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7 Cents RED BANK REGISTER PER COfT VOLUME LXXIII, NO. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 31. 1950 SECTION ONE—PAGES 1 TO 14 At.H. Contractor 'Driscoll Heads Highlands Ends Gulden Jubilee Celebration Pet Show Fair Haven Needs Gets New Rebuke Speakers' List Revived bv Storm Sewers, •i From Sea Bright For Convention Social Service Says Official Mutual Ordered to 70,000 Legionnaires Knri^ht Reports K>cut. Country Fair Fulfill Contract in To Visit A»hury On I looilrMl Area* To H. IMd >.|H. 16, Week or Face Suit For 3-Day Meeting Due lo Heavy Rains On .MH.HinpiK'l) I arm The Mutual Contracting company Gov. Alfred E. Driscoll will head A H i wi.'i.«' ni''nt for pvpry! fair Havpn ne»da storm sew»n of Atlantic Highlands Friday night, a list of prominent state and na- Hi. family being in ^vora! sections of The borough, (or the »econd time in as many tional officials who will address the and councilman Jam^s E Enrijijht. meetings, faced the rebuke of the 32d annual state cqnvention of the M'miii'rv fflir n r Mi** M'lnrnoij'h i h.Lirman <<f **[<>*>'•!, informed th» Sea Blight borough council. American Legion at Asbury Park I ('...inly Oii^.tri/a'.'Hi f<j" Sonai maY'rr arid cuh]n<]. Monday nSjfht, on e The governing body flatly refused Sept. 7 to 9. The Legion auxiliary, ! S. rvicp S;iMji r| i% s«*(>t 16. at the Rpportinsr '^ flooding of cer- its 40 ft 8 Societe and the 8 & 40 to accept the offer of Tony Steffer, I R. -ipi* him nf Mi«. Thn nn Mr- tain artvi.i r^ «nt]y i"-y heavy rtins, will also hold conventions the ' ('Hmiitifll. Holmiirf. h*> said tIii* condition has arisen Mutual's owner, to 111 "pot holes" same time. in the borough streets which the ' 'I'll• • pft Hhu'A, uhi(h >,*, t^mg re- i-hi»'i1y H.S the r»f the rapid firm contracted to repair this year, Harry V. Groome, Rlverton, state ; v IVI-I| .ifl.T .-r\ i i ;,] > •• i i.i, will in- r-.n •*• ruction of nf* homes, caun- Legion commander, will preside at 1 elude \. irinu.^ typi H of :in,mV,i from ;ntr more rain water to be diverted nnd ruled that the streets must be 1 repaired according to contract the business sessions in Convention 1 :i fl- a to a Si. Hainan! <!'<K and , Thtt ftrpft.*. Mr, Enrijrht said fpecincatioM. hall. Mrs. R. Graham Huntingdon, \y \'A offer Hu;if(i« fur <HI>\ training i no borough pncin^er, George K. Further, coUMll gave Mutual Maplewood, state auxiliary presi- 1 ;tii't fi.-iruJlinK "-> W('ll *s f<" unu.Mial A:>n. ia making ••*. survey and that dent, will conduct meetings of the c in e-ti:na,tr oC the. C'»«t of ftorm just seven daw li^fet on with the ffi'urr- ;i n<l i n.«t unir. Ail i-hi,.it**n women in Asbury Park high school. 1'i \i'ii'5 n!'l and unikr n rp PIIKIMP sr-M *»rs would be availnhlf in the job or face "Wl^iiliption" by the David A. Poxnn, Red Bank, i',r«nd nrar future. The wor?t conditions, borough. ' "SL , t<i < n:r|- i iieir prt> Chef de Gare, will direct 40 * 8 j hr addp'i, v.'iuld be corrected with- Previously, counJiwhad rejected , Kni r v hiank. ai •• I>Pini,' distnh- meetings in the Asbury Ambassa- in six v weeU<* us "wholly uns»tij|nctory" the dor hotel. Mrs. Dorothye Bremer, ,,'• il tin- wrpk thn.uKh'jiU lh>- Miert work done by the Atlantic Port-au-peck, La Chapeau Depart- i-iriMt v and ruav he uhtainerj fit Mayor Eds?ar V. Dcni<» reported Highlands contractors since, it mental, will preside at 8 * 40 ses- Mf'dSS fpntt-rs a* Mnnns- arrival of -Pf-<awg and othrr *aid, the work did not meet the sions at the Hotel Columbia. i)ii-iii. Kp.nmr. Ki pi-hold, Hnlnuifil. equipment for the new memorial ."ppciflcationa as outlined in the K" an -hut K. <\impini.l >• June* ion, park opposite thn Willow st. school. contract, including & failure to Gov. Driscoll will address the Aikm.-i :I\I', A.^oury I'ark, and n 1 TopnoU. he ."aid, has been added to square-cut and repave, holes in the convention Sept. 9. Other speakers t h< MCOSS hnadf|uai tori. Ml N thp b.ijiehMll diamond. streets. will be Charles Ft. Erdman, Jr., (''nincilman Ruwll H. Minton state commissioner, conservation Following the initial rejection, I'li.-i,. W1|i ,'i!so hp many divrr- reported purchase of a three-way and development; Thornton Web- Mr. Steffer had met with council n* f«»i- lh - mother* and tathnu, fog nozzle for the flre company. ster, U. S. veterans' employment ( representatives and told them he with ii nking conti-st featuring Dog licenses totaling 420 hav« representative; Rev. Edward J. h(lpn would outline in a letter corrective county farm products as issued so far this year, report- Carney, OS,A. Legion national 1 c (>f measures he was willing to make " :i hiKhii^h . Kcrifes u.sinK four of i trough Clerk M. Kloyd Smith. chaplain; James F. O'Neil, Legion A in older that the work would be past national commander; Dr. t thf cmintys' aiiruiiUurul jM<uiurts Petition was read objecting to t appli-s, pi-a'-tH's potatoes or etf^s the borough lining the old Fluke approved and payment could he Crawford Baganz, manager, V.A. st w.M rompcti- for award?, and - school fr.r storing borough sani- made. This caused council to decide hospital at Lyons; Joseph F. tf tion to wait for that letter before act- O'Hern, manager. V.A. regional of- Mimmouth (imniy farm product* ' i department equipment. Chief ing en the case. fice at Newark; William P. Fagan, in ihe <cene above looting north on Bay ave., from Miller ;!., In the photo, 1 he L'ori dub drum a.-.d bogie r^.f< , <w IV il. \\ til h»- fin d.-play. nbj'ction was n'.ade against "odors." Mayor Denisp expressed No Suitable Offer state oratorical contest winner, Is a iection of the huge Sunday parade which aisisted in winding up Amboy is pa.'jinq Mi'ler it. Ne<t in the line of mcircri the o! I time A iount i iun will be helii and Richard A. Hogarty, Jersey during t hf afti'i uon and sei ontl- surprise Ht the petition. Pubiio Borough Engineer O. W. Morris Boys' stHtc governor. the "ine-day celebration held at Highlands borough. The parado car:, can bo socn jnd then a few cf Monmouth coun!/; <vibi.'i' e hand itrnis l as home-cooked opinion concerning the building advised council Friday that, accord- had hpen sounded out In th« a»c. which started at the north end of Bay ave., went through the busi- fo'low. The Perth Amboy drum and bugle coip) q-3ve t.r\ e.', i ' vi f'l.j.l- mil !«. .-old. A •..-ihlr of fabric ing to Mutual! letter, there was Mrs. Gertrude S. Flynn, state remnants will offer bargains in tion nf the borough, he said, and no suitable adjustment being offer- president of the American Gold ness section, up to the state highway, to Kavookjian field, where at the Kavookjian field at the conclusion of the parade. wunlens, silks and cottons. Tickets no protests were received at that Star Mothers, and the state com- ed by the firm. to the (itagn hit. "Smith Pacific." time. Members of the council Mutual held that Its responsibili- manders of other veterans' organi- Halk Kavoorjlan dedicated the Highlands living war memorial. agreed with the mayor that the pe- zations will be guests of the Le- will lie awarded ait a special ty ended with the filling of the "pot (lames for young and the not so,'""""T?, "hsd b"n «ro"ly misin- holes," and would do nothing else. gion. Other guests will include or rni < Rep. James C. Auchincloss, State young will provide amusement for ' < '9 Council felt differently. It advised Civic Association Attrnlion, Women! the participants and bystanders ' O1'»e"m<«n Jesse J. Mcllrsyy.. Mr. Morris to notify Mr. Steffer Senator J. Stanley Herbert, Maj. Gen. Francis H. Lanahan, Maj. Berckmans Takes Register Again and the children will have a choice chairman of the sanitation commicommitt . again of the specifications of the Names Committees Did You Lone a Watch? 1 u r M Gen. William K. Harrison, Jr., of hay ,lde». pony rides or ride* )"•• /*" lJ '"° ' " "" contract and Insist they be followed at d to the ect thit the Capt. Benjamin May, Capt. D. P. Committee chairmen for the Charles J. Thielemann of Tena- in a pony cart. * < ' . \" to the letter. Marine Training Country Club-Riverside Civic asso- Troubled With fly made a special trip to The Thn fan- is being staged to raise' lntcnda to build »" Johnson, and Edgar N. Stayer, there and this possibly might be M r. Morris said he had been in- state Legion commander of Dela- ciation were announced Monday Red Bank Register office Mon- fund.s for the publir health nursing formed Mutual had men working Prinwion Student night at the first fall meeting of day in an attempt lo find thr work of the MCOSS, which is faced the reason for the petition. H« said ware.