VOL. XIIL MASON", MICHIGAN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1888. NO. 48 There aro still several brohoii sidewalks Tcncliers' Association. Soveral awnings have been harvested PRATT & CHILD, A Cash Premium. that by repairing beforo snow eolnes to stay- this week. Tho following is the programme of the may prevent broken limbs or possibly necks. Forent City Baking Powder, 25 cents a Inifhain county Teachers' Association, to All parties owing us over six months pound, at Coo & Clark's. * Fully roaliniiiR that no county paper on bo held at Mason, Saturday, Dec, 8, 1888 ; The Busy Grocers may expect thoir accounts placed for collec­ One dollar and twenty-fiye cents, cash in For every $2 worth of goods purchased . which there is as much labor nnd money MORNING SE,SS10N, we give a ticket that entitles you lo One tion it not paid at once. * Brown Bros. 11:00—Soloctlon by tho Ulu'b School Cliolr. advance, between now nnd Jan. Ist, will Share in onrGrand Distribution of Presents THEY ARE AIL WAYS AWAKE expended as there is oli the Democrat can 11:05—Relation of Palroiis to the School, secure the De.voorat for a whole year, '• Two gentleiniin from near Mason by the to take place at Armory Hall, Jn'n. 1, con­ boAirnished for less than ,'rl,oO per year, Job T. Oainphell, Mason TO TIttE ItVTERESTS OF ducted by a cnlnmiteo chosen by ticket hold­ names of Stevens andVanllorli have bought 11:20—Discussion led by J. S, Huston, WUlUiiiston Every mail, every boy, come to tho only ers. The following goods to be given away: THEIR l»ATRO]VS. yet it 1ms heeil our cuHtoni for a (ew years Losey & Co.'s meat market,-OdW Register. 11:35—Geography, Miss Mny Paildock, Mason first-class clothiilg bouse in the city. No, Niiiiie of Prl'/.e, Yalilo. past, for the purpose of inducing prompt 11:50—DIacussiou led by O, Jl. young, Oiioiidaga * L. C. WHl.ii, Tho Clolbior. 1 1 China Tea Bet fl2 00 Ball it Sherman havo another lino of AFTERNOON .SE,SSI0N, 1 Eronch Clock Ill 00 And Aim to Keep the payment and secllrinp; now patrons, to offer 3 1 Gent's Moss Afate Ring 7 00 those S'I,00 velvet shawls; also of the,$3,00 1:,'10—Music, Selection, If your neighbor is not a subscriber to 4 1 Lady's Brilllanf UIng II OO our siihscribcl's somo appropriate pl'omiuin l:;i5—Tlio Relation of tho Teacher to the Pupil, 1 ilanitini- Laini 6 OO shawls. * tho Democrat,you can greatly assist ua by CHOICEST OF EVERYTHING Bupt, T, L, Evans, V/illiainston II 1 Lady's Guard rhiilii S 00 •a dictionary, lUlas of the world, or some- Miss Emina Hill of Leslie, an e.vper- showing hilu your paper and informing him 7 1 Gent's Yost Chilli 6 00 I3Sr TOHEEIR LI3;TR. 1:B0—Discussion'ted by 18 1 Lady's Neck Chain 6 00 thinfi of the sort, alid the plall llas proven ioiiced teacher with normal trainillg, will Miss Nellie Jl, ICiiiippeii, Mason that llo can j?Bt it a whole year for $1,25, if il 1 Haii(iIngLainp,.,... , 'i 00 10 2:00-Lnnt'iiago \Vork in District Schools, I Pair Band llracolets,,,,. 3 OO so sHCoessful that'ivo have decided to this lead in the exel'cises at the Hubhard this paid for beforo .Ian. 1st. The larger onr 11 1 Ohiss Water Sol 2 fiO Miss May E. Taft, Lansing Thoy Biildoln got left, You can always list the better paper we will bo able to 13 1 Pair Band niaceluls 'i 00 yearofl'era cash premium. winter. 2:15—DisouSHlnn hid by T. A. Btovens, Stockbridge III 1 Glass Waler .Set I ,10 filld the Best Goods anil Lowest Pl-loes at furnish you, 14 I PairOuir Buttons 1 llO Ml's. E. M. G. Hawloy of Vevay hfts 2:26—Intermission, The suhscription price to tho Democrat 1,1 1 Sland Lamp 2 ,10 PRATT & CDIf r,D',S. aiW-Mothods of Study, Rov, ,r. A, Ilarnos, Mason 11! 1 Pair Cliff Bullons 1 UO been appointed vice-president of the Ing­ Thatcher's Orange Butter Color is fiolv is $1,50 a year, but at any time before Jan. 2:16—Disciission led by Supt, D, Howell, Lansing 17 1 Stand Lamp , , ,. 1 5^^ found in nearly every hamlet that can boast is ham County Sunday School Association, to a:00-Solo, . Mra. S,H. Culver, Mason 1 Ooiit's Scarf I'ln , 1 00 Ist, 1880, wo will accept !til,'25 por year, 111 1 Largo Doll „ 1 50 fill vacancy. 3:06—Nnmbor Work in Prininry Grades, of a store, as woll as the largest cities 2U 1 Gent's Scarf Pin I OO 21 allowilitf tho siibsorihor to retain 25 cents Miss Ll/.zio Trofry, Leslie throughout the daii'y belt in Ihe U, S, and 1 Largo Doll 1 ,10 Gloves and iiiittells for everybody, at L. 1 GlaasSet 1 IlU 3:20—Disciission led by Illiss Clara A. lliillun, Mason Old stlhsci'ibol's as well as llew can take Canada, and llas been thoroughly tested 1 GInsB Sot I 50 C. Webb's, llle elotller, * 21 1 Glass Sot 1 00 Now is the lime to buy a ladies §3,00 and approved by tilouannds of our leading 'i6 1 Glass Set 1 ,10 ndvalilaKo o( this ofl'er by first pnyitl/? all ill 1 Glass Set 1 (10 L, H, Saunders, the Maplo street dealer Bright Dongola Shoe for I5i2,50, ut Hunt­ oroalnery men, * 'il 1 Lady's Work llasket 1 (W arrearages at tho regular price, $1.50 per in uents' furnishing goods and boots nnd ington's. * 2li 1 Volnmo Dickons 00 J. C, Kiinmel's sale of clothiilg, hats and 2il 1 Lady's Work liaskol 1 uO year, shoos, has an advertisement in the Demo­ .Ji'E<^^Jiafe£"H^^i7H!^^ li We hope there will not be ono of our caps for ladies, men and ellildren; also 30 1 Voiiimo Dickons 00 '^''oul llros.& Co"'H •'Saxon""'Lnii'tidr^^^^^^^^ crat this week, 31 1 Lady's Work llaakot 1 00 Somo seven or oi;?ht hlilidred of our sub Vi'trctatdo 1)11 Soap. Fivo Cenis perCalio. Uuox- subscribers who will not have something ladies' cloaks, and ladies' gents' and child­ 32 1 Volume Dickons CO coiied ijy any Soui* in tlio Jlurliot. Charley Monroe is furnishing all who de 3;l 1 Lady's Work Dnskot I 00 soriptions expire diiriiipr ne.\t month. We to be truly thankful for to-day. ren's underwear of all kind.s, gloves, mit­ 34 I Volnnio Dickons fiO 36 I Volnine Dickens (10 for sale PRATT & CMILD. sire, with wintes radishes nnd celery. Hnv tens, wool and cotton hosiery, corsets, lace, need the money and make tins offer hoping The liquor tax oven in Ingham county 3li 1 Vohinie Dickens 00 ing tested, we can vouch for tho quality veiling, rnshing, ribbons, velvets, plush, ;i7 1 Ynliiiiio Dickens , 'JO thereby to secure il. At this price our list amounts to a sum much larger than many 3,1 1 Yolnnie Dickons • (iO being exeellont. Ingluiiit County D^niocmt embroidering, edgings nnd linen collars will 311 1 Volunio Dickons 00 ouKhttobeillcreasedto 1,800 between now would suppose. Counly Treasurer Long 40 I Vuiuiiie Dickcnu , 00 Wanted.—That book account you owe prove a bonanza lo purchasers, * 41 Published every Thursday year informs us he has already collected 1 Volume Dickons 00 42 hy and Jan. Ist, and will be if our subscribers nie and should have been paid long ngo. 1 Volume Dickens,, ,. 00 this year §15,000,0-4, and there nre still two Married. 43 1 Volunio Dickens , GO O. p. WIIITitlORE & CO., will assist us. Respectfully, * C. G, Hn.N'TlifOTON'. 44 1 Volume Dickens 00 or three dealers who havo not settled. HoLooMB—Wellman. In Mnson, Nov. 46 1 Volume Dickons 00 MASON, mmUGAN. D. P. WniTstoRE k Co. The evening meetings nt the North 2()th, by Rev. E. B. Moody, William Hol- 40 1 Volume Dickens CO 47 1 Volnmo Dickons GO L. S. Hudson of Lansing, recently paid comb of Mnson and Millie Wollman of PRICES : Mason, Nov. 20th, 1888. Aurelius church, being conducted by Rev 48 1 Volume Dickona 00 ijiSOO for an English "purp," and last Leslie. Vaar,$1.50; Six tnonihi, 75 conti; Three DoLamarter, ai'e still being continued, with monttn,40 oenta. I.OCAI. AlVJO GElVERAIi iVBWS. Saturday it died of congestion of the lungs. Don't, Buy Your Arclios Until very good results. FORD & KIRBY. If we conld purchase all the dogs in Mason You have seen the Colchester Artie with Business Directory. The large quantity of quail, rabbit and for what they are actually worth and sell Delhi ta.xpayers see notice. tho "outside counter." Its the bost fitting ATTORNf^VS. partridge in the market would indicate that them for $300, we would mnke a handsome and best wearing arctic now made, and is Seo notice to Vevay taxpayers. game is quite plenty and sportsmen are made 'pen honor (or reputation. Tho "out­ Geo. M. nuNiiNQToN. Geo. K. Dav profit. ONTINQTON.!: DAY, AttornoysandOounyelors enjoying themselves. side counter" adds largely to the durability. lit Law. Omco over ITIrst Hational Bank Time to plant your holiday advertise, These are cheapest in the end. No extra MoHson.Mloh. Si'l Books cheaper than ever at Kiramel's The annual salary of the president of monts.
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