The American Woods

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The American Woods TH E I A N W O O D S A M E R C , EXHIB ITED BY ACTUAL SPECIMENS AND WITH C PIO EXPLANAT RY TEXT O US O , ROM E Y N B H H B A OU G . , . RT IX PA . REPRES ENTI NG TWENTY - FIVE S PEC I ES TWENTY - F I VE S ETS OF S E TI O NS C . LOWVI L LE N Y . U A . s . , , . P U B LI SHED AN D SEC TI O NS PREPARED B Y THE AU THOR . Copy rig ht ninet B Y R O M E WE ED—P RSONS PRI NTING A CC . E L E C TR O TY P E R S A N D P R I N TE R S ALB ANY , N . Y . T O mcfl Q i nzhnt m . i ff 1 Qé ? , P M N F TU S . AR O G FORESTER U . DE T E T UL , A RIC RE , T I X A M E R I C A N W O O D P A R , S , DEDI ATED AS AN EXPRESSION OF HIGHE TE TEE IS C S S M. 743130 EF E T THE ERIE PR AC O S S. The necessity of more generally diffu sed information concerning the variety and importance of ou r forest trees is j u stifi c ati on enou gh for the n w n n appeara ce of this work, especially at this day, he the dema ds of n Forestry in this cou ntry are constantly more and more kee ly felt . The w was un n u n w n n in ork dertake at the s ggestio of my father, hose i te se terest in F and n n v n n orestry, a ki dred taste , at o ce ga e me i spiratio to the n u n x n his v u work . It was e tered po with the e pectatio of al able com anionshi and u n a f n b ut I n p p co sel d i g its progress, , alas that was desti ed v onl u and I n ove u n to ha e y at the o tset , , while was the left r to mo r the l n n n a nd u find oss of a ki d father, compa io teacher, the reader m st fail to i n these pages that val u e and fi nish which his mind wo uld have gi ven th m e , Among the happiest pictu res of my memory are those in which I see ’ m a as I u w t su c y f ther s delight, wo ld sho to him , from ime to time, my c essi nl i n v n n n progress de isi g a way of maki g the sectio s for this work, - and if o nly for the happiness which its appearance would have cau sed u v v u n I v u - u n o on him, co ld he ha e li ed til this day, ha e felt d ty b o d to g w it v n u t n ith , e e tho gh lef to do it alo e . T t he u o ne a n he work is o tgrowth of , of somewhat similar pl , proposed b n b ut no t a n f . y my father some years si ce, which he did c rry i to e fect I n and i i nc i all i n and ts desig is primarily p p y to show, as compact nn u n n o u r A n perfect a ma er as possible, a the tic specime s of merica woods , nd n n v and n u . For t e v both ati e i trod ced tha three sectio s , respecti ely n v a and n n n G tra s erse, r dial ta ge tial to the grai (see lossary), are made of u f n n in u n n each timber, s f icie tly thi to allow a meas re the tra smissio of d u w a a n u n i n a . light, sec rely mo ted ell m de fr mes T n v nt n w a n he three pla es abo e me io ed sho the gr i from all sides . so to ' s no n n b u t u one peak, pla e bei g possible that wo ld be either of them or n n . T di ffi c u lt v u n a combi atio of them he y, howe er, of c tti g a great nu m n xa t o n n v u u nd ber of sectio s e c ly those pla es is ob io s , so let it be er ” ” t an v and n n i n stood tha the terms , tr s erse , radial ta ge tial , are, man n x i n xa n . y cases , o ly appro imately e ct their applicatio M n v w in o f n nd n y e dea or is to sho , either a part or all the sectio s sta i g to n and - bu t w s represe t a species, both the heart sap wood, with some ood PREFA E TO THE ERI vi C S ES. Su n n u u a n u n or a. as the mach, for i sta ce, where s lly o ly the o termost ri g, i t u p n - is part of , co ld be said to re rese t the sap wood, the display of that u . I n n r S u a n q ite impossible certai othe woods , as the pr ce , etc . , the tr sitiou from sap to heart-wood is almost indisting u ishable by any difference i n and u n in n one c an color, , altho gh both may be show the sectio s, n u n scarcely disti g ish betwee them . The sequ ence of the nu mbers given to the vario us species is of import a n n n n n - n v n Pa h ce o ly to show the bota ical arra geme t withi a gi e rt, eac n n n n cf Part bei g i depe de t the others . T x n a n he te t of this work has bee dded rather as a seco dary matter, u not v n i t i n u n n of to s pply to those ha i g other form, s ch i formatio as is i an in nn n n v d mport ce, co ectio with the wood specime s, to gi e a fairly goo n n n I n n a u . an n cq ai ta ce with the trees represe ted t co tai s little, if y thi g, th n b u t ma u new e v . to bota ist, to others it is hoped it y be of some al e ’ I n its preparation some u se has been made of my father s Elements of F and n a re d u e u M s. o restry, tha ks the p blishers of that work essr ' - R C 85 Co . C n nn O u s e of u i n obert larke of i ci ati, hio for the c ts repro u o f u n O a u a n d u c i ng a n mber its ill stratio s . ther v l ble books of refere ce w Drs G W a nd B LeMaou t and v n . ha e bee the orks of ray, ood essey, ’ ’ s a n n t B n Dec aisnc s D v d A P . C S. S n e cripti e aly ical ota y, rof . arge t s the F T N A n tu n Vol I X o n . Report orest rees of orth merica (co sti ti g , ’ T n C n u Un S Mic heau x a nd Nu ttall s N e th e s s of the ited tates, orth ’ B E n T nd S u s o f Massac h Am an S v G . a u eric yl a , eorge merso s rees hr b ’ A J B n T . s D. etts, row e s rees of merica, etc T t h i w has n he au thentici y of t e timbers represented n this ork bee a. na n n a n on u r s u bject of perso l atte tio d special care the part of the a tho . T n v n identi fied i n fi eld e he trees selected for specime s ha e bee the , befor n w v flowers u one v n n felli g , hile the lea es, or fr it ( or more) ha e bee obtai and he c an n v u u n v m n able, , he ce, o ch for the a the ticity of e ery speci e n represe ted .
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