[The Insects of Tula District]. Priokskoe LA., 1988

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[The Insects of Tula District]. Priokskoe LA., 1988 OdonatologicalAbstracts of 1986 some no scientific significance; he compiled tales of earlier periods, which he selected for their morals their (10768) SHALAPYONAK, A.S., 1986. Strakozy (Odo- or singularity (cf. G. Morge, 1973,in : R.F. Smith et - al„ Ann. Re- nata, abo Odonatoptera). [Dragonflies (Odonata, [Eds], History ofentomology, p. 54, views, Palo is his 17-book syn. Odonatoptera)]. In: I P. Shamyakin et al., [Eds], Alto). Noteworthy trea- tise, “De animalium where Vol. 12, col. natura", 50 chapters are Encyklapedyya pryrody Byelarusi, 5, p. devoted pis 2-3 excl., Byelaruskaya Savyeckaya to insects. This includes the description of called “ ” Encyklapedyya, Minsk. (Beyeloruss.). an insect, hippouros (= “horse tail”), living around in the national the river Astraios in Macedonia. Based on its General, Byelorussian nat. hist, ency- description, behaviour and habitat, L.G. Fernandez clopaedia. In Byelorussia, there are ca 50 odon. spp., 21 of (1959, Manuales Anejos de which are shown on col. pis, along with their y Emerita, vol. 18, p. 47) its identification - The resp. Byelorussian “common” names. suggests as a “dragonfly”. ety- mology is here discussed in detail. If correct, this is the sole in classi- 1987 dragonfly appellationknown so far cal Greek. (10769) BULUHTO, N.P., 1987. Nasekomye Tul’skago - - (10771) DZENDZELEVSKIY, kraya. [The insects of Tula district]. Priokskoe LA., 1988. Strekoza. knizh. Izdat., Tula. [Dragonfly], In: R.l, Avanesov, The Slavic lin- 128 pp., 8 col. pis excl. ISBN [Ed ], atlas. Lexical and word-formational none. (Russ ). guistic series, I: The odon. dealt with 21-23, but The animal world, 19-24 (localities), 118-119 are briefly on pp. a pp, (distr. 131 176-177 list of the regional spp. (ca 180 km S of Moscow, map), (comments), (lexical list), ISBN Russia) is not given. Nauka, Moscow, 5-02-010891-X. (Russ., with Fr. & Engl, title). A commented 1988 map (with exact localities) of the dis- tribution of folk appellations for “dragonfly” in the ofall (10770) BEAVIS, I.C., 1988. Insects and other inver- dialects Slavic languages (Europ. Russia only). The tebrates in classical antiquity. Univ. Exeter, xv+269 exhaustive checklist of appellations (ca 400) is crossreferenced pp. ISBN none. - (Publishers: Exeter Univ, Pubis, with 853 localities oftheir origin, as indicated Reed Hall, Streatham Drive, Exeter, Devon, EX4 on the map. 4QR, UK). A titled (10772) J„ 1988. k chapter “Insecta: Diptera orOdonata (drag- MULLER, Prfspevok poznaniu vazok v. - - No (Insecta, okresu Krtfs. onflies)”, appears on pp. 239-240. dragonfly Odonata) [Contri- bution to the of dragonflies appellations are known in classical literature. Here, knowledge (Insecta, the in the district of In: a reference is made to Roman rhetoric teacher Odonata) KrtigJ Prehlad and miscellaneous writer, Claudius Aelianus (ca AD odbornych Vysledkov 23 Tab. Ochran. Prir., who Plachtfnskd Dolina, 141-144. 170-236, or 160-240), studied Greek literature pp. (Slovak).-(Franke- and in His works felde 3, D-39116 wrote Greek. are considered by Magdeburg). 406 Odonatological Abstracts An annotated list of 17 spp., evidenced July 12-18, Ljubljana), from where it was quoted also by J. 1987 in Plachtinska Valley, central Slovakia, - Kelemina (1930, Bajke in pripovedke slovenskega Note. These the results of Druzba (Abstracter’s are a regular ljudstva, sv. Mohotja, Celje). In the village “Nature Conservationists Summer Camp”, published of Prezigal nr Slovenske Konjice, Styria, Slovenia, in volume the Cf. also OA a special by organizer. the people believe, where there is a dragonfly,there 10790). is a snake, therefore it is not safe to bath. The drag- that onfly sting is as poisonous as of 9 snakes. In all 1990 3 the “kacec" is stated publications, term as a syno- of the Slovene nym more common dragonflyappel- (10773) STAUDER, A., 1990. Untersuchungen des lation “kalji pastir". Makrozoobenthos in einem Bach auf Madeira mil 1991 Water zoogeographiscim Aspekten. DiplArb. Univ. (10777) STAUDER, A., fauna of a 141 - Biol. 1, Univ. Madeiran with Freiburg/Br. pp. (Inst. Freiburg, stream notes on the zoogeographyof Albertstr, 21a, D-79104 Freiburg/Br.). the Macaronesian Islands. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal For a based on this journalpaper work cf. OA 10777. 43(235): 243-299. (WithPorts.). - (Inst. Biol. I, Univ. Freiburg, Albertstr. 21a, D-79104 Freiburg/Br.). 1991 From the Ribeira des Cales, Anax imperator, Sympetrum fonscolombei and the larvae of S. A.R. & S. (10774) LAHIRI, DAS, 1991. Observation nigrifemurare reported, and the habitat of the latter the of Indian is described. Ischnura I. on epicranio-orbital complex some pumilio and senegalensis are Aeshnidae Rec. zool. Surv. (Odonata: Aeshnidae). the only other odon. spp. known from Madeira. India 89(1/4): 155-166. - (Zool. Surv. India, ‘M’Block, New Alipore, Calcutta-700053, India). 1992 The ofthe morphology epicranio-orbital complexwas examined in 12 Indian spp. of the genera Aeshna, (10778) AR1LLO, A. & C.S. BREMOND, 1992. Nota Anax, Hemianax la Anaciaeschna, Gynacantha, and sobre presencia de un tricdptero y un odonato en The Polycanthagyna. variation is discussed, and ten- el Mioceno superior de la depression ceretana. Boln tative based keys, on these structures, are provided. geol. minero 103(6): 984-988. (With Engl.s ). - (First Author: Depto Biol, animal 1/Ent, Fac. Biol., Univ. LAHIRI, (10775) A.R. & C. SINHA, 1991. A review Complutense, ES-28040 Madrid). of Indian Chlorocyphidae with A further identified Lestes is described (Insecta: Odonata) not sp. briefly additional notes on taxonomy and distribution for and illustrated from the Upper Miocene deposits of some species and description of a new subspecies. the Cerdanya Basin, Lleida, Spain. 1 Rec. zool. Surv. India 89(1/4): 257-268, pi. excl. - (Zool. Surv. India, ‘M’Block, New Alipore, Calcutta- (10779) KAZANCI, N„ A. IZBIRAK, S.S. £A(jLAR & D. -700053, India). GOK£E, 1992. Kdycegiz-Dalyan ozel (evre A review is of the presented 24 Indian spp. and sspp., koruma bdlgesi sucul ekosisteminin hidrobiyolojik and theadditional information is - on distribution pro- ydnden incelenmesi. [A hydrobiologicalinvestiga- vided for 8 miaoa is spp. Rhinocypha hilaryae ssp.n. tion of the Kdycegiz-Dalyan Specially Protected described and illustrated (holotype S allotype Area], Fen Fakiiltesi , $, Biyoloji Bdliimu, Hacettepe several of both sexes: Arunachal Univ., paratypes India, Beylepe-Ankara. 191 pp,, 32 col. figs incl. distr.: Horn 30km NE - Pradesh, Tirap Bill, ca of Miao, (Turkish). (First Author: OR-AN Sitesi D-l Blok 12-XII-1983; deposited at ZSI, Calcutta). No. 502, Ankara, Turkey). The is Kdycegiz-Dalyan an important aquatic eco- D.J., 1991. Slovanska (10776) OVSEC, milologija in system in SW Turkey. It is legally protected since - Slavic and verovanja. [The mythology supersti- 1988. On p. 149, 12 odon. taxa are listed. Lindenia tions], Domus, Ljubljana. 538 pp. ISBN 86-7137- tetra-phylla is recorded here probably for the first -070-4. (Slovene). - Price: SIT 2500.- net. time from Turkey. A 461. It statement on dragonflies appears on p. is taken from the work of J. Pajek (1884,Crtice iz (luiev- -nega zitka staj. Slovencev, Matica slovenska, Odonatological Abstracts 407 1993 microsatellites werepolymorphic. One ofthe loci had null alleles at a significant frequency which reduced 1993. Geschichte but did (10780) MULLER, J., Beitrag zur its informativeness not preclude its use in und Bibliographic der entomofaunistischen Forsch- paternity analysis, - Captive-breedingof I. elegans im Raum in den Jahren zwischen ung Magdeburg allowed the collection of offspring from multiply- 1971-1993. Abh. Ber. Naturk., 16: 79- from Magdeburg -mated females. Offspring were also collected -96. - (Frankefelde 3, D-39116 Magdeburg). females which had mated in the wild. More than is authoritative and This an comprehensive account 3,000 larvae were typed for oneor two microsatellite of the history and organisational set-up of insect loci and paternity was determined by comparison faunistics in the district of Magdeburg, E Germany with parental genotypes. This study showed that fe- The (1971-1993). regional bibliography contains male multiple-matings in I. elegans result in a large close to 300 titles. proportion oflast-male sperm precedence. The mean value for immediate last male precedence is 1994 0.77±0.059 (±S.E.; n=10, range = 0.44-1,0). There is appreciable variation in the extent and patterns of (10781) BEDE, L.C., M. WEBER, S. RESENDE, W. immediate and longer-termprecedence. Analysis of PIPER & W. 1994. Manual SCHULTE, para genotypes of offspring from wild-caught females re- de mapeamenlo bidtopos no Brasil: base para um vealed that most of these females had mated with planejamento ambiental eficiente. Brandt Meio several males. These results are discussed in relation Belo Horizonte, viii+99 ISBN Ambiente, pp., none. to copulatory activity, genitalic morphologyand the - (Publishers: RuaTimbiras 270, BR-30140-060 Belo evolution of mating systems. Horizonte, MG). A brief the odon. 67. chapteron appears on p. (10784) CORDERO, A., 1994. Inter-clutch interval and number of ovipositions in females of the damselfly (10782) BORGES, P.A.V. & V. VIEIRA, 1994. The Ischnura graellsii (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). of the Azores. 2. The 4: entomological bibliography Etologia 103-106. (With Span.s.). - (Area Ecol., taxa. Bolm Mus. munic. Funchal46(251): 5-75. (With Univ, Vigo, Avda Buenos Aires s/n, ES-36002 Port s.). -(SecondAuthor: DeptoBiol., Univ. Asores, Pontevedra, Galicia). da Madre de Deus, PT-9500 Ponta S. behaviour studied in natural rua Delgada, Oviposition was a popu- in NW Miguel, Ajores). lation Spain. In 9 $ thatwere seenovipositing Lists 8 odonatol. titles. more than once, 40% of oviposition periods were separated by a I-day interval. This is in agreement (10783) COOPER, G„ 1994. Analysis of genetic vari- with the earlier laboratory observations, indicating ation and in the- that this sperm competition dragonflies. PhD 9 9 of sp. would maximize their lifetime Univ. - sis, Oxford, Oxford, viii+208 pp. (Dept egg production by minimizing inter-clutch intervals Univ.
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