RBT : Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 1

Colombia Trip Report Santa Marta Extension 25th to 30th November 2014 (6 days)

Buffy by Clayton Burne

Trip report compiled by tour leader: Clayton Burne

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 2

Our Santa Marta extension got off to a flying start with some unexpected birding on the first afternoon. Having arrived in Barranquilla earlier than expected, we wasted no time and headed out to the nearby Universidad del Norte – one of the best places to open our Endemics account. It took only a few minutes to find Chestnut- winged Chachalaca, and only a few more to obtain excellent views of a number of these typically localised . A fabulous welcome meal was then had on the 26th floor of our city skyscraper hotel!

An early start the next day saw us leaving the city of Barranquilla for the nearby scrub of Caño Clarín. Our account opened quickly with a female Sapphire-throated Hummingbird followed by many Russet-throated . A Chestnut-winged Chachalaca by Clayton Burne White-tailed Nightjar was the surprise find of the morning. We added a number of typical for the area including Caribbean Hornero, Scaled Dove, Green-and-rufous, Green and Ringed Kingfishers, Red-crowned, Red-rumped and Spot-breasted , Stripe-backed and Bicolored , as well as Black-crested Antshrike. Having cleared up the common stuff, we headed off to Isla de Salamanca, a reserve that plays host to another very scarce endemic, the Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird. More good luck meant that the very first we saw after climbing out of the vehicle was the targeted bird itself. Feeding on a low purple flowered bush, we were able to obtain excellent views of this highly range restricted endemic before attacking the boardwalk. Prothonotary Warbler was so common it was impossible to avoid. Our other major target of the morning was not long in arriving though – a small flock of Bicolored Conebill. Golden-green kept the list ticking along before American Pygmy Kingfisher allowed for stunning views. Some good spotting found a roosting Common Nighthawk before the day became uncomfortably hot and humid. We persevered a little, a very accommodating Pied paying us back nicely. Another fifteen minutes was spent with the Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird, before we departed Isla de Salamanca. Twenty minutes were devoted to turning over some waders, White-rumped Sandpiper and Wilson's Plover being the highlights, along with all the usual suspects. We then headed for an excellent fish lunch in Cienaga. Post lunch it was time to exit the heat and humidity for the cooler environs of El Dorado Lodge, perched at around 2000masl on the Santa Marta massif. New birds (and many endemics) were found in a matter of minutes. Santa Marta Toucanet was seen as we climbed out of the vehicles, followed in quick succession by very approachable Band-tailed Guans, White-tailed Starfrontlet, a pair of Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird by Clayton Burne White-tipped Quetzals, Black-fronted Wood

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Quail and Santa Marta Brush . A quick owling session that evening managed to locate a calling Santa Marta Screech Owl (still undescribed!), but alas we could not get any visuals. The next day would be an early start up to San Lorenzo ridge.

Having assembled at the bleary-eyed hour of 04:00, we climbed into our 4x4 vehicles and headed up to the San Lorenzo ridge high above our accommodation at El Dorado. A short effort was made for Santa Marta Screech Owl, but we only found some dimly lit Band-winged Nightjars instead. Continuing higher up, we stopped just at the break of dawn to scan for Santa Marta Parakeets. Unfortunately, the wind was blowing a gale – the crystal clear skies no consolation. After an interesting hike up a nearby hill and a fruitless 15 minutes scanning, we descended to warm up with hot chocolate and coffee. We started to bird the road, immediately getting onto two endemics, and Yellow-crowned . Birding was rather tough thereafter with no Pied Puffbird by Clayton Burne flocks to speak of. We did however eke out both Rusty-headed and Streak-capped Spinetails, Santa Marta Mountain and Strong-billed Woodcreeper. A pair of Bicolored Hawk buzzed the parakeet nest boxes, not exactly helping our efforts, while a Santa Marta Bush Tyrant called incessantly but remained stubbornly within the bamboo thickets. A concerted effort saw most of us getting a view of another tough species, the mouse-like Brown-rumped . With the wind showing no sign of abating, we started to descend the road on foot, adding Scaly-naped Amazon, Golden and Streak-throated Bush Tyrant. While descending, a flock of Santa Marta Parakeets made a mad dash across the road, only their bright green bodies to show for our efforts. Another short snack break was called for. A while later we found yet another endemic, the White-lored Warbler, while Golden-breasted Fruiteater was located and spotted well. Down the mountain we went for lunch. With the afternoon's birding about to begin, a female Santa Marta Woodstar graced the hummer feeders. A little further down the road we stopped at a known Blossomcrown site and waited. Black-hooded Thrush was seen by some, so the rest of us decided to walk a short distance to re-find the bird. As expected, we had no sooner found the thrush when the call for Blossomcrown went up – half of us in the wrong place at the right time. Wait some more we did... In the end, we managed a staggeringly good sighting of this fantastic little hummingbird. The remainder of the afternoon was spent walking the roads and picking up mostly commoner forest species. Rusty-breasted Antpitta played ball, showing well for everyone, as did the colourful crowd pleaser, Keel-billed Toucan. With that, it was back to the lodge for dinner. A spot of after dinner owling failed to elicit the target – so we headed off to bed Santa Marta Brush Finch by Tim Boucher after a rather long day in the field.

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Another early start saw us heading down the mountain towards Minca. A calling Grey-throated Leaftosser had us stopping earlier than planned, to be rewarded by one of the continent’s most 'skulky' genera, sitting on an open branch – calling and flicking its tail for fully 5 minutes! Next we tried the equally tricky Santa Marta Tapaculo – except it wasn't. Two individuals called from the opposite edges of the road, making it a difficult decision of which to hit first. Unusually perched a metre from the ground, then walking over open ground – a dream start to the morning it was. A Moustached Puffbird attempted to hide by remaining motionless, while we enjoyed excellent views. Thankfully this was a portent of what was to come. Groove-billed Toucanets vied with a Black-headed Tanager for our attention and Santa Marta were Blossomcrown by Clayton Burne ridiculously co-operative. A calling Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush was not so forthcoming, but later we would find a real poser. Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner made life difficult, but most of us eventually managed a decent enough view.

With most of the targets already in the bag, we headed further down the mountain. Both Rufous- breasted and Rufous-and-white Wrens made our lives easy, coming in for excellent views. A Scaled showed well before we had equally good views of Golden-winged Sparrow and Pale-eyed Pygmy Tyrant. As the day warmed up, we took shelter at our accommodation in Minca, birding the hummingbird feeders while putting our feet up for a few hours. An easy few minutes had both Rufous-breasted and Pale-bellied Hermits. An afternoon stroll then turned up some more target species in the form of Panamanian Flycatcher, Long-billed Gnatwren and Black-backed Antshrike. We made one final stop to look for some macaws in the late evening, an effort that proved ultimately fruitless.

An early morning walk around Minca the following day was next in store for us. We got off to a decent start, with Whooping Motmot seemingly plentiful in the gardens next to the path. We greatly improved our views of Black-backed Antshrike while also adding both Golden-fronted and Scrub Greenlets to the list. Bran-colored Flycatcher played coy, while Northern refused to show at all. We left Minca mid-morning and began the drive towards the Guajira Peninsula. Arriving near to Riohacha in the late afternoon allowed us to bird for a few hours. Crested Bobwhite called in the fields that both Smooth-billed and Groove-billed Anis surveyed. Northern Scrub Flycatcher, Tropical Gnatcatcher and Grey Pileated Finch were all found in the scrubby undergrowth. Bare-eyed Pigeons flew overhead intermittently, Red-billed Emerald by Clayton Burne

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 5 while White-whiskered Spinetail showed well. We got onto a perched Red-billed Emerald, unfortunately sitting in a shady spot rendering itself rather dark. Rufous-vented Chachalaca did not come into their known lake for a drink of water or even to roost. Trinidad showed for some, while Glaucous Tanager called nearby. The evening finished on an excellent note though: a Chestnut Piculet displaying its beautiful crest and dark chestnut body. With that, it was time to head to our hotel. We had a final dinner together where we celebrated not only the end of the tour, but also Jennifer's birthday, with lobster thermador and toffee cake. Wonderful!

Our last day dawned early in Riohacha – a morning that was full of targets and only a little over three hours in which to get them. A quick field breakfast was followed by the odd shorebird: American White Ibis, Reddish Egret and a Willet. The real birding began not long after, with a small lake edge holding the near endemic Orinoco . A pair of Slender-billed Inezia followed shortly thereafter, before we had great views of the stunning Vermilion . Back into the bus for the short ride to the town of Camerones, where we picked out a massive flock of Trinidad and a handful of Glaucous Tanager. Jump back onto the bus for the short ride to Perico – the target list thankfully dwindling at every stop. Three Double-striped Thick-knees made for a good bonus before some hard yards were required to find Tocuyo Sparrow. A flurry of new species followed including Pale-tipped Inezia, Ferruginous Pygmy Owl and a much more co-operative Red-billed Emerald. The last major target species was Buffy Hummingbird – and we would not be disappointed. An adult sat quietly, not far from the Ferruginous Pygmy Owl. We were able to take our time observing and photographing this rather drab little hummer. With half an hour to spare, Double-striped Thick-knee we set off for the estuary and a few waders. A small by Clayton Burne flock of Green-rumped Parrotlets halted our progress, as did the prospect of a Dwarf . The cuckoo responded incredibly well, showing openly while it took a worm apart. A short stop at the estuary provided us with very little in return though: Laughing and Lesser Black-backed Gulls, Cabot's Tern and a Whimbrel. The water level was unfortunately high, meaning there were no American Flamingo or Scarlet Ibis to be had. And so ended our extension to this incredible part of the world. Until next time… Annotated List of species recorded

BIRDS Nomenclature and follows IOC (Version: 4.4): Gill, F. and Wright, M. Birds of the World: Recommended English Names. Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press. List powered through the report generator of our partner iGoTerra.

Status codes: E = Endemic, NE = Near-endemic, I = Introduced

IUCN codes: CR = Critically Endangered, EN = Endangered, VU = Vulnerable, EW = Extinct in the Wild, NT = Near Threatened, DD = Data Deficient

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 6

Total Species Recorded = 278 [24 Endemics + 7 Near Endemics] (11 Heard)

Andean Endemics + Santa Marta Ext = 700 [55 Endemics + 19 Near Endemics] (40 Heard)

Ducks, Geese & Swans Anatidae White-faced Whistling Duck Dendrocygna viduata Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11. Black-bellied Whistling Duck Dendrocygna autumnalis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Camarones 30.11. Blue-winged Teal Anas discors Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

White-cheeked Pintail Anas bahamensis Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11.

Chachalacas, Curassows & Guans Cracidae Chestnut-winged Chachalaca (E) Ortalis garrula Universidad del Norte 25.11. Band-tailed Guan (NE) Penelope argyrotis colombiana Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and there 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Sickle-winged Guan Chamaepetes goudotii sanctaemarthae San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

New World Quail Odontophoridae Crested Bobwhite Colinus cristatus littoralis 1 heard Sabana Grande 29.11. Black-fronted Wood Quail (VU) (NE) Odontophorus atrifrons atrifrons Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11.

Ibises, Spoonbills Threskiornithidae Bare-faced Ibis Phimosus infuscatus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

American White Ibis Eudocimus albus Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Roseate Spoonbill Platalea ajaja Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Herons, Bitterns Ardeidae

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Rufescent Tiger Heron Tigrisoma lineatum Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Green Heron Butorides virescens Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Western Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Minca 29.11 and Camarones 30.11. Cocoi Heron Ardea cocoi Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Great Egret Ardea alba Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Minca 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Reddish Egret (NT) Egretta rufescens Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Tricolored Heron Egretta tricolor Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Snowy Egret Egretta thula Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Pelicans Pelecanidae Brown Pelican Pelecanus occidentalis Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Frigatebirds Fregatidae Magnificent Frigatebird Fregata magnificens Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11 and Sabana Grande 29.11.

Cormorants, Shags Phalacrocoracidae Neotropic Cormorant Phalacrocorax brasilianus Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

New World Vultures Cathartidae Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura Universidad del Norte 25.11, commonly seen on every day of the tour. Black Vulture Coragyps atratus Universidad del Norte 25.11, commonly seen on every day of the tour. King Vulture Sarcoramphus papa Minca 28.11.

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Ospreys Pandionidae Western Osprey Pandion haliaetus Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Kites, Hawks & Eagles Accipitridae Pearl Kite Gampsonyx swainsonii Sabana Grande 29.11.

Bicolored Hawk Accipiter bicolor San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Sabana Grande 29.11. Snail Kite Rostrhamus sociabilis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11. Roadside Hawk Rupornis magnirostris 1 heard Minca 29.11.

White-rumped Hawk Parabuteo leucorrhous San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Grey-lined Hawk Buteo nitidus Universidad del Norte 25.11.

Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Minca 28.11.

Rails, Crakes & Coots Rallidae Purple Gallinule Porphyrio martinicus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Common Gallinule Gallinula galeata Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Stone-curlews, Thick-knees Burhinidae Double-striped Thick-knee Burhinus bistriatus pediacus Perico 30.11.

Stilts, Avocets Recurvirostridae Black-necked Stilt Himantopus mexicanus Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Plovers Charadriidae Southern Lapwing Vanellus chilensis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

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Grey Plover Pluvialis squatarola Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Semipalmated Plover Charadrius semipalmatus Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11.

Wilson's Plover Charadrius wilsonia Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11. Killdeer Charadrius vociferus Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11.

Jacanas Jacanidae Wattled Jacana Jacana jacana hypomelaena Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Perico 30.11.

Sandpipers, Snipes Scolopacidae Short-billed Dowitcher Limnodromus griseus Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11. Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Greater Yellowlegs Tringa melanoleuca Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11. Lesser Yellowlegs Tringa flavipes Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11. Solitary Sandpiper Tringa solitaria Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11. Willet Tringa semipalmata Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Spotted Sandpiper Actitis macularius Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11 Tayrona 29.11.

Sanderling Calidris alba Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11. White-rumped Sandpiper Calidris fuscicollis Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11.

Gulls, Terns & Skimmers Laridae Laughing Gull Leucophaeus atricilla Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Lesser Black-backed Gull Larus fuscus Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

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Gull-billed Tern Gelochelidon nilotica Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Caspian Tern Hydroprogne caspia Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Royal Tern Thalasseus maximus Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Cabot's Tern Thalasseus acuflavidus Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Common Tern Sterna hirundo Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11. Large-billed Tern Phaetusa simplex Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Pigeons, Doves Rock Dove (I) Columba livia Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Scaled Pigeon Patagioenas speciosa Minca 28.11.

Bare-eyed Pigeon Patagioenas corensis Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Band-tailed Pigeon Patagioenas fasciata Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Pale-vented Pigeon Patagioenas cayennensis Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Zenaida auriculata Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Scaled Dove squammata Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11. Columbina Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Perico 30.11.

Ruddy Ground Dove Columbina talpacoti Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Sabana Grande 29.11. White-tipped Dove Leptotila verreauxi Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Ruddy Quail-Dove Geotrygon montana Near Isla de Salamanca 26.11.

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Cuckoos Cuculidae Greater Ani Crotophaga major Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Sabana Grande 29.11.

Smooth-billed Ani Crotophaga ani Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Groove-billed Ani Crotophaga sulcirostris Sabana Grande 29.11.

Dwarf Cuckoo (NE) pumila Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Squirrel Cuckoo Piaya cayana Minca 28.11 and there 29.11 and Perico 30.11.

Owls Strigidae Santa Marta Screech-Owl (E) Megascops sp. nov. 1 heard Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and 1 heard there 27.11. Ferruginous Pygmy Owl Glaucidium brasilianum medianum Perico 30.11.

Nightjars Caprimulgidae Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Band-winged Nightjar Systellura longirostris ruficervix San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. White-tailed Nightjar Hydropsalis cayennensis insularis Caño Clarín Viejo 25.11.

Hummingbirds Trochilidae Rufous-breasted Hermit Glaucis hirsutus Minca 28.11.

Long-billed Hermit Phaethornis longirostris Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11.

Pale-bellied Hermit Phaethornis anthophilus Minca 28.11. White-necked Jacobin Florisuga mellivora Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

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Green Violetear Colibri thalassinus Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11, San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Sparkling Violetear Colibri coruscans Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11, San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Black-throated Mango Anthracothorax nigricollis Minca 28.11. Red-billed Emerald (NE) gibsoni nitens Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11.

Coppery Emerald (NE) Chlorostilbon russatus Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11. Crowned Woodnymph Thalurania colombica colombica Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and there 27.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Sapphire-throated Hummingbird (NE) Lepidopyga coeruleogularis confinis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Sapphire-bellied Hummingbird (CR) (E) Lepidopyga lilliae Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11. Buffy Hummingbird (NE) Leucippus fallax Perico 30.11.

Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Amazilia tzacatl Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Steely-vented Hummingbird Amazilia saucerottei Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Blossomcrown (VU) (E) Anthocephala floriceps floriceps Minca 27.11. White-vented Plumeleteer Chalybura buffonii buffonii Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. White-tailed Starfrontlet (E) Coeligena phalerata Reserva Natural el Dorado 26-27.11.

Tyrian Metaltail Metallura tyrianthina districta San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Santa Marta Woodstar (E) Chaetocercus astreans Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11.

Trogons Trogonidae White-tipped Quetzal (NE) Pharomachrus fulgidus festatus Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and Minca 28.11.

Masked Trogon Trogon personatus sanctaemartae

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1 heard Minca 28.11.

Kingfishers Alcedinidae American Pygmy Kingfisher Chloroceryle aenea Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11. Green-and-rufous Kingfisher Chloroceryle inda Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11. Green Kingfisher Chloroceryle americana Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11.

Amazon Kingfisher Chloroceryle amazona Near Tayrona 29.11. Ringed Kingfisher Megaceryle torquata Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Motmots Momotidae Whooping Motmot Momotus subrufescens subrufescens Minca 29.11.

Jacamars Galbulidae Rufous-tailed Jacamar Galbula ruficauda Minca 29.11.

Puffbirds Bucconidae Pied Puffbird Notharchus tectus Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11.

Russet-throated Puffbird (NE) Hypnelus ruficollis decolor: Perico 30.11. ruficollis: Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Moustached Puffbird (NE) mystacalis Minca 28.11.

Toucans Ramphastidae Santa Marta Toucanet (E) Aulacorhynchus lautus Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11. Groove-billed Toucanet (NE) Aulacorhynchus sulcatus calorhynchus Minca 28.11. Keel-billed Toucan Ramphastos sulfuratus brevicarinatus Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28-29.11.

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Woodpeckers Picidae Scaled Piculet (NE) squamulatus Minca 28.11.

Chestnut Piculet (NE) Picumnus cinnamomeus cinnamomeus Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11. Red-crowned Woodpecker Melanerpes rubricapillus Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11, Minca 28.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11.

Red-rumped Woodpecker Veniliornis kirkii Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11. Golden-green Woodpecker Piculus chrysochloros Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11. Golden-olive Woodpecker Colaptes rubiginosus Minca 28.11.

Spot-breasted Woodpecker Colaptes punctigula Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Caracaras, Falcons Falconidae Northern Crested Caracara Caracara cheriway Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Yellow-headed Caracara Milvago chimachima Universidad del Norte 25.11 and Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11. American Kestrel Falco sparverius Near Tayrona 29.11. Brown-throated Parakeet Eupsittula pertinax griseipecta Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Scarlet-fronted Parakeet Psittacara wagleri Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Santa Marta Parakeet (EN) (E) viridicata San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Green-rumped Parrotlet Forpus passerinus Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Orange-chinned Parakeet Brotogeris jugularis Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Red-billed Pionus sordidus saturatus

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Minca 27.11 and there 28.11. Scaly-naped Amazon Amazona mercenarius San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Ovenbirds Furnariidae Caribbean Hornero (NE) Furnarius longirostris longirostris Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Sabana Grande 29.11. White-whiskered Spinetail (NE) Synallaxis candei candei Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11.

Rusty-headed Spinetail (VU) (E) Synallaxis fuscorufa San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Streak-capped Spinetail (E) Cranioleuca hellmayri San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Yellow-chinned Spinetail Certhiaxis cinnamomeus Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11.

Montane Foliage-gleaner Anabacerthia striaticollis anxia San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Santa Marta Foliage-gleaner (NT) (E) Automolus rufipectus Minca 28.11.

Grey-throated Leaftosser (NT) Sclerurus albigularis propinquus Minca 28.11. Strong-billed Woodcreeper Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus sanctaemartae San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Straight-billed Woodcreeper Dendroplex picus Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Cocoa Woodcreeper Xiphorhynchus susurrans 1 heard Minca 28.11. Streak-headed Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes souleyetii littoralis Minca 28.11.

Montane Woodcreeper Lepidocolaptes lacrymiger sanctaemartae San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Antbirds Thamnophilidae Black-crested Antshrike Sakesphorus canadensis paraguanae Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Black-backed Antshrike (NE) Thamnophilus melanonotus Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

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Black-crowned Antshrike Thamnophilus atrinucha 1 heard Minca 29.11.

Slaty Antwren Myrmotherula schisticolor Minca 28.11.

Northern White-fringed Antwren (NE) Formicivora intermedia Perico 30.11. Santa Marta (E) hellmayri Minca 28.11.

Antpittas Grallariidae Rusty-breasted Antpitta Grallaricula ferrugineipectus ferrugineipectus Minca 27.11 and there 28.11.

Tapaculos Rhinocryptidae Santa Marta Tapaculo (E) sanctaemartae Minca 28.11. Brown-rumped Tapaculo (E) Scytalopus latebricola San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Tyrant Flycatchers Tyrannidae Yellow-bellied Elaenia Elaenia flavogaster Minca 27.11 and there 28.11.

White-throated Tyrannulet Mecocerculus leucophrys montensis San Lorenzo Ridge 26.11. Mouse-colored Tyrannulet Phaeomyias murina Minca 28.11. Northern Scrub Flycatcher Sublegatus arenarum Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11.

Slender-billed Inezia (NE) Inezia tenuirostris Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Pale-tipped Inezia Inezia caudata intermedia Perico 30.11.

Pale-eyed Pygmy Tyrant Atalotriccus pilaris Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Common Tody-Flycatcher Todirostrum cinereum Universidad del Norte 25.11 and Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

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Cinnamon Flycatcher Pyrrhomyias cinnamomeus assimilis Minca 27.11 and there 28.11.

Olive-sided Flycatcher (NT) Contopus cooperi Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11.

Western Wood Pewee Contopus sordidulus Sabana Grande 29.11. Tropical Pewee Contopus cinereus Minca 29.11.

Vermilion Flycatcher Pyrocephalus rubinus saturatus Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Streak-throated Bush Tyrant Myiotheretes striaticollis San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Santa Marta Bush Tyrant (EN) (E) Myiotheretes pernix 2 heard San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Pied Water Tyrant Fluvicola pica Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Yellow-bellied Chat-Tyrant Silvicultrix diadema jesupi San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Cattle Tyrant Machetornis rixosa Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Social Flycatcher Myiozetetes similis Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Great Kiskadee Pitangus sulphuratus Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Minca 29.11 and Camarones 30.11. Golden-crowned Flycatcher Myiodynastes chrysocephalus Minca 28.11. Streaked Flycatcher Myiodynastes maculatus nobilis Minca 29.11.

Boat-billed Flycatcher Megarynchus pitangua Minca 28.11. Tropical Kingbird Tyrannus melancholicus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, near Minca 27.11, Minca 28.11 and there 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Grey Kingbird Tyrannus dominicensis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Dusky-capped Flycatcher Myiarchus tuberculifer pallidus Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 18

Panamanian Flycatcher Myiarchus panamensis panamensis Minca 28.11.

Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus 1 heard Minca 29.11.

Bright-rumped Attila Attila spadiceus parvirostris 1 heard Minca 29.11.

Cotingas Cotingidae Golden-breasted Fruiteater (NE) Pipreola aureopectus decora San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Manakins Pipridae White-bearded Manacus manacus abditivus Minca 29.11.

Tityras, Northern Royal Flycatcher Onychorhynchus mexicanus fraterculus 1 heard Minca 29.11.

Vireos, Greenlets Vireonidae Brown-capped Vireo Vireo leucophrys Minca 27.11. Golden-fronted Greenlet Hylophilus aurantiifrons Minca 28.11.

Scrub Greenlet Hylophilus flavipes galbanus Minca 28.11.

Crows, Jays Corvidae Black-chested Jay Cyanocorax affinis affinis Universidad del Norte 25.11, seen commonly on 5 day of the tour.

Swallows, Martins Hirundinidae Grey-breasted Martin Progne chalybea Minca 28.11.

Blue-and-white Swallow Notiochelidon cyanoleuca Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11. Brown-bellied Swallow Notiochelidon murina San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 19

Southern Rough-winged Swallow Stelgidopteryx ruficollis Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Wrens Troglodytidae Stripe-backed (NE) nuchalis pardus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11. Bicolored Wren Campylorhynchus griseus albicilius Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Minca 28.11 and there 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Rufous-breasted Wren Pheugopedius rutilus laetus Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Rufous-and-white Wren Thryophilus rufalbus cumanensis Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Buff-breasted Wren Cantorchilus leucotis collinus Perico 30.11.

House Wren Troglodytes aedon atopus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 29.11. Grey-breasted Wood Wren Henicorhina leucophrys anachoreta: San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. bangsi: Minca 28.11.

Gnatcatchers Polioptilidae Long-billed Gnatwren Ramphocaenus melanurus sanctaemarthae Minca 28.11.

Tropical Gnatcatcher Polioptila plumbea plumbiceps Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11.

Mockingbirds, Thrashers Mimidae Tropical Mockingbird Mimus gilvus melanopterus Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Thrushes Turdidae Orange-billed Nightingale-Thrush Catharus aurantiirostris aurantiirostris Minca 28.11.

Swainson's Thrush Catharus ustulatus Minca 27.11.

Yellow-legged Thrush Turdus flavipes Minca 28.11.

Great Thrush Turdus fuscater cacozelus

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 20

San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Black-hooded Thrush Turdus olivater sanctaemartae Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11. Pale-breasted Thrush Turdus leucomelas albiventer Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. White-necked Thrush Turdus albicollis phaeopygoides Minca 29.11.

Finches, Euphonias Fringillidae Lesser Goldfinch Spinus psaltria San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 29.11. Trinidad Euphonia Euphonia trinitatis Sabana Grande 29.11 and Camarones 30.11.

Thick-billed Euphonia Euphonia laniirostris Minca 28.11.

Blue-naped Chlorophonia Chlorophonia cyanea psittacina Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and there 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

New World Warblers Parulidae Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11. Northern Waterthrush Parkesia noveboracensis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Black-and-white Warbler Mniotilta varia Minca 29.11. Prothonotary Warbler Protonotaria citrea Universidad del Norte 25.11, Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11 and Sabana Grande 29.11. Tennessee Warbler Leiothlypis peregrina Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Blackburnian Warbler Setophaga fusca San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Mangrove Warbler Setophaga petechia Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11.

Santa Marta Warbler (E) basilica San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 21

White-lored Warbler (E) Myiothlypis conspicillata Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Rufous-capped Warbler Basileuterus rufifrons Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Slate-throated Whitestart Myioborus miniatus sanctaemartae San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 28.11. Yellow-crowned Whitestart (E) Myioborus flavivertex San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Oropendolas, Orioles & Blackbirds Icteridae Yellow-billed Cacique Amblycercus holosericeus australis San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Crested Oropendola Psarocolius decumanus Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and there 27.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Yellow-backed Oriole Icterus chrysater Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11.

Yellow Oriole Icterus nigrogularis Universidad del Norte 25.11, Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Baltimore Oriole Icterus galbula Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Molothrus bonariensis Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Bronze-brown Cowbird (E) Molothrus armenti Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11. Carib Grackle Quiscalus lugubris Camarones 30.11.

Great-tailed Grackle Quiscalus mexicanus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Yellow-hooded Blackbird Chrysomus icterocephalus icterocephalus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11.

Bananaquit Coerebidae Bananaquit Coereba flaveola obscura Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11.

Buntings, New World Sparrows & Allies Emberizidae

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 22

Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and there 27.11.

Tocuyo Sparrow (NE) Arremonops tocuyensis Perico 30.11.

Golden-winged Sparrow (NE) Arremon schlegeli schlegeli Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Santa Marta Brush Finch (E) Atlapetes melanocephalus Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11, San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Tanagers and Allies Thraupidae Hooded Tanager Nemosia pileata hypoleuca 1 heard Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11. White-lined Tanager Tachyphonus rufus Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11.

Crimson-backed Tanager Ramphocelus dimidiatus dimidiatus Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Blue-grey Tanager episcopus Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Glaucous Tanager (NE) Thraupis glaucocolpa Camarones 30.11. Palm Tanager Thraupis palmarum Minca 28.11 and there 29.11.

Santa Marta Mountain Tanager (E) Anisognathus melanogenys San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11. Bay-headed Tanager Tangara gyrola toddi Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11, San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11 and Minca 28.11. Black-capped Tanager Tangara heinei Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11 and San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Black-headed Tanager Tangara cyanoptera cyanoptera Minca 28.11. Swallow Tanager Tersina viridis grisescens Minca 28.11.

Bicolored Conebill (NT) bicolor bicolor Isla de Salamanca NP 26.11.

White-sided Flowerpiercer Diglossa albilatera San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Grey Pileated Finch pileatus brevicaudus

RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 23

Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11. Blue-black Grassquit Volatinia jacarina Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11, Minca 29.11 and Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Black-and-white Seedeater Sporophila luctuosa Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11. Yellow-bellied Seedeater Sporophila nigricollis Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 29.11. Paramo Seedeater Catamenia homochroa San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Black-faced Grassquit Tiaris bicolor Caño Clarín Viejo 25.11 and Perico 30.11. Sooty Grassquit Tiaris fuliginosus Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11.

Plushcap Catamblyrhynchus diadema diadema San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Grosbeaks, & Allies Cardinalidae Tooth-billed Tanager Piranga lutea faceta Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11. Summer Tanager Piranga rubra rubra Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11 and there 29.11. Golden Grosbeak chrysogaster laubmanni San Lorenzo Ridge 27.11.

Rose-breasted Grosbeak Pheucticus ludovicianus Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11. Vermilion Cardinal (NE) phoeniceus Los Flamencos NP 30.11.

Buff-throated Saltator Saltator maximus maximus Minca 29.11.

Greyish Saltator Saltator coerulescens brewsteri Caño Clarín Viejo 26.11, Sabana Grande 29.11 and Perico 30.11. Orinoco Saltator (NE) Saltator orenocensis orenocensis Los Flamencos NP 30.11. Streaked Saltator Saltator striatipectus perstriatus Minca 28.11.


RBT Colombia: Santa Marta Extension Trip Report - 2014 24

Colombian Red Howler Monkey Alouatta seniculus 1 heard Minca 28.11.

Central American Agouti Dasyprocta punctata Reserva Natural el Dorado 26.11.

Red-tailed Squirrel Sciurus granatensis Reserva Natural el Dorado 27.11 and Minca 28.11. ______

Rockjumper Birding Tours CC Worldwide Birding Adventures Registration number 2001/059480/23 PO Box 13972, Cascades, 3202, South Africa Tel: +27 33 394 0225 Fax: +27 88 033 394 0225 Email: [email protected] Alternative Email: [email protected] Website: www.rockjumperbirding.com