Our Boys in Chevron

Rabbi – The Alter of Sloabodka

Rabbi Moshe Rabbi Ephraim Epstein Mordechai Epstein Rabbi Ephraim Epstein | Aharon Dovid Epstein

Bnei of Chevron. R-L Aharon Dovid Sheinberg, Yaakov Wexler, Elchanan Roch, unidentified, Shlomo Yagel

Ksiva V’Chasima Tova. To my dear friend, the crown of the generation, the gaon and tzadik Rav Chaim Zonnenfeld, Shlita, Gaon Av Beis Din of Yerushalayim, Ksiva V’Chasima Tova. To my dear friend, the crown of the generation, the gaon and tzadik Rav Chaim Zonnenfeld, Shlita, Gaon Av Beis Din of Yerushalayim,

I am gratified that the Rov is willing to help out our Yeshiva, and in light of the atrocious pogrom against our Yeshiva in Chevron, I am taking the strength to ask you to do something that will bring tremendous help to our Yeshiva. Jewish home plundered by Arab rioters in . Blood-stained floor covered with wreckage.

The destruction of the Avraham Avinu Synagogue in Hebron in 1929. Ksiva V’Chasima Tova. To my dear friend, the crown of the generation, the gaon and tzadik Rav Chaim Zonnenfeld, Shlita, Gaon Av Beis Din of Yerushalayim,

I am gratified that the Rov is willing to help out our Yeshiva, and in light of the atrocious pogrom against our Yeshiva in Chevron, I am taking the strength to ask you to do something that will bring tremendous help to our Yeshiva.

The renowned philanthropist, a G-d fearing person, Mr. Yerachmiel Wexler, has sent his son to learn in our Yeshiva.

הנדיב היקר ירחמיאל וועקסלער Ksiva V’Chasima Tova. To my dear friend, the crown of the generation, the gaon and tzadik Rav Chaim Zonnenfeld, Shlita, Gaon Av Beis Din of Yerushalayim,

I am gratified that the Rov is willing to help out our Yeshiva, and in light of the atrocious pogrom against our Yeshiva in Chevron, I am taking the strength to ask you to do something that will bring tremendous help to our Yeshiva.

The renowned philanthropist, a G-d fearing person, Mr. Yerachmiel Wexler, has sent his son to learn in our Yeshiva.

However, the will of Hashem was that his son should be one of the holy sacrifices of Chevron.

The renowned philanthropist, a G-d fearing person, Mr. Yerachmiel Wexler, has sent his son to learn in our Yeshiva.

However, the will of Hashem was that his son should be one of the holy sacrifices of Chevron.

There are no words to describe the benefit this bochur had in his studies while alive. He toiled in Torah as well as he was elevated in his learning Mussar and rose in his Yiras Shamayim. The renowned philanthropist, a G-d fearing person, Mr. Yerachmiel Wexler, has sent his son to learn in our Yeshiva.

However, the will of Hashem was that his son should be one of the holy sacrifices of Chevron.

There are no words to describe the benefit this bochur had in his studies while alive. He toiled in Torah as well as he was elevated in his learning Mussar and rose in his Yiras Shamayim. The renowned philanthropist, a G-d fearing person, Mr. Yerachmiel Wexler, has sent his son to learn in our Yeshiva.

However, the will of Hashem was that his son should be one of the holy sacrifices of Chevron.

There are no words to describe the benefit this bochur had in his studies while alive. He toiled in Torah as well as he was elevated in his learning Mussar and rose in his Yiras Shamayim.

Even when he faced certain death, he went to his Rebbe and embraced him and thanked him for all that he had given him. He then begged his Rebbe for forgiveness. They both were at their complete sanity even at this critical moment, and they both davened Maariv and then the bachur was murdered. How can I approach and comfort the father after such a devastating loss? I know that the father has invested a huge sum of money in the purchase of some fruit gardens of 300 dunams and his intent was to donate the proceeds to our Yeshiva.

However, now after this devastating loss and especially that he is bringing the holy soul to be buried in America, I have no words to appeal to the father.

However, dear Rov, I beg of you to write a letter comforting the father and request of him to donate the gardens to the Yeshiva and they would be named on his son which would be an everlasting name for his soul. I apologize for placing this burden on the Rov, however the Yeshiva is in dire need of money, and the letter from the Rov to the philanthropist, who is very wealthy and has a golden heart would be a great help if it comes through.

I am signing this letter with the utmost respect and I pray to Hashem to have mercy.

Moshe Mordechai Epstein

His address is:

R. Wexler 4237 Van Buren St. Chicago, Ill, U.S. America.

Thank you to the following individuals for their assistance on details and materials related to this :

Rabbi Zev Eleff Dovi Safier Kestenbaum Auctions Rabbi Pesach Krohn HTC Library Next Shiur: December 23rd Sefer Zeh Tehillim and antique (100+ years) Sefarim from Chicago

Questions/Comments – [email protected]