





Table of Contents:

Regional History (U.S.)...………………………………………………………..3

United States History……………………………………………………….16

Other Countries and Regions……………………………………….....26

General Subjects………………………………………………………………41


Regional History (U.S.)

Georgia: History…………………………………………………………….…………….4

Louisiana History…………………………………………………………………………4 Louisiana Church Records……………………………………………………………8 Louisiana History: …………………………………………………..8 Louisiana History: Slavery……………………………………………………………12 Louisiana Literature…………………………………………………………………….12 Louisiana Census…………………………………………………………………………13

Maryland History………………………………………………………………………..14

Massachusetts History…………………………………………………………….....14

Michigan History…………………………………………………………………………14

Minnesota History………………………………………………………………………14

Mississippi History………………………………………………………………………14

New York History………………………………………………………………………..14

North Carolina History………………………………………………………………..14

Oregon History……………………………………………………………………………14

Pennsylvania History…………………………………………………………………..14

South Carolina History………………………………………………………………..15

Tennessee History………………………………………………………………………15

Virginia History…………………………………………………………………………..15


GEORGIA HISTORY -Butler plantation papers the papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society Pennsylvania. MICROFILM 2014- 0001 -Century Collection: miscellaneous papers of Alexander, E.P., Mahone, William and Northrop, Lucius B. MICROFILM 2012- 0206 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Eighteenth-century music in Savannah, Georgia MICROFILM 2010- 1017 -The letters of Charles Colcock Jones Jr. (1831-1849); a portion of the family papers of the Rev. Charles Colcock Jones (1804-1863) MICROFILM 2012- 0191 -The Princeton and Harvard letters of Charles Colcock Jones Jr. (1831-1893); A portion of the family papers of the Rev. Charles Colcock Jones (1804-1863) MICROFILM 2012- 0185 -Records of the states of the of America MICROFILM 2009- 5102

LOUISIANA HISTORY -A.C. Van Benthuysen Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0235 -Alexis Ferry journals MICROFILM 2012- 0271 -Allain Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0084 -Almanach de la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 22 -Annuaire louisianais: pour l'année 1809 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Applications [to the] Louisiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution MICROFILM 2010- 1211 -Archives Nationales Colonies MICROFILM 2012- 0177 -Benjamin Farrar Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0277 -Biographie de Pierre Soulé, sénateur à Washington MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Blanque, en opposition à Burthe contre Laussat: c'est ainsi, qu'en partant, il nous fit ses adieux, Louisiane, le 2 févier, 1804, et 24 pluviose, an 12, de la République française MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Blewell hospital order book 1862-1863 MICROFILM 2012- 0268 -Briefs of cases brought against insurance companies in the Supreme Court of Louisiana regarding slaves who gained their freedom by landing on British soil MICROFILM 2012- 0165 -Burthe, contre Laussat: première partie ; Louisiane, Ier janvier 1804, 10 nivose, XIIe année républicaine MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Catalogue provisoire de plantes phanérogames et cryptogames de la Basse-Louisiane, Etats-Unis d'Amérique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Code civil de l'état de la Louisiane: traité de cession de cet état par la ; constitution de cet état MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Code de procédure civile de l'état de la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 16 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Correspondance politique Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0215 -Cuba MICROFILM 2012- 0085 -Cuba MICROFILM 2012- 0086 -De Grasse memoire MICROFILM 2012- 0189 -De la fièvre jaune et des épidémies de 1853, 1854 et 1858 dans la paroisse Lafourche MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -de Pradel Family Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0075 -Débats de la Convention pour la révision et l'amendement de la constitution de l'état de la Louisiane réunie dans la salle de la liberté, Nouvelle Orléans, le 6 Avril, 1864 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -DeBatz Coast Plan Maps Exhibit, 1747 MICROFILM 2012- 0178


-Diary of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. kept on a trip West and South October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855 [Recounting experiences and observations of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. on a trip West and South including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855] MICROFILM 2011- 0003 -Digeste général des actes de la législature de la Louisiane passés depuis l'année 1804 jusqu'en 1827, inclusivement, et en force de loi à cette dernière époque, suivi d'un appendix et d'une table de matières MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -Discours de M. Chas. Parlange à la convention démocratique anti-loterie MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Discours de M. Pierre Soulé de la Louisiane sur la non-intervention prononcé au Sénat des Etats-Unis le 22 mars, 1852. MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Discovery and settlement of Western North America MICROFILM 2012- 0290 -Documents of the session of the Legislature of the State of Louisiana MICROFILM 2012- 0247-0248 -Edward Porter Alexander Papers: Nov 18, 1864-April 10, 1865; July 24, 1862, July 17, 1863 MICROFILM 2012- 0164 -Emigration espagnole en Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Esquisses locales MICROFILM 2012- 0297 -Esquisses locales; par un inconnu MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Essai historique sur la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Etude médicale de quelques questions importantes pour la Louisiane: et exposé succinct d'une endémie paludéenne, de forme catarrhale, qui a sévi à la Nouvelle-Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Exposé d'un système de législation criminelle pour l'Etat de la Louisiane et pour les Etats-Unis d'Amérique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 21 -French interests in Louisiana from Choiseul to Napoleon MICROFILM 2012- 0173 -From the Rhine to Dixie and beyond Metz-Kahn family history MICROFILM 2012- 0291 -Genealogy of the Dimitry Family 1600-1900 MICROFILM 2012- 0210 -General Carroll's Expedition to New Orleans and the occurrences during the siege and subsequent to yr. 1814-15 MICROFILM 2012- 0228 -George Colmer manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0226 -George Soulé diaries MICROFILM 2012- 0274 -Gustave A. Breaux Diaries MICROFILM 2012- 0306 -Henry F. Wade papers MICROFILM 2011- 0007 -The Henry Clay Warmoth papers in the Southern Historical Collection of the University of North Carolina Library. MICROFILM 2009- 5134 -Histoire de la Louisiane: racontée aux enfants Louisianais MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -History of negro voting in Louisiana 1877-1906 MICROFILM 2012- 0174 -Instructions from the inhabitants of the territory of Orleans to their representatives in the legislature MICROFILM 2012- 0248 -Instructions, relatives aux travaux del ingénieurs-géographes de la Louisiane (1793) MICROFILM 2012- 0243 -Isaac D. Stamps Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0190 -Jackson, Riddle and Co. papers MICROFILM 2012- 0237 - Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0192 -John McDonogh: man of many facets MICROFILM 2012- 0229 -Johnston papers MICROFILM 2010- 1088 -Johnston (Josiah Stoddard) Papers Correspondence Dec. 1826 - Dec. 1827 MICROFILM 2012- 0081 -Joseph Jones Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0212


-Journal, accounts, and diary of the Valcour Aime sugar plantation. MICROFILM 2012- 0312 -Journal of the convention to form a new constitution for the state of Louisiana MICROFILM 2012- 0248 -Journal of Durec (Father Paul) of Jesuit who came with Iberville on his second voyage MICROFILM 2012- 0172 -La loterie Louisianaise devant la constitution MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -La Renaissance louisianaise MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 8 -Lafayette Cemetery records, 1843-1968 MICROFILM 2011- 0004 -Les Anglais à la Louisiane, en 1814 et 1815: poème en 10 chants MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Les archives du Ministère de la France d'outre-mer MICROFILM 2012- 0304 -Les impériales MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Les martyrs de la Louisiane: tragédie en cinq actes et en vers, précédée d'un prologue ; Sara la juive, ou, La nuit de Noël, drame en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Les planteurs sucriers de l'ancien régime en Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Les veillées d'une soeur, ou, Le destin d'un brin de mousse MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Letters of General Braxton Bragg and Special Order #302 MICROFILM 2012- 0269 -Louisiana as it is MICROFILM 2011- 0005 -The Louisiana colonial records project MICROFILM 2010- 1206 -Louisiana Historical Documents 1722-1728 MICROFILM 2012- 0207 -Louisiana land grants: 1753-1769 MICROFILM 2012- 0221 -The Louisiana progress MICROFILM 2012- 0181 -Louisiana Scrapbook: Aug. 1, 1937-Dec. 30, 1937 MICROFILM 2012- 0171 -Louisiana Superior Council legal records October 1717-1724 MICROFILM 2012- 0231 -Magnolia Plantation Journals MICROFILM 2012- 0203 -Maps of New Orleans, La, Louisana and Mississippi 1734-1847 MICROFILM 2012- 0183 -Maps of the Gulf States area MICROFILM 2012- 0186 -The McDonogh Manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0277 -Mémoire à consulter sur l'origine du rite écossais ancien accepté: sur les pretentions des Suprèmes Conseils Dalcho-Mackey de Charleston et Gourgas-Moore de Boston: sur les droits du Suprème Conseil de l'État souverain et indépendant de La Louisiane: et sur les folies de son Altesse impériale et royale, le Prince Lucien Murat MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Memoire concernant le genie l'artillerie et les cadets de la Louisiane: Memoire pour servir a l'establissement de La Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0201 -Memoire sur la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0242 -Mémoire sur l'épidémie de fièvre jaune: qui a règnée à la Nouvelle-Orléans et dans les campagnes pendant l'année 1867 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Microfilm edition of the records of the Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas, 1576-1803 MICROFILM 2009- 5093 -Mila, ou, La mort de La Salle: drame en trois actes et en vers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Miscellaneous 15th,16th, & 17th century French documents MICROFILM 2012- 0245 -Miscellaneous documents regarding Louisiana and Mississippi MICROFILM 2012- 0205 -The Mrs. Mason Barret Collection of the Albert Sidney and William Preston Johnson Papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0258 -Muster and pay rolls, 4th Regiment Louisiana Militia, Colonel C. W. Morgan, December 1814-March 1815 MICROFILM 2013- 0003 -Natchitoches Clerk of Court parish legal papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0252 -New-Orleans annual and commercial directory for 1843 containing the names and residences of all the inhabitants of the city and suburbs of New-Orleans MICROFILM 2009- 5096 -New Orleans Artists’ Roster MICROFILM 2012- 0049


-New Orleans Cotton Exchange records MICROFILM 2012- 0193-0199 -Nicholls family memoirs MICROFILM 2011- 0006 -Nouveau jardinier de la Louisiane, contenant les instructions nécessaires aux personnes qui s'occupent de jardinage MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Organisation de l'enseignement en Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -Papiers de Michel, 1792-1818: Lettres de mon ar-y-mere le Breton Pontalba MICROFILM 2012- 0179 -Poeme en vers… MICROFILM 2012- 0083 -Pontalba Papers manuscripts 1792-1796 MICROFILM 2012- 0160-0161 -Précis historique de la fièvre jaune: épidémie de 1858 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Rapport fait à la Société médicale sur la fièvre jaune qui a regné d'une manière épidémique pendant l'été de 1817 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Rapport fait à l'Assemblée générale de l'état de la Louisiane, sur le projet d'un Code pénal, pour ledit état MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Rapport sur le projet d'un Code pénal fait à l'Assemblée générale de l'état de la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Réflexions sur la campagne du général André Jackson, en Louisiane: en 1814 et 1815 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Registre du Comité Medical de la Nouvelle Orleans, 1816-1854 MICROFILM 2012- 0078 -Règlement et prospectus du College de la Louisiane; fondé le ler Octobre 1851 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Reports of Alexander (E.P.) on Signal Systems MICROFILM 2012- 0163 -Revue Louisianaise MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 12-13 -Rituel des trois degrés du rite ancien et accepté écossais, approuvé par le Suprême conseil du rite écossais, pour l'état de la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -The Rosemonde E. and Emile Kuntz Collection Colomb Plantation Journal MICROFILM 2012- 0266 -Scrapbook- henry watkins allen MICROFILM 2012- 0079 -Selected documents from volume labelled "Letters to and from the collector, New Orleans, Louisiana, Feb. 27, 1804-Apr, 29, 1833, Treasury Department MICROFILM 2012- 0234 -Sons of the American Revolution MICROFILM 2012- 0187 -Souvenirs d'Amérique et de France MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -A speech by Mr. Poydras, president of the legislative council of Orleans, after the governor's address had been delivered, on the 4th of December, 1804 MICROFILM 2012- 0248 -Speech of the Hon. Julien Poydras to the Orleans Legislature, delivered March 1, 1809 MICROFILM 2012- 0248 -State department territorial papers Orleans series, 1764-1813. MICROFILM 2010- 1082 -Storyville reports on commercialized prostitution: April 25-27, 1927 MICROFILM 2012- 0170 -St. Rosalie Plantation record book 1840-1868 MICROFILM 2012- 0239 -The territorial papers of the United States. v. IX. The territory of Orleans, 1803-1812 / compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter. MICROFILM 2012- 0054 -The territorial papers of the United States, vol. XIX the territory of Louisiana-Mississippi, 1803-1821. MICROFILM 2012- 0303 -Topographie de l'Amerique, Etats du Sud, Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0244 -Two decades of Newcomb pottery pieces from the period of 1897 to 1917 an historical exhibition in the Art Dept., Newcomb College, Tulane University, New Orleans, February 10th through 23rd, 1963 MICROFILM 2012- 0050 -Two documents re Cabildo New Orleans: 1793-94 MICROFILM 2012- 0168 -Un jugement maçonnique à la Nouvelle Orléans: 22 mai 1858 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15


-United States Report for the years 1861-1862 on the trade and commerce of the consular district of New Orleans MICROFILM 2012- 0169 -Ursuline Chapel Records manuscripts: marriages 1834-1912; Baptisms: 1834-1915 MICROFILM 2012- 0166 -U.S. customs house papers: New Orleans flatboat manifests for May, 1807 MICROFILM 2012- 0167 -W.W. Hunter Papers 1861-1865 MICROFILM 2012- 0188 -Wharton Diaries 1853-62 MICROFILM 2012- 0202 -White League of New Iberia minute book MICROFILM 2012- 0261

LOUISIANA CHURCH RECORDS -Catéchisme du diocèse de la Nouvelle-Orléans imprimée avec l'autorisation de Mgr. Napoléon-Joseph Perché, Archevèque de la Nouvelle-Orléans. MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 23 -De l'importance du marriage, sous le rapport social et religieux MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Microfilm edition of the records of the Diocese of Louisiana and the Floridas, 1576-1803 MICROFILM 2009- 5093 -Second German Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, LA: Registers, trustees, records, deacons, and sessions MICROFILM 2012- 0211 -Trinity Church records MICROFILM 2009- 5194 -Trinity Church records MICROFILM 2012- 0209 -Ursuline Chapel Records manuscripts: marriages 1834-1912; Baptisms: 1834-1915 MICROFILM 2012- 0166 LOUISIANA HISTORY: NEW ORLEANS -Abrégé d'arithmétique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Abrégé d'arithmétique décimale : contenant toutes les opérations du calcul, depuis l'addition jusque et compris les règles de trois, et les opérations de fractions ... ouvrage mis à la portée des jeunes gens ; à l'usage des écoles MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Abrégé de géographie MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Abrégé de mythologie à l'usage des écoles MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Alice Cary Risley Diary October 19, 1864- August 21, 1868 MICROFILM 2012- 0253 -Allain Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0084 -Benson and Brothers ornamental sign painters ledgers 1859-1860 MICROFILM 2012- 0257 -Briefs of cases brought against insurance companies in the Supreme Court of Louisiana regarding slaves who gained their freedom by landing on British soil MICROFILM 2012- 0165 -Cabildo records, New Orleans MICROFILM 2012- 0238 -Catalogue de la bibliothèque de Mr. L. Placide Canonge MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Catéchisme du diocèse de la Nouvelle-Orléans imprimée avec l'autorisation de Mgr. Napoléon-Joseph Perché, Archevèque de la Nouvelle-Orléans. MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 23 -Census of New Orleans, 1791 MICROFILM 2009- 5095 -City of Carrollton MICROFILM 2012- 0233 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Consular reports from New Orleans to British Foreign Office 1861-1862 MICROFILM 2012- 0214 -Correspondance politique Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0215 -De l'importance du marriage, sous le rapport social et religieux MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -de Pradel Family Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0075 -Débats de la Convention pour la révision et l'amendement de la constitution de l'état de la Louisiane réunie dans la salle de la liberté, Nouvelle Orléans, le 6 Avril, 1864 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Digest of Acts, 1769-1803 MICROFILM 2012- 0238


-Discours prononcé à la Cathédrale de Saint-Louis (Nouvelle-Orléans, 1846) à l'occasion de l'anniversaire du 8 janvier MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -The Double Dealer, a national magazine from the South MICROFILM 2009- 5094 -Etude médicale de quelques questions importantes pour la Louisiane: et exposé succinct d'une endémie paludéenne, de forme catarrhale, qui a sévi à la Nouvelle-Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Exposition collective du Cercle de la librairie de MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Fleurs d'été: poésies MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Fortunia: drame en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -France d'Amérique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -From the Rhine to Dixie and beyond Metz-Kahn family history MICROFILM 2012- 0291 -Gabriel d'Ennerich: histoire d'un cadet de famille au XVIIIe siècle MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Genealogy of the Dimitry Family 1600-1900 MICROFILM 2012- 0210 -General Carroll's Expedition to New Orleans and the occurrences during the siege and subsequent to yr. 1814-15 MICROFILM 2012- 0228 -Géographie par demandes et par réponses / à l'usage des collèges et écoles de la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Gustave A. Breaux Diaries MICROFILM 2012- 0306 -The Heartman manuscript collection at Xavier University Library, New Orleans. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5234 -The Henry Clay Warmoth papers in the Southern Historical Collection of the University of North Carolina Library. MICROFILM 2009- 5134 -Hommage à Marie: bataille de la Nouvelle Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Hugh A. Bayne memoirs 1820-1943 MICROFILM 2012- 0227 -Instructions, premier degré, or, De la Nouvelle-Orléans, 1871 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -John McDonogh: man of many facets MICROFILM 2012- 0229 -Joseph Jones Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0212 -Journal of the Minutes and Proceedings of the Council MICROFILM 2012- 0292 -La famille Créole: drame en cinq actes et en prose ; représenté, pour la première fois, sur le Théatre français de la Nlle.-Orléans, le 28 février 1837 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -La Renaissance louisianaise MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 8 -La voix du peuple: chansons et poésies diverses sur les gens et les choses du siècle / dédiées aux amis du progrès par le citoyen Vevey MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Lafayette Cemetery records, 1843-1968 MICROFILM 2011- 0004 -The Lantern New Orleans newspaper. MICROFILM 2012- 0301 -Le parleur éternel: comédie en un acte et en vers; jouée par M. Gilbert sur le Théâtre d'O̕rléans, le 12 décembre 1859 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -L'école du people MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Les abattoirs publics de la Nouvelle-Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Les filles de Monte-Cristo MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Letters, petitions and decrees of the Cabildo, 1800-1803 MICROFILM 2012- 0238 -Lettre de Louis Allard: en réponse à un libelle publié contre lui, par André Latour Allard MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Lettres critiques sur la fièvre paludéenne hémorrhagique (de forme catarrhale) du Dr. J.C. Faget MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -L'histoire des Etats-Unis racontée aux enfans [sic] ouvrage instructif et amusant, entrecoupé de nombreuses anecdotes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -L'opéra et ses hôtes; album illustré avec photographies et esquisses biographiques


MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Louisiana Scrapbook: Aug. 1, 1937-Dec. 30, 1937 MICROFILM 2012- 0171 -Manuel des verbes français réguliers et irréguliers avec la signification correspondante en anglais; comprenant aussi des exercises en français avec la traduction en anglais sur les verbes réguliers et irréguliers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Manuscrit couronné par l'Athénée louisianais MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Maps of New Orleans, La, Louisana and Mississippi 1734-1847 MICROFILM 2012- 0183 -The McDonogh Manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0277 -Mémoire à plaider devant la Cour suprême de la Louisiane, pour les villes de la Nouvelle-Orléans et de Baltimore: dans le procès sur le testament de m. McDonogh MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Mémoire consultatif pour la ville de la Nouvelle-Orléans sur le testament de M. Mac-Donogh MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Mémoire de Bernard Marigny: habitant de la Louisiane, adressé à ses concitoyens MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Mémoire sur le choléra-morbus qui a règné à la Nouvelle- Orléans en 1832 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Mémoires et lettres sur la fièvre jaune et la fièvre paludéenne MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -The Mrs. Mason Barret Collection of the Albert Sidney and William Preston Johnson Papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0258 -New-Orleans annual and commercial directory for 1843 containing the names and residences of all the inhabitants of the city and suburbs of New-Orleans MICROFILM 2009- 5096 -New Orleans Artists’ Roster MICROFILM 2012- 0049 -New Orleans Camera Club scrapbook Manuscript collection MICROFILM 2012- 0302 -New Orleans Cotton Brokers Correspondence MICROFILM 2012- 0237 -New Orleans Cotton Exchange minute book MICROFILM 2012- 0383 -New Orleans Cotton Exchange records MICROFILM 2012- 0193-0199 -New Orleans Cotton Exchange records MICROFILM 2012- 0216-0220 -New Orleans Cotton Exchange records Cash book. MICROFILM 2012- 0285 -New Orleans Cotton Exchange records Committee on futures. MICROFILM 2012- 0275 -New Orleans Cotton Exchange records Ledger book. MICROFILM 2012- 0286 -New Orleans directory for 1843 containing the names, professions and residences of all the inhabitants of the city and suburbs of New Orleans. MICROFILM 2012- 0300 -Notarial Records of Pedro Pedeslaux, 1793-1816 MICROFILM 2012- 0272 -Notebook--Research Andersonville Prison MICROFILM 2012- 0213 -Observations sur le choléra-morbus qui a régné à la Nouvelle-Orléans en 1833 et en 1834: faisant suite au Mémoire sur le choléra-morbus de 1832 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 9 -Opéra français de la Nouvelle-Orléans: souvenir album, saison 1913-1914MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Papiers de Michel, 1792-1818: Lettres de mon ar-y-mere le Breton Pontalba MICROFILM 2012- 0179 -Pièces probantes à l'appui des droits des habitans de la cité d'Orléans et de ses faubourgs sur la batture en face du faubourg Sainte-Marie MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 21 -Poèmes de Lucid offerts à la Bibliothèque Howard-Tilton MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Pontalba Papers manuscripts 1792-1796 MICROFILM 2012- 0160-0161 -Quarante Club papers: collected summer, 1997 MICROFILM 2012- 0200 -Quatre grands poètes du 19e siècle: Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Alfred de Musset / conférences par Alcée Fortier MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Rapport fait à la Société médicale sur la fièvre jaune qui a regné d'une manière épidémique pendant l'été de 1817 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7


-Rapport sur l'instruction publique à l'Exposition universelle de la Nouvelle-Orléans (1884-1885), présenté à M. le Ministre de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Records and Deliberations of the Cabildo, 1769-1803 MICROFILM 2012- 0238 -Records of the Freedmen's Hospital and New Orleans Area field offices of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869 MICROFILM 2009- 5192 -Réflexions sur la campagne du général André Jackson, en Louisiane: en 1814 et 1815 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Registre du Comité Medical de la Nouvelle Orleans, 1816-1854 MICROFILM 2012- 0078 -Règlement et prospectus du College de la Louisiane; fondé le ler Octobre 1851 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Réplique de Dr. Chs. Deléry au mémoire du Dr. Chs. Faget MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Réqiste du comite medical de la Nouvelle Orléans 29 April 1816- 14 Aug 1854 MICROFILM 2012- 0232 -The Rosemonde E. and Emile Kuntz Collection Colomb Plantation Journal. MICROFILM 2012- 0266 -Roy (John) Diary April 23, 1860-Sept.4 1862, June 11, 1871 MICROFILM 2012- 0293 -Second German Presbyterian Church, New Orleans, LA: Registers, trustees, records, deacons, and sessions MICROFILM 2012- 0211 -Selected documents from volume labelled "Letters to and from the collector, New Orleans, Louisiana, Feb. 27, 1804-Apr, 29, 1833, Treasury Department MICROFILM 2012- 0234 -Sheet music MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Smith, Hubbard and Co. correspondence MICROFILM 2012- 0237 -Souvenirs d'Amérique et de France MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -A speech by Mr. Poydras, president of the legislative council of Orleans, after the governor's address had been delivered, on the 4th of December, 1804 MICROFILM 2012- 0248 -State department territorial papers Orleans series, 1764-1813. MICROFILM 2010- 1082 -Stoddard diary MICROFILM 2012- 0383 -Storyville reports on commercialized prostitution: April 25-27, 1927 MICROFILM 2012- 0170 -Supplement to the New-Orleans directory of the last year Supplement a l`almanach de commerce, de l`annee 1823, pour la Nouvelle-Orleans MICROFILM 2012- 0316 -Supreme Council of the S.G. inspectors G. of the free, ancient and accepted Scotch Rite of the United States of America, in the valley of New Orleans, State of Louisiana MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 22 -The territorial papers of the United States. v. IX. The territory of Orleans, 1803-1812 / compiled and edited by Clarence Edwin Carter. MICROFILM 2012- 0054 -Traité pratique de la fièvre jaune observée à la Nouvelle-Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Trinity Church records MICROFILM 2009- 5194 -Trinity Church records MICROFILM 2012- 0209 -True American MICROFILM 2012- 0311 -Two decades of Newcomb pottery pieces from the period of 1897 to 1917 an historical exhibition in the Art Dept., Newcomb College, Tulane University, New Orleans, February 10th through 23rd, 1963 MICROFILM 2012- 0050 -Two documents re Cabildo New Orleans: 1793-94 MICROFILM 2012- 0168 -Un jugement maçonnique à la Nouvelle Orléans: 22 mai 1858 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Un soir au Jackson square MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -United States Report for the years 1861-1862 on the trade and commerce of the consular district of New Orleans MICROFILM 2012- 0169 -Urquhart collection, Urquhart papers, Fisk papers MICROFILM 2012- 0294 -Urquhart-Fisk documents MICROFILM 2012- 0295 -Ursuline Chapel Records manuscripts: marriages 1834-1912; Baptisms: 1834-1915 MICROFILM 2012- 0166


-U.S. customs house papers: New Orleans flatboat manifests for May, 1807 MICROFILM 2012- 0167 -Wharton Diaries 1853-62 MICROFILM 2012- 0202 -William Newton Mercer Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0277

LOUISIANA HISTORY: SLAVERY -Alexis Ferry journals MICROFILM 2012- 0271 -American Missionary Association archives 1848-1885 MICROFILM 2009- 5130 -Benjamin Farrar Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0277 -Briefs of cases brought against insurance companies in the Supreme Court of Louisiana regarding slaves who gained their freedom by landing on British soil MICROFILM 2012- 0165 -The Heartman manuscript collection at Xavier University Library, New Orleans. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5234 -Journal, accounts, and diary of the Valcour Aime sugar plantation. MICROFILM 2012- 0312 -Magnolia Plantation Journals MICROFILM 2012- 0203 -Records of the Freedmen's Hospital and New Orleans Area field offices of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869 MICROFILM 2009- 5192 -Selected documents of refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands pertaining to operations in Louisiana (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1208 -St. Rosalie Plantation record book 1840-1868 MICROFILM 2012- 0239 -William Newton Mercer Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0277

LOUISIANA LITERATURE -A la mémoire de Eugène Antoine MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -At the sign of the hobby horse MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -The case of John Smith his heaven and his hell MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -Catalogue de la bibliothèque de Mr. L. Placide Canonge MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -De l'indulgence MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -The Double Dealer, a national magazine from the South MICROFILM 2009- 5094 -Emile des Ormiers L'anémique ; Lidia MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -Esquisses locales; par un inconnu MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Essai historique sur la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Femme et statue MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Fleurs d'été: poésies MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -France et Espagne, ou, La Louisiane en 1768 et 1769: drame en 4 actes / par L. Placide Canonge ; représenté sur le théâtre d'Orléans, le ler juin 1850 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Gabriel d'Ennerich: histoire d'un cadet de famille au XVIIIe siècle MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Geoffrey, le troubadour MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -"Honni soit qui mal y pense!" MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Influence d'un grand caractère en bien ou en mal sur la destinée des différents peuples MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -La dinde truffée: page historique des proscrits de Londres de 1850-51 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -La famille Créole: drame en cinq actes et en prose ; représenté, pour la première fois, sur le Théatre français de la Nlle.-Orléans, le 28 février 1837 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -La nouvelle Atala, ou, La fille de l'esprit légende indienne MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -La question americaine MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -La revue MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 22 -La voix du peuple: chansons et poésies diverses sur les gens et les choses du siècle / dédiées aux amis du progrès par le citoyen Vevey MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14


-L'Antoniade, ou, La solitude avec Dieu (trois âges) poème érémitique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Le conciliabule infernal, suite de l'Antoniade poème érémitique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Le parleur éternel: comédie en un acte et en vers; jouée par M. Gilbert sur le Théâtre d'O̕rléans, le 12 décembre 1859 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Les amours d'Hélène, ou, Deux cœurs brisés MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Les créoles réponse à Madame de Grandfort MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -Les feuilles mortes (Las hojas secas) MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Les filles de Monte-Cristo MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Les impériales MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Les martyrs de la Louisiane: tragédie en cinq actes et en vers, précédée d'un prologue ; Sara la juive, ou, La nuit de Noël, drame en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Les savanes, poésies américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -L'histoire des Etats-Unis racontée aux enfans [sic] ouvrage instructif et amusant, entrecoupé de nombreuses anecdotes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -Manuscrit couronné par l'Athénée louisianais MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Meschacébéennes poésies MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -The Mrs. Mason Barret Collection of the Albert Sidney and William Preston Johnson Papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0258 -The octoroon, or, Life in Louisiana: a play in four acts MICROFILM 2012- 0247 -Poeme en vers… MICROFILM 2012- 0083 -Poèmes de Lucid offerts à la Bibliothèque Howard-Tilton MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Quarante Club papers: collected summer, 1997 MICROFILM 2012- 0200 -Qui perd gagne: comédie en un acte et en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Récit sur l'ouragan de la Dernière Ile MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Revue Louisianaise MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 12-13 -Selected works ; Eugène Berjot. MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Trésor de la jeunesse, ou, Vrai cours de lecture, d'orthographe et de prononciation, ouvrage utile aux enfants MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Trois âges, suite en fin de l'Antoniade poème érémitique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -The truth about men and other matters MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -Un soir au Jackson square MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Une passion de jeune home MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Viel, François Étienne Bernard Alexandre: né à la Nouvelle-Orléans, le 31 octobre 1736, décédé à Juilly, le 16 décembre 1821; sa vie, ses oeuvres MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4

LOUISIANA CENSUS -Census of New Orleans, 1791 MICROFILM 2009- 5095 -Census of population (1810). Louisiana. Population schedules of the third census of the United States, 1810. MICROFILM 2009- 5145 -Census of population (1820). Louisiana. Population schedules of the fourth census of the United States , 1820. MICROFILM 2009- 5146 -Census of Population (1830). Louisiana. Fifth census of the United States. MICROFILM 2009- 5148 -Census of population (1840). Louisiana. Population schedules of the sixth census of the United States, 1840. MICROFILM 2009- 5150 -Population schedules of the 7th census of the United States, 1850, Louisiana MICROFILM 2009- 5152 -Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860: Louisiana MICROFILM 2009- 5154


MARYLAND HISTORY -The Charles Carroll papers (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5245

MASSACHUSETTS HISTORY -Judith Sargent Murray papers MICROFILM 2013- 0001 -LeBreton Family Records MICROFILM 2012- 0224

MICHIGAN HISTORY -Manuscripts from the Burton historical collection MICROFILM 2009- 5103

MINNESOTA HISTORY -The care and cataloging of manuscripts as practised by the Minnesota Historical Society, Manuscript Division MICROFILM 2011- 0002

MISSISSIPPI HISTORY -Benjamin Farrar Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0277 -From the Rhine to Dixie and beyond Metz-Kahn family history MICROFILM 2012- 0291 -Judith Sargent Murray papers MICROFILM 2013- 0001 -Maps of the Gulf States area MICROFILM 2012- 0186 -Maps of New Orleans, La, Louisana and Mississippi 1734-1847 MICROFILM 2012- 0183 -Miscellaneous documents regarding Louisiana and Mississippi MICROFILM 2012- 0205 -The territorial papers of the United States, vol. XIX the territory of Louisiana-Mississippi, 1803-1821. MICROFILM 2012- 0303 -William Newton Mercer Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0277

NEW YORK HISTORY -The diary of Philip Hone, 1826-1845 MICROFILM 2012- 0184

NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Minutes; Brunswick County (N.C.). Inferior Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions. MICROFILM 2009- 5088 MICROFILM 2009- 5089 -New Hanover County Court minutes MICROFILM 2010- 1080

OREGON HISTORY -Le whip-poor-will, ou, Les pionniers de l'Orégon MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18

PENNSYLVANIA HISTORY -Benjamin Franklin's account books (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5185 -Butler plantation papers the papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society Pennsylvania. MICROFILM 2014- 0001 -History of the Philadelphia stage between the years 1749 and 1855 MICROFILM 2012- 0182 -Minutes and correspondence, 1812-1924, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5183 -The papers of the Pennsylvania Abolitionist Society MICROFILM 2009- 5106 -Philadelphia harmony, or, A collection of psalm tunes, hymns, and anthems, selected by Adgate and Spicer, together with the Rudiments of music, on a new and improved plan MICROFILM 2010- 1093 -Philadelphia music engraving and publishing, 1800-1820 a study in bibliography and cultural history.


MICROFILM 2010- 1031 -The Thomas Penn papers at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1728-1832 MICROFILM 2009- 5092

SOUTH CAROLINA HISTORY -Butler plantation papers the papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society Pennsylvania. MICROFILM 2014- 0001

TENNESSEE HISTORY -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -FBI file--Highlander Folk School (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5196

VIRGINIA HISTORY -American culture series, 1493-1875 : series I & II, years 1-20 (guide included) MICROFILM 2012- 0003 -The Carter family papers, 1659-1797, in the Sabine Hall collection MICROFILM 2010- 1087 -Century Collection: miscellaneous papers of Alexander, E.P., Mahone, William and Northrop, Lucius B. MICROFILM 2012- 0206 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -The Fawcett and Lister Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0259 -A history of music in Richmond, Virginia from 1742-1865 MICROFILM 2010- 1035 -The Lee family papers, 1742-1795. MICROFILM 2009- 5104 -Letter to T.T. Munford on death of Pegram MICROFILM 2012- 0080 -The papers of R. M. T. Hunter, 1817-1887 MICROFILM 2009- 5091 -Southampton County Virginia minute book, 1830-1835 MICROFILM 2012- 0310 -The statutes at large being a collection of all the laws of Virginia, from the first session of the legislature, in the year 1619. Published pursuant to an act of the General assembly of Virginia, passed on the fifth day of February one thousand eight hundred and eight ... MICROFILM 2009- 5100 -The Virginia gazette daybooks, 1750-1752 & 1764-1766. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1084


United States History

African American History………………………………………………….17


Architecture, Landscaping, City Planning………………………….18


Civil Rights Movement……………………………………………………….18

Civil War and Reconstruction…………………………………………….19


Foreign Relations………………………………………………………………20



Native Americans………………………………………………………………22


Politics and Government……………………………………………………23

Religion and Churches……………………………………………………….23


Science and Philosophy………………………………………………………24

Slavery and Abolitionism…………………………………………………….24

World War II……………………………………………………………………….25


AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORY -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -Clarence Cameron White papers, 1901-1940 MICROFILM 2010- 1118 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Excentricités américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Franklin D. Roosevelt and race relations (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1139 -General Education Board archives (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5211 -Gwendolyn Bennett papers (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5215 -History of negro voting in Louisiana 1877-1906 MICROFILM 2012- 0174 -Le spectre noir, ou, Le radicalisme aux Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Souvenirs d'Amérique et de France MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -White League of New Iberia minute book MICROFILM 2012- 0261

AGRICULTURE -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -Availability of dieldrin to adult Blissus leucopterus (Say) and larval Cyclocephala immaculata (Oliv.) In treated sand, loam and muck soils MICROFILM 2012- 0055 -Causerie sur la tarentule MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Collections of the United Farm Workers of America (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1176-1179 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -De l'élevage des vers à soie MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -The effects on some arthropods of large-scale applications of granular insecticides in Iroquois County, Illinois / by William Charles Moye. MICROFILM 2012- 0051 -An experimental study of the freshwater zinc cycle MICROFILM 2012- 0052 -General Education Board archives (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5211 -The green rising, 1910-1977 a supplement to the Southern Tenant Farmers Union papers. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5171 -Howard A. Kester papers, 1923-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5176 -Les abeilles: petit manuel pratique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Les planteurs sucriers de l'ancien régime en Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -New Orleans Cotton Exchange records Committee on futures. MICROFILM 2012- 0275 -Nouveau jardinier de la Louisiane, contenant les instructions nécessaires aux personnes qui s'occupent de jardinage MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Southern Tenant Farmers' Union papers, 1934-1970 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5170 -Toxicities, diffusion, and interactions of grain fumigants measured by bioassay and gas chromatography MICROFILM 2012- 0058


ARCHITECTURE, LANDSCAPING, CITY PLANNING -Cottage residences, or, A series of designs for rural cottages and cottage villas, and their gardens and grounds adapted to North America MICROFILM 2012- 0296 -Downing, A. J. (Andrew Jackson), 1815-1852. MICROFILM 2012- 0296 -Journal of the American Institute of Planners MICROFILM 2012- 0309 -Robert Mills papers diary July 2-12, 1803. MICROFILM 2012- 0308 -Rural residences, etc consisting of designs, original and selected, for cottages, farm-houses, villas, and village churches : with brief explanations, estimates, and a specification of materials, construction, etc. MICROFILM 2012- 0296 -Treatise on the theory and practice of landscape gardening: adapted to North America with a view to the improvement of country residences MICROFILM 2012- 0296 -Upjohn's rural architecture designs, working drawings, and specifications for a wooden church, and other rural structures. MICROFILM 2012- 0296

CENSUS -Census of the United States (1850). Population. Alabama. Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850 Autauga, Baldwin, Barbour, and Benton counties MICROFILM 2009- 5097 -Fifth census of the United States, 1830, population schedules, Delaware MICROFILM 2009- 5147 -Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860 Randolph-Winston counties. Alabama. MICROFILM 2009- 5098 -Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870 Choctaw (part)-Franklin (part) counties. Mississippi. MICROFILM 2009- 5099 -Population schedules of the 6th census of the United States, 1840, Delaware MICROFILM 2009- 5149 -Population schedules of the 7th census of the United States,1850, Delaware MICROFILM 2009- 5151 -Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860, Delaware MICROFILM 2009- 5153

CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -Civil rights and social activism in the South (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1168-1170 -FBI file on A. Philip Randolph a microfilm publication of Scholarly Resources Inc. MICROFILM 2009- 5199 -FBI file--Highlander Folk School (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5196 -FBI file on the National Negro Congress (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5195 -FBI file on Paul Robeson (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5197 -Franklin D. Roosevelt and race relations (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1139 -Howard A. Kester papers, 1923-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5176 -John Beecher papers, 1899-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0061 -Marcus Garvey, FBI investigation file (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5198 -The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee papers, 1959-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5173 -The war on poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0072


CIVIL WAR and RECONSTRUCTION -A.C. Van Benthuysen Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0235 -Alexis Ferry journals MICROFILM 2012- 0271 -Alice Cary Risley Diary October 19, 1864- August 21, 1868 MICROFILM 2012- 0253 -Almanach de la renaissance: livre instructif & amusant, orné de gravures comiques MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 10 -Century Collection: miscellaneous papers of Alexander, E.P., Mahone, William and Northrop, Lucius B. MICROFILM 2012- 0206 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Correspondence (Albert Sidney Johnston) 1857-59 MICROFILM 2012- 0087 -Edward Porter Alexander Papers: Nov 18, 1864-April 10, 1865; July 24, 1862, July 17, 1863 MICROFILM 2012- 0164 -Genealogy of the Dimitry Family 1600-1900 MICROFILM 2012- 0210 -George Colmer manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0226 -The Henry Clay Warmoth papers in the Southern Historical Collection of the University of North Carolina Library. MICROFILM 2009- 5134 -Henry Hotze Letterbooks MICROFILM 2012- 0204 -Isaac D. Stamps Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0190 -J.B. Walton Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0236 -J.B. Walton Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0317 -Jefferson Davis Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0192 -Johnston papers MICROFILM 2010- 1088 -Johnston (Josiah Stoddard) Papers Correspondence Dec. 1826 - Dec. 1827 MICROFILM 2012- 0081 -Joseph Jones Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0212 -La paix à tout prix: au profit des enfants de ceux qui sont morts en combattant MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -La vérité sur l'esclavage et l'union aux Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 9 -Latta, S.R. Journals MICROFILM 2012- 0255 -Le spectre noir, ou, Le radicalisme aux Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Letter to T.T. Munford on death of Pegram MICROFILM 2012- 0080 -Letters of General Braxton Bragg and Special Order #302 MICROFILM 2012- 0269 -The Mrs. Mason Barret Collection of the Albert Sidney and William Preston Johnson Papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0258 -Muster and pay rolls, 4th Regiment Louisiana Militia, Colonel C. W. Morgan, December 1814-March 1815 MICROFILM 2013- 0003 -Nicholls family memoirs MICROFILM 2011- 0006 -Notebook--Research Andersonville Prison MICROFILM 2012- 0213 -Records of the Freedmen's Hospital and New Orleans Area field offices of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869 MICROFILM 2009- 5192 -Reports of Alexander (E.P.) on Signal Systems MICROFILM 2012- 0163 -Scrapbook- henry watkins allen MICROFILM 2012- 0079 -W.W. Hunter Papers 1861-1865 MICROFILM 2012- 0188 -White League of New Iberia minute book MICROFILM 2012- 0261


EDUCATION -Abrégé d'arithmétique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Abrégé d'arithmétique décimale : contenant toutes les opérations du calcul, depuis l'addition jusque et compris les règles de trois, et les opérations de fractions ... ouvrage mis à la portée des jeunes gens ; à l'usage des écoles MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Abrégé de géographie MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Abrégé de mythologie à l'usage des écoles MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -General Education Board archives (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5211 -Géographie par demandes et par réponses / à l'usage des collèges et écoles de la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -John McDonogh: man of many facets MICROFILM 2012- 0229 -L'histoire des Etats-Unis racontée aux enfans [sic] ouvrage instructif et amusant, entrecoupé de nombreuses anecdotes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -Manuel des verbes français réguliers et irréguliers avec la signification correspondante en anglais; comprenant aussi des exercises en français avec la traduction en anglais sur les verbes réguliers et irréguliers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Organisation de l'enseignement en Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 17 -Rapport sur l'instruction publique à l'Exposition universelle de la Nouvelle-Orléans (1884-1885), présenté à M. le Ministre de l'instruction publique et des beaux-arts MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 19 -Règlement et prospectus du College de la Louisiane; fondé le ler Octobre 1851 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Trésor de la jeunesse, ou, Vrai cours de lecture, d'orthographe et de prononciation, ouvrage utile aux enfants MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14

FOREIGN RELATIONS -Benjamin Franklin's account books (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5185 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Consular reports from New Orleans to British Foreign Office 1861-1862 MICROFILM 2012- 0214 -Correspondance politique Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0215 -The Czechoslovakia crisis, 1968 the State Department's crisis files. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1122 -Despatches from United States ministers to Belgium, 1832-1906 MICROFILM 2010- 1083 -Despatches from United States ministers to China, 1843-1906 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5167 -Despatches from United States ministers to Korea, 1883-1905 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1075 -Discours de M. Pierre Soulé de la Louisiane sur la non-intervention prononcé au Sénat des Etats-Unis le 22 mars, 1852. MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Excentricités américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -La vérité sur Miramon et les Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Minutes of meetings of the National Security Council ; with, Special advisory reports MICROFILM 2012- 0280 -National security and the FBI surveillance of enemy aliens (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1101


-Notes from the Belgian Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1832-1906 MICROFILM 2010- 1074 -Notes from the Korean legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1883-1906 September 18, 1883-April 24, 1906. MICROFILM 2009- 5086 -Press conferences of the secretaries of state, 1922-1973 MICROFILM 2009- 5180 -Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Belgium, 1910-1929 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5139 -Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs, Cambodia 1960-January 1963 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1119 -Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Belgium and other states, 1910-29 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5140 -Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean states, 1930-1944 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5213 -Records of the U.S. State Department briefing books relating to the situation in Vietnam, 1961-1966 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1123 -U.S. relations with the Vatican and the holocaust, 1942-1950 MICROFILM 2011- 0071 -The United States and France: correspondence dealing with economic relations, 1811-1930 MICROFILM 2009- 5184

HEALTH -Annuaire louisianais: pour l'année 1809 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Blewell hospital order book 1862-1863 MICROFILM 2012- 0268 -The Bureau of Social Hygiene project and research files [1913-1940] a collection of the Rockefeller Archive Center of the Rockefeller University. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5181 -The Bush administration and the AIDs crisis, 1989-1993 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1100 -Considérations médico-légales sur le procès d'Etienne Deschamps MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 9 -De la fièvre jaune et des épidémies de 1853, 1854 et 1858 dans la paroisse Lafourche MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Etude médicale de quelques questions importantes pour la Louisiane: et exposé succinct d'une endémie paludéenne, de forme catarrhale, qui a sévi à la Nouvelle-Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -George Colmer manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0226 -Les abattoirs publics de la Nouvelle-Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Lettres critiques sur la fièvre paludéenne hémorrhagique (de forme catarrhale) du Dr. J.C. Faget MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Mémoire sur le choléra-morbus qui a règné à la Nouvelle- Orléans en 1832 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Mémoire sur l'épidémie de fièvre jaune: qui a règnée à la Nouvelle-Orléans et dans les campagnes pendant l'année 1867 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Mémoires et lettres sur la fièvre jaune et la fièvre paludéenne MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Notebook--Research Andersonville Prison MICROFILM 2012- 0213 -Observations sur le choléra-morbus qui a régné à la Nouvelle-Orléans en 1833 et en 1834: faisant suite au Mémoire sur le choléra-morbus de 1832 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 9 -Planned Parenthood Federation of America records, 1918-1974 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1114 -Précis historique de la fièvre jaune: épidémie de 1858 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Rapport fait à la Société médicale sur la fièvre jaune qui a regné d'une manière épidémique pendant l'été de 1817 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Registre du Comité Medical de la Nouvelle Orleans, 1816-1854 MICROFILM 2012- 0078


-Réplique de Dr. Chs. Deléry au mémoire du Dr. Chs. Faget MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Réqiste du comite medical de la Nouvelle Orléans 29 April 1816- 14 Aug 1854 MICROFILM 2012- 0232 -Sex research. early literature from statistics to erotica (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5209 -Traité pratique de la fièvre jaune observée à la Nouvelle-Orléans MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Women and/in health (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5191

LITERATURE -American culture series, 1493-1875 : series I & II, years 1-20 (guide included) MICROFILM 2012- 0003 -American literary manuscripts from the Huntington Library, San Marino, California (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1175 -American Women's Diaries (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0079-0081 -Archives of the Federal Writers' Project. printed and mimeograph publications in the surviving FWP files, 1933-1943, excluding state guides. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1137 -At the sign of the hobby horse MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -Bibliography of American women MICROFILM 2010- 1205 -The care and cataloging of manuscripts as practised by the Minnesota Historical Society, Manuscript Division MICROFILM 2011- 0002 -The case of John Smith his heaven and his hell MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -The Charles E. Feinberg collection of the papers of Walt Whitman (in part), 1834-1919. MICROFILM 2010- 1135 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Diary of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. kept on a trip West and South October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855 [Recounting experiences and observations of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. on a trip West and South including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855] MICROFILM 2011- 0003 -The Double Dealer, a national magazine from the South MICROFILM 2009- 5094 -Dunlap Manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0074 -Gwendolyn Bennett papers (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5215 -John Beecher papers, 1899-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0061 -Judith Sargent Murray papers MICROFILM 2013- 0001 -Légendes, fantômes et récits du Nouveau monde MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -The prisoners of Niagara, or, Errors of education a new novel, founded on fact MICROFILM 2009- 5090 -Sex research. early literature from statistics to erotica (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5209 -The truth about men and other matters MICROFILM 2012- 0299

NATIVE AMERICANS -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -American culture series, 1493-1875 : series I & II, years 1-20 (guide included) MICROFILM 2012- 0003 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -General Carroll's Expedition to New Orleans and the occurrences during the siege and subsequent to yr. 1814-15 MICROFILM 2012- 0228 -La nouvelle Atala, ou, La fille de l'esprit légende indienne MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -La vie dans le Nouveau-Monde MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5


-Memoire sur la Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0242 -The papers of John Peabody Harrington in the Smithsonian Institution, 1907-1957. MICROFILM 2010- 1209 -State Department territorial papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0384

NAVY -Area file of the Naval Records Collection, 1775-1910 MICROFILM 2011- 0064 -Gustavus v. Fox; Letters of G. Wells, Gus Fox, & Farragit MICROFILM 2012- 0180 -Letters received by the Secretary of the Navy captain's letters, 1805-1885. MICROFILM 2009- 5144 -Miscellaneous records of the U.S. Navy naval records and Library MICROFILM 2011- 0084

POLITICS and GOVERNMENT -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -Biographie de Pierre Soulé, sénateur à Washington MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -The Bush administration and the AIDs crisis, 1989-1993 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1100 -Collections of the United Farm Workers of America (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1176-1179 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -The diary of Philip Hone, 1826-1845 MICROFILM 2012- 0184 -Excentricités américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -FBI file on Paul Robeson (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5197 -FBI file on the National Negro Congress (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5195 -FBI file--Highlander Folk School (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5196 -Franklin D. Roosevelt and race relations (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1139 -George Colmer manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0226 -J. Edgar Hoover and radicalism in Hollywood. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1125 -John Beecher papers, 1899-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0061 -La question americaine MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Le spectre noir, ou, Le radicalisme aux Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Major studies of the Congressional Research Service 1975-76 supplement. MICROFILM 2011- 0001 -Papers / Martin van Buren. MICROFILM 2010- 1078 -The papers of Eugene Debs, 1834-1945 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5175 -The papers of the Nixon administration, 1969-1974 the White House special files. (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0070 -The Right wing collection of the University of Iowa Libraries 1918-1977 MICROFILM 2009- 5129 -State Department territorial papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0384 -White League of New Iberia minute book MICROFILM 2012- 0261

RELIGION and CHURCHES -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207


-American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -American culture series, 1493-1875 : series I & II, years 1-20 (guide included) MICROFILM 2012- 0003 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Excentricités américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Judith Sargent Murray papers MICROFILM 2013- 0001 -Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, 1833-1911 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5212

REVOLUTION -American literary manuscripts from the Huntington Library, San Marino, California (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1175 -Applications [to the] Louisiana Society of the Sons of the American Revolution MICROFILM 2010- 1211 -The Benjamin Lincoln papers MICROFILM 2009- 5101 -British headquarters (Sir Guy Carleton) papers, 1747 (1777)-1783. MICROFILM 2010- 1079 -The Charles Carroll papers (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5245 -Dunlap Manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0074 -The Fawcett and Lister Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0259 -Horatio Gates papers, 1726-1828 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5172 -The Lee family papers, 1742-1795. MICROFILM 2009- 5104 -The naval papers of Sir Andrew Snape Hammond, bart., 1766-1783, and Sir Graham Eden Hammond, bart., 1799-1825. MICROFILM 2009- 5105 -The prisoners of Niagara, or, Errors of education a new novel, founded on fact MICROFILM 2009- 5090 -The Sol Feinstone collection of the American Revolution MICROFILM 2009- 5086 -Sons of the American Revolution MICROFILM 2012- 0187

SCIENCE and PHILOSOPHY -Availability of dieldrin to adult Blissus leucopterus (Say) and larval Cyclocephala immaculata (Oliv.) In treated sand, loam and muck soils MICROFILM 2012- 0055 -Causerie sur la tarentule MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -The Charles S. Peirce papers MICROFILM 2010- 1076 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Effects of the biological specificity of zinc on the distribution of zinc-65 in the fish fauna of a coral atoll lagoon MICROFILM 2012- 0267 -The effects on some arthropods of large-scale applications of granular insecticides in Iroquois County, Illinois / by William Charles Moye. MICROFILM 2012- 0051 -An experimental study of the freshwater zinc cycle MICROFILM 2012- 0052 -Minutes and correspondence, 1812-1924, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5183 -Relationship of certain macroscopic marine algae to ZN65 MICROFILM 2012- 0250 -A revised test of concept formation as related to intelligence and interests MICROFILM 2012- 0225 -A sociological analysis of a pressure group MICROFILM 2012- 0057

SLAVERY and ABOLITIONISM -Alexis Ferry journals MICROFILM 2012- 0271 -American Missionary Association archives 1848-1885 MICROFILM 2009- 5130 -Anti-slavery materials regional records and other pamphlets, 18th-19th centuries : the collection at John Rylands University Library, . (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5237 -Anti-slavery monthly reporter MICROFILM 2009- 5216 -Benjamin Farrar Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0277


-Briefs of cases brought against insurance companies in the Supreme Court of Louisiana regarding slaves who gained their freedom by landing on British soil MICROFILM 2012- 0165 -Butler plantation papers the papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society Pennsylvania. MICROFILM 2014- 0001 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -The Estlin papers [1840-1884] from Dr. William's Library, Gordon Square, MICROFILM 2009- 5229 -Excentricités américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -La vérité sur l'esclavage et l'union aux Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 9 -Le spectre noir, ou, Le radicalisme aux Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -The papers of the Pennsylvania Abolitionist Society 1774-1916 MICROFILM 2009- 5106 -Records of antebellum southern plantations from the Revolution through the Civil War MICROFILM 2012- 0230 -Records of the Freedmen's Hospital and New Orleans Area field offices of the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, 1865-1869 MICROFILM 2009- 5192 -The Rhodes House papers material relating to America from anti-slavery collection in Rhodes House, Oxford MICROFILM 2009- 5236 -Selected documents of refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands pertaining to operations in Louisiana (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1208 -Slave trade book and pamphlet collection, 1680-1865 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5239 -Slavery and abolition of the slave trade, 1700-1890 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5214 -White League of New Iberia minute book MICROFILM 2012- 0261

WORLD WAR II -The Holocaust and records of concentration camp trials (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1109 -The Internment of Japanese Americans records of the Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1121 -U.S. relations with the Vatican and the holocaust, 1942-1950 MICROFILM 2011- 0071



Canada: History…………………………………………………………………………….27

France: History………………………………………………………………………………27

France: Literature………………………………………………………………………….29

Germany: History…………………………………………………………………………30

Germany: Literature………………………………………………………………………31

Great Britain and : History………………………………………………....31

Great Britain: Slavery and Abolitionism………………………………………….32

Great Britain and Ireland: Literature……………………………………………….33

Italy and the Vatican: History………………………………………………………….34

Latin America and Carribbean…………………………………………………………37

Middle East and Far East Asia………………………………………………………….38


Russia and …………………………………………………………………..39

Spain and Portugal……………………………………………………………………………39


CANADA: HISTORY Dictionnaire Genealogique des Familles Candiennes MICROFILM 2012- 0175

FRANCE: HISTORY -Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth et de guitarre. Troisiesme livre MICROFILM 2012- 0365 -Airs de Ian Boyer, parisien mis en tablature de luth par luy mesme. MICROFILM 2012- 0365 -Airs faits et mis en tablature de luth MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -Airs nouveaux accompagnez des plus belles chansons à dancer qui ayent esté par cy-devant mises en lumière MICROFILM 2012- 0365 -Almanach de la renaissance: livre instructif & amusant, orné de gravures comiques MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 10 -Alphabet de chansons pour danser et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0381 -Archives du Calvados. Série H. Cartulaire du prieuré du Plessis-Grimoult... "Tinchebray" [et] "Yvrande" MICROFILM 2012- 0117 -Archives du ministere des affaires etrangeres correspondance politique etats MICROFILM 2012- 0176 -Autour de Niort revue mensuelle. MICROFILM 2012- 0009 -Bibliothèque nationale manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0041-0044 -Blanque, en opposition à Burthe contre Laussat: c'est ainsi, qu'en partant, il nous fit ses adieux, Louisiane, le 2 févier, 1804, et 24 pluviose, an 12, de la République française MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Burthe, contre Laussat: première partie ; Louisiane, Ier janvier 1804, 10 nivose, XIIe année républicaine MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France MICROFILM 2010- 1212 -Chansonnier des jeunes Grecs MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Chartes & manuscripts de Cluny MICROFILM 2010- 1221 -Code civil de l'état de la Louisiane: traité de cession de cet état par la France ; constitution de cet état MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Correspondance politique Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0215 -Decem libri Ethicorum Aristotelis ad Nicomachum MICROFILM 2012- 0352 -Dreyfus Affair in the making of modern France (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1280 -Du théâtre italien et de son influence sur le goût musical françois. MICROFILM 2012- 0017 -Epitre au Roi de France: sur le non-payement de l'indemnité de St. Domingue MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Essais poetiques MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Etat de L'indem nite' manuscript 1829-1834 MICROFILM 2012- 0095 -État détaillé des liquidations opérées à l'époque du 1er janvier 1829-1831 MICROFILM 2012- 0110 -État détaillé des liquidations opérées à l'époque du 1er janvier 1829 & 1834 MICROFILM 2012- 0111 -Excentricités américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Fin-de-siecle symbolist and avant-garde periodicals. MICROFILM 2010-1187 -France d'Amérique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -France et Espagne, ou, La Louisiane en 1768 et 1769: drame en 4 actes / par L. Placide Canonge ; représenté sur le théâtre d'Orléans, le ler juin 1850 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -French interests in Louisiana from Choiseul to Napoleon MICROFILM 2012- 0173 -French political pamphlets, 1547-1648 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1174 -French royal and administrative acts, 1256-1794 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1102 -Gabriel d'Ennerich: histoire d'un cadet de famille au XVIIIe siècle MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Généalogie de la famille Nadault de Buffon, Nadaud, alias Natalis, Nadal, Nadau ou de Nadault... (Limousin, Aunis, Saintonge, Périgord, Angoumois, Colonies, Berry, Bourgogne) MICROFILM 2012- 0053


-Grand bal de la Douairiere de Billebahault: ballet dansé par Le Roy au mois de feurier, 1626 / vers dvdit ballet par le sieur Bordier. MICROFILM 2012- 0372 -Histoire de la littérature française MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -II livre de chansons pour dancer et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0379 -III. Livre des chansons MICROFILM 2012- 0381 -IV. Livre des chansons MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -IX. Livre de chansons pour dancer et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -La maison des jeux academiques contenant un recueil general de tous les Ieux diuertissans pour se réjoüir, & passer le temps agreablement. MICROFILM 2012- 0364 -La philomele seraphique: divisée en quatre parties ... Sur les airs plus nouveaux choisis des principaux auteurs de ce temps, avec le dessus et la basse MICROFILM 2012- 0378 -La Renaissance louisianaise MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 8 -Le trésor des enfants divisé en trois parties: la morale, la vertu, la civilité MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Les archives du Ministère de la France d'outre-mer MICROFILM 2012- 0304 -Les Equivoques du sieur de Chancy MICROFILM 2012- 0381 -Les Lazaréennes: fables et chansons, poésies sociales MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Lesiuers' Pencil Drawings manuscript MICROFILM 2012- 0096 -L'eslite des Libertez d'André de Rosiers, sieur de Beau Lieu MICROFILM 2012- 0381 -The Louisiana colonial records project MICROFILM 2010- 1206 -Manuel des verbes français réguliers et irréguliers avec la signification correspondante en anglais; comprenant aussi des exercises en français avec la traduction en anglais sur les verbes réguliers et irréguliers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Manuscrit couronné par l'Athénée louisianais MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Miscellaneous 15th,16th, & 17th century French documents MICROFILM 2012- 0245 -Miscellaneous letters from the Archives Nationales MICROFILM 2012- 0162 -Montpellier Bibliothèque universitaire manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0039-0040 -Montpellier University Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0223 -Montpellier University Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0284 -Napoléon extracts from Henri Martin, Victor Duruy, Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène, Thiers, Chateaubriand, Edgar Quinet, Madame de Rémusat MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Opéra français de la Nouvelle-Orléans: souvenir album, saison 1913-1914 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Papers from the Dossier Alliot-Vauneuf (Paul) Série de "l'Indemnité" MICROFILM 2012- 0241 -Paris Biblioteca National manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0088-0089 -Précis de l'histoire de France, avec des notes explicatives en anglais MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Quatre grands poètes du 19e siècle: Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Alfred de Musset / conférences par Alcée Fortier MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Recueil de chansons: a boire et dancer / par Jean Boyer, de la musique de la chambre du roy & de la reyne. MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -Recueil des chansons a danser et a boire MICROFILM 2012- 0381 -Recueil des plus beaux airs accompagnes de chansons à dancer, ballets, chansons folatres & bachanales, autrement dites vaudeuire, non encores imprimes MICROFILM 2012- 0370 -Recueil des quatre livres de chansons pour boire at pour danser MICROFILM 2012- 0361 -Réflexions sur le goût musical en France MICROFILM 2012- 0012 -Registre des délibérations du corps des médecins de Nimes de 1650 à 1792. MICROFILM 2012- 0351 -Revue des Etudes Juives MICROFILM 2012- 0112 -Rousseau and the "Emile" MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6


-Sept grands auteurs du dix-neuvième siècle: Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Alfred de Musset, Théophile Gautier, Prosper Mérimée, François Coppée ; an introduction to nineteenth century literature MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Souvenirs d'Amérique et de France MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Table des auteurs, graveurs, dessinateurs, libraires et imprimeurs contenus dans ce volume MICROFILM 2012- 0375 -Trésor de la jeunesse, ou, Vrai cours de lecture, d'orthographe et de prononciation, ouvrage utile aux enfants MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Vers povr le Ballet des Bacchanalles MICROFILM 2012- 0377 -Veterum scriptorum et monumentorum historicorum, dogmaticorum, moralium, amplissima collectio ... MICROFILM 2010- 1262 -Voyage en en 1895 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -XIII. livre de chansons pour danser et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0381 -XIV. livre de chansons pour danser et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0381

FRANCE: LITERATURE -Catalogue général des incunables des bibliothèques publiques de France MICROFILM 2010- 1212 -Diégarias drame en cinq actes et en vers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 21 -Essais poetiques MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Exposition collective du Cercle de la librairie de Paris MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Fin-de-siecle symbolist and avant-garde periodicals. MICROFILM 2010-1187 -Fleurs d'été: poésies MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -France et Espagne, ou, La Louisiane en 1768 et 1769: drame en 4 actes / par L. Placide Canonge ; représenté sur le théâtre d'Orléans, le ler juin 1850 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Histoire de la littérature française MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -La rose de Smyrne: et L'ermite de Niagara, poëmes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -La tireuse de cartes drame en cinq actes et un prologue, en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Le comte de Carmagnola drame en cinq actes, dix tableaux et deux époques MICROFILM 2010- 1077 -Le comte de Carmagnola drame en cinq actes, dix tableaux et deux époques MICROFILM 2012- 0297 -Légendes, fantômes et récits du Nouveau monde MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Les échos, poésies MICROFILM 2012- 0297 -Les Lazaréennes: fables et chansons, poésies sociales MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Les noces vénitiennes drame en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 21 -Manuscripts of the Bibliotheque Nationale MICROFILM 2012- 0358 -Manuscrit couronné par l'Athénée louisianais MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Napoléon extracts from Henri Martin, Victor Duruy, Mémorial de Sainte-Hélène, Thiers, Chateaubriand, Edgar Quinet, Madame de Rémusat MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Poésies diverses MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Quatre grands poètes du 19e siècle: Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Alfred de Musset / conférences par Alcée Fortier MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Richard III drame en cinq actes, en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Rodolphe de Branchelièvre: roman MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 9 -Rousseau and the "Emile" MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Sept grands auteurs du dix-neuvième siècle: Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Alfred de Musset, Théophile Gautier, Prosper Mérimée, François Coppée ; an introduction to nineteenth century literature MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Trois générations roman MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20


GERMANY: HISTORY -Antrage en der A.S. Donerstg. MICROFILM 2012- 0287 -Cultural policies and plunder of the Third Reich in occupied Europe files of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in Kiev (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1129 -The development of organ Magnificat settings as found in representative German composers between 1450 and 1750 MICROFILM 2010- 1057 -Fragmentary records of miscellaneous Reich ministries and offices, 1919-1945 MICROFILM 2009- 5141 -From the Rhine to Dixie and beyond Metz-Kahn family history MICROFILM 2012- 0291 -G. F. Händels Kammermusik. MICROFILM 2012- 0368 -German Foreign Ministry archives, 1867-1920 MICROFILM 2009- 5138 -The Holocaust and records of concentration camp trials (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1109 -Jedidja : eine religiöse, moralische und pädagogische Zeitschrift. MICROFILM 2012- 0048 -Joh. Friedrich Reichardt über die deutsche comische Oper nebst einem Anhange eines freundschaftlichen Briefes über die musikalische Poesie. MICROFILM 2012- 0011 -Kanonistische Schuldlehre von Gratian bis auf die Dekretalen Gregors IX systematisch auf Grund der handschriftlichen Quellen dargestellt. MICROFILM 2011- 0034 -Madrid Bibliotheque Nationale music manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0362 -Miscellaneous German records collection MICROFILM 2009- 5131 -Musicalischer Grillenvertreiber MICROFILM 2012- 0321 -Musicalischer Zeitvertreiber ein feines von allerhand köst licher sachen zusamen gewärmtes. MICROFILM 2012- 0321 -Papers, 1887-1929 () MICROFILM 2009- 5136 -Records of German Army areas (Wehrkreise) MICROFILM 2009- 5132 -Records of private Austrian, Dutch, and German enterprises, 1917-1946 MICROFILM 2010- 1081 -Records of the Headquarters, German Armed Forces High Command (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht/OKW) MICROFILM 2010- 1086 -Records of the National Socialist German Labor Party (NSDAP) MICROFILM 2009- 5135 -Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, 1941-1945 MICROFILM 2009- 5133 -Records of the Reich Ministry of Economics (Reichswirtschaftsministerium) MICROFILM 2009- 5137 -Records of the Reich Ministry for Armaments and War Production (Reichministerium für Rüstung und Kriegsproduktion) MICROFILM 2009- 5142 -Records of the Reich ministry for public enlightenment and propaganda Reichministerium für Volksaufklärung u. Propaganda, 1936-1944. MICROFILM 2009- 5143 -Sebastian Knüpffers Lustige Madrigalien und Canzonetten und zwar Die Madrigalien seyend von 4, 3, und 2 Vocal-Stimmen alleine : die Canzonetten aber 3, 2 und einer Vocal-nebenst beygefugten Instrumental-Stimmen. MICROFILM 2012- 0321 -Selected correspondence from papers of Count Georg von Hertling, premier of Bavaria, April 1917 MICROFILM 2012- 0251 -Statistics of the Third Reich analysed, 1933-1944 official German foreign trade statistics. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1173 -A study of selected German baroque oratorios MICROFILM 2010- 1037 -Tagebuch 26.12.1916-31.12.1918 Bd. 2. Übertragung in langschrift [26.12.1916.-9.7. 1917] MICROFILM 2012- 0208 -Ueber Kunst und Alterthum in den Rhein und Mayn Gegenden MICROFILM 2010- 1203 -Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft MICROFILM 2012- 0349


GERMANY: LITERATURE -Allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek MICROFILM 2010- 1190 -Almanach der deutschen Musen auf das Jahr ... MICROFILM 2010- 1192 -Der Deutsche Merkur MICROFILM 2010- 1199 -Der Neue teutsche Merkur MICROFILM 2010- 1200 -Deutsches Museum MICROFILM 2010- 1193 -Die Horen [microform] : eine monatsschrift / herausgegeben von Schiller. MICROFILM 2010- 1197 -German periodicals and books : Wilhelm Scherer Collection MICROFILM 2010- 1204 -Germania (Berlin, Germany : 1836) MICROFILM 2010- 1195 -Germania Vierteljahrsschrift für deutsche Alterthumskunde. MICROFILM 2010- 1196 -Musen-Almanach für das Jahr ... MICROFILM 2010- 1198 -Neue allgemeine deutsche Bibliothek MICROFILM 2010- 1191 -Neue Thalia MICROFILM 2010- 1202 -Neues deutsches museum ... MICROFILM 2010- 1194 -Neues Schweitzersches Museum MICROFILM 2012- 0246 -Nichtgedruckte Handschriftenkataloge. MICROFILM 2010- 1214 -Thalia MICROFILM 2010- 1201

GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND: HISTORY -Aborigines' Protection Society transactions, 1837-1909 MICROFILM 2009- 5225 -Aperçu sur le système officiel d'éducation au Bengale (Indes anglaises) dressé, à l'aide de documents officiels et de renseignements puisés sur place MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Archives of the Charity Organisation Society, 1869-1938 MICROFILM 2010- 1210 -Archives of the Shaftesbury Society (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5210 -Benjamin Franklin's account books (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5185 -British Colonial Office Palestine correspondence 1927-1930 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1188 -British Colonial Office Palestine correspondence 1931-1934 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1189 -British headquarters (Sir Guy Carleton) papers, 1747 (1777)-1783. MICROFILM 2010- 1079 -The Caedmon manuscript. MICROFILM 2012- 0382 -China and the West the Maritime Customs Service Archive from the Second Historical Archives of China, Nanjing (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1167 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 1, Early travel accounts by women and women's experiences in India, Africa, Australasia, and Canada MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one: Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 2: Women and "the Orient." MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 3, Women and "the Orient" MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 4, Women, the Americas and world travel MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series two, Imperial adventurers and explorers. Part 1, The papers of Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office MICROFILM 2010- 1161 -Colonial discourses. Series two, Imperial adventurers and explorers. Part 2, Papers of James Augustus Grant (1827-92) and John Hanning Speke (1827-64) from the National Library of Scotland MICROFILM 2010- 1161 -Consular reports from New Orleans to British Foreign Office 1861-1862 MICROFILM 2012- 0214 -The economic, political, and feminist papers, the J.S. Mill, Harriet and Helen Taylor collection from the British Library of Political and Economic Science, London. MICROFILM 2009- 5193 -Four aspects of the music of the Beatles: instrumentation, harmony, form, and album unity


MICROFILM 2012- 0033 -Henry Hotze Letterbooks MICROFILM 2012- 0204 -Horatio Gates papers, 1726-1828 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5172 -Independent Labour Party Minute Books 1893-1909 MICROFILM 2012- 0260 -The James Brown papers in the Liverpool Central Library MICROFILM 2009- 5221 -The Jewish people from Holocaust to nationhood archives of the Central British Fund for Jewish Relief, 1933-1960. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1138 -John Stuart Mill the economic, political and feminist papers a listing and guide to the Research Publications Microfilm collection. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5189 -Les Anglais à la Louisiane, en 1814 et 1815: poème en 10 chants MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -The Liverpool plantation registers 1744-1773 and 1779-1784. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5228 -Masculinity men defining men and gentlemen, 1560-1918. MICROFILM 2010- 1156 -Minutes and memoranda of the Unemployment Assistance Board, 1934-1948 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5187 -Music in England from 1775 to 1800 MICROFILM 2012- 0022 -The naval papers of Sir Andrew Snape Hammond, bart., 1766-1783, and Sir Graham Eden Hammond, bart., 1799-1825. MICROFILM 2009- 5105 -Origins of Modern Feminism, Part 1: The diaries of Constance Maynard, founding principal of Westfield College, University of London (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5179 -The papers of Graffin Prankard (Dickinson papers) 1712-1757 in the Somerset Record Office, Taunton MICROFILM 2009- 5231 -The Papers of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1800-1890 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5201 -The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of physics, statics, pneumatics ...By Peter Shaw, M.D MICROFILM 2012- 0298 -Working women in Victorian Britain, 1850-1910 : diaries and letters of Arthur J. Munby (1828-1910) and Hannah Cullwick (1833-1909) from Trinity College, Cambridge MICROFILM 2010- 1144 -Works. 1985. William Morris (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1108

GREAT BRITAIN: SLAVERY and ABOLITIONISM -Anti-slavery collection, 18th-19th centuries from the Library of the Society of Friends. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5241 -Anti-slavery materials regional records and other pamphlets, 18th-19th centuries : the collection at John Rylands University Library, Manchester. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5237 -Codrington Family West Indies Correspondence, 1700-1790 MICROFILM 2009- 5217 -English dramatic recitative before ca. 1685 MICROFILM 2012- 0374 -The Gale-Morant papers, 1731-1925 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5224 -Jamaica plantation records from [the] Dickinson papers, 1675-1849 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5230 -Jamaican material in the Slebech papers MICROFILM 2009- 5218 -Journal of an intended voyage in the ship Black Prince from Bristol to the Gold Coast of Africa being her 7th to the coast, commencing April 24, 1762 [and her 8th commencing on the 5th of Sept., 1764]. MICROFILM 2009- 5227 -The Lascelles and Maxwell letter books (1739-1769) (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5223 -Materials on the history of Jamaica in the Edward Long papers held at the British Library (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5226 -The papers of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, 1786-1845 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1132 -Papers of the Christian Faith Society, 1642-1972 [at] Lambeth Palace Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5240


-Papers relating to the Jamaican estates of the Goulburn family of Betchworth House MICROFILM 2009- 5233 -Records of the Jamaican Prospect Estate accounts for Prospect Plantation in Jamaica, inc. : accounts regarding number of slaves, clothes for slaves, crops and livestock : January 1784 - March 1792. MICROFILM 2009- 5220 -Records relating to the Birmingham Ladies' Society for the Relief of British Negro Slaves, 1825-1919, in the Birmingham Reference Library MICROFILM 2009- 5219 -Records relating to the slave trade at the Liverpool Record Office MICROFILM 2009- 5232 -Rhodes House Library, Oxford, anti-slavery collection, 1795-1880 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5235 -The Rhodes House papers material relating to America from anti-slavery collection in Rhodes House, Oxford MICROFILM 2009- 5236 -Slave trade book and pamphlet collection, 1680-1865 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5239 -Slavery tracts & pamphlets from the West India Committee collection now at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5238 -Wilberforce slavery, religion, and politics MICROFILM 2010- 1158 MICROFILM 2010- 1159 -Women, emancipation and literature the papers of Harriet Martineau, 1802-1876, from Birmingham University Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1207

GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND: LITERATURE -The Brontë manuscripts, literary manuscripts and correspondence of the Brontë family from the Brontë Society collection at Haworth Parsonage and the British Library, London. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5182 -The Caedmon manuscript. MICROFILM 2012- 0382 -Clarisse Harlowe: Traduction nouvelle & seule complète / par M. Le Tourneur. Sur l'édition originale revue par Richardson; avec figures d'après M. Chodowiecki de Berlin. MICROFILM 2012- 0270 -Coleridge & literary society the papers of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) from the British Library, London. MICROFILM 2010- 1157 -Collection of plays MICROFILM 2011- 0074 -Colonial discourses. Series three, Colonial fiction, 1650-1914. Part 1, General works and fiction from India from the British Library MICROFILM 2010- 1162 -Colonial discourses. Series three, Colonial fiction, 1650-1914. Part 2, General works and fiction from India from the British Library MICROFILM 2010- 1162 -Colonial discourses. Series three, Colonial fiction, 1650-1914. Part 3, General works and fiction from India from the British Library MICROFILM 2010- 1162 -The diaries of Joseph Holloway, 1895-1944 from the National Library of Ireland, Dublin. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1111 -The Forster and Dyce Collections from the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0073 -Gaskell and the Brontës literary manuscripts of Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-65) and the Brontës from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. MICROFILM 2010- 1152 -Hester Thrale-Piozzi, Samuel Johnson, and Literary Society, 1755-1821 the Thrale-Piozzi and related manuscripts from the John Rylands University Library, Manchester. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1115 -Irish women writers of the romantic era papers of Mary Tighe and Lady Sydney Morgan from the National Library of Ireland. MICROFILM 2010- 1147


-The J.M. Synge manuscripts from the Library of Trinity College, Dublin (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1113 -John Henry Ingram's Poe collection (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1117 -John Ruskin, the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood and the arts and crafts movement (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1130 -Keats, Leigh Hunt & Shelley manuscripts from the Additional, Ashley, Egerton and Zweig collections at the British Library. MICROFILM 2010- 1148 -Literature (London, England) (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1186 -Manuscripts from the Thomson collection in the Bodleian Library, Oxford MICROFILM 2012- 0240 -Michael Field and fin-de-siec̀le culture & society the journals, 1868-1914, and the correspondence of Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper MICROFILM 2010- 1150 -Nineteenth century literary manuscripts MICROFILM 2010- 1155 -Nineteenth century theatre periodicals (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1171 -The Oscar Wilde collection (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1103 -Poetic commonplace books and manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge MICROFILM 2010- 1151 -Renaissance man MICROFILM 2010- 1154 -Richard III drame en cinq actes, en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Ruskin & Victorian intellectual life manuscripts of John Ruskin (1819-1900) from the Ruskin Library, University of Lancaster. MICROFILM 2010- 1146 -Shakespeare and the stage. (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0075-0078 -Shaw : the papers of Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) from the British Library, London. MICROFILM 2010- 1143 -Twentieth century British theatre periodicals (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1172 -The Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection at the New York Public Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1128 -Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Monk's House papers at the University of Sussex (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1136 -The Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson manuscripts, letters and diaries from Sissinghurst Castle, Kent, the Huntington Library, California, and other libraries. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1140 -The W.A. Henderson scrapbooks, from the National Library of Ireland, Dublin. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1112 -Works. 1985. William Morris (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1108

ITALY and the VATICAN: HISTORY -Appendice, codici Italiani. istoria ecclesiastica e civile Veneziana. MICROFILM 2010- 1244 -Appendice, codici Veneti indice per materia. MICROFILM 2010- 1242 -Appendice, cordici Francesi e Stranieri MICROFILM 2010- 1245 -Archivio Bardi MICROFILM 2010- 1230 -Atti del podesta MICROFILM 2010- 1226 -Bessarionis cardinalis sabini & patriarche consta[n]tinopolitani capitula libri p[ri]mi aduersus calu[m]niatore[m] Plato[n]is incipiu[n]t feliciter ... MICROFILM 2010- 1275 -Biblioteca ambrosiana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0013 -Biblioteca ambrosiana manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0282 -Biblioteca apostolica vaticana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0011 -Biblioteca medicea laurenziana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0017 -Biblioteca mundi Vincentii Burgundi ... Speculum quadruplex, naturale, doctrinale, morale, historiale ... & studio theologorum Benedictinorum Collegij Vedastini in alma Academia Duacensi.


MICROFILM 2010- 1267 -Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0018-0030 -Biblioteca nazionale marciana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0015 -Biblioteca riccardiana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0016 -Biblioteca vallicelliana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0012 -Bibliotheca Albornotiana continet manuscriptos codices etc... cum indice alphabetico in fine MICROFILM 2010- 1234 -Bibliotheca Sicula, sive De scriptoribus Siculis, qui tum vetera, tum recentiora saecula illustrarunt, notitiae locupletissimae ... MICROFILM 2011- 0036 -Cancioneros musicali spagnoli in Italia (1585-1635) MICROFILM 2012- 0363 -Catalog of codici Malvezzi MICROFILM 2010- 1235 -Catalog of manuscripts in the Biblioteca Pubblica di Lucca MICROFILM 2010- 1246 -Catalog of manuscripts in the Biblioteca Riccardiana MICROFILM 2010- 1258 -Catalog of manuscripts. Supplement to catalog. Index. MICROFILM 2010- 1248 -Catalogo codici. MICROFILM 2010- 1239 -Catalogo codici Cicogna MICROFILM 2010- 1240 -Catalogo dei codici della Libreria Strozziana comprati dopo la morte di Alessandro Strozzi da S.A.R. Pietro Leopoldo Granduca di Toscana, e passati alla Pubblica Libreria Magliabechiana MICROFILM 2010- 1218 -Catalogo dei codici manoscritti della Biblioteca Querini-Stampalia MICROFILM 2010- 1241 -Catalogo dei manoscritti MICROFILM 2010- 1255 -Catalogo dei manoscritti MICROFILM 2010- 1257 -Catalogo dei manoscritti della Biblioteca universitaria di Padova MICROFILM 2010- 1213 -Catalogo Mss. Donà delle Rose. MICROFILM 2010- 1242 -Catalogue of manoscritti e incunaboli. MICROFILM 2010- 1256 -Catalogus codicum latinorum Bibliothecae mediceae laurentianae MICROFILM 2010- 1263 -Codices manuscripti Latini. MICROFILM 2010- 1215 -Codices manuscripti Latini theologici MICROFILM 2010- 1260 -Codices Vaticani latini ... MICROFILM 2010- 1265 -Codices vrbinates latini MICROFILM 2010- 1264 -Codici Gradenigo. Catalogo ed Indice. MICROFILM 2010- 1238 -Concerto for guitar and orchestra MICROFILM 2012- 0359 -D. Aegidii Romani ... De regimine principum libri III ad Francorum Regem Philippum IIII cognomento Pulchrum. Quibus universa de moribus philosophia continentur. MICROFILM 2010- 1270 -De rebus coelestibus liber primus MICROFILM 2010- 1271 -Discours prononcé à Grunewald Hall: à l'occasion du 50e anniversaire de l'épiscopat de S.S. le pape pie IX MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -Du théâtre italien et de son influence sur le goût musical françois. MICROFILM 2012- 0017 -Elenchus arch. alborn. elenchus chronico-historico-criticus. MICROFILM 2010- 1233 -Elenco degli inventari di sala di studio MICROFILM 2010- 1228 -Elenco dei codici manoscritti Latini Italiani riservati in appendice ai descritti negli altri elenchi MICROFILM 2010- 1243 -Elenco manoscritti lasciati al Museo Civico e Correr dal Cav. Michiele Wcovich-Lazzari. MICROFILM 2010- 1237 -Elenco sommario dei codici e scritture di natura letteraria e scientifics esistenti nel R. Archivio di stato di Firenze MICROFILM 2010- 1231 -Florence Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenz manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0068 -Florence Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenz manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0120-0121


-Florence Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenz manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0281 -Florence Biblioteca Naz. Center manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0118-0119 -Florence Biblioteca Naz. Center manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0264 -Florence Biblioteca Naz. Center manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0265 -Florence Biblioteca Naz. Center manuscripts. Ms CL XXXV 183 MICROFILM 2012- 0067 -Florence Notarile Antecosimiano manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0070-0073 -Florence Notarile Antecosimiano manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0103-0104 -Florence Notarile Antecosimiano manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0315 -Fondo palatino, Regia Biblioteca di , catalogo dei manoscritti MICROFILM 2010- 1251 -Fondo parmense, Regia Biblioteca di Parma, catalogo dei manoscritti MICROFILM 2010- 1252 -Hec sunt opera Arnaldi de villanoua nuperrime recognita ac emẽdata diligentique opere impressa que in hoc volumine continentur MICROFILM 2010- 1276 -Henry Letterbook and Dispatch Book MICROFILM 2011- 0014 -Iacobi Zabarellae Patavini In tres Artistotelis libros de anima commentarij: nvnc primvm editi ... MICROFILM 2010- 1268 -Il "Libro della scala" e la questione delle fonti arabospagnole della Divina commedia / Enrico Cerulli. MICROFILM 2011- 0037 -Index alphabeticus universalis cognominum, nominum auctorum, sanctorum, & virorum illustrium, actorum vitarum, & monumentorum quae in codicibus manuscriptis graecis & latinis Bibliothecae vallicelliana continentur MICROFILM 2010- 1250 Pt.1 -Index bibliothecae qva Franciscvs Barberinvs S.R.E. cardinalis vicecancellarivs magnificentissimas suae familiae ad Qvirinalem aedis magnificentiores reddidit. Tomi tres, libros typis editos complectentes. MICROFILM 2010- 1278 -Index Manuscriptorum Bibliothecae FF. Ordinis Praedicatorum Florentiae Ad Sanctum Marcum. MICROFILM 2010- 1216 -Index materiarum praecipuarum omnium codicum manuscriptorum graecorum et latinorum Bibliothecae Vallicellianae ordine alphabetico dispositus. MICROFILM 2010- 1250 Pt.2 -Index MSS. Bibliothecae Casant. a P. M. Agnani ... Concinnatus, deinde a P. Lectore Brini aliisque prosecutus, et anno 1844 a ... Hyacinto de Ferrari ... absolutus. MICROFILM 2010- 1247 -Indices chronologici ad scriptores rerum italicarum quos Ludovicus Antonius Muratorius collegit scripserunt Joseph Calligaris, Johannes Filippi, Carolus Merkel operis moderamen sibi susceperunt Carolus Cipolla, Antonius Manno. MICROFILM 2011- 0033 -Inventari degli archivi delle corporazioni religiosa soppresse MICROFILM 2010- 1227 -Inventario MICROFILM 2010- 1274 -Inventario Ceruti MICROFILM 2010- 1273 -Inventario dei codici conventi soppressi MICROFILM 2010- 1225 -Inventario dei manoscritti della R. Biblioteca nazionale di Palermo MICROFILM 2010- 1223 -Inventario dei manuscritti Strozziani esistenti nell'archivio della nobile famiglia Uguccioni- MICROFILM 2010- 1232 -Inventario del deposito Peruzzi de' Medici MICROFILM 2010- 1229 -Inventario dell'archivio storico comunale MICROFILM 2010- 1254 -Inventario generale di tutti i codici manoscritti della Biblioteca Nazionale MICROFILM 2010- 1219 -Inventario manoscritti dei codici della Biblioteca civica de Verona MICROFILM 2010- 1249 -Inventario peritale Trotti MICROFILM 2010- 1224 -Inventory Codici Provenienze diverse. MICROFILM 2010- 1236 -Italian music manuscripts in the British Library, London (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0069 -Kanonistische Schuldlehre von Gratian bis auf die Dekretalen Gregors IX systematisch auf Grund der handschriftlichen Quellen dargestellt. MICROFILM 2011- 0034


-Le carte strozziane del R. Archivio di stato in Firenze MICROFILM 2010- 1217 -Libri paraphraseos Themistii: peripatetici acutissimi. In Posteriora Aristotelis In Physica. In libros de anima. In commentarios de memoria & reminiscentia. MICROFILM 2010- 1277 -Manoscritti della Biblioteca Brera MICROFILM 2010- 1223 -Manuscriptorum codicum Bibliothecae Atestiae catalogus MICROFILM 2010- 1222 - Biblioteca Ambro manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0069 -MLA Inventario Peritale Fondo Trotti MICROFILM 2012- 0289 -Ms. Catalogo MICROFILM 2010- 1253 -Museo di fisica e di esperienze variato, e decorato di osservazioni naturali, note medicinali, e ragionamenti secondo i principii de' moderni MICROFILM 2012- 0298 -Musica popolare (Milan, Italy : 1882) MICROFILM 2012- 0009 -Notarile Antecosimiano manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0031 - Bibl Anton manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0076 -Questiones Joannis Buridani super decem libros ethicoru[m] Aristotelis ad Nicomachum MICROFILM 2010- 1266 -Regula B. Augustini episcopi, et Constitutiones FF. et Sororum Ordinis praedicatorum MICROFILM 2010- 1272 -Repertorium der Kanonistik (1140-1234) Prodromus corporis glossarum ... MICROFILM 2011- 0035 -Stephani Baluzii Tutelensis miscellanea novo ordine digesta et non paucis ineditis monumentis opportunisque animadversionibus aucta MICROFILM 2011- 0038 -Thesauri Grammatico-Critici et archæologici pars tertia seu grammaticæ Islandicæ Rudimenta MICROFILM 2012- 0288 -U.S. relations with the Vatican and the holocaust, 1942-1950 MICROFILM 2011- 0071 -Vatican Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0114-0116 -Vatican Biblioteca manuscripts. Ms Borgh 357 MICROFILM 2012- 0066 -Vatican Biblioteca manuscripts. Ms Borgh 358, Ms Vat Lat 4986 MICROFILM 2012- 0064 -Vatican Biblioteca manuscripts. Ms Lat Fondo Ant No. 196 (Bess) MICROFILM 2012- 0065 -Venetian ballads MICROFILM 2012- 0020

LATIN AMERICA and CARIBBEAN -Anti-slavery papers Trinidad, 1836-1842. MICROFILM 2009- 5222 -Archivo General de Centro America, 1544-1821 MICROFILM 2011- 0083 -Codrington Family West Indies Correspondence, 1700-1790 MICROFILM 2009- 5217 -Cuba MICROFILM 2012- 0085 -Cuba MICROFILM 2012- 0086 -Cuba manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0122-0146 -Cuba manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0222 -Documenting the Peruvian insurrection (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1116 -Documents (traduits) relatifs à la colonie d'Eureka, dans l'état de Veracruz, république mexicaine MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -El Archivo de Hidalgo del Parral, 1631-1821 MICROFILM 2009- 5169 -Epitre au Roi de France: sur le non-payement de l'indemnité de St. Domingue MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -The Gale-Morant papers, 1731-1925 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5224 -Gordoa Family Papers, 1826-1846 MICROFILM 2010- 0001 -Guatimozin, ou, Le dernier jour de l'empire mexicain tragédie en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18


-Jamaica plantation records from [the] Dickinson papers, 1675-1849 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5230 -Jamaican material in the Slebech papers MICROFILM 2009- 5218 -La vérité sur Miramon et les Etats-Unis MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -La vie dans le Nouveau-Monde MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -The Lascelles and Maxwell letter books (1739-1769) (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5223 -Les deux Amériques: histoire, mœurs et voyages MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Materials on the history of Jamaica in the Edward Long papers held at the British Library (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5226 -Papers of the Christian Faith Society, 1642-1972 [at] Lambeth Palace Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5240 -Papers relating to the Jamaican estates of the Goulburn family of Betchworth House MICROFILM 2009- 5233 -Plantation life in the Caribbean. MICROFILM 2010- 1149 -Records of the Jamaican Prospect Estate accounts for Prospect Plantation in Jamaica, inc. : accounts regarding number of slaves, clothes for slaves, crops and livestock : January 1784 - March 1792. MICROFILM 2009- 5220 -Records of the U.S. Department of State relating to political relations between the United States and Latin America and the Caribbean states, 1930-1944 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5213 -Recueil de poésies d'un colon de St. Domingue MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Slavery tracts & pamphlets from the West India Committee collection now at the Institute of Commonwealth Studies (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5238 -Souvenirs d'Amérique et de France MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -The Women's movement in Cuba, 1898-1958 the Stoner collection on Cuban feminism (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5178

MIDDLE EAST and FAR EAST ASIA -Aperçu sur le système officiel d'éducation au Bengale (Indes anglaises) dressé, à l'aide de documents officiels et de renseignements puisés sur place MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -British Colonial Office Palestine correspondence 1927-1930 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1188 -British Colonial Office Palestine correspondence 1931-1934 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1189 -China and the West the Maritime Customs Service Archive from the Second Historical Archives of China, Nanjing (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1167 -China through western eyes manuscript records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1792-1942. MICROFILM 2010- 1142 -Japan through Western eyes manuscript records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1853-1941. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1153 -The Middle East a documentary resource : series one: Arab-Israeli relations, 1917-70 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1126 -Military regimes in Southeast Asia a comparative study of Burma and Indonesia MICROFILM 2012- 0307 -Olam (Cologne (Germany) : 1907) ha-'Olam MICROFILM 2011- 0067 -Palestine; a collection of pamphlets [in the Jewish Division] MICROFILM 2011- 0062 -Sinhalese MICROFILM 2012- 0313 -Zionism a collection of pamphlets [in the Jewish Division]. MICROFILM 2011- 0063


NETHERLANDS -Fidaments Kusjes, Minne-Wysen en By-Rymen aan celestyne MICROFILM 2012- 0373 -Haerlemsche Somer-bloempjes Tweede offer, aen de Vreucht-lievende Nymphjes, bequaem om een krans aerdiglick te vlechten op 't hooft van haer en haer Beminde. : Ghepluckt uyt het vorighe Bloem- Hoff. MICROFILM 2012- 0373 -Hollands Nachtegaeltien verryct met een nieu, twede deel genaemd Hollands en Seeus nachtegaels samen gesang MICROFILM 2012- 0373

RUSSIA and SOVIET UNION -The Association of Workers of Revolutionary Cinematography (1923-1932) Assot︠︡siat︠︡sii︠︡a rabotnikov revoli︠︡ut︠︡sionnoĭ kinematografii (ARRK) (1923-1932). (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1120 -Departmental records of the Central Committee of the Communist Party Materialy otdelov T︠︡Sentralʹnogo komiteta Kommunisticheskoĭ partii (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1165 -European music manuscripts in the British Library Austrian, French, German, Russian, Spanish and other European music c. 1640-1820. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1145 -Istorii︠︡a Velikoĭ Otechestvennoĭ voĭny Sovetskogo Soi︠︡uza, 1941-1945. Russian. MICROFILM 2012- 0279 -Marfa : a Siberian novel MICROFILM 2012- 0305 -Miscellaneous German records collection MICROFILM 2009- 5131 MICROFILM 2010- 1166 -Selected correspondence from papers of Count Georg von Hertling, premier of Bavaria, April 1917 MICROFILM 2012- 0251

SPAIN and PORTUGAL -Barcelona University Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0092 -Biblioteca Nacional manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0054-0056 -Cancioneros musicali spagnoli in Italia (1585-1635) MICROFILM 2012- 0363 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -The contrapuntal practices of Victoria MICROFILM 2012- 0011 -"Cronica..." Valencia Manuscript Folios MICROFILM 2012- 0094 MICROFILM 2012- 0113 -Cuba manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0122-0146 -Cuba manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0222 -Emigration espagnole en Louisiane MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Escorial manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0048-0053 -France et Espagne, ou, La Louisiane en 1768 et 1769: drame en 4 actes / par L. Placide Canonge ; représenté sur le théâtre d'Orléans, le ler juin 1850 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Les feuilles mortes (Las hojas secas) MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Madrid Biblioteca Nacional manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0263 -Madrid Bibliotheque Nacional manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0090-0091 -Madrid Bibliotheque Nationale music manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0362 -The masses of Sebastian de Vivanco (circa 1550-1622) a study of polyphonic settings of the ordinary in late Renaissance Spain MICROFILM 2012- 0345 -Notarial Records of Pedro Pedeslaux, 1793-1816 MICROFILM 2012- 0272 -A Portuguese source of seventeenth-century Iberian organ music manuscript no. 1577, Loc. B, 5, Municipal Library, Oporto, Portugal MICROFILM 2012- 0344 -Sección guerra moderna MICROFILM 2012- 0278 -Spanish Civil War collection (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1220 -Spanish manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0318-0319


-Universidad de Valencia Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0057-0059 -Universitat de Barcelona Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0045-0047 -Valencia Biblioteca University manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0093 -Valencia Biblioteca University manuscripts. Ms. 394 (Cat 2068), Ms. 411 (Cat 2229) MICROFILM 2012- 0062 -Valencia Biblioteca University manuscripts. Ms. 848 (Cat. No. 1294) MICROFILM 2012- 0063 -Villancicos and other secular polyphonic music of Juan Vasquez a courtly tradition in Spain's siglo del oro. MICROFILM 2012- 0346



Jewish Studies……………………………………………………………………42

Professional, Personal and Family Papers…………………………..42

Middle Ages or Medieval Period………………………………………..45

Motion Picture and Cinema……………………………………………….46


Music: Opera…………………………………………………………………….53

Philosophy and Theology………………………………………………….54


Science, Medicine and Health (non-U.S.).………………………….55

Theater, Drama and Ballet………………………………………………..55

Women’s Studies………………………………………………………………56

World History and Travel…………………………………………………..58


JEWISH STUDIES -Cultural policies and plunder of the Third Reich in occupied Europe files of the Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg in Kiev (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1129 -Dreyfus Affair in the making of modern France (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1280 -From the Rhine to Dixie and beyond Metz-Kahn family history MICROFILM 2012- 0291 -Hazit ha-am MICROFILM 2013- 0002 -The Holocaust and records of concentration camp trials (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1109 -Jedidja : eine religiöse, moralische und pädagogische Zeitschrift. MICROFILM 2012- 0048 -The Jerusalem post MICROFILM 2010- 1164 -The Jewish chronicle MICROFILM 2010- 1163 -The Jewish people from Holocaust to nationhood archives of the Central British Fund for Jewish Relief, 1933-1960. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1138 -Olam (Cologne (Germany) : 1907) ha-'Olam MICROFILM 2011- 0067 -Palestine; a collection of pamphlets [in the Jewish Division] MICROFILM 2011- 0062 -The Palestine post MICROFILM 2010- 1164 -Records of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories, 1941-1945 MICROFILM 2009- 5133 -Revue des Etudes Juives MICROFILM 2012- 0112 -U.S. relations with the Vatican and the holocaust, 1942-1950 MICROFILM 2011- 0071 -Zionism a collection of pamphlets [in the Jewish Division]. MICROFILM 2011- 0063

PROFESSIONAL, PERSONAL, and FAMILY PAPERS -A.C. Van Benthuysen Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0235 -Alexis Ferry journals MICROFILM 2012- 0271 -Alice Cary Risley Diary October 19, 1864- August 21, 1868 MICROFILM 2012- 0253 -Allain Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0084 -American Women's Diaries (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0079-0081 -Benjamin Franklin's account books (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5185 -The Benjamin Lincoln papers MICROFILM 2009- 5101 -British headquarters (Sir Guy Carleton) papers, 1747 (1777)-1783. MICROFILM 2010- 1079 -The Brontë manuscripts, literary manuscripts and correspondence of the Brontë family from the Brontë Society collection at Haworth Parsonage and the British Library, London. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5182 -Butler plantation papers the papers of Pierce Butler (1744-1822) and successors from the Historical Society Pennsylvania. MICROFILM 2014- 0001 -The Carter family papers, 1659-1797, in the Sabine Hall collection MICROFILM 2010- 1087 -Century Collection: miscellaneous papers of Alexander, E.P., Mahone, William and Northrop, Lucius B. MICROFILM 2012- 0206 -The Charles E. Feinberg collection of the papers of Walt Whitman (in part), 1834-1919. MICROFILM 2010- 1135 -The Charles S. Peirce papers MICROFILM 2010- 1076 -Clarence Cameron White papers, 1901-1940 MICROFILM 2010- 1118 -Codrington Family West Indies Correspondence, 1700-1790 MICROFILM 2009- 5217 -Coleridge & literary society the papers of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) from the British Library, London. MICROFILM 2010- 1157 -Colonial discourses. Series two, Imperial adventurers and explorers. Part 1, The papers of Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office MICROFILM 2010- 1161 -Colonial discourses. Series two, Imperial adventurers and explorers. Part 2, Papers of James Augustus Grant (1827-92) and John Hanning Speke (1827-64) from the National Library of Scotland


MICROFILM 2010- 1161 -de Pradel Family Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0075 -The diaries of Joseph Holloway, 1895-1944 from the National Library of Ireland, Dublin. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1111 -Diary of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. kept on a trip West and South October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855 [Recounting experiences and observations of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. on a trip West and South including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855] MICROFILM 2011- 0003 -The diary of Philip Hone, 1826-1845 MICROFILM 2012- 0184 -Dunlap Manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0074 -The economic, political, and feminist papers, the J.S. Mill, Harriet and Helen Taylor collection from the British Library of Political and Economic Science, London. MICROFILM 2009- 5193 -The Estlin papers [1840-1884] from Dr. William's Library, Gordon Square, London MICROFILM 2009- 5229 -The Fawcett and Lister Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0259 -The Gale-Morant papers, 1731-1925 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5224 -Gaskell and the Brontës literary manuscripts of Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-65) and the Brontës from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. MICROFILM 2010- 1152 -George Colmer manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0226 -Gordoa Family Papers, 1826-1846 MICROFILM 2010- 0001 -Gustave A. Breaux Diaries MICROFILM 2012- 0306 -Gustavus v. Fox; Letters of G. Wells, Gus Fox, & Farragit MICROFILM 2012- 0180 -Gwendolyn Bennett papers (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5215 -The Henry Clay Warmoth papers in the Southern Historical Collection of the University of North Carolina Library. MICROFILM 2009- 5134 -Henry F. Wade papers MICROFILM 2011- 0007 -Henry Hotze Letterbooks MICROFILM 2012- 0204 -Hester Thrale-Piozzi, Samuel Johnson, and Literary Society, 1755-1821 the Thrale-Piozzi and related manuscripts from the John Rylands University Library, Manchester. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1115 -Horatio Gates papers, 1726-1828 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5172 -Howard A. Kester papers, 1923-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5176 -Hugh A. Bayne memoirs 1820-1943 MICROFILM 2012- 0227 -Irish women writers of the romantic era papers of Mary Tighe and Lady Sydney Morgan from the National Library of Ireland. MICROFILM 2010- 1147 -Isaac D. Stamps Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0190 -J.B. Walton Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0236 -J.B. Walton Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0317 -The J.M. Synge manuscripts from the Library of Trinity College, Dublin (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1113 -Jackson, Riddle and Co. papers MICROFILM 2012- 0237 -Jamaica plantation records from [the] Dickinson papers, 1675-1849 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5230 -The James Brown papers in the Liverpool Central Library MICROFILM 2009- 5221 -Jefferson Davis Papers MICROFILM 2012- 0192 -John Beecher papers, 1899-1972 (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0061 -John Stuart Mill the economic, political and feminist papers a listing and guide to the Research Publications Microfilm collection. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5189


-Johnston papers MICROFILM 2010- 1088 -Johnston (Josiah Stoddard) Papers Correspondence Dec. 1826 - Dec. 1827 MICROFILM 2012- 0081 -Joseph Jones Collection MICROFILM 2012- 0212 -Judith Sargent Murray papers MICROFILM 2013- 0001 -The Lascelles and Maxwell letter books (1739-1769) (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5223 -Latta, S.R. Journals MICROFILM 2012- 0255 -Le carte strozziane del R. Archivio di stato in Firenze MICROFILM 2010- 1217 -LeBreton Family Records MICROFILM 2012- 0224 -The Lee family papers, 1742-1795 MICROFILM 2009- 5104 -Letter to T.T. Munford on death of Pegram MICROFILM 2012- 0080 -The letters of Charles Colcock Jones Jr. (1831-1849); a portion of the family papers of the Rev. Charles Colcock Jones (1804-1863) MICROFILM 2012- 0191 -Letters of General Braxton Bragg and Special Order #302 MICROFILM 2012- 0269 -Letters received by the Secretary of the Navy captain's letters, 1805-1885 MICROFILM 2009- 5144 -Magnolia Plantation Journals MICROFILM 2012- 0203 -Materials on the history of Jamaica in the Edward Long papers held at the British Library (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5226 -Michael Field and fin-de-siec̀le culture & society the journals, 1868-1914, and the correspondence of Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper MICROFILM 2010- 1150 -The Mrs. Mason Barret Collection of the Albert Sidney and William Preston Johnson Papers. MICROFILM 2012- 0258 -Nicholls family memoirs MICROFILM 2011- 0006 -Nineteenth century literary manuscripts MICROFILM 2010- 1155 -Notebook--Research Andersonville Prison MICROFILM 2012- 0213 -Origins of Modern Feminism, Part 1: The diaries of Constance Maynard, founding principal of Westfield College, University of London (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5179 -Papers / Martin van Buren. MICROFILM 2010- 1078 -The papers of Eugene Debs, 1834-1945 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5175 -The papers of John Peabody Harrington in the Smithsonian Institution, 1907-1957. MICROFILM 2010- 1209 -The papers of R. M. T. Hunter, 1817-1887 MICROFILM 2009- 5091 -The Papers of Sir Edwin Chadwick, 1800-1890 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5201 -The papers of Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, 1786-1845 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1132 -The papers of the Nixon administration, 1969-1974 the White House special files. (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0070 -Papers relating to the Jamaican estates of the Goulburn family of Betchworth House MICROFILM 2009- 5233 -Papers, 1887-1929 (Gustav Stresemann) MICROFILM 2009- 5136 -Papiers de Michel, 1792-1818: Lettres de mon ar-y-mere le Breton Pontalba MICROFILM 2012- 0179 -Poetic commonplace books and manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge MICROFILM 2010- 1151 -Pontalba Papers manuscripts 1792-1796 MICROFILM 2012- 0160-0161 -The Princeton and Harvard letters of Charles Colcock Jones Jr. (1831-1893); A portion of the family papers of the Rev. Charles Colcock Jones (1804-1863) MICROFILM 2012- 0185 -The Rosemonde E. and Emile Kuntz Collection Colomb Plantation Journal. MICROFILM 2012- 0266 -Ruskin & Victorian intellectual life manuscripts of John Ruskin (1819-1900) from the Ruskin Library, University of Lancaster. MICROFILM 2010- 1146 -Scrapbook- henry watkins allen MICROFILM 2012- 0079


-Selected correspondence from papers of Count Georg von Hertling, premier of Bavaria, April 1917 MICROFILM 2012- 0251 -Shaw : the papers of Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) from the British Library, London. MICROFILM 2010- 1143 -Smith, Hubbard and Co. correspondence MICROFILM 2012- 0237 -Stoddard diary MICROFILM 2012- 0383 -The Thomas Penn papers at the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1728-1832 MICROFILM 2009- 5092 -Urquhart collection, Urquhart papers, Fisk papers MICROFILM 2012- 0294 -Urquhart-Fisk documents MICROFILM 2012- 0295 -The Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection at the New York Public Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1128 -Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Monk's House papers at the University of Sussex (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1136 -The Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson manuscripts, letters and diaries from Sissinghurst Castle, Kent, the Huntington Library, California, and other libraries. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1140 -The W.A. Henderson scrapbooks, from the National Library of Ireland, Dublin. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1112 -W.W. Hunter Papers 1861-1865 MICROFILM 2012- 0188 -Wharton Diaries 1853-62 MICROFILM 2012- 0202 -Working women in Victorian Britain, 1850-1910 : diaries and letters of Arthur J. Munby (1828-1910) and Hannah Cullwick (1833-1909) from Trinity College, Cambridge MICROFILM 2010- 1144 -Works. 1985. William Morris (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1108

MIDDLE AGES or MEDIEVAL PERIOD -Biblioteca ambrosiana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0013 -Biblioteca ambrosiana manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0147-0158 -Biblioteca ambrosiana manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0282 -Biblioteca apostolica vaticana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0011 -Biblioteca medicea laurenziana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0017 -Biblioteca mundi Vincentii Burgundi ... Speculum quadruplex, naturale, doctrinale, morale, historiale ... opera & studio theologorum Benedictinorum Collegij Vedastini in alma Academia Duacensi. MICROFILM 2010- 1267 -Biblioteca Nacional manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0054-0056 -Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0018-0030 -Biblioteca nazionale marciana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0015 -Biblioteca riccardiana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0016 -Biblioteca vallicelliana manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0012 -Bibliothèque nationale manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0041-0044 -The Caedmon manuscript. MICROFILM 2012- 0382 -Catalog of Austrian monastery collection MICROFILM 2011- 0032 -Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum qui in Bibliotheca monasterii Mellicensis O.S.B. servantur : in memoriam anni ab introductis in hoc monasterium Benedictinis octinigentesimi MICROFILM 2010- 1261 -De rebus coelestibus liber primus MICROFILM 2010- 1271 -Escorial MICROFILM 2012- 0097-0102 -Escorial manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0048-0053 -Florence Biblioteca Naz. Center manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0264 -Florence Biblioteca Naz. Center manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0265 -Glazer MICROFILM 2012- 0254


-Henry Letterbook and Dispatch Book MICROFILM 2011- 0014 -Indices chronologici ad scriptores rerum italicarum quos Ludovicus Antonius Muratorius collegit scripserunt Joseph Calligaris, Johannes Filippi, Carolus Merkel operis moderamen sibi susceperunt Carolus Cipolla, Antonius Manno. MICROFILM 2011- 0033 -Manuscripts from Universitní knihovna MICROFILM 2011- 0008 -Medical Miscellanies MICROFILM 2012- 0256 -Montpellier Bibliothèque universitaire manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0039-0040 -Notarile Antecosimiano manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0031 -Opus postillarum et sermonum de tempore MICROFILM 2012- 0314 -Österreichische Nationalbibliothek manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0009 -Pierpont Morgan Library manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0060 -Stephani Baluzii Tutelensis miscellanea novo ordine digesta et non paucis ineditis monumentis opportunisque animadversionibus aucta MICROFILM 2011- 0038 -Universidad de Valencia Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0057-0059 -Universitat de Barcelona Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0045-0047 -Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0010

MOTION PICTURES and CINEMA -The Association of Workers of Revolutionary Cinematography (1923-1932) Assot︠︡siat︠︡sii︠︡a rabotnikov revoli︠︡ut︠︡sionnoĭ kinematografii (ARRK) (1923-1932). (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1120 -Cinema pressbooks from the original studio collections (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1106 -History of cinema. selected files from the Motion Picture Association of America Production Code Administration collection. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1127 -J. Edgar Hoover and radicalism in Hollywood. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1125 -The Wisconsin/Warner Bros. screenplay series (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1110

MUSIC -II livre de chansons pour dancer et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0379 -IV. Livre des chansons MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -IX. Livre de chansons pour dancer et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -XIII. livre de chansons pour danser et pour boire MICROFILM 2012- 0381 -12 sonatas in four parts (Triosonaten) für 2 Violinen, Violoncello und Basso continuo MICROFILM 2012- 0007 -Aaron Copland's concerto for clarinet: a lecture recital. MICROFILM 2010- 1038 -Abhaudlung über die Frage Ob die Musik bey dem Gottesdienste der Christen zu dulden, oder nicht ... MICROFILM 2012- 0010 -An accompaniment to Gregorian chant in medieval harmony. MICROFILM 2012- 0018 -Airs de cour avec la tablature de luth et de guitarre. Troisiesme livre MICROFILM 2012- 0365 -Airs de Ian Boyer, parisien mis en tablature de luth par luy mesme. MICROFILM 2012- 0365 -Airs faits et mis en tablature de luth MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -Airs nouveaux accompagnez des plus belles chansons à dancer qui ayent esté par cy-devant mises en lumière MICROFILM 2012- 0365 -American Composers' Concerts, and Festivals of American Music, 1925-1971: cumulative repertoire / the Institute of American Music of the University of Rochester. MICROFILM 2012- 0035 -American Composers' Concerts, and Festivals of American Music, 1925-1971: programs / the Institute of American Music of the University of Rochester. MICROFILM 2012- 0030


-American music : A volume of tunes, transcribed in quadrate notes; outer margins ruled in red. At end, in a later hand, are such tunes as the William and Mary "College hornpipe", "Ye banks and braes of bonny doun" and others. MICROFILM 2012- 0022 -American piano sonatas of the twentieth century selective analyses and annotated index MICROFILM 2010- 1002 -Anthology of fourteenth- and fifteenth-century music MICROFILM 2010- 1096 -Autour de Niort revue mensuelle. MICROFILM 2012- 0009 -Basevi Codex. Bilbioteca conservat. Musicale ms. Mus. 2439 MICROFILM 2010- 1095 -Biblioteca nazionale centrale di Firenze. Manuscript. Magliabechiano XIX, 176. MICROFILM 2010- 1095 -Biographie de L.M. Gottschalk: pianiste américain MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Brahms' clarinet quintet. MICROFILM 2012- 0024 -The British Library music manuscript collection (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0066 -Burgundian chansonniers Laborde, Mellon, 11239, 228. MICROFILM 2010- 1094 -Cancioneros musicali spagnoli in Italia (1585-1635) MICROFILM 2012- 0363 -The cantata in Nuremberg during the seventeenth century MICROFILM 2010- 1053 -The cantatas of Antonio Cesti MICROFILM 2010- 1022 -Cantus firmus in the liturgical motets of Josquin des Prez MICROFILM 2010- 1028 -Canzoni di diversi 3 sulle note MICROFILM 2010- 1071 -Cavalerie Signale MICROFILM 2012- 0024 -Chansonnier cordiforme. MICROFILM 2010- 1096 -Chansonnier des jeunes Grecs MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Chansonnier. Late 15th cent. MICROFILM 2010- 1095 -The choral church music of (1756-1791) MICROFILM 2010- 1010 -The choral music of Aaron Copland, Roy Harris, and Randall Thompson MICROFILM 2010- 1033 -Clarence Cameron White papers, 1901-1940 MICROFILM 2010- 1118 -The concerted mass at San Petronio in Bologna ca. 1660-1730 MICROFILM 2010- 1043 -The concerted piano music of Stravinsky MICROFILM 2012- 0032 -The Concerti ecclesiastici of Lodovico Grossi di Viadana MICROFILM 2010- 1059 -Concerto for guitar and orchestra MICROFILM 2012- 0359 -The concerto for in C major / of Joseph Martin Kraus ; a critical edition with commentary presented by David B. Levy. MICROFILM 2012- 0029 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Confitebor. A 5: Voix avec des Instruments. Par Jean baptiste Pergolesi. MICROFILM 2012- 0019 -The contrapuntal practices of Victoria MICROFILM 2012- 0011 -The Counter-Reformation and the sacred music of Vincenzo Ruffo MICROFILM 2010- 1039 -A critical survey of printed vocal arrangements of Afro-American religious folk songs MICROFILM 2012- 0032 -The Delaware harmony : a collection of psalm and hymn tunes from the most approved authors, together with several tunes never before published. Containing the rudiments of music on a plain and concise plan MICROFILM 2010- 1068 -The development of music in Canada MICROFILM 2012- 0007 -The development of organ Magnificat settings as found in representative German composers between 1450 and 1750 MICROFILM 2010- 1057 -Dialogues sur la musique [microform] / par Mlle de Villers, adressés a son amie. MICROFILM 2012- 0033 -Die Israeliten in der Wüste : ein Oratorium / in Musik gesetz von Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach. MICROFILM 2012- 0042 -The doctrine of affections in selected solo cantatas of Alessandro Scarlatti MICROFILM 2010- 1055 -Du théâtre italien et de son influence sur le goût musical françois. MICROFILM 2012- 0017


-Dussek's 2o grand concerto in F for the piano-forte, with additional keys, arranged likewise for those without. Op. 27 MICROFILM 2012- 0033 -Effets de l'air sur le corps humain, considérés dans le son; ou, Discours sur la nature du chant MICROFILM 2012- 0023 -Eighteenth-century music in Savannah, Georgia MICROFILM 2010- 1017 -Einführung in die gregorianischen Melodien ein Handbuch der Choralwissenschaft. MICROFILM 2010- 1091 -El canto mozárabe : estudio histórico-crítico de su antigüedad y estado actual MICROFILM 2010- 1066 -Electronic and computer music an annotated bibliography of writings in English MICROFILM 2012- 0014 -Englische Motetten und Madrigale, 1520-1598. Aus der Sammlung Wagener, Marburg. Abschrift von Carl Dreher, Karlsruhe. 19th cent. MICROFILM 2012- 0019 -The English opera; or, The vocal musick in Psyche / [words by T. Shadwell], with the instrumental therein intermix'd. To which is adjoyned the instrumental musick in The tempest. By Matthew Locke MICROFILM 2012- 0032 -Ernest Bloch's Sacred Service MICROFILM 2012- 0006 -European music manuscripts before 1820 in the Biblioteca da Ajuda, Lisbon MICROFILM 2011- 0065 -European music manuscripts in the British Library Austrian, French, German, Russian, Spanish and other European music c. 1640-1820. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1145 -Evolution of harmonic consciousness A study of pre-eighteenth century technics. MICROFILM 2012- 0011 -Fantasies off 3 partes MICROFILM 2012- 0007 -Fidaments Kusjes, Minne-Wysen en By-Rymen aan celestyne MICROFILM 2012- 0373 -Four aspects of the music of the Beatles: instrumentation, harmony, form, and album unity MICROFILM 2012- 0033 -Franzosische, lateinische, und teutsche Lieder mit 2 und 4 Stimmen MICROFILM 2010- 1097 -Fruhlingsnacht / (F. von Eichendorf) R. Schumann, Op. 39, No. 12. MICROFILM 2012- 0018 -G. F. Händels Kammermusik. MICROFILM 2012- 0368 -Gemeinnuetzliches Elementarwerk der Harmonie und des Generalbasses. Das ist: wahre Art, die Begleitungskunst in Verbindung mit einer vollkommenen Kenntnis aller Harmonien nach Voglerschen Grundsaetzen zu lehren und zu lernen MICROFILM 2012- 0026 -Giovanni Gabrieli's Sacrae symphoniae (1597) MICROFILM 2010- 1025 -Haerlemsche Somer-bloempjes Tweede offer, aen de Vreucht-lievende Nymphjes, bequaem om een krans aerdiglick te vlechten op 't hooft van haer en haer Beminde. : Ghepluckt uyt het vorighe Bloem- Hoff. MICROFILM 2012- 0373 -The harmonic laws in the madrigals of Carlo Gesualdo MICROFILM 2010- 1045 -Harmonic principles of Jean Philippe Rameau and his contemporaries MICROFILM 2010- 1034 -Harmonische Seelen Lust : musicalischer Gönner und Freunde. Das ist, Kurtze ... Praeludia von 2. 3. und 4 Stimmen über die bekanntesten Choral-Lieder etc. MICROFILM 2012- 0039 -: a comic opera, in three acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane / the music selected, adapted & composed by . MICROFILM 2012- 0045 -Herrn Professor Gellerts Geistliche Oden und Lieder mit Melodien / von Carl Philipp Emmanuel [sic] Bach. MICROFILM 2012- 0037 -Herrn Professor Gellerts Oden und Lieder nebst einigen Fabler : grossentheils aus den Belustigungen des Verstandes und Witzes / auf das Clavier in die Musik gesetzt von Berlinischen Tonkunstlern. MICROFILM 2012- 0038 -An historical enquiry respecting the performance on the harp in the Highlands of Scotland from the earliest times until it was discontinued about the year of 1734, to which is prefixed an account of a very ancient Caledonian harp and of the harp of Queen Mary MICROFILM 2012- 0013


-The history and construction of the cornett MICROFILM 2012- 0007 -A history of music in Richmond, Virginia from 1742-1865 MICROFILM 2010- 1035 -Hollands Nachtegaeltien verryct met een nieu, twede deel genaemd Hollands en Seeus nachtegaels samen gesang MICROFILM 2012- 0373 -Il secondo libro delli concerti a due trè, & quattro, voci / Di Andrea Cima ... Nouamente datti in luce ... Opera seconda. MICROFILM 2012- 0027 -The inchanted forrest. An instrumental composition expressive of the same ideas as the poem of Tasso of that title MICROFILM 2012- 0015 -The influence of the extended Latin sacred works of Giacomo Carissimi on the Biblical oratorios of George Frederic Handel MICROFILM 2010- 1023 -Italian music manuscripts in the British Library, London (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0069 -Jacob Kimball (1761-1826) his life and works. MICROFILM 2010- 1065 -Jazz, blues, soul, and rock contemporary music journal. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1141 -Jedidja : eine religiöse, moralische und pädagogische Zeitschrift. MICROFILM 2012- 0048 -Joh. Friedrich Reichardt über die deutsche comische Oper nebst einem Anhange eines freundschaftlichen Briefes über die musikalische Poesie. MICROFILM 2012- 0011 -The keyboard works of Bernardo Pasquini (1637-1710) MICROFILM 2010- 1007 -La grotta di Trofonio: Opera comica in due atti / [di Giambattista Casti] ... Posta in musica dal' Sigr. MICROFILM 2012- 0032 -La philomele seraphique: divisée en quatre parties ... Sur les airs plus nouveaux choisis des principaux auteurs de ce temps, avec le dessus et la basse MICROFILM 2012- 0378 -La voix du peuple: chansons et poésies diverses sur les gens et les choses du siècle / dédiées aux amis du progrès par le citoyen Vevey MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -The Latin oratorios of Marc-Antoine Charpentier MICROFILM 2010- 1054 -Le false consonanse della musica: Per toccar la chittara sopra alla parte in breue. Esempii curiosi, con hauertimenti chiarissimi ... per potere accompagnare le arie in musica, è sonar qualsi uoglia basso ... Essendo detto libro ottimo per accompagnar la parte sopra il cinbaro leuto tiorba viola da gamma ... Diuisio in quattro parti MICROFILM 2012- 0032 -Le premier livre de Clement Iannequin a quatre voix MICROFILM 2012- 0020 -Le roman de Fauvel reproduction photographique du manuscrit français 146 de la Bibliothèque National de Paris. MICROFILM 2010- 1070 -Lectionarium: 15th-ctry. German manuscript MICROFILM 2012- 0034 -Leichtes Lehrbuch der Harmonie: Composition und des Generalbasses, zum Gebrauch für Liebhaber der Musik, angehende und fortschreitende Musici und Componisten / herausgegeben von Johann Gottlieb Portmann MICROFILM 2012- 0029 -Lettre sur les drames-opera MICROFILM 2012- 0028 -Liber secvundvs mvtetarvm qvinqve vocvm [microform] / Dominico Phinot avture. MICROFILM 2012- 0044 -The lieder of Ludwig Senfl. MICROFILM 2012- 0033 -The life and liturgical works of Giovanni Maria Nanino (1545-1607) MICROFILM 2010- 1042 -The life and music of Jacob French : (1754-1817) colonial American composer MICROFILM 2010- 1024 -Literary and music aspects of Roman opera, 1600-1650 MICROFILM 2010- 1046 -Madrid Bibliotheque Nationale music manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0362 -Madrigals, Madrigali MICROFILM 2012- 0007 -Manuscript chansonnier MICROFILM 2010- 1096 -Marc Antonio Ingegneri: motets for four and five voices. MICROFILM 2010- 1060 -The masses of Archangelo Crivelli MICROFILM 2010- 1051 -The masses of Francesco Soriano : a style-critical study MICROFILM 2010- 1044


-The masses of Franz Schubert MICROFILM 2010- 1009 -The masses of Haydn and Schubert a study in the rise of romanticism MICROFILM 2010- 1011 -The masses of Joseph Haydn a stylistic study MICROFILM 2010- 1014 -The masses of Sebastian de Vivanco (circa 1550-1622) a study of polyphonic settings of the ordinary in late Renaissance Spain MICROFILM 2012- 0345 -Mazeppa: opéra en cinq actes & six tableaux / de Ch. Grandmougin & Georges Hartmann ; musique de C. de Grandval. MICROFILM 2012- 0029 -The Missouri harmony or a collection of psalm and hymn tunes, and anthems, from eminent authors; with an introduction to the grounds and rudiments of music MICROFILM 2012- 0025 -Motets and chansons for 3 voices MICROFILM 2010- 1098 -The motets of the Codex Ivrea MICROFILM 2010- 1020 -Mrs. H.H.A. Beach, her life and music MICROFILM 2010- 1067 -Music and musical activities in New England, 1800-1838 MICROFILM 2010- 1063 -The music collection at the Bodleian Library, Oxford (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1107 -The Music collection of St. Michael's College, Tenbury (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0068 -The music collections of the Cambridge libraries (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1105 -Music in England from 1775 to 1800 MICROFILM 2012- 0022 -Music manuscripts in major private collections the Gerald Coke Handel collection. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1104 -The music of Charles T. Griffes MICROFILM 2010- 1016 -The music of Franz Tunder MICROFILM 2010- 1036 -The music of nature; or, An attempt to prove that what is passionate and pleasing in the art of singing, speaking, and performing upon musical instruments, is derived from the sounds of the animated world With curious and interesting illustrations MICROFILM 2012- 0025 -Musica popolare (Milan, Italy : 1882) MICROFILM 2012- 0009 -Musicalischer Grillenvertreiber MICROFILM 2012- 0321 -Musicalischer Zeitvertreiber ein feines von allerhand köst licher sachen zusamen gewärmtes. MICROFILM 2012- 0321 -The New York & Vermont collection of sacred harmony containing the necessary rules of music with a variety of psalm & hymn tunes, set-pieces, & anthems, many of which are original MICROFILM 2010- 1073 -Nineteenth century sacred music of the Mennonite Church in the United States MICROFILM 2010- 1032 -Nouveau manuel complet de l'organiste MICROFILM 2012- 0021 -Oliver Shaw: his music and contribution to American society MICROFILM 2012- 0029 -The orchestral techniques of the Mahler Symphonies with emphasis on the second and ninth symphonies MICROFILM 2010- 1000 -The organ compositions of Olivier Messiaen MICROFILM 2010- 1013 -The organ music of Jehan Alain (1911-1940) MICROFILM 2010- 1003 -Performance and analytic study of selected piano music by American composers MICROFILM 2010- 1047 -Petites cantandes a seule voix de chant / par Alexandre Scarlatti. MICROFILM 2012- 0019 -Philadelphia harmony, or, A collection of psalm tunes, hymns, and anthems, selected by Adgate and Spicer, together with the Rudiments of music, on a new and improved plan MICROFILM 2010- 1093 -Philadelphia music engraving and publishing, 1800-1820 a study in bibliography and cultural history. MICROFILM 2010- 1031 -Philemon und Baucis. Tag, der allen Freude bringt. Vocal score. MICROFILM 2012- 0005 -The physiological errors and the reshaping of piano technique MICROFILM 2012- 0010


-A Portuguese source of seventeenth-century Iberian organ music manuscript no. 1577, Loc. B, 5, Municipal Library, Oporto, Portugal MICROFILM 2012- 0344 -Premiere suite d'harmonie a huit parties MICROFILM 2012- 0018 -The principal agreements of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries a study in musical ornamentation. MICROFILM 2010- 1064 -Principes de musique. Divisez en quatre parties. MICROFILM 2010- 1092 -Principes de violon par demandes et par reponce par le quel toutes personne pouront aprendre déux mêmes a jouer du dit instrument MICROFILM 2012- 0022 -Quantz's Versuch einer Anweisung die Flöte traversiere zu spielen a translation and study. MICROFILM 2010- 1056 -Recueil d'airs: 3 duetti avec accompagnement de cor, hautbois, violon et viole. Partitur. MICROFILM 2012- 0019 -Recueil d'airs (6) avec accompagnement de violin, viole, flûte et corni. Partitur MICROFILM 2012- 0019 -Recueil de chansons: a boire et dancer / par Jean Boyer, de la musique de la chambre du roy & de la reyne. MICROFILM 2012- 0380 -Recueil des plus beaux airs accompagnes de chansons à dancer, ballets, chansons folatres & bachanales, autrement dites vaudeuire, non encores imprimes MICROFILM 2012- 0370 -Recueil des quatre livres de chansons pour boire at pour danser MICROFILM 2012- 0361 -Réflexions sur le goût musical en France MICROFILM 2012- 0012 -Rhythmic elements in the symphonies of Johannes Brahms MICROFILM 2010- 1006 -Rhythmic freedom in the performance of French music from 1650 to 1735 MICROFILM 2010- 1019 -Rondeaux, Virelais und Balladen aus dem Ende des XII., dem XIII. und dem ersten Drittel des XIV Jahrhunderts mit den überlieferten Melodien. MICROFILM 2010- 1091 -Sacræ melodiæ : unica, duabus, tribus, quatuor, quinque et sex vocibus decantandæ : una cum symphoniis & basso ad organum / Petri Lappii in Basilica S. Mariæ Gratiarum Brixiæ, musices moderatoris. MICROFILM 2012- 0041 -The sacred style of Luca Marenzio as represented in his four-part motets MICROFILM 2010- 1048 -The sacred vocal music of Giovanni Legrenzi. MICROFILM 2010- 1029 -Sammlung von Clavier und Singe-Stücken verschiedener Verfertiger MICROFILM 2012- 0024 -Samuel Holyoke : American music educator MICROFILM 2010- 1062 -San Giovanni Battista. Italian Alessandro Stradella's oratorio San Giovanni Battista : a modern edition and commentary MICROFILM 2010- 1058 -Sebastian Knüpffers Lustige Madrigalien und Canzonetten und zwar Die Madrigalien seyend von 4, 3, und 2 Vocal-Stimmen alleine : die Canzonetten aber 3, 2 und einer Vocal-nebenst beygefugten Instrumental-Stimmen. MICROFILM 2012- 0321 -The secular cantatas of Mario Savioni (1608-1685) MICROFILM 2010- 1050 -The seven sounds: a musical magazine devoted to youth. MICROFILM 2012- 0046 -Seventeenth-century contrapuntal theory in Germany MICROFILM 2010- 1021 -Sex melea s. ariae cum Variationibus ad Organum Pneumaticum Musicum / auctore Johanne Jacobo DeNeufville. MICROFILM 2012- 0033 -Sheet music MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -The siege of Belgrade an opera in three acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane MICROFILM 2012- 0008 -Six symphonies à deux violons deux hautbois, deux cors de chasse, alto viola e basse / Composées ... par Charles Frederic Abel ... Oeuvre VII. MICROFILM 2012- 0018 -Six trios for or Ger. flutes and a bass / Composed in a familiar stile [sic] by Sigr. Magherini. MICROFILM 2012- 0018


-Soll die Rede auf immer ein dunkler Gesang bleiben: und können ihre Arten, Gänge und Beugungen nicht anschaunlich gemacht, und nach Art der Tonkunst gezeichnet werden? / Aufgegeben und beantwortet von Christian Gotthold Schocher. MICROFILM 2012- 0043 -Sonatas / Di Giuseppe St. Martini. MICROFILM 2012- 0047 -Source and treatment of thematic material in the developments of the sonata-allegro movements in the symphonies of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart MICROFILM 2010- 1004 -Stabat mater : [Orchestral score]. MICROFILM 2012- 0019 -A study and edition of recently discovered works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk / [edited] by John Cary Lewis. MICROFILM 2012- 0031 -A study of five songs of Charles Ives. MICROFILM 2012- 0024 -A study of oratorios and sacred cantatas composed in America before 1900 MICROFILM 2010- 1027 -A study of published clarinet concertos composed before the Mozart Clarinet concerto MICROFILM 2012- 0011 -A study of selected German baroque oratorios MICROFILM 2010- 1037 -A study of selected solo clarinet literature of four American composers as a basis for performance and teaching MICROFILM 2010- 1041 -A study of tastes in American church music as reflected in the music of the Methodist Episcopal Church to 1900 MICROFILM 2010- 1061 -A study of the chansons of Gilles Binchois MICROFILM 2012- 0008 -A study of the Kleine geistliche Concerte and Geistliche Chormusik of Heinrich Schütz MICROFILM 2010- 1052 -A study of the unaccompanied flute duet MICROFILM 2012- 0033 -Stylistic tendencies in mid-twentieth century American piano music MICROFILM 2012- 0025 -Substance of several courses of lectures on music read in the University of Oxford, and in the metropolis MICROFILM 2012- 0016 -The Symphonie concertante: Mannheim and Paris MICROFILM 2012- 0027 -The symphonies of Johann Stamitz authenticity, chronology, and style MICROFILM 2010- 1008 -Texture in the choral works of selected contemporary American composers MICROFILM 2010- 1015 -Thesaurus harmonicus MICROFILM 2012- 0371 -The Thomas A. Edison Collection of American Sheet Music from the Music Library, University of Michigan (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1131 -Thomas Hastings American church musician MICROFILM 2010- 1018 -Three American "primitives" : a study of the musical style of Hans Gram, Oliver Holden, and Samuel Holyoke MICROFILM 2010- 1026 -Tonality of the sonata allegro form in certain representative classical and romantic symphonies MICROFILM 2010- 1012 -The trumpet ; its use in selected works of Stravinsky, Hindemith, Shostakovich, and Copland MICROFILM 2010- 1040 -Twelve concertos in six parts, for a German flute, two violins, a tenor, with a thorough bass for the harpsicord or violoncello: Opera terza / Compos'd by Signor Giovanni Adolffo Hasse. MICROFILM 2012- 0020 -Twelve dances and marches in character [microform] : for the quadrille : at the close of the Berlin carnival, 1799 / composed by command of His Majesty the King of ... by Sigr. Righini. MICROFILM 2012- 0040 -The twentieth century piano sonata MICROFILM 2010- 1005 -Über die Musik der nordamerikanischen Wilden MICROFILM 2010- 1180 -Ueber die Musik der alten Hebråer MICROFILM 2012- 0022


-Una stanza del Petrarca musicata dal Du Fay tratta da due codici antichi e le poesie volgari contenute in essi. MICROFILM 2010- 1090 -The United States' sacred harmony Containing the rudiments of vocal music, in a concise and comprehensive manner; and a large and valuable collection of psalm tunes and anthems. Selected from the most celebrated authors in the United States and Great-Britain. For the use of schools, singing societies, and churches. Also, a large number of tunes never before published. MICROFILM 2010- 1072 -The use of character notes and other unorthodox notations in teaching the reading of music: in Northern United States during the 19th century MICROFILM 2010- 1030 -Venetian ballads MICROFILM 2012- 0020 -Vierteljahrsschrift für Musikwissenschaft MICROFILM 2012- 0349 -The vihuela music of Diego Pisador MICROFILM 2012- 0036 -Villancicos and other secular polyphonic music of Juan Vasquez a courtly tradition in Spain's siglo del oro. MICROFILM 2012- 0346 -The vocal and instrumental technique of Orlando Gibbons MICROFILM 2012- 0008 -The vocal music of Biagio Marini (c. 1598-1665) MICROFILM 2010- 1049 -Von der musikalischen Declamation MICROFILM 2012- 0010 -The women composers collection from the holdings of the Women Composers Collection, the Music Library, University of Michigan. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1124 -Woodwind scoring practices in the symphonies of Beethoven, Schubert, Mendelssohn, and Berlioz from 1800 to 1840 MICROFILM 2010- 1001 -Works. 1912. Songs, ballads and instrumental pieces MICROFILM 2010- 1098 -Works Tutte le opere di MICROFILM 2010- 1069

MUSIC: OPERA -Du théâtre italien et de son influence sur le goût musical françois. MICROFILM 2012- 0017 -English dramatic recitative before ca. 1685 MICROFILM 2012- 0374 -The English opera; or, The vocal musick in Psyche / [words by T. Shadwell], with the instrumental therein intermix'd. To which is adjoyned the instrumental musick in The tempest. By Matthew Locke MICROFILM 2012- 0032 -Il fine l'Evridice MICROFILM 2010- 1099 -Joh. Friedrich Reichardt über die deutsche comische Oper nebst einem Anhange eines freundschaftlichen Briefes über die musikalische Poesie. MICROFILM 2012- 0011 -La Flora MICROFILM 2010- 1099 -La grotta di Trofonio: Opera comica in due atti / [di Giambattista Casti] ... Posta in musica dal' Sigr. Antonio Salieri MICROFILM 2012- 0032 -Lettre sur les drames-opera MICROFILM 2012- 0028 -L'opéra et ses hôtes; album illustré avec photographies et esquisses biographiques MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Opéra français de la Nouvelle-Orléans: souvenir album, saison 1913-1914MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Opera Omnia concertuum Ecclesiasticorum i. ii. iii. & iv. Vocum Iam in vnum corpus conuenienter collecta. Cum Basso, Continuo, Basso Generali organo adplicato, nouaque inuentione pro omni genere & forte Cantorum & Organistorum accomdodata ... Adiuncta insuper in Basso generali huius nou ̨inuentionis instructione & succincta explicatione Latina, Italica, & Germanica. Cantus. (Altus.) (Bassus.) (Bassus Generalis). MICROFILM 2010- 1182 -Philemon und Baucis. Tag, der allen Freude bringt. Vocal score. MICROFILM 2012- 0005 -Premiere suite d'harmonie a huit parties MICROFILM 2012- 0018 -The siege of Belgrade an opera in three acts, as performed at the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane MICROFILM 2012- 0008


-A study and edition of recently discovered works of Louis Moreau Gottschalk / [edited] by John Cary Lewis. MICROFILM 2012- 0031

PHILOSOPHY and THEOLOGY -Bessarionis cardinalis sabini & patriarche consta[n]tinopolitani capitula libri p[ri]mi aduersus calu[m]niatore[m] Plato[n]is incipiu[n]t feliciter ... MICROFILM 2010- 1275 -Biblioteca mundi Vincentii Burgundi ... Speculum quadruplex, naturale, doctrinale, morale, historiale ... opera & studio theologorum Benedictinorum Collegij Vedastini in alma Academia Duacensi. MICROFILM 2010- 1267 -The Charles S. Peirce papers MICROFILM 2010- 1076 -German periodicals and books : Wilhelm Scherer Collection MICROFILM 2010- 1204 -Judith Sargent Murray papers MICROFILM 2013- 0001 -Libri paraphraseos Themistii: peripatetici acutissimi. In Posteriora Aristotelis In Physica. In libros de anima. In commentarios de memoria & reminiscentia. MICROFILM 2010- 1277 -Nouveau recueil de pensées, opinions, sentences et maximes: de différents écrivains, philosophes et orateurs, anciens, modernes et contemporains MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Petri Pomponatii ... opera. De naturalium effectuum admirandorum causis, et de incantationibus liber. Item de fato: libero arbitrio: praedestinatione: prouidentia Dei, libri V ... MICROFILM 2010- 1269 -Regula B. Augustini episcopi, et Constitutiones FF. et Sororum Ordinis praedicatorum MICROFILM 2010- 1272

POETRY -The Charles E. Feinberg collection of the papers of Walt Whitman (in part), 1834-1919. MICROFILM 2010- 1135 -Coleridge & literary society the papers of Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) from the British Library, London. MICROFILM 2010- 1157 -Die altfranzösischen Liederhandschriften ihr Verhältniss, ihre Entstehung und ihre Bestimmung : eine litterarhistorische Untersuchung MICROFILM 2010- 1091 -Échos, poésies MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 11 -Einführung in die gregorianischen Melodien ein Handbuch der Choralwissenschaft. MICROFILM 2010- 1091 -Essais poetiques MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Geoffrey, le troubadour MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -La rose de Smyrne: et L'ermite de Niagara, poëmes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -La voix du peuple: chansons et poésies diverses sur les gens et les choses du siècle / dédiées aux amis du progrès par le citoyen Vevey MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -L'Antoniade, ou, La solitude avec Dieu (trois âges) poème érémitique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Le conciliabule infernal, suite de l'Antoniade poème érémitique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Les échos, poésies MICROFILM 2012- 0297 -Les impériales MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Les Lazaréennes: fables et chansons, poésies sociales MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6 -Les savanes, poésies américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Madrid Biblioteca Nacional manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0263 -Poèmes de Lucid offerts à la Bibliothèque Howard-Tilton MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Poésies diverses MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Poetic commonplace books and manuscripts of Thomas Gray, 1716-1771, from Pembroke College, Cambridge MICROFILM 2010- 1151


-Quatre grands poètes du 19e siècle: Lamartine, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Vigny, Alfred de Musset / conférences par Alcée Fortier MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Récit sur l'ouragan de la Dernière Ile MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Recueil de poésies d'un colon de St. Domingue MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Rondeaux, Virelais und Balladen aus dem Ende des XII., dem XIII. und dem ersten Drittel des XIV Jahrhunderts mit den überlieferten Melodien. MICROFILM 2010- 1091 -Trois âges, suite en fin de l'Antoniade poème érémitique MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -Un soir au Jackson square MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -The Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson manuscripts, letters and diaries from Sissinghurst Castle, Kent, the Huntington Library, California, and other libraries. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1140

SCIENCE, MEDICINE, and HEALTH (non-U.S.) -Effects of the biological specificity of zinc on the distribution of zinc-65 in the fish fauna of a coral atoll lagoon MICROFILM 2012- 0267 -Ein gueth Ertzney Buech für ain gemainnen man der die apoyteck nit erraichenn, fur äusserlich unnd innerlich geprechenn aus dem Marsillio Ficino gezogen ains tails versuecht unnd drwart [microform] / durch Johannem Muelichium anno M.D.lviiij. MICROFILM 2012- 0056 -L'homéopathie exposée aux gens du monde dans ses principes fondamentaux: suivie de quelques conseils sur l'éducation physique des enfants MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Medical Miscellanies MICROFILM 2012- 0256 -Museo di fisica e di esperienze variato, e decorato di osservazioni naturali, note medicinali, e ragionamenti secondo i principii de' moderni MICROFILM 2012- 0298 -The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of physics, statics, pneumatics ...By Peter Shaw, M.D MICROFILM 2012- 0298 -Précis d'hygiène dentaire: utile à toutes les familles, et à toutes les personnes qui désirent donner des soins bien entendus à leur bouche MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Registre des délibérations du corps des médecins de Nimes de 1650 à 1792. MICROFILM 2012- 0351 -Relationship of certain macroscopic marine algae to ZN65 MICROFILM 2012- 0250

THEATER, DRAMA, BALLET -American theatre periodicals of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1185 -Ballet drawings. 1625-26 MICROFILM 2012- 0366 -Collection of plays MICROFILM 2011- 0074 -Constantin: drame en cinq actes et en vers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -The diaries of Joseph Holloway, 1895-1944 from the National Library of Ireland, Dublin. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1111 -Diégarias drame en cinq actes et en vers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 21 -Fortunia: drame en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 15 -France et Espagne, ou, La Louisiane en 1768 et 1769: drame en 4 actes / par L. Placide Canonge ; représenté sur le théâtre d'Orléans, le ler juin 1850 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Grand bal de la Douairiere de Billebahault: ballet dansé par Le Roy au mois de feurier, 1626 / vers dvdit ballet par le sieur Bordier. MICROFILM 2012- 0372 -Guatimozin, ou, Le dernier jour de l'empire mexicain tragédie en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 18 -History of the Philadelphia stage between the years 1749 and 1855 MICROFILM 2012- 0182 -The J.M. Synge manuscripts from the Library of Trinity College, Dublin (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1113


-La famille Créole: drame en cinq actes et en prose ; représenté, pour la première fois, sur le Théatre français de la Nlle.-Orléans, le 28 février 1837 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -La tireuse de cartes drame en cinq actes et un prologue, en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Le comte de Carmagnola drame en cinq actes, dix tableaux et deux époques MICROFILM 2010- 1077 -Le comte de Carmagnola drame en cinq actes, dix tableaux et deux époques MICROFILM 2012- 0297 -Le fils de Coralie: comédie en quatre actes en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Le parleur éternel: comédie en un acte et en vers; jouée par M. Gilbert sur le Théâtre d'O̕rléans, le 12 décembre 1859 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -L'école du people MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Les manucroix: comédie en trois actes en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 3 -Les martyrs de la Louisiane: tragédie en cinq actes et en vers, précédée d'un prologue ; Sara la juive, ou, La nuit de Noël, drame en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 14 -Les noces vénitiennes drame en cinq actes MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 21 -Manuscripts of the Bibliotheque Nationale MICROFILM 2012- 0358 -Mila, ou, La mort de La Salle: drame en trois actes et en vers MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 1 -Nineteenth century theatre periodicals (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1171 -The octoroon, or, Life in Louisiana: a play in four acts MICROFILM 2012- 0247 -The Oscar Wilde collection (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1103 -Qui perd gagne: comédie en un acte et en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 2 -Richard III drame en cinq actes, en prose MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 20 -Shakespeare and the stage. (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0075-0078 -Shaw : the papers of Bernard Shaw (1856-1950) from the British Library, London. MICROFILM 2010- 1143 -Suite du Répertoire du Théâtre Français. MICROFILM 2010- 1181 -Table des auteurs, graveurs, dessinateurs, libraires et imprimeurs contenus dans ce volume MICROFILM 2012- 0375 -Twentieth century British theatre periodicals (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1172 -Vers povr le Ballet des Bacchanalles MICROFILM 2012- 0377 -The W.A. Henderson scrapbooks, from the National Library of Ireland, Dublin. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1112

WOMEN STUDIES -Alice Cary Risley Diary October 19, 1864- August 21, 1868 MICROFILM 2012- 0253 -American Civil Liberties Union archives the Roger Baldwin years, 1917-1950 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5204 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 2, ACLU Foundation project files (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5205 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 3 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5207 -American Civil Liberties Union archives, 1950-1990. Series 4 (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5208 -American Women's Diaries (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0079-0081 -At the sign of the hobby horse MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -Bibliography of American women MICROFILM 2010- 1205 -The Brontë manuscripts, literary manuscripts and correspondence of the Brontë family from the Brontë Society collection at Haworth Parsonage and the British Library, London. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5182 -The case of John Smith his heaven and his hell MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -Colonial discourses MICROFILM 2010- 1160


-Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 1, Early travel accounts by women and women's experiences in India, Africa, Australasia, and Canada MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one: Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 2: Women and "the Orient." MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 3, Women and "the Orient" MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 4, Women, the Americas and world travel MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -The economic, political, and feminist papers, the J.S. Mill, Harriet and Helen Taylor collection from the British Library of Political and Economic Science, London. MICROFILM 2009- 5193 -Excentricités américaines MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Femme et statue MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 4 -Gaskell and the Brontës literary manuscripts of Elizabeth Gaskell (1810-65) and the Brontës from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds. MICROFILM 2010- 1152 -Herstory (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5186 -Hester Thrale-Piozzi, Samuel Johnson, and Literary Society, 1755-1821 the Thrale-Piozzi and related manuscripts from the John Rylands University Library, Manchester. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1115 -Irish women writers of the romantic era papers of Mary Tighe and Lady Sydney Morgan from the National Library of Ireland. MICROFILM 2010- 1147 -John Stuart Mill the economic, political and feminist papers a listing and guide to the Research Publications Microfilm collection. (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5189 -Judith Sargent Murray papers MICROFILM 2013- 0001 -Latta, S.R. Journals MICROFILM 2012- 0255 -Les femmes du Nouveau-Monde MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 7 -Michael Field and fin-de-siec̀le culture & society the journals, 1868-1914, and the correspondence of Katharine Bradley and Edith Cooper MICROFILM 2010- 1150 -Origins of Modern Feminism, Part 1: The diaries of Constance Maynard, founding principal of Westfield College, University of London (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5179 -Planned Parenthood Federation of America records, 1918-1974 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1114 -Sex research. early literature from statistics to erotica (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5209 -Storyville reports on commercialized prostitution: April 25-27, 1927 MICROFILM 2012- 0170 -The truth about men and other matters MICROFILM 2012- 0299 -The Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection at the New York Public Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1128 -Virginia Woolf manuscripts from the Monk's House papers at the University of Sussex (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1136 -The Vita Sackville-West and Harold Nicolson manuscripts, letters and diaries from Sissinghurst Castle, Kent, the Huntington Library, California, and other libraries. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1140 -Working women in Victorian Britain, 1850-1910 : diaries and letters of Arthur J. Munby (1828-1910) and Hannah Cullwick (1833-1909) from Trinity College, Cambridge MICROFILM 2010- 1144 -Women and/in health (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5191 -Women and/in law MICROFILM 2009- 5200 -The women composers collection from the holdings of the Women Composers Collection, the Music Library, University of Michigan. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1124 -Women, emancipation and literature the papers of Harriet Martineau, 1802-1876, from Birmingham University Library. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1207


-The Women's movement in Cuba, 1898-1958 the Stoner collection on Cuban feminism (guide included) MICROFILM 2009- 5178

WORLD HISTORY and TRAVEL -Absenderverzeichnisse des Frey-Grynaeum MICROFILM 2010- 1259 -Catalog of Austrian monastery collection MICROFILM 2011- 0032 -Catalogus codicum manu scriptorum qui in Bibliotheca monasterii Mellicensis O.S.B. servantur : in memoriam anni ab introductis in hoc monasterium Benedictinis octinigentesimi MICROFILM 2010- 1261 -China through western eyes manuscript records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1792-1942. MICROFILM 2010- 1142 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 1, Early travel accounts by women and women's experiences in India, Africa, Australasia, and Canada MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one: Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 2: Women and "the Orient." MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 3, Women and "the Orient" MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series one, Women, travel, and empire, 1660-1914. Part 4, Women, the Americas and world travel MICROFILM 2010- 1160 -Colonial discourses. Series two, Imperial adventurers and explorers. Part 1, The papers of Sir Richard Burton (1821-1890) from the Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office MICROFILM 2010- 1161 -Colonial discourses. Series two, Imperial adventurers and explorers. Part 2, Papers of James Augustus Grant (1827-92) and John Hanning Speke (1827-64) from the National Library of Scotland MICROFILM 2010- 1161 -Confederate imprints (guide included) MICROFILM 2011- 0082 -Diary of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. kept on a trip West and South October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855 [Recounting experiences and observations of J. Alexander Fulton, Esq. on a trip West and South including Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana, Texas, October 1, 1854 to January 3, 1855] MICROFILM 2011- 0003 -The Inquisitions manuscripts of the Spanish, Portuguese and French Inquisitions in the British Library, London (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1134 -Japan through Western eyes manuscript records of traders, travellers, missionaries and diplomats, 1853-1941. (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1153 -League of Nations documents and publications 1919-1946 (guide included) MICROFILM 2010- 1133 -Les deux Amériques: histoire, mœurs et voyages MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 5 -Manuscripts from Universitní knihovna MICROFILM 2011- 0008 -Österreichische Nationalbibliothek manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0009 -Prague University manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0107-0109 -Prague University manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0283 -Salzburg Studienbiblio manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0077 -Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg manuscripts MICROFILM 2011- 0010 -Vienna National Biblioteca manuscripts MICROFILM 2012- 0105-0106 -Voyage en Europe en 1895 MICROFILM 2012- 0249 Reel 6