149°30'E 150°00'E 150°30'E 151°00'E S S

' 149°20'E 149°25'E 149°35'E 149°40'E 149°45'E 149°50'E 149°55'E 150°05'E 150°10'E 150°15'E 150°20'E 150°25'E 150°35'E 150°40'E 150°45'E 150°50'E 150°55'E 151°05'E '

0 L 0 4 4 #

° L °  # 1 Billy Rock 21-341 Middle L 1 Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks 2  Douglas Island (NP) W 21-396 L L 21-829c 21-829a 2 21-344 Island (NP) Rescue h

21-312 ite Boat Islet 21-395  y 

Ridge Island (NP) 21-354 Normanby Rock 21-389 Bay s Bay North East L a ! 21-345 L L # Greenhill 21-397 West Spur B Island (NP)

E r  '  Torch Shoal u East Spur

0 21-398 21-394 p 21-826

 0 Zoning 21-347 Paxton Shoal S 21-399  8

 21-346 . #  8 # 5 °

 9 Percy  4 21-827 21-313 L 1 #   Smythe Shoals  # MAP 14 - Shoalwater Bay  Connor Island (NP) 21-349a   Rocky Shelf 21-348 21°43.680'S # Howard Islet (NP) Bay GREAT BARRIER REEF MARINE PARK 21-828  21-401

  # a b  Shag Rock L Middle Rock S Yarrawonga L S ' Williams Shoal MACKAY / CAPRICORN MANAGEMENT AREA ' # 5 21-314 Point 21-350 21-352 21-353  Sullivan Rock 21-404 5 4  South Island L 4 ° Hixson Islet (NP) 21-406a ° 1 21°45.266'S NORTHUMBERLAND 21-402 L South East Islets (NP) 1 2 (NP) 2  Stony Shoal  21-406 h # 21-403

c  21-351 Emily Patches Isles a

E  e # ' 21-349b

B 1

0 # MNP-21-1141

e 8 l i

.  #

7 M

2 r

 °

MNP-21-1147 u

9 o 4

1 F L Lower Rock L Bates Rock 21-409 L Sail Rock

 21-355 21-410 21°48.554'S Bedwell # Innes Island (NP) 21-356 MNP-21-1146 E

21-315 ' ´  5 Ethel Sand 9 L c Scale 1 : 250 000

West (NP) 1 S  21-801 S

. 21-357 '  ' 2 0 21-316 George Island (NP) 0 4 5 21-358a Poynter Island (NP) 5 ° °  North Patch L 21-359 °

9 0 5 10 15 20 km 1 21-360a 1 2 2 21-361 4 E 1 ' 21-802

3   # 21°50.607'S 7 Calliope Island (NP)  4 21-358b . L South Sail Rock   1 21-360b 21-411 4 Hannah Rock E Alexandra Reefs 21°51.385'S L ' WEST HILL ° 0 5 10 n mile 2 9 21-412 CORAL E E 7

South Patch '

21-362 ' NATIONAL PARK 4

 9 Group 6 1 4 .

21-363 3 4 Map Projection: Unprojected Geographic 9 E E 5 6 ' ' 5

 . . ° 9 4 5  2 Horizontal Datum: Geocentric Datum of 1994 1 9 0 5  0 5 0 5 °


. . Glasgow Rock L # 1 9 0 B 21°52.875'S 7 8 4 5 21-413 R 0 0 1 1 U ° ° C  0 0 ! E  e 5 5 g Lake Shoals 1 1 sa Map 10 Map 11 21-364 s CORAL Drumfish Shoal 21°54.137'S a 21-365a P SEA S S

' 21°54.589'S '

5 L 5

 LLL Jeffreys Rocks

5  5 #

° b b LL ° w 21-415 Map 13 1  1 o 2  r a  2 r Bamborough Island ! Fanning Shoal a Red (NP) Boomerang Shoals 21-414 Mackay Map 12

N 21°55.800'S  21-366 21-367 ge 21-368  21°55.965'S #  ssa Coquet Island (NP) Pa b L High ff 21-417 19 ge L

li Middle Shoal  4 a E ' C 1- s # Peak L Beware Rocks E Duke s 1 8 Flat ' 2 High Peak  d 21-369 k Pa -42 L 7 3 Islet

Re L 21-370 a oc 21 Low Rock 6 5 R ) # Island (NP) L  L   ll P . 1 i s 21-416 2 . T N Bald Island Reef Island L Holt Shoal e c L nte t ( 21-428a d 4

 West Reef g 21°57.414'S d 8 e

Morning 21-372 Half Tide Rock o l L L s Osprey Rock ° 21-375 # 21-373 a North 0 M r I 0  21-374 s °  a s 21-376 rk 5 Cay 0 21-420 a la o L 1

Channel Island (NP) 5 M P o Allandale Island (NP) E L Aquila Island (NP) 1 # 21-371  Avoid Island  21-377 '  LBlack Rock 21-422 21-378 21-379 8 21-424 Barnett Rock SEA Map 15  ISLANDS 4 Hunter Island L 21-429 l Berwick Map 14 Park Shoal 8 Eagle Islet (NP) 21-423c

 .   e  Falcon Island 21-418f  Little Island n Race 21-380 5 Island (NP) n Turn Island (NP) 21-381 0 b e b Morpeth Island (NP) °

21-379 a Rocks L Shields Island (NP) # 21-431  Gull Cay 0 a 21-430 S  Escape  h 21-382  L  a Marble Island # S 5 ' 21-383 Point Islands 22-030 '

22-002 C 1 0 Cay 21-384 (NP) a 21-423a 0

0 b 0

°      6   ° 21-803 t 2 2  L 2 Tornado 22°00.268'S e Tynemouth Island e b c 4 l Tweed Island (NP) 2 2 L E - 3 e a ' # s F Wild Duck Island (NP) 1 I 2 d R 3 e 21-425 Danger Island (NP)      g Alnwick Island (NP) 22-069 ! l 2 4 a 3 sa Snake Cays 22-003 s n -

t 8 a 22-033 22-031 Isles o 1 L . P

E r

 L ' 2 n I 22-001 c i Infelix Islets (NP) 1  Isles   Rothbury

b 6

5 Map 17 a 20-005 # !

 3 Rocks Is ° Brooks Shoal Hexham Island (NP) #

2 M Island (NP) L 9 H . l 22-008 L 22-032 a 4 Table Rock I 8    L Two Round Rocks Otterbourne Island (NP) L  G 22-004a n 1 22-070 W 3 d 22-039

° e 22-035 H t g 22-034 9 n a L Black Swan Rock W e i Barren Island (NP) s Steep Island (NP) 4  o   s   s North Point Cays P 22-025

1 a A P !  t 22-007 22-009 P (NP) 22-036 Y a 22°02.751'S Gladstone s l INDEX TO ADJOINING MAPS s  L North Point ar 22-037 Roundish Island (NP) a Gannet Rock e g P

22-010 e 22-011 South #      # ek h Barren # Cre  ort H  N Obstruction Shoals Island (NP) u C Comet Rock t L E ' h 22-013 22-012 S S  Rat Tail Sand 22-006 9 ' Double Rocks '

a 9 5  5 n 22-801 7 L LEGEND 0 0 L .

° n 22-021a ° 8 Cheviot 2 e L 2 2 2 2 l  °   22-021b L Island (NP) 0 Marine Park boundary 2 5 # 22-071 1

Sand Bank 02 Sound Channel # Tail RockL 2- Broad CP-22-4096  Bay 2 8 22-023 ck 01 o 2- (NP) Great Barrier Reef Marine Park C  R 2

o s ) 22°06.741'S a ow P Pier Head  l  rr (N  Management Area boundary

Is a d ! l L N n Clairview Flock Pigeon Island (NP) a sla Arthur Point 2 n I L MNP-21-1146 2 d Long e 22-015 - id L Bommie / rock

 22-017 0(N T 

2 4 P Island #   )  McEwen Island (NP) 22-019c e ay  22°08.428'S g e B 22-015 a Quail g Reef Flat   s  a  West Side Island (NP)  s an  a Island t Pilot Reef 22-020  P S Stanage Point Donovan Shoal 22-016 22-802 22-040 e Indicative Reef boundary  22°09.425'S  l  S S ' '

 d 0 0



1 1 No Sh#ipping °   M °

2 2 2 Clairview # L Leake Rock 2 Shipping Designated Shipping Area boundary  d  Cannibal 22-072   n Bluff 22-014 u L North Rock 22-041 22°10.890'S o N Broad S o d Coastline    r  an t Mumford Island (NP) l h d Is White Shoal 22-042 an l e 4    22-055  Is ap 5 22-803 le C -0 River   L L p 7 22 Cape Townshend (NP) ip E White Rocks 4

' Holt Island (NP)  Ten Pin Rock  R -0

0 Turn Shoal 2 22-043 22-045 2 # 4 22-019a 22-050 ay 4 22-044 B MNP-21-1141

. Sound    ply Mangrove  1   W 22-046 up

 5  Collins Island S e

° Harrison  s 9  t  22-052b  

4 Five Trees  Lingham Island (NP) Island Backshore  1    22-049 Cay (NP) 22-048  2a    

05 ) 22-051 e - g y 2 P Group

S    S

' 22°14.589'S t 2 N ' Population centre (to scale) ( c a

5      5

 s d  2 # Mangrove r n d 5 s 1 i L 1  C a n 0

° l °  la - s h h Is 2 2 Island (NP) s 2 North Red Bluff a I 2 a ! 2 T e 2  E i a   ' n 22-019b n n iz l Leicester Island P Population centre (symbolised)    1 n l  TORILLA e A E e  Long  Broome Head 9 l n 22-053  5

Raynham Island E

 .  n  One Fathom Patch a ' 9 South Red Bluff 22-026 Blind Rock h 22-073 5 0 4 Minor road (unsealed)

° C    22-057  5

  . 0 e 3 Bank 5 L o

k Rocky Island 4 e 1 Osborn Island n

re ° 22-806 a #         0 C Skull 22-056 th C TOWNSHEND    r 5

Mangrove Island o 1 Major road (sealed) 22-804 22°17.657'S   N  ISLAND 22°17.940'S 22-805  Clara Bryant Rock e  L Dove Point a National Park / Conservation Tenure c    Island Sun Island 22-059 Edward Island  22°18.264'S n e e 22-038 22-061 22-060 E

' g r L   Reef Point   9 Marquis a CP-22-4097 E Sunset Rock 22-166 s Special Management Area 3 w ' Crane s

2 6 a # Swan Island . Island a L 8 Island Bluff Island 5  P Island Head 22°19.463'S S S

7 Madonald Point ' 22-062 22-063b ' 2 . Bay Island 22-064 22-063c Species Conservation 0 0    °  22-078 t  2   Islands Earl Banks 2 2 0 S 4 ° Round Rock   ° 5 ° L Master Rocks 22-167 ( Protection) boundary 2 2 1 9 L e

2 22-065a 2 4 Pelican Rock 22-058 id

1 L

!  22°20.658'S  22-074   T 22-814 

y I Clara Group e s

St Lawrence erl C West b

v    l 22-075 a r a ee  Connor Rock  

W k 22°21.363'S Turtle Island g n THIS MAP IS INDICATIVE ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR 4. Reefs, shoals and islands within the Great Barrier Reef Marine E Round Rock Ledges n Brown Rock

' 22-066    Bight Akens Island ro d

22-027 5 t 22-065 S 22-076 # NAVIGATIONAL PURPOSES. Park are numbered west to east within one-degree bands. They are  0 PENINSULA 22-067   8 . c H NOTES: prefixed with the latitude at the top of the band in which they lie. 4 e  5         Hervey ° a a 1. The purpose of this map is to help interpret the Great Barrier Reef A centre point is used to determine the appropriate one-degree band d E 9 Charon Point d ' 4 H Triangular Island 2 Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 and the Marine Parks (Great Barrier for features straddling parallels. Following the latitude band is the 1   7

Rosewood e 22-077b Islands 9   C . 22-028 r Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004. The zone boundaries shown on this numeric unique reef identifier. In addition, complex reef areas carry

b 9 r

e 5   e  r    ° map are indicative only. Sub IDs in the form of alphabetic letters. t e y Island Sabina Point Split 0 l k g 5 While care has been taken to illustrate zone boundaries as accurately 5. Islands, or parts of islands that form part of are not o   22°24.070'S 1 o  Island

H as possible, users must refer to Schedule 1 of the Great Barrier Reef owned by the Commonwealth, and are not part of the Great Barrier Shoalwater 22-079 # S S ' ' E '

5  5 E WARGINBURRA 1 Marine Park Zoning Plan 2003 and Schedule 1 of the Marine Parks Reef Marine Park.

e ' 2    2     6 22°24.907'S h ° ° 1 8 7 2 Dome Island 2 . (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 for precise boundary T 6. The information displayed is held in the Great Barrier Reef Marine 2 2 9  6 . Pearl Bay 22-080 4 8 descriptions. Park Authority Geospatial Data Library. This includes data provided C ° 2

   0 r  °  e Bay 5 2. Zone identifiers indicate the zone type, latitude and number of by Geoscience Australia National Mapping Division (including the 0 Delcomyn

e 1 5 PENINSULA k 22-068 22-081

   1  er Island each zoned area. Zones numbered on this map: GEODATA product) and the Australian Hydrographic Office. Land iv    R 22-082 CP - Conservation Park Zone tenure was derived from data supplied by the Queensland Department   22°26.960'S B - Buffer Zone of National Parks, Sport and Racing, 19 July 2016.    MNP-22-1151  Ranken # SR - Scientific Research Zone 7. While every effort has been made to show all features necessary to Island Perforated Poin MNP - Marine National Park Zone make this map a useful general reference, map users are invited to Woods Island t 22-809   22-029     P - Preservation Zone advise the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority of any errors, 3. The Great Barrier Reef Marine Parks include the water column, x 2 Entrance omissions or other suggestions that would enhance this product.  y  2 t 2 - 2 8 Island the subsoil beneath the seabed to a depth of 1000 metres below the Contact details are shown overleaf, or email to: S       - 1 8 5 Port 1 22-083 seabed and the airspace to 915 metres above the surface. [email protected]

S 0 S ' '

0 Clinton 0 3 # 3 E

°       ° W ' 1

2    2

e 1 2 2

s Black 1 t rvation Rock 22-816 . Ea e 5 st Rock L s    C 5 b re 22-163 °

e 22-162 L 0 k W O L 5

  a  1 t L  IMPORTANT NOTE FOR INTERTIDAL ZONE     er L Launch Rocks 22-164 L 22-165 Queensland State Marine Park Conservation Park zoning applies between L      Creek Rock Cape Clinton 22°32.291'S   high and low water in the vicinity of Sabina Point, Macdonald Point and 22-817 # Bamborough Island. Queensland State Marine Park General Use zoning  applies between high and low water in the vicinity of Charon Point.     H Quoin Island e  Queensland State Marine Park Marine National Park zoning and Habitat a  22-149   d    m Protection zoning applies between high and low water on Townshend Island r S S ' A ' 5 5

3 and Leicester Island which are Commonwealth Islands. Users must refer to C 22°34.947'S 3 °   r   °

2 e 2 e 2 2

 the Marine Parks (Great Barrier Reef Coast) Zoning Plan 2004 for precisek  # h boundary descriptions. t     u  CP-22-4098 o  S  Double Rock L 22-150

  LSingle Rock 22-151   # water Bay esh   Fr 22-812

k e e Perforated (Peak) r   

S C S ' SHOALWATER BAY Island (NP) ' 0 0

4 22-152 4 ° °

2  2 2 2 bah  anifold m pe M

oo a # ol TRAINING AREA C To  22-813 B RU CE


5 People visit the Marine Parks at their own risk. Zoning Plans allow activities MOUNT 5 4 4


2 to take place, but do not guarantee safety. The Parks contain both natural 2 2 NATIONAL 2 and human hazards. Park users should consult navigation charts, Notices to k e PARK e

Mariners, the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Department r C of National Parks, Sport and Racing for more specific information # BYFIELD before going to sea. h ug ro o Five Rocks (NP) lb r He 22-154 IMPORTANT NOTES FOR MAP USERS a rb M e r This map may not show all Queensland State Marine Park Zoning (for ! Marlborough t A

l # l i Stockyard Point example, State Marine Parks where declared between high and low water). g a t S S ' For more information on these areas, please refer to the Queensland Marine o ' 0 Cre r 0 5 ek W 5 ° Park Zoning Plan. Restrictions and/or closures under Queensland legislation ° 2 a NATIONAL 2 2 t 2 (eg. Fisheries Regulation 2008 (Qld)) are not shown. er Users should familiarise themselves with all legal requirements relevant to h c

a their particular activities before entering or using the Great Barrier Reef e P B Marine Park or the Great Barrier Reef Coast Marine Park. a #

r e k l i C The inshore boundary of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park follows the M re MA e C coastline of Queensland at low water except to the extent such waters RLBORO k re e UGH e n k i

S N are within the limits of the State of Queensland within the meaning of ARINA PARK section 14 of the Seas & Submerged Lands Act 1973, or where otherwise ROAD

indicated (such as port areas). Any depiction of the inshore boundary CP-22-4099 # S S ' on this map is indicative only. ' 5 5 This map must not be used for marine navigation. 5 5

°  ° 2  2

2 2 Comprehensive and updated navigation 22-155 information should be obtained from published Corio BayWater Park Point WARNING  hydrographic charts. 149°20'E 149°25'E 149°30'E 149°35'E 149°40'E 149°45'E 149°50'E 149°55'E 150°00'E 150°05'E 150°10'E 150°15'E 150°20'E 150°25'E 150°30'E 150°35'E 150°40'E 150°45'E 150°50'E 150°55'E 151°00'E 151°05'E  Produced December 2016 by Spatial Data Centre - Edition V  © Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA) 2016