[The Insects of Tula District]. Priokskoe LA., 1988
OdonatologicalAbstracts of 1986 some no scientific significance; he compiled tales of earlier periods, which he selected for their morals their (10768) SHALAPYONAK, A.S., 1986. Strakozy (Odo- or singularity (cf. G. Morge, 1973,in : R.F. Smith et - al„ Ann. Re- nata, abo Odonatoptera). [Dragonflies (Odonata, [Eds], History ofentomology, p. 54, views, Palo is his 17-book syn. Odonatoptera)]. In: I P. Shamyakin et al., [Eds], Alto). Noteworthy trea- tise, “De animalium where Vol. 12, col. natura", 50 chapters are Encyklapedyya pryrody Byelarusi, 5, p. devoted pis 2-3 excl., Byelaruskaya Savyeckaya to insects. This includes the description of called “ ” Encyklapedyya, Minsk. (Beyeloruss.). an insect, hippouros (= “horse tail”), living around in the national the river Astraios in Macedonia. Based on its General, Byelorussian nat. hist, ency- description, behaviour and habitat, L.G. Fernandez clopaedia. In Byelorussia, there are ca 50 odon. spp., 21 of (1959, Manuales Anejos de which are shown on col. pis, along with their y Emerita, vol. 18, p. 47) its identification - The resp. Byelorussian “common” names. suggests as a “dragonfly”. ety- mology is here discussed in detail. If correct, this is the sole in classi- 1987 dragonfly appellationknown so far cal Greek. (10769) BULUHTO, N.P., 1987. Nasekomye Tul’skago - - (10771) DZENDZELEVSKIY, kraya. [The insects of Tula district]. Priokskoe LA., 1988. Strekoza. knizh. Izdat., Tula. [Dragonfly], In: R.l, Avanesov, The Slavic lin- 128 pp., 8 col. pis excl. ISBN [Ed ], atlas. Lexical and word-formational none. (Russ ). guistic series, I: The odon. dealt with 21-23, but The animal world, 19-24 (localities), 118-119 are briefly on pp.
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