Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1944-05-28
RAnOH CALENDAR PROCI8SED FOODS b'ue .ton,po A8 throuch Q8 valid Indelinlte'y: Fair-Colder MIAT red. • tamPI AS throu,1t T8 valid Ind.'lnh.ly ~ SUOAR atamp 10,31 (book 6) valid Indefinitely, .t8mp 40 lor cannln. 8Ullar .xplr.. ...... a, 1045; SHOE Slarnp, .Irplane Htlmp. 1 and 2 (book 3) valid T 'HEDAILY IowAN. IOWA: Fair, CeoIer. IDalInitaly; GASOLINE A-II coupcn .xplrel lun. 22; FUEL OIL per •• ond 5 couponl ,,,p're Sepl. 30. Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper : -'7' ~ reeordei t1VE CENTS 'I•• • 'IOCI4'11D ..... IOWA' CITY, IOWA SUNDAY, MAY 28, 194 .. VOLUME XIJV NUMBER 208 II cornplrei • Inti feet 10 ~ 32,000 I~ I, records o{• Iowa ol12d l.rifth Army ~ights . vy ay IT~d;yls 8:&0 .~ Yank In.fantrymen Force To Artena Near Casilina Iowan rain ~ ..,. ..,. ..,. W-It cJ.~ng Siak Island Fifth army stabs to within 2 ~ at It ralnei or 74.11 Threaten Town miles of Via Casiljna. history ~ , Army of the We.t- American buvin po~nd four I German cl ies' from Britain, American Heavies , BaHle Toward 1851, th~ strike France from Italy. tn May, ~ . , Of Velletri Based in Britain Owa wit Amulean inlantry lands on Prepares for Invasion Nip Airfields the fl~ 'Nazi. U.e Re.erves . Biak, establishes stron, beach crops wer; head. Pound 11 Nazi Cities LONDON (AP)-In these last under atTest, char,ed with par the loW! To Keep Americana days before the June full moon, ticipating In • leer.t military or above lilt Chlnefe caplure Warpn, Wave After Wave Field Marshal Karl von Rund ganization, the reports lald, American Losses From Via Casilina north Eurma; alliel wipe l°wl Of Allied Planes stedt's army of the west has taken Ready to Iprln, the alUes ye, Light; Japanese battalion at lmphal.
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