Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Milen Marinov, 7/160 Rossall Str., Merivale 8014, Christchurch, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 Gomphidia confluens and Sympetrum imitans (new 1997 records in Northeastern China).] Address: Ou, Y.j., Hei- 9968. Anders, U.; Rüppell, G. (1997): Zeitanalyse der longjiang Nongken Normal College, China Balzflüge europäischer Prachtlibellen-Arten zur Betrach- tung ihrer Verwandschaftsbeziehungen (Odonata, Calo- pterygidae). Entomologica Generalis 21(4): 253-264. (in 1999 German, with English summary) ["The courtship flights of males of Calopteryx virgo, C. splendens, C. xantho- 9971. Arnaud, L. (1999): La compétition spermatique stoma and C. haemorrhoidalis where filmed with a slow chez les insectes: les stratégies d‘assurance de la pa- motion camera in N' Germany and S' France. The shots ternité et la préséance du sperme. Biotechnol. Agron. where taken under unmanipulated conditions as well as Soc. Environ. 3(2): 86-103. (in French, with English in a provoked situation, with a fixed female. The para- summary) ["Sperm competition in insects: paternity as- meters wingbeat frequency and phase relationship from surance and sperm precedence. The prediction that in- hind- and forewings where studied. The most important sects, as a result of polyandry, extreme sperm longevity differences are: In C. splendens and C. xanthostoma within the female and high efficiency of sperm utilisation the fore- and hindwings move nearly absolutly counter- at fertilisation, are preadapted to sustain a very high wise. That means, while the forewings are at the start of level of sperm competition is demonstrated across nu- the upstroke, the hind-wings are at the start of the down- merous studies. In many insects, males have evolved stroke. So here the phase relationship is 180°. Phase re- strategies to decrease sperm competition risk. Paternity lationship in C. virgo is 100°. Here the forewings reach assurance mechanisms such as mating plugs or mate the changing points before the hindwings. C. haemorrhoi- guarding do not necessarily influence the number of dalis move the hindwings nearly synchronously to the eggs laid by the female but are taken by male to reduce forewings but with a very small amplitude. In reference the probability of his sperm to be preceded by the to the wingbeat frequency and the continuity of the sperm of another male. Each of these mechanisms in- phase relationship, the Calopteryx-males court more in- fluencing mating has an adaptative significance in pro- tensively in the unmanipulated situation, than in the moting male reproductive success. However, female in- provoked one. With respect to the studied parameter, sects are polyandrous and they play an active role in there is no difference between C. splendens and C. mate choice and in discrimination between the ejacu- xanthostoma, in contrast to C. haemorrhoidalis and C. lates of different males. Also, they have co-evolved virgo, which are different to each other and to the first strategy to increase their own reproductive success and two." (Authors) Address: Rüppell, G., An der Wasserfur- to counteract the costs resulting from paternity assur- che 32, 38162 Cremlingen, Germany ance mechanisms. They can control paternity before copulation (pre-copulation, pre-insemination), during 9969. Groot, T. de (1997): Gevlekte witsnuitlibel (Leu- copulation, and because fertilisation takes place within corrhinia pectoralis) in De Wieden. Brachytron 1(1): 27- their bodies after insemination, and after fertilisation 28. (in Dutch) [5-VI-1996, De Wieden, Nationaal Park through selective abortion. A male‘s reproductive suc- Weerribben-Wieden, The Netherlands] Address: not cess can be determined as the product of his mating stated. success (mate per lifetime) and his fertilisation success (average number of progeny sired per mate). Male ferti- lisation success is generally studied in terms of sperm 1998 precedence where the proportion of the female progeny fathered by a given male is examined. Sperm prece- 9970. Ou, Y.-j.; Chen, Q.-j.; Chen. F.-h. (1998): A pre- dence can be studied using different methods, each liminary research report of Odonata insects in Heilong- having advantages and disadvantages. Although female jian Province. Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal insects behave polyandrously, most sperm competition University 14(6): 89-93. (in Chinese, with English sum- studies investigate sperm precedence when only two mary) [China; 46 regional Odonata species are docu- males are mated with a female. To determine if the re- mented. The list of species includes Aeshna nigroflava sults obtained in double-mating experiments fit well with and Macromia daimoji (new records in China), and reality, it is thus important to examine last-male mating Odonatological Abstract Service 31(June 2011) - page 1 success in experiments where females are mated with ciency. Finally, because they are large, colourful, diurnal more than two males. Moreover, within a species, high creatures with fascinating behaviour, dragonflies are fertilisation success variations are observed between excellent subjects for nature interpretation programs males of different populations or even of the same pop- and public education about aquatic ecosystems in gen- ulation. These variations result from interaction bet- eral. The Living Landscapes Project is designed to take ween factors such as sperm number, sperm lenght, pre- the museum's resources to the diverse regions of the and/or post-copulatory female choice, paternity assur- province, stimulating local residents and organizations ance mechanism efficiency, female sperm storage or- to conceive their own research projects and participate gan morphology, etc." (Author) The paper includes in the Museum's research, collections and public pro- many references to Odonata.] Address: Arnaud, L., Uni- gramming activities. In the Columbia Basin we wanted té de Zoologie générale et appliquée. Faculté universi- to improve our scientific knowledge about British Co- taire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux. Pas- lumbia dragonflies, and we were keen to gather infor- sage des Déportés 2, 5030 Gembloux Belgium. E-mail: mation for use in wetland management and conserva- [email protected] tion planning -- issues of great concern in the region. But we also wanted to create simple educational mate- 9972. Huber, A. (1999): Odonatological survey on the rials that would promote the understanding of dragon- River Somes/Szamos Romania. In: Sárkány-Kiss, A. & flies and their relationship to diverse and healthy wet- Hamar, J. (eds.): The Somes/Szamos River Valley: a land habitats. In addition to the main report on the inter- study of the geography, hydrobiology and ecology of net, complete with photographs and distribution maps the river system and its environment. Tiscia monograph of every species, we decided to produce slide shows series: 207-213. (in English) [26 odonate species were and videos for distribution to parks, naturalist groups recorded at 25 sampling points along the or nearby the and schools. Finally, we had a long-term goal -- to in- river Somes. The list includes the legally protected spe- volve a few residents of the region al community in the cies Stylurus flavipes and Ophiogomphus cecilia.] Ad- detailed study of dragonflies and the long-term monitor- dress: Huber, A., Department of Ecology, Kossuth L. ing of selected species and localities. The region, with University, H-4010 Debrecen, P.O. Box 71, Hungary its maze of deep valleys and high mountains, is rich in 9973. Cannings, R. (2000): Dragons and Damsels in dragonfly habitats. Mountain fens and bogs, trickling the Columbia/Kootenay Region. Boreus 20(2): 9-10. (in springs, warm lake beaches, grassland alkali ponds English) [Verbatim: "Fire-breathing dragons and dam- and rich cattail marshes all beckoned. We added nine sels in distress at Cranbrook? Knights in shining armour dragonflies to the fifty-seven species that were listed riding to the rescue from Fort Steele? Not likely. Just a from the Columbia Basin before the start of the project. handful of keen biologists and volunteers searching for The additions were: Calopteryx aequabilis, Lestes for- dragonflies and damselflies (the insect Order Odonata) cipatus, Coenagrion interrogatum, Stylurus olivaceus, for the Royal British Columbia Museum‘s Living Land- Somatochlora cingulata, S. forcipata, S. minor, S. wal- scapes project in the Columbia Basin. As part of the shii and Leucorrhinia glacialis. The inventory also im- project, the Museum, the B.C. Conservation Data Cen- proved our understanding of the status of other species tre (CDC) (Ministry of Environment, Lands and Parks) rarely recorded in the Columbia Basin. Thirteen are and Parks Canada joined forces to study the dragon- considered rare and of management concern, based on flies of southeastern British Columbia. Parks Canada collections in museums. However, with increased study, enthusiastically provided logistic and financial support species such as Aeshna tuberculifera and S. cingulata for the inventory
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