Water-Temples of Sardinia: Identification, Inventory and Interpretation
Department of Archaeology and Ancient History Master's Degree Thesis, 45 credits, 2014 Advisor: Gunnel Ekroth WATER-TEMPLES OF SARDINIA: IDENTIFICATION, INVENTORY AND INTERPRETATION Maud Webster ABSTRACTS Title: Water-temples of Sardinia: Identification, Inventory and Interpretation. Author: Maud Webster 2014. Specification: A two-year master's thesis in Archaeology and Ancient History, Uppsala University. Department Address: Dept. of Archaeology and Ancient History, P.O. Box 626, SE-75126 Uppsala, Sweden. Criteria for identifying prehistoric water-temples among other archaeological remains in Sardinia have not been explicitly discussed so far, making it difficult to investigate this remarkable body of evidence as a whole. This study therefore aims at elaborating a method for identifying water-temples among other fonts and wells in Sardinia, and applying it to produce an inventory. A theoretical discussion of definable criteria for assessing possible cult status in this context precedes an evaluation of the investigable wells and fonts reported in the island. Buildings found to lack cult correlates are noted in an Appendix, while buildings presenting them are inventoried in a Catalogue. A concluding discussion of the results considering spatial, temporal and cultural aspects follows, leading to a new perspective regarding the genesis of the Sardinian water-temples.* Keywords: water-temple, Sardinia, Nuragic, isodomic, cult correlate, sacred well, sacred font, masonry styles Templi ad acqua della Sardegna: identificazione, inventario e interpretazione. Autrice: Maud Webster 2014. Indirizzo del dipartimento: Dip. di Archeologia e Storia antica, C.P. 626, SE-75126 Uppsala, Svezia. Criteri per l'identificazione di templi ad acqua preistorici fra altri residui archeologici in Sardegna non sono stati esplicitamente discussi fin'ora, rendendo difficile l'indagine di questo straordinario insieme di evidenze come tale.
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