General Index
General Index Abydos 291 Alcmaeonids 130, 264–5, 265n109, 314 Xerxes and Artabanus at 90, 92, 235–6 Herodotus and 265, 265n109 Achaemenes (brother of Xerxes) 92, 111, Alexander I of Macedon 111n20, 156–8 advises the Greeks at Tempe 220n177 Achilles 6, 14, 14n64, 19, 21, 40, 40n14, 42, speech to the Athenians 62, 96–7, 112–13, 51, 55n81, 122–3, 175, 175n12, 209, 211, 250, 182–3, 187, 217–27, 231–2 259n89, 273, 273n42, 275 alliance speeches in Herodotus Acropolis Alexander, Spartans and and ‘wooden wall’ oracle 118 Athenians 217–27 Cleomenes on the 68n119, 207 Aristagoras 187–203 Adeimantus 50–1, 83–4, 112, 117, 118n39, 135, Athenians and Spartans 227–33 139–42, 139n121, 141nn130–1, 146n147 Greeks and Gelon 203–17 Aegina, Aeginetans 56, 107, 133, 146, Alyattes 179 206n122, 210n139, 272, 278n159 Amasis 91n207 Aeneas, speech of in the Aeneid 40 ambiguous Aeschylus arguments 280, 314 Agamemnon 40, 46 Greekness 18, 226 alliance speeches and 176 motivation 208–9, 208n128, 227, 233, 266 alternation of speech modes in 46, see also Greeks 46n45 Amompharetus 66n116, 71–2, 269 and Herodotus on Xerxes 95–6 Amphinomus 53–4 barbarians in 13–15, 115–16 Anacharsis 77 Eumenides 22n106, 176 Andros 143–4, 190 exhortations in 243 Greek debate at 55n84, 83–4, 149n161 Greek disunity and 19 antilogiai, dissoi logoi 25 Persians 10n42, 13–15, 13n61, 15n71, 95–6, Antiphon 25, 27, 244 95nn225–6, 115–16, 213n150, 243, Dissoi Logoi (treatise) 25 254n78 Protagoras 25 Seven Against Thebes 19 Antinous 53–4, 125 silence in 40, 40n13 Archilochus 243 Suppliants 13, 15, 176
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