Final Trials Report

2006 – 2009

Trials Office The Royal Horticultural Society Garden, Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 1 RHS Trial of Crocus, spring flowering

Introduction to Crocus, spring flowering

Genus of dwarf, cormous perennials with small, goblet shaped flowers made up of 6 tepals. are semi-erect with linear, lance shaped leaves which often have pale silvery central stripes. Crocus are widespread in Central and Southern Europe, North Africa, Middle East, Central Asia and Western China where they are found in a wide range of habitats including woodland, meadows and coastal regions.


The objectives of the trial were:

• To assess a range of currently available spring-flowering Crocus and • To recommend the Award of Garden Merit to taxa considered excellent for ordinary garden use • To determine correct nomenclature • To produce a permanent record through herbarium specimens, photographs and written descriptions for the RHS Herbarium at Wisley • To demonstrate the performance of this group to Wisley Garden visitors over a four year period, in a frame-yard and in the open ground


The Rock Garden Plant Trials Assessment Panel will assess entries in the trial for the Award of Garden Merit using the following criteria:

• Vigour • Resistance to disease • Impact • Flower • Foliage • Nomenclature


There were 155 entries in the trial submitted by various individuals and nurseries throughout the UK and Europe and from The Royal Botanical Gardens, Kew.

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 2 Cultivation

Corms were received in late summer/early autumn 2006 and were planted into 13cm lattice pots in the relevant soil type. Two different soil types were used, one for alkaline dry dormancy groups and one for acid/neutral moist/dry dormancy groups. Prior to planting, were dusted with a fungicidal powder to minimise disease and rot.

Soil Types Alkaline Dry Dormancy Acid/Neutral Moist/Dry Dormancy 2 parts John Innes No. 3 1 part John Innes No. 3 1 part leaf mould 2 parts leaf mould 1 part grit 1 part grit 8g/l Vitax Q4 8g/l Vitax Q4 1.7g/l Dolodust 0.28g/l Intercept 0.28g/l Intercept

In 2006 the Crocus were planted in the Alpine Frame Yard where the beds could be covered to prevent damage in severe weather. The beds were covered with fine chicken wire and dressed over with gravel to prevent damage to the corms by mice. Both the chicken wire and the covering to the bed prevented bird damage during this period.

In 2008, the entries were lifted from the Alpine Frame Yard in their lattice pots and plunged into a raised bed on the trials field. This bed was filled with a mixture of soil and grit and then dressed with a layer of gravel over the top.

Pest and Disease

The following pests and diseases were encountered during the trial: • Root rot and lesions – caused by Phytophthora citricola; Phytophthora cinnamomi and Pythium violae • Virus – Arabis Mosaic Virus and Iris Severe Mosaic Virus

Other Findings

C. biflorus subsp. Tauri flowered particularly well in 2009 due to the very cold winter. This was thought to be an excellent but is too dependent on cold winter temperatures to gain an AGM.

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 3 Public Vote

The public visiting the trials field were invited to vote for their favourite Crocus. Voting slips were available between 23rd February and 3rd March 2009. 21 cultivars were voted for during this time and these were distributed as follows:

Public Vote for Crocus

C. 'Jeanne d'Arc' 16.4

C. 'Margot' 13.4

'C. 'Little Amber' 10.4

C. tommasinianus un-named seedling 9.0

C. biflorus subsp. tauri 7.5

C. vernus x tommasinianus pale -flowered [JG6] 6.0

C. biflorus subsp. tauri 4.5

C. olivieri subsp. balansae 'Zwanenburg' 4.5

C. 'Zenith' 4.5

C. tommasinianus x vernus 'Pieta' 3.0

C. 'Ruby Giant' 3.0

C. × luteus 'Stellaris' 3.0

C. 'Dorothy' 3.0

C. × luteus 'Golden Yellow' AGM H4 1993 1.5

C. 'Lavender Striped' 1.5

C. tommasinianus [JG2] 1.5

C. 'Ego' 1.5

C. malyi 1.5

C. 'Vanguard' 1.5

C. 'Goldilocks' 1.5

C. 'Ard Schenk' 1.5

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 14.0 16.0 18.0 % of Votes

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 4 Plants Receiving AGMs During Trial

The following are the plants thought to fulfil the Award of Garden Merit criteria during the trial and to be worthy of receiving the award. The criteria which a plant needs to fulfil in order to receive the award are:

• excellent for ordinary garden use • available from nurseries • reasonably resistant to pests and diseases • of good constitution • essentially stable in form and colour • reasonably easy to grow

Hardiness ratings are as follows:

H4 – hardy throughout the British Isles

Plants Awarded AGM

Crocus angustifolius ‘Bronze Beauty’ AGM (H4) 2010 [Trial No. 3] votes 10-0 Flowers January to March

Pale yellow flowers with purple veining and feathering and orange styles. “Long flowering period and hold flowers well. Distinctive colour combination.”

Sender: Mr J Rukšāns

Crocus etruscus ‘Zwanenburg’ AGM (H4) 2010 [Trial No. 136] votes 10-0 Flowers January to March

Violet flowers becoming almost white at base with paler feathering and veining and orange styles. “Attractive soft violet flowers of even form. Good garden plant.”

Sender: Jacques Amand International

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 5

Crocus ‘Goldilocks’ AGM (H4) 2010 [Trial No. 20] votes 14-0 Flowers January to March

Golden yellow flowers with greyed-brown blotch in centre and red-orange styles. “Good constitution and increases well. Known to cope well on clay soils also.”

Sender: Mr J Zweeris

Crocus x luteus ‘Stellaris’ AGM (H4) 2010 [Trial No. 62 & 71] votes 14-0 Flowers December to March

Bright golden yellow flowers with bold purple- black stripes and yellow filaments. “Very attractively coloured flowers which appear before leaves have fully developed. Increases well.”

Sender: Mr B Mathew & Mr J Zweeris

Reconfirmed AGMs

Crocus chrysanthus ‘Zwanenburg Bronze’ AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 41] votes 10-0 Flowers December to March

Dark reddish-brown flowers with yellow inner surface and edges and orange styles. “An excellent garden plant that has been around for decades. Early flowering. Suffered some frost damage in the very cold snap in early 2010.”

Sender: Mr J Zweeris

Crocus corsicus AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 170] votes 11-0 Flowers January to March

White flowers with violet inner surface and purple stripes. “Very attractive and highly floriferous. Has proven its worth as a garden plant over many years.”

Sender: RBG Kew

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 6

Crocus flavus subsp. flavus AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 39, 42, 43, 44 & 45] votes 12-0 Flowers December to March

Golden yellow flowers with paler yellow filaments. “Highly floriferous with attractive flowers. Establishes well in light soil and seeds widely although this leads to tonal variation in colour.”

Sender: Mr J Zweeris

Crocus malyi AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 67 & 75] votes 13-0 Flowers January to March

White flowers with greyish-purple and yellow base and orange styles. “Very attractive flower which grows well in the garden. Best on alkaline soil.”

Sender: RBG Kew & Mr J Rukšāns

Crocus sieberi ‘Bowles White’ syn of ‘Albus’ AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 128, 144 & 145] votes 14-0 Flowers January to March

White flowers with egg yolk yellow base to the petals and orange filaments. “Excellent garden plant. Produces large numbers of attractive flowers with rich, golden- yellow throats.”

Sender: Broadleigh Gardens, Jacques Amand International & RHS Plant Centre

Crocus ‘Snow Bunting’ AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 29 & 34] votes 14-0 Flowers December to February

White flushed buff flowers with dark purple longitudinal streaks and bright orange styles. “Floriferous and attractive. A good garden plant which has proven its worth over many years.”

Sender: Avon Bulbs & Mr J Zweeris

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 7

Crocus tommasinianus AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 86-9, 93-101, 103-5, 110 & 139-40] votes 11-0 Flowers December to March

Violet to purple flowers with silvery grey to white base and orange-yellow filaments and styles. “Attractive, vigorous garden plant guaranteed to give a good display. Seed and hybridise freely giving a wide range if shades.”

Sender: Avon Bulbs, Broadleigh Gardens, Dr J Grimshaw, Jacques Amand International, Mr B Mathew, Mr J Rukšāns, RBG Kew & RHS Plant Centre

Crocus x luteus ‘Golden Yellow’ AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 138] votes 14-0 Flowers December to March

Golden yellow flowers with central brown feathered stripes and golden yellow filaments. “Cheerful, bright coloured flowers. Robust garden plant.”

Sender: Jacques Amand International

Awarded AGM Subject to Availability

The following entries have been recommended for the AGM but cannot receive the award until they are available to the public in retail catalogues. It is the responsibility of the sender to inform the Trials Office at Wisley that all queries have been resolved.

Crocus ‘Margot’ AGM (H4) 2010 [Trial No. 119] votes 13-0 Flowers January to March

White flowers with central pale yellow flush from base to tip and pale orange-yellow filaments. Inner tepals are violet with fine white margins. “Good vigorous garden plant with attractive contrast between outer and inner tepals. Very distinct.”

Sender: Rev. Blakeway-Phillips Jacques Amand prepared to take up and make available

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 8

Crocus ‘Midas Touch’ AGM (H4) 2010 [Trial No. 21] votes 9-3 Flowers January to March

Orangey-cream flowers, golden yellow at the base, with orange-yellow filaments. “Increases well and has a distinctive soft yellow colour. Held widely by collectors but not yet available in the trade.”

Sender: Mr A Edwards Jacques Amand prepared to take up and make available

The following previously awarded Awards of Garden Merit were not reconfirmed and will be considered during the Sunset Review 2012.

Crocus ‘Ladykiller’ AGM (H4) 1993 [Trial No. 23] Sender: Avon Bulbs

Open Day

A Crocus open day was held at RHS Wisley Garden on 26th February 2008 and was attended by approximately 100 people. The open day was chaired by Captain Peter Erskine and included talks by John Grimshaw, Roger Holland and Janis Rukšāns along with living exhibits from the National Collection at Wisley and Herbarium specimens.

Herbarium Exhibits

Crocus sieberi ‘Albus’ (purple spring crocus) Exhibited by E A Bowles on 26 From a field at Hulme nr Manchester January 1937 and granted Award of April 1879 Merit. Painting by Edward Augustus

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 9 The Talks

Dr John Grimshaw – Head Gardener of Colesbourne Garden.

Dr Grimshaw outlined the Crocus which he would recommend for growing in the garden:

Spring Flowering: C. vernus; C. tomassinianus; C. chrysanthus; C. flavus Autumn Flowring: C. pulchellus; C. speciosus; C. kotschyanus; C. medius

He also recommended types of crocus suitable for growing in pots due to the different conditions from which they originate:

1. Damp growing: Found in high alpine regions, wet and cold, short growing season – very difficult to grow. Compost has to be damp at all times, especially when dormant e.g. C. vitellinus. Don’t grow well in S England but do well in Scotland e.g. C. x elistericos and C. scardicus.

2. Normal: C. cyprius is just too small to be grown in a garden.

3. Dry growing: Grow in semi-desert, short growing season, mainly from Israel, Jordan, Syria, extremities of Turkey – very difficult to grow. Crocus moabiticus from Moab, Jordan, almost extinct in the wild. Has wonderful feathering on all the tepals with a grey-white background. Few crocus are in fact frost tender but some from the Levant are, e.g. C vitellinus.

Roger Holland -

A tribute was made to E A Bowles, member of the RHS from 1897 until his death in 1954. In 1900 he was elected to the Scientific Committee and in 1908 served on RHS Council. In 1924 he published A handbook of Colchicums and Crocus which was the standard work until Brian Mathew’s The Crocus of 1982. The Myddleton House Society was founded in memory of E A Bowles’ good works and value to the surrounding community. A crocus was named in his honour: ‘Bowles White’ = C. sieberi var albus.

Bowles was a crocus enthusiast. He particularly liked crocus with rounded, gourd- shaped flowers and mid-blue feathering on the segments. He raised 16 cultivars, with a heavy, honey perfume, but now only four cultivars are still available:

• ‘Snow Bunting’ – good and cheap to buy; best known and most vigorous; exterior with a slightly cream tinge and feathering. • ‘Kittiwake’ – smaller than ‘Snow Bunting’’ cultivate in a frame. • ‘Blue Jay’ – one known collection in Denmark. • ‘Myddelton Cream’ - Ray Cobb March 1954 noticed this a few months before EAB died, he gave a few corms to Alan Edwards c. 1998. Flowered in 2001and given name ‘Myddelton Cream’; awarded Certificate of Preliminary Commendation from Rock Garden Plant Committee, February 2001.

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 10

The Panel: (L to R) Peter Erskine; David Stephens; John Grimshaw; Janis Rukšāns

Janis Rukšāns

The well known plantsman, bulb expert and nurseryman from Latvia, who had flown in especially for the day, gave an illustrated talk on the crocus he had seen and photographed in some very inhospitable regions of the world.

Turkish trip in 2007 Jatu: C ancyrensis – unbranched , yellow flower C olivieri – branched stigma, yellow flower

Lake Abant: C abantensis range of colours from white to blue/mauve C biflorus subsp pulchricolor (? Indistinguishable from biflorus tauri) C fleischeri – form with purple stripes on back of tepals

S W Anatolia: C biflorus subsp atrospermus C antalyensis – long neck underground (up to 20cm) C biflorus subsp. isauricus – grey/black connective and intensely orange throat

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 11 Trial Index and Senders Details

Crocus, spring flowering 2006 – 2010 No. Name Sender 1 C. 'Aubade' Mr J Zweeris 2 C. angustifolius, from Oreanda, Crimea Mr J Rukšāns 3 C. angustifolius 'Bronze Beauty' Mr J Rukšāns 4 C. ancyrensis 'Golden Bunch' RHS Plant Centre 5 C. ancyrensis RBG Kew 7 C. biflorus subsp. Nubigena Mrs E Pasche 8 C. biflorus subsp. Tauri Mr J Rukšāns 9 C. 'Advance' 'Dorothy' RHS Plant Centre 10 C. biflorus subsp. crewei Mrs E Pasche 11 C. chrysanthus 'Charmer' Mr J Rukšāns 12 C. chrysanthus 'Blue Dream' Mr J Rukšāns C. biflorus subsp. weldenii 'Fairy' 13 RHS Plant Centre Mixed 'Ladykiller' & 'Zwanenburg Bronze' 14 C. 'Blue Bird' Broadleigh Gardens 15 C. chrysanthus 'Ard Schenk' W H de Goede 16 C. 'Dorothy' Mr J Zweeris 18 C. 'E.P. Bowles' Mixed 'Dorothy' & 'Goldilocks' Avon Bulbs 19 C. 'Elegance' Mr J Zweeris 20 C. 'Goldilocks' Mr J Zweeris 21 C. 'Midas Touch' Mr A Edwards 22 C. 'Jeannine' Mr J Zweeris 23 C. 'Ladykiller' AGM (H4) 1993 Avon Bulbs 25 C. chrysanthus 'Goldmine' Mr J Rukšāns 28 C. chrysanthus biflorus 'Serevan' Mr J Zweeris 29 C. 'Snow Bunting' AGM (H4) 1993 Avon Bulbs 30 C. chrysanthus 'Snow Crystal' Mr J Rukšāns 32 C. 'Zenith' Mr J Zweeris 33 C. 'Vanguard' AGM (H4) 2005 Broadleigh Gardens 34 C. 'White Triumphator' 'Snow Bunting' Mr J Zweeris 35 C. chrysanthus 'Uschak Orange' Mr J Rukšāns 36 C. dalmaticus Mr J Rukšāns 37 C. dalmaticus 'Petrovac' Mr J Zweeris

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 12 39 C. flavus subsp. flavus 'Aureus' Mr J Zweeris 40 C. 'Spring Pearl' Mr J Zweeris 41 C. chrysanthus 'Zwanenburg Bronze' AGM (H4) 1993 Mr J Zweeris 42 C. flavus subsp. flavus 'Lactaeus' Mr J Zweeris 43 C. flavus subsp. flavus sulphorus concolor Mr J Zweeris 44 C. flavus subsp. flavus *JZ1 'Lactaeus' Mr J Zweeris 45 C. flavus subsp. flavus 'Lutescens' Mr J Zweeris 46 C. imperati RBG Kew 47 C. imperati subsp. suaveolens Mr J Zweeris 48 C. imperati subsp. suaveolens Mr A Edwards 50 C. flavus flavus disectus graveolens Mr J Zweeris 51 C. fleischeri Mr J Rukšāns 52 C. korolkowii 'Kiss of Spring' Mr J Rukšāns 53 C. korolkowii 'January Gold' W H de Goede 54 C. korolkowii 'Golden Nugget' Mr J Zweeris 55 C. korolkowii 'Dark Throat' Mr J Rukšāns 56 C. korolkowii 'Mountains Glory' Mr J Rukšāns 57 C. korolkowii 'Varzob' Mr J Rukšāns 58 C. korolkowii 'Yellow Tiger' Mr J Rukšāns 59 C. korolkowii kosaninii 'April View' W H de Goede 60 C. korolkowii RBG Kew 61 C. korolkowii 'Lucky Number' Mr J Rukšāns 62 C. × luteus 'Stellaris' Mr J Zweeris 63 C. × jessoppiae Mr J Rukšāns 64 C. leichtlinii DS 98-26 Mr A Edwards 65 C. laevigatus B Mathew 66 C. olivieri subsp. balansae 'Zwanenburg' Mr J Zweeris 67 C. malyi RBG Kew 68 C. malyi 'Ballerina' RHS Plant Centre 69 C. malyi 'Sveti Roc' Mr J Rukšāns 70 C. laevigatus Mr J Zweeris 71 C. × luteus 'Stellaris' B Mathew 72 C. reticulatus subsp. reticulatus Mrs E Pasche 73 C. reticulatus subsp. reticulatus Mr J Rukšāns 74 C. olivieri subsp. olivieri Mr J Rukšāns

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 13 75 C. malyi Mr J Rukšāns 76 C. reticulatus × angustifolius 'Ego' Mr J Rukšāns 77 C. reticulatus × angustifolius 'Janis Rukšāns' Mr J Rukšāns 78 C. reticulatus × angustifolius 'Little Amber' Mr J Rukšāns 79 C. reticulatus × angustifolius 'Nida' Mr J Rukšāns 80 C. olivieri subsp. balansae Mixed Mr J Rukšāns 81 C. sieberi subsp. sieberi 'Cretan Snow' Mr J Rukšāns 82 C. reticulatus × angustifolius 'Alionka' Mr J Rukšāns 83 C. sieberi 'George' Mr J Rukšāns 84 C. sieberi subsp. atticus 'Firefly' Broadleigh Gardens 86 C. tommasinianus RBG Kew 87 C. tommasinianus Broadleigh Gardens 88 C. tommasinianus 'Barr's Purple' RHS Plant Centre 89 C. tommasinianus f. albus 'Albus' RHS Plant Centre 90 C. sieberi RBG Kew 91 C. sieberi subsp. sublimis 'Michael Hoogs Memory' Mr J Rukšāns 93 C. tommasinianus 'Lilac Beauty' Mr J Zweeris 94 C. tommasinianus *JG1 Dr J Grimshaw 95 C. tommasinianus *JG 2 Dr J Grimshaw 96 C. tommasinianus *JG3 Dr J Grimshaw 97 C. tommasinianus 'Ruby Giant' Broadleigh Gardens 98 C. tommasinianus *JG 4 Dr J Grimshaw 99 C. tommasinianus *JG5 Dr J Grimshaw 100 C. tommasinianus 'Lavender Striped' Mr J Rukšāns 101 C. tommasinianus 'Pink Pictus' B Mathew 102 C. 'Jeanne d'Arc' W H de Goede 103 C. tommasinianus var. roseus 'Roseus' Avon Bulbs 104 C. tommasinianus 'Whitewell Purple' Broadleigh Gardens 105 C. tommasinianus 'Whitewell Purple' RBG Kew 107 C. vernus subsp. vernus RBG Kew 108 C. vernus subsp. vernus Mrs E Pasche 109 C. vernus subsp. vernus No.43 RBG Kew 110 C. tommasinianus *BM1 B Mathew 111 C. vernus B Mathew 113 C. heuffelianus × 'Carpathian Wonder' Mr J Rukšāns

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 14 114 C. heuffelianus × 'Brian Duncan' Mr J Rukšāns 115 C. heuffelianus from Carpathes Orientales Mr J Rukšāns 116 C. heuffelianus × 'Wildlife' Mr J Rukšāns 117 C. vernus subsp. vernus 'Croatia' Mr J Rukšāns 118 C. vernus subsp. vernus 'Oradea' Mr J Rukšāns 119 C. 'Margot' Rev. Blakeway-Phillips 120 C. vernus subsp. vernus var. scepusiensis Mr J Rukšāns 121 C. versicolor 'Picturatus' Mr J Zweeris 122 C. versicolor Mr J Rukšāns 123 C. vernus × tommasinianus 'Pieta' Dr J Grimshaw 124 C. tommasinianus × vernus, pale *JG6 Dr J Grimshaw 126 C. versicolor 'Picturatus' RBG Kew 127 C. 'Prins Claus' Broadleigh Gardens 129 C. pestalozzae Dix Export 130 C. biflorus subsp. tauri Dix Export 131 C. 'Gipsy Girl' Floral Fireworks 132 C. 'E.P. Bowles' Mixed 'Dorothy' & 'Goldilocks' Floral Fireworks 133 C. 'Blue Pearl' AGM (H4) 1993 Floral Fireworks 134 C. vitellinus Dix Export 136 C. etruscus 'Zwanenburg' Jacques Amand International 137 C. korolkowii Jacques Amand International 138 C. × luteus 'Golden Yellow' AGM (H4) 1993 Jacques Amand International 139 C. tommasinianus 'Whitewell Purple' Jacques Amand International 140 C. tommasinianus 'Barr's Purple' Jacques Amand International 141 C. flavus Capt P Erskine 142 C. tommasinianus × vernus, white flowered sport of 123 Dr J Grimshaw 143 C. olivieri subsp. olivieri, broad-leaved sport of 74 Mr J Rukšāns 144 C. sieberi 'Bowles' White' syn of 'Albus' RHS Plant Centre 145 C. sieberi 'Bowles' White' syn of 'Albus' Jacques Amand International 157 C. kosaninii Mr J Rukšāns 158 C. veluchensis 'White Night' Mr J Rukšāns 159 C. veluchensis 'Nights of Rhodop' Mr J Rukšāns 170 C. corsicus AGM (H4) 1993 RBG Kew 171 C. minimus RBG Kew 172 C. minimus var. 'Bavella' Mr A Edwards N.B Names that are struck through have been checked by RHS Botanists

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 15

Sender Details

Avon Bulbs, Burnt House Farm, Mid Lambrook, South Petherton, Somerset TA13 5HE B Matthew, c/o Trial Office, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB Broadleigh Gardens, Barr House, Bishops Hull, Taunton, Somerset TA4 1AE Capt P Erskine, c/o Trials Office, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB Dix Export B.V., Leidsevaartweg 46, 2106 NA Heemstede, The Netherlands Dr J Grimshaw, c/o Trials Office, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB Dr J Rukšāns, Bulb Nursery, Vecpulkas, PO Stalbe, LV-4151 Cesis, Latvia E Pasche, Germany, c/o Trials Office, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB Floral Fireworks, Burnt House Farm, Mid Lambrook, South Petherton, Somerset TA13 5HE J Zweeris, 1 Renestraat 34, 1756 AK Zand, The Netherlands Jacques Amand International, The Nurseries, Clamp Hill, Stanmore, Middlesex HA7 3JS Mr A Edwards, c/o Trials Office, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB Mrs E Parker-Jervis, Mill Barn, Longworth, Abingdon, Oxon OX13 5EJ Rev. Blakeway-Phillips, 61 Long Row, Latchford Lane, Great Haseley, Oxon OX44 7LE RHS Plant Centre, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey, GU23 6QB Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB W H de Goede, Middenweg 10B, 1764 KM Breezand, The Netherlands

Crocus Spring Flowering Final Report 2009 - Trial 1202 16

Source: Horticultural Trials and Relations, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey GU23 6QB E-mail: [email protected]

More information about RHS Trials and other colour illustrated reports can be found on the RHS Website:

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