LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS. AVliiclow shades at T. L. Stroud's. * OUR GLORIOUS FOURTH. Common Council Procoedlnffs. The DI';^^ocuAT wa.s tlie llrst to pay How the 117th Anniversary Was JL\S0N, .Tuly 18D;). J.lvc.'; of piHif men ofl iviiilinl iis, his water rates Ijiis term. Observed In Mason—Larpre Crowd Thecouncll met pursuant to adjourn• ll(i/i(>.s'i iiicii Hdii'i slami 11(1 ctoiiwi; —Fine Parade—Patriotic Address— Till' iiiiifi' wi! work llii'iv Hl'ows lielilnd ii.s 'riie ladies' aid society of Ellen will ment and was called toordorby JMiiyor ME — Lots of Sport and Fun—Wound lilj-'tji'i' iiali'liosiiii our pants. mei^tat the lioine of Mi-.s, Geo. Smith Up With Slight Rain. Reed, On our piiiils, unci' in:vi and (jlos^Vi Wednesday, ,)nly 12tl). i'reseiit, Aid, J)rew, Elmer, Hoyt, Nnw lire slfliii's of iliireicat line; the All In'oaiisc. siiuscrllitM'sllinjor Ne.\t week JiIi'S. A. P. VanDciiscn I Mason has UKiiln kept up lis re|)iitn Mills, Thorburn and ViinSlykc, Ami (Inii'l p.'iy iH wliiil'.s-(iiir (liKi. will o|KMi a studio over Jlendcr.son So tion as a city that fiirnislies an excel The iiilnutes (if last meeting were Tlii'ii li't iiK li(.< lip mill iloiiiK, read and ajiprovcd. .Si'iiil III voiir mill', iKitvi'ViT small; llimtiiiKton'rt clot,liinK st-ore. * lent proKrain fur this great day and a.s fi are i Or n-licn ilii! siiuw (if wlnler .slrikits lis The buildinii committee for Co. F's 'J«''>K ""'P'V '^l^Y ^" I'"'''" Kl'.l'OUTS 01'" COMJirn'KlCS, 4th \Vc Hlijtll liitvo no panl.s at all. new armory want to receive proposals Oi r c ti/.ens in nia n .slio M The finance committee rciiorted of Larljos sliirl.s 2,") ceiihs at Hiill'.s. * for the ercet,ion of tlic same See a patriotic spirit and decorated their on the following bills and reeom Who are Selling notice ^ busine.ssplacesandi'csidences in honor Liiiisint,' liiis luiiiieruiis ciiscs of mended their allowance as follows: '. , ,, .,„,, of our (,'iie.sti3, .some of the displays (li])lillicriii. The Amiorsoii lloi so, once the pride uorderitiK on the elaborate, Oon. S. Mnsiior, ami men nii siniel $21 .ss Did.s, has Davhl Sniitliwlek, 7 iilcbts on streut.s i) K JULY 'J'lu'n; wa.s a ))L'rl't'(;l. jam of pyoplu of the (Jiliwns I, Iwion 1 apid.s, ha.s -j^,, ^ excellent one, \V. t. Clitrk, In prlntliiK I!) 07 depreciated in value so that t is iiHod • ••- . . > III l,(i\vii .SaUirclay uvuiiiiit,'. the sun baln^ obseuretl by clouds thai Darker & Cn., bricit and snwor jilpii 10-10 as boot in trades for jackknives. A. 1. narbi'r, n days nn board of rovii'W.... 10 (lO Rctsaf riicli liiiii|i .salt, ahvay.s on moderated llie elfects of its heated .1. (',. Hiuili'i-s, .Ir..'.l days' work In iMiiielury I IS Print sale continued at C. .11. riall'.s. -1 no liaiul at, tlic S'j'Aii GitocjcKY. * rays, but about live o'clock it began II, W. Asi'ltliai, (1 7-10 days' work In eeim.'- now tery tfs, •S(\f' iiotl(;i> in (iiif biisiiKJSs hical There are two iiiii.saiices than are to sprinkle and sii(,'lit,ly dampened the OVEIt (iuito common in ourlittlo city. Tlie.y ardor of tlinsc wlio I'emained. Tiie Mtiisliall A.so. W, Wlilllni,', 3'; days' work In " 1 .3' Save your be. .sold on ijii.s.v l-criiis. lloyt Bros., Ki'ncei-les for Mrs. Iti'L-cd for 2 and hoKse training on the principal the middle of the forenoon it was re- money "Wall |)ii|)ftr Ic it roll unci up at streets, marked by nuiny that it was the weeks' oaro of Nnllle Odell .'i 00 We do not quote prices. Call Browna'.s Book ,Slnre, Jfasoii. * On motion tiie report was accepted to Last Monday morning a package of lij'^f''^^ f h'^'l ..awwx^M.-t our stor- e and we wi. " con. - i\lrs. i\l:ir,v McLcdcl Ma.vbeu will n-jve and t,lie clerk Inslriicted to draw or• buy wliil,e dress goods was lost in Ma.soii or tlijit lionr in the day. ders for same. viacvincG you WwoO arar e doing just an oii'i;rl.ai'iin]enhal. \Villiamsl.(iii nuxli between Mason and near lOden, The "''^els, stands booths ami lunch GOODS n.R we advertise. .Sal-iirday evoniiiK, 'Inly Stli. llnderwill Ijeivwai'ded liy leaving at <^M<^^^^ "'^j'c anipy provided vitl On report of the superintendent of as we advertise. poor 111 ri'gard to l,lie care of Nellie at Ollvt^' LilbadiiMvill bi; I.lic iilLrai;- M,j,.„n|,,p » Viands for the comfort ol tlic inner Odell, a motion prevailed that the Moii al I lie opera Ikiii.so iu:.v(.''riiur.s(|,MV ' ,,' ,, man, while the stables, sheds, etc., iniiiiint iiliowed for her siipiiort be (jveiiliiH'ill flit; "liaffl-aKoC'lioi'l;." (in. Tilt' State iMilUary Hoard has decld- l,,,,,. y,„.,, „f cquiiies. Tlio.sc who de- $1.2") per week. Cli'o. St'iirl was a mtniibor of i.Ik; A motion prevailed that a commit• FORD'S BAZAAR. Liiii.siii^c iL'aiii LliaL won Llii' Siabv tee of two Iji! appointed t,oconfer witli i'llampioiislil|i .sliol; al ]\k'iidoii lasi, Brii Irai Bute ai lis. the water board in regard to securing wi't'.k. more water. FORD 4 KIRBV, A lai'o-c lir;i?s door key awaKs ;iii Aid. Mills and N'aiiSlyke were ap• jiiKl tlic Sanio as Ca«li. ed with violating the liiiiior law last Tlie various organizations and biisi- nwiicr i,liis olllcc. I L wa.s found on electioii day, has been buiind over txi iie.ss displays were formed on C street pointed. .•\sli street, iioarlv in fnml; of llic tlie eiiTiiit court under $200 bond.s, south by MarshalsGlieneyand r^iiBois On motion the council adjourned for ollice. • * two weeks. W. M. PRATT. lie lia•""d his exainimitio' n before .lustic' e- mid iipiai the arrival of tlie siu-aker II. U. h'rci'laiid has l.radod Ids brick Molan at Lansing last week. from the north (tlie train being over EuoKxi.; A. TvmciJ, City Clerk. linii.sp on oasl> Ash liiivcl, wilhC. .1. Kaniiers bring your wool to Mason 110 minutes Inte) the procession moved All wool Chaliiesa'tcosrat Hall's. » BUSINESS DIFJECTORY. liayIicr for Mic proporl.y jii.si, uasi, lA and get tlie highest market price. in tlie following nrdt.'i': liis ri'sicliMiec. * FitAiVK L. TOMI'ICINS, Olili.'f iMarsliiil Clit'iicy. Mrs. S, ,L V. Smead has a new fi PHYSICIANS, Hi'iiri'siMiiallnii of Uiich'. Satii. ,(ip siirry. Last-.Sunday li|,'hliiiiitf kinickcd oiil, Al, 11 business meeting of Co. 1'" held "St l'liiiil;aril's" liaiid, 1110,000 |)oiinds wool v.'anted, RICE. a f 0 DOYINd, I'liyslclaii anil .Siiru'o l,lio iiicandi.'sc'cni. idrciiif so l.hcro wcri! liist Kriilay evening it was voted l,o OIllcci'S of lliu day anil oily (illlctiils la i!ar- one.' 1 Varltinrsl l.lnnU. 1 los iloiiui! no liKhl.s iMomlay I'veiiiiKj;. '.riiusircut build the new armory on Ash street rliiKis, ' li'UA.N'K L. TOMl'KINS. D oruiiii'i.SiniiliMiTids.SIawin^^^^^^^^^ and ai'i; IIkIils wcro all f), K, just west (if Webb Whitiiian'scloth- do. K, M, S. (""...Capl. .Snook In cnninuiiKl. curiiiir (loddiiss of l.llii'rty unit llower nMs, lo-liorsc M. 0. Mead is in the marktit iind We are Still on deck and prepared to i^'lTTTilKK.N, M. I)'. lliiiaii!|iatlilst. Offlci! In H. W. BocUoj- drove Uiii winniii{,' ing store. Tills will bo a central toiiiii ilrlviMi by W. II, Itayiier. waiit,s oO.OOO lbs, of wool. See not,ice. K. Ctilvor, Jnwnlry, sell you goods at the usual low Vtte l.loV.U. Ucsl.U'iiuu, nrst door cast liorse ill "i:")!) class anil Miird in l.lit! location iiiiil will be a line site for Mason Nutwood won tlie 2-year-old rre.Hliytorlaiiclnireh tills building. .loliii l.asiiiili.v, auriuliliiinil ImpliMiionls, price. The-Ith left us fr('ii-f(ir-,'ill Jit, ;i Det.i'olt, Hrivino- Club IVidc & Slierwonil, Imlldors' nialorlal. raeisat HayCityyesterday, ],lesttinie, niat,iii(!u la.sl, wpt'k Wednesday. The watiM' boiird lias made arrange- Tlifc.ti loads faiinliiK mills. 2;;)7, the following: ATT0RNEV8, O, II, Crane, llnni'liit! mill, The .•\ndriis eiiTiis, which rcL'eiilly iiients for iiiore water. The well near K, I., Htroiid, tiiriilMire, '.riic ^V. C, T, U. ladies compliment• 50 lbs. Plour M. CUM.MiNS, Alumicy iimi ''^ exiiibiled here, is in the hands of tiie Okemos street will be piped and an• llciKli.M'.son Si riiintlii(,'ton, ctotblin;. ed (,lie DI5M0CUAT with a beautiful 85c other will be liorcd about midway be- llrown Hnis,, bonis and slioo.s, Our1 ' nasi sides on lloiir prnvo In its III A perft Ma.son li'iiriitltii-oCo,, fnriiitiife. bouquet last evening. Thanks, Hint ^^_uw^»>^^ performers at Grand Rapids. |.'in;in- twt.'en that one and the iitimping st,a- otir li»v iirli'.o on Hour ts rlylil, ovi! cial rocks were too iliimerous for it. Vandi;ri!ook & lilue, );i'oci:rli'S. ..„j jiralses 11 and rejoices ovorlbuiverlii y tioii, llius giving tlicni the water from Rumor has it tliat a paper will be .Shaiitoiigs, li]iiipross Stripes, llliad- Klldli i't liayiiioiid, Inirdware, price. - 'r iiI''MaNK Allonieyaii(lCoitiiscloral.r.uw. two more wells, Mills Dry (liioils(3o,, dry Kooila, started at Om>iulagii. If tlie starting J anias, ete., all to he. closed out at .IDt h'ord i'i ICIrby, lliizaar in is.si and lS!);i. is piitoir until snow Ijiill time it may i^.soii,1. , JlOOl)Midi. , JUimsyaMimiMHi^^AtKinioy at Uiw. ^ Olte over \Villi;iiiist;on i'.'iiterprise : Nelson E. ,7 lbs. Gran, Sugar, - $1.00 h'oi'iner iirice loe at, Hall's. llovl. llros., (irniiiirius. keep from starvation. O llroH-ii Hi'os'. .sluie slore, M»M»i, Miui. Cady of Lerov, lias sold his two-year C. W, liamllill, bonis and slums. 'riiu rannlni! snasnii Is wltli its iind we arti Leslie miscreant.s put in their spare .s. A, nowdlsli, aKrtcultiir.'d liaplciacnb, Good workhorse for.salcatCliai)in's,* tlie pcnidc ui buy sugar of. WllALl.ON, AUorney and (toiinsolor at old colt Macl'lice, to .ioliii If. Gaylord time in cuttingeii.sliionsand otherwise AV. M. I'rait, Brocorlijs. Wlll Acker sent the fur of a line of Stockbridge. This Is a line coltand J. miililatiiig veliicies. IVone but cur (tiiuli WelL'liOiiail, linrseslioor. Pettijobn's Breakfast Food well bred, being sired liy Aubrey l.iiiiKyear Itros., ilniK^'Ists. beaver from Atkinson, Iron county, and cowards would be guilty of sue HARDWARE. Nelli.s2:2W; dam, by Greenbacks2:2;!i. rieo. A. Kai'li!, lianlwiiro. 1,0 Horace Aseltiiie here t,o be sold, it per package, - 10c acts. ,1. iN', ,^iiilUi, nieri.'hanl taUor, was forwarded to Detroit, TniTOIl k UAY.MONI'. ilcalcrs In (lonijr.il Tiie price was$200, I'M, l''razo,l, Cily Ilaliury. Tilts yon know Is lliu pnipi'.i' lliiiiK for Mrs, Jfary TJgglestoii of'Webberville breakfasl iliirliiK tlin siiiiinii'r iiioiillis, F llanlwaiv, I'alals, Oils and Kanners' Hup- Webb S; Wbiliniii), duUiinK (niimerous small The catalogue and course of study tool; an ounce of carbolic acid i'^ive-octave second hand Packai'd boys iiiilfornii'il), easily and (inloklyconked, peri'eully clean pMe.s, Main siriMn, Mason. of l,lie Mason iiiiblic schools for the as il Is iHil tip In ilKbl piwkaxiis, Al llils 'I'liiirsday iiiglit. It is supposed to be Organ for sale cheap, F. L, Stuoud, C. \V, llrowao, bunk storu (small boys wlib biinnnr.s). years ISIfl-Di is out. The D|':mociiat price yon can have your relatives uotiiu "I i^EATeS-W-E AGEN f. a case of suicide, Sliewil' iiiidoiiljted Lust week Jifonday .laeob Dislor I'ai.s- and brwilvtasl, wllli yon llic -lUi, acknowledges receipt of one with ly recover. ecl a DOx-lli fo,.tb;irii for LewisConverse The business displays were all very compliments of Supt, MclCone, L. CA.STI':iiM N, l."ilii, CiilUMitlon, liisaniia-;'! ofAlaiedon. Friday afternoon he had ''1^1' '•'"'^ ['^ themi were elegant •Ml Itoil fetalo liniluir. umce ovi;r Welili's Haircut for lac at Aimi's, over A\''il Cut prices on window shades at ju aiore, .Mas Midi. Hams' driigstoi'e, 'IJtf. the work all coniplctctl and tooisload- 'i''^'"'?W™"- 'l^al of time to arrange We want a couple of tons of nice but• S Browne's Hook Store, Ma.son, * ed to bring home. Sat,iirdav he took ^'"^"V niarcliiiig t,hc pruicuiiil ter and pay the higliest market OUN DUNSHACIC, Itt^al Kstate, ivnd Loan Mills Dry Goods Co, advertise his tools to Aiirelius 1,0 build a house f'l'cets tlie parade was disbanded on Miss Xato Mattison closed a pros• AKClit, Main Sl„ .s'oiitl. of poslollliio Mason. record liniaker this week, Dressgood price in cash. Kxtra J 27.\-i-.0 feet on the ground with JS foot t'lc court aiiuaro where the exercise perous school year in a West Aiirelius at J7i cents, tliatare worth i^t to were held. liosts for Charles Merrylees, district last Friday. She kept in price if put up INSURANCE, would seem to take a Nancy Jlanks The program opened witli music by Since our last issue A, McDonald touch with her scholars and patrons in tubs. clip on the move. See ad. a fiuartette, followed with prayer by i.. llAUNKH, Notary and Coiivuyiiiicer, Loan, has pa.ssed a paper and raised money and they wanted her engaged for . Iiisiiriinceaiiil Colladlon Auont. 'lOTnad" Rev. H. W. .Powell. The declaration Fred Cnstcrlin is after bicycle race to piircliase a new dra.y horse for Geo, another year, luHurancJ e a spc'daliy. Ollleoalrosldeiicc. Mason. of indepcnocnce, the sacred article priziis tliis year. He iiaving already Williams, lie met with a liberal re• for which every American citizen Lansing's police force raided .several UtSlcKSnmjTUAI. I'Mlll'^ INSUItANCh: won two, one at Grand Rapids f,lic sponse a n.'l succeeded in getting SOS, Coiiiittiiy of lii«lHO" L'oiiniy. hates , i; uniji- other at Battle Creek. At the latter , lightsii^iujs,. waWitss readu buy Mrsuirs,, MarjJiaryy mcjjCOCMcLeod, giimbling dens last Saturday night. est and hist. Foi' liifuriimlloii >vi; te •' ' place lie won a new bicycle. ^[r, Williams lias been a liard worker Maybec,followed by anothcrtiuartctte Seventeen were caugiit in one place, 1 er, lioeimvy, .Masim. 11. .1. l>""i!ii. laesldonl. and ,so has the horse, but age and in- oration given' by Gen, Byron M. but the others were given a tip and / MiWinn. lODjOOO pounds of wool wanted. Ilrinititis were tofi much for tlie latter, Cutcheoii was Ihstcned to with a good censed operations, Tlie 17 paid IIikjs CASH GROCERS. * '.h'jtAXK L TO.Ml'KliVS. FINANCIAL. Late last M^oiiday afternoon while deal of attention and was frequently ainounting to $I.'M,50, Rev, Napoleon Smith preaches at driving on Columbia street the king greeted with applau.se as he touched Wanted—500 bushels of cherries. T K lJUICSSI';!!. onioeiitKamieis' Hank, Ma Parma next Sunday and delivers his holt to ]\Irs, David Sanders' buggy upon important mutters in relation * A'ANmcncooic Sc PvICk. BUSINESS LOCALS. 'J . son, RIlcli., lias nioiicy to loan, liiisliioss lecture tlie next evening. He has lifrojaptly iilteiided to, broke and threw her onto the ground to our country. Time prevents us Secretary DeLamarter is extensively lino testimonial on his Milf Tree from Wool I Wool I striking on licr face. She was quite from even attempting a .synopsis of advertising the coming camj) meeting tiie pastor of the ISL E, church at r want BO.ooo Ills of wool and wlll pay Ui« lilgli- DENTISTS, badly injured and was taiccn into the his remarks. E.vcrci.ses closed with at Eaton liapids, to be iicld .luly 20 to Albion. Donnelly House where her wounds benediction by tlio chaplain and the iist iiiarkul prion. To be dollvnrod al, K. G. Coy JC HKNDratSON, 1). 1). S. onice over is town .30, Rev, .Toseph H, Smith, conductor, & Co.'s elevator, Jl, 0. MnAi), Mit.son. '.riie Mhsses Aldrieii of Holt, who were dressed and sewed up by Dr, crowd dispersed for refreshments. issisted by Rev. ,fohn Parker, D. D,, . liros,' shoe store, Mason. iwyl_ Good Farm for S»I«. have taught in the Nashville .schools Culver. IN THK AFl'KKNOON. of New York, and other prominent Sixty aercs ot food land, no nini'Sli nearly iill l'. VANDKUSKN, DKNTISTJJl':iNri& , Onioo in the last year, will attend the Miclii A dramatic recital will be given on p,.of, ;y, ]|. Ki,Ip made a balloon . Darrow block.Mason, Mlcli, workers. under cttlttvaltnti, about seven acres J.ckiOD 9:10 10:10 3:00 11:1.1 day evening at 7;,'!0, Rev, H. AV, .Pow The 'lOtli year of the State Normal The sports were very intcrcstin' do not place us in such an onibiirrass- The bulldini,' eoiiinilllee for l.lio New Arinoi-y OhIoaKO 1:10 p.m. .li.'IO |i.ni, OilOa. in, 7:5fi a m ell will deliver the address. All School at Ypsilanti closed last week, and amused the spectators, altlioiig' o( Co. V wlll rceelvo seiiliid proposals tor tliu 'ng situation, crecllon of the same up in ^tond.•ly, .Inly l7lli,aK cliurclics will be closed. Ingham county furnisUod tiie follow- the contests were not all filled. The Detroit 12:111 a.m. n;i)n|i.ni. ft'l.'i p ni 7:ll)n.ni A farmer not far from here drove a Y> o'clock nonii, I'laiis and siieeilleallnns can l»a ing graduates: Anna E. Dicker.son, .sack race was won by D. .S, Ilawkin.s, seen at tliu eloUiinn slnvo of Wubb it Wbltr Geo. Scarl lout the individual ciiiiin common every day .pig over to his St.Thoman 3:10 |).iii, Ul'.lfiii.in. I0:4r>a. m 12'.45iiiii Lansing; M. M, Mackinder, Dansvillc; with AVm. Lundy second. The egg race la.'Ui. Coininlttec reserves the rlt'lil lo rcjcetsmy , pionsliip modal at Meiidoii last week, neighbor a few days ago and got in ex• itnd all bids, .1. (I. Sxoou, Siftg.railH, 7:11) 2:Ma,ni, 2;l'l '1:13 p.ni li'rancis A, ,Norgate, Mary M. Piclcctt; was also won by D, S. Hawkins, with lie broke 2;) out of 25 birds, but one of change ten bushels of wiicat, ten CI. li. HANJIICIIS, Blanch .E, Frary, Leslie; M. C. Van- S, Reeves second. The biscuit eating A, Mvicus, .SORTuWAUII, the Marant;cttc brothers went him one bu.shcls of corn in the car, live bushels netter, Pearl Yiuinctcr, T, S, Lang- contest was won by Will Spencer, with 27W2 Commliioe. -(simo t|:20a,ui, iu:ii0a,in. 6:!iup,ni. i):66p,m better. The next tournament will be of potatoes, a two months old calf and ford, ,1. .E, Stoll'er, Willianiston ; B, 13, Eugene Pollok second. One boy in IJo Not TcuHt ntsr. L.nsinR.,,, -("la 11:1'^ 6:55 10:1S held at Muskegon, .Tuly 25 and 2fi, $1.82 in cash. Surely pork may proper• Benjamin, Okemos, the orange eating contest obtained My wlfo IJose having left my bed and board, Owosgo Ar. 12:00 7:11 Mexican liainmoeks only 75c at ly bo classified with such delicate wltlioiit JiiBt oaiisi) or iirnvocntion, you are lioro Mombers of tlic Masonic order from several oranges from the tub. The ft.m, D't2'.'Ji) l>.m, Browne's Book Store, Mason. morsels as quail on toast and the brea.st by wariioil not lo liarbor or trast bor on iiiy no. •Tackson and Ingham counties hold a bicycle race was won by B. 0, Long- B«y:Olty„. 7:Ji5 .|:;« |i.in. 0:2.5 Lansing of humming bird.—AVilliamston En• count. .l''iiAUi; J!if,STO. There was a little brush at the picnic at Pleasant lake last Tlmnsday, year, with Arthur Faxon second and Mason, July nUi, ifiW). 27wii» •Glalhwin... fit.'iS Acc'n terprise, track last Friday morning between Vice presidents from this county wore Fred Cole third. Cole met with an Maciliiaw, 7:30 p,tu, G:DS a ni. Out Your Wiiedn. H, M. AVilliams' Greenbacks marc, M selected as follows: William Teall, accident and was thrown from Genuine oil doth window shades only .T, Bciiient's Keno and a green pacer I,ot owners or occtipuiils ave. hereby noillled to • Dally, 0. W. Uunni.i«, Mason; Geo. W. Dennis, Leslie; Benj, wheel. In the shooting contest _ 25c, with No. 1 spring roller only 25c, .H, J. MUHBAV, Oon, I'asB,anil Ticket ARl, driven by "Uncle Billy" Wilcox. The cut and desLroy all no.'ilons weeds now jirowlng Po.vson, Buniccrhilll; Frank .Hoes, On- Schelling of Lansing, won first prize, at Browne's Book Store. * upon their iiroporty. 'I'lie clly ofditiatieu i'elallvo Ticket Asont, Mason, Ohlcaco, former M'on, lier fastest time being ondaga : L, C. Chase, Dansvillc; .second was a tie between George Scarl Mary B. Ivittredge was born in 1S15, lliereto will be strictly cnl'oreed, 2:m. •.'6ws Oko, S, MosiiEii, City Marahal. R, .L Shank and Jno, IL Cha.se, Lan- and Ira ITcwes, third a tic between in Saratoga county, N. Y. Married in AVliile riding a bicycle on the side• sing, L, C, Cliase made one of the 0, Blakoly and W, R, Curtis, 1S4S in Buiralo. N. Y,, to Rev. H. Kit- CndluA, Tnlce Niit.lu.<. walk on Coluiiiliia street last Monday trcdgc, who died in 1872. Had three I have llie iigencv for Ihe .llorgau Dress Ciit- 1 iddrcsscs. According tothcscorctheballgaine evening Louie Gaiisley ran into rlolih children, two of whom died in child• tlnc Maebliio, \Vill teach the syslcni and sell lam in the market for wool and will m"st have been pretty rocky. The Uiu iiiaelilnos. Over News ollice nn Walii streoc. CiilliUian and knocked him over. John p:iy the highest market price. luowmg composed the Mason team: hood, the survivor being Mrs. C. 0. 2Cw3 Cakuie A, HllOWlCK. Tlio Mull Itouto from was quite wratliy and talked strongly * FiUKK L ToMTKiNS ^^'^^^ 3b, ITendcrson If, Eugene GasterlinEdgar . Moved to Mason in 1800, of having the boy arrested, but it was where Mr. Kittredgc was the (Irst set• For Sttlo. I: DANSVILLE TO MASON amicablj' settled. The authorities E, E, Teeplc, the ex-postniaste; of |'?,\K'sin;MS'TS-'4''^'^^^^^ tled pastor of the Presbyterian church Two lots Willi good ti'iilt iviul shade trees, cor• ner mm and Lansliij; streets; also, two good '. HavliiL'boen dlsr.onUnued, tlic siibseribor will yhnnirr niif'^"^(71^^^^^ Lake Odessa who was arrested .Tunc i4 PnnVi?gVwas as folliw^- ^ and where the remaining years of her htiildlnKlots on Mlllatrcel1 . ! • • :f hoi-eaftor run jivelilclo over the road daily ^Stin- f lOlnCI put ,1 StOJ) to bicycle riding on in this city for obtaining money under ^^"^^ 1 2 3 ' '1 f) G 7 8 0 life were spent, and where she enter• 20tl J. A. Sifjiuwooi). r \ d-iy and Foiirlli or .UilyexeopledHor the convoy- tlic SlClCWIUlvS. It IS a dangerous fal.se pretenses, was yesterday di,s- ed into rest Tuesday morning, .Tuly anceof ptissenRoi's, express •Htid frolKiits, at rwi- practice and before long someone will Mason I 1 3 3 0 2 •! C x-3l ForFliiorurnlturo, chargeil upon motion of the prosecut• l':atnn Kaplds 2 '1 0 0 3 5 on 0-;iO >?)^™^i«.':i'l^!!.s.l'r:^I'!;«/,l^,l^^^^^ be serioiKsly injured. 'tth, 1803, aged 7S years, .fc'uncral Gall at F. li. STUOUII'H. »; ni., and avdving at Mason al; or before 10 n. ni., ing attorney, Tceple paying the costs. Wc only heard ot two accidents and services were held yesterday afternoon and reuirnins; at such llmooaoli divvassliallbesi Twenty per cent, discount sale on All Ulnds of Lnddors, Window Screuns The prosecutor is being sharply these were not serious. A son of at iter residence conducted by Rev. promote the convenleaco of tliu^iiiblit^^ ^^^^^ baby carriages for 30 d.aj's at V. L, And Screen Doors made and for sale by 0. P. criticised, it having