בס״ד PIRCHEI Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 3 Issue: 15 - כ"ז שבט, תשע"ו - February 6, 2016 פרשה: משפטים - הפטרה: : הדבר אשר היה אל ירמיהו... )ירמיהו לד:ח-כב, לג:כה-כו( מברכים ר״ח אדר א' )מולד יום ראשון בשעה: חלקים 14 + 08:47( דף יומי: גיטין נ״ה מצות תעשה: 23 מצות לא תעשה: 30


we can better understand , רַּ ב מְ ַּ " ן With this explanation of the אִםחָ בֺל תַּחְ בֺלשַּ לְמַּ תרֵ עֶָךעַּד בֺא הַּשֶמֶ ש תְשִ יבֶנוּ … הִ וא כְ סוּתֺה לְבַּדָ הּ הִ וא — קָ רוֹב ד׳ לְכָל קֺרְ אָיו, לְכֺל אֲשֶ ר יִקְרָ אֻהוּ בֶאֱמֶ ת“ :(קמה:יח) תְ הִ ִל י ם in פָ סוּק a שִמְלָתוֹ לְעֺרוֹ בַּמֶ ה יִשְ כָב וְהָ יָה יכִ יִצְ עַּק אֵ לַּי יוְשָמַּעְתִ יכִ חַּ נּוּן אָנִי )שְ מוֹת כב:כה-כו( is close to those who call upon Him, to all those who call upon Him ד׳ If you take your friend’s garment as a security you shall :being accepted תְ פִ ָל ה return it to him before sunset. For it alone is his clothing; it is truthfully.” There is only one prerequisite to informs us that acceptance of פָ סוּק his garment for his skin, and in what should he lie down? If he will cry being honest when davening. The ד׳ is not dependent only upon one’s level of righteousness, for תְ פִ ָל ה .out to Me, I will listen, for I am compassionate must be רָ שָ ע a ,ד׳ would end with the listens to all those who call Him. When davening to פָ סוּק It would seem to be enough if the If he will cry out to Me, I will listen. honest and acknowledge that he is wicked, but he should nevertheless , וְהָיָ ה יכִ יִ צְ עַּ ק אֵ לַּ י וְ שָ מַּ עְ תִ י words to help him in his time of distress. He should be aware of ד׳ for I am plead to , י כִ חַּ נּוּן אָנִי What is the meaning of the extra words is the only One ד׳ explain” His reason for listening to the where he stands spiritually, but still recognize that“ ד׳ compassionate? Why does promises that He will be close to all those ד׳ .prayer of the poor person? Who can truly help him who daven with honesty. teaches us a fascinating רַּ ב מְ ַּ " ן In answering this question, the One must never think, Why should I daven? After all, who are referring to a scenario פָ סוּק These words in the : תְ פִ ָל ה insight into חַּ נּ וּ ן is ד׳ tell us that ת וֹ רָ ה should listen to my prayers? The ד׳ am I that stems from the root חַּ נּ וּ ן explains that רַּ ב מְ ַּ " ן is — compassionate. The ד׳ .where the poor person was someone who was not righteous always listens to our prayers — even ד׳ .(gratis (for free — חִ ָנּ ם cautioning any dishonest people who may think that they can take a word garment belonging to a person who is not righteous as a security and though we have nothing to offer in the way of righteousness. יִהְ יוּ לְרָ צוֹן אִמְרֵ י פִ י וְהֶגְ יוֹן לִבִ י with the words תְ פִ ל וֹ ת still feel confident that they will not be punished. They falsely reason We end our May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find ,לְ פָ נֶ יָך… of אִ סּ וּ ר that they do not need to worry about transgressing any keeping the poor man’s clothing as security, because even if the favor before You… Sincere davening with our mouth and heart are the Hashem is my Rock ,ד׳ צוּרִ י וְ גֺאֲלִי … s eyes’ד׳ certainly will not heed the prayers of the wicked. factors that find favor in ד׳ ,borrower cries out is always there. He is ready to ד׳ ,stresses that He accepts the prayers of even those who and my Redeemer! Like a rock ד׳ ,Therefore !is promising that He will listen, Redeem us from our troubles, even though we maybe undeserving ד׳ .are not righteous or deserving because He is compassionate. Based is part on: Rav Wolbe on Chumash (with kind permission from ArtScroll)

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses זַ צַ ״ ל In his later years, R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel born in Rasei, suffered from pain in his legs. To one of ,זַ צַ ״ ל Finkel, the Alter of Slabodka ר ׳ ָ נ תָ ן צְ בִ י כ"ט שבט of the תַ ְל מִ י ד at an early age. He was a יָתוֹם , became a 5687 - 5609 he revealed that the תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם his close 1927 - 1849 in leg pain was the direct result of his ְי שִ י בָ ה קְ טַ ָנ ה and כּוֹלֵל In 1877, he opened a . זַ צַ ״ ל Alter of Kelm ר ֺאש as זַ צַ ״ ל appointing R' , ְי שִ י בָ ה Slabodka. He started Telz for his special תְ ל פִ ָּ ה standing so long in split in a ְי שִ י בָ ה In 1897, the . ְי שִ י בָ ה In 1884, he founded the Slabodka . ְי שִ י בָ ה The reason I am telling you“ . תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם , ְ י שִ י בַ ת כְּ ֶנ סֶ ת ִי שְ רָ אֵ ל He formed . מ וּ סָ ר dispute over the emphasis on learning is that I see“ ,ר׳ נָּתָּ ן צְבִ י this,” explained ר ֺאש as זַ צַ ״ ל Meltzer ר׳ אִיסֶ ר זַלְמַ ן appointing , ְי שִ י בָ ה and also launched together that one day you will serve as a אֶ רֶ ץ ִ י שְ רָ אֵ ל in ְי שִ י בָ ה In the '20s, he opened a branch of his . ְי שִ י בָ ה and you must know how to , מַ שְ גִ י ַ ח תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם and sent numerous hand-picked , זַ צַ " ל Epstein ר ' ֺמ שֶ ה מָ רְ דְ כָ י with are collected in conduct yourself and be aware of how much שִעוּרִ ים His . חֶ בְ ר וֹ ן in ְי שִ י בָ ה there. In 1925, he moved to his ”!dedication this requires .אוֹר הַצָ פוּן

לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י via email, please send an email to [email protected]

This week's Pirchei Weekly is sponsored kg"b nurhbu rw jhho hartk ci rw sc zm"k sc rw ci hartk jhho rw nurhbu kg"b with Living the Torah Job Qualifications

Ten years passed and R' Moshe Mordechai now needed to …אַ לְמָ נָה וְ יָתוֹם ּלא תְ עַנוּן )שְ מוֹת כב:כא(. he began for a , רַ ָ ב נ וּ ת You shall not persecute any widow or orphan. make a living. Not wanting to enter the world of to cause pain to a widow short while to help out in his wife’s family’s business. R' Isser Zalman אִ סּ וּ ר דְ א וֹ רַ ְ י תָ א writes: the רַ מְ ַ ב ״ ן applies even to a wealthy widow. He explains that even a widow with continued on in his learning, as his ten years of support had not yet money feels lonely and vulnerable and is easily moved to tears. run out. the) זַ צַ " ל of Slabodka, R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel ר ֺא ש ְי שִ י בָ ה The ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ passed away, he left his Alter of Slabodka), offered R' Isser Zalman the opportunity to bea זַ צַ " ל When R' Shraga Feivel Frank in the world. Thrilled with the יְשִ יבוֹת in one of the greatest מַגִ יד שִ עוּר .wife with exact instructions regarding marrying off their daughters offer, the young man asked who else was going to be chosen to be a תַ ְ ל מִ י ד He had set aside money to provide a large dowry for a budding R' Nosson Tzvi informed him that it was R' Ahron Bakst, the .מַגִ יד שִ עוּר .for each of them חָ כָ ם Soon after R' Frank passed away, his widow began to look man who was once engaged to his sister-in-law. for his offer but ר ֺא ש ְי שִ י בָ ה for the oldest daughter. It was not long before she became R' Meltzer thanked the שִ דּ וּ ְך for a at a loss as to why R' Isser , ר ֺא ש ְי שִ י בָ ה who at the time was one of the immediately declined. The , זַ צַ " ל engaged to R' Ahron Bakst and later in the Zalman refused, asked for the reason. R' Isser Zalman had preferred ְי שִ י בָ ה learning in the Volozhin תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם outstanding when he to avoid the topic, but now he was left with no choice. He detailed לֵ ב אַהֲ רֺ ן of Kelm. He would eventually author the תַ לְמוּד תוֹרָ ה of Suvalk, Lomza and other cities. Nevertheless, the the history involving R' Bakst and his mother-in-law. Although she רָ ב was the ,leader ת וֹ רָ ה a brilliant, future ,תַ לְמִ יד חָ כָ ם engagement did not last. found another outstanding s family during his engagement, R' as the next choice, this son-in-law was currently working in the family’כַ לָ ה While visiting his for the מַגִ יד שִ עוּר Bakst noticed his future mother-in-law and the girls working hard in business and the one she “let go” was a prospective So take R' Ahron Bakst. You cannot do better than“ . ְי שִ י בָ ה their family-owned store. Being a sensitive, caring individual, he Slabodka wanted to assist them and helped to schlep things around. He felt the him. But I cannot come because it will cause my mother-in-law much packages were too large for the women to handle. Although he had anguish, and I will be the one to have indirectly caused this distress. I to צַ עַ ר pure intentions, his future mother-in-law misinterpreted his actions. would rather give up this tremendous opportunity than cause Seeing her future son-in-law lugging heavy packages gave her the a widow.” impression that he might be the type to go into business soon after R' Nosson Tzvi hesitated. He was not ready to lose such a .Finally R' Isser Zalman came up with a plan . ְי שִ י בָ ה for his מַגִ יד שִ עוּר marriage. That was not what she had in mind originally. She wanted her sons-in-law to learn for at least 10 years. It was a heart-wrenching “The only way that I will come along is if you also hire R' I guarantee that you will .מַגִ יד שִ עוּר Moshe Mordechai to be another . שִ דּ וּ ְך decision, but eventually she decided to break the Instead of R' Ahron Bakst, the widow chose another of the not go wrong with such a great man.” R' Moshe Mordechai Incredibly, both of them were hired. R' Isser Zalman would — ְי שִ י בָ ה of the Volozhiner תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם outstanding ַ ג דְ ל וּ ת His future mother-in-law promised to support him for go on to Slutsk and R' Epstein would become synonymous with . זַ צַ " ל Epstein and R' Isser Zalman’s legendary sacrifice would never be , ַ ב ת וֹ רָ ה the next ten years so that he could continue learning. A few years .forgotten , ר ֺא ש ְי שִ י בָ ה later, the next daughter got engaged to the great Slutzker (Adapted from: Touched by a Story 4 (with kind permission from ArtScroll . זַ צַ " ל R'

ר ׳ ָ נ תָ ן I thought it every direction in surprise to see whom“ ,בָ חוּר At first,” began the“ .had greeted, but did not see anyone צְ בִ י סֵ פֶ ר שֶ ל was a small piece of a page from a continued, “but when it turned “Why are you looking around?” asked בָ ח וּר the ”, קְ ֻד שָ ה ,Dear Talmid Should a person bless his friend only“ . ר ׳ נָ תָ ן צְ בִ י I left it , שֵ מ וֹ ת was out to be a scrap of paper and not , זַ צַ ״ ל ,R' Nosson Tzvi Finkel affectionately known as the ‘Alter of Slabodka.’ on the floor.” when he meets him face to face? Why should was clearly upset at the lack one not simply wish all the people in the house ר ׳ נָ תָ ן צְ בִ י to זוֹכֶ ה he was , תַ ְ ל מִ י ד A teacher to every ”?a good morning even without seeing them , תַ ְ ל מִ י ד of the past of consideration, and scolded him, “My גְ דוֹלֵ י יִשְ רָ אֵ ל develop many of the taught his ר ׳ ָ נ תָ ן צְ בִ י , תַ ְ ל מִ י ד generation. In the following two seemingly why did you drop it again? You should have My to think more deeply about what we תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם unrelated episodes, can you find any common removed the scrap of paper in order to save the factor that provide an insight into the unique next person who walks by the trouble of naturally do. A little consideration can prevent from wasting his time. A ‘Good בָ ח וּר bending down!” another ? תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם way he molded his morning’ is a sincere blessing to one’s friend. He was walking also showed them that kindness to others is ר ׳ נָ תָ ן צְ בִ י ,bend Another time בָ ח וּר once noticed a ר ׳ נָ תָ ן צְ בִ י and the recipient does not ,ד׳ when they passed the house of the between you and תַ ְ ל מִ י ד down, pick up a small scrap of paper, look at it with a !There was no one in sight. Suddenly, have to know that you did it .רֺאש יְשִ יבָה for a moment, and drop it back on the floor. He ייְהִ זִכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! look towards the house ר ׳ נָ תָ ן צְ בִ י saw תַ ְ ל מִ י ד over and asked him to explain the בָ ח וּר called the רֶ בִ י Your , בְ ְי דִ י ד וּ ת looked in תַ ְ ל מִ י ד himself. and say, “Good morning!” The Stories adapted from: Sparks of Mussar - R' C.E. Zaitchik (Feldheim)

.three times פָׁסוּק he should read the , רַ שִׁ ״ י especially if one does not , תַ רְ גּ וּ ם for רַ שִׁ ״ י  One may substitute צְ אֶ י נ ָׁ ה may read רַ שִׁ ״ י should learn both.  One who has difficulty understanding יְארֵ שָׁ מַ יִׁ ם a ; תַ רְ גּ וּ ם understand the רַ שִׁ ״ י or any other similar translation that is based on רְוּ י אֶ נ ָׁ ה with no פְ סוּקִׁ ים then for the , תַ רְ גּ וּ ם for רַ שִׁ ״ י Halacha  If one substitutes or the like.

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 הִלְ כוֹ�ת עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹ�מָ א: הִלְ כוֹ�ת שְׁ נַיִם מִקְ רָ א וְאֶחָ ד ּתַרְ גּ��וּ ם contest שְׁ נַיִם מִקְרָ א וְאֶחָד תַרְ גּוּם of מִ צְ ָו ה — שׁ וֹ בְ בִ י ת״ת 6th week of ,Meir Nedwin, Mordechai Miller, Avrohom Yehuda Salander, Aryeh Robinson ם Whether you are from North Miami Beach (FL), Chicago (IL), Shmuel Safrin, Chaim Sender Broyde, Zevy Goldman, Moshe Levi, Yehuda Tzvi South Bend (IN), Karmiel (), Baltimore (MD), Clifton / Edison / Schwabacher, Tiferes Tzvi; Shloime Aron, Duvid Unger, Yeshiva Ohr Lakewood / Passaic (NJ), Brooklyn / Far Rockaway / Inwood / Kew Gardens / Boruch D’Veitzen; Chicago, IL; Yehoshua Garry, Chofetz Chaim, Monsey / Staten Island (NY); Cincinnati / Cleveland / Wickliffe (OH), Baltimore, MD; Nachman Bulman, Binyomin Silver, Meir Abraham, Yaakov Gateshead / Manchester (UK), or elsewhere, you can still join the amazing Kibel, South Bend Hebrew Day School; South Bend, IN; Yitzchok Gerlitz, .who have participated in the Torah Torah V’daas, Karmiel, Israel תַ ְל מִ י דִ י ם of the hundreds of קִ דּ וּ שׁ ד ׳ contest. Grade 5 – Eliyohu Falik, The Cheder; Nissim Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret שְׁ ַנ ִי ם מִ קְ רָ א וְ אֶ חָ ד תַ רְ גּ וּ ם international To participate, boys in 1st and 2nd grade (6+) should complete the Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Shmuel Yankelewitz, Yeshiva Darchei Torah; Chaim 5th grade Loewi, Siach Yitzchok; Far Rockaway, NY; Shmuel Grossman, Yeshiva Tiferes , רְ בִ י ִ ע י 4th grade (9+) until , שְׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade (8+) until , שֵׁ נִ י until ָפ רָ שָׁ ה 7th and 8th grades (12+) Moshe, Kew Gardens, NY; Dani Levin, Yeshiva Ketana, Inwood, NY; Yehuda , שִׁ שִׁ י 6th grade (11+) until , חֲ מִ י שִׁ י until (10+) Please send a weekly fax signed by a parent to Anteby, Yeshiva Beth Mikroh, Monsey, NY; Avromi Denciger, Aryeh Tzvi . ָפ רָ שָׁ ה complete the entire 718 506 9633 – include your grade, name, school, city, state, contact and Dowek, Yehoshua Bodenstein, Aharon Drucker, Eli Rubin, Moshe Aharon fax #. Gruen, Yitzchok Zev Solomon, Zevi Klein, Yanky Kohn, Yeruchom Blum, Chaim Rubin, Yechiel Simcha Levy, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, OH; Moshe Grade 1 — Nesanel Yehuda Keller, Chaim Oksenberg, Yitzi Stender, Yeshiva Heinemann, Yeshivas Derech HaTorah, Wickliffe, OH; Yehoshua Ottensoser, Chaim Berlin; Shmuel Haas, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath; Brooklyn, NY; Betzalel Cincinnati Hebrew Day School, Cincinnati, OH; Refael Hazan, Toras Zev; Royhanian, Yeshiva Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Aron Tzvi Papoff, Yeshiva Yitzchok Meir Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Lakewood, NJ; Yisroel Meir Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL; Chaim Feifer, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Wickliffe, OH; Tendler, Yeshiva Kochav Yitzchok; Menachem Yisroel Meyers, Torah Institute Yossi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School, Cincinnati, OH; Shua Kahn, of Baltimore; Baltimore, MD; Ephraim Eckstein, Tashbar, Manchester, UK. Yeshiva M’kor Boruch, Passaic, NJ; Aryeh Silver, South Bend Hebrew Day Grade 6 – Yosef Gold, Mirrer Yeshiva K’tana; Yosef Chaim Harari-Raful, Tiferes School, South Bend, IN. Elimelech; Pinchas Ozeri, Yeshiva Ateret Torah; Shaul Kadin, Meir Weinfeld, Grade 2 — Meir Nass, Nesanel Neuhaus, The Cheder; Yissachar Harari-Raful, Yeshiva Karlin Stolin; Pinchas Kohanteb, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Yedidya Grant, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Chaim Auerbach, Yonatan Rand, Eliyahu Schoenfeld, Yosef Yitzchok Glassman, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath; Brooklyn, NY; Mordechai Yakov Asher Moster, Avi Hillelsohn, Rafi Koshanfer, Zevi Melcer, Tzvi Muller, Rapaport, Lakewood Cheder School; Mordechai Levenberg, Yosef Zonana, Matan Verschleiser, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Tuvia Yaakov Aufrichtig, Yeshiva Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Yossie Pollack, Eliyahu Gutman, Yeshaya Fund, Reuven Ketana of Bensonhurst; Moshe Shmuel Guttman, Ari Korsinsky, Shuie Lang, Kassin, Nosson Zecharia Green, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Lakewood, NJ; Moshe Shmuel Werzberger, Yeshiva Torah Vodaath; Brooklyn, NY; Moshe Royhanian, Markowitz, Binyomin Gutlove, Shmuel Weiss, Yeshiva M’kor Baruch, Passaic, Yeshiva Spring Valley, Monsey, NY; Yaakov Slansky, Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, NJ; Binyamin Zev Lasar, Yeshiva Shaare Tzion, Edison, NJ; Hershy Friedman, Baltimore, MD; Yehuda Leib Solomon, Yeshiva Derech Hatorah, Cleveland, Clifton Cheder, Clifton NJ; Calev Garry, Yeshivas Chofetz Chaim, Baltimore, OH; Yitzi Bulman, South Bend Hebrew Day School, South Bend, IN; Avrohom MD; Zev Silver, South Bend Hebrew Day School, South Bend, IN; Moshe Hirsh Dov Weinberg, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL; Alter Chanoch Henach Papoff, Meir Neihaus, Yehuda Dovid Weinberg, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, Shaffren, Toras Emes Academy — Miami, N. Miami Beach, FL; Ezra Gerlitz, IL; Ephraim Motzen, Mordechai Scherer, Sholom Weinschneider, Cincinnati Torah V’daas, Karmiel, Israel. Hebrew Day School, Cincinnati, OH; Avi Gobstein, Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, Cleveland, OH. Grade 3 — Netanel Mostofsky, Yonah Fogel, Shalom Yovitz, Zechariah Sofer, Rafi Mordechai, Avromi Rosenberg, Alter Dembitzer, Moshe Boruch Mahpour, Grade 7 – Chaim Lasker, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Yaakov Gold, Yehuda Ze’ev Shmuly Grunbaum, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Avraham Netanel, Yeshiva Ateret Boiangiu, Avraham Yehuda Eisenberg, Ephraim Eisenberg, Yehuda Itzkowitz, Torah; Yitzi Basch, Yeshiva Torah Temimah; Boruch Leib Leisir, The Cheder; Yisroel Meir Greisman, Moshe Klein, Moshe Lichtenstein, Avi Lieberman, Tzvi Brooklyn, NY; Michel Barenbaum, RJJ, Staten Island, NY; Tzvi Samet, Pinchas Eliezer Mandelbaum, Benyomin Simonovsky, Mirrer Yeshiva K’tana; Yehudah Orzel, Yeshiva Beth Mikroh, Monsey, NY; Shmuel Mandelbaum, Yeshiva M’kor Auerbach, Zvi Cagan, Moshe Farhi, Eli Feuchtwanger, Gershom Gorbulsky, Baruch, Passiac, NJ; Avrohom Rothenberg, Clifton Cheder, Clifton, NJ; Ezra Naftali Hollander, Michoel Lang, Leiby Mutterperl, Yeshurun Sorscher, Yeshiva Kassin, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Chaim Sternheim, Yisroel Shabsi Schepansky, Ahavas Torah; Brooklyn, NY; Pinchos Libman, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Yeshiva Toras Aron; Mordechai Meir Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Rockaway, NY; Boruch Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos Chaim; Yechezkel Lakewood, NJ; Cobi Scherer, Cincinnati Hebrew Day School, Cincinnati, OH; Zweiback, Yeshiva Bais HaTorah; Lakewood, NJ; Yehoshua Reidler, Torah Aron Shlomo Davis, Kesser Torah, Gateshead, UK. Institute of Baltimore, Baltimore, MD; Anshie Seligson, Yoseif Dov Abraham, South Bend Hebrew Day School, South Bend, IN; Yaakov Friedman, Yeshiva Grade 4 — Gabriel Alouieh, Yaakov Harari-Raful, Yeshivat Ateret Torah; Avi Ohr Baruch; Binyomin Levitansky, Menachem Levitansky, Avrohom Chaim Lazar, Dovi Hirsch, Tzviki Zahav, Avromy Leshkowitz, Daniel Zelman, Shmuel Furst, Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi; Chicago, IL; Tzvi Schnurman, Yeshiva Derech Perlman, Aharon Plotsker, Shmuel Mordechai Kramer, Moshe Itzkowitz, Zvi Hatorah, Cleveland, OH. Elimelech Levitin, Chanoch Harrel, Yehuda Landy, Yitzi Lang, Yitzy Minzer, Noam Zarinmanesh, Aryeh Leib Silberberg, Yehuda Travitsky, Sruly Schwartz, Grade 8 — Yosef Chaim Harari-Raful, Tiferes Elimelech; Brooklyn, NY; Aaron Yeshiva Torah Vodaath; Yitzchok Mandel, Eliyahu Nass, The Cheder; Shmuel Cohen, Yaakov Shalom Dick, Moshe Drucker, Naftali Tzvi Gruen, Eliyahu Elbaz, Gorbulsky, Eliezer Halberstam, Mordechai Dovid Beylus, Menachem Manis Yerucham Gorelick, Shlomo Elimelech Katz, Aharon Noach Laskin, Chaim Tzvi Lang, Moshe Gelb, Yeshiva Ahavas Torah; Elazar Bienenstock, Elchonon Hertz, Levin, Yisroel Meir Manevich, Shimon Moskovitch, Aryeh Leib Roberts, Yisroel Avrohom Yaakov Lasker, , Shlomo Starshefsky, Tzadok Stender, Zev Scheinbaum, Reuven Schwartz, Pesach Yitzchok Skorski, Shmuel Yehuda Chaim Aryeh Kupfer, Yehuda Zev Blatter, Yeshiva Chaim Berlin; Noach Aryeh Zidele, Pinchas Yosef Weinberg, Pesach Yitzchok Yeganeh, Yeshiva Derech Schechter, Talmud Torah Siach Yitzchak; Brooklyn, NY; Binyamin Brunner, Hatorah, Cleveland, OH; Yaakov Bulman, Shmuel Samber, Avigdor Leman, Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, NY; Daniel Berger, Avromi Greebel, South Bend Hebrew Day School, South Bend, IN; Refael Neihaus, Yeshiva Avrohom Yaakov Romanoff, Chesky Safrin, Ephraim Holman, Zevy Kohen, Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL; Yisroel Meir Kahn, Yeshiva M’kor Boruch, Passaic, NJ.

לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

Hundreds of Chassidim traveled to On the day of Rosh Hashana... Kerestir each year to be with the Rebbe Rav Yeshayela Kerestirer for Rosh Hashana. HaMelech! I must ask the I hope I get a Rebbe for a special chance to ask I have bracha. The non-Jews the Rebbe for a a serious in my area are ruining bracha for my problem with my business... Gittel... mice eating my merchandise...

There was a discussion among several chassidim...

I must make What’s the my hachanos I wonder what question? He [preparations] the Rebbe is is learning sifrei now... Which sefer learning before Kabbalah and do you think he shofar blowing... sodos [kabbalistic learns? secrets] about shofar!

A chossid decided to The astonished Chossid gazed on as check it out for himself... Reb Yeshaya cut long rolls of cake and put them on plates for everyone to eat right away after the long davening.

what! I can’t believe my eyes! Thinking about others is the most appropriate hachanah I can do before tekias shofar.

R’ Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir was born in Zboro, Hungary (today Zborov, ), to When he was 12, his .נפטר He was 3 years old when his father was .הענטשׁאָ מרים and ר׳ משה of R’ Hirsh, R’ Yeshaya פטירה mother sent him to R’ Tzvi Hirsh of Liska, Hungary. Upon the he went to R’ Mordechai ,פטירה went to R’ Chaim Halberstam of Sanz. After R’ Chaim’s of Nadvorna, who sent him to Kerestir, Hungary. His new home became the address for the hungry and destitute, and he was renowned by all for his piety and avodah. There are many miraculous stories of how his brochos came to fruition. Thousands came to his levayah; however, the most memorable eulogy was when the gentile mailman shouted, “You don’t have any idea who this man was. I personally handled his mail and I know he supported hundreds of poor families throughout Hungary!” ג’ אייר For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5612 - 5685 1851 - 1925

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