Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-05-30
29, 194s .. ~ .IATII, 'ATII..... ta ... 1'1, I •••• At ....., .. t11 .... .... raOOl1l81lD rOODS, b... If. Partly Cloudy Ill••• ,. II ••• AI'....... CI .... ••••..ta.,. .UGH. T H E ~dents , .... , ••••1& ... ao ••• It ..... I.. flu , ....... IROEI, ..... Ibr•• alr...... 1& ... I, ! •••• "" IOWA: ParlIy elo"". ShoweR '.h".I'e.,. OAIOLlI'Ill, III-A .... ,.•••••• '.r ' •• r "U,,, ........ C·... - , .... c-, ••• ,..... U. ,., II.. ami ceoier. irsday; •. U.... ,.UEL OIL, ,.,•••••• n...... rI ....., ••• DAILY IOWAN , ..., •• ,. lat. 7 ••r·, ...t.. ,... ••• ,... .•. ,. .. :bride till ..JI •• Iowa City's Mornlnv Newspaper ~nvE==~CENTS~~~========~============~~:=ftQ===U=HOm==;.=ftm===n.u============~=========I=O=VV==A==C=tt=Y=,==~===A======VVED===NES~=D=A=Y=.=~==Y==~=.==1~==5========================aa===u=.=.===.=na~=....======~~v=o~L~UME~~X~X~I== ~NU~NmER~~ , number ~Th~ udelliQj HOOVER BACK IN WHITE HOUSE B. Norr~ Hearl of Tokyo • IOQIs, "". Id." ~ .. ~ inClUde \\rho wfll Wiped Oul Yank "Ma rlnes I ben~. ,'Who "'ill lISontht r, COUnr, By Fire Bombs • lOis, Will I~r lettell I~g liollot Jap Command Admits , 15% ot are JUlIa Yokohama Damage, uri , Eugene TeUs of Navy Shakeup cht, Earl legrnuUfr G AM, Wednesday (AP) Forestry Official Explains- ~d White; Big Five Offer Goetz The heart of Tokyo has been All of North Ird, Rich. wiped out by fire b 0 m b 8 Middle Powers Hand Gingerich, dropped by American B·29's, lIo0ns Id Camp Mal Gen. Curtis E. Le May, How Japanese Sa Operale Naha Secured lennernan: commander of the 21st bomber In Peace El!forcement --------------------------------------------- KOChste!. command, announced today. WASHINGTON (AP)- A gov The hydrogen-filled balloons as ignited automatically and sets oCt ernment official said la t night that More than 51 square miles cend lo heights 01 25.000 to 35,000 a demoJltion charge which destroys Total of Jap Suicide surrounding the imp e ria I America Willing Japan's bomb-carrying balloons the balloon." beln, tent against America are feet where they reach air currents Planes Destroyed grounds are a g't'eat rna.
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