25 Gros,.venor rd.Clanghtn race, Balls road Beckett Fdk. E. 27 Ehn rd.RockFerry Bird Joseph W. rg Eastern road, New: Barker Mrs. 3 Cearns road, O:xton Beddoes Sarnl. Hy. 47 Park rd. east Ferry park CHESHIRE 8* .