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FRIDAY, MAY 12, 1972 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 37 ■ Number 93 Pages 9539-9599 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. PETROLEUM IMPORTS— Presidential proclama tion amends previous proclamation,........ ......... 9543 AIR QUALITY— EPA issues explanatory statement and adjusts sulfur oxide criteria as directed by Court of Appeals opinion in Kennecott case (2 documents)...................: ------------- 9577 CONTROLLED DRUGS— Justice Dept, publishes semiannual updating of lists..—............................. 9545 NATURAL GAS RATES— FPC suspends changes proposed by Amoco and begins hearing proce dures ........................................ 9587 MILITARY DRAFT— Selective Service proposed rules changes concerning appeals, conscientious objectors, and alternate service; comments with in 30 days.......................... ................... .............9566, 9567 I ADVERTISING PRACTICES— FTC 30-day notice of intent to close public record of recent hearing testimony ....................... 9591 SALMON IMPORTS— Customs Bureau eliminates some restrictions; effective 5 -1 2 -7 2 ........ 9560 ANTIDUMPING AND COUNTERVAILING DUTY— Treasury Dept, takes measures against Japanese wool fabrics, German tubeless tire valves, and Canadian steel belted tires (3 documents)........... 9568 30-year Reference Volumes Consolidated Indexes and Tables Presidential Proclamations and Executive Orders Consolidated subject indexes and tabular finding aids to Presidential proclamations, Executive orders, and certain other Presidential documents promulgated during a 30-year period (1936-1965) are now available in two separately bound volumes, published under Title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations, priced as follows: Title 3, 1936-1965 Consolidated Indexes__________________________ $3. 50 Title 3, 1936-1965 Consolidated Tables- _________________________ $ 5 .2 5 Compiled by Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 jests Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no publication on Sundays, Mondays, or on the day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, Nation« FEDERAL^pREGISTER Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.O. 20408, Area Code 202 \ Phene 962-8626 pursuant to the authority contained in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 193» (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15), under regulations prescribed by the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register, ap proved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I)-. Distribution is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office,, Washington, D.C. 20402. ' The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code o f F ederal R egulations, which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended (44 U.S.C. 1510). The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the Superintenden of Documents. Prices of new books are listed in the first F ederal R egister issue of each month. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister or the Code of F ederal regulations. Contents Notices FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION THE PRESIDENT Wool and polyester/wool worsted Rules and Regulations fabrics from Japan; withhold proclamation ing of appraisement notice----- 9568 Forms; exemption of small pro Modifying Proclamation 3279, re X-radial steel belted * tires from ducers from regulation; annual lating to imports of petroleum Canada; countervailing duties statem en t___ ___ 9559 and petroleum products----- — 9543 proceedings_________________• 9568 Notices Land withdrawn in certain proj EXECUTIVE AGENCIES DEFENSE DEPARTMENT ects; order vacating land With Notices drawals ______________ 1_____,. 9586 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING Deputy Secretary of Defense; del Hearings, etc.: egation of authority-------------- 9576 Amoco Production Co. et al___ . _ 9587 SERVICE Arkansas Power & Light Co_____ 9584 EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS California Co. et al______ 9590 Rules and Regulations Cascade Natural Gas Corp— __ 9585 Papayas grown in Hawaii; ship OFFICE Detroit Edison Co____ ________ 9585 ments limitations---------------- - 9557 Notices Georgia Power Co_____ 1- 9585 Mobil Oil Corp______ 9586 Proposed Rule Making Appointments as Federal Coordi nating Officers: Oklahoma Natural Gas Gather Milk in upper Florida, Tampa Bay, Alfred Halm_______ _______ — 9591 ing Corp...__________ 9587 and southeastern Florida mar Leo McNamee----------. ------------- 9591 Public Utility District No. 1 of keting areas; hearing on tenta Chelan County_______ 9587 tive marketing agreements and EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS orders — i --------------- ■■------ —■?- 9565 FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION Peaches grown in Georgia; han ADMINISTRATION dling limitations-------------------- 9564 Notices Notices Minimum wages for Federal and Modern advertising practices; no AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT federally assisted construction; tice to close public record of area wage determination deci testimony and submissions of See Agricultural Marketing Serv data and views_______ __ ____ 9591 ice; Commodity Credit Corpor sions and modifications; new determinations______________ 9592 ation. HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION WELFARE DEPARTMENT AGENCY Notices Notices Notices Deputy Assistant Secretary for Boston Edison Co.; availability of Sulfur oxides: Administration; delegation of final environmental statement Air quality criteria----------------- - 9577 authority regarding appoint for Pilgrim Nuclear Power National secondary ambient air ment of Equal Opportunity Of Station ____________ 1------------ 9576 quality standards----------- -— 9577 ficer _______________------------- 9576 Omaha Public Power District; consideration of issuance of fa FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS IMPORT PROGRAMS OFFICE cility operating license and op- _ portimity for hearing------------- 9576 COM MISSION Notices Rules and Regulations Duty-free entry of scientific ar CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD Frequency allocations; treaties ticles;' applications and deci and other international agree sions on applications: Notices ments relating to radio.----------- 9560 Catholic University of America. 9569 Hearings, etc.: Cornell University----------------- 9569 Automotive cargo investigation. 9577 Notices Harvard University et al---------- 9570 National Airlines, Inc________ 9577 Chicago Spectrum Management Massachusetts Institute of Region; requirements for filing Technology________________ 9571 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT application form in land mobile Pennsylvania State University services__ —------------------------- 9578 et al____ 9571 See Import Programs Office. Common carrier services informa State University of New York at tion ; domestic public radio serv^ Buffalo et al___ .____ 9572 COMMODITY CREDIT ices applications accepted for University of Califomia-San CORPORATION filin g________________ 9579 - Francisco and University of Standard broadcast stations; noti U ta h ____________________ 9573 Rules and Regulations fication lists: University of Illinois et al___ _ 9573 Flaxseed loan and purchase pro- Canada_____________________ 9583 Wayne State University---------- 9575 gram; 1972 crop__ _________ ._ 9558 Dominican Republic---------------- 9583 INTERSTATE COMMERCE CUSTOMS BUREAU FEDERAL MARITIME COMMISSION COM MISSION Rules and Regulations Notices Ports of entry; Peoria, 111.______ 9559 Notices Assignment of hearings------------- 9596 Special classes of merchandise; Certificates of financial responsi Motor carrier temporary authority elimination of certain restric bility (oil pollution) ; certifi applications------------------------- 9596 tions on importation of salmon. 9560 cates issued__________ 9584 Europe Canada Lakes Line ; agree JUSTICE DEPARTMENT Proposed Rule Making ment filed____________ 9583 See Narcotics and Dangerous Articles exported and returned; Gulf/Mediterranean Ports Con Drugs Bureau. duty-free entry of reimported ference Merchant’s Freight Con (Continued on next page) articles___ ________________ 9564 tract; petition filed— , ----------- 9583 9541 9542 CONTENTS LABOR DEPARTMENT SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE SMALL BUSINESS See Employment Standards Ad COMMISSION ADMINISTRATION ministration; O ccu p ation al Safety and Health Administra Notices Notices tion. Inter-Island Mortgagee Corp.; Central Investment Corporation order suspending trading.____ 9592 ‘of Denver; filing of application NARCOTICS AND DANGEROUS for approval of conflict * of DRUGS BUREAU SELECTIVE SERVICE SYSTEM interest transaction between as Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making sociates ______________ 9591 Surrender of licenses : Controlled substances; schedules, Alternate service._____________ 9567 Circle K Investment Corp_____ 9592 excluded nonnarcotic sub Conscientious objectors____ _____ 9566 Provident Enterprises Corp___ 9592 stances, and excepted stimulant or