Quadrangle Pictures EDITORIAL New Pau-llel Musi Prove Wednesday Worth "They All Kissed W&t f>ufce JBL (fttonitle Fitness For the Fight The Bride"

Thirsy-Ninsh Year - No. 30 Duke UniversiSy, Durham, N. C. Tuesday, February 2, 1943 Oestmann, Lavington Army Air Corps Reservists WSAB Releases Spring Get Leads In New Play Face Call In Near Future Large Cast Chosen Metropolitan Students in the Army Enlisted Social Events Program For Players Show Air Corps reserve—108 on the SRTC Disbanded local campus at present—will be Men's Pan-Hel called, wholly or partially ir Chuck Oestmann, Doris La­ Star Sings number, to governmental train­ Schedule Includes vington, and Chick Sales were As Result Of Committee Meets East Campus ing commencing in April, a Wai selected last night to play the Here Monday Department public relations bu­ lead roles in "The Man Who Rush Period IM Tournament Low Registration reau press branch release, receiv With Herring Came to Dinner," Broadway Marking the last feature of tht A full WSAB spring social Low registration in the Stu ed yesterday by A S Brower, Men's Pan-Hellenic council a show to be presented here current All-star Concert series schedule, featuring the spec­ indicates. Opens Tonight March 11 and 12. lent Reserve Training Corps tempts to secure administratis tacular basketball jamboree Salvalore Baccaloni, basso buffc irogram for this semester re Other leading parts will be The 'i iso-a- >f the forth­ approval of the proposed plan t Following a sin-day period ol along with the traditional Co­ ot the Metropolitan Opera, makes sulled yesterday in complett taken by Helen Kindler, Betty coming call ts iiscljded in the rushing C-avcrage and non- quiet beginning January 27, dur ed Ball and the SGA's Inaugu­ his appearance in Page audito­ ibandonment of the SRTC, second dlviston s,f the War De­ ing which sorority girls were no Long, and Newlon Angler. A sup- average freshmen simultaneously ral balls, was released today rium next Monday at 8:15 p.m. part ment Hiui.iuncemcnt, sand il allowed to communicate witl by John Hanford, chairman of were still in progress at issigned the popularity of tht says, hi dfci-l. that tbe numbisr freshmen, coed rush week begins the social board. aeters, eleven of them still to be Because of the Italian-born Jew voluntary physical educatloi csalled will depend upon the time today as members of the tonight. chosen, round out the show. artist's tremendous avoirdupois sourses as being the chief reasor availahl lulpment. It Is expect- councjl met with Oean H. J. Her­ Tuesday, Wednesday, Thurs The annual BOS - Sandals Oestmsann will play the part of (he is immensely proud of th£ or lack of interest in, and subse- it use is n iss i: ring this afternoon. day, and Friday nights of this dance heads the list of social af­ Sheridan Whiteside, famous play­ fact that he tips the scales at t luent abandonment of, the SRTC fairs planned for the monslis of wright who comes to visit ssi Ihss Air Corps reserve will be called week have been set aside for rusl mere three hundred pounds), irogram. Since a large percent- in the near future, assigned to February, March, and April. The home of Ittrs. Ernest W. Stanley, parties. This is an addition of om certain special preparations have ige of upperclass students were approximately 100 colleges sie- Freshmen Alan K. Mancheste: dance will lake place February played tsy Helen Kindler. Accom­ snrolied in the voluntary physi- party to the plan followis>d las to be made for accommodation lected throughout the country in broke up yesterday withou year. Six parlies will be givess Vi in the Women's* Gym, 8 to 12. panying him is his pretty secre­ sal training program, it was not reaching any solution of thi of the singer and his company. locations where flying fields are by each sorority tonight and foui Sammy Fletcher's Duke Ambas- tary, Maggie Cutler (Doris La- sonsidered feasible to make at­ conveniently available, and will problem when it became cleas For example, stage requirements each will be given on each of the II play for the semi- ington), who fails in love with tempts at re-opening the SRTC, receive a course of study and I alia! state that a special dressing room • •• •. • . i.ssssis • Bert Jefferson (Chick Sales) and •he said, training under direction of Army be construrted near the stage for elve students made applica- have the power necessary to pas: "Rush week has been extend­ Nex threatens lo leave Whiteside to Air Force officers. upon the plan. Final decisioi the rotund and jovial Baccaloni ed this year because many diffi­ basket marry Jefferson. New special qualification concerning the proposal nov that hi culties arose last year in regards 20, a hugh affah To bressk up the impending cial s-ess isi ration yesterday, rests with Manchester and Her marriage, Whiteside sends " i.islc US I- lis,' to the number of people attend- fifty-four inlramural basketball numbers of men who might certain proportion of prospective vamp Loraine Sheldon, played teams stage a tournament from participated in the SRTC aviation cadets prior to their by Betty Long. Meanwhile this The proposed plan would havi advisable to sshorten the nu 1:30 to 0 p.m. At lhe conclusion enrolled in the phys entry into regular Army Air Stanleys are finding it hard to fraternities rush all but the ne« of periods and thus lessse 100 i p had Force schools. Colleges to be se­ freshmen, regardless of their ai put up with the eccentricities oi Mess songestion in the small so Struther been called to duty with the En- lected will be announced as soon erages, at the same time during is old playwright, who, ooms," Dot Royal, Wo ' sst-.l Reserve Corps. completed. This four-day rush week. Object i sis ot ill ivlsilc • 'an-Hei president, said. The SRTC program was vill h the plan, as put forward by Fan- use, hsas practically To Lecture Others in the supporting east gurated-during the fall, and 150 ihe ; raining by Hcl representatives, would be laken over the whole home. The include Ruby Mercer, soprano; eliminate the extra lime sand • The entire schedule follows: resulting confusion of plot and Elizabeth Wysor, contralto; Fran­ pense put into the ssstishlng BOS-Sandals dance on Febru­ comic situations all build up to a co Perulli, tenor; Ivan Petroff, Next Week ary 13: Basketball jamboree, ill,.- pSSSlisS complete surprise climax. baritone-, Carmine Ross, bari­ February 20, Religious Empha­ Mary Dell as Miss Preen, the tone; and Norman Roland, bass- sis Week, February 28 through to be returned before 10 o'clock .er "Mrs. Miniver" will appear heckled nurse. Chuck White ssuid baritone. Baccaloni and company March 5, Duke Players "The Mfm IIay (lss- this morning and the same pro­ the Woman's college audito- Who Came To Dinner" on March Johnny Norman, as the son and will present scenes from "Don rs. However, interes vill be eliminated cedure will apply foi tn on Thursday, February 11, 11 and la, the spring Coed Ball daughter of the Stanleys, Bob Pasquale," "Boris Godounoff," med and the enrollmi ions and include the question ot iiitjMXnient parties. lhe second in lhe series of Stu­ on March 13. Backwards Dance, Wolff, Ed Menerth, Judy Dysart, and "The Barber of Seville." The (Continued on pirn Expenditures for the partiiiS dent Forum lectures, Audrey a Woman's Junior Class affair, Dick Hedin, Myra Stof, Lsswis entire production is staged by general lowering of standards es, the I are limited to fifty dollars foi Bracken, president of the Student is tentatively scheduled for Allen, and Peggy Schroeder Anthony Stivanello with musical or the duration of the present each chapter, and every rushes im, announced yesterday. March 2?. round out the cast so far chosen. direction under Mario Varchi. Students May Pay raternity emergency, with a pos- "In this manner, the percent- ible decision concerning thi is obliged to attend the parties ie title of the lecture will ise There are eleven male parts Since his first appearance in The TSGA Inaugural Ball will For Annuals Now ige of cadets eliminated in the ossibillty of initiating non-C for which she has signified Pocketful of Pebbles," but yet to be selected, including the be held on April 2, followed by this country with the Chicago •egular AAF schools should be Miss Struther is expected to important role of Mr. Stanley, Civic Opera company over two Tshe two or three hundred the ESGA Ball on April 8. The •educed, and the work at these ailed into the armed forces. xtra late permission, and one female part. Tryouts for years ago, the forty year old students who are leaving lhe Engineers' Senior Prom, on April schools thereby benefited. The the total these characters will be held on comedian has risen tn popularity campus may be assured of a 10, has been moved up this year sollege courses in the second di- the week, has been granted by the 14th. until he is today acclaimed as lhe copy of the Chanticleer if they because of an. early graduation, sision are scheduled to com- Miss Mary Grace Wilson's olfiee. greatest living singer of comedy leave their names with Strouse McCall Elected discussion of A freshman dance will be held . In this, his first concert Campbell, business manager if schools and colleges now giv- By French Club pledges by sorority members. on April 17. The Midi's Pan-Hel­ of the United States, Duke of the yearbook. Status Of ERC ng CAA training will participate Oral bidding will begin Mm lenic formal dsance on Aprd 30, rt-goers are to see the best All sspace rates must be paid, June McCall lotssjy day night. Sororities are bound and Duke Players production, gh comedy from the Mtro- however, before the books will ected secret! si Ills The plan, under discussion for by oral bids, but rushees, upon "Claudia," round out the sched­ Indefinite; No be mailed. Wartime material several weeks, has been given Ihe the proper ule so far completed. shortages have necessitated an complete approval of the Depart­ called meeting ach Durham in time for the reak their pledge. Formal bids Yet unsettled are the dates for early publication of the book. ment of Commerce. The name, st Sunday night ual 8 p.m. lecture. Notices Here 'ill be issued Saturday from the two informal dances, tbe SGA The business and circulation 'Civilian Pilbt Training," has McCall, a soph The phenomenal and uncx- and Pan-Hel, and Joe College The immediate status of the staff must, therefore, have a seen changed to "CAA War Dean's office. cted popularity of "Mrs. Mini- Day. The Joe College Day, one members of the Army Enlisted complete knowledge of the Training Service." The entire the organization, who graduated r" catapulted sMiss SltuUser tu si most successful so- Reserve Corps (ERC) appeared Emphasis Week number of books that are go­ plan has been designed to speed after mid-term examinations. fame in a very short time, and cisii affairs, will probably be held nebulous today, as no official no­ ing to be needed. All year­ s pilot training facilities. Students Leaving aovie, chosen as one of the late in April or isi May. tifications of call had yet been books ordered will be mailed Under the first division of the Speakers Named of all time, established her received on the local campus, but C.O.D, to their purchasers. plan (two-fold iss. Prior lo "sMrs. Miniver," indications pointed towartls T. B. Cowan, pastor Should See Deans Space rati : pasd of the s of ci Miss Struther wrote several wholesale calls this week to be of Community church at Norris, sefore Febru. 1 10. (Continue,, Students contemplating leaving sketches. Strangely, her real love Brower Reveals sent from lhe Fourth Service Tenn., and Dr. Edwin Aubrey of „chool have been urged recently Command in Atlanta, Georgia, to the University of Chicago will be by high administrative officials To ber public, Jan Struther is ERC members still on campus, the principal speakers for the • officially check out of the uni- Recent Heavy cs. Miniver. Pure coincidence A. S. Brower, adwinlsstratlve traditional Religious Emphasis v&rslty s. leave records on Week to be held this year during Coeds Learn Military Drill ade Miss Strulher pattern ber assistant anti director of defense as possible up to ctsaracters after her own family; Enrollment Drop on the campus, pointed out yes­ the week of February 28. date of withdrawal. terday that if ERC calls had been Featuring greater ^operation ill students departing from A total of 273 students, a figure 1 have three children about received, he had not been in­ between East and West cam­ university should see Dear mplete up to and including s same age as her own. Small, formed as yet of that fact. A few puses, the YMCA and the YWCA rring or the registrar in his muary 30, have left Trinity •k-haired, and very attractive students, he said, had eome to will work together for the first ce, in order lo present thi •liege recently by reason of appearance, she describes her- him asking methods for request­ lime. Ruth Kanstelner, president =ial date of withdrawal. Stu graduation, induction, or call into E as "Lowland ing immediate active duty, but of the Sophomore "Y" commis­ -..sts should then see C. B. Mark rmed services, according to why! ehasn s is . ;• sion, will direct East campus ham, uni' ••• by / ^ hud si ved. activities, while those on West ihii-s ice in Adminislra' English. Brower, notified of the large will be under the direction of uildir so that arrange numbers of withdrawing students Henry Crane, member of the rated refunding os has proved her- as a result of the ERC contem­ YMCA cabinet. smpleted. to be very adaptable to the The largest group of the total, plated call—76 have already left No further plans for the an­ srican tempo of life ajid tsakes :, Isave left for entrance into the nual Religious Emphasis Week Army enlisted Reserve Corps rmation Please, on which she have been announced as yet, but [ERC). Graduations at mid- it is to be expected that the pro­ ! Garrard appeared twice as guest star. semesters totaled 63, and 56 have gram will be similar to that of West Liki heroine, Jan Strulher been drafted within the recent eaisspus, in order that the alumni former years. files on departing students may Eighty.six of the departing be created, and, should the stu­ if departing studen students were seniors, 69 were dent be leaving to enter the by letters addre Oil Causes Fire rmed forres, that the name may .... . e recorded in the service file. followed, i In OCS Offices It wass urged "Campus Time" Student observers and com- Other reasons for the sslusuld o vith tl n Durham busses to the Features Taube ntcd number of di Wis ssi ts ipus-s. surprised Sunday "Campus Time," produced by sre listed as follows: no reason i reportlo the Cubby Baer and written by Har­ /en 16; medical school entrance pouring out of the Army Finance vey Bullock, will feature san in- ; Army entrance, II; failure, ssichool officers' headquarters in w with Dr. Mortimer entrance into Army Air Corps, the Presidential mansion at the Taube, chief of accessions of the transfers, 5; health, 4; Navy, Chapel circle, learned today that, Four New YWCA university library, who is noted Naval Air Corps, 3; Miirines, in contradiction to the old adage, an expert on modern propa- Coast Guard, 1; finances I- there was more smoke than fire d farm work, 1. By Donna Hughes much more quickly to mars Baldwin Invited making themselves physically fit Officers Chosen In addition lo the interview, ut, two, three, four, hut, than the men. The fire, resulting in no par­ to meet the increasing exigencies Because of the departure ( e urogram will include c To AAUW Meet three, four," echoes every Coed participation in drilling ticular damage, was caused by )f the present-day war world. several YWCA officials, President ana Harvey Bullock and Gil Choir Rehearses Friday afternoon at 4:30 o'clock is just one of the many phas Dean Alice M. Baldwin, dean spilled oil, which seeped towards Most noled of these women's col­ Helen Brisisoss has made foui Moss, a dramatic skit written their war activities. Since of the Woman's college, hsas been the firebox of the oil heater in from Haines field, or, In case of changes tn the Y cabinet am Bill Snitger, and a sportscast Tomorrow Night fall members of the Won lege attempts are those of short- invited to attend a meeting of the basement of the large build­ inclement weather, from the Chronicle sports editor BUI college have showed incres Complications caused by rush- the heads of womfm's colleges ing. The motor on the fuel pump Woman's college gymnasium, as Schuchardt. interest in Red Cross v : New ing of sororities have forced re- and industrial managers. had been broksai, causing the sixty coeds learn the rudiments New feature on this pro. AWVS courses and USO ai ind running the gamut c hissu-ssiil 0i: |[„. misled ishoms to he The meeting will be held in of drilling from five officers of L-r Secrolary Nancy McKis- ill be a special section devoted called for tomorrow night at 6:30 Washington, D. C, on February A heas/y smudge of oil si "ie Finance school. svho has gone to the nursing Duke men in the service. The ie Chapel, according to J. 10 and 11, at the headquarters of from the small fire poured out of The East feature has been inaugurated at Foster Barnes, director of the the American Association of Uni­ The East campus drilling course the building, but was ssoon d much-publicized Wes In addition, Betty Long has re special request of students versity Women. pelled when the Are was put t Is representative of the world­ Placed Barbara Koukol as pro­ situation in relation to the wide participation of women in In making the change, the The purpose of the meeting is by small hand fire extinguisshi gram chairman, Maybelle Adams sxperience to future WAACs lege campus. The drilling, a Army and Navy auxiliary corps, Harvey Bullock has stream- '•'iufi'i!' iniiiiii'd mil Lhat it was to discuss the training of women before city firemen arrived has replaced Luane Adams ; ond WAVEs who are now be a thing unheard of since the t: led the script for the show. A Use first time such isoss side rat ion for war work and the appliea- tbe scene. ing proficient in saluting and hi ties, stands as material evi{ of the Amazons, and the all- cial service chairman, and Betty kaleidescopic review of campi has been made for sorority or possible in Jane Maybe* has replaced Ai The building, formerly used by taking the orders "about fact of a world now fast slipping from American war effort involving s will round out the pri ira!( soisy organizations. He add- it time. the late President W. P. Feu "right face," "to the rear marcl every man, woman ,and child. drey Bracken. grssim. Baer, student product i-si il si is it lisk-i heen stone in order Incidental to the meeting,'. Maybelle Adams is expiated I his family for their home, The coeds, divided into five p. Duke women are represcnta- At the present time no more co­ st back from N.ew York, is at- that all men and women mem- Baldwin is planning to interview taken over lasl August by the •ns, have been drilling sin eds can be ailmitted into the hake several appointments to the ijes-sol the iluiii- niijjht attend the applicants lo lhe Woman's llve of college women all over member and are, according the csountry who are today par­ course, but pis-ins are being made oadeasts to include soldier tal- ehearsal, which is In preparation lege for next year. to offer it next fall. teresled girls are asked to apply officers In charge, tati ticipating whole - heartedly in t from Camp Butner and the for a coining performance at the Duke Finance school. Tuesday, February 2, 1 Page Two THE D UKE CHRONICLE LOOK YOUR BEST-~ " "' " New Pan-Hel Must Prove Worth Soapbox Last Thursday evening the Men's Pan-Hellenic council Trivia By John Carr By Harvey Bullock DID YOU KNOW? passed the so-called "Presidents' Plan" which gives the We Take Our Stand council full legislative power in its own right as regards Drug-Cutting That you can still get the fastest Laundry and Dr; inter-fraternity affairs, and which, if it lives up to ex­ With this issue o One of my favorite Indoor Cleaning Service in Durham at the pectations, should iners^ise the caliber of leadership in sports besides making faces at Chronicle, ^^^^^^^^ the council. myself in shiny tablespoons dium ol the columnist, to fol- Duke University Launchy and throwing rocks at guys in This campaign, for which we have been campaigning less in the foot- barber's chairs is to have a during the past two months, should make of the formerly s of such columnar greats E. P. Hayes, Manager prescription filled. Somehow I ,ou "the Hat" and Bullock impotent Pan-Hellenic council an organization capable pleasure out of of fulfilling its true purpose. We now find ourselves in going into a tremendous drug DiMona, To make those of the enjoyable and unusual position of being able to store, shuffling mysteriously acknowledge and praise a reform move, which we stated over to the prescription coun­ inistratlon — happy who in the last issue we would strive to effect, without having ter, looking suspiciously the past iesrmed us to meet any of the opposition which we had expected. use, and then with a few DURHAM MORNING HERALD ish incantations and hysterical But, while the Pan-Hel reform is laudable, we must isadtliugs pulling an evil bit of postpone final judgment of the new council until it has parchment THE DURHAM SUN proved itself by its accomplishments. It has a gigantic pocket. The effect Is heighten­ task ahead of it, that of holding fraternities together and ed considerably if you can ar­ The Favorite of All Duke Student* keeping them on campus as long as possible, despite the range wiih the SPCA to have an old one-eyed crow, prefer­ hardships of war-curtailed membership and economy. Delivered to Your Room Daily ably Ethiopian and brunette, The leadership and power now rest with the council. How squatting on your shoulder, this new power is used will determine the value of the but that Isn't absolutely re­ bill passed last week.. quired and does rather boost your dry cleaning bills. But At this writing, the council is attempting to revise the Dial F-115 for Additional Information you don't ever have rushing system so that both C-average and non-C average ;:s(-,.(-ri[jtii5i]s and would freshmen may be russhed at the same time. The plan er read Stichfs column which they are now trying to work out should have heen way, you still formulated months ago, but the necessary leadership was lacking. This plan is aimed at eliminating the present peachy people, and pick up discrepancies in the discriminatory form of rushing ussrf rs. You also in previous years. It would give all freshmen the right BACCALONI to equal rushing privileges, and would eliminate the THE GREAT COMEDIAN BASSO time and expense formerly put into a week of rushing OF THE METROPOLITAN OPERA ASSOCIATION for men who had failed to make their averages. The plan In Scenes from His Three Greatest Comedy Roles is basically sound. How the new council handles it will Out Of The Night "DON I'ASQUALE" be a good indication of how it will meet more funda­ children, wc a "BORIS GODOUNOW" mental issues in the future. ure, hot sandM "THE BARBER OF SEVIUX" he gals, oh well, can just snort ... So we're With a Supporling Company Several other important tasks lie ahead of the new off . , . While we're warning the gals, Zeta's Fisher had better council in the near future, one of the most important of get wise to the fact that her newest admirer isn't the marrying PAGE ATIDITOHIUM—Duke University, Mon. Eve., Feb. which is the question of the freshman class just admitted type . . . Dan Moseley has finally given up trying to be a S, at 8:15 o'clock. Tickets: SI.65, S2.30, SS.Tj Unci. Fed. Tax). On sale daily al lloun, Ul, Men's Union, Phone to the university. Smut: imitcii'standing should be reached glamour boy and turned into a studcot; he is even trailing with administration officials concerning the possibility around after brains . . . What's happsmed to the 1. B. of AJs- "It does nutmeg any differ­ :: ; : of rushing these new men during the cousrse of the spring, !S!:!.:, • •'• • • •" - - -' • ' ,. . .. ence; that's what I camphor. nicest couples on campus! ... We have the honor of officially preferably directly after mid-semester examinations, How much does it sulphur?" •• Peggy Moffett is the newly elected Knee rather than postponing their rush week until next fall "Fiftsssn cents. Bright fel- lueen . . . this is straight from Southgate ... but Glmde is and probably eliminating the opportunity of most or all ing the Tyree or Whit 1 till their sweater gal . . . and Charley Cobb is still roaring of them for enjoying the benefits of fraternity life. Some namon with so much wit. ' vith Leo . . . Don't believe that home town gal tale that Veal that day) moved such plan should be proposed now, rather than waiting "Well, I should myrrh- I telling . . . there ain't no such critter . . . puffing up that Ihey could h IT'S THE BIRDIE, NOT THE BIRD until it is too late to act as has been done so often in the myrrh . .. and as yet the old ego Holly? . . . Nancy Wrenn ss behind bars these grown barn dcM days . . , he's a captain . . . Barbie "Says the Duchess" Harri­ made a mistake and only par­ past by the council. 1 And just scads of other nea son is getting ready to move on to Miami with Fenton, the tially wrecked it. We pulled The new council faces its difficult problems with new and peachy funny things. "Bystander," who has been called to active duty. out for Southgate and fewer power and a more efficient organization. Whether it will This Week's Drive be able to use this new power to the best advantage will Uf t behind us as swell a bunch After looking all about foi Class Of '60 of kids as ever lived on this determine the true value of the reorganization, as well as a worthwhile campaign, I a campus. You've got to have the future of the council itself. in the family . . . speaking of blessed e s (blessed or other- some kind of moral and mo­ \ I'ol 1 :Ev- Fraternity presidents, working together informally in i) . . . A. C. Jordan rale to put up with the Old Hoom." Really, the past, have been able to achieve results where the lale addition to his Inn for any length of time. ot hustle-bustle and dash- So, whip out your Comoro, my beoulies, ond send us o . how times have council failed. Now they have the opportunity to achieve about, it would really be house e diiln't like girls , vsopshol—jot your measurement on the bock of il. We'll let even greater results in the legislative organization of the Collier Sickens Vs fraternities. There will be no excuse for failure now. little pot. I have one in Exams have long since passed, but Pegram House girls don't In the center of Editor Tre­ RAY MCCARTHY ORGANIZATION know it . . . the phone so seldom rings . . . and to think it used leaven and Editor Rae's edito­ to be the house of the beautiful girls . . , Everyone on West is rial page Nate Collier's very 1841 BROADWAY • NEW YORK, N. Y. rushing around like mad . . . and it looks as if the S. A. E.'s original, very pointed es Fitness For The Fight will not learn . ,. Gaitber Dim sin it ner planted his Lambda Chi ,.• Ilsssir The voluntary physical education program initiated orale. Yes, our pin on Bessie Cox, Sunday mom, following his Saturday night ,.• hold is. last week is surpassing all expectations. a bright and initiation . . . shades of Kandel and Schlaseman! pot in every The A. T. O.'s are bidding farewell to their lasl smoothie, An aroused Duke student body has bs^n reporting daily Paul German . , . their souvenir of the days when A, T. O.'s now for the vigorous commando course in such large were the A. T. O.'s . . . Tom Shuler has joined the Air Corses numbers that instructors have found themselves hard at Keesler Field . , . good luck, mousenieat! . . . Attention to sociation of Manufactun pressed to handle the enthusiastic crowds. the great lovers (Di Mona and Carr, Inc.), Cedric has been which corresponds in Amei We are happy to report this. Duke students sesem finally looking at sparklers . . . could you be slipping? ... A combina­ to the German gang of ind to be waking up to the war and realizing that the develop­ Letters to tion we never thought we would see . . . Shirley Spencer and trialists who put Hitler i ment of their bodies is essential to the winning of the Hitt Crane, and his halo was very crooked . , . Say, Gulley, why don't the little girls like to play with you? . . . We know war. Their enthusiasm is a welcome surprise to those who The Editor remember the dismal failure of last semester's SRTC and r Editor the commando course. This ii C OS" tl From Here and There t. Such a stab in the b We do not want to see the new physical education ity rushing. orkisiK li­ s of A Chee: A little publicity might put a who hav mit 11 phuses program fail. It is one of the greatest steps towards war­ ^^^^^^^^^^ the draft age to 14 . . little fire under the Fan-Hel ^^^^^^•giand 1 t v time conversion the university has yet taken. The training young love and what not . . . but the "Hausdrto council where private pressure strikes by one-tenth, and gen­ of youth for combat, the conditioning of hundreds of be told . . . Incidentally, friend Taylor is out te has accomplished almost noth­ erally have done a lot to win future soldiers, sailors, and marines sare vital to a war­ as is Stribling . . . she told us sso herself . . . ws in the way of background, the war, should not appear on time America. the Pan-Hel voted • several the Chronicle's pages. We do . .. it's our youngest beauty ... do yd s she li The commando classes are hard and rugged. Including years ago to change the exist­ not accuse Messrs. Rae or told? . . . Fouch could give her lhe complete details ... as Treleaven of being pro-fascist instruction in wrestling, boxing, fighting tactics in gen­ ing plan lo a six-week pro­ could Mary Grace . . . Hardesty leans to Laurene '. . . from or pro-big business. We know eral, and a scientific calisthenics program, the course is gram, but the faculty and staff Queensboro . . . Bob Kelier is majoring in pre-med . . . espe­ they have trouble in filbng an designed to turn out durable, fighting men. Civilian soft vetoed it on the grounds that cially the blond one . . . and Grob and Ella May broke up editorial page. We could do, it had just been changed sand amicably . . ". In response to the msaiy Inquiries about the mys­ muscles will have to be loosened and strengthened, co­ ourselves, with more Bullock we would have to stick to our terious poet Weiss ... oh, well. . . she's happy . . . and paper ordination of mind with muscle will have to be painfully and DiMona—and even (we Is cheap , .. Ben Branssromb's Saturday party was wild . .. ask learned by every man. But the resultant physical fitness hate to say it) if necessary, sMr. and Mrs. B, how to play "sardines" . . . Complaints depart­ and readiness for combat of every Duke roan who par­ We feel that the tim more of Duke's Mix, and none const- ns try again. The p: ment . . . why can't they get someone on the WSGA besides ticipates in the course will be more than worth the price of Mr. Collier. A Duke stu­ plan, is highly unsatisl; those repressed, sadistic ho use -mothers- to ••be which are now tory dent newspaper should not be of the learning. to both sorority girls ar the in office? , . . perhaps the Pan-Hel widowers would date them freshmen. Is tl an outlet for the National As­ For this reason, we hope that the enthusiasm shown why s sociation of Manufacturers' life , . . please, boys ... for the sake of the future Groomes, paid propagandists. during the first few days shall not diminish in the weeks erated 1 iielp iW girls Bankhardts, etc, . ., Good night, children ., . Sleep tight while that sare to follow. The university is offering us an oppor­ tunity to ready ourselves for the hard military life ahead. :, should It is a duty to ourselves to take advantage of that oppor­ Red Cross Triples tunity. J.M.D. Blood Denial ions e of transfers Out of the Masthead of sorority life The Army and Navy have asked the American Red Cross I943 Lucky You lo procure 4,000,000 pints of 1905 Wbtl^hXfa .y just doesn't apprecias tmr&tit This will probably be our blood during 1943, more than Battle without headlines! last column as Sandy Rae's Ihrisse times the amount ob­ "vicissitudes of life and war" tained from volunteer donors at Red Cross Centers last year, The men and women of Bell Telephone Laboratories are have also elevated us right out and \ 1 do you see bi Chairman Norman H. Davis Why not wait until the mid- of our comfortable little spot Buddy Blanchard, Luscioi directing ibi-ir .-ncriiy i he-.- days lo developing new and reported recently. have rushing? Most girls, if below the Mixture to that Lee Howard, and other bui bt'ttssr I'liiiiiiiiiniealiou equipment no vital in today's swift- they haven't made up their long, unread column on the ding sophomores. So you wri The Army and Navy sur­ left, the editorial slot. It will geons general who made the minds before coming lo col­ about them and they get sor moving global TO. lege, will be able to tell what be a welcome relief in many That's a columnist's life fi request asked that weekly do­ they wssnt at the end of eight ways. Trying to compete with nations of blood be increased Editorial lioar. Business Stall you. And, incidentally, d Peacetime developments, pioneered hy Bell Labora­ weeks. the Mix for reader interest, immediately to at least 70,000 the inimitable Bullock for hu­ pints, with increases thereaf­ tories, are seeing action on eery from. Many of their The advantages of this plan mor, sand the editorials for ter as required to reach tbe are obvious. Strained relations writing matter is a strain on goal The request dwarfs the war-time achieve mi-is Is should prove stepping stones to between freshmen and upper­ anybody's typewriter. But total of 1,300,000 pints obtain­ progress* in lhe i-nniing slays, "f victory and peace. classmen would be alleviated; writing a column has its good Carr Moves In ed in 1942. dirty rushing would be cut Johnny Carr is slated l< Stating that the Army and Service to tiie Nation — in war or peace, that's the one measurably; and sororities for instant. Since we've been ditorial Navy request for 4,000,000 Rssocided Cblleeiale Press National AdvertisiDgSerTice.ln ideal,ot Bell Sysiem people. would be able to help fresh­ ssvriting this column, we've re­ v, do it pints of blood proves the ef­ Disnibulor of Cellip rmHstbwi Sfttmt^tti men socially and academically. ceived one chain letter, "The justice ficiency of plasma in treating Qjlleeiale Di6esl MCAS" »™^'«jj[i««« Under the present plan, the Good Luck of London," and a bums, wounds, and traumatic girls sjought after are the letter from a graduate student veteran, he sknows the West shock, Davis called on the Office beauty queens and heavy dat­ who swore he would cancel his campus and its BWOC's per­ public for "even greater sup­ ers. While this would prob­ subscription if we didn't stop fectly. An engineer of three port" of the donation program West Campus Editorial and 1 Offici^-House Q, Rooms 07, 08, Telephone 21S, : ably not change, eight weeks years standing, he ear. write during the coming year. He Business Office—06 Union. — • a satisfy ately. Being a sophomore about the West campus from urged colleges, business and Downton Editorial and Business Office—; rorities on this s( helps, too. You can't blast the an indepsaident standpoint industrial groups to push the Street, Telephone J-5481. are going to keep bat- juniors and seniors because lhat should set things a pop­ program and asked every per­ Printed by^the Christiar sway at this typewriter they just don't bother with ping. With this final build-up, son who has contributed "to Si SS1VS some constructive step is what an underclassman has to we surrender our column to appoint himself a oni»-msan should be addre by lhe faculty and Pan- say. You can't blast the fresh­ him. Let him try to out-write committee to get his family Patronize Our Advertisers men because there is a certain Bullock. and friends to donate." Tuesday, February 2, 1943

Entries (or Intramural boxing and swim- All Sorts In Sports minis are due ID Ihe Inlramural llii e In Ihe By BILL SCHUCHARDT Old Gym by 5:30 p.m. tomorrow fbr* &3teJk®m&b SPORTS The other day a small item heralding tho purchase of one Ed Heusser by the came to our attention and it set us to thinking. Heusser is a mere 32 years old, weighs a neat 102 pounds, and has a nice draft deferment in his wife and three children. Believe Tankers To Open Devils Face Flightmen Tonight it or not, said Mr. Heusser is a rookie—no more, no less. Just up from the Redlegs' Birmingham farm club, he looks like the answer to a major league prayer—not be­ Season Thursday cause he is Ed Heusser, right-handed flipper with an Grapplers Prep Carolina Clash earned average of 2.77 per game down in the bushes Thursday the | erfnl Blue last summer, but because he gives inspiration and hope svill tt At Chapel ffill to those big league magnates who were and still are le with a strong aggregation Jamboree For Cloudbuster just about to tear out their hair with the inroads made •om Virginia Poly technical In- into the ranks of their franchises by the departure of itulc in the opening meet of the Match Saturday On Tap Saturday the lads who draw the paying customers through the inkers' season in the Duke pool turnstiles. Heusser is a symbol of a new order—the i the Old Gym at 3 o'clock. Date Is Smarting from the stinging The Duke basketball five rookie of 1943, the backbone of for The squad was recently efeat handed them by the Caro- under the tutelage of Coach the duration. It was only a few years ago that a mounds- rengthened by the addition of na Pre-flight grapplers last Jerry Gerard will make its man who had been kicking around in the major and Changed seek, the Potter-coached wrest- . ; siiance on the local ng team is pointing for the re- minor leagues since 1929 would find himself ready for a om Youngstown, Ohio. He will hardwood until February 10 neat social securiiy payment every few weeks rather The date of the 54 team Ir im match with the Cloudbust- • . . • si • . ••: rs to be held in the Duke gym than another crack at baseball's hall of fame. The ap­ -an Ray Tilley. Bill Dickey, var- ural Basketball Jamboree invadiiif; Olfsssei's from the pearance of a 32 year old yearling in major league togs been changed from Februar; Saturday afternoon. North Carolina Pre - flight ty diver at Duke in 1940 and :o February 20 in order to a' may be the answer in an individualized instance to a holder of the Southern confer- The quad will t school in a benefit game to aid general problem. sonflicts with fraternity rush • injured by t llis.' Infantile Paralysis fund week activities and lhe BOS- in the Indoor stadium. Charity Begins At Home Sandals dance scheduled for that The Blue Devils in two pre- Tonight's basketball game for the benefit of a night. worthy charity is far more than just another athletic e jamboree has been ap- i. Tonight's contest. In our mind il • vniboliss.es the true role •d by the WSAB. Plans are r first battle which the athlete—both collegiate and professional rway to hold a dance in the le up entirely —must play in a country geared to wartime man­ Old Gym on West campus aftei power requirements. Tin- heyday of extravagant athletic activities are ended athletic events lia-s (ssssstsil from Use scene of pro­ re will be no admission priety. Profes-iisiiai spints iissve Ions; since converted rge for either the basketball to a wartime basis with their yule rereipls suing : the t _• afler to benefit various service organi'/ulinns. Collegiate athletics, on the whole, have been slower to divert In a splurge of second semester their receipts into these channels. With their very ttivity, the Inlramural basket- from a pulled ligament. existence justified by the manner in which they all tournament got underway, The squad that will travel It aid the all-out war effort it seems to us that col­ he undefeated Pi Kappa Alpha Durham Saturday from Chapel legiate athletics will leave a much better taste in ve ran roughshod over an Hill is probably one of the besi Blond Bombshell Is Top Floor Man 'roceeds from the game will the public mouth if they convert more and more to lassed SAE "A" team, win amateur teams In the nation. Be. to benefit the nationwide fund 7-20. Led by gridmen Benny the relief of infantile paraly- a policy of turning lhe receipts over to some needy i and Jim Wolfe, lhe Pi- cause. It is true that many institutions do not have Duke students will be admit- the funds to finance their tremendous athlelic pro­ s the ore to 2 flight school, all lhe members ol McGrane Is Star upon the presentation of their grams unless tins lurnslils-s (slick last and furiously. d then addei Nevertheless, it would seem to be a fine gesture on jints in the second half to team roster boasts the names os tonight's the part of college administrators to sponsor more sly trounce the SAE' many men who have been out st charity 8 vision III competitioi Of Devil Defense door stadiui tilts with the proceeds diverted into worthy chan­ standing in the ranks of amateui nels .and possibly with the opponents being service " team handed a stinging wrestlers over the last few years y 24 when the Dev efeat to the Burns' Bom- The Duke squad, because of ; By Bob Johnsti Polytech Gobblers s quintet. Led by Shu lack of competition, is not in th< in the Golden Ball game for the Schedule Troubles . and Grady Stol best shape possible. Further ham Twenty Trackmen benefit of the Dr. James I" pcred and weakened, Coach Har­ We were shocked out of our complacency over the vey Potter's grunt-and-groan Start Practice basketball schedule by the startling discovery that Duke team will take to the mats i has but two more basketball games to be played on the local court sifter tonight. One comes up on February 10 ually-classi Under Chambers mrt series with the Us sity with those other Dukes—the Duquesne brand—while : His.I. Si , Will Is .t to n Approximately [ North Carolina White Phsjn- the second rounds off the regular's season's play against >ms. The renewal of the famous those men from Chapel Hill—the Carolina White Phan­ The Phi Delt "A" team s and first collegiate, len greeted Coacl education major. Although on top in Division I by defeating defeat as will the other members ers yesterday as tli was on the cage squad last y sud will take up where tl toms. All of which leads us to the conclusion that the ivals left off at the close Blue Devils are going to be doing more than their share the Draft Dodgers A. C, 34-20, of the squad. he saw no action. This winter he of last 2D freestyle, 440 freestyle. After a close start, the boys from appeared on the starting teai of traveling in the next few weeks. They are going to sk«ti-ukc. 2(1(1 iH-easlstrolti; The lineup will feature many have to travel to Washington twice and up to Lexing­ House B put on a scoring s " untried men who will be used one of the guard spots for the Duke won the first game from rd four-man freestyle re- and rolled up a half time sec s-s.iTist Storer, first part of the season. arolina last year, 52-40, but the ton, Virginia, once as well as make several jaunts 0 yard three-man medley through necesaslly. The heavy- 17-10. Stephens and Chapman will be held a series of laps around In the flrst eight games he scond match was one of the clos- saround the Old North State before they hang up their led the victors, while Sudrsann togs. It seems to us that another game in the Indoor r Kniis lor track. The session scored only fourteen points. His mt for i is lose Bcamcr, while Bob Stroupe, Lar­ the beginning of Coach scoring deficiency is, however, i the Big Five. The Tar Heels stadium would be manna from heaven to a recreation- illied to tie things up at 38-all starved student body. With scheduling difficulties being In the yearling league, 1 ry Phelps, and Weddie Huffman his sparkling what they are, we are doubtful that any additional col­ P "A" team handed House C will be back in the lineup. The /c play. T legiate contests can be added but there is a possibility New Events Added quintet a sound 39-27 defeat. The untrisrf men will probably ap­ i for the oppos-sltior that another service club might be added to the local To IM Swimming main feature of the game was the pear in the 128 pound, 135 pound, mdful of veterans. In addition cage menu. strong second half defense of the 155 pound, and 165 pound divi- . Storer, also on hand were penetrate the big Blues' terri Freshmen And The Shuttle A new feature in the Intra­ House P team. Paced by Bob 'indy Lockwood, Marshall Besides basketball, Lucky's oral shimming meet this year Winbigler, the victors hit the pieth, Luen Seman, Russ Rose, shines on the lacrosse and se sill be the addition of a hoop consistently in both halves, field. He played on the stas With the use of freshmen on the Blue Devil var­ eleven of the 1842 editioi sity has come the return ssi the famed "shuttle sys­ lan freestyle relay to the : while House O netted 23 points Blue Imps Down argely freshmtm tem" used so successfully by the Dukes as they in the first half, but was only who, incidentally, a rolled on to the conference championship last year. dimming competition has alsc Carolina, 4542 on last spring's lacrosse sq In early season games wiih a dearth of talent as een completely changed sincf the entire second period of play. Playing har^ in both of t Garland Loftis was ineligible and big Bob Gantt Friday night the Blue Imj tough contact sports, he has Was laid up by injuries, Coach Jerry Gerard found Those who sign up for the box- Scoreboard cagers handed the Carolina year it an impossibility lo effectively use the two teams SAE "C" 25; Kappa Sig "C"16. sractice shortly. Bob his accomplishmsmts. which alternately run the opponents to death and KA 'B-" 24; SPE 18. son, 45-42. "Big Ben" Collins ic Loftis, ssnd Dick Off the athlelic field or ZBT 23; ATO "B" 15. th th experienced track- basketball floor, Lucky is TEXTBOOKS then pile up points by the handful as the other five urrenlly serving on recovers. The effectiveness of the system might be Billy I :hmond i eagy-going fellow i lowed eJosel; ill squad and will not ast cu For All Your Courses further emphasized by the 22 games won out of 24 until the cage season starls in pre-tournament plu.v last winter. With the .r the Although ^^^^^^^^ of Duke's b The Book Exchange return of the famed two team setup the already rs will be under the direc- and Turner, three of the best high-scoring Blue Dukes will probably set the sky oi Coach Harvey Potter. freshmen eourtment seen around md White cindermen as the limit. ;h-ins will be held after the itioning program has ended up to the varsity and doing vei Valentine Day Is February 14th before the bouts begin. well, the Imps have really bet e-flight school on playing inspired ball. The meet will be AT YOUR FAVORITE THEATRE! Freshmen football stars Hov olina field house. as-d Hartley and Jimmy Mille who have been playing might fine ball even though they ai CENTER both undergoing Hie gruelling Wed.—Tkur—Frir-Sat. grind of spring grid practice, siand a chance of being taken out HEDY LAMARR the lineup by head football WALTER PIDGEON r Wrists By fs e best drawing cs Persons Gets "WHITE CARGO" New Position .VALENTINES; —EXTRA ADDED— ^ALWAYS HIT THEy appointed Special Life Savu and Water Safety Instructor f .MARKI, "COLLEGES AT WAR" the Durham area, which er braces all of Durham county. Friends * Family Coach Hersehel Caldwell's srs will sorely miss the sen BOOK STORE CAROLINA if John Diebler, who has Corcoran & Chapel Hill Sts. Phone J-2331 Wednesday—Thursday i the squad and his HELD OVER l-sippy -is Jene Tierney — Lynn Bar i tins lean George Montgomery The Imj s tilt with the i Crosby Hxjuare Corbebants "CHINA GIRL" Friday—Sa turday John Wayne—Bonnie Barnes EVEN AH , "IN OLD CALIFORNIA" Latest Recordings of I ADMIRAL WIL^ ECORDS .TommyD„,ey FORGET HIS A shipment DIGNITY for • Harry James LONG ENOUGH $9.50 USH * Benny Goodman "TO EsMIT ' has just RIALTO- AN"ADMIRING Last Times Wednesday • Charlie Spivak Week AH-H-H.-" Fay Bainter — Carole Lee • Glenn Miller WHEN HE CASTS arrived Wc Buy Scrap Records HIS EYE ON TH I. Wiggs of Cabbage Patch' R • NEWESSSSsSSS T Thursday—Friday—Saturday O'BRIANT'S q^t,-' . .Cj-M Roy Rogers — Smiley Burnett in Young Modern Shop 'HEART OF GOLDEN WEST' MUSIC STORE MILLER-BISHOP CO. 109 W. Parrish St. Phone F-626S Baldwin's THE DUKE CHRONICLE Tuesday, February 2, ls943 Methodist Student Conference Former Chronicle Editor Now Rochester Composer Speaks Here Convenes At Duke This Week China AP, CBS Representative At Music Festival February 22-27 tleflelds in such varied forrr Willissm Gatling, '43, will i One of the most adroit and c conveyance as an airplane, 1 Dr. Howard Hansen, of the as president at the North Cai pable foreign correspondents nc Hnd native-born sedan chair. lina Methodist Student confi abroad with the Allied armi In another instance, notice of Crime Wave Still Phi Beta Kappa Eastman School of Music of ence which holds its annual co is James L, Stewart, '33, CBS his death was published Rochester, N. Y., will be s^uest vention at the Duke Methodist and Associated Press reporter Japanese newspaper, only speaker and conductor at the church in Durham on February stationed In Chungking, China. greeted by the prompt return of Baffling Officials To Hold Election second annual Duke Music Fes­ 5, 6, and 7. Stewart probably did not fore­ the "ghost" to Chungking, see the unique situations in which Mo further leads were report­ tival, to be held this year from lis journalistic Interests would Stewart, in describing one o! ed on the recent wave of campus February 22 to 27. The theme of tbe (ssonventii his most trying experienises, usei row afternoon's meeting of the this year is to be "Disciplines for sntaiigle him when he served auto vandalism yesterday, as Dr. Hansen, outstanding tson- sditor of the Duke Chronicle in honorary scholastic society, and Clu-istian Living," and more than king s; raid: campus and Durham officials new wartime eligibility rules will emporary composer, president of two hundred sand fifty represen­ .933. strove io find possible clues lead- tatives from Methodist colleges "For f the fisw times i be in efFwt for the first the National Association of all over the state are expected Born in Kobe, Japan, of mis a, I thought that For the first time ir Schools of Music, and former slonary parents, he spent most o: be killed. The firs of the widely-publicized automo­ accelerated students wi bile vandals, supposedly a pair rector of the Eastman schi " Orient prior to his round six-thirty in point average o will, in addition to several 1 coming to college in America .. s :•••• The featured speaker of tl the s there i gible tures, hold conferences with s session is to be Dr. John Kieth er completing his undergrad- some daylight left, the Havas sported to W. E Since th( Benton, Desin of the school (news agency) man and I that he had dis- rule has been waived, students • Religion at Vanderbilt univ to the French embassy located ,:,; • •:. meeting the scholastic requii sity. Bsaiton is to deliver ; i with lhe Japan Advertiser on a hill. There was no dugout Sed during one of the nocturnal who have been called English language newspapei there, only a shelter, which lids. No articles led forces dresses Friday evening, Saturday might or might not have given The festival, part of a nation­ and Sunday mornings. t was published in Tokyo be ifar as could be ascertained. The fore the outbreak of hostilities ai protection against shrapnel from eliicle In question was damaged wide movement among colleges Benton graduated from Pearl Harbor. anti-aircrsssft fire. Against demo­ hen campus policemen arrived Tins :: fo introduce American artists and lition bombs it was worthless. 1 ,,.: csi composers to the public, will mingham - Southern sMileu Pleasure Drivers Duke Coed He soon relinquished this jot i the scene and captured the widespread 1933, took his B. D. deg and departs for Hong Kong ti had the misfortune to hear the olen vehicle used by the feature a recital by the Modern 1926 from Yale, and received his To Launch Ship cover the Sino-Japanese War foi sound of no less than eight fall­ dais for their work. xation of requirements for Dance club on February 24. Di­ Ph.D. from the University oi Tagged At Giune the Associated Press. From that ing bombs. The sound got loudei nbership in Phi Beta Kappa, rected by Miss Modena Lewis of and louder; after the seventh wt Whitford wished to make lorrow's election is the first iliis physical education depart­ Edinburgh, Scotland, in Local Offli Edna M. Sprunt, Duke soph­ time until now he has stayed lie again that any information omore, will launch the U.S.S, close to the courageous Ch were convinced that the next conducted here under thi ment, this program will fnclude He was a professor of Cliristisjn portation officials frs: o Durham would be for us. But the eighth leading to the apprehension lugh the fall elections Doctrine on the local camp and Baleigh put ar James Sprunt, on Wednesday, , frequently sharing musk by Henry Bruinsma, of the missed us by a hundred yards, the vsandals would be apprwiat- took place in mid-s •' lent; Charles Grit- imp in adult enjoys February 3, at 10 a.m. hardships sand many times f while the seventh had fallen the sd, and if any cars are damage " lurday night basketball double The destroyer, named for the dsmgers of a soldier's life. In fes, composer, and Glenn Welsh 1940 he was assigned to a perma­ ame distsance on the other side. n the future, a report and Sybil Harris, both students Kappa, Pi Gamma Mu, nation; her great uncle, will be launch­ \ i-sssss,-,: nent post in Chungking by the i: AS.;- of music at Duke, social-science organization, an ed from the Wilmington, N. C„ i building, would be shipyards. Edna has bi*en assked Columbia Broadcasting System, On Thursday evening, Febru­ Pi Kappa Alpha, social fratei tagged during the gsame by the and he is frequently heard by "These raids are definitely, ab- sua. r Board To Select nity. He served in the air ser inspectors for violations of pit to break the champagne bottlt olutely indiscriminate. Except ary 25, a musical program will When asked to make a state- be presented in the Chapel by the vice of the United States Army ure driving regulations. a CBS w • •. sir the persons of the nat graduate dormitory buildings, during the years 1917-19. Local officials reported eight r the C aaders here and the garrison Business Manager choir. Edward Broadhead, organ­ ),.. SUsv.-i ist, and Henry Bruinsma, pianist, duty, checkii ,1 tlsril eadquarters in the heart o; ning, and a suitcase and numer- Elections will be held tomor- An sogram ha; will be featured. s ,:•. the by adventurra that would defy n articles of clothing were ow afternoon at i o'clock in tht been planned, covering the three parking courts and the fraternity imagination to dupl: actives in Chungking. The Hen. Whether or not this action Trustee room, Administration "American Music in Wartime" days. The session will get undei and freshman quadrangle courts nese bombers By at such an breaking and entering was by luilding, by the Publications will be the subject of a lecture way on Friday at 3 o'clock p.m., Large numbers of Durham citi jdc that they cannot see what i auto vandals or by one of a board to d< to be given by Dr. Hansen Friday with the registration and assign­ made up a considerable por­ The iiey are hitting ... It is difficult ge number of oft-campus visssV- aul sis'n-siLMsi iii tht' Woman's college ing of rooming accomodations, tion of the crowd of approxi­ after her great uncle, James ss could not be definitely ascer- auditorium. It will be sponsored and will be concluded Sunday mately four thousand spectators, Spnsnt, who is considered one by tho Music Study club. Dr. at noon following the final ad­ .gged thai of the benefactors of Wilming­ aveled through devastated ba Hansen will also speak at the dress by Dr. Benton, whose sub­ the inspection ofHcials exhausted ton. "I can't even remember Snodgrass, a junior, rose University of North Carolina on ject for his last address will be him, and here I am launching "Composition of Music." Music their supply of blanks. Deans Announce ger in November to succeed "Courage for Christian Lh Inspissotors noticed that many a ship named after him," add- WSGA To Choose Houses I and J ,^.--,:: of iJoUeges all over the Benton's two other talks w rs were being driven inlo the Special Assembly usiness manager Don Perry, ate have been invited to attend on the subjects, "Demands oi fraternity and sfresliman parking The launching will have to lis lecture and to participate in Christian Living," and "Methods lots, and a check was made take place at 10 a.m. because Handbook Heads May Be Closed There will be a special general Candidates for the business these vehicles for possible \ of the tides. ssembly Thursday from : managership are senior John Hansen will hold immediately Elections for the positions o: Indications at present point to­ follow! William Gatling, local repre­ lations. litor and business manager o: wards a stuture closing of dormi- i 12:50 p.m. in Page auditt Mills, present office manag No definite information coi >r all sophomores, Juniors the Chronicle, and junior John sentative, heads the list of offi­ the Woman's college Handbook s 1 and J on West eampus, Hartman, the associate buE" cers of the Conference. Other YMCA Will Hold ill be held on February 15 al buildings attached to Kilgo guad- miors of Trinity college. manager. offieers'are: Kenneth Crouse, of snalties to be charged against the regular meeting of the exeeu igle, frosh dormitory group, High Point college, and Julian the violators, but opinion sil of the WSGA. E, Whitford, superintendent ;tain their seating assignr Ransom, Pembroke college, vice- day had it that the ows Campus Smoker lidates for the positions of buildings and grounds on the e the Chronicle's third manager presidents; Jonnie Faye Barnes, i tagged would be deprived of te a letter to Karleer West campus, intimated yester- i three months. Petitions must Special plans have been made "ly. I'.-GillXT Eastern Carolina Teachers col­ ie of their gasoli by the eampus YMCA fi Cooper, WSGA president, before ie handed in by tomorrow t lege , Gilreath Adams, Brevard Further " " February 13, stating their quali­ Withdrawals and room changes C. E. Ward, chairman of the of aes : Mrs. ivailable at pre smoker Thursday night from ive been of such frequency, ans board. "ilson, of the flne college, Massy Moling Kirkman, i., in the Union ballrooi fications, experiimce, and re Whitford said, that the move may it, will include designs of WCUNC, and Edith Fore, UNC. ODT regulations have defined wanting to become edil be undertaken as soon as the neriean ships carvings. A attending sports events as "plea: iness manager. Selections will The program has periods cov­ ire driving," prohibited undi lent and orientation ot the 90- housing bureau is relieved of this m American Art suid Lit- dd new freshmen entering the made by the council on the unussually heavy load. Students Campus Receives will be given on Tuesday ering business, recreation, and he law for holders of gasolir basis of these letters. rooming in the two dormi­ sn, February 23, as part study. The new officers for the ation books. Attendance at niversity at the start of this high administrative sources •hurch on the campus is There will be no class restrie- tories will have to be infiltrated mated that if any new matter Divinity Journal 'cstival Week. next conference will be installed sions for the candidates, but all ito other dormitory groups, be- sitaiising to the reserve pi Sunday morning, in company f interpretations of lhe r Details of the program wer ire plans ean be seriously con- The January number of Chris- orrect. This type of driving has ot announced, but the program students wishing to run must ams or the war emergency Villi il The lave a C-average. The WSGA dered for any major change, he m Horizons, the quarterly pub- reported to be jointly dded. Patronize Our Advertisers s Pleas lining and orientating, I says $25 to the editor and busl- sation of the students of the ransportatios the Handbook, cai Divinity school, has just :i- the iv if tho A total of 94 new sfreshmsoi rinity college freshmen last have been moved into East smd been released to the isampus. The Gatling, this year's president, -Persons- smester by the campus service be divided between the two students. West dormitories, and SO Civilian P. E. Majors Win periodical is "dedicated to the figures prominently in local,: (Contlnned from page 3) -ganization. Pilot Training men have also re­ Stimulation and expression of and National Methodist oil Saturday afternoon the presi­ :, up to $25, cently been housed on the cam- He is vice-president of the ft tional Red Cross headquartei , be paid for by the ed: Part-time Jobs [ a dent of the freshman engineering is, the presence of the two rftal religious signiHcsance." odist student group on the I Richard Doyle, was host to . All >ups somewhat alleviating un­ ho will b interested in working Edited by Joel A. Cooper and harge of the work. the newly smtered engineering usually large withdrawals. tor | TLe Carolina Methodist student freshmen at an open house and a n the publication may see the rs in Physical lames Allen Knight, the issue ference, a member of the ei Two members of the Womsan ew editor after February 15. Queried concerning the possi- sontains an editorial entitled ol lege physical education stai held in Southgate. This pro- lility of the local Army Finance ire to graduate this spring, ac- 'Seminaries," stories by Byron Campus tlve committee of the National i was part of the orientation Elections for these positions school moving into the vacated sording to Miss Julia R. Grout, -:. student commlssss! wo male students who passi Cravens, B. Hoy Bros™, Wayne he course last/"year, and two is ram of the mid-term engin- being held earlier than usual louses, Whitford replied that head of the Woman's college in, H. W. Rainwater, D. L. and a member-at-large of tructors from Durham will a ig arrivials, 3 (ise such a suggestion would have to Physical Education department, is, and W. D. Caviness, sand ByC i Marion National Convocation of sist in the work that will be o the B7 freshmen to enter shlch occurred some from the Finance group, everal sophomores and jun- selected features. Methodist Youth Fellowship. former years; this will insure md that no plans had as yet ike .sugar and spice and fered during the flrst two weeks have signed up under the rj >h;ng ssice we go togeth- in May. The course will cover all ary 25, three have already de- incoming freslimen a copy of the leen formulated for such change. ly initiated Physical Educa- ies appear in November, yes we do, yes we do, do, phases of the teaching of swim- sd. Of these, two sreceived major program. Miss Grout Jsanuary, March, and May. Sub- sang the happy six . . , and ing sand diving for advanced or induction notices from their local their arrival here. that it would iptions to the periodical may For -Air Corps- obtained from the business sginning tankers. draft boards, and the third left :;cuit i Vcr, Thalia Bell and Frank Nationally known Before the instructor's course a result of illness. Hazen Smith Talks (Continued frorrt page 1) staff, headed by Harris Kesler, or ner . . . Polly Beaver imd ay be taken, the Senior Ked low In operation will be effected by addressing inquiries to Box • Watches and Fine "" Duke Station. et potato goes to Allen Cross Life Saving test must be In Chapel Friday 'or men who can qualify as vson and that cute Pi Phi sed. If the Senior Life Saving -SRTC- Quality Diamonds .ransport pilots and instructors. • • . •. ••- -. • 5 •;. • : • •. test has been passed before, it (Continued Jrom nage I) Mrs. Hazen Smith, associate 'Sufficient candidates are now in Come to ust be renewed by taking the d sharply by the end of the dean of undergraduate instruc­ 191 FEB JU • 9«j st again before March is. mester. tion of the Woman's college, will swaiting call—io meet require- e the principal speaker at the 5 RAY'S, Inc. j To aid in the passing of the nents of this division for approx- To make a hit these 3 T nior test, a list of all those qual- Physical education credit for sorning service of worship in in Rumor has' it that Prothro 'Largest Credit Jewelers' embersshlp in the course sand the University Chapel Friday at mately the next year. These 7 8 9 ill will be snen, generally speaking, are not first two weeks in Feb­ light be as-uund for another 12:30 o'clock. 14 ISM •: 20 ties and also fcrs of officers' positions to old ^s To Howard "Chalklet Cook- posted in the freshman dormito- embers as added inducements Morris Pitts, of the Divinity eligible, for physical or other ?.l ?.(, Z7 ftool, will preside at the ser sis, to serve as combat pi­ ruary . . . order your r enrollment in the spring • •-.. member of the Woman's college urse apparently had little ef- ?s, sand Edward Hall Broa se entire arrangement will head, university organist, will Se for a maximum utiliza- fraternity and sorority pledge flowers csii West ... he did his best... DEADLINE physical education staff £oi rt in yesterday's registration. the console for presentation sind we might add that's plenty lust In announcing the death of the /eral special hymns for t if existing Civil Aeronautics good ... And hen SHTC plan, Osborne expressed Administration facilities and will reciation at the "won." " in meeting the demands for make hash of it . . . use your Feb. 15th leration" received from Colo- pilots, both by direct training QUADRANGLE E. J. Bean of the Army Fi­ nd by increasing the output of HIBBERD'S ne school in appointir -McGrane- Wednesday 0 drill Jonttnued from page 3) ' fliss si t conclud- iSi/umleA it fall's ball players, he is a member 'They All the Sigma Chi fraternity. He is Kissed The .resident of the ordt HELP WANTED Expcrt This is your last Bride" We have sevens! opessins SHOE REPAIRING with students to work during athksli- chance to reorder spare time. Apply in isisrs sally 1 Joan Crawford and s. lhe YOUNG Boehm and Bubber Seward. Melvin Douglas MEN'S SHOP, 126 E. Main St. LOWEST PRICES WELCOME from your old neg­ Taking a pessimistic point of Ii*w, he has stopped worrying We Also Buy Used Shoes atives and get a 20 bout the armed forces as he fig- To new students and to res that he will get called any- Sher's Shoe Shop percent discount. say. Lucky is a member of the men entering the Army * Come in now and Army Air Corps Reserve, VALENTINES spring he completed the Civilian Finance School, we ex­ have portraits of Largest and most beautiful assortment in Durham Pilot's Training program. tend a cordial welcome the finest quality ... for Mother, Sweetheart, Wife, any one you want to remember.

Shop early, and get your choice now. SALE Duke Checking Accounts Travelers Checks ON REVERSIBLE TOPCOATS University Savings Accounts Cashier's Checks Greeting Cards for Everyone, for Every Occasion J14.95 Daniel-Williams Branch "Greeting Card Headquarters" Values to 129.50 110i£ Corcoran St, THE CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK The Rose Agency )U UOUAVG VriW/> xRtblp 03 UNION BUILDING WEST CAMPUS Telephone F-0I81 Corcoran St., Opposite Hotel Washington Dulce