Field Check List of the Birds of Dutchess County, N.Y. August 2019 Edition Observers ______Date______Note That House Sparrow Has Moved to Column 5

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Field Check List of the Birds of Dutchess County, N.Y. August 2019 Edition Observers ______Date______Note That House Sparrow Has Moved to Column 5 Field Check List of the Birds of Dutchess County, N.Y. August 2019 edition Observers ________________________________________________________________________________Date______________________ Note that House Sparrow has moved to column 5. Localities___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ WATERFOWL ____ Ruby-thr. Hummingbird ____ Glossy Ibis Vireos Thrushes ____ Brown-headed Cowbird ____ Snow Goose ____ White-eyed Vireo ____ Eastern Bluebird ____ Rusty Blackbird RAILS, GALLINULES, COOTS, VULTURES ____ Gr. White-fronted Goose ____ Yellow-throated Vireo ____ Veery ____ Common Grackle CRANES ____ Black Vulture ____ Brant ____ Blue-headed Vireo ____ Gray-cheeked Thrush ____ Virginia Rail ____ Turkey Vulture Wood-Warblers ____ Cackling Goose ____ Philadelphia Vireo ____ Swainson's Thrush ____ Sora ____ Ovenbird ____ Canada Goose DIURNAL RAPTORS ____ Warbling Vireo ____ Hermit Thrush ____ Common Gallinule ____ Worm-eating Warbler ____ Mute Swan ____ Osprey ____ Red-eyed Vireo ____ Wood Thrush ____ American Coot ____ Louisiana Waterthrush ____ Tundra Swan ____ Golden Eagle ____ American Robin ____ Sandhill Crane Shrikes ____ Northern Waterthrush ____ Wood Duck ____ Northern Harrier ____ Loggerhead Shrike Waxwings ____ Golden-winged Warbler ____ Blue-winged Teal SHOREBIRDS and GULLS ____ Sharp-shinned Hawk ____ Northern Shrike ____ Cedar Waxwing ____ Blue-winged Warbler ____ Northern Shoveler ____ Black-bellied Plover ____ Cooper's Hawk ____ Brewster's W. (hybrid) ____ Gadwall ____ American Golden-Plover ____ Northern Goshawk Jays and Crows Old World Sparrows ____ Lawrence's W. (hybrid) ____ American Wigeon ____ Semipalmated Plover ____ Bald Eagle ____ Blue Jay ____ House Sparrow ____ Black-and-white Warbler ____ Mallard ____ Killdeer ____ Red-shouldered Hawk ____ American Crow Pipits ____ Prothonotary Warbler ____ American Black Duck ____ Dunlin ____ Broad-winged Hawk ____ Fish Crow ____ American Pipit ____ Tennessee Warbler ____ Mallard x Am. Black (hybrid) ____ Least Sandpiper ____ Red-tailed Hawk ____ Common Raven ____ Orange-crowned Warbler ____ Northern Pintail ____ Pectoral Sandpiper ____ Rough-legged Hawk Finches and Crossbills Chickadees ____ Nashville Warbler ____ Green-winged Teal ____ Semipalmated Sandpiper ____ Evening Grosbeak OWLS ____ Black-capped Chickadee ____ Connecticut Warbler ____ Canvasback ____ Short-billed Dowitcher ____ Pine Grosbeak ____ Barn Owl ____ Tufted Titmouse ____ Mourning Warbler ____ Redhead ____ American Woodcock ____ House Finch ____ Eastern Screech-Owl ____ Kentucky Warbler ____ Ring-necked Duck ____ Wilson's Snipe Larks ____ Purple Finch ____ Great Horned Owl ____ Common Yellowthroat ____ Greater Scaup ____ Red Phalarope ____ Horned Lark ____ Common Redpoll ____ Snowy Owl ____ Hooded Warbler ____ Lesser Scaup ____ Spotted Sandpiper ____ Red Crossbill ____ Barred Owl Swallows ____ American Redstart ____ Surf Scoter ____ Solitary Sandpiper ____ White-winged Crossbill ____ Long-eared Owl ____ N. Rough-winged Swallow ____ Cape May Warbler ____ White-winged Scoter ____ Greater Yellowlegs ____ Pine Siskin ____ Short-eared Owl ____ Purple Martin ____ Cerulean Warbler ____ Black Scoter ____ Lesser Yellowlegs ____ American Goldfinch ____ Northern Saw-whet Owl ____ Tree Swallow ____ Northern Parula ____ Long-tailed Duck ____ Bonaparte's Gull ____ Bank Swallow Longspurs and Snow Buntings ____ Magnolia Warbler ____ Bufflehead ____ Laughing Gull KINGFISHERS ____ Barn Swallow ____ Lapland Longspur ____ Bay-breasted Warbler ____ Common Goldeneye ____ Ring-billed Gull ____ Belted Kingfisher ____ Cliff Swallow ____ Snow Bunting ____ Blackburnian Warbler ____ Hooded Merganser ____ Herring Gull WOODPECKERS ____ Yellow Warbler ____ Common Merganser ____ Iceland Gull Kinglets Sparrows and Allies ____ Yellow-bellied Sapsucker ____ Chestnut-sided Warbler ____ Red-breasted Merganser ____ Lesser Black-backed Gull ____ Golden-crowned Kinglet ____ Grasshopper Sparrow ____ Red-headed Woodpecker ____ Blackpoll Warbler ____ Ruddy Duck ____ Glaucous Gull ____ Ruby-crowned Kinglet ____ Chipping Sparrow ____ Red-bellied Woodpecker ____ Black-thr. Blue Warbler ____ Great Black-backed Gull ____ Clay-colored Sparrow GALLINACEOUS BIRDS ____ Downy Woodpecker Nuthatches ____ Palm Warbler ____ Black Tern ____ Field Sparrow ____ Northern Bobwhite ____ Hairy Woodpecker ____ Red-breasted Nuthatch ____ Pine Warbler ____ Common Tern ____ American Tree Sparrow ____ Ring-necked Pheasant ____ Pileated Woodpecker ____ White-breasted Nuthatch ____ Yellow-rumped Warbler ____ Forster’s Tern ____ Fox Sparrow ____ Ruffed Grouse ____ Northern Flicker ____ Prairie Warbler Creepers ____ Dark-eyed Junco ____ Wild Turkey LOONS ____ Black- thr. Green Warbler FALCONS ____ Brown Creeper ____ White-crowned Sparrow ____ Red-throated Loon ____ Canada Warbler GREBES ____ American Kestrel ____ White-throated Sparrow ____ Common Loon Gnatcatchers ____ Wilson's Warbler ____ Pied-billed Grebe ____ Merlin ____ Vesper Sparrow ____ Blue-gray Gnatcatcher ____ Horned Grebe CORMORANTS ____ Peregrine Falcon ____ Savannah Sparrow Tanagers, Cardinals & Allies ____ Red-necked Grebe ____ Great Cormorant Wrens ____ Song Sparrow ____ Scarlet Tanager PASSERINES ____ Dbl.-crested Cormorant ____ House Wren ____ Lincoln's Sparrow ____ Northern Cardinal PIGEONS and DOVES Tyrant Flycatchers ____ Winter Wren ____ Swamp Sparrow ____ Rose-breasted Grosbeak ____ Rock Pigeon HERONS and Allies ____ Olive-sided Flycatcher ____ Marsh Wren ____ Eastern Towhee ____ Indigo Bunting ____ Mourning Dove ____ American Bittern ____ Eastern Wood-Pewee ____ Carolina Wren ____ Dickcissel ____ Least Bittern ____ Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Chat CUCKOOS ____ Great Blue Heron ____ Acadian Flycatcher Starlings ____ Yellow-breasted Chat ____ Yellow-billed Cuckoo To facilitate entrering data into ____ Great Egret ____ Alder Flycatcher ____ European Starling ____ Black-billed Cuckoo Blackbirds eBird, species names and ____ Snowy Egret ____ Willow Flycatcher Mimics ____ Bobolink taxonomic order follow NIGHTJARS ____ Little Blue Heron ____ Least Flycatcher ____ Gray Catbird ____ Eastern Meadowlark The eBird/Clements checklist of ____ Common Nighthawk ____ Cattle Egret ____ Eastern Phoebe birds of the world: v2019. ____ Brown Thrasher ____ Orchard Oriole © Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club, Inc. ____ Eastern Whip-poor-will ____ Green Heron ____ Great Crested Flycatcher ____ Northern Mockingbird ____ Baltimore Oriole ____ Black-crowned Night-Heron ____ Eastern Kingbird SWIFTS and HUMMINGBIRDS ____ Red-winged Blackbird ____ Yellow-crownd Night-Heron Updated August 2019 ____ Chimney Swift .
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