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Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280

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Climate change effects on trematodiases, with emphasis on zoonotic fascioliasis and schistosomiasis

Santiago Mas-Coma *, Maria Adela Valero, Maria Dolores Bargues

Departamento de Parasitologia, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad de Valencia, Av. Vicent Andre´s Estelle´s s/n, 46100 Burjassot, Valencia, Spain


Keywords: The capacity of climatic conditions to modulate the extent and intensity of parasitism is well Climate change known since long ago. Concerning helminths, among the numerous environmental Trematodiases modifications giving rise to changes in infections, climate variables appear as those Fascioliasis showing a greater influence, so that climate change may be expected to have an important Schistosomiasis Cercarial dermatitis impact on the diseases they cause. However, the confirmation of the impact of climate change on helminthiases has been reached very recently. Only shortly before, helminthiases were still noted as infectious diseases scarcely affected by climatechange, when compared to diseases caused by microorganisms in general (viruses, bacteriae, protozoans). The aim of the present paper is to review the impact of climate change on helminthiases transmitted by snails, invertebrates which are pronouncedly affected by meteorological factors, by focusing on trematodiases. First, the knowledge on the effects of climate change on trematodiases in general is reviewed, including aspects such as influence of temperature on cercarial output, cercarial production variability in trematode species, influences of magnitude of cercarial production and snail host size, cercarial quality, duration of cercarial production increase and host mortality, influence of latitude, and global-warming-induced impact of trematodes. Secondly, important zoonotic diseases such as fascioliasis, schistosomiasis and cercarial dermatitis are analysed from the point of view of their relationships with meteorological factors. Emphasis is given to data which indicate that climate change influences the characteristics of these trematodiases in concrete areas where these diseases are emerging in recent years. The present review shows that trematodes, similarly as other helminths presenting larval stages living freely in the environment and/or larval stages parasitic in invertebrates easily affected by climate change as arthropods and molluscs as intermediate hosts, may be largely more susceptible to climate change impact than those helminths in whose life cycle such phases are absent or reduced to a minimum. Although helminths also appear to be affected by climate change, their main difference with microparasites lies on the usually longer life cycles of helminths, with longer generation times, slower population growth rates and longer time period needed for the response in the definitive host to become evident. Consequently, after a pronounced climate change in a local area, modifications in helminth populations need more time to be obvious or detectable than modifications in microparasite populations. Similarly, the relation of changes in a helminthiasis with climatic factor changes, as extreme events elapsed relatively long time ago, may be overlooked if not concretely searched for. All indicates that this phenomenon has been the reason for previous analyses to conclude that helminthiases do not constitute priority targets in climate change impact studies. ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 96 3544905; fax: +34 96 3544769. E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Mas-Coma).

0304-4017/$ – see front matter ß 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.vetpar.2009.03.024 Author's personal copy

S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 265


1. Introduction ...... 265 2. Expected environmental changes and their effects on disease transmission ...... 266 2.1. Changes in key climate parameters...... 266 2.2. Effects of climate changes on infectious diseases ...... 266 3. Climate change and helminthiases ...... 268 4. Effects of climate change on trematodiases ...... 268 4.1. Influence of temperature on cercarial output ...... 268 4.2. Cercarial production variability in trematodes ...... 269 4.3. Influences of magnitude of cercarial production, cercarial size and snail host size ...... 269 4.4. Cercarial quality ...... 270 4.5. Duration of cercarial production increase and host mortality ...... 270 4.6. Influence of latitude ...... 270 4.7. Global-warming-induced impact of trematodes ...... 270 5. Fascioliasis ...... 271 5.1. Environment, transmission and geographical distribution ...... 271 5.2. Climatics and fascioliasis forecast indices ...... 271 5.3. Remote sensing and geographic information systems ...... 272 5.4. Effects of climate change and global warming on fascioliasis ...... 272 6. Schistosomiasis ...... 273 6.1. Meteorological factors, snail hosts and transmission ...... 273 6.2. Modelling and mapping ...... 274 6.3. Climate change and schistosomiasis control...... 274 7. Cercarial dermatitis ...... 275 7.1. Cold climate lakes and transmision...... 275 7.2. Climate change and increase of summer outbreaks ...... 275 8. Concluding remarks...... 276 Acknowledgements ...... 276 References ...... 277

1. Introduction (McCarthy et al., 2001). As early as 1990, the Intergovern- mental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) had warned that Climate change and global warming are now accepted the climate change could affect the prevalence of vector- facts. Changes in air and sea surface temperatures, as well borne parasitic diseases (Houghton et al., 1990). as changes in precipitation, sea level, and ocean salinity The potential importance of parasites and pathogens as and circulation patterns, are predicted for the future. mediators of host population dynamics under changing Natural ecosystems will be impacted in one way or another climatic conditions in general and global warming in by these environmental changes. Climatic factors affect particular has been recently reviewed (Harvell et al., several ecological processes at different levels, from the 2002; Mouritsen and Poulin, 2002a). Any influence of performance of individual organisms, to the dynamics of climate on parasitism is potentially important for natural populations and community interactions, up to the communities and ecosystems. Many recent studies have distribution of species, because of the link between emphasized the causal relationship between climate change changes in ecosystem properties and functions with and parasitic diseases, whether emerging (new infections) large-scale climate fluctuations (Poulin and Mouritsen, or re-emerging (diseases rapidly increasing in either local 2006). The ecological consequences of climate change in prevalence and intensities or expanding their geographical terrestrial and marine ecosystems are expected to be distribution) (Harvell et al., 1999, 2002; Patz et al., 2000; determined by complex cascading effects arising from Marcogliese, 2001; Lafferty et al., 2004). In recent years, the modified trophic interactions and competitive relation- problem of emerging diseases has been a significant concern ships. The synergistic effect of climate change and (Molyneux, 2007). There is also evidence that climate can act parasitism on host population dynamics and community to synchronize cycles of host population abundance by structure has recently been emphasized (Mouritsen et al., directly affecting the survival and transmission of parasite 2005). infective stages (Cattadori et al., 2005). Thus, the many The capacity of climatic conditions to modulate the direct and indirect effects of temperature and other climatic extent and intensity of parasitism is well known since long variables on parasite transmission are bound to have ago. The development and transmission rates of parasitic community-wide impacts. For the interest of both human organisms are particularly sensitive to weather conditions. and domestic health, as well as of the preservation of The current climate change (global warming) will affect natural communities and ecosystems, it becomes crucial to the distribution and survival rate of parasite vectors and understand how parasites may respond to the climatic intermediate hosts and also directly influence the repro- changes expected in next decades, according to results duction and maturation rate of parasites carried by them obtained with forecasting climatic models. Author's personal copy

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Unfortunately, climate change overlaps other anthro- will occur. The regional distribution of this warming pogenic and environmental modifications (included in the shows the greatest amount of warming to be expected broad term of ‘global change’) which are able to give rise to over land and a moderate but significant warming signal outbreaks of parasitic diseases by their own, so that in the Southern Hemisphere (Stone, 2008). The higher establishing the causality of disease emergence by climate warming at high latitudes is expected to be strongest change is usually not an easy task. There are several during the winter and early spring seasons. One direct complete analyses of global change factors which have consequence of this warming is the reduction of areas been identified as primary drivers of these changes covered by snow and the retreat of the major glaciers of (Bradley, 1993; Molyneux, 1997, 2003; Childs et al., the world in both high and low latitudes. Satellite 1998; Gubler, 1998; Fayer, 2000; Gajadhar and Allen, observations show a marked decrease of the snow 2004; Patz et al., 2000, 2004; Chomel et al., 2007). covered area in the Northern Hemisphere. The sea ice Moreover, predicting how climate change may impact is also observed to be rapidly melting in the summer on any given parasites or their hosts is proving difficult, season. The year 2007 showed a record decrease in the because of the many direct and indirect effects of sea ice extent (Delecluse, 2008). temperature and other climatic variables on parasite In terms of precipitation, maps of projected changes transmission (Poulin, 2006). only really indicate that the largest potential changes and the highest uncertainties coincide with areas with low base precipitation amounts, particularly deserts and polar 2. Expected environmental changes and their effects on regions. There is a trend of increased precipitation in disease transmission already wet regions and a trend of reduced precipitation in 2.1. Changes in key climate parameters already dry regions (Delecluse, 2008). At the regional scale, projected changes may depend on the season (Stone, It shall be noted that there is no perfect model of the 2008). climate system. This means that all predictions are Additionally, this evolution in climate change will be inherently uncertain, with the sources and importance marked by extreme events, such as storms, heat waves, of that uncertainty depending on the relation between flash floods and droughts (Delecluse, 2008). Changes in weather (what we get) and climate (what we expect). the frequency or intensity of extreme weather events may Anyway, predictions for the next few decades are not directly follow changes in the average. Changes in the considered to be reasonably robust, which is not the case frequency of extreme weather events may change for for later time periods. All in all, at present meaningful more physical reasons too. The probability of an extre- interpretation of regional features can only be made at mely hot day will have increased by more than a factor of spatial scales that are considerably larger than those 2, even with just a half standard deviation shift in the required for sound estimates of future climate change average temperature. The converse would of course effects on human and animal health. This gap between the follow for extremely cold days (Stone, 2008). There may spatial resolution of climate model output and the more be no obvious effect on the average temperature if rainfall local spatial scale appropriate for health assessments decreases over a given area. On the other hand, heat waves remains a major problem. The microclimate environment may become much more common, because of a lack of of a host or disease agent may not be identical to the moisture to cool the ground through evaporation during overall climate of the area. Moreover, the vulnerability to more frequent dry periods. As for rainfall, projected climatic change is highly variable in the different ecozones changes in the frequency of extreme hourly and daily of the world, due to the differential capacity to adapt and events are in fact expected to be unrelated to changes in respond. So, current climate change predictions should be the average rainfall (Allen and Ingram, 2002). The average considered indicative rather than accurate (Stone, 2008). rainfall amount depends mostly on the vertical tempera- Additionally, it shall be taken into account that the nature ture gradient of the atmosphere, in other words on how of the climate system is chaotic, which means that a slight quickly the top of the atmosphere can radiate energy into difference can alter the future climate for many decades space, which will change only slightly with increased (Delecluse, 2008). carbon dioxide concentrations. Moreover, short extreme The Fourth Assessment Report of the IPCC published rainfall events depend on how much water the air can at the end of 2007 summarizes the results of thousands of hold, which increases exponentially with temperature. So, research projects around the world. According to this in a future warmer world, short extreme rainfall events IPCC Report, temperature and precipitation will modify should become much stronger and more frequent, present regional climates. The observations show a clear possibly in areas that become drier on average (Stone, increase in the temperature of the Earth’s surface and the 2008). oceans. The global air temperature from the preindustrial era (1850–1899) to the present time has increased by 2.2. Effects of climate changes on infectious diseases 0.76 8C and the growth rate has progressively acceler- ated: the linear rate in the last 50 years is double the Climate restricts the range of infectious diseases, centennial rate, and 11 of the last 12 years rank among whereas weather affects the timing and intensity of the warmest years since 1850. Among predictions for the outbreaks (Epstein, 2004). So, changes in climate factors 2020s, warming is not guaranteed at any one location, may affect the distribution or ecological range of infectious although in all locations the odds are high that warming diseases, whereas the frequency and magnitude of disease Author's personal copy

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outbreaks change with weather extremes such as flooding on the basic reproductive number (R0) may be applied and droughts. Evidence-based biological effects of climate (Rogers and Randolph, 2006). R0 defines the number of change on living organisms, including pathogens and their new cases of disease that arise from a single case and, vectors, comprise (Hughes, 2000): (i) effects on physiology, except for the host recovery rate, all components in the R0 metabolism or development rate; (ii) effects on distribu- equation appear to be sensitive to abiotic factors, mainly tion; (iii) effects on the timing of life cycle or life history temperature. With two variables changing at an exponen- events; and (iv) adaptation, particularly of the so-called r- tial scale, even a small change in temperature may cause strategist organisms. According to theory on ecological significant changes in disease incidence, seasonal patterns strategies, r strategists are species with short generation and geographical distribution (De La Rocque et al., 2008). times and rapid population growth rates and consequently In relation to effects on distribution and ecological they are the most responsive to climate change (for a range, climate may be a good pathogen distribution review on the r and K selection concepts, r and K predictor at the continental scale, whereas other envir- parameters and theoretical model, r/K dichotomy and onmental factors are likely to be more important at a continuum, and applications of the r/K model to parasit- local scale (Hendrickx et al., 2001). The geographic ism, see Mas-Coma et al., 1987b). This is in the background distribution of diseases can be determined by isotherms of microparasites, including viruses, bacteriae and proto- or isohyets. Climate change alters the latitudinal and/or zoans, which have been the pathogens more related to altitudinal distribution of both vector and disease, infectious disease emergence (Taylor et al., 2001). although it shall be considered that an expanded vector Concerning effects on population dynamics, life cycle range does not necessarily lead to a wider disease and disease transmission, climate factors can have a direct transmission. It is the complex interplay of various impact on infectious diseases that have a development stage factors that determines the overall effect of climate on in the environment and/or in an invertebrate intermediate the incidence and distribution of the disease and its host or vector (De La Rocque et al., 2008; Mas-Coma et al., causative agent and vector (De La Rocque et al., 2008). For 2008). Thus, most infectious agents do not replicate below a instance, changes in rainfall in (sub)tropical zones may certain temperature threshold, and their growth rate is render habitats more, or less, suitable for vectors. strongly modulated at temperatures above this level. Within Moreover, the mosaic of local microclimates is also an invertebrate vector, pathogen replication rate and crucial for the distributions of vector and reservoir, dynamics may be affected by the invertebrate body similarly as for the potential impact of climatic para- temperature and, as a result, the infection process in the meter changes. This particularly concerns diseases different organs of the invertebrate and the duration of the transmitted by water-borne vectors as freshwater snails cycle will also be affected (Reiter, 2001). Temperature which present patchy distributions among the endemic increase is expected to bring a relaxation of the restricting areas (Doumenge et al., 1987; Mas-Coma et al., 1999). effects of low temperatures on vector survival, dispersal and The microgeographical fragmentation of such diseases disease transmission in colder climates. A priori, this would may be locally modified by climate change, several make temperate environments more receptive to more transmission foci disappearing, moving or altering their tropical, mainly vector-borne, diseases. The effect may be transmission efficiency and new transmission foci more pronounced in areas where the abiotic conditions are appearing. Changes in precipitation and evapotranspira- near to the threshold prohibiting the disease development tion rates may give rise to more standing water cycle, i.e., often around 14–18 8C at the lower end of the collections representing new habitats for vector hosts temperature scale and 35–40 8C for the maximum limit as mosquitoes and snails, while desiccation may reduce (Githeko et al., 2000). vector populations. Where the development period of a pathogen would Climate change may also be in the background of an exceed the life span of the invertebrate, its vector role ecological invasion, giving rise to disease agents or becomes impossible and transmission does not occur. pathogen-vector/host complexes emerging in a newly Moreover, vector competence, including capacity to attract colonised area. Steps may include from an unusual flare-up infection, enable pathogen multiplication and ensure of a disease, to outbreak recurrence, range expansion, or subsequent excretion, may be enhanced by higher invasion into novel territories and ecosystems, concomi- temperatures (Purse et al., 2008). Temperature directly tantly with vector or host range shifts. Progressive invasion impacts on the ecology, life cycle, behaviour and survival of stages are host niche encroachment, entry, initial pathogen invertebrate vectors (Rodhain, 2000), and therefore on establishment, colonisations, secondary spread and, vector population dynamics and disease transmission finally, sustained occupancy (Sakai et al., 2001). The (Rogers, 1988). Higher temperatures increase the inverte- introduction of a new pathogen or vector into areas with brate metabolic rate, egg production amount, and feeding more favourable climatic conditions can have a devastat- frequency, reducing the duration of the development ing effect on the affected host populations and, where the periods and impacting on the number of generations per pathogen is able to establish, may also produce durable year and population abundance (De La Rocque et al., 2008). colonisation of new ecosystems and new disease transmis- Disease transmission is modulated by the survival, sion modes and patterns. reproduction rates and daily activity of the vector, as well When analysing the effects on timing of life cycle as by the pathogen development rate inside the vector. To events, seasonality appears as the key climate compo- quantify how these parameters increase or reduce patho- nent. Summer temperatures are, in many temperate gen transmission, a quantitative modelling approach based regions, as high as much of the tropics, so that the crucial Author's personal copy

268 S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 difference is represented by the cold winter. Thus, when The literature on the interactions of helminths with tropical vector-borne pathogen complexes become abiotic and biotic factors is very broad, including both introduced during the right season, in most cases the experimental and field studies. In helminthology, the disease is eliminated when the winter arrives (Reiter, traditional use of experimental models has pronouncedly 2001). An increase in winter temperatures, especially helped in understanding helminth ecology, epidemiology nighttime temperature, with a reduction in the number and transmission in the nature. Among the numerous of frost days and an earlier spring, would change such a environmental modifications giving rise to changes in scenario. Profound changes in temperature are predicted helminth infections, climate variables appear as those to occur precisely during the springs and end of showing a greater influence (Ollerenshaw and Smith, summers, according to the IPCC Report. So, the number 1969). Thus, climate change may be expected to have an of parasites or vector generations per year will increase. important impact on helminthiases. However, a very few Moreover, changes in seasonal rainfall profiles may also years ago, helminthiases were noted as infectious diseases have a clear impact. An increased inter-annual varia- scarcely affected by climate change, when compared to bility and more frequent alterations between drought diseases caused by microorganisms in general (viruses, and flooding may enhance various disease epidemics, bacteriae, rickettsiae, protozoans). A quantitative analysis and relatively discrete changes in the distribution of of the risk of infectious disease emergence allied to the rains may also have a huge impact on the dynamic of nature of the organisms, their mode of transmission and diseases (De La Rocque et al., 2008). Moreover, volatile source, showed that viruses, bacteriae and protozoans are weather and heat waves can disrupt long-term estab- more likely to emerge than macroparasites (e.g., hel- lished ecological equilibria between species, including minths), that around 75% of emergent organisms are from pathogens, vectors and hosts. zoonotic sources, and that emergences are independent of the mode of transmission (Taylor et al., 2001). 3. Climate change and helminthiases The confirmation about the impact of climate change on helminthiases has been reached only very recently (Mas- Among the different infectious diseases affecting man, Coma et al., 2008). The aim of the present paper is to review domestic and sylvatic animals, helminthiases have climate change impact on helminthiases transmitted by a tremendous importance because of their large impact on snails, invertebrates which are pronouncedly affected by human health whether directly in helminth species meteorological factors, by focusing on trematodiases. specific of humans or indirectly in helminth species proper of animals but able to infect humans (zoonoses). They also 4. Effects of climate change on trematodiases have veterinary interest because of production losses in livestock and diseases of pets, and because of the capacity 4.1. Influence of temperature on cercarial output of many helminth species to regulate the abundance of free living animal populations (Mas-Coma et al., 1987a; Scott, Cercarial production may enhance at higher tempera- 1987; Hudson et al., 1998; Albon et al., 2002) and tures as a simple consequence of increased host metabolic communities (Minchella and Scott, 1991; Mouritsen and activity and the greater energy available to the parasite. Poulin, 2002b) and hence affect the functioning of The rate of physiological processes increases markedly ecosystems. with increasing temperatures in the case of ectothermic

These metazoan parasites present very different animals, such as snails. A simple formula to obtain the Q10 transmission patterns, ecological requirements and value, which measures the change in physiological rates spreading strategies according to the different helminth per 10 8C increase (Schmidt-Nielsen, 1997), proved to be groups (Mas-Coma et al., 2008). Their dependence on useful to analyse the influence of temperature by abiotic and biotic factors is related to the host specificity computing the difference of cercarial output rates at two they show at the different levels of their life cycles, to the different temperatures (a Q10 value of 1 indicates no viability range characteristics of their free living stages, change in cercarial output rate, a value lower than 1 and also to the interactions of the environmental condi- indicates a reduction in output rate, a value of 2 indicates a tions with their host populations, in both terrestrial 2-fold increase, etc.) (Poulin, 2006). For most physiological

(including freshwater) and marine environments. Accord- processes which rely on enzymatic reactions, Q10 values ingly, there are helminth species which show a marked and range between 2 and 3, implying a doubling or tripling of wide dependence from external environmental character- physiological rates per 10 8C increase in temperature. istics, whereas the environmental interactions with others However, Q10 values are not constant for different parts of appear to be very scarce and almost negligible. The the temperature range. In the vicinity of 20 8C, Q10 values differences in environmental dependence are evident are normally closer to 2 than 3 in aquatic invertebrates. when comparing helminths presenting life cycles with This typical range of Q10 values provides a rough null only one host (monoxeny), with two or more hosts hypothesis for investigations of temperature-dependent involved in the transmission (heteroxeny), with or without cercarial production by trematodes in snail hosts (Poulin, an invertebrate (insects, mites, snails) as intermediate host 2006). or vector, with or without free living stages, and with or In flukes, temperature has a direct and pronounced without reservoir host species (less specific helminths able effect on a crucial step of their life cycles, such as the to infect different domestic and/or sylvatic animal species production of cercariae in the first (or unique) inter- and humans) (Mas-Coma et al., 2008). mediate molluscan host in both aquatic life cycles (Kendall Author's personal copy

S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 269 and McCullough, 1951; Dinnik and Dinnik, 1964; Boray, genous to give rise to the following bipotential sporocyst 1969; Ollerenshaw, 1971; Nice and Wilson, 1974; Tang generation (Jourdane and Theron, 1987). et al., 1979; Rim, 1982; Shostack and Esch, 1990; Lo and In some digeneans, although cercarial production is Lee, 1996; Umadevi and Madhavi, 1997; Mouritsen, 2002) inhibited below a certain temperature, the production of and terrestrial life cycles (Krull and Mapes, 1952; Mas- rediae or sporocysts continues and the generative stages Coma et al., 1987c). Cercarial output by snails is a key accumulate inside the snail (Galaktionov and Dovrovols- component of the trematode’s transmission success kij, 2003). Infected snails may be stored at such low (Erasmus, 1972; Galaktionov and Dovrovolskij, 2003). An temperatures prior to their use in cercarial release analysis of experimental data available about tempera- experiments. When they are exposed to temperatures ture’s influence on cercarial emergence from their snail of 20 8C or higher, their parasites switch from redial to hosts indicated that Q10 values reported for temperatures cercarial production and the large accumulated redial around 20 8C are markedly higher than those for physio- population causes a disproportionate emergence of logical processes at the same temperature. This suggests cercariae, not as a direct effect of temperature on rate that cercarial output is not simply directly related to host of production but as a clearance of the large population of metabolism, and that other factors act in synergy with it to cercarial progenitors. This could, at least in part, account determine how many cercariae are produced per time unit for the very high Q10 values in some species (Poulin, (Poulin, 2006). Moreover, Q10 values for cercarial produc- 2006). tion in the 25–30 8C range were computed because they are not constant throughout the temperature range, and 4.3. Influences of magnitude of cercarial production, cercarial showed a decrease from 20 to 25–30 8C. size and snail host size Changes in cercarial output mediated by temperature show to vary widely among fluke species, from small Constraints on maximal cercarial output vary among reductions to 2000-fold increases in response to a 10 8C trematode species and families (Galaktionov and Dovro- rise in temperature, with a geometric mean suggesting an volskij, 2003), determining how cercarial output responds almost 8-fold increase. The observed temperature- to temperature. However, it might be expected that, in mediated increases in cercarial output are much more similar snail hosts, a digenean producing 100 cercariae per substantial than those expected from basic physiological day at a given temperature would have more host processes, for which 2–3-fold increases are normally seen resources available to expand its production than one (Poulin, 2006). that already produces 5000 cercariae of similar size daily at the same temperature. The magnitude of cercarial 4.2. Cercarial production variability in trematodes production may thus interact with temperature changes to determine how production rates will respond. More- The cercarial production process shows different over, cercarial size is another component to be also taken biological characteristics depending on trematode species. into consideration besides the quantity of cercariae Constraints on cercarial output are not the same accross all produced, although no obvious trade-off between numbers species. There are digeneean species in which a single and size of cercariae appears. However, despite the wide miracidium produces a finite number of cercariae per snail variation in the magnitude of cercarial output at 20 8C, this

(total output genetically predermined by its number of variable does not appear to covary with Q10 in cercarial totipotent cells), whereas in other species it gives rise to a production among trematode species (Poulin, 2006). virtually infinite succession of cercariae marked by energy Similarly, snail host size must also be taken into availability (Erasmus, 1972; Galaktionov and Dovrovolskij, account. If one trematode uses a snail species that is twice 2003). Constraints on the total number of cercariae as large as that used by an other related trematode which generated from a single miracidium might affect how produces the same number of cercariae per day at a given long increased cercarial output rates can be maintained. In temperature, the former has access to more host resources species with finite total output, elevated cercarial emer- to increase its production of cercariae than the latter. gence at high temperature will last only until all totipotent Cercarial output with increasing host shell length is a cells are exhausted. In trematodes with no predermined phenomenon already documented in Schistosomatidae limit to cercarial numbers, the increased rate of cercarial (Loker, 1983), and suggests that resource limitation may emergence can be sustained as long as the snail provides constrain cercarial output, and that trematodes exploiting sufficient resources. larger hosts have acccess to more resources. In schisto- Development patterns of the cercariogenous larval somes, cercarial size also increases with increasing host stages appear crucial in the production of cercariae. In shell length (Loker, 1983). However, the study showed that Fasciola, more or less long, finite cercarial production snail host has little impact on the potential of a trematode appears related to the number of generations of cercar- to increase its cercarial production, since different iogenous rediae and independent of the different lymnaeid trematode species using the same snail species can have vector species involved (Dinnik and Dinnik, 1956, 1964; widely different Q10 values (Poulin, 2006). Rondelaud and Barthe, 1987; Rondelaud, 1994; Rondelaud Across both species values and phylogenetically inde- et al., 2004). In schistosomes, the infinite cercarial pendent contrasts, neither the initial cercarial output production capacity is related to replication processes of magnitude nor the snail shell size correlated with the different generations of sporocysts which appear to be relative increase in cercarial production mediated by rising bipotential, first cercariogenous and finally sporocysto- temperature (Poulin, 2006). Author's personal copy

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4.4. Cercarial quality temperatures. Consequently, at environmental tempera- ture around 20 8C, high-latitude trematodes would An increase in the quantity being produced may not respond differently to a slight rise in temperature than lead to increased per capita transmission success if the trematodes from the tropics. This explains why the latitude cercariae are of lower survivorship and infectivity. from which the snail–trematode association originated Although with exceptions (e.g., Lo and Lee, 1996), cercarial correlated negatively with temperature-mediated survival generally decreases with increasing temperature increases in cercarial production. Within the 20–558 (e.g., Evans, 1985; McCarthy, 1999; Mouritsen, 2002), as a latitude range, trematodes from lower latitudes showed direct result of the increased activity of cercariae at higher more pronounced temperature-driven increases in cercar- temperatures accelerating the depletion of their finite ial output than those from higher latitudes. This correla- energy reserves (Pechenik and Fried, 1995; McCarthy, tion persisted after correcting for trematode phylogeny, 1999). In its turn, cercarial infectivity generally increases and thus indicates the importance of the natural thermal with temperature before dropping off at high temperatures regime in shaping the responses of parasites to increasing (e.g., Evans, 1985; McCarthy, 1999). However, cercarial temperatures. The lowest latitude included in the dataset transmission efficiency is not negatively affected by was 218N, and the low latitudes in the dataset therefore increasing temperatures, when survival and infectivity correspond to subtropical or mild temperate areas. The of cercariae are combined (Evans, 1985; McCarthy, 1999). present results suggest that a small increase in environ- Low cercarial infectivity at lower temperatures is offset by mental temperatures at those latitudes would have the low mortality, whereas improved infectivity at higher greatest repercussions on trematode transmission (Poulin, temperatures is counter-balanced by high mortality. In 2006). that way, transmission efficiency remains roughly con- stant within the 15–30 8C range (Evans, 1985; McCarthy, 4.7. Global-warming-induced impact of trematodes 1999). Under these conditions, a temperature-mediated increase in cercarial output would lead to a greater An increase of a few degrees in environmental infection levels in the next hosts of trematodes, even if temperatures should lead to marked increases in cercarial cercarial survival is lower at higher temperatures (Poulin, emergence from snail first intermediate hosts, with little if 2006). any reduction in their transmission efficiency. This may be taken into account as a common scenario for most host– 4.5. Duration of cercarial production increase and host trematode associations. Within the range of temperatures mortality in which host and parasite can live, an increase in temperature is almost invariably coupled with an increase Although a rise in temperature will trigger an increase in cercarial output. This phenomenon results from two in cercarial output, this may be short-lived. It is quite independent processes: higher temperatures not only likely, for instance, that at higher temperatures, and with trigger the emergence of cercariae from snails, but they cercarial production greatly enhanced, the snail host also accelerate the production of cercariae within snails. would not live as long as it would normally. A short-lived The net outcome of increasing temperature will thus be a peak in cercarial emergence, however, may be sufficient to greater number of cercarial infective stages. This conse- cause extensive mortality in the next host of the trematode quence of climate warming is not trivial: trematode (Poulin, 2006). For example, consecutive days of unsea- parasitism is not only a major veterinary and health sonably hot weather resulted in increased cercarial problem worldwide, but trematodes also play major roles production by microphallid trematodes on intertidal in the structuring of animal communities. Any tempera- mudflats in Denmark; the consequence was the mass ture-mediated increase in the extent of trematode infec- mortality and local extinction of the parasites’ second tions may have measurable repercussions. Thus, global intermediate hosts (Jensen and Mouritsen, 1992). Labora- warming may also enhance the local impact of trematodes tory studies have shown that the exposure of second (Poulin, 2006). intermediate hosts to many cercariae simultaneously The increase in cercarial output may take the form of induces higher mortalities than the gradual exposure to brief pulses rather than a continuous release, but the low numbers typical of field conditions (e.g., Fredensborg effects of the former are known to be severe, at least for the et al., 2004). Consequently, there is no need for the small invertebrates commonly acting as second inter- increased cercarial output to be maintained over many mediate hosts for trematodes. A good example of such an weeks or months, for the temperature-mediated effects of impact in a natural ecosystem is the one caused by parasites to have a substantial ecological impact (Poulin, trematodes on the amphipod in 2006). coastal soft-bottom habitats of the temperate North Atlantic (Mouritsen et al., 2005). Microphallid trematodes, 4.6. Influence of latitude mainly subdolum, are common parasites that cause intensity-dependent and temperature-dependent The latitude from which parasites and snails originated mortality in the population of this amphipod. A simulation proved to be the only variable that appeared to influence model parameterised with experimental and field data

Q10 values (Poulin, 2006). At high latitudes, cercarial demonstrated that a 3.8 8C increase in ambient tempera- production will only be allowed by summer temperatures ture (predicted for the year 2075) will likely result in a exceeding 20 8C, and stopped by the too-low winter parasite-induced collapse of the amphipod population, Author's personal copy

S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 271 which in its turn may impact the coastal ecosystem as a Liver fluke development is very dependent of the whole, because of the amphipods’ importance both as prey environmental characteristics according to the nature of for benthic invertebrates, fish and birds, and to their free living life cycle phases, which take place fully in the stabilising effect on non-cohesive sediments. The disap- external freshwater milieu, and the vector phase, which pearance of such amphipod beds will result in significant develops completely within a freshwater lymnaeid snail, in sea-bed erosion and, in turn, structural changes to the its turn also very dependent from the environment. benthic animal and microflora community. In light of the Despite of these restrictions, fascioliasis has become the expected sea-level rise (also as a consequence of global vector-borne disease presenting the widest latitudinal, climate warming), and its predicted negative impact on longitudinal and altitudinal distribution known (Mas- salt marshes and anthropogenic coastal constructions, Coma, 2004). Fascioliasis is unique in being capable to give reduced sea-bed stability due to the absence of dense rise to human endemic areas from below sea level (as assemblages of amphipods will only serve to exacerbate besides the Caspian Sea) up to the very high altitude (as in problems (Mouritsen et al., 2005). Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela). No other vector- borne disease presents such a wide altitudinal range (Mas- Coma et al., 2003). 5. Fascioliasis

5.1. Environment, transmission and geographical distribution 5.2. Climatics and fascioliasis forecast indices

Fascioliasis is an important disease caused by Fasciola The yearly definitive host infection incidence of hepatica and Fasciola gigantica. Whereas in Europe, the fascioliasis has been related to air temperature, rainfall Americas and Oceania only F. hepatica is concerned, the and/or potential evapotranspiration. These factors affect distributions of both species overlap in many areas of the intermediate snail host population dynamics and the Africa and Asia. Two hosts are needed for these species to parasite population at the level of both the free living larval complete their life cycle. The definitive host range is very stages of egg and metacercaria and the intramolluscan broad and includes many herbivorous mammals, among parasitic larval stages of sporocyst, rediae and cercariae. which humans. Intermediate hosts are freshwater snail There are climatic fascioliasis forecast indices which are species of the family Lymnaeidae (Mas-Coma and Bargues, calculated with different equations which take into 1997). account variations in these climatic factors (Ollerenshaw The spreading power of fascioliasis is related to the and Rowlands, 1959; Ollerenshaw, 1971, 1973, 1974; large capacities of fasciolids to colonise and adapt to new Ollerenshaw and Smith, 1969; Malone et al., 1987, 1998; environments, even of extreme characteristics (i.e., the Bossaert et al., 1999). Several have been successfully inhospitality of the very high altitude), as well as to new applied to animal fascioliasis in different areas of Europe, intermediate and definitive hosts. The expansion of F. Africa and the USA (see review in Fuentes et al., 1999). hepatica from the European original geographical area to Until the study of Fuentes et al. (1999), climatic fascioliasis other continents is also related to (i) the geographical forecast indices had been applied neither to human expansion of its original European lymnaeid intermediate fascioliasis nor to the extreme environmental conditions host species Galba truncatula and (ii) secondarily of the of the very high altitude endemic areas. Climatic factors American species Pseudosuccinea columella, and (iii) its taken into account by these indices markedly vary with adaptation to other lymnaeid species authochthonous in both altitude and latitude. The analyses showed that the the newly colonised areas. The smaller geographical very high altitude climatic characteristics of the Northern distribution of F. gigantica seems to be related to the Bolivian Altiplano human endemic region markedly differ lesser diffusion capacity of their intermediate snail hosts, from those of fascioliasis endemic lowland areas, such as the African Radix natalensis and the Eurasian Radix those of the original European geographical distribution of auricularia (Mas-Coma, 2004; Mas-Coma et al., 2005). G. truncatula. The Northern Altiplano presents the follow- At present, fascioliasis is emerging or re-emerging in ing climatic characteristics: the temperature has no many regions of Latin America, Africa, Europe and Asia, both marked seasonal character; there are large variations in at animal and human levels (Mas-Coma, 2004). The major temperature within a daily 24-h period; the rainfall human health problems are known in Andean countries distribution is seasonal, with a long dry season coinciding (Bolivia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador), the Caribbean area (Cuba), with the lowest minimum temperatures and a long wet northern Africa (Egypt), western Europe (Portugal, France season in which rainfall is concentrated; the evapotran- and Spain) and the Caspian area (Iran and neighbouring spiration is very high, temporary water bodies being of countries) (Mas-Coma, 2004). Human fascioliasis is also very short duration, mainly in the arid period; and the solar showing the capacity to emerge in Southeast Asia, according radiation is high not only because of altitude, but also to the high number of cases diagnosed in Vietnam since the because of the lack of trees and shrubs. beginning of the 21st century (De et al., 2006). The highest Climate diagrams initially furnished results on the human prevalence and intensities appear in high altitude duration of the wet and dry seasons which did not fit the areas of Andean countries, where the fluke is able to develop real conditions of the endemic area. Results became strategies to favour the transmission, including a longer appropriate when introducing the modification of Schreiber cercarial shedding period, a greater cercarial production per (1981) in the aridity calculation. Consequently, modifica- snail and a longer survival of infected snails (Mas-Coma tions for high altitude and low latitude were proposed by et al., 2001). Fuentes et al. (1999) in the two most useful indices: the Mt Author's personal copy

272 S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 index (proposed by Ollerenshaw and Rowlands, 1959,and Based on different NDVI classes, a map of risk of fascioliasis modified by Ollerenshaw, 1971, 1973) and the Water transmission was made for each of the administrative budget-based system index (Wb-bs index) (proposed by zones, with the differentiation of four risk levels (zero, low, Malone et al., 1987 and modified by Malone et al., 1998 for moderate and high). A model was proposed for forecasting large scale regional use). Values of both modified Mt index fascioliasis transmission in Chile based on: (a) evaluation and Wb-bs index reflected the possibility of optimum of prevalence at a local scale; (b) the compilation of the transmission during the December–March period. The largest body of seasonal data possible; (c) the introduction results were statistically significant for the Wb-bs index of a modified monthly climatic index; (d) the use of higher when a meteorological station in which no lymnaeids were resolution images (Landsat TM, Spot, Radarsat, etc.); (e) found was excluded. The modified Mt index was not consideration of the influence of other, non-environmental sufficiently accurate. The modified Wb-bs index values factors in endemic zones. allowed to classify the degree of transmission of human and More recently, studies were undertaken to analyse animal fascioliasis in the Altiplanic zones studied into low, whether a GIS predicting model would be viable and useful moderate and high risk areas. in the Northern Bolivian Altiplano endemic zone (Mas- After introducing modifications for high altitude and Coma et al., 1999). The prediction capacity of the remote low latitude deduced from climate diagrams, the indices sensing map based on NDVI data extracted from 10-day indicated that the contamination risk mainly concentrates (dekade) composite images from the 1-km AVHRR, in the November–April wet period. However, the only acquired by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Altiplanic lymnaeid vector snail species G. truncatula Administration’s (NOAA) Television Infrared Observation appears to be almost exclusively linked to permanent Satellite (TIROS) (Fuentes et al., 2001), appeared to be water bodies, because of the high altitudinal evapotran- higher than that from forecast indices based only on spiration leading temporal water bodies to quickly climatic data (Fuentes et al., 1999). A total overlapping disappear thus unabling lymnaeids to adapt and develop. between real ranges of human fascioliasis prevalence and This explains why the transmission on the Altiplano takes predicted ranges of fascioliasis prevalence (transmission place throughout the year, opposite to the typical risk through NDVI) is worth mentioning. NDVI data maps fascioliasis seasonality in Northern Hemisphere countries represent a step further in the way to reach a GIS based on (Fuentes et al., 1999). various parameters which could accurately fit real epidemiological and transmission situations of fascioliasis 5.3. Remote sensing and geographic information systems in high altitude endemic areas in Andean countries (Fuentes, 2004). For application to infectious diseases, a complex suite of A GIS forecast model to conduct an epidemiological detectable environmental factors are important, all of analysis of human and animal fasciolosis in the central part which can be observed to a greater or lesser degree from of the Andes has recently been proposed (Fuentes et al., space-borne platforms (Huh and Malone, 2001). Concern- 2005). This model allows, through the classification of the ing fascioliasis, the following may be useful: (i) tempera- transmission degree into low, moderate and high risk ture, air, soil and surface water (diurnal temperature areas, to identify those areas requiring the implementation maximum and minimum, diurnal temperature difference, of control activities. The analysis of the results of studies sea/water/land surface temperature), (ii) water, including performed in many endemic areas of Bolivia, Peru and soil moisture, standing water and atmospheric water Ecuador demonstrate the validity and approximation of vapor; (iii) condition of vegetation canopy over the earth; this forecast model combining the use of climatic data by (iv) structure and dynamics of the lower atmosphere plus means of calculation of forecast indices and remote composition and dimensions of airborne particulates sensing data, through the reclassification of NDVI values. (aerosols) contained; and (v) topography and mineralogy, i.e., terrain relief and bedrock/soil types. 5.4. Effects of climate change and global warming on Remote sensing (RS) and geographic information fascioliasis systems (GIS) had already been used for animal fascioliasis (Malone and Yilma, 1999), but never for human endemic The strong dependence of fascioliasis from weather areas. In GIS for animal fascioliasis (Malone and Zukowski, factors indicate that climate change may have a marked 1992; Zukowski et al., 1992; Malone et al., 1992, 1998), influence on the future evolution of this disease. In human surface hydrology, vegetation indices and temperature and animal hyperendemic high altitude areas of the data based on previous knowledge have proved to be very Andean countries, warming and the El Nin˜o-Southern useful. This is why the development of GIS for human Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon are expected to have fascioliasis was encouraged by several specialists (WHO, epidemiological consequences. Warming in tropical Andes 1995; Hillyer and Apt, 1997). appears obvious according to the observed general glacier The first attempt to apply these technologies to a retreat significantly increased in recent decades (Rosenz- human fascioliasis endemic area was that of Fuentes and weig et al., 2007). The Chacaltaya Glacier in Bolivia is a Malone (1999) in Chile. Annual normalized difference typical example of a disappearing small glacier, its fast vegetation index (NDVI) values were calculated for each shrinkage being consistent with an ascent of the 0 8C region, using specialised computer software to extract isotherm of about 50 m/decade in the tropical Andes values from advanced very high-resolution radiometer since 1980 (Rosenzweig et al., 2007). Chacaltaya is part of (AVHRR) 10-day (dekade) composite satellite images. the Eastern Andean chain which just constitutes the Author's personal copy

S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 273 septentrional boundary of the Northern Bolivian Altiplano, epidemiological evidence of increased risk associated to the fascioliasis endemic area presenting the highest climate anomalies linked to the ENSO cycle (Kovats et al., human prevalence and intensities known (Mas-Coma 2003; Magrin et al., 2007). et al., 1999). This very high endemicity is related to the Human and animal fascioliasis endemics in low altitude capacity of the Altiplanic lymnaeid G. truncatula to inhabit areas may also be affected by climate change. Global different types of permanent water bodies, most of which warming has been noted as the cause of increased animal (subsoil effluences from shallow phreatic layers, large and fascioliasis in UK (Mitchell, 2002; Mitchell and Somerville, small rivers, flooding areas called ‘‘bofedales’’, etc.) are 2005; Pritchbard et al., 2005) and France (Thomas et al., linked to waters coming from the perpetual snow amounts 2007). However, the future scenario of the human and of the Eastern Andean chain (Mas-Coma et al., 1999). animal fascioliasis hyperendemic area of the Nile Delta, Consequently, it becomes evident that the short-term Egypt (Esteban et al., 2003), appears more complicated increase of runoff because of glacier retreat and subse- owing to the combination of increases of temperature and quent long-term reduction in water supply will greatly drought, reduction of precipitation, and consequent water influence the epidemiology of the disease in that stress and agricultural impact (Boko et al., 2007). The hyperendemic area. Unfortunately, the possibility of present epidemiological situation due to an overlapping of constructing artificial irrigations to palliate water restric- both causal agents F. hepatica and F. gigantica (Periago tions is very risky in that region, as has been observed in et al., 2008) may be pronouncedly altered because of the Peruvian Altiplano where the quick lymnaeid colonisa- climate change owing to both the different development tion of an artificial irrigation area has given rise to a high characteristics of their respective larval stages (e.g., human hyperdemic area (Esteban et al., 2002). minimum temperature thresholds of 10 8C for F. hepatica The warming trend will also directly enhance fluke and 16 8C for F. gigantica; Malone et al., 1998; Yilma and transmission. On the Northern Altiplano, mean monthly Malone, 1998) and the different ecological requierements temperature oscillates very scarcely (Fuentes et al., 1999), of their respective, specific, small Galba/Fossaria and large and high fascioliasis transmission rates surprisingly occur Radix lymnaeid vectors (Bargues et al., 2001). The even if the mean environmental temperature is below the lymnaeids transmitting F. hepatica are species showing larval stage development minimum threshold of 10 8C marked amphibious trends, more adapted to colder throughout the year (Mas-Coma and Bargues, 1997), high conditions and which use to inhabit small or very small daily temperatures compensating low night temperatures. water bodies, as those temporal collections depending The temperature mildering influence of Lake Titicaca in from cultured field irrigation management (i.e., rice) or such very high altitude zone as the Northern Altiplano seasonal rain. Lymnaeids responsible for F. gigantica explains why the disease has remained restricted around transmission are species more adapted to warmer condi- the lake in both Bolivian and Peruvian surrounding areas tions and preferring large and deeper water bodies rich in (Mas-Coma et al., 1999; Esteban et al., 2002). A future aquatic vegetation, as those more typical for permanent small increase of temperature may lead to higher collections and main, wide canals for irrigation and water transmission and infection rates, and additionally modify supply. Thus, transmission foci of both fasciolids are the present low, moderate and high risk areas distin- usually different and appear separate, even in the same guished within the hyperendemic area by means of both endemic locality, and fascioliasis by F. hepatica is more climatic and RS–GIS mapping (Fuentes et al., 1999, 2001). A related to seasonality than fascioliasis by F. gigantica (Mas- geographical spreading of these Altiplanic endemic areas Coma, 2004). to zones more far away from the lake should also be expected. Similar conclusions may be extrapolated to other 6. Schistosomiasis tropical Andean endemic areas of countries as Peru, Ecuador and Venezuela, where human fascioliasis follows 6.1. Meteorological factors, snail hosts and transmission the so-called ‘‘valley pattern’’ of transmission and epide- miology (Mas-Coma, 2005). It seems clear that climate change and global warming Human and animal fascioliasis endemic areas of all will result in changes in aquatic environments. The these Andean countries may also be affected by modifica- expansion of suitable habitats for invertebrate hosts of tions in precipitation and the ENSO phenomenon. Thus, an waterborne parasites could result in risk of waterborne increase of rainfall may extend the contamination risk infections in humans and animals and increased distribu- window presently linked to the November–April wet tion of the disease. There are different environmental period (Fuentes et al., 1999). Increasing drought and floods factors that impact on the distribution of schistosomiasis. associated with El Nin˜o(Githeko et al., 2000; Magrin et al., Temperature, water body type, rainfall, water velocity and 2007) may also influence fascioliasis epidemiology. altitude can all have a significant effect on the schistosome Drought may modify the spatial, typical patchy fragmen- life cycle and survival of the intermediate snail host tation of fascioliasis foci, and floods may facilitate (Fenwick et al., 2007). Climatic changes are likely to affect lymnaeid survival and geographicallly expand their the known geographical distribution of freshwater snails, populations. In fact, animal fascioliasis outbreaks were such as Biomphalaria spp., the invertebrate hosts of already detected in Ecuador after the great climatic Schistosoma spp. transmissible to humans, livestock and irregularities taken place after the 1997/98 ENSO phenom- other animals (Morgan et al., 2001). For example, high enon. Consequently, fascioliasis shall be added to the list of temperatures may explain the absence of Biomphalaria diseases in specific geographical areas showing strong spp. from coastal East Africa and the consequent absence of Author's personal copy

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Schistosoma mansoni transmission (Sturrock, 1966). Simi- as well as excluding areas where S. mansoni is unlikely to larly, high mortality of Biomphalaria pfeifferi in South Africa be a problem, the results also identify those areas where is associated with periods of continuous high temperatures the problem of S. mansoni is greatest. In Cote d’Ivoire, (Appleton, 1977). Thus, schistosomiasis is among the remotely sensed environmental data from satellite ima- diseases able to increase both its local infection and gery and digitalised ground maps were combined with geographic expansion with climate change, mainly with data sets of prevalence and intensity of S. mansoni to global warming (Githeko et al., 2000; Bergquist, 2001a,b). establish a comprehensive GIS. Bayesian variogram models were applied for spatial risk modelling and prediction. 6.2. Modelling and mapping Interestingly, the goodness of fit of different spatial models revealed that age, sex and socio-economic status has a RS and GIS have shown to be very valuable for the tronger influence on schistosomiasis prevalence than analysis of the distribution of schistosomes on both environmental covariates (Raso et al., 2005). reduced and large spatial scales (Brooker et al., 2000; Huh and Malone, 2001). A global network of collaborating 6.3. Climate change and schistosomiasis control health workers and earth scientists dedicated to the development of computer-based models that can be used Special efforts in analysing the potential impact of to improve control programmes for schistosomiasis and climate change on schistosomiasis have been recently other snail-borne diseases of medical and veterinary made in China. The resurgence of Schistosoma japonicum importance has been created (Malone et al., 2001; see infection in the past few years is taking place despite 50- The idea is for models to be year intensive control activities targeted against the assembled using GIS methods, global climate model data, amphibious intermediate snail host, Oncomelania hupensis, sensor data from earth observing satellites, disease and large-scale chemotherapy campaigns using prazi- prevalence data, the distribution and abundance of snail quantel. Explanations appear to be multifactorial, includ- hosts, and digital maps of key environmental factors that ing the construction of the Three Gorges dam, the recovery affect development and propagation of snail-borne disease of the Dongting Lake, and major flooding events. Addi- agents. A work plan has been developed and agreement tionally, a possible impact of climate change was also has been reached on the use of compatible GIS formats, considered (Zhou et al., 2005). Remote sensing data were software, methods and data resources, including the used to measure the impact of a flood on the dispersal of definition of a ‘minimum medical database’ to enable the intermediate snail host in the Lower Yangtze River seamless incorporation of results from each regional GIS basin (Zhou et al., 2002a). Predictive models of the spatial project into a global model. GNOSIS will point users to a distribution of schistosomiasis appear to be hampered by toolbox of common resources resident on computers at the existence of different regional O. hupensis host member organisations, provide assistance on routine use subspecies. The habitats associated with these different of GIS health maps in selected national disease control subspecies vary considerably, with mountainous habitats programmes and provide a forum for development of GIS in the west, and flood plain habitats in the east (Seto et al., models to predict the health impacts of water develop- 2002a). Environmental changes resulting from the Three ment projects and climate variation (Malone et al., 2001). Gorges dam and global warming are likely to result in an The mapping of schistosomiasis has been a priority increase of the snail habitat. Prediction of schistosomiasis since long ago (Doumenge et al., 1987). In Africa, computer risk using Landsat TM imagery to identify snail habitats in modelling has been applied to schistosomiasis in different mountainous regions was complicated by the occurrence countries, such as Egypt (Malone et al., 1997) and South of seasonal flooding, and it was suggested that soil maps Africa (Moodley et al., 2003), although focused on the may help to solve this complication (Seto et al., 2002b). geographical characterization rather than on the preva- The current hypothesis is that an increase in annual lence or intensity of infections. Only few attempts have growing degree-day (AGDD) will alter the extent and level been made thus far to predict changes in the frequency and of schistosomiasis transmission (Yang et al., 2006). In other transmission dynamics of schistosomiasis due to climate terms, the number of parasite generations will increase by change (Martens et al., 1995, 1997; Zhou et al., 1998, 2008; speeding up their development in longer growing seasons Yang et al., 2005, 2006). The lack of long-term, high-quality and extending the current area where parasite larvae and datasets may, among other reasons, explain the discre- intermediate host snail can proliferate (Brooker et al., pancy reported in given studies which did even came to 2000). AGDD is a unit expressing the amount of heat different conclusions regarding the extent of schistoso- energy an organism accumulates over an entire year and miasis transmission under the scenario of a warmer which correlates with the spatial distribution of living climate (Martens et al., 1995, 1997). In Uganda, GIS organisms (GDD can be articulated as the average daily coupled with satellite and climatic data has been used to temperature minus the developing temperature threshold map the distribution of infection and to overlay para- of an organism). The heat units an organism requires to sitological data with interpolated environmental surfaces complete its development are fairly constant, given by the (Kabatereine et al., 2004). Infection was shown to be temperature above a critical threshold summed over the widespread, with prevalence typically highest near the time period this lower temperature threshold is exceeded. lakeshore and along rivers. Limits to transmission were It follows that organisms with high unit requirements are identified as altitudes greater than 1400 m and areas more likely to develop into mature stages in areas where where total annual rainfall was less than 850 mm. Hence, AGDD is high. Employing a previously determined lower Author's personal copy

S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 275 temperature threshold for schistosome larvae develop- several lake regions both in Europe and North America (De ment in the snail, the predicted temperatures were then Gentile et al., 1996). This disease is, in Europe, caused by transformed to a measure of AGDD, to forecast the cercariae of the genera Trichobilharzia, Bilharziella and transmission of schistosomiasis japonica, in the way to Gigantobilharzia, all of them parasites of birds. Trichobil- evaluate the effects of climate change on the frequency and harzia is the genus which includes more species involved in transmission dynamics of this disease in China (Zhou et al., human dermatitis (Simon-Martin and Simon-Vicente, 2002b). 1999; Bargues et al., 2001). Human outbreaks have been The time-series from 1972 to 2002 for 39 counties of recently reported, including up to high numbers of eastern China, where S. japonicum is endemic, was swimmers affected, as in France (Caumes et al., 2003), analysed by using a modelling approach to estimate AGDD and up to numerous lakes being involved, as in Sweden and employing a lower temperature threshold of 15.3 8C. (125 out of 248 municipalities with lakes had problems The final model included both components, temporal with dermatitis) (Thors and Linder, 2001). Cercarial (second order polynomials in time plus a seasonality dermatitis has even been reported from relatively cold component) and spatial (second order polynomials of the climate areas such as lakes of Iceland (Kolarova et al., coordinates plus the thin-plate smoothing splines). Results 1999), or French Alpine lakes (Annecy and Le Bourget) in showed that temperature increased over the past 30 years the Savoy district (Dubois et al., 2001), suggesting that in all observing stations. There were distinct temporal lower water temperature may prolong the life of the trends with seasonality and periodicities of 12, 6, and 3 intermediate snail hosts. months, whereas only marginal spatial variation was Bird schistosomes show a rather narrow intermediate observed. The predicted AGDDs for 2006 and 2003 showed host specificity, parasitizing either one or several closely increases for the entire area studied, with the AGDDs related snail species. Trichobilharzia spp. larval develop- difference between these two time points exhibiting an ment takes place in snails of the families Lymnaeidae and increase from north to south. Results obtained suggest that Physidae, findings in other snail families needing con- temperature changes will alter the frequency and trans- firmation (Bargues et al., 2001). mission dynamics of schistosomiasis japonica (Yang et al., 2006). This in turn might jeopardize progress made for 7.2. Climate change and increase of summer outbreaks transmission control or even interruption since the launch of China’s national schistosomiasis control program in the Reports of cercarial dermatitis usually refer to out- mid-1950s (Utzinger et al., 2005; Zhou et al., 2005). breaks, as the population affected (mainly vacationers) is Unfortunately, average monthly temperatures were generally very mobile (Lindblade, 1998). The disease is used in that study, because daily nighttime minimum or mostly associated with swimming or wading in recrea- daily daytime maximum temperatures were not available. tional lakes. There is a tremendous variation in the water This may add a bias to the results obtained, since the bodies involved, ranging from small garden ponds to very development of parasite larvae in the snail could cease large lakes. Water bodies may be continuous or individual when the nighttime minimum temperature drops below a small lakes. Their surroundings may be densely populated, critical threshold or the daytime maximum temperature as in many central European regions, or in the wilderness, exceeds an upper threshold (Yang et al., 2006). It has been as in the north. Moreover, local differences within a water reported that natural temperature fluctuations aid the body may exist with respect to snail and bird populations development of parasite larvae in the snail (Zhou et al., and also sites for water related activities. However, human 2002a,b). Other sources of potential biases in predicting infection associated with the cultivation of rice in Thailand, temperature changes are that nighttime minimum tem- Japan and China (Li et al., 1998; Kullavanijaya and peratures are expected to increase more than daytime Wongwaisayawan, 1993) and other occupational hazard maximum temperatures and, winter temperatures are (Pirila and Wikgren, 1957; Folster-Holst et al., 2001) have predicted to increase more pronouncedly than summer been reported, illustrating the diversity of situations temperatures (Easterling et al., 1997; Murphy et al., 2004). related to fresh water. Cases related to sea water are infrequent, cercariae of Austrobilharzia being involved in South Africa, Australia and North America, and non- 7. Cercarial dermatitis classified schistosomatid cercariae in dermatitis of people 7.1. Cold climate lakes and transmision collecting marine molluscs in Venice lagoon, Italy (Canes- tri-Trotti et al., 2001). This inflammatory skin reaction is caused by bird Swimmer’s itch is usually seasonal, warmer months schistosome cercariae released by intermediate water being most prevalent because both the release of cercariae snail hosts which penetrate and develop in human and from snail hosts and the number of people that have mammal skin after repeated contacts with the cercariae in contact with water reach peak levels in that year period fresh- or salt-water bodies, depending on the species/ (Chamot et al., 1998). It is known that temperature affects genus of the parasite. Whereas these trematodes mature in the rate at which schistosomatids develop within snails birds, their development in mammals is restricted and (Lodge et al., 1987). Observations suggested that higher schistosome death occurs at various intervals postinfec- temperatures accelerate trematode development within tion (Horak et al., 2000). the snail, resulting in an earlier and more severe situation Swimmer’s itch occurs globally and is recently showing than in colder lakes. Additionally, higher populations of an emerging trend, becoming an increasing problem in snails may correlate with higher levels of algae, leading to a Author's personal copy

276 S. Mas-Coma et al. / Veterinary Parasitology 163 (2009) 264–280 higher level of cercarial density in the water (Lindblade, The present review shows that trematodes, similarly as 1998). Although the total number of the cercariae released other helminths presenting larval stages living freely in the from the snails can be inversely proportional to the environment and/or larval stages parasitic in invertebrates temperature of the lakes (Zbikowska, 2001), it is the easily affected by climate change as arthropods and temperature increase which might induce an increase of molluscs, but also those using small vertebrates (e.g., cercarial shedding. rodents) as intermediate hosts (Mas-Coma et al., 2008), Climate change has been related to another phenomenon may be largely more susceptible to climate change impact giving rise to an increase of summer outbreaks of cercarial than those helminths in whose life cycle such phases are dermatitis. Global warming in recent years have had a absent or reduced to a minimum (two large-mammal-host mildering effect on areas presenting lakes used by migratory life cycles as in taenids; ageohelminths as pinworms). Thus, birds, as for instance anatids. As a consequence, those birds trematodes in general and nematodes of several groups are do not further need to migrate southward for more clear candidates to suffer pronounced population modifica- appropriate warmer conditions, stay in central European tions because of climate change. The cercarial stage of lakes and become sedentary (Cotton, 2003). This opens the trematodes is affected to such a level that digeneans have possibility for the life cycle of the bird schistosomatids to even been proposed as potentially very useful markers to expand their transmission in these lakes during months in monitor climate change impact (Poulin and Mouritsen, which transmission was stopped in cold years. This larger 2006), and may even induce invertebrate host population seasonal window may originate higher infection prevalence collapses with cascade effects giving rise up to very large in snails, whose population activity is in its turn also impacts on broad ecosystems, as shown by simulation seasonally enlarged, as well as a higher number of models (Mouritsen et al., 2005). On the contrary, a previous schistosomatid generations per year and higher prevalence review suggests that cestodes and acanthocephalans may in the birds of the lake. All in all, when the human swimming also be affected, but at a lower level and mainly indirectly summer period arrives, the water may have a pronouncedly through effects on their exothermic invertebrate or small higher density of cercariae able to give rise to a higher endothermic vertebrate hosts (Mas-Coma et al., 2008). human infection both in space and time. Two other aspects of helminths, also crucial concerning their susceptibility to climate change modifications, shall 8. Concluding remarks finally be emphasized too: (i) helminth capacity to induce more or less acquired immunological host response, and The confirmation of the conclusion about an important (ii) host (or vector) specificity characteristics of each climate change impact on helminthiases has been reached helminth species. Thus, helminth species inducing a strong only very recently (see review in Mas-Coma et al., 2008). acquired immunological response will be able to buffer Only shortly before, helminthiases were still noted as climate change effects leading to higher host individual infectious diseases scarcely affected by climate change, infection rates, whereas those helminth species not able to when compared to diseases caused by viruses, bacteriae and do so may be more affected by climate changes because of protozoans. These microparasites were noted as more likely being unable to control helminth intensity (Hudson et al., to emerge than macroparasites as helminths on the base of a 2006). In its turn, helminths showing a strict host quantitative analysis of the risk of infectious disease specificity, that is, only able to develop within a concrete emergence allied to the nature of the organisms, their host species, or even concrete host geographical strain, will mode of transmission and source (Taylor et al., 2001). be very dependent on the influences of climate change on Although helminths also appear to be affected by climate the host population. On the contrary, helminths showing a change, their main difference with microparasites lies on the less marked host specificity, that is, able to develop within usually longer life cycles of helminths, with longer different host species, or even phylogenetically distant generation times, slower population growth rates and species, have the possibility to buffer the influence of longer time period needed for the response in the definitive climate change more or less depending from the different host to become evident. Within the r–K continuum, adaptative capacities of the different host species to a given helminths may evidently be catalogued as r-strategists climate modification (Mas-Coma et al., 2008). too, including trematodes as the most r when compared to cestodes, nematodes and acanthocephalans (Esch et al., Conflict of interest statement 1977; Combes, 1980; Wharton, 1986; Mas-Coma et al., 1987b). However, helminths appear to be less r than viruses, The authors do not have any commercial or other bacteriae and protozoans (see, for instance, Villareal et al., associations that might pose a conflict of interest. More- 2000). Consequently, after a pronounced climate change in a over, funding support received by national and interna- local area, modifications in helminth populations need more tional institutions constitute no conflict of interest with time to be obvious or detectable than modifications in the publication of the present manuscript. microparasite populations. Similarly, the relation of changes in a helminthiasis with climatic factor changes, as extreme Acknowledgements events elapsed relatively long time ago, may be overlooked if not concretely searched for. All indicates that this phenom- Review and analyses made within the frames of project enon has been the reason for previous analyses to conclude no. 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