This index includes, in addition to the names of genera, species, and authors, references to the following topics: Anatomy, aviculture, behavior, breeding, clutch size, distribu- tion, ecology, eggs, embryology, food habits, fossils, growth and development, habitat, hatching, hybridization, incubation, measurements, migration, molts and plumages, mor- tality, nesting, nesting success, nests, parasitism, pesticides, physiology, populations, predation, roosting, sex ratios, , territory, voice and vocalizations, weather, and winds. Also included are references of biological significance to reptiles and mammals.

Accipiter, 121 Anatomy, 188,270-277 gent.&, 99 Anderson, William L., Stanley L. Etter, and striatus, 28 G. Blair Joselyn, Robins night-roosting Aeronautes saxatalis, 309 in open fields, 443444 Age&us phoeniceus, 43, 70, 178, 363, 371, Andrle, Robert F., Range extension of the 383 Golden-crowned Kinglet in New York, tricolor, 363, 364 313316 Aimophila aestivalis, 132 Anhinga anhinga, 172, 303 botterii, 132 Anhinga, 172-177,303 carpalis, 132 Ani, Smooth-billed, 101-102 cassinii, 132, 439 Anser caerulescens, 270 quinquestriata, 132 Anseranas semipalmata, 270 ruficeps, 132 , 70, 93 Aix sponsa, 98,430 Bicolored, 69, 347, 348, 350 Ajaia ajaja, 303 Chestnut-backed, 76, 86 Alden, Peter, Finding the in Western Rufous-throated, 347-351 Mexico, A Guide to the States of So- White-cheeked, 347 nora, Sinaloa and Nayarit, reviewed, Antshrike, Barred, 351 109-110 Black-crested, 348 Aldrich, John W., review by, 320-322 Aphelocoma, 5, 68 Alopex lagopus, 438 coerulescens, 21, 67 Alsop, Fred J., III, Great Crested Flycatcher nana, 530 observed copulating with an immature ultramarina, 17, 67, 69 Eastern Bluebird, 312 Apus apus, 260 Amaurolimnas concolor, 55 Aquila chrysaetos, 408 Amazona, 282 Ardea herodias, 303, 318 Amerson, A. Binion, Jr., Ornithology of the melanocephala, 302 Marshall and Gilbert Islands, reviewed, purpurea, 302 209-210 Arenana’ interpres, 306 Ammodramus savannarum, 43,439 Arnold, Keith A., see Coon, Donald W., Ammospiza ma&ma, 102 and--- m. maritima, 102, 103 Aspatha gularis, 75 Amphispiza bilineata, 150 Asyndesmus lewis, 237-248 Anus acuta, 305 Atlapetes, 71, 72 diaai, 97 brunneinucha, 11,68 discors, 305 pileatus, 11 platyrhynchos, 97,270 torquatus, 68 455 THE WILSON BULLETIN December 1971 Vol. 83, No. 4

Attila cinnamomeus, 104, 105 Breeding, 15-27, 39-48, 74-94, 125-127, Attila, Cinnamon, 104 152-158, 159-171, 255-269, 284-301, Austin, Elizabeth S., and Oliver L. Austin, 350, 352370, 383-395 Jr., The Random House Book of Birds, Browne, Micou M., see Post, William, and reviewed, 329 Austin, Oliver L., Jr., see Austin, Elizabeth Bruun, Bertel, The Hamlyn Guide to Birds S., and- of Britain and Europe, reviewed, 448 Automolus ochrolaemus, 32, 67 450 Aviculture, 186-187, 188, 190 Bubo virginianus, 408 Barbet, Black-spotted, 104, 105 Bubulcus ibis, 175, 303 Baryphthengus ruficapillus, 74, 88 Bunting, Indigo, 146, 226, 227, 230, 233 Bat, Big Brown, 196 Lark, 439 Becard, Cinereous, 104 Buteo buteo, 414 Behavior, 35-38, 46, 57-65, 66-73, 97-99, jamaicensis, 115, 408 99-100, 101, 104-105, 115123, 186193, lagopus, 196 194, 195196, 201-202, 239-247, 249- magnirosttis, 124 254, 265268, 278-283, 286300, 302- nitidus, 124 303, 306308, 310311, 312, 312-313, platypterus, 249 316-317, 343-344, 383-395, 396407, Buteogallus aeqoinoctialis, 124 419424, 435438, 442443, 443444 Butorides virescens, 172, 435 Biaggi, Virgilio, Las Aves de Puerto Rico, Buzzard, 414 reviewed, 207-208 Cairina moschata, 432 Bittern, American, 52 Calamospiza melanocorys, 439 Least, 97 Calocitta formosa, 343 Biziura lobata, 270, 272, 273, 274, 276 Campylorhamphus pusillus, 32 Blackbird, 368,371-382 Campylorhynchus griseus, 67 Brewers,’ 363, 364, 365, 371, 372, 379 megalopterus, 11, 24, 26, 29 European, 69 Canachites canadensis, 99 Red-winged, 43, 178-185, 363, 364, 365, Canadian Wildlife Service, Saskatoon Wet- 371, 372, 373, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, lands Seminar, reviewed, 111 383-395 Capito niger, 104 Rusty, 362, 363, 364, 365, 372 Caprimulgus vociferus, 11 Tricolored, 363 Caracara, Yellow-headed, 124, 127-128 Yellow-headed, 264, 363, 364, 365, 371 Cardinal, 225, 226, 227, 230, 233, 317, 442 Bluebird, Eastern, 312, 44&441, 441 Carpodacus purpureus, 201,442 Bobolink, 43, 198, 361, 364, 365 Caryothraustes, 198 Bock, Carl E., Harlo H. Hadow, and Pres- poliogaster, 197 ton Somers, Relations between Lewis ’ Casmerodius albus, 172, 303, 435, 438 and Red-headed Woodpeckers in south- Cassidiz, 197, 361-362, 365, 368 eastern Colorado, 237-248 major, 363 Bolen, Eric G., Some views on exotic water- mexicanus, 303,362, 363,440 fowl, 438434 Catbird, 61, 69, 225, 226, 227, 230, 231, 233 Bombycilla cedrorum, 201 Catharus, 20, 68 Bond, James, review by, 207-208 frantzii, 11 Boreortalis laesslei, 200 occidentalis, 11 Borror, Donald J., Songs of Aimophila spar- Centurus aurifrons, 246 rows occurring in the United States, carolinus, 227, 246,247, 442 132-151 Cereopsis, 271 Branta canadensis, 270 Chachalaca, Little, 104, 105 December 1971 INDEX TO VOLUME 83 Vol. 83, No. 4 457

Chaetura brachyura, 309,310 Cowbird, Brown-headed, 44, 225, 226, 227, cinereiventris, 309 230, 233, 371, 372, 373, 377, 378, 379, martinica, 309 380, 381, 439 Charadrius melodus, 70 Cracraft, Joel, The humerus of the Early Chat, Yellow-breasted, 225, 226, 227, 230, Miocene cracid, Boreortalis laesslei 233 Brodkorb, 200-201 Chen caerulescens, 270,438 Cranioleuca erythrops, 32 rossii, 43% Crax, 282 Cherry, Ronald, see Goering, David K., and Creagrus furcatus, 156 Crotophaga ani, 101 Chickadee, Black-capped, 315, 392 Crow, Common, 173, 174, 175, 176, 409, 410 Carolina, 226, 227, 230, 233, 312, 313, 442 Crypturellus boucardi, 67 Chipmunk, Eastern, 102 Cuckoo, Yellow-billed, 226, 227, 230, 233 Chiroxiphia, 35 Curlew, Long-billed, 441442 caudata, 35 Cyanocitta, 68 lanceolata, 35 cristata, 17, 66, 67, 68, 227, 343, 442 linearis, 32, 35 stelleri, 11, 12, 67, 69, 343 pareola, 35, 3% Cyanolyca, 5 Cinclocerthia ruficauda, 68, 69 Cygnus columbianus, 270 Cissa, Green Hunting, 186, 187 Cypseloides niger, 309, 310 Cissa chinensis, 186 Dacnis cayana, 105 Cistothorus platensis, 43 Dacnis, Blue, 105 Clark, George A., Jr., The occurrence of Dafila acuta, 419 bill-sweeping in the terrestrial foraging Daptrius americanus, 282 of birds, 6&73 Davis, William A., Birds in Western Colo- Clutch size, 18, 19, 44, %&al, 100, 103, 125- rado, reviewed, 112 126, 153, 173-176, 259-262, 290-292, Deconychura longicauda, 32 347, 359-360, 366-368, 411 Demiegretta schistacea, 435 Coccyzus americanus, 227 Delacour, Jean, review by, 206 Colaptes auratus, 195, 246 Dendrocincla anabatina, 32 Collister, Allegra, Birds of Rocky Mountain Dendrocolaptes certhia, 32 National Park, reviewed, 453 Dendrocopos borealis, 167 Columba fasciata, 11 pubescens, 195,227,442 livia, 67 villosus, 159, 169 Columbigallina passerina, 67 Dendrocygna, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, Contopus, 32 276, 277 virens, 227 arcuata, 276 Coon, Donald W., Robert F. Gotie, and autumnalis, 270, 271, 276, 430, 432 Keith A. Arnold, Winter nesting at- a. discolor, 432 tempts by Great-tailed Grackles, 440 bicolor, 270, 272, 276 Cornwell, George, and H. Albert Hoch- jauanica, 270, 276 baum, Collisions with wires-a source Dendroica discolor, 227 of anatid mortality, 305-306 fusca, 201 Corvus brachyrhynchos, 173, 409 magnolia, 201 Coturnicops noveboracensis, 54 pensylvanica, 61,202 n. goldmani, 54 petechia, 61, 202 Coua cristata, 18% striata, 19% Coua, Crested, 18% virens, 202 THE WILSON BULLETIN December 1971 Vol. 83. No. 4

Dendrortyx macroura, 11 Empidonax dijficilis, 11 Dichromanassa, 437 virescens, 227 rujescens, 435 Enemar, Anders, editor, Ornis Scandina- Dickerman, Robert W., Notes on various vita: Scandinavian Journal of Omi- rails in Mexico, 49-56; review by, 109- thology, reviewed, 330 110 Eptesicus juscus, 196 Dickerman, Robert W., and F. Haver- Ergaticus Tuber, 11 scbmidt, Further notes on the juvenal Erolia alpina, 393 plumage of the Spotted Rail (Ralbs Erskine, Anthony J., Some new perspec- maculatus) , 444-46 tives on the breeding ecology of Com- Diglossa, 15 mon Grackles, 352-370 Distribution, 49-55, 75, 97, 100, 132, 198- Erwin, R. Michael, The breeding success of 200, 2022203, 237, 255, 309-310, 313- two sympatric gulls, the Herring Gull 316, 352-356, 361-366, 431 and the Great Black-backed Gull, 152- Dolichonyx oryzivorus, 43, 198, 361 158 Dove, Mourning, 308, 419-424 Etter, Stanley L., see Anderson, William L., Duck, 306 and--- Black-bellied Tree, 430, 431, 432, 433 Eudocimus albus, 303 Mexican, 97 Eumomota superciliosa, 75 Muscovy, 431, 432,433 Eupetes leucostictus, 67 White-backed, 27G-277 Euphagus, 361, 362, 368 Wood, 97-99, 430, 431, 432, 433 carolinus, 362, 364,372 Dumetella carolinensis, 61, 67, 69, 227 cyanocephalus, 362,363, 371 Dunlin, 393 Euphonia fulvicrissa, 283 Eagle, Golden, 408, 409, 414 Euphonia, Fulvous-vented, 279, 281, 283 Ecology, 615, 39940, 43-44, 57-65, 159- Evans, Roger M., review by, 3222323 171, 172, 179-180, 181-182, 183, 202- Excalfactotia chinensis, 442 203, 215236, 237-248, 352370, 409 Falco columbarius, 414 Edwards, Ernest P., Finding Birds in Mex- peregrinus, 199,414 ico, reviewed, 109-110; review by, 329 sparverius, 249,414 Eggs, 1821, 4445, 80, 100, 103-104, 125- Falcon, Peregrine, 199,414 126, 259-262, 347, 357-359, 366, 414 Feduccia, J. Alan, Variation in plasma pro- 415, 425-429, 438439 teins of suboscine birds, 31-34; Turdus Egret, American, 303 grayi feeding on snake, 197 Cattle, 175, 303, 304 Finch, Purple, 201, 202, 442 Common, 172-177,435,437 Finlay, J. Campbell, Breeding biology of Little, 435 Purple Martins at the northern limit of Reddish, 435,436, 437 their range, 255-269 Snowy, 175, 303, 304, 435, 436, 437 Fisher, Harvey I., review by, 2099210 Egretta garzetta, 435 Fisher, Mildred L., The Albatross of Mid- intermedia, 302 way Island. A Natural History of the Elaenia flavogaster, 105 Laysan Albatross, reviewed, 210-211 Elaenia, Forest, 105 Fisk, Erma J., translator, see Koepcke, Yellow-bellied, 105 Maria, and- Elaphe obsoleta, 173 Flanigan, Annette B., Predation on snakes Electron platyrhynchum, 74 by Eastern Bluebird and Brown Ellison, Laurence N., Spruce Grouse at- Thrasher, 441 tacked by a Northern Shrike, 999100 Flicker, Yellow-shafted, 195-196, 246 Embryology, 425-429 Flight, 310-311, 419-424 December 1971 Vol. 83, No. 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 83 459

Florida, 437 Glaucomys sabrinus, 166 caerulea, 95, 172, 303, 435 volans, 166 Flycatcher, Acadian, 226, 227, 230, 233 Glyphorhynchus spirurus, 32 Boat-billed, 85, 105 Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray, 225, 226, 227, 230, Crested, 226, 227, 230, 233 233 Great Crested, 312 Goddard, Stephen V., Size, migration pat- McConnells,’ 105 tern, and structure of fall and early Ochre-bellied, 105, 279, 283 winter blackbird and Starling popula- Olive-sided, 311 tions in western Oklahoma, 371-382 Piratic, 127, 128 Goering, David K., and Ronald Cherry, Rusty-margined, 105, 124-128 Nestling mortality in a Texas heronrq-, Short-crested, 105 303305 Social, 279, 283 Goforth, W. Reid, The Three- chase in Streaked, 105 Mourning Doves, 419-424 Yellow-olive, 105 Goldfinch, American, 69, 442 Food habits, 11-13, 75, 84-85, 87, 88, 89, Goldman, Peter, Herring Gull predation on 90, 101-102, 104-105, 186, 188, 190, Common Water Snake in Lake Erie, 191, 195, 196, 19&197, 197, 197-198, 196197 201-202, 239, 265-267, 297, 306-308, Goose, Ross,’ 438-439 311, 348-349, 435-438 Snow, 43-39 Formicarim analis, 67 Goshawk, 99 Forshaw, Joseph M., Australian Parrots, Gotie, Robert F., see Coon, Donald W., reviewed, 107-108 and- Forsythe, Dennis M., Clicking in the egg- Grackle, 197, 363 young of the Long-billed Curlew, 44- Boat-tailed, 303 442 Common, 196, 226, 227, 230, 233, 317- 318, 352-370, 372 Fossils, 200-201 Great-tailed, 440 Fox, Arctic, 438 Grallaria, 33 Red, 101 perspicillata, 32, 67 Francis, William J., An evaluation of re- Grant, C. H. B., see Mackwortb-Praed, C. ported reproductive success in Red- W., and- winged Blackbirds, 178-185 Grassquit, Blue-black, 101 Gallinule, Purple, 55 Greenberg, Robert E., and Paul L. Heye, Garrulax, 68 Insecticide residues in Little Blue Her- rufogularis, 67 ons, 95-97 Gauthreaux, Sidney A., Jr., review by, 32& Greenlet, Ashy-headed, 105 327 Grier, James W., Pre-attack posture of the Geococcyx californianus, 186 Red-tailed Hawk, 115-123 Geopelia cuneata, 67, 68 Grosbeak, Black-faced, 197-198 George, William G., review by, 208-209 Blue, 226, 227, 230,233 Geothlypis trichas, 227 Evening, 442,443 GBroudet, Paul, see Simon, Noel P., and Pine, 99-100 Rose-breasted, 70 Gill, Frank B., and C. C. Stokes, Predation Grouse, Ruffed, 52 on a netted bird by Smooth-billed Anis, Sharp-tailed, 99 101-102 Spruce, 99-100 Ginevan, Michael E., Chipmunk predation Growth and Development, 186193, 262- on Bank Swallows, 102 263, 349-350 THE WILSON BULLETIN Drcember 1971 460 Vol. 83, No. 4

Guiraca caerulea, 227 tion of White-breasted Nuthatches, Gull, Black-headed, 156, 387 129-131 Glaucous, 438 Henicorhina leucophrys, 11 Great Black-hacked, 152-158 Henley, Diana, ASPCA Guide to Pet Care, Herring, 152-158, 196197,438 reviewed, 112 Swallow-tailed, 156 Herbert, Kathleen Green Skelton, Starling Gymnopithys bicolor, 67, 69, 347-351 feeds young Robins, 316-317 leucaspis, 347 Heron, Black, 435 rufigula, 347, 350 Black-crowned Night, 303, 304 Gymnostimops montezuma, 197 Great Blue, 303, 318 Habitat. 5511, 39-40, 57-65, 172, 181-182, Green, 172-177,435, 437 2022203, 215236, 237-239, 314, 315, Little Blue, 95, 172-177, 303, 304, 435, 3566357, 361-366, 371-372, 396 436, 437 Hadow, Harlo H., see Bock, Carl E., and Louisiana, 303, 304, 435, 437 Pied, 435 Haffer, Jiirgen, review by, 324-325 Reef, 435 Haldeman, John R., An aberrant incubation Whistling, 302-303 stimulus, 317 White-faced, 435 Hardy, John William, Habitat and habits Hesperiphonn vesper&a, 70, 442 of the Dwarf Jay, Aphelocoma nana, Heteronetta atricapilla, 270, 271, 273, 274, 5-30 275, 276 Hargrave, Lyndon L., Feathers from Sand Heye, Paul L., see Greenberg, Robert E., Dune Cave: A basketmaker cave near and- Navajo Mountain, Utah, reviewed, 212 Hibhard, Edmund A., and Paul D. Kline, Harlow, Richard A., Birds feeding on an Nesting of Bells’ Vireo in North Da- ant mating swarm in Maine, 201-202 kota, 2022203 Hatching, 83, 91, 127, 258, 441442 Himantopus mexicanus, 100 Haverschmidt, F., Large number of birds Hirundo rustica, 201, 257, 284 exploiting a fruit tree in Surinam, 104- Hochbaum, H. Albert, see Cornwell, George, 105; Notes on the life history of the and--- Rusty-margined Flycatcher in Surinam, Holgersen, Norman E., Black-necked Stilt 124-128; see Dickerman, Robert W., nesting in Delaware, 100 and- Hubbard, John P., Check-list of the Birds Hawk, Broad-winged, 249,250 of New Mexico, reviewed, 330 Crab, 124 Hybridization, 343-346 Gray, 124 Hydranassa, 437 Pigeon, 414 tlicolor, 303,435 Red-tailed, 115-123, 408418 Hyloch,aris leucotis, 11 Roadside, 124 Hylocichla, 63, 71, 444 Rough-legged, 196 fuscescens, 57, 64 Sharp-shinned, 28,29, 30 guttata, 57, 64, 201 Sparrow, 2499254,414 mustelina, 57, 64, 68, 69, 227 Hays, Helen, and Mary LeCroy, Field cri- ustulata, 317 teria for determining incubation stage Hyloctistes subulatus, 32 in eggs of the Common Tern, 425429 Hylophilus pectoralis, 105 Heintzelman, Donald S., The Hawks of New Ibis, White, 303 Jersey, reviewed, 452 Icteria virens, 227 Heintzelman, Donald S., and Robert Mac- Icterus galbula, 227 Clay, An extraordinary autumn migra- spurius, 227 December 1971 Vol. 83, No. 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 83 461

Incubation, 21-24, 45, 81-83, 97799, 126, Cassins’ Sparrow parasitized by cow- 187, 194, 262, 268, 285, 286, 2899290, bird, 439 317, 349 Kinglet, Golden-crowned, 313-316 Introduced species, 43@434 Kiskadee, Great, 105, 127, 128 lridoprocne bicolor, 202. 297 Kite, Mississippi, 196 lxobrychus exilis, 97 Kline, Paul D., see Hibbard, Edmund A., James, Frances C., Ordinations of habitat and--- relationships among breeding birds, Koepcke, Maria, translated by Erma J. 215-236 Fisk, The Birds of the Department of Jay, Blue, 17, 21, 24, 196, 226, 227, 230, Lima, Peru, reviewed, 208-209 233, 308, 3433346, 442 Krohn, William B., Some patterns of wood- Dwarf, 5-30 cock activities on Maine summer fields, Magpie, 343 396-407 Mexican, 17, 21, 69 Lagonosticta, 68 Scrub, 21, 24 rubricata, 68 Stellers,’ 12, 21, 24, 69, 343-346 Lampornis clemenciae, 11 White-tipped Brown, 343 Lampropeltis doliata, 441 Jehl, Joseph R., Jr., and Blanche A. Smith, d. &an&urn, 441 Birds of the Churchill Region, Mani- Land, Hugh C., Birds of Guatemala, re- toba, reviewed, 322-323 viewed, 206-207 Johnston, Richard F., Editor, Annual Re- Lanius excubitor, 99, 122 view of Ecology and Systematics, re- Lapham, Helen, see Parkes, Kenneth C., viewed, 330 and--- Joselyn, G. Blair, see Anderson, William L., Larus argentutus, 152, 197,438 and---- hyperboreus, 438 Julian, Paul R., see Kingery, Hugh E., marinas, 152 and- ridibundus, 156,387 Junco hyenalis, 66, 69, 70, 196 Laskey, Amelia R., Bluebirds successfully oreganus, 103 nesting in house under construction, Junco, 196 440-441 Oregon, 103-104 Later&us jamaicensis, 53 Slate-colored, 315 j. coturniculus, 53 Kahl, M. P., Some observations on the be- j. jamaicensis, 53 havior of Whistling Herons, 302-303 Laughlin, Sally, review by, 329 Keith, Stuart, review by, 448450 Leek, Charles F., Measurement of social at- Kenyon, Karl W., review by, 210-211 tractions between tropical Kepler, Cameron B., First Puerto Rican birds, 278283; Some spatial and tem- record of the Antillean Palm Swift, poral dimensions of kingbird foraging- 309310 flights, 31&311 Kilham, Lawrence, Reproductive behavior LeCroy, Mary, see Hays, Helen, and- of Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers. I. Pref- Leffler, Sanford R., The junco as a food erence for nesting in Pomes-infected item for the Rough-legged Hawk in aspens and nest hole interrelations with Alaska, 196 flying squirrels, raccoons, and other Legatus leucophaius, 127, 128 , 159-171 Lepidocolaptes affinis, 11 Kingbird, Eastern, 226, 227, 230, 233, 310- souleyetii, 32 311 Leucophoyx, 437 Tropical, 104-105 thula, 175, 303, 435 Kingery, Hugh E., and Paul R. Julian, Limnothlypis swainsonii, 194 THE WILSON BULLETIN December 1971 Vol. 83. No. 4

Lipaugus, 33 Michael, Edwin D., see Taylor, Reese J., unirufus, 32 and--- Liversidge, R., see McLachlan, G. R., and Microrhopias quixensis, 32 Microtus, 54 Long, Claudine F., Common Grackles prey Migration, 102-103, 129-131, 256257, 284, on big brown bat, 196 297, 371-382 Ludwig, John, Pheasant chases fox, 101 Milvago chimachima, 124, 128 Ma&lay, Robert, see Heintzelman, Donald Mimus polyglottos, 311, 439, 442 S., and--- Mink, 174, 175, 176 Mackworth-Praed, C. W., and C. H. B. Mitrephanes phaeocercus, 11 Grant, Birds of West Central and West- Mniotilta varia, 202, 227 ern Africa. African Handbook of Mockingbird, 311, 439, 442-443’ Birds. Series III, Volume I, reviewed, Molothrus nter, 44, 66, 70, 227, 371, 439 108%109 Molts and plumages, 26, 49-56, 76-78, 187- Magpie, Black-billed, 409 193, 343, 3444345, 350, 351, 4444446 Mallard, 97 Momotus momota, 67, 75 Manacus candei, 32 Monasa morphoeus, 85 Manakin, Blue-backed, 35-38 Monroe, Burt L., Jr., review by, 206-207 Margarornis rubiginosus, 32 Morse, Douglass H., Effects of the arrival Martin, Caribbean, 309 of a new species upon habitat utiliza- Purple, 255-269 tion by two forest thrushes in Maine, Mayr, Ernst, and Lester L. Short, Species 57-65 Taxa of North American Birds, A Con- Mortality, 45, 102-103, 172-177, 203-204, tribution to Comparative Systematics, 291, 294, 295, 303-305, 305-306, 411 reviewed, 32&322 Motmot, Blue-diademed, 75, 80, 81, 82, 84, McLachlan, G. R., and R. Liversidge, edi- 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92 tors, Roberts Birds of South Africa, 3rd Blue-throated Green, 75,80, 87 edition, reviewed, 325-326 Broad-billed, 74-94 Meadowlark, 443 Great Rufous, 88 Eastern, 43 Rufous, 74-94 Western, 439 Turquoise-browed, 75, 78, 83, 87 Meanley, Brooke, Additional notes on pre- Mourner, Grayish, 104 nesting and nesting behavior of the Mueller, Helmut C., Displays and vocaliza- Swainsons’ Warbler, 194 tions of the Sparrow Hawk, 249-254 Measurements, 49-54, 201, 263-264, 349, Mueller, Helmut C., and Nancy S. Mueller, 414-415, 438-439 Flashes of white in the wings of other Megarhynchus pitangua, 85, 105 species elicit territorial behavior in a Melanerpes erythrocephalus, 227, 237-248 Mockingbird, 442443 Melanophoyx ardesiaca, 435 Mueller, Nancy S., see Mueller, Helmut C., Melanotis caerulescens, 11 and- hypoleucus, 67 Muller, Kerry A., Physical and behavioral Melospiza lincolnii, 150 development of a Roadrunner raised at melodia, 49, 70, 366 the National Zoological Park, 18ct-193 Meyer de Schauensee, Rodolphe, A Guide Mustela vison, 174 to the Birds of South America, re- Myadestes obscurus, 11 viewed, 324-325 Myiorchus, 32 Meyerriecks, Andrew J., Further observa- crinitw, 227, 312 tions on use of the feet by foraging ferox, 105 Herons, 435-438 Myioborus miniatus, 11 December 1971 Vol. 83. No. 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 83 463

Myiodynastes maculatus, 105 Ortalis, 200 Myiopagis gainardii, 105 motmot, 104 Myiozetetes cayanensis, 105, 124, 126, 128 Ovenbird, 194, 219, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, similis, 32, 283 230,233 Myocastor coypus, 430 Owl, Barn, 414 Myrmeciza exsul, 67, 70, 76 Great Horned, 408418 Natrix sipedon, 196, 197 Owre, Oscar T., review by, 450-452 Nesting, 15-27, 4446, 79-87, 90-92, 92, 97, OxylLra, 270, 273, 274 100, 103-104, 125-128, 154, 159-171, jamaicensis, 270, 271, 276 172-176, 182-183, 186187, 194, 202- Oxyurini, 272, 274, 275, 277 203, 256268, 284286, 287-292, 3477 Pachyramphus polychopterus, 32 351, 357-359, 408418, 432-433, 440, rufus, 104 440441 Panyptila cayennensis, 124, 309 Nesting success, 44-45, 127-128, 1522158, Parasitism, 44, 439 172-177, 178-185, 202, 265, 267, 290- Partridge, European, 425 292, 361, 409-412 Gray, 442 Nests, 20-21, 44, 159-164, 347 Par&a americana, 227 Niedrach, Robert J., Bull snake and Com- Parus atricapillus, 66, 70, 392 mon Grackles, 317-318 bicolor, 66, 227, 312, 442 Nolan, Val, Jr., review by, 453 carolinensis, 227, 312, 442 Nothoprocta cinerascens, 67 major, 260, 267 Notophoyx novaehollandiae, 435 Parkes, Kenneth C., Alan Poole, and Helen picata, 435 Lapham, The Ruddy Turnstone as an egg predator, 306308 Numenius americanus, 441,442 Parrot, Dusky, 124 Nunbird, White-fronted, 85 Passer domesticus, 68, 69, 203,295 Nuthatch, Red-breasted, 129-131, 315 Passerculus sandwichensis, 43 White-breasted, 69, 70, 129-131, 226, 227, Passerella iliaca, 66 230,233 Passerherbulus henslowii, 39 Nutria, 430 Passerina cyanea, 146,227 Nuttallornis borealis, 311 Patton, Robert F., see Ohlendorf, Harry Nycticorax, 303 M., and&--- nycticorax, 303 Pediocetes phasianellus, 99 Ohlendorf, Harry M., and Robert F. Patton, Peek, Frank W., Seasonal change in the Nesting record of Mexican Duck (Anus breeding behavior of the male Red- diazi) in Texas, 97 winged Blackbird, 383-395 Oniki, Yoshika, Parental care and nesting Pewee, Eastern Wood, 226, 227, 230, 233 in the Rufous-throated Antbird, Gym- Penelope purpurascens, 282 nopithys rufigula, in Amapa, Brazil, Perdix perdix, 425, 442 347-351 Pesticides, 9>97, 412-416 Onychorhynchus mexicanus, 32 Petrochelidon fulva, 309 Oporornis a&s, 198 pyrrhonota, 260,284 formosus, 227 Pettingill, Olin Sewall, Jr., Ornithology in Oriole, Baltimore, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, Laboratory and Field, reviewed, 45& 233 452 Orchard, 226, 227, 230, 233 Phasianus colchicus, 101, 425, 443 Oropendola, Montezuma, 197-198 Pheasant, Ring-necked, 101,425, 443 Orr, Robert T., Animals in Migration, re- Pheucticus ludovicianus, 70 viewed, 326327 Philohela minor, 395 THE WILSON BULLETIN December 1971 Vol. 83, No. 4

Physiology, 31-34 Quail, Painted, 442 Pica pica, 67, 409 Querula, 33 Pinicola enucleator, 100 purpurata, 32 Pintail, 305, 419 Quiscalus, 361,362 Pionus fuscus,124 quiscula, 66, 68, 196, 227, 317, 352, 362, Pip&, 71, 72 364, 372 erythrophthalmus, 70, 71, 137,227 Raccoon, 159, 162, 163, 164-165, 167, 170, ocai, 11 174, 175, 176 Pipra mentalis, 32 Raikow, Robert J., The osteology and Pipromorpha macconnelli, 105 taxonomic position of the White-backed oleaginea, 32, 105,283 Duck, Thalassornis leuconotus, 270- Piranga olivacea, 227 277 rubra, 227 Rail, 49-56 Pitangus sulphuratus, 105, 127, 128 Clapper, 49-52 Pituophis, 318 King, 49-51 Platycichla jlavipes, 199 Sora, 53 Pluvialis dominica, 70 Spotted, 52, 444-446 Poboph/a’ caerutea, 227 Virginia, 52 Poole, Alan, see Parkes, Kenneth C., and Yellow, 54-55 Yellow-breasted, 52-53 Populations, 42-43, 104, 172, 178, 284-285, Rallus elegans, 49 294, 295, 371-382 limicola, 52 Porphyrula martinica, 55 1. ftiedmanni, 52 Porzana Carolina, 53 longirostris, 49, 50, 51 flaviventer, 52 1. elegans, 49 f. woodi, 52 1. nayaritensis, 50, 51 Post, William, and Micou M. Browne, Sea- 1. pallidus, 51 side Sparrow hits a TV tower near Ra- 1. rhizophorae, 50, 51 leigh, North Carolina, 1022103 1. tenuirostris, 49, 50, 51 Prairie Chicken, Lesser, 439 maculatus, 52,444,445 Predation, 23-24, 28-29, 99-100, 101, 101- m. inoptatus, 445 102, 102, 127-128, 156, 159, 162-163, m. insolitus, 52,444, 445, 446 164165, 1722177, 187, 196, 196-197, m. maculatus, 444, 445,446 197, 197-198, 306308, 317-318, 441 Ramphastos, 282 Prescott, Kenneth W., Unusual activity of Ramphocelus carbo, 105 Starlings at Yellow-Shafted Flicker Redstart, American, 202, 219, 221, 226, 227, nest, 195-196; Studies in the Life His- 230,233 tory of the Scarlet Tanager, Piranga Regulus satrapa, 313 olivacea, reviewed, 327-329 Procyon lotor, 159, 174 Reynolds, Harry V., III, see Seidensticker, Progne dominicensis, 309 John C., IV, and---- subis, 255 Rhodinocichla rosea, 68, 71 Protonotaria citrea, 227 Rhytipterna, 33 Pseudocolaptes lawrencii, 32 holerythra, 32 Psilorhinus mexicanus, 343 simplex, 104 Pterocles orientalis, 67, 68 Richmondena cardinalis, 70, 227, 317, 442 Ptilogonys cinereus, 11 Riparia riparia, 102, 297 Publication Notes and Notices, 34, 185, 330 Roadrunner, 186193,196 Puffbird, 81 Roberts, Carolyn, and Dorothy Thelwall, December 1971 Vol. 83, No. 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 83 465

compilers, Aves, The Zoological Record, Siskin, Pine, 103,442 reviewed, 112 Sitta canadensis, 129 Robin, 70, 225, 226, 227, 230, 231, 233, 316- carolinensis, 66, 67, 69, 129, 227 317, 443-444 Sittasomus griseicapillus, 32 Robins, Jerome D., A study of Henslows’ Skutch, Alexander F., Life history of the Sparrow in Michigan, 39-48 Broad-billed Motmot, with notes on the Roosting, 443-444 Rufous Motmot, 74-94 Rothstein, Stephen I., review by, 327-329 Slessers, Martin A., Adaptive behavior of Ryan, R. Mark, editor, Fauna: the Zoologi- tits which have lost one eye, 312-313 cal Magazine, reviewed, 330 Smaragdolanius, 15 Ryder, John P., Size differences between Smith, Blanche A., see Jehl, Joseph R., Jr., Ross ’ and Snow Goose eggs at Karrak and- Lake, Northwest Territories in 1968, Snake, 176,197 438439 Bull, 317-318 Sakesphorus cnnadensis, 348 Common Water, 196197 Saltator maximus, 105 Eastern Milk, 441 Saltator, Buff-throated, 105 North American DeKays,’ 197 Samuel, David E., The breeding biology of Texas Rat, 173 Barn and Cliff Swallows in West Vir. Snow, D. W., Social organization of the ginia, 284-301 Blue-backed Manakin, 35-38 Sandgrouse, 68, 71 Somers, Preston, see Bock, Carl E., and Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied, 159-171 Scardafella inca, 67 Sparrow, 102 Sciurus carolinensis, 166 Bachmans,’ 132-151 Sclerurus albigularis, 67 Black-throated, 150 guatemnlensis, 67, 69 Botteris’ 132-151 Seidensticker, John C., IV, and Harry V. Cassins,’ ’ 132-151, 439 Reynolds III, The nesting, reproductive Chipping, 226, 227, 230, 233 performance, and chlorinated hydrocar- English, 186 bon residues in the Red-tailed Hawk Field, 136, 137, 226, 227, 230,233 and Great Horned Owl in south-central Five-striped, 132-151 Montana, 408418 Grasshopper, 43,44, 439 Seiurus aurocapillus, 194,227 Henslows,’ 3948 motacilla, 68, 227 House, 2033204,295,297,299, 300 noveboracensis, 68,69 Lincolns,’ 150 Serpophaga subcristata, 199 Rufous-crowned, 132-151 Setophaga ruticilla, 202, 227 Rufous-winged, 132-151 Sex ratios, 377-380, 381, 401, 403, 404 Savannah, 43 Short, Lester L., see Mayr, Ernst, and Seaside, 1022103 Song, 49, 366, 393 Shrike, Northern, 99-100,121-122 White-throated, 442 Sialia sialis, 312, 440, 441 Spermophilus tridecemlineatus, 44 Sick, Helmut, Blackpoll Warbler on winter undulatus, 196 quarters in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 198 Sphyrapicus varius, 159 200 Spinus pinus, 66, 103, 442 Simon, Noel P., and Paul Geroudet, Last tristis, 66, 69, 442 Survivors: The Natural History of Ani- Spizella arborea, 66, 69, 70 mals in Danger of Extinction, reviewed, passe&a, 70, 227 206 pusilla, 70, 136, 227 THE WILSON BULLETIN December 1971 466 Vol. 83, No. 4

Spofford, Walter R., review by, 452 Tanager, Blue-gray, 105, 279,281,283 Spoonbill, Roseate, 303 Golden-masked, 279,283 Squirrel, Arctic Ground, 196 Palm, 105,279,281,282,283 Flying, 162, 166167, 168, 169, 170 Plain-colored, 278, 279, 281, 282, 283 Gray, 166 Scarlet, 226, 227, 230, 233 Red, 166 Silver-beaked, 105 Thirteen-lined Ground, 44 Sulphur-rumped, 279 Starling, 168, 170, 195196, 246, 260, 316- Summer, 226,227,230,233 317,356,371-382 Tangara inornata, 283 Stelgidopteryx ruficollis, 257, 297 larvata, 283 Sterna dougallii, 425 Tantilla armillata, 197 fuscata, 306 Taraba major, 32 hirundo, 70, 306, 425 Taxonomy, 3134, 49-54, 150, 27@277, 303 lunata, 306 Taylor, Reese J., and Edwin D. Michael, Stettenheim, Peter, review by, 212, 330, 453 Predation on an inland heronry in east- Stewart, Paul A., Egg turning by an incu- ern Texas, 172-177 bating Wood Duck, 97799; Persistence Teal, Blue-winged, 305 of remains of birds killed on motor Tern, 306, 308 highways, 203-204 Common, 306,307,425429 Stilt, Black-necked, 100 Gray-backed, 306 Stoddard, Herbert L., Sr., Memoirs of a Roseate, 425 Naturalist, reviewed, 111-112 Sooty, 306, 307,308 Stokes, C. C., see Gill, Frank B., and-- Terres, John K., Flashing Wings. The Storeria dekayi, 197 Drama of Bird Flight, reviewed, 329 Streptoprocne ronaris, 309 Territory, 7, 9, 39-43, 62263, 124125, 239- Sturnella, 443 242, 246-247, 296, 384394 magna, 43 Tersina viridis, 199 neglecta, 439 Thalassornis leuconotus, 270-277 Sturnus, 260 Thamnophilus bridgesi, 32,33 vulgaris, 168, 195, 246, 316, 356, 372 doliatus, 32, 351 Sutton, George M., Dwarf Jay (Aphelo- Thelwall, Dorothy, see Roberts, Carolyn, coma nana), painting by, facing p. 5 and----- Swallow, Bank, 102,297 Thompson, Daniel Q., review by, 111, lll- Barn, 201, 257, 284301 112 Cave, 309 Thrasher, Brown, 69, 225, 226, 227, 230, Cliff, 260, 284301 233, 441 Rough-winged, 257,262,265,297 Thraupis episcopus, 105, 283 Tree, 202,297 palmarum, 105, 283 Swallow-Tanager, 199 Thripadectes rufobrunneus, 32 Swift, Antillean Palm, 309310 Thrush, 5765,444 Cayenne, 124 Hermit, 57-65,201, 202 European, 260 Pale-breasted, 199 Lesser Swallow-tailed, 309 Swainsons,’ 58, 317 White-throated, 309 Wood, 57-65, 69, 225, 226, 227, 230, 233 Synallaxis albescens, 32 Yellow-legged, 199 Syrigma sibilattix, 302, 303 Thryothorus ludovicianus, 227 Tachornis phoenicobia, 309, 310 Tit, Great, 260,267 Tamias striatus, 102 Titmouse, Tufted, 226, 227, 230, 233, 312, Tamiasciurus hudsonicus, 166 313, 442 Vol.December 83. No.1971 4 INDEX TO VOLUME 83 467

Tolmomyins sulphurescens, 105 Vireo, Bells,’ 2022203, 218, 220, 225, 226, Towhee, 71 227, 230, 233 Rufous-sided, 137, 226, 227, 230, 233 Red-eyed, 105, 218, 221, 222, 225, 226, Toxostoma, 68 227, 230, 233 curvirostre, 67 Warbling, 218, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, redivivum, 68 233 rufum, 67, 68,69,227,441 White-eyed, 218, 221, 225, 226, 227, 230, Traylor, Melvin A., review by, 1088109, 233 325326 Yellow-throated, 218, 225, 226, 227, 228, Trembler, 69 230, 233 Troglodytes aedon, 145 Voice and Vocalizations, 27-28, 4@42, 49, brunneicollis, 11 62, 64, 75-76, 83, 86, 87, 89-90, 91, 92, Trogon, 15 124, 132-151, 194, 195, 242-246, 251, mexicanus, 11 252, 292, 302, 303, 345, 348, 385-387, rufus, 76 392-393, 441442 Trogon, Black-throated, 76, 86 Volatinia jacarina, 101 Turdus, 71 Vulpes fulva, 101 albicollis, 68 Warbler, Black-and-White, 202, 219, 226, assimilis, 11, 68 227, 230, 233 grayi, 197 Blackburnian, 201, 315 infuscatus, 11 Blackpoll, 198200 leucomelas, 199 Black-throated Green, 202, 315 merula, 68, 69 Chestnut-sided, 61, 202 migratorius, 11, 68, 70, 197, 227, 316, 443 Connecticut, 198 Turnstone, Ruddy, 306308 Hooded, 219, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 228, Tympanuchus pallidicinctus, 439 230,233 Tyranniscus vilissimus, 283 Kentucky, 225,226, 227, 230,233 Tyrannulet, Paltry, 279, 283 Magnolia, 201, 315 White-crested, 199 Myrtle, 315 Tyrannus melancholicus, 105 Nashville, 202 tyrannus, 227, 310 Parula, 219, 221, 226, 227, 230,233 Tyto alba, 414 Prairie, 225, 226, 227, 230, 233 Prothonotary, 225,226, 227,230,233 Upupa epops, 67 Swainsons,’ 194 Uraeginthus, 68 Yellow, 61, 202 Urospatha, 88 Waterthrush, Louisiaca, 226, 227, 230, 233 Veery, 57-65 Northern, 69 Vermivora ruficapilla, 202 Waxwing, Cedar, 201 superciliosa, 11 Weather, 13-15, 103, 183,202,287, 367 Verner, Jared, and Mary F. Willson, Mat. Weights, 188-193 ing Systems, Sexual Dimorphism, andI The Role of Male North American Weydemeyer, Winton, Nesting habits of the Passerine Birds in the Nesting Cycle, Oregon Junco in Montana, 1033104 reviewed, 453 Wheat, Pat, Blue Jay X Stellers’ Jay Vireo bellii, 202,227 (Cyanocitta cristata X Cyanocitta stel- flavifrons, 227 Len)’ hybrid, color photo, facing p. 343; &us, 227 see Williams, Olwen, and- griseus, 227 Williams, Olwen, and Pat Wheat, Hybrid olivaceus, 105,227 jays in Colorado, 343-346 THE WILSON BULLETIN December 1971 Vol. 83, No. 4

Wilson Ornithological Society, Red-bellied, 226, 227, 230, 233, 246, 442, Louis Agassiz Fuertes Award, 446 443 Margaret M. Nice Award, 446 Red-cockaded, 167 Membership, 94, 105, 158, 177, 193 Red-headed, 225, 226, 227, 230, 233, 237- Officers, 454 248 Ornithological News, 106, 205, 319, 447 Woolfenden, Glen E., review by, 107-108 Proceedings of the Annual Meeting, 331- Wren, Barred, 24, 26, 29 339, 424 Carolina, 226, 227, 230, 233 Wilsonia citrina, 227 House, 145, 146 Willson, Mary F., see Verner, Jared, and Short-billed Marsh, 43, 44, 4647 Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus, 264, 363, Wolf, Larry L., Predatory behavior in Mon. 371 tezuma Oropendola, 197-198 Xenops minutus, 32 Woodcock, American, 396407 Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus, 11 Woodpecker, 81 Xiphorhynchus erythropygius, 32 Downy, 195,226,227,230,233,442 lachrymosus, 33 Golden-fronted, 246 Yellowthroat, 219, 220, 226, 227, 230, 233 Hairy, 159, 166-167, 168, 169, 170 Zenaidura macroura, 67, 419 Lewis,’ 237-248 Zonotrichia albicollis, 70, 442

This issue of The Wilson Bulletin was published on 30 December 1971.