Extensions of Remarks E1289 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS
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June 18, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1289 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS TRIBUTE TO MARGO RECOGNIZING PHI MU ALPHA In these times when we ask so much of our FENSTERMAKER OF JEROME, SINFONIA military community, the women and men of MICHIGAN, EXCEPTIONAL our Armed Forces need our help. The rising TEACHER HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS costs of prescription drugs and VA enrollment OF TEXAS fees and a struggling economy only hamper IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the efforts of our veterans trying to continue HON. NICK SMITH Wednesday, June 18, 2003 their lives in the nation they spent their ca- reers defending. Disabled veterans have paid OF MICHIGAN Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to their price, and I would urge this body to not IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES recognize the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Frater- make them pay twice. nity, one of the most distinguished music fra- f Wednesday, June 18, 2003 ternities in the nation, as they gather in Wash- ington for their triennial convention. Founded TRIBUTE TO JUDY LOWE Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, edu- in 1898 at the New England Conservatory of cation is the key for our Nation’s future pros- Music in Boston, Massachusetts, there are perity and security. The formidable responsi- HON. JAMES P. MORAN currently 212 collegiate chapters, colonies, OF VIRGINIA bility of molding and inspiring young minds to and alumni associations in the United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the avenues of hope, opportunity and achieve- The President of Phi Mu Alpha Fraternity, ment rests partly in the hands of our teachers. Dr. Darhyl Ramsey, is a distinguished citizen Wednesday, June 18, 2003 Today I would like to recognize a teacher from of the twenty-sixth District of Texas, and I con- Mr. MORAN of Virginia. Mr. Speaker, I rise Jerome, MI, that most influenced and moti- gratulate him on his leadership of this promi- today to pay tribute to a leader and a friend vated exceptional students in academics and nent and effective music organization. Dedi- in my district who has shown what one person leadership that were winners of the LeGrand cated to the development of musicians as well can achieve through selfless dedication to her Smith scholarship. as to the music itself, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia community. Judy Lowe, of Alexandria, Virginia, Margo Fenstermaker teaches English at Fraternity has significantly furthered the edu- is an inspiration to all of us who wish to better Hanover Horton High School in Horton, MI. cation and advancement of music in the the lives of the people around us. She is credited for instilling in students an en- United States of America. This year, Judy was recognized by the Alex- Once again, I articulate my gratitude to Phi thusiasm for the subject and for life itself. In andria Commission on Women by honoring Mu Alpha Fraternity and to Dr. Ramsey for one student’s own words, ‘‘Mrs. Fenstermaker her with the Marguerite Payez Award. This their dedication to the music of our nation. is an inspiring, encouraging and optimistic lifetime achievement award is given to a woman who instills a sense of respect for oth- f woman who has devoted her life to benefit the ers.’’ The respect and gratitude of her stu- DISCHARGE PETITION ON H.R. 303 City of Alexandria. I can not think of a person dents speaks well of Mrs. Fenstermaker’s abil- more deserving of this than Judy. ity to challenge young minds to stretch the Judy Lowe has served as the ‘‘Mayor’’ of HON. SAM FARR Del Ray, a working class and diverse section mental muscles and strive to achieve the best OF CALIFORNIA of the City of Alexandria where I have spent that is in them. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES most of my adult life. She has worked tire- Mrs. Fenstermaker’s excellence in teaching Wednesday, June 18, 2003 lessly to improve the Del Ray area through challenges and inspires students to move be- Mr. FARR. Mr. Speaker, on June 17, I her volunteer work. Her service on the civic yond the teen-age tendency toward surface signed onto the discharge petition H.R. 303, association executive board for 10 years study and encourage deeper thought and con- and I rise today to express my continued sup- helped shape Del Ray into the vibrant neigh- nections to the real world. No profession is port of the efforts to release this bill from com- borhood that we know today. Judy authored more important in its influence and daily inter- mittee. Concurrent receipt is an issue that the community newsletter during her time action with the future leaders of our commu- warrants the attention of this House, the Sen- bringing the news to her friends and neighbors nity and our country, and Margo ate and the President of the United States. in a way that pulled the community together. Fentersmaker’s impact on her students is cer- Currently, veterans who have served our ‘‘Art on the Avenue’’ is one of the most im- tainly deserving of recognition. country nobly and suffered a service-con- pressive and valuable events that the City of Alexandria hosts, and it would never have On behalf of the Congress of the United nected disability receive a retirement check re- duced by the amount of their disability com- been possible without the assistance and States of America, I am proud to extend our pensation. With that reduction, the disability dedication of Judy. This annual event helps highest praise to Mrs. Margo Fenstermaker as compensation becomes negated as it simply showcase the diversity of the city through a master teacher. We thank her for her con- fills the hole left by the federal government in multicultural art and music. Judy has ensured tinuing dedication to teaching and her willing- the veterans’ retirement checks. American that this event improves each year and she ness and ability to challenge and inspire stu- men and women who served in our Armed should be commended for her commitment to dents for leadership and success. Services need not be slighted anymore after showcasing the arts of our area. putting their lives in harm’s way for the sur- Judy’s involvement in a range of civic activi- f vival of this great democracy. This discharge ties in Alexandria has endeared her to count- petition will draw out those that believe the less individuals and organizations throughout PERSONAL EXPLANATION codes of valor and honor outrank fiscal the area. Her passion for her community has tightfistedness. never faded and she has always been one of By releasing H.R. 303 from committee and the first people to step up and volunteer for an HON. CHRIS BELL allowing debate on the bill, we can begin to activity or an event. OF TEXAS address the issue of concurrent receipt. The Most importantly, Judy Lowe is a true leader bill was introduced with bipartisan support, but whose magnanimous spirit is infectious. The IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the discharge petition lacks that same support. words most often used to describe Judy are Wednesday, June 18, 2003 You and I both know, Mr. Speaker, that there cheerful, dedicated, and role model. She is are bills introduced everyday that are never in- known not only for her dedication to Alexan- Mr. BELL. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 276, tended to reach the House floor. This should dria, but also her devotion to the Washington I was unavoidably detained in the air. Had I not be one of those bills. This should not be Redskins. She is the only person I know to been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ one of those issues. wear black after every game the Redskins ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Jan 31 2003 04:10 Jun 19, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A18JN8.001 E18PT1 E1290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 18, 2003 lose or to drive a maroon vehicle made to look HONORING MR. MIKE BROWN city council changed the meeting’s ‘‘minutes’’ like a Redskins helmet. She is passionate to ‘‘hours.’’ A humble man, he always about everything in her life and we should all HON. MICHAEL C. BURGESS downplays the fact that he was mayor by say- be fortunate to have a tenth of the energy she OF TEXAS ing that ‘‘half the people on Pacific Avenue exerts. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mall are former mayors.’’ Judy Lowe is the kind of person that makes But his efforts have never been confined to our civil society function in a truly ‘‘all-Amer- Wednesday, June 18, 2003 Santa Cruz, and he has accumulated a gen- ican way’’. She spent her professional career Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to erous amount of frequent flyer miles traveling in service to her country with the Department recognize Mr. Mike Brown of Flower Mound, back and forth from Central and South Amer- of Defense. She will continue to serve our so- Texas for his peer-recognized honor of ‘‘Out- ica. Bert has not been elected governor of ciety in every positive way for the rest of what standing Young Bandmaster in Texas.’’ California yet, but he certainly is a viable can- I trust will be a very long life. Mr. Brown has succeeded in music edu- didate in Nicaragua, El Salvador and Colom- f cation for four notable years at Flower Mound bia.