Odonatological Abstract Service
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Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Martin Lindeboom, Silberdistelweg 11, D-72113 Ammerbuch, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)7073 300770; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 lish) [General on Anisoptera in North Carolina, USA.] 1997 Address: not stated 8888. Ihssen, G. (1997): Florida vom 15.03. bis 8892. Vinebrooke, R.D.; Turner, M.A.; Kidd, K.A.; 05.04.1994. Ein naturkundliches Reisetagebuch mit Hann, B.J.; Schindler, D.W. (2001): Truncated foodweb ausführlicher Behandlung der Libellenfunde (Odonata). effects of omnivorous minnows in a recovering acidified Naturkundliche Reiseberichte 6: 1-53. (in German) lake. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 20(4): 629-642. (in Eng- [Detailed report on a trip to Florida, USA between 15-III. lish) ["Cyprinids (Margariscus margarita, Phoxinus spp., and 5-IV-1994] Address: Ihssen, G., Timm-Kröger-Weg Pimephales promelas) have resumed reproduction in a 6, 22335 Hamburg, Germany boreal headwater lake (Lake 302S, Experimental Lakes Area, northwestern Ontario) that is recovering from experimental acidification. Concomitant changes to the 2000 littoral food web suggested that these omnivorous 8889. Miyashita, M. (2000): Studies on the method for minnows suppressed the development of green algal assessment of the habitat of the damselfly Morto- mats, termed metaphyton. We tested this hypothesis by nagrion hirosei. Proceedings of the Japan Society of conducting an experiment using minnow enclosures, Civil Engineers 657: 65-73. (in Japanese, with English minnow exclosures, and open control plots in the shal- summary) [M. hirosei was studied at the Tone Kamorae low littoral zone of Lake 302S. Minnows significantly Chashi bridge on the Tonegawa river, Japan. Water suppressed zooplankton biomass, and altered commu- level fluctuation and salinity were measured as eco- nity composition by disproportionally reducing large logical variables. The larvae were recorded only from a daphnids and chydorids. Epiphytic chironomids were pond on a "sunken place" on the riverside (landward also significantly less abundant in the presence of pothole?), covered with dead reed leaves.] Address: not minnows. Minnows had a significant time-dependent, stated negative effect on benthic invertebrate biomass and community composition because chironomids and an- 8890. Miyashita, M. (2000): Studies on the conditions isopterans were suppressed during the second half of of location and restoration of the habitat of the the 6-wk experiment. However, minnows did not reduce damselfly Mortonagrion hirosei. Proceedings of Annual the abundance of the dominant primary producer, Meeting of Environmental Systems Research 28: 475- namely metaphyton. Stable isotope analyses revealed 483. (in Japanese, with English summary) [M. hirosei, that minnows did not suppress metaphyton because was designated as an endangered species by the these algae were not the primary C source for the food Japanese Environment Agency in 1991, due to the vul- web. Instead, our findings suggest that the littoral food nerability to the habitats against effects of land reclama- web depended mainly on sedimentary C, which resul- tion and river improvement. It prefers as habitat reed ted in the foodweb effect of minnows being truncated at vegetation, and is distributed from the Kitakamigawa the level of invertebrates. Therefore, metaphyton ap- River in Miyagi Prefecture to the Tsushima Islands in pears to be regulated primarily by abiotic factors (e.g., Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan. Habitats of the species are availability of dissolved inorganic C) and not herbivory located from the estuary up to a distance of 40 km from in recovering acidified lake." (Authors)] Address: Vine- the mouth of a river. Four types are occupied; riverside, brooke, R., Department of Biological Sciences, Univer- movable dam, brackish lake and tidewater control pond. sity of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E9, Canada. E- The author considers fluctuation of salinity and water mail: [email protected] level as most important environmental variables in population ecology of the species.] Address: not stated. 8893. Voisin, J.-F. (2001 ): The entomology collections of the Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris (France). Norw. J. Ent. 48(1): 31-34. (in English) ["The 2001 Museum was founded in 1793. The staff of the Ent. Lab. includes 42 persons (25 research scientists, 17 8891. Rose, J. (2001): Dragonflies for birders. The technicians & administrative employees). It is organised bulletin of the Chapel Hill Bird Club 30(3): 4-6. (in Eng- according to the major taxonomic units, but in 1996, another division was superimposed onto taxonomically Odonatological Abstract Service 28 (August 2010) - page 1 based organisation, viz. "Origin and structure of insect matoda, Nematomorpha, Tardigrada, Onychophora, biodiversity" and "Systematics, biodiversity and insect Pentastoma, and Arthropoda). Most of these groups evolution". The section, "Odonata & small orders" har- have poor continental fossil records, but the two most bours a collection of 160,000 specimens. The total in- diverse - nematodes and arthropods - have compara- sect collection of the Laboratory consists of ca. 45,5 mi tively good representation. The record of arthropods specimens, covering ca 400,000 insect species. The documents (i) the presence of predator s among prima- best represented regions are W Europe, the Mediterra- ry producers, herbivores, and decomposers in early nean, Madagascar, W Africa, New Caledonia and terrestrial ecosystems; (ii) the addition later in the fossil French Guyana." (Author)] Address: Voisin, J.-F., Lab. record of the more accommodationist strategies of Zool., Mus. natn. Hist, nat., 45 rue Buffon, F-75005 Pa- parasitoids and parasites interacting with animal hosts; ris, France (Hi) the occurrence of simpler food-web structures in terrestrial ecosystems prior to parasitoid and parasite diversification; and (iv) a role for mass extinction in the 2002 degradation of food-web structure that ultimately affected carnivory. Future research should explore how 8894. Futahashi, R.; Futuhashi, H. (2002): The first different modes of carnivory have brought about record of the migrant Sympetrum vulgatum imitans from changes in ecosystem structure through time. Despite Japan. Tombo 45(1/4): 29-30. (in Japanese, with Eng- numerous caveats and uncertainties, trace fossils left lish summary) [Four males, one caught at 4-X-2002 and by predators on skeletons of their prey remain one of three at 6-X-2002, Takaoka City, Toyama Prefecture, the most promising research directions in paleoecology Japan] Address: Futahashi, R., Fujiwara Lab., Univ. and evolutionary paleobiology." (Author) The paper Tokyo, Biosci. Bldg 501, Kashiwa, Chiba, 377-8562, includes many references to Odonata.] Address: Japan Labandeira, C., Department of Paleobiology, National 8895. Futahashi, R.; Futuhashi, H., Arab, Y. (2002): Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Recent findings concerning Odonata in the Hokuriku Washington, DC 20560-0121 and Department of district, part 2. Tombo 45(1/4): 31-32. (in Japanese, with Entomology, University of Maryland, College Park, Ma- English summary) ["Paracercion melanotum is here ryland 20742 USA. E-mail: [email protected] recorded for the first time from Ishikawa Prefecture. Some zoogeographical comments are given for the noteworthy species, Lestes japonicus. Eight males and 2003 one female of the migrant species, Sympetrum fonsco- 8897. Appleton, C.C.; Curtis, B.A.; Kipping, J. (2003): lombii were collected from Toyama and Ishikawa Pre- Appendix 2. Macro-invertebrate collections by geo-re- fectures. One male, an interspecific hybrid between ference point. In: Alonso, L.E. & Nordin L.-A. (2003): A Anax n. nigrofasciatus and A. parthenope julius is newly rapid biological assessment of the aquatic ecosystems recorded from Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan." (Author)] of the Okavango Delta, Botswana: High water survey. Address: Futahashi, R., Fujiwara Lab., Univ. Tokyo, Bio- RAP Bulletin of Biological Assessment 27, Con- sci. Bldg 501, Kashiwa, Chiba, 377-8562, Japan servation International, Washington DC: 123-129. (in 8896. Labandeira, C.C. (2002): Paleobiology of preda- English) [52 points have been researched; some of tors, parasitoids, and parasites: Death and accomo- them with records of Odonata.] Address: Kipping, J., dation in the fossil record of continental invertebrates. BioCart - Ökologische Gutachten & Studien, Albrecht- In: Kowalewski, M., and P.H. Kelley, (eds.), 2002. The Dürer-Weg 8, D-04425 Taucha, Germany. E-mail: Fossil Record of Predation. Paleontological Society [email protected] Papers 8: 211-249. (in English) ["Carnivory is the con- 8898. De Vries, H. (2003): Libel met een eigen websi- sumption of one animal by another animal; among in- te: de groene glazenmaker. - Aeshna viridis, a dragonfly vertebrates in terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems with its own website. Vlinders 18(3): 12-13. (in Dutch, this type of feeding can take three forms: predation, with English summary) [General remarks on the current parasitoidism, and parasitism. Differences among these