
§b( (3UI &mmmvtalib. (914 MI»U11IBD EVERT WEDXES )AT BT BANt D. CU8IIBN. RATES OV ADVCHmiNO: Ta^tiRMT Apv«»rMiV(i Insttcied at tb« r«U of At Harruonbnrg, Rockingham Co., V*. per ^q-uirr (ten linj* tuini »n c mittitnlo TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : • sqaaro), a-ifi 60 ceiit-t lor e*ci) tfubjequvot C«pj, 1 year, ....$8 50 •• 0 months,...*.^. 1 bo lano ihn. " S 1 oo CummiDtkfaltL BuHiNCdM AuvKRTrftF.MKxrs, $10a y««r ner q«Ar«4 Any peraon Retting up • club of fcen subncribert, will $5 per v 'ar lor e.-i.jb ■lUMoq'i ut »q lar^ bo onUtloa to a copy free while the paper iu sent to iht Si'KUMb XorrcRS inaertod m Local coluuiu, )• •lab. cunts pur line* No paper diaeontlnaed, unleta at the option of the I'rtOFr.SUONAL Cx&Oi Cf flfO IlllC* OT )jU. ••• pnblUhero. until all arrearaget are paid. Of anonymous communications no notleo will bo ta> year, SS. fcen. Whatcrer U Intended for insortloa muit bo aQ> KAK. D. CUSHEN, \ •'Iter* shall the Press the People's rights rnMntsla, f TERMS—02 50 PER ANNUM, IsRUiL NorrCKh. the leyr«I fee of $5. thontioated by the name and addreet of the writer, not Publutxer and Proprietor, j Vnawcd by Influcuce and UnbriUd by Galu I" Quat ter, H.iit a.id Oolauiu Adwi asiattfaW, k/ aeeesaarfryjuraeeeseartfk fur pntlcation,r bat ae a guarantee of good I Invariably in Advance- cuntrnct. faith. >£■%. A 1 advertising duo in advance. All eommVfcircoinroVfcications, either from cnrrvspondonls or on 6a.tn.ii, ihodd b« addnusd to "Coaaoawaai.TB," JOB PRINTING. BarrlMaburi,, Virginia. VOL III. HARRISONBURG, VIRGINIA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 180S. NO. 19 art prepared to do ever/ detcrI|>tioD tf J»b Print- inv at iTM.vonaMerats-s FROFEfyaojrjtL c\iHns. HOTE hi, rOETHW around her waist and her head resting ' Ann that night, I had to drink vinegar WA3HI.\arO\ NEWS. A Stkanoe Stohy.—S.ms of our vx- JOHN PAUL, on my bosom, my thoughts driltei to and crab apples for two weeks to keep ' changes doubt tlie truth of the story w. pub- ATTORXET AT LAW, V ASHtcaToir, February 4, —Circumstances HILL'S HOTEL, THE LIT TEE BOOTS- ward waterfalidom. Preiantly I heard from turning into loaf-sugar. I wanted lished not long soico in regard to ttie won- HARRISONBURG, VA. HARRISONBURO, VA. developed to-day show that Grunt and Sian- dPl'ul cbanga of sex of Mrs. Ellen I'jW.ll, tTill practice in the Court, of Rockingham, Mary Ann snore ; thinks I, now's my to got married right away, but Mary Ann Angu.ta and adjoining counlie., and attend to J. N. ^ILL, . 1 - - Proprietor. Only two little boots by the flro io bright, chance. I'll dissect it and see what is ton have been i.i conlinusl culiuviou. and of Broadhsad, WU , troru a wo.nan to a man, •necial basine.g in any county of thi. State or in Only two little stockings to mend to night; said I must wait a few weeks, aslc Dad tliat Staunton prepared by bis own hand, and Wr.t Virginia. Offices of Trottcr'a Stage Line atd Express at in tho critter ; so I went to work. After •lie being a few y.ais sine, a wife, now a this Hotel. The one who owns them is snug in bed, and Mam, and have a big wedding.— sent to llubbard, of West Virginia, ye.-tcr- li unhand—then a «i ons/i, now a mm 1 Wa Buaincs in hi. hand, will reccire prompkand Where the moonbeams dance on his curly head. taking out half a pint of hair pins, the careful attention. Board $2 per day; Single JMcals, 60 cents; "Laws sakes, Mary Ann." says I, J dny, a resolution calling for the correspond- vnuot bUu»a p.ip.j for bai inorodulous, Always found at hi. office when not professlan- Horse Feed. 25 cents. These little boots garo mo trouble to day, net come off and out came the contents ally•lly engaged.eogaged. Fine Billiard Saloon and Bar attached. Trav- you needn't wait so long. You kuow the ence between the President and Grrnt, which j'-ut the story is a true one. It is too won- OfficeOdice on the Sqnnre,Square, threethre. daor.doors We«tWest of«f the ellers furniftbed with conveyances upon applica- Bringing in mud from out-door play ; of the waterfall—first there was a pair of old man has give mi a pig, and says we was adopted one b .ur before Grant's last aoekingham Rank building. tion. From an experience of 17 years in tnebus Scattering pebbles over the floor, derful for bjlief—it startles even the medical Sept. 26, 1867—tf iucss, the proprietorfteels contident of his ability Tracking dirt lu at the great hall door. old black stockings, then came an old may ba^e his kitchen loft to live in, and letter resrbed lite Pres'deut. Mia Johnson's world* We publish d ths article, knowing to give satisfaction and render his guests com- These little boots gare me sorrow to day, hat, then an oM Calico apron, then some- ho give mo a quat ter acre of land to plant finj reply lo Grant nil! b« handed to the it sounded t o strange to be true—knowiog • aiavnxa aasTiiav. j. s. uaassBsaaaa. fortable. [May 29, 1867—tf lstfcr to morrow. It is a crusher. Eastiiam &. hArnriieugkr, Straying from mother's sight away , thing with rufHesall around it, nexl came in potatoes and ingins, and I think we it would be ducmsd a hiax : but ths (lory is Stanlun to-day poJtivcly and fiually de- ATTORNEYS AT LAW Climbing trees and wading streams, two staffed pin-cashons, one on each side might go and get married to morrow." a true one, strang r loan fie ion, and tbqes HAIIIIISONBURO, V». American hotel, Chasing shadow and sunny beams. cided that ho wilt uyi resign the efiice of Sec- HARRISONBURO, VA. of Mary Ann's head, and then came— But I finally had to yield and ask the who deem it otherwise are the only ones ©fflcc—At Hill'a Hotel. These HttU stockings so worn and gray. retary of War. sold. Wo repeat,—on our honor as a man September A, 1867—ly J. P. EFFINOER, - . - Proprietor. Have these tiny treasures caused trouble to-day ? dog my oats if I know what—forjust then old folks. I got their consent, but the Jog. B. EprisaER, Superintendent. CoNGRKHS. i the story is true, the former womau is now Ah 1 indeed they have, in racing about, I got one of the tarn ilist slaps in my old woman says. "I think as you're got CHARLES A. YANCEY. This Hotel, situated in the central and conve- IF-use.—The Committee on Freedmeu's a man.JI.e for.ner wifo i now a bu-band, etc. ATTORN KT AT LAW, nient portion of the town. Is now being re-fitted In joining plays and merry chcut. mouth you overheard tell of—Mary Ann no cow you-bad better send to New Yorx HARRISONBURO, VA. and ro-furnished with entirely new Furniture, Alasl I have had trouble to-day, Affairs was directed tc inquire into onlrages La Crowe Democrat. and is open for the accommodation of the trav- had awoke ; I tell you I left in short me- and get one of them patent calves and ffcfQce in the Post OiOco Building, up stairs. eling public. The Proprietor is determined to And yet would I give these treasures away T in llaury aud Giles counties, Teacestee, and March 20 '67—tf spare no efforts to make it a first-class Hotel.— Would I hare the places empty to night tre. Just as I went out at tho door I keep it till it gets to bo a cow; they are report measures of relief. Finx in t Por.ruvAUiA.—Toe dwelllng- GS. LATIMEH, The TABLE will bo supplied with the very best Of the little boots with toes so bright 7 came very near saying "churn," but 1 warrented to bo perfectly natural." The Mr, L-'gan (Repnblioan) of Illinois, asked, liouse a" ' Homeland," in Spotiylvanla coun- the market affords. Charges moderate. The ty, the residence of Mr. J din W MaCnll-y, • ATTORNEY AT LAW, patronage of the public respectfully solicited. Ah mo I my very heart will break didn't. wedding day was fixed upon, aud thinks 1 ut was refuted, leave to iulruducs a reso- And Cammissioner for the Restoration of Burn Sept. 6, 1866.—ly If away from my sight these boots you take; was entirely coo.nimod by fire on WeduemDy. Keoards. Hnrrisonburg, Va» My home would bo dreary, ray young heart sad, I soon discovered that I couldn't get I to myself— lulien that after Juno 1, 1308. United Slates Not. 7, 186G—tf bonds be taxed two per cent, trmi-aunually, 22 I instant, Tbe fire is supposed to have AMERICAN HOTEL, And there would be nothing to make me glad. along without Mary Ana, hnd she dis- "Oh, won't I lead a happy life, originated from a defect in the chimney, and Immediately at Railroad Depot, When Alary Ann Wiggles becomes my wlfs." deduclabls vrlien tire coupaus are preaeut- JE. ROLLER, So thereV only two little boots so bright, covered, as I afterwards found oat, that i wlb so late in being discovered that only a • ATTORNEY AT LAW, STAUNTON, VA. Only two little stockings to uv nd to-night: The wedding day arrived ; Mr. Long- sd. IIARRISONDURG, VA. sho couldn't got along without me, sol ( s.uall part of the fuTuiture an l effects was Ornc*—With J. D. Price & Co , Land Agents, Na- Only one lilile flower so feeble and slight, face was the chip who done tho job — The f irfoiturs of •outliern railroads was tional Bank Building, Main direst. McCHESNEY & NADENBOUSCH, Prop'rs. Only one to smile with so silver a light. sot down, took my pen in hand, and wrote resumed. saved. Not even tbe wearing apparel of the November 27 ISOt—ly that is, he asked questions, received the R. M.ILIPSCOMB, Manager. 1 here was a time when our four were there. Mary Ann a letter as follows, viz : Mr. Eldridge (Demccral), of Wisconsin, family vus rescued from the flames. The When four little faces peeped over my chair. answers, prayed a fow, givo Mary Ann a loss is supposed to be eight or tea tbonsaud George g. grattan WILLIAM WHOOLEY, Superintendent. My Beloved Mary Ann :—Can you chsracterizrd it as cowardly nnd unchari- ATTORNEY AT LAW. Four pair of boots so shiny and bright, ever forgive mo for tearing up your wa- piece of paper, and graciously, and kind table, springing from a spirit of revsnge dollars. Mr. McCalley is an estimable and HARRISO BURO, VA. The Proprietors in resuming the management And four pair of stockings so pure and white. ly, and smilingly, and aoforthly, accept- onterpri.ing ciliz m, and was just recovering Opfick—At Hill's Hotel. of this weii known and popular hotel so long terfall ? If you only woull, my sweet- against the scutheru poo) le for acts hereto- Nor. 7, 1866. and favorable known to the traveling public, Hung near the fire and chimney tall; est, I would fall on thy bosom and ed a Y for doing the job. from the d predations of Shorihiu's raiders. promise in thf future to retain the leputalion For the feet that wore them were dimpled and fore committed. Tho bill was conceived in «TU. F. BORH. J. ED. PCNNVBACKER. the American has borne, as a small: ask you to bo Mrs. Toazlo immediately. There was nothing particular happen- a spirit of dissolution rather than rostoration, He bos the cordial sympathy of a large cir- KOIIR & PENNYBACKER. P1RST- CLASS HOTEL. But my children are gone, their spirits are fled, ed daring the time tho business of Hy- md of antagonism to tho avowed objects of cle of friends and acquaintances. ATTORNEYS AT.LAW Oh, Mary Ann, Its locality, fmmediately at the Railroad De- And they are sleeping undisturbed with tho dead. 4 men was being transacted, excepting the the war. It violates the Constimtiou. The HARRISONBIRG, VA. pot, renders it a convenient stopping place for As sureai the vine runs reunJ the stump, Tho Galifornian publiahea tha follow- Kpenial attention paid to the collection of persons on business or in search of health. I sadly miss those three loved ones You are mjr dadinj su^ar lump.''—Suaxs. fact some envious feller extracted my Czir of Hussia could not do more than this claims. March 20, 1867—tf Bar and Barber Shop in the House- That arc resting to-night in their lonely tembs; PlTXB. bill couteniplutes, Such a measure could ing Sunday school address dulivered iu All the offices of the Telegraph and Stage I miss their shouts and marry play, bandkcrchief from my coat-tail pocket, PENDLETON BRYAN, lines running to this town arc adjoining this I knew she was fond cf poetry ; who never restore amity aud fraternity to tho that State, with the view ot inouloatiug ATTORNEY AT LAW House. For three little forzxls arc not hero to-day. could resist the abivc ? Mary Ann and placed in said pocket in place of said moderation and kindness on the part of AND NOTARY PUBLIC, A first class Livery Stable, under O'Toole A handkerchief, a diminutive pair of stock- country. Donovan, is connected with this House, couldn't anyhow, for the next thing I the slrong toward tho weak; 1IAURISONBURO, VA.- ings, evidently intended for a very small Senate.—A special commission wai ap Jaly S tf Oct 23 McCHESNEY CO. SELECT STORT. got the following : pointed to inquire into the reported dasti-" "You boys ought to bo kind to your Swcetcstest Teazle :—Your unremsti- pair of feet. So when Mary Ann and tuti n iu Mississippi. sisters 1 oaco kuew a bad boy who « V. LIOGETT. CUAS. I. UAAS ASSIOXASS HOUSE HOTEL, M ble letter has just come to hand and I has- your humble seivant were pronounced, Tho President was called on for all in- •struck his little sister a blow over the Liggett & iiaas, Koain-WEST coenee or HOW I COURTED MARY ANN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ten to answer, and tell you that you are man an wife, I put my hand to my pockl- structions given Gunera la Pope and Monde eye. Although sho didn't fade away ITARRISONBURG, VA , FAYETTE AND ST. DA EL STREETS A PRETTY LITTLE STORY. for thegovornment of ths Fourth District. Will oractice in Rockinsrhnm and adjoining forgiven from the bottom of my heart, oc for my handkerchief to wipe the pcrs> and die in tho summer time, when the woanties. Ollice in First National Bank Build- (Opposlt. Barnum's Citj Hotel,) and, Oh, Dear Teazle, I can say with piration from my noble brow, and pulled The recoiisi.ruction bill was rssumed ; af- iar, sooond floor. Mary Ann Wiggles was a fcoautiful ter which tho supplemental tenure of office Jane roses were blowing with sweet March 27,1RG7—tf_ BALTIMORE: girl; she was not very tall, rather below Byron, forth tho said umall hose, to my astonish- words ot Ibrgivonoss on pillid lips, she ment and Mary Ann's also. There were bill was discussed and recommitted. WO. HILL, ISAAC ALBERTSON, - - - - Proprietor. tho uicdium height; black, short, curly "Rosictrtd an 1 violets blue, up nnd hit Lim over tbe head wit'i a rol- • PHYSICIAN ANI> SURGEON Sujfar is swsct and so is you." a great many people who laughed, and NEWS ITEMS. HARRISONBURO, VA. Terms $1.50 Per Day. hair, and eyes of the same color—a per- liogpin, so that he oould 1't goto Sun- July JS, 1806.—ly Como to my arms this evening, dear very few who did not laugh ; among Sept. 19, 1SGG.—tf fect beauty, in my estimation. The first -—It is staled in Italeigb that Ilin. James day school for more than a month, on ao- time I ever saw Mary Artn was at a Teazh, and we never will fall out again, those few was I myself. oount of him not Le ng able to put his WGODSON & COMPTON QLD AMERICAN HOTEL, Brooks, of New York, John Quincy Adan.s, but you must lot my waterfall alone.— IVo had a grand supper that night, a hat or." ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Comer Market and Water Streets, quilting bee ; she wore such a nice little of Boston, nnd other prominent gentlemen, HA PRISON BDRG.V \ , bonnet, and hud such a nice duplex olip- Adieu til! I see you. Don't fail to oomo. supper that would givo an appetite to a wrtl bo present during the sittings cf the J on!t C. Woodson and Wm. B. Compton have pair of tongs. Mary Ann was seated by —"To think of the imparanc of these bssaciMted themselves in the practirn of Law in WINCHESTER, VA. tic waterfall, and such a nice everything, Your forgiving Mary Ann. North Carolina Conservative State Couvcn- the County of HockinjJiam ; nnd will n'so attend You may be sure I went, and Mary my side at supper ; sho drank tea and I gramma tic managements »i the present liutir the Uourtd of Sheuandoub, Page, Highland and it was enough to m ki a fallow do with- tion, which meets on tho 5tb proximo. Tlie abo.e Hanso lias been re-opened, and the drank coffee—when I was courting Mary of fate," sjlilloquizsd Aunt Muddlctop, with Pendleton. proprietor snltcits a share of tLe public patron- out his dinner just to look a: her. I was Ann met rac at tho door with open arms, —The lower Homo of the Now Jersey C. Woopson will continue to prac- ape. Stages nnd Omnibnssca will convey pas- and Oh ! such a kiss ns I did get ! it Anu I drank tea because she did. When na ominous shake of frilled cap, "U enough tice in the Supreme Court of Appeals of Virginia. sengers to and from the Honso. there bat a short tiou before [ was des- Legislature lias passed a resolulian instruct- to mske the heart of si nplicity ewoou, indi- Nor. 22,18G5-tf made mo feel like as if I had taken-a a feller is courting a girl ho should al- LEVI T- F. GRIM, perately, irrecoverably in love. ing the Congressmen from that State to vote gect and avHtit, in the alabaster bos.on of re- May 30, 1SSC.—ly Proprietor. dose of Galvanic Buttorys. We made it ways drink just what sho docs in her against tho supplemeutary rocomstruct • GW. BERLIN, After the quilting was over I askel cency. O ily the other night, my niece, Re- • ATTORNEY AT LAW, S1BERT HOUSE, ullwip without difficulty, and 1 concluded pruseneo. If sho takes coffee let him ion act. HARRISON BURG, VA. Mary Ann if I could see her ho nc, and becca, reduced me into going to the "Davil'e NEW MARKET, VA. now is the time to pop the question ; its take ooffoc ; if she takes tea let him take —The Maryland Legislature was much Will practice in this nnd the adjoining coun JOHN MeQUADE, - - - - . Puopuietou. s ic said she was "oonseedingly ratified Auction.' What an imtnsnse mass of ladies ties. Olrice—South side of the Public Square. 'avinjr taken charfto of ibis Hotel, the Proprio a hard thin; lodj though, and if rn • tea; if she takes milk let him pour down excited on Saturday over a resolution in- and gents merely to see an auction, I obsu v.d Jan. 31,1866—ly at the hon^r I conferred on her. and she'd tor announces to the public that he is prepared young fellow disput.s it just let him r, tho cow juice ; if she prefers water let structing Governor Swann to issue a com- as my eagle-eyes (Iashed through my glissee Rental co-partnership. to accnminndnte all who xuny i-ivo him a call.— be pleased to have my c vquoration." ' Je- Sis Table wilt be well supplied; ills rooms com- it. him prefer nothing else; if sho has a mission to senator elect Hnmilton. It was ever the g.vat re-embUge. And what a g>r- -rtably lurnisbcd; his Bar supplied with fino rusalem, my happy homo !" if I wasn't »R. JAS. H. HARRIS, GEO. T. HARRIS, Ljtquors nnd bis Stable with good Proveuder. taslo for dishwater lot him bo death on announced hy one of tin- Governor's friends geous auciion-room it was, with fair Syrians DENTAL SURGEONS. New Market, Oct. 17, 1866.—ly in love before, I was now. Tho magical Old Mr. W iggles was a long tinu go- that Swann declines to issue the commission, dishwater; anl lastly, if she takes sugar supporting candle arbirs at tho m ngleiof Dr. Jas. H. IIaruir, will give his careful at- sentence finished tho bu.iiucs'. I wes ing to be! that night; ho would talk claiming that Hamilton was elected iu viola- the hall, and the wb ilu oeiii ig covered with tention to nil operations performed especially in her'n let him take sugar in his'n—af- jyjALTBY HOUSE, gone up. 1 didn't know.what them big about tho Atlantic Cable, aud such things tion of the Eastern Shore law conuaiing sen- beautiful little cubibs with wings. Hut BALTIMORE, MD. ter marriage ho can do like me and A. B. MILLER, Propi ietor. words meant, but as slio oficrcd utc her that I cared nothing about. At length ati.rs. The- subject was pustpoued until when the p iiuted rag rose on high, and I eaw drink what ho pleases. Well, wc Lad a Feb 6 1887 wing I concluded I was a good egg, and ho retired an! I seated ma self by the Wednesday. that crowd of imporaut hussies hopping dance after supper ; but I didn't feel of course accepted it. After walking side of Mary Ann, who was sitting on —Resolutions arc pending in tlie Ohio about with no more clothes on tb.in a grass- rASCHIS'S BILLIARD SALOOX. much like duncing—I'm afraid I cat a al out t'a-co miles with Mary Ann on my tho settee playing with her cat, her pet Legislature, demanding tlie repeal of tbe hopper, and not nvar s> much, I said to Ue- little too much to dance with ease—nev- recoiistructiou acts. Taoy co ne up for ac- , bocca. 'Whatavor kind of auction this is, it arm, listening to the croak of the bull- gray cat. I didn't know exactly what to 1 ertheless I made out to dance onco with tion to-day, js such as makes my sense of security swell a •to come to town frog and (be mournful pipe of tho whip say when I seated myself. I knew what w be raited on at their residences. my wife. When I got through wi h ic —Tue distress iu the oast end of London like a gum-bile in this aged but impartial ■ poorwill, which was wafted to us on the I wanted to say but somehow I could not "taw Qflice at Dr. Harris's residence, or. Main I had a pain, a big pain, in my misery. is very great. The number of persous de- briasl." So, without regarding her wild illi- •treeU [Oct. 2, 1867—tt gentle zephyrs, wc arrived at old Wig- got it out. "Mary Ann," I said at last, citaiions, I dragged tier frooi ihj biazj- After supper was over, tho dance was peudent on the Goverumeut lor relief is 40, glo's and found tho family still up, but gently taking pussy by the narrative, sceuo " DRS. GORDON A WILLIAMS, over, and most everybody gone home, a 000, but the measures adopted fail to meet Having sold out their Drug Store, will they all soon retired except one young "Mary Ann, if you were this cat anl I devote their entire time to the Practice ot'Medi- gal came along and took Mary Ann away; tbe need and tho increasing amount of pau- —Mr. Snmner lias g it bhnself into grief. •ine. They will be found when not professionally one, who insisted on sleeping on the set- was to pull your—I mean if I wore this perism. then after a while I was taken up stairs, It was an understanding nmoug senators •ugaged, at their new offices n rear ol First Na- tee. Finally, with the promise of much cat and you were to pull my—nc I mean tional Hank, fronting the Miiaonic Hall. Per- Gentlemen who wish to indulge in the amuse- and—dour reader, if yon want to know —Is theic any country in the world where wheu Forney was elected Secretary tbnt they sons indebted in the Drug Store, will please call ment of BILLIARDS, will find good tables at candy and a new rag doll baby, Wary if you w rc a tail and I had a oat—con- should not only us a body ir.flasuce appoint- and settle. [Oct. 10, 18GC. the Saloon opposite tho American Hotel. what's trumps just get married. so many and such enormous "frauds upon A choice variety of LIQUORS may always le Ann induced the young one to go to bed, sarn it, I mean if you were a cat aud had the government." have bee.i, au.l still are, ments under him, but they should bo made found at the Bar.' Call and see bip. a-a-an extension, would you scratch me It's a beautiful thing to be married.— gAMUEL K. STERLING, Ji ly 10. 1367—tf WM. H. M ASCIJIF. and I was left alone with my sweet one. committeJ, as iu this 7—Alex Gazette, after the manner of cadets at West 1'oiut. if I aocideutally happened to pull it?" It's a glorious thing to look at a hcauli- Collector of Internal Kcvcniic, I kind of felt all over in spots, but I It seems up >n thu death of Mr. Noali Smith, nitVGGISTS. You see that is not what I intended to ful dumpling gal and know she is all —Kentucky iias had just enough snow to Office—In the old Bank of Rockingham Buil- plucked up courage and hitcbcd up my keep the grass in good couditiou, and her the Journal clerk, tf hajipencJ to be lite turn ding, North of the Courl-Hoirte, Uavrisonburg. yours from her waterfall to her stockirgi, cf Mr. Sumner to dictate his successor, Thi* Nov. 7, 18GC—tf DU. 8. M. HOLD. chair along side of lovely Mary Ann, and say, but I got it all mixed, and I had to cattle are now luxuriating in au alnindauce DRUGGIST, it makes a feller forget bis mother and fact was spread far and wide, and several passed my arm around her beautiful neck. say something, and 1 did. "I don't bf succulent food, aud her people in cheap ROCKINGHAM MALE ACADEMY. Main St., Harrisonbubg, Va. his grand mother also. Wbcnerer a of tlie Senator's "culuiod brethren" were ap- Sbe made no resistance, but looking in know Peter," was the sweet reply ; '•! milk and butter. \ Having associated with roe as Vice Principal, J. IT. PURE DRUGS, young man runs up with a gal that can plicant.-. I hear that ho had promised the Turner, A. B., whose refcrenecs are unexceptional — my eyes with tho expression of a sick don't expect never to be a cat; I don't —It is stated that Massachusetts has one The second Session of the Rockin^liam Male Academy MEDICIIfEL, FANCY GOODS look like one. do I ?" make a first clasr pancake, and a mince place to one of those as "black as the acs of will commence on the lOlh of September. I8t»7, and ter- young feline, she dropped her beautiful hundred thousand persous out of employ- spades." Hero was a dilemma. Ths subordi- minate on tiic 23d of Juuc, 1808. In the conduct of pio that will make you feel tol-de-roll ment. the School, the Mornl ns well as the Intellectual Ac. A. sJHi *» Ac. A. Lead on my shoulder and drawed a "No sir, burst my condenser if you do," nates iu tiie Senate rcbliud, Gertaiu sma. character cf the Student, will be carelu'ly atteuded. To which Ie invites tho attention of bis friends said I, putting my hand on her shoulder, diddle to look at it, just le1; him go for —J n thu Tennessee L gisiature a bill lua Tbbus—Per half session, payable In advance. dickens of a long breath. Could para- tors became paie with nffrighl—and spoke of Tuition ih Ancient Languages and ilulU- and the pablio generally. "but you're just as good looking as a her and got united in tho strings of Hy- beau passed allowing colored citizcDB to hold eraatics, $30,00 All orders from tho country will be promptly dise, or any other dise bo compared to prudence and ail that and finally tbe Senator Tuition iu English and Natural Sciences, 22.60 filled and carefoily packed. Venus Dc—Venue Do Medicus, that's men, and tie'll be glad that ho did so to office and serve us jtuors. was with difficulty prevailed upon to aban- Board may be obtained (in pi vale fami- Preset iptions compounded relta/ity at all hours tho ccstacy of my feelings at that time ? lies) per month, at about 17.00 of the day or itty't • Gradually my head sank down till it it" A feller shouldn't tell bis gill that llu end of forever. —King Theodore hits publishe 1 a genealo- don Sambo. Tho ' colored" applioauts left Students will be charged from the date of entrance to All goods will lie sold for cash, and as cheap as gy, which is very direct lor two goueratipns this city iu a linIf.—Baltmroe Gazelle. the close of tiie half ae.uion, in which they enter. No they can be purchased anywhere in the State. I rested on Mary Ann's head, and balmy she's handsome, but 1 forgot that time. deduction forabseuca except in c of pootracted ill- All Suroical IssrauuEN/s, Drugs, Medicines, Well [ was puzzled h w to ask. Finally —A good story is told of un ecceatrio old from David, after which it bocsmcs terribly ness. li. F. WADE, Principal, or Dye-Stull's, not on hand in my store, will be ! sloop stole over mo. geutlemun who although occasiomily addicteii —Rav. Dr. Boyntou, ol tho Co.igrega'oeal Aug27 Burrlsonburgt Va. promptly ordered, and supplied on short uutieo. "Mary Ann," I said again, coming to confused. to the habit of swearing, was still pnncliiious church at Washington, whose prayers and Feb 12-ly How long I slept I cannot say with —Tbe vendetta flourislies in Texas. Two PAINTS FOR FARMERS tho eonolusion that the thiug must ba in regard t» saying grace at his table, and sermons have bre.i of the mo-t U dical stamp, precision, but whoa I awoke I found families met and mutually annihilated each AND OTHERS.—THE GRAFTON MINERAL PAINT LH. OTT, said, "if you wore a man and I wero a this ho never omittod on any occasion. The lias demonstrated the extent of his brotherly ComPaNY are now munufacLuring " e De-t,1 Che. post, . DRUGGIST, myself iu utter darkness, still clasping other a week or two since. and most Durable Paint in use. Tro coat , well put woman—no, I mean if you wore a wo- story rnna that on a certain occasion, the old love for thq Airic in by refu-i ig tj almit on, mixed with pure Linseed Oil, will InsfclOor 15 years MAIN ST., HARRISONBURG, VA., her dear form. I spoke her name, but man and I wero a man, and you loved— gentleman invited a sea captain, a jolly old —Tho infant of a poor fiowor woman died two colored men to bis church. To make It is of a light brown or becutirul chocolate color, and Respectfully informs- bis ttSkOds and the public there was no answer. I held my head can be changed to green, lead, stone, olive, or drab, generally, that be has e^0via a new nji full lovol—gosh, how it's raining out of weather beaten tar of his acqna'u.tance to on its luulber'u arm while she was peduli.ip the uffience prowtcr, he preaehbd a sermon to to suit the taste of the coosuroor. It is valuable stock of down, but could not hear her breathe — just fy their exclu. ion rn sj iriuial grounds. for Mouses, Bains, Fences, Agricultural Implements. doors ! Ain't it nico wea'her for your dine with Itiin.- They sat down to dine, and her bouquets on tho streets of Loudou, staiv- Carriage and Car Makers, Wooden Ware, Canvass. Uruga, Dreadful suspicion ran through my mind: Moses refused to be called the (on of I'ha- Metal nnd Shingle Roofs, (It being l ire ftwd Water mother's young ducks ?" the old gentleman, according to custom, ed to death. proof,) Bridges, Burial Cases, Canal DoaLfi, Ship", and JtMedtctncs, what was I to do ? Thinks I, I ve got taoh's datigliler," tin rcforo tho races ehoulil Ships' Bottoms, Floor Oil Clolhs, (one ILumiuctareV Chemicals, "Yes, aud your mother's goslins too. ojmmenood saying grace ; but lite captain, —One of tho can lidates fir Mayor of having used 6000 barrels the past year,) and as a paint some matches in my pocket; I'll strike whoso attention had been divcrlcd for the Memphis was arrested for picking a light oa be kept sepa'ate iu the church and in socie- for an/purpose is unsurpassed for body, durability, M'aints, Oils, l>ut what was that you was giiag to say ty, he argn .d.—Sprt'/a/ffcW {Muse.) Itepu'j' •iastlcity. and adhesiveness. Price $6 per barrel of a light and see what is tho matter. Sap- monoont, hearing tho old gentleman speak the street tho other day. 500 pounds, which will supply a farmer for years to Mlye-Stu/r», aboui. mo being a man and you being a lican. come. Warranted In all cases as above. Send for a clr- tfc. Kc. He. porting the lovely Mary Anu with one thought ha was addressing him, aud turned —The election for municipil ofBcsrs yes- euiar, which gives full particulars None genuine un- woman ?" —The Richmouil Whig says ; "Wo have sat- less branded in a trado mark, Grafton Mineral Paint.— He Is prepared to furnish Physicians and others ' arm, with the other I procured some to him with—"What did you say, Squire ?" terday at Wheeling Va., resulted in lavur of Address DANIEL BIDWELL^SI Pearl St., New York. with any articles in his line at as reasonable rates "Why," sail I, resolved to say it "Why U 1 it, I'm saying grace." isfaotiory infirmilim to t Gtu. Sih.fi.ld November 27—6m as any other establishment in the Valley. matches, and after several ineffectual at the Democrats by an average nmj uity ol Special attention paid to the compounding j| this tiino. "If I wore a foiuile and you —In reply to a request for a testimonial as LOi), a gaiu over tlie year previous. will order a new rugiitriti m t> fore ths vata EX CONFEDERATES.—We have just re- Physicians' Prescriptions. tempts to strike a light I finally suooeed- wero a manmale—I mean a man —wou'd a UUon upou the new C-mstitUii >u." ceiven a fine Steel Engraving, which isso/tl Oct, 25, 1860-- ly cd, and tho^whole room Mas perfeotly il- to the merits of a clothes wringer, the follow- —Col. Moaby, the agent al Warreaton for enly by luhscription. We wnnt good, energetic you ask ma to have you, or rather would ing was sent: "I bought your clotbes-wriug- Agents, in every county South, on salarv or luminated; and oh 1 what a sight! It the "United Slates Immigration Company,' —"Mother." said Ik Bartingtoo, "did you ooinmission, to canvass for General R. E. LEE, JTOVESISTOVES1 I you say "yes," if I asked you to have er and I nra immensely pleased with it. 1 at the grave of Gen STONEWALL JACKSON. Was not, Mary Ann that I clasped in my of New York, link just rccaived another know th it thu iron horse lias gut ba: one TINWARE. mo V bought a load of wood which proved to be squad of foreign lab rcrs for farmers in "Here sleeps the bravest ol them all, EMBRACING ere I O .e ear? lls.-oiful gracious, wait do And e'en aumiring foes lament his fall." arras, but an old-fashioned up-and down Mary Ann looked ^own, turning her g eon and unfit to burn. I run the whole Fauquier nnd Culpepsr Cjunly. you mtau 7" ' Why thu eugiueer, to be General Lee is tepresented with uncovered COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES, churn I hunted up my hat and mido head, within the railing enclosing our lamented gutter porcba ring, and thou looking up load through your clothes-wringer, and I —Any enterprising y mug m m who will sure.'' chiefs remains. The grave, tombstone and sur- of the latest Stvles and the very best Patterna. tracks for home in doublnquiok, vowing have u el the wood for kindling ever since." rounding, is faithfully Engraved from a Photo- These Stoves will be mmmcd at the shop, of tho with a smile that would melt the heart marry a otrtain uiiisey in Mecnah, Wiscon graph taken on the spot, and forms a /valuable very tery best material, which will give tho everlasting hatred to the sight of butter —Why are women like churches ? First -- A ciiitraban 1 u b > witnessed the explos- addition to the parlor or public o/licea. Price, purchaser a much better article of trimmiug of a pump-handle, she said: sin, can obtain $10 000 wi'.h her. This is ion uf a shell for fh first li nr, exoUi aed r $2 per copy, neatly framed iu Walnut and Gilt, than those trimmed at the North. Most young fellers would have been "In your h :art my horn? I vie'.F —Because there is no living without them. considered a rare chance by u Wisconsin ex $3.50, sent to any address, free of c'mrge, upon t Secoad—Became there is many a, spire to '•Se- dar, bed hibU.I an egg receipt of price. Terms, liberal. Addross, discouraged after the churu adventure, And there I'll live, .\nd live for you." change. TIIVW-AJMi: ! them. Third—Because they are objects of 23WM. FULTON & CO., Publishers, but as I was always somewhat courageous Snakes and malo muskcetcrs, but —The Charlo ton Ita lical Convcntioa yes- A A ili.ai.nol8 auicit.—The negroes 04 Broad st, Newark. N. J. j Everything in the TINNING Line manufac- adcratioa —and list, but by uo means least, tured, and kept on hand for snle as usual.— I wasdetermiued not to throw away a gnu didn't wo go to kissing then ? When wo terday fixed the oumponnnlion of its mem- fr. m every portion of tlie country wero Particular attention to our stock Prices moderate. A call respctlullv solicited. bccauso they have a load clapper in their Oct30-tr N. L. OREINGR. for one snap, nor''give it up so, Brown," g.>t through I folt like I was a stick of Uors at cloven dollars a day, and twelve cents iB.cm'jfed hero yestorday for Lite purpose tions andof ToUet~ apev Extract, Good« generally. Soaps, Paraades,Persons pur-No- upper story, but went to see Miss Mary Ana tho very mdasscs candy. Some gals is awfully mileage, to he paid in State bills, on which cbaiiDK Chrlrtmu pre.«ot. will Had ii to thsir MILLWHIUUT'S GUIDE, nt —Wife (iuxiou»ly)-"What did that young as f.ey were iafonaod; of listeaiug to it Interest to call at Oct 23 THE BOOKSTOR next Sunday night. I always had a | sweet, especially Mary Aon. If she there is a discount of twenty per cent. speech from I'resident Davis I OT PecUeCiS .8 OTT'S DrugDru'T Store. ' lady observe that passed just now 7" Hus- —The frantic Julia, in tn« "Hauchback,' Grindstones, sheet iron and sheet curiosity to kuow what in thunder tho . looks into a cup of tea, it makes it so band (with a smile of calm delight)—"Why, exclaims, "C-l-i-f-ford, why dout'l you cour e the story was a lie, but it servcil / HILLS, Uphams and Matheiv's Hair Dyes, at , ...... ZINC, just received oy Pec 18 OTl'S Drug Store. Sept 18 LUDWIO A CO. | girls made them things called waterfalls sweet that you have to put viuogar in it my love, she observed rather a good looking speak to mo 7" The Radicals are in w ex- | its purpo-e, and brought, the ueyro#* . oat of; so that night when 1 was sitting to counteract tho effes'. before you can man walking with au elderly female—that's thronging in,from evcr^ quartqr^— rfOITH, Nail and Qair Brushes, at CALL and get what vo« wont, at claiming, "G r-i-.-aut, why don't you (peak X Deo 18 OTT'S Drug Store. Oct 23 * ESHMAN'S. •lufigsidc of Mary Ann with my armi dr'.i.k it. Why, after kissing Mary all ! abem I" to us 7" i buiv T niei. ' 'T"

a nrrfe - -- llcooiiMimstlon Convcnttons. IForths Commonwestlti.l EEOAWj jrOTMCES.' REJtE ESTATE .lOEJl'CIES. (Dili —Thief Hitller recently proposed to add JVEW jtnfEItT'ISEJfTE JITTS. [ft) c.M.tRn.] Ktahnton Va., Feb. C, 1868. to the category of Southern disabilities the VIRGINIA TO WIT.-At rules held in .fT,. Wics. j . VflUJIXIA. Jlr. Epitor Will you be kind enough exclusion from control of roilroads or other (^OOD CHANCE. T1T II,e Clerk. elBce of the Circuit Court fR„ckln . > ' .o r.r. k- J-NN W.M U0CXB.Loc K , ... . J FOR AN IKVKSTMEHT.INVESTMEST. .hum tlCounty, « Clerks on offlco Monday of the Circuitthe 3rd Courtday ofnof FebruaryRockingK | 1T RICET & CO., to gtvef|iaco in your columns to a mere men- public Institutions of men who had served Weitt thave a, .tract a Oft* well ImprovcHIlnprnTod« it Land j fIn, n theath i , ! ^isfts.1808. County, on Monday the drd day of February fi • lllCll.MOM), Fridny, prorrlncntly In the armies of (he South. Mr. State of Missouri, containing 700 ACUICS, Ivlnfi: i February, G, 1808. lion of one of the ninst intoresting ocoAHions l.cnryC. Bright Plalhlllt. REAL ESTAtE, AND • JulianTiaiiAn 16 pushed through Congress a. 1.511till idor n the on couthe o Upper1 ios of C1 a rko an d i*hicliLe w Is, wow b Icwill h^or- Bell p to the olTlccra and pupils of the Virginia der on tho Upper Misaimipni, which we will sell Peter( ShoTralter.SJewatter. ManraretM.re.J Wliltchurst.Wbltehur.., WilliamWMI.am BirdRln, L'FE A*D FlRE 1 SVRAHCB [Tlie onnrcntion is still rep'jrtini» aifd with similar Intent. or exchangeoxclian^o for Inndland Inin tliethe this Valley; For- and Hannah hishia wifp,wife, William Showwaltor,Showwalter. Sophia AGENTS. si Ye \Uas®k<,v MrMt Institution for tl.e Deaf anil Dumb, and the further particulars apply to the (irove, Ja^ob Sbowaller, Reuben Coffman In his own referring to conimiitcct iniioli matter to Itliiu). that 1ms ever occuircd in its history— — It la eaiit that nearly one*ha1f of the Re* Feb 12 tf Proprietor of this PapcV*Paper* riKht and as Administrator of Jacob Showalter, Sr., dee'd. and Nancy Cotfman his wife, Adam Showalter, be engrafted into tlio constitution, llut which was simply a voluntary presentation publican (leleg'iUon from Tenness'O to tho —— Branson Parot In his own right and as Adralnlstrntor as wcwe t.clifvobelieve thetbe new constitution is al- of an elegi.iil;CopjLof an English Bible by Chicago Presidentialrrcsiduotial UonvculionConvention otol May 20th,20lh AhaKE CHANGE!(i r^nrnMr^irnrir nv of Jacob Showalter dee'd. and Polly Parot his wife, a ooo.ooo doIaIaARs • - A CHOICE STOCK OF Henry Showalter, Samuel Carpenter and I.eannah his woarn or ready "cut and dried," and only nwuiting the blind and deaf mute [ npils, to th; chnpcl are negroes, wife, R. Davis and I.ydia his wife, Maria Showalter, GOOES FOB SALE, David Showalter (mtnor) Mariah Showalter, widow ilarrisonburg, Hockia^ham Conaty Va tho proper time lor its transmisaion from of this Institution. Too iitcresliug cciomony —There will ba five. Saturdays iu lid of David Showaltor deo'd. Snmnel Wisoand Catharine j REAL ESTATE Ms wife. Saiquel WMtmer and Sophia hia wife. Prls- | Virginia's m isters at Washington, wc was as follows: . month, February, And the beat Storo Room in llurrisonbuip; dlla Krers, John F.rera, Abraham Evers, William I FOR SALE. WKDN KSDAY, - - I KlllllTAKY 1-. IFOS 1 Kvevs, and the unknown cliihlrenot Oeorgc Null and ' sec no necessity for cncumLei iiig our After tho pupils of tho two departments —Baltimore is to liavo a line of Steamer Id cr'i* « -e 11 t . Dianoh Null dee'd. and Leonard Null. Defendants. ' IN CHANCERY. BEND FOR A CATALOG UK, colitTnns with any acts or resolutions '"•d8 asioml.lod in their usual placss, on tlie direct to Bremen,.i.i North Germany. T, e nt, ?ct u.ix.■ W D • IW.t». ci;s3ie;x. istiUor.• I'll, • , . 11i /To- 1i IIii f" ' Sabbath cveningof this moulli, the t> . • i ., r r ITnvlntr ronrlntlnd tn rlnsn nn mv T>r it a ti f The' objectj' of this suit is ta obtainomain a settlement of the which nu\o only bccu uuored,woitb l.atc and onlyhave btcu offered, and iiave . . , , . —*—lork PorK liis onlyJ Worthworth four COdtscoats a pouatlpouai nusmess, I now offer»,v upon' ' accominoJutiogP .• estateofol the a-set« Jacob ol theShowalter, same. Sr., da.'d, and a distribution TAPE AND FIRE — . , , ^ . I imciiial occnpvmg thedrsk, tlie Oonmitteo .In TtXiH.„ terms, nil my Stock on hai.d, consisting of And It appearing by ahdaflldarll filed In this cause ~ ' not even received the • sanctionsanclion olof that appointed• . .. to ptirclmso, the, Bible,, ,, ndvaacod, , lexis. Grant nml Jnlmsnn. body ofnf blow guns, who are merely the holding it, when Professor Colemsn, one of —-0« Gen.n-G Grnnger,ranger, commandingnt Mcmid.ii•«» * . CryT\ vrOOUS,n 1 thatEvers tho and Defendants William EvkngnAMargaret PrcsciiiaWldtehurst, Kvers Abraham are not INSURANCE , , . , . , . ^ frirtrtidrto residents ofthc State of Virginia, and that the names EFFECTED These two high personages have had rpuppetstippcls of limtho Washington llogenoy.llogcncy. the commiittc, sjioko as follow*: stationedBtnttoocd a guard Inin thetlie court-room durinduring uroceiica, of the children of George and nfinjah Nu'l dee'd are 1 1 ltdrilu Aro iinknowu.l. x -ipilAonnr.l Null.) II Is therefore ordurMl I!f THE MOST UEUABLE COMPANIES IN nnntber.iv. leng'hyj vcorrespondence, .. v. , . w,, tins Inia theiny nieantinic wc winwill continuecoimnuu toiu i.\t- r,...,. i . i, „ ^ BOKfcionpvoo.wm w.of »..vtho vrniiiiuniCriminal v^>iiik,Court, (forv " what > that the snid Defendants db appear J ere wltliln one rx. n'.jp nvTwr* am ^r. , 4 .. , 'aa' I AIT UiOVOil . o >1110 Pis WCOkS ftgn, tno UI, , A A A n / * rm *VTTT?T."'X7CJ\X7 A UT? month a ft or due |Mib]lcation of this order, nnd do w hat IN TUB UNITED STATES. 1 mu hi rc4a!ion to too rcmslnhon ol present to our readers the ludicrious side, Pulpils of our iMtuitutbn determine! to P poae is not stated) n few days since. 1 he tULLNSWAKE, Is ncctsbary to protect their intoreat in this suiL 8 Copy—Teat; Flantcii,Ptanlin. in uhkhwhich GraiitGrant is aifttinagHin badlvbadly wbie', nLur .itall loid (i,„the only side umrit.worth rwiko."i " by Bubucriiiliuiitiibscriiilinii amoncamong thetnsclvf.s, na lawyers rebulleil,rebelled, and the GeneralGeucral withdrew BOOTS, SHOES, A. St. C. SPRINKLE, CIcrlL ■JSsa,Ofllco over Fii-at Katiunal Dank, Harri- the troopr. _ Ac,, &c.. I.i»fvett rf ITaa^ p. q. ronburg, Va. —i- i.rii'ii.:oiyRisuioNs] ail of which are in Good Couditiou, of rc- Feb. 5 41 Prlnter'a fee $5. Dec. 25, 1867. cd down to o point of voracity bowtecn b'CKNi:ScencI.— 1.—Inside Inside —- (time,(tiiuo, Friday,Feb. pri-ecntedpresented to ll.othe Inplitiition,iDslitminn, lor using in thetlie . —Ex-Gov. S'-ymotirS^ymonr,Seymonr,i cfof NewNow York, Bayssays cent purclinso, and lie is not n candidate for IVt s'dont. N-. ilhcr LATEST S T Y" L E S . Jos. n. phicb. Jons v. Lockn. J till nenu mid fnur of tho cabinet on one ) The (iiteitum1 under consideration ^ ul«r exerci.-ca in the Chapel 111 Snnday he is not a camlidate for Trt rdent. Neither VIRGINIA TO WIT.—At Rules held in tho • , , . ovcuingsg Mr. Dear and hiyrcll were ap- IC1 it,. .flimr nf ll.n CunWiimweolili Clerk's OfTlce of the Circuit Conrt of Rock- PRICE A- LOCKE Mile, mid Grant on tho otlicr. This s the editor of the Coinmonwealth. The storo room I now occupy will also be was the propriety of holding evening poiutod a cominittcn to collect tho aunnunts rcl sor ft,1 1 i3 insrbam County, on Monday, the third day of LIFE AND FIRE would be suHificiit to convict Grant ol —Soward is said toba getting into high ITJnl ,H" 'f -. I } . considered February, 18(18. sessions : thus aubsrribed, and apply them to llio pur- —Si ward is stid toba getting into high one of the best locations in Hamsonburgfor Fcttr W. Wheeler, Plaintifl'. INSURANCE AGENTS, downHght lying, and low, cunning hypo /•> n , i r -t t r poso idready indtealod. Wo have tlie pleas- favor with tlia RilioalaTlidicala again, and Tbad business. Very few opportiinili s like ibis vs. Oiiice—Datric building, Ilarrisonburg, Va; Mrlavr:Mr l uvr: (Ivad;I'uad) •"As As 1I Raidsaid before,bclorC, areuro to nnnouneeannounee llmtllml about $10 was raised, SlevonBSlevoiiB is iuin mpturcsrapturesraplurcs overover'Grant. Grant. ' are presented to busitiesa men. Mary Ann Wheeler, Defendant.De'fcndant. Arc now prenhred to iftae Pidicfca ofliun- nriev, before eiiy honest tribunal on I «d Iikclike.... to Bnv .ua . lew - remarks.. . 1.1. ..hopenope and ihatlliat... we have chtaim'dohtaiped splendid bouk_ \Txr „XTxt • . ...!• al. /\ r\/\ 1_ 1 _ the meantime nil who want bargain8 at annoo, iu tlie following rgsponsiblo Oomiianies : thoy'll hi siisihle:■ I hope they'll be through Hunter & Kowtio, from New Mexico, with 220 000 people has retail, will do well to call upon me, ns 1 in« IN CHANCERY,CHANCERY. Knickojborkcr l.l'e Insurance Company, N. Y„ oirtli; hut will it Itavc tlio effect to lessen they'll ha s nsible: 1 hope they'll b» tlirottgli Me-«ra. 11 u trier & Nowlin, from The object of this suit is to obtain a decree di- United States Fire and Marine Insurance Com- his rhatn-cs fcr the Presidency? Why, kind -; I hopehoire they'll reflect credit on Moisrs.Moisra. CushlngGushing A: B.illeyB illvy of Baltimore.— no free schools. tend to soil from this date, not for cost, but vorcinffThe (,bj»ct the plaintiffnftlds suit from i« theto obtainbonds ofa decree matrimo- di- pany, of Baltimore, Md. this1- 11House,I I ousc, s.r.g.r. though.11. tticythey como fromr AAnd\iid u'"J'thermoru furtlfurtl.crmoru ern-ori! it givespivts.rives n.nd.Ulinnnlii»additionalii»aUdl ion»l idea,.pleas-pleas —Not.. one of llio ll3 newspapers publish- forFeb very 12 sMALL PROFITH. TZ OFFUTT. vnrcmgny with thethe defendanttdaintiH from the bonds of inatnnio- Nov 20, 1807 hlcsi y -ur honest soul, no ! The people urjuro to bube able to date, that t!;o=o l it er a man of low culibro,. sir. 1 bolievo, sir, «hlc to tlate, that t!;o=o lit er j j111 j relicious And, it appearing,nppeurinK, by nflldavitnffldavit Diedfiled in this - a man of low c;ilibra,, sir. i believe, sir, gentlemen, not having on hand stich a Bible I w cause, that the defendant, Mary Ann Wheeler, J^AND AOEXCY IN VIUQIMA. who throw up Ihci' huts un 1 hurrah for that tinsthis Olalc,State,j, , sir,• was otteeonce na Blaveliold-slavehold-, i i/ gcnliemen,ns the aniouiil not rai.edhaving would on band purchase, sltcli n Biblemost eu What i w.i is tirois religious.tiss of religious news-papers TXT"ANTED.—Any quantity of Onions, iscause, net athat resident tho defendant, of the h'tate Mary of AnnVirginia, Wheeler, H is Grant urc used to. that kind of tiling.— tnging btnto,Stale, sir ; and when it was, servants , „, handsomo KugHsh Bible in "Gods Country.- est Lru'ri^ ^.rp^rc,i?ir.,rhiCb the pc^ STEARNS 'e Bible up m the a sk of the GU.pel, and fifty thousand persons over 20 years of age To Rcazin W. Bryan, Curtis W. Bryan, Eliza- Louisa muhlhacifs historical , , i i • • •• ,i Mr. a lalte (lliu): I d like to Ubk the addrcHsei] lh« iHUiila. as follows ; who camuit read or write. of every deseription, at crcatly reduced prices. beth Colo : NOVELS. 1"b. oe i. delecteddetected purloiningpurlo.n.ng spoons from(rom the a ^csti^n- .,clijl(]ie|i ^ In8tit^ ; j rceivc Give us a call before purchnsinfr elsewhere. r D APPLETON A- CO , Piosident-alProsident'al mansion, or picking*picking- lliotho Mr. Parr : "Certainly, sir. I'd have tiiis copy of tho Holy Bible, as a memorial, —The Radicals of Mississippi have nomi- Feb 5 LUDWIG A CO. Y Gu arc hereby notified that I shall,'on the 21st dajr of March, rext. at mv office in ilarris- 4-13 and 4-13 Broadway, New York, inckdt ofa brother cabinet officer, wnu'd tho gentleman to understand that I can of your gratitude toward your Al = a Mater. nated U. B. Egglcston for governor. Wo onburg*, Rockingliam County, Virginia, proceed jyjcGAHEYSVILLE INN! upon the petition of Eli/.nboth amlMary Bryan , ' IlAVE JUST rODLISHED, itn havetiatc (tiSpraooadis-raced himmm in themo eveseyes ofoi themv. au-wer him^ anyj quastiu.iu he choose to cd 'iimmore ugh than your your committee, best wishoq. you.hrve Instead rssliz- of know nothing about the fellow. to take in writing tlio cTidcnce of witnesses to atk, sir." REUBEN BONDS, PFOPRISTOR. prove the contents of tbe last will and testaments THE EMPRESS JOSEPHIEE; An historical Yankee scum who now worship at his ,,, ,, nv i n r .t .i a Bible, which-waswhich- was tolo liavohave cost,enst, not more —Thomas U. Bell comraUlei snicide in of Elisba Bryan, dco'd, which by the petition sketch of the days of Napoleon; 1 voi, 8vo. 51Mr.L r Plattc;1 lattos ,u The above Hotel has recently been opened in of the said Elizabeth and Mary, filed with the Paper covers, $1 50; cloth £2. Kk' rit.c?ri"e? Not a Litbit of it'it! ThevThey have "' '' ' like for tbo'" gentlo- thanlUl. sixicenKi'vl_ dollars, you presentb hereereto.riav to day Richmond, on Saturday night, by taking McOahcysTHle, nnd is prepared to give a genial Commissioner, is alleged, toiethor with the y an elegant English copy, whoso prime cost strychnine. magnified-n . thisi ■ poor vacillating' -' e.mpioton , gjyi,]man to i toll l meJ tf lie doesn'tk alter thinksundowu he i„an Englandolegrfnt Englishwas $30 copy,; and inwhose this yourprime pious cost strychnine,,,,, ,, .. welcome and pleasant aecommodation to the cit- record thereof, to be lost or destroyed, nnd it NAPOLEOEandlhs QUEE.Y n/P-fi/TSSI A. I llro lart 3 to wor —The alberaarle gho^.t is still on th'? ram- izens and traveling public. Connected with the anpearing by affidavit filed, that Curtis W toI,'8vo. Paper cover fl 55, cloth 2 -00. into a hero, and a hero ho will remain foy ^>8 a day " olijeet, yon hnvo liusn seconds.l by Messrs. Hie a.bcmarle gho.-.t is still on the ram- liuttiHotel theretlicre isia au Dt-yan, a parly int(TO-Itcd in tlio proof theroof, THE DAUGHTER nf nn EMPRESS. I vol. page.a e Ho cuts capers •around Mr. Mood's to the end of the chapter Mr. Purr: "Mr, President, I'd have G-.isliing & Bailey, of Baltimore for whose P B - Ho cuts capers-arouod Mr. Moon's OYSTER SAI.OOXSALOON ANVAND EAR,BAR. ia mil a resident of tho State ol Virginia, ho is 8v-o. Illustrated. Paper cover $1 50? cloth 2. tbe gentloumn to un-Jorstand, sir, lhatho munillov-nt contiibntion toward ils putohase, house every night. hereby required to attend at the time nnd place MARIE ANTOINETTE A NO HER SON. I tl ks havo 'applied with choice Liquors and Ale. above appointed, nnd do what ia necessary to voi, 8vo. Paper covers i 50; cloth 2 00. never took a broadaxe in his hand, sir, ""|f f "'""-"'y been tcmlercd in be- —Another "scone" occoredoccarcd iain the Being determined to keep a good House, I ask protect hia interest. WASHINGTONWASHINGTON' MOWSNEWS and now when he eon.es here and gits b.a « 'be I"'l>ii9 and officers of U.'sji.,-lriu- CmvoIltiCmventi tDen last,ast TlJcgdnTuesday.y. Two membersnH.m,)trs the palrnnogo of the public. Given under my band as Commission of the JOSEPH 11 AND HIS COURT. Translated > T n Feb 5 ly REUBEN BONDS. Circuit Court for said county, nt my said odioe, from the Oerinan by Adelaide du V. Chaudrou. Tho argument in the Supremo Court $8 a day it makes him proud sir ; and I, ba%ur jdeasum to ' prmcct,'^preserve, and h»havingi e quarrcllodquarrelled in a debate, tlartodtlariod out the day and year Hrst a'oresaid. 1 voi, 8vo. cloth 2 00. tx parte aMcOardlo lius beou concluded eir, when L has my tool in my hand, sir, chfrisli those sic red ptgep, which, mmer of tho hall for a fight, but the sergeanl-at. Lumber wan run at tiik Jan 20 41 G. S. LATIMER, Com'r: IIAttniSOXBURG SASH ft DOOR FREDERICK the GREAT and HIS COURT.- Ifccision reserved. I don't think nothing of §1 or 85 a day, iho Ijle^ing of GjJ, sliall prove, in all com- arms put stop to it l.y closing the Translated from tlie Uerman by Mrs. Chapman sir. Yea, sir, ami 1 was lakcn from the ing years, a l-mip to ligliton the foot of tlio FACTORY 1 1 THRESH GARDEN SEED8. Coleman and her daughters, i rol,voi, 12mu.12mo. 414424 Tlx: i ectipfs of Customs for tho weak blind, mid the datkne.-s of lliis world, and a pages. Cloth, 2 00. plough htinJIe, air, and brouglil licrc to We arc buyiiiK PINE,OAK, WALNUT and POPLAR Just received, n emnpfeto nsso-tmcnt nf Lan HERnrrtrivtvn LIN AND SANSa < \ra SOUPT,ar>rrr.r or Frederick«. . the, cmlitig Januirj SOtli, were §2,000,000 still sniall voice in tlie car of the deaf, heard — Hawxhurst, of Alexandria, a northern LUMIIKR.nf ill) sizes ut our Foctm-y, for wtiicli we will drelli's Warranted Garden Seeds, consisting in '/ ' 1, SAA^. Il.CI. orl-redenckihc make laws, sit'. And I want to makn pay liic liiKhest'prlces, titlicr in ( ASM oi-TKADB. pa!,to( Great and hithis Friendt.rnendi. Ii voi, PJoio.12oio. Cloth 2 00. plain laws, sir. Not complicated laws. amid tlie profound atillnces of tlio world, Yankee Rilvcnturer and now a leader of tlie We have on lininlnll sizes or WINDOW SASH, PAN- O'tie IfcTcti'in receipts to Jay were $2-19, calling liiin from bis wanderings, into tlio F.I, HOOKS, Bld.VIIS, I-'LOOllINO, S II U T T K 11 S , Early Yorl; Cabbage, Long Green Caettmber'w THE MERCHANT OF ItERLlN. Trnnslate-f 1 Laws that a wayfaring man, if he is a pallia of liglitconsness and peace." Convention, has been settled upon by tbe BRACKETS. MOlTLDtNGS, and iu short every zrtlclz French Oxliart, Early Cabbage Lettuc -, from the German by Amoi-y Cotriu, 51. D. X 000. ' ueided to build nnd complete liouscs. Late Druutmond " Long Red Beet, vul 12mo. Clotii, 2*00. fool, can understand, sir. 1 want 'em The remarks of tlis IViiici|ul concluded radicals as llieir candidate for Governor— We will also do nil kinds of TURNING, aii-h as Col- Drumhead Savoy " l- atly Tufn'p " FREDERICK the G HEAT and HIS FAMILY The Reconstruction Gommitlo'o. have plain, frank, open, just, right, tquar mid umns. Bannisters, if-c. We are also preparcd to work Long Salmon Radish, Sngar Beet, 1 voi, "8v(>. lilust atod. Cloth, 2 00. t'te antlioni called "Father, I bond to Tbce." alas ! poor Ilnniiicull! WKATHKR ilOARiHNO. "Scarlet Shorttop, Fatly Frame Cucumber, been ConsiJoring tlie War Office corrcs far, sir. If you git a parcel of lawyers —Tlio Virgii-ia express Company are ex- We have on hand ut our MILL, at ail times, Meal and Lady Finger LOUISA OF PRUSSIA AND HER TIMES 1 waseung by tliebiiud, accompanied by onr Su^ar Parsnip. vol. 8/o. llfus!rated. I'aper covers, 1 60: |i»mlcnce of the Hresidcrit and General bore a makin laws, sir, mitTisEMKJt'Ts. me arc earnestly rocfwested to cirll ant! scttlp im- PRO MINES T UIIA ii A CTERIS TICS, During Ihe early part nf Jannarj I took a tour modiatelv by noto or1 othorwise, I must and will iuin nrderini.oiduriug GenorulGunerul Grant to di.sohevdisobey Mr. "Is lite gentleman from 1 etorsburg a touchingtiiticiiinir soc'ncs ceiie itseir,itself, took tncIne Bible for Ids — North, to mnke examinations of,the variousstylrp settle nn'to the firsl of* tlrfer present v 1 — They arc Inatructioa, lawyer V P. B SUBUSTT. I P. A. SCBI.HTT. I nt'of Sewing Machines,XI ■inlilnnz. andr. .. 11 tof r. acquaint^o ; .. 4 mvsoir...... I P with. . I. the.1 aboveI .. notice. 4 ! nfil?! X beI-...... snllicient. IT*...... 4. * As purely literary work", th2«> hDtori • ;] rora'iinai# Stan ton as Seurutary of War, noted in tlio no of disc -urso, ao.l delivered a thrill- Btaunt :n, Va. | Richmond, Va jyosscsh8 a Id^'h dctrreo nf m-rlt. They read like genuim [Voice : "No, he's a doctor.'"j tlieir coiuparativo value and inorit; and also to Heap jctfull v, hi turf es.—Ciithnh'c If or id. ing and impressive sortr.o whioil was trans- P. LL & P. A. SUBLETT, acquire a better idea of the whole business 1 Jan 29 L H OTT- Tiicy are ctrroct doso iptlons of the countries ami violation of law, and that it showed a "A d-ictbr ! Well, then, I'll dootis think I am now better prepared to judge in v self, people described.—Heratd. deteruiination ou liis pait to defeat the lated to tlie deaf anddnnib, in signs, by llio ProJnco Conitnission Moicliants, and more competent to advi?c others iu the se- hira. I want bim to know that if lie or I'tincipal, lection of machines. J^KAD THE 2 - They are EnUrtainiuj, purposes au) laws of Congress from Ibo city of Petersburg, and I'm from Offur their servlfor tlio Sale of Persons wanting SEWING MACHINES had Wo regard the"©hooka as annopr the and in -sk If tbo weather hi 1 been gool, nn 1 llio entertaining novels of the day. -1 prinftfit-'d Jiep. > the county of Nanscmond, I can talk to TOBACCO, WHEAT, CORN, FLOUR, better, therefore, buy ot a reliable party, who GAME LEWS CONFESSION, Tho reader is it once fUsoiiiatedliiid "ji«ld si*tjJl-boaijd The conduct of "certain Cabinet offi notice of Hie PrcBetriaiioo more gei.cral, 1 caun t only Sell, but JRepair them—and who will a s pi em. id story, by Dr. Delta, in tho ''Musical until t!i volume is uonipluted,— Free fr'tt. cars (supposed to be Messrs. Uaudall, him." AND ALL KINDS OP be responsible for their performance. 1 sell only Advocate." There la no Ua'.l chapter in it—f/aj.i Il-.raUl, SCENU 2.—(Time, Monday, Feb. 3 — belitve our chapel woul.1 Itave been filled to COUNTRY PRODUCE, The Jtc-t Neic Machinca, but have some *S'cc« YVelles, Browning, and MeCuIloeb,) is overflowing, since events of suoli a nature oud Hand Machinca, either for Sale or Rent, thai | 1GHT Pieces of Music for the Piano. Qunir, 3 — They are Mirrors of the Times. The question who shall bo eligible to the Corner Virginia a - c! Gary Street*, eno Square will do good work. 1 can hirnish any Machine So one can po-'se tlmn without concodliiK the au- also to be investigated in this connection do not take place, in cur Institutes once in bulow Shockce Warehouse, desired by the purchaser, if they can be pro- tv and Sunday School, are iu the "Musical Ad IhorD great ekili in grasping and delinvating the char Governorship was under Jisoussion : vocate for February. actors which figure conspicuously in thrm and strung up in tlio iuipcachmcut row balf a cenlury, nnd lids, indeed, is (lie only JilCffJfOYV, VA. cured. (.all and see. The study vrliich eimhk-s the author to delincatoso Uurwell Toicr, (negro) from Hanover "SisiuAnv kind of Machines repaired. ALL kiiids of reading for the Musician and the nccunitoly the emotions and incentives to action which along wish ilie President, if there is rca- one ever board of among oa aa having taken r.nrKR'^KS—C C. Strajeu, rftsliler Firpt National Feb 6 ' GEO. O. CONRAD. Fireside, can be found in the Musical Advo- in-rroil men and women of a past age, must he close and said be was opposed to settin down Eve, . ^ Ill8titul5on of lhi8 u-mj. Dank, ^umui! Shacklcl, G. G. Grnttiin. Ilaniaon- cate for February. unm ing* and Izouisa Muhltmch mIiows in all or her s in fur supp.wiug tlio existence of a or twenty, nor any yothcr time, fur a man r o o o burg, Ytt. •:Feb 13 ISGS-Ijr JAS. W. MILLER, works a porfuotion which carries the reader .ht(» tho very * euitspiracy to defeat tho law"—that's CtALL at WAIITMAN'S Book Store and boo prcstucc of the characters represunlcd.—Hyracust Jctir to live hero 'fore he can be Guvnor.— PRIVATE SALE I) E N T A IilTU U G E O N, I the February No. of the "Musical Adro- 4—They are Iliatorically Correct, the charge. Mr Binghatn lias hereto- Ho didn't had no doubt dat de old patii- Tlic A,abaiua Section, OF A VALUABLE FABMl llistotioaily correct, and as entertaining - s msny <-f srehs of Ferginm had did de best dey „ . . FI A R It I SO N D C U G, Y A. the volumes «>f Sir Walter 8ci>lt.—Providence Herald. fore .opposed impeachment for want of I offer my farm, lying; live miles east of Har- (Graduate of tho Baltimore CoJIege of Dental Surgery ) OUR QUAD BOX is fall of spicy matter. See Louisa Muhlbach mast have carefully and dilige .tlj knew how, but lie want in favor.of IVfl Montgomery, Ala, bebruarj -»-. risonbur^', at private sale. It contains tho "Musical Ad vacate." studted the secret histories of the times and countries legal evidence. General Grant is to be lOO AOJIL'ti Of GOOD LIMESTONE LAND, OifiCE- German St., opp. M E Church South. of which she writes, and her task is done well and ef luring in dar tracks. I don't think, sar, The vote on ratifying the Constitution feotlvely.— Worcester Njyy. examined by tlie criiimitfeo during the dat it Is cmpowcrc-1 for wicked hearts to t-.i day was 1,081. Two white candidates 110 acras of which are cleared, under pomi fenc- Country Produce taken in exchange for The MUSICAL ADVOCATE ia published No 11 islorioal Novelist has labored so faithfully and injr, and in a high state of ciiltlvation , the bal- work. Fob {>-ly Monthly, nnd is issued regularly on the successfully to reproduce a complete piclurs of past time* w ck. and tlie report, it is tliouglit, will make argimint (orfor de good.aood. 1 liashas not votoJ_ AU the rest negroes ar.ee is in »oo(l timber, oak, pine, Ac. A never rrr.sT-tmr of ttib month. 'iVn copies, $10 00 and evbnts.— Ufiea Herald, ji'-obibly be presented to ihe liouso on spoke before, which. I baa been requested failing; spring; of pure water a fiords ax on it ant Single copies, 15 cents. No mnticlan can well 5—They are OriyTnal. , , II,.,-ias l.nn.,ce «r,„r,io,I i.. nan /VlAt methe Siuiosame timelime uuan cicoiiuiielection is iuto beoo sirstr am throughlurougii theoiu Qtiureentire farmlarm tbelac year round.rouna. do without it, and every family should have it. It has agreeably surprised readers to find a new writer Monday. In this c.maeotion it may be 'nto do so. 1I' lias l-'been" counted in one The buildingsballdiuas consist of a rssi.se 8*4LKS. It is the only musical and literarv Monthly, such constructive genius and knowledge of character as T , , -i, .- sense a monkey, by yothers a baboonianbaboomun ; held for tstate officers and for seven re- GOOD DWELLING HOUSE,DOUSE, of any size, published in Virginia. Give it your Louisa Muhlhach possesses.—Public LcJf/cr. remouibered that there is a bill pending' 3 .but . iIf ain'tam■ t uar oae.„„ I'm1i. m, „a man andi„ a prosentatives for Congress. There are (] , n, two corn-tousoj, amnkc-liouso, two TIUBLIC SALE OF VAUABLE support. Address KIEFFKR k UOHR, Each succeeding novel adds to Mrs. .M undt's reputa- in the Smate providing that in cases ol brother, sir ; eqnil by creation, and— Good00(1 BBarn,ar two corn house?, sinokc-hougo, two 1 FARM LANDS. Singer's Glenn, tion as a writer of historic fiction.—iV. T. Times. brother, sir ; equil by creation, and— 106 280 rcistercd voters- of whom 87 imnk-collars, with goort lotts over them, a lirst- Wo will offer for sale at (lie lato reefidenoo of 10Feb 05 Bockingham Co., Va. G—They are full of I/nayinatioa. the, [irescntalion of articles of impeach- don'tdonrinn't t pull.(.ill inirmy coaton-it.t-iilcoat-tail tail lift"'oiloil'! . rSnniton[hpokon[Spoken t.it.f i 070 ' votcj, ,Pn favor of„ tho, convention• ' i,«rrate of Ice-liouse, othec-aeccesai-.r. and D*ii nut v-attached, buildings. nnd There a num- i» David Armentrout, dee'd., in ^Rockinghain Co., TNK,INK, INK, INKINK.—French copying Ink—Amor- She is not only the skilful joiner,hat a neat-handed incut the officers charged shail, u[ion a a momber behind who was tugging at his nisorni the plftcu TWO YOUNG ORCHARDS. Virginia, X ican Ink—Arnold's,Ink—An Mavnard's, Noyes' Ac., artiaan.—CArtrifan8l WUness. n n^ ^ , which framed the new constitution. Cno containing about 200 young winter-apple On SA TURD A Y, Wlh FEDRUAR Y, 1868, —also-also excellent inki mademarie iuin this Drug Store— ll '?. ^fi,,. ri,.a™^^.., ?.T".. T two-thirds vote of the Senate, cease to coat ] Dis is do Erst time I has spoken a8asno goodnrnnA asaSoj *i,..thet e beat.u,AUt r«Call n auu ti \ it.it and'D increasewomlcrful the how interest Madame to the Mnu.U end.—Vily manages Item. to iustala , , . , in public to dts House, nnd 1 intend to The Conservatives of Alabama have fruit.tree«;thc There dthet- is a Goodh. * TKNAXfiiie [irchai-flofsummer I' HOUSE on the tho following tracts of land : One farm contain- v?i?r*cb jJ ^ o isl UuJjU. The word painting of tlm a>utiioi-ess is much more ef- act in anun officialomcial capaeiiy,capacity, anand m case tliethe prove* Jt.- I, Lhasas soughts,JU,,tlt heroandhere and liiteneJ,listened. adopted the plan ot keeping away Irom place, which stands close to the latter orchard. ing, by late purvey, fective thaq the best efforts of tho cngfaver.—UHnoit I'residcnt is the party, tl.e offieer next i don't believe it competent for wick- , . inasmuch 198 ACRES, State Register. inii tho poll anJ not votin at of which there are 180 Acres cleared, and the HAGERSTOWN FOUNDRY,FOUNDRY. I—Then contain Anecdotes of Courts, in authority slmll have power to call on cd men to make laws for righteous men Ba a failuro tl) vote is virtually a vote balance well timbered. Timber land can bu had ____ a failure to vote is virtually a vote commodating terms; Addnts-.^ jjREWER convenient if the purchaser dcslri'B It. This farm _ . „ . rv # i */xi • Scottish history ollercd no fresher ami morj romantic the land and naval forces to enforce the I am in favor not to limit da term to five . , ii titutiun " biuco tho 8mTOVrSVTr "Empiren Cook" (three siz^s") material to the magic working hand nf?5lr Walter Scoit a alaitistst the1110 "constitution,"CJIls Biuce tho Feb 12-tf Ilarrisonburg,'V». lies three inilert north of Ilarrisonburg, immcdi- ^^OVr.S.—D nln R oom Empire Cook, (threo pize^ ) , r , nor twenty noi nolhiu else, but to put de n " constitution, biuco atcly on the Valley Turnpike, and adjoins the V| Dining \ «0 Room-. Cook,Book,' SUnleySUuley'alr-tlgUt, air-tight,O . EggFggoo jflveX(five Eveningthan she AndaGazelle. In the anuala of tho Gorman Court.— _ nun forth whar de majority rippersent, termsmis of the reconstruction netsacts require T-agggH qarDEN SEED, 1 anas of Mrs. Julia Smith and others. There *8 ZC3zc ' . . * There are not to be fonnd anywhere in human annals Ilomiuy Mills,n unused, sueh magnificent, such snjierabnndant mate- McCullough, Secretary o the Treasury n0 matter whether he's a baloonian or a thatat "a maioritvmajority of the registered voters J' — are three wells of good water on the farm, two in Uoiliiuy Mills, the yard and one some distance from the house. Millill* r 111• i ■ (Uearing,Gearing, . . rialsj Austrianfor romance, courts as clog of thetlie chronicles18th century. of the FrassianBy their has reojgmzjJ Stamoa as Secretary of wliilo maa nor nolhin else. shall vote on quoslijum of thothe ratificationratiticalion ^^i^cabbage, Early May Peas, The house is a good •» am K Irona Hailing,Pa lingo, dress,guage, their tliey manners, aromlmotrt Ihcir as muoh modes ssparatcd of thought, from their us uslun- if War. zVftcr this powerful argument the res- 0f tffie constitution toi SGCliresecure its adoption." Cx heart " Largo Marrow fat P«ad Log "Weatherboarded House, |gSS» 0 —HxA with all necessary outbuildinps; Castings, ti' / bad lived one thousand years ago.—Observer. olution, as (ollow's, was passed : — 1 . Flat Dutch ** Eng'h cluBter Cucum r Congvess. , ., . „ ' • Tildon Tomatto, Long Green ** It has on it a lar^o OHUHARD of select fruit Job WorkWork. ®—They tell 'about Fniperors, Kings and Queens. ■ "No person except a citizen of the NEYV3A'EYV3 ITEMS.tXESlSI.frmfd Eavlv Silesia Luttuce, While Celery, trtea of every kind. The land is well adopted to We learn from her not only how Frederick William A bill refusing pay to any cadet to Ufliled States shall bo eligible to' the of- f-Juldlfv. or Vegetable Early Turnip Beet, jrrnss and pr'ain of all kinds. We will also oiler ———— nnd Frederick the Great, Joseph the Second, Rousseau, — A few days ago,, C. O.0. RJcliardaon,Iliobardson, an Oyster. Long Blood " ut the sauie time, ^SjuFarticular>aa rnrtirntir attentionnttonlinn0111 011 is13ia calledcnllcricn to our Fam-r Voltaire, Baron Trenck, the limprcs. Catharine, walkeri West I'oint, appointed (Voui the South, fice of Govenmr, nnd if such person boot' ily•i llominyHominy Mill, thea" only-; good , one'' in■ ' useuse- and talked. in their grand„ rates, wn,.-Regstier. but h.m- they powdered radical monibsr of llioa« GeorgiaUC0rdonr^iaiA convention Thej i foregoingg of^godjust list rccclycdincludes atsome mv ofDrug the Store, many 47-13 ACRES. theit halr| mrted und t uk has passed both Houses of Congress. foreign birth, for ten years next prooeJ- o var et e lying ono fourthof a aide northwcBtof tho above The choice of her subjects exhlblis her gentu s. Sho was shot and killed byy ono Timraoney. As ALL of which I will warrant to be Ircsli and h r . i tt i t ing0 his cleetion ; nor sliall any person farm, 'One hall'of t '» tract is cleared and in a ■Sssa-IRONS for tho Celebrnteri Muley Saw takes11 fortho time of Frekerick the Great, Josoph the Si-o- A bill declunng0 l irreited all lanJi ■ ,- -i , . ' ,r- i i ' , .. fonuinu. Call at furul.Uedr,-Toi, ,l ir.IU Complete,tu vtntaOttS. ThGluia saw willUlU cutCU o®which. the rxilinplo, chronicle, and of Hieupon periodsidlui-d, the bulrgrouud sho embrold of fact. be eligible to that office unless ho shall boll, were Yankee oftioo seeking ndveir- cb 12. Dr. S. M. DOLD'S Drug Storo, good state of cnltivation, tho balance well-tim- 6 .'f-intcd to aid in tlio c matruotion ofrail- bered. The proximity of tho shove land to Har- 4- 500 BVofcFootJ-t-Gbinxtbt uiof uumuuiojuuiueiLumber Derperpui Day.Day,jy eraersl,„,horfictiou, the n-li,,,, bright with,vith and thetbo aombrocolors,thesombre skill colors,of aaconsummatearti.t.— consummate the light and aitiat.— shade TAa of have attained the ugeul thirty years, and tures, Georgia ii not at all disconsolate risonbnrg, to schoolsi mills, and other coureni- roads in Alabama, Mi-uiasi pni, Louisiutia, been a resident of tbe Sute for Itireo utidcr the bereavement. Tho body of Hich- JpARM FOR SALE. cnees, render it very desirable. All kinds of Gearing put up in tho best man- Eagle. Any one wishing to examine said tracts of land De pnd Florida, lias passed both House, of years next preceding bis election." ardson was sent to bis home—in Maine. We will sell a farm, aituated within four roilta will prall on li F & II 11 Armentrout, nowfliving aBJST, SA TP and PLANING MILLS. L^NNZ'^ty. rc«Pi=„ity, and —A youngou Yankee "school-inarm" st of this town, ot a good quality of LDISSlONh „„„„ thorn. Terms accommodating, and made .rlegance, Is something greatly to he commended. It Is Congress This is a measure of spite I'l 0~> \ ,,—i "^ , Yankee , "school-marm", ri ■ at LASH, with good bqildiugz, for which we will known on day ofsa'.o. Possession given as soon and Auhx* i a run iul. free from imitations, mannerisms, und tricks of every and mailed, entirely worthy of lliis "most i Cbarieslownjliark-slown is snajH:ct»l6tiapi:cte.i of having grittengutlen tase duo paper, ( Laud Uonds) in payment. The aa terms of sate are complied with" Kindlebersrer Wheel*ww kimt.—37ie Argus title will he good. Any ono wishing to purchase a desirable homo Tlie translations do Justice to the vivid piquant stylo iiilamous Uon-'ress0 " TAr.r.AitASSBK, Fob. 7.—Tho minority possession of a coiisideruble sum of money Wc have also several TOWN PROPERTIES, ^ )lnj it („ then'intcrast ta examine tbo above McDOWELL & BACHTEL. of the original' and the story is full of movement, and ' " " ' of tl.e UonTeution is Still in session, and t0 fi.fiU a jjcfiuol l,ou-,t-, and llien decamp d which can ho bought on the same terms. ni-ooortvnroperly1 H8 before day of snalc.saale. Jan 22-tf Ilagerstown, Wd, crowdedThe Chicago with Port. instructive and entertaining incident.— As yet, Congress bis not done any- having iu scovet session, adopted a c-utis to Dos ton J. D. PRICE <4-CO., ^•' U. F. ARMENTROUT, . Tlie interest of tho book docs not depend upon its char- Real 1 stale Agents. 0. H. ARMENTROUT. JJARRISONBUROHAUUISONBURG BREWERBREWERY, It , actera nor iu its incidents, noryetin Itscharmiug styl", (bi-ng vcstraiiiing tbe Supren.o Court Iron, titutmn, are now awaiting instructions Fob 12-31 Uarriaonburg, Va. Executors of David Armentrout, dee'd- but in Its general harmony of composition.—Day Bale. cxer-.Mslfi:.'1■ • e 8 rfuuctiO.iS l' u. regarda to reoon front"om lienuen. .ueano*\1 i-.-n!n beforeumutu adiournM.aujmi ii '.— —Cltaso ti.is cxn.esscd1 tbo opinionf Jan 29-4t McQaueysville,McQAnEYSviii.E, Va. 10—Everybody is Reading Them, The maioruv refuse to recognixa the acts that the,tl.a roconbtrncli-jurocoobtrucltou acts are uucoustitu-uucousriUu- tjaUTIMOKK WEEKLY SUN, structiontiruction measures. . AuJity. or to admit British sub- tiomtl. Tho undumljiM(ined jj^iftiicd would inform the public Our people seem to have stopped reading French nov- of lhe liullal. IJ BUST FAMILY NEWSrAl'EU KNOWN. JjaXECUTOR'S NOTICE. thnttpatfiethat h«he hnsnashas mPnmnorvtfWTWjvoryrrirap>ury iu operation,p , and is ore--pro- elsMuhlbach and English precisely works supplies aro complained the public ofwant, as dull. Miss ElevenE'.ovcn uisra sot spjecl.esspjeobes arcare to bo jooU or uon-rcsidunts to seats in the Con- _it, is. proposed. to. remove. Ibo ctpital-.ir of Unrivalled iu tho YVorld in Cheapness and pared to furnisn^lurnisi The novels of Clara Mundt are being rccid by every — It is proposen to relnovo the cspttal of " Excollence. ThoIDO BHIOsalo bondsAMIIIUB UUOdue toIU thellio coiavuestate of l-r...... David a..Ar- ^ ^ m * T A VTA T A /TTi'T? IIITT?!? tiiiidemade in the Senate bofbroLoforu tlic votevutc is ventioti." Tbe majority consis's of four ^ PORTER. ALE AND LAGER BEER. one—IHrnes. tho U.L1 yS. to bt. L i|ii(|mis. This standard journal, national, Ipdependeut, andund mcntrout,Tins iis8 totn notifydco'd, allwill persons full ;due knowing March themselves 18, 18(18. jin qquantitiesPORTER,1.1. to. ALEsuit.. purcnariers.AND LAGER HEER, andMuhlbach's are read with novels avidity have as fast a world-wide as issued from reputation, rbe press .takon,on-t-keu.on tbothe last reoomriractioQreu-jtisliuulioa bill. awoct and twenty one whites, all cligi ' ' " . Cant, more saicesi- T'''» notify nit persons knowing themselves inn PartiesquantitiesU wishing to suit a healthypurchasors. and harmless bever- —Springfield Republican. ble, an 1 the minority con-isls ot twenty- ——-'FilC lite coaservauvtsCOiiscrVfili ves otoff ixounNortliN h CarolG.troimaCiroli 1 na nroaro fully nieots the-general wants of tlie people than uuy indebted to raid estateostoto toto bo preparedpropart-d to pay up '^\7tie7wiptt| ?hing a Wealthy and harmless bever- otlwr weekly newspaper.1 Iu compreheuslvencas and piouiptlypromptly on that day, or they willlflndwillifinfi their bonds aage,gge,e^ ,nnd which will be foundlouud ofot great benefit tt)to Tlie are winning a wido and deserved popularity In one members, ut whom ono is a colored holding a large and cutliusiasticcnlhusUslio State eon-con- r _ 1. I.. ' 1 ^ irrirol'shosI1. r »i> u .-.iu * I.. «• inn the rcpojiliug llio coltuo tax. the Wkeklv Sun is uucquulod by papers at doudle its 1807,in the attacbincnt case ot D & 11 ronov, there is toasun to believe U.at a resulu- eiguets and nan residents are eligible to price, va Christian Hull, 1 will sell at public auction on SOZODONT, FOR THF. TEETH,Coco Cream, The Excelsior and Mouum.Monumental Cookang Stoves, TERMS OF SVDSCRIPTION. the premTsos on Storhng's Ambrosia, for thcUair, and many for sale cheap by tion to this etTuot will shurtly bo ropurtod seals, and refuses an appeal from bis do —Half-grown poaches, ripe tomatoes, and One copy one year.' $1 W SATURDAY, FEBRUARY £2d, 1804, other nice toilet articles just received by Jan 15. Wm. LOEB, Ag't. titiieiluusc ' oisian without a two thirds vote; wliioh green poas are abundant iu Tallaliassoo. Cluhol six copies one year 8 90 Feb 5 "S. M." DOLD." rulitig o'laitles the miuority to goveru tlie Club of twelve copies one year lh 00 the tract "f land loviud on in said cas-, lying Tno lutu-t fivmi AUbau.-i inJio.to the cousticution. Kla. Club of fifteen copies one year IS 0U near the Massnnutton Alounlain, adjoining tho ANOTHER large supply of Hall's Hair Renew- WOOLEN Goods of ^'JoStsBiptions, soil- Club of twoniy copies one year 23 00 lands of timith Sampson, Jacob .Miller, Jacob cr, just received at iug for coat by dofcal of the. new com till, tion —^— — lion 0. C. VaUatidinghatn has turned Club of tweuly five copies one year 25 00 Lite and others,, and •containing about FIVE — - DOLD'S Drug Store. Jan 18 YVm. LOEB, Ag t. 63"Money to be sent by Post Ofllce order Invariably ACRES ■ North Cauolina, against tho Democracy iu Ohio. How hard It IN ADVANOB. Addrceti A S- AUKLL Si CU; Tehms—One third in hand, and the rcsiduo in Feb 12-tf Sun Iron Duilding, Bait , Md. OriRIT LBVEt, VIALS at QIIOES nnd Clothing soiling 20 ro,- cent, —Sens.itiooal p .tagraiiiis ...e Bet iriluat Tlia resolutions of Mr. Dunham, mak- ps for a uutbern politician to fio honest, ouo-tfuil two years, witli interest from day ol b [Jai.29] OTT'S Drug Slot e. ijdu-aper than heroloforo by Wm. t.OEU, Ag't. i . tl.e litwrp.-ip«rB, rehklivo to dijffisulties v. i.h sale. Bond and good personal security required. ing negroes or persons unable to read and j-Fiad Douglass tells the negroes that MESSRS. LUDWIG J? CO would reNpectfullv JOS.N. MAUZY', Deputy tor UUTRER AND EGGS WANTED Kugltti.d, cooce.ulug wl.at are called the wii e ineligibie to Iho ulli '-e of Governor inform those who aro iu want of Table and Jan 29-3t Samuel U. Allebangb, S B C. T7MNE TOILET SOAPS, in great vtirioty, 1> [.tan 16) Wn 1/1-M 4. Ag't. ■ , ' r- , ii,. ir.,.! Pocket Cutlery, that thev have a line assonraont j ulfa, OTT'-^v/x i o xxr'ig1)v-tiir Atrvmoiuru "Ahihan... GVm.s " It is muro than prob- 0r oilier execu.ive oilisc, were v^ted down 11 a much higher degree of nitell gei.ee before i (;ou,e anri exaiuiue our s'toek before purchuzing( O ALT ! SALT 1—500Sacks Worthing'.on Salt, /GENUINE Fret oh Capsules, for the relief of oldo tl.al negotiations m. Vlu tubjecl will be p'omptiy fij a raajontj of 57 TTORSEMAN'S HOPE—Gargling Oil, Bad \J all urinary diseases. For sale by being allowed aH tlio riglits ami privileges — xl way's Belief, Fain Ki let-, King of Pain, jus' Feb 5 . S M DOLD. r no wed hv Me- Thorulo.., the new H.-ilisli ot l! ve white man. Ho added that thoy CSADDLERS AND HARNESS MAKERS ire Country merchants supplied nt low rates. received at DOLD'S Drug Store: t u oner is to lecture > u the sul-joit, in " " , IJ requested to examine our spleudid asioi t- NoviT-tf E. L. LAMBERT, Bank Bow: _ TYLRT QUTLlfV Fish, Sperm, 4 Lard Oils at Jlorieltr. H nal will fie tho ic.ait, of Coutio, were now oihprobutioi), ami if llfteou years uieut oi Goods in that line. LUDWIG A CO. — — 11'rpiIE 11 K Bl-.r,l BEST GRAVELY Chewing Tobacco al 1J [ Feb 5 j. OTT'S Di ng Store. n-i.fiody yrt I n w • I a marrie 1 man," afl.-r 1 t-Jg-ris through "Ait- hence fmind them as tliey now are their "7 ' " ' BALTIMORE Blue Bellows, for sale, by LX [Feb[Fob 5] OTT'S Drug Store. we a mitiou." i i , , . A/fECUAXICS, MUCHAMCd, MECHANICS Oct 23 LUDWIG A CO. Tuat rocoi jed a new lot of snncrior f'' r"rs doom would be seated. J_V1 1 . AA (\A TONeTONfi Nails, just received nt J of varidPs Brands. Join. H. Surratt lias l.ad his photo htU (Feb 6] LUDW1B SCO'S. Thp "uslon 'J'ntoeler hope, to see Fred —DirkvnB. the groat author, it is staled, LOOK TO troL'Il INTKUEST8. Just received a large supply ot Medieiue.-qDye - t-Lz [Feb 5] v rap I. t .Icio., Jroo. the sale of which lie j . o., iw. . it !,, i.^. ,,f We have the finest auo-lment of Machauioe stulls, teaolher with a very complete as ——- 1 amps and Lamp Goods of nil k''"'"-?'' D.si-dass ou t'oe Giiii.t lickct for Vice IVitri ias ectil ♦-K) to tno mnlliOr tn-law Tools in U e Vallov. Come and see us. sortment of J'aney Articles, Fortuaiery, A 0.; &c 11)1)1 AA kegsKEGl Btirdou's XiorsH Shoos, just XJ ties nf Oil loiuips changed '" " ' . ... . ^ hopes to reu'izrt in >u«v euoagh to pur* 1UU .ceeivodiy ,LUDWIG k Go- Kurosiae Gil. , " i * , cl.jsc jrisiico ou his com log t rial ' dout. ■ •* Viigi.iia'v great poet Edgar A. lh.e LU tt WIO A CO. Jan. 14. S. M. DOLD. 1VJVJlooeive Some weather-wlss chap, a short time ago, 11 All K I.SON II If KG MARKET. JTEir .1 nf'EftTtHC.lICjrTS. CLOTHura. jm en c is i:. co.njtiEn ajit i o tzvti * Mt 0lli ComwoRiJcaUl). ventured the prophecy that wo were to havo twenty-six snows this winter, and it really Corrected weekly hy J. L. Sihert rfi Em. PUOVlftLNCE MORXIXO HF.HAUTi, Harrisonburg, Rockingham County, Va ^Q-OAILY, |8 PKU AKKDM. New tall and winter N^W LS'fABLlSiLMENl I geoms as if the fel low's pregnnstications ara ItAnirisoNiirnn, Va.. CLOTHING, HEW GOODS. to be fulfilled. We wish ho had kept his February 12, 1889. nEPUBLICAN IIEUAL AT OEO. S. CHRISTIE'S, WILLTAxM LOKD. WEDNESDAY, - FEBRUARY 12. 1809. mouth shut. Flour, Family 11 25 IN THE NEW nUlLMNfl APJOTSING L. IT. Oil's DRUG (Agent for Mm. O. J oeb,) '• Extra, 10 40 ty Weekly, $2 50 Per Annum _ja > 8TOKK, " Super, 9 40 Largest Cireulaltm in the Stale rf lihotle Island MMN aTREKT, IIAliJCISOyBCJiO, VA. Begs leave to infonn tlie cUltlz 'ns of Ms t'sou Dr. G. A. Canton, V, 3., wh> has been Wheat, 2 00 burg, and of Uorkiiiirhani and tho odjoiuiug ! Q^f L-ooal Affairs. staying at Hill's Hotel, in this place, for tho Rye, 1 00 C^Onix Dxiiocratic I'Apeng in Rnonx l9T.AXb"X3tt Tho underpigned has horetoforo omitted to counties, that he has opened ^"OTJlSrGr Corn, 80 VALUAIILK ADVEUTlStNO MKUIVMS. Announce the Arrival of his lato pnrchasc of a A WELL SELECTED STCCK OF Who n-c dcclrons of preparing tbrre.s^'v^s last several weeks, will leave onr town on Oats, 40 largo stock of 'iy for tud Actual Duxiits *»r BuaiXbsa Monday for Woodstock. During (ho Dr's- FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. « DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES. Should qllcud iho Wanted —A girl to do lionsfl work in a Corn Meal, . 1 00 THE MYSTIC TEMPLE. QUKKS'riWARE, NOT 10MS. AO., Htay here ho has done a great deal of practice. Bacon, Hog Round, iOalO 50 His goods havo been purchasod on favornblc pmidl family. Apply at this office. THE BE 9? MASON 10 PAI'EK. $2 per yrnr; terms, and will he sold at a very reasonnble Which ho will |ii'Oin!se to bell as cheap as any- EHYAHT, STHATTGH & SADLER AH manner of horeo disease were treated Beef. 7nH $1 forslv months, i'nhlish'd A eeklf hv ilio VUA• body clac. Salt, per sack, 4 60 TKRNAL PL'IILISlilNQ ASSOCIATION, No. 0; Spruce profit, lie invites his friondfl and the public Ho also plcdifM himsoir to giro as nurli Ui Cold.—Tin mercury fell to two degrees by him with nnparollid Buco-iat, and to the HAY, filial 2 Slicet, New York generally who need anything in his lino to cull nil 1'RODUCE as any oilier house iu Uarrlswii satisfaction of all who witnesso I them. Laud, lOall in nml examine his stock of bur^r. bolou z)ro in this vicinity one morning last Butter, 35 FRANK MILLER S LRATtfF.R PRE8RRVATIVR acd CLOTHS, CASStMEnS, A call is reapcclftilly Bolleited. Stove ■•■ail v SOUTH BUSISTSS COLIBSE week. Water I'mof Oil Rtnckin^ (or Boots nnd Hhoec. SflsK VKSnNGS, SILK VKLVKTS, Peacikb, Pealed, per pound, FRANK MILLERS PRKPARKD IC A UN KSS Ol L oppo.-it'' the Reuidicr OJic.?. No. O North diaries Street, Wo call attention to tho card, in lo-dnya' " Unpcaled, CASH MERE VOTINGS, (now slvle,) ,Baltl- Oct. 10.—if W M. LOKP, Agmt. ! Blacking for OlHnft Harnest, Carriago tops. Ac. nots. Factory Cloths, as low aa 75 c^ Tlt ' per BfflJ" Remember that the Uoekinghara Li- paper, of M ssrs. P B. & P. A. 3u letf, Pro- Appi.es. per bbl. I• ea»ty for use with dlruclloas (or iiRiujr, ■ r DAIjTIMORE, MD. Dried ArrLCS, Pealed, FRANK MILLER'S POLISH "IL BLAOKINO. yard, Collars, Cravats, Trimmings ot all kinds, A FULL suit of all Wool Casifmcrcs, fur six brary Association will meet at the office Of duce C mimission Merchants, Richmond and For aalu (JENERALLY in the U.S. and Canadas. od rofor- Ft.aXserd, per buihal, Goods wll» bo exchanged for beef, butter, Maryland. Our course ofinM rnctlon Is w hoi'y prao- Privatb Sai.b.—Mr. A. II. Brewer offers Clover Kebd, wood and lumber, or any other produce which tlcal and arranged lo meet iho demand of iho ago; Wool, Unwashed, can he consumed, TADIES—All the narrow Ribbons yi.u have baiog conducted iii>ou a thoruogli tyatem of n first-rato farm at private Bale. See adver- > " Washed, Nov 13—3m GEO. S. CHRISTIE. -i been rnlhug f(,r, have been ordered nnd am AOTtTAE. BUStNSSS [ RACTtC5 tisement. Soutitern Society.—Th is is the title of now on hand. Trim > our di-et.»«-8 to vi>ur taslu. 0 Advqrtisenienti forwarded to nil" Newspapers. bBULNKhL A BOWMAN. AflTording to Ftudcnta tho fdcillllca of ft practical ono of tho most bcantif-.1, as well as one of Richmond Market. No ndvnnce charged on Publisher's prices. Reconstructed ! reconsttttcted i BindnevH Education, by means ofbanks. mpiai- St. Valentine's Day comes day after to- tho most interesting and readable litervry Fridav, February 7, 19G3. All lending Newspapers kept on file BEHOLD I! BEHOLD I! acntiug money, and all the forms of hu&i- tnorrow, Friday. If anybody thinks of send- ] nlormntioii as to cost of Advertising furnished ucrs paper, Hlch as Notes, PraftB, Ac., newspapers now extant. It is likewise a WHEAT.—White, 2.50c Red, 230e- All orders receive careful attention. n e w a je o T n 1 n r j , together with BusIuchb Offices lo At tho Brick Bnilfllnw, South sidn of the Square, A NICE White Cassimero Hat for Sl.'Jfi. nt represent tho principal-deport- 1 ing us a Valentino, wo hopi it will take the Southern paper, devoted toSjulhern thoughts CORN.—Whito, 107c, Yellow, 107c. Hit- Inquiries by mail answered promptly. 8PUINKKL A BOWMAN'S. xneiits of TRADE and ^ shape of a years'subsciijitiou to the Cu'.n ■ cd, 105c, a I new. Complete printed lists of Newspapers for sale. next door to the Bookstore, at liUold bland. COMMERCE. .;«v. and ideas—entirely free from Y.mk' e vulgar- Special Lists prepared for Customers. D. M. SWITZLU ■wiomoeofiA. OATS.—Good new CoaCCo. AdVfriisomcnls written nnd Notices secured. ity au l puritanical cant. It might and will RYE.—Prime Illo. Ordois (rum Jiiuincss Men especially solicited. ia liimselfajrain, a:i;I would ?ny to the people of CdURSE OF STUDY. ' take the place of the light literature of the Rncklnshnm, and alt who may bo In-want of Provoking.—Our now Job Press and type MEAL.--Yellow, HCc. irood Clothing. Hohnajugk letnrnod from the A BONNET for 50 con If and flat for 75 ton Is, Thn cnrrlralum crflnfly nnrt prnrtlce In th!« in- North. A pleasant story, under the title of We also beg to call uttcnlion to our Lbts of citioa with a carefully aelectod Stock of Clothf, jla. Watui Fall at vies, attbat. •lUtiiloa in the ivnlt of mtiny ycnrH of uxperieuco, which wo confidently expected to havo re- Casfimorcs, Vcstings, Satinetla. Also, a fine SPU1NKEL L BOWMAN. >uU I Im bunt combluation ot buciuce. taknt to bo ceived hy this time, are now lying at W in- "Lansdowne," H now running through its Baltimore Cattle Market. 100 New Knglnnd Newspaper#. assorttnent Of roady-mndo Clothin?. made up in found ia iho country. It embraced clieetor, where they wore gent through soiuo- columns. It is published at No. 228, West February 7, 1808. 100 N. Y. and N. J. Ncwspnpcrs. Merchant Tailor Stylo, Such a* fine Bcavor, COOK KEETlSa, IN Atl. ITS DEPARTitE^TU Baltimore Btroef, Baltimore, M l., at 00 HELP CATTLE.—Of the nnnilio'* offered 100 Ohio, Ind. and Uliuoits Ncwspaperc. Chinchilla Overcoats, Pints of Bmivnr, Trecot AND APPLICATIOSS. body's mistake, and where they aro now to-Uny, 219 were from Virginia. Od 100 Pa.\ Del., Md , Va. and D* O do Fancy Caalmere. All of which I will wanunt as A SHIRT for ore doPar, at COilMERCIAJ. LAW, TELEQUAPUINO. awaiting transportation to this place. Ihis per year. 1 (.prcsi ntcd, and at low prices. SPRLMvEL ^ BOWMAN'S. ! Cows aud Scalawags at 4i'.4 50—or ijnary 100 Principal Daily and Weekly Newr- Also, fumishinir Goods, Neck Ties, Collars. COMMERCIAL ARI fUMETlC, is particularly annoying at this nrac, but wo th'n Steers, Oxen and Cows 4 6)05 59— BPKNCEEIAN BUSINESS WRITI^O, Sodtiibun Home Journal —This is an- fair to pood Stock Cat lu 5 25,i6 59- fair papcrs, including sixteen Sfuteg. Suspenders, Gloves, Half Hose, White Shirts, With Incfdontal InBtructlon In ll'.o urinctpleo of hope to ha'va them hove soon. How they 100 Selections from Sixteen States. Woolen Under Shirts and Drawers, in a word, other most beautifully got up and highly in- qnalitv Beeves 0 0()a7 00—and the very an entire outfit for gentleman. OH I lhat Auction House of POLITICAL ECONOMY, happened to bo shipped by way ol Winches- teresting Southern hereai, which has already best Beeves8aI0 per 100 lbs, the aver- 250 Newspapers at the price heretofore I will continue to Cut. Trim and make Clothes June 13 SPRLNKEL A BOWMAN'S And a Ihorongh training iu ter we do not know, unless it was a natural age price being about 6 75. • charged lor One Hundred. as heretofore. Give me a call before purchas BCSXHES3 COKREEPONDENCU « obtained a high poaltionjii tho lilera-y world, SHEEP —Receipts liuge—market active at mg. disiaclination to incur the risk of having them and ought to be sustained to the entire cxclu- 4nCc, f. r fair to good, and Ci7 c, per 64 Religions & Agriculfl Newspapers. October 9 D. M. SWITZEIl. lb gross for pood to extra. Having special contrnrta with all the nhove papers pass through Wasliington eity during the sit- sioa of ail that class of II ishy Northern pa- we can oiler very favorable tcims. Circulars with full CHINTS allstvlcs. from Pi to IBconts, at HOGS.—Receipts small, prices had advanc- l>articulars sent to any address. 1807. FALL AND WINTER. 1807. SPUIAKEL A BOVVMA 'S. ting of Congress. pers which ara generally tilled with covert in- ed 25c. per 100 lbs on the rates of hist I HAVE Just returnod from Baltimore with uoudoes toward us as a people, ai l cowardly week, ranging at the close tovday from f) tho largest Hiid finest stock of The Lyceum.—This iosiiUUitm has jnslly insults to the memory of mir nohlo Confed- 50a 10 75 per 100 lbs nett for fair to good HEADY MADE CLOTHING, fat Hogs. in the town of llarriponborif, which I will offer become very popular with the fairer portion erate dead. It is pu'dhlie I hy J. Y. .Slater 40 MWff" rt Tho standard of Buelnrea Writing Is adopted and to sell cheaper than an v other Honse in town, HOSE and Half H(M . from 12 to 25 c nt". at of our tdwn, as their presence in largo num- & Co., 203 Bdlimore St., If dlimore, M l., at and warrant all my Clothes, which I sell, to be taugiil inItupurity tit thin luetituiivu, by SPEcr.tE .iroTICES. i LL TUIYATE DISEASES OF BOTH SEX- made in tho best ttyle, because 1 don't buy them SPHINKEL A BOWMAN'S. cno of thn tnoet < xpe-rienced and bih>- bers plainly evinced last Friday night. The $3 00 y er year. .lY. ES treated successfully, and the Dangers ceeefol toachcraqfDaainoeHaudOc- %, question, "Was the reign of llmry VIII al- uncident to rRBGNANCY arising'from J!a1 formation, ready made, but get them manufactured tin oiaminial rpumaneLip lu tho Masonic. General DchiWy, or other causee, enfii ehj r.bciutedhy s' lCln the latest and bCst styles. Such as » 'W country. . vnntageous to K iglisli liberty 7"—was wol! We hive receive 1 two of Beadle's Dime IJocKiNaiiAM Union Lodge, No. 27 our ItLMnriES and Prkventivhs, wliloh consist «>f a CA&n MEUE SUITS, Nxaf" F. A. M , meets in Masonic Temple, vew, simj.Ji, convenient Rud eJTicie.nt foirm of Jiemedial JiAHIUS CASSIMERE, discussed by Mr. Strayer.iu the affirmative, Novels, which greatly interest tho juvenile v N Agenin, I hj Scintiftc results of careful Physioh gical, TIGER SUITS, COTTON Goods for horf. from 20 to 30 mr.l ' Main Street,on the 1st and 3.1 Satur- [ Chemical, and Microtcupical Jnvestigaiion, and » hlch, A11LT0N SUITS. Can enter nt. any time, as there are no vacatloaa.- and Mr. 11 dler, in the negative. Decisiuu department of tire CominonioiaUh. who de- day evenings of each nionlh. locally ajph'cd by the patient, iikatui.y and with sec- CASSfNET SUITS, SPRLNKEL A BOWMAN bpocial inalvidual iuulruction to all titudculs. rendered in favor of the negative. • Q icsti m sire to ex pr.-ss their thanks to Mr. B-s-lle, Uockinoiiam Chapter, No. 6, Pw. A. M., rbst, entirely dispense Kith Injections Jnsirxcmenls. and a largo assortment of BUY'S SUITS.— and Medicines per Month. Fnclo-*>e stamp for Pi ivato Also, a fine assortment of Black Suits, nnd Cas- foe discussion next Frid ay nigh', " Was the and hope Us will be guil'y of the srine thing moats in the Masonic Temple on lhc4tli Sat- Circular. i)R. WALTER, 907 Broadway, New York. simere, Silk, Satin and Marsailles Vests. A THE CELEBRATED bA'dshm-at i»f Napoleon to St. IJvlona justi urday evening of each month. very large assortincnt oi Overcoats of all de- Boon again. They also intimate a prefcrcncu April 8, 1807.—tf THIE NORTHERN MONTHLY, a high-toned Liter fialdo 7 ' • for tire works calls I "Gabriel Gidmnuio, or cry Magazine; $3 a year. The American Agricul- scriptions, thwt I will oiler to sell at the lowest ROUSS* Notions. Don't nslt. Lav down tun turist pent one.vein' free to new subscribers to Northern piic-s. coats aud spread out veil, handkerchi. I". The following offi :cri were elected for the tlie Gloomy Ribhnr of the G iry Glenn," and Notice. Monthly. Ofllce 37, Park Row, N. V Sample copy 25018. Also, a largo assortment of fine Linen, Calico, ^ S PRINK EL. & BOWMAN. ensuing term : "The Banditt Crab nr tho Beuigbtod Lob The ladies of tba Protestant Kpiseop at Hickory, Check, and Under Shirts, Drawers of \ Church in llarri-onburg prouote (D. V.) to ^GE NTS WANTED FOR all descriptii ds, at very low prices. A tinenssort- JVesMenf—Jolis PAtir., F.pq. Btar," and would be obliahed to Mr. Beadle Irold a dinner ami sapper to nnrc money to aid ment of all Wool Orershirta, suajienders, Hand Henry shacklett ~ r Offlclally ndpptcd and need In oar Inetltntlon, (lad in procuring a house of worship, on St'. John's korohlers, Neckties, Half Ilcwe, Hair and Clothes RcspoctfuHy informs thost: in want o chr:ip ore unsuupasslo by any in tub hiiMKitT,' ' DuaMwtio Asa CIATTON.—A number of the The M irylaud Farmer, fur Febmary, is Pacific Coast, with over 2i)0 Eiigravingj ol Hie Sountry, to twenty live cents per box. A number one DRY GOODS, Prepaid to ftny addrces. Toinig gentlemen of tViochestor have o'rgah- \ Sir JuuiCB ClapUe'N E'citialc Cities, Lands, Mines, People nnd Curiosities of the No. 333, flno smooth point?, adapted to schoo*- befure ns an 1 is ss usual, a fine number, and (•teat West. Its ready rale with nn increased coinmis- Stock of Boots nnd Shoes, Hals nnd Caps, (J HOC FRIES, purpoaca aud general writing. rr.ed a Uraiua'i: Association, an I avo hope slimsld be i i llui_ hoiv.o of every jiractica! Vreparolfrom a prescription r.f Sir J. Clarl.-e, Jf. I).. •ion,' makes it the best subscription I ook evei pub- Trunks, Leather Valises, Railroad nnd Carpet HARD WARE & IROsY, No. 455. Tho National Pen. Medium points, for verv saani to have t'le auuuuncement ot an T J'hysMan I xlraordimiry I; the queen. f lished. Send for circulars. Address "NATIONAL Sacks, Umbrellas, Walking Canes. Buggy Canuor. Terms, 100 a yean, A-l-lross, 3. 3^ ldi invaluahlo medicine is unfailing in tho cure o PUBLISHIN'U Co., Philadelphia, 1'a. Whips, Cas&lmere, Duek Skin nnd Kid Gloves, QUEENS WARE, common use. auiterlaiumcnt by them. There is pond nil iliuse painrnl nnd dHnireruns dtresses to wldch llio Ac. No. 8. The Ladles' Ten. Very fno nndrlastfg. natorial it) the orci'i'Aalion. an ! it will Mills AC'., 21 i. Cilvsrt3'.. Ualti uore. female constitution is snbjeoi.. It rao 1 orates nlljtveesaes NOTIONS, AC. r a ■ aud removes all obstriictions from tviiatever cause. WANTED-EVERYWHERE - We wish all to give us a call, before buying i'urchnscd in B.iUiraore and Philadelphia at the tal9 -„oik, , writing. this Penis Pen unequalled. Druwlug, and fine Urcatuou- aloubtleaa prosper.— Win. Times. GOOD AGENTS elsewhere, ns we are certain to suit them in lowest m irk"t rates. No 11 7 T E cel8ior CD TO MARRIED LADIES for our new work.4, "HOME BOOK OF WONDK.RS;" quulitv and price, Ueuiember the place. * - t:, ^. f P - Smooth points, Cannot such an Assoriation ho farmed i i VIRGINIA. also for n now Familt JhioroonAiMiic Bibi.b." rtm- ^ S. GUADWOHL, Believing lu can Fuccessfnlly compete with very flexible. T hisialbo Pen for bold, free wniinkr, It is partlonlarly suited. It wilt in n stiort time. In-InB taining Notes' Indexes, Maps, Kngravings. Album, any other establishment, he respeitf Hy invites Btiikmg ofl-hand capltala, flourlebiug, &c. J larrisonhurg 7 11 avo we no talent of that on the monthly period with rciriiUiitv, and, altliaag n Fiiiiiily Records Ac J?esl terms given. Address American Hotel Building, Main Street, an examination of hi? gOv>d» before puichasiug. 0 —Thcrain Trait, wio siid bis etnlen horBo powerful remedy, do-s not contain anvtldiot Imrtiul to BRAINARD jl SAMPSON, Jlarttord, Connecticut' Get 30 Harrisenburg, Va. October 2, 1807—tf points,^ * holdingThe aBnelncaa largo qoamity Pen. oflnk.Large eizo,Thuiiomta conriw kin'l here? We are most assuredly of the Hie coiislilutlnu In all eases of Nerve.as anil fjilnal at'© very round, and do not stick into (be panfr^iiil opinion that wo have, and an oce-.si -nal dra- in Winchester last week, the Times eay», is Affcotluns, I'slns in the Hack uml Limits. latlpueiii apattor tha ink like most other coatee Pen". Fliifht exertion, Falpilallon of the Heart, Hvsierics anil ACK1:s s :u:cx j^OUK TO YOUR INTERESTS. tjJ OUT11E RN EM1' O it 1U M ! matic exhibitiaiu would ho a souvca of much President of ths L lyal 1,-agas at L-esburg, Whites, it will ellect a care wtien all otiier m. nns Imve 35 000 " " O CHEAP CASH STORE, Tho trade supplied at the lowest whol^am rates. falleil. Full direcUoiia in the pamphlet aronad inch With a view of diminishing our Stock of For further particulars send for CoUtne Journal, ileligh'.ful recreariong besides it c odd bo and a rampant asiiihar of thi N .rtb.-rn jiackuge, FARMING LAND9 Goods to make room for new purchases, we Main Street, Harrisonburg, Special Circular and Splcnd, d Specimens of Fcr.rncrp Moth i list c.'i l'.'ch."- ' will, from this date, sell the goods we have on RemombeT tho past I Stand by tlioso v\ho •hip, (enclosing two letter stamps.) Address made tlio useful m-ans of COnlriSorting to SPEC At AOTI. f. 2X 10 IFA, IXCJAXA. JLLJXOJS, MJSSOVPI hand at the cost price at which similar goods Blood by you I Hi any charitable pur|>ose». We hope to see Pewjiti or Cons re as r its —Observe the name of JOR AM) KAXSAS. can he purchased, in the northcra v arkets. We I take this means of informing ny f-i mds and THE BRYANT. STRATTCN & SADLER j —The Richmond Kxinuner tells of n Mo-SKS on the package- jjurehose T nr lei'tnout it—all With perf ct titles, tor a le cheajKfor cash. Apply to P. « one of our young folks ui iving in iho inat- Uhcrs are base and ivurHUcss iiniutiam make this statement in good faith, aud will sell the public ofKoekiughHin nod adjoining coun- / \ BUSINESS COLLEGE, -3 wi lower with six cliildren. Boil a widow N. II.— Oi.e ttollap, with ffrteeu cents fur pnsl;iyy on C. jSJl uPPARl), 2 Bowling Green N. Y., P. u. box 40S3 at the following figures : ties Hint I am now l eeeiving a large and choice with tin- same num'isr of r-i ponsibilities eh—cd t.itin^ile I'rupi ielur, .iif 11 ,Mur".ivO.'. 7 Curihmdt Vaul wide bruwa cotton at 12Jc. stock of . XSalticxioro, Md. atrcet, New A'ork. will insdre a h iltle of the denuinr, WANTED.—A Ffil 'snian to travel for a mnc- FALL AND WINTER DRV GOODS, having w iIil-iI G-c nifies in t'e .ml I, riiu and CODtniiiiilB filly fills, hy return toifil, seenrelv senleil ufactunng compniiy and sell by snmple. Best " " loc. Alms-T A Flits.—Sanday night hat, an j sleet r f last wee'; to c nnmlt mairimotiy. from all observatinu. Jan go—I v Good wUffC* arc gunrnnt-ed, Address with consisting in part of Cloths a-Tl Cassicueres Hehi. ^"""EDiTong this adveniaemcntaro and PuBLiFnpns invited desiring to addreBs to pub- lb#* »>li house a-u the premises of Mrs. C ilTiuan, stamp, HAMILTON A HOWE, 41:5 Chesnut St., Bloacl'.cd cotton 12J to 26b. Brown and Bleached Cottony, Calicoes of every onovo InstUotlon, with proposals for 0 aud It They succeeded. m' ERRORS OF YOUTH.-A GhhIO- grade, MuMins of every Notions of cverV inoii' ha stating circuiAHoy 0| papCr> in lids jdace, av as discovered to tie on fire, and rauffwhn milTered fur years from Nervous llehilfty, Thiliudelphia, I'ennsylviinia. CALICOES AT TEN C L N Tb\ description, Blankets,* Shawls, Flannels, Ac', imlw'i'hstainiiog the alamp Wratiicr tt'o^br'X —The cise of P ole, for kiliirg Quintl I'pemntnre lloeay, and nil the vllects ..f yimtM;1 indis all of which will be sold at short profits. ^yiNTER GOOD^i ' e>etton. will, fur the sake of sutl.." ing Jtainatdlv. sen t O/'W\Ucr 41/011^ i-iure.—No money reijnirtd J^cst Styles uud Olotlis at 12i GROCER I EH.—This department will always s r hamss wl.icii contained the ashes avas in n A-as decided We lnrs 1 iv, the j iry liuliog a free til all w ho need it, the neipu and diveclinns lor r^KJxJiu ndvauee. A«fi*nts wanted evi'fv- nooi9 smnTs 50 to $1 o-d receive special attention, aud shall not be Ex- BOUGHT SiNCF TIIK GREAT DFOLfNW -sheet of (lame, and might have, but fir the ntakin - the simple remedy hy which he was cured. where t<> sell «»i r Patent Pverln sting J let a I lie celled hy any, cither in price, varietv, or quali- verdict of "guilty of inv ilu'iti-y h nuici Is," Sullvrers wishing la profit by the advm tiser's ixperi- Clothe*-fine. Address Am. Wire ('<»., itii iiioad- All Wool CLs.-imeros at 753. to $1 00, ty of goods.* You will lind constantly on h.tnd We are now receiving a la'-ge Stock of Win- timely discovery. Hied several houses in the r enco; can do so by addressing, in pertvet conlUlenee, ter Goods, C'liisUttog of Cloths, CnAmc 's. Cot- fixing the fi ie at 4>. »3, which was paid and .11 ill.\ II ('OilEN, way, N. Y'., or 10 Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Verv best heavy all grades of Sugars, Molasses. Cofrbe.s, Teas, ton Goods, Piinls, Ac., Ac., whi« Ii we Lave re- i nniediate neighborhood. We again admon the prisoner discharged.—Ljnchhrirj Inleli- Hay 1, 1867—ly 42 Cedar btreot, New Vuvk. Spices, Starch, Toilet and Vfashing Soup, Can- fkTOUTll AMERICAN 13 O r3A , ned Fruit. Cheese and Crackers, Clo wing and cently pntH*liased, and at tueli piktes as inubio uh our goral people to lie careful of (ire. geuccr, STEAMSHIP COMPANY. Smoking Tobacco, and other anicles too tedi- us to oiler great induci mints to )>ui el a.sers.— JW BSC'E1.1.. IJi'l'.tb S7«. THROUGH LINE TO CALIFORNIA, ViYnranUd 'al -1 00 !o gd 60. SHOES, at ous to mention. We din do what we say, and all we a.-k is t» \Ts this week csntiinie tire list of our ad- —Work hat been reeunmoneel in sevor- t HATS, BOOTS AND SHOES.—A very large cxHieine « nr yloch be,'ore (nrchat-ing. el of the large tobaccolactorics in liichmond OPEOIAb NOTICE I Via Danaina or Nicaragua. J 60 to $2 00. assortment of ch- ice stock—Ladies' walkii g \Vc take all-kinds «.( country juuduce. at the •vsrtising patrou.% ad! of whom ave cheerluily Shoes especially—which wl! bo sold at prices to highest ir.nikel pi ice, in cxrhsngc idi Good*. aeecuamei^ tat the jia'ron.agi of oar people ; during the pastfew days I earnestly hope that all persons inilcbted SAILING-FROM NKW YORK LADIES' GAITERS, [Good.) at jgl 00. compare favorably with auv in tlio VulUy. A compltilo Block ol Groceries, Qnocnswarc, — A negro named Posey Drew, has been to tlie ninlorsigiiail for artieles purebased December oth ;tiid 15fh: .Tanna^y hth, loth BROWN SUGAR, at 12>*, HARDWARE AND Q U E E N S W A R E. -»A Tfardwans iVotionr, Ac., may be b uud •»! or Watchmakers and Jewelet s. at my Drugstore will come forward aronee aud ^Ttlj, ami February rare selection in 1 heso departinents has jnst iitore, on the corner opposite the A mm i au Uo- arrested in liichmond ; clrarged with Bteal and pay ap. J am doing a cash business and loth aud 135th COFFEE, at 25 to 30, been opened and will be sold at low prices for Wm II Ritsnour, W U Bader cash or produce. Dec 11 18G7 J. I.. SIBEUT & BRO. UsoU Conrad A Lewis. ii g letters from the Posldfiice there. selling at rash prices. With New Steamship of the First Cla's,., NAILS, per keg. 6 50, I will pay ca.-h for all kinds of Produce, Flour, Pho'.ographert. Tlie nmonuts of the old firm of Dold it PASSAGE LOWER THAN BY ANY OTHER LINES HORSE SHOES, at 8 00. Bacon, Butter, Eggs. Dried Fruit, rf c., or take —Ssvcral fanners about Winchester have Bare still remain uncollected, and as tlie firm For further Information address the undersigned at f 1 HEAT DLCL1NR IN VRIC^—I nm now W ise & Cleary, Hugh Morrison, We give the above to show tlie unusually low the same in exchange for goods at cash prices. receiving my scqond supply o. Wfuter been .swindle 1 by two scamps who pretended wits dissolved Oct. Btii 13'7 it is alisointeiy 177 West Street, New York. prices at which we will sell our good?; all other I olfor no special bargains, but promise to mU B S Van Belt. to sell slips for a willow Cuuca that was to be necessary that all those debts should lis paid 1». N. GARrUNGTON, Agent. all goods at very short profits, and with that Goods bought since (ho last decline, and will ryitliout furthor indulgence 3. M, DOLD. merchandise will bo fold at samo rates. otliM- bai gnnM un-urpassed by onv other houso Liquor Dealers superior to any .other fence known.— Win. ^MLiilOAN CLOCK CO. O nr tei ins at these prices arc cash or produce confidence which an honest and intelligent pub- m the plan--. Cull und examine,and you will be nt cash prices. A. M, NEWMAN, A Co. lic will over inspire, T ask a call, and hope to m-ineed of tho fact. -John Scanlou, C. W. Boyd, A^'t, Times. (HIEAP CASH LIQUOR StOP.l-i Jan 8 enjoy a fair share ol your patronage. coDec 4 H SHACK LETT. Wm 11 Weasclric, A J Wall. 5 XXU l.rjSTAUllA NT. 3 Corllandt Street. New York, Oct 23 T. 'A OFFUTT. —Mr. Hamilton O. Fsnt, us Receiver for Manufacturers Agents and Healers Hotels. tho Valley Bank, uflbrs the bank building t-'. W. BOYD, AU't for DR. 3. A. Cwkemas IN ALL VARIETIES OF AMERICAN CLOCKS. smsuirESH ststs. JJIKECT FROM 11 EADQL'AUTEHS~ C1LAV FOR FIRE-BRIUK Hills. - - J N Hill, Proprietor, Harris,jnbary. Va , one door AV'est of Sihert Cro's Sole Agents for ^ AND STOVE-WARE. for sale. Store. W e announce lo the puolic in general that we are re- I havo a large deposite of usod in making Amsrlean, - - J F Eflfeuger, I'ro'r. DEALER LV LIQUORSr OK ALL KINDS, from the SETH,THOMAS CLOCKS. Wf ILLIAM R. BADER, Dnok Stare—11 T Wartman. —A econndml crept into Hie stable of Mr. lowest to the hif,heist prices in the Phiiadelptiia and ccivimr a:ul opening a uplen lid assorluieut of Goo-is, Fire lUiqk and tone ware. It is located on Dry- Daltimore markeis. AZVCJOS ! — consisting in part of River, in Uoekii.ghiim county, about » miles J'roduce Oum'n Merchant—K L L-amhert Edward Grant a low nights ago and cut He lias added two rooms to bis ti tabliuJicieut, where /jL TAreeThree magnifioentlymagnlf HUisirnted Medical Books, ' DRY GOODS, West >f ilarmonbnrg, and aliout 1 mile front J/ardioaie—Ludwig St Co. be has opened a contaiajng important Physiotogicnl Jnluriuntion, for CLOTH I NO, the road lending to Rawley Springs and to oil tiro two hind legs of a valuable calf. Men aud Wonien, s-nt free on receipt 25 cents, by ad- Franklin, Pendbdon county/ It has been 6hflr- (To ho continued ) Jl E S T A U R A N T , dressing Br. JOHN VANDKRPOUL,. No. nlwayti on hand, nml cvurvtliiRtj else lhat, market affords, CGF-TERilS STBIOTLY CASH ARE COMING ! 1IARR130NHURG, I'M , QUEENS WARE, d ivelopcd and worked. To tl is end I wish to in llarrisoiihiirg, will take place (Dei Volens) ington, disposed of at Washington, as captur- Jan 8.1817. C. W. UOYD, Ag't NOTIONS, employ parties who understand the btiBiuoss to And will present to any portion sending lis a club in where he is prepared to attend to nil work m HATS AND CAPS, Work il. either on shares or lor other eompensa- ■on the first Srahhath in March, Preaching ed property, have been returned to him. It our Great his line upon reasonable terms Watches and tfon. I am willing to go in with the right son by the Rev. J I. Mn,LEI, of tStamiton. Ser- jyO'iXCE TO TIvErfPASSEUS. Clocks repaired in the best stylo and warranted ROOTS AND SHOES : of a man or men and erect n Pottery on the pre- amounting to §1,102. Oaio I>ollsir Ssxlo I to perform well. To the men wc wonTd sav, If you want to buy 'rt cheap, mise's. Wood being ahumlaotnml cheap in close ai icea will begin on Friday evciiiug previous, —Tile Norfork Day Bool:, has infirma- I hereby forbid nil persons cutting, hauling, ■^^.PUco of business nt the Store of L. C. poorl and •u^tsntiul suit GfnJotlilng. call and sec us.— proximitv *viih the clay, v. id, « t is believed, ren- d28th iust., at Oi o'clock. or removing (iuibcr of any kind from my lands Myers, Muio street opppsite G. 11. [Jai»20 ly For the ladfi a we have a beautiful assortoientof der th" making ol fSiuncwiuo and Firo Brick tion of a row on Thursday, between a party in tho Nortu Mountain, Uockinghum cihinty— of DRY AXD FANCY GOODS, a DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, CLOAKS, ETC. profitablo. Wm. S McOlAnahan, One tract known as ihfi ''Looftia" land, situ.ito Watch, Piece of Sheeting, Silk Dress Pattere , Etc OhII and see us before yon purchase .oisevvhere; we Jh oposiiions wiil b-' reepp cd from persons by O. W. Holland. of soldiers and negroes near Hampton , in in Hone Quarry Hollow ; another known ns tho Fit EE OF COST. JAMES W. BATE, jiro cOnndent ymi will save money hy ■••n doin^. lerter or in person. Mv Post Odico is ifa i isou- which several on both sides ware sororely in- Gilmor uud llobiaon land, situate on Waggy's Cntalogae of Goods and Sample sent to any a Iirces All kinds of Cmmrry Produce taken in exuhaogo for burg, Va. . GEOUUE M. \VOODS. Creek. Against persons disregarding this no- yiiKC. HCUSE, 8I6W, AND. goods, nt the |tigltest m:.rket price. Gash paid lor Flour, SfptUmbcr 11, 1857—0m The attent ion of land bond-holders is called jured. Tlie soldiera were on a frolic, and tice the law will he enforced. Bac- n. Butter, etc. Jan 22 PETER PAUL. ALLEW, If A WES ^ CO., Oct 2 LOWFNBACH, M a A HELLER. to the adverLisement in to-day's paper of J. while drunk, by soms word or Head excited 15 Federal St., Boston, Mas *- ORNAMENTAL PAINTER, Ladies, protect v«'Urselvi:si NEW oooDd, CLAIM YOUR RIGHT?f Price & Co., Real 'Estate Agents. This the ire of tho negroes, and a gencial knock IMPORTANT TO MILLERS V O. Box C. 11 AUlllSONBURG, VA. NOW RECEIVING. J will mako two euggeslioua for your conuid- is a chance to invest money in real estate down and drag out fight ensued. AND THOSR The best and cheapest stock ol sd'kindc of oratiob. Wholesale Daalers in French, German nnd English Refers to S. M. Dold, J, 1). Price, A. B. Goods brought to (L irr'moahnrg since the War. 'I ho season is rapidly approaching wb-fi yoa which is locked up by the Btay law. —This whole fiection of Virginia is full of HAVING WILLS TO CONSTRUCT. Dry and Fancy Goods, Cutlery, Plated Ware, Albums Iriek, and ollierfi* Best Calicoes, 10 to IS cents, some yard wide. must begin the heavy sewing tor the Winter S. S. HOLLENBKRGER. of Williamsport, Leather Goods, Ac. ^a^.()rdcrs for work left with Dfi'd Bare, Beat Bleached Cettou, at old prices 10 to 25 cloihhig. T'ouknow how hard such work go^s, Norlliero and North western men looking for Md., olfers his services to all those who may be promptly attended to. Jan. 22 tf cents per yard. I advise you to ord r :v good Sowing Machine Dott Taker desires us to say lhat having land to buy. Come on, goulletnan, and in need of the gervievs of a competent QNE DOLLAR EACH. Woolen Goods, lower thafl you ever seen them im mediately, i'rico $15 to $07. Caainette'B, 40 to 75 cents. 2d—Tho VS'a-l.iug day.—The hardest work 'mislaid his notes" he is unable to give us a help yourselves. All tastes aud purses suit- MILL WRIGHT. Webs Cotton Cloth, Dress Patterns, Pants Pat- NOW is the tiim* to get your Pictures. Go to PMmo OuMmeres, $1.25, all wool, /err fine. report of a rather wordy discussion upon a terns Sewing Machine!*, Watches, Dry and Fancy thesptcadid Sky Light Gallery, over tlie Na- soiuB of yon p«rform is "tho Washing." I.m iuu ed.—Frederickehurg News. Having had many years' experience in Mary- Goods, Etc., Etc. Bend ten cents for Patent Pin Foun- tional Hunk, and have your Puturo taken iu Colfee, 27 t'e 30 cents. tell you how to miike it. easy and quick. Get very foolish resolution concerning honorary land and Virginia, he is contidcnt of giving en- tain, with slip describing an at tide in our doilar sale. Sii>,ft:sfT2J;,' to IS cents. Jackson's Washing Compound, and If properly —The Convention has passed an ordinance tiro satisfaction. Address, • Any person (male nr female) can scud ilia club of the highest style of tho art. Boots, SIj.olS and Hats, 75 to$l, according to usni, it will do half or more of th hardest «oik. membaas, which took place at the Lyceum from .'10 to 1,000, at the same rate (lUcts. for each.) aud FOUR GEM PICTURES FOR FIFTY CEXTS. providing that all children are to bo ad- 8. S. HOLLBNBERGER, gel a premium for so doing. Sknd ix Rxcustciied qublitv, very superior. Try it before buying, i will fuinidh you cn» ugh last Friday night. He also desires to express Jan 22 tf Williamsport, Md. ; I.STTxua Samples maflcd free to any addrcrs. Photographs, per dozen, 2.50 idnseya, 25 to 60 cvnts, andothsr articles low. to test it free of ehaigo. The Kec.pn for tlu mit ted to the public bcIiooIb without dis- EASTMAN & KEN UAL I- •• y* •• i so Come and examine for yourselves, ever v ner- compotmd will cost onl v ono dolbir, "and the mn- his most emphatic approval ol the style of liuctioo. No special schoola are to bo cstab- C5 ilanorcr Street, Boston. Mass. Call at once, over tho National Bank. Sat- ton who want good barsniiM, We are paying U rials Icr a vear's washing a d«»il v »n.»io. Ray the regular debate. The speech of Mr. Stray- isfaction given or no charge. 3d cchti (or Butter, a Bbilting for Eggs', the it \ «>u will in ver regret Joliuwiiig my udvicu liihetl for the exclusive use jf any color, and • CERTAIN, Dec 18—tf B. S. VAN FELT, A'gt. ' lit ghost prices lor Wheat. Flolir, Corn, Outs and in boih of those Migge/tions. <3r, was a remarkable production, for one of all public instutluua of learniug or uni- J^KVOLUTION IN TKADK. all kinds of country pruducu, iu cash or goods Sept. 18 G ED, O. OONR A Ag.mt. bis years, apparently. Ho predicts that Har- r tgpeody Our© P L. LAMBERT, _ Oct Id ' I. PAUL A SONS. versitios wholly or in part under the control 01L r0D LADIES,—Yon can receive for the sum of risonburg will have reason to he proud of of the State, ara to ba open to all, irrespec- fi MniG^ C ) TfLiA • ONE OOLEAR, PRODUCE & COMMISSION MERCHANT, QUEAT LXCiTEMENXI -XA Icry^ ^tment at ruiiuceJ price.-, of T'ablo for Mil.*and byPocket Cut- that boy some day. tive of color. NEURA181A, Silk, Merino, and Alpacca Dresses, Shawls, Balmoral s, HA Ii R111 SO XBUlt G, VA~, At tho old Stone Buildiug, near tho P-'st-Of- I.LI)WIG li- CO.. Mr Roller's speeches, he Bays, are always i^lmyersaliNeiiraigiai awd all Lln'ii Good3, Embossed Table Covers, Watches, Jevyi l- 3 doors West old Kockiaghatu. Hank. Sep. 11 Sprinkel llowman's

e eoiisulied G1EO. F. MAY HE W. ^ I i/.LR and i.iiiburgor cheese, vr. y uieu Messrs. Parker & Nash ; a few nights since PERFECT SAFETY. upon any ol the diseases upon which his book treats, ^fillK K1 \U1XU—A lar--* aanoi'tiuent ,d' i O ior luiu Ii, ut ha went to tho chicken hours of Mr. Jauics AR E11 ART—11 INF.G A R1) NE RFob. Gth either personally or by mml. Mediciues fceat to any ^ wiru O feirft?, IVtrj, Thread and Ii;t lieita received | Get 23 FSIIMA ViS/ I8G9, by liov. Jaoob fetirewult, Mr. Wm. It bos long been iu constant use by many of our pat t oi Hie worl i. SI'OTTS & GIBSON, andnnH for sa'u. thanp, 1 bv|... 8. Van Pelt, and in endeavoring to force n:i 11. Aheiiabt. ami Lizzie A. Uineuaru- MOST EMINENT PHYHICIANS, Dec J1 Sr'ACIiiH.'nt Rev. Bolmon Garber, John W. Buick, One paekiiKf, $1.90, Postage 0 cents. "ESTEY" "ORGAN. Sun,king *J\*mcco put up in various styles, very . "*■ ^Ol T'-'i Drug Store. ing ids raid he visited the yard u( Mr. Unas. Biat pack age b , ft.ou, il" 41" WIT|I RICHMOND, VA. i.eu, and Mess Mauy J. JlAUS, all of Twelve puckaaes, 0.00, 48 excellent lor sale bv fs.S. M.M.*DOLll. *DOLi). A • bpriukiO, rud carried off two caps of honey, this county. I Is sold Dy all wholesale and retail de.ilers iu dru23 VOX II U31 ANA STOP. ConBlcrnments of all kinds of C ian try Pro- fl^I!FRTfGMr.TEHS, ,.i ml lat-diuiucs thiuughout the United States and by • Trououuc -d by all who have heard It tlie most natural duce solicited. [Nov 27—Jm SGGARS, Wholesale «lU iLluii.CvtMll, at | ^ DcC Ik OT f S Drno- Store but left the balance of the brace and bit MASON;—IltGGINS.—Feb. Gth, 1803, Iry and bemitifal liullutiun of the HUMAN VUJCfS ever yet July 21 . LMIMAVS.LSH MAN'S. I - He is still at larg and siipposed to bo en- Rev C. Stevenson, Mr. Thom sM-son, TURNER Sl Co.,Sole Proprietor^ introduced .1. EhThY a CD, Biullb boi-, V1 ; tho ' O/T KEUS BURDEN'S HOUSE SHOES- . .. . .~U- V IgRGW N S ftiouchtui T.oeiies, of Slionandoalr, and Miss A .ICE HltiUINS i o Igiuul invenlo M und pDMiiuructurara. 417 HrooineBt. ; /WLZ just rue.qved and for Mile bv Matchesi m mu.ils:. m{TC'AV:SI-.M fCAK.,l-l«. i> l>jc Iri (.'II'.-, jm> Si,. . joying his honey. 120 Tbemoxt ST., BOSTOK; Mtsi. .-t iMiieiie .St., OatHinore, Md ; 2H North mond Stale Pnilor Maldiua—the bust n u« of this county. Jan. 11. d mo. Tnr^rrpniJud.iTJIhiu; llff^tumroiyh fct Chicago. j LUDWIG A CO.. —to lie had nt S'.qh 11 Spi iirkvl it* BoWiuai'.'* old f-taud. KamuvaIwllKAN.i t1 ..U, ice j 4td 11';. i>OKf-l ..an T LONDON I'OIM' ufl1" K oat iiaa , FOKTIt 1". rEWSF.IS'ZllS, BOOKS, tiC. jnKCUJJTMCjUm JarStC^tL MAS Tit r/JWE-T TA. tijiLTijaonB c.irtns.' BJtLTIJnOKE c.m ns. 1 PjtTBJTT JftKDICtJTES. fashion on tub brain. ■po REAL ESTATS. OWNERS. TO FARMERS. MILL-OWNERS AND pijijroa i jpfwf-ros i QUOCERY SUPPLIES. SEEDS! SEEDS 11 SEEDSIII All per* nn in Virginia bnviuc; R nl E.-tnte— ( '[TIERS I JOHN Jl. GRIFFITH A- CO., It *00111* to me tl.e women now C. LEWI S D U N L A P , lire's up most avful qunor. .a.-h *• farms, miij.s, kactorirs town 49 Nonru Pica Strvst Baltimore, Md., fKOPERTlES «nJ TIMBER LANDS-that DKAITH IN WhoWnle d' Retail dealers In <^\Em/iayr In narrow skirts nnd little hoops— t'.cy with t<' sell, *ro advised to advertise rhc 1867. mm 1337. OnOCEIHES, TEAS, WINES. FLOUR, GARDEN. FIELD AND FLOWER HEEDS. How funr.y thoy arpoart t*nie, first. In their on-n locnl journals, and next In ioliciting orders from tho readers of the M hebrak In the HAUEK8TUWU MAIL, a oewsnsper dc,, tic., dec. CommonwcnUh and nthcra, wo would etnte that T'leirliiiir they friz in fancy shapes, that • THE IIARUISONDCRG Wholesale Daparlraent No. 3 Centre Market having had ievrral years cx]>eriencc in the cul- I've lanyhed m 1 laug' o ' ap-ain, CIUCtTLATES J,500 POPIES WEEKLY, tivation and aclection of Seeds, we fullv nppre- To so how qnoor the women look. nuhlished at R.urcrttown. Md,. by DecHxar A Retail Department. No 13 West Baltimore Street, rintc the importance of having them reliable to cgW Watos The tide of emipration I* now rnllicp IRON FOUNDRY Ht wautman.^ ' BALTIMORE, MD, •near* a profitable and satisfactory return to fTTTftl With chignon on the brain. on to Virginia—onr Marvlsnd and Puiinsyiva- IS NOW IN • AGENT FOR the cultivators of the soil, hence we have selected nia f'ai'inoi's am selling oft' their farm* at high Rtorekenpers supplied with Goods at (he lowest onr stork with the greatest care to enable ns to FULL AND SUCCSSSFUL OPERATION CIIAS. M. ST I KIT'S ivtporttHfj and manufacturer**ptices. furnish our customers wilh such only as are l.as! night I met a little Mis* p' lc.'S «• d sci'klng new Iw ine* in our fistor State All articles delivered to Hotels, Steamboats, Rigged out in wondro t » stylo, 11io*e who emigrate a"e a* a general thing, ht Premium Grand nnd Square Pianos pure, relirthlo and of tho choicest kinds. The men of in srh- and means, and will aid ni.itcri- OF BALTIMORE,.Ml). Railroads or private residences in the city, free id annexed list presents onlj a few of the known Great Destruction or Ratal She had a little bonnet on a.lr in devi toping the gno. t natural wealth ol P. BRADLEY & CO., charge. Our slock of vni Ictli's. viz: It is paste, and used on bread. "the mnt.h.er of States." We arcpublishing the ARE prepared to furnish, at short notice, and Our new feftle Grand Action Piano, with the SUGARS, Artichoke, Asparagus, Dwarfor 8n«r» Beans That really made me smile, COFFKES, Pole Deans, Beets, llrocoli, liruasels Sprouts, Ercry box warranted a dead shot. 'Twits mvlosnnllir than a eabba^o leaf M aii. at i Central point, the very host at which on reasonnhte terms, a* to price nnd time, Agraffe Treble, has been pronounced by tbe beat TEAS, No one can risk anythinir in tTTinir It to dvortisc land. It i» very popular a* a Heal CASTINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, usu- Amateurs and Professors to bo the best Piano LIQUORS, Carrots, Cauliflower, Celery, Kale, Cabbage, ' As it will D ESTRO Y all your _ I'riod up for want of rain, hVote Advertising modinin. it* page* frequently ally made at Iron Foundiies, of their ownmauu- now manufactured. FLOUR, Chervil, Of rn, Cress, Cucumbers, Egg Plant, hats, suck, uoaciies and Aifi% ' containing from three to six column* of this class factnres ir« tcarraut them for fire years, with the privi- BOATS, Endive, Kohlrabi, Leek, Lettuce, Musk Melon, v llow very queer the womsn look of sdrerlising. We have numerous order* for lege of exchanging within 12 months if not sat- STARCII, FRUITS, Tec Water Melon. Mustard. Nasturtium, Okra- Or you can bare yonr money rafundaA With bonnets on tbo brain the pnper from time to time, from persons in PLOWS! PLOWS II . isfsctorv to the nurchatcrs. CRACKERS, Onions, Parslcv, Parsnips, Peas, Pepper, Pump- ALSO, Mary land tnd s t a distance, who merely desire HAMS, TICKLES,PICKLES, kin, Radish, Rliubmrb, Rape, Fals-ifv, Spiioich, We have constantly on hand the well and fa- SECOND.IIAND PIANOS, from $50 to $300, SAUCES, Squash, Tobacco Seed, Tomoto, Turnips. Ruta - STONEBHAKER'B They say tlioy wear tiieir dressos sboit it on arcounl nl its Land advertising. vorably known "BaAtu.KT Plows" of several nnd PARLOR ORGANS always on hand. POWDER, SHOT, 0 T( Our terms are moderate, and we will take different sizes, for two nnd three horses, which By permission we refer to the following gen- SHOT, Dnga Turnip, Field Seeds, Grass St ds, Sorgo, * BEDHEIJ BUGbllu EXTERMINATOBtAltttminATUH To siiow tiieir pretty Let, pleasure in answering all letter* of enquiry. tlemen who have our Pianos In use : As. Ac. or Sugar Cane Seed. we will sell for and articles ton mtmcrons to mention, all not cx We are prepared to furnish almost anv other It ijis a liquid and used with a brush.brash. But i their stioc.s are No 7's, Advertisement* can bo sent to us through the Gen. Robert E. Lee, Lexington, Va.^ Gen. Dolk-d in the city, either for quality, ut ices or va- EvorvEvery bottle warranted a dead •hot,shot, J Extremes will never meet. editors of the Commonwealth or direct, as the Cash, Country Produce, or on Time to Robert Ranson, Wilmington N. C.: M, H. Effin- riety. kinds required, and if left to us we will select Try tbemthem and rid yourNlvetyounelTCS of theMttteee ^.v_• \j parties innv prefer. Address, responsible customers, ger, Rev. P. M. Caster. S. R. Sterling, A. B. for those who do not know the peculiarities of Noxious Vermin. , * And when they wear their dresses long, UKCllKUT A WASON. Irick, Isaac Paul, and Jonn F. Lewis, Rocking- A CALL 13 SOLICITED FROM ALL. the different varieties. Any of the nbore seeds ALSO, > ^ And dragging in a train, rnblisbers "Mail," Uagcmtown, Ud. at as reasonable prices as they can be purchased ham. [April 17, 18C7—ly Remember the addrci's. will be mailed to any part of tho United States, June 2u-tf in this State or elsewhore. C. LEWIS DUNLAP, postage paid on the receipt of 10 cents per pack- STONEBRAKEa'S I always think of bean-poles with No. 13 West Baltimore Street, age, or $1 for 12 packages. Also Flower Seeds EXTERMITVATOK Oorcd dresses on the brain M I L L - G E A III N G I J£LEMM & BROTHER, at same rates. Wo are also prepared to furnish f ^ CHRISTMAS GIFT FOR ALL I and No. S Centre Market Space, Baltimore. SORGO SEED, Warranted to clear your nrtmiiei o E0ACBE9 Weespeciallv invite the attention of Mill own DironiEns or March 27,1867—ly ot such as Regular Sorgo, Early Sorro, Siberian, promptly and effectually. ^ O , well, this is a curious world, SUBSCRIBG FOR TBU cr* to our stoclc of Patterns for Mill Gearing, 1 which wc will furnish Otnheitan, (best for Sugar) and White Imnbec. Ealse rccth, false calves, and oh MIJSICAIa AI^VOCATE MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS SAU'L KIRK At SONS. price according to quantity from 60 cents per T hey speak of palpitators. hut AS PROMPTLY AND ON A3 GOOD TERMS 172 BALTIMORE STREET, pound to $6 per bushel. The Best Fills in Use are f j FOURTH VOLUME COMMENCES JANUA- AND TRIMMINGS, BALTIMORE, MD., REAPERS AND MOWERS, The truth I do not know. RY 1, 1S67. as any other Foundry in the Valley. Established 1817, (Fifty Years.) Solo and exclusive agents for Maryland nnd the fJlojiebj-srJeet'a ! 6o let them wear whate'er they will, jEx-ozci. Ocisftlzxara OERMAK, FRENCH A ITALIAN STRINGS, MANOrACTUUB Atlantic const States for the justlv celebrated Remonstrance is in vain, It has been inorensed to k large 32 aelavo CUT-GEAB WORLD'S UBAPER AND VEGETABLE vl rage Magazine, and will be devoted exclusively OF EVERY DESCRIPTION SILVER FORKS AND SPOONS, MOWKR. And they are really charming with to Music, Literature and Religion —music for No. 705 Market Street, This Cut Gear is regarded by*all unprejudiced Having a general assorl-icnt of Patterns, we are SILVER TEA AND DINNER SETS minds ns tho greater improvement ever made LIYER FILLS. The lash ion on the brain. the piano, and sacred music for the fireside and nrepared to do JOBBING WORK of all kinds, PHILADEDPIllA. Pitchers and all other articles of Silver Ware, church. One-half of it will he filled wilh choice proinptlr, and on the "live and let live" princi- to reaping nnd mowing Machines, nnd in addi- A SAFE AND SURE CATHARTIC AND ALTERATIVE.. Literature and Religious articles suitable for ple. P. BRADLEY A CO. JEWELRY: tion to this groat advantage over all other ma- the fami y circle Any one in want of a good Jan. 24, 1806.-1/ Fine Gold Watclics, Chains, chines of its kind. The entire gearing is en We invite the special attention of tbe poblie to »r/r .«.rw uvMOH. and cheap FAMILV'M AG AZINE, cannot do closed in a tight cast iron case, thus keeping tho tho abnvo preparation as being tbe best componnd They hare constantly on hand an extensive as- Sets of Jewelry—Diamond, Pearl, gearing free from nil dust and dirt, thereby ren- PILLS now in nse, for tho cure of LIVER COM- better limn snhscribc for this- sortment of dering the machine fiv? times as durable nnd of PLAINT, DYSPEPSIA. COST1VENES3, BIL. It is the only Magazine in Virginia devoted tn Coral, Gold, Enameled ; IOU3 C O M P L A 1 N T S, and especially SICK ISuIcs Tor <'oartlug. Music and Literature, and we confidently ex- VIOLINS, VIOLAS, VIOLIXCELLOS, much lighter draft than tho usual rough cast HEADACHE, JAUNDICE, PAIN In tho S1D> pect a liberal support from the peupla of the ARCHITECT ANU BUILDER, i Double Basses, Guitars, Zithers, Rings, Spectacles. Sear. Also, Manufacturers of tho celebrated STOMACH, BACK, or INTESTINES, Ac. Tbo following goal advice on the above Slate. Banjos Tamborincs, Flutes, Piccolos, PLATED W A BE; uckeye (Wheat) A t'lemium of a fine FAMILY SF.WING MA- HARRISON BURG, VA. Clarionets, Flageoletls, Fifes, Bows, HORSE RAKE, These PiUs aro a perfectly safe, gentle and effeo. object is from tbo pen of John Q lill, who Plated ColTec Urns, Waiters, the only reliable self delivering Rake known, tual purgative. Thoy ore mild in their operation^ CHINE will be given to the person Binding in Bow Hair, Screws, Tail-Pieces, Bridges, Threshers and Cleancrp, Wheat Drills, Horse producing neither Nausea nor Debility, and sr. seems to have had rather a bltitoful experi- the largest list of subscribers for the now vol npHE war being over, I hare resumed the bus- Finger-boarda,- Nuts, Frogs, Rosin, Mutes, " Tea Sets, Ice Pitchers, confidently recommended to all jpcrions affected umc; mid tine Photograph Albntns and Sheet A incM of Carpenter and House Joiner at my Capo D'Astroa, Sounding Post Setters, Tuning Powers, Fans, Straw Cutters, Cora Shellers, with any of the above diseases. The great popa- ence in such matters: Music for smaller lists. Premium lists must be old stand, and will attend to all contracts that Forks, Pipes nnd Hammers, Mctronomca " Spoons nnd Forks, Baskets, Fingley's Improved larity which thesu PILLS have attained it a aur. at full rates. itay bo entrusted to mc. Having n competent Oastagnetta, Clappers, Fife and BUTTER CHURN, indication that their virtues are *a(*'- eoprccixted "Ilaviug bad much experience in the sci- corps of workmen, I feel confldo^t that I can Fluto Mouth pieces. Steel, " Castors, Dishes Cutlery, and Agrioultural Implements in general. iTL'RMS—IN ADVANCE i giro satisfnet'on. fCc., (6c., &c., &e Also, tho sole agents for Maryland nnd the by all who have used them. ence of courting, 1 have determined horovvith One copy, on* year, $1 25 Particular attention given to the drawing of Brass and Silver Plated Wire, Triangles/ South for the sale of the Victor Cane Mill and Every Box warranted to givo entire aaUlfl, M to lay down so.no d,. Quito rules for the guid- Five copies, 5 75 Elans and spcclfiuali'jna for every description of STRINGS, Feb 8, 1867—ly Cook Elevator. or the money refunded. Ton copies, 10 00 uilding. For all Stringed Instruments, Having the patterns for the Buckeye Reaper •nee of my young friends. You see I had a Twenty, (and one te getter up ofcUb) 20 Ou JpiAlRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES. and Mower We are prepared to fill orders for cx ONLY 25 CENTS A BOX. good many succeutfui courts before I met my Harmonicas or Moutlf Organs, tras or repair machines at short notice and on Clergymen aud teachers supplied at one dol- Parlor Organs, 'Concertinas, F A I U B A inr3 & CO., wife—the ferndes whom I loved having gone lar per aiinmn. Single conies IS cents. Ad C A B I N E T-M A KI N a Flutinas, French nnd reasonable terms, [Feb. 20, 1867—ly dross, KEIFFER A UOHIl A. nOGKSIAN & CO., German Accordeons, 246 W. Baltimokb Sr , BALTIUOBE, UD., The teeatest Fanilfj cmphatisnlly baek on me. But, bless you, Ptnger's Glen, Uucklugham co., Vn. Have opened a Cabinet Shop at the old stand of Music Paper and Weigh Look, Counter Union. E WHITMAN & SONS, did it harm mo 7 N ,, it didn't. I was ben. Nor 13 Hockman & Long, where they are prepared to Books, • Nos. 22 and 24 S. CALVKat St.. Medicine in the World,' 1 manufacture all work in this line at short notice Bund Instruments, R. R. Track, Do- Family, Butch- BALTIMORE, MD. FOE f cfittod thereby, and when 1 met my wife 1 DKMOREST'S monthly magazine, and on reasonable terms. Particular attention fT knew the ropes, and grthe-ed up mynff c- universally acknowledged the Model Par- paid to UNDERTAKING. Having secured tbe Of Brass or German Silver, Saxhorns, Cornets, pot, Hay, Coal, er's, Druggists, Manufacturer of Soro Throat, Diptheria, Bronchitis lor .Magazine ot America, di voted to Original Agency of Trumpets, Bugles, Cramp Cholic, Cholera Morbus, tions, made one fell swo' p on Sallie's heart, Fttnrieii, Po ms, Hkclchcs, ATohitoctnro and Post Horns. Ofllcera' Horns, Boat Horns, Bell Dormant, Warc-^^^S^^^^ Jeweller's and AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS AND Cholera, &c. and the door thereof banged wide open amt Model Cottages, Household Matters, Gems of FISK'S METAL1C BURIAL CASE, Tree*, Cymbals, Drums, Ac. MACHINERY, The eltention of tho public, end especially the Tilir.rrht, Peifnrnl and Literarr Gossip (includ- and having received a large stock of Oases, thev February 20, 18G7—ly house, Platform, Bank Scales. W-holesalo and Retail dealers in Seeds, Fcrtiliz sufferers from that dreadful disease, Diptheria ot let ms 'n. I w illfive you Ike inks and shed ing spochil departments on Fashions.) Instrno- can furnish them at any moment. A Hearse al- Over rne hundred modifications, adapted to ers and Agricultural Hardware. Sore Throat, is called to the great remedy known a* the sunny lioht of illustratiu. upon them tions on Health, Music, Amuseinents etc., by the ways in readiness to attend funerals. J BAUER CO. every brrnch of business where a correct and du best authors, and profnsefj illustrated with cost All kinds of Country ProdUce taken in ex- • 650 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, rahle scale is required. B0UTHERN AGENTS FOR from my own life. Iv Engravings (full size) useful and reliable change for coiTins or Furniture. And No. 69 Washington Street, CIHCAGO. Crosby GEO. U. GILMAN, Agent. "Buckeye" Mowing nnd Reaping Machines. STONEBRAKEE'S Patters, Embroideries, and a constant succes- Aug. 22—tf Opera House, February 20, 1867—ly Wagoner's Celebrated Grain and Guano'DrB's 1st Never g i cmrting the girl's parents. sion of artistic novelties, with other useful and Wholesale Agents for "American" Sugar Mills and Evaporatcrt. BALSAM, OH You'd better edge up to the charmer at once; entertaining literature. - BF. GROVE, THE GOLD MEDAL KNADE .j- CO, ■y^TALL PAPERS. "Tho Sweepstnkeo" Threshers and Cleaners. No person ol refinement, ccnnomicnl house- BOOT AND SHOE MAKER, Giant's Grain Cradles. lor you cao't mirry her if you don't try, un- wife, or lady of taste can afford to do without n.vunisoxVDUuo, Va, PIANOS, The celebrated "Maryland" wheel florse rakes PAIN KILLER. tile Model Monthly. Single copies, SO cents; And twenty other first class makers. Cehbrded Linen and Paper Window Blinds, Montgomery's Uockaway Wheat Fan. less sh • wan's you, and you may be able to, His removed his shoo to the upper rooms of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Tho "Keystone" Cider Stills. As a euro cure for Sore Throat or Diptheria, even if the old folks ate hard on you. back numbers as specimens. 10 cents; cilter the building occupied by N. L. Greiner as a M JW I.. O I") E O N S < Ilutchinson's Family Wine and* Cider Mills, Cioup, Bronchitis, Scarlet Fever, Ac., and all other mailed tree. Yearly. $3, with a valuable pro- Tinner Shop, opposite Jones & Go's Agricultu CHURCH AND PARLOR ORGVNS, diseases of the throat, and also nn infallible remedy This is the p diey 1 pursu.-d m. self iu my niium; two copies, So 50 ; three copies, $7 50 , rnl Warehouse, und is ready to do anvthieg in A beautiful and varied assortment of Gold and and a general stock of Implements and Machine- for Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Mor- live copies, $12. and splendid premiums lor clubs bis lino with promptitude and in the best man- Manufactnrsrs and Importers of all Description of ' cheaper grades of Paper lor Parlors; ry. embracing nearly every variety in use. bus, Sick Headache, Sudden Colds and Coughi, jast u- successful attempt. at $3 each, with the first preuiiums to each sub- DRASS, GERMAN SILVER AND REED * Tbe above Machines have all the latest im- ner. He hopes his old frionds will stick to him OAK AND WALNUT FOR HALLS, provoinents and are conficlently^recomnricnded as Neuralgia, Phthisic, Old Sores, Ac, It li als* 21. By all means g it the girl's ma down ■oriber. ^2. METTEI3, cd stouk of Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, cases in different parts of tho countiy, "d f" November 0,1667 Oct. 5—tf li. F. GROVE. agreeable, touch, and beauty offnish. Entaw St., adjoining Lexington Market, which we confidently recommend as fresh and never failed to cure if used in time, and accordinf ing you. Most (latluriug cert'.ficates'of Exoel'once from Feb 6 ly Baltimore, (Marble Building.) genuine. Send for one of our Seed Catalogues, Til A LB RUG. GOTTSCH A LK, giving practical directions for planting a 1 vari to directions. A great amount ot suffering might I di 1 this way, and my present mother in. pvTRONIZE NATIVE TALENT. STKAK03CIT. MORGAN, often bo saved by having a couple ol bottlea of this 1868. 18G8. VIEUXTEMIS, LATTER, J ROBINSON ~9 etios of Seeds. valuable medicine in the house. As an evideaoa law used to throw brooms and w ishbjards SCIEXTIPIC AM ERIC AX, We, the undersigned, citizens of Rockinpham and a large number of the most distinguished J'rofes- Garden and Flower Seeds forwarded by mail. ot its great qualities the proprietori warrant tvary THE BEST PAP Eli IX THE WORLD, county, luivo entered into a co-partnorsblp for sort and Amateurs. NO. 333 BALTIMORE STREET, Marcli 6, 1867—ly bottle to givo entire satislaction. at roe, and toieh the dogi to bite me iu the Publiahera for Nearly tbe purpose of maintaining ourselves by the BAND INSTRUMENTS. Try it and bo convinced of it* great ralat. trowsera as 1 cl mbed over the fence. A QUAKTLU OF A CENTURV. sweat of o.'.r brow, we are prepared to do "all Our Ifrass and German Silver Instruments are unl BALTIMORE, BERGER & BUTZ'S PRICE 40 CENTS PER BOTTIJL PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTING, venmlly pronounced by the l»e-t performers to be une- EXCELSIOR 81. If you s-e any others prowling about, This splendid noirspaper, greatly enlarged qnaled in every essumlal q-mlily, by any that arc nvm MANUFACTURE R%) T The public are cautioned against a apurieea •Iwaya eoclire tiiera if you can. If you see and improv d, is one of" the unHt, reliable, nsut'ui in the neatest modorn stylo, nnd as cheap as it ufactured—w Ich warrants us iu assuriag purchasers SUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME, imitation of my medicines now being road* hy and fnteiertlng journals ever published. Evorv can possibly be done to insuio us a living. entire e-itistaction. PLAIN AND JAPANED TIN WARE, one of them buy tickets for the opera, go up nuaiber ib b' nutifully printed and oh-gantlv* il- S«dl iiing your orders, which shall be fi led promptly Also their Clotworthy A Co., Agents, in this city, and iha lustrated with several Original Engravings, PAPER HANGING, and suiisf ietn! ily, we are r.spiotfully yours, AXD DXALSU IX Ammoniatbd Super Piiospiiatb ot Lime. none will bo genuine manufacture sine# i>ee»m- and mike an cugigement with the gud and representing New Inrentinna, Novelties in Mc of all kinds, done with the most exact ncitnoss. Juno 5,1867. J. BaUKR A; CO. The above Fertilizers contain a large per cent, ber lOlh, 1866. except my written signature b# get your tickets afterwards; but when tlioy ohanics. Agriculture, Chemistry, l,hot(»grni»hy. Country Produce received lor all kinds of work BRITTANNTA WARE. TIN WARE, P]?ATED of SOLUBLE BONE PHOSPHATE OF LIME. on each outs.de wrnppur. Be sure to set t« tkix Manulucturcrs, Engi coring, Science and Art. at fair prices. T^IAXOS.— A ny person desiring nn elegant WARE, WOODEN WARE. They have been extensively used through Mary- and lake no other. visit the house always act as if you were at Faimors, Mechanics, Inventors, Fngineors, Wo eun rrivo the best rcferonces as to qnaliA- Jl Piano of superior tone, warranted in every Ian a along side of Peruvian Guno and other HKNRY STONEBRAKER, home and they were only visitors, ami never Chemists, Manufacturers, people in every pro- cations. Call on us if you want a pood, honest particular, nnd on good lei inn, can be occoin- Country Merchnntp are respectfully invited to popular Ferti izers, and have never iailed to Sole Proprietors and M-mufaclurar, iessien of life, will lind the SCIENTIFIC and durable job. We will insure the work we modnted by calling at the Bookstore Ladies call and examine the Goods. No. 84 Camden St., Ualtimorow ivavc first, do. Respectfully, and gentlemen arc requested to examine it. giro entire satisfaction. Where all orders must be sent fo. I h» Geaaiia AMERICAN to be ot* great value in their re- GfiORGE LOGAN, July 24 H. T. WARTMaNX. February 20,18G7 —ly We wish every farmer to try a bag and satisfy Articles. Sold wbok'?ale nnd reto i by 1 always did this, and have frequently sat spective cnlliogs. Its counsels and suggestions April 3, 1907—tf RlCIiAUD OAKS. themselves of their superiority. L. II. OTT, Hurrisonb » will save them lluudrcds of Dollars anr.unll , HW. HERMAN, They are packed in good strong bags, finely General Agent for Uockingbam Ci u ty and by until day-bro .k, whtlo the fair one snored be.-id >8 nflbrding them a cnntinunl source of CUES, JfEirEIjSlY, SiC. prepared und perfectly dry for drilling. Country Stores generally. [Juct b, 1867.>| knowledge, I he value of which is bevond peon- -y-ALLEY WOOLEN FACTORY. • (Succcsson to J. W. Jameson,) The best grades of PERUVIAN GUANO, »way ou the sofa. Y m oiu'l h'.nn' mo. No. riory eslimnto, Ail patents granted, wilh the PLASTER, Ac., for sale, sir : ha ! ha I 1 guess not ; I would have claims, published weekly. I have constantly on hand a VERY SUPERIOR M. H. KITENOUR, Manufacturer of every description ol U. J, RUTH A CO.. Manhood- Every Public or Private library should have LOT OF GOODS, some of which arc made of the i Mnrnifacturers Agents, No. 16 Bowley'a Wharf, not? lost, now restorei been th ro yet if the fjllo .v h id stayed. the work bound and preserved tor retcrcnco finest Wool that grows in Vir ginia, and which \y AT CIIM A li E31 ANI> JEWEM'R, SADDLED, HARNESS, TRUNKS Baltioiore, Md. [March 6, 1867—ly # Just published, a new edition of Dr. Cvivaa- 4-h. If the old mm has worldly wealth, 'ih* ycaily numbers of the SCIENIIF1C cannot be surpassed by any other manufactory, Has just returned from New York, with a large AND COLLARS, wbll's;Oblbu&at£D Essay ou tbe radical sure r AM Fill CAN make a splendid volume nf nearly and well selected stock of (without inudicine) of Sperrmatokkikul, or express a d's'ike to g onibacks, aud a batt- one Hiousaud puin to i»ages, equivalent to near- in regjfVd to Dr. R. A. Pattesox, E. G Shannon, C X. Walker, Seminal Weakness, involuntary Seninal L«sb* QUALITY, FINISH AND DURABILITY WATCHES, JEWELRY AND pLATED WARE. TTIIOLESALE AND RETAIL,, Virginia. Tennessee, N. Carolina. e?, 1 mpotenct. Mental and Physical Incapacity, In- ksriug after low in a s unl. bouse. ly ibui thousand ordinary botik pages. A new His gooas have been purchased in theicNf mar- PAT1ESON, SHANNON & CO., pediments to marriage, etc; nlso, Consduption, Eh- Vidnme commences,January 1. IRdR. Publish- which T am willing to exchange for Wool, Ac., No. 6 Noutii IIou-aud Street, Baltijiore, Ud. Lcpsr, and Fits, induced by self indulgenc* or mxuoI 5 h. 1: you are alone iu llio parlor, you ed Weekly, Tkijms—One year, ; Hrlf your, on the most reasonable terms.. 1 also do ket, and at such prices as will enable him to Produce and General extravagance. 50; Cluba of Ten CoiTlos ibr one year, £>20, compete with any other establishment in the Orders for work promptly attepded! tn. and re- COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Price, In a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. may sometimes try if yiur arms fit well on fclpecimen copies sent gratis. Addi ess FULLING AND CARDING, Valley. Ail he asks is a call before purchasing pairing done with netitncss nnd dis^atch. Old The celebrated author, in this admirablo essay, cl»a». l.er waist for cash or for trade, on the same terms as other elsewhere, as ho is determined to sell cheaper Saddles. Trunks nnd Harness taken in cxchauge. TOR THE SALE OP ly demonstrates, from a thir ty year's successful pro** BIUNN & CO., than the cheapest, February 20, 1867—ly t'ice, that the alarming consequences of self-abuso nay I tried this onen, an i c.tllad forth a piero S7 Park Row, New York. workmen. WATCHES repaired and WARRANTED Cotton, Tobacco, Grain, om) other Protluco, be radlcaily cured without the duiiKerous us* of inter- ^S^Tbe Publishers of lbe Seienl Ifio Ameri- Tow Thread, doubled nnd twisted, Hard Soap, TWELVE MONTHS. j^ARTIN & BROWN, No. 6 Caudes SraEET, nal medicine or the npplication of the knife—pointiBg lug scream, which in luc d her heavy fathir can in connection wilh the pub'ieai ion of the Lard, Butter, and all kinds of Grain taken in ex- out a mode of cure nt once simple, certain, an i effoctu- paper, have acted cs solicitois of I'atcnts for change lor goods.^ T, P. MATUEWS. Room next door to Post Office. BALTIMORE UD al, by nieittn of wm ich every sulTerer, no matter wbal ami two bnthers t ichttok ma tlowu the front twenty I wo years. Thiity thousand opplicu- Valley Factory, on Cedar Creek-, Oct 23 WHISKEY DISTILLERS, All orders attended to promptly. his condition may > e, may our* himself cheaply, pri- stairs. S > you be caroiul, lions for i'aleuls have been made thro ugh their Aug. 1.—tf Frederick Co., Va. vately, and radically. Agency. More than one hundred thouiund in- ^NDREW LEWIS, . Importers and Wholesale Dealers in Kf This Lecture should b« in tho bands ofovory C h. When you inquire if ahe will have youth and every man in the land. ventois have sougi't the connocl of the Proprie- pRACTICAL MACHTNLST. 'WATCII.TIAKER AND JEWEXEU, J. H, Hatcher, National Ex, Bank, Richmond, Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to any addr«s«; y m, don't fall on your k ices. Its ridiculous, ovb of the Ecieniific American concerning their BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &C , J II. Tyroe, Tobacco Inspector, Lynchburg, Va. postpaid, ou receipt, ou receipt of six cents, or two nvan'ions. CoDsuIla^ou ami advice to invon- J. G. S P R E N K E L, Would respectfully announce that ho has just J. E. Bell. Lynchburg, Va. pout stamps. Also, Or.Culvei well's ^MarriagoQuido" besides being rough on trowsers. Just take tois, by uiiii'. iree. Pamphlets concerning Par- s returned from tho Eastern cities with a large NOS. 13 AND 15 MERCER ST.. rtric* 25 cents* Address the publishers, ent Laws of all Countries, lice. E n^ ctb *> Jtiji cas.ns t / and varied assortment of WATCHES, JEWEL- Squibb &. Maooney, Joncsboro', Tennessee^ CHAS. J. C. KL1ME A CO her hand and sp-.ik out. like a man. ^gjuA hand, oiue bound volume, containing RY, SILVER AND PLATED WARE, which Feb. 20,1807 Hardwick & Surgoinc, Cleveland, " 127 Bowery, New York, Post Ufllce Box 4588, HARRISON BURG VA. he offers at very reasonable pi ices. He would BALTIMORE. Price & Holston, Sweetwater, " I baliaved similarly to tills to a female and 50 iMeohanic.il Engravings, and the United Would inform the public generally that he has Gen* J. U. Stubbs, Wilmington, N. C. November 20,1867 . St. tes Census by ConaUes,' with Hints and lle- like his old friends to give him a call, GADDESS re about pursuing the subject any further CIRCULAR SAW-MILLS, room on tho South side of the Public Gquare, STONE of American and Italian Marble, of with Incidents nml Sketches cl which can bo hod upon as good terms as they can between t he Bookstore and Forrer & Clippiuaer's T> B. MOFFETT & CO. HARRISONBURG, VA., * Tilt. When you are eng .ged, don't go off LIFE IN THE CONFEDEnACr. be had anywhere else. He is also ready to re- in the Brick House formorlv occupied by D. M. Otigiual Design, always on baud. Switzer as a Tailor Shop. He wdl attend to Feb 6—ly WHOLESALE DEALERS III WOULD respectful/ inform his old friends lik• an oil jick.ua and begin buying lea- ComprisinK Narratives of PersonHl Adventure, Array pair, promptly and well, all kinds of machinery. and the public generally that bo has now sp ions and wash boilers and candles. It Is Lite. Naval Adventure. Home bile. I'artisnn Durinjr, March 7, 18C0, REPAIRING WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, JESSE HARDEN, Life in the Camp, Field and Hospital, together with Sewing Machines, and other small jobs at mod- TOBACCO, SNUFF AND CIGARS on hand and intends koepinga large assortment very unwise and cxeites cmnment, the Soiigs, Dalludt*, Anecdotes, and Humorous inci- jyjARQL'Ts A KELLY'S ~ of Foreign and Domestic Wines nnd Liquors, dents of the War for Southern Imlependence. erate prices for cash. MANUFACTUKEBS OF American Hotel Building, consisting of Why, 1 recjllect, I was ones so glad that There is a certain portion of the war that will never A variety of Sewing Machines of different sizes FRENCH BRANDY, go into the regular histories, nor be embodied in ro- VALLEY" MARBLE WORKS! forms and styles, and making all the stitches in PATENT SCAEES. HARRISONBURG, VA. HOLLAND GIN, 1 went right off and purchased a bnby-jnrop niRncc or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and use, on hand corstantlv or ordered for persons POUT WINES, rr and a gum ring. It vvrs a loug while ere wifl, if preserved, convey to succeeding generations p. desiring them. Price from $15 up. FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE, ^ay-Orders from Merchants promptly filled. MADEIRA WINES, better idea of the spirit of the condict than raHny dry AT HARRISON Sewing Machine Needles for sale. MALAGA WINES, those things were oecessary, and the baby- reports ormvetul narmllveof events, and this parr may May 16, 1867—tl NO. 55 SOUTH CHARLES STREET, bj called tho gossip, the inn, th -pnlhos of the war.-L BURG, April 24, 1867—ly SHERRY WINES, jumper had shrunk so that when we put the This IIIusI-m:*4! the flmrncter of the leaders, the humor iiiPW^ Pcb20, 1867—ly BALTIMORE. CLARET WINEB, of the soldiers, tl e devotion of women, the bravery of THE HlGLANDEIl—Call.it Eshman's and I JAMAICA SPIRITS, first of the iitlio Q liUs inti i', it sttddeaiy men the pluck of our heroes, the romance and hardship STAUNTON, I*£!OTOGn,JlJPBS. try the Highlander Smoking Tobacco—tho DOMESTIC BRANDY, j rked up, ait came frightfully near batter- of the service. CIHAS. FISHER, only rival of the celebrated Lone Jack. NEW ENGLAND RUM, The valhtnt and brave hearted, the picturesque ar.d I LEXINGTON A Manufacturbr of ing the devoted child's head against the ccil- drauu-tlo, the witty nnd marvelous, the tender and pa- mm Removal. Oct 16 PURE BOURBON WHISKY, thetic, ond the whole panorama of the war are here L'?a»i£s3- WISE & CLARY'S STOVES, TINWARE. AND HOUSE- PURE OLD RYE WHISKY, i.i;', wliile the gum ring, which had been thriiliiprlv poitiu.ved in a mnsterly manner, at once KEEPING ARTICLES, A LOT of No* 1. Sweet Tobacco, just opened HONONGAIIEI.A WHISKY,; historical end fouiuntlc, rendering it the most ample, PSCTUBE G.IJLlLEHjr, at SCOTCH WHISKY, kept in a box with cockroach poison, thre.v uniqu", b-il.iant nnd rc.'dab.o book (lint tbe war has" CIIAULOTTESVILLE. Has been removed to tho Mammoth Car, in IRISH WHISKY. the baby into fits, and he—it was a boy— called foiHi. Amusement as well ns instruidion may OUR shop at Ilarrisonburg is now open, nnd front of tbo Court-House. No. 93 North Gay Street, (opposite Harrison,) Oct 3 ESHMAN'S Tobacco Store; From his long experience in tho business, ho ' o ound in every page, as graphic dct'iil, brilliant wit, nartioi needing anything in our line can bo feels confivlont that ho can givo full satisfaction had spasms in the crib f ir four days. and authentic hiktory, ore skiiifully interwoven in tnU supplied. Tho undersicned have formed a copartnership BALTIMORE, III D . A GAUD.—I hereby tender my sincere thanks work ol lilorary art. Shop opposite American Hotel, Main Street, in the picture business, and are prepared to tako Offers a large stock for sale at reduced prices; to the citizens of Harrisonb'urg and Rock- to all who may favor him with their custom. 8ili. If a girl refuses you, don't give it up Send tor circulars and »»ce our terms and a full de- llarrisonhuig, Va. [Oct. 18,1865-tf PICTURES IN THE VARIOUS STYLES, February 20,18C7—ly ingbam County for the liberal patronage exten- All orders, both from home and abroad, prompU but try agiio. Ujcause two negatives make scription of ilio woik. jbuh'®s8 ded to me during a residence or twelve years in ly attended to, [Oct, ll-tf JUNES UROinEHS d5 CO.. at short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. None their midst, and take this opportunity of saying one afli m itive j.i grammar, however. don't Jan 35 Richmond, Vn. 9 but good pictures allowed to leave the Gallery. B1HUEL h. nnosius. W. UXaRIBOW DORNES. that I have always rejoiced in tho improvement, LtlTKR* , 9fC, Thev respectfully invite their friends to "ivo BUOSIUS & H0KNER. either morally or socially, of tho town and its Take noticei eonsijcr yourself acccjited when a girl jilts fyHE PAUii VALLEY CUUlUErt. them a call. ALBERT A. WlriB, Iupouters an» Wholesale Dealers in inhabitants, aud have ever aided, as far as m v DIXIE HOUSE, you tn ice. J^IVEUY STABLE AT THE OLD STAND. Oct 9 JAS, O. A. CLA«Y. humlxti luears afforded, to further the cause of Opposite American Hotel. U. 15. Puopes, J. D. Pares NOTIONS, Education and tho spread of Religious Knowl- Licenl. Granted by CountyLCourt of Jlockingham, 1 a-kid one fem lie forty one times, and at Proprietors and Publishers. WILLIAM PETERS pHOTOGRAPHSI PHOTOGRAPHS 11 FANCY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C., edge to the rising generation. It is also well A. J. WALL, Proprietor, last she got to expect it whenever Icune, known by the most respectable inhabitants of Keeps constantly on hand a complote assort. Would respectfully announce to his friends and SPLENDID SKYLIGHT. 305 Baltiuoue St., the town that in the year 1864 I was tho on/w aud would s imedrnes liollor out "No !" from CmCITLATIOX AFPROACIIING 1000. the public that he'still keeps constantly ou hand (Opposite Dovries' Marble Dry Goods Building,) ment of Whisky, Brnndy, Wine, Gin. Porter, and for hire at reasonable rates, I take this method of informinjr my old ous- regularly licensed Liquor Dealer in Harrison the top of the stairs heforo I got lairly into The only paper publisho'l in tlio Pago valley tomors, and tho public Kenernlly, that I have BALTIMORE. burg, and, as far as my knowledge extends, in All persons in want of Liouors for Medicinal TERMS, $2.50, IN ADVANCE. HORSES, BUGGIES, February 20, 1867—ly tho whole County, while at the same time there purposes will do well to call before purchasing the house. Tuis is unusual, let mo hero ro- CARRIAGES, HACKS, &C. taken tile old Photograph stand, next to Shack were at least twenty-six Orog Shop* openly sell- elsewhere. _ A. J. W. l ark, Indcptndenl PolilicaUy. lett <9 Newman's Store, North of the Court JSAACSAAC S.B. GlGEORGE , I am right there. If any fur • a —English and American. Call and see HARNESS, SADDLES. BRIDLES, A.C.. a largo quantity of SOKO .UM OU CANE The public are informed that Mrs. LEOOMl'TE Pure Wine for Sacramental purposes to any of see me. WM. H. WzESCHE. tlier inform ition is wanted, send me a letter thotn nt MILLS. 'J'ltcse Mills are of the same design No. 49 Hanover Street, near Pratt, keeps a first- the ChurcbeH, when called for, and invariably Juiy 17, 1867—tf Doc 4 THE BOOKSTORE. which are nut up In the best manner, and which nnd eonatmctcd on the same principle as tlio class BOARDING HOUSE, where Boarding cai refused compensation therefor. cnclosi.g i fi'iy ciat irate, and I will cucer- will be sold at fair prices, or (xibanged for any Mills which are so extensively used throughout be obtained by the day, week, or inontb, on r • • I wish the foregoing facts to become known und all sorts of Oouutry Produce. Give mo 'a sonable terms. Mrs. Lecompteis in tho heart of with the following, viz : That at tho last June Arcade restaurant fully givs it gratis. CAlfl)—Conversation Cards, f'ourting Cards, call. WM. PETERS. the Southern States. Tlioy ate decidedly the AND SALOON Fortune telling Cards, Visiting Curds, most perfect machine for thoroughly crushing tlic business portion of the city, and Merchants I Term « f tho Court I made application for a li- In tbe rear of Hill's Hotel. Playi.tg Cards, at , Dec. 6,lSGa^tf sugar cane ever invented, und their conslaut uso and otbers will find tier place" both convenient cense U» retail Liquors, «v 1 LUDWXU A GO'*,