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Twodavidsonrotc Cadets Earntop Award U.S.PostagePaid Permit#1 Davidson,NC ▲ a iPiNr^A iiiv\ r5B t»3iC3r?* ■a'^T^zk ■ iRPDnraq. .▲. Davidson College Wednesday,April 16, Volume 94,Number — 2003 23 RecentStF rash1 1 Lotteryleaves of vandalism 76 students notedindorms 'homeless' Cameras couldbeput Substance-freehousing up to identify vandals sparks new controversy ByAmeePatel | By BrandonCarroll NewsEditor vandalism on campus over the Could spring come to Davidson withoutan has sent RLOscrambling to find RLOcontroversy?Thisyear won'tbetheoneto tlsolutions for improvement. find out. Through March 28, the College has in- After PhaseVofRLO'shousingprocess was currednearly$6,300ofresidencehalldamage completed last week, 76 underclassmen re- this academic year. This figure, which in- ceivednohousingand wereplacedonawaiting cludes claimed damagefrom students,is an list. In the words of Geoff King '06, "I'm increase fromthesame timeperiodlast year. homeless." "In the past two weeks,mere has been a Thatfigureincludes64 menand12 women. marked increase," said Dean of Residence Because of the shortageofrooms, oneaddi- LifeLeslieMarsicano. tional complicationmeans somestudents who Shereferred to therecentvandalismof the Belk, donot wishto be substance-free selected that RLOdoor and of theRuskhouserenovation Car accident leaves Rich optioninaneffort toavoidlivingdownthehill, site,damageto Physical Plant carts and ata orsimply tohave aroomatall.Ontheflip side, few recent Patterson Courtparties.Shecited night thereareindividuals who wouldliketo be sub- and of OMnortorlovrinofvandalismwhHeitis residents inthe dark for free who are now onlessregulatedresidence sailthemiddle of the semester. By MattGarfield out.That'snot only inconvenient,it's also not halls. Marsicano said she was particularly per- Editor entirelysafe." LeslieMarsicano,DirectorofResidenceLife, plexedby the logicbehind destroyingcom- ThepowerwentoutinBelkandRichardson RLO employees went door-to-door through admitted, "Thishasbeenaverypeculiaryear." munitypropertylikeRedBikesandthegreen residence halls last Thursday for the second the halls, instructing residents to bunk with Asproof,Marsicano said,"We'veneverhad Adirondackchairs thatcanbeusedbyevery- occasion this school year— but this time, friends inotherdormsorstayintheUnionforthe apartmentsleftoverafterMartinCourtlottery." one. "I can understand people who break Mother Nature wasn'tresponsible. night. Therewerealso"unusuallyhighnumbers of attempting things in accidents," who break things inan- A Davidson student to cross Many students wereaway from their dorms people who wanttoliveoff-campus," she said. ger,"she said, butIdon'tunderstandpeople Main Street in front of the Student Health andweren'tnotifiedoftheoutageuntillongafter Complicating RLO's ability to predict de- thingsfor fun." Centercollidedwithanoncomingtruck around nightfall. Some were forced to use candles to mand hasbeen a varietyoffactors.Marsicano K;ularly dishearteningistheproblemof 7 p.m. Thursday, forcing it to veer into a find their way throughpitch-black halls to re- cited the uncertain plans of potential transfer repeatedlykickinginthe wallbythe telephonepole thatcarries electricity tonearly trieveneeded items fromtheirrooms. students, students awaiting acceptances from elevator in Westresidencehall.Because the 450 studentsinBelk and Richardsonhalls. A few even elected to remain in their dorms study-abroad programs and tenuous financial perpetratorsremainunknown,RLOhascov- Thestudent wasnothurt,butpassengersin overnight,posingwhatMarsicanoadmitted was situations due to the weak economy for some eredall thedamage fees.However,thesefees thetruck weretaken toLakeNormanRegional amajor liability concern. whohadlooked to liveoff-campus. areabsorbedintodieroomandboardfeespaid MedicalCenter, where they were treated for "We told people they need to leave," said Becauseof theseinfluences,she said,"Some by allstudents. Eventuallyall students must minor injuries, said Dean of Residence Life Marsicano. "Did we go back andcheck beds? peoplearen'ttoofirmonthosedecisions. [They] pay forthevandalismcommittedoncampus. LeslieMarsicano. No. We informed people there was a risk to have been later in the year [finalizing] their Marsicano said,"We'verepaireditfour or DukeEnergy officials initially said power stayinginthebuildings." plans." five timesin thelast year,andIdon'tthink it wouldberestored withinthreehours,butafter OneBelkresidentsaidRLOshouldhavedone Marsicano said that all studentsonthe wait- isright tocontinue topass that cost onto the surveyingthedamage,changedtheir progno- more tokeep students updatedon thesituation. inglistwouldeventuallyhaveoncampushous- sis to Fridaymorning. "Some students stay in the library until it ing: "I'm not worried about that at all." She Shesaidalternativesolutionsremaininthe "At that point,we started making different closes at1a.m.,butRLO wasn'thangingaround added,"Weusuallyhave things settledbyJune planningstages.Inthecaseof theproblemsat plans,"saidMarsicano."We'refaced withthe until then,"saidClareHahneman '05,wholives 15. Most people will be settled well before prospect of students in a building with no onFourth Belk."It's frustrating that theydon't that." lights, no security systemandno wayto call seeBlackout,page4 seeRLO,page 4 Two DavidsonROTC cadets earn top award I INSIDETHIS WEEKI By RobHeidrick Perry.MajorPatLeslie,leader ofthe Davidson Staff Writer College Army ROTC program, says he was News... 1-4 impressedby thededication ofeach cadet.Ac- ATC allocations:Did SGA follow Two Davidson ROTC cadets have been cording to Leslie, "the winner of the award is its own rules? Canorganizations presented withmedals honoringtheir respec- determinedbyGPA,scoreson theArmy Physi- pay student workers? See stories, tiveachievements,bothin theprogramand in cal Fitness Test,classperformance,andperfor- page 3. theclassroom.Travis Lee '04andJuliePerry mance intheROTCprogram." '04 were selected toreceive theJames Baker Inadditiontoreceivingthe WoodsMedal,Lee Arts & Living 5-6 Woods in Memorial Medal, established by andPerry arealsocompetingagainst eachother Unionannounces next year's Davidson alumnus Dr.James Baker Woods, for the Cadet ofthe Yearaward.The winner of Artist Seriesline-up, page 5. Jr. '18 in honor of his son, who was killed this title will be selected notonly from among servingtheUnitedStatesintheVietnamWar. Davidson's cadets, but also from those of the Perspectives 7-8 Dr.Woods created the award to honor "a other schoolswithin the49erBattalion to which Our columnists' affirmative action rising senior military science cadet who has Davidsonbelongs,includingUNCC,Davidson, debates continue, page 8. displayedoutstandingqualities ofleadership, Catawba,JCSU,Livingstone,and Pfeiffer. moral character, academic achievement,and TheCadet of theYearisselectedfrom apool Sports 9-12 aptitude for military service." of cadets whohavebeen previouslyhonored at Lacrosse finally breaks 24-game photoby Eron Earley-Thiele Inthepast,themedalhasbeengivenonly to their ownschools asCadet of theSemester and losing streak with win over Virginia Davidson ROTC assembles near a single cadet,but this year program leaders Tech, page 11. the Wildcat after morning PT. deemed it necessary to honor both Lee and seeROTC,page 2 News TheDavidson International Association willletyoushow youstuffwitl their quizzes on wide-ranging topics like flags and geography of far awaj places likeBelizeandMyanmar!Thecompetiton isteam-oriented,and then are$400inprizestobegivenaway!Toregister,[email protected] Thecompetition willbeThursday evening inthe 900 Room. Got Opera? Opera Carolina comes to campus to conduct a preview and lecture 01 Bizet's "Carmen," one of the most famous and most popular operas eve written.BrianSuntken willleadalectureonfemalecharacters inthe workan< discuss a synopsis,the music,andtne timeperiod in which "Carmen" take place. The free show isatnoon nextWednesday intheTyler-TallmanHall.Fo Cadet Travis Lee '04 (left) during spring exercises. more information,call 704-372-7177. ROTC, frompage1 "Therearen'tusuallysophomoresquadlead- CadetoftheMonth.Inordertoattainthese titles, ers, but there were only two juniors in the Students reveal their creations acadet must gobefore aboardof military and program, so wehad to stepup," Perrysays. Senior art majors willreveal their workinthe Smith Gallery oftheBell ROTCprogram representatives and answer a This semester,Perry is the 49erBattalion's Visual Arts Center. The gallery is open 10-5 weekdays and noon to i series ofmilitary-themed questions. CommandSergeantMajor,thebattalion'sthird- weekends.MeikaFieldshas presentedher worklast week.NateRamirez wil Foreach cadet,theawards represent yearsof highestrank.Theposition, whichPerryrefersto program. Lee, "top of the chain of information",in- display his workApril 18-28,andLaytonHower willpresent May 1-7. dedication to the who was at- as the tracted to Davidsonbecause ofits ROTCpro- volvescommunicating witheach squadin the The Annual Student ArtExhibition willbeon display inthe facing Vai gram, says his devotion comes from both his battalion's six schools, maintaining highmo- Every gallery from April 24untilMay 7. admiration for the program and his desire to rale among the cadets, and making sure that have astrongroleinplanninghis future. program standards arebeingmet. LeeandPerry willlikelyhold thebattalion's Last chance for theater "I'llhave more control over whatIdo after [ROTC] ifIputmore intoitnow,"saysLee."I toppositionsnext semester.Inthe mean time, TonightandThursday, theaterstudents willdisplay
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