STEAMER TIME-TABL-E CHALMERS 1911 Waimea Stables Steamers To Arrive SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED Axf (f.,3nl)--Si.';!- r lire drop fot,;-I- k I HATH NAVII- 1KOM Up-to-da- Livery, Draving and 15 a inline Still lf and Auto July is Nippon M ini 'Frisco uiir.gc Livcrv Business. " 18 Zealandia Sydney Axle (reAr)-.- J .1',! tl.thr; !'iH niKic- ;;c. rhafia. unnciUr San Francisco ball bcaiiiis L"jii ,,5. STAGE-LIN- AUTOMOBILE E " 21 Chivo Main Hongkong g ban! on drive sWt, (liuni.'t.-r- , face. " 21 Makura Vancouver BETWEEN LI HUE and KEKAHA cxpa.idn.'g on who!, CHALMERS 1911 " 24 Sideria San Francisco dameter, lace. Aii btel.s ilouMo Leaving Lihuc every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. " 26 Lurline acting. Bearinp?--ru!- aruuilar ball ' ' i t.pc Leaving Kckaha every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 28 Sierra b,annys tiiioi:':iiit tnnning gear; filet t annular ball bearings 111 transmission anJ crank shaft. Sprinj--Kronl- . holf elliptic: rear, three-quart- elliptic. ARRIVING AT THEIR DESTINATION IN THREE HOURS Aug. 1 China l)pc Carburetor--- ! lnat feed, automobile type, hot water jacketed. St taring and gear type. 4 T renrl--5- U. S. T. Buford Manila Clearance 10 ipch,'s. 6 inches. W. WEBER Manager. ' 6; 5 Honolulan San Francisco ClutcH--Multii.- iic running i:i oil. Tirci 34x3 inch all around. Option of Morgan Wright ColorsChassis and underbody bUck with body and stripping or Continental. " 1 Telephone 4 W Waimea P. O. Box 48 6 Mongolia Enyli.h Verniilinn, Napier Green or Chilmcrs Blue. Trp.nsr.ii!,ion Selective sliding gear type, three speeds lorward 8 Manchuria San Francisco Drive Bevel tvo univer.d joints. Pres-.e- steel torque and rewr e. ataxias i i oKam n " arm. Valvea Nicttl steel, lare diameter. Hxheust valves at side; 8 Wilhchnina FramePre sed stcl, c!iannd section. inlet valves at top of cyiindeis. 11 America Maru Hongkong Gear Rr.tioSlaniliird 3 lo I. Whi cli 34 inch diameter, wood, artillery type. Real wheel ration I3o;ch M.iftnf!o. spoke bo!t"d to breke dmmr. 104 12 U. S. T. Sheridan Lubric.?.t!on--Contan- t level splash syt.-- operated by pump. Wheel base inches. San Francisco Sight Iced oa dadi. Seat Width, 37 indie-- ; dr. th, 19 inches. Home power26-30- . Leg Room 3i inciter. Kauai Garage Company 15 Sydiw.y Mamma MotorFour cylind rs ca.t en bloc; 4 inch bore, 4 Price $I31, (. o. b. , including Bosch magneto, gas iri.n-- , HAM-VOl'N- stroke. lamps, two cvKa tiie Pre;t O Lite tank and Chalmers top SUB -- FOR VON CO. Tel 15 Chiyo Maru Tel 600 AGENTS 600 Universal qciick detachable. with sida and front. San Francisco Rima cuitins storm Agents For IS Sierra , Peerless, Lozier. Pope-Hartf- d, Stevens-Duryea- , Buick. 18 Zealand i;t Vancouver ASSOCIATED GARAGE, LTD. , Stoddard-Dayton- , Overland, Hupniobile, Oldsmobile, Baker 19 Teiiyo Maru Hongkong FRANK K. HOWLS. Mana ;;:k . Klectric, Maxwell, Autocar. Everett, Thomas Flier. Hoxoi.rM' TRUCKS: Pope-Hartfor- d, Buick, Atterbury. 22 Piuyo Maru Valparaiso. GASOLINE Packard, dtnKt ajuxiff ntMn swb'jbijii ran j'uaw We have on hau l, 1 Model 17 Buck, 5 passenger touring . This 23 Lurline Sail Francisco develops 43. car is rated at 30 h. p. but actual Price 52,100. One 25 Persia Hongkong o a t second-han- d 1910 Cadillac "30" 5 passenger , fully equip- CWQ 2.H Mongolia ped. This car was formerly owned by C. H. Wilcox, is in good con- Francisco dition. Price$l,500. One model "Dr" Maxw.-l- 2 cylinder, 20 h. p. Sept. 2 Korea Hongkong Flags & Fire Works in good order. Price $500. 4 V. S. T. Sheman Manila Shoes supplies. is equip- Educator We cary a full line of anto Our garage fully '' 5 Maru $4 America ped for first-clas-s work. We respectfully solicit a Trial. big by San Francisco A stock received Are a treat for the feet. Made on 5 Honolulu a broad toe last with room for all S Maru Hongkong Wa!l-Nicho- Nippon !s & Co., Ltd. I 3336223!? five toes. This gives perfect rest 8 Sierra Sau Francisco HONOLULU 12 Tcnyo Maru " for the foot at all times. 12 l". S. T. I'n ford Coney Garage Co., Ltd. Send iii vour orders earl v. San Francisco They come in P.lack Gun 12 Makura Sydney ' K ! Metal. Calf. Vici Kid and Tan J. II. CONKV, Manager l.i Mamma Vancouver Russia, both in high and low AUTOM015ILKS TO PARTS OF ALL KAUAI 25 Kiyo Maru Hongkong cuts. DAY OR NIGHT. 17 Siberia S. E. LUCAS I Telephone 104 20 Lurliue San Francisco OPTICIAN When ordering, ;.dd cts. t) 22 China Hongkong PARISIAN Autos Machinery cover freight. and Light Repaired, Plumbing and Gas Fit 25 Korea San Francisco Automobile Supplies. Agents Eyes Examined and Te&ed ting. for the Kissel Kar, 29 Manchuria Hongkong Chalmers Detroit, Hudson, Craiiun, Logan Franklin, Truck, 2V Sierra San Francisco Satisfaction Guaranteed and Acetylene Lighting Colt Plant. I. S. A. Transports will leave for Prices Moderate Manufacturers9 Shoe Co., Agents for the I. I. STF;AM NAV. CO., Ltd.. Nawiliwili. Kauai San I'rancisco and Manila, and will I I.i m it i:i arrive from same ports at irregular Kioi Fhut Si'Ki'.r.r HoNoi.n.r Kauai intervals. Masonic Temple, Honolul antsa a M JKaa) WHtaa) .Steamers To Depart Coyne Company, Limited "K N AM li FOR Send us your OLD FADED PHOTOGRAPHS to be re- Furniture 18 Nippon Maru Hongkong Mrs. Annie Berg produced or enlarged. Satisfactory workmanship guaranteed. Alexander Young Building, Honolulu 18 Zealaudia Vancouver Nawiliwili. Kauai Artistic Picture Framing. Kodak Developing and Printing. FURNITURE OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS 19 Wilhelmina . c c Bureaus, Chiffoniers, Sideboards, Box San Francisco Couches, Mattresses, Ivtc. Ladies' and Gents' Clothes 21 Chiyo Maru " Ye Arts and Crafts Shop UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIRING Dry Cleaned and 21 Makura Sydney Pressed. HONOLULU 24 Siberia x Hongkong iS c c ,r. 1 China 1 Lurline San I'rancisco Ladies Fancy Clothes a Combination Offer 2 Sierra Specialty. 4 U. S. T Buford Garden IslandHawaiian Star ' San Francisco d Mongolia ' Both of these papers offered at slightly more than the price of 8 Manchuria Hongkong MISS KATE WOODARD REACH 1141 tort im- 1 1 America Maru (rl one. Everybody on Kauai knows the Garden Island. It is Stamping, Embroidery, Notions, proving with each issue, and is becoming more and more impor- San Francisco Dressmnking, Fancy Work, tant to readers and advertisers. Its subscription rate is two 12 U. S. T. Sheridan Shirt Waist and Underwear Baseball Goods dollars and fifty cents per year, postage paid. Manila Clove Cleaned 15 Mamma Vancouver The Hawaiian Star is now edited by Walter G. Smith and is 15 Honolulan San Francisco under an energetic management. It has lately established sold by all the leading 15 Chiyo Maru Hongkong are cable connection with San Francisco and Washington, while its Intellij 16 Wilhelmina Marine gence facilities for handling Honolulu and islands' news are unsur- stores in Hawaii Sau Francisco passed. The rate for the Daily is eight dollars per year. LlC.HTIIorsK ESTAI'.I.IS'.IMKNT 18 Zealaudia Sydney Oi rio: Of Tiik Insi-kto- 19th Our Clubbing Rate For Both One Year, Is $9.15; Six Months, $4.85 19 Tcnyo Maru District SEMI-WEEKL- San Francisco . 191 1. Or, the GARDEN ISLAND and Y STAR Ho.voi.'. i.t T. II., Julv 12. 23 Sierra " ' Local Noticic To MakiSi-iks- Theo. H. Ltd. One Year, For 25 Persia Davies&Co., $3.95c Hawaiian Islands Oahu Inland, 26 Buyo Maru Hongkong Sole Agents Addres: Lihue Kauai. S'ly side Honolulu Harbor Chan- THE GARDEN ISLAND, 28 Monogolia x nel Gas Buoy 0, reported extin- 29 Lurline San Franjisco for the Territory of Hawaii guished July s. relighted July pt. 2 Koi ea 11. The white hand lantern ' 4 U. S. T. Sherman Pill. exhibited from the buoy during the TKLKl'lIOXH 642 P. O. Box 54 San Francisco time it remained unlighted. was 5 America Maru Hongkong discontinued on tlu same date. The Reach Cork Center Ball HONOLULU SCRAP IRON CO. 8 Nippon Maru San Francisco r li . of L. 1 1 . N. to M. No. 5, C. II. BROWN, Manager 12'i'J 41 ny. was the Official Ball of 12 Teiiyo Maru Hongkong 1911, par, CGS Chart L. H. B. List of L'ghts, etc., Dealer in 12 L". S. T. Buford Manila Coast, p.dty, p. 52. Worlds Series 12 Makura Vancouver Pacific after No. SCRAP IRON, BRASS, COPPER, AND 258. 1.? Sau Fr, incise SECOND - HAND MACHINERY Siena l.i Honolulan L. H. B. List of Buoys, etc.. 12th Subdistrict, l9d'i, )i. tf.. HAI.KKAfll.A ST., NKAK El.lXTKIC PoWKK STATION'. l.i Mamma Sydney IS Kiyo Mara Yaljmmiso By or.ler of the Couuu'ssiMiKr of Lightho'.'.-e-- ,. REACH GOODS GUARANTEED 17 Siberia San Francisco 1.1 o SVliM 2d Per-i- .i Hongkong L'eiili nam, U. S. N ., -- 2 China San Francisco Light-Hous- e 25 Koiea Hongkong Inspector, P'th Dist. 1. .11 - - Per Stc.mier from llono- Parents are apt, to forget that' TRENT TRUST CO., Ltd. 20 Lurliue Sau I'rancisco - - - lulu, Frid ;y morning: A. B. Lind-jtlie- y were once young. A boy and HONOLULU 29 Manchuria A Mus-,uliiia- n General gained a girl go a d say, A. Lindsay. A. S. Wilcox and were once forbidden to to x Calling at Manila. tory over the Greeks and wif.-- . D. Conway, Allen Wilcox , dance on account of their youth, Member Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange xj Calling at Fanning Inland their leader. Ilivir...' sum- moned the pri-- - v-- into his tevt, Yamonioto, S. T. Starrett, V. wheti the boy chanced to say: "But uncertain. K. he as!;ed him what tivitmeut he A. Eug'e, Mar- -' on Campbell, Miss when you w ere young, did you net Real Estate, Insurance, Trusts ' ;pec'.ed from h's eonipie: or. "If B.Miclmann, H. 1'. Pntchard. go to dances?" "Oh yes," was war like a king." replied Master, "How was tlil- - v.i e yini make ...... WANTED-'Tw- o first-clas- s "re lease me: if ill in, ike the ready reply, "but now we see or three smashed, Mary.'" Marv I. ou agents on Kauai. !t like a trader, -- ell m.-- if you make the follv of it." please, sir, it tumbled do.', n ..nd it a butcher, slaughter me." like loy, broke itself ," Master "Humph! The Mussiniiian Geiuial see him The Garden Island father," said the $2.50!..,:; t'.K- - The ;.Mw.A; ' r.!; .i::'" to sve of it too."