Member Member ft* YIAR -JWh WEEK •H Jersey Pren Association M ATA WAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1965 National Editorial Association Singl. Copy T.n C.nt» Matawan Borough Juvenile Conference Committee Is Sworn Into Office Bank Suit Ended $2 Million Mattel Holmdel Plant By Sale Of Stock Schock To Acquire F&M Officially Dedicated On Monday Shares From Estates Dedication ceremonies Monday mondsen, director of industrial and ed on material, may be cut out and morning marked the official open- community relations. fashioned into dresses •v''h the use Differences between Charles C. ing of the (2 million, 259,000-squaro- New Facility Toured of adhesive-type tape. Schock jr., president of ...e Farm- foot plant of Mattel Inc. in llolm- The dedication began with tours Mayor Alfred C. Poole, Holmdel, ers & Merchants National Bank, of the new facility, including in- del. Ihe first eastern plant of the expressed the wish that the new Matawan, and thi; Monmouth spection of the actual production plant would prosper and on behalf County National Bank, Red Bank, California - based toymaker. Other of 1965 toys and concluded with a of the guests thank t the Mattel as '.i.itne of the Estates of theplants are located in Hawthorne luncheon at Ihe Cobblestones in officials for their hospitality. late Henry S. Terhune and Margar- and City of Industry, Calif, and Middleluwn. The new Holmdel factory brings et L. Terhune, wen; terminated Toronto, Canada. At the luncheon, Mr. llundlei Mattel' total reduction, office, Friday by a consunl Judgment in gave a history of the company and warehousing soace throughout Present at the ceremonies were which is observing its 20th anniver- the United States and Canada to the Lourt of Judge Leon Leonard, civic, community and (joverninen Chancery Division, iunerior Court. sary year and made $9G,O00,O00 in more than one - and • one - half lal leaders from the surrounding ]%'), He said the comuany started million square feet. JWHIII M. D—mtk RatoHes* Cewt Judge J. Hutchewn lad WiHer McBrMe. Freehold. A suit entered by Mr. area. Elliot Handler, Mattel presi- Other member* •( the commlltee, not prncM whea tht picture was in a small way with a line of hand- Holmdel plant conlr ctor waa effleialea at MNMtaf la fscaafalas Tuesday Schock to huvti Monmoulli County dent, officiated at the brief informal made doll lurnilure and its firs Lewis C. Bowers and Sons, Inc., MMnraa Jmealle Ceaterceee CMnmMlet. taken, are Mn. Dorothy Fredda, the Rev. Cheater Galbway, Owle National Bank removed as trust™ dedication and Mrs. Handler, ex- iiiuuk« iMfii tui iiuuis' UIIVJ il n AII^>I I i*\j IT 1,1 V* wu rrvi J unu ^auii^, Iliu t • le Hatty HIMM, Refctrt Hardle, Jet* Sfckfcs aad Police Sgl. Harvey F. Morrell |r. outstanding toy was a miniature I and architects were Fulmcr and) to itafct), in of the estates was settled with the ecutive vice president, unveiled Ihe uki'-.'le "ln 1959, largely due to the | Bowers"" . Mrs. tortlM Hyrae, Iki Rev. William agreement by which Mr. Schock dedication plaque. Also present insistence of Mrs. Handler, the Mattel, Inc. manufactures a could purchase thu shareholdings from Mallei's home office were I' Barbie- doll was introduced," Mr. I broad line of products. ,. includin„g Now Traffic Light Industrial Park of the estates in the Farmers 4 M. Horwith, vice president - fi Handler said and added, "There j wheel goods, dolls and accessories, Merchants National Pank. nance; Arthur Spear, vice prcsi- success- i garni musica: l andJ action toys, Mrs. Connor Will Will Condemn denl-opcralinns and Sidney Hand never has been a tov ~' "- """"" Whoa asked last (nl hobby horses, tov guns and hoi- The Male Highway Department Itr vie i prciclinl mmuf iilurnif. A nurnlx.T "I the toys made ijy slers, and talking plush dolls and today aaatiMttd the hMttllallea rumors Ihe Heary Oils properly, The Schock suit hud contended Act As Collector of aeml • actaatad traillc algaab For Casements 18 acres In Ihe westerly etciar that voting power of the 138,8'ii James II Chlpps is nnni(,tr oflMiltil wire cxlubiltd includni ' mvs. aad mercary tejetia« ta Route • ef the borough near Ihe Garden shares of slock in tin; Farmers & la Marlatet Tewmhlp. Atlantic Avo. And State Parkway, had beta ttM, Murchants Hank held by the es unfi N#it < The ataaala aad mercary light- Church St. Widening Matawan Borough Mayor Edward tales could be voted by .\lonmouili lag are, leealed at recently cenv E. Hyrne confirmed II had been County National to injure the posi Btotod lag aaadtot betweta Uatoa taken by a syndicate headed by Metawaa Borough Couwil last Hi Id. aad Flee) Break Rd. Attorney Richard T. Schwartz tion of Farmers & Merc' ants as i a lumber company official In compeling institution in the Mm.i appoint* Mrs. Marietta D. waka prtvldM aa latermedlale Monday nJKht was directed by the Cranford. An announcement Is •, wift ol Couacilmu OeorRe ' fadllly for Route • Matrvan Township Committee to expected In about II daya oa the van - Keynorl area. I aor, to serve aa acting col- initiate r idemnation proceeding Mr. Schock's suit nointud oul that traffic. to acquire easements on five prop- uses ID which Ihe tract will be these holdings represented a total 4aw t» *be resiftnaUon ol A eeml-acivated traffic tlgnal put. A. Prancev Ukbna affect erties on Atlantic Avc. and Church of 34.7 per cent of the total Farm-' la atrmally green to the mere tra- The »re» was proposed far light urs Merchants slock outstanding ar. tt. :;..::::. - ••- . ; St. to permit widening of the roads. veled road or highway changing Industry by the mayor'e commit- and that the requirement of bank favor Edward Hyrne explain- to the leaaer read ar etreet only Commiltecman Jay Krivitzky •d Mr*. COMOT had tuned to aald condemnation is necessary to tee on economic planning ler Ihe ing law that two-thirds of the stock i apta vehicular actuation of de- volcd had to approve any mow to •ccept Ihfl pott on the provision it taettn located la the roadbed of acquire one property on Atlantic borough and this was moved. The would bt la fMtrlm appointment. mayor said he had reason to be- expand Ihc capitfili/ution for pui the leaaer traveled route. Coal of Ave. and Four others on Church St. poses at making improvements nr The mayor awed, however, that It the inetallariona are ahared equal- He sale* negotiations, without need lieve there are several Industrial clients with whom the new own- enhancing the competitive position «ia MHf nMto tram Mar. 4 to ly by the atale aad federal gov- lor condemnation, are IHMTIK con- of a hank made it nossi'ilc for Mo: Dee. U so U» mayor and council orameata. cluded for two other properties. ers are in consultation and Ihe announcement will come as soon mouth County National to use it-, wouM kav* the assurance the pott When the easements are provid- trusteeship voting power to block WOSJM ba competently filled until aa negotiations are flnalltcd on ed by the township, the widening a company or companies moving any such attainment. the results of tht atnefal tlecUoa in and reconstruction of both major Change Directors Meeting ttoveMber an otrtifltd. Tht uaex- VFf Field To in at the site. lixlirior view of Ihe new 25S,0W square-foot I Monday. The plant is located on Route 15, Holmdel arteries in the township will be A directors meeting of the Farm- Mattel plant In Holmdel, which was dedicated on! Township. •ired portion of tht term to which done by Levitt and Sons, Inc., un- The new owner slated he and fir. Fraacey «u tltcted la 1M1 Ms associates are going to de- ers & Merchants Bank due in late der an agreement made with the January was set back to Mar. 2 nv Ihc new Holmdel plant and others, new doll. Baby First Step, "who j Ai.iong their most widely - known *UI be oa tht ballot In November Be Renovated township committee. velop Ihe trad as aa Industrial in charge are llarl Williams, pro- j walks by herself" in a manner products are Barbie, Ihe famed] .,'. Mayor Hyrnt commented there park and that they had these Judge Leonurd Jnn. 22 so lie could Bid For Well Construction have time to explore the issues of duclion manager; Harry Smith, I simuluti.ig the first steps of a ha-teen-age (ashion doll, and the "V. waa protpect a qutliflad iadivldual lal FMd, Toft Aroa Interested clients before making Rroom" line of . jal i.iotor-roar bl* The committee received a low bid the suit and have depositions taken materials manager; Berton I'ordy, I by and a new product called, "Sew would bt wllUof to etand tor their Investment la Ihe properly, chief engineer, and Malcolm Am-'Free," ••)!) clothes that are stamp- cycles, tricycles and related toys. _ ofllct at,tat ataortl election Courft In Straffimero of $61,290 from the Layne • New from the directors of Iwtli banks on so are conlidenl the area shortly the essence of (he charges in the anight btcoow available (or ap. York Co., Linden, for construction will gain the intended use. Matawan Township Recreation of a new well at the municipal wa- Schock suit. But last Friday, on the twintrmut by Apr. U.-Thli would return date set by Judge Leonard, aiiurt bit betoji duly filed Commiuion last night contracted ter works. The bid, one of four re- with Neil Devino, Matawan con- ceived for the job, vas referred to the litigants reappeared in court fcr tht pott by Apr. 11. the dead, with word they had readied an am- fine lot JUbM tarth a June 1 pri-tractor, for improvement! at theTownship Engineer Karl Heuser Veteran of Foreign Wars playing for recommendation. School Tax Talks icable settlement by which Mr. •wry. field oa CUffwood Ave. Samuel Schock could purchase the contesU William E. Anderson vats em- (conlinued on page four) Frank Farrano, In Manfacalco, chairman, aUo diactoJi ployed as a water plant operator reading off the nawmatlMi of Mrs. ed that over the week nd a fullalze trainee at the municipal water Offer By Trenton ComMt aa mterlm coikctor com- regulation baaebtjl diamond, plua a works at an annual salary of $5500, Borough Siltnct tots playgroundrwould be laid out He will be instructed in the opera- •ccoantlag from Bowling Orten Un- at Lloyd Rd. and Cypress Lane, tion of the plant and water supply Noted In Letter Appointed To iversity and has had experience in Cambridge Park, Stnthmora. A system by Mr. Heuser. •uch work with the Hewitt Cm. baaketball and tennia facility, plus Plans for the replacement of the David Goldberg, special counsel tracting Co. The mayor aad eoun- a little tot'a playground, will beLloyd Rd. bridge across the New Hospital Post cllmea all expressed satisfaction at : to Gov. Richard J. HuRhes, notified provided - Andover Park, Strath- York and Long Branch Railroad Mrs. Connor's qualifications to riuht-of-tvay were approved by Ihethe Matawan Township Committee Sheridan C. Snider handle the lob. Mayor Hyrne asid more. Monday night he would call a con- •he would start work tbla morning committee which also agreed to Named Director The contract with Devino Is pay its estimated $27,500 share of ference of borough and township with Mr. Francey to win know- for $861 work at the VFW field. the cost. The balance will be picked officials to discuss apportionment Plans for the Bayshore Communi- ledge of procedures prior to hisFor the price, lie will build a re- by the railroad and the state. ty Hospital moved a step closer to leaving, taining wall to contain sand that Replacement of the present wooden of regional school district costs if reality with the announcement by A SIM per week salary was sethaa been filtering onto the Held and span was ordered by the State both sides are agreeable to theD. Louis Tonti, Executive Director ding adoption of the aalary or ruining the grass area. It also will Card of Public Utility Commis- plan. of the New Jersey Highway Au- keep water from (lowing out onto a sioners. He noted the township commit- thority and president of the Board hard • aurfaced basketball court of Trustees, that a Director, Sher- and undermining it, in addition, Regulate Taxi Cabs tee has notified the governor it An ordinance regulating the op- idan D. Snider, has been a point- Mrs. Elliot Handler, executive vice president monies on Monday at the new plant in llolmdel, Goodhart Htads Roc Mr. Devino will erect four posts would agree to a conference of mu- while Mr. Handler, president, watches. eration of taxi cabs, and requiring nicipal officials of both comiyw ed by the unanimous vole of theof Mattel, Inc., unveib defkalion plaque al cere- and two basketball backboards at Board of Trustees. Commission; PUns Mad* the outdoor court. the licensing annually of owners ties to discuss apportloiunent.>_^ and drivers, was adopted by theGoldberg said a meeting would be A resident of Summit. Mr. Sni- The contractor also will repair committee. Ihe new ordinance fix- School Registration The Matawan Borough Recrea- scheduled if borough officials agree Urge Marlboro To such damage aa has been done ov- ej minimum insurance coverage, to the plan. Businessmen Will tion Commission held its monthly er the winter by the weather or requi. that cabs be adequately The annual spring registration Meeting Monday evening in the andak, identified and that fares be posted. However, the iMatawan Borough will be held al the CUffwood Ele- Borough Hall. The following offi- The commisalon also heard from The committee will inveitigate a Council already has retained the Fight Ordinance mentary School on Thursday, Appeal Decision cers were elected for the coming law firm of Schlff, Cummii and Apr. I, for all Cliffwood children fear; Goudwyn Goodrmrt, chair- a talesman offering a grass-green request from the Recreation Com- Favoring Developer; composition cement for use for bas- mission for the acquisition of prop- Kent, Newark, to start suit chal- Sidewalk Measure who will reach their fifth birth- Han; Frank Watson, treasurer and lenging interpretation now given U> day on or before Sept. M, IMS. Mrs. Marie Hanna. secretary. ketball and tennia courts. He quot- erty between Myrtle and Locust Called Harassment Grause Sees Time StJ. to replace recreation lands to Ihe basis of apportioning school The registration will be at the ed a price of fill per square yard cosU for regional districts. Plans were discussed tor an Eas-which the commiaslon members be taken by the Regional Board of Cliffwood Memorial School, Clllf- Strong urglngs to apiwal the ad- ter Egg Hunt In Terhune Park for found more than their budget would Education for its :hoc! building The committee waa notified by Martin F. Bell, president of the wuod Ave., from H:J» a.m. to Malawun Businessmen's Associa- verse ruling of Superior Court kprough youngsters. Saturday, Apr. allow, despite the manifest advan- program. Assemblymen Irving Keith, a Re- II a.m. and from 12 o'clock noon Judge Gene T. Mariano directing ••;<*. The Commission also would like tage* craimed. The salesman sug- publican, and Patrick J. McGann, tion, yesterday called on local mer- Mar. 2] to 27 was designated | chants tn protest plans of the Mata- lo 2 p.m. Ihc township tu issue 57 building, tB hold Summer Band Concerts and gested the cost could be cut In half cleanup week in Ihe township when a Democrat, that they favor a encourage musicians from sur- wan Borough Council to update a The Maiawan Regional Board pcrmil.s for Marllxmi West lo U.S. if the manual work on the Installs- all refuse will be pickt-d up on reg-broad base lax. The committee has ! Homes & Development Co. on 109- rounding areas to participate. Ro- tl • would be performed by the 55-vear-old ordinance banning "ob- of Education has made it man- ular collections days. The commit. Rone on record in favor of a new \ structions and encroachments" on by-150-fucit lots were presented to •ert Meseroll, Band Director of township road crew. tee also promised to probe the dis tax which would be earmarked to 1 datory that each child Is required the Matawan Regional High School strccli and sidewalks. lo have Ihe followlni Immuniza- the Marlboro Township Council continuance of a bus stop at Dawn reiluce school costs in municipal!-' Thursday. •as present aad offered Ms coop- Way and Lloyd Rd. by Public Ser tied. Members of the Businessmen's tions: Smallpox vaccination; eration and fliers will be circulated Throo Ho.pitali.td vice carriers. Association protested the proposed II.P.T. Vaccine, three Injections; But Joseph A. Grause, Red Bank, ta the near future. Mr. McGann said he personally favored a graduated income tax or; amendment scheduled for s nubile poliomyelitis, three Injections. lownship attorney, commented II waa decided to hire a recrea In Pour-Car Crash selective sales tax If the former! hearing Tuesday, as inarticulate, Parents arc advised to secure these expressions of resentment ikm director, two assistant direc had no chance of being passed by| detrimental, unnecessary and "In- written proof of Ihe above from against the court's sland will hav» Son mad. I female employee to con- A four car crackup at Route IS Apartment Woes the) legislature. Mr. Keith noted tended a.< a harassment of Individ- Ihc Well Bahy Clinic or family lo he put down for future reference us It would lie Impossible for tha duct a summer recreation pro- and lirchwood Dr., CUffwood that In order to have new tax funds, tHEMDAN C. SNIDER ual businesses" In tho borough. physician. Anyone having lo gram, ^rank Ferraao, representa- Beach, tent five persona to Perth earmarke.'. especially fur aid to ed- The ordinance, Mr. Hell pointed write nuUif-lnwn for records Is governing body to decide on un ap- tive from the Boro'igh Council, was Amboy General Hospital early yes- To Health Board ucation, a constitutional *m*tui< d#r has been the Director ni theout, prohibits delivery of goods advised to do so Immediately. peal until after Ihe final form of judgment is agreed to by the con- terday. Three were admitted and Petition Proiantod ment would be required. l-'ist Oranne General Hospital, Fast to storm, sldowwlk phone booths, These records plus a nlrlh certifi- The Matawan Borough Recrea- two wert treated and released. Orange, for the past 10 years. usu of snowhlowers, nil walking of cate must b* presented when a lesling parties and the court. The township will have 45 days on tioa Commrsslor meats the first Reported admitted to tht hospi- About Condition! Mr. Snider was born In Pltiv dugs iMi » leanh, nuwspapor de- child la registered. Moaday of every month at I p.m. MtttWtn Ltltt Ltvtl burah, Pa., and has been educated liveries, sidewalk charitable cake which to decide on an appeal afier tal wart two of (ha drivers, Fred saliM and uven 111) usu of postal Ihls issue. The devleoper cannot at the Borough Hall. Meetings are Mo*er, 14, of IW Main St., Keyport A petition of II signaturea of Lowtrtd For Rtpairi at the British Royal School of Hy- to Ihe public. lessees of apartments at Matawan giene and Sanitation, Aldomhot carts liv pi>stnien. move to take advantage of his formerly of Matawan, with bruises court victory utilil Ihe judgment is and cuts of Iht face and hands, Village waa submitted to the Mala Matawan Borough Engineer Hants, England; the Benlaniln What To Do With Trssh Cans? Burnt Fly Bog wan Borough Board of Health Mon Franklin Institute of Accounting, consented to. The township is un- •estnMtrtr W» Aid and Albert Landey, », Wayilde, Frank Trlscarl yesterday reported Tim aisoiiiitimi ,.ho noted llm or- likely tu consent to any final for HI with possible head Injuries, and day by six residents of the com'the level of Lake Matawun will be Washington, DC, and th« Ami-rl- iliii.nuo pioluliiii th« placing of plex. Their petitions cited five cin University School of Hu«lm-is Use Under Study of Judgment that would require is- School Sswinft M#n a paaaeaatr la oat of the cart In- lowered within a week to 10 days 1 trash cunt at thu curl) on K.'rlm^' suance of lh« permits until deci- volved, fames Anderson, M, of 4)points of objection to conditions, to permit repairs to be made to Admlnlstrstlon, Wa*hlngtnn. I)' . collfrtion (Inyi mid vs'ould bun ctiil- 1 Mamo Landfill Is sion li made on an ti|>penl. Poatmaster Charles Hssemann, Wyckoff K, Matawan, with facial There was an allegation the piers supporting tha Central Rail- A nominee to American Colli'i:' dri'ii fiou) titling tncvcles on the Matawan, said today he had been cuts, sewers overflowed on five occasions road of Now Jorsoy troHll*. of Hospital Admlnhlrntfir.i, Mr. sidewalk*. Barred By Planneri "Once a judgment is entered, (lie Instructed by Postmaster General onto property near CUffwood Ave Snider Is a mi'inlwr of the Ni-w 1 Ethel Reynolds, N, Mddletown, Lakofront properly ownnrs, h« Council dirid>'d lo iiluliiU the or- Council will decide whether nr not John A, flrorouskl to emend all co- John Muller, plumbing Inspector J«rs«y llnspllal AHWK-I.IIion. HIHI when M found il ('tilled M-.rlboro Township Council look to appeal," said Mr. Grause. a third driver, was reported treated said, should take advanlags of has s«rved on ho.iplml I eperatton posslMe to students, tdu- (continued on page four) lowvr water Icvals to repair tholr p fiir !i "ininiiinirii " fine of $«. The ! up nrn-w Thursday consideration of "I have analy/.i;d lire judge's itors, bankers, and other volun- at the hospital and releaaed. Also on botbhh h t I he u|>|)licsllon of Donilulck Matuo, reported treated and releaaed wai own docks, If they dcslro. t'lia en- unit cnuntv iiiK tixi a m<. opinion, and I think it Is faulty," era in promoting and serving the Drunkon Driving Klnoer suld Ihe railroad hml re- un page four) Mntnwnn, to rondur a sanitary Im told thi) Council. "He omilled Treasury's School Savings program Ruby Knapp, M, Route M, Holly He assumed hli d\ni"» Mar. 1 ami lanilftll nneratlon »t tliu IM acre quested the lowor lake level, not- ; uny rttferenci! lo restriction* In the In Matawan, Hill, West Keansrnirg, a passenger Roa It Entered will be resixmsllilH for the fund- lliirnt l ly mmm-rry ling tract ho In one of the vehicle*. ing the work had to lie done at raising, building itrogrum, and ml- Crash Victim IIWIH III ll»' nortliwcit purl of the (conllnui'd on page four) The School Saving* Program dttr- The fourth driver was Identified this (line. mlnlstrsllvn oiifiuilr.iulnii of llm tnwiihliip near tile MaitMon Town u World War II, he noted, provld- A plea of guilty to drunken drlv by Madison Township Police ai Ing waa entered In Magistral* new HS-btd Frluii'ii • tviw Hospl • 11m IHHIV of Justl,i II, Roln- ship line. Me mud'" original appli- I one of our most affective Instru- Chandler SarlM, IS, Route N, Holly Ul which Should IM n'n.lv In ivivi' hurl, Hl> 2, Itmilc W, Md cation .Inn II ami nliliilnF Iniiiirill o|»i|'iillmt, Uses In Madison priimoHoMl material, he aald, lua Uvift Firm Rtglnal Kovtl. borough polios, The lUiveran* Control hits urrfuri'ri HID IIIH NIKSHII I'miiilv uu'ilU'ul c« A hall Wilt) inn on tuiiilv aimmv will be aa hand lo rnoel tha needs license of ReKiui'a Tnvoni, Cliff- Ninth Hears Si,, Holmilel Towinhip mandatory HIM fine and IS coils uml will serve tits I] aumminliiu* Milliner Turalny. (ronllniii'il on |Hi:n four) Keating Returns To Of Ihe atvdenis and Ihe community and two y«an revocation of IICMM wood Ave., ClIffwtKid, mi'i|M'inli'(l Tim 4'i-vi'»f.iillxl'• liuilv la carrying out the mama Consign- Alfred and Anna H. hnn», Ljovd In the bayshoii< nn)lnlng tncf aMKMii" tln' Si . Mrt|«iV(»/i paid 11(1 ttul IS (.'t'»*loil Iwcttllir) llii'ic tvn« imii'iiiKiiiil/nlloii mfllnn I' r I il« v N, M iHlH'IH , I IIIIIV «l||lll'lt II hit ) tii!ie*wl lo iirrnpt iioli* r' ip'i' i Hol|i Jiilm •how • tnuii' oitlvi «H In whv Mr, tmni'il wllli Mr. K"itlliiH III cil'N : and removed violation from li limn HMUMI', botouirh iwllot, Thli liarl ttf tha IIIWISIM"! AiniiiiiHH Jr,, wlm wilt not ii"H|i Hi'lnhiirl should mil ho li'Kiillv tic. II|>M illlllllllllll III ll|l> I'll IK'I III I ,iit HIHI llwlr vethnl hlnslt ((iiltu'd 9M wggt Farat Ntw "to tt to change tht normal flo di'fi'iiili nt's car wai In colllitlon iKIIIIIl'll tO Illrt i:illll|ll|tid, A IIIIIHIIII'III tli'i'lur- Ili'lhihv nnd Mm' I'di Tin' niiiv" ,i|i|u,M In coiini'llmiinli: tntikt, and tMiMM of drtlnti« waler," with un« (ip«ratail liy Jmtic* I) hiiiiln'ii win SMICI-IIMI vim iiimi Ing him riititil ««i lo Id' ri'liiiiuul i' H |>l| 11 III I III" ll'IIIIlM llf ill" glllllllllMil" hv oil" Hi" ruillli Illlli'll illl'll Ilia mt Urn* attd lime? let ua Ctnihby UUh r wm atM IJV Wivi HO At a reftM, the Jmstnt claim In Mm I lit, N*v«*lHk, Pub, li. ili'iii, AdMiiilng tlix 0ning tiount ttnttrtoi by Mitrolman ilr#w#s tttd s|Kin»weir at Wost- AlAMt t wi)r«g(w)g( . (.'lull('l-l l'urn*l'n, ItnlulItllt whluli Imrl nv known suivlvors, fiiini l< it t M ii il Im ivlm tti'i'il'i to In' well! diiwn III. sit ItMta'l attatity, im Mulltr, ih mllc#, lir « W, r/on! Hi., K«vi«irt, ll((i|)»l itiiil Kilwaril It Mllh hit IHll IHN' ll iniili'liiiki'ii on lliH llil" I (t'oiililiui'ii W THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Tnuwday, Mardi 4, 1968

tiataiaa ki tk* MaaaMith Couacil, ter and the den mothen, he thank Robert Flynn, lkm badge, one Distinguished Award Tales Banking Course New Jersey banks, whether larga aei* Mr. eat Mn. P id Scbumaa, ed them and their den chiefi lor (old arrow, three lilver arrows and Origami To Be or small, with the intonnatiov Anrad Dinner hi chant at ergaaifatica. MOB- Uw accomplithimaU of the put a denner'i srtipe; Stephen Hayton, For AHstate Agent techniques and method* oval!

SPRING LATE SPRING ChtvaHw O ROIL O LIGHT ROLL O AIRATI O AERATI O FEftTIUZI RENT-A-CAR O RESIED O FIRTILIZI W O QftUI TROOP O WEEO CONTROL (1-4D * IT) FM 24 HOWS Pro Emergent '5 • * A MM Crabgrats Control Chinch Bug Control ft— Customer Pick Up SUMMER FALL Within IS Mlnurei O LIGHT ROLL e ROLL O FERTILIZI e AtftATI PA 7-0479 • W»D ft CRAtGRASJ CONTROL (DMA JTI e HESEED O FUNSUS TREATMENT e FERMIZI No Matter What Model You Chooso You Get MORE Fertiliier Value Annual Program 7.S lbs, Nitrogen Per Thousand mm wcktUti a4vk$ you on your banking tuedt BIKE SIGN UP NOW for EA1ILY SCHEDULING tBoxe* rtmen* FOR FURTHER INFORMATION THB CENTRAL JERSEY BANK CALL TONY5 66-1013


Members AREA Plan Trip for you to listen to your children." ference: to start Ihii Thursday Mrs. A. Mallelt John Glenn Viiits Boy Scout Office File Tax Appeals Miss Eckhart explained the new evening at 8 p.m. in St. Joseph's To Ford Plant Mar. 12 Sisters Receive l.T.A. (Initial Teaching Alphabets) School, Maple PI., Ke port. system of reading. The Rev. William Bausch, St. Feted At Shower With State Unit Plans for a trip Mar. 12 to the Funds From P-TA The attendance prize was award- Joseph's Church, will conduct the Ford plant in Metuchen were made , ed to Mrs. Paul Schimpf's third five sessions to be held every A akower WM IwM Sunday at ike Biyshore area appeals ol deci- ~ " of Columbus Hall. Rout* at a meeting ol A.R.E.A. held Feb. Proceeds of the "Sisters" card | grade. Following the meeting, re- Thursday evening for the engaged sions ' y the Monmouth County 21. New members and visitors were party to be ujsed to defray the cost freshments were served by the couples of the parish. . la kcaof o, Mri. Albert Board ol Taxation hr.w beta filed welcomed. of summer education for the Sis- third grade niolhe;s. Further information :.iav be ob- I Third *.. Keyport. with the State DivlsK).. ol Tai Ap- ters were presented to Sister Mary tained from Mr. ind Mn. Matfhaey wv MUa Mariu Die- peals. The appetle Involve 1964 The club also is planning to hold • dinner and dance. Brian, principal, at the Feb. 23 or by attending the first confer- Ibyport. Mn. Maltett't tii- local property tax atiemiiaati. No meeting of St. Joseph's Parent- Pre-Cana Conferences ence. tar; Mn, JamM Ruth, Ualoa datea for hearing of the tppeals Th» LatliM Auxiliary will spon- Teacher Association, Keyport, by Start At St. Joseph's •Met, at^ Mn. MM Antrim, have been announced. sor t rummag* sale in March. Con- Mrs. Vincent Kirshner, chairman. tributions for th» aale may be If you need printing of any kind, ^KraritlaM per* -a pink and Raritan Township i« seeking to mado by sending a postcard with and Mrs. Joseph Reap, co-chair- Mr. and Mrs. William Matthaey, we «re here to serve you. Our have restored the original assess- man. Sisler Brian thanked the j quick service and reasonable prices name and telephone to A.R.E.A., K; Washington Ave., Mala wan, will 1 ments of seven properties, which P.O. Box 441, Keyport, N. J. chairmen and all the members for be in charge of the Pre-Cana Con- will please you. Owiti Mra MM. C. Dietrich. were lowered as follows: Eugene making the card party successful. Mr*, E. pMwettl, Mn. C. Dietrich and Marine Vavrick, 89-Tenth St., There were more than 500 present. Mra. H. Dittrich tr, Mra. 8. West Keansburjj, from $19,300 to The Rev. Cornelius .1. Kane, pas- fervfa* Mwwitb Cwaty lor II Vcan. rich. Mn. E. Semen. Mrt. P. (17,800; William and Alma Phillip, ». Mr*. W. Mordecai «.. Girl Scouts Mark tor, opened the meeting with a 2035 Florence Ave., from JI2O0 IO prayer and a special prayer was R. Matttww*. Mn. H. FretM. $7600; William and Rose Weaver, R. Berien jr., Mr*. D. Po!- said for Peler Lennon, fourth no street address given, from $8800 Thinking Day grade pupil, who had drc-ied. tfc Mn. R. Currier. Mr*. R. Mun- to $7900; Robert and Gertrude Hen- drlckson jr., 19 Woody Terr., West An International Program was Mrs. Thomas Bohnsack, presi- Keansburg, from 112,000 to $11,SCO; presented Wednesday by Ihe Girl dent, reported on Catholic Press Mr*. I. Oraier, Mr*. R. Carmen and Hlsa Semenza, 96 Hud- Scouts of Cadette Troop G8, Union month and urged p; rents to en- ttf, Mr*. D. Tro)i»n «r, Beach. Guests included patrol lead- courage their children to join the son Ave., West Keansburfl, from library and let (hem choose their _. TroilaB Jr., Mr*. J. Ro- $12,400 to $11,400; Helen Walling, ers from the Junior Troops. The Mn. R. ROMMM, Mr*. C. program was designed to illustrate own children's books to increase TRAVEL AGENCY 47 Park Ave., from $8400 to $7200 their interest. Mn. C. Chlunadia, Mr* and Helen Walling, property at 6 the various wnys the girls work U, Mra. B. WyckoH, Roosevelt Ave., from $3300 to 13000. on their badges, nnd to commemo- Mrs. Bohnsack introduced the 144 BROAD ST., RED BANK rate Thinking Day, which Is cele- guest speaker, .Vliss Kathleen Eck- T.i Marlboro Township, Lavoie brated by Girl Scouts and Girl hart, Keyport, a member o( the TEL SH 1-5080 Mn.jl.IMa. Mr*. F.Zalw. Laboratories, Morganville, is reek- Ml Mra. E. Kennan, Mr*. Guides all over the world to foster faculty of Newark Slate College. YOU CAN RESERVE AND PICK UP AlkUNE. STEAMSHIP, ing further reductions ot land, "Tho Approach for Teaching Read- . HMM. KMMbwi; Mn. P. KM- building, and personal property as- International friendship. •US AND TOUR TICKETS, HOTEL AND RESORT AREA Mr*. R. Coward, Lone Branch; ing" was the topic of Miss Eck- RESERVATIONS AT OUR OFFICES. sessments which were reduced Each patrol explained part of the hart's talk. She said, "It is impor- " ~cfcwt«terotti, Mr*. A. from $749,230 to «637,35O in three badge they were working on, the tant for your children to listen to IT COSTS NO MORE TO BOOK THROUGH US th, *o-)U Park; Mra. separate appeals. My Country badge, and Ihe World you, but it is also just as important Mra. T. McDo aid. MIM Farmland RcductiM Heritage badges. They displayed MeOeavld. Laurence Harbor; •lAe Bayjeeata el America la North Brunswick. He cime to the Harold V. D. Conover is teellng symbols of the United Stales, ex- . H. Dietrich Jr.. Mr*. M. Con- New Bnsatwlek area t* visit the Natieaal Oflice el Ihe Boy Scouu ol further reduction! of three farm- plaining origins and meanings. Mra. W. Chomle. Union Aateriea aad tu JetaakM Hktarieal Museum and lunched with several 1 land assessments which were lower- Skits showed some of tho customs Mn. K. Dietrich. Mr*. H. J&5"?" **? H* la aaea wUh Jaaeph A. Brualoa |r., Matawan, the ed from a total of $63,560 to $57,- of other countries and their con- I MfK t. Coward, Hoimdet; 1 l l t mWem 326. tributions to life nnd culture in this '1 * Mordecai jr., North Ber- SSL's?" I T" i;* ft!"" •*•' $• • °*«« '•"• country. A display table was ar- 1 #v fy e Stacy P. Conover is seeking a "BreaklhrayfJ"l!* ? $• "SFi fa* *r *Vaath* " ***'progra » l»rdl*m thaMt planel whert to eplac hee ma a yScout unit ranged. Songs were sung. SPEEDY.' EVERYTIME "\ NOTHING.THAT MAKING ^U» Mra. D. Coon, Mlu E. Coon, alaa1 te keep) tteat wt #vo feffectivy e ela meetlag Scoufiaf'a goals. reduction of a $12,000 land assess- 1 GO FOR A DRIVE , \ A VISIT TO "l!* ? $• "SF* ** * ***' » l»rdl*M el where he may live, and ment and a further reduction of a WooafcrMga; Mr*. A. F*dder*on, alaa te keep) ttea wto ffti l tl Sfi' l An inlernutinnal buffet was pre- ICNAKEUKtALEAP/J Perth Afflboy; Mlu I. Galettl. $79,450 land assessment which was pared with each of Ihe Cndette BILL / HM-et: Mn. J. Yellen, Ford*; lowered to $69,490. Scouts making a food representing Mrt. I. Kalickl. Sotth River; Mrs. Robert D. Miller, Brown Rd., Is a different country. LMZARO P. Thorne, Mn. W. Garriel. Mini HYAA Cheerleading Popular asking lor a reduction of the $12,- Patricia I.pmmnns, Senior Troop AND GETTING ONE OP f. Carrld, Mr*. H. Keenan, Miss L. 'H'l land and building assessment M(i, Keyport, who is one of the THEIR SMOOTH RUNNING,C Keenan, Mr*. P. Tanski, West upheld by the county. The cheerleading program for scouts from this area who have TOP QUALITY USED Keansburg; Mr«, A. Hedigan, New- Vam Vakas, Peggy Harylka and James C. Gabriel is asking for been selected to attend the Girl CARS.WON'T CURE.' ark; Mrs. P. Ludlow, Port Mon Holmdel girls made its debut In captain, Leatric Ga.silc. October 1962, It consisted of two a reduction of the $9230 land as Scout Knundup in Idaho this sum- mouth; Mr*; D. Garriel, North Green and While, Donna Also- sessment upheld by the county. mer, spoke and asked the girls their squads, a red and white, and a brooks, Christine Ganz, Calhy No- LonaVUCUgl BranchWI«ltVll: »¥»»•Mrs. • tiJt. «KII(ll*b>ii>Jennings,| Fr"d Von Rodeck is seeking re- interpretation of (lie Promise In a blue and white. This year it has weski, Maureen Rush, Cindy Sac Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. F. Engel- expanded to four squads, two ductions of three land assessments action. Speedy Says: , Mia* L. Ermelminn, Mlddie- canl, Sally Sliarpe, Donna Welk totaling $16,220 and an $11,160 build- •quads made up of fourth and fifth and captain, Gwen Kuchler. Leader of Trnop W is Mrs. John «nd Mrs. J. Folmer, New graders, one squad of sixth ing assessment which were upheld. Home; assistant leader, Mrs. Mi- "Mid-Winter Savings Days Arc graders, and one of seventh and Gold and White, Rita Alsobrooks, N.J. Materials Co., Route 34 and chael Grossman. Gi(U were aent by Mrs. H. Jor- eighth graders. Kathle Gibson, llclecn Harbour, Valley Dr., Matawan, is asking for Guests attending were Beverly Here at BILL LANZAKO'S" •fen, Mr*. J. Scoras, Mra. G. Dem- Kerry Kojola, Karen Willey, Meg a reduction of the $123,709 land and McMillen. Joanne Pilkelhley, Ei- •ry, Mr*. N. Millet, Mra. H. Rus- At the Initial practice sessions Sharpe, Barbara McCarthy, Jackie building assessment upheld by the leen Brady, Troop 222; Judy Gar- aell, Mrs. H. Mordecai, Mrs. E. beginning in October of the 1964- Martin and captain, Janet Emcr- county. rison, Eileen Dierclts, Troop 93; •tain, Mra. F. Stein and Mis* D. 1965 season there were approxi- ian. Kristine Jackson, Kuren Lesbirel. Matthew*. mately 75 girls participating each Each squad has a different uni- Organize CYO In Troop 33!); Mrs. Richard Krasznai, Saturday until December at which form all purchased by the HYAA. Troop 33!); Mrs. Richard rasznui, Amboy Hospital time 33 girls were chosen by a There is one woman in charge ol St. Benedict's Parish troop organizer and Mrs. John panel of four judges, all of whom each squad. They are: Gold and Sweeney, troop committee chair- CH* ArM Employ*)** had previous experience in cheer White, Mrs. Katsy Willey; Green Approximately 75 high school man. leading programs. These girls were and White, Mrs. Winnie Alsobrooks; students attended the first meeting Three resident* ot the Keyport chosen for agility, voice, attend- Blue and White, Mrs. Mary Basile, on Feb. 24 of the newly organized area were among the honored ance, spirit and grooming, and Red and White, Mrs. Dorothy St. Benedict's Catholic Youth Or- Sen. Stout To Be Guest The Holmdel Youth Activities Spencer. ganization, Holmdel. Youth activi- At Holmdel GOP Dance THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL has been .. to ties chairman, Russ Lagattuta, out- Mrs. Winnie Hammer is In charge lined tentative plans for the re- 4-dr. Station Wagon, 8-cyl., standard physical of practice sessions and visits dif- Sen. Richurd Stout will be guest fitness can be fun. The practice mainder of the school year and a of honor at- the first annual diniier- Tl employee* with 10 years or ferent games each week. She was discussion period followed, at which 1961 Valiant shift, heater, white, $495 djnee ol the Holmdel Young Repub- more ol service. sessions were deliberately planned assisted during practice sessions by time members expressed their in- so that all girls participating would her two daughters, Gall and Ellen, lican Club, Saturday at 8 p.m. at Af..M" those iionored were Mrs, terests in connection with this Buck Smith's, East Keansburg. B* • • Special Detune, convertible!, V-S, nuloiriotio Helene Gmter, 73 West Front St., achieve agility, co-ordination, some both of whom were former cheer- group. A social with music by power fiteerlng, rhythm and increased stamina. leaders. The cheerleading program County officials will be present as BUICK transmission, power RtoerinK, radio " Keyport, manager of the personnel records, concluded the evening. will Township Committeeman Ud- 1962 heator. wnll tires, green. $AVE oflice; Miss Cithleen McCormack, Girli Enthusiastic ends in March but will be resumed The next meeting of the C.Y.O. next fall. win Liebenow, it wa.s announced by F-85 Cutlass Sport Coupe. V-fl, auto- MO Sunset Blvd.. Cliffwood Beach, The HYAA, noting that it is will be held Wednesday at 8:15 club's vice president, Henry Oldsmobile matic transmission, radio Ac licater, $AVE assistant director of nursing educa- equally important for girls to be Cheerleaders will perform at the p.m, following confraternity class- Vaclu«, chairman. 1964 white wall tires, turquoise. tion in the htupital's Charles E. in top physical condition, have HYAA Awards night at the Village es. Guest speaker of the evening Tho sltti!: (linnet will be preced- _• • Barracuda, 2.door hardtop. V-8, auto. Gregory School of Nursing, and found that the overwhelming en- School on Apr. 2. v will be the Rev. John McDonald, KlVltlAllth rnutlc transmission, power steering, ed by a cocktail hour beginning at • ' f HIVMHI white wall tires, radio & heater, blue. -rMrs. Norma Shambley, 10 EARC- thusiasm that the girls have for Munmoulh County C.Y.O. Modera- 6:30 p.m. in the nciv "C;ii\'iinnl 1964 SAVE vie.< Rd., Keyport, a licensed prac- this program has made this ex- Day Of Recollection tor. All high school students ol St. Room." Music fur ilancing will be Coupe do Villi*. Full Powur. Air Can* tical nurse in the nursing depart- tremely simple to achieve. Benedict's Parish are invited. provided bv a DO uilar local band. 1963 (litiniu-d, While with Red Leather SAVE "Wnt. The four squads have one prac- At St. Benedict's Mr. Vadasz said tickets or imilier Cadillac Interior. tice session each per week. They Meeting Cancelled information may be obtained S-55, Sport Coupe, bucket fit-ats, V-8, Girl Scout Art Show arc pul through vigorous paces for through himself, V/uriL'n Ft. i'.aiim- automatic tr;m^., p'r.ver hlperin.tl. ri'ilio The executive committee of St. 1963 Mercury & hoitci, uhite v. iiH tlrea, white. SAVE one hour In the Indian Hill School The regular monthly nitv'in;; ol I'.arlner, Anms Mumlord, .Hweph Plans have been finalized for the Benedict's Rosary Altar Society, MHUILTO, or Willkim .\k'iij;es. BoniK'vilU', 4-door liartltnp, fuitnnmt- Rym. Each squad has one game Mazlct, met al the home of Mrs. the Holmdel Township Donhtnaiic 1 annual Bayshoro' Neighborhood i ic transmission. JKJ-.UM «lcering. ra- per week In one of four schools, Lawrence Conlin to discuss the Club, scheduled for tomorrow hi ; The dub further announced 1963 Pontiac dio & healer, white wall tires, blue. SAVE Girl Scout Art Show to be held at Indian Hill School, Village School, spriiipj program. The "Day of St. Mary's Episcopal Church Hall, been cancelled. Instead, tin: presi- through Martin lord, pni^nim Leonardo and Keyport Schools, Recollection" will be opened to all dent, R. H. Lippinco't, urgi;?. .ill chairman, that State Assemblyman Front St., Keyport. >..-s. Jack There are eight girls on the three women of the parish on Sunday Democrats and oilier cilir.m's u> Alfred Itaidlc.slon will be Hiio.sl jJenndron, chairman, announced younger squads and nine on the Irom 2 to 5 p.m. Guest speaker, attend an open foruni at the civic speaker al the Young Republican's "jAat the show will be held on Fri- older squad. They arc: Red and the Rev. Leonard Toomoy, is auditorium "at the Monmouth Shop- next general membership meeting. 30-DAY 100% GUARANTEE day, Mar. 12 from 10 a.m. until diocesan director of C.Y.6. The Thursday, Mar. 11. Mr. Headleston ' I p.m. and on Saturday, Mar. 13, White, Maria tlunin, Christine ping Center, Katontown, to he:u' Klughardt, Carol Kunreulher, Alli- chairman, Mrs. G. Gresch and her Sen. Harrison A. Williams and Rep. served as speaker during the 1964 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 9 from * a.m. until 12 o'clock noon, committee, will s<.. a refreshments. session of tlu^ Assembly and i.s with the judging to be done on Fri- son Martin, Debbie Mosia, Allison James J. Howard. They will be dis- Saccani, Kathy Will -y, and captain, Mrs. Victor Rosa, ways and cussing Pres. Lyndon I!. Johnson's recognized by bis colleagues as one day evening. The public is invited of V.K outstanding legislators in to attend. Patty Kajola. means, announced her theme for "Great Society" nnd its effect on Other Squadi the annual card party which will Monmouth County. They will ex- Trenton. This week, why don't you look Blue and White, Lynn Baker, be held Apr. 22 at 8 p.m will be plain In detail their rule in making "April Showers," through the windows of your Janet Coates, Linda Fcsla, Sandy this projram a success. A question 25 Years Of Service church . . from the Inside. Schulhman, Diane Smith, Debbie Secretary, Mrs. Robert Love, who and answer [>orioc! will follow. presented an interesting program Memhers of the Holnulcl Demo- Stanley V. Poling. Church St., to members on the Japanese An cratic Club desiring to attend this KeypurC, and James W. Hallows, FOR Ut, BUST BUrStt Ut IOWCST PtMCCSi of Paper Folding, "Origami." has meeting should contact Archie R. Monroe PI., Old Bridge, last • full program planned for follow- Price at 26-4-7042 or William K. MAIN STRIITftN'MMT NO.lt - MATAWAN fOt THIIEST IN MEATS 11 ing monthly meetings. month completed 25 years of ser- Madden at 9-IC-83II to arrange for vice with the Hercul s Pouxler Co., The Annual Communion Break- transportation to Monmouth Shop- Parlin. fast will be held at the Cobble- ping Center. stones, Middletown. on May 16 af- MEAT ter the 9:45 a.m. mass. If you need printing of any kind, Mrs, Lawrence IrwL will be the we are here lo serve you. Our new publicity chairman. quick service and reasonable prices MARKET will please you. SkahwLawa M&S How about business cards? We * Mffcma mop ran m TEAM can supply them quickly and at the Real Estate Listing Cards for tight price. Come and try us. sale at this olficc. CAN HELP S3 W. font 964.9107 Ktyport \UiUiwan Drugs 145 MAIN ST f KICK-UP V ..A,.. 566-0021 «>° DELIVERY


Thursday - Friday - Saturday FINISH YOUR $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ BASEMENT Repair your FROSTED Roq. »2.25 FABERGE HAIR CRUSH SPRAY COLOGNE N/UUIW. HPISfU WITH A LOW COST MODERNIZATION LOAN $700 Any Irnprovunujnl lliat will make your hortw mor« livable OIII.I vnltifiblo is a good InvMlmont, Tlwt'l MAYBEILINI1; Ri.'i. ti fi'i why SIHKIIHV LOWM, with over nv>ro tlion $42, mf!> MASCARA THERMOS lion Invr'.icd In Iminoj throughout Hio »hor« or«0, CYtlinOW MAKE UP BOTTLE molntrilm u consulting service to cidvljo home own- •XCiriNOLT NIW-INVITINOLT YOURi EYELIMt o of work, PHA Insured horn* MtOMflbl'l 'I'll Sttntiwkli - on (nl»«iilun In grod dating, lint 15 OFF 99c Imprnvomtmt loons ii|i to $3,*5O0 . , , up lo 5 ysoci, Mto — thole* tfr'F Mil "!'•>'' tulth" ,,, i#niMt((, bomM und SAVE where ot low monthly pnymcnM. Call nt any Shadow Lawn tlmmnil la a getiitn brf wn on Ilia eu'dil* (intl moW, KiiVy wtil(» ft lor ln-,1 st'ivirp, without obligation, imle*, IflvxJ hul on bun wllli l.m|.|.»» turlur Mutt, ll't Hill REG. or SUI'tR laving PAYS M f»n MM H — ffd ol (mi btl CUTEX TAMPAX •WA hr th* f«MtrT tirthtt" NAIL POLISH IJ09 15% Discount

McDonald's WHEN YOU NEED YOUR DRUGS IN A HURRY CALL US 37 W£S1 l-RONr ST., KEYPORT Hlohw.y 38 Mlddl.fown • Long Branch • Oakliur»» • Holmdel * Mirldlolown Shopping Center Nwth M Plvi Uimn) THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Thursday. March 4. I94S

Bb UdfcM Ai»Kary Dhcuw Co-OpswatWa County and filling an open space all complaints submitted in writing niche in a oountv border area." would bring an official inspection Hold* Recant Nursery; Functions His letter called for keeping it "op to give the householder a source of Qt|t (JHatafamt en and unpolluted to insure a water backing in return to take to the de- A regular meeting of the Ladles "The Cooperative Nursery and supply for future generations." veloper over the bad conditions. Auxiliary B.P.O. EJki 2MB was held How It Functions" was the topic Mr. Manzo argued against this. Fes. H at the Elks Hall. Hie of a round-table discussion at a He 'Minted out the area could be- president, Mrs. George Kspusby, recent membership meeting of The come t valuable tax . 'table to the welcome) uw members, Mrs. Red Oak Co-operative Nurstry township within a short space of Bank Suit Ended • •gmMUt V. Bmra, laNbH Kler Steve Zctkowski, Mrs. M. Reinhold, School. Three guest officers from time by the landfill operation. He (continued from Ddfce one) Mrs. M.J. Heinhold, Mn. I. Brenon. Pine Grove Manor, a cooperative offered free dumping privileges to ed 138,825 shares of Farmer* ft SO WHO'S SMART... Just received a copy of "Search" Mrs. Henry Freeman jr'i. tpplica- nursery school in Sc lerset, spoke the towr •'ip. Merchants stock from the two es- .a fourth edition by the way, published by Esso Research tioa was read and accepted. oa their philosophy, methods of Cauld Cast SM.an tates at $5 per share or for a total operation, membership, educational cost of $697,125. The oomiMlioa of iew officers system, etc. Mrs. Havi Slander. Harold G. Smith, Perth Amboy. wai discuued, and pJani are un- his attorney, argued (h£t the land John Warren, Red Bank, as at- director of The Red Oak school, torney for the estates of Henry S. derway tor the Ladies Installation. served as moderator. if to be bought for wild life pur- I to *• art tf Ik* —f The date will be decided at the poses under a Green Acres match- Terhune and Margaret L. Terhune with a paper on "Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectral Cor- One difference between a co- 1 stipuhitfd the settlement had to ne sett weetins:. Mra. Paul Callamir- ing funds opera on. .vould cost the relation of Some Symmetrically Substituted Epoxides and n* won the special prize. The re-operative nursery school and a township 190,000. But Joseph A. accepted by Mr. Schock and his at- freshments weie served by Mrs. commercial school is the factor of Brodaiak. president of the council. torney, Eugene t-andry, Asbury Olefins' or for that matter, one on "Carbonium Ion H J. Atkins, and Mrs. A. Spaloss, parent participation. Parents func- declared his understanding of the Park, "with prejudice" that the arrangement In The Cationic Polymerization Of Branchy tion as assistants in the classroom plaintiff wuuld be disbarred from The next executive meeting will be state's approach to the matter was Alpha Olefins" . . . Man they're sure heavy on those Ole- held oa Mir. 18. and the regular and perform on ce.nmittees which that it would not cost the township reopening the suit at a later date. meeting on Mar. 74. operate the administrative aspects anyhfing. that it would be an area Lawnmce A. Carton, Middletown, fins . . . Glad to learn though, that all contribute to the of the school. It was emphasized attorney for Monmouth County Na- scientific genius of mankind . . . Was doubtful about one oi Those attending were Mrs. G. "saved" by the state against future THURSDAY. MARCH 4, Mf that this partici.iition is most val- need* of natural space. tional, joined in this stipulation, the papers included in the latest issue. It was titled "Cata- Kaputny. Mrs. M. Lotuen, Mrs. H.uable to the parent as well as to which was accepted by the plaintiff. Sechenski, Mrs. E. '.ewis, Mrs. S. the child. Mr. Smith then reminded the lyst Regeneration In Fixed Beds" .. . Sounds like a scientific Zcikowiki. Mn. P. CaUamarraa, council Mr. Mai zo ms entitled -a A condition of the settlement was "Candy." Instead of calling someone a pathological liar, The Ordinance Mrs. V. Brand. Mrs. t. Del Rosio. a reduction of assersnient if the that |3»,0W worth of the stock Mrs. R. Lambertson, Mrs. M. Rein- New Citizens Sworn would be sold to Mr. Schock di now you can describe him as a catalystic regenerate ... HM MaUwan Borough Council ia updating a 1910 ordi- land were to be "frozen" against hold, Mrs. M.J. Remhold, Mrs. I. any use on which a return couid redly and that he could complete That'll fix 'em. It provide* as follows: At Freehold Ceremony Brenon, Mrs. C. Talnndjte, Mrs. be gained until £uch time as thepurchase of the remaining $397,125 LEANING TO THE LEFT .. . The Russians straightened the "No person, (inn or corporation shall obstruct or encum- A. Spaloss, Mrs. B. Dominick, Mrs. stae took it over. over a period of 10 years. This leaning minaret of Samarkand . . . What is more, they said bar any of the strttU, highways, sidewalks or crosswalks of J. Williams, Mrs. R. Blackburn, Four bayshore area residents be- John Nanowich, Buckley Rd., proviso reduced the immediate vot- and Mn. J. ArmiUge. came naturalized citizens of the ing power of the Monmouth County they might be able to help Italians straighten the leaning Urn Borough of Matawan with any boxes, barrels, merchan- agreed with the attorney and re- United States Monday at ceremon- marked that "a park would bring National 3ar*- in the trusteeship of Tower of Pisa ... The top of the 15th-century, 970-ton tow«r dise, goods, trees or shrubs, bushes, sweepings, shavings, ies at the frail of Records, Free- in tramps from the city who would the Fumers A Merchants stock for of Samarkand has leaned by five feet for the last 30 years paptr, cans, > platforms, wagons, vehicles or any material Old Bridge Man Entart hold. MonmiRith County Judge Al- do nothing but litter the site with the Terhunes estates to 17.4 per ton V. Evans officiated at the cere- and has been supported by cables. Tass, the official press whatsoever, or obstruct any crosswalk with any vehicle GuiHy Picas To Count* garbage and beer cans. A sani- cent of total stock of the Matau-an monies after the class was pre-tary landfill would he better for institution and removed the bar to agency, said the tower was jacked upright today at the end Ml standing thtreon; nor shall any person, firm or corpora- : sented by Miss Mary Collins, coun- us," Mr. Nsnw>w said. attainment of the two-thirds vole of a two-month operation . . . "Engineer Emanucl Gandg tion lead or drive any motor vehicle or animal on the side- James H. Taylor, Old bridge, ty naturalization clerk. Might Be Used Far Mousing sought by Mr. Schock. who was in charge of the job, said the method they us#dF walk, or wheel thereon any handcart, wheelbarrow, veloci- entered guilty pleas to two indict- New citizens ire Licicknte H. ments Monday stemming from a Gerald A. Bauman, vice chair- Directors Elected here could certainly be applied to bolster up many struc- Currie, S Deerfield Lane, Strath- man of the Planning P rd, said he pede, bicycle or other vehicle, except b*by carriages; nor pair of lobberies of savings institu- r The adjourned meeting of the more. Germany: Pearl Shapiro, 37 fears that the a ea would be even- tures, including the leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy, although shall any person, firm or corporation in any other manner tions in Middlesex County last year Courlland Lane. Slrathmore, Farmerc ft Merchants directors tually used for housing develop- was held Tuesday, at which time L'onstrudionnlly a different system would have to be applied," obstruct, encumber and encroach upon any of the streets, which netted nearly (14,000. Tay- Egypt: Edgar K. Steindal, Nolan ment. "The Master Planner, Her- shareholders voted 394,675 of theTass declared. highways, sidewalks or crosswalks of the Borough of Mat- lor entered the pleas before Judge Rd., Morganviile, Norway, and bert If. Smith Associ. es, Trenton, John B. Molineux,' who noted that 400,0(10 shares outstanding and re- BACK IN THE NEWS . . . Britain's best-known woman awan." Elizablelh A. Maiden, 276 Harding says the bog is not suitable for de- the penalties could add up to 30Blvd., Matawan, Great Britain. velopment and should be used for elected nine directors and added driver has reached the end of the road, for a year at least. . . Violators of any of these provisions are subject to a years in prison. Taylor it being one dir«;or (o the (ward. Martin wildlife conservation" Mr. Bau- Magistrates slapped the year's ban on Margaret Hunter, 86, fine cl not more than $200, imprisonment not exceeding 90 held as a federal prisoner on as- nian mentioned. F. Dell, president of Matawan sociated charges. Accept Settlement Foodtown, is the new director. Re- Monday after finding her guilty of colliding with a tree . . . days or both. "II the state wants Grctn Acres He admitted robbing the East elected were Joseph Baier, Fred M Miss Hunter agreed the tree was stationary and that the 100- Check these provisions and determine how they apply An Old Bridge family Tuesday here, let them take some of the nur'ew. Mr. Scl.ock. RJSS W. Mag- Brunswick Branch of the South land at the state hospital that foot skitl marks on the road were probably hers. She blamed to you and your household or business. Apparently the ?'ver Trust Co.. on Route 18, and accepted a settlement for $4250 for han, Johnson Cartan, William J. damages and injuries stemming they're not using," Councilman nuncan, J. Donald Miller, Robert the accident on a mysterious "propelling force" that took main reason for updating the ordinance was to increase the teller Barbara Lancewlcz. Old Charles T. McCue observed. from an auto accident with a Mount G. Sampson, and Anthony Nappi. control of her car . . . Constable Thomas James said he had penalties for violations. Most of the rest is absurd, and Bridge, Mar. M, 1964. The loss was The Council decided no to act on put at {9910. He also pleaded guilty Holly driver on Route 18, Eait Shareholders also ratified a 10 asked what sort of force that was and she replied: "It was unenforceable. Brunswick, in 1963. Mr. Manzo's variance request until per cent stock dividend and author- tc an indictment charging him with discussing the situation with stale as if a jet force pushed me off the road." . . . Miss Hunter robbing $3981 from the First Sav- Middlesex County Judge DuDois ized the sale of (200,000 of tends S. Thompson approved the settle- and Monmouth and Middlesex and shares. The dividend and first came to public notice in 1962 when her driving instruc- ings and Loan Association of Perth County Planning Boards. Amboy, 339 Slate St., and teller ment which awards $3500 to Wil- stock sale were ipnroved by a vote tor jumped from her car in a busy street, yelling, "This jji Who Are The Delinquents? Gladys Bello, 18, of 423 New Bruns- liam A. Tanzer, 19, of 19 Harold of 394,000 >o 675. suicide." . . . She failed a scries of tests for a license bes St., Old Bridge, for his injuries, Juvenile delinquency is a much discussed subject now- wick Ave., Nov. 9, 1964. Officers of the bank will be ap-eventually got one by establishing residence in Ireland, where and <750 to his mother, Mrs. Harry Salary Ordinance pointed at the annual organization adays. But the real root of the problem is generally soft Tanzer, for damage to her auto. meeting next Tuesday. no test was then needed. II was this license that (he magis- pedaled. , Cliffwood Cadaftes Young Tanzer was driving nis (continued from page one) trates confiscated . . . Miss Hunter demanded that the clerk mother's car west on Wast Pros- The measure provided « $1000 in- Where does the blame lie for juvenile delinquency? It Guest* Of Troop 158 crease for Paul Hermann, the town- of court be arrested for theft of her license. She said she would seem that a major share of it can be charged to parents pect St. and was involved in a col- ship manager; $800 increments for Apartment Woes would appeal her sentence . . . "The nation will not believe lision with Paul Voutila, Mount department heads, including the and schools. Both fail to teach and emphasize the importance Cadette Troop 211, Cliffwood, was Holly, who was driving north on (continued from pane one) all this rubbish," she declared. the guest of Cadette Troop 158, chief of police, and $400 increases of courtesy and the observance of the rights of others. Route 18, at the intersection of the for patrolmen. Mayor Harry Mes- said he had put in two days nt the Keyport, recently at a combined two roads, July II, 1963. site away from his own business One simple little rate of conduct, if impressed on the "Come As You Are" party and senger reported there had been no en action to correct the. sewer over- ing Issued in the borough, if investi- complaints made to him by muni- to make sure the work on digging gation should show these com- children by parents and on students each day by teachers, Thinking Day program. up the sewer pipes and correcting flow, which, Mr. Mauer acknow- Old Bridge Family cipal employees or police about plaints to be all that was represent- from the first grade in public schools to graduation in college, The girls from Troop 151 repre- the condition was done properly. ledged, was certainly a health the terms of I he ordinance. But, ed in the petition. The board presi- would help. sented Girl Guides from different Awarded $4250 in the end, he was a "no" vote, A second point was that garbage problem. countries, explaining the uniforms, dent suggested that the borough That rule would be: Keep your hands off other people wanting "further study." The may- was not put out to the liking of customs and displaying the flags of Under Jurisdiction go much slower in issuing the per- and other people's property. Such a rule of action instilled Victor Merrill, 56 Broad St., Mat or was opposed to letting the mu- those renting. They claimed the the various countries. awan. has accepted 122,500 in set- nicipal manager set salaries on his The laxity in handling garbage mits for the remaining apnrtmen,L» garbage cans lacked covers and cans* and refuse ivas admitted by now in the course of constructi<%^' Into the young mind could save untold misery and heartaches Refreshments were served by the tlement of an auto accident suit (the manager's) own interpretation were overloaded by the superinten- the board to be within the jurisdic- for young and old alike. hostess troop. Songs were sung and against Mra. Stella Gonski. 337 of the work • erformed. Mayor Mes- dent. Mr. Muller, while admitting he games were played. tion of the board of health when Teaching this simple rule of action would be fulfilling Prospect Ave., Cliffwood Beach. senger also advocated vacations Uaevea Healing had sifined with the building inspec- Mrs. Peter Homiak is .he leader The settlement was reached during be made a lonK - term reward. it resulted in refuse l.-inR strewn tor for the permits, was wholly in an obligation which adults owe the young and would re- of Troop 211; Mrs. Psul Shuman Uneven heating, allegations that abuul, attracting small rodents. trial before Monmouth County it was either so hot the windows accord with the recommendations lieve the elders of serious delinquency on their part. And is the leader and Mrs. George Le- Judge Edward J. Ascher and » Former Mayor Keating found the had to be thrown up in the dead Members of the board opined that that the occupancy permits be one, assistant leader, of Troop l». jury. Mr. Merrill aggravated a ordinance carelessly drawn so that issued much more slowly, not on a it wouldn't take a new law or more taxes to accomplish inconsistencies like no raise for the of winter or else it was so cold a slate statute was bcinK violated prior back injury when a disabled il the heat were not maintained at basis of a pledge by the builder to results. car in which he was a passenger, township court clerk appeared. •II one could do was to wrap up against heatless conditions, were a minimum at all times. The com- do something he was supposed to Whit. EtepW Sale was struck In the rear on Route 39, Terms Illegal lmve completed before he got a Mr. Keating had a side issue to plainants avowed this was hard Matawan Township, in a snow —...„ ... , made. A special point emphasized permit. The inspector declared, it Four Araa R«ioW« Conducted At Meeting present, declaring the bestowing of I was that the superintendent shuts lo expect as the apartments had storm last year. Louis M. Drazin, had three superintendents within lo be his observation that conditions Chamber Studies five-year terras on the Planning! off heat at 10 p.m. and does not Namsxl To MCAP leard Red Bank, represented Mr. Merrill, a matter of months, and each had at other apartment projects in the A regular meeting of the Modern Cordon Kent, Newark, Mrs. Gonski. Board on William Kerr this year ' seem to turn it on again until 10 to learn the way to handle things borough showed signs of too hasty Four bsyshore area residents Mothers Club was held at the horn* and Donall Borst las. was illegal a.m. the following morning. Regional Plan of Mrs. Skippy Stoppiello, Union in turn. approvals and he was all for a have been named to the board of in that the statute only provides Water drainage from sump slowdown in more cases than Mat- trustees of Monmoulh Community Beach, on Feb. 21. A white elephant Licenses Suspended four-year terms under the Faulkner A study to determine if the Key- pumps was declared lo flood lawn The water in the street was, at awan Village. Action Program. Inc. MCAP -will sale was conducted by the hostess. "D" plan, in force in Madison areas and run down in the streets best, a matter fur the council lo port Chamber of Commerce should administer the federal anti -pover- Ten bayshore area motorists had Township. be enlarged te torn a regional Snacks and refreshments were where it freezes. Fred Allen, a consider. Mr. Mauer believed the ty program in Monmouth County served after the business meeting. their driving privileges suspended Richard Plechner, Metuchen, the nearby resident, declared lie hadheat, garbage handling and snow chamber comprising the Keyport- and still is in the formative stages. by the State Division of Motor Ve- township attorney, declared he Matawan - Raritan Township and The next meeting will be held on called in Mayor Edward E. llyrne removal were matters the lessees The four bsyshore residents were Mar. 30 at the home of Mrs. Pathicles tinder provisions of the state would have the terms cut to four should press further with their Businessmen Will Union Beach areas was authoriz- among 28 new board members an- about this condition. A fifth point Conway, Hazlet. point system and mandatory speed years but he doubted the naming was improper snow removal, moth- landlord. The board president noted (continued from page one) ed Tuesday by the board of dlrtc aniseed Monday. plans. They include Charles H. Pos- of the men originally to five-year Attending were Mrs. Viola Stop- ers with babes in arms having to the health matters would have to tors. ten, Matawan; Thomas J. Noonan, terms would invalidate their ser- mum penalty for violations at They include Almerico Barbato. piello, Mrs. Skippy Stoppiello, Mrs. wade through drills to get out tobe investigated, to determine if the Milton Gale, a member of theUaioa Beach, s former member of Laurence Harbor; John W. Morgan, vice as neither had embarked on days in jail, a 5200 fine or both Irene Lamano, Union Beach, Mrs. the street. report on them were correct, be- beard, indicated the community the Union Beach Board of Educa- Old Bridge; Donald Ma.rae III, the illegal fifth year on the board. fore a [unification, with a deadline In other business, Mr. Bell nam- Conway, Hazlet, and Mrs. Ruth and area In general best could be tion: William F. Herlihy, Keans- Laurence Harbor; William M. Gar- The salary ordinance drew fire Frederick Mauer, president of on action before the magistrate, ed Thomas Lyttle, Stockto.. H. served by a chamber offering its burg Borough Clerk and youth offi- Csik, Keyport. rabrants, Laurence Harbor; Jean first from Councilmcn Richard the board, was not sure all these should be served on the proprie- Hopkins and Sterling Thompson as services across gcorraphictl boun- nuu P°'rts were health problems. It members of a tralfic studv com- cer; Mrs. Willie Hill, 1M Atlantic A. Hupp, Matawan; William Twy- Dealy and Donald Tienu-'y, who had was tors. daries of municipalities which com- Ave., Matawan Township, and Phil- Plan Sow Easy Classes man, Matawan; William O'Shea, opposed it on introduction last acknowltxtfied itie operators of mittee. Robert Meyer; and Irving prs» the bsyshore srea. lip N. Gumbs, County Rd., Cliff- Cliffwood; Elsie D. Smith, Key- month. Mr. Tiernev denounced a the apartmentsp, , the Statewide Mr. Mailer was critical of the [.. Lessin will direct ublic rela- H was noted that bailees* and For Middlesex Women port; Sidney Tobinick, Old Bridge. provision whereby special officers Management Corp., Union, has tak- way occupancy permits were be- tions. profesaioaul aersoas la Matawan get only {1.25 per hour against {1.50 The Middlesex County Home Eco- and Union Beach recently had or- Board To Meet per hour for school crossing guards. sjssiaad respective businessmen's "Dear Charbi" nomics Extension Service will hold But Mr. MacKae argued that the asaadatloM. milting the need of Sew Easy classes Mar. 22, 29 and special officers did not depend on The third performance of "Dear Apr. 5 from 1 to 3 p.m. in the The executive board of the Wo- their pay from it as a support tack trsde trout* for mutual pro- Charles" will be Riven by the Mat- Icctloa and benefit. Spotswood Reformed Church, Main man's Club of Laurence Harbor while it is a jingle way of earning awan Players on Friday evening S;.. Spotswood. The meetings will will nreet Monday cveninK at 7 p.m. Officers of the newly formed bus money for most school crossing at S:3t pm. in the old Matawan cover new fabrics, sewing machine at the home of the president, Mrs. guards. He added that when tlrey ateis organitations in Union Beach High School, Broad St. The show attachments and clothing con- Georue Mokuk, 110 Ravine Dr.. used their special officers rank to aad Matawaa and of the Raritan Is directed by Charles O'Hare and struction. Matawan. work for private cnnccrns, they Tswnship trade group will be asked MiM Joanne Shea is production rate $2 IXM* hour pay. W attend a dinner meeting with lo- manager. Registration is to be made with cal officers and directors to discuss Mrs. William VandcrMeer, Middle- Too Much Across-I'iic-Hoard sex County Home Economist, or Mr. Di'.ilv ami .Mr, Tiermy both USED CAR SALE the regional plan. Ceramic Classes Mrs. H. E. Rowe, Spotswood. Urge Marlboro To bt'licvi'd tin.' ordm.inn." v.as loo Record-shattering White Car Sales have loaded our lots with Directors acknowledged the Ion (continued from page one) much of an ;u'iHs>-t!h'-bo;ird of the late director ant1 president The ceramic class of the Ameri- Youth Sentenced building code which prohibit Ilie is- rnn;:'TiiH|f, iltat i) Licked ;;: late-model trades. Every one Red Tugged to move fast. Hurryl of (he chamber, J. Leon Schanck can Home Department of The Wo- suance of more than 10 permits at ticr.-'s hy uhkli a f.ihid indi\ iiUi.it j ir., and extended their sympathy to man's Club of Laurence Harbor one time. In my opinion, this ei'forl and training to advance one- his family. meets every Thursday at 10 a.m. Russell O'Connell, 20, of G10 Pros- pect Ave., Cliffwood Ueach, was omission makes his opinion quitn self could be lewardtd. But Mr. at the home of the chairman, Mrs. attackable. Dealy was amendable to prrmittini: Rlclrard Tier, 70 Prospect Ave., sentenced to an Indeterminate term Jleal Estate Listing Cards for "I disagree quite vehemently the township manager having thi." sale at this office. CllffMJOd, • in Dordentown Reformatory Mon- day by Judge John U. Molineux for with his factual findings and I don't power to raise salaries, within rea. S FOIU) Fiiirlmic Wugon $1495 the theft of 11821 In power tools think the Appellate Division would son, for nivriUius showing of devo- from Henry Luhr's Sen Skiffs Inc., let this decision of summary judg- tion to duty. Sayr«ville. Two Morgan residents ment stand without a full hearing Hut Mr. Dealy found trie ordi- » OLDS 9» U)r. Jl.T. 2495 who pleaded guilty to laking part ol the matter. nance carelessly drawn generally, in the same entry, received im- "We'll make a decision on this with 12 paid holidays given some pended sentences. O'Connell, whom after we learn more about the employees, not others, mitably the the ludge termed the "Instigator" judge's opinion," said Joseph A. police, had no provision for leaves FORD Caiuxic M)r. 1495 of the Aug. 2S, 1M4, theft, had llrodniak, Council president. of absence. Mr. Tiernev was very outspoken over lh« denial of the pleaded guilty on Jan. 25, 1*4, to Several residents supported an SAW FILING breaking and entering and larceny paid holidays lo police. indictments. appeal of the decision. "I don't wish to he presumptuous, but the Mr. Hermann retorted iliat Ilie FALCON Convertible 1495 police had exprc*5«l themselves us judge made mention that the com-satisfied a line patrolman was Kt't- _—^——— LiHie Woman Give $72 pany spent II.345,00V said Fred ling much us a MOD increment with Von Rodeck, Morganviile. "1 pro-5100 added lur utlaining n higher 1%.I TKMI'EST Convertible 1695 The sum of 172 wai given to the test. I don't think the fact Hint n rank. Mr. Tieniuy believed the MQflO 0T ^OW#F 9QWS March of Dimes by the Uttkt Wo- firm has spent money should be manager had not worked nu)ti«li man's Clu i of the Woman's Club nf med to decide whether their ac- with tin1 council on dratting I ho ur- Laurence Harhor. The money wn tions are right nr wrong." dininie and could SIT no merit In ]%l FOItl) Runcli Wagon 895 PVOCMIQfl /•(•allied from a benefit roller skat- "I would say that this decision gniniiug tire mnnagiT iiiilbnrlty lo • O«T«nlhU« A liditlu Ing p»rly, held in the South Am- should ho appealed," silid John innVe interim iiilliistinnili uml Itn- iwivvimn^ v nvdvfrift^ boy Arena under tin direction tif Nnr/owlch, lluckley Rd. "Our laxpruvi'-itris ]%l VALIANT Wagon «95 Ihe idvlnnr of tlie l.illli' Wnmun's money was Involved because U.S. When Mayor Me. .Hirer slulloil • Circle tUdt SlwpoMd from o" to 36" Ckth, Mrs. Frrd Zahner. Humes filed tult, so It should be ' Is views mi tho ordinance, lie Imik Hppi'iilcd." his paMlsfuw, '.'oiiiirilmrn Vn'lor • AMI ond lull Potato Shorpotwd District Sales Manager Humid Sinilli, Pi'rlli Ainbuy, ill O'llrli'ti nml l.eeinnl llnrn^ter wllh vm PONTIAC ii. r. 795 Idnwy for owner* with options In him. Tlii'v lolm'tl with CiHiiicilinon Tieuiey mid Drlllv lo npiKisi.' the i Uwn Mowort Lionel Toy CiirixuMiIon h,iM mini- II.K, llonics, Ndvlai'd the Council 1 ini'iiMM' . Then ('iiuiu'lliiinii Vincent fit Urn lii'Viiiitii, II Miifnu'iiii icsl. not lo Mpt**!, "If « lltllo morn <•» 1 1%I FORD M)r. 795 (li'nl, ethllift MIII'« miiMHi'i'i' fur Ihi' |«'(IIIIIIM wim put Into geltlng the Caiicelleil iibandiined II, lenvlili . metropolltnn New York men. Mr Matter I'luti I'nmpliMi'd, mum1 of Mr. Mm Idle n Imie "ve." on Hie IM rnll cili Ili'Vmiin, IIH, fnriiH'.lv WIII n Minim- !|:h Illlgiillnii ciiulil be I'ltili'il with- 1 lnelurer» wMiviii'iiliillvi" In «nnlen out /my cull In Ibo liw|tiiyrti," Tin iiiiiiHil vt,m pliiiii'.iil inln -.i ]%0 UAiVIISLUK 2 Dr. 695 Nii|>|illt'N, iilniilc* nnil HiTlilr n|> be Hiilii (iimiilftimii iii'i'iic wlhl ii">iii II[ ID'I siriuiliiiet Muslim; who Itnvo fllrn mill idiiicslliia the iilleiieil l.i x IJ y In Impel Hull" IIIKI IS IIIWIIIIII|I'I Intel II by II IIMCI line Ii illlli'leiil mill dumper llllh(i'i In ttie ncliool eym, Tin' mutity ml /mm Diiviil I1', fihnnv, rlili-f nl lln MHlW lii"-nmi' 111 I'll1 i|illll|'lllltf. 60 MAIN ST. MATAWAN - 12 FTOAMU Avo. (Rti 7f) Mttawon l«CtM will I'll ID HIM MenemV iif l|n< Mitltllttl I1M'Hi IIIVIKIIIII iif Ilif Mnli1 Ml. ll"i iniiiili iillrii'il Mn ill Ihf lifiiiii onnMi lli'lwrliiM'iil nf CiiiiiiM'VnlliiM mill l> • I- |If'i I |',i'lr Wllll'll I*1 It fllll Mill*1 ( 1 Kf'iillimilr IM VHII|IIIII'MI, Mr Mmiit l«|ri 'IH illlll llr.MilllllI l|H|ier|m W dbmil mmi»M citf We rimiillfiili'il Ihitl the "ilirii lui'i tt oliii' tln< Imilcel pittqeil, I lilt Ilie 566-1500 am suimllv theh m ouieklklv «nd «t th« wit MitU'H ixtlonlliil, lli'lillln hl'iiiy liiilKehiilileii felihil lit right |>rk«, Come tiiul try ui, it 'HU'WI bell' III M tiu IIIMIIIM', Inii the iiiiimu'i'f unltl 4, 19*5 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Pag* DiseuasesPrograa Wins Matawan Toastmasters Club Contest Matawan Personal Items Student Visitor ^CIi Faras Newsflt ¥a a Aad Yeaa Fa—» fa aaarirlam 1 *t flaw From Singapore UM aba. Urraiae tin. Narbtrt iC.UMMiiir.ia«. -un By Judy Hagmaa Vt Eddie Tto, an exchange student Mrs. Htlea Lyaeh, BroaUya. has Mr. aad Mra. lack Barst were Mrs. W. Rukm Smith, Mra. 0.1. from ffngapore, visited Matawan returned BOOM attar apeadms aav- the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.ttartian Thompson. Mra. Abort Rational High last week. Eddie aral days aa the nueat of bar mm- M Friedman, Newark. Abell. Mra. Rudolph Fraebel, wai aaa of a iroup of students kHaw aad daughter. Mr. aad Mrs. «f CMmtai UctolatiaaM, aai Mr. and Mra. Stanley Seaman, Mra. William Ni "•" vHlttaa Amarloa from other lands. Charles MacPhat. ftratfrnort. , Caaamatloa. alaa aonwW Strathmora, warn the recant guests Ham Burmester Robert The Herald Tribune Poram made Mr. aad Mis. Jack Barst, Strath- of Mr. and Mra. Sheldon Fisher. Butler, were the Wedanday alter, It possible for them to come. Teaneefc. noon guests of Mra, Harry Walla. the Re- more. aad their houae iiuest. Mrs. The students were chosen by as- Aaa Gordon, Baltimore. Md., aad Read Cummings, daughter of Mr. Mr. and Mra. OaorM Datta and says they had written. Their schools iswaaa »*w» wun, wamaiev* wt |rra,| *M*W children were tha Sunday auaatf ol Mn. Dors Bsrat, Passalc, recently and Mra. John Cummings, celebrat- chose the best ones and sent them ed bar seventh birthday wllh a Mr. and Mrt. Vincent DaMaia, Rad In. The winners then went before attended a luncheon at the St. Mor- Bank. iU Hotel, New York. luncheon and Ice skating party at the forum and answered questions. tha lea Palaca, Brick Township. Mr. and Mra. Jamei Parker, j Claas a COM Mrs. Shirley Oarber and Harry Eddie was shown around Mata- Lash, Braoklya. were tha weekend Guests attending were .'.lice Cssa- Rockaway Beach, N.Y., were the wan High School by student, Rich- MfjMliMfjMli i Eewwwlcwwic aa aadd Char* prande, Elisabeth Manville, Daryl Sunday guests of Mr. and Mra. >aBM. far MM aast lour >Mti. gagueataa of MMrr. aad Mrs. Alan Lash, ard Potter. He also talked to his- >aBM. far MM aast lou itth Caley, Judy Charlsen, Lu Ann and William Ottaway. tory students in their classes. Paw awdtawdratff wannwann a ffroom ma- itrathmore. Barbara Bruff. Ellen Strack, Matty M-yaara ara occiipyiaii quarttra la- Mr. aaaadd Mrs. . Samm RangesRanges, Mlsa Doris Beasley. New York, When Eddie was asked what he Feldman, Nancy Fries. Barry and was the weekend guest of Mr. andthought American teen-agers would MaJaJ tor 111 wtVea UM larttta- Strathmoreh . were thth Ste Saturdad y ev- Mitch Mwuuh and Jock Cummings. Uaa tH buiU la Mil, ah* said. ening dinner guests of Mr. aad Mrs. Charles F. Perrme. b* like, he said he thought they 'Altar cainalata phyalcaii aad or-Mrs. Carlos Saacbei. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiechlin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Rukw tmlth would be a bunch of crazy kids bMaUea. aa hoaar ivatam la Ini- Mrs. Leoa Chrlstinat entertained Atlantic Highlands, were the Satur- were the Sunday guest* of Mr. and riding around in hot rod*. Now that tlata* la tta.eoKMH which am- at duplicate bridge on Tuesday eve- day guests of their son and daugh- Mrs. Orvllle Warman, Middletown. he has met some, hit opinion has ter-in-law, Mr. and Mra. Henry Mrs. Peter Flerro hai returned changed greatly. Uta freai « to N woman, who ning. Guests were Mrs. Howard Kiechlm. Marc Woods. 'act Ihttr awa leaden, tfca apeak- Krogh, Mrs, Winston, Schaffer. home after being a medical patient Eddie was asked what, If any, ar pataM out. Status Is determined Mrs. George Barrett, Mrs. Alfred Mr. and Mrs. William Quinn and in Monmouth Medical Center. dfference there was in girls in the ' bf (ha color of the •alforms aad Manville. Mrs. Milton Guakie, children attended the opening of Mrs. J. C. Lewis. Miss Alta Lew- United States and In Ills homeland. arlviURM coiadde. SchooliM. fob Mrs. Charles Lockwood. Mrs. Ever- Mn. Quinn's father's new law of-is and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lewis He said American girls were warm- ualalnjt, raeraaUoa aad rannieaa ett Carlson and Mrs. Howard Wool- fices, Corey, Houlton and , in were the recent dinner guests of er and friendlier than girls where aarvioM are avaUaMa but aoteom- ley. Jackson Heights, NY., on Satur- Miss Florence Grunder, Belford. he lived. day. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Den- Mrs. Walter Pederjen and daugh- Eddie then told of the difference nis, Keyport, aad Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Shea, ters, Linda and Lori, were the re- in schools. There, a more formal William Mallett returned home Woodside, N.Y., and Mr. and Mra. cent guests of Mrs. Ruisell Jaco- teacher-student relationship Is evi- araprpeed fr Monday after spending a month m David Taggart, Annmar Dr., were bus, Point Pleasant, dent, Things are done on a stricter Florida where they visited Mr. and the Wednesday evening guests of Nancv Fries celebrated her ninth basis, he said. thli carefuUy planned pro- Mrs. Stsnley Rlttenhouse, former Mr. and Mrs. Martin Tosetto, Ann- birthday on Sunday with a party The school system also Is dif- A ajuettioa and answer per. Matawan resident;, in Pompaao mar Or. at the home of her parents, Mr. ferent in this country from that In towad. Bh They also stopped at Or Saturday guests ol Mr. and Mrs.and Mr». J. Donald Fries. Guests Singapore. There a student has only fnond Beachh, VerV o BeachBh, WWestt William Ottaway, Storyland Estat- attending were Reed Cummings, three major exams. Hit first one Palm Beach, Key West. Cypress es, were Mr. and Mrs. William Ot- Shcree Kaufman, Christine Cherry, comes after he completes his pri- MUa Oeraldine V. Brown. Key- Karen Kurica, Julie Holman, Deb- port, ftmthem Vice President of Gardens, and Silver Springs. taway sr., Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, mary grades (six years); the sec- bie Haseman. Linda Lesare and ond after he completes his second- tfca New Jeney State Federation of Carol Posner, daughter of Mr.and Mr. and Mrs. Roland Euro, Janis Folcy. Woroea'f Chibe, and a member of and Mrs. Norman Posner, Strath- Virginia Beach, Va. ary grades (four years); the third the local ebb, DM presented by Mr. and Mrs. Richard W. Kerney, after he completes his pre-college more, celebrated her ninth birthday Mr. and Mrs. E. Charles Wcigel Warwick. N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Er- Mn. Albert Abell, pratMent, to talk recently with a bowling party. Her were the Friday evening auesls of classes. If he fails any of the tests nest Fullarl, Pompton Plains, and he is not allowed to go on. If he about the Stamp Book project to guests were Snervl Klein, Donna Mr. and Mrs. George C. Pfeiff, Ed- Mrs. Frank W. Kerney, Matawan, kelp flaiace the propojed Head- Merdinger, Laurie Brace, Leslie ison. passes his pro-college test, he may were the Saturday dinner guests of go on to college. quarters Building of the State Fed- Orundfeit. Elyae Pearl and Terri Saturday evening dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Allan J. Morrison aratl.a on the Campus >•' Douglass Posner. of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Deder- who enlerlained to celebrate the Eddie Is staying with the Howard Collate. Maw clubs have reached Mr. and Mra. J. Franklin Domi- ick were Mr. and .Mrs. Willaril birthdays of Mrs. Fullard and Mr. Wolvertons in Matawan. After his •Mr quota (or this protect and the nick and Mn. Douglas Ward were .'ndenson, Hackettstown, and Mr.Morrison. slay is over, he intends to visit Malawaa Club, according to Mrs. Monday guests of Mr. and Mrs.and Mrs. Joseph Dernberger, Colts Mrs. Marty Mahoney entertained East Orange High School. Butler, chairman, has-an equivalent Jackson Dominjck, North Plata- Neck. on Saturday in celebration of the Jt H books. field. eighth birthday of her daughter, Ben Dissln, left, winner ef the Malawan Toast- Club la Moemouth County will ha repmcatef la tba Thrown the collection of (our The Matawan Chapter ol Hadas- Janis. Guests attending were Susan Croup To See masters Club speech contest at the recent charter competition. The Clubt and Ihelr represMtalivca ivpra of stamps, the Federation sah will meet at the Strathmore Haley, Cathy Hynes. Bonnie Neil- night dinner held at Clare and Coby's Ina, Sayrevllle are: Asbury Park Club, Mel K«ha; Fart Meamaalh Jilts to reside funds to build us Lanes on Monday at 8:30 p.m. Ar-SiZentnerTo son and Lori Vella. will represent the Matawan Club In the area speech Club, Cant. Peter Davies; HolmdH Chib, Petef uejaVHaadfluarters. each member nold Christie will be auctioneer tor Mr. ind Mn. Robert Boiler en- "Any Wednesday" contest Saturday evcnlnc at (he Colls Neck Ina, GhlJool; Naveslnk Club, George GUkesM ar Vaa of tha Federate is asked to tjve the Mystery Auction. Mrs. Albert tertained at dinner on Sunday to beginning at 7:N p.m. lie la shown above receiving Mullane. one book of stamps, or O. theWiederspiel, president, will preside. Give Conceit celebrate the birthday ol Harry The Evening Department of thea trophy from Pat Brlody, Toastmaster. All ol the clubs ara. affiliated wllh Toaslmastera equivalent in cssh. The Minneapolis Symphony Or- Wells. Guests attending were Mr. Matawan Woman's Club held its •y Edith Faas II monthly meeting Mor.day at the Toastniastera International Area Governor Fraak International, aa educational organisation devoted la - Duriai the buslaess session, dc- chestra under the direction of Staa- Si Zentner and his orchestra will and Mrs. Charles Hess, Egg Har- Clement will preside while M. D. Ercollno will aerve self-Improvement through better listening, Ihlaklag aatioas ware approved for the Gen- islaw Skrowaczewski presented a bor; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Seimes club house. Mrs. Arthur Rothman, give a concert at Matawan Re- and children, Karen and Steven, chairman, received reports from as Toastmaster for the alfair. Each Toaslmastera and speaking. eral Federation of Women's Clubs concert at the Carlton Theatre, Red gional High School auditorium on pro|r-' of Homes for the Home- Bank, on Wednesday evening. Rancocas Woods, and Mr. and Mrs. committee chairmen. The Matawan Toastmasters Club John Bolendz, treasurer; John Dris- speech contest. Ben Dissin was Tuesday. Mar. If. from I to 10Harry Wells. Tickets are available for the leu, sponsored by the American- Among those attending from the p.m. The concert is a benefit for 2429-46 had Us Charter Night Din- coll. secretary; Harold Shoop, acr- voted the winner ol this contest Korean Foundation. The sum of fIS Matawan area were Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Ludi, n.alinee performance of "Any Wed- ner at Clare and Cobys Inn, Sayre- with Barry Kurtz finishing second the Matawan Regional High School nesday" on Apr. 24 in New York gennt-at-arms. The charter mem- D was sent to Meals for Millions, E. Charles Weigel and son, Charles, Band, which Is under the direction Summit, were the Sunday afternoon ville. The club received its charter bers present were Joseph Bliss, Pat and William yle third. Mr. Dissin lit to CARE, and $15 to the Maia- as part of the theater party to be Mrs. J. C. Lewis, Miss Alta Lewis, of Robert Meseroll. guests or Mr, and Mrs. Victor I. from the District Governor of Briody, Daniel Carmody, Frank will represent the Matawan Club wsn First Aid aad Rescue Squad. Mrs. John Shea, Miss Joanne Shea, Fredda. sponsored by the club. Members Tcjstmasters International, James in the area speech contest to be Clement. Ben Dissln, Charles Plans were made to attend the Miss Betty Mae Cusick. Mr. and Tickets for the concert will be Freeman Beck, Highlands, was were reminded of the club's St. Knlley, Riveredge, while the of- held early in March. Toastmasters annual Hahne Day Thursday, Mar. Mra. Peter Koelsch and Mrs. A. J. on sale at the door and from any the Saturday guest of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick's Day Buffet Dinner and ficers were officially installed by Kaess, Barry Kurtz, Jack Naimer, International is an organization de- Tonuuello. Matawan High School band mem- Elmer Beck. Dance to IK held Mar. 14 at thethe Lieutenant District Governor Edward Riche, William Shoop, Al- voted to self-improvement through IS. in the Newark Store; Federa- American Hotel, Freehold. i Day program! at the Laurence ber. Mr. and Mrs. William R. Craig W.W. Boiseiwctter of Navcsink. len Trauben and David Young. better listening, thinking, and The Monmouth County Alumnae Mrs. Arthur Klalt, corresponding speaking. The Matawan Club mceti *W ' Woman's Club Mar. IS:Club of Georgian Court College, Si Zentner has won numerous attended the Wednesday evening The officers are William Pylc, Pat Iriody served as toastmaster IRyport Literary Club Apr. 2; performance of "Funny Girl" in s ;retary, notified the members of president; Edward Llbuttl, educa- for the affair and introduced the oa the second and fourth Monday Lakewood, held its monthly meet- awards and has had several hit the 31st Annual Club Woman's Day of each month at Clare and Coby'l Lincroft Woman's Club Apr. 20, and ing at the home of Mrs. Michael records, one, "Up a Lazy River," New York. tional vice president; Gerald Mc- principal speakers of the evening the Legislative Luncheon Apr. S in Mrs. William F. Stciner and at Hahne & Co., Newark on Mar.Coy, administrative vice president; Inn. O'Donnell, Marc Woods, Plans were was a full-fledged smash hit. He 25. Fashion shows will be held who were the finalists in the club Trenton. made for a lawn cocktail party to copped two "Grammy" awards be- William J. Steiner, Bergenfield, were the Saturday eve/ling dinner at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., with prizes The Slate Convention will be held be held in June. There were 25 stowed by the National Academy to be awarded to the clubs having Members of [lie Folk Song Club tices each month In school with ad- la Atlantic City May II, 12, 13members present. The next meet- of Recording Arts and Sciences for guests of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Folk Song Club Smith jr. the largest percentage In attend- have given various performances ditional practices made for special and 14. Proposed resolutionj were ing will be held at the home of the best performance by an or- ance. Busy At MRHS to organizations in Matawan such read and consideration will be Riv- Mrs. Ronald Seaman, Locust, on Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Fraebel performances. chestra for dancing. Two new members were wel- as the Woman's Club. In February en to' amendments to the by-laws Mar. J5. attended the wedding of Robert By Edith Faai 'M Members of the club are John for the action of the £-legates. At the ago of four, Si Zentner Melnick and Miss Diane Schneid- comed, Mrs. 3.P. De Witt and Mrs. they gave a performance at the Mr. and Mrs, Richard Lagemann, The Folk Song Club of Matawan Magnolia Inn for the Monmouth Barber, Dave Corbitt, Pat Fisher, Tickets are available for the played the violin but later switched er at the Salem Evangelical United Alfred Manvllie, a transfer from Regional High School has been cart1 party to be sponsored by theStrathmore, attended the christen- to trombone in order to play In a Brethren Church and the reception the Woman's Club. A guest, Mrs. County P-TA Officers. Dave Holland, Janice Hynes, Frank ing of Karen Ann Lagemann, Donald Hartberg, was introduced. liusy this past year and will con- ways and means comm'.ttee Mon- marching band. After playing trom- which followed at the Patio Res- tinue to be. The club is In its sec- Dave Corbitt Is the president of Lasko, Diane Chrislinat, Kathy daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William bone for only six months, he won taurant, Jersey City, on Saturday. A good riddance auction was day evening. Prizes will be award- Lagemann. Dover, Del., on Sunday. ond active year and is only begin- the club which is advised by Mrs. Oakes, Ruth Kobus, Carolyn Smith, ed for hats in three cale ories, fun- a Philharmonic Guggenheim Schol- Mr. and Mrs. Victor I. Fredda held with each member contribut- ning lo become established and Anne Hannah. Barbara Shuflo, Charles Zimmcr, niest, prettiest and most original. Mra. Lagemann Is the godmother. arship. jr., Glen Burnie, Md,, have an- ing an item to be auctioned. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hack. Brook- Thomas Stames acted as auctioneer well-known. The group has two regular prac- and Steven Dalzell. Members we asked to bring pris- Through the 1940s Si Zentner nounced the arrival of their daugh- es. Tick-Is may be purchased from lyn, were the Saturday guests ol ter, Amy, born Sept. 15, 1964. and all Items were sold. During the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barst, Strath- proudly wore the title 'Side Man" jwr-iMr*iKrtM MI B Mrs. Harry Chine, 2 Sunset Ave., Mrs. Joseph Baler entertained at auction, members made cancer rawirmiwmarMri Mstmran, or at the door: more. as he worked with Lea Brown, dressings for the Matawan Public Harry James, and Jimmy Dorsey. bridge on Thursday. Prize winners Health Center. Hie Msv Breakfast will be held Mr. and Mn. Stanley Seaman, were Mrs. William R. Crate, Mrs. Strathmore, were the Saturday ev- Then he free-lanced and went into Refreshments were served by the la the Lincrofi Inn, May 17, at the studio orchestra at MGM forLeroy Sickels, and Mils Catherine "3a .m. Mrs. William Bowie ening dinner quests of Mr. and Mrs. McDonald. Other guests were Mrs. hosplt llty committee. Victor Linn, New York. nine years. He then left MGM InPaul Egan. Mra. Frank Bliss, Mrs. th3 menu choices and an- order to start his own band. 1 that tickets are available. Walter Man and son. Patrick. Thomas Welstead, Mrs, Marguerite Scout Troop 66 Refreshments were served by the Winthrop. Me., were the weekend In 1M4, SI Zentner won as theLaird, and Mrs. Gerard Devlin. beapilalily ittee. guests of Mra. Francis Roberts. Disc Jockey Poll's favorite artist. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blair and At Fort Monmouth Mrs. Man, who has been spending Mr. and Mrs. Morton Fuchs, a month with her mother, retr i Strathmore, recently attended the Scouts of Matawan Troop 66 were | p home with them. Soniore Raito Money performance of "Barefoot in therecent guests at Fort Monmouth. For Washington Trip Park" and dined at Ruby Foo's, Their tour included the U.S. Army "ly G«or«j*" Dane* Mr. and Jin. John SanowNs, New York. Signal Corps Museum with its ex- Strathmore, entertained at a buffet hibits depicting the history of com- •y Olarla Baeca II dinner oa Swday- following the •y Gloria Bucce tJ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carroll. B'oad St., returned home on Satur- munications in warfare. They also On Feb. 31 the Majorette Squad christening of their daughter, Chry- On Feb. 23. a meeting was held saw a film about the Fort and its at Matawan Regional High School sanlhe, at St. Demetrius Church. for the officers of the senior class day after vacationing for two months In Atlanta, Ga., with Mr. functions, and another film aboul •ave a victory dance for the tri-Perth Amboy. Mr. am* MM. James of Mfttawan Regional High School. atomic explosions. •mphant basketball team that won Corodemui, Old Bridge, ware the and Mrs. Peter Dameo in Hous- At this meeting the officers decided Questions were anowered by S. nw wiorB lonnrfwcv nonnifi • godparent!, on wayi to raise money for the sen ton. Tex,, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Championship. Mr. and Mra. M. J. Healy. Poling, in Leesburi!. Fla., with Lynch, and Dr. H. A. Zahl, oiic of lor trip to Washington D.C., which Capt. and Mrs. William Chatfield the foremost authorities on radar, The dance waa haM m the hlah Strathmore, the weekend will take place In June. guests ol Mr. and Mrs. Raymond and West Palm Beach, Fla., with gave a talk on the dramatic history ted cafeteria and was aamed Earlier in the year the seniors Mrs. John Buckley. En route home of his specialty. He pointed out that Oe." Tbf Faatasticka Sierk, North Weslbury, Conn. Mr. and Mra. Charles MacPhee. held the annual Christmas dance. they visited Sea Island, Ga. it was a radar unit made at Fort from tha amount of ike They are also practicing for the Monmouth that first "sighted" the faturas (he Majorette* eonat this Strathmore, Were 'he Saturday ev- Friday evening guests of Mr. and ening gueita of Mr. aai* Mrs. Wal- innual senior play. Mrs. Walter Byrne, Strathmore, Japanese aircraft on their way to _. J aa a success. were George Brogan, Jersey City, attack Pearl Harbor. Ta add ta their traasary earlier ter MecPhce, Orange. Now the Class of '«5 will sell J Mr. md Mrs. Howard Oestreich, candy. The proceeds each student and Miss Eileen Mulcahy, Union. Scouts attending were William la the year? (ha Majorettes kaM a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Conrad, Free- Kecgan, Glenn Pike, Richard Main, •yattl dinaar aad a tag aifhi Strathmore, emenaire' at a collects will be credited toward his luncheon md theatre party recent- senior trip. Formerly (he money port, L.I., and Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Richard Bsrnett, r t«r Bentley, ly to celebrate the seventh birthday wiwt directly Into the senior fund. ard Conrad, Rockvill L.I., were the Graig McKeen, Alan Richards, laras ataoaoeaho s Into their fund torof their son, Robert. Guests at- Saturday guests of Mr. and MrsHowar. d Smith, Douglas DuBois, Also the officers received per- David Pike, Ted Main, Douglas aaauat trltriip to Near York and tending were e Ales WolfsonWolfs n, CChrish - mission for two senior privileges. Harold Conrad, Strathmore. K at tha aad at me h Bk Rihd Eh Mrs. Gerard Devlin entertained Hudson and Earl Siddons, They topher Burke, Richard Ehmeri. First, senior* only will he allowed were u der the direction of T. I. year. and Kare« Oestreich. to leave their last class five minute* at bridge on Friday evening, Prize winners were Mrs. Jac Cushma^i, Grace, Scoulmastsr, and Robert before (IIB bell rings. This mlfiht Hudson, Assistant Scoutmaster. not seem like very much, but when Mrs. W. O. DiKKln, and Mrs. War- ren Vrceland. Other guests were Troop 66 U sponsoi 1 by the Mai- one considers how crowded thi- Mrs. Lcroy Sickels, Mrs. Trunk awan Grammar School Parent- halls are when the boll docs ring, liliss, MM. Charles Pike and Mis.Teacher Association, nnd moots al It l» very convenient In be able to Marguerite l.nird. the school every Tuesday al 7:30 L'lmgt I'D to one's locker and leave he 1 p.m. The troop has planned activi- lore all thn commotion starts. This Michael Rosenblatt, son of M . iiiul Mrs. Saul Knsvnblalt, Strath- ties through the year. Including a also will decrease the crowding I" 1 HAIR STYLISTS iiiiiri. , ci'lchrati'il his Ilih birthday wewk of summer cami> at Forest- the hull at dlimhsal time. with n famllv dlnni" imrtv on Feb.burn Scout Reservation In August. t Strathmora Shopping Cantar Second, only seniors will ho able 27. Put that "Showroom Shine" 10 use the main entrnnce In (he Sunday luii'sls of Mr. and Mrs.Story Ii Faatured Rt. 34 - Matawan mnrnltiK. To assure lit Is privilege, Howard Winters, Slratliiiiiiri1, WITC iwo seniors will lie placed on ellhcr f'r, anil Mrs, Teddy (iolilmnn and At Meeting Of WSCS In Their Eyes ... With A New Car! side of ilip d'ior, fl'fmlftlnu only Mr, mid Mrs. /llli.im Yl. f A.M. to MO >.M Slrathinuri'. mllst Church, Mnlnwnn, held In HIP Amlcrwin, unit ircn'iircr .IwmlMIr Mr. nm! Mrs, KVITWI Wolfwm Davk 1 1 Icrture room on Monday. Mrs. and children, Slrnlluniiri , wi'i'i the Rlihnrd Dumlny presided, ' f'lif'sts of Mr. nml Mrs, .Slirrmiiii The WS.C.S, will RJVP a St. I'm Bota Sigma Phi Group Woll.win ri'ci'ntlv who I'liit'iiniw'd In rick's puny for the putlcnls ol rclt'brnllfm of llic blillMliiv »f HtcJr THE Plant Annual Banquet Mnrllxiro Hnsnlfnl on Mnr. in. A chllilicn, 1'i'lci, Mama nml Diuiiiy. chilli chowder Mill1 will he In'ld * JUST OPENED Mr, mid Mm, Klclniid Mnni'ikl, lililiiy, Miir, II), I'liuu lor the ..nmml nmtlior .lurii'v ( Itv, wen1 lln' SiiPdiiv AHMKIIS $? 1HEI.CI1ANTS itmiHlilcr luinqupt were dlnniwd at MM. Chnrlv* Drown nerved us (Will nl Mr, mill Mm. Wnllnn< l"i'i|illnllly rhiilniiiin, imslilert by 11 in"i'tii]|', iif Hi'ln KIKIIIII I'hi, S|illli', Mure WimiN. MssWawla'sDarMStiKlio Oinntpr Mil, MIUHWIIH lu*UI un Mi'i. Ulivn l,iiii({slic('l nnd Mi'i. (NATIONAL HANK Slllllllluy I'Vi'llllll! 'iir'tli nf Mr,Wilbur Schneider. Thursday (• veil Inn, mid Mrs. Tlininiii McMmiciv, * ORCHARD PARKWAY, MORGANVILLE Mrs, William Ht'iwian twelvcd « Muni Wrttxk, win Mi nml Mn, 'flu iiiimliialltiK tnmnilllee will of Matawan (ilfllidiiv «lfl tmm bi'i weit'l »U- piwilt the sliile nf nlflcciH nl Um CIMM« AvaHaUt Trdilv O'Nell, SIMIIIIIII/III'. April rnmtliiK mid all mi'inliem HIT Icr, n* did Mr*, John KoliprU, The Mr, mid Mi« Itmlulpli 11«-1»<••!»- "Th« OMMI liafc il/irk hornr win won liv Mm. Au< wgeil in nlleiul • B«Htr • TM • Tap • Acrobat fi'ld, SliilthituHi', I'lili'ilalni'il mi la Monmouth County" npn Tluhe, Momhiv In 1'i'li'liiiillnii nf tin1 «i'V' • Hawaiian • Jau • Biton Hi-frmhniMil* vwie wived by enlli lihlhiliiv nl Ilii'li1 inn, I.HW- Mtn. ''IKIIO itml Mr«, Wllllmti On* Hour Clati Ltiton of roltCB OWI'II. dlll'ils Illlflldlnit Tflll'.H, ww Sloven Hitch, Mfiry IIIHIMI, The I'llurlm* miHip nf the I'l'i Ettobllthtd 1190 AtltMiifntH wore MIM lleliv Slmf Hi ml I,Pint1!, Kolwrfn nml MmcV Tap • t«lt«r and Acrobatic 1.75 1 1 Mi'i'i' dills will ini'd nt 7 (MII, mi I'I , Mr*; I'liiln . *' '. HiilK'iti, Mnt I "hid, Kevin, Mnik, nml Ailiim MiHUlny III till' Hltvil Wnndi llnp- Unix It Uw«r II MLI. Hnn On" Ctilttl In Family Allxnrf tiWitn-, Sir*, Anlln'Nf (litHI l« uii'ii'i lli" fllnpii It • Pml ef Cvafy CltilJ'i CU<| MrN, Vln -ill Oonlll", Moi'Miiitvlllvi 1 : Ml, lllld Mil. JilV I', llnitl'lt'l ' 'iili'Nil|> nf Ml>ii ji'iiti I ., SinlMi, Mti. l,c ty Onilin, Mt'i, Dnnlcl hinr rt'liiilii'il IIIIIIII' lntin ti VIH n- rtl'MHl! cllll'f Hlllili', (Mill 1-1 f'H >!lM<- *M4d wllh KitM" Mi., liittii'i llrdiiiiind, M? ''ini in I Imj.lii |t? ItOtJTI', Jl AND tWO OfflCCS , , . AND SOON MAIN STI"Mi riuiii third in iinili iii'i'lr, Mb M.OVI) HOAI) A IMICD , , , WATCH fOH ITI HAVING DHIVE Pef fuilh«f Infefm4(i«n «h.,i M !)'?/ f>i'NiV < ilnndl , , , fiinii Hit' in*.i'li.', »?< THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. j. Thursday. March 4. 1965

chool, 9:45 a.m. and ci'.urch ter- B'nai B'rith Names Monmojfh Salon, 8 And 40CXI Bank And Trust Co. ice, II a.m. Youth Fellowship Raporft Customer Gains neetj the second am fourth Sun- Priest For Award Moot* In Bradley Beach Bayshore Religious Services ys at 7:30 p.m The- Rev. ThaJdeus Ly, adminis- The regular monthly meeting of The estimated number of Day Of Prayer Bayre Woods BajHlM Church trator of the Our Lady of Fitima Monmouth Salon 59, 8 and 40, wasers using the facilities of the 14 of- held recently at the home of Mrs. Biblt tUptto Churtfe Raawe t, Brenlon Mission of Paisaic, was present- fices of the Central Jersey Bank aNiaJoa trill M at V.m int.; Holy ed with the 19GS B'nai B'rith Broth- Robert Farry, 413 Menmouth Ave., EacaarM Md church tehool, 1:15 IA tesulai Baptrst Ch«rck) Rev Richard Jones, Pastor Bradley Beach. Mrs. Esther P. and Trust Company has increaaed erhood Award at the Adas Israel from «O,M1 to 15,456 during the •.».; luaji Eucaari* and sermon, HUM* At., Hmlei Suaday School meets at 9:45 wl'r, Center in Passaic. Paul J. Rivera, Hulsart, Neptune City, presided. II •••.; evraaoan 7:H p.m. The Rev. Noel W. Hirons of the class for each member of tht Field Representative c the Keyport Final report on the Christmas ptut year, a sain rf nine per cent, lible Christian Union, Brooklyn, Child Wclfcre program was made Robert B. Barlow, president, re- Holy Ctaaawtaioa will be cdebrat- rill brinK the message Sunday at family: morning worship, 11 a.m.; Field Office of the Common- by Mrs. George Rinear, Port Mon- •tta*iy ScftaaJ kUU a ta wealth of Puerto Rico, received a ported today in making public a am Mi «mia« a aanhia aerviet. •4 Tataaey aa« -laured-r tt T:M ie Communion service at 11 a.m.eveniag gospel service, «:45 p.m. mouth, child welfare chairman, who summary of the bank's opera- lible School convenes at 9:45 a.m. special invitation to atter.d the cer- stated that she had distributed gifts *« M.1W1.1W1H ol ththee wm •a.: WaasMeaay tad Saturday at Mid-week prayer and Bible Study emony, tions. win aw "TastT e U TfcTfct HaadeatH . • a.tm; PWda» at •» a.m. ith classes for all aces. Evening to 26 tubercular children who at- orship service Is at 7 p.m. with the hekf every Wednesday at S p.m tend the Clinic at Allenwood Hos- The number of commercial aad A aatwy to available tVrlac: both TM aacaad la a aariw of Lenten Mr. Rivera said: "WhU a beauti- lev, Mr. Hirons bringing the mes- I4IIIK', .,i • .a ful example of brotherhhood! The pital. individual checking accounts, ia- MTflCM. At «••.•. tlM Ml praanaM «rin ha add 7/edaciday age. at I B.M. with IdMt Taylor at Cherry Tree Farm He.. Jewish community presents a Mrs. William Rice and Mrt.cludiag chedunaster, rose from Je> aaanaMM ItaaW. "Christian Con- Mid-week prayer service is on brotherhood award to a Chinese Leslie Gifford, both of West Long Mi to 2t,7B, and the number of Mm la PaNOM" «W * UM topic. Wednesday at 8 p.m. st the home who it a Catholic priest dedicated Branch, presented suggestions oe a peraons using the Easy Charge aer- if Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Mahon- Rav C RoRei Burkina. Pastot to those who have mie-ated from forthcoming Ways and Means pro- vice rose from 42,35* to 43,751 KMT r, 11 Vermont Ave., Port Mou- Suaday School: t:lla.m to II: M the Antilles to this area, most of tect. Mrs. Harry Breil, Union the number of stores psrticlpatfii/ mouth. at Church SenrtrM* an.; It:45 whom, coming from Puerto Rico, Beach, wag presented with tne up frcm MM to U48. tlso belor* to our great American "Red Hat" men '.ership award. Af- Increase* over a year ago la will be la*evah'« WMasaata •"*•• •'•• • family." ter the meeting, covered dish re- aome of the other operations of tha leak Saaday at tha Holy Com Keypert CaatreteHaa •k Mama EaUcisai Charea Father Ly was born In Tsinan, freshments were served. bank were as follows: Number of ' services at »4S and 11 t.m. Hall, a Olrbba St. Baal Frtat •*•> Ktyaart Shantung province, of a fifth gen- The next meeting will be on Mar. mortgage*. MM to 2771; number jatta (chooi of Misatoas Reipart Ctv Haary A Male, Rector eration Catholic family. He pre-It at Union Beach with Mrs. Ru-of coasurarr credit accounts, I2H will Mart Mar. M aad will be held The consresatlon will meet this On the first Sunday :»i Lent there pared himself to become a priest dolph Cherney at hostns. Also to Mil; auabtr of sale deposit bat- Suadty tveaiajt through Apr. eekend at Woodbridge HlRh it a Franciscan seminary in his na- present were Mrs. Normaa lewis. es rented, 4Ui tt SOW; number ti will be morning prayer and Holy tive city and was ordained In 1949.Neptune; Mrs. Grace Hoff, Bel- School, where the semi - annual ^mrminlon, 7:4Sa.>.; family ser- home improwsmeat loans, 4109 la ircuit assembly of Jehovah's Wit- After having mtjored in philosophy mar; Mrs. George J. Schneider, «UB; number of Christmas Club ac- n .aes for Central New Jersey will vloe and church school, 9.30 a.m.,gad theology, he went to the Uni-Bradley Beach; Mrs, Bi.sil Slocum couaU. M.JM to lt,«t. Total ac- H. MeNtlr* be heM. The address of welcome and morning prayer and litany, II versity of Madrid, where he spent and Mrt. Floyd Bell, both of West counts of all kinds rot* from 1J»> MinMei will be at 7 p.m. Friday and will a.m. Instructed evensong will be lour-and one-half years as a student Long Branch. 3a) to MtUM. followed by a model Ministry heM tt 1:30 p.m. of mathematics with the purpose at. The tarrnoa topic'at tht*II School program. A second main There will be Holy Communion of' becominR a teacher. From worship service will be ession will be held Saturday even ridty at 6:30 t.m.; Saturday, 9 thsre he went to Italy and to the 'Doubt, Friend or Foe." Youth Fel irtR commencing at 6:45 p.m, Fea m. and confessions from 4 to 5 United States In 1914. Ho has stud aacHflca." leak* Youth OwaMp meets at 7 p.m. ure event of the assembly will be p.m.; Monday, Tuesday and led at Don Bosco Technical School, at felt mat. tar •ban A Le-itaa dtvotloaal aerviee will Sunday at 3 p.m. w4ien Lyle E. Thursday, 1:10 a.m. and Wednes- Seton Hall University and Manhat Ross W. Maghan Agency amreat. Ham will ba a meetlaa. t held Wednesday tt I p.m. Reuscn, District Minister, will de- day, • a.m. tan College. Father Ly began to efZa yank aaVtsora at • p.m. iver the public address "The Mor serve the Spanish • speaking com Chareh munily of Passaic in 1956, and at "Sow rVrfn Sateco al Breakdown — What Can Be Done the present time he ministers to AbtMt It?" •tJaaMtPl Uafcw Retch nearly 3800 Spanish - speaking peo- Auto and Hom*ownmi NlW MMMMMiy ple, most of them Puerto Ricans First Raatltt Church Rev. Harland M. Baxter, Pastor ^___ i «a» Re*. Dtaitl D. Reithtlmtr at Our Lady of Fitima Church. III Mala St., Malawaa Services will be conducted by UM Seta* Steady wiU be cete- Pattor Sunday School begins at 9:45 Suarvtaaate .m.; church services, 9:45 and 11 at. Church School will meet st tfetaaaji ,f*ajanl Rtaer*e aWcta meet at fl a.m.; worship service, .m.; children's church is conduct- Now is the time to advertise wiU ba "Bt M a.m. those unused articles for sale. A MATAWAM IMMMSI IOMH tVOOOJ f cany prtpriaM augaatlc pk RMMV aad II: 3t a.m. A nursery la provided, ed at 11 a.m. and a nursery is Cotttae meeting Bible Class will available during both services. The Ol Wednesday at I p.m. there •mull ad in the clarified column ,. at tht aecood will ba a Lenten service. will turn them into cash for you. aervict.A aurttry it la operation bt held at I p.m. at oV ptraoni Girls' Guild will hold a formal in- _^~~ •••. Church tehool Leatea worship service will itiation ceremony in the church at held Wedaeadty at 7:« p.m. p.m. B.Y.F. Groups meet at 7 data far eftarch' iatmbartMp laari ftatat* m. a* la.au "Tbt Red Trap.1' latoviag picture, win a Temaft Beth Aba Ilcaard*?*Sl*labriaa Censervative at tha Youth Fellowship Sabbath Evt ftmlly lervices will al T P.M. Matawaa Township l held Friday evening it I p.m. Rabbi Morris L. Rubinstein Children wtwee 'jirthdayt occur On Friday there will be candle- lag the awaiti of March will ighting at 5:11 p.m. and Friday 65 CHEVROLET called to the Bimah to receive Sabbath services will be held at OR BAD. DoaaM W. birthday bieaiiai Irom Rabbi 8:30 p.m. in Room K-2, Strathmore Tht pattar wiU preach oa Sunday Richard F. Stelabrinh. The Rabbi Elementary School. Rabbi Morris These great performers are the lowest priced I ate I u, atrvfcw. ftudty will preach t story • aermon. A L. Rubinstein will deliver a ser- Hal DBMHHM • • • Hft MMMS at II I.BJ. spatial oatt ihabbat will follow the mon on "Soviet Jewry." The host gji Nwogal Ptact .Undw for the Oneg Shabbat will be Mr models at our One-Stop Shopping Center On Saturday the religious ichool and Mrs. Donald Broder in cele- will meet M » a.m. bration of the third birthday of E. heir daughter, Alyssa. Donald V. Adult services will be held Sat loha Dorahimtr wiU bt the urday morning at S a.m., followed fuest speaker Sunday at the 8:45 WaatrreUM-Lmei by Junior congregation at 10 a.m. You ar» Invited to a.m. awvice when music will be Rev. Harold R. Dean, Pastor The Rev Strauahan Lowe Oet attend tht worship by the chancel choir. The pastor Hut Pitahjlarlaa will preach at II a.m. when Girl ier, minister of the Unitarian Fel star vie as of tha St. Scout Sunday will bt marked and lowship at Bayahore, L.'. will be taatt M aad FraakUa tu John'* Methoditt music will be by the chancel choir, the Kuest speaker tt the 10:30 a.m. Mauwaa Junior church Is conducted and a service, Sunday. His topic will be Rat Chatter A. Galloway, Church aach Sunday nursery la available. Sunday School "The Role of Authority In s Permis- Pastor 9:00 and 11:00 A.M. meets ml » 45 and II a.m. Senior ive Sodety." A coffee and fellow, MominR vrorship services Sun- HlRh Fellowship proRra..\ will be ship hour followt the service. day are at 9:30 and 11 a.m. The FLORENCE AVE. "What 1 Ssy Aflects Others." It Church school is held at 10:30 a.m. pastor's sermon topic will be will be M by Carol Schneider at 7 "The Poor In Spirit," first in a ser- HAZLET, N. J. p.m. Youth Adult Fellowship also aajnrtew Presbyterian Caaraa ies of sermons entitled "The Key meets at 7 p.m, in the church CUffwtad Beach To The Kingdom." Sunday School house. Rev. David b. Bucci. Paitoi meets at 8:30 and II am. Baby, "Holiday or Lord's Day?" will care Is provided for children wide St. John's Warty Oareb (gplaeapal) be the name of the oastor's scrmo th.eo - years - of - age during both Maa St, Matawaa opic at Sunday's 11 a.m. worshi services. 'METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Carroll B Hall. service. Tho Sacrament of Com (Strvlng thi Bayahore Area) Rector munion will be administered, Lutheran Church of (be Sacrament of Penance will nursery is held at iho cottage, Good Shepherd NirmMlLRilty,Putor from 7 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Church school meets at !):30 a.m. Madison Township High School Sunday, matins and Holy Com- A young people's choir will accom- Rev. Harley E. Meyer, Pastor pany the pastor to the Oakview Family Bible ->our is held at 9:1! Nursing Home and will meet at the a.m. on Sunday and family wor- church at 1:30 p.m. A special trnin ship, 10:30 a.m. ing session will be held at 2:30 p.m on visitation, Members and friends Oavid's raberaaett will be meeting at the church it p.m. before going to the First Pres Elder James Moat, Pastot THE FAMILY byterhui Church of Blocmfiel Sunday School It at 10 a.m. where the Moderator of the United morning worship, II em Thar*'* a Cordial Presbyterian Church, U.S.A., wi VVMcoma Hera for deliver a aermon and the Bloom Feafth Ml. Fattitr, Methar, and kid College Choir will be (Ingln Spiritual Chareb All tha CMMran for the Annual Founder's Day Con' M Share Re\, Uatea Beach vocation Service of Bloomfield Co Rev. Katheruu Miller, Pastor OOHOB • WOl lege. Youth Fellowship also wi BO to Bloomfield for this occasion, Strvicat art btld oa Sundty an fne Board of Deacons will meet a! rhuraday eveniagt at • o'clock MARCH TO CHURCH IN MARCH 8 p.m. in Fellowship Hall. Msd oa Friday afternoona al 1 p.m SUNDAY, MARCH 7 The Rev. Archibald Clark, paito of tht First Presbyterian Churc CHURCH SERVICES ~ of Sayreville, will be the guest OtUviaa Rate preacher at the Wednesday even- 9:30 and 11:00 AM ng Lenten service at 8 p.m. Mrs. m Harold Hattield and Mrs. Melvi Rav. Phoebe Dalit* Paster Ralson will sins: the duet entitle' •trviees tre held Sunday at "Just Keep on Praying." t.ts. aad Tutadsy at * p.m. KEYS TO THE KNCOOM ft. Rtaadkfs Chare* I. "Tha Paor In SoWt" fkil Caaieh Of Chrtet, SdeaMat at Braaa at*f Reyaart Bethany Rd., Holmdel •aadav tar«let and fundav R«v. Edward P. Blatka, Pattor DIAL-AI«4NSMRAflON School. II a.m. Wednesday, taatt mony mtetlnf I p.m. Reading room Maatet art held Sunday at T, M4-1133 Me Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. I. II aad 11 t.m tnd tt 12 o'clock "Wha. Is man, that thou an nooa mindful of him?" Thij questlot a toMnritati Nuratiytor CaMi w Uadar TVM Ytara. asked by the Psalmist is cxplorr Emmanuel Assembly Ol God aCbufcliSeaoalatf:»tadllHA.M. , In the Bible Lesson which will b ttl Palmer Avt,, Keansburg featured at Christian Science sc Rev. Roy F. Arnescn, Pastor vices Sunday. The sub|ect Sunday services Include Sunda; "Man." School, 9:45 a.m.; church service: and children's church, 11 ».m remplt Shalem and evening service 7 p.m. The Rtferm Congrtaaltaa •Iralhmere Ichael ft. JMtpki Caarta Rabbi Mordecal Schrelbet Blaatt PI., Ktypart Sabbath eve Krvlces conclude Rev. Ccmellut J, Kant, Pastor Top to bottom: Chen fl 100, Coreair 100, ChettlU IO9i by Rnbbl Mordecal Schrelber w Mattta will bt held Sunrta ChtvnM Biscaym. AU t-4oor mwUli bo hold Friday evenlns nt 8:30 p.m mornlnx tt I:M, 7: SO, I: JO, 9:49 it ttio Slrathmoro F.lementtn 11 a.m. and i3:15 p.m. School In the all - purpaso room The tltlo of Rabbi Schreibcr's «ci St. John's MplhodUt Church Hard to tell nt a (fiance that each o( thcBe beauties ia the International flavor of » rear engine bardtotV mon will be "Inslltutluin uf Relor Florence Avt., llatkt promise ftin for tho months ahead. final Clearance Judaism — II." The Oncg Shnbbn Rev, Normnn R, Rlloy, Pnstnr tha lowest priced in its lino. The rido dootin't show it. will l>o jiponsorcd by Mr. nniriU>il. COATS-JACKETS Mrs, Krosky will perform tho en •ratratewa Utloa ftstda) Schetl Intorior with plush vinyln, fine fahricH, (till dwp-twist Corvuir'H a'ar-motiuU:d Turlw-Air Six dollvert (ba (lle-llnhllnn ceremony, Rwlt II, •rawMtwa atu'iK.-tiiiu, bcxt haluncu mid trnction for Rtv, Frinclt Canttl, Ptttor tltia HI/.U car. It's alr-coolcd— ! Crate Of Olert lundty School it held from I: to Chi'Vflle, America's favoi'lU? Intcniu'iluilc-Hi/.e car, lalatrta Church to 10:45 t.m, tnd lilt church tsr hot ck'iui nuw alylltiK, witlu-opoiiinte doors, roomy, no vmter or antlfrpczo. discover tlit MtMwaR-Msrlbore *ke at from 11 t.m. until M liwUjfully trimmed Interior, and nil lh« eiuiy-curo So ho practical. Chock th« ' ... ihetl, Mattwaa o'clock. Ivtryona It eerdltlly •> cro-iit otfer on your old c»r, •«v. Richard A, W«ed«n. I'aitot iHnlutvt of thu liifi Chevrolet.. difference / PRICE vllid U> tlttnl Chuvy H Kot a wliolu kit mtmrtcr for '65—hut kept tho low tmymentt on your 2 "The Dili Dribor" will ba tho pa tor's topic Sunday m tho 111:110 a,in aUfBfMM ClHIflll mt p Ita common atiiisol HUH fanilly-»lzc, rnny to lumdlp, new one. (>nly you will know VWlMM •aJftf MM •wMttft ^ 40 fy #ff how practical you'vo hwn, tervlct, Church achiMtl inwtii at Wtrraa fta Ktyaaii aconofnl<'«l, and (h# lowest prictni Chovrolct out. A Fhf In Thta ATM m, Ret, Joht M. ahtrpe, Pttter Doth CorvaJr Sport Cou|>o and Sport Svdon have U it mrt won't thowl A mid-week lenton irrvlct wl lundty School, nursery to hit* CWttWtW Slaeb — 20% *H bo held Wednc.tdiiy at H p.m. ichool nitoti ti lutt a.m.: trorthl the ttrtttimoro School, Tfit therni fcrvlcncn. trt htld il rj j titll II(M: will bw "Our l'l-tyet and IM'ollons a.m. wl'h t I'ttiaae by tha aa Oraar Savlnai M Draitai and Swaatan Mrt. Johhn Hobtrft Ifb anatfi h .no Drive tomthing really ncw-discovcr Vie difference at your Cheuroht dmtt OM irkk Rtfermtd Nnttatttal Chareh BsaWa^LaaH^Bsl ii^ V^aaBSBBBBaaal Chevrolet • OmvUe • Chevy U* Corwir* €orv*m aTaWBeOTWH PfJtfl HWBIIW Rev. Joha H«rt. Ptltof Itiadty khotri mm* tt I: SO t.m Mrt, InlMila Wood. Ptitor In the chapel, At t> It s.m. wo Oa lundat than win ba lutdt: ihle «efvk'c, t/ia tH«me w4ll h chfjoehooil al ftfia 41) a.m»,m.. aad momlrnomlnn "Ptth«r, forgive 11i«m," the fli worahlp, II a.m. Pnyer time wl of III* nerle* of Lenten ivirnont i be heir) tt f i II a.m. AH avtngcllt ll from Ihe fWim\ Lnot Wwd tit mMtlm will bt htlrj at Tt fmallMi clAHti rtitHK til A |),m, mill VIIIIIII I-Jp||(j«'s(il|i nl I: p.m. Marftaavatt Mttaaatai Chtirta MULLER CHEVROLET INC. ^ % 1.,,..,;, Lilting Urtlt le Rev, William , Prtr.it, Ptstof 110 Main StrMt - Matowan • , » > -IIH till al (hit office, il f inh» funtft TWtfay. M«rdb 4. IttS THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. S«V«I m I




Ib Ib Ib

Froun food Saving* A Variety at Acm* BIG ARCTIC SIAL rROZIN MUT LENTEN SAVINGS

FROZEN CATCH STAR KIST TUNA PIE 5X89c FRESH CUT CAIAS Del Monte FROZEN CASSEROLt Sfttfta TUNA NOODLE '^ 59c HADDOCK TOMATO SAUCE LANCASTER BRAND FROZEN PORK, BEEF OR TURKEY SLICES -Si. 3',;;. 89c OR COD j| _mr MOkTOM'S FROZIM _ _ FILLET 49! FRESH BOSTON Drttsri Whol* LANCASTIR IRAND TOMATO SAUCE 10 75c MACKEREL at."i£ 33 VACUUM FACKIB FRISH oua Jl| AUC CHIRRYSTONI . mm± VMtlUA. iWMU Ml •«•••« ia m LUNCH MEATS CLAMS OR CHOWDIR '*nt • fpfcvd lunchton • tolafna MMUTV • Pickl* 4 Pinunta slal FANCY SHRIMP « Mnrt !••« • Oli«. l.of Y*vr Chain FANCY II M IS N> U. JUMIO XI M 25 F(r Lk. 25* mtnM ..,. >.. OAc ••'• *"$109 Acme's Wondtrland S4.3t O 7lb IS.39 I Ik lENTEN CHEESI FANCY Swordffish ff«ak^«9c Fr« tnk CtnHf Cut! Ik. TV* KRAFT lot. INSTANT f AMCV HalllNiff ft«ak -4fc mm »tic«» Fn F«k Ct»tr Cy»i Ik. Tf« >RLUKI MTlim CHUM SAVI ll« VIRGINIA Lff IWIII SLICES PRINCN AFPLI FREE MILDIBHEEIE _ •ill Ml* ONE PINT PKO. SHIM CHEESE MTTv e*oe PIE •ISGUII•HfiUIT1l luTifHim • M with purchiM of any H«lf Qallm •-In. »i« LETIUCE TOOTHPASTI " Vlr§Mi ( KLINIK ONLY ASPIRIN IM."19c KLINIK 38 You Got •OTH ALCOHOL (OF Only URM IVNKIIT NAVM2=29. * ONI CENT ORANGES 10- 49* HOMISTYLE ft*«9c Bread Sale IVY I LOAVIS AT ACMI'S LOW t«u.3fc MICIOf I f«r7Sf... BUNS UT TNI FOURTH LOAF for only Ic

2~*'2tc *. *)* «••<»< M«M H Until QuinlMlM, 4

CASMMIW AJAX COLQATl LIQUID ALL-PURPOM WITH AMMONIA Vi-i«l. 22ttN ItH IMP J7£ •yRimo \lir boHU Ajix 28«I, M. 49C 40M. IH. AJAX 20-OZ._2«« WRAP •AfiS—PKl~PKOO OF 5500 h'K FLORIENT-IOt Or^ '*-**• 1 ?-••. JAM tto Liiidry leteri••1—^PS?" 70c laifiec-SindwichBigior^ 55c Aerosol DeoioriRt <••! t«C UQUID10-- II-OS—»t AMX~l«-0Z-2«i OITEROINT-. *„ (II f PAI.M01IVI I'INK OR RRCEN p)(f, 26c 49'/4 01. 2 21c SOAKY ACT ION— 11 O? Toilet Soip 90.01 I'Al M(j| ivl hfOfT IO<*i< ACA Iknii lith III* WWW MtMM h Tablets —„ pita, /DC Gold Soap


Keyport Hi|di School, Class of 195T. ferried Morganville Girl Engagements served six years in the U.S. Armf HamaMca-Wilsaa and is now employed by Cardelfe Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred D. Wilson, Trucking Co., Middletown, Is Wed Saturday 137 First St., Keyport, announce No date has been set for the wed- the engagement of their daughter, din>>. Mai Putrid* Pimetk. m Cmn Mitf Elaine Frances Emmons, Muriel Ruth, to Kees Christopher < Am. Keansbun, dlaajstar of the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Hammega, son oi Mr. and Mrs, Smith-Havens haa Mr. tad Mn. Aatooay Frov Emmons, Texas Rd., Morgan- John Hammega, 260 Stillson Rd., Mr. and Mrs. Gerald P. H3vens, «ak. WUfces B.-rr*. Pa., became the ville, became the bride of Robert Fairfifld. Conn. 132 Morninuside Ave., Union Beach, Me el Ronald PooU. tea ol Mr. G. Leonard, son ol Mr. and Mrs. announce the encasement of their Hi Mr*. Ceorne Pooie. l« Ram- Robert Leonard, Staffordville, Sat- Mist Wilson, a graduate of Key- port Hi,Th School, is a senior at daughter, Elizabeth C, lo Henry 'eg? Ave., Keaiisburg, Saturday, urday. Feb. 27, 1965. ! E. Smith jr.. son of Mrs. William nh V, IMS. ; . ;' Montclair Suite College, where The Rev. Vincent Lloyd, pastor, she is a member of Delta Theta M. DenB'tyker, 1010 Malawan Rd, Tta Rev. Newten W. Gretaer per- performed the double ring cere- Psi Sorority anJ Uu Women's In- Laurence Harbor, and Henry E. fcneed the double ring ceremony mony and celebrated the nuptial terdormitory Assoualio' She cur-Smith sr., Spots'.vood. i* Ihe Fir* Methodist Church. mass at 11 a.m. In St. Gabriel's rently is student • teachiiv M Rari- Church, Bradevelt. Miss Havens is a Rraduate ol Keansbura, at J p.m. tan ."owns'iip Hi^li School. K(>port Hijjh School, Class of 1!)G4. Christopher Dill. Keansburg The bride was given m marriage Mr, Hammega atkrded s nl>> She ii employed at Furl Mon- eaoorted the brMe. Ihe wore a by her father. She wore a floor- in Holland and Suit/erland He \u month Her fiance is ii uradii.ite of Hear - length white pe*... de fole length peau de sole gown designed graduated from Dcltj Secoidar> Hofi nan High School, South Am- •awa with round neckline, tooa ta- with a pearl - embroidered fitted School and studied business jdm n- boy Class of 1962. He is serving in aersd aleeves and detachable dup- bodice, sabrina neckline and elbow- istration at McMastor Lhi\i'isl\ the U S. AT Force, and is station- el train. A bouffant veil waa atuch- length sleeves. Her fingertip-length ed la her Jewelled crown aad the veil of French Illusion fell from a carried an old fashioeed bouquet crown of pearls and she carried a of white roan. round bouquet of whire chrysan- •MahsM~ Ba Me^M sfM lA^aadbv themums. Mlaa Kathleen Caswefl. Kaaaa- Oaly One Attendant lun. aleee of the bride, wta Ihe Mls.3 Janet Glugliano, Matawan, «aM ot honor. Her floor . langth was the maid of honor. Her royal Rally ftrcea aalla «m wss de- blue brocade street - leniUh gown ttaoM with three • quarter-length had a matching floor - length over- gtseves. round neckliae aad match- skirt. Tile fitted bodice had a ha floor-length overtkirt. A. clr scoop - neckline and elbow - length ajar veil fell over her mifcMiig sleeves. A circular veil fell over 'Rawer headpiece: and she carried her matching bow headpiece and she carried a cascade bouquet of i old tashkned bouquet o( yellow light blue carnations. Oeorae Pool*. Oltuboro, was Robert ilanlon, Kcanshurg, was Hhabtat mw for hl« brother. Uih- the best man. eriia were Stanley Coon and Frank A reception followed in the Ko- bertsville Fire House. Naafciaa, West Kaaaaburf. When they return from a Flori- MRS. STI-I'IIIN D. lll'T/ll-R A reception fallowed in the New da motor trip, they will reside in Miss Eileen Ann Swariz, daugh attendants, Miss Susan Swartz, Mat Comfort Fin Co. Fire House. Middlctown. ter »f Mr, and Mrs. Frank Swnrtz, Cherry Hill, a cousin jf tlie bride, For their motor trip to tin poico- Th« bride was graduated from 18 Garden Terr., Ifazlet, became : I Mrs. Robert Wilson, Keyporl. M Mountain*, Pa., th* bride MISS MUUIL-L Alt' SON Matawan Regional High School and the bride of Pfc. Stephen D. llelz- George Ilct/.lcr, Leoniu, the MISS ELIZABETH C. HAVENS wore a brown wool ault, beige hat, is employed by Electronic Asso- lor, son of Mrs. Herman llet/ler, bridegroom's brother, was iho bUck aceeanrfet and a coriaas of ciates, Inc., Long )>ranch. The Hamilton, Ontario, C-anada. Me ised at Orlando Air Force Base, Or- Rochester, N. Y. and (lit; late Mr. Iw.st man and ushers vvere Herman employee) us a commercial pilot lando, Fla. White roaM, bridegroom was graduated from Hclzler, on Saturday, Feb. 27, 13U.i East Meadow High. School, K;ist llctzler, Rochester, unoiher broth- by lirid^ejwrt Flight Service. Inc., The bride attended 0. A. R. Me- in St. Joseph's Church, Keypuri. er of the bridegroom, m^d Thomas ; No dale has been set for the wed- aorlal High School. Wilket Barre. Meadow, L.I. He is employed by anJ as manager of ! [u.'an's Kes- ding. The Rev. Edward Strnno officiated Swartz, lliizlcl, brother of the fauraiit, Stratfortt. rvinn. Pa. aad a employed in the Ivy MRS. STEPHEN A. JOYCE Augmstein Manufacturing Co., at (lie double ring ceremony at ,1 Matawan. bride. An Augu.it wedding is planned. Nursing Home. Middle- p.m. For the wedding the bride's moth- The wedding of Miss Carol Anne Ann Starcher, Lewisburg, Wes O'Cofl.U'll-l.eoimrd Mr. and Mrs. Vincent DeAngelo, er chose an afternoon dross ot 522 Sixth St., Union City, announce Ihe bridegroom attended Mid-Hayes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Vi.; Miss Cheryl Spearman, Win The bride, given in marriage by powder blue crepe wilh matching Mr. and Mrs. Floyd J. Leonard, James F. Hayes, Deepwood, Chap- ston Salem, N.C.; Mrs. Donald her father, wore a wedding gown ed the engagement of their daugh- •Mams Townahto High School and Obituaries accessories and an orchid corsage. 21)1 Morndinsice Ave., Union Beach, ter, Conniu DeAngelo, to Pat H. La- paqua, N.Y., to Stephen Aylward Woods, Terre Haute, fnd.; Miss of while organza. The neckline of 1 announce the engagement of their atrved lour yeara la the U.S. Na- Mrs. Charles G. Formaa Tlie bridegroom .-! mo'her vras at- mano, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred n-Ma la employed by A. C. Trans- Joyce, too of Mr. and Mrs. John Marguerite Hayes, Chappaqua, sis- the bodice was trimmed with seed tired in a beige dress, matching ac- M. Joyce, Si Arbordale Dr., Key ter of the bride, and Miss Susan Mrs. Flora G. Forman, to, wife pearls and the skirt, slim in front, Lamano, 70S Fourth St.. Union s^leatoTwoadbrlfct. of Charles G. Forman, lormer cessories and also wore an orchid /TfcwwUl reside at* Hancock port, took phce Saturday afternoon. Joyce, Keyport, sister of the bride was swept to the back and extend- corsage. Sb. 17, IMS, at 1 p.m. in thegroom. They also wore gowns ol councilman in Elizabeth, died Sat- ed to a cathedral train. Her four- urday, Feb. 27, 1965, in Jackson After u receptum at Buck Smith's Church of St. John and St. Mary, most green velvet and sand - col tier shoulder - length veil of illu- Restaurant, East Keansburg, the Chapnaout. Th* Rev. John O'Doa- ored crepe with moss green Chan Memorial Hospital, Miami, Fla. sion was caught to a tiara of seed Mrs. Forman waa born in New couple left for a wedding trip to abue officiated at tha double ring el bows and veils. pearls and crystals and she car-Canada. They will reside In Hazlet. Births ceremony. 'oitph O'Donnell, Waltham. York and lived in Elizabeth for 50 ried a bouquet of while carnations. years in the Elmora section before The bride was graduated from Mass., served as the best man and Mrs. Theodore Hospcs, Drick Keyport High School mid the North Mr. aad Mrs. Joha Oeaa, Button her '.msband retired and they mov- Township, was the matron of honor Given in marriage by her father, ushering were Robert Rankl, West ed to Biscayne Park, Fla. Jersey Business School. Newark. Dr., Matawaa, are parents of a the bride wore a wedding gown of Orange; Kenneth Wicklund and for her sister. Her gown, empire She is employed by her father who ban Tuesday, FebTn, IMS. Ivory peau de sole with a sculptur- William Mabbltt, Keyport; Freder- She was a former member of the style, was emerald green velvet Elmora Presbyterian Church and a operates the Century Van Lints, - Medical Ceater. ed neckline outlined with appUauet ick Nagle, Buffalo, N.Y., and Harry with which )he wore a matching llazlet. former worker for the Cancer So- flower headdrest and brief veil and of Swiaa embroidered flowera. The Herat), Coral Gables, Fla. ciety of Elizabeth. The bridegroom was graduated squared • off train of the dreaa also After m wedding reception at the carried a bouquet of yellow chry- from Storm King High School, West . Mr. aad Mn. Jamei Parriah, Rv- was apptiqued with Swiss embroid- Surviving, in addition to her hus- santhemums. Emily Shaw Inn, Poundridge, band, are her mother, Mrs. Eliza- Point, N.Y. He is serving in the ery. Her bouffant veil of French N.Y., the couple left for u wedding beth A. Godfrey. Matawan; a •rldal AtlcmUnli U.S. Army and is stationed at Fort •ilk illusion was attached to * trip to Like Placid. When they re- H INS, at Monmouth Medical Cea- daughter, Mrs. Louis K. Steincr, Similarly attired were the bridal Monmouth. MISS JUDY GALE LEONARD matching headpiece of floral de- turn, they will reside in New York Miami; a sister, Mrs. Virfjinia Wil- sign and she carried a cascade bou- City. liams, Union, and two erandchil- Surviving are her husband, Jos- daughter, Judy Gale, to Jerry Don Carel* . quet of white roses and ivy. The bride was graduated from dren. Laurence Harbor Man O'Conncll, son ol Mr. and Mrs. Miss Susan Hayes, Chappaqua, Horace Greciey High School, Chap- eph P. (Juinlnn; her mother; a Mr. and Mn. Donald Curcie, Funeral services were held Tues- Russell O'Connell, 14 VanMater sister of the bride, was the maid paqua, Endlcott Junior College, sister, Mrs. Concetta Mancini of A Suicide By Shooting CUIford Dr.. Cliffwood Beidi, are dav at 2 p.m. in the James J. HI'K-South Amboy; four brothers, An- Terr., Hazlet. ptrenti of a daughter born Wednes- of honor. She wore an ankle-length Beverly, Mass, and Berkeley Secre- Kins 6 Son Funeral Home, Eliza- Miss Leonard is a student at Key- dress, fashioned with a moss green tarial School, White Plans,'N.Y. thony and Augustine of Keyport, .Michael Kipila, -1-1, of 27-1 Pros- day, Feb. 24, 1965, at Monmouth beth. Armand of Hazlet and Louis Bar- port Hidi School. Mr. O'Connell at- velvet bodice, a scoop neckline and The bridegroom was graduated pect Ave,, Laurence Harbor, was tended si'houl.i in Miami, Fla. and Medical Center. hetla of Malnwan; and an uncle, MISS CONNIE D. DE ANGELO a sand-colored crepe skirt. Her from Matawan Regional High Harry W. Cumlics found fatally shot through the chest is employed at the Cobblestones Kicolo Unrlifitia of Souili Amboy. in his cut parked on the Mal;iw;)n lawman headpiece was a moss green velvet School and Columbia University Harry W. Combes, 70, of Cliff-1 Rest.-iurjint, Middletown. Heach, on Valentine's Day, Feb. Funeral services wen: held ,-u Township bc:i<:hfrimt M <> n litan Life Insurance Wills Filed in Cliftwood 10 yeai\s. He was born Interment was in St. Joseph's Madison Township Police who had Co., Jersey City. Mr. and Mr*. Jame- Dirr, Third Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hurd, Lan- in Bayonne, son of the late James Cemetery, Keyport. the enj;iigement of Mrs. Abram.s' P. Palmer Armstrong been alerted by his wife, Anna, that St., Vest Xeanabura, are parents of caster Avo., Keansburg. are par- and Louisa Combes. He was a he left his home armed with a daughter, Barbara Ann Kineg, to Mr. I mano, a graduate of Key- a daughter bom Wednesday, Feb. ents of a son born Saturday, Feb. Frederic Palmer Armstrong, 121 member of the Good Will Club, Frank P. Cook John V. Oirdelfe, son of Mr, andport High School, Class of 1935, is Atlantic St., Keyport, willed his es- shotgun threatening to do away H la*7 *t Riverview Hospital. 27, 1W, at Riverview Hospital. Perth Amboy, and was an U.S. Frank P. Cook, 73, of 15 Pine St., with himself. employed as office and personnel tate to his wife, Mrs. Mable J. Army veteran of World War I. Keyport, died Moaday, Mar. 1, manager of Little Craft, Inc., Brad' Parka Armstrong, and daughters, Mrs. Mr. Kipila, who had fired both Surviving are two brothers, Ken- 19C5, at his home after a long ill- barrels of a 20-gauge shotgun into ley Beach. Mr. tad Mra. John Mundwff. Mr. and Mr». Richard Park*, Doris A. Pat ton and Mrs. Dorothy ness. The wedding is sche luled to take SeaM Dr., Haalet. are ptrenta ol neth Combes, Roselle, and James his chest, was pronounced dead nt Spruce St., Haxlet, are parents ol A. Humphreys. He named Mrs. place Nov. 13, INS. a aaa bora Wednesday ^ Feb. 24, Combes, Oceanport. Born in Keyport i.e us the son the scene by Dr. S. J. Ambrosio a daughter bora Saturday, Feb. 17, Armstrong and the Monmouth ol the late Robert and Elizabeth m, at Rlverriew Hospital IMS, at Riwvtew Hospital. County National Bank as executors. Funeral services were held Tues- Matawan Township Police Surgeon. day morninR at the Bedle Funeral (Curbing) Cook. He was a lifelong Det. Joseph Bookct said no notes OHtaa Mr. Armstrong had been in theHome, Keyport. The Hcv. Jorm. H. resident. were found. banking business for 61 years in Mr. aad Mrs, William CUMon, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Nelan, Sharpe, pastor ol the Keyport Re- He was a member of St. Joseph's He was ihe son ol the late George Weshlnjttoa Ave.. Matawaa, are Monmouth County. He was 77. Heformed Church, officiated and inter- Church, Keyport and an exempt : d Mary (Sharik) Kapila. He wis Second It., West Keantburg, are died Feb. », 1S65 at his home. nil of a eon bora Thuraday, ptrenti of a aon born Saturday, ment waa in the U.S. National Cem- member of the Hook and Ladder an U.S. Army veteran of World etery, Beverly, 19, iiaw, ai jtiwrvifW/ nuejM* *tb. 27, IMS, at Riverview Hospi- He waa a lifelong resident of Key- Fire Company. He was a retired War II, and had been employed as tal. port, and started his banking car- employee of the Jersey Central a tailor by Scott, the Tailor, Perth eer with the Keyport Banking Co., Oscar Boehmler Power and Light Company. Amboy. Oscar Boehmler, 86, of 125 Shore serving at its president for many Surviving arc his wife, Mrs. He is survived by his wife, Mis Mr. and Mn. Jamas Dowlon, years until It merged with the Mon- Blvd., Keansbuot. dieu Sunday, Mr. and Mrs! Roaario Marric- Edna (Smith) Cook; three sons, Ann (Zajacek) Kipila; three sons, Mlewild Lane, Stratamorc. are par- mouth Countv National Bank. He Feb. 28, 1965, In the Atlantic High- Michael C. Parlin, .-.nd Thomas I (Mi of a son born Thursday, Feb. chlolo, Betchway, Keansburg, are became chairman of the board ol lands NursinR Home after a long George Cook, Cliffwood; C,.r, Cook, parents of a daughter bora Sun- South Amboy, and Frank Cook jr., J. and Edmund M., at home, and a V, IMS, at Riverview Hospiul. the county bank. illness. brother, John Kipila. Woodbridgi I day, Feb. 78, 1965, at Riverview Born in Philadelphia, Pa,, he Keyport; a sister, Mrs. Joseph Hospital. Mr. Armstrong was past presi- Thomas, Cliffwood, and three Funeral services are being held KryscMhl was the son of the 'ate Georp,c this Thursday at 9 a.m. nt the John Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kryscnskl, dent of the New Jersey Bonkers As- Boehmler and Mrs. Bertha (Oeh grandchildren. M Green Grove Ave., Keypott, are Newman sociation; served as a commission- W. Mehlenhnck Funeral Homt me) Boehmler. He bad been a resi- The funeral will bo held this Hazlet. The Rev. Dezo Abraham, tha parents of a son, born Thurs- Mr, and Mrs. Robert Newman, er ot the New York Port Authority Thursday at 8:30 a.m. from Hie from 1945 tliroiifih 1952, and wadens t of Keanslmrp, for the last M pastor if thn Hungarian Reformed day, Feb. 25, 1%5, in Rivtrview Woodman PI,, Matawan, are par- years. He was Ihe husband of the Day Funeral Home, Kt.yixin, to St. MISS IIAKIIAHA ANN KINLG ents of a son born at Perth Amboy formerly a member oi the Board of Church, Penh Amliny, will officiate late Ida (Voder) Boehmler. Mr. Joseph's Church, where a requiem and interment will be in the U.S. General Hospital. Directors of the Federal Reserve high mass will be offered by Rev. Mrs. I-raiik Cardelfe, Arm) St., Bank o! New York. Bwhmler was a retired machinist Natiomil Cemetery, Rnverlv. nnd a member of Morrisvlile Pres- Cornelius J. Kane, pastor, at i) Oakhurst. Miss Kine^ also is the Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Donohue, Weodrulf daughter of Vcmon Kineg. Ridge- If you'vo /iked tt\« tiyie of His will, written in 1962, was rebyteria- n Church, Morrisville, Pa. o'clock. Burial will be in St. Jo- an tyeglait hearing aid but Weaton PI., Matawan, are parents Mr. and Mra, Richard Woodruff, cently probated by Monmouth Coun- Play Will Benefit field. Survivini! are two sons, George seph's Cemetery. could n«vir find on< to of n ion, born at Perth Amboy Cliffwood Way, Laurence Harbor, ty Surrogate Donald J. Cunning- A graduate of Matawan Regional m««t your need*, then try H. Boehmler of Philadelphia and General Hospital. are parents of a son born at Perth ham, Mrs fcdgar '.. l.ish Deborah Hospital Hieh School. Class of 1063, Miss th« Oyna Rang*. You')' onjoy Amboy General Hospital. Walter S. Boehmler of East Keans- Mrs. Homice li. Lish, t»3, died Itl tremendous pcrformaiKa Pafnaraati Kincg is employed by tire Prmlen- . . . you'll admire Its tlim, Albert E. Cowling burR; one brother, Louis Boehmler. Sunday, Feb. 28, J965, in her home, The Delwrah Players, Long tial Insurance Co., Newark. trim lfn*f. You'll ba con* Mr. and Mn. Herbert Pomerantz, •aacka i)lwfx)d; eight grandchildren and 13 vlnc« resident in Union COME IN OB CALL FOR patrick, pastor of Church ol Christ. Beach -15 years. Shu was II mem-(he Uae Paskow Deborah Chapter, «EE DCMONSTOATIOH. Flood Chalednik Charles Koldn Red Hank, officiating. Burial was in will present the parody on long-hair A daughter was born Tuesday, ber of tile Daujihteis of AmeiiCii, CHECKER A son was born in St. Peter's Charles Kolda, Malawan Town- Hillside Omelcrv, Philadelphia. musicians Apr. l!0 ami May 1 at Feb. 23, 1963, In Perth Amboy Hos- Pride (it Mon mouth Post. the ( ivie Atidilui hiin. Monmoutli MARATHON Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald ship, who died Feb. 12, 19C5, left pital to Mr, and Mm. Raymond Nairn Tanous She is survived by her huhhami, ShoppiriK Oiucr, ICat(^iiI<>\Mi. Flood, I Orchard Dr., Old Bridge. D, Chalednik, Marlboro Rd., Oldhis estate to his wife Julia I. Koldn, Nairn Tanous, 51, of ISucklcy Rd., Kdgiir A. l.J-li; a daughter, Mrs. Bridge. executrix, In n will dated in 1918. Marlboro Township, died Friday, .1 times II. Uickerson, South Ambuy; IVxvetls Irum III" pr«iliK't«iii will Albe "ob. 26, 1985, in his home. 1 lx'in-lii ilie Dehui.ih Ho^pilal in Adolph Mascolo three sisters, Mrs. Loui.it Ktialj andIlrmwi's Mills. 'Hi" rhapter also Mr, and Mra. Robert Albe, Biowa Horn in Palestine, he was a re- •Vlr.s. .M.IIV McGrmli, Newark, and KMiuburg, are the narents ol n Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Brown, Adolph Mnscolo, Kcan.shurg, who plans to in.uigunite a theatre irecl uroevry clerk, lie was n mem- Mrs. I-1cti Vugt'l, Maplewood, and wnrk.'.lmp on a yeai-IIHIIKI basis. daughter, born Friday, Feb. 26,Willow Avo., Mntawan, are thadied Jiin. 21, 1985, left his estate ier of the Grand Ave, Presbyterinn u brother, Jnlni C/ran/, Newark. $URCICAl IMS, In Monmouth Medical Center. to ills wife Frances G, Mascolo, in :imrch, Plainficld. The tast eoir-ists of one female parents of a daughter, born in 'Che tuiu'ial vv~ts held Wechie.^dav BUILT TO TAKE IT a will written in 1962. Mrs. Mascolo Surviving Is his wife, Mrs. La- role, played by (jail Rcinhorg, West APPLIANCE St. Peter's Hospital. at 1:30 p>.in., at the Bedle Funeral Deal, ami seven nion, Normnn was named executrix. maia (.Iai>hub) Tanous. Mr. and Mn. Robert L, Baker, Massaro Home, Keyi>uri. The Rev. Nornmn I>irii(elil, Allenluirst; Milton Hare- RARITAN GARAGE k^fKaV Ml Park Ave., Union Beach, are Anna W. Dodge The funeral was nt the HijtRins R. Hilev. pastor of SI. John's Mitli- fool, Malawan; Morton Wclner, El- 17 W. Froal St., Kcyporl A son was born in SI. Peter's Anna W. Dodjie, Aljitmvnn, who Memorial Home, Freehold, Sim- wlist thoieh, Ilii/let, offieiated. IXM.HI; David Weiner, Deal; Sy lii- South Main St., Keyport (Hen «• rHftu N>t'i iiinti Ike aarenti of a daughter, (heir day. Hurlnl was in Munnlnpan first child, born Sunday, Feb. »,Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Michael died Jan. 31, 1965, left her estate llurinl was In Green Grave Ceme- seiilK'ig, New Shrewsbury; Mark O«r floor IMS, In Riverview Hoqtilal. The Mniwaro, «7 Mlmi Rd., Old HridKC. to a niece, Alys I. Dales, executrix, tery, Keyport. Mlleiiturk, Wannmiusa, unb, 20, istis nt the home of her Beach, I, 1995, In Riverview Hospital. Milt Roberta A. Bonnet ion in IJInglinmlon, New York. Studios Slio was iho widow of the Into .Moiiiiimilh (lounty Dental A'-'.is- PAPPA Wedi Alexander Balint Vkeeal Hardy nsepli P. Iliivet, nnd Is survived tnnt;i A'--,ntuitiiMi met );i Ihe nlhtr Mr «nd Mm. John Vlneonl, .143 A daughter was Ixirn Mnmlny, >y four (IniifjIitcM, Mrs. Tlioman J, of Dr. William Orlarchlo, Kevi»>il. PHOTOGRAPHY Broad St., Kcypnrt, urc parents of Mis, l-'i'iinifii Si num. Matawan, Mar. I, IH0, In Riverview Hospital Miss Roberta AlU'e Uonitel, Mi'Durmnti, Wnoilhrlilge, Mm. WEDDING ALBUMS IN NATURAL COLOR a aon born Snturday, Feb. 17, 10(15, In Mr. niul Mra, Snnfonl Hardy, itiRhter of Mr. nml Mrs. John A. iilm Arnold, Illnglmmtim, N. Y.,New JeiM'V Stitle I'c "lit.enl, s/Ktkr at Rlwrvlcw Mojplt.il, ICO Third St., Keyport. IJonncI, M7 Wnyxlilc Dr., Clillwonil Mm. Jnmi'i Medium, Syi'itcuse, in "Pal inuiienlaiy 1'iocedine." Portraiture Ik'Hch, t>c?ciiin<* tltn bride uf AN• v«nent» ol n /mil, burn Monday, III nml II ill the I ii'i'i'"" Alotel, You will find fair 17, mi, at Mlv«rvlMV lloanltnl, nml iwn 'isii'in, Mrs. Andrew Low- A'.lnuV I'liil'-- !ym|'Mlif|lc nrlvlcc Wnr. 1, 1063. In Hlwrvlow Hiwpltul. 'Ilio /nun ln/;i.' lixdi pl,icr ill Ibr ri and Mrs. Wlllliini The ii'-.'(t mei'lliiit will lie held I) Ij.r.cl rni yi m lininc i)[ MuttKli .•<>' nml Mr., Cf Mrvicc |nl. Yuu'rn mirn of fun on TO HIM Mr, mul Mm, '"Illlniti .liiritlcmnn, HI nt Mi MI/IIIM'III llnrlirllit mul 1 f'ln-.« (if Ifiii.'l. Mr. llnliiil, .i ci.nl WHART0N tlml ci'ine or w'fim I HIIVIIIK Ui ,, Miilnwiiiti itrii III' lie Intr .Siinlo Iliiilieilii, Mrn. ()nl 1 W. f. WAUACI tdrt'tilN at n «m. Ixiin Mfimliiv, lit' III Mlllllhrn Illl'h Kclunil, !•- '" ' .,,,i.- .-••' i" • i,,, :*,'", ellU'KI'lelilckrul tnIIII 'I IInlI '<'J , .MUMlain' ' 'Ii A iVI.I',Ml, v II y « |! i) wfn*n ynu cumwM vlur, I, 1'nn. In Klvi'rvlrw lln»|ii iil>liiyi'tl nt llit' I'IIII'IMIII I'liiiil HI mil Hii'i limn III I.'IIIIIVDMI liml hm) {/lm ( fun. It, Hill All.inIK: Avi'.. ciiunt mi M to mnkff ic.lilid In Sinilli Amlmy 'U yi'iim. M,H,I,',,III, (.II SIIIUIII.IV Inan \'t »'- I ni, MEMORIALS •II (lie »rfHii|!i'Micnfii TIll'V Illl' II'.iililll'. Ill Mrllirlli'il, •;lic wii'i II imrltililiiiii'i' nf HI. Mmy's! , i,,,.^ M,,,,h ,,,<,! y II i;i \hr illimi'i Htuutt I liliuli nml nli'iiilie.1 (if lln Mdwiiv will IIM II lniti'flt lur III" fund |i> Hwy. 36 near Main St. A HIHI wriM Iwtn Momliiv, Mnr, /, If ymt iict'il |)ilnlln(! of nny lilnil, Illl'-i* IH'W llll l"l till' I Illll ill. K«yport Brown Travel Bureau Ml, Iti Hlvi'fvlfw llotrtlliil to Mr, wi! tiru lii'i-c In nerve vim, Our t|iii<'k Mi" ()iiliiliin WHS piiipili'lin nl Ilie Id'V, I.M Mid\i the |>ii«lui «, Fran*. K«yparf CALL FOR r ind Mi*. Klchiml Kmitk, H Hnrltim di-rvlcu nnd ffiniiiinlili' i)rlci' ili'iiiei1, THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J.

_ p ataat. Mr. To* ma L mtmhei Brenaao McNerny, registrar of vi- vessels, connecting an artery to a Camp Hapoinau Sttrt* on newspaper laws, the lM-page cerned with publication has Sahnm F«r * at MM* Cahria Matyar Re- tal statistics in South Amboy. Implant At MMC vein. volume provides a fingertip handy deleted. Reference for all publica- knmt Church, Perth Author. Born ia Creensourf;, Pa., so* of DetrJcpetf la Seattle Fund RaHing Driv* reference to all New Jersey Stat- tion laws are listed in the index. A sjathre «l Hungary anil former the late Daniel J. and Charlotte The plastic blood vessel implant utes which refer to every phase of raaUeat of Hopelawn, Mr. Toth had (Burns) McNerny, he iisd lived ia Is Successful originally was developed by the The New Jersey Blind Men's made his home in Perth ,mhoy [or this c;ty 37 years. He was a retired Seattle Artificial Kidney Research Association, with headquarters at printing, publishing, advertising, Peace Corps Test tti laat ll yam. plumbing and heating engineer for Monmouth Medical Center re- Team in Seattle, Wash. The pur-Camp Happiness, Leonardo, is editing, reporting and all other Sears Roebuck, Perth Amboy. cently achieved another significant pose of this implant is to allow peo- starting its annual Monmoulh Coun- branches of newspaper activity. An opportunity for bayshore area Sorvtvine. ire his wife, Mrs Hel- medical milestone, on its way to . j (Raci) Toth; three sons. Emery A communicant of St. Mary's ple suffering from kidney failure to ty fund-raising campaign. The as- residents to test their aptitudes tor becoming sn institution capable of receive lifesaving treatment from sociation provides educational, so- The volume is in loose-leaf form. Peace Corps service will come af |r.. Edisaa; Michael S., Hopelawn, Church, he was a member of its providing for Ihe complete medical It is the intent of the New Jersey and Joseph, Hark*: five grandchil- Holy Name Society. the artificial kidney machine with- cial, recreational and rehabilitation 8:30 a.m., Saturday, Mar. 13, at the needs of the people of Monmouth out the traumatic experiences of services for the benefit of Wind Press Association to provide sub- dren; and a sister, Mrs. Helen Ko- Surviving also are two sons, .ounty. Following investifiation frequent surejcal operations. Until scriLers with amendments and new Red Bank Post Office. The oppor- vach. Font*. people of New Jersey. Its main laws enacted during subsequent tunity is the Peace Corps Place* Thomas E. jr., Hade and Sp. 4 and training, » specialized medical medical research finds the solution function is the operation and main- ._.. r. Fee. H. IMa. ia Daniel J. with the army in Okina- team at the Center successfully im- I to successful kidney transplants, years. Fully and completeiv index- menl Test. It is not passed or fail- Edwis) Allaa Sherilidgc tenance of Camp Happiness, a sum- ed and cross-indexed, the contents Mast HaaWiL Allaaawii. wa; two sisters. Miss Eleanor Mc- planted, in the arm of a patient, I from one human to another, the mer vacation-rehabilitation home ed, but simply indicates where yoar i was sa It Jaaaefc'a Caaaa- Fuacrsl services were held Mon- Nerjiy and Mrs. Elmer Anderson a plastic tube to permit repeated are up to dale as of January 1965. day momiac ia the Mason-Wilsosi I artificial kidney will preserve life for blind men of the state. greatest potential lies. The Peace Greensburg; a brother, Harry. "connecting" ol.a patient, who has| for people suffering from malfunc- The contents include answers lo Corps Questionnaire, which must Funeral Home, South Amboy, for Reading, Pa.; and [iv grandchil- permanently lost essential kidney | lion of the kidney system. The arti- questions pertaininj; lo libel, pro- __ i la Mew Yerk. Mr. Csrrity Edwin Allan SbortUdRe, Route 9, During the past SO years this be filled out and brought to the dren. function, to tlie Center's artificial ficial "kidney" can be used also in camp has provided invaluable hibited publication, privilepe, proof Was Ike toe of Ike lau Jake Ger- Madison Township whe died Thuni- of publication, requirements for exam unless previously submitted, """ r aad Mra. Najsjaiaa (Oeeswsi) kidney machine. Because of (his he treatment of certain severe poi- "sway from home" training for day, Feb. ». IM), at Roosevelt Stnaley Sobsty medical achievement, a county, 39- soniii)>s and acute kidney failure. publication of legal notices, etc. tells what an applicant has done SB) Hospital, Edlaoa. Tne Rev. Wilbur thousands of blind men. The ex- the past. But the placement test ia Funeral services vreie held year-old man with a chronic kidney Medical authorities at Monmouth perience and guidance provided at Most of the statutes are primed E. Newton, pastor of the First Monday for Stanley Solosky, 393 disease, today is capable of pur- Medical Center estimate that there aimed at showing what he or she Presbyterian Church, South Amboy, suing his daily activities. Camp Happiness has enabled most in complete form, just a they ap- Leon Aye., Perth Ambuy, who died ; many persons in the area serv- of these nun to live more normal, pear in the Revised Statutes of can do.in the future. Aprlictnts do officiated and interment wss in Friday, Feb. 2t, IMS, at his home. ed by the Center who need to sup- not have to register for the teat of r:. Jetasjka Christ Church Cemetery, South Tlw plastic artificial blood vessel self . sufficient, useful lives. The New Jersey. In some Instances part Funeral services were h'ld at 8:30 plement their kidney function by ol the languaRf not directly con- ahead of time. Amboy. im. in the Zylka Funeral Home, or shunt allows frequent treatments artificial means, but whr have been camp program is not duplicated by •ervivlai are two daughters, Mn. Mr. Stortllds* was barn in Eliza- Perth Amboy, with a solemn hijji without the necessity of repeated unable to obtain such treatment be- any other agency in the state. Once Mart. wHh wkom be ttweV beth. He was the son of lite (ate mass of requiem at 9 a.m. in St. ojeralkuis on Ihe patient's arm to cause of the limited facilities The camp will start its Jtth sea- aad Mn. Florence Hartert, Stiver David and Lltliaa Shortlists). A Stephen's Church. Perth Am hoy. connect the artificial kidney, The throughout the country. son in Leonardo about the middle •prlnju, Md.; a brother, Thom- mechanic by trade, he mi employ- Interment was in Balburton, Ohio. patient who underwent the opera- of June. The original camp pro- as Carrity, Lake Helen. Fla.; four ed by the Made RMe Mower Ser- He was the hu&ban/l ol the late tion, in this case has inadequate The specialized medical team of gram was started in Highlands, sisters, Mra. Grace Mooacv and kidney function. Therefore, it is physicians, and related technical New Jersey in 1915 and was es- Mrs. Marie Hannan, both of For- vice. Msdsmn Township, and re- Mra. Helen Solosky. A native of cam tired three yean aao. Perth Amboy, he was a parishion- necessary that waste in his blood personnel ..re planning for ex- tablished in Atlantic Highlands est Hills. N.Y.; Mn. Fraacea Lew- be removed periodically by artifi- panded use of the artificial kidney is. New Brwswick. aad Mra. Alice •urvtvlim arc Ms wife. Mn, Helen er of St. Stephen's Church. from 1927 to 1930. Letters will be (Eier) Shortlldfe; a son, Airman cial means and unless this is done machine. The kidney machine sod sent to Monmouth County residents Surviving are two sons, Edward, about every 10 days, a chemical the development and perfection of grandchildren and ». 'Jal Fitting,' a device that elimi- 10* nates several fittings in the typical Yrilow U.S. No. I home plumbing assembly. Mr. Jal- 3419- mack la a graduate of Carnegie BUY 6 Institute of Technology and is a member ol the American Society OF OUR CARROTS >-•«•• 2 it 19' of Refrigeration and Heating En- mtTHSE'/tSS' glnteri and the New York State "JERRY" Professional Engineers. n Aluminum Storm-N-Screen Orend Union Reports Triple Track Windows New Sales Records COFFEE SALE SPECIALS And One "Old Reliable" New records in earnings and sales Aero set by Ihe Grand Union Combination Hofemd Houie, Ihlers, 19S6 CADILLAC H.T. 1395 Company In both the third quarter Chase & Sanborn 4-OH and first nine months of fiscal 1M, It was announced by Tnomai or lecKhnut Reg. 4c Off I 1960 FORD y4 Ton Pkk-Up 59S C. Butler, President of the 522-store STORM DOOR Eaitern food chtin. -79* Grand Union had third qusrter 1962 CHEV. 4-Dr. 695 net earnings, after ill taxes and GET ALL FOR ONLY *87 depreciation, of !2,3H,M0 during Intl, Opl. the 13-week period ended Nov. VEGETABLE SOUP «* 8% 1999 FORD Wagon 495 28, 1964. This wan a new high foi any third quarter In the company'i 92-yeor history, It represents an In- CAMPBELL'S SOUPS: S^6^ crtnso of 51.1 per cent over earn- BIG M 19SS0LDS H.T. 195 lnni of $l,rrf)3,216 In Urn third quar- MUM ter ol IM3. HUDSON TOWELS AlMild («IMS 1955 PONT. Conv. 195 Tho 19M third quarter earning warn equnl, after preferred dlvi- WHITE dciul requirements, In 40 cents • sharo nn the ff,0;ifl,l27 nlmrcs of ALUMINUM STORM-N-SCREEN 1959 MERCUHY 4-Dr. 195 common slock oulxtnmllng at tho HEINZ KETCHUP doio of tho pcrirxl. In IMJ, third quarter earning* equaled 30 cents n COMBINATION WINDOWS 1956 FORD Wagon 195 share on the shares then outatnnd- TASTES BETTER lii)i, after nilju.iilni: fur u four nor- (•/•Ml Muck dividend illfllrlbulcil In HEAVY DUTY GOES FURTHER btu. Mnv IMI4. Third quurU'r sulos wcro Also 3 1963 Ford Police Cars. *IK»>I.1,72 Likewoo* «n tune bested Lakewood 63-50. This played ihe entire season with the Is the sixth year in a row Ihe y. Uktwood. South "B" champs, O r e o F e Hounds of Coach Doug Cowman, a •fpKhw Mitawaa, North "B" Edmd.H'n 0 * DcCausey 7 ' 11 Scarlet Fliers have been Conference quite unusual achievement for a Edwd. H'n 4 10 M. Brown 1 0 2 champs. duniDt wmted the titular honors Mesar I 2 4 Sutton 0 ) 0 freshman. Because Yankton is a may from the Husklea in > 87-58 Gerlufsen 4 10 Zweben S 11 Matawan and Toms River met college of limited enrollment, it has Keyport Grammar and Keans- Matcit. M. Ptaae tI • IS J.Brown I : as the losers in the £ames to de-N.A.I.A. sanction to use freshmen I'Apollto 1 0 t Homer A . U cide the "B" and "A" champion- on its varsity squads. The learn had burg will open play in the Garden Tim Mirm awl Steel recovered I'igilnne 0 0 • Enxcl * 13 State Elementary School Basket- (ran a *taa*Mt start to take the Hayes 1 0 • K.Hmwn 0 ( 0 ships. The victory was th« third a 12-1.1 uverall record and a 5-7 rec- mi «*«y (ram Ukewood and M.Dulan 0 0 0 this year the Maroon and Steel lias ord in (he Tri-Stale Conference. In Bowl Tourney at Asbury Park Con- vention Hall Saturday. Coach Dick law* the IMM of battle until late 20 ISM ' M 19 *7 scored over a Group IV team. Mid- the final three games O'Neil nok'h- k Uw third quarter. In fact, it was Score ky quarleri: dletown and Madison Township ed 12 points against Northwestern Albert's Keansburg boys have a illFof-Ue-tnnd basket Iromback- Matawan 1* IS 13 19-5S being the other conquests in (hatCollege of low-a and 14 points drawn the roughest opening assign- eavrt by the Pinera tell Zweben lakewood 13 • JO category. against Westmar College in thement of any of the 27 teams in the J*a) •« the whittle ending th* third Large measure of the credit for windup game of the season. Coach tourney, being called on to play avarter waa about to townd that pit the victory went to players from Cowman called O'Neil his "bright Neptune Grammar, the defending Dan Kuinta, Mil.nvan tl [*,li uavLakewood'a chanca to pull away Keyport To Seek Assistant Coach Da.i Stankiewicz's hope" for next season in a press champions, at 3 p.m. Guilford College AUi-inus, will b* Im the dwa*» of Coach • Bruce conference at the conclusion of the couehlm at Romano Regional Ihla jayvees who came in as replace- schedule. This is a matter of con- MacCaichaea. ' ments after Malawan regulars had Coach Jim Zdaniewicz, Kevport •priitf In track ant! next winter ia cern to the Yankton coach as he baikctball, hit best tp*rt. The Hukiea ware badly etymied B Classification fouled out. One player was par-loses by graduation Ron Bertsch, Grammar, will have to have !iis at Uw etirt by Uw nil tefeiue of icularly noteworthy, Greg Mun- the most prolific scorer in basket- team on the scene early Saturday the Lahtwoodtr'a hMlde. This prov- Athletics Director and Football ning, who wait to the foul line six Coach.SUa (Tuffy) Baker explain- ball in Yankton history. Coach Cow- for the Junior Raiders are schedul- Ragisrer For Baseball ed particularly larrinx tit It* Mat- times in the final mlnules and Aman has provided against this run. ed to play St. Marv's, South River, awaa totaei by IM tfay in which ed Monday |ie' will make every el- half with the Indians trailing the fort to have Keypat moved into a ning dry of malerial on hand by at 10:30 a.m. This is no picnic eith- The Rarltan-Holnv.d 8:15 League, their icorfaii ace, Bun Hamihop, Huskies by only two points and bringing in new talent, but only er, as the South River parochial wna 'Mocked off ia Mi tWialinx. «P- sam? a-wupiok with Malawan and made five of hit chances. This was Inc., announces registration for the Rarilsn Township in the Shore Con- O'Neil has shown '.he consistent team finished second in their South •toathei la the baiket from the: the difference in the score. scoring and rebounding aptitude de- 1965 basehill •ijason will he held aide 'court llae. Aurinat "B" North ference rtgrouping of schools pre- letter Overall Came Middlesex League. sented for the IN7-CII seasons in- sired. Hut the olhw new players Other teams to be playing Satur- or. Saturdays, M tr. 6 and 13, be- taaiqa, Bun Hamiltun used this have a sufficient potential Ihat ! tween '2 o'clock noon and 3 p.m. tchaiquc ia a wiy to penlst*ntly stead of in a "C" grouping with The Huskies won nut on a boiler- day are Ocean Township vs. Sacred Matawan in a "B" grouping, and rounded overall same. The Indians Yankton could di"V; op another Hea-t. South Ambov. after the Kev- for boys between'the ages of eight confuse Ida oMojitlon'i zone de- .strong team h\ a y ."..• or two. fender*. But the. Pliwre, having RaritanTownship 'a ah "A" K'OUP- showed a cross ineptitude on ap- port - St. Mary's game; H. S. and 15. Hays in the Wiat Keans- played in the Group IV Slat* To'ur- ing, baaed on prospective enroll- proaching the basket to plav in- • • Mnuntz School, Spring Lake, vs. burg area will register at the West .^. meiit. side They kept loop-.«hnol!n£ and St. James, Trenton, at 2 p.m. and KeansburR Fire House. All other-*H*> aey ,lan acaaon, were not to be pop-shooting from quarter-court PARSONS COLL •/ H, out in taken in by right twins or reverse • The Kvyport coach points out Fuirlicld, Iowa, i.' now aflnod Hopewcll Township will oppose Our Raritan Township boys will register with no rebounding skill to war- al the Union Ave. School. Holmdel aooki. It wa« not until the lirst there is an option reserved by rant such a "pumping" game. with Keyport athletic talent. Dan- Lady of Perpetual Help, High- quarter was half over that the Hus- which the two top schools in a low- ny llourahan has ti.i .sferred out lands, after the Keansburs • Nep- '•oys will register at the Indian Hill kies MOred from the floor, on a er enrollment group can change They also committed the inept (here from Spriiuc'-'ld (Mass.) tune encounter. School or the Holmdel Village floater by Ron Gerlufsen as he places with the two bottom schools number of 22 fouls and Matnwan College but it is dot' Iful he will Must Be On Guard School, whichever Is more con- came up center • court. in a next highest enrollment Kroup had the capacity lo realize on 24 be eligible for baseb'i', as soon as of the 37 free throws they gained Keyport Grammar and Keans- venient. There is no registration and he will jcek to exercise that this spring. Right m > • he is prac burg will hove to guard against let- fee. option. thereby. The Huskier also were ticinK for the swii> ling team, ting their tourney activities dis- By that time. Pete DeCauscv ind heavy-handed about foullne, com- KEVPOR1 John Brown had worked enough in- It is pointL-d uut Ihat Keyport atli- He was or. the frerl^Tian swim- tract their attention from Ihe clos- mitting 23, on which Ihe Indians ming team at Sprii., .iekl. Scott tWe cript and pooupi on rebounds letics. without the revenues from garnered 35 free tosses anil made ing stages of the conference race. to hive Lakewood in an 11-4 lead. thv traditional football games with Poss is returning to • le Parsons As of Tuesday, four teat.is, Thorne 21. More, the fouling cost Mutawan campus after a lapse of a year. After a timeout. Ihe MaUwan play- Malawan and Raritan Township, the services of Ron Mesar, Ron School, Middletown Township; Key- PHONE M44UI ers went tuck Into the name with would inclur a big deficit and with Marty Keaaey (Ne. M> fat his start ia basketball with (he Union He will nol have to wait for any port Grammar; Thompson School, Gerlufsen, Hal Pease and Bunperiod of eligibility, having been Instruction* an how to stop this taxpayer discontents making it Beach Grammar Scbeal teama el IH2-4S In the Bayihorc Junior High Hamilton in the crucial later stages Middletown Township, and Keans- sidestepping around under the bas-hard to pass school budgets, ath- School Conference. He must have gained very good training In funda- in good standing athletically bur" all had a chance at champion- NOW THRU TUES. of the game. The Indians suflcred when he loft after 1m freshman ket by the Piner players. The Hus- letics must be kept us near to self- meatab) la take Beach far he is aaw a regular as a sophomore with also for their infractions, losing ship honors. Thorne led ihe race by Ffaili Siriatra kle* applied the.nselves well, with supporting as possible. Likewise Chrlatlaa Bretkers Academy's varsity, holding a highly impressive year. Foss will be going in for one-half game over Keyport. Keans- Clint WfllUr Frank Tremulak by the second spring football practice in the Ihe remit ihat Lakewood could not Matawan Regional and Raritan It-I mark aa this season. quarter and Steve Gallun and Dick burg had to defeat Thorne Tues- Tornnv/ Sands — tn •core from inalde t'e foul line Township would suffer financially next few weeks with an excellent day to "stay alive" in the race. CBA Coach Viane Cox Is a coldly discerning man in appraising Worthy later. With Jim Russo miss- chance of being on the varsity 'NONE BUT THE BRAVE' '.axa>n for the rest of the first half. without the income from the tradi- basketball candidates reporting lor the Colts squad and it is manifest inn from their lineup with Injuries, Keyport takes on Union Beach tional and "local" games with Key- gridiron squad next fall. Tom tomorrow at ihe Beachers court. — Plm — Bun Hamilton, cut oil from his that Keaaey had to be a well above-average player lo gel the nodthe Indians were in a lesser posi- Gevas is u baseball possibility, Fflblnn port and in both these districts tax- from the CDA mentor to be a first-string player, with all the talent on tion to be prodigal with their loul- Coach Fred Cook's E^aclier team Inside approaches to Ihe basket, payers are also restive about school having played with Manager is geared for the supreme effort of Shelley Fobros — In did a bit of good side-court and costs. hand (ram whkh the CBA coach caa pick Ms learn. ing than Coach Bruce MacCul- Mike Russo's Keyport Recreation pop shooting to pull the Maroon Kenaey has gained the distinction of being a teammate of the cheon's forces. the season in this one. as nothing "RIDE THE WILD SURF" Must Derive Revenues baseball team last summer. The would please them more than to and Steel back in the ball «ame Bated Kirk Robinson, for whom the CBA-Asbury Park game at Con- basuhail ace from this area, lui Wed. - Tfcun. • Mon. • Tu.i. Ev* Athletics, to hold their place, vention Hall was halted Saturday so the ball could he presented lo While they had the 6 ft., 3 in., knock Keyporl out of championship bv the early minutes of the second Tremulak, the Indians dominated Flynn, has transferred to Mon- I Comptvf* Show!ri9 Only quarter. Ron Gerlufsen came must derive their own revenues Robinson on the occasion of his scoring his lOMIh point. Christian contention. If Keyport and Keans- as much as possible. For Keyport, the game. They n«re Lhead 'B-ll mouth College, and is moving burg net by Union Beach and Starting 7:45 through with a twist layup from Brothers is favored I* lake the Parochial "A" slate championship in from Union Beach Holy Family the "C" division would also run up the aaaaal New Jersey Slate Inlerschnlaslic Athletic Association when he went out on personals Thorne, respectively, then their center court to make it only 14-10 midway of the second quarter. Soon team in the Jersey Shore League meeting next week will mean that Frl. • S.t. Ev.ning againtt the Huskies. the -xpenses of athletics as there Tourney aaw geUiag aaaer way. "BRAVE" 6:45 -10:10 would be more transportation ex- as he wns gone. Bun Hamilton to Red Bank Tire, where Mon- one must eliminate the other. The De Causey tank a long side court penses to be met with more schools drew the Toms River defenders in- mouth College baseball coach, Keyport • Keansburg game will be "SURF" 1:30 aet. DeCauaey and Gerlufsen down In Ocean County to which to to repeated fouling, making five in- Matty Senerchia, is connected. a In me contest for the KeansburK- matched foul ahots, then Hal Pease travel on sports schedules. Zdaniewicz, Cteston, Burke side two minutes, while his broth- Lust,' but not least, is Sieve Onnz, crs. SAT. MATINEE • 1:30 er, Butch, was putting In four a sprints runnor for Christian Sunday Continuoui tossed In two free throw* for the While it U possible Keyport could One other area team will see ac- Huskies. A set shot by Bun Hamil- schedule both Matawan and Rari- jumpers and side shots so the Brothers Academy, who is now a "BRAVE" 2:20 - 5:45 • 4:11 Huskies trailed only 35-34 at half performer on the track team at tion ia the Garden State Tourney ton nude It only 17-15 'against the tan Township as "outside" games, New KHS Baseball Coaches before the week is out. St. Am- "SURF" 4:05 - 7:10 Matawan team. Bob Horner ral- time. Parsons. He is going to run in the the undesirable situation would then mile relay (his season as there brose, Browntowa, meets the Hope- N.i* Attraction lied the faltering Blue and Whites arise that the "outside" games A new coaching regime was put was an assistant cnuch in basebal Matawan Takes Lead well - OLl'H winner at 5 p.m. Mar. with two foul shots, but Pease would be more important to thein charge of the baseball fortunes at that hlKh school. aro too many sprinters on the "SYLVIA" of Keyport High by the Board uf Toms River hung gririlv onto a Parsons track team. 9. In earlier games thai day. Cen- aank two more to keep the pres- athletes, students and the alumni Burke To Head Freshmen slender lead ii the first three tral of Middlesex plays English- sure on the South "B" champs. than the regular Shore Conference Education Tuesday. The baseball town • Manalapan while St. Jo- Ron Engel winged in * onehander coaching post has been vacant The freshmen will be in charge minutes of the third quarter des- • • • games. A Keyport team could win of Ed Burke, a nalivt Keyporter pite a trio of baskels bv Mesar. seph's, Bound Brook, hooks up with to expand the Lakewood lead to a Conference championship, but If since the resignation of John Mcli DAVE GREGORY has been Sob- Avon Grammar School. 21-17. last June. who graduated from Monmouth But the Hamiltons drove through they had failed to beat Matawan College. He hai handled teams in the weakened Indian rxtrw to score bing the ball up inside the Upsala and Raritan, it would have no John Zdaniewicz, South Amboy, gym these past two weeks and with Malawaa Tata* Lead the Keyport 8-15 league in the past, to put the Maroon and Steel ahead Your advertisement in this paper meaning to Keyport followers. will be the new head coach of base- so many of his churges on the Key- a first time. Gerlufsen set one from Tuesday's first flush of springlike But this was all for the Piners in ball. He played high school baseball weallwr. Viking Coach Don Walker will reach prospective purchasers Ihe half. Jimmy Hayes came into Keyport also has a 15-years dura' port frosh nine will be players who center-court to maka it 45-12 for in every community In the bay- four years at St. Mary's High, served undor his direction bufore. Matawan. moved his charges out-of-doors. The the same far Matawan and he and lion rivalry with Metuchen in South Amboy. In his lunior year, ex-Miitawan High lefthander is one shore area. Gerlufsen took the floor play away football that it is desired to keep Zdaniewicz played on an Eagles He has been serving as KHS fresh- The Indians rallied on set shots of three veteran hurlers the Upsala from the tall and rangy Piners. Koing as relationships have been nine which waa invited to the par- man basketball coach this winter. and foul-.?hooting by Jim Crawford coacli looks to this season, Les Gerlufsen sank a back - court set pleasant, and Metuchen, like Key- The new coaching regime got and Gallun lo first tie the score, Pierson and Dick Paddock, rlght- port, is a school that has lost send- ochial state tourney. and a foul to cut the MRIIS deficit After high school, Zdaniewicz under way as soon as their stand- then resume a narrow lead nt 47-hnndtrs being the others. Gregory Another Week to one point. Hayes then looped in ing districts and is likely to remain ing had been made official. Thu 45. Pease pushed in rebounds lo had a 5-4 mark last season. But it in a otable enrollment situation. played freshman baseball at Seton a onehander from side court to put Hail but did not follow up because Keyport team was nu-rly swept tie the game anew at 49-4II. The will not be the same this year for of Sheer Joyl the Maroon and Steel ahead a first By the setup offered at the last of carrying a large academic pro- clear by graduation last June, only score was tied successively at 53-the all-Malawan battery of Greg- time in th* ball K«me. pease fol- Conference meeting, the new classi- gram at the South Orange institu- Bill Geiger, right-handed fireball 53 and 55-55 before Matawan ac- ory and Bob Rankl will be missing. lowed with a pushup of a rebound fication would be as follows: tion. He did have a pair of tryouts pitcher, and Fred Sieben, a hard- complished a breakaway on foul- Rankl graduated last June and IN.CAR •s the second quarter ended to Schools in the A grouping would hitting outfielder, remaining about shooting bv Gerlufson and RunWalker's too problem Is to find a f WALT DISNEY'S! make the tcorc 24-21 in Matawan's with big league clubs. FREE MEATfRS FREE include Middletown Township, Assistant coach will be John whom to build the team this year Hamilton. The Huskies seemed "ia" catcher and a long - ball hitter to favor at the intermission Toms River, Freehold Regional, when (hey led 62-Sfi with (our min replace him. The VikinRS open their Long Branch, Neptune, Brick Town- Creston. He played baseball in Richard Wolf, Red Bank, will utes to go, but they were nn! for Things looked bright indeed for high school davs at EnJicoll, N.Y., take over the coaching duties at .season, as usual, with a two-day the Huskiei in the lirst three min- ship, Monmoulh Regional and Rari- those fifth personals were removing stand auainst ISowdoin at East Or- tan Township. Group B would be then on the college teams of South- Kuvport Grammar schools, which the regulars. tmnuniMr7tCtDEMYgW«nS utes of the second half. Pease western Oklahoma State College Zdanicwicz will relinquish with the ange, Apr. 1 2, with Coast Guard •ACHIEVEMENT!! started it off with a push shot that. composed of Lakewood, Red Bank, conclusion of the present basket- Bun Hamilton, with two fouls, and Academy following on (he 3rd. Hof- Itlll OUVII Manasquan, Malawan, Oenn as an infielder. While practice widened -the Matawan read to five teaching at Weatherford, Okla., he ball season. Pease, with a crip, kept the Mat- stra on the 5lh und Rider on the DAVIS • de HAVILLANO points. Despite a return to inside Township, Central Regional, South- awan lead going at 65-63 before 7th. Upsala has big ones with St. shooting by DeCauscy and John ern Freehold and Wall. In Group they went out with two minules John's at home Apr. 19 and Seton mm acNEs Brown, the Huskies lead mi C would be Rumson-Fair Haven, left. With now practically a layvee Hall May 5. GOTTEN. MOOREHEAD maintained on a crip from a pass- Keyport, Jackson Township, Shore Strathmorc Lanes Plaza Bowlers team operating, Matawan defended la to Pease and a s*t shol by Ron Regional, Southern Regional, Point tetter than they had before and • • • Mesar. This put th* Mitawan lead Pleaia.it Bora, Henry Hudson Re- the Indians could not score from R0L1.IE PETERSON AND at JMJ, but there It "froze" as the gional and Point Pleasant Beach. Set For Opening Have Big Night the floor under a hustling-around DAN KUZMA. are two of those Pineri mum**., their working* It is further noted that member- press. Manning worked fouls out of Malawan stalwarts of other days. Inside. Tn* Blue aad White did this ship in the "C" division would in- Latest innovations in bowling It was a "big ninht" for bowlers the Toms River players, who were W« are tipoed off that certain hi some desperation as they had volve Keyport in 60-mile trips lo equipment from American Machine in the Airport Plaza Men's Com- trying to break up Matawan's far- Monmouth College follow- given MaUwan 14 foul ihott in the Ocean County Southerr. Regional out play. Singlehandedl" Munning ers about Malawan are seeking HUSH HUSH and Foundry Corp» rtion have mercial League, Hazlet, as a new first half and their batter operativ- and Jackson Township, bad from been used In Strathmore Bowling built up the Maroon and Steel lead to induce i'eierson to mo™ over SWf[! CHMLOJTt * a* carried lour or three foul penal- both th« matter of pupils losing individual high game was rolled, a to 70-65 with 20 seconds left, with from Rider to fill in a gap or two time from classes on athletics team Lanes on Route 34. The new facili- new team three-game series high a cool-handed steadiness at the that is likely to develop on the ty, which will have iti formal open- VictQH BOOHO -.MARY ASTOB trips and from the safety factor of was hit, seven men topped the (00 free-throw line under maximum Monmouth College basketball ros- BMW But the Pia*n did not lose any. pupils taking long auto trips, espe- ing at 10 a.m. Saturday, is owned pressure. He won it. ter. Especially ha« the pressure MMEWl VANDYKE aaa until John Brown want out and operated by a lifelong resident, series mark, and a total of 31 200- cially in tha winter months to bas- Increased lo corral Rollle after THr rrmsmns* late in th* game, and by that ketball games at night. Frank Devino. games were bowled. Matawan will be out of action thu Hawks took a nosedive in lime the Huskiei had lost both Mes- now until they play Middlesex HlRh successive defeats In the later ar and Butch Hamilton. Ron En- By the options allowed, Raritan On hand will be Frank Clause, Shore Point Esso won two games next Wednesday n a Central Jer- "A JOY FOR ALL" Township can likely trade its way Old Fordj, Pa., and Mrs. Sylvia from Kahle and McFarland to stages of Ihe season. As for Kui- ael rnida the first cut into the Mat- sey Group II, game at Asbury ma, it Is announced he will be a ...*/> aolM*, Th* last Maroon and H*»l Moccl, Mailet, They haw four «on», behind the loadvra, followed bv 1 — Ftitur* Slaili At — defcnulve battle, The two teams Met J toiirn»V, Ron Mlrrhelll, BETfE DAVIS MADISON TWI M on a *M*-co«irt t*t by H*y«t also displayed fine ortennlv* punch Frank, If, Robert, 14, Oonnli, 0, M.T.T. Mu«>n, 41-34; L'.d l-ennc-til Sayre WINKII South. In thu !iH|>ouii(l Ml • 4 JJ . 7:00 • 9.11 aad • drlva-l* an* crip by Botch for In* short time they had to prac- and Thomas, I, H* has been active Hoofing, 4U-M; Minolta Inn. »»W- OLIVIA d» MAvULAND [ cla««, ft»f M«III'M, In lead, bat M***r waa now aut *aon* until Union B*ach ran out of adult Ufa. Ha I* presently Retwlill- Ford, ail-Mi MonnuMiii Lsnei, 17- llm 157 pound clusi, Air Mkldlolown foul*, aa DaCauaiy, Homer aad KM 1st* ia tlw third period. Th* aaa municipal leader, A formtr m; Airport Pinna LAIIM and Th*Towimhlp High fullwl to aurvlv* "Hush Hush, mou Cwabta aU dtw* aa th* Matairait final ncora waa H-4i mil a victory bulMina Inipector, former member Onkt,, M'/i-m%;/i%; SUilti'SUtiii OH «*r«*rth- * Koglon 2 ollmlnntloivi Sntur- Inaar daftaa*. aaeh latilnt ckm f - Ktyasrt, at laa naanlu board, and, prior vk'dk , CrntuC i BeverageB * andd C C*r-(Uy U) pick flnnlliti for th« ntntn Swfltt aaaaal tot a that tor t fea*M, ThN Pai'ina. IMaa Beach and waklaa to Ih* eredlon of Strattimorp Il (lril<>u»h!ri nt RUIH'TH thli Sal' JOSBWCOBBT pit tli* Hsatlw Mitel M 41 with •iff with Mad awrlM honor* wa* Lane*, owned and operated the , ,ri>/j4|i/iri>/4|i/ ; HIMKII* ((Ma**M , II urditv, fiv* mliwtaa Ml la iay. Matiwan • Keyport Recreation Ou- i Kniillttiin Swri't Stump*, tf.44; Charlottt" .Inha Oratat afta talSad at portt*. 1 Mlnhiilll plmuxi Ron .Smuoiw, MatawM still maw n KK*d the winner* war* l*a by lay Dsnv ter which «p«ned Chrlitnus 1MB, Icv " Ciiffci' Shd/i, M4\, l-'ranklln ToivniMlf, at VHS In lili - Nui ..- filh. at it, Bttteb Humllia went out srest who tallied II sntMs, Th* Judd Muro, formerly with Mm J liliilnc lor lha IM tnsrk KptMiliiK i''r.l"ii>ili itinlrh al Suiniu'- MARLON trtANDO "HUSH-HUSH, llii'r Mi'l.li annum On Rotrtrt MMilns or John Oraase at w* ara her* ta MIV* you, Our quick Wi'tm; I'tmilt Bchlitvlno, 2112; Fiv,l m'n wn'nllr'r, nl/ui wn--i ollnllmih'il••'I., l-"J,ff'- noiv iiiitl »\ntndtmMitfffl&m of Memorial gehmil, Mornlngiloe a«rvle« and r>dwnii»li price* will l>ifmi, 301: «ny llii'iitmn, mu Hill m WllWinmldd i Ilrf lll • Uufomte, The dn#ri took rtt- Ave.i Union Deach, nl«R|g you, Nynn, 2ll(l: I'rctl Julvnxnii, 2111), hint 'i i. .' ' !.A! :.;v.-. '•' ." -i -VAN! • '

Iftmfcy. Marc* 4. 11*5 THE MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. SL Joseph's 51-59 Kaihof, UOM ht CJ JHr K ar K NOIf H JERSEY awgM s* alaver. Over Holy FaRiily wSThe a la. 6wfia- SHOtf PAROCHIAl UJKORwSC Of •!• tfUSSon (* otajfUUna ->al Holy FatJaUy. Uaka Batch, la C BEEF ROASTS '«• tateomt of tht MoMaoath •n, OUMMAI lEAOK 'tatty CVO, aorthera divMoa. baa- E^ewater'-Baitlaa k the etc CAUFOtNIA SNIKTCHOVUMrEaUY TOtwMfTOM atfan race, MM fcag ainM raaiak- St. Joseph't. Keyport, and St. •ilhm taamt haw been Ann's, Kantburg, open play today •MStflflF I to Iht drttry hiiilaoii 1 in the Garden State Elementary oat " • • fchool Basket - Bowl Touney at Convention Hall, Asbury Park. The First Fur Ribs Ssiyj RiFMMM! .. . caotti ttatthar wtth than AaJtrHtgh r Ja ta Iht -mm total rivalry to apar tht play- tthtr Uoa tttfltra, Lyaa Omm- Keyport parochial tmm takea on il am, Jht) Hagieaw. Male AtV Henry Hudson Regional Grammar latttthaeoaUat.Ontofthibtttar School, Highland], at S p.m. and Mat of tht •Jhott taaton rtatttaa. •a hour earlier St. Ann's taket the X. JtttaVt taking it off oa t fcj**-^* "y**! *** T** *y** c court t««inst Mt. Carrnel School, mite latt. afcata toy* by Asbury Park. Opening KIIM on the lHf> MB MBvau ajy iwojas csaaaBMav program pits Banga Avc., Asbury Park, v». Star - of - the - Sea - ^SThiihtgra ' " School. Long Branch. 69 Mhaghtfltl The St. Joseph's players will fice HIE IIMEH URESIHEH apti far tht a final tad most jeriout challenge a IM aMfk. to their supremacy in the North it vfanat hut tnar- Taaa Bhrtr a dw Jersey Shore league at noon Satur- tjTaSi akJaat/ bait Coach tf the light day when they tangle with St. POT ROAST 69i Ftjrati Mary's, New Monmouth, on the St. *~3m SJl ttighi t dott aad dm for Has BUSUHH Navni. aT^aHalHRal av Ann's School court, Keamburg. St. ba NtMlnlag f«w stands Mary's trails the Keyporters, unde- Atock for list Bttchtrt, a Holy feated in league pity, by only one •• TOP SIRLOIN ROAST — 89i Piajly ptaytr leak a rtbomd aad game and can tie up the rac«, forc- •ah • btcttcoart past to gat the ing a playoff, if they can defeat St. M 1» away froa tht batkat. But a HtJatW flayen are ta tht Red Joseph's, Saturday. *. JtatfaVt alaytr cut in iht ball UN eaaad bat they art GROUND CHUCK ^^S AS9l mmt It On Bob) la the clear and It ate aay Ittraty ae> The Keyport parochial team cleared the way for this showdown 4t-Hlt>, tlk> Ktyport ttwa Hid pulltd II oat. with the New Monmouth School WhiteShrimp tht dteMen on the winning of by defeating St. Agnes, Atlantic WISH •fct champloBship It likely to be MatiwM Twp. LL Caf Highlands, M-24 and Holy Family, aadt htfora Mother week It out. Union Beach, 414 in garnet in the BoyScallops ItralfM la* leant. leading Holy Cross past week. St. Joseph's had to come I*. CM (tap, Rumton, wai slated to play NotlflcMioo it gives (hit Mitt' from behind to down St. Agnes, as rMfjajajCr t Illwl J.I,.'. S69i oat rival for the crown, St. lamtt, waa Townthip Little LeaRue bate- the Keyporters trailed 14-10 at half- ft«lj fflail• Caa'.JaU'i * 10 aa. ffaf Bank, latt night and tht other bell reglttralion ttill li open for time and 20-11 at the end of the atsi, *. htary'i. Ntw Monmouth. at theboyi reiidlDf la the townahip third quarter in their most IIURRISTI *"* %* Monmouth court Sunday. •hoie dtlei of birth were between showing of the season. Jack Flynn •aly Family pUytrt aavt Aug. 1, 1*51, and July 31, ISM.and Tony LaConte rallied them be- »1.05 Deadline It Mar. 12 Boy. ire tsked fore it was too late. They won going ) to be apoiiera at they take away in the final quarter. •ONELiSS m at Mary*! at the Sycamore Dr.to call Pete Picariello at S66-23N or FlMkStMkf NONE HI6HHI Maol court, Hailet. tonl|ht. St. Leonard Uvhw at 586-7041. The first-year Holy family team X •ONEUSS ftatph't waa stated to pity at St. was no macth for the league-lead' NONE HIGHERI Mr 4fMf, Atlantic Hlchlandt, and St. Naw Laagu* Forming era, St. Joseph's leading 19-0 at Mrt.hNl's fiihCalm,^; SI C«b«aar Strip* Uo'a, Uncroft, at St. Ann'i, Keaiu- halftime so that Coachea George NONE HI6HUI HISHfll Keglttratlon datei for pltyert in Marsh and Bob Simon played the KiF, VEAL. PORK aatt ^BaBBt^BaBaWai " seventh graders against the inex- • newlv formed bateoaU leiKue for NOW HtftHMI a.75. boyi M-to-ll-yeirt-of-aKe will be perienced team from Union Beach Mtatlaal announced in Ina aear future, it in the second half to keep it tome tWWrt MiMIUM t*—a aw ..tm.. NONI wai reported yetterdty. Tetmi will kind of an even mate*. mmwi 9mmnmtm» HWHUU be formed to phiy in the Carleton II. iouak'a (M) at. Afun (14) •••I Itvaf 1teil»»lalima Leaxua In the Monmouth County G r p o r p arMWBwOw •••• •"•• 1tN»O W T.LaConla lilt Hutkw 10 1 NONI HMWMM urn. P.Lonlo 3 1 T Garrltoat 0 I I JackFlym t 1 11 MeMlchaala 0 i Haspel 3 0a McNoa 1 0 : LENTEN MENU VALUES! FRUI7 & VEGETABLE BUYS . Exhibit Of Paintingi Schuitcr a 0 e PltratU 1 1 3 uai tea Aa exhibit of naiatian by tnt HIM 11 III trtlRa it on display in the Peopln Icaia >r ajaaitan: Nallontl Bank. Airport Plua. Hat- St. Joaiwh's III IS-M let, mrftnged by the Art Depart- LARGE WISH WHIH EGGS ment of the Woman'* Ohib of Rari- orV tan Townahip. The paintings will be r.LaConte 1 I * Maund tout, Hwatt, Mtnt or WkM« AawlMt-Pailoailiai RED APMES 2-29* ihown through Tueadty. P.Lonjo l o S J.O'Brlra JohnFfynn S 111 Draw 2X45* fUri4a-UEDLBS WaiHaj Valwala .p«l j e i 5.rfynn Have you read the claiiitied adi' Schuitar ME1-0-BITCHEESESUCES Lucjr * a * •ft^MlnjIt 5i.4f OnMfM S&4f« O'Donncll K.Hunt I o a J.Zambor UP WHITE TUNA u^ 3 L: 79' NONI ^ajaj* A.Cahlll l o i 7 pp Don'ruma ooo NONIHI6HHI DON QUIXOTE INN Mikion i l s PINK SALMON ££ j..-W« 3 1*I.OO NONE HIGHERI 4 1 •tdCni|Mf FraskCwralt Routa 34, '/j Mil. N. of Matawan INSTANT RICE lr.rich.d-Lon,°Srai. >C39' atp.ll FRKH—full olJuica WASHED Former Paaca Corps * 40* Rtsarvations Racommandad - Tal. 566-7977 '.",",r HIGHER! all* * * as. «!!•*' Director To Speak PURE EGG NOODLES The Roals, methods and achieve- IUNNTM0OK Dinner Served From 12 Noon ments o/ the Peace Corps will be 6 A&P COFFEE SALE CONTINUES.' discussed at the next meeting of 59 JANE PARKER BAKED FOODS St. Joseph's Holy Name Society, Red Salmon .X*. Regular B" sue— I It. I ai. In acfclition to our Regular Menu we offer the Keyport, announces ';|lm Gather- CHICKEN of tht SEA Mild and Mellow cole, society president. The meet- Solid C APPLE PIE following selection of Lenten Specials. ing will be held Thursday, Mar. 11 Pact 69 in the school cafeteria, Maple PI. White Tuna Traditional For Ltnll Eight O'clock ^W Keyport, at 8:15 p.m. •UMBLE BEE C 1 .Tames J. Bausch, former pro d e HOTCROSSBUNS 8 39 Rich nit Ftll Ittltd LENTEN ADDITIONS ject director tor the Peace Corps, White Tuna ;.!. 2 !: 69 and currently director of the edu- DELUXE-SOLD or MARILE-l-lb. I'/joi. CompUt» cational service; department of the ProniumCraekori T£° Red Circle A I* Cart* Oinmr Council on Student Travel, will be 27* PoumlCaks N«r OTIMM SMma CrMl* witk *l» $7.75 |].» the guest speaker. J • »lc. Mrwd vitfi Chutnty uuc* .. 1.00 J.tt Mr. Bausch. a brother of the Rev. William Bausch of St. Joseph's ^"IdkaBk aRaaaaaAhHBtlatU' """ Minhtlttin *U I MvfflRj FiM of Sol*, itutfta with bacUifi crtbiMat 3.S0 4.10 vMv a vJVvaa va^^PV^O* aar TJEjayaj AV PJak^tf Bj|j»l •>•• J ^01 Bekar Parish, spent two years in Pakistan W ritw Cn9'*llW Red $Mpp*r wiHi Dr«wn birHw 1.00 l.M as a Peace Corps volunteer. While Rnioli (Clieml \M 3.2S there, he served as social, econom- can MtxietMl l.«« J« ic, and technical director of the Doxaoo UiRcod Clam ' Iff*Unt PMIMM* I.7S }.)$ Rural Public Works Program, as INSTANT COFFEE REDUCED! medical clinic administrator, and PaciliiPoarlCrabmoat *'/2°l.|{« also completed a study and survey r ;T FROM OUR REGULAR MENU for the placement of new Peace Corps worker! in Pakistan. Later, ChyR Kins Fritd Rict Mix '»*I7tin * A^P INSTANT 35 79 1.29 FithtniMii't P1«rt« 1.21 1.71 in Vermont, he directed the train- ' (Davilad Crab, Shrimp, '/% Lofcsl*r Tail, Clamt , ing of Corps volunteers for Afghan a Scallop,) istan, Brazil, Guinea, Jamaica Jama* Skrlmp, rtuftad wt» b«UlK Cr«lnwt» .... l.M l.M B.W.I., Pakistan, and Turkey. INSTANT COFFII ««•.§*• A&P 97% CAFFEIN FREE 43 89' ChtfCHl IniM Swerdliih S«Mi a.» l.H Prior to Joining the Peace lOcOHLabal jar** MPMHUH(laMnrlaM) akl Fried Jumbe Shrimp t.lf IM Corps, Mr. Bausch lectured In so- Owrcul Iroiltd Jumbo Shrim* t.Ti 1.10 cial sciences at the Georfiia Insti- fan •Miltd So»»b Alricaii Lob.t.r Tails I.W 4.00 tute of Technology, following grad INSTANT tS Orange Juice •ariawbs»!:;^d 39' TemoteNsfe 6^65' Irailad Filtt af Sala 1.71 l.M uatlon rrom the Emory Universi- MJ.T. *' IIP lrti|t t •raatlral* UP-tradta Friaa Dap Saa Scallop 2.71 l.}| ty Graduate School of Arts and £ d> Mb. Klna Crab 1.00 1.7* Sciences, Atlanta. Ga. In his pre- NattlaOaLu" x sent position with the Council on ••a Student Travel, he designs and SEMI-SSEMI-SWEEV T ? Blended Juico 2.." 79* Fruit Cocktail 4 "tlTIT staffs educational orientation pro CHOCOLATE WNITINOUtt—HaMylPMk— Itfl.n.oii Aia ta|t—«riaa at l*VtM.iaa SOMETHING NEW grams for students sent oversea or brought to America so that thel Kraft Parkay Marfarino € DM Qulnto h pnual ta arniouiica Mia tpantne ef • Mcend lltchan an experience may be of the utmost Evaporated Milk 6 ll Mushroom Soup tte prantiMa, •hick, In •da'itlsn »o our wtll-tnown "Charcoal Pit," wiH cducaltonal value and satisfaction, Albi Non-Fit Dry Milk llM «MW» ui to aivo you prampl and sraclout tarvlca al all tlmti, AAIIMSI IBB CHICKEN fD^o Dairy C*nf«r Ruyt f —FroMat f—4 Buyt!— Now It the time to advertise WIUONtlN MUD ITARKIIT those unused articles for sale. / boiiogain" IR0TH z ctni € WE CATER TO PARTIES AND GROUP DINNERS small ad In the claiilfied colum A|[P Tuna Fish Pie 5 £79* will turn them Into cash for you. Hoekirt Flour ^» 5 ^ CheddarCheese 59 frtsawh Irlati tM'" ' 1 *H AAa NintLivMCiiFwr* .2:,, DORMAN ML»eraiifoJilct 4 I* 79* MaroalWhitoNapkiaa 2 ; 21* AUSTRIAN Join The p etstar Marcal Hinkiw ^IP:,P.P., 4P i,, 27* *: 43« Happy People OOII-SUIQIMSWIX "-Sf ImporttdlUfMiM 12S boree 1 During Our Big ChuR King GhiaktR Chow MIIR Lew Priced Perseiiof Netdif Totloy ! Tta lags CrtstToothpait* '1* '""Ml* DUIdat Pack lib. 11 01. can97* Here's Your Chance To Try A Rocket In Action... b Baysr Aspirin ;/;o' Step Up To A Full Sine Olds 88 At A Price That Ti»iDatar.aiit HAND CRIAM—R.j. ar Dry RMioal Pacquiii 2.4Soi.Pli;iF.G.Tai Starts Below 30 Models With "Low Frite" Ntiiiic«! i-ib.<«i>i,ffi nb. 1 SPAaHITTI Ha. I m tfASHITTINI Ha. t pi,. « pt, Stcrtt Roll-On

NEW OLOSMOIILES BluiGktar NATIONAL OUR SAW Ivory Snow rMMOIIVO for Iht Family Waih We mitseci in Feb. by only 2 ears. Partha Family Walk and Dlikaa SOAlfOlt MaHlabal IO«a«labal Boll* Soap MiSoat Wa'r« out to make It up thit MARCH H 36 llas.4 for Mist month I •tft I la* faafMk

• TOP TRAM ALLOWANCES • IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Salvo Dotorgoat lath PoiorgoRt Oaajut QlsaiMf Law Sudi rafcbH •oi AutamaHa W»itian la offl)btl lOiafllaktl WHliOMtrkwl I III. 7 01. pt«, *Ma Illlfilabtl f i4M.«Ja i-i».i'/iff el IJ UWtH •" • «aiw •• «f, can •• (ONLY A *IW LIFTI) RUSSELL WHh •!» eufiktte e«' m Prlcti ifftitlvt thru March »th In Suatr Marfctts trntt SaH-ltrvlct Mtftt ttily In Ntrlhtra Naw Jtmy, Oramfl* and to MwOMHiMMfotrCtsWlM OLDSMOHLI-CADN.LAC CO. M «CA Utui AtaiM. All Tokixo J'fwliiol*, r'fwli Milk tml hko\m\\o HtwrtiRM e»«m|4 from I'Ulil Slunp »fl«f. • etnartttl IMM .«MI«». 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED IANK fORTMOMMOUIN l.H «alu*. ' aARITAN TOWNSHIP CLIPFWOOD KIANSBURO 7414910 »t. 36 and Poolt Ava, Highway 15 and Cliff wood Av«. Rt. 36 and Main U. Rt.3»an«J¥VII»oiiAv«, THE MATAWAN JOURNAL. N. J. Thursday, March 4, 1965

LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Heir Mouth. New Janey, on Monday tht northwesterly corner of Prospect Ave- Being the same premises conveyed Other Expenses ,™«,,,,....w, 26 000 00 23,000.00 22,000.00 21,834.97 165.0s) aaui day of March, lttl. at 1 o'clock, nue and Jersey Central Traction Waiter Slover and Laura Siovei Health and Welfare P. M. PravalUnl Tlmt. Boad, (trolly line), running thence, by deed dated May 6. 194.7 and record- Board of Health Robert D. Toomey, Ph. D., Little AU tha dafatiointi- rl(ht. title and westerly, parallel with said Jersey ed in the Monmoutn County Clerk's Salaries snd Wages State Of fetr Ir.wrait, a any. In and Is the follow- Central Tracllon Road and lately so, Olflce on May a. 1947 in Book 2117 ol Plumbing Inspector . 7,000.) lilver. will apeak to the Keyoort In*: • . . , ItO feet; thence northerly parallel Deeds, page (late. 6,631.00 6.321.00 6,921.00 Others „ 1,800 00 1,725.00 1,753.00 1,753.00 MM Qmmt V. Wttrnm. inattvajraua af tha Columbian Auxiliary All that cartiln tract or parcel af H'itn Prospect Avenu*. 40 feet: thence Other Expenses 1,150.00 easterly parallel with Jersey Central The approximate amount of th< 37S.UO 375.00 298.19 78.81 •»'*• Emilia* at dw New Jtf. of St. Joaeph't Council. KniKhta of land and premltea herlnafter partic- judgment to be aatlsfied by sai< Public Assistance „ 1,500.00 1.258.00 1,255.35 Columbw MH, Thuraday evening. ularly da«crib«d «ituate, lying a.id Traction Road »nd lately so, 150 salr ia the sum 0/ 1223.00 togethei Aid to Malawan Public 1,000.00 bcin* In tha Towiuhtp of Matawan feet; thence aoutherly and again par- mmm Mmt\u <* WMM-I Mar. U, at I a.m. ta the Kaishts with the costs of thli sale. Health Association rf 4,200.00 4,0(10.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 aa Ui« county of Monmoutli and Sls!« allel Kith Prospect Avenue, 40 /eel Aid to Hospital „ 2,000.00 at Cohtmbut Hall, Route 35, Key of, New Jaricy. to the point or place ol BEGINNING. JOSEPH A, SHAFTO, I «•> Hw fMM wtmkm U MM Sheriff. Hecreation and Education port. BEGINNING at a point In tha gald demeniloiu, more or lest. Parks and Lakes Woaua'i Club Dated Feb. 1, 1965 Mr. Toomey will diacuaa "The WMterly aid* of Prospect Avenue Commonly knoivn as No. 67 Pros- Carl Wenner, Pro Se Other Expenses „„ 3.500.00 3.S00.OO 1,500.00 1,468.62 diitant MS f«t northerly from tlie Recreation Mentally Retarded." All member* pect Avenue, Cllffwood, N, J. J25 $46«0 Mb * M MM* daw tit, tmton Salaries and Wages ...;....-« 4.3O0.0O 2.SOO.OO 2,100.00 1,950.00 ' 150.09 are uroad to attend. Other Expenses ...«..,. 3 400 09 3,400.00 1,674.31 225.8* I tftaf rebirth lay «*•!• LOCAL MUNICIPAL BUDGET Celebration of Public l.moo r.'Mla* •<•»» taoka aa what Local Buda»t of the Borough of Matawan, County of Monmouth for the fiscal year IMS. Events, Anniversary and Holiday It la tereby certified that the budget annexed hereto and hereby made a part hereof is a true cony takar. Fete Hope Borgcs Other Expenses 1,500.00 1.5 1,500.00 1.40129 «71 Mn. UaCwlMkW. oc the budget approved by resolution of the governing body on the 0th day of February, 19*5. Maintenance of Free Mrs. Margaret Viebrock Pullllc Library _ l2,M3,0a 7.523.82 9,261.0* 1.261.06 9m±",lmi Mn. /oka Kama. Clerk Maintenance of Free ISO Main Street, Matawan, New Jersey Public Library On 17th Birthday AridrcHS (Stale Aid - R.S 18;24A) 137.00 aaeaaaaeaM Of lie* aaaafje alaMaitl—at. Certified by ant LOwcll t-WM 97.33 97.33 97.33 Min Hope Borne*, daughter of Ttiia Sth day of february. 1IM1. Phone Number Total Operations ftnkiww *• avtftuM of Mr*. Charlet Born**, I Allan St., ; It la keraby eerlifled that the approved budget annexed hereto and hereby mad* a part hereof is o, 247.430.19 246.453.57 233.352.14 10,101.4* Hailet, was fated at a party by exact copy of the ordinal on (lie wilh the clerk of the governing body, that all additions are correct and (Item B1A|) 326.500.00 2.500.00 2.500.00 her mother, on Saturday evening 31 Mat all statements contained herein are in proof.

'i ft* IteaifacUva of tlite projtnm Tony, Roee and Phil Gallioto and Aid {Municipal Share) 1,000.00 600.00 600.HO aoo.oo ., •"•'•• Mr. and Mn. Tony Gallioto, Silver- RECORDED VOTE—Ayts: Ellison, Christlnat, Henderson, Fenano, Colot, Connor. Nays: None. Ranii Conslruc'.ion ,¥^to «H Htkmal Interest, Notice Is hereby glvjn lb»t the budget and tax resolution was approved by the Mayor and Council of Reconstruction with State '• eat* id local Caatoter* o( women'* ton; Paul Tore, Key port. tha Borough of Matawan. County of Monmouth, on February !). l'Jffi. Aid _ 4.300.00 4,500.00 4.500.00 •4*tatirCUs.,(a a mod aerioua Alao tarry tfoban, John and So- A hearing on Ins budget and tax resolution will be held al UorouHh llnll, on March 17, IMS, at 8 o'clock Installation Df Local /TTV" »V tlwt of cooxrailal birth (P.M.) at which time and place objection to said budget and tax resolution for the year IMS may bo presented Government aeph Granalo, Larry. Butter, Bob by taxpayer* or other Interested pencils. Hndlo System 0,000.00 i. TM MM la which co-op- Olcott, Louli Alferie, Ray Stool, Purchase of Hecreation iM.Madtd ait: Personal Neil Yes, Eddie Shown, Louii Cos- EXPLANATORY STATEMENT Properly 0,500.00 1 eoajtrlbirtaona; active par- SUMMARY Or CURRENT FUND SECTION OF APPROVED III JUG KT YEAR IMS YEAH 19(14 ta, Sal Bumbiilo, Todd Blumber*>, General Appropriations For: Total Capital . * • fund ralilBR cam- Kenneth Buler. David Ruielle, Jo- I. Municipal Purpose! 447,812.10 331,830.12 Improvements 45.SOO.OO 37.100.00 37,100.00 37,100.00 IW tvtauintlon or baby tit aeph and Evon Borgei, Rosemary j. Reserve for Uncollectcd Taxes—Bassd on Estlmited 82,90 Percent of Tax Collections 79.M5.M Bl.15X10 (D) Municipal Debt Service . j mi lUMiniilallim lervlcej to Borites, Lydla Oustit, Judy Phillips, 4. Total Qenertl Appropriation* 527,878.09 413,033.32 Lynn Fisher. Marilyn Kelly, Alice Payment of Hand Principal 5,000.00 7.000.00 7.000.00 7,000.00 i, amM* aeeau tomtitcal pre-na- Interest on Bonds 25,437.50 13,645.00 13,649.00 13,630.00 13.0S) Laverty, Marfto Gilbert, Collette 5. Lflsa: Anticipated Revenues Other Than Current Property Tux A.-- m tut far tmwctaat mother* and Interest on Notes 200.00 300.00 300.00 62.40 217.80 &; fir faraau of children afflicted Brown, Carol Mocci, Dolly and (I.e. Surplus, Miscellaneous Revenues and Receipts for Delinquent Taxes) 118,076.00 '•> VM UrtkeWeCta, aaxj volunteerinn Donna Spark*, Leslie Oliver, Bar- Tolal Municipal (. Difference: Amount to be Raised by Taxes for Support of Municipal Budget Debt Service _ 30.837.50 20,015.00 20,945.000 20.712.40 232.6*) * U» taalat at birth defect bara Statei, Linda Hendrickson, (as follows): Eilea Olaimad, Breoda Deimlng, (*) Local Tax for Municipal Purposes Including Reserve for Uncollected Taxes Mt.SOl.O* 189,043.DO (E) Deterred Charges ana Lucille Demaala. Shetrl Blumber«. Statutory Expenditures — at amrtea that eta be offer- SUMMARY Or 19M APPROPRUT1ONS EXPENDED AND CANCELLED Municipal ttal of tatoruatlct and «du- Patricia Brodvich, Dttnne Symboly, . - General Water Sewer (1) DEFERDEB W Terry'Banfleid, Swan Stark, Drew Budget Utility Utility CHANGES: 30,703.37 MeCaaky, Linda Ciarro, Paulette Budget Appropriations — Adopted Budget 413.MX22 I7.79S.20 Emergency Authorlr.atlona " Mra, Doaald V. Cactc«, Art Fisher, and Mra. Bower Hailet. Total Appropriations . 39,703.37 (N.J.S 40A:4.JS) Caahiiaa, aai unouocad the club 413,933.22 Tax Map. Etc 2.000.00 4,040.00 4.640.0O 4,640.00 «U aartfcjMia ia the IMS Hall, Deficit — Dedicated Expandituren: Sewer Utility Budget „ 31,662.00 10,400.09 10,400,09 3.9U.M aark Ait faint Contatt for high Pall ar Charged (Including Reserve for Uncollected Taxes) ..„ 304.982.67 *4.W7.U 38,243.34 (I) STATUTORY aakatl aaatori. khoiarahlji twtrdt For Patrol Reserved , !2,«i«.80 J.OT7.71 1,458.03 W EXPENDITURES: taattM fraen tl»M to UN will Unexpended Balances Cancelled 1,483.75 00 Contributions tn: At a meeting of the Cliffwood mm la tha rtudtnti wheat wo Total Expenditures and Unexpended Balances Cancelled Pulillc Employees' MR raptctt tint School Safety Patrol, Lt. Frank Retirement Rvatem ._ ™ 1.141.00 1,141.00 1.141.00 1.141.00 M.M Cherney of die Matawaa Township Social Security System (O.A.S.I.) ..„ 3.50O.O0 2,500.00 3,000.00 2,909.91 •me, -"Preedoni and m PoUce Oapartmeat dlatributtd pa- Overeipenditurei* J*oUHU*..m*ibtm* at -r *f** Buagel Appropriation Hem* so marked to the right of column "Expended 1M(—Reserved." Consolidated Police and Growth." trol raincoat*. The lieutenant tpoke EXPLANATION. OF APPROPRIATIONS FOR Firemen's Pension Fund .... 1,000.00 477.7« 960.34 960.34 KMQi Of QHMM CJKMM vf UM tt to the croup concernlnc their re- Police and Firemen's "OTHER EXPENSES" Retlrein-nt System of N J. 4.888.00 4.743.21 4.740.21 4,740.11 •aahM. Watka la oil, watar color apoosibilltle* aad obligations stress- Tht amounts appropriated under the title of "Other Exncnsea" are for operating coats other than "Sat' ten the importance of beta* 1 safe- •rie* and Wagei." fWMI or aibaei ntedia nay r> Borne, of the Itema included In "Other Expenaei" are: Tolil Deferred Charges aatarei ParUdpatloa by atudtnt ty patrol member, lea cream and and Statutory Material, supplies snd nonbondable equipment. Expenditures — al .an M wjh Khooia vill b. cookies were) served at the eonclu- Repairs and maintenance of bulldtnaa, equipment, roads, etc. aion of the meeting. The Matawan Contractual services for garbage and trash removal, fire hydrant service, aid to volunteer fire com Municipal _. 44.275.00 13,698.1)7 24.861.55 18,307.7a M.(M All toeal aurlet will ba teat u Townihip Police Department pro- paniei, etc. Printing snd advertising, utility services, insurance and many other Items essential to the service rcn< (II) Total Genaral " tta Mate Federatloa of Wornen'i vided for the refreshments. i by municipal government. Appropriations for CJaba for tha talaction of a atati Baled on an Assessed Valuation of »34,238.!95.»0 for Real Estate Taxes and *Ul,9S1.00 for Business Munlclp3l Purpascs wkMtr t» ba aetered In tha nation Property, it is estimated that the 106J Tax Rnte per 1100.01) of Assessed Valuation will be 13.131 for Heal (Items 8 (A) to (G), Card Of Taaab Estate and $3.M1 for Butlnes* Property, computed aa follows: Inclusive) 447,012.90 331.BB0.U 3Ji,8B0.H 312,929.57 The family of the late Carmella YEAR 1964 (L) Sub-Total General Mocci wish to thank all their Estimated Estimated Tax Rate Actual Actual Approprlotloni Haw about DUIIIMM catda? W. friends and neighbor* for their Tax Real Business Tax Tax (Items (II) and (K» „ 447,012.50 331.889.11 S31.880.il 312,929.17 Levy Estate Personalty Levy Levy MiPJHIV than quickly and at UM many kindnesses during their re- Regional School Tax I 626.403.43 1.77S 1.19J •S79.67.7.0T 1.901) rl«hi prka. Coma aad try us. (M) Reserve fur cent bereavement, especially County Tax « 170,000.00 .481 .594 140.81)3.21 AS3 Uncollected Tnxcs 78,063.96 11,153.10 (1,193.10 81.193.19 Prieets of St. Joseph's and The Local Purpose T«» ~. JO0.802.O6 .764 94« H3.7S2.4fl .609 Day Funeral Home. Deduction Allowsd Senior 0. Total General CIUMUS and Veterins 38.370.0fl .100 .111 34,189.00 .113 413,033.22, 304,082.67 H.466.8a jin*-adv4 Appropriations 527,178.06 413,033.23 Total Levy „ «,.,..»... «..,»...„ f],101,577.49 (938,488.74 DEDICATED WATEH UTILITY BUDGET LEGAL NOTICE Anticipated Realized In Cash for 1965 for 1964 In 1964 Total Rate 3.121 l.Ml 10. DBO1CATED MONMOUTU COUNTY REVENUES FROM -_ RURROOATE-S COURT WATER UTILITY NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO PRE- Operating Surplus SENT CLAIMS A0A1NST ESTATE CURRENT rUND—ANTICIPATED REVENUES TMtSIMIUM •STATE OT ANNA DI1OEL Realized Anticipated 14,000.00 I.1S1.M M8I.M DOOOE. DXCEASBO. Opcralinf Surplus OENKRAL REVENUES Anticipated In Cash Anticipated with Prior J • . Punuant to th« order at DONALD IMS 1964 InlMI Written Consent of • • : ' 1. CUNNINGHAM. SurronU of th* i. Surplus Anticipated ...... ••• 100,000.00 87.0OO.0O 97,000.00 Director of Local County o» Monmoutli, this day made, I. Miscellaneous Revenue*! Covernment „ 5.B83.54 5.W1.54 m tnt amlloiUon ol Ui» undenianwl, License*: Rents 78,000.00 54.OO0.O0 76.706.1* Alya t, Oaln, Sol* EmcutrU of tha Alcoholic Beverage* 8,000.00 7,800.00 8,110.32 Fire Hydrant Service ...... 330.00 330.00 330.00 MtaU of th* laid Anna Weljal Oatg•. 9110.00 1,200.09 820.00 MUccllancouil 5,000,90 «,600.00 8.004,23 d«c«ai«l. notice la haraby fliren to Fees and Permits: UM cradltari of uld atcaiMd la Building .... 3.500.00 S.600.01) 3.806.O0 Total Water Utility ptttent to the HM Sal* beeulrix Other S.OOO.OD J, 400,00 S, 278.00 Revenue* 107,330.00 67,795.20 80,90J.» tRtlr claim* under oath within alx Flnei: montlu from thii ditt. Municipal Court «,i00.0« 1,500.00 J.8J4.OO Appropriated Expended 19*4 Oatnl: rtbruar; 17, 1(M 1.022.00 Mate Roid Aid, Formula rund I.02J.0O 3,022.00 (or 1965 roriniV fo—r •1904 Total for 19S4 AIM Z. Dal** Mat* Road Aid, Construction Fund (Prior Yesr Allotment) 4,000.00 II. APPROPRIATIONS By Emergency As Modified Paid or Reserved • Taylor Itoad Stale Library Aid IR. S. IB 24A) 137.00 97.3) 137.00 FOR WATER UTILITV Resolution AU Transfers Charae* Uatawu. Naw J*ra«r Interest and Costs on Taxes 1,100.01) 1,280.12 Operating: Sola aSifeutrla l.aio.oo 200.00 117.19 Salaries and Wanes _..„ 17,380.00 19.120.00 19.120.00 16,729.14 f.MOS* Bus Receipts Taxes ....-...,. 200.00 Maun. ApplMat*. Franchise Taxes K.OOO.OO J2.119.24 Other Expenses 33,729.00 17.O00.00 2d.053.0O J891I.1* M.000.00 12.BO0.O0 19,564.83 Capital Improvements: i4i al Grows Receipt* Texea 18,900.00 I lUvliie Drl«* Station Plats Rental 170.00 00 Capital Outlay 2,299.00 58.00 MaUwaa, Ifstr ftntjr •tat* AM — Highway Ufhtlng 400.00 400.00 410.98 Debt Service: Anticipated Watar Utility Operating Surplua 12,917.00 Payment of Bond Principal 8,000.00 t.OOOM 9.000.00 9,000.0ft Interest on Bonds 2,808.00 >. 101.41 3,253.41 3.1O4.U 147.0* Total Miscellaneous Revenues IO3,07*.0O 12.989.31 Deferred Charges and Statutory Expenditures: IBQUlATt 4. Kaealrta from Delinquent Taxes J5.000.00 S5.000.00 J2.172.M DEFERRED CHARGES: Overcxpcndlture of I. tuTtaaub-Totall Generaeeal RevenueRveue!! (Items 1, I, 3 and 44)) JM.076.00 124,989.3] 144.942.22 Budget Approprlatloa «.*tJ.7J *,813.7I f.SlO.U IN a. Amount to bea Raised by Taxes forr Support of Municipa" l Budget: STATUTORY nx. lai*>) locsl TSTaM* loforr Municipal PurposP e IncluillnIldigi EXPENDITURES: •eeerve tor Uncollected fane* ttt.sYtt.M 183.043.0J Contributions to: Social Security System Total Amount to be Raised by Taxee for IO.A.S.I.I 500.00 SOO.M 100.00 144.1* mm •J9.B01.0* 1M,O43.I» H5.701.S8 Surplus (General Budget) .._ 22,017.00 Support al Municipal Budget ^•sav SI7.lt*.M 413,033.21 (00,643.01 Total Water Utility 1 Total Oeneral Revenues Appropriations » 107.330.00 67,795.10 t7.7»9.a9 *4,*»7.4« »,«*T.T| CURRI HT WND—APPROPRIATIONS I. Or.NCttAI. APPROPRIATION Appropriate*! Expended 19*4 EWCAf«D8icvvBirTJTrLrrv Hin SHSuMMaiSr1! 11*/"* '" for 1»*4 for 1M4 Total lor 1»S4 Anticipated Resllicd In Cash (A) Opejntions By Emergency As Modified Psld or Reserved tor 19M lor 1964 , In 19*4 Resolution All Tranafera Charted 12. DEDICATED Oaaersl Oovcrnment REVENUES FROM AdmlnlstriUve and Executive SEWER UTILITY . •atari** ana Wages t.MO.OO S,«5O00 •,SM.M i.Dlill Oporatlnji Surplus - Other t»p9n»9» —. (.000.00 a.MM.oa 1.S31.00 3,830.71 AntlclpaUd 172.41 171.41 . KleeUona Rents S2.7M.a0 13,1*2.47 1I.96I.S7 •elarlea and Wag** - MD.OO 100 00 tU.M 131.41 Mlicellaneoui 1,970.00 ». 178.00 1,970.00 Other Eipeues 1.0O0.00 1S0.M HI 00 862.3S .63 Sewer Rents Additional .... 13.609.49 13.689.49 Itnanelai Adnlnlitratlwi Deficit (General Uud(et) ... 11,681.00 10,400.09 1,01615 Salaries and Wat** I.1OO » 1.I00.W 1,100.00 1,100.09 42.81 Total Revenues 64.401.4M 19.7O3.37~ M.608.71 t | _ • i.WO.DO i.joo.oo I.MO.OO 1,157.11 AssessmenOtrwr Ksipsnaet of Taxes e ^K«~vrtufY~'Dub(i'tT •alartei and Wage* l.aoo.oo l.MO.OO 1,1*1.00 1,932.11 .11 Appropriated Expended l**4 Maintenance of Tai Map MO.N 100.04 100.00 for 19*4 Tutsi for I*M Miicallaneous *M.M tor iota for 19*4 By Emergency An Modified Paid or Iteaarvti Other Expenses 1,400.00 1,400.00 133.14 Resolution AU Transfers Charted CnllMtlon of Taxes l,*9O.0O 13. APPROPRIATIONS •alettes and Wage* 1.47S.M 1,711.00 1,730,6» .37 row SEWEH UTILITY W9.6S .31 OOthe r ECapenees WOW loo.m Uauldatlona rrf Tax U«ns 'SoJsries'and Wanes 11.38(1.00 B.07S.0O !°'»'"K !?•'£*» iMti and rorecloaM Property Other Kxpoiues 1J.H73.OO 14,706.00 11,208 M 11.416 47 M7.ll RIAL ESTATE OMiar Bxnenses tM.OO son no Debt Service: Lafal Bervlcei and Coats Payment of nond Principal 2a.IWO.00 J.0O0.90 J.OOO.M l.»00.00 •alartn and W»«e. I.SO0.W Interest on nonds ' 19,069.90 14.511.97 14,922.37 14,478.M U,W Utlaallnn — Deferred Chnrges and Reflonal gchuu) District . 10,000 90 Statutory Expenditures: Mlaccllaneoua Der'RKKEi) CI1AHQM: INSURANCE 6,200.00 5,230 00 (170 00 Other Exfwnses , ». 500.00 1,900.00 Overexpendlture of Inalneerlna Satrvlcea Improvement BONDS-AUTO-HOME OWNERS Authnilxntlnns 1.417.70 galarlea and Wales 1,000.00 STATUTORY Other Expenses 1,000,00 EXI'RNlllTUnKS: Public ButlrTlnft ConlrlhullonH to: and Orouncta •alarlea and Wa«e« , t.ioo.oo Uofl.no l.flOO.OO *o!A1. Sr "'."y...l'!".1!.!n. _J0O_OO_ 400 00 400.00 400.W l.nwoo .m S ) Other Rnpenaes 4,700,00 i.mao 3,8.19,00 S.0J5 31 Planning flnnrrt Toli.l Aiiproprlatlons .-..;__. M.402.SO ag,703.»T^ 3D.7O3.37 ^ M.Z43..14' J_J...4M:W John L Tossini 9.1MJ 10 32 rJalnrlea nnd Waaei tm.«9 Vl .01 "iH-dlciitliin liy Rider— N.JT.s!"'40A: 4-39 Tii'o~(iedic"nied~fe^emJivi"Tiiilcrpn"led "durinjf iKjiT ycVr 1065" from t)o#) Other Expense* S,«D0.DO 1,900.00 i.oooiw I.MD.M Llconsca nril horcliv anllclpnted us revenue nnd are hereby appropriated for the purposes to which ssld rev 117 MAIN ST. Conlni Cnati onuo Is ilodlcnti'd liy atn(ut«_or other leffal .rwiulrernent.^' __^ MATAWAN Balartes snd Wn*«a is.oa : other Kxpenaes 4*1.00 190.00 I7i).a> 73,11 "-••'-"--••"•- -•--'• •••-""•" ~""~"~"""'APPSJNWX'TO' IIUIKir.T HTAfUMKNT ~~ aharle Tree Cnmmlailnn 1,100,00 rUND lUIJ^NCr. SIIKKT COMPARATIVE STATEMENT Or CUIttlKNT rUMtl aalarlea and W«aei lfio.no H 31, 11104 OPERATION!) AND CHANOE IN CtlllltKNT HUttl'LUt Other Exnenaea , •,000.00 MO.M atrj.M MO.U ,N ASSKTH VK.AI1 IM4 YKAIIIOW ktiuranct Caah and Inn'»(mcnl« 177.*)7 01 fliirpliu HnlnniT Jiinin'v 1st,, IO3.!6J.72 90,#).»* P Insurance Hlnle IIIIIKI Alii All'ilim-nta Itncclv.'ltilei B.OWI.00 CUIIMKNT IIKVKNUr. for r.mtiloycci >,noo,on I.IOO.M t,.w m ,1.1.1 4(1 Kprnlvnhlr with OfsKllliiK Ha««rvo«: ON A tTASJI HANI.1): it.v flond Premlumi .,„ 300.00 •00,00 ••as HIM 12 W TitMia llowlvnlilil 19.3(10,17 Curroiil Ton Other tnaurmtetf Proiitlums »,000.W) 1 two.(» •.110,4* .9,1 Tax Tlllo 1,1CM ll»<—lvnlJl« 9.127.81) •(IVrri'iil i«f rullpcifsis .„«,,... Fur Your Shopping Convenience Fiilillo »«ffly l,llf.,IJU7I JMiarlae and Wt«»i , MOMO.A, A 11400 OdtPr MpntlvnlilfU 3,01!7.llll Otttttr KnviHiUtf mwt Adiltl'JMS Otiar EapciiM* 16,MO f.fm.m Dnlerrml Rlurupa llwiiiireil t" Inciimo 107,544.07 H9,.W0 M POIIHL 10 l 11 1TOllud S Rajsrles and Wagei 1.1,000,00 4H.1BO.00 *0,«M.M tn.mM .44 p rchaiM of Police Csr ..1na Ml.OIQ.M ti ,|.fiil TUHPI itnrhi'llnR I,MOM ( in.i. rOUJ) 1,000,0* I.IW.OO »ur|»l«a JJil^ ,''!<"' ',","' H«-f"i«l I7«,I«TW m.HDM Muniditat Court H»j»rli«_ati(l Wag f ,30(1 M tllOflr) Total MniilMIlM, «M«rvea anrl Hurpllia „ TfrfTS"«7.M l's)\"i^ VaV^l'l'Min'ta "* « 141,0(1* M II4,»].W Otniir Eitnenat** .,..,i •W;!J 31.94 lHi|ii>t'llnil nt lliiHiHm* Mam ««l«rl»« and W*«Iii«iiJ 1,009.00 «M,M ADI.41 t in f>» OF MATAWAN fit rept n niKt ftimna otnl A1Jiil r,|n )t»()tl l )l)lr|llll > mill Tnx llfi>iiie>iiifiM An Mv fiiilnllla ,1, Inn no H,4IKI no I lii I "I. lli|.1>!nl III"'I'J'i'lf) O«N MON, THRU fW.« * M »M SAI. » In k |h I,Hi ii t'llll.'iil '. • 111 • I' i -: A rt\\,,, It,,!„•.,. Sjlinrt ttlt I It,lion ill 18,MI)«ri lS.fll'IM loai MATAWAN ill... L- i!. i • i •• • • i •. I", MAIN STREET tilth THE MATAV/AN JOURNAL, N. J. Paq* Thirteen

PbOtwiat; a lour o> the bwiUkw. aW Mifavah Cosmetic Program Students Take Pa* Nominating Chairman the vWttra had her*, with •** First Aid Reports Commerce Journal For Hospital Auiiliary L J In AH-Shore Chorus Hans H. Froeblich, 39 Ayrmont aatta far the afwraaoa. AMar luaek, Ermine Cosmetic Studio, Red By EeMh Faa* « Lane, Matawan, was elected chair- W. T. ftea, Eaccutive Director, Response To Calls Quotes Resident man of the nominating committee Bank, will present the program at The All-Shore Ch rus which con- I ttudentt (ram eight ir- Data Syatcmi Enginetrint Divifion, The Matawan First Aid and Res- The controversial question of the the meeting ol the Malawan Bor- of the Strathmore Civic Associa- cue Squad answered 78 calls during sists of the best singers from the e> fcHli ariwott vi lte< Bril Trie- mide torn*, laformtl eommentt oa monetary value o< an Insurance ough Auxiliary of the Bayshore tion, lie may be contacted at>aW" February, according to Captain surrounding high schools, gave a enxiiMeriax at a career. Lawrence Walker jr. Th» calls in- agent or broker's services which Community Hospital Monday even- 7770 by those wishing to submit has been a nation - wide Issue both ing at 8 p.m. in the parish hall if concert on Saturday at S:IJ p.m. 94 to meet proleMJoul engineer! Each host ea«iaeer then took cluded II emergency and acci- names for nomination for officer* flLM MMI •OlMtnMJI MRWt (•£ dents; JS emergency transport!; among insurance people and buy- Trinity Episcopal Church, Main St., at Long Branch High School. for the new year. Nominations will student! to hlg laboratory where ers of insurance was ured recently Matawan. verb they da. Bell Uborttorie* they ipeM too tat.* dtKuuinft hii 17 transportation; six fires; eight The AH-Shore Chorus was direct- be announced to the general mem- drills and six miscellaneous. in the New York Journal of Com- •jMtortd Ik* ttudmt vi.lt tor the work, bit current project!, and Tickets for the "Mothers Day ed by Paul Grammer, Director of bership at the meeting on Mar. 11. merce. Leon M. Constant, a Mata- SoeciaV will be available from •kird Mcccuivt yew ia connection some of the technical problems con- There were 135 ambulance wan Township resident in the Vocal Music at Rumsoo - Fair Hav- hours; 392 man hours, 1530 miles 1 Mrs. William J. Miller, chairman with On annual observance of Na- fronting him. The laboratory visits Sirathmore section, w - is a Char- en Regional High School. concluded 'he day'- activities. traveled and 2500 cubic feet of oxy- of the bus trip to the World's Fair ' el Eawiaaen Wata. Tbt visit te.-ed Property a.A Casualty Un- Saturday, May 6. The ticket will Mrs. Anne Hannah, music teach- Bail Uboratoriaa ciuinetr* have gen consumed. The top men for i dnitJMtt to tot— the Impor- February were James Lance who derwriter and Vice President of include transportation and admis- er at Matawan Regional Huh M eat vakta of ei ilaaerinR aj aude mijor contribution- to wch William F. Glacken. Inc., insurance sion to the Fair. Luncheon reserva- dcvatopoeoti mi eltcirieic twitch- answered 28 calls; John Nixon, 24; School, assisted with the perfection CHtSTM MUMS e caret*. Jack Miller, 22; Ronald Sheldon, agents and brokers in several slat- tions have been made for four of the performance. Mrs. Hannah inn, PICTUREPHONE service, lucky guests on each bus at recom- 11 rtaat St. - IM-III* Tfca MUUndnvi ttudeatt la dit TOUCH-TONE eelUaR, the two Tel- 22. es, and who has been involved had 15 students .participate this *» area, atitctcd by their with (he servicing of several na- mended restaurants at the Fair. atir ioMiniiaicationi latellitei. ua- Captain Walker also reported the The drawing will be held en route. year compared to the nine pupils ' member*, plan to no on to storm telephone cable systems, jutd delivered two babies

'2343 M MONTHS TO tM In the car that doesn't perfect look like economy at all. pick-me-up

Tin engine hn only six cylinder* lo feed. Yet it'i V-nhnped. Which Hives you more performance than ordinary lixei. And everything in topped off by the fact it'i ncntlwl irnide a ileek Bulek Special. We httvc one nil rendy lor you to Buick V-6. An exciting irtvettmeiit.


TkwAhaaftfraakw nUcaWir Tralasaa laamaa Heary R. Webberaon, Airmta Third Class John E. NEWS OF AREA U.f. Navy, ma of Mr. aad Mrs. Baird, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haw/ R. Webbertoii of Keyport, Baird, 114 Fourth St., Union Beach. and Saamaa Apprentice Anthony SERVICEMEN Frtrocefll, KM of Mr. and Mn. ha* graduated from the technical '•: use Want Ads to A. D. PetraccUi, Olu Bridge are training course for U.S. Air Force servtan aboard the fleet oiler USS helicopter mechanic* at Sheppard .Vrfnta ChtriMD KathaaUa. operating in the Medl- AFB, Tex. (erraaeaa Sea a« a uait of the Sixth *f It. Kaypott, hat tarn- Airman Baird, who was trained ..1 t_M waaki 4 bailc train- Fleet. to repair turbojet and reciprocating HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HELP WANTED FOR SALE FOR RENT Mfort Dil, Co. E, lecoad The Kaakaakia haa the mission t.igine helicopters, k being as- iRagtoaM HaUtaaaonof of providimt petroleum products to signed to the Strategic Air Com- TIIKEE experienced presseri, Un- FREE INSTALLATION I Mn. •aajamit Ochtawo. unit* of the Sixth Fleet enabling mand's (SAC) Grand Forks AFB, IN CARLTON H. POLING ion Shop, piece work rates. Ap- THE BILDERBACK APTS. them to remain on patrol for long- N.D. His new base supports the ply m person, Morris Manufactur- ALUMINUM COMBINATION REALTOR STORM WINDOWS er periods of time Independent of SAC mission of keeping the na- MATAWAN ing Co., 1 Johnson Ave., Matawan THE FINEST tion's intercontinental missiles and 38 HWY M - KEYPORT, N. J permanent land bases. While with IT'S VAN'S 264-1918 6 FOR $77 IN the Sixth Fleet, the Kaskaskia, let bombers on constant alert. The EXPERIENCED OPERATORS Triple track, fully weather •tripped FURNISHED & UNFURNISHED along with other fleet units, nerves airman is a graduate of Keyport APARTMENTS High School. Matawan Borough (GOO down, 3 IDEAL FOR DOCTOR genuine Alcoa aluminum, E-Z tilt as the United States' first line of SINGLE NEEDLE UTILITIES INCLUDED defense in the Southern Europe and bedroom ranch, living room, dining Can be cleaned from Inside Termi la MP BalUlioa room, kitchen, attached garage. In "Spacious" Is the word — king SEWING MACHINES VACANCY North Africa area. DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT PROWN'S U.S. Army Specialist Four Ken- nice location. F. II. A. appraised size ranch; all brick, 3 bedrooms, Rebatfc la Gcrmaay $16,200. 2'/j baths, decorative dream kilch- 31 Broad SL SI I 1-7500 Red Bant 264-6333 neth R. Snow, son of Mrs. Ernes- wjtf U.S. Army Pvt, Terry L. Rebuck, tine Snow, 623 Cambridge Ave., Un. en, extra complete pine kilchen APPLY IN PERSON wjtl un of Mr. and Mrs. Cuy L. Re- ion Beach, was assigned to the Madison Township, 3 hedroom in basement; plus 25 x 32 game MORRIS MFG. CO., THREE ROOMS and bath, heat and buck, 42 Van Ethel Dr., Matawan, 720th Military Police Battalion at ranch, 1 year old, panelled kitchen room with outside entrance. Air JOHNSON AVE MATAWAN hot water supplied; $85 per was assigned to the 24th Infantry Fort Hood, Tex., Jan. 4. and dining roam, full basement conditioned comfort in entire ALUMINUM DOORS month. Adults only. Immediate oc- Division in Germany Feb. 13, ai a with 33 foot game room, garage; house. Cyclone fence. Call us cupancy. Call Osborn 1-0763 or 204- Spec. Snow Is a mechanic In the today, $29,900. HANDY MAN $50 per week plus AND WINDOWS mechanic. battalion's Company A. He entered almost \'-i acre. $2109 assumes apartment. Write Box E in care 1331L wjtf Pvt. Rebuck entered the Army the Army in May 1963 and complet- monthly payment ol $135. Owner of__this newspaper. wjtf CRAWFORD CROMEY CLIFKWOOD BEACH, modern ap- In July MM and completed basic ed basic combat 'raining at Fort transferred. Sacrificing at $18,500 MEMBER artment 3 rooms and bath, also Polk, La. MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE LADIES earn $22 for selling only training at Fort Dlx. 30 bottles of famous vanilla*. 1 furnished room; heat and hot SUBJECT TO VA & FHA 787-24M The 2_c«r-oM soldier attended The 19-year-old soldier attended Write Ratvlcigh Dept., NJC-13G- water supplied, parkins lot, pri- Keyport High School. APPROVAL ASK TO SEE OUR LISTINGS vale entrance. Call 5661952 w]tf Madteoa fowashio HifUi School. KEYPORT — HOLMDEL 12S0, Chester, Penna. wj>5 A HANDSOME HEAVY DUTY KEYPORT, nparlmentTrooms and COLTS NECK - MATAWAN WOMAN for light housework (no VAN'S AGENCY MilJDLETOWN TOWNSHIP balh, near buses, 6 corners, heat cooking) and to assist with elder- ALUMINUM RARITAN TOWNSHIP and hot water supplied. 1 flight up, REALTOR ly woman. Five full days, Monday WINDOW $90 per month, suitable for couple ,' Alter iwaaraaton « two week In through Friday in Straihmore area. or single person. Available imined- THE WORLD LOOKS FINE! Over ISO Homos to Choose From FOR , atmetto* caattt at Uiderihip CR. HWY 34 AND MAIN ST. CallJHi'6-7395 after G fun. wj4 lately. Call 462-6298, wjtf • Itmimy.Pvt. Ochintgro haa been wil MATAWAN PORTIiR for bakery. Start work $11.95 UNION BEACH 3-room apartment..- • Malgnai u aTrainai Platoon Ser- 566-1881 AUTOS FOR SALE at 7 a.m., salary lo start $50. FREE ESTIMATES Cull 2C4-9766 or inquire Augie'i t fatal la aa advanced infantry OPEN 7 DAYS r vafafaa company, Co. N first train- Chance to learn to be. a baker. KARL FRANTZ 2*4-34^ Amoco Station, Highway 36, Union few Mftimeat, Fort Dlx. Upon com' MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE BILL LANZARO'S Darnell's Bake Shop, 13 Little St., will Reach. _ wjtf wj4 Malawan. Call 566-GH4. wjt , aMIoii of fix monthi active duty, AUTO SALES ROOF SHINGLES tl 7J per bundle KETPORTl^nd Ybedroom apart- h* will be attached to the Army WE WILL BUILD Custom 3 Bed ments $91 and $115 per month. QUALITY USED CARS SALESLADY in women and child- roll roofing fl 50 and up Fell ' Meaervef tt Fort Monmoutfc Co. A. room Ranch complete with full $1.75. asbestos and brick tiding 110 Cnll 20"M_2. wjtf cellar for $11,500. Send for free IM MAIN SI., MATAWAN ren's wear. Full time. Some ex- i Mkh Regiment (BCT) as an In- perience prelerred. Apply at Wcsl- a square; also Karate doors 139 "5 KOOM, female only, kitchen priv- book of atians Northern Homes, Rt. CR MAIN ft RT. II alnictar. reich's, 45 W. Front St., Keyport. Finer Roofing Supplies, Old Brid>u ileges if desired, Main St., Mat- Oaa Pramtted 79, Morganvilie, N, J. 531-9100. wjj Road, EnRllshtnwn Call Gibson j uwan. Call 56O-I0S6. _ wjtf WJ325 566-2224 8 5S21 wjif BoUertnan Second Class Fran- ; APARTMKNT 2',i room?, near bus- dt P. Can Jr., U.S. Navy, son ol OPEN EVES TIL I P M SHOKS-For work, dress or "play" I incss section of Keyporl; Is! Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. Can, Lee NO MONEY DOWN THIS IS OUR For the whole family, expcrllv ; floor, private entrance. Available St.. Old Bridge, was promoted to IS50 CHRYSLER, 4 dr.. Rood condi- fitted, widths to EKE always In If your credit is good you can buj BUSY SEASON i April 1st. Write lion G In care of Mi present rank Jan. 16 while serv- tion, $50. Call 20.1-1891. wjtf stock Scllinf; at 20 lo 4fl'J. bcilow j this newspaper. wJ4 ing aboard the anti-submarine air- this i bedroom home *iih no ref'ular retail prices Alexander's , craft carrier, USS Intrepid, operat- money down, located In Union 1958 CHEVROLET Biscayne, 8 au- And we need extras in several clu- KEYI-ORT, apartrnVnr S'^'^rooms, Discount Shoe Center, Route 3G near ttiwn and transportation: 1st taw out of Norfolk, Va. Beach. Immediate occupancy For tomatic, Rood condition $525. Can jKwliJienls; ut luast until l!a.sier. near Poole Ave., Ilazlet Call VA floor, private entrance, garage. His promotion was based on his information call Scons Construe- be seen from 9 a.m. lo 3 p.m., 918Apply Thursday, Friday and Sat- 3301 wjll • tim. in service and rate, military tlon. W4-4167. w]tf Center St., Union Beach. Call 2lit- urday after 10 a.m. Call 26-I-2513. wj4 appearance, performance of duties 6399. wj4 FURNISHED mini, warm and co- aad his pasting an examination DEVELOPMENT HOME OWNERS KELLY ROAD MATERIAL zy, private entrance. Call Peter- *' fcr promotion. 1!»58 VOLKSWAGEN, 2 door sedan, sen^ 566-4_609. wjj^ Being transferred? House too black, radio and heater, dean, 508 PROSPECT AVE. MA'i'AWAN house 3 bedrooms, near small? Mortgage payment too fjood condition $595 firm. Call 284- LI'lTLE SILVER lilue stone, washed gravel, road gravel, clean sandy fill etc. stores attd railroad station: all high? ' Don't wait, call us now, 3884. w)-l wj4 THRU A NEW we'll buy your home. Improvements. Call 506-1738. wj4 1957 CHEVROLET, black 7 cylin- FEMALE clerk for dairy and deli- ECKEL TRUCKING kl-fYPf)KT."aparlni. • 5"roritns. tito MANLEY ASSOCIATES der, power brakes, good condi- catessen, part time. Call Cornell bath scifencd porch, nice loca- 871-5353 tion, motor needs some repairs. Dairy Farms Charter 9-3710. wj4 tio__Adults. Call 26-1-0122. wj4 wjtl 1954 Ford 8 cylinder, running con- MORGANVILLE dition; good second car. Sacrifice. DIRECTOR — Matawan Borough CALL DAY OR NIGHT KEANSBURGl'ufnishi-d rooms with WINDSHIELD or without board. One room with CUSTOM BUILT HOMES Call 264-8271. wj-t Summer Recreation Program. S!)l-9707 Require male over 21 years of aye. twin beds; 1 single room. Call 787- HAVE LATEST fashion shows in Write resume including experience, 1986. _ _ wjl Low Down payment, financing ar- your home; cam free clothing. WANTED TO BUY qualifications, and availability be- ranged, built on your lot or ours. !l9L.!5Lormiluic3. I block Irom ATLANTIC GLASS CO. kitchen, separate dining area, for. no real estate brokers. Call 5(i(i- stating experience, I inontli Call 5Ul-!i:!.rifl. w|l "Glass and Mirrors In Every Size You Can Break" 07H7. wjtf to Mrs. Marie Hanmi, (i Nmtlilicld [ tables, 15 bulls, rack, cue ball: SPECIAL SALE Jiving room with fireplace. Pan KliYJ'r)KT, iip.iriineiil, uiirun«.'.h- Road. Malawan. wj|i> 'cues and accessories fiom S2J||. elled den with bar, many extras. cd, upper, 4 looms, iiliiitiu-s sup- clocks, mf.'lal figures, old ^tuns, i Carpeling, freezer, dishwasher, Call 2C4-OI52 or 2li-l OS'll. _ wj4 plied. i% ptM' month, immcdialu HEAVY DUTY SCHOCKS MATAWAN - 138 Lower Main Street FOUND - washing machine and dryer. 2 cai sowing machines, picture frames j MO1IILE YlOMIi 11)64 SlYnsla""]2',i occupancy. Inquire G9 Main St., OPEN TIL NOON SATURDAYS garage; beautifully landscaped. grandfather clocks and junk, lull x 8', like new. 20 nation water VERV SMALL vvliilo with Mark Kuypurt. "Call 20-1-1717. vvj-S Walk to schools. Priced to sell. 787-OMti. wjtf | lank, bottled (;ns stove, foam ml). dciR. Owner call .ICO'-SMIi. wj-1" WEST KI-:ANSHURG' apartmeiit 3 INSTALLATION Cai 1 264-3518 evenings. wjV4 ber twin beds $10(10. Call between T«l. 566-2838 SITUATION WANTED 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., 2(i4-203ii. wjl r(>oms and bath, boat mid hot FREE U MIN. UNION BEACH, new 3 bedroom SERVICES water supplied, ideal for newly ranch, no down payment required WILL DO irnniiiK in my home, LOVH 'SliAT, 'lamp"'iariiesr"otlicr wt'ds or mature couple. Available to qualified buyers. Pec-Kay Con- very reasonable. Call 26-1-Or>70. PARKER BOARDING HOME foi odd pieues^CallJjCO-J-lOI. wj-1 April 1st. $-55 per month. Call 787- . RED BANK BELMAR struction 787-4178 or 2IM-6553. wj2f HOUYWOOO wj4 afjed men and women. StaK COUCH brand new 70" color nut- 4115 after 5 p.m. wj4 -» licensed. Call 566-0611. Mitiwan, II MAPLE AVENUE ISM H STREET NEW HOME, Marlboro, 3 bedroom meR, textured fabric. 2 cushion KKYPORT, modern 3 room apart" MWKIINC ranch. 3/4 acre lot, unlimited wa- WILL CARE for children for work- N. J. wilt style foam rubber cushions $100. Car. WMta Street aad Sa. af IMk Ara. inf; mothers in my home, 5 day merit, unfurnished, available Mafia Avenue Hwy. 71 <4N) ter supply, full basement $16,990. CLIFFWOOD Boarding Home toi Call fi(JB-3IG8. wj4 March IsL Call 26_3405._ wjtf HHtJCanan) Call 591-9250. w)4 week; near Marc Woods, Call 5M- elderly men and women, priv«k TaL SHatfytMa 7-MI Tel. MUtaal MM 18.(2. ivj'l LARG"li'"G.'ii'. Food" Frcezer7T8" cu- CLEAN furnished room, TV, pri- and state gutitr Licensed by (hf bic leet, upright, 2 years old. CONM State. Jamet L. Lawson, R.N vate entrance, sveond floor. In- 44001 Two story Colonial home, best MATURE WOMAN, able to drive to Call 5UG-I2IO. Wj4 quire 172 Main St., Keyport. wj4 neighborhood, 4 large bedrooms, care for elderly person or chi Itl- Myrtl* Avr, Cliffwootl Call i» 8530 wjtl HEALIIIY Collie dog, male, rea" UNiONBEACIL aliartmenl. clean, dining room, modern kitchen, 2 ren. References. Call 2M-10IH. wjll soniible. Call 5«j-!i:i73, wj4 3 rooms, balh, enclosed porches, baths, 2 fireplaces. Huge living INCOME TAX forms prepared. 2nd floor. Adults only. Call 264- room, full basement, nice shade SWITCH BOARD Operator PBX Many years experience. Very MAPLE break front, hide - a - bed, 555; or K«ieral office work, ex- 7897. wj« trees. Asking $18,300. reasonable rates. Call 261-6054. matching chair and refrigerator. nerienced. Call 264-682-1. wj-l" Call 946-4791. wj4 _ __l kEANSliURGr^partment,"furnish- V. A. NO DOWN WILL CARE for children in my fNCOME TAX returns prepared, Ci()OI) used Danish modern sofa, 2 ed, 3 rooms. Adults only. Call ARE YOU BEGINNING FINANCING ARRANGED home; uood play facilities. Call part time bookkeeping. Call 2G4 foam rubber cushions, aqua, 80"; 787-1935. wj«^ FOR ALL 264-1136. wj4 0725. WJ4/15 $50. Call 566-7665. wj4_' UNION REACH, apartment 3 STRATHMORE MOTHERS. Will INCOME TAXES prepared by ex DESK $5; bunk beds $15, dresseTs rooms, all utilities supplied. Call TO THINK ABOUT THIS RANKL & WEBER baby sit and do light hnuse work pert accountant, casonable. Lone $15 and $5; wardrobe $5; cedai 264-5029. wjj<^ for working mother. References; form $5. Call 556-7524. WJ4/8 chest $15; lamp table $5; china KEYPORT 2 or~3~bcdrooni aparl- cabinet $5; shipswheel mirror and REALTY CO. also baby sit evenings, Call 26'l- TAX RETURNS expertly prepared mcnl. Immediate occupancy. Call HWY N MATAWAN 5036. wif lamp set $10. Two large fish tanks, 264-1247. J_l in your home. The Tax Man 566- .stand and accessories (20. Odds SUMMERS VACATION? K6-MU «236 evenings. WJ APARTMENT, 3 rooms and" sun- w|4 LOST and ends. Call 566-7361. w|4 porch; heal and hot water sup- PERSONAL and small business re- LEAVING state, must sell ceme- turns prepared bv an expert tax plied. References. Cull 264-1278. SIAMESE CAT, male, vicinity tery plot, A graves, Shnrclnnd accountant, Call 566-72B1. w(4 j« Pfenning To Go Away For A F«w Wtckt Or STERLING McCANN Lloyd Road and Northland Lime, Memorial Gardens. Will divide, TKLEI'lToNIi ANSWERING" __ WiN You And Your Family "Commuta," Through REAL ESTATE Malawan, Sunday February 281h. rrns(Hia^le__ll_ I'arliway II126. THREE ROOM modern Tmuselri Children's pet. Call 5f)tj-85li4. w)< SERVICE 40 INCii llolpoint electric stove Haat And Traffic To A bach Club Milts Away. UNDER THE RED ROOP I.el us be your Secretary, nn nrod Union Beach, $SS per month, one with push buttons, 2 ovens, rotis- HWY 14 MADISON TWP, MALE DOG, part colliu and Ger-lo miss calls; part time or full child accepted, month security and man Shepherd, brown and black si'rie, $85, 1 small mahogany knee- references. Call 264-2651. wj4 WHY NOT CONSIDER . . . 966-9660 lime flcrvicf. Call 21)I-71)01).__ w)-l r with white cln'st; npproxinintf'ly l'/2 hole ilesk, $l. >; I business desk, UNION BICACTC'lipartlneTii 4 years old: vicintiy of Ihu.loi on STROTHERTECKEL, INC. $15; 1 Gulf snow tire, 0.70-15, on nximi. lu<|uire 2U9 I'lurence Ave., SEA STAR SWIM CLUB Monday, March 1st. Answer* lo LLOYD AND NOLAN RDS. wheel, $1(1; 1 Firestone tire, 7.50-14, Union Hcacb wj4 Lucky.'Call ilitL'm wj_l $15. 1 Kcnmure wriiu'.er washing | MAkf,B()i<(), 4 Yoi'rniV, all iiii|)rov(> "JUST A FEW MINUTES FROM HOME" SEE THIS MORGANVII.I.U BLACK Remington stei-f punch up- machine, new rnmlilion, $70. Call | menls. Call !H6--17!ll. wj4' Frlity NljM Ttanigt lociali Charming older but up dated home proximalely 10 Ib^. on Tuesday, ! GraitliiK, Land Clnarlni;. Top Soil. {•veiling. MMi-I!I7!I. KOOMS'l'OR RENT. Call Will i:M0' la.l'X'l KIC KANGI'T!""y.»'i\ "condi- f Inttructloni for bsalnnira Saturday Nlfht Inl.rtilnnnnl for Adulll In Matawan, Ideal for family $18,- Febtuary T.\rt\. Union Heach — ' Tri'nchiiiK, l.alerali. Mil Hiit He. "'la 200. Keyport urea. Reward. Call 2lil- j Call 5lifi-44:t!i. or SCIl-lM. II nn linn, Imiulli1 H2 Mam St., Key- UNH)M BEACH, iiparliuriil indF and adwutd iwlmmtri Movl.i Undar iiti-.lMirii HI c all Wl- etc., tor rent or «•!•. Chir|(c For all IIKIIICI cam. A Courleiy lil) III wit WALKER & WALKER Accotinti Invlttii. M.ilawtn Drugi, Cnr for your convrnlrnen. I.irry'n' 17 SOUTH III:I;KS sr., IIDLMIH;! HA M«in SirTi. Maliwin. Call Auln Sfal Coven, J Q - 3120 " fVifH|ilc(ij liiilMlttM llni" C«riK'iitry, INSTRUCTIONS REALTORS way 34 and MlildlP.ifi fid,, m.iMimy, piiinnnv * aluminum AM COUPON* 20M Hliihwuy IS wnn. 24 hour phoii* arnica, C'tll pKliidnl , Mkldlotown-llulmdol, N. J, Talcvision 5f«l-JOI». _ w|lf 2M22O4 MIMIICAI, ! MwMipl* LlMlfMjt wjll ™*'*imCQ\l*0H WORTH $25.00 TOWARDS An* Tradt-lw 'MKNT. linlinillcij DON'S TV SERVICE irii'd iltvik'i, chulr)', (!AHPHNTI';i< nnti building THI MEMBERSHIP PEE OF A FAMILY For taut ofliclont rmtlo mil ttls- fllon, iiiclal Blmlvfnn, r.('ini)r», l<"V|»irt. New liniiiiM trnttca, nil Op« T d»yi nllM l atull l Cull Ml 1>I Af (•.Mt-.l-J 1" KHMVK'B MlMBBHiHIPFEE 1$ PAID BEFORE wll "TV SERVlCg licdiiomy Olllcd 1'iirnlliirn & l',i|iil|v W.A KASIIKN ( A UI :l It WIK )()ll 1 m««! CII., Inn., JM WnihliiKlim .'it,, Wltlii;ilOX4UI,Tlti;NION, N.f, Builnett Opportunist! 5AA-I600 KcytMirl, 2114-lrinK. wjlf Klll'.tl' MI;IA4. ; y. Tf'.N IIYi'K RONHON INC. MAN with ctinllnt liKorcS(LK! In In- MAI'AWAM, tt. 3. _...._! Nnify «f ttxit, iiupin wiftti III.OI MATAWAN 5 fill) I'AIIJIINilU voilliix or ImyliiH K»IM« builni'Hii ftnlly tf'twir-itupM wirtn lio.eo t'URSONAI. 'il'HVK'R JO YltS WHIM nlf h''H, nil i "ii'l MOI It, *•utItmft cdiupNa liifin IM.'IiInn litlilitl IIDIIOIII A.'il) .sol 1) MA'lA'il.K'i l*l (;i'll,if, iiml Vil ill Mi III I III I) THIS OOUPOti 0000 THRU MAH0M 18, IOCS MI-.M - wi' it >) - ''Miii'i.i'.j WANTED SMALL ,)nll KI' ( I HV.tl'' III !• WI' I I'AI'l Vi III Y - il'iurl, illtlri, celling1. AICI I AIU tl.MI IIUIS i MIlJDLIi Atll',11 I'imitln or wlduw IIWV III) IIDLMhl'.L Wdill'l vim ID'," n iM'i'l"tn i "IHIIII' i'l.Ail Ml i.l '.I'.HVIr I; , tte. Iniltl* |nlnlln|, HAKII MM ( Ai'.i.l.K sriimil.S 140 HARMONY ID. 2*1-1*42 MIDOLfTOWN NJ. lu live In iipiirliiieiil In Kciyiini-l, S'l I HUM Illi' lu'illhiiim ur liiii li'ii ill n In* I'ur fuilMur liifiirnmlloii sviItu tlox OIIHI'.KAL Jil',l(VICKI CO. UVUNINO8 111 MAIUHDAVS 10 II coal. lrre» U»llini M, Call ii'M-JMl I Width ItUX 4U1, lHUNlUN. N.J, J III earo uf Hilt iiuw«|in|i(

aad aMnciatlM certificate, Waada Rescind EnoWsomarrt Covered Dish Cliffwood Pupik Have Card Party Friday Awards Made At Gorretf. apcireciatiaa certificate Middlesex Legion Official Visit and Carol Ashley, ape» The Madison Towashie Demo- The Woman's Society for Chris- Safety Potter Contest A card party, sponsored by the ilficttc. Conuaitt cratic County Committee has re- Ladies Auxiliary of the Cheese* one-year tervlct piiu were iamei tian Service of the Morganville Approximately 225 fifth and sixth ^Bloe, Cold Dinner Plans Convention scinded its endorsement of incum- To VFW Auxiliary Methodist Church will hold a cover- quake Fire Co., will be held Fri- Athlty, e«aa aapreeiatJoa eartift- bent Township Mayor Harry Mes- grade students tarticipated in a day in the fire house, Route M, at Pa** IT. Matawaa, held fee aa- Tea MeJdtesei County American caM, James Btanrosa ar., Harold senger, and Councilmen Leonard Mrs. Hirry K e r i, Cliffwood ed dish supper at the church hall at safety poster contest at the Cliff- » P-m. j£> •atl Maw and «oM dinner at the Bothaer and Kenneth Massisa, A Legion aad Auxiliary County Coa- Hornster and Victor O'Brien. The Beach, mtde her fficial visit at 9 p.m. on Mar. H. wood Elenwntary School. Of this ventioa will be held July • and M 1M Ch*, Route », Madiun Tower two • year pea waa awarded to committee was notified by its at- President of the Ladies Auxiliary number, 22 posters were selected in Highland Park. Post members of the Sixth District Veterans of skip, ftatvrday eveamf. CutMtaeter Uhri« Md a rive-year torney, Harold G. Smith, that such to be sent to the American Auto- Legion To Meet pin phis appreciation certificate will meet in the Highland Park an endorsemment by a coun'" com. Foreign 'Vars to Iner own Guadal- mobile Association in Washington, WgWtchti of the dinner wen tat wat awarded to Mr. Schmehle. Legion Home and the Auxiliary will miUvc prior to a primary election canal Auxiliary of the VFW 4745 D.C. The Association sonsors this convene in the Highland Park High Library Report Matawan American Legion Post mm* presented by Rektrt Those receiving Scouter pin* were is illegal. A ipeciai screening com- of Malawan Township. annual contest throughout the Unit- I7S will meet this Thursday at • MMMWI etandiat In lor Cubmas- School. Dinner will be served it mittee will bt set up to recommend Warren Burnett*, Robert Cental, the Highland Inn. Commander Harry Lieisel of the ed States with the hope that it will p.m. in the Legion Hall, Main St., ttr >4pll UarlL who WM WMNtlo William Payee aad WilUan Thu- the most qualified candidates, Jo- local Post attended and announced Given Trustees encourage students to think about Matawan Aftaafedj BBBaB) BsB> IBBBSBBISI i^ssssM SIMfeslMaW- Rollia Rathbun, past county com- seph Fandoui, municipal chair- that the joint installation of oflicers safety. maadtr, and a member of Post 29, man, reported. of the Post and Auxiliary will be At the meeting bl the Board of (feast aaaefeer waa Dr. J. 9 Trustees of the Free Pu'. c Library A panel of iuduea will screen «ll Have voe read the classified ads? New Brunswick, will be Union held May 8. Mrs. Geraldine Fitz- entries and select II designs to he who ehewed abase to the -jCubs chairman, aufr* x by Benfamin simmoiu, president, appointed Mrs. of Madisoi Township, located on Md gave M totertatiag tak on Ms The Circle, R^ute 15. Laurence reproduced in color. These whining Cicciari. also of Pott 25, New Rita Scarborough as Auxiliary posters will be sent to thousands ~" iea ia Ike aorthero Brunswick. Harbor, it was reported that 850 Dopp Excels In chairman to assist Post boot.;, had been borrowed during of schools together with other safe- Mrs. Rollin Rathbua, past coun- Commander Liejtel in the prepare, February. This included 321 adult ty materials. Cash awards will be ty president, of Laurence Harbor tions for the affair. fiction, 45 sdult non-fiction, 451 given to the winners at a later date. FUEL Kim Mrs, Frank Eckel. 43. Americaa Legion Au»; iary 312, Final For MTI IS Othvr guests attending were Mrs. juvenile fiction and 33 Juvenile non- Mrs. E. Stephanie Frank, art teach- aad Mrs. Alfred Good, immediate Coach Reeve Tracy's Madison Frances Kebus), Department Chief fiction. Ten special books had er and Leonard Skorinko. safety pa- OUCOtLMWTCHOMW DIM IH iTlliU pee> county president of Unit 2SI, Township High basketball*" wound of Staff, who audited the books and been requested from the State Li- trol faculty adviai . coordinated EXACTLY B16MT - laetswaoii, will be Auxiliary co- up their seasoa Tuesday on the ipoke briefly; Mrs. Marjorie Con- brary to fulfill requests, of which the contest and selected 'M posters lira. Raw Ichal, «, of Ml chairmen. home court fay .ro. nciSR East "«pcion, Past Department Presi- eight were received and two re- to be forwarded. Winlial Circle, Lanraece Harbor, The general coii itt. includes Brunswick 91-50. The victory hardly dent and member c, the local Aux- served. tonwrhr of Morgawrilto. died Tues- ,'ri. J. 'nh Wiftbeski, president of eased their distress over having i"iry; Mrs. Rosemary Sommer, the Countv Auxiliary; Mrs. William Past Department President and Mrs. Lawrence Holden, president Deborah Chapter day mAt, Mar. J. 1M.at Fitkin been eliminated from the Middle- of the Board of Trustees, also re- MtMrMHoapitai. Pittman, Irs. Leo Schnatter. Mrs. sex County Tourney by sn upset member of Keyoort Auxiliary 4247; Jnhn Greger, Mrs. Benjamin Cun- loss to St. Joseph's, Mcluchen, Mrs. Mildred Burkelt, Point Pleas- ported that the Slate Library is Plant Triciy-Tray Mra. Eckel WM bom la Kinn- moving to a new location and no ataa, NY., a daughter of the late shin.-, Mrs. Basilau Perlo ski. Mrs. Keb. 22. The Spartaiu wound up ant, Senior Vice President of Dis- Charles aad Elisabeth (Feeneyj Verns Carona, vl r s. Charles with an 11-13 mark on the season. trict II; Mrs. Pearl Van Clief, and books will be available from he Tfr: Madison Chapter of Deborah Wfcitaey. Sat had resTvVv» VURlVfi aeral Home, Matawaa. The Rev. added to the shelves during the Proceeds will no to Leborah Hos- Ferrer, Ronald QorreJL Thomu lead. Joe Masker, Jim Doran and presented with monetary uifts and : Fraak Sweeten, patter of the First Mrs. Harry Kern, Cliffwood Dopp put on a nine - point splurge corsages from the Auxiliary. Mrs. past month. tr', a free, non-secta.l hospital. taw Md David Zidck. QraduMim Methodist ChurchT Matawan. will Peach, preaidimt of the Sixth Dis- Mrs. lioldcn aopcinled a book fee* Wtbalot to Boy leeuta were for the Spartani that set up an 11-3 Fitzsimmons also was presented officiate. Interment will be in Old trict Ladies Auxiliary of the Vet-lead for them. The 218 record with a corsage from the Auxiliary. committee for the purchase of new Jakt Fleer. Richard McOoaald. Teaaeat Cemetery. erans at Foreign Wars, made her Sponsor Rummage Sale East Brunswick team reached the A social hour folio ai and re- books for the summi- reading " * 'skat, ttevaa PuJeo, official visit to the Brighton Mem- height of its season - long futility class and story hour. The commit- r and Mere Maraaca. cards? We orial Post 2140 Ladies Auxiliary, freshments were served by Mrs. Fellowship Circle 3 of the First in the second period when it failed ScarboroiiRh, chairman, Mrs. Bren- tee includes Mrs. David WaUon. aad at the Long Branch. to score from the floor. The Spar- Mrs. Becker and Mrs. Holden. Baptist Church, Matawan, will _. ^eea e rkjatpTka. CoaWaad try •». Accompanying Mrs. Kern were on, Mrs. Dorothy Smith, Mrs. Hil- sponsor a rummage sale Mar. 8, tans won by the nrohibitive count debrandt and Mrs. Williams. Mrs. Harry Novotny, a new mem- Past Department President Mrs. of 44-14. Coach Tracy used the 9, 11 and 12 at the church. John Sommer and Department ber of Hie Board of Trustees, was scrubs most of the rest of the way welcomed. Chief of Staff, Mrs. Richard Ne- to hold the score down against a If you need printing of any kind, bus, both of Keyport Auxiliary 4247. ha-less rival. we are here to serve you. Our They were welcomed by Mrs. E. quick service and reasoiuble prices Real Estate Llstine Cards for M. Acerra and he members of the The Spartan iayvees edged the will please you. sale at this office. Auxiliary. Mrs. Kern spoke on com- East Brunswick seconds 58-56 on munity service and membership. Jim VanDoren's 14 points. A social hour followed and re- Maaiioa Twp. (It) E. Hruniwiek (54) freihments were served. o F p o r p Dopp 11 IS 40 KtnetU S II IS Vanderuli s 2 14 Charleston 1 2 4 Announces Laurence Davia 0 0 0 Klein 4 0 » Doian 9 1 B H.ibruk'leh 1 : 4 AM tftOAUZI IN AU MANCMI Of MAUTV CUITUM Harbor Services Matter T III Hametman 3(6 Sink 0 0 0 GilM 0 0 0 Brickley 2 1 9 Schmidt 1 0 2 The Rev. James H. Silver, pastor MHUMO 2 0 4 Moltz 10 2 of the Laurence Harbor Protestant McCullIon 0 2 2 Dovemtl 1 2 i Extra Interest Pays *_Uu |M^B^a»tJi ^-..uL^ B^sasT BBM BB^sejbassBaassl asBkasP* tssastJA Community Church, has announced McCue 1 0 2 Klxk 0 11 • ^^« V a^s^pss^nps^BS ajsjB^B^a^pa^anMHi BpBBBT e^rW BB^a^a^fe^Be^BBBB a^nBaTs' ^VBrw^B/ * Berna 0 0 0 Durkon 0 0 0 On Your Savings Accatmt At •riM |hu. |B)#JI oMsi MM) church school wilt assemble at 9:30 Schmltl 0 0 0 f^g. f*^BaaaafAajaAal jj. f^^ a>^ a^_ tJ. -„' a.m. Sunday and a special Lenten study for adults will meet in the 32 27 al 20 10 90 PIRST MERCHANTS NATIONAL FBT WWMBWsnMBl J*JBV rtsT lew* Mi eaa> HMPHMJaW Store by Periods: HOUMt MM. Tees, M, tat.. t A.M. «a I PJd. pastor's study for a discussion on Tasnder tAMHttM. ".'he Sermon on the Mount." Girl East Brunawlck 12 2 20 16—90 Deposits Made On or Before March I Oth Scout Sunday will be observed at Madison Township 20 24 23 24—01 Earn Interest From March 1st the 11 a.m. worship service. Deferee Becisao, Umpire Stout. A special program is arranged Morganvillo Couple for Saturday. Mar. 13, at 7 p.m. The Rev. Glen Enos, Covenant On Sitting Trip Missionary to the Congo, will show slides and discuss his work Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Gentile, in the Congo. Harbor Rd., MorRanville, spent Monday skiing at Sterling Forest, NEW I THRIFTY WAY ANNUAL N.Y. int Inn and Motel nLfl AUCTION Christine Seber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Seber, Marlboro A Favorite Spot To Entertain 3i* " TO STOP St., Moruanville, celebrated her INTfftEST ON REGULAR Farm and third birthday with a party at her Your Family or Your Fritndt home on Friday. Guests were Mari- »ASS«OOK ACCOUNTS Industrial lyn and Billy Kutschman. Mary El 4ft NRIHUT ON H-MOWm TOO! CRAB GRASS len Boyce, Ann Marie and Tommy CT.R... .(JATES, AVAILABLE ON ANY DAT! Sevingy and Mary Ann and Susan Machinery Seber. Also Mrs. William Kutseh Saw Regularly • Save AutomaticaUf man and Mrs. Norman Sevin^y, ul Sat, March 6,1965 of N'or'-anville. Atk About Our 10: W A.M. Card Ol Thanks HIGHTS EQUIPMENT CO. The family of the lute Joseph SAVEO MATIC PLAN Route tt, I miles East ol Hbjhla- S. Rossi wish to thnnk all their Luncnajons t¥«y Monday Through Friday tewa, N. J. (Turnpike Exit S) friends and neighbors for their Early listings of machinery in- many kindnesses during their re- 13 NOON to t PM. clude: 3 Massey-Harris Combines cent bereavement, especially No. 80, No. 60, No. 2«; 2 trailers; Priests and Sisters of St. Joseph's, Select The Meal Youi Hosts 2 manure spreaders; several farm Keyport First Aid. Keyport Police Of Your Choice Michsal and Lela Marlolia tractors; Ford tractor w/backhoe $2°° and the Day Funeral Home. All You Can Eat For Phones - 364-9671 •m ktf eovfjrt Case 1000 loader; Oliver OC 48 CMMrea nader U - |LS loader; Oliver OC 3 loader • 264-8971 lr8OOtq.lt dozer; wheel tractors w/loaders A Variety of Fish Every Friday backhoes; Ford A Chev. pickups. Don't miss this opportunity to APARTMENTS CMrrtafTe eVaVI|tJ0OleM«e»( buy the machinery that you need OFFICES: ASBURY PARK • RED BANK • MANA9QUAN • Cetktat or to sell your surplus equipment. FOR RENT ASBURY PARK O FAIR HAVEN O HOLMDEL Pis I—mine C>» tnws Ha*. Cewels TOOAT. You can also see the new 1969 line • Urn Dtahsj Bee* • Cefles of machinery. Matawan Borough • BR1ELLK e COLTS NECK SNORE POINT INN and MOTEL Member Federal Reserve System Receiving dales—Feb. 22, 23, 24, Garden Apts. 25, », 27 and March I, 2, 3, 4, HIGHWAY U aad HOLMDEL ID. - HAZLET Head Office: Ml HUIltoea A«., Asbtirf Para S, I A.M. to 4 P.M. 3I/2 • 4I/2 Rooms Member Federal Deposit Insursnce Corporatioa SWARTZELS Selling fees- Article* up to $29—15% com. from $110 Month SM.W to $50.00-12% com. INCLUDING HEAT, 151,00 to fl00.00-10% com. Porm and Gardtn Supplies 1101.00 to $400.00-7% com. HOT WATER, AIR-COND. M01.00 to |7M.0O-5% com. PRIVATE SWIM CLUB 445 HOLMDEL RD. IY R. R. HAZLET 1751.00 to $1500.00-4% com. $1501. and over—3% com. MARC HAMPTON 244-2212 — PHONE — 244-2211 Terms: CASH WE OWE IT TO YOU! All purchases must be paid for APARTMENTS PRO-HARDWARE MEMBER No. 1002 ' on day of sale. Auctioneer—Norman J, Kirkbrldc Matawan Ave. (Largest Group In Th« Country) Clerk-llowcll Updike b.t. R.vi,,, Dr. 1 Ab.rd.en Rd. WOWOOOfr&OOOOOO Cashier—Jeanttte Simmons



Prlco It Not A You'll Do Measure of Vnkie, Doitrjr Vnlua IJI A MiiflMira WALURWIN UjfvmM Jttawmm, of riVo. In P-fOrjIinM 9 I. Front St., K-yport - 2*4.3020 Delivery • Free SltifMe H^ f H. 9 (iJM'll I'lvi'H. 0t*« Thuri. ft Prl, 'til I I'.M,, Olhir 0w 'III « I'M MATAWAN JOURNAL, N. J. Ttiunday, March 4, 1961

The Public Is Invited To Come And See JZT TWO of the WORLDS TOP BOWLERS AT THE