Civilization Sequence 205 Odysseus: The Explorative Mind September 15, 2014 Samira Khoury
[email protected] AUB 2014-2015 Introduction: Basic assumptions of working hypothesis 1. * “POETS are the interpreters of the GODS”. ** “ART is the true interpreter. If we talk about art, we are trying to interpret the interpreter: yet, even so, we profit greatly thereby.” (Goethe). 2. The Odyssey is such a work of art: a symbol of human experience. Odysseus has become a paradigm (an archetypical figure, a symbol) for the breakthrough of the explorative mind. )امانة وخيانة ) Translation (s) … Honestly / Deception .3 I.CONTEXT/CONTENT: (pro-memoria) 1. The TROJAN WAR (Homer’s Iliad)… Aphrodite = love - “The Famous DEEDS of MEN” (ody. VIII, 492) 2. The HOME-COMING (=NOSTOI) … Athena = Mind, intelligence. - “ The Achaians’ bitter home-coming” (I, 325-7) - Agamemnon. (I, 30-41, XI, 387ff, XXIV, 186-222). - Menelaos. (IV), Nestor (III) - Odysseus … 3. The WANDERINGS - Travellers’ tales, seamen’s adventures: e.g. Menelaos. ODYSSEUS. 4. The GODS (“ Mirror-effect”) - Man recognizes and represents himself in “his gods”: self-evaluation and self-elevation. The Homeric gods are “divinized” human beings rather than ‘anthropomorphized’ gods. - “All men need the gods” (III, 48) … “Tell me muse”… - “Moral Values and Responsibility, e.g. recklessness (=hybris). .)حظ/نصيب) moderation, lawfulness, justice (=dike). What is given (=moira), lot of man=spare - Transcendent / Transcendental… (Remoteness / Nearness)… II. “ODYSSEUS, son of Laertes, seed of Zeus”: - The Odyssean question: “Who are you? Where do you come from?” 1. His name: Odysseus=”the distasteful”, “child of wrath”, (XIX, 405FF), given to him by Autolykos, “his mother’s noble father, who surpassed all men in thievery and the art of oath” (XIX, 395).