There aro still several brohoii sidewalks Tcncliers' Association. Soveral awnings have been harvested PRATT & CHILD, A Cash Premium. that by repairing beforo snow eolnes to stay- this week. Tho following is the programme of the may prevent broken limbs or possibly necks. Forent City Baking Powder, 25 cents a Inifhain county Teachers' Association, to All parties owing us over six months pound, at Coo & Clark's. * Fully roaliniiiR that no county paper on bo held at Mason, Saturday, Dec, 8, 1888 ; The Busy Grocers may expect thoir accounts placed for collec­ One dollar and twenty-fiye cents, cash in For every $2 worth of goods purchased . which there is as much labor nnd money MORNING SE,SS10N, we give a ticket that entitles you lo One tion it not paid at once. * Brown Bros. 11:00—Soloctlon by tho Ulu'b School Cliolr. advance, between now nnd Jan. Ist, will Share in onrGrand Distribution of Presents THEY ARE AIL WAYS AWAKE expended as there is oli the Democrat can 11:05—Relation of Palroiis to the School, secure the De.voorat for a whole year, '• Two gentleiniin from near Mason by the to take place at Armory Hall, Jn'n. 1, con­ boAirnished for less than ,'rl,oO per year, Job T. Oainphell, Mason TO TIttE ItVTERESTS OF ducted by a cnlnmiteo chosen by ticket hold­ names of Stevens andVanllorli have bought 11:20—Discussion led by J. S, Huston, WUlUiiiston Every mail, every boy, come to tho only ers. The following goods to be given away: THEIR l»ATRO]VS. yet it 1ms heeil our cuHtoni for a (ew years Losey & Co.'s meat market,-OdW Register. 11:35—Geography, Miss Mny Paildock, Mason first-class clothiilg bouse in the city. No, Niiiiie of Prl'/.e, Yalilo. past, for the purpose of inducing prompt 11:50—DIacussiou led by O, Jl. young, Oiioiidaga * L. C. WHl.ii, Tho Clolbior. 1 1 China Tea Bet fl2 00 Ball it Sherman havo another lino of AFTERNOON .SE,SSI0N, 1 Eronch Clock Ill 00 And Aim to Keep the payment and secllrinp; now patrons, to offer 3 1 Gent's Moss Afate Ring 7 00 those S'I,00 velvet shawls; also of the,$3,00 1:,'10—Music, Selection, If your neighbor is not a subscriber to 4 1 Lady's Brilllanf UIng II OO our siihscribcl's somo appropriate pl'omiuin l:;i5—Tlio Relation of tho Teacher to the Pupil, 1 ilanitini- Laini 6 OO shawls. * tho Democrat,you can greatly assist ua by CHOICEST OF EVERYTHING Bupt, T, L, Evans, V/illiainston II 1 Lady's Guard rhiilii S 00 •a dictionary, lUlas of the world, or some- Miss Emina Hill of Leslie, an e.vper- showing hilu your paper and informing him 7 1 Gent's Yost Chilli 6 00 I3Sr TOHEEIR LI3;TR. 1:B0—Discussion'ted by 18 1 Lady's Neck Chain 6 00 thinfi of the sort, alid the plall llas proven ioiiced teacher with normal trainillg, will Miss Nellie Jl, ICiiiippeii, Mason that llo can j?Bt it a whole year for $1,25, if il 1 Haii(iIngLainp,.,... , 'i 00 10 2:00-Lnnt'iiago \Vork in District Schools, I Pair Band llracolets,,,,. 3 OO so sHCoessful that'ivo have decided to this lead in the exel'cises at the Hubhard this paid for beforo .Ian. 1st. The larger onr 11 1 Ohiss Water Sol 2 fiO Miss May E. Taft, Lansing Thoy Biildoln got left, You can always list the better paper we will bo able to 13 1 Pair Band niaceluls 'i 00 yearofl'era cash premium. winter. 2:15—DisouSHlnn hid by T. A. Btovens, Stockbridge III 1 Glass Waler .Set I ,10 filld the Best Goods anil Lowest Pl-loes at furnish you, 14 I PairOuir Buttons 1 llO Ml's. E. M. G. Hawloy of Vevay hfts 2:26—Intermission, The suhscription price to tho Democrat 1,1 1 Sland Lamp 2 ,10 PRATT & CDIf r,D',S. aiW-Mothods of Study, Rov, ,r. A, Ilarnos, Mason 11! 1 Pair Cliff Bullons 1 UO been appointed vice-president of the Ing­ Thatcher's Orange Butter Color is fiolv is $1,50 a year, but at any time before Jan. 2:16—Disciission led by Supt, D, Howell, Lansing 17 1 Stand Lamp , , ,. 1 5^^ found in nearly every hamlet that can boast is ham County Sunday School Association, to a:00-Solo, . Mra. S,H. Culver, Mason 1 Ooiit's Scarf I'ln , 1 00 Ist, 1880, wo will accept !til,'25 por year, 111 1 Largo Doll „ 1 50 fill vacancy. 3:06—Nnmbor Work in Prininry Grades, of a store, as woll as the largest cities 2U 1 Gent's Scarf Pin I OO 21 allowilitf tho siibsorihor to retain 25 cents Miss Ll/.zio Trofry, Leslie throughout the daii'y belt in Ihe U, S, and 1 Largo Doll 1 ,10 Gloves and iiiittells for everybody, at L. 1 GlaasSet 1 IlU 3:20—Disciission led by Illiss Clara A. lliillun, Mason Old stlhsci'ibol's as well as llew can take Canada, and llas been thoroughly tested 1 GInsB Sot I 50 C. Webb's, llle elotller, * 21 1 Glass Sot 1 00 Now is the lime to buy a ladies §3,00 and approved by tilouannds of our leading 'i6 1 Glass Set 1 ,10 ndvalilaKo o( this ofl'er by first pnyitl/? all ill 1 Glass Set 1 (10 L, H, Saunders, the Maplo street dealer Bright Dongola Shoe for I5i2,50, ut Hunt­ oroalnery men, * 'il 1 Lady's Work llasket 1 (W arrearages at tho regular price, $1.50 per in uents' furnishing goods and boots nnd ington's. * 2li 1 Volnmo Dickons 00 J. C, Kiinmel's sale of clothiilg, hats and 2il 1 Lady's Work liaskol 1 uO year, shoos, has an advertisement in the Demo­ .Ji'E<^^Jiafe£"H^^i7H!^^ li We hope there will not be ono of our caps for ladies, men and ellildren; also 30 1 Voiiimo Dickons 00 '^''oul llros.& Co"'H •'Saxon""'Lnii'tidr^^^^^^^^ crat this week, 31 1 Lady's Work llaakot 1 00 Somo seven or oi;?ht hlilidred of our sub Vi'trctatdo 1)11 Soap. Fivo Cenis perCalio. Uuox- subscribers who will not have something ladies' cloaks, and ladies' gents' and child­ 32 1 Volume Dickons CO coiied ijy any Soui* in tlio Jlurliot. Charley Monroe is furnishing all who de 3;l 1 Lady's Work Dnskot I 00 soriptions expire diiriiipr ne.\t month. We to be truly thankful for to-day. ren's underwear of all kind.s, gloves, mit­ 34 I Volnnio Dickons fiO 36 I Volnine Dickens (10 for sale PRATT & CMILD. sire, with wintes radishes nnd celery. Hnv tens, wool and cotton hosiery, corsets, lace, need the money and make tins offer hoping The liquor tax oven in Ingham county 3li 1 Vohinie Dickens 00 ing tested, we can vouch for tho quality veiling, rnshing, ribbons, velvets, plush, ;i7 1 Ynliiiiio Dickens , 'JO thereby to secure il. At this price our list amounts to a sum much larger than many 3,1 1 Yolnnie Dickons • (iO being exeellont. Ingluiiit County D^niocmt embroidering, edgings nnd linen collars will 311 1 Volunio Dickons 00 ouKhttobeillcreasedto 1,800 between now would suppose. Counly Treasurer Long 40 I Vuiuiiie Dickcnu , 00 Wanted.—That book account you owe prove a bonanza lo purchasers, * 41 Published every Thursday year informs us he has already collected 1 Volume Dickons 00 42 hy and Jan. Ist, and will be if our subscribers nie and should have been paid long ngo. 1 Volume Dickens,, ,. 00 this year §15,000,0-4, and there nre still two Married. 43 1 Volunio Dickens , GO O. p. WIIITitlORE & CO., will assist us. Respectfully, * C. G, Hn.N'TlifOTON'. 44 1 Volume Dickens 00 or three dealers who havo not settled. HoLooMB—Wellman. In Mnson, Nov. 46 1 Volume Dickons 00 MASON, mmUGAN. D. P. WniTstoRE k Co. The evening meetings nt the North 2()th, by Rev. E. B. Moody, William Hol- 40 1 Volume Dickens CO 47 1 Volnmo Dickons GO L. S. Hudson of Lansing, recently paid comb of Mnson and Millie Wollman of PRICES : Mason, Nov. 20th, 1888. Aurelius church, being conducted by Rev 48 1 Volume Dickona 00 ijiSOO for an English "purp," and last Leslie. Vaar,$1.50; Six tnonihi, 75 conti; Three DoLamarter, ai'e still being continued, with monttn,40 oenta. I.OCAI. AlVJO GElVERAIi iVBWS. Saturday it died of congestion of the lungs. Don't, Buy Your Arclios Until very good results. FORD & KIRBY. If we conld purchase all the dogs in Mason You have seen the Colchester Artie with Business Directory. The large quantity of quail, rabbit and for what they are actually worth and sell Delhi ta.xpayers see notice. tho "outside counter." Its the bost fitting ATTORNf^VS. partridge in the market would indicate that them for $300, we would mnke a handsome and best wearing arctic now made, and is Seo notice to Vevay taxpayers. game is quite plenty and sportsmen are made 'pen honor (or reputation. Tho "out­ Geo. M. nuNiiNQToN. Geo. K. Dav profit. ONTINQTON.!: DAY, AttornoysandOounyelors enjoying themselves. side counter" adds largely to the durability. lit Law. Omco over ITIrst Hational Bank Time to plant your holiday advertise, These are cheapest in the end. No extra MoHson.Mloh. Si'l Books cheaper than ever at Kiramel's The annual salary of the president of monts. book store. * charge for the "oulside counter." Ask to T, CAMPBELL, Attorney at Law, Conveyunoiiij; tho United States is $50,000. We make this see tho Colchester Arctic. Sold here by and colloctlons a speciality, Maaon, Mich, Ton bars good soap for 25 cents, at Coe The St. Johns Independent says a sure JI [Olllcu Up Stairs, over DKiieciUTulllce. Btnlement to settle a dispute between read­ L, H. Saunders, boot and shoe dealer, No & Clark's * 22 Maple street. Mason. E, S. AVBUV, SuwiN N, BllOWN ers of the De,moi;rat. thing in the belting line was that of a young VERY .v HUOWN, Attorneys and Connsolors See notice of desirable lots for sale or couple oyer in the township of Ovid, who ",iiw, Ollico ovor Earmors' Bank, Mason^ A few gross of Roger Bros.' 1847 knlve.s, exchange. wagered that if Cleveland was elected he When You Come 12 oz., nt ,$3 per dozen. Spoons and forks PHYSICIANS. Best 2flc tea in the city. was to marry the lady, and if Harrison was at corresponding prices for the next 30 U. CULVER, M. D., Physicion and Surgoo Tiixpiiyors of Uullii. to Mason, A. L. Vactbrcoqk, elected she was to marry him. The cards , Oltico ovor Webb's Olotliini; Store, Maaon, M days, at E, Culver's, Maaon. * S I will bo at the store of Park & Phillips OCTOR A. D. CAM PDliLL, Physician, Surgeon nre out, Bear in mind the Farmers' Club meeting Holt, every Friday during tho month of OlDceoTor II. M. Wllllam'sdnigstore,Mason Some scoundrelly thief stole a good D next Saturday, Have vou seen Godci/'s Ludy's Book for December, for tho purpose of receiving whalebone whip out of Rev. DeLamnrler's B. DODGE, M. D.,llomo)pathi»t. Olllco in Dnr- taxes, 'i8tf Alon/.o Tbompson, Treas, , row block. Residence corner A and Oak Sts. December? We haye. It is n Christinas J A full line of women's felt and warm cart during seryice at the North Aurelius A. LOCKE, M. n., Iloinoopathist. Olllce over gem. Full of choice stories, fine fashion- Wanted. shoes at lluntineton's. * church last Sunday evening. D, lluntinKton's shoe store. plates, with ample direction for making Twenty-five cords four foot wood, Tho crop of "little Belljalnin Harrisons" AUCTIONEER. The chimes of a new bell, ringing in a elegant garments, talks ahout shopping, A. Q. Lyon, at Williams' drug store DEC. 1st., call is snid to bo increasing. [OllN llIMELBEBGER.Anotlonoor. Property soli new belfry on the Bden school house, now home nli'airs, and whatever a sensible and Vovny Taxii'iyoro, at the I at reasonable rates. Impiire at this olllco. Jl-8!> Pr. Goucher of Nashville, has been con­ calls the children from recreation to duty. tasteful woman wants to know, I will be at my home each Friday in UNDERTAKING. victed of Grave robhinc;. Mias Minnie Nelson pulls the rope. December for the purpose of collecting Neely & Huntington of this city, who P. STROUD, Uudorlakor, first door west of th ta.ves for 1888, and at the Farmers' Bank Read Ford & liirby's list of presents to S, Demooiiat olllce, Mason, Mich. Two lirsbclass One thousand fur caps at L. C, Webb's, have done a successful season's business at in Mason on each Saturday. Bee Hive hearses and hotter facilities than ever before. 61 tf bo qiven away January 1st. the clothier. * their evaporator works at Bath and in this 48w2p C. A. HoLDetr, DENTISTS. and get a Hot Cup Call and see the elegant line of holiday city have closed for the season, having put There wilt be a meeting ol the uniform Notice to laxpayors. P.VANDlJaEN,DBNTI8T. Ollicoin Darrow I will be present to receive taxes as fol goods at Kiinmel's hook store. * up about 35 tons of dried fruit at Bath and ofMonaroliTea block, llasoii, Mich. rank Knights of Pythias at their castle fows : On Fridays at the town hall, Alaie- A '10 tons at Mason. They i»lso made about A Chinaman visited Mason the last of the hall next Tuesday evening, Dec. '1th, at (Ion, and on Saturdays at tho Farmers to Drink. SURVEYING. 10 tons of jell stock at Bath and 15 tons week with a view of locating hero. which time every member is requested to Bank, Mason, during December. p. DUAKK, Deputy County Snrvoyor, at Mason. 47iy3p Upton Hammond. Mich. Drain work a specialty, appear in full dress uniform. A. B. Culver has the finest display of holiday A special sale of felt boots and shoes at Show Caso For Sale. FINANCIAL. goods ever shown in tho county, * At a Sunday school convention held in Huntington's. * Six feet long, nickel corners, nearly new. M. DRBSSER, Insurance, Loan and Oollootlon Leslie last week, reports were received Inquire of A. V. Merritt, , Agont. AllbusineBspromptlyattondod to. Of The postoffice lightning rods are now People should remember that a pot of J from eight organized Sunday schools in flooln ITarmers' Hank,Mnson. more numerous than tamarack poles. water on the stove that burns coal or gas i'onltry Wniitod—Alive or Dressed. the township. This is certainly a good INSURANCE. is a necessary article. This is always use Highest price paid in cash. See me before Custom feed grinding Tuesdays and Fri showing for a republican town. A. IIAUNES, AROnt, Rives indenniity against loss you sell. J. D. Swart, Aurelius. days. HoLLEY & Bullen, North Aurelius.* ful in close rooms with carpets on the floor. . by fire, Tornado, Accident, to Plate Glass, Man Five good brooms for 50 cents, at Coe & if Store oJr Beast, Olllco ovor Earnior's Bank, Mnson, 12 The skin and lungs always need moist air LudlowH aOO Kid Mutton This section has been favored with some Clark's. • * .r^ABMEBS MUTUAL EIRE INSURANCE OOM People have noticed that plants do not At Webb's Cnsh Shoe Store. JJ pany of Ingham county , Safest, cheapest, host, delightfully pleasant weather during the Ball & Sherman claim that their four per flourish in a room where coal ia burned For Information write to O. K. Miller, socrotary. Call and settle that account you owe. past week. Mason. R. .1. Ballon,president. Mason, cent certificate scheme has met with more because a slight poisonous gas, or vapor is must haye the money. * F. W. Weuu. Satin and silk trimmed fur beaver over than the success they expected durillg the continually escaping. This is not noticed HEAL ESTATE AGENT Lndlows 130 coats, the finest in the land, at L. C.Webb's, past year. All who have availed themselves by persons, but plants quiokly detect it and ARSHALL ,t OaSTBRLIN, Loan, Collection, Is tho best shoe in tho world for the money, Insnrancoand Real Estate Brokers, Ofllco ovor the clothier, of the privilege are well satisfied. do not thrive,—j^a;. only at Werh's. Mid A Co,'s Furniture Store, Mason, Mich. Tho Sons of Veterans will meet at the OHK DUNSDAOK,Real Estate andLoanAgont Rev, L, G, Brown, a noted evangelist The Mary Ann Gunn house for sale, Jn Big Bnrgains lu JTlannels Main street,south of postodlce. Mason G. A. R, hall ne.vt Tuesday evening, for tho Haye ODeiiefl Tlieir lei J from the state of New York, will commence quire of 0. W. Halstead. * and Underwear, nt Marcus Gregor's. eleolion of oflicera. a series of revival meetings at the Baptist Tor All Kinds of Dentistry TEETH ^'^"l^t^e^s. Jay Lewis, whoso unfortunate aooident Twelve fine sheep were liilled upon the church this evening, The public is specially Go to W. N. Moffett, Dentist, Mason, Mich. TI107 will not drop resulting in the.loss of his left hand, we W->t Fuller farm, just east of the city, last Friday invited to listen to tho first threo sermons Another Line or got loose. mentioned last week, reached the home of gilt. Shoot the dogs I ot the series. Of tbe 35o Wool Tricots just received al his parents, Mr, and Mrs. 0. J. Lewis, Roots that have lost Marcus Gregor's. their crowns restorod to You will never find fault with the Buffalo Alaiedon, last Saturday evening, accompa STORE thoir original ai7,e and Our dealers have e.tceptionally fine Jaoksou Well and Sower Tile " Beauty by tho insertion flannels, to be found only at Ball & Sher­ nied by his brother Rodney, who was also slocks of holiday goods this season. Read Of all sizes, for sale by of Porcelain Crowns. X'lrat Eoox Baot o£ tlio Daxxiocrat All tho Latest Iniprovo- Iheir advertisements. man's. * at work at Waters and accompanied him to Densmore & Coy. meiits in Dentistry. Detroit. They expect lo return to Waters See the beautiful range in Ball A; Sher­ The indisorim inate use of air guns, aling Tor AU Klnd.s of Dentistry WM. N. MOFFETT, shots, and other equally dangerous imple­ the last of this week, and Jay believes he Go to W. N. Moffett, Dentist,;Ma80n, Mich Dentist, man's window; * ments by the younitsters of this city, is will be able to reanrae business. He dis Mason, fidioh. A year's subscription to the Democrat Clualcs. CloalcB. plays more grit than most boys. startling and we believe for the safety of A large und attraotiye lino of New Fall would mako an acceptable holiday present, the average citizen should bo prohibited by and Winter Cloaks just received at to some absent friend. Our 25o Coffee is extra fine. Try it and the common council, Marcds Gbeqor's. be convinced. A. L. Vandercooe. Friday evening of next week occurs the New Flushes Wkere you can find the Very Best (CENTRAL There will be a meeting at the library annual election of the olEcera of Phil. Mc- About fifty of the near relatives and a In all the new and popular shades, received Goods and the rooms Monday evening, Dec. 3, at 7i30 Kernan Post G, A. R.. few intimate society friends of Miss Smith this week at Marcus Greoou's. p.m., for the purpose of arranging a pro­ from Albion College; met in the parlors al Now is the time to get your felt boots gramme for a literary course. All ladies Xho Largest and Most Attrnctlvo the residence of S. S.Smith of Meridian, cheap, at Huntington's. * , and gentlemen who are interested, are cor­ Line of Dress Goods just opened at LOWEST PRICESI to witness the roarriago of Miss Flora Smith Marous Gregor's. dially invited to be presant. James Madden of Lansin? is serving a to A, R. Hardy on the evening of the 2lBt TVautea—What Tou Owe Mo. 15 davp sentence in the county jail, for Rev. L, DeLamarter of this city, has inst. The ceremony was performed by AUpersons indebted to me are requested ndulging in a crazy drunk. accepted ah invitation to preach the re­ State Supt, Joseph Estabrook, and Miss to call and settle at once. I must have the money. ' 28tf C. F. Brown. Quarterly meeting at the Maaon M. E, opening sermon at the FirgtM. E. church Lillie Smart, daughter of D. D, Smart, for mmi mu i soDTiiwAnn. Iioavo Mnson-Lansing Ao... 8i20 a. lu, C.60 p.in. church next Saturday and Siinday, Presid­ at Lansing next Sunday. The church has merly of Albion College, acted us bride's 0:40 p. m. Tor AU Kinds of Dentistry Ar, JooltJon-LanBingAc,,,. !);10 a. m. been closed for some ti nie while tindergoing LoBVe Mason ;.10i26 a.m. 9:32 p,m, ing Elder Thompson officiating. maid, and Prof. T.L.Evans of William- Go to W. N, Moffett, Dentist, Mason, Mich. Arrive Jackson.. ,.11:211 a ra. 10:30 p.m. e.ttenflive repairs and improvements. : ,ston, as best man. The occasion brought TRY OUR 5Oc TEA. I Arrive Kalamnzoo...... 2:01 p.m. 1:20 a.m. Don't forget that Huntingtoii still keeps Jackson Stono Drain Tllo Nlloi ..... 3:27 p.m. 3:03 a.m. many beautiful presents. After serving of full lliie of ladies $2 shoes, the same as And Sewer Pipe of all sizes onhand and for Chicago 6:Mp.m. 7:00 a.m. Capt. Geo. A. Miliar and family are ex­ refreshments, the hacks called at 10 o'clock sale by J. W. Chapin. Eden, Mich. 3:16 p. m. 0:00 a.m. other dealers charge you $2.50 for. * : pected to arrive in Mason this week and OUR 45g honey SYRUP /'•'-.'••IV I to take them to the 11:53 train on the For Sale or Kxoliango. I Arrive A nn Arbor,,,, p.m. C;08 it. m. There will be a regular meeting of Custer will settle in their oozy little home on Mo- (I Grand Trunk, and after a short trip Mr. Yp»lli""l 3:00 p.m. -• C;24a,m. Improved farms and oily property, Will Surprise You. Council, No. 629, B. A., Thursday evening, Robert street, recently purchasetl of Mra, Detroit dilOp.m. 7:30a,m- aiid'Mrs.H. will make their, residence in Marshall & Cabterlin. St. Tbomaa .11:06 p.m. , 12:45 p.m. M. Ryan. Mrs. Minar and son have boon Deo. 6. Business of importance. - . Buffulo 3i36 a.m. 4:66 p.m. Mason, whore Mr. Hardy will have charge ntoney to Loan NoBTiiWAnn. ,. in Washington Territory for the past year, •loavo Jackson—Lansing AO 0:00 p. m., 10:20 a, m. Farmers, take your produce to C. A. of the office of register of deeds. They On real estate, at tho Former's Bonk, Ma Mr. M. spending the winter there and with I • Arrive Mason—Lansing Ac. 9:52 p. in. , 11:10 a. m. Bennett's ware rooms, two blocks north ot are deserving of a cordial welcome by our son, Mich. lylp k\ for Farm hM Iioavo Jackson ,..„„ 7:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. the opening of.nayagation resuming his , . MoBon...... 7:55a.m. ,, 5'24p,m. Maple street. "He always pays cash, * r Arrive Lansing, , 8:20a.m. 5:48p,m. accustomed position in command of a boat people. DonitlBtry. j * OwoiBO 0:2Sij.m. 7:13p,m on the lakes. Beat Toeth, $7.50 t Filling, 50 cents up; Saginaw City, 10:50u.m. • 8:35 p,m> A thilMn A. J, WilleitB', carriage •wafl Grand harvest ol bargains at J. C. Kim- Come and See Us. ; DayOUy...... „....„.n:46 a.m. ' 0:30p,m. Extracting, 25 cents Teeth extracted with­ broken Tuesday by his hbrso getting frieht- Don't FAiiii to Call and pay that bill mel's closing outsdle of his entire stock of : Mackinaw City..,..,.; 0:05 p.m. \ 0:30,a, m. out pain by the use ofj Nitroua Oxide Gas, Respectfully, Iff, J.MtTBBAV, ' O. W. BOOOLia, , ened' at a biiffalo robe and jumping oyer goods for ladies' and,men's wear, cheaper I Ticket Agont, ^ Oou'lPaaa. and TlokotAgt. you dwo, mo, for I inuat haye it, •',r• • „' A-.'pIVahDeusen, I tta railing to ivhicli he «raa hibhod. V ^ for cnahithttn-any store in .Mftsoti.; , f: Darrow bl6cki*^,\^^'-;:V:\ HUNT & TRIM. -^Arthur Sanford, ngod Kl, was killocl' Enii£». Tho bcndqnnrlors nro siipposod ro lowny, a rolalivo of tbo lato 0. P. Jfor-1 nr(3: Clovolnnd, •f bii nlXoith Viuroii, two nlile.'i iioilli ol' lon, who was ])roillinent ns ouo of thu In- ' ponioornlio liiaijority , ,'J:i,l)8.'j. 'Tlio total by a fulling tree nt Kong Lake, Grnnd '•i;i>f|ip?« Ingliai!) Co, DeniociT 1. Wltiroii, I'll. "Willi llio parties alTodoil, a diaiia Kilpportol's of Judgo Crdshein and ^.^.^ ]],n;i2 loss than four voal-is ago. Triivorso County. liil-go nulouiit of onuntorl'eit nlonoy was llio other ls L. ^\, JleDimlol, an Indian- , ,,,, •jj,,,,,,,,.,,^,;, „,„joritv is 'l,ll;Vl groaler, EVicNTS Axi) iNrii)i-:>-r.s that riAVE n]!olis pj'inler who has been a loild-.'.v - • - ^ • ' . t>. . . L.Wl'i'lrA' OC'CUUllKP. —.E. S, Potts dropjied dend of bonrt- MASON. MIOI-I. oaptiil'Od. Tlio diiVorent inembelH of llio 1 ; , , , • ,. ,1 I,., IJeinoerjyeuiociiiLilitide l^uiCoiigrcB.siii u n nro olocted ia gang havo boon located iu a ilnnlber of ,n Ihe loeu labor (jr&oinii^attons, mi.l m lo ^. . disonso ou his farin, four miles from Pc­ ids of the Slato. towns ill lhat vieiliily. gave miiiorta-it iiul to Gen, Iliirnson dur- ., toskey, D. I', WHITMOlil'; .fc Co., - i'um.TSEli.ma An Tnlerosliiii; Sniniiiiiry of llio JMore .Tm- lI,,„n,,ug the'eiuiijiii'gi, ,.„.„t,ni..nl. . 'rlicr'.l-'hcl'iei nmam iiianmanyv IvoKo- J-" 15 Ollleiiil rroluni( s from Now Jfcxioo lllo Sii]>ionlo Council of novovoigii ]iul)lie ins, I iiuover, who liulieve th it show tho olccliou of ilosojili iDom.) lo jiortlilit l>'^^i{;'^lll(ll•s—VYoil- —'.rbe Agriijullnriil Collogo baa iaaiiod grand iiispcotors geuornl, lliirty-lliird and (Itu^s and llcatlis ~ Criiuos, Cll.Bt^llItie^i, (.'apt, William 11. Illereditli, of dhiciiyo, CougroBS over Otol'o (Kop.) by ],7',!0 lnu- bulletin No. '12, Il is Iloni tbe A'lilorinary last dofjico, of llio Ancient and .•Vcco|iti.'ii a-Iiil CuiKU'iilXow.s iNijlos, , ... , , -, , , will bo clioseii for Ibo po'dtiou, Jlo was jovily, 'Pllo Logislalnro stands ns follows: ot oxporiuiolltnl SooMi b Kilo of FroeiniiBon.s for lliu -Tbo Prosidotil has appointed Mis,s i l^opiirtniout nnd treats Ti-iE WIDE \mm n iiienibor of Gcll, irairison's rc.gilllelit 'lloniio—liepiildiciiUB, la; Dolnocrats, il. Uiiiloil Stiito.^ of Americii, tlioir lorrllories work among boraos, during tho Into war, and it is well knowu Connci]—Kepublieluis, 7; Doniooriils, f; Lonna Stacy postnii-ill'ess of 'I'ocnlusell, and dpjioliilelleies, nlcl in iiiiiuial Bc.^siou Ibid; Iho Krcsidout-cluct has a warm feel­ Indepondout, 1. vico Judge Stacy, lier fiitbor, wbo died —'.I'bo Mackinaw Liimbor Compnny, ot il\ Kew \'oi-k, '.l.'lio followillg ollicoiss woiO ing for liinl." A CiKal giie of Die Wciilc'.s Iiriiior- GiiAiii.MAN Quay has ciiUfd a nlooling lately, St. Igunee, is operating two cainpa this oloclodfor tho oluiiiing year: 'J'liF, Pl-ciidellt has a)ipoinlod lllo fol­ of the .Exoeiilivo Comiuillo of tho ltc])ub- sensoii, ouo in tho vieiilily of '.Prout Lake taiit Occiii'rc.'ccs lowing po'ilmdsters; .Jollli 1!. ^\'ilsorl, —A nonl Gorman JTolbodist Church .lohn J. Cloimiin, Now York, M. P. S. Cr. C.; licali National Coniiililloo for AVodncBdiiy, aud Ibo other nl Los Glioncaiix, nnd it is WilM.in A. Ilori.ilaor, of (ihio, P 1,. (.1. C.; li. Col'iiing, loY.'ii; Ij, Loalili Stacy, Tecnin- bus boon built aud paid for nt Francisco, iJoe. f), at Wasliiligtoil. Siiiiiiiiiiri;^i!(l. A. Fro 111 Lev, n[ Micliitlttii, M. of H. ami (1.0.; expected to hank in the jieigbborhood of John Duyd, Kow Voili, ii. 'I'. 0. 11. H.; Jidnnl. Kch, Mich. Tllo pl'Oscnt iuclinibeut ot tbo Jilcksoli Counly. It co.st $2,1.00. Baikor, hioiiklyii, (1. W. (i.; ilopldiui 'JhompKoii, West .Slljiorioi' iM'is.) postollieo, Which ,0,0iil),(l0() foot ol logs, Kow York, Kocpov of llio Aicliivos; Muitti li. FRESH AND NEWSY. —Jaoksou railway aw ilclimou havo HaiTliieloii, 01 MiiBsi'.cliiisetln, tl. W. of 0.; has beoll rnlsod to Iho .I'rosidolitilll class, —Ovid is to havo an AI gylnliasinni, Inlclliscnee hy Klcclric Wire from formed a union with twonty-livo chartor lauao 1'. i-lrttliniii, of (.iiiiuoclient,, (!, W. (i. I I'i. has beoll ]'on]i]iointi.>d, dLiiiiiB lliliviir.ls, of Mliuu.Boia, (1. b. ii.; Oliver TifE Secretalw ot tho Treasury has •—Tbo following from lllo Grnss Lake Every Qiiurier of the Civil­ niombci'S. ]!•, ],lii,i(;K, of iNubnistii., II. U. of (1.; Itebi.Tt II. nwiirdoil a gold inediil to AVilliani A, Har­ • SOUTHERN INCIDENTS. XcAi'H is not oxnclly Bostoncso in its J'olijci-, UrooKlyji, C. B. G.; .lohu G. Darker, ized U'oi'Id. ris of Snu Ffiiilcisco, Cab, for rescuing —Otsogo -vvna Iho first connly losond Geii^iriil Liopiity. ]ibraseoiogy, biitilliita Ibo unil squarely Harry AViUis floin drowning in Ibo .I'a- tbo otlicinl rc'lurns to lllo Socl'otiiry of Ma.toi! KF,.\iiY ,T, FAit.Nswoii'i'u, As­ 'j'lin Motlioilist Episcopal Jlissioniivy So- eilio Oeonn, near Sniila jAlnrgiirita Crock. on the bead: "If it liian will eliewlobaeco Stnto's olfico. oiely, in sosKiou iu Now York City, inailo sistant luspeelor Oolioral, died nt Fortress Gill., in August, l.S.sfl, and silver niednls wbo ia addicted to tllo ' aloliborilig habit,' —Tbo I.nko Shol-'o depot nt Hudson is Iho following appi'opriations: Soiithorn Jloiu'oe, aged about pO, ns follows; 'I'o l^rivillo .lanins Ill'nllliiiig, bo ought lo bavo a galvanized glllter lo Californiii Swedish Jlissioii, $7011; .Tndinii of llio Sixlb United Slates infantry, for coinplclod, Jt is a bnudsoino stnlctnre. J[a,t. a, K. 'J'iio.Mi'SON', a cotton factor Ilia under lip in ol'dor lo catch 'the sUr- Teiritory, $<2,70ll; Chil;ON0 jlissioil of San saving .I'rivnio EdliunlilH of the saalo of Now Orleans, Ga,, was shot on tllo traiu —Hudson hns no stores or ilousoa lo pltia' ovoiflow. 'Tills drool inigbt llion bo ,SII»ir...\l£ TO WUITKCIfAJ-liL, i'raneifico, S7,o(l(>; •Inpiinose Mission of rtjginient I'rolii drnwning at CIriilid linpiils whilo on his wily to Toxarkana by Young Htm Franciseo, l?l,.'ill; Californiii (,'oil- Crossing, Utnli, in June, I-^Sli; Priviilo rent—all occiljiiod, convoyed fbrougb n tin eondlietor down PJurtler nf ii I'.'nsnnt-CJir'l to Pnn;urii I''iit lloiTOS, a travoiing mail from St. Loliis, feronco, !?'I,5II0; Cohunbia Kivor Confer­ .Tohn Coylo, ot the Twoiily-sooond United Willi U'hidli 1.0 J\L-ilty tackled tbo box, nnd tindiiig the lid J, Daniels, ainco doecased, wns engaged Aflorlioins out tliirty-.six Ilouni tbo .Tajii'.s K. iiEDEi.L, tllo voal flstale clork lli'diiiioiul, \'a., iiiiiiieil Irnlorlek Tuiiior of Steel Conipally near Harrisbiirg, and tho fiistonod they lore it oil' by niiiin force, nnd riibulolphia, thu prosont 'JVoaainvr; I'eMilovIy jliry ill tho fiimolis l.[ilibard-l''ly lireilcli- Carnogiu AVol'ks at Piltshiii'g, Pa,, eaeh in tllo livory busiuoss in Lnnsing, he had of a New Yolk law linu who swindled his uoniiii.'iLoil ,lolin \V, I'layii of Now ,1'rsuy, pros- discovered a badly frightened man inside. of-proiniKo case al ISoavor, Va., brouylit oiiiployors nnd tlicir elieuls out of 5'''-lil,- em, .S.Kirotury, and W, "(i. i'rico of New York comiiiiiiy supplying ono-tbil'd of the iu his euqiloy a man wbo was not rcmaA- In answer to inquirios be said his namo iu a vordicl in favor of tho (lolondiuit, Tn'esoiiLnd iho iimiio of Mrs, I', Bleionii of amollnt, nnd tho jirico is to bo 1^28 per toll 1)00, has been sentenced lo Iwonly-livo 'l.'.,|(Mci, Ohio, Q.'lio vote ntood : llajs, S;i; 'I'lir- ahlo for Ilia staid and aoticl' ways, Tho and iilnciiifa' lllo costs oli tlio prosuou- lijiou delivery at stated periods during wns AVilliiiiu liexi'ol'd. Finding himself yeal'S ami four mouths in ,Stale jirison. iior, , II; Mrs. SLovoiis, :1, I'owdorly liiiviuf! prnc- man was linnllj' discllargod, l'ouiovod from tioii. Tho aniionuoemoiil was rocoivod Lieally roiiuosiiicl iho oloc.tidu of llii.you l.lw ro- next your, without molioy, nnd liiiviiig indulged in i'liilip S. GoKs, a"|ioliey dealor,"'wliO got uiilL is ceusidcrod ii. I'owdiU'ly victory. .Mr.s. T. that city, and waa onliroly foi',golteli unlil willi apillallKo. Tho liiianimily of o])in- conaidorablo beer, be look shelter in a box, $;!0,I1II0 of the stolon' funds, was lined M. liiury was ro-clooiod liy ncelnauilioii ns f>i- A, .IjOuisvilIiE (Ky.) special sintos that ion in llio colnliliililly lliut tho jlll'y iiad rocLor niiu liivestifiiiter of \Voiiiau s M'oik. JMr. nioniory waa rooillled by a littlo incident ?1,1)110. Cot. iTohn 0. Mool'o, of Denver, Colo,, is iulendiiig lo have u shop. Apparently done ilio rifjlil Ibiliy wua really wonilor­ I'owiloi'ly was uliosun to rtyirosont llio nrilor I'econtly. It nppoars tbiit after his dopar IM, lilt) I'liris o\]ioiiiUoii. --Mlor Ills ro-uleotiou in that city with ii formal cbiillongo i'l'Oni some ono bad seen him stowing bilnselC ful. As i\Tl'. Fry tvallcod up tlio street •WESTERN HAPPENINGS. turo tllo follow, wboso niimo wi:l be sup i\Ir. Pou'ilei'ly stilted tliiit alLlioiiuli his finlnry Judge liuckor to SenatorBlnokhurn, which away, aud wniliilg until bo was asloep hiul beuii loft lit .•^,1,0.10 ho wollid atcojiL only friiili liiR ollioo lo his holiio lie was ap- prosaod for fiutlieiout voiison, bocnine .•>:l,ili-ii, anil • l. tho Olid of his torni liio order eon it is as follows: bud quietly screwed down Ibo lid nnd proiiidiod by iiieii luid women who tou- y.. G. JliiOniiii;, ngod CO, wbo bns been do ^vliaL H pioiLsed with llio biilaufo. .\k eiuidl- "DiiN-vnii, Col., Nov. 10. pious Motbodist, onliroly transforinod in mado hilu a prisoner. derod tlioir coimriiluhitioiis. ail iniuiilo of tllo Alloli County (Ohio) (liiLort for Liiriiiitiorn of t;.o (leiiertit l'l:;ociitivo "To tho Tfon. ,T. 0, S. Biaoliliuiii i all his liiibits. Ho now resides in llio '•Pooibonso lor thl'oo mouths, has mado l^oiiv 1 l\iv, i nsvdoidy nniHOiituil ilio iitiiiiod of "Siu—'Jho imbtiHljod iiucrviow impatod lo yon A, W, AViiuht of 'I'eroiilo, OiiUuio, ,1, ,1. cniicoiniii^^ a eou\uitifit.tiiii b-awotin iti.innlf ami l.illle Chilli Ciil.shed on llie Tnadc. allidiivit charging lhat llio innlalfls wol'O Stale. One day biloly Mrs. Miraiid —A Grass Lake dry-gooda firm dis­ Ilollaiid of JuoUsoiivillo, li'iii., ,lolin Coa- tho I'ro.-idoiit, of I.ho liiiitoil Slatcii at liio Wtiiio Charley, the f-year-old so.i) of Mr. tfilo of riltsbiii-K, ,lohn liuvlin of l.io- given jioor food and little of it; tliatlio Jiuuao last iiioiicli rollncis iijiou mo as a Koiitle- Daniols, widow of Manford J., and gen play,a slocking in front of tlloir store of lioit, ,r. A. yVriglit of I'liilniloliiliiii, .Tohn ,1. Kraft, forciliiili of tho shops of bad not boon givoii a chaugo of clolliimg mail. Vou-will iiialoifllaiifl t.lio purport, nf tliiii ornl delivery clol'k at tbo posloUico ill T. Jl, l\IcOitiro of New i.'oiI\, fl, C. 'rnip)iliiL;!;:iii Ibo lollowillg dilnonsions: Koilglh of foot, the Kvallsviilo and Tcrro Haute lliiil- note, whtcii wilt Ito liiiiidofi lo yon liy my frlotul in all thnt time, ami lhat the rooms ill of Ciiieiuimii, nnd ,1. Cro.Tluy of fliiiirioaiowii, Ctil, Jtiiin C. jVlcioro, ilo iviU al.uiiid lo all lio- Lansing, rocoivod a letter frolu'lho man in 21 itichos; aroiiiul ankle, 2(! Indies; whole road, was at play on the railroad tracks which thoy wele kejit woro dirty alld Jfiiss, 1.111 the. fivBl ba-Uot, A, W. Wri^hl, ,1, ,1, laild on my part:, A iiiieiiiif: boLwueii uii will ilollaiid, iLiKl John Coiitollo woro olei.lOit. Two probalily (ioieririiiio which ii uiiLltlod lo bo quostion, containing a draft for S-10, and ul the Liifiiyette .•Vvouuc crossing, Evaiis- liltby. '.riio cbal'ges v.ill bo invcstigntod, leiiglli, •l.'J iuehos. 'I'ho Jsnes says it is inure ballots wcvo iiccuH.iirv I'O eiect tho fourth called 'yeatleiaan.' lienjioi-.ljfiilly, villo, Ind!, wilbiii a fow yards of the mointiorof tho boiuil. ,lol'.ii Dovliii wiiH chosen, tbo iloto accolupatiying it oxpbiined all CAI'TAIN- MAIjOOL:!! S'1.'ALKR1!, a WcU- A, W. lUlCKEU," tbo size worn by the belles of Cbolson. icsiilelice of his piirciils, wllcli a yard lleliriiifj Gunoral AYortliy J.''oroiiiiLii JiicliiiTd Ho volntcd bow bo appropriated20 when kuown lidio captain, dlod nt bls home in Griliitlis of Cliiengo and Doioijatn .Uoiwarte of John Arkin:^, editor of tlio /I'wi/.v/ Mouii.- —'.I.'ainarnck City Jlolbodists \\\\\ build eligiile, hackilig down tho track with Ilol(;iiuii woro jiroseiitod with j.;olcl badyoa. i.n Mr. Daniols' servico, nnd bow in aflor Toledo, Ohio, lie bad boon Ihilty-oigllt tain KewK, of Denver, was interviewed Ui a (dinrch and pnrsonngo.. lots worth somo frolght cars, ran ovor him, cnltilig yoars it bad troublod his eonscience lo years in active servico iu thomorchaiit ma- Jiis body iu two auil eru.shiug bis bead Now A'urk, ;ind siii.'l: fti.Otl bavo boon do.iated by SUeblen iV. lino, beginning before the mast and rising 1 conf as lliat .1 diil not tli'n.-. tlioro was any- snob an extent that bo hoped lo Jiiul ro lo a jelly. ACROSS THE OCEAN. Douglass, of Hough I on, to ihe coniliiaiid of ii luiinbor of dili'ereut tliiiiij aorioti.s in .liKlL,'e Kiiokin's alLiludo lOwitid lief only in restoring tbo monoy, with in .St.-iui.or Jll,^cki.ii;-n nnlil ,f iul','u W. i'. jrorrili iraa A IMollier's Awfitl l>ey tlia iiioru ti^' toroBt, —Nick Viindciilioss, of Ifougblon Lake, ADCDLn^' tologram says that a .Kerry Iiaiiors lliat .liiilj^o J-'t'-'irill a.id .riiiiiio l.lienor During the absoncu of her liiisliand will put iu ],50(l,()(:o feet of liis own tiin­ JIkss Anna Blakely, a salesgirl in a fanner named Daly lias boon murdered w,iiuad tu iiioel, .Sonaier blaeivbiira on Lh* lioUl Mrs. William rrilitt, living on Knll of lioiior. If ,liuatu li'crriil is qiiurrd eorrcctiy, —Tbo cnpitid city is going to havo illoro Lima, Ohio, Rtoro, was seriously if not near '.fnaloo. llo Intoly came fl'om Ameri­ bor lliia winter, and alreaily bas over luiil l l.allevolio is, I liavo no (loiibt tii.Tta ditei Creek, eighlooli inilos sonlh of Ozark, filially iujii'red iu a Biligular mauuol'. A vvili'ds. The city uoods now voting pre ca and look a farm from wbicbatonaut ia ^ oiitoiiipl/.Leil. ,lii'Jp;o Ji'cji'rill ia not, t.ho man lo 1,000,000 foot on tho skids, Mo., nttnckod her daughters, aged 11 pair of seissors hanging from lior belt hy had hoen evicted. 11 was. at lirst supposed eiifjnfio 111 any affair of hi,'iior iinlfisH biisiiiei,s Is cincts. and 1'2 yoars resiiectivoly. with a hatchet ft rubber cord caught on a eonnler ns she niuiiiiL, W lillLeVL-r 1 may liino said nbuiil —AV. C. Irwin, of Broeklyn, sbippod that tho Clime was colnmiltcd by nlooii- Judyo .Uiickev Twill ilo liiin tbo justieo now of and then went out in the mad alld cut — Cheboygan is thinking Bcrionsly of 1,000 gallons of applo jelly to 'I'exaa ouo was wnlkiiig by, held nnlil tho cord wan lighters, but tho evidoilco at the iliquost tayinK Ifiat lliu toiiiu ctioii w itli ,Jad!;o tt-i-rill Ilcr tllroilt with it. She died instantly. slion.i ho iiiltiiil.!! 10 iisht. Jiulgu I'OiTili has ii, asking tbo Logisliiture to mako n city of slrotcbed ligblly, aud llieli bocamo nnfast- leads to tbo belief Ibiit tbo uinrdor was week, t'Ciiiai'li».bio leeoi'd Ior i.oura;^o niiil liariiif;, and Olio nf tllo girls is dead and the other cnud. The cord conlriicled with such tho result of a family fcutl. 'riio boy wbo ,1 iiil.^o ftiicicor ia ivoll ai\ arc thai, if ho is ijaotoil bor, cannot recover. No cause known ex­ —Tho Ilgui'o 9 is thna slrangoly con- forco that tlio points of Iho seissors wore liOliliod Daly's wife of ihe murder leslilibd by liim thoro is lie I'liireat, f ruui a square, opou cept lhat the woman was Hci/.ed with a llylit (Ul trio Held ol honor," —Tho Lansing Coudonsod Milk Com nectod Willi the lifo and dcitb of atornior buried iu bar buck lo llio dopth of an that sho docbivod tbal sho was ghd, as suLldon fron/,y. pany is M'onriug wnr paint again. Farmers toaclior ni tbo .Hudson school. Mrs. Lios- inch, pouotniting tho siiiual column and she would now havo the lilud for hoiself, '"Ihyti you Ihink lhero v,'lll bo a ilnol'.'" "1 know thuro wilt bo if ,iu .ge t'orrill Btill cou- iujuriug Iho spiunl cord. will persist iu drawing milk from a pump, mor wns boru iu 18.09, was luarriod iu Ucpn'S^ioii l-'elt ill r;\o«li, and tho iiiiorior do- —Two nnd six-tontbs miles of pavement Mexico and go into hnsiuess. While visit- shop al riymonth, lud., in shiipo for 'The official veto of Now York State bus inaud for nionoy bia Blnckoiud. 'i'be osports —Tbo Coiigrogntiounl Church nt Mnn- for ihrao wocus lali 1 per coui. bolov^ last y ,'1.7.5 tlint Lauberboiraor hnd fallen lioir to a plcto ooutracls. biliou, l,]2(i; Union Labor, 17S; Socialist, Hiiiu-li n.no only somo brown paper and a few pieces 0 ii.,';o •\vill bo stocked with ,0,000,000 fiot of Mr. cousidorablo lunouut of property. 1,772; DemooiMtto plurality, 03,813, Six Wni-iAT—No, S Koil LOSlii© iM\i. of coal, Owen's owu lumber, mnnnfaotul-od on tbe Oninlixl Votii of t)liii>. bnndrerl nnd sixty-six ballots were doCeo- Coux—No. li ,-10 lU, .-lOlf, Oats—No, '2 ,'j.'i;'iiai .'y-M —A year or two ngo, says tbe Ovid Tho following is tho official rote of TnE Stato Bank at Valparaiso, Nob., tivo out of 272,078 cast. Out of 272,000 river. Tbo yard trndo tlioro is dovoloping Itvii-No. 2 ,,'i:) tO) ,"3 Ref/inler, wo reported that a snake nbout Ohio for Presidential electors, as com­ has failed, and it is reported that tho pro­ cast for Govoi'nov, Hill (Dora.) received n.iTVEii—Obo'oo Croaniary .SJ (pi ,115 rapidly. At OAvondalo Mr. Owon's now CuKiMii—t-'ull Cream, flat tbo size of a horse b;iir and nbout six piled in tho oCico of the Socrotary of 1(!S,4,'5.J, Miller (Rep,) ()l),,'!52, nud Jones .xO'Mi .Jiv. saw mill lias mninifnotiired about 3,000,- prietors, F. Soovillo nnd G. A. Crafts, Koos—I'rosh .'I'J. @) .23 • (Pro.) 1,227; Hill's plurality, GO, 102. Tho inches long bad boon found m a bou's egg. State: Wholo number of votes cast, have fled. Tbo liabilities aro not known. I'OTATons—Car-loads, por bu .;i'2, @ .lis 000 foot of lumber to dnto, nud his shinglo ail.lUl; llopublioan, '.Uti.OM; Domooratio, total Democriitic voto cast in tho Illnyor- FoM—Jtoss 1-1.2D &1-1.75 Ono dity lately Miss Bromley opened nn Geneuai, AV. C. Newbebky has tnkori MlLWAUJ'tElil. mill bns-manufactured 2,000,000 shingles. 39G,'155; Prohibition, 21,35ti; Union L.a- nlly contest was ISfi.OIIO, of which Grant egg and found a white snake about the tbo oath of oflioo na postmaster ot Chica­ AVm-lAT—Cash 1,02 (2i 1,021.2 bor, 3,190. Eopublioan plurality, lt),5'Jt). (Tumnlnny) bad n.l,in, Howilt (County Ciinif—No, 3 ,.10}il© ,-11)6 —Tbo Kalamazoo AVagon Comp.any liavo go, aud has sont tbo oath and his bond,s size of-ft kuilting-noedlo and about tbroo Domocraev) 71,!)7n, nnd Eldinrt (Eop.) O.VTS—No, 2 Whito ,10- iii ,31 to Wnsbiugtou, Ho has formally notilied sont an invoico of Iboir bnggies lo Austra­ iuohos long wbicb showed vigorous signs GoSV Has 11 Now. Ryi.;-No.l i.. .5ti & .57 73,027. Grant's plurnlitr, 32,132. ]lAur,EY—No, 2 ,71 (3) ,72 Postmnstor Judd that bo will lake pos­ lia and auothor carload to California, The of lifo. 'The mystery is bow it clime The olootion of Gon. Nathan B. GofC, The oflioial enuvassol; tbo vote of Mioh- rouii—iVIoBa 11.00 (ais.oo session Doc, I, and bo bns appointed Col. BMTBOI'i'. prospects for future busiuoss is very Ilat- there. , Eepublionn oaudidiito for Governor of ignn gives Harrison a plurality of 22,90(1. Eon his assistant. CAriLi.;..... 3..';0 @ D.OO •NVost Virginia, by a majority of 1515 is toriug, Tbo total number of votes cast wns 41:1,- IIoos...... i.M ii.i'i —Houry Austin, a highly roapijctod cit- - said to havo boon conooOod by Sonntor Four Mariou, lud., bnlcbors bought SiiEEr ti.CO (lli Vl'i 200, an inorensoof 12,SG0 ovor four yoars -^East Saginaw bns a AVoman's Homo Ibo same fivo bcovos of Cbarloa Clnvk, WxtUAa'—No,'Jltnd.. l.iM\s& b07!(j izon of Bollevillo, diod at bis residence of ; Kouua. The charge ol' groat frauds is ngo/dividod as follows: Hnrrisoa, 230,370; CoiiN—No, 2 Yollow •\r> © .I5!i .aud Hospitiil. Tho preaeiit purpose is to consumption, nftor a painful aucl pro- - still made, aud an iuvostigation of tbo each paying iu cash. Clark is missing Clovolnnd, 213,'lOd; Pisk, 20,9-12; Strootor, Cats—No, 2 Whilo , .'28 0 .20 TOLKDO. pi'ovic'o'bo.spital care and medical sorvico votes of soveral counties will bo mado. and each butobor is claiming tho cattle. 4,512. Irnotod illness of ton inonlbs. Ho wns (M ; WniUT—No. 2Bod. l.Ot (3 LOB to women wbo go to that oity i'or attond- Complete returns of tho election held CoiiN ..13 @ ,il-l years of ago, nud hail been a roaideut of :: : Carl Sclinr/. Arrive.s. THE NATIONAL CAPITAL, Oats-No, 2AVbUo, .27 & ,23 in Dfdiotagivo Mnlbows (Kep.), for dole- anco or wbo btivo not homes in which tboy Bellov.lle for ovor forty years. IIo wns a Hon, Carl Scbrirz and fnmily ba,s ar­ NjiW yohk; gnto, 30,000 m.ajoiity. Every membor of Cati'le.. .3,,'iO & CIO can. bo. properly oai'od for during sick­ member of tho Motbodist, Episcopnl, •,, rived in Now Tork from Hamburg, on tbo The Prosldont bns . appointed tbo fol- HOGS , ,0,50 (tl, 6,2.'! tbo lower bon'o but one is a Eopublioan, ness, Church. IIo has boon a membor of Myr- ; Hlimbnri;-American sto.imsbip Hammo- lowiug-nniued Postmnsters; Kittio L, BiiicKP .., '.'I.Oil i$ 5.51) and Ibore nro throo Demoornts and twonty- AVni-iAT—No, SEod LOs: t*i 1,07 nin, Mr. Schuij! looks imprpvod in Scott, Gidona, 111.; William J. Bronnan, —Dogs nbout Masou are sulToring from tie Lodgo, No. 89, P. and A. M., for about ono Itcpnblicnns iu tho upper bouao of Com—No,2, J...... 50 KS, .W Loaltb, His long sojourn in Gormauy. Sidney, Nob.; John T. McAnony, Lisbon, tbiviy yoiirs,^, . .i/ tbo .Legislature. Tbo total voto of Dn- 0-VTa-AVhl(0. .35 & ,11 a sbcop-kUliag mania, D. T.; Nicbolns C. Stanton, Wost Liboity, Fomc--No-w MeBB 15,75 ©10,25 evidently did bim much good. kota was n.:l,0O0, wbiob, multiplied by Iowa; John A. Simons, Groouloaf, ICnu.; ST. XOUiS. —In tbo tbroo iusnno asylums in I;h6 —Elk Enpids is going to have some: CATTLE.. 4.50 § ,5,76 . It.E. ICoiiruoy, Sheldon, Iowa; AVillianiC. live, gives a total population of ,070.00(1, Uooa , 5,0J (3! 5.,W State t-boi'6 avo 2,250 patients, • stroot lamps. ' , -.v Tbo popnintion of North Dakota on this Bniwloy, Mans on, AVis. At the' follow­ AViiEAT-No, 2 1.02 tfO 1.01 EASTEBN OCCURRENCES. J. AYard is, opbi atiug a .portiable, mill;,;' ing named posloOieos, wbi(3h:wero reoout- basis ifi 21i0,000 souls, Sontb Dakota 2,05.- Coii.n'-Nj. 2 , ,'10 0, ,37 —Eey. C. C. Olds,; long a promiueut' ly' rnisod lo tbo Prosidontial class, tho 000. The iiicroaao iu tlio voto over 18SC Oa'i's-no, 2,...... ; 23 (a) ,'2.i;a figure in the M(3tbodiat Cbnrob at Lan­ in Marion Township,. SnginawCibuiity .li,vnLEi--lo-wa : ,02 ,03 : SPunaEON Peehy, ngod 8!), at one time is 10,000. frosideut basrelippointod tboiuoumbouls: , :-: INBIANAPOLIB,' V sing, died, aged 73. ; He was the futhor of cutting Inmhor: for' Mr. E,. J, E:ng, of possessed of n fortune eatlnialed nt Aui-tin, Cbiliicotbo, :,Griggsvillo, and CiTraE 3.C0 '(HJ 3.5J Ol'MciAL rotlirus from tho bile eleotiou| Sngiilaw City. Ho oxpocts to, manuffict- ',': ; Ilooa O.iO el 5,51 S. S. Olds, Soii'atbr Sibokbridgo's private .isil.OOn.OllO,. .icoumubilod iu tbo patont- Kensington, IU.;, Hnutingburg, lud.; abow n totid vote in- Ohio of 8d-l,l).ll.' SuEKP,...... S.CO :iS!i Ji.O ; ,ure ::l,l)l)O.()0O .feet dnlingV' lbs;' winter.^^ Eslborvll b, Marous, and CoiToctionvillb, iseorot ivy,, • Howa.s onob pastor of the old nVodlcbie busiuoss,.has boon sont to the iiJ^UiiS...... 3.00 Cii .100 Eynu's plul'iility for Sopretaiy of Slato is The llumber will be dcliveroil-atSt','; -Brooklyn (N.Y.) poor-bouse at /bis own lowii; Coolidgu, B Id.^viu, Lcoti, nilil CINClNNA'l'f.. Congress Street.Cbnrob, Detroit,' Eresid- Lyndon, ICnu.; Bftngoij. Micb.; AVniroii 21,!18S.' Tbo tot 1 Labor vote wns 3^152 HOGS.....,,.. 11,50 @ 0,50 ,: 'Charles, .i-^;,,:v.^vf:;•;','':' •:•',•-, l-'::''-^-:'^':'^''::'^ "lotitiost, • • ,, \ • AVniUT—No. a Hud,,....'...... 1,03 (U 1,01 irlg EldiJr of I Ibo Nilbs ' and \ LabsLig: dis- and AVimibago City, Myliii,; Pouca, Neb,; find tbo Prohibilion \oto 19,.120. ,.'.A snoET time ;: ngo 'tbo United Sf ntos- CeiiN-Na,2,, ,43, CK •,•11.: ,! -^li; is rumorbil nlioiit Bellevill^ Kbinolftndoi; su IKica Lako, AVis,; Stur- tricti3| Pro'sidoiit of 'tbo Epek Eiyor Sfni'i- , The offlcinl ennyasa of the voto castfbr OA'iS~No,2 llijefl, ' .il Irgo grni'h blovator:'vwJI.;bo!'biiiltVat: t '.atitbbritiesdoialod n gang of ebnutorfoit- - . 'liiiry,,:Mt.:SIo ris'. 111.', aucl,:.biid. ohargb'of m EYii—No."il;.,„,,..,;.,., ..15, mr..si'- Prosdontiid olootors iri Alabaina. givoa PonK—Moss.;,... :15,2j:®1'>,75' : ,pIacoJin'the;riqal' futu-b; iPitlliol '':oi;s: nearAVivrion, Pa„nud;-iriimodiat.Iy i. E'^'^,'^;^^V^°'' /i, ,tbo;Si)ginaw VaPoy Inililin' .M ,(ilovi;!aiid ll7,31() ybios; :Harnsbnr57,i9^ ,: -KANSAS, CITY.' ;6ot;doteoliVoViit wollii .whobiivo/suceoedocl '" of ;Yiisilantiy:is^proniiri^ ill .Cattle—Cbrloo. orgaiiizod .t;bp pldLatiBiiig Aii'adem .in'uubartliiug.'a wpll-org^ nud P.isk.(Pr6,), ,583; OJeyobind's plti^^^^^^^ IHE NATION_ KNEELS, sounded like tho cry of a child. T^iat seen her'and muClo np his mind to wii\ Paper Mnklngr. THE FREED031 QV 'THE CITY. irOXDEIiFUL CITIES. improved thnt he expects lo resume his vx JAtins wurrroj), can it moan ?" her, and what an easy task lie hnd ipam Deacon ITiibbnrd oponod the door found I'l, for it was without doubt a duties at the opening ol thesesBidn. O Tlioti, tho proiil I'ntlJor of Nalfons I 'I'hon, The raantifacturo of ])apor is a vory Men Who .Are 'J'liiis Honored by the Somo ol" '.riiost; li^otiiid ill Unin.'i in and Btei)ped out on to tho broad pia/.za. case of iovo nt Iirst sight for both of 'The deadly quarrels that the repuhlicnns 'I'lm inlHbty Ojio of iovo luiil moroy; Tliou, interesting study, to look at the rags ns ICntorod at thu I'oHtufllcOt Mntion, Micli,,iiu second Grunt. City orijoiuloii. india. have already devnloped among themselves "Who dlilsti oontrlVd tiio aiiiverso, and i>ull(l As ho did so his foot struck against a them, clMti luiittcir, Tlio Bturs, mill (asliioii tho ronnil worlds) lo spin thoy aro out ti[) by a ragciitlor, then |nit basket, and this tirao tho ory of a child over the division of the spoils, goes a long Tliroiieh spaoo, nljoiliont and iiiierMiii; Then followed a happy year of izito a lunvbler, which is a hollow taper Prince and Peasant, tho Millionaire nnd Now and thou it is aiinoimcod in tlie way towards reconciling the democrats to And yet, from whoso ali-sooijii,', o'ou the upiir- was uiimistakiibls. Lilting'tho liaskot, wedded bliss nnd the birth of tlioir cone covered with wire, into wliieli tbo Ono of tho strangest things in India ia THURSDAY, mvEMBER29,188S. aiay Laborer, by their common use of row's iifo iiowspapers that smun cmiuont man — defeat. \ lie returned to the kitchen and dcpos- littio daughter. Next her husband rags aro carriod hy an endless apron; tho mnllituilo of do.^erled ea[iitals. 'Thoro tills romody, attest the worlil-wido rep­ 'iSoapos not miiioiioeil—now, wo liOBooeli Tlieo, -OP- Usually nil Eiiglisliinaii, but oeeasioually 'Tho negroes of this city have it in their utation of Ayer's Pills. Loading phy­ Ixiiiu Tliiiioonr, for, lo, tlio Nation kiioolsl itod it on the ' "tie; thou wont ouco was taken ill, nnd, ndvisod by tho ])iiy- i'rom the tumbler they go to what paper aro tliruo old IJolliis, tlireo sitccessivo a foreigner—h..s been "presontod with Congress reassembles next Monday, sicians rocoinmond these pills for Tlioro, at Thy (not, uho lifts a awelliiii! iJiiiyor moro out into U, \'lit. sieiiui to travel for a yoar, nud liaving makers call a devil, or, aii reliiioel poopio niipitals of the iliist, all close to oitoh heads that the election ol Harrison has Of Bnitituilo 10 Tlioo. Anollior yoiir is piouo, tho fr.'oduin of the city of ijondou in a other, nil south of the pnwent city. Ouo put them on top, and they aro already Stomach nnd Liver Troubles, Costive- Aud Btill hor Iifo Ihrolia with tho blood of There wero I'o.yiiriuts in tho snow nbundaut iiicaus at theii' comiiiand, .say, railroad diistur or throshor. Tliisi gold box." Tho last to n'oeive this 'The republican aspirnnts for postoDice noss. Biliousness, and Side Headache ; lioiiltii; which led up to tho liouso, nud othor they decided to do so. Not liking i.o is a closed iiiiiuliino, into which llio rags i of tho three is Tiigliiohiibad, a inarvel- making all sorts of demands in relation to Ttorlioiirt ia full of pcaoo, aud inhorTolus honor was the i\rari|nis of I'nrtingtou, Itnis city on a hill, roollessimd absoluto- honors are so nuniorous that Congressman tho local offices. Frod Douglass wants to also, for Klieuniatism, ,'faiiiidicD, and slops that lod awiiy from it; still, al­ tfik'o so young a child wilh tlioni, tlioy aro fed atone end. 'i'ho in.side of this Fi iliist ill I'rospurlty ami Iliril't. '•Ipupon w'bom it M'lis eonferred iu April iu Neuralgia. Tlioy are stigar-ooatod; con­ though ho soarehod through the mnde U|) Iheir minds lo loavo her with maoliine is providoil with livo or si., ly deserted, but solid and gigaiitie. 'Tbo Brewer has felt called upon to publish ail be reeordur of doods, tho notorious Perry •'^ rooognition of his political character aud tain no ctdomol; aro prompt, hnt mild, grounds iind callod aloud miiuy tiiiios, hor gi'andj.'areuts, trusting that slio lioiids or oyliiuler.s rtwomblirig tho cylin­ second ia i'eiw.obad, invdiidiiig tho fort Cnrsoii wants to be district commissioner,^ services. open letter, warning them that applieatiooB in operation ; and, tlicroforo, tho very would will forgiveness for her iiiotlior's ders ol' a threshing luuehiuo. of Iiidriipiit, with a haudiul of iuliabi- but is wiliiiitr to oomproiniso on tho chief TllllEE TJIAJ^JKSCJVnGS. only the iinbrokon silonco of llio night liost mcilioine for Family Use, as well as The custoin is ns ancient one, and is lauts. 'i'hii tliird is tho old Delhi of Ivn- received prior to tho 'lib of March will not nnswored liim. In vain ho listonod, willl'uhinss. of police. Several other negroes aro cun- Those cyliiido.s llirosh and beat Iho for Trayijiers and Tourists. Until November 1st I will ,, . ; attended with nuiuh olaborate ceroiuouy. tub, who was born a Turkish shivo nnd be reoognizedj didates for commissioner and other promi­ nud a sliuildcr ran through his stout What a blessed Tliaiik.sgiyiiig it was rags very niich in Iheir iiiissiigiiissiigoo tlioiigli ^ It ^,,,,.,,^1 distiugiiislied man by tho diedihiiperor of India, liis name still nent district nifices. It is only fair to say "I have derived groat relief from make frumo as lio returned onco ngnin to the i'or them till. Jfiidge was once moro the maehine, and ilumf)) ti V"'"S I corporation of tllo city of .'bondon; a stifvivps in the iuitnb Miliar, tho liiiosfc The republicans have stopped claiming that tho whito republicans aro dead opposed Ayer's I'MIIs. Yivo years ago I was liouso. ,. ihe jiriilo of her l'atluu''s heart, wliilo end. Thoy aro next pi It was Tlmliksgiving Evo. Tho .sun .,!'!..I'LVI? i ''V '•'1 appointed; tlio ( oiuiiioit Coun­ lower ill the world, springingiiloft liko ii to giving a single one of the prominent taken so ill with lleforo tlio fire snt his wifo, nnd on the dear oltl lioiiio was saved and boiler, which contiiua a clieiniuiil sohf- West Virginia, which the democrats ear had disapiiearcd, and ono l.iy ouo vlio eil gatli^rs in ollieial eostiinio in the nn- living orgiiiiisin, and in the oldest uios- ollioes to the negro, but the negroca here hor lap, wrnppod in a soft Ihinnel shawl, cleared from debt. Truly they all hud tion, aud in which Iho rags are boiled. ried by more than 1,500, making Now Rheumatism sliiir.s woi'o opoiiing tlieir briyht oyu.s eieut (iuild hall; ctu'taiu members aro ipio ill India, tlio ICutiib iUosqiiu. are a noisy giing, nnd if ilarrison iiiils to much to bo thankful for. '.I'hia operation is inteiidoil to reduce tho in tho groat, blue vault abovo, nuil the lay tho hivoliost baby-girl iiiiagiuablc. appointed who vouch for Iho worthiness York the deciding state, as was expected, that I was unable to do any work. I Will commence a Discount Sale of SUITS rugs to llbres and lo take away all or 'There is JJaultabnd, on the Ni/.ani'a give tlieui some of the plums they will moon looked down, soi'oiio iind holy. Its bright brown eyes wore wide open, of the rceipioiit of the honor aud \vho took throo boxes of Ayer's Pills and part of tho coloring inatter and' impuri­ dominions, with a fort iit,op ,500 has boon expended State of Michigan, county of Ingliaia, ss. At n yonder'?" blood of tliat same lion, so to speak '/ Blood in the pride of their glorious achievements Stato of lUichlgan, county of Ingham, ss. Probate iiry. 1889, at twelve o'clock, noon, 1 shall sell at Thoro was im instant's pauso, during him and told lior all. The blow, which Athlete Sotmnn next gavo an exhibi­ dose. Price 50 cents and SI. Trial size session of the probate court for snid comity, held at court for said county. this yoar, of which .SSI-1,000 was for ma­ ia thicker than water. Who knows that Ihis or feeling any sympatliy for thoir maimed public auction lo the higliest bidder, at tho front door "Oh, it's only a sort of I'.amily afl'air." free. At all driigtrists. * the probntB ollico, in tho city of Blason, on tho 28tb Ealato of Eliza J. Bennett, deceased. which hor father's I'aeo grow storn and Bocnied to hor so sudden, had beou im- tion of heavy lifting. He stood on a chinery and .';f,59,500 for buildings. '.Uho Hnlford man is not a member of tho British day of Novombor, in tho year oiie thousand eight of the court bouse in the city of Mason, Michigan, '.'A. family alhur," the traveler ex- aud needy comrades who wore asking for Notico is horetiy givon, that Alice P. Rennett, ad­ hard, and not a roaturi) soi'toned as ho poudtiig for mouths, and now tho crash pair of standard sealos, and the beam A Jaimucso Court Kooin. hundred and eiglity.eiglit. (that being tlie placo wliiire tile circuit conrt for Ing- total capacity of all four faotorios com­ Amorican association — an organization ministratrix of said estate, has filed lior tiiial account, iinni connty ia holdoii) the jiromises described in said oluimod. pensions. There is no use denying that a CATAllUll. Prciout, Q. A. Snilth, Judge of probate. looked his boautiful danglitor full iu must come—it was inevitalilo. 'i'ho old was balanced at bis weight, '200 pounds. bined will be ,30,C8i spindles, aud thoy and that I have appointed the loth dny of Doceiii- mortgngo or so inucli tliereof as may hu necessary to formed for tho express purpose of looking powerful prejudice was created in the minds In the matter of the estate of .iohn .f. Sllvernaii, "Yes, my sons, Pill, Dick, Bob an' bor, next, atten o'clock in the forenoon,at the jire. pay the amnnnt duo on said mortgago, with interest, tho face, wliilo his voico trumblod with homo was heavily mortgaged nud A pair of traces were titta died to the A Japauosn court room at tho present ••will coiisumoanunallyabont 10,000 bales late of Aurelius, in said county, deceased. aftor English iiiterosts in tho United Stales'? of tlie aoldiors acainat IMr. Cleveland. Re ID.atnrrhal Deafness, Hay Feyor—A iWew bale olhco in said county, as tlie limo of hearing legal costs and said attorney foo. snid premises being would havo to go; lio had done his best Nod, are \yindiii'up the discussion they scales, aud Professor McLean put on a On reading and tiling the potition, duly verified of passion as he uttered but ono word, moment is a dreary placo, but this is ; of cotton, sending out nouiiy -1.000,000 This should bo looked into by the Irish- tlieruon. ' doscrihod as follows,;to-wlt: The south half of tho publican calumny and misrepresentation Home Troatmont. Addle Siiveriiiiil, widow of said deceased, praying that ^'Go I" Thou tiiruiiig, ho left tho room lo meet tho debts pressing so elosely had this nlornin'. They fall into thorn iOO-pouud weight. Sotmnn lifted that only temporary, for the iutroduetiou of . pounds of yarns aud warps.' They will Dated November 17,1888. sotitli half of the south-west quarter of section num­ republican organizations of the country. lulminlstration of aald cstato may ho granted to somo sort 0' things ouco in a while." did its perfect work, Wo think that dis Siilferers arc not generally aware that those diseases (1. A. SMITH,.TiidEO of Probate. ber twoiity-uino in township throe north of two east and tlio house. upon liiiii, but now he knew, •without a easily. Two hundred jjounds more were Eiiropoan laws and European iiiothod.si givo employment at the stirt to 100 Biiitablo person ; Mr. Blaine should at once bo appointed are contagious, or tiiat Uioy are duo to tlio prnsonco Geo. W. RaiSToi.. Probate Register. •17w2 (Leroy). conntyof Ingiiam in the stato of Micliignn. ".Don't Ihoy hurt each other'?" added, and lhat also came up vory gruntlod democratic veterans onnlributed Thereupon it Is ordered, lhat the iJ'llli day Whoii ]\railgo thought of hor mother doubt, that thoro ^yas no long-.>r a of administering tbeia rendered thu old j hands, but ihis numbi-r will ho increased an envoy extraordinary to interview Mr. of living pai'isitos in tlio lining membranes of tiie Dated November filb, 1888. "Wall, yes, sometimes. Bill bad his easily. 'The weight was raisoil to 800 fully ono-half of Harrison's plurality in nose and ouslachin tuhos. Microscopic research, oi Pocembor, next, ut ton o'clock in tho foronoon rrobnte Order. Lor eyes lillod with tears, and sho al­ ulianepfor redemption, and when tho dopartmout ot police entirely uuuloqnate : as additions aro mado to tho oquipuienfc Harrison as to his intentions concerning iiowover, has proved Ihis to lie a fact, and tho result bo assigned for the hearing of said potition, and that CDllTIS M. IIKEMAN, Assignee. year dawned upon them they would be arm biokeu somo time ago an' Nod had this slate, and all of his plurality in New ESTATE OF DAVID II. FOUNTAIN. DECEASED. most decided to follow licr father, ini- ponnds, aud Sotmitn look a long breath j,, .sizo nud arfaugement and a now one of the now factories. Tlie pay-roll for is that a simple roiiiedy, has been lariiinhitod, whereby tho iioirs at law of s.^id deceased, and all other Geo. W. BnisToi., Attornoy for A aaignoe. -lewll! Y'ork. Cleveland was beaten "in the house porsons interostod in aald ostate.aro required to appear Stato of Michigan, county of Ingham, ss, At a ses­ liouielcss. ouo 0' his ears chawed oil'last fall. Yo.s, aud up oaino the beam. At 1)00 pounds will shortlv be erected. Tho court Great Brilain. To oB'aet this n jpointiuent ciitarrli, catarrhal deafness uiid hay fevorare porina- lalore liis forgivoiioss, nnd give up her wages will bo ,'rl,700 per woek, but aa at a session of said court, thon lo be holden in tho sion of tlieprebate court for said county, hold at the it's sorter dangerous." there must be at least three Iris men in the of his friends." 'The democratic soldiers noiilly cured ill from one to throo applications made probate olhco, in the city of Jlasoii, on tho lOlli day of wild longing for a professional lifn. Mrs. Hulib.ard bore up wonderfully tho athlete did uot I'nlter, and ho pulled i moms nro very largo ami stpiiire, with the forcf! of laborers is iucrensod tho probate olllce, lu tho city of Mason, and show cause, Probato Order. at homo by tiio [lationt once in two weeks. N. B.— November, in the year one thousand eight hundred "Why do yon let them fight'?" 1,000 pounds without luueli more ell'ort. piniu white walls and boin^d floor. Upon cabinet. How would Patrick Ford do for with nn exhibition of ingratitude rarely II any thore he, why tlie prayer of the politioner G?ho next instant .shs shut her lips well uudor this how trial, and did ail tveokly pa,y-roll will,ot eonrso, iuoreasa For catarrhal discliiirgos peculiar to feiiiaios (whites) aud oighty-oight. ESTATE OF ABOIIIBALD BARR, DECEASED. ecitialed, betrayed the cleanest and ablest this remedy Is spocilic. A iianiplilet o-vplalning this sliould not bo granted. And il i» fnrtlier ordered, that firmly togotlior in a straight little lino, "Why dicl Jouah let tho gourd vino Professor McLenu looked ptizzlod, and, a raised platform occiiiiying one end sits corrospoiidiugly. secretary of stale? Prosont, Q. A. Smith, judge of probate. Stfttoof Wiciiigan,county oflnghani, sa. AtasoB. in lier jiowcr to console hor husband, now treatiiiont will he sent on receipt of ton cents hy said potitionor give notice to tho persons interested wither?" after looking around, ho said he had no adniiiiifltration the country has had since In the matter of the estate of David If, Fountain, sion of the probate court for eald county, hold at the and shook Inr lirown curls until thoy help him to bear tho burden, and grow '^ ' ^ tho Judge in broailclotii behind a tublo A. If. nixon ,t Son,.^o:l West King street, Toronto, Insaiil eatate.of tho pendency of said petition,and tho Lincoln's. Wo cheerfully award thoin all hearing thereef, by canaing a coiiy of this order to bo doceased. probate olllce. in tlio city of Mason, on the 12th day of danced about her head iu pretty coii- "Gould"'t help himself." more weights. hung with l.iftix.e, Avith 11 elurk, somii- Caniida.—,yd'i'il((/ie American. acouslomod tn tho, groat change that Fisliiiig for Sturgeon. •\Vasliington Jbettcr. published in tho Inouam Countv Demooiiat, a news­ On reading and illlng tho potition, duly vorillod, of November, in the year one thouaand eight iiundred the glory of democracy's rout and Gen i'usiou. "Wall, then, I kaint help myself. "Sotmau is the strongest man in tiiiies ill ilapiiiii.s.i (li'e.- • i i • .u his strength exhausted, to the exclusion of Frooato Order. thorcol,by causing a copy of this order to ho publish­ ingston county, Michigan, to Charlos Bailoy. tlien of scriptiou aro far moro profor.^blo for fancy i •I'oacemaker pattern, but with a number Europeii'u dress is the rulu for tho lulvo- will be to secure if possible the passage of ed In tho lN«iiAM County Dejiocu.«', a newspaper mako tills petition, and praying that administration ly to my friend, Maiiamo Sovelo, the sound broke the stilluo.ss of the room Inilinn OamWcrs. more important matters. It is an unseeml y State of Michigan, county of Inglmm, ss. Probate pf said estate may bo granted to liim as such creditor; Marion, Livingston county, Michigan, dated tho aud bath. Tho "nproved features, including iiiter- oiites, and oue of tliera, who wnS dro.ssed some sort Of a tariff bill that will reduce court i'or said county of Ingham, hold at tho probato pnntod and circulated in said county,tliro08ucco3aivo twenty-slxtli day of January, A, D. 1870, and record­ where James iiubbard aud his wife sat sight and a great injustice to the president. Thereupon it is ordereil that tho 17th day ol groat singer; .shehas promised so-many ollico in the connty of Inghnni, on tiio 27lh day of weeks previous to said day of iioiiring. ed the twenty-seventh day of January, A.D. 1870, la , Inrgor towolu of this kind make sorvicoa- changeable boilers that will permit tho iu the gracoful nnd dignilied dress of tha the surplus, and if they havo to accept the December noxt,at ton o'clock in tho foronoon,be as­ •anxiously A\'iiitiiig. Most of tho Utes art) gamblers, and Not only is reasonaiilo time required to do Hovcmbor.A.D. 1838. A true copy. Q. A. SMITfT, the oflioe of the register of deeds of the connty ot. times to cultivate my voico, froo, iC I blc tidies, table scarfs nud tlrossi'ig sacks. use of petroleum for steaming on tho Japanese geutlomnii, and who wore his signed for tho hearing of said petition, and that the republican plan to do so under protest, as Q. A. Smltli,judge of probato. iiwi .fudgo of Probate. Ingham, in the state of Michigan, in liber tweaty-six < will make my appearance in public know all the arts that make uji the great these things properly, but many of the heirs at law of snid doceased, and all other per­ Ouco ho walkod to tho window and A gracoful drossiug sack is made of two surface. This will, cnnldo tho craft to b'ack hair hanging in a thick mass over ef mortgages, on page thlny-soven ot. al. thereof, being better than no reductiou at all. This In llio matter of the estate of Nelson Norton, do- Geo. W. BniSTot, Proliato Register. sona intorestod in said ostuto, aro required to appear only under her directions, and I shall looked ea'.^orly out. Iu the low west towels in dolioaio lints of blue and pink. mako extended trips without a tender.— popular civilized game known as draw desired changes cannot he made at once. coascd, which mortgage was duly assigned on tho twenty- his shoulders, was pointed ont to nie as policy will, if adopted and persistently at a session of said court, thon to be lioldon in the elgiilli day of May, A. D. 1887, by Charlei Bailey nnd gladly consent to do so. She is a pure, a pale ring of tiro marked tho mourn­ Ono towol forms tho back, tho other tho Picaijune, an oxtremoly elovor mini and famous as polcor, Pair,s threes, Ihialios, straights The tenure of office law and the civil service On reading and filing the potition of Edwin Norton, probate oIllcB, iu the city of Mason, nnd aiiew cause, carriod out, block the republican plan oi David 0. Sniltii, executors of the Inst will and testa. and full hands they havo lonrued better law must he observed in spiritas well as in praying tiiiit the commission on claims ii, said estate if any there bo, why the prayer of tlio petitioner good woman, mother, and you can ful sinking of tho moon, and oue by front of tho sack. Turn dowu about two the oddity of the Tokyo bar.—}|''«sA'//!.f/- mont of said Ohnides Ilailey deceased, to George W. letting the whole tariff question go over to be revived for tlio purpose of hearing tho claims of should notbo granted. And it is furtlior ordered, inches of tho upper fnat-od ond of oaoh than thoir a b c's and agriculture, 'They letter. Officials commissioned for four Fltcli, guardian of Frank Ilailey, of tbo township of safely trust mo nudm-hor care." ono the stars wore slowly disappear­ • longevity of Locoinotives. toii Star. said petitioner, and George Norton, Adalino Norton that said potitionor givo notico to tho persons the lifty.first congress, which they will Howell, LivingBteii county, Michigan, which aald ns- ing. It was close upoli niidnight, and towel, run iu a shir, through which draw play with either Ameriean or Moxicfin years from the date of their appointment, and Uarrlo Norton ; er that this court appoint n time intorestod iu said estate, of the pendency ol After Madgo had gone, things went sigunient was duly recorded tho first day of May, A. nan'ow piuk'aud blue ribbons, tying in a cards. A good poker player down East control iu both houses. and iilaco for tho hearing,oxnini nation and ailowauco said petition, and the hearing tiioreof, by causing a silenco brooded over all. who aro competent and efficient and who U, 1888, In the olllce of the register of deeds of aald on pvotty mueli the Bamo at tho old The average age of locomotives is of siicii claims boforo the court; copy of this order to be published in the Inqham bow on oaoh shoulder. Lo.ivo holes for will find a foe worth his huiul in the have given iio cause for their removal, will county of Ingham, iu liber sixty-aoven of niorlgages, , iarm-houso, nud now three yeixrs had •ibont twolvo years, yet many, through 'Ilie Latest Thiiiff ill Dogs, J^lr. Cleveland has already staled that he Tiieroupon it is ordered that said estate be and CouN'i'vDEMooniT, a newspaper priuted and circu­ Scarcely had he rotuniol to his seat the arms and stitch togothor down to tho on page five hundred slxty-slx thereof, and which stoical faoo of theSoiithoru Ute. You! probably be permitted to serve out their lioroby is oponod, for tho purpose of the hoaring and lated In said county, three successive weeksprevioua slipped away, aud James Hul'ibard had by tho cheerful blaze pf the fire, wheu 13 oper habits of living, taking their would sign any measure whieh should come mortgage was duly assigned on tlio ninth day of Oc­ waist lino. If preforred, it may bo g,'\th-^ can't tell from his face whether tho In­ o.xnmlnation of said claims, nnd that thoy -will ho to said day of hearing. to him, making a reduction in the revenue, terms. . Tlin new president cannot be ex tohor, A. D. 1888, by the aald Gooigo W. Fitch, guai'- not rolentotl and sout for his only child T'asso, the fiuthfiil old watch-dog, ga^.^o ored iu nt the waist with ribbons, but is meals regular, and avoiding all intoxi­ iioard and o.xiiininod by and before tills court on tho One of the oncournging turiisinthe dian holds a bobtail (htsii, a pair of (A true copy.) Q. A. SMITH, Judgoof Prohato. dlan of Frank Dalley, to Frank Bailey of Howell, i cating beverages, attain tpiile a roapec- whether in the schedule or the internal peeled tn makti Bv;eoping removals in such 3(1 Uivy ot Dooonibor, next, nt ton o'olocl! in tho to return, as many supposed he would. ft loud bark, and, springing from his rivther prettier without. Of a towol of Geo. W. DiiiSToi,, Probate Register. '17w.J Livingston county, Michigan, which aald assigninont . vagaries of fuahioh is to be noted in the deuoos ora'full hand. They nro pas- caaeH. At all eveiiis those who expect it forenoon, at tho probato ollico. In tlio city of Mason, Hg had remained iirm, and outwardly tabh) old age. The olde.st running en­ revenue ta.xes, unless there was somefhing was duly recorded on the twellth day of October, A. place on tho pia/.za, disappeared with smallor size, nbont 36 by IS inohea, is report that the stylo iu dogs bus discard­ in said connty. Ordered furtlior that said potitionor Probnto Order, sionntuly fond of pokor, tiud in playing will.likely be disappointed. As to classified D. 1888, in tho office of the register of deeds ef aald appeared never, to think of her, or miss full speed down the road. m.ido a useful "dnmiug bng" or party liag gine in Germany has been on the road very vicious about it.' It is certain that he givo notico to all persons intorcatod in said estate of ed that canine Albino the poodle, and this game nre adopts in all thii arts and. such hearing, by caubing a copy of this order to ho ESTATE OF .70HN SALTMARSH, DECEASED. county of Ingham, in liber slxtysoven of mortgages, , for'slippers, glees,'fan, etc. Froiii the sinoo 1815, and is consequently '13 would sign the sei:ate substitute deiiartment clerkships and pltioes''- em­ lior bright presence.; Ho had forbid­ Stopping to the door, James Hub­ the even moro idiotic monstrosity, the piibllalicd in the Inoiuji Countv Brjioohat, a news­ -•When I say Oinui! I do notmoanmoralyto State of Michigan, county of Ingham, ss. At a on page live hundred iiliioty-slK tiioreof, upon which ways of . the more highly civilized pale-, braced in the civil service law, while they den his wife to oven mention her naino middle, cross- Aso, sew the towel to­ yonrs old—quito a Methuselah in fact. for. the Mills bill .just as it was paper printed and circniutod In said county,ono wook stop them lor a timo, and thon have them to. soBsion of the iiruhate court tor said county, held at mortgage there Is claimed to be duo at this date of . bard could pUiiuly hoar tho sound of pug, and that hencoforth the correct face. _ They are also fond of the horse gothor, leaving two or three inohos of the 'With roctard to its habits : it has always are subject to peremptory removals, np previous to said day of hoaring, * , turn again. I msan A ItADICAL CUILS. tbo probato olliee, in the oity of Mason, on the 13th this notice, the aura of nifle hundred forty-eight dol­ in his hearing; She was to him as one wheels in the distance, and presently thing in dogs will bo tho collie and the reported to the senate, but it is extremely day of Novoniber In the year one thousand eight raoe, 'and n contest between'two Indian -ISwl ti A. SMITH, .fudge of Probiito. 1 liave made tho disease ol lars aud twonty-seven cents, ($9'18.27), and no suit or ,, iriugod onds to turn down nnd shir. Draw confined itself strictly to water, though pointments to them can only be mado hundred and oigiity-eight. dead. there dashed , into view a double car­ fox terrier. The new styles of dtiga irre ponies is always a great event. Tho In-'. probable that the republicans will make proceedings at law having been instituted to recover . throngb a ribbon to match the jiredominivt- under the law." . , Present, 11. A. Smith, judge of probate.- , it has been addicted to smoking all ita Ailmlnistrntor's Sale. tlio debt now remaining secured by said mortgngo or ..: • Ho was thinking of all this as, ho sat riage, drawn by a pair of large black among tho finest specimens of tho liigli dians are out in great num bora, and put many changes in that measnre before it FITS, EPILEPSY or In Ihe matter of the estate of Jolm Snltmnrsh, de- iu'.; color in the towol, and tie iu a bow a, life. It is sad to see a locomotive grown By virtuo of ft license, to ino granted, on tho 26th any part thereof; -Notice Is therefore hereby given;. •' ([ualities of valor, nfi'ootion, iidolify and passes. ceased. /boforo tho warm iiro this chilly Novem­ horses, which tho colored driyor drew littio to one side. A bag of this kind will their money on their favorites.. Blany day of Septomhor, 1888, by Q. A. Smith.-Judge o- TALLINa SICKHESS, tluiton Tlmrsfloy, thol'tth day of robruiiry, proc aturely old by running all night, On reading and Illlng the poHtion, duly vorilied, of up, with a grand flourish, eloso to the intelligene.o. Tha fox terrier is hand­ an Indian's aunuity is lost nt poker,or a The annual report ot the cabinet officers A Scrap of Taper Saves lior life. Probato oftho Connty of Ingham, and Stato of Wlchi- A.D. 1880, nt ono o'clock in the afternoon ofuald ^ ber: night; tho old-fashionoii • ouckoo bo fonnd very oonveniont. A laundry ba.g John F. Saltmarsii. praying the court to adjudicate but they.are often met with, in col­ !an, I will soil iitpublic auction on the Sitli day of A lifO'long study. I wamsant my remedy to day,nt the front door of the court house, In the ^iUi-. clock on the mantel ''above his head steps. The.door opened, and a gentle­ is made after,tho s.imo: plan,'. but of tho some, useful, pliioky anil g^ norally indi­ hovao maa,—J)cnverJiepuliUcm.' will make intereating reading for democrats It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping and doterniino who are and wero at the time of his lisions. ' N'ovenibor, 1888, at ono o'clock In the altornoon, Onnn tho worst cases. Bocauao othora havo luge (how city) of Moson, in said county of Ingham, death the heirs at law of said deceased, and entitled ..kept'up a constant ticking, and the fire man stej^ptd out and carofully assisted largest siy.e towel. cates his good sense by objecting most this year. ,'They will, present a concise paper, but it saved' her life. She was in at tho dwelling house on tho pronilsea iirat doacribod, lailc J ifl no reason lor noOnowreooiving a euro. state of Michigan, (that. being, the place of holding Send at onco for a treatiao ant! a riiEB JBottliii by the laws of this stato to. inherit his real estate, the circuit court, within tho county in which tho blazed np choorily in the open • fire­ a lady to'do tho same. 'The ne.xt in­ strenuously to being;Carri'..'d about in the history - of the four years of democratic the last stages of consumption, told by in tile township ol Stockbridgo, in said county, alt AsiajfG TOO Hucn. / . .' ol my lOTALLintB Kkmbdv, Give Express and the share or portion tliereof that oacli Is entitled ilieitgaged premises to be sold are situated), the said-:- A VERT green couiilo f rom Virginia nt- arms nf his mistress.. As to tbo Scotch tho right, title aud interostof which AndrewLiniisay, place,^ yot tho . room seemed gloomy, stant Madge was in her father's arms. admiuistratiou, and. will'make a showing physicians that she was incurable and could and Post Olllco. It costs yoa notbing lor a to iiihoi'iti , mortgage will bo forocloaod by sale nt public vendao,. toudod , AlliMUgh's lait niyht, ami, after ; COULT) NOT FOliQET. lato of Slockbridge, in said county, died, seized in and , Jiud James Hubbard had just mado up : .'We must pass oyer the next fe-svinin- , • Dumley {to Brown)—I say. Brown, coUio, hois as uoarly human in iutelli- tliiit every, deiniiiorat' will have a right to live only a short time ; she weighed leas to the roiiowing land, to-wit: 'J'lio so j^f of tlie « vi}/i trial, Mid it wiil euro yoa. Addrosa Thereuponit ia ordered that the lOtli day of De-, to, the highest bidder, of the promises oenlalui d lii thoy haiit.'ikon their seats, the .vonng win oemher, next, at ten o'clock In tho foronoon, be said tuortgnge; (or so much, thereof ui may bo nocoii. did you chip in five dollars with the goueo as it is possible for ah' animal to ofsoo No.21!; nlso the west lineon acres of thos w% of H.C. ROOTi M.C.. l83PEARi.ST.,lIgi:;M ^ his mind ' thfit ho .would;go, into the. utes, .and imagine',the fond greeting began, to ,, look over tho p'rogramnie.. : "I'ou aliould bear'in inind.'iiiy dear- feel proud, of. A. cleaner and better ad- than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrap­ assigned for the hearing of said petition, and that the' tury to -satisfy-the amount, due on' such nisrtgagi) :i - be, a nd: ia superior : to . the, nvera,go of s e J<( of said section 23, and the uorUi part of the east ••"kilichon liud seelc liis wife, when all of bet-\yeen the parentsand their. loug- "'Thtinderation. Mary,, wo. oau't seo this rest of the boys for thft charity.fund ? ' • frifmd,''/-8aid the. kind.heiirted visitor, ;muiistratioiV,„tiikon as a \yhole, the .country ping paper she read of- Dr. King's New J<;of tho u v/i4 of section No. 20, e.vcept }^ acre out of lieirs at-'iaw of said deceased^ and all other persons witii intereat and legal coeti), including, an attorney.^'' hiaukiud in some importalit moral qual­ interested in said estate, are required to appear at a- foo of flitv dollars provided Id aald mortgage, that is. ,.ii':sudden', thoro' sotmded through tho absout child; also tho joy. th at filled shbw'onti'!• ."Why, John, what's tbo mat- ': Brown—No, I can't 'aflbrd to give consolingly,' "that .yoiir loss is hia • has never had. •.'..',' ' • Diecovery, and got a sample bottle;' it tlio s w corner thereof, being.ubout nine iioros in tho ities," 'The newlurh of fnshion for dogs last description, all of said lands being in township Bossion of snid court, thon to bo holden iu the probate to any: all thot oertnln piece or parcel ofland, lying the young mother's lieart as sho tdaspeii .ter?" asked the giii in disappointed tonos. away fivo'lollars, • •, . :i gain."'. .•:;.-•;•:••'-;.'•:„..',:.; ^ •.:slillnoss of the night cry,' clear and 'The first .meeting of the house- ooiumit- helped her, she bought u large bottle, it No. .1 north of range 2 oast, atockbrldgo, Ingham olllce. In the city nf Mason, and show cause, if any and being aituntrf in the township of Bunltor Hill; lu : .Diimloy-^Well, that's the way I.feel. will give the'volariea of: style ani oppor^ tlioro be, wiiy the prayer of the petitioner should not the county of Ingham, and state of Jllchigan, known '.shrill, like the wail,of au^^ the bewildered little Stella in her bv "AV'y 'look at; hero; this bill says throe "I do—I do," replied tho boroavod tee on appropriations was held' Wednesday. helped her more, bought another and grew county, MIcli, ARCHIBALD LINDSAY, weeks clapsos botweeu :, tho 'first; aud By the way, Brown, eau you lend mo a tiinity to beboiuo; acquainted ,with iuti^,l• Adn^inistrater of tho estnte of Andrew Lindsay, de­ be granted; And il is furliier ordered, that aald peti­ and doacribod no follow8,:_to win The south half,of : i ,;'v;'Tho;Deacon. was .bn^y int ing ar^is. ,\':-'v,'•••''">•'.•,•'••'••' consinaiddressod;:afi his.iiliook: his' iiead', They have buckled right down to workj and better, fast, continued' its use and is now looniidV(!!ininity,'if: the, tissMeintibiistO; ceased. ' • ' ' I tioner give notico to tho porsons interested in. said' the northwest' quarter of aeotlen numbor'four(4) ia< second nets, and, by'gravy,: I've got to git •'V/;for a few days?.-'/;' '';'';,;' intiui'nfully; "loanriot ftii'^et it." f, e had;' listaxiti" ;"Hiiihnah," ho'caUedtci his wifo, expect, to have-the: District of Columbia strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 Dated OctohorOlh, 1888. _ ' 41w7.: estate, uf the pendency of said petition, and tlio hear­ township number one (1) .north of range number ono/"; Thea followed Madgd's story, and as homo by. to-nfct'row nighfto 'touil to .cut- ' Browii—Can't do it possibly, .Du'raley. whi: "did you hear, that: • • : ; ' given-lii^ iibtofor,!tpl7f),'diin,>;iioxt,week,.' sho, .'proudly: introduced'her liusbaud, suliiecw'l do not prove to,debilitating to appropriation bill ready to report .to the pounds. For further particulars send stamp lished in tlie IN31IAM CoUKTv.DiiMooiiA'i'va newspaper Dated November 12, A 0.1888 tin', that'tjoru in the hiliiiold.''.. An nslior" Didn'tl just'toll you that I oan't afford rind,'-,:I.;'am.the',;'•seourity,H;--(7/t'i'(;a(/(> • I'lio above sale is herery postponed until Saturdiiy, •IRST NATIONAl SAttK, CHIOADC houlse the.'first day of. the session.. Mr. to W.'H, Cole, druggist. Fort Smith.Trial December 8tli,188B, at tho same hour and place.. , _ BANK OF OAIVIDCN, (;Ml'oFb,Vro printed and circulated in said county, three fluocoUBlvo "Yes, I did, James," replied Mis. she,, told, ,of her firsts and' last, appear­ explained :the\matter •later,, and, tlwy rd- to give away: hvedohars? 'thiair iniuda,':::-}:.-(i''::-,:{/'J'A!':j:'''-''-i,v,'!','; Tribune. , Dated Nov. 21th, 1888 Ollors tuo aiifost ttiKllinHt inviistincnVs f(i weeka provieuB to said day of hearing. , ... ; 'v FItAHIC DAIIBY, Assignoo of MorteOBS. , ance in iniblio, how her lm«iUii.ucl lukd iuainod.--lV'a/i/i}«(/(oft CtUtc, Rtfndnll,. = the chairman of^the- ' committee. , bottles of this ivonderful discovery free, at Hubbard, ia tromblmg louoe; " t ABCniUALD G LINDSiY, jmallorlarRO sntns; I'anipblota plvinti fuirin A true copy. Q. A. SMITH, Judge of Probato. : WitirAM l',.VAt(WrNKi,i!, Attornoy. for;AealgiKd of'' Wi not preeentibut hia health has bo greatly H. M. Williama' drug etore., •toitnationfomlshedonanpllciition toiho nirovf' Gro W, Ditmoi, Probate llogiatcr. 10«1 I'. Mortgago. <'. ^iidmialiitrutor of.ofild eututo, It ivili imy you well to road and costs yon notliiu'. I : I lour Folks and Our Folks. LANSING DOESN'T WANT IT. At tho Sunday school concert and oyster supper at the .M. E. church this ovoning, ihe following pi'ograiniiie will be rendered; • Geo. Mohr of Grand Kapids is spending MnsoQ is Woloomo to tho County Seat me a few days in the city. ana Its Business. Bfnsic- . . . Choir Prayer. Mr. and Mrs. Frunlc Ives of Charlotte Solo-Soleotlon, . . W. M. Ponso At I? iDw stwB, Oiit Doir f Bit Df Ford's Baiaar, lasill Reading—Noveniber, . MiSB Knnna Smith spend Thnnhsgiving at F. W. Sherman's, The Leslie Local sees the grisley plian- Recitations liy Willlo Ilaynor, Kric DoLaniartor, toin of the county seat question rising Blanch Wolcott, Clarence If|ohl. -And E.vamine My Stock of- I, A, Fernet and Ed. Hague of Jackson ubovo the plan to add two new wards to Recitations by Flora Ooan, Bessio Telft, Satio Van­ were guesis of F. C. Sayersover Sunday. dercook. Corlft \VliaIlen. Lansing. Duet—No lioiio, Messrs. DiiBois and NVordon C. Rono Root of Rockford, III-, ia visiting Li its last issue the Locrti says ; "Of Recitation— . . Nellie Acker Class H;.\ercise—Charley Saraw, Willie lllniolberger, his brother, Dr, W, W. Root of this city. course Lansiiig lias promised that the ques­ Eugene Bonnelt, Franklu lllnes. tion shall not bo taken op again, but at the Song— . , Qriico Wolcott Mr. and Mrs. S. H. MoCord have gone Jtecitatlon—Jane's Oonquost, , Irene Sherwood same time its common council lias ordered Moro Styles of Underwear thnn can be found nt any other place in the city, to Manchester, to bo absent several weeks. Reading—The Maiden Martyr, Sarah Sliorninn the oity to he rediatricted and two new Music- . , Choir A Large and Elegant Stock of Men's Neckties, Mutllers and Silk Hdkfs, Prof. A, F, Webster of Lnddinglon, wards added, each electing a supervisor, Recitation— . . Kay Whitninu Class Exei-clso—Edna Doaii, Marian Potior, Lilile which will clearly givo thoin a majority on Plush Cans, Scotch Caps, Wool Caps, Silk Caps, passed a few hours with Mason friends Capel, Ada Lyon, Mattiu himelberger, Stella Cross, Inst Tuesday. the board of snpervi.sors. Nothing has yet Maud Proolniid. Huts of All Styles and l.al.c SIi:il>CN, Gloves, .Alitlens, Hosii-ry been said by our friends of the north, for it Recilation— . Louie TeO't Mrs. N. McRoberl is spending Thanks­ Reading—Cliurcb Going . llufiis Itnyniond has always been tlieir policy to keep rnutn Qnartetto—Coiuo Wliero My Love Lies Dreniiiliig, giving with her daughter, Mrs. Sackrider ARE SHOWING until the deaired prey was within grasp, hnt Mrs. R. G. Coy, Miss Myria Coy, Messrs, Dnilols and family, in Detroit. it will not be long boForo thoy will spoiik and Wordeii. Recitation—Unroliring, . Lulu Lyon and nothing can be dono to hinder them. rr Mrs. Chas. Lewis and daughter of Grand Recitation—Railroading, . . Edna Ford Working Shirts, Pants, Overalls, Jumpers, Suspenders, Laniidried and ONE OF THE LARG­ Ledge, wero tho guesis of Mason friends The people ol this county may as well make Reading—Selection, . L, E, Hiiwioy Solo and Cborua—I'vo Boon Dreaming of Jiy Ohili up thoir minds to do husiiiesa in Lansing," Unlaundried Shirts. Also an Elegant Line of l^iBt Friilay and Saturday. hood. Tbo Journal's Leslie euteniporary is un­ Admission to concert lOc, cliildroii under EST STOCKS OF Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sloouin of tho Caro necessarily agitated. It knows nothing of twelve 5c ; supper I5c. Supper from 6;H0 Advertiser, were the guests of Mr. and Lansing's necessities, and cannot under- Men's and Women's FINE SHOES I to 10 p. m. Concert begins at 8 p. m. Mrs. V. J. Teffi, Wednesday., stanU tliat it's rapid growth in the last three GARMENTS IN MICH­ French Kid Hand Turned Ladioa' Shoos for SI.OO por pair, C, P. Taylor, Fred and Arthur Ciisterlin years has led to the proposed division for The "Queen Esther" gossiraer will be Men's Fine Shoos from 52,00 lo SS.fiO por pair. nnd William Woodbine of Lansing, passed causes far more iinportuiit than the county found at Ball & Sherman's. Something Children' and Misses School Slioeu, the Subbath wilh Mason relatives. seat matter. Lansing does not need the IGAN. new. Wo soli Iho Jlundell Solar Tip Shoes. Every pair warranted. county seat and does not want it. The Lots of Folt BoolB and Mackiniuv Socks and Riibbors to lit tlioni. itiihbors ami Ovorsiiues, Fine Slippers Mr. and Mrs. Bedell nnd daughters of Journal speaks by the card when it says It was a very small audience that greeted and Hvorytliiiig that is kept In a First-Clnss Root and Shoe Store. Jackson, are passing Thanksgiving with this. Its reporters during the laat three •Miss Bertha Puree, tho elocutionist an ' Judge and Mrs. G. M. Huntington, duys have interviewed nearly every promi- vocalist, at the M. E. church last Friday Wo solicit your patronage and hope to merit the same by courteous treatment, square Mr. Ed. Sherman of tho Detroit Toumal nont citizen who was interested in the ro- ovetiing, but we aro informed by severa and upright dealing ond Rock Bottom Pricea, which wo are able to give, as we sell raoval when it was first proposed, and they nnd Miss Lu Sherman of Albion, spend who wero prosont that our citizens missed for Spot Csisli. ' Y'oura Vory Truly, have not found one who would turn his Thnnhsgiving with their brother, P. W. a rare treat, and that as wo predicted, the Handsome Plush Sacques, hand over to bring the court house and Sherman. entertainment was worthy of n large audi TV 17 county business here. Evoi-ybody is entirely ence. Prof. W. M. Pease and Messrs, A JLJL, SAUN ERS, Mrs. L. C. Olds of Baltimore, Md., is satisfied with the compromise of^ two years 0. DuBois and S. H. Worden gave vocal NevvRiarkets, visitincat Geo. W. Bristol's, hoing called ago, and tho assurances made Mason were selections. The only advertising Miss here by the severe illness of her mother, given and accepted in good faith. They Parce Imd hero was tho local notices in Cloth Newmarkets, Mrs. Harriet Stanton. will not bo violated. The advantages of Thursday's papers and an effort will be having the enliro county business here Mr. and J\rrs, Ed. Barnes and children iniido to seenre her on somo future date, won Id now be very slight, and would helieviiig the people will not neglect lo of LaGrange, Iiid., visited relatives in Plush Wlodjeskas fnll far short of compensating for the ill- hoar her should the opportunity again be Mason and other parts ol this county will of tho southern part of the county. presented. during the past week. Raglainr s and Mr. A/.ra Brown, wife nnd daughter of The county seat will remain at Mason, at An elegant line of fii.scinaters; prices 25 Leroy, N. Y., parents and sister of Mrs. least until such time as the people of the cenis to $1, at Ball & Sherman's, * Fur Lined Garments Gorton, are hero and will spend the winter county shall decide to locate it hevo.—lMn with Mrs, S. J. P. Smead nnd family. sing JimrnaL IffArrlflge Jjiccnses.

Rov Miller '' Our Elegant London Dye John F. Walker, Lansing 30 Goo. A. Eggleston has been compelled gress in this district, ran I,l.'i4 voles Rosa E. Hosfoyd, Lansing by continued poor health to tenipornry close ahead of his ticket, being del'enled by 307 Erancia B. Cheney,Lansing 2J It has been predicted by many that a Cash business could not Bucceed in Mason, Alaska Seal Plush, Satin Lined Susanna ilailey, Lansing.,... his sewing machine agency in this city, votes, while the ropiihlican candidate for William Holcomb. Vovuy 3i! but wo nre still doing Pusiness on that, (he only true business principle. and he has gone to Ithica, Mich., where he governor had a plurality of over 1,500 in Millie Wellman, Leslie 18 the counties comprising the district. Goo.Davidson, Ingham.,.. 2-1 Modjeska, at' will remain several weeks. 1181 Minnie Nicliols, Ingham 20 ,,5- J John W. Souder, TiOin, 0 72 Every young lady who feels an interest in Patrolman Albert W, Thayor of Detroit, Mrs. Louis Hoskins, Lansing — -Here aro a few of our prices :- the work of raising funds for a soldiers' was shot dead by one of three suspicious ,,on j John Coryell, Lansing 23 •"'"l Jonnio Stewart, Wyniidoito,Mloh 20 $14.50 ! $14.50! monument is requested to meet at the home characters whom he was endeavoring to no, I Alton T. Spraguo, i,ansing 2S of Mrs. Dr. Moll'ett, Saturday evening at arrest, at 10 o'clock Monday evening. Tho 1 Mabio B. Adams, Tekonsha 21 10 Bars Good Soap. 25 cents, A Good 60c Surup for 40c half past seven. Detroit police forco has offered .$1,000 lor All wool hosiery from 20 cents to $1 per A Good 50 cent Tea, 30 cents. The Greatest Bargain in the apprehension of his murderers, the Doiinifl O'Gohock, whose examination county auditors have olFered another thous­ pair, at Ball & Sherman's. * for grand larceny was held before Justioo and and the Detroit Sunday A'cws offers THIRSTY FOll BLOOD. Frazer's Axel Grease, 5c. A Fine Smoking Tobacco, 16c. Michigan. Hammond yesterday, was held for trial in S500 more. tho circuit court, and in default of §500 Forest City Baking Powder, 25 cents. Green-Byed Jealousy anii Cheap Saok- bonds went to jail. Our Queen Esther company went to Leslie Tuesday evening and presented that Knives in Churoli. The president requests that every mem­ beautiful cantata to a large and apprecia­ ber of Corps No. 131 remember the annual tive audience. We are informed the young Tho following item, which we clip from This is the place to get Good Goods, if you ever use Groceries in any form. election of olTicers Wednesday evening, people acquitted themselves in an excep­ the State EepuUican, would lead ono to Dec. 5lh, and that they make an extra tionally creditable manner and netted a suspect that our former citizen, Charles elfort to he present, neat sum to the Ladies' Aid Society of tho M, E. church of that village, Green, who until recently has had the rep A full lino of men's folt boots cheap, at utation of being a good husband, but over Huntington's^ * A new line of goods nt Mrs. C. Rice's whose head a complaint for non.support Ladies, call nnd see. * ProseontiugAltorney Hammond adjourn­ I.A1VSI1VO, MICII. has been hanging for some time, is getting ed all criminal cases before the Mason jus­ Charles Wilson of North Aurelius, was a little frisky in his old age and came near tices yesterday for nne week (with ilie e.v- coinir.g to Mason with a load ol grain last This paper can t»c found on file at Geo. P. Re well & coption of that of O'Cobock) owing to Tuesday, and got in with Dr. Campbell to getting scalped for meddling with a broth­ Co.'s Newspaper Advortising Bureau (iO Spruce St.) sickness in his family. ride, allowing his own team to go ahead er's domestic relations : where advertising contracts can bo raiido foritin Now York. without a driver. They finally commenced "Dis nig is dead leary o'dat ole coon. James Crowley, a vagrant of an early goting faster than he thought they ought, He's no special 'fecticn fo' me, I don't winter variety, was taken before Justice and Dr, Campbell drove by them. Mr. AODITIOlVAi:. I.OCAI.. car to hab his old blade ticklin' ray spar Hammond, Monday, pleaded guilty and on Wilson jumped out in front of the team ribs," Such were the utterances of Chas. condition that he vacate the county at once and was either struck by the wheel or run Green, in Justice Pinkney's court this Single and Light Double Harness, Team Hai-ness, The Uninboiv. sentence was suspended. over. He was considerably injured about (Monday) morning. At the instance of Trunks, Traveling Bags, Gloves, Mittens, Pants. the chest and otherwise badly bruised, but Fanners, take your butter, eggs, lard that gentleman, the venerable Lord Nelson at this writing liis injuries are not thought Shawl Straps, Ladies' Club and Hand Bags,&c Ob.soe the gilst'ning raliuirops 1 dried appples and poultry to C. A. Bennett, Turner, who hns for years figured conspic­ How quick and tliick they fall, to be of a serious nature. IlashlUKon the dusty pavemont, He always poys the highest market price uously in the colored circles of the city, Splashing on roof and wail I in cash, Coiniiioii Council Proceeding's. wag arrested oa the charge of attempting OloudB parting let thu snnliglit through, to stab him. In the Justice's court a scene Tbon thoir sparkling ahines anew. A valuable Greenbacks colt belonffing to occurred seldom equaled in the most fertile Herman Pra/.el, was found dead in the sta­ Mason, November 26,1888, All I tiiore's a rftinbow in tho east productions of comedy or tragedy. The ^Vllore darkest shadows play ;— ble Wednesday morning, it having got en Council met and was called to order by Too soon the clouds will all pass hy, trouble took place during services at the tangled in the htvlter with which its dam Mayor Cannon. Very Large Stock of Horse Blankets, Tlio rainbow dies away. African lii. E. church Sunday evening, and Miiybo its colors, all so bright. was tieid and choked to death. Present, Aid. Coy, Casterlin, Everts, arose over attentions that were being be­ Larger Stock of Whips than all others Will lend our mludd a purer light. McDonald, Peek and Underbill, stowed upon Mrs. Turner by Green, Lord in the city combined. Wra. Eaton of Onondaga, took a room Minutes of last meeting read and ap The wildly whiiUng mists boyond Nelson had become so "tetched up with Aro angered by the wind ; at "the Hudson House at Lansing Monday proved, My stock of Robes is Unequaled in the county rheumatism and sich" that he wns of no Tliey liurry tlirongli thoir varying course night, blew out the gas and was discovered REPORT OP COMMITTEES, And leave tho ni'oli behind,— for Quality and Price, in an unconscious condition Tuesday morn further use to Mrs Turner and she left him They bear tho sun's etrnlgont light— The finance committee reported hack And haste to hide in gloom of niglit. ing. He revived after the physicians had about a year ago. Since then her heart have the Best Fifty Cent Faced Mitten in Mason. the following claims, recommending their worked hard over him all day and will has yearned for younger blood and Turner Tho earth will make its daily round allowance as follows; was jealous of the soft glonces she was Thro' storm and light nnd shade. probably recover. J. W. nibeani, 1-1 nights on streets JIS 00 casting upon Green. The latter and Mrs, While man's sweol hopes will rise and sink D. Soutliwick, l-l nights on stroots 18 i)0 Liko Hitting ruinbows,-nmdo Fivo yards all linen, wide crash for 40c, Turner came to the church together Sunday Elmer HnlBe, drawing gravel fi days 12 60 REMEMBER THIS IS HEADQUARTERS FOR THE WORLD I)y storm and snnbeanis. By and by C. B. Huntington, to 761 feet oak stringers U 70 Tbo light will livo, tho storm will die. at Ball & Sherman's. * night, and it so angered the old gent that H. I'arker, drawing gravoM days 10 00 he could restrain himself no longer, and it —MlI.TON RViJI. Jack li'ow-lor, to 1 niontli janitor of engine room 10 00 RENOWNED 5 A HORSE BANKETS. James O'Connor, a brakeman, Lad his C. M. Marshall, to 1 day on board of election.... 2 00 is alleged that he made for Green with a left hand badly smashed between tlie J. K. Elmer, ono day as juror in the Sycainoro J. C. Kiiniueludvertiaes "a grand harvest dangerous looking knife. Friends separat­ bumpers while coupling cars near the creek litigation 2 00 Above nre a Few of the many things carried in stock. of bargains." ^ •lobn Dwineii, to 4,670 feet of oak lumber OS 01 ed the combatants. The merits of the case gravel pit, south of Mason, last Saturday. Phillip Nice, work on stroots G7 01 will be examined Dec, 3. A special sale on felt boots and shoes at He was brought to this city and the hand A. McDonald, 3 days on hoard registration 0 00 " 1 day on iioard oloclion 2 00 Huntington's. * ressed by Dr. Campbell, who believes he " 1 day on board of ciinvassors 2 00 Consumption Surely Cnrod, AlV ELEGAIVT CAMPAIGN WHIP FREE to every Cash Purchaser of a can save the member. J. A. Underliiii 3 days on board of registration. G 00 To THE Editor — Please inform your A special sale on felt boots aud shoes, at " " 1 day on board of election 2 00 Eobo or pair of Blankets worth $5 or over prior to Nov, 1, '88. readers that I have a positive remedy for Huntington'_s^ * Bertha, one of W. E. Howard's little " " 1 day on boord of canvassers.... 2 00 " " li days' rent of room for regis­ the above named diseaae. By its timely daughters, haying had much difficulty with tration 0 00 Notice our cash premium oflfer for the use thousands of hopeless cases have been hor tonsils, was accompanied to Ann Arbor balance of the year. On motion the report was accepted and her mother and Dr. S. H. Culver on permanently cured, I shall be glad to send adopted. Yeas, Aid. Coy, Casterlin, Everts, Monday, for the purpose of having them two bottles ot ray remedy preg to any of Fathers and^niothers, bring your boys to McDonald, Peek and Underbill. removed. The operation was successfully your readers who havo consumption if they L. C, Webb's, the AU Right Clothier. * The electric liaht committee reported performed and they returned Tuesday, will send me their express and post office adversely on the petition of J, H, Gregg address. Resp'y. T. A. Slocom, M.C., There will be an adjourned session of the and others. 42yl '181 Pearl St., New York circuit court at Lansing next Saturday. Remember those nice quilts at Ball k The street committee, to whom was Sherman's, from 75c to §2, * referred the request of Mr. Moore, reported A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer adversely. , Mason Mfirkets. Holley of North Aurelius, on Tuesday. The rendition of the cantata of Queen Esther, for the benefit of the poor last RESOLDTIONS AND , NEW BUSINESS. anAiN.. Hoyt & Bates advertise a (jreat discount Monday evening was not so liberally pat­ Moved by Aid. McDonald that the. clerk •WHEAT, Bod, No. 2, por bushel .... sale, commencing Dec. 1. IJead what they ronized as was hoped for, yet the gross WHEAT, White, No. 1, per bushel, be outhOrized to procure 10 tons of nut WHEAT, White, No. 2, per busbol, have to say. / receipts amounted to about $55, which con­ coal at the lowest figure, to be delivered at OATS, Now, porbushol , ®_ siderably more than paid expenses, and the the engine room. CORN, in tho oar, por bushel ,...,„„,.„., @ A ticket with every^purchase, at Ball & entertainment was highly enjoyed by those OhOVBR SEED, por buahel„.. @.l 75 Carried, Yeas, Aid. Coy, Caaterlin,- TmOTaY SEEP, por bnahol @2 2f. Sherman's. * present. Bverts, McDonald, Peek an'd Underbill. flBaOUmEB AND PllOViaiONS. A tetraperous twirl given with every bill SALT, Saginaw, por barrel @1 00 Full line of those jersey vests in all Moved by Aid. Underbill that the street DEANS, Unpicked, per bushel ,., @1 00 of $1.50 .or over sold for cash at Webb's grades; look at them at Ball & Sherman's," commisaioner be authorized to procure two POTATOES, per bushel.. @ 30 cash shoe store. ° snow plows for the use of the city. FLOUR, perlOOpounds.... 2 40@2 00 BUOKWUEAT FLOUR, por 100 rounds @3 00 The Past Department President of Mich Ball & Sherman are showing the largest Carried, Yeas A|d, Coy, Casterlin, Mo- EOQS, Eresh, per donen @ 22 igan W, R, C, Mrs, S. A, C, Plummer of BUTTER ; ©20 and finest line of necic scarfs in the city, Donald, Peek and Underbill. Lansing, inspected Phil, McKernan. Corps LARD, perponnd ® 8 ranging in price from 25 cents to S'l each.* Moved by Aid, Underbill that the clerk APPLES, Dried, per pound ® 3 of this city yesterday morning and reports be authorized to procure 25 cords of four- rEAOUES,Drled, per pound 8® 10 Mike Welch, who claimed to be unable them in excellent working order. The pa­ foot wood for the use of the city. IIVK STOCK AND MEAT. CATTLE, porlOO pounds 2 00@3 00 to work and no visible means of support, triotic zeal o( these ladies is certninly com- Carried. Yens, Aid. Coy, Casterlin, Mc­ BEEF. Dressed, per 100 poimda i 0U@6 00 was sent to jail i'or, ten days by Justice tnendnble and their efforts are worthy of Donald, Peelrand Uuderhill, hogs, por 100 pounds ;. 4 00®4 60 the encouragement of our citizens. PORK, Drossod. porlOO pounds @6 6Q Burnes on the 26th mat. On motif/ii council adjourned one week. HAMS, per pound.; S® • J A. G. Lyon, City Clerk. SUOULDEIiS.per pound ® J. C. Kimmel invites all who need cloth­ Silk mittens, drapes, bolting cloth,scrim, OUIOKENS, Dressed, por pound , 7® CHICKENS, Live, porpouurt ® ing, to call and sue for themselves how stamped linens, and nil materials for fancy TURKEYS, Livo, per pound @ cheap they can buy clothing of all kinds, work at Mrs, C. Rice's. * TUBKEVS, ProsseiJ, por pound @ MUILDIKa MATCniAl. as well OS other goods iu his line. * WATER LIME, por barrel..... @1 60 The Homlicst Muu Iu Mnsou Children Cry for Pitcher's.Castorla. CALCINED PLASTER, por barrel 2 25@2 65 Tho Udies' Aid Society of BtoheH's As well as the handsomest, and others are PLASTEHINQ HAIR, per bushel ..; • ® 85 Coniors will meotat the residence ol Wm. SHINGLES, per thousand ...... 1 16®4 00 invited to call on any druggist and get jfi'ce LIME,aoodiporbarrol... , ® 80 •Curtis, Ingham, Tuesday evening, Deo. 4. LATH, per M. foot...... 00@6 00 a trial bottle of Kemp's Balaam for throat iWhenHaby was flick, wo gavo her Oftstorla. rliefreshineutsi biscuit and butter, cold meat and lungs, a remedy that is selling entirely When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla, ; ftud pickles. upon its tnerits and ia guaranteed to relieve or othoi8,who wilh to oKnmIno AVhon she bocamo Mios, sho clung to Cattoria, thia papor, or obtain oatimatea '! Another largo line of those heavy, 28- and cure'all chronic and acute coughs, on advortiilng space when in Chicago, will find It on fiioat - inch calicooa at 7 cents, worth 10, a( Ball asthma, bronchitis andconsuniptioR. Large When sho had Children, sho gave them Coatorla. M10 49 Randolph,St,, I nnn-£.TIinilA-),..mil ICvcryhmiy Coiiiieclcil wilh the bod and table, ovor yollow Hhiidos. At' where uo extra food is iisod. If fed 8t3id UailLo* lit Vicksbiirg) (his is simply iinjio-ssiblu. mnntal itrticles ivo also nifulo from i'ftnii. ouo of tbeso stood an easel, holding a night and morning for a few wooks bo­ Tho sitit.atioii at both tlieso points was lialnnttn. soft-colored paiiiliiig of sunset, and a^ foro killing thom for market, tbo gcesc [uirtfolio of engravings roBling against' Oio'>'ali(niiil (iuiuils. doubtless much tho same; certainly The much despised eorn-shuok eiiino T5!H I'AItiU. would, of course, weigli moro and sell it. thu reports .show (hat full as many bravely to tho front in those days, nnd hy jiAuou MihiiiiiTtr. at an lulviincod prico, JIauy woniou Warm-colorod, liomo-miido rugs wcro, Union Koldioi.'.s, in pivipoi'lion to tho fiiriiisliod a greater variety of indispru- I'niiillri;; Iiani Itnofs. mako a busiucss of raising goose for on thelloor.siiiiio kn il and otliors sqiiaros| " ' N life's lnisy I'usli ami Ha mimbor oiigi'igud, woro killed and siiblo articles thau any othor sJiijlo If paint bo put on ns a proscrvalivo iimrket, jircferring thom to lious, claim­ tornioil, ot bright carpc( bordered with v.'orstcd; Days filled with ohi wounded at Porl; Hudson in its two iu- conimodity. Our inattroasos, foot- ralhcrdi'in for nuu'c oriiiiniontalion,. tho ing thoy gel ihoir mouoy much inoro fringe long and tbiek. .Plain framed' linliea and now, p.ll'eotuiil nssiiiilts ns at Vicksburg in mats, scrub-brooms and hor-.o-eoUars roof should nol bo loft unpaiiitud. It rapidly and with less trouble thau by ougravings were on the walls. ' r:jA\'o slop for a word uf re- may not bu seon, but. the action of raiu keeping hulls. its two innH'octual ii.ssniilts. ; woro nil inannracl;ui'od from the shuck. 'J'ho room was a druiiin of comfort. ~" iiK-'nibi-aneo falling upon a roof is mucli moro in­ Moat cxcellout niattressos wcro mado -Almost everything wns home-made, but, 'I'o onr naiiniml "Boys After thu capitiilalim of .Port .Hud- J'olllliy >'(il<.s, in Uluo," jurious tosliinglcs uiiiii.intcd than it ciiu in jierfeet taste, nnd without a trace of, sou, Clnnernl Ciardunr, who coiinuaiid- in this iviso: tho Hhueks woro torn into bo ou tho sides luul clapboards of a A EuniTFUTj ciinso of disonso among stitVncsB. It wns a room wherein a Wo unfurl to the wind od theri), inl'orined Colonel Per Loo of vary fino strips by mi-nns of a common building, 'I'bc I'aliing drops ciiubo tho ponllry is imi'un'o water, straiigor would forget his Btraugoiioss,, our haunorB; tho Olio Hundred and Pourtoontli Now tiiblc'l'ork, the upper or hard eml cut Wo are proud of the libri^s of tho wood (o break, iiiiiking w Dnuin.s'fis aro par excellonno as table nud a woary traveler his fatigue,—7^or(- awiiy, iuid tho ticking thou woll filled reeonl lliey hoar, York,'* that in tho sanguiniiv" assault fn;!'/.y surface, which holds water and fowls, and prolilic layers of good-sincd taixd Transcript. oiror Ihoru iioyor aro griiud- of thu works on Iho 1-lth of Juno ho and tacked with strong cord in the indn'i'.es decay. Paiut entirely provouls white eggs. or oolurs ihsual n-iannor. These miittrossos pos­ tills so long as il lasts. It is choapor to ninls to IImisck(;Glay lrn.ce iu let.tors of criinaon wido, I cro.ssod tho ends of these strip.s, suei.'ossf.il, after nu niiornious expcudi- loft alono, it is necessary, as far as pos­ snug and tiglil, for good wliolosoiiui to dcBlroy ants, mid as a disinfectant. fin a nation's ivalls too lute'i' tlin.s forming a point at tho top. F'or tiiro of life, lilood and liinli, can bo sible, to kce|) up a constant warfare feed and WiU'iii ipiarters iiioan eggs this the fonndiition of this rug I used a -•V CLOTH snlnriitod in kerosene and 'VTlioa llie fnrniG nf onr comrades aro lyluy eonntod on tho lingers of bath Imuds. agninst tboin. winter whou they 'will bo high. dipiiod into whiting, for cleaning tin­ AVhit'.-'-!'a:.*ud to tlio erniuon sod. heavy pieco of whito cotton cloth, ono ^\'her(i thoy were successful somo jio- iTudging from their ability to shun I'r costs no moro to koop good fowls ware, is muoh bell or thau auytiiiiig olso And llio voicf.s of widows cri'iii','; yard nnd ft li.alf in length nnd three- "Oli, Clod 1 Oh, iiityiiig Cod!" ciiliar nnd o.xeoptiinal conditions fa­ traps set (o OHir'h them, aud tijcirrofusal thon poor ones. '.I'horeforo savo your used. vored tin'iri. .Such ware tlioaasaiiU quiirtfir.s of a vnrd wide. I iiegan sew­ to cut food cspocially ))re|)arud for Iheni, best |)ullots for next suason's breeders. i\o KlTCllKN should bo without scales il'ny v,'e ',r!::^to:I our war-worn annlori I ing ou tho points at tlio outer edge, lot­ nils are very iiilolligonl, and old rats Success depends as muidi upon good IIOM- wo ehoercd nu our liattlo-sciirro.] iiion! and capture of Port Mo.-\llistor, by to lest tbo integrity of things jiurolmsoil that have eluded viiriuus iiltciaiits to de- Ami tlio llfo of IL iiiiti.m rpiivorod Hazon's Division, nt the coindiision'of ting oaeh suceofding row cover tho managoment as ii]M)ii the brood. by weight, and to I'lieiisiiro tlie quantities striiy tlieia, seoiti to got very wary, aud In Uio liaiuls of our soldiery then. Sher/noii's maroh to tho sen; of .'Fort end.sof tho row above, until I reaeliod A'l'Iho liiKt iiioetiiig of the Aniorican of various recipes. aro didieult to cxtcriiiinntc, .Ferrets, if roullry Society at Indianiqiolis, Ind., Now iionce siiiilcH down on our liillsldos, Harrison ou the .•lames, in iho f.all of tlio center, wlioro I coiicealod all dis- ^Ol'iD boot tops, out into piocos tho tiioy can bo properly cared for so as to for tho revision of llic Slaiulard of .Per­ Tho war-cloiul i.-i scatlored and ileil, lSfi-1; of Forfc Fishor, curly in 1805, the eropaiieios with a llntl'y tuft of shucks. right size and lined, make good irou tint wo honor our i;ol

  • i;niiL,'0K, luwa. a tliick, heavy fringe formed of shucks. tboKO iiosis, as thoy can go anywbero ing as il was strictly a market fowl. A Kmn' largo si|nares of tliiek pasteboard at iin immeuso expoiiso of lifo and blood. '.I'his riig waa greatly adniirud, and that a rat can got tlirougli, liigli compliiiicivt tci (be Dorking. Assaulting: J-'ui-Jill cations. hung convuniontly In sliii uudor nots, many of our friends imitated tbo pat­ '.f'rapB of various kinds will answer as Flow ninuy vetornns can iianio an­ kettles, slew dishes, and spiders, whoii- tern. an aid to koop them down, but enough ,TAMi-;s fhanklin I'rns. other suoeissfiil assault upou fortifica­ ovcr you fid llicm down. will generally osciqip lo keep ii]) a good tions? Jlow many can naiuo fivo moro'? A lloliKi Ciuird, supply, '.(.'lie sn flic may be said of poisons. Maliiiij,' IliiiilJosI of.Sliliil Mlllc, OiTjODOThs can bo kopt like now if )Q tlio tlioiisaiuls Uiion tho othor hiiiid, there i.s a long 'There is one advantage, liowcver, wilh Tbo old-fnsfiioncd farm rulo was that washed onco a monlli in skim milkanil ol' ui'i|)]ilctL liiit nnd dark list of cn.stly and bloody re­ r.Y .1. COLLUM. jioisonn, and that is it tho work is kept ovory cow kept for making bnlter would water, eqiial'quinilitios of oiicb; rublhom SIH'vivillf,' XO'.OV- pulses of such altonipts. 'J.'hBnj are up and poisoned food of dil'foroiit kinds warruiit the keeping of another sow aud once iu llirce months wilh linsood oil; nils (if liodi tlin Vicksburg, Port Hud.soii, 1^'rodnr'eks- 0\mr,OYJ) lielong- is placed in every availidilo run, they ]iigs, Nol llual the skim milk would pnt on very little, rub it iu well, polish Ifuioii and thn Imrg', Forfc 'NViigner, among tlie most cd to lihc Forty-sev­ can be driven away from the prciuises, alono furnish suliicicnt food for those. with an old silk cloth, and thoy will Confcderutu ar- lirouiincnt on the Lliiion sido, nnd lAirt enth Georgia .liegi- 'Thoy are n snK])ic'ious animal, nnd whoii It would nol al Iirst, and as tlio pigs be­ koop for years. inipH w li o s a w a porsiBtent ell'ort is made lo get rid of camo bu'Ror, and the cow's milk grad­ Siindoi's, Cnttysbiu'g, nnd Fort Ilntlm', •^nionfc. Ho iiad been Till-; L.AUXOUV. thoir no 111 null's on the Mississippi, on tho Oonfederato -"paroled at Point thom by jioisoning, they will ofton loavo ually decreased later in the sciisou, llio ilio ]>li'ico. A. good pian istoviirylbe disei'e-|iai)c.v became all the lime greater, slaiin'liloi-('d by sido. Tho odds wero usual ly over- Lookout, and as no •.rg« : ,,nd rinso in two walers, and bung out .Slioriiian's wholo army wci'o always laken to place a siiiiill ([Uiintity in every Aud it iuvolvcs, in o.Niiiniiiing it ujion -wliieli tons of shot nnd shell hiid ina.y tlins by fall liring nearly as much to dry without wringing them al all, hungry. Those who lived on the lino ]ilacc lb it shows any signs of their ]n'cH- from the skii'ii milk as the licusowifo dtisiily, ns couiioclod with niu' gi'oal boon fired without ofl'ect. They were of Hie liisliorio march hid thoir la'odu -o cnco, inking caro of conr.se, to cover ii)) has wilh great labor mado from tliu VVnsiiiiiH: AVuohiM I''al)i'icB. rjvil war, an iniirii'y into ii qiio.stioii flung biiek' again uftur iibriof struggle, and provisions away in tho densest so Ihiil Block will not bu liable to got linltor. At ciglit or nine moiilbs old Tbo waBhorwoiiion of Holland uso a 's.vhich li.'is liceu slnri'od dvor lij' most and tlioiisaiuls Avcre loft dead and swiini|)H, and then stood gunrd ovor iiold of (bo poisiiiK'd food. If they liitvo theso pigs lliiis fed will bavo vigorous handful ot borax to every ton gallons of •ji-ritors who luu'o tried to ilhi.sir.ito tlio inaugled upon the tield. Tho truth was fcliom tlieinsolvts, or loft Ihcin under got well eBlablisliod, it will harilly au-^ digestive organs and tako rcidily to water, 'this niHltes tho clotbos very U'ar~-a sljirtliiig qnostinii, lis to wliicli ]diiin to overy soldier—tlioso works iiwcr to mako Olio altciiiiit to got rid.of the vigilance of thoir most trusted corn feeding, lint il is not good policy, while and is jierfoctly Iiarmloss, '.t'he I havo lieanl no end of di.s|iiilo, but could'1101, bo tftknn by diroet assault. Ibom and then quit. 'The only pliin lliat slaves. at least iu warm woallier, to feed corn to reason why woolen fabrics shrink, isbo- H'liii.'li, iu my iiiiiui, i-s poi-i'oi-'ll)' wdU will be of any ]n'acticnl vuliiii is to keep a ])ig not yel six uioiitbs old. In wiiitor causo tlic libros nf wool and certain Othor ftssKiiIts WQi'o ordered; other Boj'd did not intend tho Union sol­ Battled in tlio aP.iniiativc, naiiicly: I)id up a iiersiHi-'eul wnrl'iire a.!,'iiiust them KOinc com ti-.ay bo a necessity to promote kinds of hair are loolbod or fagged at nssiinlts Avoro made. Tlic result was diers should livo I'at *ir his proceeds, a consiiliM'al'lu ])avt of l;lio Army of l,li.- unlil the place is oulirely rid ot Uioin, wariiitli; but it must bo supplomoiited tlie edges—tbo tooth or imbrications always the same; nothing but iiieH'oct- whilo hi's family starved. and il will be economical to oominoueo Polnraiic, Oil -liiDo alr.v Notes. lernooii, whwi this iisclesa butchery making a trail to the reudozvous whoro roction, by reason of tbeso asporilios of I Ihoi'oiighly bfliovo that thoy d d Stockman. Kbep your bull in a roomy yard at­ had gone so far that a conlinuauco of it wero iiid his stock and supplies, eamc surface, have a groat kuuloncy to unite Bc vefil.so; but as 1 was nol; l.lioi'o 1 tached lo hiB stable. aud cling together, '.t'iiis accounts for! would amount l;o murdor,that the rank across J5oyd asleeji under a large oak. TUK .STO C IC- U!: li li l)K It. rausli tal;o tho ovidonco rif others. If Tt is best lo treat your cows kindly at tho peculiar qualihcation jmssessOd by nnd lilo rohcllod. "Hello, John! What aro yon doing thoy did I do not blaiiui them for it. all times, even if you do fool cross. wooi for niaUiug, or fulling, and also Here is the evidence: hero—hiding from tho ynnkecs?" Hints Ahoul Uorsns, That Miiy seem a strango dai;lar,-itioii, explains wliv wnolea fabrics aro so It costs more lo koop a poor horso thau C;ii.i;nxSEY Imllcr is selling in tho In the first yxi\w following tho •war, "Woll, y-a-s; I'm er hiding, but it's liable to shrink badly whon washed. In *.on>ino' i'l'oin ono Avlio "was au ollicov it does to keep a good ono. Easlorn markets at SOeouls i)or jioutid. •Tohn Swinlon in bis "Army of tho mi bakin''rm thor most interested in washing, Ibo o.xcossive rubbing lo which' 5iiin;u>li', nci'usloinod to ohodionoo and Change the food for yonr horses often IJ.SE a good butter color aud koc]) your .Potom.m," png'o -187, said: "Somo keopin' olitcn thn hiui's uv thom 'fornal Iboy aro ns a rulo Bubjoelud causes a iijscipliiio ill tlioso under liiiii, ,tnd enough to mako thom relish it. buKcr at tho same shade of color tho lioni's after the fnilnro of the first as­ blue cotes now." binding or malting logellior of the ulti- wiiose moil followed him to a oonimoii Improper feeding is tho cause of nine yoar round. sault, Gcner.il Mo.ido sent instructions "lUit '^'hero havo you got it hid?" niiito libros which causes slirinkago, and iloatl( oi' mnlilation iul:o tho ditch be- out of leu ciisos of sickness among I'l'is bolter to consult tho InFitos of to each corps cimimnnder to renew the "•Inst como rito orround horo, an' this is ronderod worse by tlio coninion 'lore tho Conl'oderato ivorks ut J'ort horses. your bnllcr customers Ibau try to make liractice of changing the pieces from hot iittiiek without rol'crouoo to Ihe troops look rite thro'gh that thor fork, an' er Every time you worry for horses .you Jliidnon. Still, ooiiHiilcriiig tho ,sitnii- tbcin eat what tlicy don't like' to cold water, ns the contraction of the ou his right or loft. Tho order was hangin' under thot lim' an' you'll shorten their lives and days of useful­ Jion thci'o at; Cold Hiirbm' as it is ru- It is a great doiil bolter to givo dairy­ fibres wiiich tins causes is of itself n- issued through tiiesu ollicers to their see it." ness. ing spocial iiltontiou ttian to make it a fulling process. So remember, when- '. ported to lis by tlio uioiiths of living Sweat and dust cause tho horse's snbonlinato comniandors, and from There it hung, about throe pounds, sido issue of gouoral farming. ever washing woolen articles and cbaug- , tntnD,s3os, nltlionglrl well Icnow thn shoulders to gall. So do poor, ill-tilting them desroiided through tlio -wonted gnardcd by the faithful Eoyd. If you mako good butter at homo it ing from one wntor to auollior lot each ,. ai<-c()ssily of diseiiJino and olmdiciieo collars. elinun-'ls; but no man sfcirr.xl. 'The PCT.SAM, Ga. will pay you to get privalo customoi-B for Buccossivo water bo hotter limn tho to orders in an itnny, I do not linsit.itH '.l?ho temperature of water for horses is iiiiiuobilo linos pronounced n verdict, your butter at a jirivnto price, .0 to 10 olhor, never any colder. '.I'ho fibres of io avow again that I cannot Hnd il; in not so much au object as tbo purity of it, cotton and linon arc slriiight and. silent ;\;ot emphatic, against further IfWusFim, cents above "sloro" prices. ;iuj heart to censnro tliu snklinvs •i\l.ui A\'hile it is best lo have tho water cool, it Binootb, aud possesses none of thoV/ slauglitor." 'Xh'^ following is tho analysis of tho olwtiiiiitody refused tn rush upon ocr- is more important lo hnvo it free from roughness ol surface which characler-^ BY 0. A. Hl•:^'m^tcKS0N. first prize print butler at the bay State .Frank *'\Vilkosou, iu his troiiohaiit all impurities. i/.os the strucliiro of wool, hence they ,• Jiiin and useless dnatli uud wound.s Fair: Water, 8.80; butler fat, &S.S7; "ReeoUectioiis of a Private Soldier," ATiiros in foal should havo oxorciso do not shrink in washing. ; lliuro, after the p:'rfrct i'olly of thn caseiuo, O.flU; salt, I.•l.'i. Total, 100. NE day at littlo and moderate work, and under uo cir- Miovmuent hud boen dpniuuMtrated. pages l;-i-J.-5, says: cunifitanccs should thoy bo subjected lo .It will do yon good In read the farm "About four o'elock iu tho afternoon, Rock, Ark., after wo Tim IvITCIIUN. The iivenign Ainoriciiii .soldier in the harsh troatmont, nor should thoy over bo papors and Iiud out what new things I hoard the ehfirging commanda givou. Ohad b 'on drilling iu iati! war -was ii man of HU|,'onor iiittlli- allowed lo go wlioro Ihcy 'would bo in have hoon discovered—-and if yon know . TftStod K(!eipos. AVith many an oath at the military • !.;ho hot sun for a .{jiMiee uiul iiomitratiiiii. Ho was br.avp, danger of boiug frightened. of anylbiug now, write il out nnd scud it Co:i!^staiichOak.b.—Oncoup of sugar, stupidity ivhich wonld again send eonplo of hours, we jnitionl', ,tiid lon^i^'-suU'eriiig, '.riio Coli- 'The horse which can plow nn acre to your paper- ono-fourtb cup of butter, oac-half cup got orders to lis il'wlcrato Conernl Stuart onco said of good troops to useless shtughtcr, I whilo another horse is plowing half an of milk, two-thirds of a cnj) of corn­ down and rest for a 'I'jiK iiou.sii;iioi,i>. Mm, "Only got liiin reduced to tlio sprang to my feet and watcliod the acre, or that which can carry a load of starch, one cup of Hour, two eggs, 0110^ fow minutes. •While Muks, and lie will miikc a good sol- doomed infantry. Men whom I know passengers ten milos, whilo another is A Guest Cliainher. toaspoouful of baking powder. we -\vore all lying going five, independent of all cousidcr- •flior." That meant, of course, tlmt ho well stood, rifle in hand, not moro .Tt v.'ns in tho country lionie of a friend NfOE Ptjddjng.—Pare and slice two, ou tho ground Pri- atiouB of amusements, taste, or what is ir-ia ton niiieh in tho h.abit of acting ou than thirty feet from mo; and I am of mine. Whon ushered into it I was or throo good cooking apples, put la n , callod fancy, is absolutely worth twice hap])y to stnto that they continued to va'to Miko Oyster- woary with dust and (ravel, tired of pnddingdish, make a batter of ouo cjuart Ilia own judgm'jut. .He acted just that as much to the owner as the other, sn stand. Not a mnn stirred from his mine caught a vagrant frog that was dreary hotels and chance stopping of milk, threo eggs, and two cups of; Trny at (joli'l Harbor, affcur tho useless AU'ecliou cannot lie pounded into ani­ place. 'Tho army to a man rofusr d to hopping about tho drill-ground and lot place's, and I foaslod my eyes on Ibis Hour, pour ovor the apples andbako. assanlts. Ho rofnsod to charge again! mals. Kiud-troalinonl insures the affec­ it Hlido into ii rent in Comrade •Too "home-room" with a refreshing souse of CooiciES.—One cuj) of sugar, one-half'; It was a sprious business to disobey obey the ordor, ]n'osumably from Gon- tion of an animal, while rough Ireiitmout Weiss'pants log. Joo jumped up liko rest. cup of bntlor, two eggs, one-half cup of jjosifcivo orders; but lie did it, and his eral Gr;iut, to renoM' tho assault. I is suro lo cause its hatred. a jnck-iu-tho-box, grasped his breeches Tho brown-painted Iloor shono from swoetmilk, one teaspoon of baking pow­ heard the order givou, and I saw it It is alike dangerous to other horses Mgh commnudiug ollicers praotieally the rofenl uso of an 'oiled mop; a bright der, throe cups of flour, roll thin, cut in disobeyed."' log in tho region where tho frog was and mon to spare tlie life of a glandcrod sidmittcd. that bo was right nud they wood lire leaped and crackled on the shapo and bake iir a quick'ovon. tickling his cuticle, hopped nround horso. Glanders is a highly contagious, Trrcri) Avrong, Iu one instance which 'l Turning to Grant's "Memoirs," Vol. old-fiisbioued hearth, making fantastic moro lively than the frog had ovor incurable disonso, nud.as » rulo falnl iu CiSACKun PuDDiNf;.-Split a do/.on •wiil parl;icnlarly refer to presently, tho II., page 270, wo find tho following shadows over tho warm rugs, and u]) tho dono, and yelled bloody murdor. Oh, tho human subject. crackers in halves, lay tho surface over .significant confession: walls, aruuhd into tho corners. Opposite ii'iatanoo of the comuiandor who wns When horses aro snft'ering from the ^vith raisins, placiug tho halves together bnt it was fun! tho lire was tho bod—truly a sight to rest «vcr all tho Union arniios, it was ex­ "I hnvo always regretted that the bites of Hies, or stings of other insects, again; tie np closely iu a cloth, and boil:: Thero v\'as a German olTicor attached ^ the eye of a weary iravolor! Tho bed plicitly iidiiiitted that the ordor never last assault at Cold Harbor was ever spougo tho parts that cannot bo pro­ about twenty minutes in milk and water;.; to onr command who, judging from his i was plain m'imson felt, a liguro outlinod *hould havo boon given. 'Xliereforo we made. No advantago whatever was tected by nets, with water in 'which in­ servo with a rich saucer. broad accent and his lJutch ways, had ' in gold floss in tho center, iind around gained conip 'usato for tho heavy sect pQ-\vder has been mixed-a tablo- CiiocoIj.vtk.—Scrape or grate ono mead not wondor that thoro wcro no tho edge a deep fringe of gold that not b.'on very long away froni tho spoonful to two gallons of water. ounce of chocolate, add to it nn equal general orders cen.'-iuring somo thou- loss wo sustained." touched tho iloor at the side; the pillow- Fatherland. AtHolnua, Ark., iu lS(i3, weight of sugar, throw theso into n pint ; : (Sftuds of private soldiers for their diao- I havo tho positive statement of a Animals of vicious b.abits should never shams woro of crimson Bilesia, covered we woro moving around in pla'oons bo used for brooding purposes, ns vices of ])erfoetly boiling water and. milk, of fcedienoe; tli,at thero -waH not a lai-g; (iold officer of n Now York heavy ar­ with open creamy laco nnd bordered with and lenrning tha did'eront movoniBnts, are trausmillod. By careful brooding in each one-half, and immediately mix dt .: tillery regiment that this version is ab­ round laco. To a hook in the ceiling, ' «rop of coiirts-inavtial following Cotil stir thom for two or throo,minutes, until when Dntchy gave the ordor,"Schwing, this resjiect the dispositions of tho abovo the contor of the bod, was attached Harbor, The soldiers were more filllv solutely true. He, too, saw tho ordor the chocolate and su;,'ar aro quite dis- • poys; schwing liko a gate!" The auimalB.cau bo partially Controlled, a'circular piece of wood, concealed from aa possession of the situation than were disobeyed. I solved; it is then ready for tho table. ' "poys" manifested a tardiness in obey­ Of two colts similar in disp osition view Ijy the curtains tacltod loit. 'These the Geiieriils, Indeed, nti etlbrt seems "SVho, then, nftor all this, can dony Some, think ihnt two or threo minutes, . ing tbo command, when ho shouted and souso, ono may develop into a stoadj' curtains woro of soft, croam-colorod' tho fact? or who hlaino the soldier's boiling improves it. Chocolnto shoula-J'. to have been mado to cover np aud slur and valuable family horse,' while tbo checso-oloth, that fell together at tho with all his lung powor, "Py tarn! Vy never be made but when it is iiitQndodto-*y; over tho stmngo episode, ns thougli the for thoir_rofusal'?—C/iJcai/o Ledger, othor may be everything that is vicious, back of the bed and were draped grace­ don't you follows schwing?" bb used immodiateiy, for by suffering it ifacts fastened any disgrace on the Army treacherous, and tinsafe—all bocauso of fully ovor tbo head iind foot, and just I -ivns in Company 1), 'rwcnty-oighth to becomo cold and boiling it ngain the cf the I'otoinae, I liavc hciird ollicers How ^Vo Dill Durijig- tlio War. a diii'orenco.iu the men handling them. swopfc the floor with thoir wido Inco Wisconsin, and would like to hoar from Plenty of Avhitewash should, bo used, flavor is injured. . Kud mou of that aviny indignantly deny edges. Those wore easy to dra'^y aside BY A SOD'i'HEIlIf L.VDY. nny of my old oomrndos. My address not only for the brighter appearance, SiLTIiB Catce.—One and Otto-half cups iliat thoro was any truth in tho story- at night, if one objected to sleeping is L0X-D7, Calvert,-Kan.. but also as,n disinfectant.. Mot white­ under thora. At tho top they wore fin­ of sugar, one-half cup each of butter: many of them honest in tlioir denials, II. wash on the inside of barns, stablos, ished oil with a lambrequin of tho crim­ and corn-starch, 1.^ cups of flour, one- j!0 doubt, as their position on the iicLI E trimniedoiir hats with lioultry-houses, and pig quarters, will son felt, outlined in gold floss; with a half cup of sweet milk, tho whites of 'ipreventod their knowing anything wreaths of floAvers, also aid in preventing vermin and iusects. six eggs, and two teaspoonfulBof biikuig Kravcry of Raw Krcrnita. deep fringe of gobl­ iubout it. Others keep silence whon the made fiom the palmetto. What tho colt requires is plenty of ox- in tho corner nearest the fire was a powder, flavor with one tenspoonful of; croiso, a clean place to sloop, shelter lemon and one-half toaspoonful of; mbjectis named, and wish to ignore it This task generally de­ Eecruits sometimes nishinfO dangers dressing-table covered with folt. tho from bitter storms, plenty, of good grass, vanilln, :• ,-' altogether. volved upon mo. I was from which veterans would shiink, center having an outlino wreath of .Hut this is not the honest way. The- an adept iu the art of of different variotios, good,, clean hay daisies in white and gold floss, a pleat­ Fig Layeb Cake.—'White part:. 'Two; •When Thomas was holding on to his without dust, nud good, sound oats. &ct is a part and parcel of the'history nmkiugwax flowers, and ing of the same around the'edge, bor- cups of sugar, two 'cups of, flour, t^wo-.' position at Chickamauga on the after­ Colts raised iu this way will not look so this knowledge Avns of ,, . - . ! eredwith gold fringe iust touching tho thirds cup of swoot iiiilk, whites of.hvoj ©f that awful campaign of blood and noon of the second day, and resisting woll, nor win, as mnny preminms, nor • Curtains woi^^ draped around this eggs, two tcaBpoonfuls.baking-powder;.. •wonnds aud misery from tho Eapidan benefit in handling the, ohnrge. after charge.of an enemy flush­ sell for ns mnch money; but thoy will bake in Iwo round tins as for; jelly cake..; jialmetto; sol succeed­ as around tho bed. .A. standing mirror iSown to tho lines of 'Petersburg, anil ed Avith success. General Granger last.—-it/cfiticftil ClassicH. Barker fig part: Ono , cup of. browtt; ed in making some beau­ about two feet high was in the center. ©nght to be known. "There is nothing camp tip .'With a di-vision of troops,,many sucar, ono cup of flour, ,ono cup'of; THIi 1*0 UI/rKY-YARD. In front of tho table stood.a dolight- an history '\vorth having but the trnth," tiful flowers, which were choppod: figs, ono-hnU' cup o.f 'sweet;- of whom had never before been under ful easy-chair, originally lah old-fash­ &proof agninst wind and milk, butter tho size .of:a walmit,;ouo.;. says au eminent authority, and to that lire. As soon as thoy wero deployed in <;oi-SH on tlie.Knnii. ioned wooden ono, wide'bottomod, with .vcather. We would in* ogg, ono toaspoonful of bakiug-powdar; •«o give a hearty "Amen!" So let us front of the enemy they sot up a yell, a low, round back. Around the lower termix with them tufts Any farmer who lives.ou'a farra.situr; iiavo the truth about this. sprang- over the earthworks, chargotl atod one-quarter of a mHp or more from part: was a pleating of warm-colorbd ^l^f M^'^'^Pj^'^o "S P^^'.l^e^^^^ of red and blue and the gorgeous pea­ cretonne, that onlirelV hid the worn old part with Ialiltletrosting , :,,;;,-:;;,;y:... It should be said, to begin with, that into his' ranks, and created such con­ neighbors, may keep a flock of goose cock feathers, to brighten them up. AiiMOND CEEAM.---0)io, cupofricoVonor^," : ssnr war Avfis the. repetition of many sternation that the Confederate veter-1 with profit.. If blessed ^ith..too near: Togs and rounds, tho back covered with Some of our.hatswere really lovely. ueighbora, fho goose mig'ht trespass thesnuie stuff gnthorod ,on full inside pint nnd a half of milk, ono-hnlfcup'of." v .pwceding \vars in one notable respect. answere paralyzed' by the very au-' upon thoir gardehs or got intotheirboan nnd out,' the scut:stutfqd , and; covered, sweat almonds, ona-quiirtor. of 'n.cnp,i',of,'.,f' . That ^^'ft8, that fortifications, resohttely The mala members of the' family nlso dacity of such conduct. Gr.angsr said,;: and a big, soft,, feather-filled cushion of sugar; and ono-htilf teasppouf,ul;:of:s!ilt.:,';':i; i maimed; are' very rarely taken by ,as- sported the jynlnv.'tto hat, and these 'we .patches or fields of grain 'whenMonst ex­ nshe watched tboir movements: "Just pected. Geese jiro taught witli, little the fall resting against the,back.' 'Abig Blanch the'almonds,'!ohop,th'era.fihb;:pnt-vt ' •'jsavult. Z finished simply with a band of dark or look at thom; they don't know any bet-'. •trouble where Ihoy miist stay, | anil thoy^ Boston rockei', tho'baok nhd seat Cov­ thehi with .:tho rice,- gugar.vand salt'lhto;;:;- | , 'Thero is all the reason in: the world .black cloLh. Thesj hats were very ter; thoy think,that's the'way it ought •will'run in a pasturo .where' thpra is ered,in the samd way, stood invdtiagly in the- milk, .and .stenin : until ;thb'';,ricbhB,,.- ; durable. Father wore one constantly, .lorthis.'[, :No inattei- what. the ' pre- to be done; I'll bet they'll never do it plenty of water'"nud grass, growiu'arap-i:,i front of ttie:iire,:with a,low-seated, cozy tender.' ':Serve^:it;-:hot;:witli:::creara^;M \ for throe years.'and; at the expiration Of grap6::jyily.:':''Xpretty,w(iy''tb;sorvo;iplBij[ji jpondevauce of the assaulting troops again.""Men, like children,-are often: idlyAvithoiit other food. : The gb,5lings; i-ciino rookar hoar. thattiiheit 'was parfeetlygood. .. to :half v:iill fancy cnpsw ith; the:'alm'6,ud4.t sjny be, tlioy fight under the most seri-: ignorant of danger till they learn ita: will do bettor: if fed'a' little' 'cbriiymenl A small niche: on :iJoth::Bides of: the •We also niado sets of table-mats •\dth,. mixed. into; dough :nnd ; salted, .every^ fireplace wn'sbuiltln with shelves filled].,cream,: then; add. twi> tablespepnfulg'loil:.;,'? ©ns a'iid disheartening disadvantages. terrors, in the, school of esperience..; '' night .and ; morning... until featliored. with books,:with;:narrow 'crimson;cur-;I sweet oi'eam and .ono^^ of,:jelly.',',^4;' ''' fl

    i'.tW,'J„.| Tlio ropniiitIon of tho Uhlt.iil Slates tflr. Jones' Atiempt at Joking, Geo. ;\ii!,nis(iis Salii. Ifl about liO,00(),0()0, and wo would siiy nt least Jnuos was reading tho daily paiDOT; GooTRO Angnstiis Siiln, lho woll-known O'.ie lialf nro ti'onlilcd with Eouio nlTootiou of Eiijilisli writer, on lii.'; lust Aiinlrnlinii isuddoiily ho looked up and said: lli9 '.I hroiit uiiil Xauikh, as llioao complainlB tTNiTP:!) STA'i'ios 'litn.v.surti'ift ,ta:mks Bad blootl nieaus an'iiiarlivc liver aiiil a sviupa- ' "Thill's I'afchor a sail ease about that trij) wrulo ns lollows-to tbo London llailjt Bi'ii, iicoor.lini; lo stalistiL", nviio niimorons W. UYAXT'.S ANNUAL ItHl'OltT. thelic or unnatural action of the sloniach, bowels and poor woman on Cro,n-l.iiiin strcpli wljom tlian otherB. Wo wcnilil adviso all our roiulnr.s kidneys, and as a result tho iint'iorifcios I'.'fusud to linrv," "I espooially Iiavo a plonsniit rcmom- not to nogloct tbo O|iporliuiily to call on their 15.vnfc. "Wliy did liioy re- Bjioll of bronobitis aud ajiiisiuoilio astliina, ::iiri'. . noss or diinrhiea, Ballov.^iiCKS of skin, (iirrcd toiiijiie, l^Ve l:lM(!tiiii (D. 0.) Bpooial] lUiSii to Inii-y hnrV" provoked by tbo soa fog which had generally altcndcd wilh nielauclioly aud FofiTiY is Iho qunlity ejhibitod by a man tJultod Ijt les Ti-si'.;!BS.£!\iiii'Si5;^//o£ the liver and other ovijiuis, and to M/ /lie fmscii in MvB. Jonos was too iiidigiituit to .speak. loiiiporiitnro ns wo iicaroil tlio Tropics, Sil7l),'.'i;ij,l)7-I, iinil tho net u.viiciulltiiroH S.ii;7.- ele.. ipiinkly roliovod by .iJnoWN'.s liuox- Ihc blood. A remedy coiilaiiiins Mandrake, CuI- DM.SUI; llio .siirplii.s receipts avaihilili) for Mr. J. kept o:n reading, and after a lind in particular a conplo of Allcock's cniAL TaociiKH. \ simple and olTocliiiil QiNl^Mii.'.. .',. y^;|.g Root, Burdock and C'aseara .Siigrada, actinj; tho rodnclion olllio publii! dnbt holiifi Sill..- •while hn muaiugly roiuarkod: Porous Pii.AS'i.'Hiifj chipped on—ouo on ri'inedy. sitporhir to all otlior arlieles for liio !Jil.27i), tin Incroaso of .S7.870.1.711 ovor tho S especially on the liver, stomach, kidneys and sweat glands, is Ihc proper one. "'J'hoy'll imvo a coid day for the race same piirpo.so. tiuhl iu htixiin. your boloro, Ah ooiiipiiroil with ISKVIlio Ibo chost and iiiioihor bolMOJii Iho sboul- ^ 'I'lie proff.ss of digestion, a.s.siinilulion and rovonnos vvoro S7,8(W.7!)7 groalor. nnd tlio to-iiiorrow." dof blades—soon sot mo rijjbt." 'J.'liF. woman who neglects her husband's w „ ., _ „ . ^JJ^DtSH lemiiv.il luedM the lieallliy aelioM (if llie liver. I o.vpondilure.'i S7..'l7.'i lo.^.s. Tho Troimiry "What raco?" aslcod Mrs. Jonos, sliirt front is no loug>.-r tho wiio ot bis L pancreas nnil gliltul.^ which siiliplv lho bile oiiii olber llviids, in oiiler to sliiliMbile Ibcm lo jirojH-r j baiuiioo liicronsii I during tho yi/iir Irom eagerly; slio hadn't heard of any. • "Why sbonld tbo lotlcr "d" always bo iu- bosom. _^ taction, llibliard's niicmiialic Syriij) combines nil llic best lucdicrneii, wilh Ionics lo leslorc all | iiiiili 1:09,221379. to *l2!).8IIJ,lil2, nnd total ii.sRiits, \ secretions and Mi|)|ily the needed iielioii. "'i'hp human rneo," said tlio miserable inelndluir ccrtlllfiiit s of ilopoKit, from Sli22,- Irodnccd into a family'i' BccaiiBO it luakes .•\ Itiiilieiil Cure I'or Kiiilnptic I^Its, phigiiu-ist. "kin" iuud. 8lM.2S!lto .$7(H.7ai,.');l5. Tlin not clianKO ot To llii: lidllor: Ploiiso inform your road- SCU.57i).S(i!! ill till! Imliinco wavi produced by Mrs. Jonos mndo a face. "Another (U'S that I Iiavo a jiosilivo remedy for liio an inorunwo of *07..7.ill,-l(;tl in imsots nml u ilo- 'JllB light-laood woman has always good nnciciit witticism," sho said, in a tone of ahovo niiinod disoaso whioh I wiirriuit lo ar Wever Fasls. oroaso o: g^liirill.aiM In llabllitio.s. Tho sll- lilayhiy power.—lionLoii Gu:uUu. contempt;. cure lho worst cases. Ko strong is my faith ii Alwuys in Kcason—.S/^;7//<^, ..S'/zw/tfj/'r, Autumn ami Wintfr. Troriire it of your dniggisl, or var bnianco tell oil' moro than ,?27.UI)0.0()U. in llio virtues of this modieino that I will "Yos, I no.knowlcdgo its nntirinifcy," ^ saul (Jin-clto ua. J'riai, g 1.00; 6 holilcy, SS-^I P'-i*''''-'''^!-S*^' 'J'lio priniiiiinl increiiKo of assi!t'< was in send freo a samplo bottlo nud vnliiiiblo Unitod iStntiM noloHand do|)osil.s in nnlionnl ro])liod Mr. •Tones. "It's as old as thnt troatise to auy siilToror who will rIvo nio The Union and Conlriil Pacillc lloads and TESTSiMOWSALS POSSfilVELY TRUE'. hilnks, nnd tlio prinolp.il dooroaso of linbili- .'uicieiit oonnndrum, 'Whoro was Moties bis P. 0. and Hxpress iiddro.<5S. My roaiody I'lillman Gonipany put on, Jlee, ."), a weekly For over twcnly ycttrs 1 li;ivii hrcnii ^rent niif- Ilolh myself iirul wift! Ikivo hern \\s\r\^ Itib- tlos In the ijiildic ded)t and tlio funds for tlio lias curod tlioiisaiids of liopcdcss onso.s. It. whon tho light went ont'?'" ; train of I'lilliiiiin Voslilnilo Cars, lo run ho- ffivr iriiiii the (JiVcct.s dt Jl ili.seiised .stonuicli, suul inird's KricumrUic Syrup tins Hill ami winter { rodoniptloii of nnlionnl Ininlc nntiia. tl..ltoo'r, C. 183 Pearl stroot. Now "York. • '.l.'bfli'o was a long silonco, wliich was Iwoeii (,'uinicll Jiliill's and Sail l''niiieiseo. for tl\ri;e yciir.s p;i!-t luivc bct:n nruililo to do :iny will) L'xcclkrnl MUTcs.s. W'r. krmu' it to be a { 'J.'licro wn.'i 11 not doonjiiso of S7'l.78.S.02O In business, 'i\vo yenrs \\\^o luy t-jise w.is pm- jjrt-iil im'ilicinf. i'lM* oitnstip'.ition, tU'spcpsvii j iSleaiu boat, (doolric li{;lit, si.'parnle liiil.b- !• fei'ii^il:;''Si •v;:/-: Iho iirliicipnl of tlio iiiiorost-boMrliiK doht. at Inst broken hy Mr.s.-Jones. "Well, nouncc'iLl bv llu; 'best iiicillr;il (ikill incunible. or iiulij^-'Lislioii itccrliiinly huiiJin [•(luiil, rooins I'or ladies anil f;onlli.uiieii, harbor 'J.'lio total piiroliiiHOsof boiidu fortlio Biiikiiis where was ho?" sho asked. | What shall I buy I'or a holiday pioseut Lust June \ bt-'f^iui lliitbiird's Kheiiiiiiitic li. U. Knaim', simp, obsorvidioii and Hiiiid;liit;-i'ooiiis. aiul fund and out of Kiirpliis rovonnos woro iMl.- thnt would bo most ideasiiiK lo the roidp- Syrup, ;in(l lit mice bei,Mn lol'nel JHilIrr, 1 bavo Gr.'ind Uupiils, Mich., Feb.iSSS. Kiinncr "Whoro was who'?" inquired Jones, ' al'oiiiiilo attendant for ladies ami idiililrcn. (Kl'J.aoU. tlio not proiiiiiiin |iiiiil. o.voliisivo of ioiil'r' This is n iiuostloii Ihat is iici doiiht used tiiirlecn hollies aiul :iiii a wuil riinn. •who had been reading up tho political iiiake it "THE t'l.NKS'r Tii.ii.v i.\ 'run would." auonied inloro.sl, boin;,' fS,27l),8J2. Undor ll•ollhlill^''Ihe mostof lis. '.I'lic li. W. Soars KlJW.VHI) .n,\KKi{, Xo remedies Ivntnvn r.n bii;blv endorsed by Mn.'iler 'MecluMiie urul niacksmith, it.s lioiiic pt'opic, Owv MediiMl I'aniiiblel, Ireiit- tho cironliir of .Aiij:;. .'I, 1887. iiitorofit niiioiint- sitniLfcioii. I Wiiieli Co. have ana.dvin'tist'iiiciitof alinlies aoijaciisoa Street, Jiiclison, iMich, iiif,'- (la all di.se:i!ics, iiOnt tree on application. ing to !f2,i;i(i,.'Vtll on i iinil .1% por coiil. bombs " \Yhy, SEosofi—-you Icno-w—when tho I'lensaiil .lonriiey;*. and f,'eiilleiiii'u's walcli whieh wo can ro- •was propiiid tflrli II rob.'ilo iil tho riito of 2 eoniiiicnd as beinna most dusiruhlc present light wont out'?'' rioasnnt joiiriioys can always ho hnd via |}i v;i-';;!!i-':i>'sw:r;-:':,i;'-.; por cent, por iiiiiinin. 'J.'ho iimount of tho for any one. Ili.'iid il. and see tor ymirsoU'. Rheumatsc Sy!?up COSV3PAWY, Jackson, Wich. "Maria," said Mr. Jones, with a look tlio Wisconsin Coiiiriil J'.ino. 'Tim omidoyes rolialo WHS aro courteous aud obli^diif,'; tlio sleopiiiK of grave ooiieoi'n, "your mind nnist bo hvox's Patont Metallic HtilTciiorB prevent 'I'likiiiff iuto account llio dooroaso of tlio and iliniiif,' cars and liay coaclios nra jioors Jioots and .shoos from iiuuiiiif,' ovor, riiioing in ninoiint ill llio Tronsiiry, tbo total Incroaso all'ecitcd; yon wdl want to know next of nny in tlio Norlhwesl, 'J'he leaviiiK lioiir.s ot tho cirouliuion wii.-i .?2;),I)01,I.|,'!. Thoro *'ilie Hoams nr wcariii!; uiiuvoiily on tho liools. who was tlio i'atllnr of i^obedoo'.s chil­ at priiiciiml loriniiial points nro coiivoiiient woro Issiiod SIII.'i.Hllli.WW of silver oorlillcaleK. dren, or why the tail don't"wng tliedog, nnd Iho di.'pols arc ciMilriilly loeiite.d. All nnd $2i,!).17,;)78 woro rodiu)iiiod. 'J'lio ninoniit tO(.'ellier it is Iho most de.sira.hlu routo in or what iniiko.s more iioiao under a \lim YO''J SHOULD USE oiitstiiiidinK inrioiisod from .Sl'i;i,.'j-l.'),l.'')0 to oillier diroolion liclweoii ,St. I'aiil, Miniioap- JfeTA CHRISTMAS OR MEW YEARS PRESENT.°t©a S22(l.'11)1.772. Tho iiioro.-iso iu lho actual cir­ I'onoo than a pig, or wliy'ii cliioken 3 olis, Aslilaiid, and JJuliitii. 'J.Tvy IT AND culation was .$M.'l.'i 1.7117. ivook.s and 3 days old crosses tho street, UK CONVlNtll'd.). Tbo net priiccods of tlio national bank THIS OFFER $25 Watch During Holidays forS5.87. or what it i.s that oats have that no oilier 'J'lils wiucli is KiM IH^IJJ ri.Al'Kh, rirlily ent,'rave(l by notOH redo, nii'd iluriii'V tlio yoar wore $!)S.- GOOD FOR b;uHl, cii.se liiiH tlini" doiililii juiiiiH. jninieii .snllit cap. tJoliil 2'10,72.'l. Tho ri.Mlr.iuptioiis woro ?ll.flOD.OllU aiiinials have, or—" (biniib iiie<.'fH, hdliil lioiv iinil cfowii, rxi I'fi. Iii-n vy mill Ii-'iii- jii'i'i.'d II IL n tiii I'll St'springs, impurlnl l''i'ciiclii.Tv.Kiiil,'\vi;iKhH frrontcr than tlioso of tlin proecdinir voiir. in .lint Mrs. Jones said she heard tho 33 DAYS alioiit. 10 |ii.'tiiiywri|:Iiis, nr "l-i tuiiirfs. Tlin an.ivoiU('iii j;( a tho faco of a rodiiotldii of $rj!i„''jl)l),OI)li in tlio oeCOD LI'tTER OIL^vrrn, tri-Miiitu; ini|inrli.'[| (UK-, wnrninlcil luiml iiinili- nml IKtcd by bnhy crying and went up st;nii.'.s, leaving tlir iiiu.'^ti.Uillrd WDrUiiU'il. .1 (• is rli-lil v Jcwi'li'd aliovn atiil two yours in Ibo ainninit uiilsl.aiidiiif,'. and HYPOPHOSPHHTES. ONLY. •Tones to himself. It was but a rusu to iH'linv with tidl hrunzf iflnlc, iiiilck Iniiii (IS.miO lic.-Us jier Eroalorin propoi lion to tlio cdrciilatioii than bour). e.vpiiiisi(»n liiil:uii:c, piiteiit t'>^ciinciiii'iil, iiceunilely, thoso of ovory yn;ir save two since 1871). get a c'liauco to look in tho jjiihlo aud Froah Proofa Ji.tst Roeoived, It is Palatable as Milk. f>r nf ••''ffi'bii''ii iiiul iiiljii.sii.'it. Ill t'luiii il is a 'J'lio rodiiiniil inns Irom .0 por com. funds SM w / iiiDvi'iin'Mt K""''!! Up Willi 11. vilJU' (n Ihe read tho hi.story of Moses. Sho says UUiU f iiio.sijin'i'iiniui 1.1 iih; i;ff'piia.'(plulitiL'.spinsi- woro fJ.'^)..'17ll.Ji'i.J, nnd llio'ii from tlin fiimls HB Tcnrs. naaJtrvllIo. Ohio. Jan, 1«, l«!3. It is three times as olHoaoious aa S5.8I she is going to iind that passage it sho bli'.iiuillssnhii'im^'lvalid lu'ciu-ali-ly umde, for tbo rotlroiiionl of oiroiilalfon f.W.lU.'I.DrH. Was talton wtlh rliBuma-tlfni in lifl; ,jf prod at Illli'il iintl aiU'i^i'''! tliiii. Willi fiiiruHiiiT jt has to borrow a (^oiicordailco and a finior. c'vcr ulnco nnd nnuil cnilclicj; St. Jacobn 0:l plain Cod Liver Oil, AVDUliI liisl, a I 111 •lime. 'riiiMiliuvmleMTiluMl Tlio latter fiiiid oxr'itoil iiiiioli concern cured mo about 2 years ago; au rrturn. waU.U ban been n-ld forS25, laiL wuaro early in Mm year. On .fiily 8, 18.88, Jjiblo dictioual'y to do it. CSO. L. Niion. It is far superior to all other so- now stjlllny (liuiii lorSS-S?- It stood lit $IU7,.S27.7ril. till) lilKliost point Comfort UuiLir the Wiiislband. tl Tnnrs. Columbiia, Ohio, ,Tnno C3, 1SI18. **How'cnn you sell thia watch itlia.s ovor roaolinil. Pi-oin that timo it do- with rlioumatUai IS years »Ko: Bufforc4 callod Smulsions. so cheopf" iss lols, llicn.-liy ohliiiniiif.? tbnn voiir. 'I'bn net dopnsUs dlll•in^' tho voar all (he ltnv(!sl, poH.'-iliii; Il^n I'*'. Kivo you woro S.J.1,12.'I,^,S;!. of which S7i;C.i'J35 was for to mako ili(,'oBtiou a roKiilnr Bofitienco of llio f.at- Crippled Foot. Waihlmrno, III., May 30, '03. l.Iii! iH-iiciiLoribinllu'Uii; ivliL'ii wesi-'llyou tho rotirt-nioiit of tlio cii-i'iilaUon of bank's isfaolion of njipotitu mi loiiK Imllleil medical in- IMvo yon.r.i aijo Iinil rhoninatlfiiii In my fftft; cnf. separate or change. tlu) wjiU;li at.S5.07. in liquidation or in tho hands of rocoivors. vosligatiou tliiit it wna alnio«mlvcn up in do- fflratl 3 yoar»: utetl cano. £t. Jacnbi Oil curi^d "Why do you do ihis^" lim-iuise mo. JOSErn T21L. Jt i's wonderfal as a flesh prodiioer. S2.1„')-J,'J,5()1 for tho rcdiiotion of Iho circula­ filKtir, nud dyBpoiHiia viewed ub well nlyh iiicur- •wo wl-li lo olilain iIn- niiuH'sjimliKldri'ssca ol' inirtli'.4 wlio Jii'i' likfiiy to buy wutchcst, tion of buiilis In act ivo o.vistouco, and SI8,- iiblo. llostetlnr'B Stomueh llitteni caiiio lo tlio AT Dr.nGoiSTa and Dr.Ar.nn,'!. It is the best remedy for Consump­ yo tluitiWi) limy >-:i'nil out' ol' iiariiiiuiiiiiolh resciio ol 1 ho dysjieiU.iG, iiud ii[)settiio tiu'Oiy of e)itiil-sary liuyoii XtJltllULEN'J' AVII.ST \'1I1G1NIA. sent bijviali on recdiU oi''2i> di. {\>tM)xeA^\.\^); in tcf^('inl.''ia cents in posliiKeniJiiiips to hImiw tliat yon innim biisiiiesn, nnd wi^ will ttieiiM'ud it loye lu (_'Iiie(iK'»t"i'""' l-'I, DcaiboiaXat, UU. tioii—Itolli C'li-i'l le.i Crying: X'Mlild. TIIE CHARLES fl. VOEELEfi CO.. Dallimoro, Mil. FUR THE ESLERT'S THE R. W. SEARS WATCH CO., Td. fiit and r.ri Ucnrhorn IiL. Chlnnt", III., I!..S,.l. iiervoiisiioHB, mulai-ia, iiidiiuy tioiibioii, and do- tWhoeiiriK illHimtcb.l Solo I'ropriolori, nod Mauulaiaurum. CTier((/iW..f'L'iilL*d. Wo cjui bilily aro ouaily romcdiablo with tbid lluo ruator- EXTRACT OF reeoninii-nd It lf> any of our reailerri who want a. (;'ood u'aleli tnr lillle inoiU'V. Thoro is iniicli o.\;eiieuioiit In "Wost '\''ir- alivo, ELY'S Kiiiia c.'Uised liy the (doseness of tho elec­ '/:.'.j'^-;-,^'K.'^tv-:.';-''>>,'•;'.'• tion. Both ljuinncralic and riOpnblican KSrWE SEND IT FOR EXAMINATIOiM IF DESIRED."©a 'J'lie I'licnsiiiit and tlic niizzanh GOEAM piljiors cry framl. 'J'he hilelUijo.noi'i-, lho Kopiiblloiih or;;iui of lho Htiito. oliiiins tliat Al'hon.sant, wlio I'ldtit her .Duty to 11ns curod all ooiis'lis, colds, bronchitis, and M'lipn yoll ordor n tviileh plo.aso eiit out this nilveidisenieiil iiiid se il wllli il. most oiitrairooiis 'raiidn woro comiiiitl.od In do Soinothiiig to Alloviato the Condi­ / VMS aurprimi roliovod nslliinu ,and consnmiition for all tho rucoiint of Iho Fi'-st C'ciiKrossioniil Dis- tion of those boiieatli her in tho Social (tfier lisiii;/ Mlifi wdio havo usod it. Is not this an ovidonca Kfossioiial nistiiet, whoro Atkinson's (Hep.) Vreain Jiiilin tmo apparonl. niajority of nearly 100 has boon and I''iimneial Scale, made a call upon of its merits and roliiibility? It is a .sHrn cut down to !), "'I'lio Hegi.ilof (Hem.) do- tho Jiu/'.'/.ard and oll'erod tn Adopt one of i»o>il/i.i to find tlir and rnedicint: for all bronchial troubles, foiuls lho coiniiils'doners in thoir aetions her Urootl. 'i'lie Jlother Ijiin'/.iird con- rir/ht iinnlril, whirh nnd novor fails to givo siitisfactlon. 'i'ry it ' and cbargoa Iho- most, birofacod frauds in xcas closed for !i. undor a full warrnnloo. Prico. 50 cents and tho back countio.s. All sides ackiiowdodj^o Bcuted, bnt within a ivBok the Pheaannt roturnod •with hor charge and oom- years, was' open and $1.00 per bottlo. rrojiarod by Emmeut Peo- that Cri.iff (liep.) Is oleeteil Governor on tho nWAOQUAIM'TED 'WITH THE GEOGHAPHT OF THE OOOTTTRY, WILL OBTAIW laco of tho pitii'-ns. lint tho Domoerats in­ rniETAKv Co., Chicago, 111. plained. free as tlic other. J MUCH VALUABLE INFOEMATION FROM A STUDY OF THIS MAP OF sist that they v.'lll contest overy inch of the "I can do nothing ivith her. She will feel very thankful — fironiul and will invesilj;MiicliiMoCIiclu Tho ciunpals'n oxcitoincnt has not diod In ourSoor(it.S.!rvloe. HKiifirliiiiou iintnei:t.naary. I'arliculairt froo. too hard tin ino. Uiiiiiiulu Qetootii 0 llurcau VoAi Arcido,ai.ieiii?.itl.3. onthofo in tho sllKlitost dcfifo-o, and poopio How oiiu you as.- lini'rah for llioir fiivorltoH day and nitjhl.. pect mo to know C IT iirli.'e Ii.-,t. iJiLMJDOUlC LSiKBnr.EY. .MiiRkoEon. Mltla. On tho street oar.s, lho forryboals, and at o.\actly what lo do. the thoators tlifl chief snbjoct of conversa­ A girl does not got p.Aritljmotiii.SJinrt- THE GREAT ROCK SSLAS^D KOUTE, tion Is tiio BtatG of iill'airs in Wost Virginia. engaged ovory day Some ram bareaius; must bo sold lo clo.so up imrtaor. liitnd.ot.c,., thoroiigiily tauRbbt I1hyinaiL3 -- Uircular- _a and wlion I ask fillip. What have you 1.0 EXCSftNGE? Send for Hat ut Li'ccj. UnyANT'HBHsiNtaNOoM-ii'or HnlfAln. ^J.S'. (Chicago, Biock Island & Pacific and Chicago, Kansas & Wehraska Bya.) TII3I1 KJIl'Ji;itOt! ClIEEKKD. ollcl^J^loydlj.^'lln•ellorFJi.I'lo•lllolller,lVIClllTA.lias. _'B'>.- uiotliorslio always I Llvnat homo nnil mflfcnmorcinoitry >viirLiii,7 Tor 11.1 (Iinn Its main lines, branches and estensions vjQBt, north-west; and sontliwesft ^Sf' xMSr-W^^ "I" olf Willi, " WOIE? iOt>:( i Now prlcoUat of EUK Uu^yidt (irntliin-nlmi tn (lie world liUti-r "it Cnsllvoiuat U.'lio Coniian I'onperor (.>i)(.ns ILo lloleli- tmclLUii;". l.iti>irna, Vawi. &c., luad Include Cliicago, Joliot, Otta'wa, Peoria, La Salle, Molino, Rock Islaiiti iii —.>»^^va=^ go ask your Aunt. ILLINOIS—Davenport, Muscatine, OttumtA'a, Oskaloosa, 'Wesfc Liberty, lows. RtiuR' and Miiikcs ii l.i'nvorably liOocived ebaok ot beaiitittit colorod paUoru da- / li '\ Aunt,lane—Woll. Wfi wiuit to bn.vMvaral in tliia loGnHly. City, Dos Moines, Knoxville, 'Wintoi'sot, Atlantic, Audubon, Harlan, Guthrift Speech. is. liOSti & CO.. 'A'clcdo, O. mm UuuTis it W'JUfiiiT, :i:t:) IJruiula'ny, N, y. Centre, and Council Bluffs m IO'WA-Minn,-=apolis and St. I-'aul in MINNE­ [llovliu tolograin.l - —-—~.slioiikl not o.xpoet SOTA—'Water to'wn and Sioux Falls in DAKOTA—Ga,llatin, Trenton, Cameron. St. Joseph, and Kansas City in MISSOUEI—Beatnco, Pairbury,'ancl Nolso'a The Gorman lleiohstaic has reassomldnd. .1 girl of your ago to ho up on such matters, nnd Emperor Williuiu oiioued tho sos.sion iu in NEBRASKA—Horton, Topeka, Hi/itchinson, Wichita, BcllcviMQ, Norton, but certainly hor mollior ought to bo. It Abilene, Caldwell, in KANSAS—CJOlorado Spriners, Denver, Puoblo, in COLO- porson. In relation to East Afrioau affairs, liaiipcns that only a short timo ago I was EADO. Traverses new nnd vast areas of rich farminpr nnd ernizing' lanas, ho said: roailing nn articio on Ktinuotto in my in- nffordinET the best facilities of intercommunication to older Statea and to all '"Tho sottlcnionts in Africa nro a niiitlor of falliblo gnido. ontitlod: "IJoforc nnd After ISLAND noaE STOCK I'AllM, Grosso Isle, Wnyao Connty, Blicliignn. towns and cities in Southern Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, Utah, Net*- interest to fiormiiny. In the task of winning' the Marriiigo Engagcmout." I will lend tho Mexico, Indian Temtory, Texas, Arizona, Idaho, California, and' Pnclfltt ' Afrieiito Oliristlan niortdily rriBndly.Eii,<;laii.l Abont 200 pure-bred animals on hand. PrloM rcMOimblo ; terras easy. Horsea coast and trans-oceanic Seaports. niiigazino to you. wliicli wdll answonill your Buarantced brcedera. Large oaiaioirne with history of the breed fiee by mall .. miditsrarliii'niontbad rccogni/.od a century questions. And now that you nro contoin- AddieasSAVAGEi li'ARKUM, DelioU.llici. n/yo'that tlicy niiisti hcnin by roprossins lho plating marriage lot mo givo you a littlo ad­ SOLID FAST VESTIBULE EXPRESS TRAINS tra^dbin nofrrooa imd slavo-liuntiiic. Ithoro- vico. Do uot start off lilco your motiior did, FRENCH COACH HORSES. Of Palace Coaches—leading' all competitors in splendor of equipment and . loro first arrived at nn onlonto witli J^n- to always depend on otlior.s for your iu- luxury of accommodations-run through daily between Chicago and Colo­ , gland and began nOROliations with other formntion. Your mothor always says "go neautlfiillT formed rado Sprinf?8, Denver and Pueblo. Similar MAGNIFICENT VESTIBULB friendly powers. Meiisurus In the Itotolistiii asic Aunt Jane, sho knows overyihing." hlgli-BioppInc Stal­ TRAIN SBR'VICB dally between Chicago and Council Blufl's (Omaha), and .i.l'C-ftl follow." AVoll! I am egotistical enough to admit that lions and Marcs, su- bet-ween Chicago and Kansas City. Elegant Day Coaches, Dining CarSa porb ttotlnn. bred Eeclininff Chair Cars (FEEE), arid Palace Sleeping Cars. California Excur­ jr^'With roforonoo to foroign relations ho I can gonoraMy givo information on almost under tha patronnRO sions daily. Choice of routes to and from Salt. Lake City, Portland, Loa saidi "Onr relations with idl foroign pow­ ovory snbjoct tliat comes up in tho homo of tho French Gov­ Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and intervening localities. Quick time, ers aro poacoful. Ky oll'orts havo boon iin- cirelo, and yot I will toll you oandldly that ornmont. For catft- loRiio and history of promp-t connections and transfers m Union Depots. ••csasins to strunfrtlinn this poaco. Tho ovory bit of my hoiisobold knowledge has tlio breed address aUianco with Austria and Italy has no boon gained from reading Dmnorosl's THE FAWSOUS ALBERT LEA ROUTE •other objoot. To brinjt, without nocossity. Mmitli.li/ Mnnazlne.. It covers absohitoly the. miscriGS ovon of a victorious war ovory point intorosting to a family, aud Euns superbly equipped Express Trains daily each way between ChlcaffO', Detroit, Dlicb. ' upon Germany would bo inconipatiblo without it I would bo lost for answers to Rock Island, Atchison, St. .Joseph, Leavenworth, Kansas City and Minne­ With my CliriRtian faith and my duties your aiiiuerous tiucstions. apolis and St. Paul. The Favorite Tourist Line to the scenic resorts, and .to-ward the Gorman pooulo. Acting thus I Every mothor aiiould take it. nnd ovory hunting and fishing grounds of the Northwest. Its Waterto-wn Brancli .'- oonsidorod it my duty shortly after my ao- girl liko yon wlio is contemplating starting courses throufrh the most productive lands of Northern Iowa, Southwestern Minnesota, and East Southern Dakota. cossioni to tho tlirono to personally greet a new homo should put that down as tho notonly my nllina but also, and in tlio lirst first ro(|nisito. Miiybo you think my praiso THE SHORT LINE VIA SENECA AND KANKAKEE offers facilities to place, the triondlynolghhoring monarolig in is too strong. Wolll try for yoursolf. You travel between Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Lafayette, and Council Bluffs, St Joseph, Atchison, Leavenworth, Kansas City, Minneapolis, and St. Paul. order'..to soulo'an nndorstanding witji a say yon want a pattorn of. that jacket I liavo view to the fuliillniunt of tho task that Viod just flnhshod. Unfortunately niino,is too • For Tickets, Maps, Polders, or desired information, apply to any Ooupoa • ;; has sat boforo,mo In aewirins to our poopio largo for yon. but I soo that \V. .fcnnings Ticket Office In the United States or Canada, or address .the nlos.sings of poacu and prospority.as bir f-4 to 8-3 THE FUEL SAVED- Domorost, publisher of JJemorcsl'a Montlitu E. ST. JOHN, E. A. HOLBROOK, asvlics in onr power. Tho oonlldonoo ox- Mai/aiino, is offering to send a spooimoa 'SELLS 41 SlCar. ADAPTED TO ALL STOVES. SEIIO fOR CIRCULiIRS AND MAKE MOIIEV. aeneral Manager. OI-Tl'CAGO. ILL, Gon'l Ticket & Pass. Agent tondod to mo and my policy ntall tho courts copy cf tito magai'dno for 10 cents. Send for . MOREY MFG. CO., 'Waukesha, 'Wis. which I havo visilod juslllios tbe Iiopo that o.no. aud yon will got your pattern for noth- i-Iyand. niy allies and frionds, with God's iiig; for oach niiigiisiino contains a Pattorn iliolp.'will bo ablo to prosorvo tlio poaco of Order. onUtling.tho Iioldor to the selection ,.Eurbpo.", . _ of imy pattern iu stock, and of any size Tlip'Empnror w'n.'i froquontly jntorruptod 'raannrncliirod. CERMAN ASTHMA CURE \ IriBtantly relievos tho most violent attnolc, and i.bX'Warm applanso whilo ho was reading his Don't think by this tliat Demorost's is a ainsuroB eomfortablo sleep. KO W.llTIKO rer IIE- {speech.: I'i ho p;is»iigos, rotorring to tlio fashion mag.'iKlne, tor it is not. Its fashion NEW SUBSCRIBERS. 8 Slli;M.Bolni; used by inhalation, ih acUon isira- ;'''ipo.a6ofulsitiiat!oii,thuiinprovomuntln trade,: dopiirtmont. is perfect, as aro all its othor « raedlnto, diroot and ciirtain. nnd a onro is tho x 'i! result in all oiirablo casea, A filnfflotria l cnn- :;,ani:i;::Sooial: legishition wore ospocially ap- dopiirtnionts, but James is as iinxioii.s for its To any Now Subsoriber who will send us this Slip^ with S vincos tho most skeptical, PricolHia. and r'plauded.'/.'.^. . '' , arrival each month as I am myself., It is name and P.O. address and $1.75 in Money Ordei<, Express 9 of any dntggist, or by man. fclnmiilo l're«i lorp • i_]Uhj.K.HO^?ni'''Fm simply a3)ci/coi/inmi/y magazino', worth ton. Money Order, Rogisttred Lottar, or Check,: for a year's.aub- Vj''|j'r:iHiis been riimori'iT tliat tilio, bustle times the subscription prioo.which isonlyS'2 scriplion to tlie.Companion, we will send the p.nper •jis-linWe ,t,ii.ak. IE,B^ Bpeolmon CupUa,and.Onloroil Arinnnacnment tfaa'.f Pltaaim^ Adflress | •r'J ' '*• ''" '•*-•* ''•" - 1 ...... 1 ,. fi'.i'.'i...:.. i.^'.r'.L * ..,'4.'j-,-.'a'« . I'l T?Afi iiN. r.'-ff Ko. <18-)»8^ r^,.™.j,g Qq^p^^iq^^ 30 Temple Place, .Boston, ' piullSoJKttiy!''..ivSS'J' ^ ——..T-TTTraHiS-J—^ 'I'iiMiri'iMW I Ls imgii-j' J ••iimiiwiin rrr -tjA' ' "'"^ ^^^^ Advui'litsuiuuitl lu thitt now come out with their overcoats, and we, Alaicdou .niKl Wlieuineld Lino. JngJiiuu County 100, (bllowed thoir example, i saw three cases ol what aoino would lerin love sick NOVEMBER 20, 1888. RV people, for they wero suddenly troubled C. E. Ferris nf tho AgricultnrarCollego, with a flow of claret from their noses. At nn rx lonelier of the DuBois school, called ii. 1\ WBIITJtlORE & CO. the summit we doubled up and formed one on bis scholars and other friends hist week train, and started down the douliiie, back Fridiiv. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29,1888. lo a wanner level, and now the iiard worked L. i''. Doyle si arts today forn two weeks' fireman can sit on liia box and take things visit to Sadiia, Wiiyiio county, N. Y. very easy. Very many tilings 1 saw thnt Siiiiiner Irish of Day county, Dakota, is A Mnsoii J{oy iii W.isliiiigloii Territory. 1 would like to tell youaboiil, and as I saw shaking hands wilh his old friends here. them, as often wished you wero along with Jerry DuBois of Columbia, Jackson Olnrence Crittenden, son of Mr, and Mrs, inc. At daylight we were down to the river connty, is looking aftor the interest of his B, B, Crittenden of this city, recontly went level again and hud passed through Black farm here this woek. GIVEN AWAY. from Omahn, whore lie hnd been located Canon, whose rocky walls aro almost entire­ Frank Darrow goes on crutches, caused for some time, to Tncomn, Wasbingtoii ly composed of coal black rock. All day by a .sovere cut on the knee. Territory, and we are permitted to extract long through Utah, a winding way indeed, Why not organize a lyceum at the Du­ the following from a letter to bis parents, as tho mileage o( tho D. .t R. G. Irom Bois ? A, W. L. Commencing to-day-, we give to every purchaser ot $5 a descriptive o( tlie trip, which no doubt Denver to Ogdon is 7;i5 iniles, while that Alhuina at prices that will astonish you worth of goods at one time a ticket good for one chance m will bo interesting to many of our readers : of tho Union Piicilic is only (iOO, but it was for tlieir cheapness, at Kiminel's hook our great drawing, to take place Feb. 1,1889. Look at the ^"Itis three weeks tomorrow night that scenery wo sought, and we had it. store. •* beauty in our store window. we boardtKl tho Union Pacific cars for Den­ Passing through the Mormon country wo ver, starting at Si'lS p, in. After riding all naturally wondered if thoae wo saw wero Islniiil Corners. night, daylight found us nut prelty well in all polygamists. On hoard we fell into NOVEMBER 27, 1888. to Western NobriiBkit, in llie midst of the conversation with some Indies, who proved A donation and oyster supper for the cattle-grazing section. There it must look to belong to the failli, nnd who did not look RFiyiFM^FII ^^^^^ AS CHEAP AS very much ns it did at the time father and or appear very dili'eront from ordinary poo. benefit of Rev. Sturgos, will be held at his friends cro.ssed, except that Ihe bull'alna pie—gentiles. They gave e.\-|)res»ioii to Dolbort Polton's on Thanksgiving evening. M£!l!Bli£B: THE CHEAPEST, AND READY TO MEET All are cordially invited to attend. aro all gone and their places lillud with some queer sentimoiits. Ono said she was Iheir domesticated species, thousands being Iter husband's only wifo, and should he do A youni.' son of Jlrs. McKecney is dan­ ANY COMPETITION. Remember, too, we have visible at did'ereiit points. The antelopcB sire lo take another wife she would be per gerously ill with paralysis. This powder (never varlea. A marvel of purUy and deer, too, a thing of tho past, but saw I'ectly willing ; another old, gray haireil Amos Crossinaii and wife of Dansville, struii/j'th and u'liolosoinoiiess. I\loic> ecoiuuiilcal thiiu tho ordinary kinds,and cannot he sold in competition woman, wns ihe first of live conaorts to one visited at .laincs Hulett's last week. several cayotes. Tbo little ])rairie dog is witii Ihu muitiludo of low test, sliort weight alum or ALINE of MEN'S CLOTHING immovable and non-destructible, it seems, man. She, too, was happy. It was dark Ernest Jobiisoii went north yesterday phospliato powders, .Sold otihj in emu. morning. RovAi, Bakino I'owoEB Co., lOO Wall St., N. Y. for we came to several of their villages d iir- when wo reached Salt Lake City, so we did Will Wright has moved "out of the old To sell you. Don't miss this chance. ing the day, and could see tliom cutely not get much of a view of the city, but did house into the new." perched upon the summit of tlieir sandy enjoy n gazo at Groat Salt Lake by moon­ Mr. Brown and daiighlRr of Charlotte, introduced this season, by threshing tho homes, h'or miles and miles wo traveled light. At 9;.fO wo wero at Ogden, wliero are visiting nt Edily SinitirB. corn and stalks, which is a big improvement without sooiiig a cabin,those we saw belong­ wo reniaineil till the next day nt fivo o'clock p. in. While there we called on Judge for feeding stock. ing, I suppose to cowboys. .'Vt 8 o'clock Veviiy. Henderson and wife. Leaving Ogden via Levi Davis, an aged pioneer, is not ox- Dry Goods and Clothing, Mason. in the inoriiiiig we were at North Piaito, the Utah Northern, we were at dawn out of pticted to live but a sliort time ; bo is bleed­ liGI! miles from Omaha, a town of about N0VK.M11E11 27, 1888. Utah and ovor into Idaho. Nearly all day ing at tlie liiiiija. 17,000, nnd ono that has derived some no­ Mrs. Jerry Purdy visited her sister in wo rode along by Snako river. A pretty, Mra. J. U. Swart is reported quite sick toriety from being tbo home of Hon. Wm. Ohio, last week. liltie water it is,, too, and abounding wilh wilh fever. F. Cody (BtiU'nlo Bill), which may bo seen J. 8. Stevens and family of Lansing, lisli J it is a tributary to the Columbia. At Improvements nt the parsonage will cicsu to the track about a mile west of the were the guests of D. S. Stevens over ilillbrunt points during tlio day, wo saw make it much more convenient Ibr winter station. Tliouiili not palalial, by any means, Sunday. somo of the aorrioat Hpecinioiif! of humanity use. it looks siilislanlial and thrifty, in the Mr. and Mrs. Gillet and daughters of I ever beheld, somo of them almost nude. Mr. Wnodia teaching school iu fractional Irotil yard is a Hag stud' (whether democrat Dakota, are visiting at Deles Wolcott's. Littio [lappooses without any covering Ibr district No. 7, Aurelius and Onondaga. He or republican, T did not learn), from tlie Mrs. Gillelt is a cntiHin of Mr. Wolcott. their feet, and the day was chilly, loo. They aetnna to bo the right man for tlio place. top nf which the U. S, atnra nnd stripes Frank Purdy is spending the week in subsist ohiefiy on salmon, and the proceeds Having had exporieiieo in teacliing he is Have you got prices at Webb's Cash Shoe Store this fall ? arc always Hying at any time during the Laiiigsbnrg. I'rom their sale. At 12 wo rolled into Port- prepared to impart to each pupil as they sojourn of the biilfalo slayer-al homo. He U. S. Stevens wont to Lansing last . He gets down to the bottom on all kinds of Winter latid,six hours late. Our train was late lU may need. is iiway now in New York, preparing to ovory division town on roulo. Portland is Thursday. Some of the young men are talking north Wear. Look around and get prices and then see take a titled company of English duUoa lirotty—a beantiful river is tho Coliimhia. Frank Seeley had a lot of sheep killed woods 111 the near (iilure. tind lords on a hunting expedition to Old Here wo only stopped one day, not finding by-dogs Sunday and Monday nights. Charles Eckhart is about selling his in­ how much you can save. Mexico. At .Inlesburg wo loft the iniiiii the prospect for work very encouraging,and Henry Nortlirup broke the shaft to his terest in the old homestead to Joe Edgar. line of the N. P., taking a spur road to at two o'clock in the morning took the cars clover liuller and will have to send nwny Wo aro informed that Mrs. Caamer Davis Doiivcr, where we arrived al G:'l.5, just 22 lor Tacoma, W. T., 140 miles distant, lor repairs. of Now Mexico, baa returned to her parents We have for Men and Boys hours ont of Omaha. At about 'I o'clock whore wo arrived at eight in the morning. E.A.Bariies has his bam nearly enclosed. ut Eaton Rapids, to bo treated for cancer. ill the afternoon cniiie wiihin sight of Miss Bmnin Fletcher, ono of the teachers tho foothills, and tlioligh thoy are called As you aro aware wo had orignally start­ Something nice in tablo linen for a in the scliool at Vermontville, received Pontiac and IViishawakee Knit Boots, only hills, each one, to mo, seemed monn- ed for Seattle, but at once finding all the present, at Ball & Sherman's. Don't fail to word from tlio school board that the school tain.like in proportions. Ilorcand there in work we'wanted, we noncluded to stay here seo them. would commence again on Monday of this tlic distance conhl bo seen a snowcapped for a while at least- Seattle, by boat, is Boston Felt Boots, Detroit all-wool Stockings Alaiedon Center. week, it having been closed 011 account ol peak, and I at all times was wondering only 2;) centa, and we can run over almost any time. Moreover, Tacoma is probably diphtheria. Several deaths have ocsurred which parlicnlar one was named for Geii- Nov. 28, 1888. and all kinds of Rubbers for same. a better place than Seattle, unyliow all seem from this terrible disease. ernl Pike, but was destined not to seo it till Thcoontinueil pleasant weather hns giv­ to think ao. 1 niadii in my firat ten days' We ask the readers of the De.mocrat after leaving Denver. Arriving at Denver en farmers an opportunity to complete fall work S'lS. Board is .SG a week, and we find and all others interested in home news to I soon found my friend, Mr. MncMiller, of -For Ladies We Have- work, and most of them have completed it. hand in your items to your correspondents wlinm yon will reuieinher havinir heard me it vory good, too. '.j; Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Raniiey and Grace as early in the week as Monday, that it may speak. He assisted in making our stay of From Tacoma can bo seen the moi'in- Beaver and Felt Slioes, Button or Lace, nnd Blanch True of Rives, visited friends be read by your frionds -in far off lands, two niglitg and n day vory etijoyable. At tain.s, one of wliicli is covered with snow in Alaiedon over Sunday. and may be of untold value to theni. and called iMt. 'Tucoina. Tall pines and Colorado's capital we saw many hand.soiiie Charley French,with Wheaton &Ranney, Cork Latiilj's Wool Soles for Slippers, Only 20c, firs cover all the lower hills. All alone Ihe business blocks, this city liaving sovoral is preparing a picket mill, which will begin Dniikcrhlll Center. water front can he seen ocean vessels. One niillionaire.s. Her public buildings aro operations in about three weeks. They in­ Ladies' Favorite Alaskas, Only IS Cents. has just arrived from Japan loaded with ospeeiallv (ino. The ovonincof our arrival tend to make a 200,000 cut, from lumber NovE.\iiiER 27,1888. lea.' Last Sntitrday I went out for my first Kespectfully, wo visited Tabor's opera honso, well known on the land of tho latter two gentlemen. Twelve years ago last week wo made shoot, on tho sound or more properly an ns one of the fiiieat, if not Mtlinost, in this Geo. May has moved from the J. Radio our first bow to the readers of the De.mo- country. The next day wo walked tho old arm or bay. Saw more ducks than I over farm onto the May homestead. CKA't'. Dnriiig tlint period we have record­ F. W. WEBB, Mason. quarter of the city, and saw buildings (now droaiiied of. Walliirila, teal, red heads and Geo. Marvin hns gone to Barry county, ed 147 deaths, 112 marriages, and 15G more wrecks) that along in the (lO's werji snipe by the hundreds and thousands, but to visit friends. times have told your readers of the nicest Something New in Felt Boots, see it before you buy. they are now yery wild, and besides I have no doubt regarded as yery line, and iniiny .fay Lewis, accompanied by his brother, baby in town; war has been declared discovered I am not a wing shot, conse­ of Ihoni, hati they tongues, could no doubt against us 70 different times, but all ia quently my boat had even less to carry on R. M., arrived at home laat Saturday even­ unfold tales ol a very tragic and exciting quiet on "the Potomac" at the preaent tliu return trip than on the outgoing (allow­ ing. Jay, witli Ilia injured arm, is doing character, lor Denver was once a border time. We have tried to please your readers ing for powder). well, soon he will be ready for business town in the wildcat sense. Crossed Cherry again. D. C. and at the ccmraencomont of our ISlli oreok, wlioro placer milling was first dono, Every §2 worth of goods purchased for year of correspondence hope to do better and perhaps passed over the very spot where Beat Water.while Oil 12j per gallon. cash at E. Culver's entitles you to a chance in the future than in the pust. you, father, 29 years iitro, washed for the A. L. VAyoERCooi;. in his grand gift distribution. * Win. Williams and Mrs. Betsey Spalding precious niiiieral. I. could not understand Oiiondngii. were married last week, and Ed. Jones and Has Removed to 1st Door North of Postoffice, where you why gold should bo found there, as it does Delhi. Miss Bstella Tucker have united in wedlock, not run from the mountain but Irom the November 2G, 1888, and Ed. Perry of Manceloiia has taken will find one of the Largest Assortments of jilains and empties into the Platte river, or Nov. 2C, 1888. James H. Hatninil is in Madisan, Wis., Miss Delia Beers of thia town aa a com­ would do ao, were it not ail consumed for The winter terra of school comineneed selling apples for Y. N. Henniiig, the apple panion of his weal or woe. irrigating purposes. Thursday morning in district No, one hist week. king of Cliicago. 0. H. Williams is happy. He is papa of we left llio city of 80,000 and the one that Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Binkley, Bullen & Go's eynporator closed last a very nice boy. yon knew with 18 log cabins, and taking Nov. 19, a son. Saturday evening. They have used up Rev. J. N. Stone is holding a series of the Denver & Rio Grande R. R., wliecleci Miss Emma Ohliiigor loft recently for ovor six tons of apples, and have already meetings at this place. We hope he will away for Ogdeii, Utali. Taking a position Ada, Ohio, where she will complete her shipped over 8,000 pounds of dried apples, be successful and many seo the error of on the right hand side of tbo train that wo course in music. ami the skins and cores are dried for other their way. iniglit have a bettor view of tho Rockies, John Sullivan of Detroit, visited at Dan purposes. The lyceum still draws large crowds on X2T TIHE COXJISrTY- we settled down for tho best sight of these Shea's last week. Willis Bros, shipped to New York Ctty, Saturday nights. The next question i mountains that can be had from the cars. The Sunday scliool convention held'at Saturday, three tons of dressed poultry, the licsolocil, "That nature is more beautiful '.It is said Pilce's Peak can be seen from the M, E. church lust Wednesday was very largest shipment that ever left this point al than the works ot art." Chief disputants, Denver, though wo did not sight it until a largely attended. any one time. J. D. Blake affirmative, Wesley Bailey run of about two hours. About ten o'clock John Hepfer, one of our neighbors, who negative. Try our can peaches, only 12;!- per can. it loomed up, and all day, at occasional is state agent for dynamite, and who is also The number of births in this town in A. L. Vandercooic. intervals, we would catch ijlimpses of it, so quite an adept in tho use of it, has during 18S7 was 20; iu the same year 10 deaths ml ml to a m sr high does it tower abovo its neighbors. At locke Center. the paat week been doing quite a good occurred. Colorado Springs a most magnificent view business extracting stumps, lie has blown Dram Commissioner F. H. Ci.vende may bo had, and here one gets a faint con­ NOVEMRER 23,1888. out about 200 for Phil Grain, and 100 for informs us that the Douglass drain is all ception of how deeeptiyo are the distances, School coininencod laat Monday raorning his father. completed. CALL AND SEE ME IN MY NEW QUARTERS. one old gentloinnn on board, recognizing with B. C. Potter as teacher. Mrs. Oscar Jewel has gone to Mecosta Daniel Smith ia moving onto the J. M. me as a "tender-foot," I suppose, asked me Arthur Roosa is sick with typhoid fever. county to visit her Ihlher, whom she has Birney farm. how fi\r did I think the peak from us. Gave C. B. Ball and H. H. Dakin of Dansville, not seen in several years.. J. S. Sweezey keeps a full supply of flour I will Undersell All Competition. him my opinion (ten miles, snpposing I have been hnnting in these parts. Union services will be held in the to accommodate his customers. certainly had placed it hi/h enough, and . Geo. Tuttle has commenced his new ohurolios near hero, for Thanksgiving Day. Only three persons pay $100 in taxes in would disappoint him), when he coolly in­ addition to his house. Protracted meetings will continue this township. They don't feel as though formed me it was seventeen miles ; and it Serviees commence at 11 o'odock sharp through the week, taxes aro a bit lower in 1888. really does not appear more than five. By A FINE LINE OP UNDERTAKER'S GOODS IN STOCK. at the Pree Methodist church of this place George Woolly lost .a valuable work We recently saw nine cats a house on looking closely ono may see the signal sta­ hereafter. horse last evening. the gravel bill, and it was not a firat rat tion house, now abandoned, which appears Will furnish hearse and attend funerals when desired. B. A. Liverance of this place, visited in George Baldwin has gone to Iowa with day for cats either. As it was too high o about the size of a cigar box. All of this Lansing, Thursday. several carloads of apples to sell. place to be called a cathole and as 7 of the mountain is completely covered with snow, J. A. UNDERHILL Prank Liverance cominraences school in oats were sunning themselves on a log, we and once seen, can never be mistaken for A New Year's present lor you all, at L. the Boardman d'iatrict, Monday, Nov. 20. would call it a cat-a-log house, any other neighboring peak, or vice versa, C. Webb's, the clotlier. * • Max.. Martin Hull departed this life Nov, 20, •lust hers in this valley is the prettiest In Ye Olden Times a Washboard was a family necessity. The Wonder known as Dansville. 1888, aged G8 yenra, Mr, H. has long been A few more pair of those cheap felt boots couutry I have ever seen. The altitude of left at Huntington's, * a resident of this town, living a quiet life. the peak is l'.l,000 feet above the sea level. November 27,1888. His sickness was of short duration, the At Pueblo, 120 miles from Denver, we left Anti-Washboard Wlicatneld. P.M. Gibbs of Chicago, has been visiting nature of which we have not leariieil, al­ one of our engines, thnt helped us over the al W. G, ITawcroft's and calling on his though dropsy was the finishing stroke. mountains, and started into the Arkansas NovEMiiRR 27, 1888. many friends here, He ivas a kind husband aud father. Valley, along which river the D. & R. G. Charles C. Hale returned from Ohio last Geo. Young of Eaton county, is putting We haye been informed for the 550th R. R. tuns for several hundred miles. This week, where he has been visiting his father down a rock well for Geo. Deihl, and is time, by republicans, that "we haye got road is called the scenic route of the world, and other friends for the past week. nOvV down neariy 100 leet. our president," We supposed Harrison and justly so, I haven't a doubt. At three Cliaunoy Phillips has moved his family The remains of little Nina Aseltine were was president of the United States, and o'clock in tbo afternoon we entered the into the tenement house belonging to Har. brought here Snturdiiy from Hastings, and not of the g. o. p. But we are happy to Grand Canon of the Arkansaw, just previ­ risen. Tobias. interred Sunday morning at half past three, think they have not got a king to rule all, Mas completely revolutionized things, and gives the housekeeper something new. • This ously taking on in the rear an observation The school board of the VYestgate district she having died of diphtheria. Her brother only republicans. car, to which nearly all who could do soj AN''ri-'WASHBOARD SOAP has made for itself a reputation as the have put new patent seats in the school Miirk is also sick at G, W. Glynn's. But RotJOH AND Ready, . retired. The oar is entirely open, and the house', at a cost of S1.S5; also engaged all reports about there being any other , Bucklon's Arnica Salre. tourist looks and looks till his eyes are Waller Frost lo teficli the winter term of cases than the above is false and without school at $28 per month, and he boards The best salve in the world forcuts, bruis­ ' WOMAN'S TRUE FRIEND. dini. Here again we were favored with foundation, and the house is strongly himaiilf. . es, sores, ulcers', salt rhenra, tetter, chapped another steam horse or "helper" engine. quarantined by the health officer. hands, ohilblaina, corns, anti all skin erup­ To say the ride was charmingly interesting Lightning killed a sheep for Lewis Polar G. W. Glynn, who has been under medi­ Ask your Grocer for tions, and positively cures piles, or no pay doea not one-half express it, Webster's on Ihe 5th inst. It was insured in the cal treatment of a traveling doctor for the required.- It is guaranteed to give perfect dictionary-does not contain adjectives Farmers' Mutual Co. past month, hns given up the treatment, and Take Nothing but satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 26 enough to give utterance to one's delight. Harrison Tobias has been visiting friends havina.reoeived no benefit. cents per box. For sale by H. M. 'Williams. Neither can pen or brush pictures bring it in the north part of the slate. There will be a patch social at the resi­ out. It truly must be.seen to be appreciat­ Herbert Westgate has rented a farm in It is a FAMILY, SOAP in. every sense, and once, dence of Priam Squares one week from Eupepsy. ed. The river rushes along, noty near, noiv the township of Leroy, and expects to move next Friday night,'. Girls, get your patches •used will be always used. Try it. his family onto it soon. This ia what you ought to_ have, in fact, far below, and rocky walls, at some places ready; and boys, get your 20'oent8 ready to you mnat have it, to fully enjoy life. Thous­ nearly perpendicular, six, eight and ten Wm. Haviland moved into the house buy the patches with. ands aro searching,for it daily, ond mourn­ hundred feet high. It is scenery, scenery, vacated by George Rockwell laat week. . Misses Emma and Annie Deihl visited at ing because they find it not. , Thousands soeneryj until.one almost gets tired. At" On Saturdiiy of last week as John Doug­ Delhi over Sunday, upon thousands of dollars are spent nnnu dark we had entered 'Morsball Pass, and lass and,Mrs. Chauncey Phillips were oti Born, to.Mr, and-Mrs,:Wells Walker, on their way to Williamston, and when nearly ally by our people in the hope that they much to our regret had to pass it oil at Suiidny evening, Nov, 17, a boy; weight, opposite the residence of Silns Butler, their niiiyaltiiin this boon. Andyef it may he ;nighti Here, in one. place, to traverse a 9^ pounds,, • . : TIjoMalinoutofroin , ^. had by nil. Wo guarantee that Electric .. distance of six. miles, twenty-one miles of team became .frightened and ranaway, 8, Aiirelliis. \ Bitters, if used according to directions antl track is laid. Up I Up I Up I.. Believe throwing both occupants of the buggy out. WANTED DANSVILLE TO MASON. ^ the use persisted in, will bring . you good Having booD diaiiontinuod, tho aubiorlbor will. . here is the steepest grade on 'any; road in Mt-.;, Doiigloas, although a very old man, - , to Cftnvass for the sale of Nursery Stocki; Steady employment guarantood. SALARY Ilere&fterrun tt vohlclooverthe roaddally (Suailayi'.-: eijeapedwitho'iit being hiirt, Mrs,; Phillips .November 26, 1888, ; digestion and • oust- the demoii; dyspepsia' V A'lnerica, and now.'our'train is divided •into' AND EXPENSES PAID. 'Apply iitonco.statinguge. and Fourth of July oxcoptod) for.tlio conieysnco of-. - Thanksgiving this week, with exlrapleas- and instiill instead eupepsy. ; We recora- pi.B9engorg, ozpregg, uodifrolghts, ut> roasouikbli-.: \;8eotions,':Atptie place we looked out'-'and^ rijoeived several,; severe bruises. Their Btea,ieiivli)^I>i>i)i)vllleiit olglit o'olocls-a. m. unil ,' carriage wasyery badly demolished, : ant weather, .llonds dry and dusty,. , mend/Electrie-Bitters for dyspepsia and all : saw, tlie^head.vseotioir way: above.:usj and ttrrlYlngtttMaabnatorheforo 10 a. iu;,aud roturn'-'; I .;' Mrs,- Sherman of NewYork, is.the-guest diBenBes.'o'f:/;Iiver.,stomach .and kidneys. IngatauchUmoabiiiili day uBglmllhoatpromotatho,.:; bf:hersister, Mrsl'Deicon;Powler,,,;-. lsanfllolnPliilddelnhla oonvoiiienoobf tliopubllc, GIO P, aLYKN. , Buffalo, wolf,and lap robes.andi/horse Sold at SOc and $1 perbottleby H;M. Wil at tiio Nowspapor AUvor- I R ,v-.;Dtt'ii8VIIIo'.llIioU,,Oct,. 17,1866 , j i, ,x