(2-8-0 ?Ea-01-Ke 3,574,658 United States Patent Office Patented Apr
April 13, 1971 M. M. FULK ETAL 3,574,658 DRY-LUBRICATED SURFACE AND METHOD OF PRODUCING SUCH SURFACES Filed Dec. 22, 1967 INVENTOR. MARION M. FULK By JOHN E. SCHRODT (2-8-0 ?ea-01-ke 3,574,658 United States Patent Office Patented Apr. 13, 1971 2 In general, the binder-secured dry lubricant is a step 3,574,658 DRY.LUBRICATED SURFACE AND METHOD OF in the right direction, but is a complicated treatment with PRODUCING SUCH SURFACES many shortcomings. Marion M. Fulk, Livermore, Calif., and John E. Schrodt, It is an object of the instant invention to provide dry Boulder, Colo., assignors to Bal Brothers Research lubricated bearing surfaces which are operable over very Corporation, Boulder, Colo. broad temperature ranges. Filed Dec. 22, 1967, Ser. No. 694,028 Another object of the instant invention is to provide int. CI. B05b 17/00, B24c I/10 a process by which dry lubricants may be applied in a U.S. C. 117-8 16 Claims superior manner to standard size, off-the-shelf parts. O Still another object of the instant invention is to pro vide a process for applying dry lubricants to surfaces of ABSTRACT OF THE DISCLOSURE virtually all configurations or geometry. Dry lubricant such as molybdenum disulfide is applied Yet still another object of the instant invention is to to a solid surface by interposing the lubricant between the provide a dry-lubricated surface having a low coefficient surface and a force generating means such as a peening 15 of friction and rate of wear which is not subject to particle particle, preferably by applying the lubricant initially to flaking.
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