2 Million Mattel Holmdel Plant Officially Dedicated on Monday

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2 Million Mattel Holmdel Plant Officially Dedicated on Monday A Panorama COVERING Of Local rOWNSHlHOf HOLMDKL. HAPIWH People And MAftLMMO. MATAVAN Events MA1AVAN MtOUM Member Member ft* YIAR -JWh WEEK •H Jersey Pren Association M ATA WAN, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1965 National Editorial Association Singl. Copy T.n C.nt» Matawan Borough Juvenile Conference Committee Is Sworn Into Office Bank Suit Ended $2 Million Mattel Holmdel Plant By Sale Of Stock Schock To Acquire F&M Officially Dedicated On Monday Shares From Estates Dedication ceremonies Monday mondsen, director of industrial and ed on material, may be cut out and morning marked the official open- community relations. fashioned into dresses •v''h the use Differences between Charles C. ing of the (2 million, 259,000-squaro- New Facility Toured of adhesive-type tape. Schock jr., president of ...e Farm- foot plant of Mattel Inc. in llolm- The dedication began with tours Mayor Alfred C. Poole, Holmdel, ers & Merchants National Bank, of the new facility, including in- del. Ihe first eastern plant of the expressed the wish that the new Matawan, and thi; Monmouth spection of the actual production plant would prosper and on behalf County National Bank, Red Bank, California - based toymaker. Other of 1965 toys and concluded with a of the guests thank t the Mattel as '.i.itne of the Estates of theplants are located in Hawthorne luncheon at Ihe Cobblestones in officials for their hospitality. late Henry S. Terhune and Margar- and City of Industry, Calif, and Middleluwn. The new Holmdel factory brings et L. Terhune, wen; terminated Toronto, Canada. At the luncheon, Mr. llundlei Mattel' total reduction, office, Friday by a consunl Judgment in gave a history of the company and warehousing soace throughout Present at the ceremonies were which is observing its 20th anniver- the United States and Canada to the Lourt of Judge Leon Leonard, civic, community and (joverninen Chancery Division, iunerior Court. sary year and made $9G,O00,O00 in more than one - and • one - half lal leaders from the surrounding ]%'), He said the comuany started million square feet. JWHIII M. D—mtk RatoHes* Cewt Judge J. Hutchewn lad WiHer McBrMe. Freehold. A suit entered by Mr. area. Elliot Handler, Mattel presi- Other member* •( the commlltee, not prncM whea tht picture was in a small way with a line of hand- Holmdel plant conlr ctor waa effleialea at MNMtaf la fscaafalas Tuesday Schock to huvti Monmoulli County dent, officiated at the brief informal made doll lurnilure and its firs Lewis C. Bowers and Sons, Inc., MMnraa Jmealle Ceaterceee CMnmMlet. taken, are Mn. Dorothy Fredda, the Rev. Cheater Galbway, Owle National Bank removed as trust™ dedication and Mrs. Handler, ex- iiiuuk« iMfii tui iiuuis' UIIVJ il n AII^>I I i*\j IT 1,1 V* wu rrvi J unu ^auii^, Iliu t • le Hatty HIMM, Refctrt Hardle, Jet* Sfckfcs aad Police Sgl. Harvey F. Morrell |r. outstanding toy was a miniature I and architects were Fulmcr and) to itafct), in of the estates was settled with the ecutive vice president, unveiled Ihe uki'-.'le "ln 1959, largely due to the | Bowers"" . Mrs. tortlM Hyrae, Iki Rev. William agreement by which Mr. Schock dedication plaque. Also present insistence of Mrs. Handler, the Mattel, Inc. manufactures a could purchase thu shareholdings from Mallei's home office were I' Barbie- doll was introduced," Mr. I broad line of .products ,. includin„g Now Traffic Light Industrial Park of the estates in the Farmers 4 M. Horwith, vice president - fi Handler said and added, "There j wheel goods, dolls and accessories, Merchants National Pank. nance; Arthur Spear, vice prcsi- success- i garni musica: l andJ action toys, Mrs. Connor Will Will Condemn denl-opcralinns and Sidney Hand never has been a tov ~' "- """"" Whoa asked last (nl hobby horses, tov guns and hoi- The Male Highway Department Itr vie i prciclinl mmuf iilurnif. A nurnlx.T "I the toys made ijy slers, and talking plush dolls and today aaatiMttd the hMttllallea rumors Ihe Heary Oils properly, The Schock suit hud contended Act As Collector of aeml • actaatad traillc algaab For Casements 18 acres In Ihe westerly etciar that voting power of the 138,8'ii James II Chlpps is nnni(,tr oflMiltil wire cxlubiltd includni ' mvs. aad mercary tejetia« ta Route • ef the borough near Ihe Garden shares of slock in tin; Farmers & la Marlatet Tewmhlp. Atlantic Avo. And State Parkway, had beta ttM, Murchants Hank held by the es unfi N#it < The ataaala aad mercary light- Church St. Widening Matawan Borough Mayor Edward tales could be voted by .\lonmouili lag are, leealed at recently cenv E. Hyrne confirmed II had been County National to injure the posi Btotod lag aaadtot betweta Uatoa taken by a syndicate headed by Metawaa Borough Couwil last Hi Id. aad Flee) Break Rd. Attorney Richard T. Schwartz tion of Farmers & Merc' ants as i a lumber company official In compeling institution in the Mm.i appoint* Mrs. Marietta D. waka prtvldM aa latermedlale Monday nJKht was directed by the Cranford. An announcement Is •, wift ol Couacilmu OeorRe ' fadllly for Route • Matrvan Township Committee to expected In about II daya oa the van - Keynorl area. I aor, to serve aa acting col- initiate r idemnation proceeding Mr. Schock's suit nointud oul that traffic. to acquire easements on five prop- uses ID which Ihe tract will be these holdings represented a total 4aw t» *be resiftnaUon ol A eeml-acivated traffic tlgnal put. A. Prancev Ukbna affect erties on Atlantic Avc. and Church of 34.7 per cent of the total Farm-' la atrmally green to the mere tra- The »re» was proposed far light urs Merchants slock outstanding ar. tt. :;..::::. - ••- . ; St. to permit widening of the roads. veled road or highway changing Industry by the mayor'e commit- and that the requirement of bank favor Edward Hyrne explain- to the leaaer read ar etreet only Commiltecman Jay Krivitzky •d Mr*. COMOT had tuned to aald condemnation is necessary to tee on economic planning ler Ihe ing law that two-thirds of the stock i apta vehicular actuation of de- volcd had to approve any mow to •ccept Ihfl pott on the provision it taettn located la the roadbed of acquire one property on Atlantic borough and this was moved. The would bt la fMtrlm appointment. mayor said he had reason to be- expand Ihc capitfili/ution for pui the leaaer traveled route. Coal of Ave. and Four others on Church St. poses at making improvements nr The mayor awed, however, that It the inetallariona are ahared equal- He sale* negotiations, without need lieve there are several Industrial clients with whom the new own- enhancing the competitive position «ia MHf nMto tram Mar. 4 to ly by the atale aad federal gov- lor condemnation, are IHMTIK con- of a hank made it nossi'ilc for Mo: Dee. U so U» mayor and council orameata. cluded for two other properties. ers are in consultation and Ihe announcement will come as soon mouth County National to use it-, wouM kav* the assurance the pott When the easements are provid- trusteeship voting power to block WOSJM ba competently filled until aa negotiations are flnalltcd on ed by the township, the widening a company or companies moving any such attainment. the results of tht atnefal tlecUoa in and reconstruction of both major Change Directors Meeting ttoveMber an otrtifltd. Tht uaex- VFf Field To in at the site. lixlirior view of Ihe new 25S,0W square-foot I Monday. The plant is located on Route 15, Holmdel arteries in the township will be A directors meeting of the Farm- Mattel plant In Holmdel, which was dedicated on! Township. •ired portion of tht term to which done by Levitt and Sons, Inc., un- The new owner slated he and fir. Fraacey «u tltcted la 1M1 Ms associates are going to de- ers & Merchants Bank due in late der an agreement made with the January was set back to Mar. 2 nv Ihc new Holmdel plant and others, new doll. Baby First Step, "who j Ai.iong their most widely - known *UI be oa tht ballot In November Be Renovated township committee. velop Ihe trad as aa Industrial in charge are llarl Williams, pro- j walks by herself" in a manner products are Barbie, Ihe famed] .,'. Mayor Hyrnt commented there park and that they had these Judge Leonurd Jnn. 22 so lie could Bid For Well Construction have time to explore the issues of duclion manager; Harry Smith, I simuluti.ig the first steps of a ha-teen-age (ashion doll, and the "V. waa protpect a qutliflad iadivldual lal FMd, Toft Aroa Interested clients before making Rroom" line of . jal i.iotor-roar bl* The committee received a low bid the suit and have depositions taken materials manager; Berton I'ordy, I by and a new product called, "Sew would bt wllUof to etand tor their Investment la Ihe properly, chief engineer, and Malcolm Am-'Free," ••)!) clothes that are stamp- cycles, tricycles and related toys. _ ofllct at,tat ataortl election Courft In Straffimero of $61,290 from the Layne • New from the directors of Iwtli banks on so are conlidenl the area shortly the essence of (he charges in the anight btcoow available (or ap. York Co., Linden, for construction will gain the intended use. Matawan Township Recreation of a new well at the municipal wa- Schock suit. But last Friday, on the twintrmut by Apr. U.-Thli would return date set by Judge Leonard, aiiurt bit betoji duly filed Commiuion last night contracted ter works. The bid, one of four re- with Neil Devino, Matawan con- ceived for the job, vas referred to the litigants reappeared in court fcr tht pott by Apr.
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    STATE OF OREGON DEPARTMENT OF GEOLOGY AND MINERAL INDUSTRIES 1069 STATE OFFICE BUILDING PORTLAND !. OREGON Bulletin No�O FIELD GUIDEBOOK COLLEGE TEACHERS CONFERENCE IN GEOLOGY Sponsored by National Science Foundation OREGON STATE COLLEGE CORVALLIS, OREGON June 15-27, 1959 Prepared under Direction of W. D. WILKINSON Professor of Geology Oregon State College 1959 STATE GOVERNING BOARD WILLIAM KENNEDY, CHAIRMAN . , PORTLAND . LES R CHILD . • GRANTS PASS HAROLD BANTA . , BAKER HOLLISI RE CM.T ODOLER D Price $1.50 FOREWORD This Centennial year, marking Oreg on's first 100 years of stateh ood, may well be considered to mark the first 100 years since Oreg on's pi oneer geol ogist and missi onary minister, Th omas Cond on, began to expl ore the ge ology in the State . It see rus fitting, therefore, to dedi cate to the mem ory of Thomas Cond on, this "Field Guidebook to Geologic Trips al ong Oreg on Highways, " whi ch was prepared for immediate use by the 1959 College Teachers Conference in Geol og y and for future use by the interested public. In the autumn of 1852, the young Reverend Condon and his wife, representing the Home Missi onary Board of the Congregati onal Church, sai led from New York around the Horn to San Francisc o, and fr om there continued their trip to Oreg on. Mr. Condon was forced to leave behind him his ge ology books and his collecti ons of rocks and fossils, which were his hobby . But on ce settled at his first church in St. Helens, Oregon, he soon began to ob serve the geologic formati on s about him, and noted in his first rep ort to the Home Missi on ary Board that the village was "built on a bl uff of porous volcanic rock." Alth ough his early years of pi oneer life in western Oregon left him little time for scien­ tific research, he tookti me to collect a few rocks and fossi Is.
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