(Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-17
18. Ilts ~ _aA·U. fATI ........,. "I, ZI ••• At t ...... lIS .... ..... PaocZ.. IO 'ODD'. .... _po •• .........1 ••• AI .11 ••". 01 .... ..... IV~U. ..... ,... ....,. II ••• Ie ..... ,.. II... ,....... .artly Cloudy ",Ott!. ..... ...... ..,"",. ...... a. I ... • .... ....11.11.1' . OAIOLIH,. U.... , •••,... .... ,- , ••• IOWA:"""" aIMIb aa4 warmer. t!lil ...... II... C ... II·' ... C., ............ '.r rI•• DAILY ,.VII. Ou.. IOWAN •• U.... ,erl............ 'I ...... ,... THE ..... .... lao. ,,,1" ,... ... fI.. ..... .. fin ..u •. ,...t·. Iowa City's Marnlng Newspaper IOWA CITY. JOWA THURSDAY. MAY 1" 1945 VOLUMEDJ NUMBER 199 =====================~~'=====' ==================~================================================================================ Trapped Japs THIS SWASTIKA BOUND FOR COLLEGE Continue Fight Sixth M·drine.. - Unit Enters On Mindanao Dutch Troops Land nawa On Southern Tip Naha,.Cap 'ital 'of Oki I On Tarakan Island MANILA (AP)-Trapped Jap Allies Map Germany's Future: Illest! continued to fight' savagely . Largesl Cilies Tuesday on tw~ , of three Mln Jap Sub Sunk dlnao fronts but doughboys slowly ftre rooting them out of in Doenitz Government trenched positions. Temporary Threatened The veteran 24th infantry dlvi In Atlanlic lion was locked in close combat .., JAMES M. LONG recogninng Doenitz and his It was not immediate", clear with a major force north of Davao. PARIS (AP)-A program of "Fleosburg group" as a German how these statements fitted into Tenth Army on Steps U repulsed another heavy counter- the pattern
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